HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS Rec Center Opening 020305 ..~~",.., .-, , ,,- , ~J .~fo.:..'~. ;,' ~t, 1-L.:';' i E d f tor's Note: Polley ,tQ 'us.e the center. statements for the' eom~ ltequests to use the. center merclal Development Com- facilities sheuld be' made'" in mfttee, the Planning and advance to tl}.e center- director. Zoning Copunlsslon, the Park~ 'The 'policy, ,~tates that' the and ~ecreatlon' C,ommlt~~ LilleQ~. ,R.~~r,ealion 'Center may and the Park Superintendent not be' used for Jctivities 8Jld!','Ltnc~ School',';racllltles' requiting adtnission fees or for' were adopted b)' the COllege fund raising activities' '~wjthout Station City Council Feb. 24. prior Written approval of the This is the fifth of five stories College Station city nilfnager. reviewing the stlJtements:. .Anyone, using the-, qnc.oln -; , RecreatiOn' Center \ facilities :'; ~ ,By ,rAT LESl'EJl ,. must ,leave the facilities in as , ! l!:agl~ Staff Wrif.;er good con~tjon, ,or ,in, better , The Lincoln . Recreation condition, than they found the , Cen~'is the only community facilities..' , . - recreation , center in College The policy ~lso states .:thf.t the . StatiQn~::'" " . . , .. - us~ of' .intmacants and"'profan- , TI1~~'- re,&eation '-celiteJ"" "is .it~:: ~elli~g' me~c~andi~e and oWned,by..t!ie'A&M: CtinsOlidlUea.soUclting I~ .p~lJ!bIted,,~ . " IndepeM~LS<;.hoohDiStrict .and ,~;. fhe cen~erllJlay ~ot,l1.~ ,sutiIet is lease,d Jjy..Uie"city,; '. " 8tId qq charg~;.~~ be mad~ , C;ty '~a~r t,.!tlln,. aoswe tor"\!~~~~;,9' US~ Of the center. . said .lb..at'the' TP.cri!atiofi' . " '~~<MUonal .Jl<l~~~l!t \llay ~,e l'>cooSis~\ Qf'I'~Ijiliaslu'ITI:~, fid' uSed"S:JD: t~l btilltliri~S,: a~d ...0)1:. severat fonner .classrooms. He the',.' ground~9!f ;l~e, LmcQ~ said the center: Will 00 'open R~rel!tion" (jJeiiter If they are 'within.' three weeks..' .' '.... ~moved . attar they are -.Msed. . The' director: O1r-:llie;" L1'rid'olri "l'>fr h e~"Policy _ 'states that Recreation Cehter,' will .,the .plumbing, heating and ~lectrical ,Co,llege Station park sUI!erin- r~pa.ifs 'wIl be reported to the tendent. . . CIty Manager. Th~. pol icy stl!ltement Maintenanc~ and -recreational .,go~~g the use of the equipment must remaIn. on the fa.cilitIeS states. that the ce,~ter recreatIQ.nal, een~~ groun~s. Will be. operated to ~rve, the . 'rh~ .c~t~rd.irector will take greatest !,u~"~..,of CItize,~S !J1. an ~l.nnUal~il1ventory . of main- !he cO~1:I;ruty.~ " . t'e;n'~ ti'c'e' 'and recreatio'nl\1 Tre, .fa~tiis:J!1ayn~td~'duseld equipme.nt: to - bEt submitted fo ~xc USlVe y y an.X ~ IVl ua , if'fi e. . . CaIJege . . Station city '. group ~r llrgamza,tion;;,,"!),h '-' lU1age~~J ' " , " t. '., center direg.2r,Tl}r,~ f.;eril dr . _."~..1 \'.... ~""- .',~ ' ~,~,~,.Pe.~WJt.~/ ~u1> .9tr'P' "-' >' -. . ~--- / ;',' .1.