HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/02/2020 - Regular Minutes - Historic Preservation Committee MINUTES Historic Preservation Committee Monday, March 2, 2020 – 4:00 pm Municipal Court 300 Krenek Tap Road College Station, Texas 77842 The City Council may or may not attend the Historic Preservation Committee Regular Meeting. Present: Louis Hodges -  Marilyn Randall -  Sherry Frisk -  Gerald Burgner -  William Wright -  Shirley Dupriest -  Thomas Smith -  Julie Schultz –  David Fujimoto –  Linda Harvell; City Council/Mayor Pro Tem -  Tiffany Gonzalez; Historical Records Archivist - U 1. Called to order and announced a Quorum at 4 p.m. by Chairman Gerald Burgner 2. There were not any requests for absence. 3. Louis Hodges made a motion to approve the February minutes. Sherry Frisk, second the motion. The vote was called, all were in favor, and the motion was passed unanimously. 4. There were not any visitors. 5. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on the proposal for a Texas Historic Marker for Parkland Dedication in the City of College Station • Cemetery Project: Sherry Frisk received a congratulations letter and certificates for the approval of the cemetery marker on Salem and Shiloh. She passed around the file documents as well as the certificates she received from the county clerk’s office. This is through the Texas Historic Commission (THC). Sherry also brought a list of possible markers that may be chosen for the two cemeteries. She stated she will email this list out for the committee to view. Mayor Pro Tem Linda Harvell stated that this achievement needs to be celebrated/acknowledged and she will speak with City Manager Bryan Woods about this with David Schmitz as her backup. Sherry stated the new foundry that was asked about in February’s meeting is Eagle Sign and Design David Schmitz asked for contact information to which Julie Schultz replied she would get that information to him. Sherry Frisk is currently working on her presentation on the College Station Cemetery for the Historical Lunch Lecture on March 18th. She is currently trying to find good in person photos of the people she will be speaking about. She has narrowed her list of 150 people to 35. This is still a large amount and she would like to pick just a few to talk about. Sherry stated she would like to make her presentation interesting as well as informational. She is going to present the certificates at the lecture as well. Julie Schultz and Mayor Pro Tem Linda Harvell stated Sherry’s presentation will be filmed as well as put up on the City’s website for others to view. • Historic Marker Program: The committee reviewed the application Gerald Burgner sent out. Gerald is going to send out the before pictures to everyone as well. William Wright made a motion to approve the marker application. Thomas Smith second motion. The vote was called, all were in favor, and the motion was passed unanimously. Gerald Burgner stated he will reach out to the recipient if the council meeting on March 26th will work for presenting the marker. Gerald Burgner has been trying to get in touch with Lacey Lively to get the revised Historical Marker Application online. However, he has been unable to do so, to which Mayor Pro Tem Linda Harvell replied she would get in contact with her. • CS Oral History Interviews & Educational Initiatives: Nothing to report. • Exploring History Lunch Series: Marilyn Randall stated she has speakers through September. Sherry Frisk will be speaking in March, Mayor Pro Tem Linda Harvell in April, and American GI in May. There will be a speaker on the book about the Rellis Campus and the other is the book of lists. In September a woman will be speaking about her research on the woman of Texas. Marilyn Randall stated she would like them to keep filming through the questions and answers segment because, a lot of information is given during that time. Mayor Pro Tem Linda Harvell replied that she will speak with Mark Beal about continuing filming during the question/answer section of the lunch lecture. The committee discussed their concern with the presale of tickets for the lecture. Stating senior citizens do not want to get out and purchase a ticket they would rather come to the lunch and pay when they arrive. Mayor Pro Tem Linda Harvell expressed her concern about not having enough lunches and that attendance has been down since stating this new process. Marilyn Randall suggested raising the lunch by $1 which would make the cost $8 per lunch to try and cover costs. Gerald Burgner and David Fujimoto suggested to purchase 20% more meals of the total amount to try and cover the people who want to pay when they arrive. Mayor Pro Tem Linda Harvell stated she would like to discuss this further and asked which committee would handle this decision. David Schmitz replied that the discussion would be held with the Senior Advisory Committee. From this committee it would then be taken to the Parks Board for discussion. • Project Hold Report: Nothing to report. • Historical Home Awareness: William Wright is halfway through his audit of driving around and trying to find homes that should no longer have a historical marker. William found a multiple of homes that should no longer have a historic marker. One being on Mont Clair which are now apartment homes. Is was previously stated the committee may write a letter asking for the marker to be returned. William stated that this area would be a good place to start, if the committee decided to move forward. Another is a home located on the corner of Lee and it looks to be abandoned. Shirley Dupriest stated the couple that lived there passed away and she believes the family is trying to figure out what to do about the home. William is going by Google Maps and where markers should be located. He is putting together a list of homes that supposedly have a marker on the map and should be taken off. He is also working on the next steps on what to do about these homes. Julie Schultz suggested to leave the markers on the map for informational purposes. Citizens can look where the marker used to be and get some of the history about the house and why it had a historical marker. • Historic Business Designation: William Wright has reached out to more businesses. He has only heard back from Acme, they stated they will pass the message along. Also, he received a message from Layne’s, and he has to call them back and inform them about the designation. William stated that they sounded confused as to what was going on and he will clarify with them what he is trying to accomplish. • Historic Award: Julie Schultz spoke with Joey Dunn. It was stated they do not have criteria for awards. Everyone comes to an agreeance on who will receive an award by the relationships they have and what people are achieving. They give a wide variety of awards and Julie wants to do it more toward a business that is not necessarily historical but who has done something historical. For example, Shipley’s has a lot of historic memorabilia in their facility that people like to see. William Wright stated that it could be discussed within the committee on what is being awarded and who it would go to. Julie stated it does not have to be annually it would just be discussed within the committee. William stated we need to decide if it is something the committee would like to do and there needs to be a timeline prepared. Julie replied she would do some more research on the topic to get a starting point with this award. She will have a short report at April’s meeting and the committee may make a motion if this will be an official program. • Documentary for COCS: David Fujimoto stated now there is a book for College Station he knows a documentary film maker, who makes the films for TAMU. He is an Aggie and journalism major. He inquired if this is something the committee would be interested in doing or something farther in the future. Lou Hodges stated that the committee needs to think about what would this documentary accomplish? It is something important to consider when making the decision on this possible project. • Wish List: Shirley Dupriest inquired about the CS yearbooks being moved to the LJR Library. She was speaking with her book club and discussing the shelf space for the yearbooks in the library. I was discussed that there is not a lot of space to store the yearbooks at LJR. They had suggested maybe the Carnegie Library would be better suited for them. Julie Schultz stated that Consolidated High School probably would not agree to the yearbooks going to Carnegie. The LJR Library is located directly across the street and they would be more willing to agree to have the yearbooks there. Sherry Frisk expressed her concern that Carnegie may not have the space for the year books, and it may be too overwhelming for staff to take on the project. Julie stated that there is space at the other library within the basement. Julie will continue her research on this matter and try and find a solution. 6. Gerald Burgner stated the Wildflower Day will be held on Saturday, March 21st at the Boonville Cemetery. 6th Annual kite fest is Sunday, April 19th at Wolf Pen Creek from 1pm- 5pm. The Big Event will be held on Saturday, March 28th. David Fujimoto stated the Museum of the American GI will host a living history weekend on March 28th and 29th. Also, on April 16th and 19th they will have a remembering our fallen display. and 3/28 Big Event 7. Parks Director had nothing to report. 8. Julie Schultz suggested that the HPC Website is put back on the agenda and the Brazos County Historic Commission, added to the agenda. 9. Lou Hodges brought a historic bell that one of the immigrants brought over. His mother’s name is engraved on the inside, she was a refugee. In WWI, she brought back this bell which is actually a cow bell. 10. Motion made to adjourn by Sherry Frisk, second by, Shirley Dupriest and carried by unanimous vote at 5:14 PM. The next meeting will be held on Monday April 6, 2020.