HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/09/2020 - Regular Minutes - Rock Prairie Management District No. 2ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 MINUTES OF MEETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS July 9, 2020 The Board of Directors (the "Board") of Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 (the "District") met in regular session, open to the public on July 9, 2020, in accordance with the duly posted notice of meeting, and the roll was called of the duly constituted members of said Board of Directors, as follows: Uri Geva — President Hays Glover — Vice President William Lewis — Assistant Vice President Jonathan Stark — Secretary Mark Lindemulder — Assistant Secretary and all of whom participated in the meeting via telephone conference call, except Director Lewis, thus constituting a quorum. Also attending the meeting via telephone conference call were James Murr of College Station Town Center, Inc. ("CSTC"); Cynthia Colondres of Municipal Accounts & Consulting, L.P. ("MAC"); Josh Campbell of EHRA Engineering ("EHRA"); Avik Bonnerjee of B&A Municipal Tax Service, LLC ("B&A"); Katie Crowley of the City of College Station ("City"); and Christina Cole and Julie Kime of Schwartz, Page & Harding, L.L.P. ("SPH"). The President called the meeting to order and declared same open for such business as might properly come before it. EXPLANATION OF TELEPHONE CONFERENCE CALL MEETING PROCEDURES AND CALL TO ORDER Ms. Cole explained to the Board the procedures to be used during the telephone conference call meeting. In connection therewith, she informed the participants that the meeting would be recorded, and requested that participants clearly state his or her name before speaking, including when making or seconding a motion. Ms. Cole further explained that she would conduct a roll call vote for all motions and that Board members should wait to vote on a motion until his or her name has been called. Similarly, Ms. Cole stated that a full roll call of all participants would be conducted at the start of each telephone conference meeting for attendance purposes. The President called the meeting to order and declared it open for such business as might regularly come before the Board. PUBLIC COMMENTS The Board began by opening the meeting for public comments. There being no members of the public present, the Board continued to the next item of business. APPROVAL OF MINUTES As the first order of business, the Board considered approval of the minutes of its regular meeting held on May 14, 2020. After review and discussion, Director Glover moved that the minutes for said Board meeting be approved, as written. Director Stark seconded said motion, which unanimously carried. BOOKKEEPING REPORT Ms. Colondres presented to and reviewed with the Board a Bookkeeping Report, a copy of which report is attached hereto as Exhibit A, including checks presented for payment. Following discussion, Director Glover moved that said Bookkeeping Report be approved and that the checks identified in the report be approved for payment. Director Stark seconded the motion, which unanimously carried. TAX ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Bonnerjee then presented and reviewed with the Board the Tax Assessor -Collector Reports for the months ended May 30, 2020, and June 30, 2020. including checks presented for payment. Copies of such reports are attached hereto as Exhibit B. After discussion, Director Glover moved that the Tax Assessor -Collector Reports be approved and that the checks identified therein be approved for payment. Director Stark seconded said motion, which unanimously carried. ENGINEERING REPORT Mr. Campbell presented and reviewed with the Board an Engineering Report dated July 9, 2020, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit C. Following presentation of the Engineer's Report and discussion of the action items contained therein, Director Glover moved to concur in the payment of the pay estimates and approval of the quantity adjustment as set forth in the Engineer's Report. Director Stark seconded the motion, which unanimously carried. DEVELOPER'S REPORT The Board considered the Developer's Report. Mr. Murr presented a verbal report on the status of development within the District. STATUS OF INERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Ms. Cole advised that SPH has received a revised form of Interlocal Agreement from the City, and that SPH will be reviewing same and providing comments to the City. No action was taken by the Board at this time. 2 560321 ATTORNEY'S REPORT The Board considered the Attorney's Report. Ms. Cole advised the Board that she had nothing of a legal nature to discuss with the Board that was not already covered under previous agenda items. VOTING SYSTEM ANNUAL FILING FORM The Board of Directors next considered authorizing the completion, execution and filing with the Secretary of State of a Voting System Annual Filing Form. Upon motion by Director Glover, seconded by Director Stark and unanimously carried, the Board authorized SPH to prepare and file said form. REQUEST FROM RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER TO DESTROY RECORDS The Board next considered a request from the Districts Records Management Officer to destroy SPH's handwritten notes of Board meetings from February 14, 2019, through February 12, 2020, a copy of which request is attached hereto as Exhibit D. After discussion, Director Glover moved that the destruction of SPH's handwritten notes of Board meetings be authorized as requested in accordance with the provisions of the District's Records Management Program. Director Stark seconded the motion, which unanimously carried. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS The Board considered items for placement on future agendas. No specific agenda items, other than routine and ongoing matters were requested to be placed on a future agenda. Ms. Cole advised the Board that the Governor has extended the proclamation related to the COVID-19 pandemic which provides for the temporary suspension of certain provisions of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.125, as amended, concerning the conduct of public meetings. Ms. Cole stated that under these circumstances, the Board's August 13, 2020 meeting will be conducted via telephone conference, unless there is a change that would prohibit same. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, on motion made by Director Glover, seconded by Director Stark, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned. „J,c,,„, r--E2— Se Lary 3 560321 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 Minutes of Meeting of July 9, 2020 Exhibit A Bookkeeping Report Exhibit B Tax Assessor -Collector Reports Exhibit C Engineering Report Exhibit D Records Destruction Request 4 560321 EXHIBIT "A" MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS CONSULTING, LP. Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 Bookkeeper's Report July 9, 2020 1281 Brittmoore Road • .Houston, Texas 77043 • Phone: 713.62.3.4539 • Fax: 713.629.6859 Nrun Name Rock Prairie MD No. 2 - GOF Cash Flow Report - Checking Account As of July 9, 2020 Memo BALANCE AS OF 05/15/2020 Receipts Interest Earned on (;lucking; Total Receipts Disbursements 1104 B&A Municipal Tax Service 1 105 EIIRA IRA Engineering .1106 Municipal Accounts & Consulting, LP 1107 Schwartz, Page & Harding;, I.,.I...P. Fees 1313VA USA Total Disbursements BALANCE AS O1 07/09/2020 S132 Compliance - 2 Months Engineering Fees Bookkeeping F'ees - 2 Months I.cs;al fees - 2 !Months Service Charge Amount Balance 4,41 (500.00) (12,364.74) (1,607.49) (5,218.38) (4.41) $9,435.62 4,41 (19,695.02) ($10,254.99) BBVA USA -PREMIER - #XXXX0276 Financial Institution (Acct Number) Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 Account Balances As of July 9, 2020 Issue Maturity Interest Account Date Date Rate Balance Notes Fund: Operating Checking Account(s) • 13101A LSA.-PRf•\41Elt (XXXXO276) 0.15 ".} (10,254.99) Checking Account Totals for Operating Fund: ($10,254.99) Grand total for Rock Prairie Management District No. 2: ($10,254.99) Rock Prairie MD No. 2 - GOP Actual vs. Budget Comparison June 2020 June 2020 June 2020 - June 2020 Annual Actual Budget aver/(Under) Actual Budget fiver/(Under) Budget Revenues 14100 Developer Advance 0 0 0 (1 0 (1 511,033 14350 MaintcnanceTax Collections 0 0 0 (I 0 0 60,0)8 143811 interest Earned on Checking 0 3 (3) 0 3 (3) 30 Total Revenues 0 3 (3) 0 3 (3) 1 E0,063 Expenditures 16331) Legal lees 1,877 5,000 (3,123) 1,877 5,000 (3,123) 60,000 16350 l(.ngincering Fees 2,163 2,500 (338) 2,163 2,500 (33$) 30,000 1.6430 Bookkeeping Pees 325 550 (225) 325 550 (225) 6,600 16450 Legal Notices & Other Pulal. 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 16455 SR2 Expenses 250 250 0 250 250 0 3,0001 16460 Printing & Office Supplies 14 83 (69) 14 83 (69) 1,000 16470 Filing* Fees 64 75 (11) 64 75 (11) 900 16480 Delivery Expense 117 42 75 117 42 75 500 16520 Posra;e 0 4 (4) 0 4 (4) 50 16530 Insurance & Surety Bond 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,713 16540 'i'ravell3xpense 0 108 (108) 0 108 (108) 1,3011 16360 Miscellaneous Expense 75 83 (9) 75 83 (9) 1,000 Total Expenditures 4,885 8,696 (3,811) 4,885 8,696 (3,811) 110,063 Excess Revenues (Expenditures) ($4,885) ($8,693) $3,809 ($4,885) ($8,693) $3,809 SO Rock Prairie MD No. 2 - GOF Balance Sheet As of June 30, 2020 ASSETS Current Assets Chucking/Savings 11100 • Cash in Bank 11105 • Cash in Bank - Tax Account Total Checking/Savings Total Current Assets 18,450 TOTAL ASSETS 18,450 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 120011 • Accounts Payable 19,441 Total Accounts Payable 19,441 Total Current Liabilities 19,441 Total Liabilities 19,441 Jun 30, 20 9,436 9,014 18,450 Equity 13010 • Unallnctted Fund Balance Net Income Total Equity" TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITYY 18,450 3,894 (4,885) (991) EXHIBIT "B" MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 1 Honesty I Efficiency I Transparency I Accountability I Contlnui THE MONTH ENDING FO R May 31, 2020 • B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NOR'1111VEST FREEWAY, STE 620 HOUSTON, TX 77040 MAIN 71:3.900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 1 UNICIPAI TAX SFRVICF,I I C ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 5/31/20 RECEIVABLES SUMMARY 2019 Balance Forward Levy at 05/31/19 FYE CAD Changes / Uncollectible Outstanding Balance forward Prior Years (2018-2010) at 05/31/19 FYE CAD Changes / Uncollectible Total Levy to be collected • • • Collection prior months (all years) 2019 Taxes Collected net NSF & KR Refunds during current month Taxes Collected for Prior Years net NSF & KR Refunds • • Total Outstanding Balance AX ACCOUNT Income C K# C K# C K# C K# • Taxes Collected Current Year Taxes Collected Prior Year Penalties & Interest Collection Fee Paid Overpayments NSF or Reversals, Bank Charges Other Fees & Court Costs, Etc Earned Interest Beginning Balance — Tax Account $0.00 $73,299.93 $12.45 $0.00 00111. Expenses • 1056 Brazos Central Appraisal District-3rd Qtr Assessment (Reporting Only) 1072 Rock Prarie Management District 1 - Operating Funds 1073 B&A Municipal Tax Service, LLC - Invoice MD2-076 1074 B&A Municipal Tax Service, LLC - Invoice MD2-077 Ending Balance —Tax Account ($49,551.86) ($23, 760.52) $0.00 $23,760,52 $0,00 $3,088.87 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $1.83 26.851.22 $180.75 $30,000.00 $518.00 $32.44 73,299.93 • 12.45 .73,31 31OP 2.38) 0.00 • 12,09 38,946.62 8,21 0 R & A MUNICIPAL TAX SRRVTCR, LI.0 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 620� HO[JSTON, TX 77040 MAIN 713.900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 2 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC • ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 0 0 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 5/31/20 OUTSTANDING TAXES -YEAR TO DATE BALANCE FORWARD CAD TAX @ SUPPLEMENTS & YEAR 10/01/19 CORRECTIONS UNCOLLECTIBLE 2019 S76,036.03 ($2,736.10) $0.00 2018 $49,461.25 $0.00 W $0.00 2017 $19,962.78 $0.00 $0.00 EXEMPTIONS & TAX RATES TAX YEAR 2020 2019 2018 2017 HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% DISTRICT VALUES TAX LAND & YEAR IMPROVEMENTS 2019 00 14,898,546 2018 9,881,920 2017 4,069,643 0110 OVER 651 DISABLED 0 0 0 0 • AG NET di 14,370 28,690 27,010 1111111110 M&0RATE 0.00000 0.50000 0.50000 0.50000 PERSONAL PROPERTY 909,670 309,850 0 • OUTSTANDING COLLECTION COLLECTIONS $73,299.93 S40,461.251. $10,962.78 DEBT SERVICE RATE 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 TAXES PERCENTAG Aik $0.00 100.00 111, $0.00 100.00 ($0.00) 100.00 ($0.00) CONTRACT TAX RATE TOTAL RATE 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 0.5000 0.00000 0.5000 0,00000 0.5000 11110 EXEMPTIONS TOTAL VALUE SR KR 1,162,600 di 14,659,986 12 12 328,210 9,892,250 30 30 104,096 3,992,557 47 47 gi.& A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 620 OUSTON, TX 77040 .MN 713-900-26 L FREE I-888-598- MLUNKC.IPAI TAX SFRVICF,1 I C BEGINNING BALANCE INCOME 10% Rendition Penalty 0.00 0.00 Ai Bad Check Charges 0.00 0.0011. CAD Refund Excess Allotment 0.00 33.19 Collection Fee 0.00 2.91 Earned Interest 1.83 22.07* Overpayments 0.00 0.00 Mr Penalty & Interest 3,088.87 3,092.77 Rollback Tax Collected 0.00 11,118.60 Taxes Collected 23,760.52 73,312.38 Total Income 26,851.22 87,581.92. EXPENSES Audit/Records 0.00 Bank Charges 0.00 Bond Premium 0.00 CAD Fees 0.00 Certificate of Value 0.00 Copies 22.00 Correction Roll Refunds 0.00 Correction Roll Rendition Refunds 0.00 Continuing Disclosure 0.00 Court Affidavits 0.00 Delinquent Tax Attorney Assistance 15.00 Delinquent Tax Attorney Feel. 0.00 Installment Tracking 0.00 Unclaimed Property Report 60.00 Legal Notices 0.00 Mailing & Handling 1.42 Meeting Travel & Mileage 22.54 Overpayment Refund 0.00 Public Hearing 0.0G Records Retention 0.49 Roll Update & Processing 0.00 Senate Bill 2 to CAD (5 Yr History) 0.00 Supplies 0.00 Tax Assessor Collector Fee - AB 518.00 Tax Rate Preparation & Calculation 0.00 Transfer to Rollback Collected 0.00 Transfer to Maintenance & Operating 0.00 Transfer to Debt Service 0.00 639.45 ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 5/31/20 PROFIT & LOSS CURRENT MONTH 5101 /20 - 5/31/20 12,734.25 ENDING BALANCE 38,946,,02 & A MUNICIPAL TAX SLR VICE, LI.0 333 NORTHWEST FR%EWAY, STE 620 -10USTON, TX 77040 AIN 7I3-)00-2680 FREE 1-888-598-74 FISCAL YEAR 6/01/19 - 5131/20 • 9,014.27 0.00 0.00 50.00 569.00 0.00 544.80 0.00igh 0.00 0.00 0.00• 90.00 2.91 0.00 60.00 0.00 82.25 3,035.74 0.00 650.00 4.66 225.00 16.25 3.86 6,197.10 0.00 6,780.19 39,338.41 0.00 57,650.17 38,946.0.2 01, IPA SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 5/31/20 YEAR TO YEAR COMPARISON 2019 % 2018 % VARIANCE October $3,394.55 4.46% $0.00 0.00% 4.46% • • November $569.00 5.41% $0.00 0.00% 5.41% December $4,111.95 11.02% $0.00 0.00% 11.02% January $41,438.41 67.55% $38,113.40 77.06% -9.51% February $25.50 67.58% $11,321.65 99.95% -32.37% March $0.00 67.58% $0.00 99.95% -32.37% .April $0.00 67.58% $13.75 99.97% -32.39% May $23,760.52 100.00% $0.00 99.97% 0.03% June $0.00 $0.00 99.97% July $0.00 $12,45 100.00% August $0.00 $0.00 100.00% $0.00 $0.00 100.00% September 2019 2018 $23,760.52 $0.00 MONTHLY COLLECTIONS Ii & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 620 HOUSTON, TX 77040 MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 5 • MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO 2 *OR THE PERIOD ENDING 05/28/20 so OM OM • PLEDGED SECURITIES REPORT SECURITIES PLEDGED AT 105% OVER FDIC INSURED $250,000 411111. • di COLLATERAL SECURITY AGREEMENT ON FILE : YES TAX BANK ACCOUNT HELD AT: WELLS FARGO / BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON COLLATERAL SECURITY REQUIRED: TYPE OF PLEDGED INVESTMENT: N COMPLIANCE W/ DISTRICT INVESTMENT POLICY: YES { 8 A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY SUITE 505 HOUSTOtd TX 77040 1.1 MAIN 713-900-26s0 TOLL FREE 1-8B8.598.7409 PS STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF BRAZOS § Avik Bonnerjee, being duly sworn, says that he is the Tax Assessor -Collector for the above named District and the foregoing contains a true and correct report accounting for all taxes collected for said District during the month therein stated. • Boerjee, R TA SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, this 1st day of June 2020. REBECCALYNN BREWER Notary to #1258819 My Commission Expires Mach 1, 2024 Rebecca Lynn Brewer Notary Public, State of Texas Notary ID #1258819 My Commission Expires March 1, 2024 BRAIDS CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT SRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS 4051PENOLETON OR BRYAN, TX 77002-2465 Mr. Avik Bonnerjee Registered Texas Assessor Collector B&A Municipal Tax Service LLC 13333 Northwest Freeway, Suite 250 Houston, TX 77040 November 14, 20219 STATEMENT Mark W. Price Chief Appraiser (979)774-4100 (979)774-4196 Fax Rock Prairie Management District #2 Below are the quarterly payment amounts and due dates for the 2020 Brazos Central Appraisal District Operating Budget, as mandated by State Law. Section 6.06 State Property Tax Code states: "Unless the governing body of a unit and the chief appraiser agree to a different method of payment, each taxing unit shall pay its allocation in four equal payments to be made at the end of each calendar quarter, and the .first payment shall be made before January 1 of the year in which the budget tapes effect. A payment is delinquent if not paid on the date it is due. A delinquent payment incurs a penalty of 5 percent of the amount of the payment and accrues interest at an annual rate of 10 percent. ,If the budget is amended, any change in the amount of a unit's allocation is apportioned among the _payments remaining." 1st Quarter due by December 31, 2019 $180.75 2nd Quarter due by March 31, 2020 $180.75 3rd Quarter due by June 30, 2020 $180.75 4th Quarter due by September 30, 2020 $280.75 Total Allocation $723.00 ►��. (e . I.2,0 CK ! a5(a TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM: WELLS FARGO: ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 1 — TAX ACCOUNT $30,000.00 TRANSFER FUNDS TO: ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 1 - OPERATING FUNDS CHECK # f 2'1 DATE: June 1, 2020 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC Bill To Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 13333 Northwest Freeway Suite 620 Houston TX 77040 Invoice Date Invoice # 611 /2020 MD2-076 Description Unit Count Rate Amount Avik Bonnerjee, RTA - Tax Assessor Collector Fee June 2020. 515.30 515.30 2019 Additional Unit Count Invoiced 2020 3 0.90 2.70 Thank you for your business. Tale $518.00 6./.010 ex 1673 13333 Northwest Freeway, Suite B20 Houston, TX 77040 r H:713-9O0-28B0 wwv4hemaritax.corn MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC Bill To Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 13333 Northwest Freeway Suite 620 Houston TX 77040 Invoice Invoice # 5l1f2024 Description Unit Count Rate Amount Copies 78 0.20 15.60 Postage, Mailing, and Handling (1) 1.42 1.42 Records Retention 0.42 0.42 Preparation of Delq. Atty. Electronic Files 15.00 15.00 Thank you for your business. Total S32.44 ?d- 10. r.0-o c167id 13333 Northwest Freeway, Suite 620 §1 Houston. TX 77040 PH:713-900.2680 In WV W.bamunitax.corn Jurisdiction: MD2 Delinquent Tax Roll As of 5/31/2020 Account No/Name/Address Cad No/Property Descr. Page 1 6/2/2020 2:55 PM Jurisdiction Totals (excludes Rollback Accounts) Year Tax Lew Base Taxes Due Penalties Due Del. P&I Due Attv Fee Due Escrow Arr+t Total Due gpltnt % Collected 2017 19,962.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0 100,00% 2018 49.461.25 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00% 2019 73,299.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Jurisdiction Rollback Accounts Totals Year Tax Levu Base Taxes Due Penalties Due Del. Pal Due Attv Fee Due Escrow Amt Total Due Count 2017 5,306.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0 10D.00©% 2018 5,305.09 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 100.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Username: DOMAIN\Ju1�e #### ### ### ### ## # # # # ## ## # # # # # ## ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # #### ### ### ### ### ### #### ## # # # # ## ## # ### #### # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###### # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # ### ## ## ##### ##### ##### Job : 57 Date: 8/13/2020 Time: 12:21:32 PM EHRA ENGINEERING THE FUTURE SINCE 1936 ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 ENGINEERING REPORT AUGUST 2020 Engineering Report, including: TBPE No. F-726 TBPLS No.100923�" a. Authorize the design and/or advertisement of bids for construction of facilities within the District and approval of related Stormwater plans, including District. Status of design of Lakeway Drive Reserve, Phase 200 No Update. Board Action: None. b. Authorize the award of/or concurrence in award of contracts for the construction of facilities within the District, authorizing acceptance of Texas Ethics Commissions ("TP,C") Form 1295 and approval of any storm water permits. Board Action: None. c. Status of construction of facilities to serve land within the District, including the approval of any pay estimates and change orders and authorize acceptance of TEC Form 1295, including: 1. Construction of on -site sanitary sewer trunk line by Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. Contractor Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. Contract Days 120 days Approved Extensions 0 days Contract Completion Date 8/30/2018 Date Approved Comment Contract Bid Amount $322,584.00 5/2/2018 Notice to Proceed Issued Quantity Adjustment (S53,337.33) 7/9/2020 Remove Dewatering Total Contract Amount $269,246.67 Pay Request No. 1 S242,322.00 Total Pay Requests $242,322.00 Remaining on Contract 7/9/2020 826,924.67 10,00% of Contract Remaining Construction is substantially complete. Board Action: None. Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 August 2020 Page 2 2. Midtown Reserve Subdivision, Phase 100 by Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. (26 lots) Contractor Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. Contract Days 120 days Approved Extensions 0 days Contract Completion Date Date Approved Comment Contract raid Amount $447,933.00 Notice to Proceed Issued Change Order No. 1 $52.000.00 For Approval Additional Telecom Total Contract Amount $499,933.00 Pay Request No. 1 $499.933.00 For Approval Total Pay Requests $499,933.00 Remaining on Contract S0.00 0.00% of Contract Remaining Project is closed Out and can be removed from future meeting agendas. Board Action: Approve Change Order No. 1 and Pay Request No, 1. 3. Midtown Reserve, Phase 102 by Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. (62 Lots) Contractor Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. Contract Days 120 days Approved Extensions 0 days Contract Completion Date Dateo ent PP Contract Bia Amount $791,038.75 Notice to Proceed Issued Change Order No. 1 $124,000.00 For Approval Additional Telecom Total Contract Amount Pay Request No. 1 $91 . For Approval Total Pay Requests $915,038.75 Remaining on Contract 50.00 0.00% of Contract Remaining Project is Closed Out and can be removed from future meeting agendas. Board Action: Approve Change Order No. 1 and Pay Request No. 1. EHRA EHRA Engineering ;10011 Meadowglen Lane I Houston, Texas 77042 I t.713.784.4500 I f 713.784.4577 ENGINEERING THE FUTURE SINCE 1936 Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 August 2020 Page 3 4. Midtown Reserve, Phase 104 by Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. Contractor Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. Contract Days 160 days Approved Extensions 0 days Contract Completion Date Date Approved Comment Contract Bid Amount $471,655.50 Notice to Proceed Issued Total Contract Amount 8471,655,50 Total Pay Requests S0.00 Remaining on Contract $471,655.50 100.00% of Contract Remaining Construction is underway. Board Action: None. 5. Irrigation of. Phase I Park Development by Green Teams, Inc. Contractor Green Teams, Inc. Contract Days 45 days Approved r.xtensions 0 days Contract Completion Date 5/10/2020 Date Approved Comment Contract Bid Amount $435,305.00 027/2020 Nod to Proceed Issued Change Order $0.00 Quantity Adjustment $0.00 Total Contract Amount $435,305.00 Pay Request No. 1 S231.304.50 Total Pay Requests $231,304.50 Remaining on Contract Construction is underway. Board Action: None. 7/9/2020 $204,000.50 46.86% of Contract Remaining EHRA EHRA Engineering 110011 Meadowglen Lane 1 Houston, Texas 770421 t 713,784,45001 f 713.784.4577 ENGINEERING THE FUTURE SINCE 1936 Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 August 2020 Page 4 6. Landscaping of Phase I Park Development by Greener Images Contractor Greener Images Contract Days 30 days Approved .Extensions 0 days Contract Completion Date 4/25/2020 Date Approved Comment:, Contract Bia Amount $98,695.44 3/27/2020 Notice to Proceed Issued Quantity Adjustment No.1 S13,504.15 4/9/2020 Add .Alternate Bid Items Total Contract Amount $112,199.59 Pay Request No. 1 $86,520,44 4/9/2020 Pay Request No. 2 $11,692.59 For Approval Total Pay Requests $98,213.03 Remaining on Contract $13,986.56 12.47% of Contract Remaining Construction is underway. Board Action: Approve Pay Request No. 2. 7. Midtown Reserve, Phase 105 by Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. Contractor Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. Contract Days 150 days Approved Extensions 0 days Contract Completion Date 10/4/2020 j)ate Approved Comment Contract Bid Amount S1.961.787.50 5/7/2020 Notice to Proceed Issued Total Contract Amount $1,961,787.50 Total Pay Requests $0.00 Remaining on Contract $1,961,787.50 100.00% of Contract Remaining Board Action: None. EHRA EHRA Engineering 110011 Meadowg4en lane I Houston, Texas 77042 I t 713.784.4500 I f 713.784.4577 ENGINEERING THE FUTURE SINCE 1936 Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 August 2020 Page 5 8. Midtown City Center, Phase 301 by Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. Contractor Contract Days Approved Extensions Contract Completion Date Contract Bid Amount Change Order No. 1 Total Contract Amount Total Pay Requests Remaining on Contract Greens Prairie. Investors, Ltd. 45 0 S159,299.00 $8,91$.00 $168,217.00 $0.00 days clays For Approval otice to Proceed Issued Waterline Relocate S168,217.00 100.00% of Contract Remaining Board Action: Approve Change Order No. 1, d. Acceptance of site and/or easement conveyances for facilities to be constructed for the District and acceptance of Facilities for operation and maintenance purposes. 1. Conveyance and Bill of Sale of Utility Facilities relative to water, sanitary sewer and drainage facilities for Midtown City Center — Phase '1. Board Action: Approve Conveyance and Bill of Sale of Utility Facilities. e. Status c acceptance by the City of College Station, Texas for maintenance of streets. 1. Town Lake Drive, formerly Bird Pond Road Board Action: None. "--"N EHRA EHRA Engineering 110011 Meadowglen Lane I Houston, Texas 770421 t 713.784.4500 , f 713.784.4577 ENGINEERING THE FUTURE SINCE 1936 Honesty Efficiency I Transparency I Accountability I Cont,nui•. MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE MONTH ENDING June 30, 2020 • B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 620 HOUSTON, TX 77040 MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE I-888-598-7409 1 UNICIPAI TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 6/30/20 ECEIVABLES SUMMARY 2019 Balance Forward Levy at 05/31/20 FYE CAD Changes / Uncollectible Outstanding Balance forward Prior Years (2018-2010) at 05/31/20 FYE CAD Changes / Uncollectible Total Levy to be collected • II • Collection prior months (all years) 2019 Taxes Collected net NSF & KR Refunds during current month Taxes Collected for Prior Years net NSF & KR Refunds • Total Outstanding Balance ACCOUNT Income Taxes Collected Current Year Taxes Collected Prior Year Penalties & Interest Collection Fee Paid Overpayments NSF or Reversals, Bank Charges Other Fees & Court Costs, Etc Earned Interest Beginning Balance — Tax Account Expenses K# 1075 McDonald & Wessendorff - Bond Preminum 7,11,20 to 7.11.21 K# 1076 B&A Municipal Tax Service, LLC - Invoice MD2-079 K# 1077 B&A Municipal Tax Service, LLC - Invoice MD2-080 Ending Balance —Tax Account MEM $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 AIM $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 • 0,00 0.00 0.00 • 0.00 • 0.00 $0.00 $50.00 $518.00 $64.43 $632.43 • 8,214.83 8,214. 7,582. n & A MUNICIPAL FAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 620 HOIJSTON, TX 77040 MAIN 7[3-900-2680 TOLL, FREF. 1-RRR-59R-7409 2 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC • • • ID ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 6/30/20 OUTSTANDING TAXES - YEAR TO DATE TAX YEAR 2019 2018 2017 BALANCE FORWARD 10/01111Pr $76,036.03 $49,461.25 $19,962.78 CAD SUPPLEMENTS & CORRECTIONS ($2,736.10) $0.00 $0.00 EXEMPTIONS & TAX RATES TAX YEAR 2020 2019 2018 2017 HOMESTEAD OVER 65 / EXEMPTION DISABLED 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 DISTRICT VALUES TAX YEAR 2019 2018 2017 LAND & IMPROVEMENTS co14,898,546 9,881,920 4,069,643 AG NET �14,370 28,690 27,010 • UNCOLLECTIBLE $0.00 $0-00 $0.00 M & 0 RATE 0.00000 0.50000 0.50000 0.50000 PERSONAL PROPERTY 909,670 309,850 0 OUTSTANDING COLLECTION COLLECTIONS TAXES PERCENTAG $73,299.93 $0 00 100.00 $49,461.25 alp $0.00 100.00 $19,962.78 ($0.00) 100.00 • ($0.00) DEBT SERVICE CONTRACT TAX RATE RATE 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 TOTAL RATE 0.0000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 EXEMPTIONS TOTAL VALUE SR KR •1,162,600 14,659, 986 12 12 328,210 W 9,892,250 30 30 104,096 3,992,557 47 47 •B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVTCF.. LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 620 MAIN 713-900-2680 HOUSTON, TX 77040 OLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 MUNICIPAL TAX SFRVICF,LIC • BEGINNING BALANCE ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 6/30/20 INCOME 10% Rendition Penalty Bad Check Charges CAD Refund Excess Allotment Collection Fee Earned Interest Overpayments Penalty & Interest Rollback Tax Collected Taxes Collected PROFIT & LOSS CURRENT MONTH 06/01/20 - 06/30/20 in38,946.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.00 Total Income • 0.00 EXPENSES Audit/Records 0.00 Bank Charges 0.00 Bond Premium 0.00 CAD Fees 180.75 Certificate of Value 0.00 Copies 15.60 Correction Roll Refunds 0.00 Correction Roll Rendition Refunds 0.00 Continuing Disclosure 0.00 Court Affidavits 0.00 Delinquent Tax Attorney Assistance 15.00 Delinquent Tax Attorney Fee 0.00 _Installment Tracking 0.00 Unclaimed Property Report 0.00 Legal Notices 0.00 Mailing & Handling 1.42 Meeting Travel & Mileage 0.00 Overpayment Refund 0.00 Public Hearing 0.00 Records Retention 0.42 Roll Update & Processing 0.00 Senate Bill 2 to CAD (5 Yr History) 0.00 Supplies 0.00 Tax Assessor Collector Fee - AB 518.00 Tax Rate Preparation & Calculation 0.00 Transfer to Ro'back Collected 0.00 Transfer to Maintenance & Operating 30,000.00 Transfer to Debt Service 0.00 30,731.19 ENDING BALANCE 8,214.63 FISCAL YEAR 6/01/20 - 6/30/20 38,946.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 180.75 0.00 15.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 518.00 0.00 op 0.00 30, 000, 00 0.00 30,731.19 8,214.83 • ftB & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE G20 I IOUSTON, TX 77040 1 OLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 MAIN 713-900-2680 ICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LI.0 ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 6/30120 YEAR TO YEAR COMPARISON 2019 % ' 2018 October $3,394.55 4.46% $0.00• • November $ 69.00 5.41% $0.0 le • December $4,111.95 11.02%. $0.00 0.00% 11.02% • January_ $41,438.41 67.55% $38,113.40 77.06% -9.51% February $25.50 67.58% $11,321.65 99.95%-32.37% March $0.00 67.58% $0.00 99.95% -32.37% April $0.00 67,58% $13.75 99.97% -32.39% I May $23, 760.52 100.00% I $0.00 99.97% 0.03% 1-- • June $0.00 100.00%1 $0.00 99.97% 0.03% July $0.00 $12.45 100.00% August $0.00 j $0.00 100.00% September $O.DO $0.00 100.00% 2019 2018. 41.110 $O... $0.00 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 620 11DUSTON, rX 77040 MONTHLY COLLECTIONS MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-S8S-S9S-7409 VARIANCE 0,00% 4.46% 0.00% 5 • MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 06/26/20 • PLEDGED SECURITIES REPORT SECURITIES PLEDGED AT 105% OVER FDIC INSURED $250,000 • 4. COLLATERAL SECURITY AGREEMENT ON FILE : YES ED ED • • • • TAX BANK ACCOUNT HELD AT: WELLS FARGO / BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON • • • COLLATERAL SECURITY REQUIRED: No TYPE OF PLEDGED INVESTMENT: IN COMPLIANCE W/ DISTRICT INVESTMENT POLICY: YES • • B A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY SUITE 620 HOUSTON TX 77040 MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 PS STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF BRAZOS § Avik Bonnerjee, being duly sworn, says that he is the Tax Assessor -Collector for the above named District and the foregoing contains a true and correct report accounting for all taxes collected for said District during the month therein stated. Avik Bonnerjee, RTA SWORN TO A IBED BEFORE ME, this 1st day of July 2020. REBECCA LYNN BRI Notary ID # 1258� iikMmission Ex arch 1, 2024 Rebecca Lynn Brewer Notary Public, State of Texas Notary ID #1258819 My Commission Expires March 1, 2024 McDonald & Wessendorff N 5 U R ANCE Rock Prairie Mgmt District #2 1300 Post Oak Blvd Ste 1400 Houston, TX 77056 INVOICE Rock Prairie Mgmt District #2 74752 06/22/2020 Producer MWEXEC Katrina Thornhill 1 of 1 1 si1�Foltl l�laf CIE ti}�3! °,- -c c ' rr%1!1-i fF i{ Peso death and re4urn wtilh payment Customer: Rock Prairie Mgmt District #2 40982 07/11/2020 Renew policy I nvoic€0862 Thank You Policy #TX 5103029 07/11/2020-07/11/2021 Merchants Bonding 2020 TAX BOND Payment is due within 39 days of the effective date to avoid cancellation. Due Date: 8/11/2020 McDonald & Wessendorff 611 Morton Street Richmond, TX 77469 50.00 Thank You �d fl- r. ao (..K Ja'1 c- MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY,. MERCHANTS 13ONDLNG COMPANY (MUTUAL) P.O. BOX 14498. DES MOINES. EOWA 50306-3498 PHONE; (800) 678-8171 FAX; (515) 243-3854 CONTINUATION CERTIFICATE (to be filed with the obligee) TX5103029 S10,000 Tax Collector -Assessor BOND NO. AMOUNT OESCHIPTION ORLIGEE Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL) hereby continues In force Bond for: PRINCIPAL Avik Bonnorjee dba B & A Municipal Tax Service DBA t6331 All liability under this Continuation Certificate is effective 07111/2020 and terminates midnight 07/11/2021 This continuation Is executed upon the express condition That the Company's liability under said pond and this and all continuations thereof shall not be cumulative and shaft in no event exceed in the aggregate the largest single amount named in the Bond, the endorsement attached thereto, or any continuation certificate. Witness the signature of its President under the corporate seal on May 1, 2020 •AlP O / .'":jr„,". Attest: • co : ''v.i, 477 744- Secretary '• • *V ,•4 President • .r CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the following is a true and correct copy of Section 1(b) and Section 1(d) of Article VI of the Bylaws of Merchants Bonding Company (Mutual) duly adopted and recorded to -wit: Section 1(b) The President, Secretary, or Treasurer or any Assistant Treasurer or any Assistant Secretary shall have power and authority to execute on behalf of the Company and attach the seat of the Company thereto. bonds and undertakings, recognlzances, contracts of Indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof," and Section 1(d) "The signature of any euthorized officer and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile or electronic transmission to any Power of Attorney or Certification thereof authorizing the execution and delivery of any bond, undertaking; recognizance, or other suretyship obligations of the Company, and such signature and seal when so used shall have the same force and effect as though manually fixed." I further certify that the following are duly elected officers of the Company: Larry Taylor, President; and William Warner, Jr„ Secretary, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, t have hereunto set my hand es President and affix the Corporate Seal of the MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL) this 1st day of May 2020 .•.v.e.,. ae R MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY(MUTUAL) Attest; ;•mQ'piePQ9q' 1" t' • t 1933 •'C; • V •Y. secretary `s �' ,• s .fit •. '`: • President 'R y• MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL) On this 1st day of May 2020 before me appeared Larry Taylor, to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn did say that he is President of the MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY (MUTUAL), the corporation described in the foregoing instrument, and that the Seal affixed to (he said instrument le the Corporate Seal of the said Corporation and that the said Instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, Witnessed to and subscribed by me on SUP 0012 (2117) May 1, 2620 PALLY MASON Commission Number 750576 My Commission Expires January 07, 2023 It Notary Public MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC Bill To Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 13333 Northwest Freeway Suite 620 Houston TX 77040 invoice Date Invoice # 7/1/2020 MD2-079 Description Unit Count Rate Amount Avik Bonnerjec, RTA - Tax Assessor Collector Fee July 2020. 515.30 515.30 2019 Additional Unit Count invoiced 2020 3 0.90 2.70 Thank you for your business. Total $518.00 Cl< 10710 13333 Northwest Freeway, Suite 620 at Houston, TX 77040 to PH:713-900-2680 ■ wuuw.bamunitax.cont MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC Bill To Rock Prairie Management District No, 2 13333 Northwest Freeway Suite 620 Houston TX 77040 Invoice Date Invoice # 711/2020 MD2-080 Description Unit Count Rate Amount Copies 69 0,20 13.80 Postage, Mailing, and dandling (2) 1.44 1.44 Roll Update & Processing (April & May 2020) 0.25 75.00 18.75 Statement Mailing & Handling - May Notices 0_25 75.00 18.75 Records Retention 0.42 0.42 Meeting Travel Time/Mileage/Time (May 2020) 1 1..27 11.27 Thank you for your business. Total $64.43 13333 Northwest Freeway Suite 670 ar - nfKfnn TX 77nen Pf.4•74q inn Iran . WW1 1 h i iianv nnm '�• / , 090 EXHIBIT "C" EHRA ENGINEERING THE FUTURE SINCE 1936 ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 ENGINEERING REPORT JI LY 2020 } ngineering Report, including: TBPE No, F-726 TBPLS No.'0092300 a. Authorize the design and/or advertisement of bids for construction of facilities within the District and approval of related Stormwater plans, including District. 1. Status of design of Lakeway Drive Reserve, Phase 200 No Update. Board Action: None. b. Authorize the award of/or concurrence in award of contracts for the construction of facilities within the District, authorizing acceptance of Texas Ethics Commissions ("TEC") Form 1295 and approval of any storm water permits. 101111 c. Status of construction of facilities to serve land within the District, including the approval of any pay estimates and change orders and auhorize acceptance of TEC Form 1295, including: Board Action: None. 1. Construction of on -site sanitary sewer trunk line by Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. Contractor Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. Contract Days 120 days Approved Extensions 0 days Contract Completion Date 8/30/2018 Date Approved Comment Contract Bid Amount S322,584.00 5/2/2018 Notice to Proceed Issued Quantity Adjustment (S53,337.33) For Approval Remove Dewatering Total Contract Amount S269,246.67 Pay Request No. 1 $242100 For Approval Total Pay Requests $2,.2,322.00 Remaining on Cont:ac; $26,)24.6" 10.00% of Contract Remaining Construction is substantially complete. • Board Action: Approve Quantity Adjustment and Pay Request No. 1. EnE REALIZING VISIONS • DESIGNING LOMMUNITIE,S • ENGINEERING T.NE`FUT .EHRAinc Rock Prait e Management District No. 2 July 2020 Page 2 2. Midtown Reserve Subdivision, Phase 10( by Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. (26 lots) Contractor Contract Days Approved Extensions Contract Completion Date Greens Pra. ie Investots, Ltd. 120 0 Contract Bid Amount $447.933.00 Total Contract Amount $447,933.00 Total Pay Requests $0.00 Remaining on Contract $447,933.00 days days Paving and Utilities are substantially complete. Board Action: None. Date Approved Comment Notice to Proceed Issued 100.00% of Contract Remaining 3. Midtown Reserve, Phase 102 by Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. (62 Lots) Contractor Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. Contract Days 120 days Approved Extensions 0 days Contract Completion Date Date Approved Comment Contract Bid Amount S791.038.75 Notice to Pmceed Issued Total Contract Amount $791,038.75 Total Pay Requests $0.00 Remaining a Lontract $791,038.75 100.00% of Contract Remaining Paving and Utilities are substantially complete. Board Action: None. EHRA EHRA Engir►eering 110011 Meadowglerl Lane I Houston, Texas 77042 I t 713.784:4500 f 713.784.4577 ENGINEERING THE FUTURE SINCE 19i.o Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 July 2020 Page 3 4. Midtown Reserve, Phase 104 by Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. Contractor Contract Days Approved Extensions Contract Completion Date Greens Prairie Investors, T. td. 160 0 days days Date Ap rprp oved Comment Contract Bid Amount 471655.50 Notice to Proceed Issued Total Contract Amount $471,655.50 Total Pay Requests $0.00 Remaining on Contract $471,655.50 100.00' of Contract Remaining Construction is underway. Board Action: None. 5. Midtown City Center, Phase 601 by Elliott Construction, LLC Contractor Elliot Constriction, I ,C Contract Days 100 days Approved Extensions u days Contract Completion Date MO Date g ed Comment Contract Bid Amount $469,831.00 /25/201 NoIssu ed 0 Change Order No. 1 $48,710.00 /91202 Tel/Installation Change Order No. 2 $4.800.00 1/9/2020 Revise Waterline Total Contract Amount $523,341.00 Pay Request No. 1 $160,360.48 12/12/2019 Pay Request No. 2 S165,714.02 1/9/202u Pay Request No. 3 $118,242.00 2/12/2020 Pay Request No. 4 $26,690.40 For Approval Pay Request No. 5 & Final $52,334.10 For Approval Total Pay Requests $523,341.00 Remaining on Contract $0.00 0.00% of Contract Remaining Construction is complete. Board Action: Approve Pay Request No. 4 and No. 5 and Final. • EHRA EHRA Engineerl'g (' 0011 Meatlowgler lane ( Houston, Texas 77042 I t 713.784.4500 I f 713.784.4577 ENGINEERING THE FUTURE SINCE 1936 Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 July 2020 Page 4 6. Irrigation of Phase I Park Development by Green Teams, Inc. Contractor Green Teams, Inc. Contract Days 45 Approved Extensions 0 Contract Completion Date 5/10/2020 Contract Bid Amount $435,305.00 Change Order $0.00 Quantity Adjustment $0.00 Total Contract Amount $435,305.00 Pay Request No. 1 $231.304.50 Total Pay Requests S231,304.50 Remaining on Contract $204,000.50 days days Construction is underway. Board Action: Approve Pay Request No. 1. Pate Approved Comment 3/27/2020 For Approval 7. Landscaping of Phase I Park Development by Greener Images Contractor Contract Days Approved ixtensions Contract Completion Date Contract Bid Amount Quantity Adjustment No.1 Total Contract Amount Pay Request No. 1 Total Pay Requests Remaining on Contract Greener Images 30 0 4/25/2020 Construction is underway. Board Action: None. 598,695.44 S13.504.15 S112,199.59 S86.520.44 $86,520.44 S25,679.15 days days Notice to Proceed Issued 46.86° o of Contract Remaining Date Approved 3/27/2020 4/9/2020 4/9/2020 Comment Notice to Proceed Issued Add Alternate Bid Items 22.89% of Contract Remaining EHRA EHRA Engineering 110011 Mear )wglen Lane I Houston, Texas 77042 I t 713.784.4500 f 713.784.4577 ENGINEERING THE FUTURE SINCE i936 Rock Prairie Management District No, 2 July 2020 Page 5 8. Midtown Reserve, Phase 105 by Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. Contractor Contract Days Approved Extensions Contract Completion Date Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. 150 0 10/4/2020 days days Date Approved Comment Contract Bid Amount S1.961,787.50 5/7/2020 Notice to Proceed Issued Total Contract Amount S1,961,787.50 Total Pay Requests $0.00 Remaining on Contract $1,961;187.50 100.00% of Contract Remaining Board Action: None. 9. Midtown City Center, Phase 301 by Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd, Contractor Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. Contract Days 45 days Approved Extensions 0 days Contract Completion Date Date Approved omment Contract Bid Amount $159.299.0Q otice to Proceeo Issued Total Contract Amount $159,299.00� Total Pay Requests $0.00 Remaining on Contract $159,299.00 100.00% of Contract Remaining Board Action: None. d. Acceptance of site and/or easement conveyances for facilities to be constructed for the District and acceptance of Facilities for operation and maintenance purposes. Board Action: None, e. Status of acceptance by the City of College Station, Texas for maintenance of streets. 1. Town Lake Drive, formerly Bird Pond Road Board Action: None, EHRA FHRA Engineering 1100' 1 Meadowglen Lane I Houston, Texas -7042 t 713.784.4500 I f 713.784.4577 ENGINEERING THE FUTURE SINCE 1936 w EXHIBIT "D" July 9, 2020 Board of Directors Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 1300 Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 1400 Houston, Texas 77056 Dear Directors: In accordance with the District's Order Establishing Records Management Program and the District's Records Retention Schedule for General Records, I hereby request authorization to destroy the records of the District shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Very truly yours, By: Attachment Jan. than Stark Records Management Officer 496110_3 EXHIBIT "A" Notes of Board of Directors meetings from. February 14, 2019 to February 12, 2020. 496110_4