HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarker Application 12/16/2004 City of College Station Historic Buildine Plaque A1!Plication CrfY OF COLLEGE STATION Historic Preservation Committee Submit the completed application to the following address: City of College Station, Development Services Department 1101 Texas Avenue, P.o. Box 9960, College Station, TX 7784 I. Applicant Information Date of Submittal Name of Applicant Address Telephone E-mail Address ~~~~~ ~~~O (q-+'\) \a.A 3 .~~~ Re~b~e roD ""l . ~ II. Owner Information Name of Owner Address Telephone E-mail Address ~ S ~ ~""Dht V'\ 6i l () \H~ '~d S~ol~ t':.S. ~4D (ot--=t9) LPCl '5> . ~,&cg 12e.~IDv-e.x-P___ a..L>1. ~ III. General Building Information Name of Building Address of Building '~ 1 Date of Construction ArchitectJDesigner Builder/Contractor Architectural Period/Style t'31o =~4~:~~\5 Legal Property Description of Current Location (Lot and Block Numbers) Doe~building remain on its original site? L:1 Yes D No (specify original location) City of College Station Historic Building Plaque Application 10f4 Indicate the original and adapted uses of the building. Original Uses, D Agriculture D Commerce o Education D Government o Healthcare o Industrial D Recreation D ~gious GrResidential D Social D Transportation IV. Architectural Description Adapted Uses D Agriculture D Commerce o Education o Government o Healthcare o Industrial D Recreation D ~gious GrResidential D Social D Transportation A. Physical Characteristics Number of stories Orientation Ploor Plan Open plan L-plan Modified L-plan Center passage plan 2-room plan T -plan Shotgun plan Asymmetrical plan Other (specify) Roof Type Gable Hipped Plat with parapet Gambrel Mansard Shed Other (specify) Original \ &o--r- D o D D o D ~ o d D D D D D D B. Materials (Please check all that apply) City of College Station Historic Building Plaque Application Current 'V "t"' ~c:;.",* o o o o o o ~ o ci .0 o o o o o 20f4 Construction Frame Solid Brick Solid Stone Concrete Other ( specify) Foundation Pier and Beam Stone Brick Concrete Concrete Masonry Units Other (specify) Exterior Wall Surface Siding (specify type) Stucco Stone Brick Wood Shingle Other ( specify) Windows Wood Sash Aluminum Sash Single-hung Double-hung Casement Fixed Awning Hopper Sliding Other ( specify) Roof Materials Shingles (specify type) Tile ( specify type) Slate Metal (specify type) Other Primary Exterior Color Secondary (Trim) Color Original ~ o D o Q' D o D D D o D o [J' D D GI o D [Y D o o o D D D ~ D o Tx>~t2- (" !- '. City of College Station Historic Building Plaque Application Current ," 3 of4 V. Supporting Documentation Please attach the following information. A. Alterations List any known changes or modifications made to the property throughout its history. B. Prominent Historical Figures List any prominent historical figures associated with the property. C. Property Ownership List all known owners of the property. Include original owner and subsequent owners. D. Tenant History List all known tenants of the property throughout its history. E. Narrative History Attach a narrative explanation of the chronological and historical development of the property. F. Drawings · Provide a sketch of the current site plan. Include the proposed location of the historic plaque. · Provide a sketch map indicating the nominated property and any related sites. G. Photographs Historic · Provide at least one historic photograph of the property. Current · Provide at least one current photograph of the property illustrating in its surrounding context. For example, photograph the streetscape in which the building is included. · Provide at least one photograph of each side of the building. H. Additional Information Provide any additional information that supports the application. This may include architectural drawings, letters, oral histories, newspaper/magazine articles, etc. I. References Attach a list of the books, articles, and other sources used in preparing this form. The College Station Historic Preservation Committee requests that all plaques are mounted on the front fayade of the approved building within thirty (30) days of receipt. Permission of owner for plaque placement 0 Applicant Signature Owner Signature City of College Station Historic Building Plaque Application 40f4 Supporting Documentation A. Alterations 1. Constructed in 1936 and on its original site, the house has seen many changes, but all for the better. 2. The original wooden floor of the house has remained and been taken care of. 3. The original kitchen's location is not for sure, but its second location was at the center, back of the house, long and narrow. 4. The original back porch was converted into a living room by a previous owner. 5. The current owner made many changes including adding a second story to the house. 6. The original fireplace was removed and a center core to the house was added. 7. A new fireplace was added to the living room. 8. The bathroom attached to the north bathroom was moved over approximately the width of the original and a closet was added. 9. The doorway to a south bedroom was filled in. 10. Front porch had indoor/outdoor carpet that was removed 11. The back room's ceiling was raised 2-3" 12. The original driveway and garage were converted what is now the kitchen and breakfast room. 13. The driveway was shortened and a new garage put in place. 14. A fence was added around the back of the property. 15. A concrete pad was added to the back ofthe house along with the back porch. 16. The latest addition is a pool that has recently been added to the south side of the house B. Historical Figures Bo Bell, the all-American baseball player and head coach for Texas A&M University, occupied the house after the original owner and sold it to the Birdwells in the late 40's. Dick Birdwell, an engineer for Dow Chemical for over 25 years, has served College Station as a city councilman for many terms. He occupied the house in the late 40's and early 50's with his wife Joyce. Mr. Birdwell is an active member in this community, a proud member of the class of 1953, and a generous benefactor to Texas A&M University. Ann Rudder was known to have played in the house as a child. She is the daughter of former A&M President James Earl Rudder who was not only a key force in World War II, but is a much beloved member of the Texas A&M family. 300 Suffolk - Glover 5of25 Supporting Documentation c. Property Ownership Grantor State of Texas Grantee Raatz Date 1936 Raatz Bo Bell 1940s Bo Bell Dick Birdwell Joyce Birdwell 1940s Dick Birdwell Joyce Birdwell John Otts 1950s John Otts Donita Haden 1981 Donita Haden Hays Glover, III Robin Glover 1983 D. Tenant History Information was taken from the current owner and may be a bit sketchy. 1. Built by a Mr. Raatz in 1936 a. Mr. Raatz owned a dry cleaning establishment around Northgate. 2. Bo Bell occupied the house in the early to mid 40's. 3. Dick & Joyce Birdwell bought the house in the late 40's and lived there until the early 50's. 4. John Otts bought the house from the Birdwells, but was believed to have used it as storage instead of living quarters. 5. Donita Haden made many renovations during her time in the house. 6. Hays & Robin Glover have called this house home for 22 years and made most of the renovations that exist today. E. Narrative History As far as it is known, the house remained unchanged until Donita Haden made some adjustments to its floor plan. Ms. Haden moved the kitchen from its original location to the back part of the house where it stayed until the Glovers moved it again in their 1987 additions. In 1987 the Glovers found themselves quickly outgrowing their space - they either needed to move or make some additions. They chose the latter and gave the job to Burris & Patterson Architects. They responded to the existing house well by adding some 1200 SF to the floor plan, while not destroying the original charm of the house. 300 Suffolk - Glover 60f25 Supporting Documentation Three original bedrooms were left almost completely alone, the dining room had a few changes and the original wood flooring was left in place and refinished. F. Drawings See Attached G. Photographs See Attached H. References Glover, Robin. Personal Interviews. 24 Oct 2004, 21 Oct 2004, 6 Oct 2004 Burris and Patterson Architects. Architectural Drawings. College Station, TX 300 Suffolk - Glover 70f25 Supporting Documentation Drawings I t; I :1 I '~J- I I _~ I I ~'lj~~l' ; -- ~ -~,.l ! I I : 1,[---L Ti i~+-~------ /. _ ~..'.",' ~Q .. eJ-o' 1 6r4'.~' (v, ,.,) ~I'J<'~ -. (0{,' ~) /'''-'''''', .. /II<IM<<> ""_ 1>60 -~>--\ -f I "'-;"......~ 5 - - "H~.e- i.otGo."!iII" _' i ,,,.1..1 1. Jt..l- ~G1c.i"""'-lO" ~:"'/l"t""'~~1 1Il.t'-'" ~..u~ ~~ ~ , I }'" '" I ,,\""~ "/ _........... ~~~ _.A~ <o.LT ~' t='L-Af:J JeoU,.. Site Plan 1'':;'' r~~'1:in ........-.-;; 1<T!l",' ',~,';v""j\.I/ZlIb" -, "', '!\,' " 1"~~,.1,#"""'fi11',. ~~~~2-1~t~-~,,~~ ", 1'l""'"""I'4T,l't'l'. -~"""'i"""1T_ :"+--t~~p~-fl1l.:f ~""~"./atc;.t:lllC~ pwd'I--1"f'P' '0 ..-: .."""',....,.,....c>o'Ojo~r. f'-I"'_:,. , rf">II-~ ~J-".Il<<,... ,""'"" #ill!< _ _l'i'I'Mita iT'" ~ Il<04 """"H'd. . '~T'''~~'''''''''' """'I"''''j'l1<.T~ ~ ~B I _' ~ I: II EB~.1:-l--.:I' 1.'. I'" EL-EYAT ION '~l Y1'.f~i Front Elevation I! : 300 Suffolk - Glover 8 of 25 Supporting Documentation ~ '--'.'/>1>n1= I1ff~~ \ 1"fi"l...... \ \ \ ('.&Il:....f"'~ ~1'A~I~~ -"'r'_'~""llI ~.~_.... ~. W'o(./t-o':~W"j'y1": ~ rtn.:.,t;1tlr~ """"'.._.~"'" .;.t_~o-;~ i'l'I-,~~~ ">il''''''''~~ ~'ir:;':"~~ .y ~~~,...- l ~."::F. .-p.-?;'JI!J~"~ . 4 """-=-~ 4" "..'-. M.. -~~~'VIIN"T"t4t'~ ~~-.({~- F<.SAR . Sl-E=VATIOf.J ;,.;:",:"",~..~lf;;~,Y-+::i-oL'.";;",,~.,,;j'L.;...,__~'i._.~._,,,.,.:..,_"._..;, Rear Elevation --.-._.~",:,~"",,-,,""",,~~,,,,"';'.........,,_.._,., ,) .... 'i j~ ~"p--,-~c~~ ,.' .' -;;~~'1., }:~~:~'._ ..~--,......~ "''t'''l~';'i~~) r----~ w~..... I ~.....""". ! --.~ ~_>iII""~ ......-. fP*'- ...... """"i"'-'*'_ ,..~~~ =r =-:::-:~_~ ~~,. ....,J:,_....~__ 1>>-,...-..-. ~~ A f'..Kl!HT' .."'!~--'-F.:..~A~ Right Side Elevation 300 Suffolk - Glover 9 of25 Supporting Documentation '" .;~7=~--"~:r..:::.~_.:.'--:-....... " 1 ' , I , , .,.,.,.,.~.;~~~:.;"... EJ.I-'/"." f do, .....~,',........! ; ,j I "",",._~ i ~ ~ :~ h " ~B ~HO. Fl./X'R F:~= j.!.!'-o' 2nd Floor Plan 300 Suffolk - Glover 100f25 Supporting Documentation fll;j.jlll<$~+<t><4o> . ~~~~)". TfP. ~....:......~~, TW'~ ~,"""","l"i'>"'~' I1'OIr "'" .~'a:ol'~_~~ ~~,.. :if. ~,~{r ~.. fa Section through House k.'.;-.'.' i . ~'f1.lt;;~~""""""" . Pl!l~~~_ '1jJ'f,l..,~w""l'_'''' I""'''', '-(~'~l""1"c> .-r~) '. F!'..~~ ~ f'l.'TE- ' ~.JII<!'>M'''''''''I''U'''''f~ ;t'...... ,''fI''e"r/>l1Ao 1 )) .I::LE....6-A~f? WAIA. ~TION ~'llTYf'ICAl- f?Y-T., WALl.. 0f:C.TlO~ ! . .!:!:: "'N , '11. ~.L"ot~ 1\q'.._._._,""",.=1#> ~'':i'?J,~/'"",.;.'_.,,~!:!tE~''I-o!..:::.,.,_,_ Wall Sections r' .. . f,'. .H"" .>M'~ --mor' '-'l!iM6... ~ "'tl "/r, I C.p :(;Ij~~WI""~ "~" 1l'i'I'l"'P _~v. ~''''''''-'':l JO' ~".,~, "'?', '.~' JI;.'/'l'k"~ ' I~""""''''I' oJ""'. W ,.,.,"~ ""-.'~' 'r~- ," J?IflT'll'I":P'>'G!'" .:::~~~:.~) , 1<I?<!t'f. 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House as Bought in 1983 by the Glovers House as Bought in 1983 from the Comer of Burt and Suffolk 300 Suffolk - Glover 12 of25 Supporting Documentation House after Landscaping and Painting House after Landscaping and Painting from Burt and Suffolk 300 Suffolk - Glover 13 of25 Supporting Documentation The Back Porch Addition before 1987 Renovations The Curved Driveway before 1987 Renovations 300 Suffolk - Glover 140f25 Supporting Documentation Original Metal Cased Fireplace Original Fireplace After Being Repainted 300 Suffolk - Glover 150f25 Supporting Documentation Dismantling the Back Porch and Preparing for 1987 Addition Original Fireplace being removed during 1987 renovation. Notice the Entryway to Dining Room that has also Been Removed. 300 Suffolk - Glover 160f25 Supporting Documentation Added Second Story Stairwell Central Core Unit of 1987 Addition 300 Suffolk - Glover 170f25 Supporting Documentation - New Fireplace Addition where Back Porch Used to Be Christmas at the Glover House in New Addition 300 Suffolk - Glover 180f25 Supporting Documentation Photographs As Of Oct 2004 Front Elevation View From Suffolk and Burt 300 Suffolk - Glover 190f25 Supporting Documentation Right Elevation New Garage added with 1987 Renovation 300 Suffolk - Glover 20 of 25 Supporting Documentation Rear Elevation Left Elevation 300 Suffolk - Glover 210f25 Supporting Documentation ~1 New Pool Side Entry with Connecting Portico to Garage 300 Suffolk - Glover 22 of 25 Supporting Documentation Front Entry New Dining with Wall where Original Fireplace Was 300 Suffolk - Glover 230f25 Supporting Documentation New Dining Room where Walkway to Previous Dining Room was removed This Bedroom and Bathroom is where Previous Dining Room and Kitchen Were 300 Suffolk - Glover 240f25 Supporting Documentation Remodeled Bedroom where Dining Room was 300 Suffolk - Glover 25 of 25