HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-2769 - Ordinance - 11/09/2004 ORDINANCE NO, 2769 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING THE LAND USE PLAN AND THOROLIGHFARE PLAN ELEMENTS, FOR THE AREA GENERALLY DESCRIBED AS A 1.282.09 ACRE TRACT BOUNDED BY SH 6, COLLEGE STATION CITY LIMITS AND LICK CREEK PARK, PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE: DECLARING A PENALTY: AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS PART l' PART 2: PART 3 That the "CompTehensive Plan of the City of College Stallon" be amended by amending Ihe "LAND LISE PLAN" element as shown In "E~hlbll A-I" and "THOROUGHFARE PLAN" elemenl as shown in "Exhibit A-2", for the Idenllfied area and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes, "E~hibil A-3" reflects the planning elements combined That if any provtsions of allY secllOn of Ihls ordinance shall be held to be VOId or ullconslllullOnal, such holding shall In no way effect the validity of Ihe remalnittg prOVISIons or seclions of Ihls ordinance, which shall remam in full force and effect ThaI any person. firm, or corporation violatmg any of Ihe provisions of thiS chapter shall be deemed guilty of a Illlsdemeanor, and upon convtchon thereof shall be pUnishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($2500) nOT more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2.000.00), Each day such violalion shall cotttlllue or be penmued to continue, shall be deemed a separale offense, Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance. becomes effecllve ten (! 0) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provtded by Section 34 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 9th day of November . 2004 !(~EST:. n p-~~ CONN!!.' HOOKS, City Secretary APPROV~D APPROVED: ~ 1. 'LA~ R N S VI~Mayor 7/a ~ " ~ ?'" L City AttomeYd . ORDINANCE NO 2769 Page 2 "EXHIBIT A-I" AMENDED AREA OF LAND USE PLAN r ------ --- ------1 I N."blle.hood R..... '-__________1 ~ Pil~~J 'I il ?' S1ngl.~.mly R.lld..laI Low . Proposed Land Use Plan for AnImate Habitat ORDINANCE NO 2769 Page 3 "EXHIBIT A-2" AMENDED AREA OF THOROUGHFARE PLAN \ \..-......... , ':7 , (, D :;: .a :g :~ .!f . . . . ,~ "'l9~ "e>~ Peach Creek Cutoff ' ~ Proposed Thoroughfare Plan ror Animate Habitat and Vicinity ORDINANCE NO 2769 "EXHIBIT A-3" AMENDED AREA OF LAND USE AND THOROUGHFARE PLAN ELEMENTS COMBINED . Proposed Land Use and Thoroughfare Elements combmed . , ,i ,~ '1 ,. . , , , I, " " Page 4