HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/12/2020 - Regular Minutes - Comprehensive Plan Evaluation Committee MINUTES COMPREHENSIVE PLAN EVALUATION COMMITTEE Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 6:00 PM Virtual meeting via Zoom COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Brian Bochner, Brad Brimley, Michael Buckley, Clint Cooper, Elizabeth Cunha, Shana Elliott, Joe Guerra, Lisa Halperin, Linda Harvell, Dennis Maloney, John Nichols, Jeremy Osborne and Julie Schultz CITY STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager and Interim Director of Planning and Development Services Jennifer Prochazka, Assistant Director Molly Hitchcock, Transportation Planning Coordinator Jason Schubert, Long Range Planning Administrator Alyssa Halle- Schramm, Staff Planner Jade Broadnax, Staff Planner Treston Rodriguez and Staff Assistant Robin Macias 1. Call the meeting to order. The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. 2. Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes. • January 29, 2020 Long Range Planning Administrator Halle-Schramm discussed the attendance corrections from the minutes. The committee had no other corrections. 3. Presentation and discussion of a revised working timeline and process changes due to COVID-19. Long Range Planning Administrator Halle-Schramm gave a presentation regarding the revised working timeline and future steps of the project. She discussed the possibility of doing online public outreach in June or July and having a possible public meeting in August, if safe to do so based on COVID-19 and social distancing guidelines. 4. Presentation and discussion of potential revisions to the Future Land Use categories. Long Range Planning Administrator Halle-Schramm gave a presentation regarding the Future Land Use Categories. The proposed revisions to the land use categories allow more flexibility. The category names will be simplified and renamed so there will no longer be a one-to-one match with the zoning ordinance. There was general discussion amongst the committee regarding the future land use categories. • Engage the Economic Development department for their recommendation on the Employment Center category name • Some confusion between the Mixed Residential and Suburban Residential categories based on the proposed definition. Clarification may be needed to more clearly separate these categories • For Suburban Residential – How would you make the distinction between the two densities in modeling for transportation and water if restricted suburban and general suburban are combined? Potentially think more about this category. • What would be the benefit of keeping the Parks and Greenways land use separate from Natural Areas? Staff clarified that Parks and Greenways is largely City-owned property while Natural Areas is floodplain or environmentally-sensitive areas on private property. • Combining all Wellborn land uses may make the community feel minimalized. Maybe have two different categories for Wellborn Business and Wellborn Residential. There needs to be a way to ensure the Wellborn community understands that the Comprehensive Plan continues supporting their character. There may need to be more language about this special district. 5. Presentation and discussion of the draft scenarios. Long Range Planning Administrator Halle-Schramm gave a presentation regarding the scenario performance measures. There was general discussion amongst the committee regarding the performance measures. • There may be more understanding needed of the definitions, especially Quality of Place • There was an urge to include the neighborhoods in these decisions and processes • Clearly communicating to the public that the scenarios are meant to test ideas will be key Transportation Planning Coordinator Schubert gave a presentation regarding the six scenarios. There was general discussion regarding the six scenarios. Scenario 1: University Drive East of Texas Avenue • When looking at the performance measures it may be good to take an average of the past few years. • It will be important to formulate a statement regarding the current economic situation due to COVID-19 and losses in sales and property tax revenues. This situation is still unfolding, there are many unknowns. Scenario 2: Texas Avenue across from A&M Campus • The alternative idea was liked due to the prime real estate of the current City Hall location. • Advise engaging neighborhood before changing the area of neighborhood conservation. Scenario 3: Post Oak Mall Area • Attract more anchors to this area • Need more hotels and multi-family in this area to make it a destination • Include Brazos Valley Transit in discussion and potentially make this a transportation hub and the City’s first transit oriented development • Over retailed – look into more mixed use with the mall being the urban center • Not sure if it is appropriate to put forward a scenario in regards to the mall to the public since it is privately owned. We would not want people thinking that we are going to change the mall when we have no control over what they do. Committee discussion regarding this exercise being a test of future options in the mall area, not a specific proposal or development plan to change to mall. • This would be a good scenario to start with because we can show that we are brainstorming on what it could be. This scenario does a good job demonstrating the intent of the scenario exercise. Scenario 4: Harvey Road (opposite the Post Oak Mall) • There were no comments on this area Scenario 5: George Bush Drive and Wellborn Road Area • Would like to revisit the neighborhood committee and neighborhood residents to discuss changes in this area. Potentially revisit the Southside Area Neighborhood Plan to see what was done eight years ago and if it’s still relevant. • The Anticipated Scenario does match the Southside Area Neighborhood Plan. We should consider new family dynamics in this area and ask the neighborhood and public at large. • What can be done to protect the current single family homes • The Mixed Residential areas provide a nice buffer between uses • Likes the Alternate Scenario because of the street patterns. This pushes denser development along Wellborn. • Public involvement is vital. The scenario exercise involves the public in the discussion. Scenario 6: George Bush Drive across from A&M Campus • Some committee members feel like this scenario area should be tabled while others think it should be included to test ideas with the public • Neighborhood integrity is important in this area • There are no changes to the schools and religious institutions 6. Presentation and discussion outlining next steps in the Evaluation process. Long Range Planning Administrator Halle-Schramm gave an update regarding the next committee meeting. 7. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.