HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/10/2019 - Agenda Packet - Parks BoardOr,' CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA Tuesday September 10, 2019 REGULAR MEETINGN6:00 PM Meyer Senior & Community Center 2275 Dartmouth St. College Station, TX 77845 1. Cali to order and Roll Call. 2. Possible action concerning requests for absences of members. 3. Hear visitors. 4. Consideration, discussion and possible approval of minutes from the August 13, 2019 meeting. 5. Presentation, discussion, possible action on proposed FY20 Budget. 6. Presentation, discussion, possible action on 2019 Games of Texas Recap. 7. Presentation, discussion, possible action on Departmental Accomplishments. 8. Strategic Planning: Short and Long term. • Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Goals. 9. Report, possible action, and discussion concerning the current Parks Projects Summary and Dedications of Less than Five Acres from Rusty Warncke. • None 10.Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items: A Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Next Meeting: October 08, 2019 11. Adjourn This building is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services such as interpreters, readers, or large print are asked to contact the City Secretary's Office at (979) 764-3541, TDD at 1-800-735-2989, or email 4daassistanct@tstx.gov at least two business days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does not receive notification at least two business days prior to the meeting, the City will make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations (kff' CITY Of COLLEGE STATION Staff Present: PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA Tuesday August 13, 2019 REGULAR MEETING,v6:00 PM Meyer Senior & Community Center 2275 Dartmouth St. College Station, TX 77845 David Schmitz, Director; Kelly Kelbly, Assistant Director; Rusty Warncke, Project Manager; Andrea Lauer, Administrative Support Specialist Board Present: Kevin Henderson; Joel Cantrell; Don Hellriegel; Thomas Marty; John Polasek; Ann Hays; Megan Fuentes; Paul Dyson 1. Call to order and Roll Call. The meeting was called to order with a quorum at 6:00 p.m. 2. Possible action concerning requests for absences of members. Madeline Giroir requested an absence. Megan Fuentes made a motion to approve the absence, and Ann Hays approved the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Hear visitors. None. 4. Consideration, discussion and possible approval of minutes from the July 09, 2019 meeting. Ann Hays made a motion to approve the amended minutes, and John Polasek approved the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 5. Presentation, discussion, possible action on Senior Advisory Committee Report. Janet Wood from Senior Advisory Committee spoke about some concerns they had with the Bob and Wanda Meyer Senior & Community Center like chairs being uncomfortable, no shade cover on windows and cramped space. This item was informational only. No action was taken. 6. Presentation, discussion, possible action on naming Southeast Community Park. Natalie Ruiz, Director of Economic Development and Aubrey Nettles, Economic Development Manager gave a presentation. Thomas Marty made a motion to name the Southeast Community Park —Texas Independence Ballpark Midtown College Station. Ann Hays seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 7. Presentation, discussion, possible action on Texas Historical Marker Application. David Schmitz stated that the marker would be placed in Steeplechase Park. Thomas Marty made a motion to approve the location. Paul Dyson seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 8. Presentation, discussion, possible action on Fun For All Playground Phase 2 Update. David Schmitz gave an update on Phase 2. Informational item only. No action taken. 9. Strategic Planning: Short and Long term. • Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Goals. Informational item only. No action taken. 10. Report, possible action, and discussion concerning the current Parks Projects Summary and Dedications of Less than Five Acres from Rusty Warncke. • None. Informational item only. No action taken. 11.Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items: A Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Next Meeting: September 10, 2019 12. Adjourn. Thomas Marty made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Paul Dyson seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the meeting adjourned at 7 p.m. This building is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services such as interpreters, readers, or large print are asked to contact the City Secretary's Office at (979) 764-3541, TDD at 1-800-735-2989, or email a daassistance(acstx gov at least two business days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does not receive notification at least two business days prior to the meeting, the City will make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations FY19 Department Accomplishments Parks & Recreation Department DEPARTMENT MISSION "To provide a diversity of facilities and leisure services which are geographically and demographically accessible to our citizens." DEPARTMENT STRATEGY We will achieve our mission through: • Providing facilities and programs as per the 2011-2020 Parks and Recreation Master Plan. • Providing and maintaining quality parks, facilities and urban landscaping. • Providing City cemetery spaces, grounds maintenance, and customer service. • Providing helpful, friendly, customer -oriented library services to Brazos County residents. • The Recreation Fund will identify the costs and revenues associated with Sports, Instruction, Aquatics, the Southwood Community Center, and the Lincoln Recreation Center. • Promote, solicit, and conduct tourism events to bring visitors to College Station. • Expand marketing to inform the public of the benefits of Parks and Recreation, emphasizing the Economic Impact of Parks, the Health and Wellness benefits, and the Quality of Life aspects. FY19 MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Hosted the 2019 TAAF Games of Texas with 8,500 athletes and 20,000+ visitors, resulting in an $8 million economic impact. • Successfully hosted several of the State's largest athletic, tourism based events, bringing $10 million of additional HOT funds into the community. • Hosted 65 Special Events including: Christmas in the Park @ Central Park; Starlight Concert Series (4); Movies in the Park (6). • Held 2"d Annual Texas Weekend of Remembrance special event. • Continued to "Save the Monarch Butterflies" through the Mayor's Monarch Pledge and maintained a Butterfly Garden at Bee Creek Arboretum. We worked together with the A&M Garden Club and the La Villita Chapter of the DAR to host an event at Richard Carter Park that received National and State recognition. • Received the "Tree City USA" designation for the 28th year. • Sold 233 cemetery spaces and niches and had 154 interments, as of August 22. • Out of 34 projects - 20 are complete, 5 to be completed by 12/2019, remaining 9 to be completed by 2021. • Completed construction of two additional synthetic turf athletic fields at Veteran's Park. • Completed design of Phase 1 for Southeast Community Park. • Completed design, renovation and opening of the Arts Center building into the Bob & Wanda Meyer Senior and Community Center. FY19 Department Accomplishments Parks & Recreation Department • Construction completed of an expansion to the Lincoln Recreation Center and transitioned operations into the new facility. • Construction completion of the expansion of the Ringer Library. • Park Developments include Reatta Meadows Park, Crescent Pointe Park, Barracks Park and Northgate Park. • Construction completion and opening of for Phase 1 of the Fun for All Playground at Central Park; Phase 2 bids for construction received with expected construction to begin in the Fall of 2019. • Expanded programming at the Lick Creek Park Nature Center. • Conducted a citizen's survey to assess the overall community parks and recreation needs as well as further operations and facility options for Thomas Swimming Pool. • Increased the level of marketing of the department, facilities, and programs to inform the public of what we have to offer and the effect we have on the Quality of Life, Health and Wellness, and the Economic Impact created. Revised and reorganized the Parks website content to prepare for the merge to the new City website. Moved Recreation Connection over to Constant Contact and expanded the weekly e-newsletter to include information about events, programs and registrations. • Supported and encouraged staff in attending conferences and obtaining training related to parks and recreation. Attend TRAPS, TAAF, TTA, NRPA, NASC and other organization conferences and training sessions when possible and take a leadership role where possible. • Budget estimate for end of FY19 fiscal year = 99% DEPARTMENTAL GOALS FOR FY20 1. Goal: Begin/complete construction of Southeast Park — Phase 1 a. Issue: This project is the first phase of a baseball/softball complex for use by local citizens as well as tourism related tournament play. Design is complete in FY19 for Southeast Park — Phase 1; FY20 will see construction begin/completed. b. Plan of Action: Bid construction documents, secure contractor, construct Phase 1. c. Strategic Initiative(s): Providing Core Services and Infrastructure; Financial Sustainability 2. Goal: Update Parks and Recreation Master Plan a. Issue: Current Master Plan is at its 10 year mark. The Master Plan needs to be updated to document changes to the community, Parks system, and citizen's wants and needs. It will guide the Department's growth for the next 10 years. b. Plan of Action: Enlist professional firm to conduct an update to the Parks Master Plan with the direct assistance of the Parks and Recreation Department staff. c. Strategic Initiative(s): Provide Core Services and Infrastructure; Neighborhood Integrity; Financial Sustainability FY19 Department Accomplishments Parks & Recreation Department 3. Goal: Update the Parks and Recreation Asset Management Plan and implement a work order system. a. Issue: The Parks and Recreation Department needs to update its inventory and asset management plan, as well as implement a work order system. b. Plan of Action: Purchase both hardware and software to utilize GIS and City Works software. Train staff to use these tools to begin utilizing GIS fully for asset management and begin to use a work order system in day to day operations. c. Strategic Initiative(s): Provide Core Services and Infrastructure; Neighborhood Integrity; Financial Sustainability 4. Goal: Program and manage new facility expansions. a. Issue: The expansions of the Lincoln Recreation Center, Ringer Library, Lick Creek Nature Center, and the Meyer Senior and Community Center will need to be integrated into the Parks system for effective and efficient use by the public. b. Plan of Action: Utilize part-time staff to methodically and purposefully offer and provide new programming in these facilities. Manage data to determine successes and failures, re -assessing during the next budget cycle for any additional staffing or program needs. c. Strategic Initiative(s): Provide Core Services and Infrastructure; Neighborhood Integrity; Financial Sustainability PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Recreation Department I City of College Station PROJECT UPDATE As of September 3, 2019 PARKS PROJECTS FOR FY18 and FY19 Total Number of Park Projects Number of Projects in Progress Number of Projects Completed in FY18 & 19 35 16 19 Park Projects managed by Capital Projects in FY18/19-5 FY '18 PROJECTS AGGIE FIELD OF HONOR & MEMORIAL CEMETERY ckff • Installation of sidewalk to both columbarium's o Project funded by cemetery endowment funds. o This project bid out on June 13. Contract awarded to lowest bidder on July 16, 2018, with a pre -construction meeting held on July 23rd. Contractor had 90 days to complete this project, July 20, 2018 — October 26, 2018. Substantial completion was achieved on October 16, 2018. o This project is COMPLETE. BEE CREEK PARK • Design of Concession/ restroom upgrades o Project funded by certificates of obligation o Demo and rebuild to address restroom and storage needs at this ball park. o Hawkins Architecture was chosen as the design firm. Council approved the contract on May 14, 2018. o Review by planning and development services was completed in mid -June, 2019. o This project, along with the Athletic Restroom, and Pavilion at Central Park, will all be bid as one competitive sealed proposal project. Dates are listed below • Pre -bid — September 12,2019 • Bid opening — September 26, 2019 • Evaluation to follow soon after. o Due to Christmas in the Park, the contractor award the bid, will start construction on January 2, 2020 Page 1 PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Recreation Department I City of College Station BACHMANN PARK (1' • Rehabilitation of parking Tots and parking lot lights to address ADA, lighting, and drainage issues. o Funded by Parkland Dedications Funds, Zone B o Kimley Horn was chosen for this project. Council approved the contract on April 12, 2018. o Larry Young Paving was award the contract on October 25, 2018. Construction started on November 26, 2018. Rain and change orders delayed this project but progress was made. All three Tots are now paved. Substantial completion was meet on June 18, 2019. o Punch list items are to be COMPLETED by September 6, 2019. • Adult Soccer Field Lighting Rehabilitation o Funded by Parkland Dedication Funds, Zone B o Installation of new poles and LED fixtures on the two adult soccer fields. COMPLETE. CASTLEGATE PARK • Installation of a fitness pod and new chain Zink fencing at the tennis courts using Parkland Dedication funds, zone 13. o Both projects funded by parkland dedication funds, zone 13 o Purchase Order for the fitness equipment was issued on Tuesday, May 1. Equipment was delivered to installer in late July. Equipment has been installed. This project is now COMPLETE. o Tennis court fence - Crews removed the old chain link the last week of May and repainted the post and braces the same week. New chain link started going up on June 4. This project is now COMPLETE. CENTRAL PARK • Athletic Field Restroom Rehabilitation o Scope of Work - To rehab or rebuild the existing restroom and storage building located at the flat athletic fields. • Fund by certificates of obligation • Hawkins Architecture was chosen for this project. Council approved the contract on the 14th of May. Design work to be completed by mid -September. • Planning and Development Services completed their review in mid -June. Currently working with purchasing to bid out. Construction will not start till the first of the year, 2020 because of Christmas at the Park. • Parking lots and lighting o Rehabilitation of existing parking lot to address ADA issues along with drainage and lighting issues. • Funded by certificates of obligation • Kimley Horn was chosen for this project. Council approved this contract on April 12. All design work to be completed by the first of September. • Larry Young paving was award the construction contract on October 25, 2018. Construction started in the softball parking lot, and end with the two parking lots at the main office and pavilion. Punch list will be COMPLETED by 9/6/2019. Page 2 PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Recreation Department I City of College Station 4-ff" • Pavilion Rehabilitation o Scope of work — Expand and update restrooms, update kitchen area, and expand the current pavilion area. • Funded by certificates of obligation • Hawkins was chosen for this project. This project will be grouped together with the athletic field restrooms and the Bee Creek concession stand building. Contract approved by Council on May 14. Design work to be completed by mid - September. • Site plan review was completed in mid -June by Planning and Development Services. Currently working with purchasing on bid dates. Construction will not start till January of 2020 because of Christmas in the Park. • Please see Bee Creek Restroom upgrades for bid schedule. • Softball Field Lights o Removal of existing light poles and fixtures and replace them with new poles and LED fixtures. • Funded by certificates of obligation • Project is now COMPLETE. GABBARD PARK • Upgrades and repairs using Parkland Dedication Funds o Removal of existing concrete fence, with installation of new wrought iron in its place. Repairs to the existing fishing pier and foot bridge will also be part of this project. • Approval of this project went before Council on May 14. Fence demo started June 4. Post and panels will be set the same week. All work will be completed by the end of June. • Project is now COMPLETE. Page 3 PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Recreation Department I City of College Station PROJECTS ROLLED FY '19 CRESCENT POINT PARK • Adding park amenities such as exercise equipment, park benches, lights, and a drinking fountain. • Funded by parkland dedications funds, zone 4 • Project was bid out on December 215L and approved by Council on February 22. Caprock Construction officially started this project on March 5. They have until December 8, 2018 to finish this park along with Reatta Meadows. • CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE. FUN FOR ALL PARK • Project bid out on June 7th at 2 p.m. • Approved by City Council on July 26. • Submittals are in review. Pre -construction meeting was held on August 13. Contractor has been given notice to proceed with project. • Work in progress - underground utilities and subgrade splash pad and new parking lot. Rain has caused delays. • Playground equipment arrived on 3/4/2019, and has been installed. The splash pad has been poured and crews are currently working on piers for shade structure. • Due to rain, the completion date was pushed back. Grand opening was held on August 2, 2019, and has been full of kids since. Phase I is now COMPLETE. • Project fund by donations and parkland dedication funds, zone 3. G.K. FITCH/ RINGER LIBRARY TRAIL • Concrete path connecting Fitch Park to the Ringer Library. • Funded with community block grant funds. o Since this path crosses Bee Creek via a pedestrian bridge, a flood study was requested by Planning and Development. o First flood study was completed on January 29. An additional analysis of Bee Creek was requested. First study showed a 1/2" rise in the 100 year flood plan. The second study is now complete and shows zero rise within the 100 year flood plain. However, to achieve zero rise and stay within budget, the design had to be changed. We will now use box culverts instead of a foot bridge to cross Bee Creek. o Planning and Development Services completed their review at the end of August. o Due to abnormally wet winter, we did not advertise this project till February. Bids were opened on 3/5/2019 at 2pm. Kieschnick General Contractors was the lowest bidder. o Council approved this contract on April 11. o Official start date is June 3. Contractor will have till September 2 to finish this project. Page 4 PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Recreation Department I City of College Station Off' • Progress to Date: Work is 95% complete. Installation of lights, bollards, and grass seed are all that remain. 100% completion is expected by the end of September. JOHN CROMPTON PARK • Construction of a basketball pavilion using Parkland Dedication money, zone 7. o This project was bid out on May 24 and came in under budget and approved by Council on June 28, 2018. o Contractor had 120 days to complete this project. February 4, 2019 was the substantial completion deadline for this project. o Due to rain delays, this project was COMPLETED on March 8, 2019. LINCOLN CENTER • Expansion was completed at the end of December, 2018. Abatement and demo of the existing facility started the second week of January Renovations to the existing facility continue due to change orders. All work thus far has been completed on time. • Fund with 2008 general obligations bonds o Parking lot started February 18 and is complete. Demo of an interior wall was completed on July 26, 2019. Grand opening held on August 3, 2019. COMPLETE. NORTHGATE PARK • Design and construction of park located at 306 Spruce Street. o Funded by parkland dedication funds, zone 1 o Arkitex Studio was awarded the contract. Firm has until September 3, 2018 to complete all drawings and reviews. o Final drawings where sent the first part of September. All drawings have been sent to Planning and Development Services for final review. Sent mid - October, 2018. o Project bid out April 24th, with Caprock Construction (CRT) submitting the lowest bid. o Approved by City Council on June 13, 2019. o Worked started on July 23, 2019. o Contractor has till December 16, 2019 to complete this project. o Vegetation and rough grades where completed on by the end of August. o Installation of pavilion, sidewalks, and drainage expected to be completed by the end of September. RINGER LIBRARY EXPANSION • Project bid February 14, 2018 with contract approval by City Council on March 22. Acklam construction started the week of March 2 and is expected to complete the project August 2019. • Delays occurred due to the facility remaining open. Contractor worked with staff to resolve all issues in a timely manner. • Structural steel arrived late July. Page 5 PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Recreation Department 1 City of College Station • Due to the dangers of construction, the Library dosed November 5, 2018. This allowed for a faster turning around time and more importantly, keep our residents safe during the time of construction. • Phase 1 was completed on March 4, 2019. Phase II Substantial Walk was held May 8. Construction is COMPLETE. Awaiting book shelves and other furniture. All due to arrive in mid - August. • Funding for this project was thru 2008 general obligations bonds. REATTA MEADOWS PARK • Development of Park o Funded with parkland dedication money, zone 10 o Project was bid out December 21, 2017 and approved by City Council on February 22, 2018. Caprock Construction officially started this project on March 5. They had till December 8, 2018 to complete this park. o This park is now COMPLETE. SOUTHEAST PARK • Design contract for the first four fields was approved by Council on February 8, 2018. Design firm working on construction drawings. • All comments, on the 60% drawings were sent to design firm in June. • 99% construction drawings where submitted to Planning and Development Services on August 16, 2019, and are currently still under review. • Funded by Hotel Tax and Certificates of Obligations VETERANS PARK • Phase I expansion —Two additional artificial fields. o Funding — Hotel tax funds o Construction of the two new fields began the week of May 17th. The contractor will have 150 days to reach substantial completion. o Under ground work currently in progress. First section of cast in place box culverts is expected to be poured the week of August 13th o Nearly all underground is now complete. Contractor working on fields, parking lot, and restroom currently. o Work is expected to be complete on or by March 12, 2019. o Substantial Walk held May 3, 2019. Contractor currently finishing up punch list items. All punch list items are nearly complete. Page 6 BEE CREEK PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Recreation Department 1 City of College Station NEW PROJECTS FY19 (kff" • Installation of new LED lights around both softball fields. Old lights and poles will be replaced with Musco lighting controls. o Funded with certificates of obligation o Electrical engineer finished with drawings back in June. Musco lighting working on fixtures and poles. Poles and fixtures are scheduled for install this month. Awaiting shipping date on lights. COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY • Removal of old restroom, installation of new. o Funded by the Cemetery endowment fund o Arkitex Studio has been hired to design a new restroom. o This project bid out back in May. Caprock Construction has been award the contract. Official start date is June 10. Contractor will have 120 days to complete, October 7, 2019. o Underground utilities, slab, framing, electrical and plumbing all occurred during the month of August. o Masonry, roof, and interior finishes are expected to be completed by the end of September. COVE OF NANTUCKET • Installation of park amenities: Two benches and trashcans. o Fund with Parkland dedication funds, zone 12 o COMPLETE EDELWEISS GARTENS • Re -surfacing of the existing basketball court o Funded with parkland dedication, zone 10 o Contractor to start the week of June 3, and finished on June 21, 2019 o COMPLETE FUN FOR ALL PHASE II • Expansion of park using both parkland dedication funds and donations o Phase II will consist of: more play units, donor plaza, mini Kyle Field, restrooms, shade, and more. Page 7 PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Recreation Department I City of College Station o This project was bid out on August 28, 2019. o Proposal evaluation held on August 30. o Contract to Council on September 26, 2019. GABBARD PARK • Removal of old playground and surfacing and replace with new o Fund by certificates of obligation o Contract approved by City Council on 6/27/19 o Equipment ordered 7/31/19. There is a six to eight week lead time on equipment. o Demo and install to start on September 16, 2019 LINCOLN RECREATION CENTER • Refurbish the existing basketball pavilion. New paint, lights, court surfacing, gutter repairs, and drinking fountain. o Funded by certificates of obligation o Proposal received on 10/25. Additional work has been added to this project. Updated proposal received on 2/28/2019. Nantucket and the Nature Center are part of this project. o Contract sent to go before Council on May 13th for official approval. o Construction started May 15, 2019. Construction was COMPLETED on June 25, 2019 NATURE CENTER DRINKING FOUNTAINS • Installation of 2 drinking fountains within the Nature Center grounds. o Updated proposal received on 2/28/19. Currently working on install contract. o Funded with parkland dedication funds, zone 11 o Part of the Lincoln Center and Nantucket project. o Approved by Council on May 13. o Install completed on July 12, 2019 o COMPLETE PEBBLE CREEK • Removal and installation of new fall surfacing on the large playground. o Funded with parkland dedication funds, zone 11 o COMPLETE. RICHARD CARTER PARK • Removal of all brick paver sidewalks. Replace with solid stamped concrete. o Funded with certificates of obligation o Project has been brought back into budget and approved by City Council on, 3/14/2019. Page 8 PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Recreation Department I City of College Station o Work is now COMPLETE SUMMIT CROSSING Ctrff' • Development of Park o Funded with parkland dedication funds, zone 4 o Design of new park started January 2, 2019. • Final design set was sent to Planning and Development Services (P&D) for final review on July 17, 2019. Request form P&D sent back to design firm on 8/7/19. Design firm working on corrections and requests. THOMAS PARK • Gazebo Roof o Replacement of existing asphalt roof with metal roof o Funded with certificates of obligation. o COMPLETE • Playgrounds o Funded with certificates of obligation. o North Side • Removal of existing fall surfacing, swing, and metal slide. The swing and metal slide no longer meet the CPSI requirements. • In their place, we will install new rubber surfacing, I a new dish swing and a traditional two bay swing o South Side • Removal of old play unit and fall surfacing. Replacing with new playground and surfacing. o Approved by City Council on 6/27/19 o Equipment ordered 7/31/19. There is a six to eight week lead time on equipment. o Demo and install scheduled for September 16, 2019. VETERANS PARK • Phase l B o Funded by certificates of obligation, field redevelopment, and parkland dedication funds. o Pending budget, park staff is looking at adding another restroom closer to Harvey road, more sidewalks, and possibly another playground. In addition, staff is looking at improving drainage in various areas along with improving the roads within the park. o At this time, staff is working with engineers, Planning and Development Services for all improvements listed above. Once planning issues development permit, we can move forward with this project. Page 9