HomeMy WebLinkAboutC.S.L. Of Texas, Inc. Addition PP/I 1146 Field Notes Of A Scale: /v ® /00" 41.81 Acre Tract FND. 112' I.R. Morgan Rector League - Abstract No. 46 College Station, Brazos County, Texas V 1P Field notes Of a 41.81 acre tract or parcel of land lying and being situated In the Morgan Rector League Abstract No. 46, College Station, Brazos County. Texas and being all of Lot 2, Block One of the T.J. BASIS OF BEARING NORTH LINE OF 40.382 ACRE TRACT, BEARING OF SAID PROPOSED Addition and all of Lot Two (2) of the Agency Records Control, Inc. Addition as recorded In Volume 612, to AMSO FRWOAD Page 589 of the Official Records Of Brazos County. Texas; LINE BEING S880 40'04"E ROTATED TO S88042845"E And being all of that tract called 13.339 acme of land conveyed to Agency Jett. et of by deed recorded In Volume 423, Pop 722; Records Control. Inc. by James I- AS SHOWN HEREON. 40.382 ACRE TRACT BEING DESCRIBED '9 And being all of that tract called 10.108 acres of land conveyed to Agency Records Control, Inc. by James E. IN VOLUME 1412, PAGE 9 OF THE DEED RECORDS OF GJett, at of by dead recorded In Volume 423, Page 725; BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. And being all of that tract called 0.019 acres of land conveyed to Agency Rsoords Control, Inc. by Robert VVV AMS P O..J,, ECT LOCATION Bower. Jr.. at al by dead recorded In Volume 496, Page 647; And being all of that tract called 1.471 acme of land conveyed to Agency Records Control, Inc. by Robert Bower. Jr.. at of by dead recorded In Volume 496, Page 645 of the Dead Rocords of Brazos County, Texas. Said 41.81 acre tract being more particularly described by motes and boundo as follows: BEGINNING at a 311r diameter Iron rod found marking the southeast comer of Lot 2, Block One of the T.J. Addition, some Iron rod also marking the northwest comer of Lot 1, Block OAe of some T.J. Addition and LQ lying on the east right-of-way line of Texas State Highway No. 6 East By -Pass; PROJECT THENCE N OS'54' V W along said east right-of-way line of Texas State highway No. 6 East By -Pass for a 610 STATE HWY6 EASTBY-PAS I S distance of 129.42 fed to a concrete highway monument for comer, THENCE N 00`28' 20r W continuing along sold cost right-of-way line of Texas State Highway No. 6 East LOCATION 0 By -Pan for a distance of 41.96 feet to a 1/2' diameter iron rod act for comer, THENCE N 00*101 10* W continuing along said east right-of-way line of Texas State Highway No. 6 East C <1 SCALEt I " IN"T it 700' By -Pan for a distance of 1741.08 feet to a 1/2' diameter Iron rod set for comer, sold iron rod also marking the northwest comer of sold 41.81 acre tract and the southwest comer of the ARC/AMS 21.12 acre tract recorded In Volume 615, Page 754 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Tsxce; NIS THENCE S 88'42' 46' E along the common fine between said 41.81 acre tract and ARC/AMS 21.12 acre tract C, for a distance of 920.48 feet to a 1/2' diameter Iron rod set for angle point; THENCE S 47*31, 52' E continuing along some common line between said 41.81 acre tract and ARC/AMS k 21.12 acre tract for a distance of 774.64 feet to a 1/2' diameter Iron rod set for comer, said comer oleo lying oe on the northwest right-of-way line of Sebesto Road and marking the northeast comer of said 41.81 acre tract oat p 16) and the southeast comer of said 21.12 acre ARC/AMS tract; 0 THENCE S 471&T W along sold northwest right-of-way line of Sebesto (toad for a distance of 598.40 y IdOL 1% feet to a 1/2* diameter Iron rod found for comer, THENCE S 4749' 51* E continuing along sold northwest right-of-way line of Sebesto Road for a distance of �\' it / C f - \ 10-00 feet to a 112' diameter Iron rod found for comer, THENCE S 4715' 38' W continuing along sold northwest right-of-way line of Sebesto Road for a distance of 1262.33 fed to a 11:r diameter Iron rod found for comer, �X THENCE N 0718' Sir E for a distance of 15.60 feet to a 112' dionieter Iron rod found for comer, said iron rod also lying on the northwest right-of-way line of Sebesto Road and marking the east comer of Lot 1, Block One, T.J. Addition; \ /2. 1 R. / ' / -\ O� THENCE N 0,729' 4er E along the common line between said 41.81 acre tractand some Lot 1, Block One, T.J. .0, Addition for a distance of 132.21 feet to a 5/1r diameter iron rod found 14 comer, sold iron rod also marking the northeast comer of said Lot 1, Block One, T.J. Addition; S' If A- THENCE S 60`29' 587 W continuing along some common line between said 41.81 acre tract and some Lot 1, Block One, T.J. Addition for a distance of 267.58 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 41.81 XICINITY MAP acres of land, more or low. '0001� C2 —SOD E: S_ INSET FOR "AMS-\ R N OAD CONNECTION TO EMERALD PARKWAY. to, <1 "157 T 3 I-P LO 35.879 ACRES Lj_j 00 ` A ' A t l 1 ( N <1\ BLOCK 0 Lim Ck" 0 v'j Cd ' �� t \ i �� f l r 1 \\ 2s V, 0- • Q: 0o 00 /0 .0 L?T 2 4500 A CREs If PROPOSED 10' R. 0. W. (0.061 ACRES) *36'42 "'W 10. 06 V ORIGINAL LOTHW Lai*2 -_T—J._A"WH4QN_\ -V FND. 314 1. P. If FND. 5/8R t ; �� a.v t�` i It '; �:'�� N E FND. 112' R. 28 0 * I '1858" E — 15.60 L L GRIT I I N "s 12:2946" tl ; _ \ ` . \` �\ ``� ` ,` '+` . - ; �� i ``` '' l 114, E lJ2.21 1< '29158" N 60 10 W — 267-58 "I I lo;l C'4 </ 0 N 0 --LOT I LOC 0 G T J. ADDITI ON C-) /Ot X 25' Private Access 38' Easement UMENT 10' UTILITY EASEMFNT CONCRETE HIGHWA CON FND. 112" LR. 282.52 A2 ter V,/",, P_ P"'Z Q 0P.P. "10'10" W 1741.067 6015WIA44 Water ar 1 1\12' I.R. 112' 1. 129.42 "54#32 VV N 06 ILI 0 N 00-28'20" W — 41-96 OWNER/I)EVELOPER: C.S.L. Texas, Inc. P.O. Drawer 433 Bryan, Texas 778()6 1 �409) 823-8153