HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlam Addition PPI, l No. of , MMAI P 0r 81,6 ALIT fWr ESN-ITM5 �%At d Professional Land Surveyor, that this plat represents the results ground, under my supervision, and >t of my knowledge. f ezas 5Wo H 300 R.O.W. (Md E L 1 P, W i ✓Aft, o2vi i / 8pYoc4 , MKyof,r sr. v COLLEGE STATION BUSINESS PARK SOUINOAIfp z ` met / Op�QEQ'OOVE g a vdrrt S i`1 99 yy g� 9 � T6 pp gyp, VICINITY MAP N no t to scale N ,A%W IhXf 96to but not lenlied & Ms f&q q., 1, Gla7ket �� executed by Mrs. J, B Ma� 5r. to Wd/lrm Wafer-1 Caparatft dated Jw 2!, IRA reas� h Mae 295, Paw -120, AC, 2, Dla�ketb'lght o%W Paseme�st executedbyMrs, J, � Mash fotl�Gtfr/ af'Brr,+an datedAwtt2� 1,476, rearded h V4rne359, Paw 289,19,PPC. (heed reference 4Tmm to be xt*rht,Add read 1/66w008, Page 289.) eas� a=t&d by taw hkvb>"e-wq Cmpaxf dated Akme ff /8, l98/, reurded h Vdjw 505, Par85/, PRAC a&m aafl`ect flits ira . Ommat exeated br aw--h-Wx hi Shad idi, PwyAwnh, J, MA to 5em)del /rxlhe aaydafedNwawl0,1981, recorded h value 006, Pagc 1, PIVIC ai snot ed this a ldtd eases exea�ted by ta�tse Marsh,Peews, bdn ly xial fnow of Me Ar rust Jdr, Am Anew, J:, � K'eews axl Marsha beeves Amhe toik-C&I ofcdlw %tbl dated Jdy 24 IW8, recorded h Vduw'W,, Page 29/, OXAC daes rot af%ct this tract, b'rcfit ol&=ol exeutfed byta ae Mash r ww-q, hydlvtd* ad as 1naieeofthr-�t'ee�s fiu9itoP Crassh�P�La�Ccrr;naxldated OcEa�xr l5, l99/, reca-cad h I/a4me 15 t l?/, UZBG rs sfwwn cn fa►its tra^t as anapproxhtaiedla�iar, lheexaet must be�eimteday tlw grad fran the sfakhgofd wutdik/by dr pgrxmawav, easement exea&d bytaAtm-Mawh s & immL-P/pelheCofaw dated Ah l8,1981, reared h �6fiW 505, Page801, PRAC adeas w7i executed by aa-"H-41m Marsh ad Jalfn y Masi, J; MG, 49 ewm re �hv ���19uairw heaa5hate /raUn hs � o d w #v quad Fran t%--Whgoffheutdliq,6! doppdty avpaW, I&Prgw# is tat ha 100 Yca-PlaxlhwdArea w eo&*A%d by de Pederd tr Ma�tagemaltAviv4 rya A lCO200Cef edm date; � l5 `C4 ofUege 54atue%lrkd tasowit was depkW h east h Vdiene 929/Page 9/9 C wmdePodprCmpax!), A&Air referaw�e 15 fzrU .L*b lhes ar Shawn as pa-Gty Ordhak a aden af/rerwee &*d dnmareaL4.47gw6sdinwee&*d,, ib,/ectlrz-t1s premwq I Cwrwit zanhq 45AOCAVa&rd-Opad , * IWOlplat fxarhgased w basis ofhwhq, 1.75 Au"RES R. STEVENSON LEAGUE, A-54 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS OWNER/DEVELOPER: Khandaker Alam 24119 Broken Bow Lane Hockley, Texas 77802 (409) 268-1008 SCALE: 1" = 20' GARRETT ENGINEERING Consulting Engineering & Land Surveying 4444 Carter Creek Parkway Suite 108 Bryan, Texas 77802 Phone: 409 / 846 — 2688 I T 0 O a7 Mm O 0 O C 09 M3U) C3 A� 1z z c m O 37 -p rn m cn z z M U) O b D n O 0° o� m �En CA D �z z c m O M -D rn !n cn � z z M O In- 9 71 O D.W. — D.\1998\DAVID\98568RPP.DWG