HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-2722 - Ordinance - 05/13/2004ORDINANCE NO. ~ AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TEJAS MEDICAL WASTE, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. A NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE FOR THE PRIVILEGE AND USE OF PUBLIC STREETS. ALLEYS, AND PUBLIC WAYS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENGAGING IN THE BUSINESS OF COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF TREATED AND UNTREATED MEDICAL WASTE FROM VARIOUS HEALTH CARE-RELATED FACILITIES WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS: PRESCRIBING THE TERMS. CONDITIONS. OBLIGATIONS. AND LIMITATIONS UNDER WHICH SAID FRANCHISE SHALL BE EXERCISED. PROVIDING FOR THE CONSIDERATION, FOR PERIOD OF GRANT; FOR ASSIGNMENT. FOR METHOD OF ACCEPTANCE; FOR REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES AND FOR PARTIAL INVALIDITY WHEREAS, the City of College Station, regulates the collection and disposal of all solid waste generated from wlthtn the corporate limits of the City of College Station; and WHEREAS, the City of College Station may, pursuant to Article XI of its Charter, grant franchises to other entities for the use of pubhc streets, alleys and thoroughfares within the corporate hmlts of CITY and for the collection and disposal o£ treated and untreated medical wastes generated from within the corporate hmlts of the City &College Statton, and WHEREAS, Tejas Medical Waste is engaged in the business of collection and disposal of treated and untreated medical waste from bealtb care-related facilities and ts requesting a franchise to operate its business within the Ctty limits &the City of College Station; and WHEREAS, the City of College Statton (heretnafter referred to as "CITY"), believes it ts tn the best interest of College Statton to offer Tejas Medical Waste a franchise on such terms and con&t~ons as will provide College Station with control and options necessary to provide for the public good, now, tberefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COLrNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, THAT DEFINITIONS I.! For the purposes of this Ordinance, when not inconsistent with the context, words, used in the present tense include the fiaure tense, words in the plural include lhe singular, and words m the singular include the plural, and the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders whenever the sense requires. The words "shall" and "will" are mandatory and the word "may" is permissive Words not defined in this Ordinance shall be given their common and ordinary meaning. Page l (.'onthtct No Ordinance No fi/-7 ~ 1.2 For the purposes of this Ordinance, the following words, terms, phrases and their derivations shall have the mean,rig gtven in Sectton. I 1 FroneMse means thts ordinance and all fights and obliganons established hereto or as ~t may be amended. CITY means the Ctty of College StaUon, a home role municipal corporauon tn the State of Texas. City Council or "Council" means the governing body of the City of College Stauon. City bIanuger means the the C~ty offictal appointed by the City Council who is responstble for the daffy operauon of the City of College Station. Bravos Valley Solid Waste Management 4gency or B~WMA means a permitted mumctpal sohd waste facfltty .lomtly owned by the Ctues of Bryan and College Statton and operated by the City of College Stauon on behalf of the ctties as authorized by an interlocal agreement Customers. Those health care-related factht~es located wnhm the CITY that generate treated and untreated medical waste. Medical Wastes means medical wastes as that term is defined tn 30 T.A.C. 330.2174h (93)~ ¢ 141 ), and ( 141 )(CI as tt now exmts or as ts hereafter amended Treated or Processed Medical Waste ts medtcal waste lhat has been treated as provided m 25 T A C. 1.133 and 1.136 as it now extsts or as it ts hereafter amended. COMPANY means Tejas Medtcal Waste, a privately held corporation incorporated in the State of Texas which provtdes medical waste management servtces for the healthcare tndustry as well as providing destrucuon services to major pharmaceutical manufacturers and whtch operates tn the State of] exas as well as other states. T. 4.C. means the Texas Admmtstrattve Code as ~t now exists or as tt xs hereinafter amended Force Majeure means, w~thout limitation, by the followtng enumeration, acts of God and the public enemy, the elements, fire, or acctdents TCEQ means Texas Commmmon on Environmental Quality. Page 2 C'ontr,,ct No Ordinance No. 11. GRANT OF NONEXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE 2.1 CITY hereby grants to COMPANY a nonexclusive franchise to operate and establish in College Station, as constituted as of the effective date of this Franchise, or as may hereafter be constituted to collect and dispose of treated and untreated medical waste from various health care-related faclhties within the juns&ctional hmlts of CITY, and COMPANY is hereby granted passage and right-of-way on, along and across the streets, avenues, rights-of-way, alleys, and highways within the corporate hrmts of College Station, for any such servtce and lawful purpose as herein mentioned, provided that all such work, activity and undertakings by COMPANY shall be subject to the terms and provisions of this Franchise and the continuing exercise by College Station of its governmental and police powers, and prowded further that nothing hereto shall be construed to require or authorize COMPANY to exceed any rights granted herein or by the TCEQ 2.2 Nothing m th~s Franchise shall be construed as granting any exclusive franchise or right. IlL FRANCHISE AND RENTAL FEES 3.1. For and m consideration ofthe use of the CITY's rights-of-way, streets, alleys, highways, avenues and thoroughfares as well as in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained hereto, COMPANY agrees to and shall pay to CITY upon acceptance of tlus Agreement and thereafter during the term hereof, a sum equivalent to five percent (5%1 of COMPANY's monthly gross delivery and hauhng revenues generated from COMPANY's prowsion of collection and disposal of treated and untreated medical waste services within the CITY. Said payment shall be paid quarterly to the CITY's Finance Deparm~ent and shall be due by the twenueth of the month following the end of the previous quarter 3.2 The franchise fee shall be m heu of any and all other College Station m~posed rentals or compensation or franchise, license, pnwlegc, instrument, occupation, excise or revenue taxes or fees and all other exacuon's or charges lexcept ad valorem property taxes, special assessments for local improvements, city sales tax, and such other charges for utility services nnposed umformly upon persons, firms or corporations then engaged .n business wflh~n College Station) or permits upon or relating to the business, revenue, franchise, eqmpment, and other facflmes of COMPANY and all other property of COMPANY and ~ts acuv~tles, or any part thereof, m College Station which relate to the operation of COMPANY's medical waste collection business 3.3 Payment after that date shall incur a ten percent (10%) penalty on the outstanding amount owed under this article, and after written not~ce by CITY, may constnute a bas~s for forfeiture or termination under this Franchise and CITY pursuant to Art,cie 8 hereto. Page 3 Contracl No Oq"~e:l~e O~linance No ~. IV. TERM OF FRANCHISE 4.1 The term ofth~s franchise shall be for a period of two (2l years beginntng on the 1st day of August. 2064. V. SERVICE TO BE PROVIDED BY COMPANY 5.1 COMPANY shall furmsh service consistent with the rcqmmments and intent of th~s Franchise. and spemfied in th~s ordinance as now or hereafter approved by the Council or other regulatory authority having jurisdiction, w~thout unreasonable discnmmatton, to all areas of College Station 5.2 COMPANY shall maintain ~ts properly and eqmpment m good order and working condition, consistent wtth the needs of the services rendered therefrom and in accordance w~th 30 T A C. 330 1005(gl through 10. 5.3 COMPANY agrees that a standby vehicle shall always be available 5.4 COMPANY's vehicles shall at all times be clearly marked w~th COMPANY's name and TCEQ registration number m letters not less than three (3} roches tn height. 5.5 COMPANY's operat,nns shall be conducted in a manner that minimizes norse, disturbance, and commouon. 5.6 COMPANY shall use all proper skdl and care, and exercise all due and proper precautions that meet or exceed industry standards and TCEQ regulatory requirements to prevent iojury to any person or, person(s) and damage to any properly 5.7 COMPANY shall register their operations w~th the TCEQ prior to commencing operations under th~s Franchise and shall provide proof of such registration and renewal thereof annually to CITY. 5.8 AD VALOREM TAXES COMPANY agrees to render a list am~ually of all persooal properly utilized tn ~ts treated and untreated med:cal waste operauon services to Brazos Cotlnty Appraisal D~strict so that said personal property will be subject to ad valorem taxation by the apphcable taxing entrees Page4 ( onuact No ~tlt''[j{ Ordinance No ~."/~:X. 5.9 DISPOSAL SITE FOR TREATED MEDICAL WASTE Unless approved otherwise in writing by CITY, COMPANY shall utilize the BVSWMA landfill located on Rock Prairie Road, College Station or any other mnniopal landfill site des~guated by CITY for its mumcrpal solid waste disposal for disposal of all treated medical waste collected by COMPANY from within the corporate limits ofthe Oty of College Station. Untreated medical waste collected by COMPANY within the corporate hmtts of the City of College Station will be treated and d~sposed of at any sxte of COMPANY's selection, provided however, that any site used shall be permitted to accept this classification of waste by the appropriate regulatory authority 5.10 CITY shall have access to all books of accounts and records of ~ts business operations from which Gross Receipts may be determraed. 5.11 COMPANY further agrees CITY may review its books and records, during normal business hours and on a non-d.sraptive basis, as reasonably necessary to monitor compliance w~th the terms hereof, or as otherwise required by law (al COMPANY shall keep complete m~d accurate books of accounts and records of tis bus~ness and operations from which Gross Receipts may be determined The following records and reports shall be filed monthly with the City Manager or his delegate Reports of all complaints and investigations received from any customer or regulatory authority and remedml action taken by COMPANY in response to said complaints ii. A hst~ng of all COMPANY's customer accounts and monthly revenue derived from collections made in the CITY under the terms of this Agreement The reports shall include customer's name, address, frequency of pick-up, number of containers, pounds of waste collected by customer separated by treated and untreated, and monthly charges. 5.12 COMPLAINTS COMPANY shall respond to any customer complmnts. Paty customer complmnts received by CITY shall be forwarded to COMPANY w~thm twenty-four 124l hours of thor receipt. COMPANY shall notl fy CITY of action taken within twenty-four (24) hours following ~ccipt of complaint Failure to timely respond to Customer complaints by COMPANY may result in the imposition of a Twenty-five Dollar ($25 00) per incident charge from CITY payable with the next payment duc to CITY under Article [II of this Agreement. Page 5 Conlract No i~tt~'"[~[ Ordinance No 5.13 COMPANY agrees to provide flee service to CITY dunng periodic CITY clean-up campaigns and following natural disasters or Acts of God. 5.14 TERMINATION OF SERVICE COMPANY must notify CITY ~n writing oftermmauon of any customer's service for cause via registered mall within forty-eight {481 hours of said termination and the basis therefor. VI. TITLE TO WASTE 6.1 Sole and exclusive title to all treated and untreated medical waste collected by COMPANY under this Agreement shall pass to COMPANY when said waste is placed on COMPANY's truck. VII. RATES, RULES AND REGULATIONS 7.1 The COMPANY shall charge for the aforementioned services according to the rates set out in the Schedule of Rates attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated hereto by reference The Schedule of Rates may be revised periodically and must be submitted to the City Manager or his delegate upon each rev~swn and will be attached to the original franchise agreement VIII. FORFEITURE AND TERMINATION OF FRANCHISE 8.1 In addition to all other rights and powers retained by CITY tinder this Franchise or otherwise. CITY reserves the right to declare this Franchise forfeited and to terminate the Franchise and all rights and pnvdeges of COMPANY hereunder in the event of a material breach of the terms, covenants, or conditions herein set forth. A material breach by COMPANY shall tnclt, de. but not be hmlted to. the following: Fmlure to pay the fee prescribed by A~icle HI: Failure to materially provide the services provided for in this Franchise, Material misrepresentation of fact in the application for or negotiation of this Franchise. Contract No O~d~.t' Page 0 Ordinance No. Conviction of any director, officer, employee, or agent of COMPANY of the offense of bribery or fraud connected with or resulting fi.om the awarding of thru Franchise, Material misrepresentations of fact knowingly made to CITY with respect to or regarding COMPANY's operations, management, revenues, services or reports required pursuant to this Franchise, 6. Revocation or denial of registration or renewal of registration by TCEQ, 7 Excessive interruption in service for a period of seventy-two (72} hours or more due to causes other than force majeure. 8.2 COMPANY shall not be excused by mere economic hardship nor by misfeasance or malfeasance of its directors, officers or employees 8.3 CITY may after a heanng as described herein, revoke and cancel the Franchise by and between the parties and said Franchise shall be null and void CITY shall mall notice to COMPANY, at the address designated herein or at such address as may be designated from time to time, by registered mall The notice shall specify the time and place of the hearing and shall include the allegations being asserted for the revocation ofthis Agreement. The hearing shall be conducted in public before the City Council and COMPANY shall be allowed to present evidence and be given an opportunity to answer all reasons for the termination set forth in the notice In the event that the Council detenmnes that the allegations set forth are true as set forth in the notice, it may by majority vote cancel this Agreement between the parties at no penalty to the CITY. IX. RECEIVERSHIP AND BANKRUPTCY 9.1 The Council shall have the right to cancel this Franchise one hundred twenty (120) days after the appointment of a receiver or trustee to take over and conduct the business of COMPANY, whether in receivership, reorganization, ba 'nkmptcy, other action or proceeding, whether voluntary or involuntary, unless such receivership or trusteeship shall have been vacated prior to the expiration of said one hundred twenty { 1201 days, unless 9.2 Within one hundred twenty (120) days after his election or appointment, such receiver or trustee shall have fully complied with all the provisions of this franchise and reme&ed all defauhs thereunder, or Cont,,,ct No ~t',~/ Page 7 Ordinance No ~, 7 ~ ,,~ 9.3 Such receiver or trustee, within one hundred twenty (120) days, shall have executed an agreement, duly approved by the court hawng jtmsdictton, whereby the receiver or trustee assumes and agrees to be bound by each and every provimon ofth,s Franchise. IN DEMN I FICATION 10.1 COMPANY shall not dispose of any untreated medical waste, special waste or other hazardous waste or any waste that the landfill is not permitted to accept by TCEQ. COMPANY hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold CITY harmless for disposal of any such waste whether intentional or inadvertent. 10.2 COMPANY shall indemnify and hold CITY harmless from any and all injuries to persons or claims of damage to property caused by COMPANY, its agents, employees, and representatives. 10.3 COMPANY agrees to and shall indemnify and hold harmless CITY, its officers, agents and employees, from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, causes of action, suits, and liability of every kind, including all expenses of litigation, court costs, and attorney's fees, for injury to or death of any person, or for damage to any property, arising out of or in connection with the services provided or medical waste collected, treated, or disposed of by COMPANY under this contract, regardless of whether such injuries, death or damages are caused in whole or in part by the negligence, including but not limited to the contractual comparative negligence, concurrent negligence or gross negligence, of CITY. 10.4 COMPANY assumes responsibility and liability and hereby agrees to indemnify the City of College Station from any liability caused by COMPANY's failure to comply with applicable federal, state or local laws and regulations, touching upon the maintenance of a safe and protected working environment, and the safe use and operation of machinery and equipment in that working environment. XI. INSURANCE 1 I.I COMPANY shall procure and maintain at ~ts sole cost and expense for the duranon of the Agreement ~nsumnce against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or ~n connecuon wdh the performance of the work hereunder by COMPANY. ~ts agents, representatives, volunteers, employees or subcommctors 11.2 COMPANY's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance wtth respect to the CITY, ~ts officials, employees and ~olunteers Any insurance or selfqnsnrance maintained by the Page 8 O~dmanceNo. ~-7''~' CITY, its officials, employees or volunteers shall be considered ,n excess of the COMPANY's insurance and shall not conmbute to it. 11.3 COMPANY shall include all subcontmctom as addmonal mst, red under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. 11.4 All Certificates of Insurance and endorsements shall be furnished to the CITY's Representative at the time of execution of this Agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit B, and approved by the CITY before work commences. A Standard Insurance Pohctes Reqmred' 1. Commercial General Llabdlty Policy 2 Automobile Liability Policy 3 Workers' Compensation Policy 4. Polluuon Liability Policy 5 Excess Liability Policy B General Requirements Apphcable to all Pohctes. 1. Only Insurance Carders licensed and admitted to do business in the State of Texas will be accepted. 2. Deductibles shall be listed on the Certificate of Insurance and are acceptable only on a per occt,rrenee basis for property damage only 5 6 "Clanns Made" policies will not be accepted Each insurance pohcy shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled, reduced in coverage or m I,mlts except after thirty {30) days prior written notice by certified mall. return receipt requested, has been g~ven to the City of College Station. Upon request, certified copies of all insurance policies shall be furnished to the City of College Station. The C~ty of College Station. its officials, employees and volunteers, are to be added as "Additional Insured" to all applicable Liability policies The coverage shall contain no special hmltat,ons on the scope of protection afforded to the CITY, its officmls, employees or volunteers C. Commercial General LtabthO' I General Liability insurance shall be written by a career w~th an Bq- VII or better rating in accordance with the current Best Key Rating Guide 2. Minimum Limit orS1.000.000.00 per and $2,000,000.00 am~ual aggregate . £ ontract No Ot'/-[~[ Page q Ordinance No ~' ''/ E F G 3. Coverage shall be at least as broad as Insurance Servtce's Office Number CG 00 01. 4 5. No coverage shall be deleted from the standard policy wlthont notification of mdlvldnal exclusions being attached for review and acceptance. The coverage shall include but not be limited to the following premises/operations; independent contracts; products/completed operations; contractual liability (insuring the indemnity provided herein); and where exposures exist, "Explosion. Collapse, and Underground" coverage. Automobde Ltabthty 1. Business Automobile Liability insurance shall be written by a career with an B+:VII or better rating ill accordance with the current Best Key Rating Guide 2 Minimum Combined Single Limit of' $1,000,000 00 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage 3. The Business Auto Policy must show Symbol I in the Covered Autos portion of the liability section in Item 2 of the declarations page. 4 The coverage shall include owned or leased autos, non-owned autos, and hired cars 5 COMPANY is responsible for any liability and/or costs that exceed the dollar limits set forfi~ in this section. Workers' Compensation 1 Employer's Liability limits of $500,00015500,000/$500,000 are required 2. City of College Station shall be named as Alteroate Employer on endorsement WC 99 03 Ol unless written through TWCARP 3 Texas Waiver of Our R~ght to Recover from Others Endorsement, WC 42 03 04 shall be included in this policy. 4 Texas must appear in Item 3A ofthe Workers' Compensation coverage or Item 3C mnst contain the following: All States except those listed in Item 3A and the States of NV, ND, OH, WA, WV, WY Pollution LtabthO, 1. Minimum acceptable limit $2,000,000 aggregate occurrence. 2. Pollution coverage endorsement CG ¢4 22 required. and $1,000,000 per Excess Ltabthtx Page Conlract No ~tl/~'/r~/t Ordinance No ,,~ 7 1. M~mmum acceptable hmit $2,000,000 aggregate and $1,000,000 per occulTeHce. Ho Certtficates of Insurance Certificates of Insurance shall be prepared and executed by the insurance company or it's authorized agent, and shall contain the following prowsmns and warranties: 1. The company is licensed and admitted to do business in the State of Texas. 2. The insurance pohcms provided by the insurance cmnpany are underwritten on forms that have been prowded by the Texas State Board of Insarance or ISO. 3 All endorsements and insurance coverages according to requirements and instructions contained here~n. 4 5 The form of the notice of cancellation, termination, or change in coverage prov~stons to the City of College Station. Original endorsements affecting coverage reqmred by th~s section shall be ftmnshed with the certificates of insurance I 1.$ The coverage requirements set forth in this Article are ~n addition to those reqmred under 30 T.A.C 330.10050}. COMPANY shall provide proof that it has met the reqmrements of 30 T A C. 330 10050) to CITY upon the execution ofthls Franchise by COMPANY 11.6 COMPANY shall notify CITY by certified mad of the commencement of voluntary proceedings under Title II (Bankruptcy), United States Code, naming the COMPANY as debtor, within ten (10) business days after the commencement ofthe proceeding 11.7 If COMPANY is deemed to be without financial assurance pursuant to 30 T A C. 330 10050), COMPANY's operations shall be suspended until COMPANY establishes other acceptable financial assurance with the TCEQ and provides proofofsame to CITY. XII. GOVERNING LAW; LIMITATIONS; COMPLIANCE 12.1 Th~s ordinance shall be construed in accordance with the CITY's Charier and Code m effect on the Effective Date ofthts ordinance to the extent that such Cha.~er and Code are not in conflict with or in violation of the constitution and laws of the United States or the State of Texas 12.2 Th~s ordinance shall be governed in accordance with thc laws of the State of Texas 12.3 Notwithstanding any other provision m this franchise to the contrary. CITY and COMPANY shall at all times comply with all laws. roles and regulations of the state and federal £ ontr,,ct No ~-/~,/ Page Ordinance No government and any admm~strative agencies thereof, with respect to the subJeCt matter of this ordinance. XVIi I. ASSIGNMENT 13.1 This Agreement and the rights and obligattons contained herein may not be assigned by COMPANY without the specific prior written approval of the City Council. XIV. NOTICES 14.1 All notices required under the terms of this Contract to be given by eRher party to the other shall be m writing, and unless otherwise specified in writmg and shall be sent to the parties at the addresses following CITY: Tom Brymer, City Manager City of College Station P O Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 COMPANY: Janet K. McClain Tejas Medical Waste P.O. Box 1547 Copperas Cove, TX 76522 14.2 All notices shall be deemed to have been properly served only tf sent by Registered or Certified Mall, to the person(s) at the address designated as above provided, or to any other person at the address which either party may hereinafter destgnate by written nottce to the other party XV. AMENDMENTS ISA It ts understood and agreed by the parties to th~s Franchtse that no altemauon or variation to the terms of this Franchise shall be effective unless made m writing, approved by both parttes, and attached to this Agreement to become a part hereofi Page 12 Contract No ~//-/.~/ Ordinance No a~' "/~ XVI. SEVERABILITY 16.1 If any section, sentence, clause or paragraph of this Ordinance is for any reason is held to be invalid or illegal, or unenforceable, such mvahdtty, illegality or unenforeeabllity shall not affect the remaining portions of the Ordinance other than the part or parts held invalid or unconstitutional. XVII. AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE 17.1 The part~es signing the Franchise shall provide adequate proof of their authority to execute th~s Agreement. The Fmnchtse shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors or assigns, but shall not be assignable by either party without the written consent of the other party XVIll. ACCEPTANCE OF FRANCHISE BY COMPANY 18.1 In accordance with CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CITY CHARTER, SECTION 120, this Ordinance shall be effective sixty (60) days after its adoption. COMPANY shall file its written acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Ordinance with the City Secretary within thirty (30) days from the final adoption oftins Ordinance. Such acceptance shall be typed or pnnted on the letterhead of COMPANY and, with the blank spaces appropriately completed, shall be as follows: Attn CityManager Tqas Medical Waste acting by and through the undersigned who is acting within his/her official capacity and authority, hereby accepts the franchise to operate a medical waste collection service within the City of College Station, Texas {"College Station") as said franchise is set forth and prowded in Ordinance No. (the "Ordinance"). Tejas Medical Waste agrees to be bound and governed by each tem~, provision and condition of the Ordinance, to accept and to give the benefits provided for in the Ordinance in a business hkc and reasonable maimer and in compliance with the Ordinance. Page 13 C'ontr,lLt .'qo . Ordinance No. o~ 7 sR's'~ Tejas Medical Waste By: Name: TRle: XIX. PUBLIC HEARING 19.1 It is hereby found and determined that the meetings at which thts ordinance was passed were open to the pubic, as reqmred by T£XAS GOVERNM£NT COD£ § 551 (Vernon 1994. Vernon Supp. 2003}. as amended, and that advance pubhc notme of t~me. place, and purpose of said meetings was g~ven. PASSED. ADOPTED and AP_P .R.OVED by a. majonty College Statlon on th~s the ~?')~ dayof [1F~LL/ ! vote of the City Councd of the C~ty of .2004. TEJAS MEDICAL WASTE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Date Date- ATTEST: CONNIE HOOKS. Oty Secretary Page 14 £ ontract No V~-t~l Ordinance No t~ 7''a''~ APPROVAL TH6MAS ~ R'~E R .{'9{'ty Manager CHARLES. CRYAN, I~ctor of Fiscal City Attorney Scrvic:e$ F~rst Constdcrauon and Approval: Second Consideration and Approval Third Conslderauon and Approval Page 15 Contrac! No Ordinance No. Exhibit "A" SCHEDULE OF RATES Page Co.tr.,ct So d/'/~'~/ Rates for pick up of medical waste - College Station weekly pickups bl-weeldy pickups monthly pickups $17 00 per box $20 00 per box $25 00 per box Should large quantity generators (i e hospitals) reqmrc a per pound ram, we would negotiate individually when thc occasion arises ~.'q>tr mint D ~t. n .$ .Ol)4 · ge :hax¢ r~:txed '.,our ~ompleted REGISTRATION FORM FOR TRA,~SPORTERS OF MEDICAL WASTE tot tuner, al al 'fa Ord~nanceNo. o~'7~'';~' Exhibit "B" CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE Page 17 03/17/2004 88:15 281589BBB5 'TOM _ACORD. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE Named P/~.-~E 02t02 0~/08/2004 22;42 28[5899889 ~ ~'EWN~T P~- ~ OMB No. PURCHASING TBXAS 'WI311~J' ~'rio~1 ~OMMIImON &ndtmdd Jtmd;q. ,~ bath m4s Amlh, ~ E~IOOS' b-~od~ee,x,e~b.~' -' -' -- Imtmmm~'barm. mmbdd'pm~mmmi~mbi~bfmum~h~mlmfbmgmWmebmmmWmmmpbyemm, ld Ibemlmk ~mmlm. ..I _-m '-' i~ ' d,.~_~=- I .dCOlIjI bi .I I~l'dm~. "de--.'---. baubemmmormmmbq~Oreml '. ' -~' - - undwTmmWadm~'CampmsmimAd, T(zuL~bor Elm Submmmm~b e~ m m ff~ emmmar mdd tram b d'&'d tmdm' Bmba 406.121 of IIm.A~t; dim Stdmmomtmatm. md b Mm ~ m m mmmq~bye~ mr tim Gmmml Cm~mumor br Pum~mmmmr'of 'bm ~. 'mrs m A m.6,vm~F Amtfm,~e~ ~ er Subemmmor Gme~d Cmmmr m~ fm d'b h d lmm m m immfm'.