HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/17/2019 - Regular Minutes - Rock Prairie Management District No. 2ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 MINUTES OF MEETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS January 17, 2019 The Board of Directors (the "Board") of Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 (the "District") met in special session, open to the public on January 17, 2019, at 4121 State Highway 6 South, College Station, Brazos County, Texas 77845, in accordance with the duly posted notice of meeting, and the roll was called of the duly constituted members of said Board of Directors, as follows: Uri Geva -President Hays Glover -Vice President Kamal Ariss -Assistant Vice President Jonathan Stark -Secretary Randall G. Rother -Assistant Secretary and all of said persons were present, except Director Geva, thus constituting a quorum. Also present were James Murr of College Station Town Center, Inc. ("CSTC"); Cynthia Colondres of Municipal Accounts & Consulting, L.P. ("MAC"); Jim Russ of Edminster, Hinshaw, Russ and Associates, Inc. ("EHRA"); Avik Bonnerjee of B&A Municipal Tax Service, LLC ("B&A"); Aubrey Nettles and Councilmember Jerome Rektorik of the City of College Station, Texas ("City"); and Christina Cole of Schwartz, Page & Harding, L.L.P. ("SPH"). In the absence of the President, the Vice President called the meeting to order and declared same open for such business as might properly come before it. APPROVAL OF MINUTES As the first order of business, the Board considered approval of the minutes of its meeting held on August 9, 20 18. After review and discussion, Director Rother moved that the minutes for said Board meeting be approved, as written. Director Stark seconded said motion, which unanimously carried. BOOKKEEPING REPORT Ms. Colondres presented to and reviewed with the Board a Bookkeeping Report, a copy of which report is attached hereto as Exhibit A, including checks presented for payment. Following discussion, Director Ariss moved that said Bookkeeping Report be approved and that the checks identified in the report be approved for payment. Director Glover seconded the motion, which unanimously carried. ANNUAL REVIEW OF ORDER ESTABLISHING POLICY FOR INVESTMENT OF DISTRICT FUNDS AND APPOINTING INVESTMENT OFFICER The Board considered the review of its Order Establishing Policy for Investment of District Funds and Appointing Investment Officer ("Investment Policy"), and the adoption of a Resolution in connection therewith. Ms. Cole presented for the Board 's review an amended Investment Policy, and a Resolution Regarding Review of Order Establishing Policy for Investment of District Funds and Appointing Investment Officer ("Resolution"). Ms. Cole discussed with the Board the amendments to the Public Funds Depositor Collateral Security Agreement included in the Investment Policy. The Resolution and the Investment Policy are attached hereto as Exhibit B. Following discussion, Director Ariss moved that the amended Investment Policy be approved to reflect the proposed changes discussed, that the Board adopt the Resolution and that the Vice President be authorized to execute and the Secretary to attest the Investment Policy and the Resolution on behalf of the Board and the District. Director Rother seconded said motion, which unanimously carried. PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING ADOPTION OF THE DISTRICT'S 2018 TAX RATE AND LEVY OF THE DISTRICT'S 2018 TAX RATE AND ADOPTION OF AN ORDER IN CONNECTION THEREWITH The Board conducted a hearing regarding the imposition of a proposed maintenance tax rate for 2018. Mr. Bonnerjee confirmed that notice of this hearing was mailed to each owner of taxable property in the District, at the address shown on the most recently certified tax roll of the District, at least ten days before the date of this meeting, as provided by law. It was noted that no taxpayers appeared at the hearing. Upon motion by Director Glover, seconded by Director Ariss and unanimously carried, the hearing was closed. The Board then discussed the setting of the 2018 tax rate. After discussion on the matter, Director Glover moved that: (i) the Board adopt the tax rate as proposed at the District's August 9, 2018, meeting and as reflected in the notice mailed by B&A; (ii) the Board levy a 2018 maintenance tax rate of $0.50 per $100 of valuation; (iii) the Order Levying Taxes attached hereto as Exhibit C be adopted in connection therewith and that the Vice President be authorized to execute and the Secretary to attest same on behalf of the Board and the District, and (iv) SPH be authorized to provide the City of College Station, Texas, with notice of the adoption of such tax rate in accordance with the City's ordinance consenting to the creation of the District. Director Ariss seconded said motion, which carried unanimously. AMENDMENT TO THE DISTRICT INFORMATION FORM RELATIVE TO THE DISTRICT 'S 2018 TAX RATE Ms. Cole presented and discussed with the Board an Amendment to the District Information Form relative to the District's 2018 tax rate. After discussion regarding said Form, Director Glover moved that the Amendment to the District Information Form be approved and that the Board members present be authorized to execute same on behalf of the Board and the District. Director Stark seconded said motion, which carried unanimously. -2- 511752 TAX ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Bonnerjee then presented and reviewed with the Board the Tax Assessor-Collector reports for the months ended August 31, 2018, September 30, 2018, October 31, 2018, November 30, 2018, and December 31, 2018, including checks presented for payment. Copies of such reports are attached hereto as Exhibit D. After discussion, Director Rother moved that the Tax Assessor-Collector Reports be approved and that the checks identified in the reports be approved for payment. Director Glover seconded said motion, which unanimously carried. RESOLUTION CONCERNING EXEMPTIONS FROM TAXATION Ms. Cole outlined for the Board the various tax exemptions available for the District, including the exemptions provided for by Article VIII, Section 1-b of the Texas Constitution, and Section 11.13 of the Tax Code, as amended. She advised that under said provisions, the District may provide for the exemption of up to 20% (but not less than $5,000, if granted) of the market value of residential homestead improvements for the year 2019, and the District may also exempt residential homesteads of persons who are under a disability for purposes of payment of disability insurance benefits under the Federal Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Act, or its successor, or persons sixty-five years of age or older from ad valorem taxes levied by the District during the calendar year 2019, and, if any such exemptions are granted, they must be for not less than $3,000 of the market value of such homesteads. After further discussion of the matter, Director Ariss moved that the District (a) not grant the general residential homestead exemption, and (b) not grant an exemption for homesteads of persons under a disability or sixty­ five years of age or older, and that the Resolution, attached hereto as Exhibit E relative to same be approved and adopted by the Board and the District. Director Glover seconded said motion, which carried unanimously. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN ADDITIONAL PENALTY ON DELINQUENT PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES The Board considered the adoption of a Resolution Authorizing an Additional Penalty on Delinquent Personal Property Taxes. Ms. Cole advised that the Board is authorized, pursuant to Section 33.11 of the Texas Tax Code, as amended, to impose, under certain conditions, an additional penalty not to exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total taxes, penalty and interest due the District on personal property taxes that become delinquent on or after February 1, 2019 and that remain delinquent 60 days after the date upon which they become delinquent, as more fully described in said Resolution. After discussion, it was moved by Director Glover, seconded by Director Ariss and unanimously carried, that the Resolution Authorizing an Additional Penalty on Delinquent Personal Property Taxes, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit F, be adopted by the Board, and that the District's delinquent tax attorneys be authorized to collect delinquent personal property taxes beginning May 1, 2019, including the filing of lawsuits, as necessary. ENGINEERING REPORT Mr. Russ presented and reviewed with the Board an Engineering Report dated January -3 - 511752 2019, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit G. Following presentation of the Engineer's Report and discussion of the action items contained therein, Director Ariss moved to (i) concur in the payment of the pay estimates as set forth in the Engineer's Report, and (ii) concur in College Station Downtown Residential, LLC's award of the construction contract for water, sanitary sewer, drainage and paving facilities for Lakeway Drive Reserve, Phase 101, to Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. in the amount of $447,933.00, subject to the District's attorneys' review of the payment and performance bonds and insurance certificate submitted in connection with the contract to determine if the payment and performance bonds and insurance meet the requirements of the bid specifications, the Texas Insurance Code, the rules of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the provisions of the Texas Water Code. Director Stark seconded the motion, which unanimously carried. DEVELOPER'S REPORT The Board considered the Developer's Report. Mr. Murr introduced Ms. Nettles to the Board and discussed the Midtown project and the District's partnership with the City relative to the overall development. Mr. Murr also updated the Board on the construction of Bird Pond Road and noted that homebuilding within the District is scheduled to begin in May 2019. ATTORNEY'S REPORT The Board considered the Attorney's Report. Ms. Cole advised the Board that she had nothing of a legal nature to discuss with the Board that was not already covered under previous agenda items. REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF PROPOSALS FOR RENEWAL OF DISTRICT INSURANCE COVERAGES Ms. Cole presented for the Board's consideration proposals for renewal of the District's insurance coverages from McDonald & Wessendorffinsurance ("M&W"). Ms. Cole noted that M&W has filed TEC F01m 1295 and has provided SPH with a copy of same. Following review and discussion, Director Stark moved that the Board (i) accept such proposals, and that the Vice President be authorized to execute same on behalf of the Board and the District, and (ii) accept TEC Form 1295 submitted in connection with such proposals and authorize SPH to acknowledge the District's receipt of same with the TEC. Director Ariss seconded said motion, which unanimously carried. A copy of the accepted proposals is attached hereto as Exhibit H. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS The Board considered items for placement on future agendas. No specific agenda items, other than routine and ongoing matters were requested to be placed on a future agenda. -4 - 511752 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, on motion made by Director Stark, seconded by Director Rother, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned. &zt>-l PKsiStal1tSeCrey -5 - 511752 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 Minutes of Meeting of January 17, 2019 Exhibit A Bookkeeping Report Exhibit B Resolution, and Investment Policy Exhibit C Order Levying Taxes Exhibit D Tax Assessor-Collector Reports and Delinquent Tax Roll Exhibit E -Resolution Concerning Exemptions From Taxation Exhibit F Resolution Authorizing An Additional Penalty on Delinquent Personal Property Taxes Exhibit G Engineering Report Exhibit H Accepted Proposals for Renewal of District's Insurance from McDonald & Wessendorff Insurance -6 - 511752 EXHIBIT "A" MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTS CONSULTING, LE Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 Bookkeeper's Report January 17, 2019 1281 Brittmoore Road • Houston, Texas 77043 • Phone: 713.623.4539 • Fax: 713.629.6859 Num Name BALANCE AS OF 08/10/2018 Receipts Developer Advance Interest earned on Checking -August Interest earned on Checking -September Interest earned on Checking -October Interest earned on Checking -November Interest earned on Checking -December Total Receipts Disbursements 1059 1060 1061 1062 Fees Fees Fees Fees Fees EHRA Engineering McDonald & Wessendorff Municipal Accounts & Consulting, LlJ Schwartz, Page & Harding Compass Bank Compass Bank Compass Bank Compass Bank Compass Bank Total Disbursements BALANCE AS OF 01/17 /2019 Rock Prairie MD No. 2 -GOF Cash Flow Report -Checking Account As of January 17, 2019 Memo Engineering Fees Annual Insurance Premium Bookkeeping Fees (2 months) Legal Fees (3 months) Service Charge -August Service Charge -September Service Charge -October Service Charge -November Service Charge -December COMPASS BANK-PREMIER-#XXXX0276 2 Amount Balance ($3,830.05) 8,000.00 0.50 0.42 0.51 0.53 0.51 8,002.47 (720.00) (3,492.00) (1,027.53) (8,829.63) (0.50) (0.42) (0.51) (0.53) (0.51) (14,071.63) ($9,899.21) Rock Prairie MD No. 2 -GOF Actual vs. Budget Comparison December 2018 December 2018 June 2018 -December 2018 Annual Actual Budget Over/(Under) Actual Budget Over/(Undcr) Budget Revenues 14100 Developer Advance 0 0 0 22,000 22,000 0 73,525 14350 Maintenance Tax Collections 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 14380 Other Inco1ne 0 0 4 3 1 5 Total Revenues 0 0 22,004 22,003 1 83,530 Expenditures 16330 Legal Fees 1,030 5,000 (3,970) 20,917 35,000 (14,083) 60,000 16350 Engineering Fees 0 800 (800) 2,240 5,600 (3,360) 9,600 16430 Bookkeeping Fees 0 375 (375) 1,556 2,625 (1,069) 4,500 16460 Printing & Office Supplies 16 125 (109) 258 875 (617) 1,500 16470 Filing Fees 0 25 (25) 466 175 291 300 16480 Delivery Expense 0 8 (8) 91 58 33 JOO 16520 Postage 0 4 (4) 4 29 (25) 50 16530 Insurance & Surety Bond 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,400 16540 Travel Expense 0 90 (90) 631 630 1 1,080 16560 Miscellaneous Expense 250 (249) 4 1,750 (1,746) 3,000 'Total Expenditures 1,046 6,678 (5,632) 26,166 46,743 (20,576) 83,530 Excess Revenues (Expenditures) ($1,045) ($6,677) 55,632 ($4,163) ($24,740) $20,577 $0 3 EXHIBIT "B" RESOLUTION REGARDING REVIEW OF ORDER ESTABLISHING POLICY FOR INVESTMENT OF DISTRICT FUNDS AND APPOINTING INVESTMENT OFFICER WHEREAS, Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 ("District"), adopted its Order Establishing Policy For Investment of District Funds and Appointing Investment Officer, dated June 29, 2017 ("Order"), pursuant to Chapter 2256, Texas Government Code and Section 375.096(4), Texas Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, Chapter 2256, Texas Government Code, requires the District to perform an annual review of its investment policy and investment strategies included within the Order; and WHEREAS, the District has, on the date hereof, performed said review. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of Rock Prairie Management District No. 2, that the policies, procedures, provisions and investment strategies set forth in the Order are hereby revoked and the attached Order Establishing Policy For Investment of District Funds and Appointing Investment Officer be adopted. PASSED AND ADOPTED ON THIS 17th day of January, 2019. ATTEST: 456036_4 ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 ORDER ESTABLISHING POLICY FOR INVESTMENT OF DISTRICT FUNDS AND APPOINTING INVESTMENT OFFICER WHEREAS, ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 (the "District") is a body politic and corporate and a governmental agency of the State of Texas, operating under and governed by the provisions of Chapter 3909, Texas Special District Local Laws Code, and Sections 52 and 52-a of Article III and Section 59 of Article XVI of the Texas Constitution; and WHEREAS, Chapter 2256, Texas Government Code (sometimes referred to herein as the "Public Funds Investment Act"), and Section 375.096(4), Texas Local Government Code, require that the Board of Directors of the District adopt rules, regulations and policies governing the investment of District fu nds and designate one or more of its officers or employees to be responsible for the investment of such funds. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 THAT the policies, procedures and provisions set forth herein be and are hereby ADOPTED, and that any order, and every amendment thereto, heretofore adopted by the Board of directors establishing policies for the investment of District funds and appointing an investment officer shall be and are hereby revoked and superseded effective as of January 17, 2019, the effective date of this Order. Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Order Establishing Policy for Investment of District Funds and Appointing Investment Officer (the "Investment Policy") is to adopt rules and regulations which set forth the District's policies with regard to the investment and security of District funds or fu nds under the District's control. It is further the purpose of this Investment Policy to ensure that purchases and sales of District investments are initiated by authorized individuals, conform to investment objectives and regulations, and are properly documented and approved, and to provide for the periodic review of District investments to evaluate investment performance and security, all as required by applicable law. Section 2. Appointment of Investment Officer; Standard of Care. Mark M. Burton and Ghia Lewis of Municipal Accounts & Consulting, L.P., the District's bookkeeper, shall be and are each hereby individually designated the Investment Officer of the District, responsible for the supervision of investment of District funds pursuant to this Investment Policy. In the administration of their duties hereunder, the District's Investment Officer shall exercise the judgment and care, under prevailing circumstances, that a person of prudence, discretion and intelligence would exercise in the management of his or her own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of capital and the probable income to be derived; however, the District's Board of Directors shall retain ultimate responsibility as fiduciaries of the District's assets. The District's Board of Directors, Tax Assessor-Collector, Financial Advisor and other consultants shall be authorized to assist the Investment Officer in the carrying out of the duties ofinvestment Officer. '. Section 3. Appointment of Investment Officer and Tax Assessor-Collector for Investment of District Funds. Pursuant to Section 49.157(b), Texas Water Code, the Board of Directors hereby designates the District's Investment Officer as the authorized representative of the District to (a) invest and reinvest the funds of the District; (b) withdraw District fu nds from appropriate accounts of the District for the investment of same in accordance with the terms of this Investment Policy; and ( c) arrange for adequate security for uninsured deposits or funds of the District pursuant to and in compliance with a Public Funds Depositor Collateral Security Agreement which shall be substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "B" or such other form that has been approved through formal action of the Board of Directors, and to execute said Agreement(s) and any documentation required in connection therewith on behalf of the District. To the extent that the District's Tax Assessor-Collector is required to perform any of the functions set forth in (a), (b) or (c) above, the Tax Assessor-Collector shall do so in accordance with the provisions of the Public Funds Investment Act and this Investment Policy, and under the supervision of and in consultation with the District's Investment Officer. Section 4. Authority and Duties of Investment Officer. The following rules shall apply to the District's Investment Officer: A. The Board of Directors hereby instructs the Investment Officer for the District to maintain the investments of the District in a manner consistent with the rules and regulations set forth in this Investment Policy and the Public Funds Investment Act, as amended. B. No persons, other than those designated in Section 3 above, may deposit, invest, transfer, withdraw or otherwise manage District funds without express written authority of the District's Board of Directors. C. The Investment Officer for the District shall invest and reinvest District funds only in those investments authorized under this Investment Policy or by the Board, . and only in the name of and solely for the account of "Rock Prairie Management District No. 2." The Bookkeeper and Investment Officer for the District shall be authorized to wire transfer fu nds of the District only (I) for the purchase of investments solely in the name of " Rock Prairie Management District No. 2," (2) for the transfer of all or any portion of the principal of or interest earnings or profits or gains on any investment of the District to one or more previously authorized and established accounts of " Rock Prairie Management District No. 2," (3) for the transfer of District funds to any paying agent of the District for the payment of principal and semiannual interest payments on any outstanding bonds of the District and for the payment of paying agent fees relative to same, or ( 4) for other purposes, such as the payment of District bills, pursuant to a resolution or other express written instructions of the District's Board of Directors. 386299_5 D. The Investment Officer for the District shall, not later than the first anniversary of the date the Investment Officer takes office or assumes such duties, attend a training session of at least six ( 6) hours of instruction relating to the Investment Officer's responsibilities under the Public Funds Investment Act, as amended, from an independent source approved by the Board of Directors of the District or the Board's -2- 386299_5 Investment Committee, and thereafter shall attend at least four ( 4) hours of additional investment training within each two-year period that begins on the first day of the District's fiscal year and consists of the two consecutive fiscal years after that date. Such investment training must include education in investment controls, security risks, diversification of investment portfolio, strategy risks, market risks, and compliance with the provisions of the Public Funds Investment Act, as amended. E. Not less frequently than each fiscal quarter, the Investment Officer shall prepare and submit to the Board of Directors of the District a written report of investment transactions for all invested fu nds of the District for the preceding reporting period. Such report must (!) describe in detail the investment position of the District on the date of the report; (2) be prepared Investment Officer for the District; (3) be signed by the Investment Officer of the District; ( 4) contain a summary statement of each pooled fund group, if any has been created by the District, that states the beginning market value for the reporting period, ending market value for the period, and fully accrued interest for the reporting period; (5) state the book value and market value of each separately invested asset of the District at the end of the reporting period by the type of asset and fund type invested; ( 6) state the maturity date of each separately invested asset that has a maturity date; (7) state the current rating assigned to each investment, investment vehicle, or investment security by a nationally recognized investment rating firm, nationally recognized credit rating agency or nationally recognized rating service, as appropriate; (8) state the account or fund or pooled group fund, if the District has any, for which each individual investment was acquired; and (9) state the compliance of the District's investment portfolio as it relates to the investment strategy for each account of the District as set forth in this Investment Policy and relevant provisions of the Public Funds Investment Act, as amended. Such report must be presented to the Board of Directors of the District within a reasonable period of time after the end of each fiscal quarter. If the District invests in other than (i) money market mutual funds, (ii) investment pools, or (iii) accounts offered by its depository bank in the form of certificates of deposit, or money market accounts or similar accounts, all of the type authorized under Section 6 of this Investment Policy, the reports prepared under this Section 4.E. shall be formally reviewed at least annually by an independent auditor, and the result of such review shall be reported to the District's Board of Directors by that auditor. F. In the event an investment or investment vehicle in which the District has placed fu nds, or the security therefor, is required to maintain a minimum rating pursuant to the Public Funds Investment Act fails to maintain the minimum required rating, the Investment Officer shall take all prudent measures consistent with this Order to liquidate the investment and reinvest such funds in a conforming investment, if appropriate. G. In the event District funds are invested or reinvested in Certificates of Deposit, the Investment Officer or Tax Assessor-Collector, as applicable, shall solicit bids from at least two (2) bidders, either orally, in writing, electronically or in any combination of those methods, for each such investment. -3- '' 386299_5 H, All purchases of investments, except investments in investment pools or in mutual fu nds, shall be made on a delivery versus payment basis. I. Not less frequently than each fiscal quarter, and as close as practicable to the end of such reporting period, the District's Investment Officer shall determine the market value of each District investment. Such market values shall be included in the written reports submitted to the District's Board of Directors pursuant to Section 4.E hereinabove. The following methods shall be used: (I) Certificates of deposit shall be valued at their face value plus any accrued but unpaid interest. (2) Shares in money market mutual funds and investment pools, if any, shall be valued at par plus any accrued but unpaid interest. (3) Other investment securities may be valued in any of the following ways: (a) the lower of two bids for such security obtained from qualified securities brokers/dealers with whom the District may engage in investment transactions; (b) the average of the bid and asked prices for such security as published in The Wall Street Journal or The New York Times; ( c) the bid price for such security published by any nationally recognized security pricing service; or (d) the market value quoted by the seller of the security. J. A written copy of the District's Investment Policy must be presented to any business organization offering to engage in an investment transaction with the District. For purposes of this section J., the term "business organization" means an investment pool or an investment management firm under contract with the District to invest or manage the District's investment portfolio that has accepted authority from the District to exercise investment discretion in regard to the District's funds. The "qualified representative" of the business organization offering to engage in an investment transaction with the District shall execute a written instrument in a form acceptable to the District substantially to the effect that the business organization has received and reviewed the Investment Policy of the District and aclmowledges that such business organization has implemented reasonable procedures and controls in an effort to preclude investment transactions conducted between the District and such organization or firm that are not authorized by the District's Investment Policy, except to the extent that such authorization is dependent on an analysis of the makeup of the District's entire investment portfolio, requires an interpretation of subjective investment standards, or relates to investment transactions of the District that are not made through accounts or other contractual arrangements over which the business organization has accepted discretionary -4- 386299 _5 investment authority. The District's Investment Officer may not acquire or otherwise obtain any authorized investment described in Section 6 hereof from a business organization that has not delivered to the District the written statement acknowledging receipt of this Investment Policy in a form substantially similar to that attached hereto as Exhibit "A" (the "Certificate of Compliance"). For purposes of this Section 4.J., the "qualified representative" of a business organization offering to engage in an investment transaction with the District means a person who holds a position with a business organization, who is authorized to act on behalf of the business organization, and who is one of the following: (1) for a business organization doing business that is regulated by or registered with a securities commission, a person who is registered under the rules of the National Association of Securities Dealers; (2) for a state or federal bank, a savings bank, or a state or federal credit union, a member of the loan committee for the bank or branch of the bank or a person authorized by corporate resolution to act on behalf of and bind the banking institution; or (3) for an investment pool, the person authorized to sign the written instrument on behalf of the investment pool by the elected official or board with authority to administer the activities of the investment pool. The "qualified representative" of an investment management firm under contract with the District for the investment and management of its public funds is a person who is an officer or principal of such firm. K. The Investment Officer for the District shall disclose in writing to the Board of Directors any (i) "personal business relationship" that they may have with a business organization offering to engage in an investment transaction with the District, or (ii) any relationship within the second degree by affinity or consanguinity, as determined by Chapter 573, Texas Govermnent Code, as amended, to any individual seeking to sell an investment to the District. Any written disclosure statement filed with the Board of Directors by the Investment Officer pursuant to this section must also be filed with the Texas Ethics Commission. For purposes of this Section 4.K., the Investment Officer has a "personal business relationship" with a business organization if: (1) the Investment Officer owns ten percent (10%) or more of the voting stock or shares of the business organization or owns $5,000 or more of the fair market value of the business organization; (2) funds received by the Investment Officer from the business organization exceed ten percent (10%) of the Investment Officer's gross income for the previous year; or -5- (3) the Investment Officer has acquired from the business organization during the previous year investments with a book value of $2,500 or more for their personal account. L. In conjunction with the District's annual financial audit, a compliance audit of management controls on investments and adherence to this Investment Policy must be performed. In connection with said compliance audit, the Board of Directors shall review on an annual basis this Investment Policy and its investment strategies. In connection with said annual review, the District's Board of Directors shall adopt a written resolution stating that it has reviewed this Investment Policy and the investment strategies set forth herein, and shall indicate in said resolution either the continuance of this Investment Policy without amendment or the changes made to the Investment Policy and/or the investment strategies herein. M. In addition to all other requirements set forth herein, the Investment Officer for the District shall invest and reinvest District funds in a manner consistent with Chapter 2270, Texas Govermnent Code, relative to prohibition of investment or reinvestment of public funds in publically traded securities of scrutinized companies, as determined by the Texas State Comptroller, engaging in scrutinized business operations in the Sudan, Iran, or with a designated foreign terrorist organization. In the event an investment or investment vehicle in which the District has placed funds, or the security therefor, requires divestment in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 2270, Texas Govermnent Code, the Investment Officer for the District shall sell, redeem, divest, or withdraw all publically traded securities of the company engaging in scrutinized business operations, all in accordance with Chapter 2270. N. Not later than December 31 of each year, the Investment Officer shall prepare and file on behalf of the District: (i) a publicly available report with the presiding officer of each chamber of the State Legislature and the State Attorney General identifying: (a) all investments sold, redeemed, divested, or withdrawn in compliance with Section 2270.0206, Texas Government Code; (b) all prohibited investments under Section 2270.0209, Texas Government Code; and (c) summarizing any changes made with respect to investments of the District exempted from divestment pursuant to Section 2270.0207, Texas Govermnent Code; and (ii) a report with the United States presidential special envoy to Sudan that identifies investments in Sudan identified in the report filed with the State Legislature and Attorney General and any changes made under Section 2270.0207 related to those investments. Prior to December 31 of each year, the Investment Officer shall provide the District with a copy of both reports required by this subsection, along with evidence of filing same with the required entities. Section 5. General Investment Principles and Objectives. All investments of District funds or funds under the District's control shall be made in accordance with the following general rules, regulations and policies: 386299_5 A. Any moneys in any fu nd of the District or in any fund established by the Board of Directors in connection with the authorization of the District's bonds, including, but not limited to, proceeds from the sale of such bonds, which fu nds are not required for -6- 386299 _5 the payment of obligations due or to become due immediately, shall be invested and reinvested, from time to time, only in the authorized investments specified in Section 6 hereunder; provided, however, that all such investments shall be secured in the manner provided for the security of the funds of municipal utility districts of the State of Texas (The Public Funds Collateral Act, Chapter 2257, Texas Government Code, as amended) or in such other manner as may be authorized by law from time to time and otherwise suitable for the District's needs. B. The policy of the District is to invest District funds only in instruments which further the following investment objectives of the District stated in order of importance: (1) preservation and safety of principal; (2) liquidity; and (3) yield. The District will continuously attempt to diversify its portfolio to reduce risks. The type, conditions and maturity date of District investments shall be consistent with the cash flow needs and operating requirements of the District, as determined from time to time by the Board of Directors, and consistent with the investment strategy for each District account as set forth in Section 7 hereunder; provided, however, that in no event shall the maximum allowable stated maturity of any individual investment owned by the District exceed two (2) years, unless otherwise specifically set forth in this Investment Policy. C. If invested in certificates of deposits, the District's fu nds shall be secured, to the extent that such funds are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund, by the pledge to the District of certain types of securities, as determined in the sole discretion of the District, which under the laws of the State of Texas may be used to secure the deposits of municipal utility districts, pursuant to and in compliance with a Public Funds Depositor Collateral Security Agreement which shall be substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "B", the terms and conditions of which are incorporated herein by reference (the "Public Funds Depositor Collateral Security Agreement"). D. Securities pledged to the District shall be pledged pursuant to and in compliance with a Public Funds Depositor Collateral Security Agreement to be entered into by and between the District and the institution(s) pledging such securities. Securities pledged to the District shall either be deposited and held in safekeeping at the trust or safekeeping department of a commercial banking institution located in the State of Texas not affiliated with the pledging institution( s) or a federal home loan bank, or shall be held in a restricted securities account, joint safekeeping account or other similar account in a branch of the Federal Reserve Bank pursuant to any and all applicable regulations, operating circulars, bulletins and policies of the Federal Reserve Bank, including the terms and conditions of any applicable forms or agreements, as may exist now or hereafter be enacted, promulgated or issued by the Federal Reserve Bank. The District's Investment Officer and Tax Assessor-Collector shall, within the limits of business practicality and consistent with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Statement of Policy dated March 23, 1993, (or any subsequent applicable Statement of Policy issued by the FDIC) relative to the securing of public funds, ensure that the District's uninsured funds are at all times secured as required by the Public Funds Collateral Act (Chapter 2257, Texas Government Code, as amended) and in the marmer set forth in the Public -7- Funds Depositor Collateral Security Agreement. The District's Investment Officer and Tax Assessor-Collector are hereby authorized to execute Public Funds Depositor Collateral Security Agreements and any agreements, documents or forms required by the Federal Reserve Bank on behalf of the District, as and when required, and to approve the substitution of securities pledged to the District as collateral pursuant to and in the manner set forth in any Public Funds Depositor Collateral Security Agreement entered into by the District. E. The Board of Directors recognizes that, within the framework of the above rules, decisions must be made concerning the type and duration of each investment tran­ saction, and that such decisions are best made by the person responsible for implementing the transaction, based upon the facts and circumstances prevailing at the time. As a guide to making such decisions, it is hereby declared the policy of the Board of Directors that priority should be given to proper security of the District's funds over maximizing the yield on investments. Furthermore, in cases where the rate of return on an investment security offered by competing banking institutions are substantially equivalent, the District's Investment Officer shall give preference to those investments and investment institutions offering the greatest degree of administrative convenience and proximity, flexibility of investment arrangements and/or similar intangible benefits and community goodwill. F. Except as herein provided, nothing herein shall be deemed or construed to authorize the withdrawal, expenditure or appropriation of funds of the District except by check or draft signed by three (3) members of the Board of Directors, or as otherwise provided by applicable statutes or the resolutions, rules, regulations, policies, orders or proceedings of the Board of Directors. Furthermore, the Board of Directors shall retain sole responsibility for establishing and implementing, from time to time, this Investment Policy, and all investment transactions to be undertaken by the District's Investment Officer pursuant to the Investment Policy shall be subject to the further or more specific directions, instructions, orders, resolutions or actions of the Board of Directors. Section 6. Authorized Investments. Subject to the limitations, restrictions and prohibitions set forth in Chapter 2270, Texas Government Code, the following categories of investment are authorized for investment of District funds: · 386299 5 A. Obligations, including letters of credit, of the United States or its agencies and instrumentalities (including the Federal Home Loan Banks); B. Direct obligations of the State of Texas or its agencies and instrumentalities; C. Other obligations, the principal and interest of which are unconditionally guaranteed or insured by, or backed by the full faith and credit of, the State of Texas, or the United States or any of their respective agencies and instrumentalities, including obligations that are fully guaranteed or insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or by the explicit full faith and credit of the United States; -8- 386299_5 D. Obligations of states, agencies, counties, cities, and other political subdivisions of any state rated as to investment quality by a nationally recognized investment rating firm not less than A or its equivalent; provided, however, the District shall not own or invest in any obligations which it has issued; E. Interest-bearing banking deposits that are guaranteed or insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or its successor or the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund or its successor; F. (!) Certificates of deposit that are issued by a depository institution that has its main office or a branch office in the State of Texas that are: (i) guaranteed or insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or its successor or the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund or its successor; (ii) secured by obligations of the type described m Section 2256.010(a)(2), Texas Government Code, as amended, or (iii) secured in accordance with Chapter 2257, Texas Government Code, as amended, or in any other manner and amount provided by law for deposits of the District pursuant to a Public Funds Depositor Collateral Security Agreement approved and executed by the District; and (2) Certificates of deposit that are acquired in the manner described in Section 2256.0lO(b), Texas Government Code, as amended; provided, however, that each investment of District funds in the foregoing shall require specific prior approval by the Board of Directors; G. Commercial paper with a stated maturity of 270 days or fewer from the date of issuance which meets the requirements set forth in Section 2256.013, Texas Government Code, as amended; H. No-load money market mutual funds that: (!) are registered with and regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission; (2) provide the District with a prospectus and other information required by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. Section 78a et seq.) or the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. Section 80a-l et seq.); (3) comply with federal Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 2a-7 (17 C.F.R. Section 270.2a-7), promulgated under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. Section 80a-1 et seq.); and -9- I. Investment pools which meet the requirements set forth m Section 2256.016 and Section 2256.019, Texas Govermnent Code, as amended. Section 7. Investment Strategies. District investments shall be made upon the evaluation of the specific investment objectives and strategies of each account of the District, with the primary objective for the selection of any District investment being the understanding of the suitability of such investment to the financial requirements of the District. The District's investment strategy for each of its accounts is as follows: 386299 _5 A. Ope rating/General Account. The operating/general account is used for all operations and maintenance needs of the District and funds therein shall be invested to meet the operating and cash flow requirements of the District as determined by the District's Board of Directors. The highest priorities for this account are the liquidity and marketability of an investment if the need arises to liquidate the investment before its maturity. Of equal importance is the preservation and safety of the principal of investments in the operating account. When these priorities are met, the yield on investments held in the operating/general account will next be considered. B. Debt Service/Bond Fund Account. The District's debt service/bond fund account is used to pay the District's debt service on its outstanding bonds. The highest priority for this account is the preservation and safety of principal. Since the District knows the amount of its debt service requirements and when it becomes due, investments for the debt service/bond fund account should be structured to coincide with the amount and timing of the debt service requirements. When the preservation and safety of principal and liquidity considerations for debt service purposes are assured, including the marketability of debt service/bond fund account investments in the event the need arises to liquidate an investment before its maturity, the yield on debt service/bond fund account investments should be considered. Since the amount of District funds in the debt service/bond fund account can be significant, diversification of the debt service/bond fund account investment portfolio may be necessary. The District may easily liquidate investments in an investment pool and therefore such investments may be appropriate in combination with longer term investments in the debt service/bond fund account. C. Capital Projects/Construction Fund Account. The capital projects/construction fund account is used to pay for capital improvements of the District. The highest priority for this account is the preservation and safety of principal. In the event that funds held in the capital projects/construction fund account are for particular improvement projects that have been previously identified by the District's Board of Directors, the Board will have an idea of the approximate time when disbursements will be required to be made from this account. In this situation, investments in the capital projects/construction fund account should be structured so that they mature or can be liquidated on or about the dates that disbursements are expected to be made. Once the safety of principal and liquidity and marketability of capital projects/construction fund account investments which are to match certain disbursement dates are assured, the yield on such investments may be considered. Since District funds in the capital -10- projects/construction fund account may not be needed for a year or more, longer term instruments should be considered to increase yield. However, if funds available in the District's capital projects/construction fund account are surplus construction funds from prior bond issues or interest earnings on such funds and are not earmarked for specific improvement projects, but rather viewed by the District's Board of Directors as an emergency reserve fund for major repairs or rehabilitation projects, investments in the capital projects/construction fund account, at least to the extent that they are for emergency reserve purposes, should be kept in relatively short term investments that can be easily marketed and liquidated if necessary, such as investment pools. Alternatively, bond proceeds that may be deposited in the District's capital projects/construction fund account for reimbursement to a developer and which may be in the capital projects/construction fund account for only one or two days, should be kept in the most liquid investment available. Investment diversification for large amounts of District funds that may be deposited into the capital projects/construction fund account for only one or two days may be achieved through the use of an investment pool. Since investment pools are short term in nature, they would normally be used for District funds in this account only if the District knows that it will be dispersing funds in a relative short period of time. However, on some occasions the yield on investment pools is higher than on longer term investments, so their use may be optimal for funds in the capital proj ects/construction fund account. Section 8. Miscellaneous. A. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the terms of this Investment Policy and applicable requirements of law, such conflict or inconsistency will be resolved in favor of the more restrictive of this Investment Policy or the applicable requirements of law. In the event of any ambiguity or uncertainty as to the intent and application of any part, section, paragraph or provision hereof, a written request for clarification or approval of a proposed action describing such circumstances shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for a decision as to a proper course of action. B. The rules, regulations and policies set forth herein shall be and remain in full force and effect unless and until amended, revised, rescinded or repealed by action of the Board of Directors. The District's Board of Directors specifically reserves the right to change, alter or amend any provision of this Investment Policy at any time. C. The provisions of this Investment Policy are severable, and if any provision or part of this Investment Policy or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall ever be held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unconstitutional for any reason, the remainder of this Investment Policy and the application of such provision or part of this Investment Policy shall not be affected thereby. The President or Vice President is authorized to execute and the Secretary or Assistant Secretary to attest this Investment Policy on behalf of the Board and the District. -11- 386299 _5 PASSED AND ADOPTED this the 17th day of January, 20 19. ATTEST: 386299_5 -12- ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 To: From: EXHIBIT "A" CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FROM SELLERS OF INVESTMENTS AS REQUIRED BY THE PUBLIC FUNDS INVESTMENT ACT Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 (the "District") [Name of the person [Title of such person] offering or the "qualified representative" of the business organization offering to engage in an investment transaction with the District or of the District's Investment Manager] of (the "Business Organization") [Name of financial institution, business organization or investment pool] Date: -------' 20_ In accordance with the provisions of the Public Funds Investment Act, Chapter 2256, Texas Government Code, as amended, I hereby certify that: 1. I am an individual offering to enter into an investment transaction with the District or a "qualified representative" of the Business Organization offering to enter into an investment transaction with the District, as applicable, as such terms are used in the Public Funds Investment Act, Chapter 2256, Texas Government Code, as amended (the "Seller"), and that Seller meets all requirements under such Act to execute this Certificate. 2. The Business Organization is an investment pool or an investment management firm under contract with the District to invest or manage the District's investment portfolio that has accepted authority from the District to exercise investment discretion in regard to the District's funds. 3. Seller anticipates selling to the District investments that are authorized by the District's Order Establishing Policy for Investment of District Funds and Appointing Investment Officer, dated January 17, 2019 (the "Investment Policy") and the Public Funds Investment Act (collectively, the "Investments"). 4. I or a registered investment professional that services the District's account, as applicable, have received and reviewed the District's Investment Policy now in full force and effect. The District has further acknowledged that Seller may rely upon the Investment Policy until the District provides Seller with any amendments to or any newly adopted fonn of the Investment Policy. 5. Seller has implemented reasonable procedures and controls in an effort to preclude investment transactions between the District and Seller that are not authorized by the Investment Policy, except to the extent that this authorization is dependent upon an analysis of the District's entire portfolio, requires an interpretation of subjective investment standards, or relates to investment transactions of the District that are not made through accounts or other contractual arrangements over which the Business Organization has accepted discretionary investment authority. 6. Seller has reviewed or will review prior to sale, the terms, conditions and characteristics of the investments to be sold to the District and has determined or will determine, prior to sale, that (i) each of the Investments is an authorized investment for local governments under the Public Funds Investment Act and (ii) each of the Investments is an authorized investment under the District's Investment Policy. 7. Seller aclmowledges that the District has disclosed and hereby discloses that certain funds within the custody of the District which may be deposited or invested with Seller are by law or under a bond indenture required to be set aside to discharge a debt owed to the holder(s) of the District's outstanding notes and/or bonds. As such, these fu nds shall be deemed to be a deposit by a trustee of trust funds of which the holder(s) are pro rata beneficiaries in accordance with 12 C.F.R. §330.l S(c). Such funds held in trust for the holder(s) of the District's notes and bonds are deposited within the account(s) titled "Bond Fund", "Bond Account", "Debt Service Fund", "Debt Service Account", "Interest and Sinking Fund", "Interest and Sinking Account", or other similar name sufficient to satisfy the requirements of 12 C.F.R. §3 30.S(b) indicating that such fu nds are pledged towards the payment of principal and interest on the District's bonds and notes. Seller further acknowledges that the District may be acting in a fiduciary capacity on behalf of certain persons or entities who may, in turn, be acting in a fiduciary capacity for subsequent purchasers and/or holders of the District's outstanding bonds and notes. 8. Seller will continuously maintain an executed copy of this Certificate of Compliance in its "deposit account records" (as defined in 12 C.F.R. §330.l(e)) for so long as Seller holds any funds of or within the custody of the District. By: ____________ _ Name: ------------- Title: ------------- -2- 386299_5 EXHIBIT "B" PUBLIC FUNDS DEPOSITOR COLLATERAL SECURITY AGREEMENT This Public Funds Depositor Collateral Security Agreement (this "Agreement") is made and entered into as of the __ day of , 20_ by and between ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 (the "Depositor") and ("Bank"), and any prior Agreement between Depositor and Bank relative to the subject matter hereof is hereby terminated as of the date first written above. RECITALS Depositor, through action of its Board of Directors, has designated Bank as a depository for Depositor's funds. Funds on deposit with Bank to the credit of Depositor in excess of federal deposit insurance are required to be secured by eligible security as provided for by the Public Funds Collateral Act, V.T.C.A. Govermnent Code Section 2257.001 et seq. (the "Public Funds Law"). Depositor and Bank understand and acknowledge that the amount of Depositor's uninsured deposits in Bank may vary substantially from time to time; that under the circumstances permitted herein, the Bank may release, add to or substitute for the securities pledged by Bank from time to time to secure such uninsured deposits of Depositor; and that it is the intent of the parties that this Agreement be renewed and extended upon and at the time of each permitted release, addition or substitution of collateral securities and thereafter remain in force and effect for the full term thereof until terminated in the manner set forth herein. In order to perfect Depositor's security interest in eligible securities pledged by Bank from time to time to secure such uninsured deposits, the Board of Directors of the Bank (the "Bank Board") has authorized the undersigned Bank officer to enter into this Agreement on behalf of Bank under the terms of which Bank will [either (i) cause , a [state or national bank ], which has its main office or a branch office in Texas and which has been designated by the State Comptroller as a Texas State Depository to hold the collateral assets in a custody account as bailee for the benefit of Depositor, or (ii)] cause the Federal Reserve Bank or a federal home loan bank ("FHLB") to hold the collateral assets in a restricted securities account, joint safekeeping account or other similar account as custodian/bailee for the benefit of Depositor (such [bank or] FHLB or the Federal Reserve Bank, as the case may be, hereinafter called the "Custodian"). AGREEMENT Now, Therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants in this Agreement, the parties agree as follows: 1. Grant of Security Interest. To secure the uninsured deposits maintained by Depositor with Bank from time to time, Bank hereby pledges and grants to Depositor a security interest in its Eligible Securities (as defined in the Public Funds Law) which are held, now or hereafter, by Custodian for the benefit of Depositor in accordance with the terms of this Agreement (the "Collateral"). At all times during the term of this Agreement, the Collateral shall consist solely of the following: general obligations of the United States of America or its agencies or instrumentalities backed by its full faith and credit; direct obligations of the State of Texas or Texas State agencies and instrumentalities; collateralized mortgage obligations directly issued by a federal agency or instrumentality of the United States of America, the underlying security for which is guaranteed by an agency or instrumentality of the United States of America; other obligations, the principal and interest on which are unconditionally guaranteed or insured by, or backed by the full faith and credit of the State of Texas or the United States of America or their respective agencies and instrumentalities; obligations of states, agencies, counties, cities and other political subdivisions of any state rated as to investment quality by a nationally recognized investment rating firm not less than A or its equivalent; fixed-rate collateralized mortgage obligations that have an expected weighted average life of 10 years or less and which do not constitute a high-risk mortgage security as defined in the Public Funds Law; floating-rate collateralized mortgage obligations that do not constitute a high-risk mortgage security as defined in the Public Funds Law; and letters of credit issued by a federal home loan bank. Bank shall cause Custodian to accept and hold the Collateral as bailee and/or custodian for Depositor to secure Bank's obligation to repay the deposits. 2. Receipts. The Collateral held by Custodian for the benefit of Depositor, as of the effective date of this Agreement, has been described on Trust Receipts (as defined in the Public Funds Law) issued by Custodian, copies of which Custodian has forwarded to Depositor, and such current Collateral is described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. With respect to additional or substitute Collateral hereafter delivered by Bank to Custodian to hold for the benefit of Depositor, or any releases of securities previously held as Collateral ("Releases"), as contemplated by this Agreement, Bank shall cause Custodian to issue Trust Receipts or Releases describing such additional or substitute Collateral or released securities and promptly forward copies of same to Depositor. Such Trust Receipts and Releases which are furnished to Depositor by Custodian from time to time shall be deemed a part of this Agreement without further action on the part of any party hereto, and this Agreement shall apply to such released, additional or substitute Collateral to the same extent as if it were described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. If the Custodian is the Federal Reserve Bank, such Trust Receipts -2- 386299_5 or Releases will consist of a written confirmation (the "Advice"). Such Advice shall be subject to the terms and conditions of all applicable regulations, operating circulars, bulletins and policies of the Federal Reserve Bank, including the terms and conditions of any applicable forms or agreements, as may now exist or hereafter be enacted, promulgated or issued by the Federal Reserve Banlc (collectively "Applicable Regulations"). If the Custodian is the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas ("FHLB Dallas"), notwithstanding the foregoing, such Trust Receipts may be forwarded to Bank with instructions for Bank to immediately forward the same to Depositor. Bank hereby agrees to comply with Custodian's instructions and forward each Trust Receipt to Depositor immediately upon receipt of same. Upon request of Depositor, Banlc agrees to provide or cause Custodian to provide a then-current list of all Collateral pledged by Bank to secure Depositor's funds to update Exhibit "A" to this Agreement. If the Custodian is FHLB Dallas and the Custodian is forwarding Trust Receipts to Bank, Depositor may, at any time and from time to time, request that FHLB Dallas provide one or more Trust Receipts directly to Depositor, and FHLB Dallas shall immediately so provide the requested Trust Receipts to the Depositor, at no cost to the Depositor. 3. Required Collateral Value. Bank agrees with Depositor that the total market value of the Collateral securing uninsured deposits maintained by Depositor with Bank will at all times during the term of the Agreement be not less than (i) one hundred ten percent (110%) of the amount of such uninsured deposits, if the determination of the market value of Collateral is calculated less frequently than weekly by Bank, or (ii) one hundred five percent (I 05%) of the amount of such uninsured deposits if the determination of the market value of Collateral is calculated at least weekly by Bank (the "Required Collateral Value"). To insure that the Required Collateral Value is maintained, Banlc will redetermine, on a daily basis, the amount of Depositor's uninsured deposits (taking into account that day's deposits, accrued interest, disbursements and withdrawals) held by Bank and (using the most recently determined market value of the Collateral) promptly add any additional Collateral which may be necessary to maintain the Required Collateral Value by either (i) depositing with Custodian for the purposes of this Agreement any additional Collateral or (ii) if the Custodian is the Federal Reserve Bank, transferring additional Collateral to a restricted securities account, joint safekeeping account or other similar account maintained by the Federal Reserve Banlc. Determination of the market value of Collateral by Bank will be calculated periodically as indicated by Bank on the signature page hereof or more frequently on Depositor's request; provided, however, the foregoing shall not relieve Banlc of its obligation to fully collateralize at all times the Depositor's uninsured deposits with Bank. If upon the periodic determination of the Collateral's market value as set forth herein, the Required Collateral Value is not then maintained, Bank will promptly deposit with Custodian for the purposes of this Agreement additional Collateral necessary to maintain the Required Collateral Value. 4. Release of Collateral. Custodian shall not release any part of the Collateral without Depositor's written authorization. Depositor agrees to furnish such authorization promptly upon Bank's request under the circumstances described in Sections 5, 6, or 8 of this Agreement. Depositor's authorization to Custodian to release from the Collateral only designated Eligible Securities shall terminate the security interest granted by Bank in this Agreement only with respect to such designated Eligible Securities. If the Custodian is the Federal Reserve Bank, this section shall apply except to the extent it is in conflict with the -3 - 386299_5 prov1s10ns of the Applicable Regulations, in which event the provisions of the Applicable Regulations shall govern the release of Collateral. 5. Substitution of Collateral. It is hereby agreed that upon obtaining the prior written consent of the Depositor, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, substitutions of the Collateral held hereunder may be made at any time so long as the fair market value of the Eligible Securities being substituted is at least equal to the fair market value of the Eligible Securities being removed. If the Custodian is the Federal Reserve Bank, this section shall apply except to the extent it is in conflict with the provisions of the Applicable Regulations, in which event the provisions of the Applicable Regulations shall govern the substitution of Collateral. 6. Excess Collateral. At such times as the aggregate market value of the Collateral held by Custodian exceeds the Required Collateral Value, Depositor, upon request by Bank, shall authorize Custodian to permit Bank to release the excess portion of the Collateral. Custodian shall have no further liability to Depositor with respect to those Eligible Securities released upon Depositor's authorization. 7. Additional Collateral. If at any time the aggregate market value of Collateral held by Custodian is less than the Required Collateral Value, Bank shall immediately upon learning of such circumstance, and without further action by Depositor, promptly either (i) deposit with Custodian sufficient additional Eligible Securities of the type specified in Section 1 as may be necessary to cause the aggregate market value of the Collateral to equal the Required Collateral Value, or (ii) transfer additional Eligible Securities of the type specified in Section 1 to the restricted securities account, joint safekeeping account or other similar account maintained by the Federal Reserve Bank as may be necessary to cause the aggregate market value of the Collateral to equal the Required Collateral Value and cause the Federal Reserve Bank to issue a corresponding Advice (and Bank will deposit with the Federal Reserve Bank additional Eligible Securities if and to the extent necessary to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement). 8. Earnings and Paym ents on Collateral. Bank shall be entitled to the interest income and earnings paid on the Collateral and Custodian may dispose of such interest income and earnings as directed by Bank without approval of Depositor, so long as Depositor has not notified Custodian of Bank's default under this Agreement. Bank shall not be entitled to and Custodian shall not release to Bank any partial or full call of the Collateral without Depositor's prior written authorization as described in Section 4 of this Agreement. If the Custodian is the Federal Reserve Banlc, this section shall apply except to the extent it is in conflict with the provisions of the Applicable Regulations, in which event the provisions of the Applicable Regulations shall govern the disposition of interest earnings and principal payments on the Collateral. 9. Default and Remedies. If Bank fails at any time to pay and satisfy, when due, any check, draft, or voucher lawfully drawn against any deposit or becomes insolvent or materially breaches its contract with Depositor, a default shall exist under this Agreement and Depositor shall give written notice of such default to Bank, and Bank shall have ten (10) days to cure same. In the event Banlc fails to do so, it shall be the duty of Custodian, upon written demand of Depositor, to surrender or transfer the Collateral to Depositor or Depositor's nominee and Bank -4- 386299_5 hereby irrevocably authorizes Custodian to surrender or transfer the Collateral upon the conditions herein specified. Depositor may sell all or any part of such Collateral in a commercially reasonable manner and out of the proceeds of the Collateral may pay Depositor all damages and losses sustained by it, together with all expenses of any and every kind incurred by it on account of such failure or insolvency sale. Depositor shall account to Bank for the remainder, if any, of said proceeds or Collateral remaining unsold. Such sale may be either at public or private sale; provided, however, Depositor shall give Bank ten (10) days' written notice of the time and place where such sale shall take place, and such sale shall be to the highest bidder for cash. Depositor and Bank shall have the right to bid at such sale. If the Custodian is the Federal Reserve Bank, this section shall apply except to the extent it is in conflict with the provisions of the Applicable Regulations, in which event the provisions of the Applicable Regulations shall govern the Depositor's exercise of remedies against the Collateral. 10. Authorization and Records. The Bank Board has authorized the pledge of Bank assets to collateralize uninsured deposits maintained by Depositor pursuant to resolutions substantially in the form of Annex I attached to the form of Resolution Certificate and Certificate of Incumbency attached hereto as Exhibit "B" (the "Resolution Certificate"), and has authorized the undersigned Bank officer to enter into, execute and deliver to Depositor this Agreement on behalf of Bank and to talce all action which may be necessary or appropriate to create and perfect the security interest in the Collateral contemplated hereund er. Bank shall deliver to Depositor a fully executed Resolution Certificate as a condition precedent to the effectiveness of this Agreement and shall advise Depositor immediately of any revocation, amendment or modification thereof. Bank acknowledges that the District has disclosed and hereby discloses that certain funds within the custody of the District which may be deposited or invested with Bank are by law or under a bond indenture required to be set aside to discharge a debt owed to the holder(s) of the District's outstanding notes and/or bonds. As such, these funds shall be deemed to be a deposit by a trustee of trust funds of which the holder(s) are pro rata beneficiaries in accordance with 12 C.F.R. §330.l S(c). Such funds held in trust for the holder(s) of the District's notes and bonds are deposited within the account(s) titled "Bond Fund", "Bond Account", "Debt Service Fund", "Debt Service Account", "Interest and Sinking Fund", "Interest and Sinking Account", or other similar name sufficient to satisfy the requirements of 12 C.F.R. §330.S(b) indicating that such funds are pledged towards the payment of principal and interest on the District's bonds and notes. Banlc further acknowledges that the District may be acting in a fiduciary capacity on behalf of certain persons or entities who may, in turn, be acting in a fiduciary capacity for subsequent purchasers and/or holders of the District's outstanding bonds and notes. Bank shall continuously maintain an executed copy of this Agreement, its copies of all Trust Receipts, Releases and Advices, and the Resolution Certificate among its official "deposit account records" (as defined in 12 C.F.R. §330.l(e)) until such time as this Agreement is terminated and all uninsured deposits of Depositor have been properly and fully paid out. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be an original. 11. Authorized Representative; Depositor Agreements. The Depositor hereby confirms that it has previously authorized its Investment Officer and/or Tax Assessor-Collector to execute this Agreement and any documentation required in connection therewith, including specifically pursuant to the Applicable Regulations and documentation related thereto, and to represent it and act on its behalf in any and all matters of every kind arising under this -5 - 386299_5 Agreement. During the term of this Agreement, the Depositor may further designate an additional officer or officers to singly or jointly represent and act on behalf of Depositor in any and all matters of every kind arising under this Agreement and, in such event, shall provide written notice thereof to Bank. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and any other agreement between the Depositor and the Bank relating to the deposits, this Agreement will control, unless the conflict is with the Applicable Regulations, in which event the Applicable Regulations will control. Bank and Depositor specifically agree that Depositor's prior approval is required for any par-for-par Collateral substitutions. 12. Custodian as Bailee. Custodian will promptly identify the pledge by Bank to Depositor of the Collateral on the Custodian's books and records and any additional or substitute Collateral and issue to Bank and Depositor Trust Receipts covering the Collateral. Similarly, Custodian will promptly remove from its books and records any securities released from the pledge by Baulc in compliance with the terms of this Agreement and issue to Bank and Depositor appropriate Releases identifying the released securities. Custodian acknowledges that it is the bailee of Depositor for purposes of Section 2257 .044 of the Public Funds Law, and its custodial capacity is deemed to be set forth on any Trust Receipt delivered to Bank and Depositor, whether such capacity is expressly so noted or not. If the Custodian is the Federal Reserve Bank, this section shall not apply, but Bank aclmowledges the provisions of the Applicable Regulations which provide that the Federal Reserve Bank is acting as custodian/bailee; that the Collateral identified on the Advice is subject to the custodial provisions of the Applicable Regulations; and that the disposition thereof is subject to Depositor's approval. 13. Financial Condition. Bank will provide a statement of its financial position to the Depositor on at least a quarterly basis. Bank will provide to the Depositor an annual statement audited by its outside auditors including a statement by its outside auditors as to its "fair presentation." 14. Amendment, Modification, Renewal. Each permitted release of previously pledged Collateral and each addition to or permitted substitution for Collateral shall be deemed and considered, without further action by Bank or Depositor, as an amendment to Exhibit "A" attached hereto and a contemporaneous renewal and extension of this Agreement for the term hereinafter stated upon the same terms and containing the same provisions as set forth herein, except as the Collateral subject to this Agreement may be modified or amended thereby; provided, however, that any such renewal and extension shall not affect any transaction entered into prior to such renewal and extension until Bank shall have properly and fully paid out all uninsured deposits (including any uninsured time deposits) and Depositor shall have authorized Custodian to redeliver to Bank's sole control all Collateral then in Custodian's possession. Otherwise, this Agreement may not be amended or modified except by mutual written agreement of the parties hereto. 15. Term. Unless sooner terminated as hereinafter provided, the term of this Agreement, and any renewal or extension hereof resulting from any release, addition to or substitution of securities pledged as Collateral hereunder, shall commence on the date of this Agreement, or the date of such release, addition or substitution, and continue for a term of ten (10) years. -6- 386299_5 16. Termination. Either Depositor, Bank or Custodian may terminate this Agreement prior to the expiration of the term hereof upon thirty (30) days' advance written notice to the other parties or by entering into a new Public Funds Depositor Collateral Security Agreement which is intended to supercede and replace this Agreement; provided, however, that the terms of this Agreement shall continue to apply to all transactions entered into prior to such termination and until Bank shall have properly and fully paid out all uninsured deposits (including any uninsured time deposits) and Depositor shall have authorized Custodian to redeliver to Bank's sole control all Collateral then in Custodian's possession. 17. Custodian Fees. Any and all fees associated with the Custodian's holding of Collateral for the benefit of the Depositor will be paid by Bank and the Depositor will have no liability therefor. 18. Representations. As required by Chapter 2270, Texas Government Code, Bank hereby verifies that Bank, including a wholly owned subsidiary, majority-owned subsidiary, parent company or affiliate of the same, does not boycott Israel and will not boycott Israel through the term of this Agreement. Custodian hereby verifies that Custodian, including a wholly owned subsidiary, majority-owned subsidiary, parent company or affiliate of the same, does not boycott Israel and will not boycott Israel through the term of this Agreement. The term "boycott Israel" in this paragraph has the meaning assigned to such term in Section 808.001 of the Texas Government Code, as amended. Pursuant to Chapter 2252, Texas Government Code, Bank represents and certifies that, at the time of execution of this Agreement neither Bank, nor any wholly owned subsidiary, majority-owned subsidiary, parent company or affiliate of the same, is a company listed by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts under Sections 2270.0201 or 2252.153 of the Texas Government Code. Custodian represents and certifies that, at the time of execution of this Agreement neither Custodian, nor any wholly owned subsidiary, majority-owned subsidiary, parent company or affiliate of the same, is a company listed by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts under Sections 2270.0201 or 2252.153 of the Texas Government Code. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the day first above written. DEPOSITOR: ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 By: ________________ _ Name: ----------------- Title: ________________ _ -7- 386299_5 386299_5 -8- Bank hereby agrees that it will periodically determine the market value of Collateral and maintain the corresponding Required Collateral Value throughout the term of this Agreement as indicated below (provided, however, that in the event no indication is made below, the Required Collateral Value for all purposes of this Agreement shall be 110%): BANK: D D Less frequent than weekly Weekly No less than 110% No less than 105% By:, _______________ _ Name: ---------------- Title: ----------------- The Custodian, if other than the Federal Reserve Bank, joins in the execution of this Agreement for purposes of Sections 4, 8, 9, 12, 16, and 18, and ifthe Custodian is the Federal Reserve Bank, such joinder is to be evidenced as set forth in the Applicable Regulations, the Advice and any documentation related thereto. CUSTODIAN: By: _______________ _ Name: ---------------- Title: ________________ _ -9- 386299 _5 EXHIBIT "A" [Description of Eligible Securities Pledged] EXHIBIT "B" RESOLUTION CERTIFICATE AND CERTIFICATE OF INCUMBENCY OF ________________ (the "BANK") The undersigned hereby certifies as follows: 1. I am the officer of the Bank holding the title designated on the signature line of this Certificate. 2. Attached hereto as Annex I is a full, true and correct copy of resolutions (the "Resolutions") duly adopted by the [Board of Directors] [Loan Committee] of the Bank in conformity with the Articles of Association and By-laws of the Bank and in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. 3. The Resolutions have not been amended, modified or rescinded, and are in full force and effect on the date hereof. 4. The Bank is duly organized and existing under the laws of 5. All franchise and other taxes required to maintain the Bank's existence have been paid and none of such taxes are delinquent. 6. No proceedings are pending for the forfeiture of the Bank's authority to do business or for its dissolution, voluntarily or involuntarily. 7. The Bank is qualified to do business in each state where the nature of its business requires such qualification. 8. There is no prov1s10n in the Articles of Association, By-laws or any other agreement, indenture or contract to which the Bank or its property is subject which limits the Resolutions, and the Resolutions are in confonnity with the provision of the Bank's Articles of Association and By-laws and with proceedings of the Board of Directors. 9. This resolution is made in order to comply with requirements of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989, as amended, and 12 U.S.C. 1823( e ), and shall constitute a business record of the Banlc and shall be continuously maintained in the official business records of Bartle 10. The undersigned officers have been duly elected to the positions set opposite their respective names below and are qualified to act in the present capacities in which they sign for the Bartle 11. The signatures appearing opposite each of the undersigned officers is his or her authentic signature and each of the undersigned holds the office designated for the same. Signature EXECUTED the __ day of _________ ,, 20_. Name: --------------- Title: [Secretary] [Recording Officer] -2- 386299_5 ANNEX I RESOLUTIONS RESOLVED, that this Bank shall secure all deposits of Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 (the "District") in excess of amounts insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ("Excess Funds") on deposit with the Bank at any time in whatever amount; and further RESOLVED, in regard to the above referenced deposits, that the Chairman of the Board of Directors, President, any Executive Vice President, any Vice President, any Assistant Vice President, or any other officer of the Bank is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the Bank the following documents, it being further agreed that the execution of any of the same prior to the adoption of these resolutions is hereby ratified, confirmed and adopted: 1. A Public Funds Depositor Collateral Security Agreement (the "Collateral Security Agreement") in favor of the District, covering the Collateral described therein; 2. Such other and further documents as may be deemed necessary or desirable by such officer or as required by the District in regard to the securing of the Excess Funds; and further RESOLVED, that the officers executing any of the above described documents are hereby authorized and empowered to do and perform any and all actions required by the terms and provisions of same to execute the same in the name and on behalf of the Banlc, in such number of counterparts as the officer or officers executing the same shall deem necessary or desirable, with such terms, conditions, modifications, changes and provisions as the officer or officers executing the same may approve, the execution of such documents to evidence approval of the terms thereof conclusively; and fu rther RESOLVED, that any and all instruments executed and delivered on behalf of the Bank in connection with these resolutions by any person purporting to be an officer of the Bank shall be deemed to be the act of the Bank and shall be in all respects binding against the Bank; and further RESOLVED, that all actions of all officers, agents or other representatives of the Bank taken or performed up to the date hereof in respect to the preparation, execution and delivery of the documents, certificates or other instruments contemplated hereby, and the taking prior to the date hereof of any and all actions otherwise required by the terms and provisions of the above referenced documents, be, and they hereby are, in all respects approved, ratified and confirmed; and further RESOLVED, that this approval is intended to comply in all respects with the requirements of applicable statutory law relating to insurance of accounts including specifically, but without limitation, the requirements of 12 U.S.C.A. §§ 182l (d)(9)(A) and 1823(e); and further RESOLVED, that any deposit agreements between Bank and District and/or the Collateral Security Agreement are all intended to be, and shall be deemed to be, official records of the Bank; and further RESOLVED, that any deposit agreements between Bank and District, the Collateral Security Agreement and these Resolutions shall be continuously maintained in the business records of the Bank. -2- 386299-2 EXHIBIT "C " ORDER LEVYING TAXES WHEREAS, Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 (the "District") is authorized to levy a maintenance tax not to exceed $1.00 per each $100 of assessed valuation within the District in order to pay operation, maintenance and administrative expenses; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of Directors of the District to fix a specific rate of tax to be levied for the tax year 2018, based on the District's tax rolls for 2018, which have been prepared and certified by the Brazos Central Appraisal District. Now, Therefore; BE IT ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 THAT: Section 1: There is hereby levied an ad valorem maintenance tax of $0.50 on each $100 of assessed valuation of taxable property within the District for the tax year 2018, for the purpose of providing funds for the payment of operation, maintenance and administrative expenses of the District and other purposes as allowed by law. Section 2: The District's tax assessor-collector is hereby authorized to collect the taxes of the District. Section 3: The taxes levied hereby shall become due and payable upon the receipt of the tax bill unless otherwise specifically provided by law and shall be paid on or before the 28th day of February, 2019. All taxes not paid before March 1, 2019, shall become delinquent on that date, and there shall be added thereto such penalties, interest, court costs, expenses of foreclosure sales, attorneys' fees and other expenses as are provided by law. [REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] ATTEST: S�of� 499236 EXHIBIT "D" Honesty I Effi ciency I Tr ansparency I Accountability j Continuity MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAI RI E MANAG EMENT DISTRICT 2 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 FOR THE MONTH ENDING December 31, 201 8 MAfN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 1 MUNICI PAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAI RIE MANAG EMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 12/31/1 8 RECEIVABLES SUMMARY 2018 Balance Forward Levy at 05/31 /18 FYE CAD Changes I Uncollectible Outstanding Balance forward Prior Years (201 7-2010) at 05/31/1 8 FYE CAD Changes I Uncollectible Total Levy to be collected Collection prior months (all years) 201 8 Taxes Collected net NSF & KR Refunds during current month Taxes Collected for Prior Years net NSF & KR Refunds during current month Total Outstanding Balance TAX ACCOUNT Income Taxes Collected Current Year Taxes Collected Prior Year Penalties & Interest Collection Fee Paid Overpayments NSF or Reversals, Bank Charges Other Fees & Court Costs, Etc CCI Overpayment Escrow I Prepaid Earned Interest Beginning Balance -Tax Account Expenses CK# 1026 CK# 1027 B&A Municipal Tax Service, LLC -Invoice MD2-039 B&A Municipal Tax Service, LLC -Invoice MD2-040 B &A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 Ending Balance -Tax Account MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 $0.00 $0.00 $129.47 $0.00 ----------- 0.00 129.47 ---- ($12.45) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1 . 19 $1.19 $515.30 $1 1 9.82 $635.12 129.47 --�(12.45] 117.02 3,943.40 3,944.59 3,309.47 2 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAI RIE MANAG EMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 12/31/18 OUTSTANDING TAXES -YEAR TO DATE BALANCE FORWARD CAD TAX @ SUPPLEMENTS & YEAR 10/01/18 CORRECTIONS UNCOLLECTIBLE 2018 2017 $19,962.78 $0.00 EXEMPTIONS & TAX RATES TAX HOMESTEAD OVER 65 / YEAR EXEMPTION DISABLED 2018 0.00% 0 2017 0.00% 0 DISTRICT VALUES TAX LAND & YEAR IMPROVEMENTS AG NET 2018 9,881 ,920 28,690 2017 4,069,643 27,010 M&ORATE 0.00000 0.50000 PERSONAL PROPERTY 309,850 0 OUTSTANDING COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS TAXES PERCENTAGE $0.00 #DIV/O! $19,845.76 $117.02 99.41% $117.02 DEBT SERVICE CONTRACT TAX RATE RATE TOTAL RATE 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.50000 EXEMPTIONS TOTAL VALUE SR KR 328,210 9,892,250 16 16 104,096 3,992,557 47 47 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 3 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAI RIE MANAG EMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 12/31/18 BEGINNING BALANCE INCOME PROFIT & LOSS CURRENT MONTH 12/1/18 -12/31/18 4,669.98 FISCAL YEAR 6/01/18 -12/31/18 10,271 .84 10% Rendition Penalty 0.00 0.00 Bad Ctieck C:har9es 0.00 Court Costs/Abstract ���F=il�in-g�F�e.es ____________ -_ --- _�0_.0_0 ______ _ 0.00 Collection Fee Earned Interest Overpayments _f'enall}'_&ln_t_erest Taxes Collected 0 00 1.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.61 -------7.55 0.00 -- -12.45 ------------------- Total Income 1.19 28.61 EXPENSES ------------------Audit/Records Attorn_ei_y_--Gerieral Tax Matters Bank Charges Bond Premium ---------Boundary Map CAD Fees ----------Ce rt i fi cat e of Value Copies Correction Roll Refunds Correction Roll Rendition Refu nds _Continuing [)isc;losure Court Affi davits [)e�nquent :rax Attorney )'\ssistance Delinquent Tax Atto rney Fee _l_nsta_l_l111ent Tracking Unclaimed Property Report __ Legal f\JCJ_tices _______ _ Mailing_<'l<_Handlin_g__._ Meeting Travel & Mileage NSF or Return Item Fees ---------,. ___________ -Overpayment Refund __ Public Hearing Records Retention 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 ----��----------------------0.00 43.00 103.75 0.00 35.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -----------0.00 ----------------- ----------------0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -----------0.00 0.00 0.03 75.00 173.83 0.00 34 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 --- -0.00 650.00 33.93 1,31 7.52 0.00 --------------------------- -7.55 -----------------0.00 0.03 150.00 Roll Update & Processing Supplies -------------��------------------0.00 0.80 Tax Assessor Collector Fee -AB 512_&Q__ �,588 2() Tax Rate Preparation & Calculation 0.00 0.00 -----���------------�� Transfer to Contract Tax 0.00 0.00 ---------------------------Transfer to Maintenance & ()pe_r_a_ti�ng�------_0_._oo ____________ 0_.0_0 Transfer to Debt Service 0.00 0.00 ENDING BALANCE B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 726.58 3.944.59 tvWN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 -------- 6, 355. 86 3.944.59 4 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAI RIE MANAG EMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 12/31/18 lc;tober I November I -- December r _i _ I I I ' --t 2018 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 l_.January ---- u� I j 1 --------1--1 YEAR TO YEAR COMPARISON % 2017] --· ----------------% VARIANCE ----c------- ---: ---- so .oo 1 0.00% ... $0QOt 0.00%! $0.00i 0 .00% 0.00% ---·-·----- 0.00%! ... ------- 0.00% I $0.00, 0.00%' 0.00°/o ! 1 February I . ---+-------$1-,6-6�5 -.6-0+--_-_ --_ - _ - _il_ - _34% I -� �:8J4o/o l _ ,,,, "' "I 99_,,. _. _ �, 35%1 !March 1 --- 1::'- - -l�����-----r ··�- - - ­!J""' t -----l-­��----·· I :: ::l -� :: :::1.. -:::::1 I _1>0,00 I 99 35% I -99.35% I I $12 "� 99."%1 -99 41 %1 ----------- AugLJ_Sl __ i _____ _ _§epte mber I .1. 20181 $0.00 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 20 1 71 $0.00 ____ so oo l _____ _§9_41%1 _ -99.41%! $0.0J 99_�1 %:1 -99 41%1 MONTHLY COLLECTIONS MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 5 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 12/26/18 PLEDGED SECURITIES REPORT SECURITIES PLEDGED AT 105% OVER FDIC INSURED $250,000 COLLATERAL SECURITY AGREEMENT ON FILE : YES TAX BANK ACCOUNT HELD AT: WELLS FARGO / BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON COLLATERAL SECU RITY REQUIRED: TYPE OF PLEDGED INVESTMENT: IN COMPLIANCE W/ DISTRICT INVESTMENT POLICY: BA MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY SUITE SOS HOUSTON TX 77040 MA!N 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-59;3-7409 NO YES PS STAT E OF TEXAS § COU NTY OF BRAZOS § Avik Bonnerj ee, being duly sworn, says that he is the Tax Assessor-Co llector for the above named District and the foregoing contains a true and correct report accounting for all taxes collected for said District during the month therein stated. Avik Bon nerjee, RTA SWO RN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, this 1•1 day of January 2019. ,...��-.-. R "" EB '- EC "" C - A .. LY _. N .,. N _. BR "- E "" W - ER "-11' � � lkl � Notary 10 # 12588 t9 Rebecca Ly nn Brewer My Commission Expires Notary Public, State of Texas March t. 2020 Notary ID #1258819 My Commission Expires March 1, 2020 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC Bill To Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 13333 Northwest Freeway Suite 505 Houston TX 77040 Description Avik Bonnerj ee, RTA -Tax Assessor Collector Fee January 2019. 2018 Additional Unit Count Invoiced 2019 Thank you for your business. 13333 Northwest Fr eeway, Suite 505 m Houston, TX 77040 Unit Count 3 Rate Total Invoice Date Invoice # l/1/20 19 MD2-039 Amount 512.60 512.60 0.90 2.70 $515.30 I MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC Copies Bill To Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 13333 Northwest Freeway Suite 505 Houston TX 77040 Description Postage, Mailing, and Handling (33) Roll Update & Processing (November 20 18) Thank you for your business. 13333 Northwest Freeway, Suite 505 oo Houston, TX 77040 Qty Rate 204 Invo ice Date Invoice # I/1/20 19 MD2-040 Amount 0.20 40.80 22.77 22.77 0.75 75.00 56.25 Total $1 19.82 • PH:713j!)0-2680 • www.bamu(l1(o}ru 7 . tf 1__. f.O LI 8, Hones ty I E'ffic1ency ! Tt ansparency I .1-\cc:ountability I Continuity MUNICI PAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAI RIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 B & A MLJN[C!PAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 !!OUSTON, TX 77040 FOR THE MONTH ENDING November 30, 201 8 1V!AJN 7 Ll-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7..J-09 MUNICIPAL TAX SERV!CE,LLC ROCK PRAI RIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 11/30/1 8 RECEIVABLES SUMMARY 2018 Balance Foiward Levy at 05/31/18 FYE CAD Changes I Uncollectible Outstanding Balance foiward Prior Years (2017-2010) at 05/31/18 FYE CAD Changes I Uncollectible Total Levy to be collected Collection prior months (all years) 20 18 Taxes Collected net NSF & KR Refunds during current month Taxes Collected for Prior Years net NSF & KR Refunds during current month Total Outstanding Balance TAX ACCOUNT Income Taxes Collected Current Year Taxes Collected Prior Year Penalties & Interest Collection Fee Paid Overpayments NSF or Reversals, Bank Charges Beginning Balance -Tax Account Other Fees & Court Costs, Etc (20 17 Cad Allotment Refu nd) CCI Overpayment Escrow I Prepaid Earned Interest Expenses CK# 1020 CK# 1021 CK# 1022 (Cks 1023, 1024, & 1025 =Holding Checks) Brazos Central Appraisal District -1st Qtr Assessment B&A Municipal Tax Service, LLC -Invoice MD2-037 B&A Municipal Tax Service, LLC -Invoice MD2-038 Ending Balance -Tax Account B & A MUN!CfPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC l3J33 NCHUllWEST FREEWAY. STE 505 I !OUSTON. TX 77040 MAIN 713-900-2680 rOLL FREE 1-888-598-7-l09 $0.00 $0.00 $129.47 $0 .00 ($12.45) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12.42 $0.00 $0.00 $1.15 ------------- $13.57 $103.75 $512.60 $110.23 ---------· $726.58 0.00 129.47 129.47 117.02 4,656.41 4,669.98 3,943.40 2 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAI RIE MANAG EMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 11/30/18 OUTSTAN DING TAXES -YEAR TO DATE BALANCE FORWARD CAD TAX @ SUPPLEMENTS & YEAR 10/01/18 2018 2017 $19,962.78 EXEMPTIONS & TAX RATES TAX HOMESTEAD YEAR EXEMPTION 2018 0.00% 2017 0.00% DISTRICT VALUES TAX LANO & YEAR IMPROVEMENTS 20 18 9,881 ,920 2017 4,069,643 B & A MUN!C!PAL TAX SERVICE, LLC I 3333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 l 101 iSTON. TX 77(!40 CORRECTIONS $0.00 OVER 65 / DISABLED 0 0 AG NET 28,690 27,010 UN COLLECTIB LE COLLECTIONS $19,845.76 DEBT SERVICE M &ORATE RATE 0.00000 0.00000 0.50000 0.00000 PERSONAL PROPERTY EXEMPTIONS 309,850 328,210 0 104,096 MAIN 71 J-900-2680 fOLL F'!U·Y 1"888-598-7·109 OUTSTANDING TAXES $0.00 $1 1 7.02 $117.02 CONTRACT TAX RATE 0.00000 0.00000 TOTAL VALUE 9,892,250 3,992,557 COLLECTIONS PERCENTAGE #DIV/O! 99.41% TOTAL RATE 0.00000 0.50000 SR KR 16 16 47 47 3 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,llC ROCK PRAI RIE MANAG EMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 11/30/18 PROFIT & LOSS BEGINNING BALANCE INCOME CURRENT MONTH 11/1/18 -11/30/1 8 5,855.30 FISCAL YEAR 6/01/18 -11/30/1 8 10,271 .84 !01C �end ition Penalty �-��--------� Bad Check Charges . . .. . . .. Court Costs/Abstract & Filing Fees Collection Fee Earned Interest .Q11er:eaYrn.e.nts .. Penalty & Interest Taxes Collected Total Income EXPENSES Aud it/Records --�----Attorney -General T<Jx Matters . Bank Charge_s __________ _ Bond Premium Boundary Map CAD Fees Certificate of Value Copies ····-·· Correction Roll Refunds -��------Correction Roll Rendition Refunds C:()ntinuin\tDisclosure Court Affi davits [)eHnguent Tax Atto rney Assistance Delinquent Tax Attor.n EJy Fee Installment Tracking �-��--Unclaimed Prope rty Report Lega!l'Jotices ��----Mailing & HandlinJl .. Meeting Travel & Mileage NSF or Return Item Fees Overpayment Refund Pul:J!ic fiearin�g�---------­ Records Retention Roll Update & Processing Suppl ies .... Tax Assessor Collector Fee -AB }a)(Rate Preparation & Calculation Transfer to Contract Tax Transfer to Maintenance & Operating Transfer to Debt Service ENDING BALANCE 0.00 --�---------------0.00 0.00 0.00 1.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.42 7.55 0.00 12.45 27.42 0.00 0.00 -------------------0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -----------0.00 50.00 0.00 43.00 (12.42) 70.08 0.00 0.00 35.60 305.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ---�------------------------,--0.00 0.00 0.00 650.00 ---------------------------------0. 69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 512.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,186.47 4.669.98 0.00 650.00 33.93 1,317.52 0.00 7.55 0.00 0.00 75.00 0.80 ···--3,075.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,629.28 4.669.98 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 4 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAG EMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 11/30/18 YEAR TO YEAR COMPARISON =i=2�···· [-f-, nn I October $0.00 , ' - · ----+------ November $0.00 I December 1---------1 I January I li:Jruary J I March t----r · 1 -I _· i"'' + .i- 1June + ---+ c-' I ------ !August i r I I September _ _l__ __ m __ J __ 20181 20171 #REF! #REF! B & A MUNJClPAL TAX SERVlCE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY. STE 505 I !OUSTON. TX 77040 $0.00 MONTHLY COLLECTIONS iV!AIN 7!3-900-2680 TOLL FREF 1-888-598-7�09 5 MUNICIPAL TAX SFRVICE,LLC ROCK PRAI RIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 11/23/18 PLEDGED SECU RITIES REPORT SECURITIES PLEDGED AT 105% OVER FDIC INSURED $250,000 COLLATERAL SECURITY AGREEMENT ON FILE : YES TAX BANK ACCOUNT HELD AT: WELLS FARGO / BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON COLLATERAL SECU RITY REQUIRED: TYPE OF PLEDGED INVESTMENT: IN COMPLIANCE W/ DISTRICT INVESTMENT POLICY: BA MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY SUITE 505 HOUSTON TX 77040 MAIN 713-900�2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 NO YES PS STAT E OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF BRAZOS § Avik Bonnerjee, being duly sworn, says that he is the Tax Assessor-Collector for the above named District and the foregoing contains a true and correct report accounting for all taxes collected for said District during the month therein stated. Avi k Bonnerjee, RTA SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, this 1•1 day of December 2018. REBECCA LYNN BREWER Notary ID # 1258819 My Commission Expires March 1, 2020 �bim �?k-uLL Rebecca Lynn Brewer Notary Public, State of Texas Notary ID #1258819 My Commission Expires March 1, 2020 rOPPRRISnl DISTRICT L"*'" 167J BRIARCREST DR., STE. A-101 Mr. Avik Bonnerjee Registered Texas Assessor Collector B&A Mnnicipal Tax Service LLC 13333 Northwest Freeway, Snite 250 Houston, TX 77040 Mark W. Price Chief Appraiser Telephone: (979) 774-4100 Facsimile: (979) 774-4196 November 19, 2018 Rock Prairie Management District #2 STATEMENT Below are the ESTIMATED quarterly payment amounts and due dates for the 2019 Brazos Central Appraisal District Operating Budget, as mandated by State Law. Please be advised these are estimated amounts at this time as we have not received actual rates and levies from one of the taxing entities. Once those rates have been set and levies calculated, we will submit corrected statements, if needed. In the event we do not receive the information prior to the pt quarter due date, we will make the appropriate adjustment to the 2nd quarterly payment or issue a refund to those entities that pay in fu ll. Section 6.06 State Property Tax Code states: "Unless the governing body of a unit and the chief app raiser agree to a different method of payment, each taxing unit shall pay its allocation in fo ur equal payments to be made at the end of each calendar quarter, and the first payment shall be made befo re Ja nuary 1 of the year in which the budget takes effe ct. A paym ent is delin quent if not paid on the date it is due. A delin quent payment incurs a penalty of 5 percent of th e amount of th e payment and accrues interest at an annual rate of 10 percent. lfthe budget is amended, any change in th e amount of a unit's allocation is apportioned among the paym ents remain ing." 1st Quarter due by December 31, 2018 $103.75 2na Quarter due by March 31, 2019 $103.75 3 rd Quarter due by June 30, 2019 $103.75 4 th Quarter due by September 30, 2019 $103.75 Total Allocation $415.00 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC Bill To Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 13333 Northwest Freeway Suite 505 Houston TX 77040 Descri ption Avik Bonnerjee, RTA �Ta,'\. Assessor Collector Fee December 2018. 20 17 Additional Unit Count Invoiced 2018 Thank you fo r your business. 13333 Northwest Freeway, Suite 50::i ra Houston, lA , , v-•v Unit Count • Rate 14 Total Invoice Date Invoice # 12/1/2018 MD2-037 Amount 500.00 500.00 0.90 12.60 $5 12.60 MUi'llCI PAL TAX SERVICE, LLC Copies Bill To Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 13333 Northwest Freeway Suite 505 Houston TX 77040 Description Roll Update & Processing Hrs. (September & October Rolls 2018) Records Retention Thank you for your business. 13333 Northwest Freeway, Suite 505 m Houston, T'J: 77040 Qty • Rate 176 1 Total Invoice Date Invoice # 12/\/2018 MD2-038 Amount 0.20 35.20 75.00 75.00 0.03 0.03 $1 10.23 Honesty I Efficiency l Transparency ) Accountability I Continuity MUNICI PAL TAX SERVICE,LLC RO CK PRAI RI E MANAG EMENT DISTRICT 2 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 FOR THE MONTH ENDING October 31, 2018 MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE l-888-598-7409 1 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAG EMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 10/31/18 RECEIVABLES SUMMARY 2018 Balance Forward Levy at 05/31/1 8 FYE CAD Changes I Uncollectible Outstanding Balance forward Prior Years (2017-2010) at 05/31/1 8 FYE CAD Changes I Uncollectible Total Levy to be collected Collection prior months (all years) 2018 Taxes Collected net NSF & KR Refunds during current month Taxes Collected for Prior Years net NSF & KR Refu nds during current month Total Outstanding Balance TAX ACCOUNT Income Taxes Collected Current Year Taxes Collected Prior Year Penalties & Interest Collection Fee Paid Overpayments NSF or Reversals. Bank Charges Other Fees & Court Costs. Etc CCI Overpayment Escrow I Prepaid Earned Interest Beginning Balance -Tax Account Expenses CK# 1018 CK# 1019 B&A Municipal Tax Service, LLC -Invoice MD2-035 B&A Municipal Tax Service, LLC -Invoice MD2-036 B & A MUNJC!PAL TAX SERV[CE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON. TX 77040 Ending Balance -Tax Account l'v!A!N 71 J-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-508-7409 --··· $0.00 $0.00 $129.47 $0.00 ($12.45) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.18 ---$1.18- $512.60 $686.29 ·---· $1,198.89 0.00 129.47 129.47 (1 2.45) 117.02 5,854.1 2 5,855.30 4,656.41 2 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAI RIE MANAG EMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 10/31/18 OUTSTAN DING TAXES -YEAR TO DATE BALANCE FORWARD CAD TAX @ SUPPLEMENTS & YEAR 10/01/18 CORRECTIONS 2018 2017 $19,962.78 $0.00 EXEMPTIONS & TAX RATES TAX HOMESTEAD YEAR EXEMPTION 2018 0.00% 201 7 0.00% DISTRICT VALUES TAX LAND & YEAR IMPROVEMENTS 201 8 9,881 ,920 2017 4,069,643 B &AMUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 OVER 65 / DISABLED 0 0 AG NET 28,690 27,010 UNCOLLECTIBLE COLLECTIONS $1 9,845.76 DEBT SERVICE M&ORATE RATE 0.00000 0.00000 0.50000 0.00000 PERSONAL PROPERTY EXEMPTIONS 309,850 328,2 10 0 104,096 MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 OUTSTANDING TAXES $0.00 $1 17.02 $11 7.02 CONTRACT TAX RATE 0.00000 0.00000 TOTAL VAL UE 9,892,250 3,992,557 COLLECTIONS PERCENTAGE #DIV/O! 99.41% TOTAL RATE 0.00000 0.50000 SR KR 7 7 47 47 3 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAI RIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 10/31/18 BEGINNING BALANCE INCOME PROFIT & LOSS CURRENT MONTH 10/1/18 -10/31/18 6,784.52 �-�� 10% Rendition Penalty ___ ___ __0_.0_0 Bad Check Charges 0.00 c;ourt ·cosis1Abstr:act & Filing f:ees ________ _::._::.---0.00 -- - Collection Fee 0.00 Earned Interest Overpayment15 Penalty .&l_n_te_r e_s_t __ _ Taxes Collected Total Income EXPENSES Audit/Records · ---- - --Atto rney -General Tax Matters 13ank charges · ········ · Bond Premium · -- - .13.oundary Map CAD Fees Certificate of Value Copies Correction Roll Refunds Correction Roll Rendition Refunds Conlinuing Disclosure Court Affi davits Delinquent fax Atto rney Assistance pelinql./en!Tax j\ttorney Fee ------ Installment Tracking -�---L)nclaimed Property Report _· __ .Legal Notice s ..... ·····-Mailing &Handling Meeting Travel &fv1ilea=g_e __ _ NSF or Return Item Fees Overpayment Refund £'ublic Hearing Records Retention ____ 1.18 0.00 0.00 ---0.00 1.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.06 35.20 a.ob 0.00 o.oo· 0.00 0.00 ------0.00 0.00 ----0.00 0.00 - ------ ·· 12.42 -------369.38 ···o.oo· 0.00 0.00 0.00 ---- -- - -----� · ---------- -Roll Update & Processing -- - - · Supplies - -·· Tax Assessor Collector Fee -AB Tax Bate Preparation & Calculation __ _ Transfer to Contract Tax -�--Transfer to Maintenance & Oeerating Transfer to Debt Service ---- ENDING BALANCE B & A MUN1C1PAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 0.00 0.80 512.60 ---0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 930.40 5.855.30 MAIN 713*900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 FISCAL YEAR 6/01/18 -10/31/18 10,271.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.27 7.55 0.00 12.45 26.27 0.00 0.00 - - - -- - ------0.00 __ ---'.50.00 43.00 ------ - 82.50 ----0.00 270.20 0.00 0.00 ----0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ·· --- -··· 33.24 1,31 7.52 0.00 -----7.55 0.00 0.00 75.00 0.80 ----- -· ___ 2,�E)�OO 0.00 - ---- -- -0.00 ----0.00 ___ 0_.00 4,442.81 5.855.30 4 \UNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAI RIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 10/3 1/1 8 I 1July ' [1 Au_g ust __ _ lseptember 201 8\ 2017\ #REF! #REF! B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 MONTHLY COLLECTIONS MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 5 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO 2 FOR TH E PERIOD ENDING 10/26/18 PLEDGED SECURITIES REPORT SECURITIES PLEDGED AT 105% OVER FDIC INSURED $250,000 COLLATERAL SECURITY AGREEMENT ON FILE : YES TAX BANK ACCOUNT HELD AT: WELLS FARGO / BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON COLLATERAL SECURITY REQUIRED: TYPE OF PLEDGED INVESTMENT: IN COMPLIANCE W/ DISTRICT INVESTMENT POLICY: BA MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY SUITE 505 HOUSTON TX 77040 MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 NO YES PS STAT E OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF BRAZOS § Avik Bonnerjee, being duly sworn, says that he is the Tax Assessor-Co llector for the above named District and the foregoing contains a true and correct report accounting for all taxes coll ected for said District during the month therein stated. Avik Bonnerjee, RTA SWO RN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, this 1•1 day of Nove mber 2018. REBECCA LYN N BREWER Notary ID # 1258819 My Commission Expires March 1, 2020 1.��of��� Rebecca Lyn n Brewer Notary Public, State of Texas Notary ID #1258819 My Commission Expi res March 1, 2020 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC Bill To Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 13333 Northwest Freeway Suite 505 Houston TX 77040 Description Avik Bonnerjee, RT A-Tax Assessor Collector Fee November 2018. 2017 Additional Unit Count Invoiced 2018 Thank you for your business. JJJO.J !'40rtnwest rreewa , .'.:lUtte bUb y, • Houston TX 77040 Invoice Date Invoice # I l/1/20 18 MD2-035 Unit Count Rate Amount • 500.00 14 0.90 Total PH: 713-900-2680 • www.bamun1tax.com P&__ & I 0 / 8 I/, [Jj ,/ � 500.00 12.60 $512.60 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC Copies Bill To Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 13333 Northwest Freeway Suite 505 Houston TX 77040 Description Postage, Mailing, and Handling ( 1) Public Hearing/2018 Tax Rate Adoption (!st Publication) Thank you for your business. '"""" --. ---- Qty -·· -.. Rate 178 Total -" Invoice Date Invoice II I l/112018 MD2-036 Amount 0.20 35.60 0.69 0.69 650.00 650.00 $686.29 11.01.)</ Honesty I Effi ciency I Tra nsparency 1 Accou ntability I Continuity MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAI RI E MANAG EMENT DISTRICT 2 B & ArvruNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 FOR THE MONTH ENDING September 30, 2018 MAIN 713-900�2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 1 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAI RIE MANAG EMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 9/30/18 RECEIVABLES SUMMARY 2017 Balance Forward Levy at 05/31/18 FYE CAD Changes I Uncollectible Outstanding Balance forward Prior Years (201 6-20 10) at 05/31/18 FYE CAD Changes I Uncollectible Total Levy to be collected Collection prior months (all years) 2017 Taxes Collected net NSF & KR Refunds during current month Taxes Collected for Prior Years net NSF & KR Refunds during current month Total Outstanding Balance TAX ACCOUNT Income Taxes Collected current Year Taxes Collected Prior Year Penalties & Interest Collection Fee Paid Overpayments Beginning Balance -Tax Account NSF or Reversals , Bank Charges (Check Order Charge) Other Fees & Court Costs, Etc CC I Overpayment Escrow I Prepaid Earned Interest Expenses CK# 1016 CK# 1017 B&A Municipal Tax Service, LLC -Inv. MD2-033 B&A Municipal Tax Service, LLC -Inv. MD2-034 B &A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 Ending Balance -Tax Account MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 $129.47 $0.00 129.47 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 129.47 ($12.45) $0.00 $0.00 (1?�45) 117.02 6,782.06 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.46 $2.46 6,784.52 $512.60 $417.80 $930.40 5,854.12 2 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAI RIE MANAG EMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 9/30/1 8 OUTSTANDING TAXES -YEAR TO DATE BALANCE FORWARD TAX @ YEAR 10/01117 2017 $0.00 CAD SUPPLEMENTS & CORRECTIONS $19,962.78 EXEMPTIONS & TAX RATES TAX HOMESTEAD YEAR EXEMPTION 2018 0.00% 2017 0.00% DISTRICT VALUES TAX LA ND & YEAR IMPROVEMENTS 2018 9,881 ,920 201 7 4,069,643 8 & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 OVER 65 / DISABLED 0 0 AG NET 28,690 27,010 UNCOLLECTIBLE M&ORATE 0.00000 0.50000 PERSONAL PROPERTY 309,850 0 OUTSTANDING COLLECTIONS TAXES $19,845.76 $1 17.02 ---�--- $117.02 DEBT SERVICE CONTRACT TAX RATE RATE 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 EXEMPTIONS TOTAL VAL UE 328,210 9,892,250 104,096 3,992,557 .MAIN 713�900�2680 TOLL FREE l-888-598-7409 COLLECTIONS PERCENTAGE 99.41% TOTAL RATE 0.00000 0.50000 SR KR CR CR 39 39 3 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAI RIE MANAG EMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 9/30/18 BEGINNING BALANCE INCOME PROFIT & LOSS CURRENT MONTH 9/01/18 . 9/30/1 8 7,805.28 FISCAL YEAR 6/01/18 . 09/30/1 8 10,271 .84 10% Rendition Penalty 0.00 0.00 Bad .C:be_ck (;harg13s ___ .. ______________________ o,oo ______________ . _____ _ 0.00 0.00 Court Costs/Abstract & Filing Fees 0.00 Collection Fee Earned Interest Overpayments _f"enalty & Interest _________ _ Taxes Collected Total Income EXPENSES 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.46 0.00 5.09 7.55 0.00 12.45 25.09 Audit/Records 0.00 0.00 0.00 __ _ ,,,,,,,,, ___ ------·-··-··-"----·- - "--�-·-----------------Attorney -General Tax Matters 0.00 f3ank Charges _ _ _ __ _______ 0.00 0.00 ---- ------Bond Premium 0.00 50.00 Boundary Map CAD Fees Certificate of Value Copies Correction Roll Refu nds Correction Roll Rendition Refu nds Continuing Disclosure Court Aff idavits 0.00 43.00 ----------------4-1 .25 ...... -.. ----�8 2�.�50� 0.00 0.00 -----· ---- ·-- ---·------ -·--" """ " ---- --- ------. 61 .80 235.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 _Delinquent Tax Atto rney Assistance _ _ _ Q,_D_D___ _________ 0.00 Delinquent Tax Atto rney Fee 0.00 0.00 Installment Tracking 0.00 0.00 ------�--------- ---· ----- -· - - -· --- --- ----Unclaimed Property Report ________________ 0_._0 _0 _________ 0.00 Legal Notices 0.00 0.00 Mam�1L?<f1a_ndlin1L ____ ------��o_.6�9�--------___ 2_0 _.8_2 _ Meeting Travel & Mileage 369.38 948.14 NSF or Return Item Fees 0.00 0.00 ---------·---------------__________ ,,,, __ _ Overpayment Refund 0.00 7.55 Public Hearing ____________ ______ __ _ __ __(J_.00 _ _ _ _ 0.00 Records Retention 0.00 0.00 -------------------------------Ro 11 Update & Process ing 37.50 75.00 _S Up_JJlies______ _ ___ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -__ --_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ - __ 0_._00 __ -_· -_-_-_---_-________ _D_D_D Tax Assessor Collector Fee -AB 512.60 2,050.40 I'1x �ate _F're_JJ_ara!ion & Calculation 0.00 _ ____ _ _ 0.00 Transfer to Contract Tax 0.00 0.00 :rroi nsfer_to Mai_ntemance & Operati11_9 _ 0.00 ___ ____ O.:._DO_ Transfer to Debt Service 0.00 0.00 ENDING BALANCE B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 -------------- -------------- 1,023.22 6.784.52 MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 3,51 2.41 6.784.52 4 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAI RIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 9/30/1 8 YEAR TO YEAR COMPARISON 2.Q1€)1 . . .. --··· · ·····-·· · · -��2�0�1 7��t-�o/c�o --_____ o/c_ o _ ·····11 1. --VARIANCE ······ ] l october �o.oo _ _ _ 0.00% $0.001._ 0.00%: O.OOo/.°.1 ·-$0.g() 1-----c---November $0.00 [9.!lcei_mber I -----+----�-----' !January ··--!-�$0_.0_0_---+----j i i _Fe_b_ru_a �ry--+-�$1 ,66§ E)CJ. �----8. 34 % !,March $18,167.71 I r----.,� !May I� $0.00 j_June $0.00 I [July _ $12.45 IA_u�g_u s_t __ -r-$0.00 . .j.. I ___ $0_.o_o l ___ _o _.o_o_%+--___ o ._oo_o/c --jJ I j I i I $0.001· O,()O°/ot --4 ' I $0.001 0.00%! 0.00%1 --I I --- ! $0.001 0.00%) 8.34%! $0.oo l o 00%1 99.35J �-+-i ---·--t · i $0.00 $0.00 1 $0.00i I $0.00! I $0.00' 0.00% I 99.35"/o l I 0.00%�-mmg9.35%1 I I 0.00%1 99.35%1 I 0.00%[ ---99.41%1 2.:2 0% I 99.41°/c,j I l i Seetember $0.00 $0.00 , MONTHLY COLLECTIONS o.oo°.lciL 99.41%1 2017 $0.00 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 5 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 09/26/18 PLEDGED SECURITIES REPORT SECURITIES PLEDGED AT 105% OVER FDIC INSURED $250,000 COLLATERAL SECURITY AGREEMENT ON FILE : YES TAX BANK ACCOUNT HELD AT: WELLS FARGO / BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON COLLATERAL SECURITY REQUIRED: TYPE OF PLEDGED INVESTMENT: IN COMPLIANCE W/ DISTRICT INVESTMENT POLICY: BA MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY SUITE 505 HOUSTON TX 77040 MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 NO YES PS STAT E OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF BRAZOS § Avik Bonnerjee, being duly sworn, says that he is the Tax Assessor-Collector for the above named District and the forego ing contains a true and correct report accounting for all taxes collected for said District during the month therein stated. Avik Bonnerjee, RTA SWO RN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, this 1st day of October 2018. REBECCA LYNN BR EWER Notary ID # 1258819 My Commission Expires March 1, 2020 fweuuc:Xkw�,(,JJ-v Rebecca Lynn Brewer Notary Public, State of Texas Notary ID #1258819 My Commission Expires March 1, 2020 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC Bill To Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 13333 Northwest Freeway Suite 505 Houston TX 77040 Description Avik Bonnerjee, RTA -Tax Assessor Collector Fee October 2018. 2017 Additional Unit Count Invoiced 2018 Thank you for your business. !.'.i.J.:5.:5 1'./0tuiwest treeway, .::.u1te Jvu m Houston, IA Fi040 Unit Count 14 Total • PH: 713-900-2680 Rate Invo ice Date Invoice # 10/1/20 18 MD2-033 Amount 500.00 500.00 0.90 12.60 $512.60 • www.bamunitax.c MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC Bill To Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 13333 Northwest Freeway Suite 505 Houston TX 77040 Description Office Supplies DMR Supplies: Perforated Statement Paper, Envelopes, Return Envelopes Copies Postage, Mailing, and Handling (18) Meeting Travel Time/Mileage/Time (August2018) Thank you for your business. 1.:s;:;.:1;:s Nortnwest .t<teewa , y, Suite VOS • Houston TX 77040 Qty m Rate 176 Total PH: 713-900-2680 m Invo ice Date Invoice # 10/1/2018 MD2-034 Amount 0.18 0.18 0.62 0.62 0.20 35.20 12.42 12.42 369.38 369.38 . $417.80 I I Honesty I Efficiency I Transparency I Acco untability I Co ntinuity MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAG EMENT DISTRICT 2 B & A MUNIC!Pi\L TAX SER VICE, LLC IJ333 NORTH\VEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON, TX 77040 FOR THE MONTH ENDING August 31, 201 8 MAIN 7!3-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC I i ROCK PRAI RIE MANAG EMENT DISTRICT 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 8/31/18 $0 00 1 I �0 00 1 I $0 00 1 $0.oo l $ooo / I $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 • % 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -- 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% I lseptemb!Jr __ L_ �o oo _ _l_ $0.00 MONTHLY COLLECTIONS _QOO%[ 2017 $0.00 B & A MUNICIPAL TAX SERV!CE, LLC 13333 NORT!-!\VEST FREEWAY, STE 505 HOUSTON_ TX 770·!0 Mi\!N 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE l-888-598-7409 ------- VARIAN CE 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%1 I 0.00%1 834%1 I 99.35%1 I 99.35%1 -I 99.35% :,-�� 'i 99.41 °M -------I 99.41%! OOO�j 5 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE,LLC ROCK PRAIRIE MANAG EMENT DISTRICT NO 2 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 08/27 /18 PLEDGED SECURITIES REPORT SECURITIES PLEDGED AT 105% OVER FDIC INSURED $250,000 COLLATERAL SECURITY AGREEMENT ON FILE : YES TAX BANK ACCOUNT HELD AT: WELLS FARG O/ BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON COLLATERAL SECURITY REQUIRED: TYPE OF PLEDGED INVESTMENT: IN COMPLIANCE W/ DISTRICT INVESTMENT POLICY: BA MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE 13333 NORTHWEST FREEWAY SUITE 505 HOUSTON TX 77040 MAIN 713-900-2680 TOLL FREE 1-888-598-7409 NO YES PS STAT E OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF BRAZOS § Avik Bonnerjee, being duly sworn, says that he is the Tax Assessor-Collector for the above named District and the foregoing contains a true and correct report accounting for all taxes collected for said District during the month therein stated. Avik Bonnerjee, RTA SWO RN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME, this 151 day of September 2018. REBEC CA LYN N BREWER Notary ID # 1258819 My Commission Expires March f. 202 0 Rebecca Lynn Brewer Notary Public, State of Texas Notary ID #1258819 My Commission Expires March 1, 2020 Mr. Avik Bonnerjee Rock Prairie l\fanagement District #2 B&A Municipal Tax Service LLC 13333 Northwest Freeway, Suite 250 Houston, TX 77040 November 21, 201 7 STATEMENT Mark W. Price Chief Appraiser Telephone: (979) 774-4 100 Facsimile: (979) 774-4 t 96 Below are the ESTIMATED quarterly payment amounts and due dates fo r the 2018 Brazos Central Appraisal District Operating Budget, as mandated by State Law. Please be advised these are es timated amounts at this time as we have not received actual rates and levies from two of the taxing entities. Once those rates have been set and levies calculated, we will submit corrected statements. In the event we do not receive the information prior to the 1'1 quarter due date, we will make the appropriate adj ustment to the 2°d quarterly payment or issue a refund to those entities that pay in fu ll. Section 6.06 State Property Tax Code states: "Unless tlt e governing body of a unit and tlte cltief app raiser agree to a different metltod of payment, eaclt taxing unit sliall pay its allocation in fo ur equal payments to be made at tlie end of eaclt calendar quarter, and tlie first payment sltall be made before Ja 11uary I of tlie year i11 wliiclt tlie budget takes effe ct. A payme11t is delin que11t if not paid 011 tfle date it is due. A deli11quent payment incurs a pe11alty of 5 perce11 t of tire amo1111t of tfle payme 11t a11d accrues interest at a11 a11n11a/ rate of 10 percelll. 1f t/ie budget is ame11ded, any c/1a11ge in tlie amount of a unit's al/ocatio11 is apportioned among tlie payme11ts remain ing. " 1'1 Quarter due by December 31, 2017 2nd Quarter due by March 31, 2018 3rd Quarter due by June 30, 2018 4 th Quarter due by September 30, 2018 Total Allocation $41.25 / $41.25 / / $41.25 $41.25 $165.00 MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC Bill To Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 13333 Northwest Freeway Suite 505 Houston TX 77040 Description Avik Bonnerjee, RTA -Tax Assessor Collector Fee September 2018. 2017 Additional Unit Count Invoiced 2018 Thank you for your business. Unit Count 14 Rate Total Invo ice Date Invoice # 9/1/20 18 MD2-03 1 Amount 500.00 500.00 0.90 12.60 $5 12.60 13333 Northwest Freei.vay, Suite 505 m Houston, TX 77040 • PH: 713-900-2680 n W>VW.bamunita::<.com ) , j Qp 0 I )<;( (I K I\ 11+ MUNICIPAL TAX SERVICE, LLC Copies Bill To Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 13333 Northwest Freeway Suite 505 Houston TX 77040 Description Postage, Mailing, and Handling (l) Roll Update & Processing Hrs. (July 20 18 Certified Rolls) Meeting Travel Time/Mileage/Time (July 2018) Thank you for your business. 13333 Northwest Freeway, Suite 505 • Qty Houston, TX 77040 • Rate 309 0.5 Total PH: 713-900-2680 • --;-\ /': Invoice Date Invoice # 9/1/20 18 MD2-032 Amount 0.20 61.80 0.69 0.69 75.00 37.50 369.38 369.38 $469.37 �bamunitax.com I l I I() /1 ;/ /1' J C:.. EXHIBIT "E" RESOLUTION CONCERNING EXEMPTIONS FROM TAXATION WHEREAS, the laws of the State of Texas provide, under certain circumstances, for the exemption of a portion of the value of residence homesteads from ad valorem taxation; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 (the "District") has considered the various exemptions which may be granted. Now, Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 THAT: Section I : For the tax year 2019, the Board of Directors has considered and has decided not to exempt from ad valorem taxation by the District any portion of the appraised value of residence homesteads of individuals who are under a disability for purposes of payment of disability insurance benefits under Federal Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance or are sixty-five (65) years of age or older, as authorized by, and in accordance with the provisions of, Article 8, Section 1-b (b ), Texas Constitution, as amended, and Section 11.13 of the Tax Code, as amended. Section 2: For the tax year 2019 the Board of Directors has considered and has decided not to adopt a general residential homestead exemption as authorized by Article 8, Section 1- b( e ), Texas Constitution, as amended, and Section 11.13 of the Tax Code, as amended. Section 3: This Resolution constitutes official action by the Board of Directors of the District concerning the foregoing tax exemptions. PASSED AND ADOPTED this the l 71h day of J ) fDirectors ATTEST: 4601 28-5 EXHIBIT "F " RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN ADDITIONAL PENALTY ON DELINQUENT PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 (the "District") is desirous of defraying the costs of collection of delinquent taxes; and WHEREAS, the District has contracted with an attorney for collection of delinquent taxes as set forth in Section 6.30 of V.T.C.A. Tax Code, as amended ("Tax Code"); and WHEREAS, Section 33.11 of the Tax Code, as amended, provides that, if the District has contracted with an attorney under Section 6.30 of the Tax Code, as amended, for collection of the District's delinquent taxes, the District may impose an additional penalty not to exceed the amount of the compensation specified in the contract with the attorney to be paid in connection with the collection of the delinquent personal property taxes on personal property taxes that become delinquent on or after February 1 of a year and that remain delinquent sixty ( 60) days after the date on which they become delinquent; and WHEREAS, said Section 33.11 provides that said penalty shall not exceed the amount of compensation specified in the contract with the above-described attorney; and WHEREAS, said contract specifies compensation in the amount of twenty percent (20%) of the amount of delinquent tax, penalty and interest collected; Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 THAT: Section 1. The District has entered into a contract with an attorney pursuant to Section 6.30 and in accordance with Section 33.11 of the Tax Code, as amended, for the collection of delinquent taxes, penalty and interest. Section 2. District taxes on personal property that become delinquent on or after February 1 of a year and that remain delinquent sixty (60) days after said date shall incur an additional penalty of twenty percent (20%) on the amount of such personal property taxes, penalty and interest to defray the costs of collection of said delinquent taxes, in accordance with Section 33 .11 of the Tax Code, as amended. Section 3. The District's tax collector shall deliver a notice of delinquency and of the penalty imposed pursuant to Section 2 above to the property owner at least thirty (30) and not more than sixty (60) days before the date on which the penalty will be incurred in the manner required by Section 33.11 of the Tax Code, as amended. Section 4. Delinquent personal property taxes which incur the penalty set forth in this Resolution shall not be subject to an additional penalty under Section 33.07 of the Tax Code, as amended, it being found and declared by the Board of Directors of the District that the penalty hereunder is an alternative to the authority of said Section 33.07. PASSED AND ADOPTED this the 17th day of January, 2019. ATTEST: -2- 508366_2 EXHIBIT "G" ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 ENGINEERING REPORT JANUARY 2019 Engineering Report, including: TBPENo. F-726 TBPLS No. 10092300 a. Authorize the design and/ or advertis ement of bids for construction of facilities within the District; approval of related Storm Sewer Water plans; including District: 1. Status of design of Lakeway Drive Reserve, Phase 101, Phase 102 and Phase 201. Phase 102 Bid opening will be held on 1-24-19. Board Action: None b. Authorize the award of or concurrence in award of contracts for the construction of facilities within the District, authorizing acceptance ofTEC Form 1295; and approval of any storm water permits, including: Phase 101 Contractor Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. Contract Days 120 days Approved Extensions 0 days Contract Completion Date Date Ap_proved Comment Contract Bid Amount $447,933.00 Notice to Proceed Issued Total Contract Amount $447,933.00 Total Pay Requests !0.00 Remaining on Contract 1447,933.00 100.00% of Contract Remaining Public bids were opened on January 2, 2019 and the low bidder was Greens Prairie Investors, LT D. Board Action: Award contract to the low bidder. \ \Client\P$\15t-068-00\Docs\Rcports\Jan 2019.doc Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 January 2019 Page 2 c. Status of construction facilities to serve land within the District, including the approval of any pay estimates, change orders; and authorize acceptance of Texas Ethics Commis sions ("TEC") Form 1295, including: 1. Construction of off-site sanitary sewer trunk line by Whitestone Civil Construction LLC. Contractor Whitestone Civil Construction LLC Contract Days 180 days Approved Extensions 0 days Contract Completion Date 10/29/2018 Date Apprgved Comment Contract Bid Amooot 12,078,962.00 5/2/2018 Notice to Proceed Issued Change Order No. 1 152,267.76 8/9/2018 Fence and Standpipe vent for Total Contract Amount 12,131)29.76 Landfdl & additional CSS Pay Request No. 1 $35,482.50 7/12/2018 Pay Request No. 2 165,115.00 7/12/2018 Pay Request No. 3 1355,942.00 7/12/2018 Pay Request No, 4 1560,690.50 8/9/2018 Pay Request No. 5 $506,665.80 For Approval Pay Request No. 6 $177,596.51 For Approval Pay Request No. 7 $11,975.18 For Approval Pay Request No. 8 $10,267.87 For Approval Total Pay Requests 11,723,735.36 Board Action: Approval of Pay Request No, 5, 6, 7 & 8. 2. Construction of on-site sanitary sewer trunk line by Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. Contractor Contract Days Approved Extensions Contract Completion Date Conttact Bid Amount Total Contract Amount Total Pny Requests Greens Prairie Investors, Ltd. 120 days 0 days 8/30/2018 1322,584.00 !322,584.00 10.00 Date Approved 5/2/2018 Comment Notice to Proceed Issued Remaining on Contract 1322,584.00 100.00% of Contract Remaining Construction is underway. Board Action: None. \ \Client\P$\ 151-068-00\Docs\Reports\Jan 2019.doc 10555 Westoffice Drive I Houston, Texas 77042 t 71-':t 7AA 111;.nn If 71-':t 7AA AJ;.77 I 1�1unAr J:'l-IR.llinl" l"nm � EHRA .... ./ Rock Prairie Management District No. 2 January 2019 Page 3 3. Construction of water, sanitary, drainage and paving facilities for Bird Pond Road by Brazos Paving, Inc; Contractor Contract Days Approved Extensions Contract Completion Date Contract Bid Amount Total Contract Amount Pay Request No.1 Pay Request No. 2 Total Pay Requests Remaining on Contract Bravos Paving Inc . 300 0 7 /28/2019 14,784,000.00 14,784,000.00 $94,060.58 $361,440.16 1455,500.74 14,328,499.26 days days Date Al!!lroved 10/1/2018 For Approval For Approval Comment Notice to Proceed Issued 90.48% of Contract Remaining Board Action: Approve Pay Request No. 1 & 2. d. Acceptance of site and/ or easement conveyances for facilities to be constructed for the District; and acceptance of facilities for operation and maintenance purposes. Board Action: None e. Adoption of a plan relative to future proposed recreational facilities and adoption of a Resolution Adopting Plan for recreational facilitie s. Board Action: None. f. Status of acceptance by the City of College Station, Texas, for maintenance of streets . Board Action: None. \ \Client\P$\151-06B-OO\Do"\Reports\Jan 2019.doc 10555 Westoffice Drive I Houston, Texas 77042 + 71':1: 71'.tA A a::.nn If 71':1: 7Jl:A Ai:>.77 I unuur J:l-IDJ\int> t>nm r-...... EHRA ROCKPRAIRJE MANAGEMENT DISTRJCT NO. 2 MIDTOWN RESERVE SUBDIVISION PHASE 109 (P-3822) }'�' E --�--· � ------·-· ITEM DESCRIPTION GENERAL ITEMS 1. l\1obili:tation, Overhead and Bonds 2. Construction Stalcing (by Contractor) 3. College Station Development Permit Allowance (i\linU:num Bid $4,800) 4. Site Preparation, Clearing and Grubbing, (including root raking; all cltared and grubbed debris to be: disposed by either of the frJllowing two (2) methods: on-site using an approved trench burner or disposed of off-site by the Contractor and no additional e:>.i:ico.se to the Owner) 5. Topsoil RemoYal ao.d Replacement (co1nplete in place) 6. Pa\TC:ment Striping and I\farkings (furnish and io.stall, complete in place) 7. Standard Cit)' of College Station End of Street Object Marker (furn ish and install, complete in place) 8. Dual Street Naine Sign (as per plat; funl lsh and install, complete in place) 9. No Parking Street Signs (furnish and install, complete in place) TOTAL GENERAL ITEMS: STREET CONSTRUCTION 10. Roadway, Right-of-\Vay and Lot Excavation and Grading per the Construction Plans (complete in place) 11. 6-Inch Stabilized Subgrade Preparation (furn ish and instc'lll, complete in place) Edminster, Hinshaw, Russ and Asst>ciates, Inc. UN1T BID TABULATION GREENS PRAIRIE BRAZOS PAVING, INC. INVESTORS LTD. QUANTITY UNIT BIDDER N0.1 BIDDER N0.2 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 LS $7,750.00 57,750.00 $25,3 00.00 525,3 00.00 1 LS $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $12,500.00 $12,500.00 1 LS $4,800.00 $4,800.00 $4,800.00 $4,800.00 7.3 AC S0.00 $0.00 $250.00 $1,825.00 1 LS $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $35,728.00 $35,728.00 1 LS $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $4,500.00 $4,500.00 9 EA $100.00 $900.00 $374.00 $3,366.00 5 EA $350.00 $1,750.00 $710.00 $3,550.00 4 EA $100.00 $400.00 $522.50 $2,090.00 $22,600.00 $93,659.00 1 LS S1,000.00 $1,000.00 $44,662.00 $44,662.00 3,900 SY $1.50 S5,850.00 $2.65 $10,335.00 P:\151-068-01\CPS\Midmwn Rcserve\Ct>ntract Docs\Award\Bid Tab\T-2256 Midmwn Reserve Subdivision Phase 100, Rock Prairie Management District ND. 2, 151-068-01 DST Q") DEV (L) BID DATE: J .. 2. 2019 ·-· KIESCHNICK GENERAL CONTRACTORS, INC. BIDDERN0.3 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT $30,000.00 $30,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $7 ,500.00 $7,500.00 $2,500.00 $18,250.00 $7 ,500.00 $7,500.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $250.00 $2,25 0.00 $500.00 $2,500.00 $350.00 $1,400.00 $79,400.00 $85,000.00 $85,000.00 $4.00 $15,600.00 Page 1of9 ROCK PRAJRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 MIDTOWN RESERVE SUBDIV1SION PHASE 100 (P-3822) UNIT BID TABULATION --................ "-............ �� .... GREENS PRAIRIE BRAZOS PAVING, INC. INVESTORS LTD. ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY L"'NIT BIDDER N0.1 BIDDERN0.2 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 12. 8-Inch Stabili:r.ed Subgrade Preparation (fun:iish and in�tall, 1,320 SY $1.50 $1,980.00 $2.80 $3,696.00 complete in place) 13. Type "B" Lime (27 lb/sy for 6" deep & 36 lb/sy for 8" deep, 77 TON $160.00 $12,320.00 $162.00 $12,474.00 con1plete in place) 14. 6-Inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement \Vith Curb (furnish and 3,465 SY $30.00 $103,950.00 $37.10 $128,55"!.50 install, complete in place) 15. 8-Inch Reinforced Concrete Pavement -with Curb (furnish and 1,200 SY $32.00 $38,400.00 $42.35 $50,820.00 install, complete in place) 16. ADA Ramps -With Detectable Warning Surfaces (as per plans, 12 EA $350.00 $4,200.00 S725.00 $8,700.00 furnish and install, complete in place) 17. Sidewalk Trench Drain (furnis h and install, complete in placr::) 1 EA $100.00 $100.00 $850.00 $850.00 18. 4-Inch Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk and Ramps (furnish and 14,631 SF S3.00 $43,893.00 $4.50 $65,839.50 install, complete in place) TOTAL STREET CONSTRUCTION: $211,693.00 $325 ,928.00 STORM WATER COLLECTION SYSTEM 19. 42-Inch CL III, R/G RCP Storm Sewer \vi.th Standard Bedding 256 LF $110.00 $28,160.00 $133.00 $34,048.00 and Backfill (furnish and install, complete in place) 20. 24-Inch CL IV Storm Sewer lnlet Lead (furnish and install, 31 LF $40.00 $1,240.00 S92.60 $2,870.60 complete in place) 21. 42-Inch }!DPE (furnish and install, complete in place \v:ith 234 LF S80.00 $18,720.00 $72.00 $16,848.00 standard bedding and backfill) 22. 30-Inch }!DPE (furnish and install, complete in place \v:ith 173 LF $60.00 $10,380.00 $58.00 $10,034.00 standard bedding and backfill) 23. 18-Inch 1-IDPE (furnish and install, complete in place '-Vi th 77 LF $30.00 SZ,3 10.00 $48.50 $3,734.50 standard bedding and backfill) Edminster, Hinshaw, Russ and Associates, Inc. P:\151-068-01\CPS\Midtown Rescrvc\Conrract Docs\Award\Bid Tab\T-2256 Midtown Reserve Subdivision Phase 100, Rock Prairie Management District No. 2, 151-068-01 DST 0) DEV (L) --� -···-· J----· _, -¥•- KIESCHNICK GENERAL CON'I'RACTORS, INC. BIDDERN0.3 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT $4.00 $5,280.00 $165.00 $12,705.00 $42.00 $145,530.00 S45.00 $54,000.00 $750.00 $9,000.00 $750.00 5750.00 $4.20 $61,450.20 $389,315.20 5125.00 $32,000.00 $80.00 $2,480.00 $80.00 $18,720.00 $65.00 $11,245.00 $50.00 $3,850.00 Page 2 of9 ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 MIDTOWN RESERVE SUBDIVISION PHASE 100 (P-3822) Engine er's Estimate: ITEM DESCRIPTION 24. 18-Foot x 8-Foot Storm Sewer Junction Box (furnish and install, complete in place) 25. ICap End of Storm Sc."\ver Line (furnish and install, complete in µlace) 26. !Standard 15-Foot Wtdc Recessed St01m Sewer Curb Inlet (per! City of College Station Details; furnish and install, complete in place) 27. !Standard 10-Foot Wide Recessed Storm Sewer Curb Inlet (per' City of College Station Details; furnish and install, complete in vlacel 28. l4l!:1V Concrete Set on a 42-Inch Storm Sewer (furnish and instalL complete in place) 29. IExcavation tmd Grading of Temporary Drainage ChmineLs (comnlete in nlacel 30. !Concrete Rip Rap for Slope/Erosion Protection (funi.ish and install, complete in place) 31. ITurf Establishment -Grass Sod; lnclusiYe of Watering, Fertili7J.ng, Mowing and Maintenance, Until a Full Stand of Bermuda Grass has been Established and all Govenllng Agencies have Inspected and Accepted the Subject Project (only as directed and as authorized by the Engineer) 32. 33. Television Inspection of Storm Sewer System (per B/CS United Technical Specifications) Trench Safety (furnish and install, complete in place) UNIT BID TABULATI ON GREENS PRAIRIE INVESTORS LTD. QUANTITY UNIT I BIDDER NO. 1 1 EA 2 EA 1 EA 2 EA 2 EA 1 LS 56 SY 9,235 SF 771 LF 771 LF UNIT PRICE Alv10UNT $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $25.00 $50.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $2,500.00 $5,000.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 S1,000.00 $1,000.00 540.00 $2,240.00 S0.35 $3,232.25 $1.00 $771.00 $0.50 $385.50 TOTAL STORM WATER COLLECTION SYSTEM, $81,488.75 34. WATER DISTRIBUTION 8-Inch AWW A C-900 PVC Pipe (furnish and install, including throst blocking and appurtenances \Vi.th structural bedding and backfill, complete in place) Edminster, Hinshaw, Russ and Associates, Inc. 685 LF $25.00 $17,125.00 BRAZOS PAVING, INC. BIDDER N0.2 UNIT PRICE Al\10UNT $8,500.00 $8,500.00 $350.00 $700.00 $5,400.00 $5,400.00 SS,000.00 $10,000.00 $4,500.00 $9,000.00 $6,232.50 $6,232.50 $65.00 $3,640.00 $0.45 $4,155.75 $3.50 $2,698.50 $1.50 $1,156.50 $119,018.35 $32.00 $21,920.00 P:\151-068-01\CPS\Midtown Rcserve\Contract Docs\Award\Bid Tab\ T-2256 Midtown Reserve Subdivision Phase 100, Rock Prairie Management District No. 2, 151-068"01 DST U) DEV (L) BID DATE: January 2, 2019 KIESCHNICK GENERAL CONTRACTORS, INC. BIDDER N0.3 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT $7,000.00 $7,000.00 $250.00 $500.00 S7 ,000.00 $7,000.00 $5,000.00 Sl0,000.00 $4,000.00 $8,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $60.00 $3,360.00 $4.00 $36,940.00 $3.00 $2,313.00 S2.00 $1,542.00 $149,950.00 S28.00 $1 9,180.00 Page 3 of9 ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 MIDTOWN RESERVE SUBDIVISION PHASE 100 (P-3822) UNIT BID TABULATION E '-E -='°"'' <> . . .. GREENS PRAIRIE BRAZOS PAVING, INC. INVESTORS LTD. ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT BIDDER N0.1 BIDDERN0.2 UNIT PRICE Al\10UNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 35. 6-Tnch A WWA C-900 PVC Pipe (furnish and install, including 660 Lfi $16.00 $10,560.00 S28.50 $18,810.00 thrust blocking and appurtenances with structural bedding and backfill, complete in place) 36. Standard Cily of College Station Fire t--Iydmnt w / vertical 2 EA $2,500.00 SS,000.00 $3,850.00 $7,700.00 extension (furnish and install, complete in place) 37. 2-Inch Blow-OffValve with Box Including Check Valve (furnish 3 EA $500.00 Sl,500.00 $850.00 S2,550.00 and install per standard City of College Station details, complete in place) 38. 8-Inch x 8-Inch i'vI.J. Cross (furnish and install, complete in place) 1 EA $300.00 $300.00 S690.00 $690.00 39. 8-Inch x 8-Inch M.J. Tee (furnish and install, complete i11 place) 1 EA S350.00 $350.00 $650.00 $650.00 40. 8-Inch x 6-lnch l:vLJ . Tc:e (funi.i.sh and install, complete in place) 2 EA S250.00 $500.00 $630.00 Sl,260.00 41. 8-Inch x 6-lnch MJ. Reducer (funi.i.sh and install, coinplete in 3 EA $250.00 5750.00 $508.00 $1,524.00 place) 42. 8-Inch Gate Vah-e and Box (funi.i.sh and install, complete in place) 3 EA S1,000.00 $3,000.00 $1,440.00 $4,320.00 43. 6-Inch Gate Val Ye and Box (funi.i.sh and install, complete in place) 2 EA $700.00 $1,400.00 $1,125.00 $2,250.00 44. Copperhead Snakepit Test Station, (furnish and install, complete 1 EA S200.00 $200.00 $165.00 $165.00 in place) 45. 8-Inch 45° l:vLJ . Bend (fo.xnish and install, c01nplete in place) 14 EA $300.00 $4,200.00 $565.00 $7,910.00 46. 8-Inch 22.5° M.J . Bend (fumi�h and install, complete in place) 2 EA $250.00 SS00.00 $56200 $1,124.00 47. 6-Inch x 45° i'vLJ . Bend (furnish and install, complete in place) 10 EA $250.00 $2,500.00 S530.00 $5,300.00 48. 1-Inch Water Service on 8-Inch Line,< 15 ft; aYg length = 2 ft 2 EA S600.00 $1,200.00 $760.00 $1,520.00 (fw:nish and install, con1plete in place) Edminster, Hinshaw, Russ and Associates, Inc. P;\151-068-01\CPS\Midtown Reserve\Contract Docs\Award\Bid Tab\T-2256 Midtown Reserve Subdivision Phase 1ll0, Rock Prairie Management District No. 2, 151-068-01 DST 0) DEV (L) ID DATE: J . � _, -�-- KIESCHNICK GENERAL CONTRACTORS, INC. BIDDER N0.3 UNIT PRICE AMOUN'r $24.00 $15,840.00 $4,200.00 $8,400.00 $900.00 $2,700.00 $500.00 ssoo.oo $450.00 $450.00 $450.00 $900.00 $300.00 $900.00 $1,100.00 $3,300.00 $900.00 $1,800.00 $100.00 $100.00 $300.00 $4,200.00 $300.00 $600.00 $300.00 $3,000.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 Page 4 of9 ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. Z MIDTOWN RESERVE SUBDIVISION PHASE 100 (P-3822) UNIT BID TABULATION E ·'-E --''"'-"' ............... " ------- GREENS PRA1R1E BRAZOS PAVING, INC. INVESTORS LTD. ITEM DESCRlPTION QUANTITY UNIT BIDDER N0.1 BIDDER N0.2 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 49. LS-Inch Water Service on 8-Inch Line, < 15 ft; avg length = 2 ft 2 EA $650.00 $1,300.00 $1,431.00 $2,862.00 (fw:nish and install, complete in place) 50. ·1 .S-Inch Water Sen·icc on 8-Ind1 Line, > -15 ft; avg length = 48 ft 5 EA $1 ,000.00 $5,000.00 $2,100.00 $10,500.00 (fui:nish and install, complete in place) 51. 1-Tnch Water Service on 6-Tnch Linc,> 15 ft; a\·g length = 48 ft 1 EA $800.00 $800.00 $1,372.00 $1,372.00 (furnish and install, complete in place) 52. 1.5-Tnch Water Sen':ice on 6-Incl1 Line, < ·15 ft; avg length = 2 ft 6 EA SS00.00 $4,800.00 $1,365.00 $8,190.00 (furnish and install, complete in place) 53. 1.5-lnch Water Sen-ice on 6-Inch Line, > 15 ft; avg length = 48 ft 4 EA $1,000.00 $4,000.00 $1,900.00 $7,600.00 (furnish and install, complete in place) 54. Connect to Existing 8-Inch Water Linc 2 EA $250.00 $500.00 $350.00 $700.00 55. Trench Safoty (complete in place) 1345 LF $0.25 $336.25 $1.10 $1,479.50 56. Waterline Testing 1 LS $200.00 $200.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 TOTAL WA TER DISTRIBUTIONo $66,021.25 $111,896.50 WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM 57. 6-Inch ASTivI D3034 SDR-26, PVC Pipe Sanitary Sewer \vith 187 LF S25.00 $4,675.00 $38.00 $7,106.00 Structural Bedding and Backfill (all depths, furnish and install, complete in place) 58. 6-Inch ASTl:vl 2241, PVC Pipe Sanitary Sewer \1lith Strucmral 20 LF $25.00 $500.00 $40.00 $800.00 Bedding and Backfill (all depths, furnish and install, complete in place) 59. 4--Inch Single Sewer SerYice on (aYg length = 48 ft; fw:n.ish and 1 EA $800.00 $800.00 $945.00 $945.00 instill, complete in place) 60. 4-Inch Double SC'-'·cr Scni.cc on (a,•g length = 48 ft; fw:nish and 2 EA S1 ,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,050.00 $2,100.00 inst.1li, con1plete in place) 61. Complete 4--Inch Single Sewer Service on Existing Line (avg 1 EA $200.00 $200.00 $680.00 $680.00 length = 4 ft; furnish and install, complete in place) Edminster, Hinshaw, Russ and Associates, Inc. P:\151-068-01\CPS\Midtown Reserve\Contracc Docs\Award\Bid Tab\ T-2256 Midtown Reserve Subdivision Phase 100, Rock Prairie Management District No. 2, 151-068-01 DST (J) DEV (L) BID DATE; J: 2. 2019 KIESCHNICK GENERAL CONTRACTORS, INC. BIDDERN0.3 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $900.00 $4,500.00 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 $900.00 $5,400.00 $1,200.00 $4,800.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $2.00 $2,690.00 $750.00 $750.00 $85,260.00 $40.00 $7,480.00 $40.00 $800.00 $900.00 $900.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $600.00 S600.00 Page 5 of9 ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 MIDTOWN RESERVE SUBDIVISION PHASE 100 (P-3822) Enlrineer's E ----�----------· UNIT BID TABULATION GREENS PRAIRIE INVESTORS LTD. ITE1'1 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT BIDDER N0.1 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 62. Complete 4-Inch Single Sewer Sen-ice on Existing Line (avg 1 EA ssoo.oo $500.00 length = 48 ft; furnish and install, complete in place) 63. Complete 4-Inch Double Sewer Sen'ice on Existing Line (a':g 9 EA $200.00 $1,800.00 length = 4 ft; furnish and install, complete in place) 64. Complete 4-Inch Double Sewer Service on Existing Line (avg 9 EA $500.00 $4,500.00 length = 48 ft; furnish and install, complete in place) 65. Standard City of College Station +Foot Diameter Sanitary Se,ver 1 EA $2,000.00 $2,000.00 l\/fanhole (furnish and install, complete in place) 66. Adjust Rim Elevation of Existing :tvianhole (complete in place) 5 EA $400.00 $2,000.00 67. Trench Safety (complete in place) 207 LF $0.50 $103.50 68. Television Inspection of Storm Sewer System (per B/CS United 207 LF $1.00 5207.00 Technical Specifications) TOTAL WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM: $19,285 .50 ELECTRICAL CONDUIT AND LIGHT POLES 69. +Inch PVC Electrical Conduit (furnish, install and complete in 3,159 LF $4.00 $12,636.00 place) 70. 2-lnch PVC Electrical Conduit (furnish, install and complete in 2,730 LF $3.00 $8,190.00 place) 71. 1-Inch PVC Electrical Conduit (fur nish, instrul and complete in 173 LF S2.50 $432.50 place) 72. 2-Inch PVC Electrical Service for Lots (furnish, instrill and 37 EA $15.00 $555.00 complete in place) 73. Trenching with Caution Tape (Includes primary and secondary 2,262 LF so.so $1,131.00 trenching, as per detail proYided on the Electrical Plan) 74. Switchgear Pad for 4'x8'x6' Pull Box (as per City of College 2 EA $500.00 $1,000.00 Station Standard Uivf1-6C-K1 provided on the Electrical Plan; furnish, install and comolete in olace) Edminster, Hinshaw, Russ and Associates, Inc. BRAZOS PAVING, INC. BIDDER N0.2 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT $740.00 $740.00 $920.00 $8,280.00 $1,200.00 $10,800.00 $3,850.00 .$3,850.00 S425.00 .$2,125.00 SLSO S310.50 $2.50 $517.50 $38,254.00 $7.60 524,008.40 $3.80 $10,374.00 $3.25 $562.25 $335.00 $12,395.00 $10.80 $24,429.60 $3,780.00 $7,560.00 P:\151-068-01\CPS\Midtown Reserve\Contmct Docs\Award\Bid Tab\ T-2256 Midtown Reserve Subdivision Phase 100, Rock Prairie Management District No. 2, 151�068-01 DST GJ DEV (L) �A� �AkA�• J����Af �}�VA� KIESCHNICK GENERAL CONTRACTORS, INC. BIDDER N0.3 UNI'J' PRICE AMOUNT $900.00 $900.00 $600.00 $5,400.00 $1,000.00 $9,000.00 .$3,000.00 S3,000.00 $400.00 $2,000.00 $3.00 .$621.00 S3.00 .$621.00 $33,322.00 $7.70 $24,3 24.30 $4.00 $10,920.00 $3.40 S588.20 $350.00 $12,950.00 $11.20 $25,334.40 $3,920.00 $7,840.00 Page 6 of9 ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 MIDTOWN RESERVE SUBDIVISION PHASE 100 (P-3822) EQ'!ineer's Estimate: ITEM 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. DESCRIPTION 4'x8'x6' Pull Box (to be supplied by College Station Utilities. Contractor is to retrieve each pullbox fron1 College Station Utilities warehouse, install and complete in place) Secondary Pedestal (to be supplied by College Station Utilities, Contractor is to retrieve each pedestal from College Station Utilities warehouse, install and complete in place) Transformer Pad and CO>Tr (to be supplied by College Station Utilities, Contractor is to ret:iieve each Transformer fro1n College Station Utilities warehouse, install and complete in place) Street Light Assembly; Inclusive of, but nor funited to, 37.5-Ff Street Light Pole, 15-I"'T Mast A .. nn with 5-Rise, LED Luminaire, and Concrete Foundation (as per details proYided on the Electrical Phu.1; furnish, install and co1nplete in place) Connect to Bird Pond Road Extension Intercept, as Indicated on the Electrical Plan (co1nplete in place) UN1T BID TABULATI ON GREENS PRAIRIE INVESTORS LTD. QUANTITY UN1T I BIDDER NO. 1 2 EA EA 5 EA 4 EA EA UNIT PRICE AMOUNT $1,000.00 S2,000.00 S100.00 $900.00 $100.00 SS00.00 $1,500.00 $6,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 TOTAL ELECTRICAL CONDUIT AND LIGHT POLES: $34,344.50 I STORM WAT ER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN so. 81. Seeding and Fertilizer Application for Disturbed Areas -Perl Specification BCS 32 92 13 (Inclusive of Watering, Fertilizing, .tvfowing and Maintenance, Until a Full Stand of Grass ha$ been Established and all Governing .Agencies have Inspected and Accepted the Subject Project lnto the One Y car J\.1aintenance Period; Only as Directed and a.s Authorized by the Engineer) f-Iydromulch Seeding per Specification for Erosion Control � Per Specification BCS 32 92 13 (Inclusive of Watering, Fertilizing, Mowing and Maintenance, Until a Full Stand of Grass has been Established and all Governing Agencies have Inspected and Accepted the Subject Project Into the One Year: Maintenance Period; Only as Authodzed, in \.\!ricing, by the Engineer) Edminster, Hinshaw, Russ and Associates, Inc. 30,000 5,000 SY $0.20 $6,000.00 SY S0.40 $2,000.00 BRAZOS PAVJNG, INC. BIDDERN0.2 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT $3,780.00 $7,560.00 $216.00 $1,944.00 S216.00 $1,080.00 $8,100.00 $32,400.00 $3,240.00 $3,240.00 $125,553.25 S0.24 $7,200.00 $0.52 $2,600.00 P:\15l-068-01\CPS\Midtown Reserve\Comract Docs\Award\Bid Tab\T-2256 Midtown Reserve Subdivision Phase 100, Rock Prairie Management District No. 2, 151-068-01 DST 0) DEV (L) BID DATE: January 2, 2019 KIESCHNICK GENERAL CONTRACTORS, INC. BIDDER N0.3 UNIT PRICE AlvIOUNT $3,920.00 $7,840.00 $225.00 $2,025.00 S225.00 51,1 25.00 $8,250.00 $33,000.00 $3,360.00 $3,360.00 $129,306.90 S0.30 S9,000.00 $1.00 $5,000.00 Page 7 of9 ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 MIDTOWN RESERVE SUBDIVISION PHASE 100 (P-3822) UN1T BID TABULATION E ,n E: · .. ,,, ......... ._." GREENS PRAIRIE BRAZOS PAVING, INC. INVESTORS LTD. ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT BIDDER N0.1 BIDDERN0.2 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 82. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Compliance (including 1 LS $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $7,790.00 $7,790.00 S\VPPP implementation, performing project site inspections, completing inspection reports, filing notices, posting pennits, certificates and notices, installation of new control measures, maintenance of e"-isting control measures, silt fence, construction exit, rock filter dam, storm drain inlet protection, removal of silt fe nce, concrete truck washout area etc.) TOTAL STORM WAT ER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN' $12,000.00 $17,590.00 Edminster, Hinshaw, Russ and Associates, Inc. P:\151-068-01\CPS\Midtown Reserve\Contract Docs\Award\Bid Tab \T"2256 Midtown Reserve Subdh�sion Phase 100, Rock Prairie Management District No. 2, 151-068-01 DST CT) DEV (L) BID DATE: J 2. 2019 KIESCHNICK GENERAL CONTRACTORS, INC. BIDDER N0.3 UNIT PRlCE AMOUNT S15,000.00 $15,000.00 $29,000.00 Page 8 of9 E '-E ------____ ,. ____ ITEM DESCRIPTION BID SUMMARY 1. General Items 2. Street Construction 3. Storm \V aler Collection System 4. Water Distribution 5. Wastewater Collection System 6. Electrical Conduit and Light Poles 7. Storm \V ater Pollution Prevention Plan 8. Post Construction Topograp hic Verification by Contmctor TOTAL AMOUNT BID' CALENDAR DAYS ROCK PRAIRIE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 2 MIDTOWN RESERVE SUBDIVISION PHASE 100 (P-3822) UNIT BID TABULATION GREENS PRAIRIE BRAZOS PAVING, INC. INVESTORS LTD. QUANTITY UNIT BIDDER N0.1 BIDDERN0.2 UNIT PRlCE AMOUNT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 522,600.00 $93,659.00 $211,693.00 $325,928.00 $81 ,488.75 $119,018.35 $66,02"1.25 $111,896.50 $19,285.50 $38,254.00 $34,344.50 $125,553.25 $12,000.00 $17,590.00 $500.00 $6,000.00 $447,933.00 $837,899.10 120 120 -· DDAT . KIESCHNICK GENERAL CONTRACTORS, INC. BIDDER N0.3 UNIT PRICE AMOUNT $79,400.00 $389,315.20 $149,950.00 SBS,260.00 $33,322.00 $129,306.90 $29,000.00 $5,000.00 $900,554.10 120 NOTE: The Contractor shall take proper means to protect existing reinforced concrete pavement construction in any way encountered, or seriously affected by any process of construction to be underutken under this agreement, from any damage or said process of construction. Contractor is to practice good housekeeping roles at all times during construction and is responsible to repair all damage to the control measures, including existing roadways, as a Result of his own Construction Activities. The Contractor shall be liable for any and all claims for such damage to existing improvements on account of his failure to fully protect all adjoining property and facilities, and to restore existing facilities and existing reinforced concrete pavement or H:MAC pavement to original, or better than original condition, at no expense to the Owner. NOTE: Re-Grade and restore all disturbed areas to original, or better than original condition and at no additional expense to the Owner, as a result of the Contractor's own construction activities; including hydromulch seeding; inclusive of watering, fertilizing, mowing and maintenance until a stand of Bermuda Grass has been established and all governing agencies have inspected and accepted the subject project. NOTE: Contractor to maintain positive drainage for all off-site storm sewer systems during construction, at no additional cost to the Owner. NOTE: Contractor is responsible for maintaining positive drainage for site currently draining to project site at no additional cost to the Owner. NOTE: The Contractor is responsible for coordinating on�going construction with any and all contractors within the area. Edminster, Hinshaw, Russ and Associates, Inc. Page 9 of9 P:\151-068-01\CPS\Midtown Reserve\ContractDocs\Award\Bid Tab\T-2256 Midtown Reserve Subdivision Phase 100, Rode Prairie Management District No. 2, 151-068-01 DST (f) DEV (L) EXHIBIT "H" Insurance Proposal Prepared fo r Rock Prairie Mgmt District #2 McD on al d & We ssend orff I N S U R A N C E Welcome! McDonald & Wes sendo rff Insurance Thank you for choosing us for your insurance needs. Finding the right people for the right job can be difficult, especially when dealing with insurance. We at McDonald & Wesse ndorff Insurance are ded icated to "Growing Relationships" with our clients. The fo llowing material about this insurance program is designed specifically for you . Please contact us at 281 -342-6837 with any questions, comments or concerns. McDonald & Wessendorff Insurance: Dan McDonald, CEO Direct # 281 -633-3208 Email: dan.mcdonald@mcwess-i nsurance.com Katrina Thornhill, Account Executive Direct # 281 -633-3200 Email: katri na.thornhill@mcwess-i nsurance.com Peggy Bohn, COO Direct # 281-762-52 13 Email: peggy.bohn@mcwess-i nsurance.com Kathryn Williams, Account Executive Direct # 281-762-52 15 Email: kathryn.williams@mcwess-insurance.com Carrie Hitchcock Waterworks CSR Direct # 28 1 -762-5216 Email: carri e.hitchcock@mcwess-i nsurance.com McDonald & Wessendorff Insurance • 611 Morton • Richmond, Texas 77469 PH (281) 342-MUDS (6837) •Fax: (28 1) 341-MUDS (6837) Plan Coverages Property • Real and Personal Property Coverage based on Replacement Cost Valuation • Contractors Equipment based on Actual Cash Value Boiler & Machinery • Coverage based on repair or replacement cost valuation Comprehensive General Liability • Duty to Defend • Defense is in addition to the policy limit • Sewer Back-Up coverage provided by specific endorsement Umbrella • Increased limits are available as an alternative to the District which desi res higher limits for General Liability and Business Auto Liability Pollution Liability • Legal liability protection for environmental damage and bodily injury • Clean-Up costs for third party owned premises • Both gradual and sudden occurrences are covered • Occu rrence coverage form • Defense is in addition to the policy limit • No exclusion for punitive damages Directors & Officers Liability • Duty to defend • Pay on behalf in lieu of reimbursement coverage form • Defense is in addition to the policy limit (Includes Breach of Contract) • No Aggregate limit • No deductible or retenti on • Full prior acts coverage back to the creati on of the District • Defi nition of claim includes coverage for decl aratory and injunctive relief suits • No Failure to Supply exclusion • Employment Practices Liability included • Coverage included for libel, slander, defamation of character McDonald & Wessendorff Insurance · 61 1 Morton · Richmond, Texas 77469 PH (281) 342-MUDS (6837) • Fax: (281) 341-MUDS (6837) TYPE OF POLICY: Rock Prairie Mgmt District #2 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ANO HIRED CAR & NON OWNERSHIP AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/31/19 COVERAG E: •Bodily Injury and Property Damage •Full Sewer Backup Coverage •Punitive Damages Not Excluded •Host Liquor Liability •Terrorism Not Excluded •No Mold Exclusion •No Assault & Battery Exclusion •Duty to Defend •Defense Cost Outside the Limit •Coverage in U.S. Only LIMITS OF LIABILITY: POLICY TERM: PREMIUM: COMPANY: $1,000,000 Each Occurrence $3,000,000 General Aggregate $ l ,000,000 Personal/ Advertising Injury $3,000,000 Product Liability $ 100,000 Damages to Premises Rented to You $1,000,000 Hired and Non Owned Auto Liability One Year $1,197 Mid-Continent Casualty Company AM Best Rating: A + VIII DOES THE DISTRICT HA VE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT? YES/NO: __ IF YES, PLEASE SEND A COPY. NUMBER OF PEACE OFFICERS: THE DISTRICT WILL NEED LAW ENFORCEMENT LIABILITY & PEACE OFFICERS BOND SEE SUMMARY PAGE FOR ADDITIONAL PREMIUM. ANY ROADS YES/NO: lliJ REJECTED BY: DATE: ____ _ SUBJECT TO POLICY TERMS, CONDI IONS, LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS McDonald & Wessendorff Insurance• 611 Morton • Richmond, Texas 77469 PH (281) 342-6837 (MUDS)• Fax: (281) 341-6837 (MUDS) 4 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY This policy is an agreement to pay damages for which the insured is legally obligated because of bodily injury or property damage and to defend any suit brought against the instu-ed on account of bodily injury or property damage. The policy will insure the District, any executive officers or directors thereof, and employees while acting with in the scope of their duties as it applies to the following coverage's. COVERAGES PREMISES-OPERATIONS: District's liability exposure is prim arily from the existence of its' facilities or any other District prope1ty. PRODUCTS: Products and/or completed operations coverage for waterworks and sewage disposal plant operations are included in the premises-operations coverage. CONTRACTORS LIABILITY: Protects the District against claims arising out of operations performed on behalf of the District by independent contractors. Every independent contractor employed by the District should furnish a certificate of their liability inslffance to the District. BLANKET CONTRACTUAL: Protects against claims arising out of the named insured assuming liability of others under a written contract. PERSONAL INJURY: Protects against claims arising out of one or more of the following offenses committed in the conduct of the named insured's business: False an-est, libel and slander, wrongful entry or eviction and other similar offenses including invasion of the right of private occupancy and defamation or violation ofright of privacy. HIRED AND NON-OWNED AUTOMOBILES: Covers liability for claims arising out ofnon-owned autom obiles and hired automobiles being used on behalf of the District. McDonald & Wessendo rff Insurance• 611 Morton ·Richmond, Texas 77469 PH (281) 342-6837 (MUDS). Fax: (281) 341 -6837 (MUDS) 5 Rock Prairie Mgmt District #2 ** OPTIONAL COVERAGE ** TYPE OF POLICY: PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: COVERAGE: EXCLUSIONS: LIMIT OF LIABILITY: DEDUCTIBLE: POLICY TERM: PREMIUM: COMPANY: ** OPTIONAL COVERAGE ** POLLUTION LIABILITY 03/31/19 •Occurrence Form •Legal Liability to Others-Bodily Injury and Property Damage and Clean Up Costs •Compensatory Damages •Defense Cost Outside the Limit •Punitive/Exemplary Damages Not Excluded •Terrorism Not Excluded •Mold Not Excluded •Statutory Fines or Penalties Unless Direct Result of Pollution Incident as Defined by the Policy •Disposal of Sludge at Landfill Site $1,000,000 each occurrence $3,000,000 aggregate $5,000 Per Claim for Clean Up Costs One Year $750 Mid-Continent Casualty Company AM Best Rating: A + VIII ITIONS, LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS McDonald & Wessendo rff Insurance• 611 Morton · Richmond, Texas 77469 PH (281) 342-6837 (MUDS)• Fax: (281) 341 -6837 (MUDS) 6 Rock Prairie Mgmt District #2 TYPE OF POLICY: PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: COVERAG E: LIMIT OF LIABILITY: DEDUCTIBLE: POLICY TERM: PREMIUM: COMPANY: DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS LIABILITY 03/31/19 •Claims-Made Coverage Form •Duty to Defend •Pay on Behalf in lieu of Reimbursement Coverage Form •Full Prior Acts •Defense Cost Outside the Limit •Defense for Alleged Breach of Contract •Claim incl udes any Judicial or Administrative Proceedings •Employment Related Practices coverage for the District Included •Coverage extended to include Director's Spouse •Terrorism Not Excluded $ l ,000,000 Per Claim No Aggregate Limit None One Year $2,000 Mid-Continent Casualty Company AM Best Rating: A + Vlll OPTIONAL LIMITS Limit Annual x $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 Premium $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 REJECTED BY: DATE: ----- SUBJECT TO POLICY TERMS, CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS McDonald & Wessendorff Insurance• 61 1 Morton • Richmond, Texas 77469 PH (281) 342-6837 (MUDS)• Fax: (281) 341 -6837 (MUDS) 7 Rock Prairie Mgmt District #2 ** OPTIONAL COVERAGE ** TYPE OF POLICY: PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: COVERAGE: UNDERLYING REQUIREM ENTS: EXCLUSIONS: LIMIT OF LIABILITY: RETENTION: POLICY TERM: PREMIUM: COMPANY: UMBRELLA 03/31/19 Limit of Coverage over General Liability, Automobile Liability, Pollution and Employers Liability (If underlying coverage is accepted) •Terrorism Not Excluded •Punitive Damages Not Excluded •Defense Cost Outside the Limit $1,000,000 General Liability $1,000,000 Poll ution Liability $1,000,000 Automobile Liability $1,000,000 Employers Liability Employee Benefits Liability Directors and Officers Liability Law Enforcement Liability $1,000,000 $10,000 One Year $900 Mid-Continent Casualty Company AM Best Rating: A + VIII OPTIONAL LIMITS Limit Premium x $ 1,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 4,000,000 $ 5,000,000 ** OPTIONAL COVERAGE ** $ 900 $1,800 $2,700 $3,600 $4,500 NS, LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS McDonald & Wessendo rff Insurance• 61 1 Morton • Richmond, Texas 77469 PH (281) 342-6837 (MUDS)• Fax: (2 81) 341 -6837 (MUDS) 8 TYPE OF POLICY: Rock Prairie Mgmt District #2 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BLANKET CRIME (Includes Attorney, Operator, Bookkeeper, Engineer and Delinquent Tax Attorney) ANNIVERSARY OF CURRENT POLICY: 03/31/19 COVERAGE: LIMIT: DEDUCTIBLE: TERM: PREMIUM: COMPANY: x $ $ $ $ $ $ Loss caused to the District through failure of any employee/consultant to perform faithfully their duties or to account properly for all monies and property received by virtue of their position or employment. Limit applies per employee/consultant up to $100,000. If the bond amount is over $100,000, each employee/consultant is covered up to $100,000 and the excess amount is provided on a per loss basis rather than each basis. •Terrorism Not Excluded $10,000 $0 One Year $120 Hartford Fire Insurance Company AM Best Rating: A+ XV OPTIONAL LIMITS Limit 10,000 25,000 50,000 100,000 Annual Premium $120 $178 $222 $344 $479 $580 Quote available with application REJECTED BY: _______________ DATE: ____ _ SUBJECT TO POLICY TERMS, CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS McDonald & Wessendorff Insurance• 61 1 Morton • Richmond, Texas 77469 PH (281) 342-6 837 (MUDS)• Fax: (2 81) 341-6837 (MUDS) 9 Rock Prairie Mgmt District #2 TYPE OF BOND: ANNIVERSARY OF CURRENT BOND: COVERAGE: BOND TERM: BOND LlMIT: PREMlUM: COMPANY: DIRECTORS POSITION SCHEDULE BOND 03/31/19 Provides coverage for loss caused to the District through the failure of Directors to perform faith fully their duties or to account properly for all monies and prope1ty received by virtue of their position as Director. •Terrorism Not Excluded One Year $10,000 Per Director ( 5 ) $50,000 Aggregate $175 Merchants Bonding Company AM Best Rating A Vlll REJECTED BY: ______________ DATE: ____ _ SUBJECT TO POLICY TERMS, CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS McDonald & Wessendorff Insurance• 611 Morton • Richmond, Texas 77469 PH (281) 342-6837 (MUDS)• Fax: (28 1) 341 -6837 (MUDS) 10 Rock Prairie Mgmt District #2 **OPTIONAL COVERAGE ** TYPE OF POLICY: BUSINESS TRAVEL COVERAGE PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/3 1/19 COVERAGE: 24 Hour Coverage while traveling on district business Accidental Death & Dismemberment LIMITS: PREMIUM: COMPANY: **OPTIONAL COVERAGE ** Paral ysis Benefits Coma Benefits Psychological Therapy Benefit Emergency Evacuation/Fam ily Travel Benefits Rehabilitation Expense Benefit Repatr iation Benefit Seat Belt and Occupant Protection Device Benefit Age reduction for over 70 $ 250,000 Each Director $ 50,000 Each Spouse $ 25,000 Each Child $35,000,000 Aggregate Limit $300 Chubb AM Best Rating: A++ XV 1/17/19 Date�����������������������������- (Title) Rej ected By _ __,.<::::"'"""-r:;..._-"-"-+--+----------V_1_· c_e_P_r e_s_i_d_e_n_t_ (Title) SUBJ ECT TO POLICY TERMS, CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS McDonald & Wessendorff Insurance• 61 1 Morton · Richmond, Texas 77469 PH (281) 342-6837 (MUDS)• Fax: (281) 341 -6837 (MUDS) 11 Rock Prairie Mgmt District #2 ** OPTIONAL COVERAGE ** TYPE OF POLICY: PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: COVERAGES: LIMIT OF LIABILITY: POLICY TERM: PREMIUM: COMPANY: **OPTIONAL COVERAGE ** SUBJECT TO POLICY TERMS, CONDI WORKERS COMPENSATION 03/31/19 •Coverage A in the policy provides statutory coverage in which the insurance company agrees to assume the liability imposed upon an insured by the applicable Workers Compensation law or laws. •Coverage B for Employers Liabil ity in this policy protects an insured against liability imposed by law for injury to employees in the course of employment. •Terror ism Not Excluded •Subject to policy terms, conditions and exclusions. Empl oyers Liability $1,000,000 Each Accident Bodily Injury by Accident $1,000,000 Each Employee Bodily Injury by Disease $1,000,000 Policy Limit Bodily Injury by Disease One Year $244 (5 Directors) Estimated Annual Premium Hanover Insurance Group AM Best Rating: A XV S, LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS McDonald & Wessendorff Insurance• 611 Morton • Richmond, Texas 77469 PH (281) 342-6837 (MUDS)• Fax: (281) 341-6837 (MUDS) 12 Rock Prairie Mgmt District #2 ** OPTIONAL COVERAGE ** TYPE OF POLICY: PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DA TE: COVERAGE: Cyber Liability 03/31/19 A -Network & Information Security B -Communication & Media Liability C -Regulatory Defense Expenses D -Crisis Management Event Expenses E -Security Breach Remediation/Notification F -Computer Program & Electronic Data Restoration G -Computer Fraud LIMIT: H -Funds Transfer Fraud I -E-Commerce Extortion J -Business Interruption & Additional Expenses A -$250,000 Each Claim B -$250,000 Each Claim C -$250,000 Each Regulatory Claim D-J $250,000 Each Single First Party Insured Event RETENTION: POLICY TERM: PREMIUM: COMPANY: TOTAL AGGREGATE: $250,000 $2,500 Each Claim/Event J -Waiting Period of8 Hours One Year ESTIMATED $900 -$1,200 (Based on Revenues less than $5,000,000) Travelers Casualty & Surety Co. of America AM Best Rating: A++ XV ** OPTIONAL COVERAGE ** COVERAGE DEFINITIONS & CLAIM SCENARIOS -DOC UMENT AT END OF PROPOSAL Application rN111ired for formal quote Higher limits ;1 lso awa ilahlt· 'S, LIMITA TIONS AND EX CL USIONS McDonald & Wessendorff Insurance• 61 1 Morton • Richmond, Texas 77469 PH (281) 342-6837 (MUDS)• Fax: (281) 341-6837 (MUDS) 13 ROCK PRAIRIE MGMT DISTRICT #2 PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/3 1/19 PREMIUM SUMMARY COVERAGE RENEWAL PREMIUM GENERAL LIABILITY/HIRED & NON-OWNED AUTO 1,197.00 DI RECTORS AND OFFICERS 2 000.00 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BLANKET CRIME 120.00 DIRECTOR'S BOND 175.00 TOTAL PREMIUM * $3,492.00 McDonald & Wessendorff thanks you for your business. EX PRING PREMIUM I 197.00 2,000.00 120.00 175.00 $3 492.00 **Please note this proposal does not include any property or boiler & machinery coverage. If the district purchases any facilities, please contact our office to issue a property policy. Tax Bond -Avik Bonnerjee-Billed Directly to Tax Assessor. * * *OPTIONAL NEW COVERAGE(S) * * * OPTIONAL NEW COVERAGE PREMIUM ACCEPTED YES/NO POLLUTION LIABILITY 750.00 UMBRELLA LIABILITY 900.00 BUSINESS TRAVEL ACCIDENT 300.00 WORKERS COM PENSATION & EMPLOYERS LIABILITY 244.00 LAW ENFORCEMENT LIABILITY -$1 000 000 LIMIT 1,000.00 PEACE OFFICERS BOND #OF PEACE OFFICERS 50.00 Each CYBER LIABILITY Quotable TOTAL PREMIUM FOR ACCEPTED OPTIONAL COVERAGE PLEASE REPORT ALL NEW FACILITIES OR PROPERTIES IMMEDIATELY TO MCDONALD & WESS DORFF PAYMENT IS DUE WITHIN 3 PRINTED NAME & TITLE: r Vice Pre sident DATE: January 17, 20 19 �������������������� FEDERAL TAX ID #: 47-47 17780 ��������������� NIA Premiums quoted are valid for 30 days from proposed effective date. /V.:J /lo ,.r tJ 1/0 /V O Jf O /\IV A II descriptions of proposed coverage 's provided herein are intended as an outline of coverage and are necessarily brief For specific wording concerning insuring agre ements, definitions, conditions, terms and exclusions not listed, please read each policy carefu lly. Please contact our offi ce if there are any questions. McDonald & Wessendorff Insurance• 611 Morton ·Richmond, Texas 77469 PH (281) 342-6837 (MUDS)• Fax: (28 1) 341-6837 (MUDS) 14 15 Professional Liability Application Application for Directors & Officers Liability Insurance Premium $2,000 $1 ,000,000 Part 1: Background Information **ML 1459 (01-97)** Name of Organization: Rock Prairie Mgmt District #2 Address: Purpose of Organization: _________ _ In continuous existence since: Number of Board Members: ---------- Are there subsidiaries? Yes or No (circle response) If yes, provide name (s), date established, nature of operation, profit or nonprofit, purpose, bylaws and financial statement for each. If yes, do you wish to request coverage for subsidiaries? Yes or No (circle response) Are the organization 's finances audited by a Certified Public Accountant? Yes of No (circle response) Does the organization have any stockholders or persons who profit from the operation except as salaried employees? Yes or No (circle response) If yes, please give detail. ..... ----------------------------------� Are any directors, Trustees, Officers or employees indebted to the organization? Yes or No. If yes, please give detail Part 2: Insurance Coverage Information Directors & Officers Liability Insurance carried during the past three years including expiring Policy. Insurer : Limits of Liability: Prem ium: Deductible: Policy Period Directors & Officers Liability Coverage has been continuously in force since: ___ _ If yes, with which insurance company? _________________ _ Has any policy for Directors and Officers liability Insurance ever been canceled or non-renewed? Yes or No (circle response). If yes, please give detail. .. _______ _ The individual of the organization designated to receive any and all notices from the Insurer or their authorized representative(s) concerning this insurance is: Name: Title: ------------- 16 Part 3: Employer Detail Total number of: Full Time Employees: ____ Part Time Employees: ___ _ Total number of Employees with annual salaries in excess of 50,000? ______ _ How many of these employees have annual salaries in excess of 100,000? ____ _ Does the organization have a written procedure for hiring and firing employees? Yes or No Does a lawyer or human resource person review involuntary employment terminations prior to termination of an employee? Yes or No (circle response) Has there been a reduction of employees in the past 12 months? Yes or No (circle response) Is a reduction of employees anticipated in the next 12 months? Yes or No (circle response) Part 4: Claim Information Within the last 5 years has the organization or any individual proposed for insurance received any inquiry, complaint or notice of hearing from any Municipal, State Administrative Agency, Federal Regulatory Authority or Congressional or Legislative Committee of similar such agency? Yes or No If yes, please explain ... _____ _ Within the last 5 years, has any claim been made, or is any claim now pending, against the organization, or any person proposed for Insurance in the capacity of either Director, Officer, Trustee, Employee or Volunteer of the organ ization? Yes or No (circle response) IF YES, ADVISE ON A SEPARATE SHEET DETAILS OF THE DIRECTORS & OFFICERS LIABILITY INSURANCE AND REMEDIAL MEASURES TAKEN TO PREVENT A RECURRENCE OF SUCH CLAIM(S). ______ _ ls any person proposed for th is insurance aware of any fact, circumstance or situation which may result in a claim against the organization or any of its Directors, Officers, Trustees, Employees, or Volunteers? Yes of No (circle response) lfyes, give detail. ____________________________ _ • Attach Financials • Attach District Directory The undersigned declares that to the best of his/her knowledge and belief the statements set forth herein are true. The undersigned further declares that any occurrence or event taking place prior to the effective date of the insurance applied for which may render inaccurate, untrue, or incomplete will immediately be reported in writing to the Insurer and the Insurer may withdraw or modify any outstanding quotations and/or authorization or agre ement to bind the insurance. The insurer is hereby authorized, but not required, to make any investigation and inquiry in connection with the information, statements and disclosures provided in this ap p · n. The decision of Insurer not to make or to limit any investigation or inquiry shall not be deem ver of any rights y e surer. Date: 1/17/19 --------------------------------� 17 McDonald & Wesse nd orff Insurance DATE: ENGINEER: ATTN: EMAIL: December 14, 2018 EHRA Blake McGregor bmcgregor@eh rainc.com 61 1 Morton Street, Richmond, TX 77469 Phone: (281)633-3200 Ernail:katrina.thornhill@rncwess-insurance.com Katrina Thornhill RE: Rock Prairie Mgmt District #2; Engi neer Report of Values (ERV) We have been requested to submit an insurance proposal for the above referenced District. Please review the questions below and indicate the type and quantity of any fa cilities pertinent to The District. Indicate how many of the following the district owns. If none, so indicate. Does the district have water wells? If so, number of submersible pumps? Lessors Risk (Sq/Ft) Pumps 500 HP or greater Swimming Pools Detention Ponds* · Parks I Trails Lakes** *Ponds = have sloped sides I pri arily fo r deten tio n/re tention -can be wet **Lakes = mainly for amenity purposes Please complete the following information for all insured facilities. ***PLEASE NOTE: INSURANCE POLICY IS BASED ON REPLACEMENT COST VALUATION*** LOCATION SCHEDULE Description Any facilities to insure? Replacement Value $ ____ _ Address Month/Year Fire Alarm: YIN Sprinklers: YIN City Flood Zone (ie: X,A,AE) Intrusion Alarm: YIN PLEASE LIST CONTE NTS AS SEPARATE LINE ITEM. TOTAL REPLACEMENT COST: $ State Construction & sq ft of buildings Central Station Alarm: YIN Mobile Equipment (plea se include year, make , model , serial number & value): Zip Thanks for providing this information to our office. Please call if you should have any questions, or comments concerning this document. Please return u on com letion b fax to 281 341-6837. SIGN HERE: x ��-+-h:;-f-;1+++�����-t=--��A�����\[V\.c.._�-fl1L�W_;;_�_�_z_-_/i-f-"-_ Ack?._ edge : (Signature) · Print Name Date In the event pf a claim, if the values are not updated The District could suffer a financial loss. Please note the Enginee•t General Managees signature approving these val ues. . � TRAVELERS J Cyb erRisk HOW OUR COVERAGE RESPONDS FOR PRIVATE, NONPROFIT AND PUBLIC COMPANIES Liability Insuri ng Agreements . Insuring Agreement Definition Claim Scenario Coverage Response Network and Information Secu rity Liability Communications and Media Liability Regulatory Defense Expenses Coverage for claims ar ising from unauthorized access to data, failure to provide notification of a data breach where re q u ire d by law, transmission of computer virus and fai lure to provide authorized users with access to the company website Coverage for claims arising from I copyright infri ngement, plagiarism, defa mation , libel and slander in electronic content Coverage for governmental claims made as a result of network and information security liability or communications and media liability A hacker obtains sensitive personal information from the insured's computer system. As a result, a number of customers bring a claim agai nst the insured for allowing access to their personal information. A lawsuit is brought agai nst the insured by another entity alleging that their online content and organizational branding have been plagiarized and their trademarks infringed upon. A charity with offices nationwide suffers a maj or data breach involving thousands of donors. As a result, attorneys general in multiple states bring regulatory action agai nst the insu red . First-party Insuring Agreements Damages and defense costs for covered lawsuits Damages and defense costs for covered lawsuits Costs for responding to regulatory claims stemming from the data breach, including any resulting fines or pe nalties Insuring Agreement Defi nition · . Claim Scenario Coverage Response Crisis Management Event Expenses Security Breach Remediation and Notification Expenses Computer Program and Electronic Data Restoration Expenses Computer Fraud � . ' . Coverage for pu bli c relations services to mitigate n egat ive publicity Coverage for costs associated with notification of individuals breach ed, c re dit mon itoring for 365 days, fraud expense reimbursement and call center The insured's chief customer service officer has his laptop stolen. The laptop contains more than 100,000 donor records, including their personal contact information. A skilled cyber criminal hacks into the insured's internal p roces sing system. Names, addresses and credit information for more than 50,000 of the insured's members are captured from the sys tem. Costs for hiring a public relations firm to restore donor confidence or mitigate negative publicity generated from the incident Costs for retaining legal counsel to assist with the breach response, incl uding forensics, notice requirements and expenses; providing credit monitoring and a call center for impacted ind ivid uals; and obtaining an ID fraud policy for affec ted victims ----------------1-- Cove rage for expenses to restore data lost A computer virus corrupts the insured's system from system damage due to computer software and data. virus or unauthorized access - Coverage for loss of money, securities or other property due to unauthorized system access An organized crime ring gains unauthorized access to the insured's accounts payable in their computer system and alters the bank routing information on outgoing payments. The result -$1 million transferred to the crime ring's accou nt. Costs for repair and restorat ion of the insured's computer programs and electronic data Direct loss of the insured's money, securities or other property First-party Insuring Agreements (continued) Insuring Agreement Definition I Claim Scenario . . . Coverage Response Funds Transfe r Fraud E-Commerce Extortion Business Interru ption and Additional Expenses Coverage for loss of money or securities due to fraudulent transfer instructions to a financial institution Coverage for money paid as a result of threats made to fraudulently transfer funds, destroy data, introduce a virus, attack a system or disclose electronic customer information An insured receives an email that appeared to be from its bank, but was not. The insured's employee opens the email, which activates embedded malware that reads key strokes from their computer. The perpetrator uses this means to obtain banking and password information and in itiate a fraudulent electronic wire transfer from the insured's bank account. The insured receives a series of notes that threaten to hack into its customer database and di sclose all of the contact information to the general public. ---1---------------Coverage for loss of income and expenses to restore operations as a result of a computer system disruption caused by a virus or unauthorized computer attack An organization's server is infected by a severe virus and as a result, their internal computer network is not avai lable for an extended period. The insured's funds that were fraudulently transferred from its bank account Expenses to manage the incident and monies or securities paid to the extortioner The net proceeds that would have been earned (or net losses that would have been avoided) resulting from the computer system disruption Travelers CyberRisk coverage is offered as a stand-alone policy or as a cohesive part of the Wra p+•' and Executive Choice+� management liability suite of coverages. Cybe rRisk provides a combination of coverage options to help protect organizations from emerging cyber threats and now includes access to the Trave lers' eRisk Hub'" -an information portal of risk management tools . .... TRAVELERS J travelersbond.com Tr avelers Casualty and Surety Company of America and its property casualty affiliates. One Tower Square, Hartford, CT 061 83 This material does not amend, or otherwise affect, the pro vi sions or coverages of any insurance policy or bond issued by Travelers. It is not a representat ion that coverage does or does not exist for any particular claim or loss under any such policy or bond. Coverage depends on the facts and circumstances involved in the claim or loss, all applicable policy or bond provisions, and any applicable law. Availability of coverage refere nced in this document can depend on underwriting qualifications and state regu lations. © 201 5 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. eRisk Hub is a registered trademark of NetDiligence. Travelers and the Trave lers Umbrella logo are registered trademarks of The Travelers Indemnity Company in the U.S. and other countries. 59878 Rev. 4-15 McD on al d & We ssendorff N s u R A N C E As required by Chapter 2270, Government Code, McDonald & Wessendorff lnsurance hereby verifies that it does not boycott Israel and will not boycott Israel through the term of the policies included in this proposal. For purposes of this verification, "boycott Israel" means refusing to deal with, terminating business activities with, or otherwise taking any action that is intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, or limit commercial relations specifically with Israel, or with a person or entit y doing business in Israel or in an Israeli-controlled territory, but does not include an action made for ordinary business purposes. Foreign Te1Torists Organizations. Pursuant to Chapter 2252, Texas Government Code, McDonald & Wessendorff lnsurance represents and certifies that, at the time of execution of this proposal neither McDonald & Wessendorff Insurance, nor any wholly owned subsidiary, majo rity-owned subsidiary, parent company or affiliate of the same (i) engages in business with Iran, Sudan, or any foreign terrorist organization as described in Chapters 806 or 807 of the Texas Government Code, or Subchapter F of Chapter 2252 of the Texas Government Code, or (ii) is a company listed by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts under Sections 806.051, 807.051, or 2252.153 of the Texas Government Code. The term "foreign terrorist organization" in this paragraph has the meaning assigned to such te1m in Section 2252.151 of the Texas Government Code. McDonald & Wessendorff Insurance · 61 1 Morton · Richmond, Texas 77 469 PH (2 81 ) 342-6837 (MU DS) • Fax: (281 ) 341 -6837 (MUDS)