HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSC_0276DICK HICKMAN I. Football. Basketball, Base- ball. Track. Athletic Club. Dance Club. ?. Football. Basketball, Baseball, Athletic Club. Dance Club. 3, Football. Track. Basketball. Baseball. Athletic Club, Dance Club. 4. Football. Track. Slide Rule Club. Athletic Club. Senior Play. Tri-Captain. Basket- ball. State Finals. 880-vd. Run. District Slide Rule Meet. District Num'oer Sense. Homeroom Officer. MARILYN DAVIS 1. FHA, DAR Award, Choir. Homeroom Officer, Student Council. 2. FHA, Choir, Operetta, Year- ly Honor Roll, Most Polite Girl. 3. Annual Staff, FTA Officer, Yearly Honor Roll, Inter- scholastic League. 4. Annual Business Manager, FTA President, Choir. Night of Music Soloist, DAR Good Citizenship Award, DAR History Award, National Honor Society, Outstanding Annual Worker, l st Place Soloist in Regional Meet. BARBARA ARLT I. Came from I.a Grange. ?. Library Club. Band, Inter- scholastic Sports. 3. Round - Up Staff. Band. Drum -Major, Annual Staff. Band Sweetheart Candidate. 4. 'Rigors' Tale Staff. Drum Major. Interscholastic Vol- leyball "foam. CLAIRE ROGERS 1. Dance Club, FHA, Operetta. Choir. 2. Dance Club, FHA Officer, Class Favorite, Choir Accom- panist, Operetta Accompan- ist. 3. Annual Staff, Pianist FHA. Choir Accompanist. Operetta Lead, Yell Leader. Babe Ruth Sportsmanship Award. 4. FHA. Choir Accompanist, Head Yell Leader, Dance Band Accompanist, Night of Music Soloist, Arion Instrumental- ist Award, Lion Club Music Award. FRANCES NEMEC 1. Hillbilly Club. Student Council, FHA. 4-H. Choir, Cperetta. 2. Library Club, Choir. 4-H. 3. Library Club. 4. I.ibrary Club. I3 a r Egg