HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSC_0181EUGENIA RUSH 1. FHA, Choral Club. Dance Club Science Club. Orchestra 2. FHA. Dance Club. Choral Club. Operetta, Student Council 3. FHA. Choral Club. Declamation Club. Operetta. Junior Play, Dance Club. Tennis 4. FHA. Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer. Dance Club. Choral Club. Student Council Secretary, Tennis, Senior Play. D.A.R. Citi- zenship Award, National Honor Society LOUIS BARKER 1. Rodeo Club, 4-H Club 2. 4-H Club 3. Radio Club, 4-H Club 4. Radio Club 41.40 MICKEY WILLIAMSON 1. Science Club 2. Dance Club. Photography Club 3. Science Club. Band 4. Science Club, Dance Club, Band, Arlon Music Award PAT NEELY 4. Transferred fro.n Sunset High. Dal- las, Aggie Wife, Mother DISHMAN PONTIAC COMPANY 100 North Parker — Phone 2- 1 685 BRYAN. TEXAS BETSY BURCHARD 1. FHA Reporter. Annual Staff. Band. Tennis 2. FHA. Dance Club. Band. Tennis. Round -Up Staff 3. Junior Play. FHA, Editor of Round -Up. Operetta. Band. Tennis (State Meet) . Girl's State 4. Editor of Round -Up. Senior Play. Student Council, Tennis, Band. Valedictorian, National Honor So- ciety, Most Versatile, Interscholas- tic League Ready Writing WINFRED PARDUE 4. Transferred from Big Spring, Bas- ketball. Athletic Club. Senior Play. Baseball, Track