HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSC_0170J. J. SKRIVANTK. JR. PRINCIPAL. SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL MRs. H. S. CRESWELL PRINCIPAL, ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A, & M CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS L. S. RICHARDSON. SUPERINTENDENT COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS ..iss Patsy :.olan, Editor The Ti:-erland A & :. Consolidated Senior HIigh School College Station, Texas Dear Patsy: W. T. RIEDEL PRINCIPAL. JUNIOR NIGH W. A. TARROW PRINCIPAL. LINCOLN SCHe„n June 29, 1955• It is :.; understanding that the 1955 TIGL2.Lni;i) is dedicated to the patrons of the A u . _ Consolidated Schools in appreciation for the wonderful new high school plant that the patrons have recently provided. I think that your dedication is very well selected,ior our new school plant represents the ultii..aGe in building desin. Hundreds of visitors froi.. out-of-state and fro:.. foreign countries have co:::e to College Station to inspect it. The plant has been featured in architectural oru;:_ and will be riven special attention in a nuEber of other pror.:inent publications including at least one foreiE:n publication. L I think that our co:.L_unity is to be cog.::.:ended for its diligent efforts. I think that this year's TIGE2L411ID will go a long; way toward showing the co=unity that its efforts are appreciated by both the student body and the faculty. Yours truly, . :'.ICH... ��.��: �, uperintenden t Consolidated ►schools Lm .:i..p B MEMBER OP THE SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS SCHppt.