HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/15/1987 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commissioni• ~i i NUTEC CITY OF C07•LEC7E STATION, TEXAS Planning and ~c,n ing Comm~is.s:ion January 15, 1987 7:00 P.~9. MEMBERS PRESENT: All pr.•esent - kaiser, Brochu, Slecaart, Dresser', Martilvray, Sawtelte ~incl Wendler STAFF PRESENT: Interim Ilirec.~tor• of Planning Callaway, City Engineer Pullen, 'Lon int; O:FP i ci ~rl Kee and Planning T'echni.cian Volk AGENDA ITEM NO. 1. Approval of Minutes - meeting of December 1.8, 1986. Mr. Wendler made a motion t:o apRrove the minutes as presentc;d; Mr. Rrochu sr~condf-;c1 the motion which carried unanimously r7-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 2. Hear visitors. An unidentified man in the audience yr}iced a complaint about the letter of not.il":ie~a~t;ion he had rere~i_ved, and suggested :inclusion of additional informat.:ion in the future, i.e., perhaps street ntunbers, si.nre most people do not have the legal descr:ipt;:i on (1cat. , block j of the i_r• homes read:i ly av~r:i Lab le. • AGENDA ITEM N0. 3. 87-100: A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 3.0 acre tract of land located on the north side of Graham Road approximately 400 feet west of S.H. 6, from A-0 Agricultural Open to C-2 Commercial Industrial. Applicant is :Tack Winslow. Mr. Callaway briefly revviewed information on the si:aff r•f,port included in the Rackets, specifically the location of the property, physical features, area zoning, e_~istini; area land uses, and the add_it:tonal information that the area is r•c-•flf~ctc~cl ,s commercial on the land use plan. He finalized hi.s report by explaining that staff recommends approval. of this request because the tract. is located in an are~~ reflected as commercial on the land use plan, the tract is at a Location, t-he type of` which is recommended for connnercial zc,n:ii-,g :in the development policies of the Comprehensive Plan, and the requested zoning is consistent with existing area zoning. After a brief' discussion regarding controlled access in the area when the improvements are completed on S.H. 6, the public hearing was opened. No one spoke. The public hearing was then closed, Mr. Dresser made a motion to reconUnend approval of this r-er_oning r•ecluc~st. hir•. lir•ochu seconded i:he motion which carried unanimously ;7-0). AGENDA ITEM N0. 4. 87-200: A public hearing to consider a resubdivision plat of Parts of Lots 2 and 3 and an unsubdivided portion of Block 2 College Park subdivision which is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Old Jersey and • Ayrshire Streets. Mr. Callaway explained that: holding a public hearing to consider t.h:is resubd:ivis~ion 1 plat in a rFSi.dent.:ial area ftxl:l:il:l4;sate requirement.,, then addressed t,hc.~ purpose of this plat which is to combine :3 1?arcels of land into 2 lots, adding there. i.s an • c.>x:isting house on one of the lots which :is being created. He referred to t:lle Presubmissi.on COIIfeY'eIIC;e'. rE'pOY't W111C11 W3S lliclLldE'd In the packets, and lnfornted t:he Commission that all. c<:zndit::ions listed havF. 17een met. and staff reconunencls approval of the replat as shown. In answer to a question, Mr. Callaway replied that. an add:it:ional residence could have been built on t.tlis land without replatting :it since there is ample laud available to handle all setback requirements, but pointed out that. this replat. pI°ovides 2 sE:~l~arate, plat:t.c~rl tots which can be sold. Required minimLml lot size and the actual size of these lots were discussed, with Mr. Callaway report::ing that the lots exceed requ:irement:s, adding that; other lots in this area ~lre of various sizes, some larger, some smaller, and some practically the same size as these. proposed lots. The publ:ic hearing was opened. Harr:icon H:iert.h, 208 Fairview came forward to voice opposition to this plat, stating that allowing construction of a house in too small an area could create a dangerous s:i t.uat; i on, and I~e~ferred to a recent, fire :i n a dup l.f:~x in that area. He stated that approval. of this plat could set a bad precedent. as lot. 3A m:ight be developed. Lambert Wilkes owner of 303 & 305 Ayrshire came Forward to ask just: how far the new l.ot boundary will. be from thc~ existing structLlre and Mr. Callaway replied that measurement. hall not actually been made, but. orcl:inanee requires it to be a minimum of 7 1/2 feet from the side lot line, and it could Le a grey-ter distance if desire>d. Mr. Will{es then stated that, another concern he has is ghat itze streets in this neighhor~hood are narrow and additional traffic is not desirable. He added that; he is actually not: opposed to ttz:is plat, but, that. hc: is concerned. • Mr. Kaiser stated that. these lots actually exist now in another configuration, and the lots as proposed will still allow compliance w:it.h a]:1 ordinance rE~gulation.>. Marie Hamilton of Richard Smith Co. and. th.e agent for the applicant,/owner, came forward to explain that. the builder who is from I't. Wort:h plans t.o build a =cmala home, approximately 1200 square feet in area on the new lot, and his daughter will. hive in that house. She further exp:f.:zi.ned that the exi.st.ng house has had soma remodelling work done, and is now for sale. '+7r. Ka:iser ~the21 nzenticzned that: the Commissioners had each received a copy of a lc~i t cr from a Mrs. F.. F. Sauer expressing opposition to this replat. A gentleman from the audience then brought. forward a note from a h7re; . T. E . McAi'ee. of 304 F<z:i rvi eca wh:i c~h st-ated that; she does not approve of the request. >`o one else :>hoke. The public hearing was closed. Discussion followed regarding size <,f lots in the area, locatio2l and configuration cif streets in the area, with Mr. Kaiser asking staff if there has been a pattern o:[ resubdivisiou plats in this area anct Mr. Callaway replied that. this i.s not an isolatf>d -incident., but n~~it,her• i.; :it a part of a pattern, ft.trther expl,zi.ning how in older neighorhoods, land has been sold as lots or gaits of lots with no ac.t:ual. leg<r7 pl att;:irlg, and now the c.i ty i s Fxperi c~rzcing some repl~tt.t :ing i n these areas t o establish legal, glatted lots which can be sold or developed. Mr. MacGilvray asked if' t.al:ing 3 parcels of land and platt,:ing t.llem into `.? lots is advisable and Mr. Callaway replied the groposed lots meet all city requirements, and actt.tal rec~ord~~~1 • plats are ~-zlways Yzt~lpful 1'c>r recor~clkF~ep ing. Mrs. Sawtel3-e referred to the fire in the duplex which was mentioned earlier, then Pi~7. M:i.nutes 1- t 5--8 i Pages 2 i• asked how a chap:Lex could be located in ~~ s:ingle fam:i lye res:i.dent i al d i str.i ct and Mr. Callaway replied that particular structure predates i:ht-: zoning ordinanr_e and is therefore a non-confol•'minf; structure. Mr•. MacCilvray askeei how a second residence could be built ou this land without repl.at.ting and Mr. Callaway replied that as long as all setbaclrs are met and t}If' land :i s tinder onE~ owner•shi.p, more than one pr inc:i pa 1 residence can be built. Mr. Dresser stated that a:tt.hough nothing being proposed on this resubdivisi.on Fiat :is against any regulations, he personally agrees with the residents opposing this who have expressed a desire to preserve the neighborhood as it is, and pointed out t:hc're are several places in the area where this could happen again and if it does, the. character o1' the neighborhood will be changed. Mr. I~aisc>r stated that the ~_~pplic,ant. is not proposing to do anything other than to meet legal. x'equirements, and since a second house could be built on this land anyway, iI. is likely that. if that were ciorcE• without the city having any control in the matter, an application would someday Follow for replatting so a legal sale could be made. He added ghat although he is sympathetic. to file voiced C;OIIC2x'I1S, he thinks in this particular case, what: is beinsr proposed is good. Mr. MacG:Lvray st.at:E~d drat there will be 2 lots and 2 houses on the lots which are very similar in size, therefore the character will not be changed very much. Mr. Wend:lee stated that. bc:~cause an additional. house could be built. by tliE_, owner of the property without proper plattlilg, and then replatting would probably follow ~Ifter the fact., ho thinks this i.s proper, ~Idding that. he doe4; not think this Commission slrould restrict someone's use of his property if there is compliance wit-lt all City codes and orciinancc=s . Mr. MacGilvray then made a motion to approve this resubdivision plat being proposed. Mr. Brochu seconded the motion which carded by a vote of 6-1. {Dresser opposing). • AGENDA ITEM N0. 5. 8?-400: Consideration of establishing minimum parking requirements as required by Section 9.3 of Ordinance 1638 (the Zoning Ordinance) far a hospital (Sandstone Center) to be located south of Barron Road and east of S.H.6 in the Barron Park subdivision. Mr. Callaway explained that the zoning ordinance is written to give aut.horizaLion for establlShing parklIlg Y'egtllx'ementS for hOSpltals tU l.he PIalllling gc 70III.Ilg C()ImIl1SS1OI1. He further explained that the. P.H.C. reviewed and approved t•he site plan, pending approval by the P&I of the proposed parking. He stated that staff has reviewed requirements from :LO different Texas c:it.ies, and none require as many spaces as are being proposed. by this applicant. Mr. Callaway then explained t}lat the Commission can now establish min:imum requirements for hospitals which can be used for any future hospital projects, or it can act. on this specific project and rec;u:ire that any future projects comE~ bark before the Commisslon to be reviewed on an indivi.ctual basis. He pointed out that the proposal being made for• t,h:i s fac:i l:i t,,y exceeds State standards (as is po.intecl t)ut. i n the letter from the architect), as well. as standards of the other Texas ci_i=ies St:udleCl. I):iscussion followed rc:gard:int; the extremes represented :in staff's study which ranl;c~ from 12 to 10~i spaces being required for this facility, with Mr. Callaway :indicati_ng that although he does nc7t: know the. exact. reason for t;hc~ variat ion of re~lui.rement:s, he would speculate that perhaps some of the ordinances were ol_d and outdated, or perhaps • the size of the Ci t.y or the av~c:ilahil:it,y o:f public transportation may have had some bearing on establ.ishi_ng the requirements. Pt~7 M:inut,es 1~-15-87 P~Ige 3 Mr. Stewart. stetted that. perhal.>s this project is proposing to include more them enough parking spaces, but since nobody seems to be sure, he does not see how this • Commission could possibly set, a stanclarcl fc~r all Put;ure s:inllar projee~t:s, and perhaps it would be wise if the Conunission were to consider each project on an individual basis. Mr•. MacGilvray staged that he would :iike to see less parkint; and more landscaping, adding that he believes there is an over abundance of parking in this C:it.y aaready. The architect: for the project, Hex-man Lee, was invited forward t.o clarify reasons for the, number of par}ring spaces being proposed for this project, and he stated that bec.tuse 36 of the beds; 'in this facility will be for adolescents and children, it. }l'<]`.~ been determined that. more visitors will be expected than for a normal psychiatric hosp.it.a) which hctuses only adult. pat;:ient.s. Another person from t.}te audience exj?lalIlE'd that cd (`Oltlpl.ete-' dr].Ve--ax'OLtncl ].S rF:gUlred fOx' flee prCltectlOI], SO Y'eIIIOVaI- Of <t -few parking spaces would not, greatly affect t:he amount, of pavement. at, this far_.i 1 i.ty. After more, gerter•al discussion about, the di-E'-Cerencc.s in parking rE=~quirements in various cities, Mrs. Sawtelle made a motion t:o approve the parking proposed for this fac~ia_it.y. Mr. Stewart. seconded t:he mot:ian wh:i::~h carded by a vote of Ei-1 (MacGilvrayi. AGENDA ITEM N0. 6. Other business. Mr. Callaway stated he would like to bring the Conunission up-to-date on the status c>f t hc~ wo.rlt dune on the. Comprehensive plan and Mr. Kaiser asked him t c7 w~ti t, fc,r• t.h is d.i-scussi.on until- after all other business had been addressed. • Mr. 6lendlel~ askr'd t;hat eonsicler•at.ion to be given t.o hospitals and ,_~milar types c>f facilities on an individtal. basis rather than to set. a standard to follow. Ot;hc~rs at;rc~e~d . Mr. Mace i lvray stated ghat he dial not: want: to 1 c~•t. this meet:inf; end wi tl]out tal;:i ng tllc~ opportuni.t:,y to publicly thank former Director of Planning Al Mayo, who had recently resigned, for h:is many yerlrs of service to both the City and this Commission. Hethen so moved to make a motion to express this publicly. Mr. Wendler' seconded the mcstion. Mr. Kaiser then reiterated the mot...ion and expanded it: as; follows: "Ta exj~ress appreciation from the Planning and Toning Conunission far the pleasure it has hacl i.n re.lying upon Mr. Mrtyo's expertise, good judt;7nent, and sincere recommendations, notwi-thstanding solve of the i.nteresti.ng discussions and sidebar comments which have taken place". Votes ware cast and the motiolt to publ=irl•y express the ahove> st<tt,ecl appreC;lat102] t0 Mr'. Mayo Cax'rled UI]aI1.1mOL1Sly t7'-l)~ . No one else l]ad any other business, so Mr. Kaiser turned the floor over to Mr. Callaway for discussion of the updating of the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Callaway stated that dra.t't:s of the sect::ions covering population, goals and objectives have been distributed t« the Conmlissioners; drafts of the cotmnercial development <-Ind inclustr:ial dc:~ve]opment, sections are complete and being reviewed by the staff' at. this, time; work is utlcierway OI] the housing SeCtlOil and should be complete by the end c>f January; and information is nota being gathered fvr a review of the Capital l:mpr•ov~•ruents sec.t.iotl and the Thoroughfare ser_.ti.or,. In December a schedule was prepared and disLributecl by Mr. Mayo, but. Mr. Callaway stated hc~ is not. sure :if this :is the: }~t.~st schedule to follow in reviewing t;he j>lan, and asked. if' the Collmlission wanted to discuss the best; approach to take at this meeting, or t.o st=t a ide Some time at t:he next met::ting for th.:]t dis<,ussion. }ic. added that he would like to receive some input 1`rc~m t:he Comm:issi-on reg<trd:ing the form andior scope the review and sLibsegt]ent P&L Minutes 1--15-Sr Page 4 rc;,:isions will take. He sa.i.cl that hc~ ltas a:tre>~~dy x-eee;~ived some i.npLtt frc;tn [c7r. Dresser- rega.rd.ng expansion of the Goals and Objectives secti-on, anti fo].l.owing that, d.i sc;uss:i on, has come to thf~ conclusion that :i_ t wot.zld be a good i do~a 1 c, take t}re Development: Policies section and review i.t in conjunction with the Goals and Objectives sect.:ion, and perhaps even :include thF~m :in the same sect.:ion. The Plan might: be reviewed in phases, dealing with goals, objectives and development poli.ci_es in one-~ phrase; t:hr. irtformat i_ve <rnd reference sections which assess current conditions in a separate phase wlti.ch the staff would prepare and bring to the Conmxi_ssion for consideration; and as a third phase wYtich come.; after review and adoption by the Conmrission and the Council of the Goals, Objectives and Develol>ment Policies, a review c>f the Land Use and Thoroughfare Plan. Hey ~iskc-d for input from the i`otmn:is~;ion before he attempted t.o prepare a schedule for the proposed reviews. • Mr. MacG:ilvray staged Itc: would like to receive some written informa~t.ion for review and study before scheduling a late afternoon spe>cial workshop which wor.tl.d be only for t }tc~ purpose's of rfyvi owing the latest. progress c;rt thr: Plan update. Mr. Kai sc r instructed Mr. CalJ.a.way to include an agenda item on one of the. next. two meetings for a report; by staff on the work- to--dat.e o:C the. :im~ent.ory type c;:t' i_nformat..ion. Mr. Ca] ].away stated that perhaps }:,y t}tat time final drafts will. be available. Mr. MacG:i].vr-ay st.at.ed that he would prefer to have a longer period of t.:ime to study tlris information than the Conmrissi<>n has to study i:he packet ~i_nformation. Mr. Kaiser :uggeste~d pc:rhrrps a study and discussion by the Commi~;sic>t7 and staff prior to } old_int; a public hearing. Mr. Dresser stated that. }te thinks the Goals, Objectives <uul Developm~z~ti: Policies must, be agreed upon prior to c,onsideratic>n of the Land Ilse I'1<tn and Thoroughfare section, and he would prefer to have a workshop covering only the Gcszils and Dc~vc~lot;ment Pol:icie:;. Mr, ?`7act:Iilvr•ay agreed. A~tr. Kaiser agrec,cl, add:i.np7 that hey would t}~tink that after Goals, Objectives and Deve]_opment Policies are agre~ec-.l upon, we would be ready receive pul;lic inpuf. at, a pub is hearing. Mr. Mac:Gilvray terninded the. Conmtissi.on that, someone had. suggested setting up some advocacy or react.iorr groul~;s to assure receipt: of public input.. Mr. Kaiser suggested that, should come at a later date, but that now t-he Conmrission is requesting the=rt staff get i.nl'ormat.ion t.o it. for indiv:idttal study .Cc;r a month before the:. tner~~t:inf; at. which it. wi_11 he discussed, and perhaps it can be included with the: next packet information fcsr• pr•c:sentat.ion by staff and discussion t.o Lake place est. the ~;econd meeting in February. Mr. Call,iway replied that he would to}{e a close look at the agenc:la items prior t.o sc~hec}ul ng that pt esentat:ion, and perhaps he soul d get: the updated information t;o the Cotnmiss:ioners even before February 2nd. AGENDA ITEM N0. 7. Adjourn. Mr. MacG-ilvray made a motion to adje».trn; Mr. ±~re:ndler seconded the motion w}~i:ich car-ri.ed unanimously ('7-0) . vray rLTTF: ;T: APY City Secretary, Dian Jones P&.% Minutes 1- l ~- 87 I ~ t; e .; • ~~ January 5, 1987 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICg OF PUBLIC HEARING City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840.2499 _~ .. _ ,~ This is to notify you that the City of College Station has ~ece~^i,ved ~n aaalication reg_uestin consideration of a - -`'~) G, resubdivision plat of Parts of Lots 2 and 3 and an unsubdivid~~, 1 ~ portion of Block 2 College Par Subdivision which is within ~~T4jj ~~ feet of a property owned by yo~ The app cation is in the na of Adrian Pipers, owner o~ twat property. This request will be considered at 2 public hearings which will held as follows: Planning & Zoning Commission: 7:00 P.M. Thursday, January 15, 1987 City Council: 7:00 P.M. Thursday, January 22, 1987 Both hearings will be held in the Council Room of the College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue. The date of the Council public hearing may be changed because of action taken by the Commission. If the date of the Council hearing is changed, you will be notified by mail. For additional information, contact the City Planning Office, (409)764-3570. _e ~/~ ~! ~~ Albert 0. Mayo Director of Planning //, '' ~~ .~ ~/~ (~/ ~~ 1 J ~~ ~~ ~- ~~~~~~ ~~ s ~~ ~ . Jan. 1l~, 1987 Mr. Jim Calloway City Planning Office College Station, Texas Dear ^{r. Calloway: Since I am unable to attend your meeting on Jan. 22 regarding the resubdivision of some property in College Park, I want to take this means of submitting my protest to this request. I feel that my propertyy decreased in value when you closed our road "Jersey" and r.ow to squeeze in small homes on lots too small will further depreciate our property. Don't forget there are many fine citizens living in College Park who have their permanent homes there. Please accept this as a very strong protest. Sincerely, • PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION • DATE January 15, 19$7 s. 9. 10. 11. s 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24 _ 25. GUEST REGISTER NAME ADDRESS 1 . ~..;~.~-~i~~~ ~. ~ ~~ ,n~-~J 3 2 . ~~ ,; ~ r S. ~ .C_ ~~~'~ ~ ~rr~ ~~ `` ~ ~ 1 ~ M ~ .1 ~I~T ~,~! t~ ~~ , jc" l ~f ~,~~~n1 ~ c~ :~ ~~~ r ~ -r- zit .~~ ~,.,- ..~. ,~; ~ C ( e ~ ~ ~ *** REGISTRATION FORM *** (FOR PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION) Date of Meeting ~'~ ~7 l .;~ J ~ -~ Commission Agenda Item No. ~~" Name "~Ft'=d_;-L'G't~^ ~~. ~.. ;.~"~. .t ~~-~i.. --~ , r"y Address .`~~ ~--~~ ~''i-~.-C-'2 Li.~L-;...a..~ ~ C~...-~.-(_~_.Li: `_~-L~+'i-'L't'~Y't~: House No. Street r Citq IF SPEAKING FOR AN ORGANIZATION, Name of Organization: And, Speaker's Official Capacity: SUBJECT ON WHICH PERSON WISHES TO SPEAK '- r~. `tr.?'~"z. ~ i- ~~ -rte, --t ~'~ ~~si a'- Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair; hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR COMMISSION FILES. The Commission will appreciate each speaker limiting an address on any one Item to flue minutes. Thank you ffor your cooperation. r: *** REGISTRATION FORM *** (FOR PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION) i Date of Meeting ~ / ~ S ~~ Commission Agenda Item No. 9 _ Name L+ , !~l. I,~,~.C >:" 1' ~ Address ~ ~~ /~~3r~~_ ~,~~~~ c.'S House No. Street CI[y IF SPEAKING FOR AN ORGANIZATION, Name of Organization: And, Speaker's Official Capacity: SUBJECT ON WHICH PERSON WISHES TO SPEAK Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair; hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR COMMISSION FILES. the r^mmlsslon will appreciate each speaker limiting an address on any one Item to flue minutes. Thank you for your cooperation. •