HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/09/2018 - Regular Agenda Packet - Design Review Board Design Review Board March 9, 2018 @ 11:00 am City Hall Administrative Conference Room 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas AGENDA DESIGN REVIEW BOARD March 09, 2018 11:00 AM Administration Conference Room 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas, 77840 The City Council may or may not attend the Design Review Board meeting. 1. Call to Order. 2. Consideration, discussion and possible action to approve meeting minutes. January 26, 2018 3.Presentation, possible action, and discussion to consider an alternative compliance to the UDO Non-Residential Architectural Standards generally located at 12900 Old Wellborn Road (NRA2017-000057) (LGray). 4. Possible action and discussion on future agenda items – A Design Review Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 6. Adjourn. APPROVED: By________________________________ City Manager I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted at College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, on March 02, 2018 at 5 p.m. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By_________________________________ City Secretary This building is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services such as interpreters, readers, or large print are asked to contact the City Secretary’s Office at (979) 764-3541, TDD at 1-800-735-2989, or email adaassistance@cstx.gov at least two business days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does not receive notification at least two business days prior to the meeting, the City will make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations. Penal Code § 30.07. Trespass by License Holder With an Openly Carried Handgun. “Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with an openly carried handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter this property with a handgun that is carried openly” Codigo Penal §30.07. Trespasar Portando Armas de Mano al Aire Libre con Licencia. “Conforme a la Seccion 30.07 del codigo penal (traspasar portando armas de mano al aire libre con licencia), personas con licencia bajo del Sub-Capitulo H, Capitulo 411, Codigo de Gobierno (Ley de licencias de arma de mano), no deben entrar a esta propiedad portando arma de mano al aire libre” Page 1 of 3 Minutes Design Review Board January 26, 2018 11:00 AM Administrative Conference Room 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas, 77840 Board Members Present: Jane Kee, William McKinney, Susan McGrail, Elizabeth Natsios, Jesse Durden, and Valerian Miranda Board Members Absent: Mary Edwards Staff Present: Planning Administrator Justin Golbabai, Senior Planner Alaina Helton, Staff Planner Laura Gray, Permit Tech I Tiffany Romero, Staff Assistant Crystal Derkowski AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call to order. Chairperson Kee called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Consideration, discussion and possible action to approve meeting minutes.  December 18, 2017 Board member McKinney motioned to approve the meeting minutes. Board member Durden seconded the motion, which passed unopposed (6-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Presentation, possible action, and discussion to consider proposed signage in the Wolf Pen Creek District generally located at 614 Holleman Drive East. #WPC2018-000001 (LGray). Staff Planner Gray presented the item to the Board. She stated that the applicant was proposing an attached lighted sign in the Wolf Pen Creek District. The applicant brought a sample of the proposed lighted sign for the board members to see. There was general discussions amongst the Board. There was a general discussions amongst the Board concerning the location of the proposed sigh. It was decided when making the motion to include the condition “that the sign align with the existing pillars on the building”. Page 2 of 3 Board Member Durden motioned to approve the attached lighted sign with the condition that it align up with the existing pillars. Board Members McKinney seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6-0) AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Presentation, possible action, and discussion to consider waivers to UDO Section 12-7.10.C.4 ‘Building Materials’ and Section 12-7.10.C.5 ‘Building Colors’, and Alternative Compliance to the Unified Development Ordinance Section 12-7.10 Non-Residential Architectural Standards for HEB No. 3 located at 11675 FM 2154. Case #AWV2017-000044 (A Helton). Senior Planner Alaina Helton presented the items and stated that the applicant is requesting two waivers and an alternative compliance. The applicants seeks to request waivers for the building materials used as well as the building colors used. The alternative compliance request is for an approval to the overall requirements of the Non-Residential Architectural Standards for the accessory car wash and fuel kiosk structures. There was general discussions amongst the Board. The applicant brought a samples of the proposed building materials for the board members to see. There was general discussions amongst the Board regarding concerns of the look of the materials that were proposed and also the location of those materials Board Member Natsios motioned to approve the requests as presented. Board Member Miranda seconded the motion. Chairperson Kee called for the vote. Motion to approve passed (6/0) AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Possible action and discussion on future agenda items – A Design Review Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Board member Durden asked that there be more clarification on the type of metal materials allowed and not allowed for use by the City. Board member Miranda also requested for there to be a training at a later date. AGEND ITEM NO. 6: Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 12:17pm. APPROVED: _________________________________ Page 3 of 3 Jane Kee, Chairperson ATTEST: ____________________________ Crystal Derkowski, Staff Assistant Design Review Board March 9, 2018 Page 1 of 4 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Alternative Compliance to the Non-Residential Architectural Requirements for Brazos Valley Floor & Design Granite Fabrication Facility NRA2017-000057 REQUEST: Alternative compliance to the UDO Non-Residential Architectural Standards LOCATION: 12900 Old Wellborn Road, College Station, TX 77845 ZONING DISTRICT: PDD – Planned Development District (ORD NO: 2012-3395) APPLICANT: Hawkins Architecture PROJECT MANAGER: Laura Gray, Staff Planner lgray@cstx.gov Design Review Board March 9, 2018 Page 2 of 5 Design Review Board March 9, 2018 Page 3 of 5 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITY Section 12-7.10.A of the Unified Development Ordinance states that the intent of the Non- Residential Architectural Standards is to: 1) Protect and enhance the character and quality of non-residential buildings and associated site elements in the interest of the general welfare of the City; 2) Establish minimum design parameters for the appearance of non-residential buildings, including heightened standards for more visible and prominent areas of the community; 3) Not limit architectural creativity or prescribe a specific architectural style; and 4) Provide a balance between the community’s economic and aesthetic concerns. The Unified Development Ordinance grants the Design Review Board (DRB) the authority to hear and decide proposals for alternative compliance to the Non-Residential Architectural Standards. Specifically, Section 12-7.10.D states: The Design Review Board (DRB) may authorize variation to the overall requirements of the Non-Residential Architectural Standards through application from a licensed architect for an alternative compliance approval that would allow innovative or visually interesting design or to address unique circumstances not otherwise permitted through strict adherence to this section. Such requests must show reasonable evidence that the purposes of the requirements as set forth in this section were maintained and the additional design flexibility afforded does not provide a means to permit design of lesser quality. Based on these criteria, the Design Review Board can act upon the proposed request in one of the following ways: 1) Approve the request as proposed 2) Approve the request with conditions 3) Deny the request ITEM SUMMARY: Hawkins Architecture is requesting alternative compliance approval from the Design Review Board for a proposed granite fabrication building. Some of the differences between the applicant’s proposal and the City’s Non-Residential Architectural Standards are described below. 1. The UDO limits the use of standing seam metal, premium grade architectural metal, or architecturally finished metal panels (not corrugated metal) across greater than 30% of any façade. The applicant is proposing the use of 16-inch wide MBCI Design Review Board March 9, 2018 Page 4 of 5 Masterline concealed fastener metal panels across 80.3 percent of the North façade and 87.7 percent of the West facade. Staff has considered this type of metal as corrugated metal in past projects. Staff is in the process of preparing a presentation to the Design Review Board for a future meeting to receive guidance on the interpretation of corrugated metal. 2. The UDO requires the use of fired brick natural stone, marble, granite, or any concrete product so long as it has an integrated color and is textured or patterned (not aggregate material) to simulate brick, stone, marble, or granite across a minimum of 10% of any façade visible from a public right-of-way or public way. The applicant is proposing the use of Austin chalk limestone across 7 percent of the North façade and 4.3 percent across the West facade. 3. The UDO requires 1 architectural relief element for every 25 horizontal feet of the façade length. In this case the façade is approximately 179-feet long requiring 8 architectural elements. The applicant is proposing to waive the requirement Architectural relief elements on the West facade. The applicant has provided a letter to the board with detailed rationale for this request (see supporting documentation). The applicant’s rationale for alternative compliance is summarized as follows. 1. The North façade should not be seen from Old Wellborn road due to the buildings proximity to the Aggieland Lighting Center which is located on the adjacent property. In addition, the applicant is proposing a 20-foot overhang for this façade that creates a covered porch which obscures the visibility of this end of the building. Further, the use of concealed fastener metal panels on the North façade will create a visual transition between the proposed building and the existing showroom. 2. The North and West façades will serve as an operational access point between the Aggieland Lighting Center and the granite fabrication building and will be subject to possible damage due to the nature of the operations. The use of masonry on this façade would present a long-term maintenance issue for the owner. While the damage will occur regardless of the material, the long-term costs associated with the repair and replacement of masonry is much higher than it is for the metal. 3. The West façade, “rear” façade, may not be visible from the Graham Road right-of- way in the near future based on current “property adjacencies”. The adjacent property is currently zoned BPI – Business Park Industrial which also would have lessened UDO/NRA requirements Further, the use of “architectural metal panels” on the West Design Review Board March 9, 2018 Page 5 of 5 façade would provide higher quality siding over the painted metal siding that would be unlimited at the rear façade of a building. 4. Additional architectural relief elements on the West façade, ”rear” façade, would only be “tacked on” and seem to be in contradiction to Section 12-7.10 (C)(5)” Design elements used to meet architectural relief must have a functional architectural purpose . . . “. Architectural relief elements would be in danger of damage or interface with business operations. CRITERIA: In order to promote quality construction and visually interesting non-residential structures, the UDO specifies minimum architectural standards that include building materials and architectural elements to achieve this goal. As the intent of the Design Review Board’s alternative compliance process is to offer an approval option that allows architects and the Board the ability to discuss overall visions and individual design decisions, dialog is not limited to non-compliant design elements. For the application to be approved, the applicant must show: 1) Reasonable evidence that the purposes of the requirements as set forth in the Non-Residential Architectural Standards were maintained; and 2) The additional design flexibility afforded does not provide a means to permit design of lesser quality. ALTERNATIVE COMPLIANCE OPTIONS:  Approve the proposed design and materials  Approve with conditions  Deny SUPPORTING MATERIALS: 1. Application 2. Letter from Architect 3. NRA Elevations 4. Metal Panel Specifications To: City of College Station Planning & Development Dept Date: February 9, 2018 Re: Statement for Design Review Board 12900 Old Wellborn Road College Station, TX 77845 Project # NRA2017-000057 Dear Design Review Board, Hawkins Architecture is requesting review and waivers for the property located at 12900 Old Wellbron Road. The request and rationale are as follows: Request 1: Allow less than 10% of masonry on the North façade of the new facility. Request 2: Allow more than 30% metal on the North facade. The three reasons for this request are existing conditions, non-visibility form right of way and long term maintenance issues. The North faced of this facility faces an existing facility within the complex. The visibility of this façade is minimal due to this proximity to the adjacent building and due to the 20 foot over hang that creates a covered porch area on this end of the facility. It should not be viewable from the nearest right of way once completed. This facade will serve as an operational access point between the two facilities on tis campus and therefore will be subject to possible damage due to the nature of the operations. The use of masonry on this façade would present a long term maintenance issue for the owner. While the damage will occur regardless of the material, the long term costs associated with replacement is much higher and is more involved process to repair and replace than the proposed metal siding. The existing facility is all metal siding as it was completed under no ordinances. The goal of this request is to maintain the existing and transition into the new on the other visible facades on the project. Request 3: Allow less than 10% masonry on the West façade Request 4: Waive Architectural relief elements requirement on West facade. This faced is what would be considered the “rear” of the facility. This façade appears to be considered visible from the right of way. This creates a 10% requirement for masonry. Our current design presents 4.5% masonry on this façade. This request to allow less masonry is again based on similar circumstances as above. The major concern is the long term maintenance requirements due to the industrial nature of the operations. Also since this is considered the rear of the facility, we would l request the usage of increased metal panel. In section is states the use of architectural metal panels should be limited to 30% on any façade. Then in Section it states that the rear façade of a facility may have unlimited use of “painted metal siding” as long as it is not visible from right of way. This is a lesser quality of material that is being allowed to be used with no limitation. Our request to increase the allowed percentage of “architectural metal panels” on the rear façade will result in a greater quality for the rear of this facility than the allowed painted metal on rear facades. This application seems to meet the intent of the NRA as stated in Section 12.7.10.A with regard item 4. “Provide a balance between the community’s economic and aesthetic concerns.” The proposed material is of higher quality than allowed in similar situations for “rear” facades. While our façade is visible form the right of way at this time, with current development; it may not be visible in the near future based on current property adjacencies. The adjacent property is currently zone BPI (business park industrial) which also would have a lessened UDO/NRA requirements These two future items of course does not alleviate the requirement, but is just an added condition to consider. The main reasons its designation as the “rear” of the facility and long-term maintenance issues due to operations as stated in the first portion of this letter. The request for elimination of Architectural relief elements also are related to the “rear” designation and the operations of the facility. We have provided relief elements in locations that are logical to the facility, but this has only yielded 4 of the required 8 elements for this façade. Additional options for elements would only be “tacked on” and seem to be in contradiction to Section 12.7.10.C.5 “Design elements used to meet architectural relief must have a functional architectural purpose….” As this is our designated “rear” there are no additional functional elements to be placed. Also due to the industrial nature of the operations any elements would be in danger of damage or interference with the business. While we understand the City’s intent to manage the aesthetics and quality of building stock within its jurisdiction, it should not overly impede the economic viability of projects. In this situation, it is the daily operations of the business that necessitates the request for waivers to the Unified Development Ordinance and Non Residential Architectural Standards. Also a portion of this request is related to long term economics and maintenance costs for the proposed facility. Lastly, the industrial nature of the business and its operations also dictate the need for these requests. Sincerely, Andrew Hawkins, AIA, LEED AP President + Principal Architect Hawkins Architecture, Inc. FLOOR 0' - 0"EAVE "2"20' - 0"RIDGE 27' - 7"METAL PANEL 16' - 2" NA T U R A L S T O N E ME T A L P A N E L OV E R H E A D C O I L I N G ME T A L D O O R AL U M I N U M C A N O P Y ST A N D I N G S E A M ME T A L R O O F ALUMINUM CANOPY 17 9 ' - 0 " NATURAL STONEFLOOR0' - 0"EAVE "2"20' - 0"RIDGE 27' - 7"WAINSCOT 2' - 9"EAVE "1"15' - 3 1/4"METAL PANEL 16' - 2"ELEMENT 4:WALL PLANE PROJECTION -24'FROM FACADE NA T U R A L S T O N E ST U C C O ME T A L P A N E L 3'- 4 " 82'-0"9'-0"94'-4"ELEMENT 2:PILASTER EL E M E N T 1 : PI L A S T E R ELEMENT 3:COVERED PORCH ME T A L R O O F R A K E 25 ' - 0 " T Y P . FLOOR 0' - 0"EAVE "2"20' - 0"RIDGE 27' - 7"WAINSCOT 2' - 9"EAVE "1"15' - 3 1/4" ST U C C O NA T U R A L S T O N E ME T A L P A N E L ST A N D I N G S E A M ME T A L R O O F 17 9 ' - 0 " EL E M E N T 2 : PI L A S T E R EL E M E N T 1 : AL U M I N U M C A N O P Y AL U M I N U M D O O R AN D S T O R E F R O N T NA T U R A L S T O N E NATURAL STONEMETAL ROOF EAVE ELEMENT 7:PILASTER EL E M E N T 4 : CO V E R E D P O R C H ELEMENT 8:COVERED PORCH 25 ' - 0 " T Y P . OVERHEAD COILING METAL DOOR EL E M E N T 5 : CO L U M N ELEMENT 6:COLUMN EL E M E N T 3 : CO L U M N FLOOR 0' - 0"EAVE "2"20' - 0"RIDGE 27' - 7" EA V E " 1 " 15 ' - 3 1 / 4 " AL U M I N U M C A N O P Y METAL PANELALUMINUMCANOPY ME T A L R O O F R A K E 9'- 0 " 82'-0"3'-4"ELEMENT 4:PILASTER EL E M E N T 1 : CO V E R E D P O R C H EL E M E N T 3 : CO V E R E D P O R C H OV E R H E A D C O I L I N G ME T A L D O O R 25 ' - 0 " T Y P . EL E M E N T 2 : PI L A S T E R FI N I S H E S - S O U T H NR A R E Q U I R E M E N T S MA T E R I A L A R E A ( S F ) % F A C A D E ST U C C O MB C I M A S T E R L I N E CO N C E A L E D F A S T E N E R P A N E L 16 " W I D E AU S T I N C H A L K L I M E S T O N E DO O R S & W I N D O W S 1, 9 2 4 1 0 0 % 10 8 56 1 48 6 76 9 5. 6 % 29 . 1 % 25 . 3 % 40 % A. H O R I Z O N T A L F A C A D E A R T I C U L A T I O N NO T N E E D E D , L E N G T H < 2 0 0 ' B. E L E V A T I O N L E N G T H : 9 4 ' - 4 " EL E M E N T S R E Q U I R E D : 9 4 ' - 4 " / 2 5 ' = 4 EL E M E N T S P R O V I D E D : PI L A S T E R S : 2 CO V E R E D P O R C H : 1 WA L L P L A N E P R O J E C T I O N : 1 FI N I S H E S - N O R T H NR A R E Q U I R E M E N T S MA T E R I A L A R E A ( S F ) % F A C A D E ST U C C O MB C I M A S T E R L I N E CO N C E A L E D F A S T E N E R P A N E L 16 " W I D E AU S T I N C H A L K L I M E S T O N E DO O R S & W I N D O W S 1, 9 2 4 1 0 0 % 24 5 13 4 1, 5 4 5 0 12 . 7 % 7%80 . 3 % 0% A. H O R I Z O N T A L F A C A D E A R T I C U L A T I O N NO T N E E D E D , L E N G T H < 2 0 0 ' B. E L E V A T I O N L E N G T H : 9 4 ' - 4 " EL E M E N T S R E Q U I R E D : 9 4 ' - 4 " / 2 5 ' = 4 EL E M E N T S P R O V I D E D : PI L A S T E R S : 2 CO V E R E D P O R C H : 2 FI N I S H E S - E A S T NR A R E Q U I R E M E N T S MA T E R I A L A R E A ( S F ) % F A C A D E ST U C C O MB C I M A S T E R L I N E CO N C E A L E D F A S T E N E R P A N E L 16 " W I D E AU S T I N C H A L K L I M E S T O N E DO O R S & W I N D O W S 3, 0 8 2 1 0 0 % 29 9 48 0 56 5 17 3 8 9. 7 % 15 . 6 % 18 . 3 % 56 . 4 % A. H O R I Z O N T A L F A C A D E A R T I C U L A T I O N NO T N E E D E D , L E N G T H < 2 0 0 ' B. E L E V A T I O N L E N G T H : 1 7 9 ' EL E M E N T S R E Q U I R E D : 1 7 9 ' / 2 5 ' = 8 EL E M E N T S P R O V I D E D : PI L A S T E R S : 2 CO V E R E D P O R C H : 2 CO L U M N : 3 CA N O P Y : 1 FI N I S H E S - W E S T NR A R E Q U I R E M E N T S MA T E R I A L A R E A ( S F ) % F A C A D E ST U C C O MB C I M A S T E R L I N E CO N C E A L E D F A S T E N E R P A N E L 16 " W I D E AU S T I N C H A L K L I M E S T O N E DO O R S & W I N D O W S 3, 0 8 2 1 0 0 % 24 5 13 3 2, 7 0 4 0 8%4. 3 % 87 . 7 % 0% PL E A S E S E E D E S I G N R E V I E W B O A R D W A I V E R A P P L I C A T I O N . GE N E R A L N O T E S AL L M E C H A N I C A L E Q U I P M E N T S H A L L B E S C R E E N E D F R O M V I E W OR L O C A T E D S O A S N O T T O B E V I S I B L E F R O M A N Y P U B L I C R I G H T - OF - W A Y , P U B L I C W A Y , O R R E S I D E N T I A L D I S T R I C T W H E N V I E W E D WI T H I N O N E H U N D R E D F I F T Y ( 1 5 0 ) F E E T O F T H E P E R I M E T E R BO U N D A R Y O F T H E S U B J E C T L O T O R T R A C T , M E A S U R E D F R O M A HE I G H T F I V E ( 5 ) F E E T A B O V E G R A D E . EX T E R I O R B U I L D I N G A N D S I T E L I G H T I N G W I L L M E E T S T A N D A R D S O F SE C T I O N 7 . 1 1 O F T H E U N I F I E D D E V E L O P M E N T O R D I N A N C E . MA T E R I A L S CO L O R S E L E C T E D F R O M T H E C I T Y O F C O L L E G E S T A T I O N C O L O R P A L E T T E CO L O R S E L E C T E D F R O M T H E C I T Y O F C O L L E G E S T A T I O N C O L O R P A L E T T E ST U C C O ME T A L P A N E L AL L C O L O R S O F N A T U R A L S T O N E P E R M I T T E D NA T U R A L S T O N E RO O F CO L O R S E L E C T E D F R O M T H E C I T Y O F C O L L E G E S T A T I O N C O L O R P A L E T T E GR A H A M R O A D EX I S T I N G ST R U C T U R E EX I S T I N G ST R U C T U R E O L D W E L L B O R N R O A D PR O P O S E D ST R U C T U R E /2A 7 . 0 / 3 A 7 . 0 / 4 A 7 . 0 /1A 7 . 0 THINK + CREATE + SUSTAIN 7610 Eastmark Drive Suite 103B College Station, TX 77840 T 979.693.3179 F 979.693.8370 HawkinsArch.com NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY REVIEW Project Number:Date:Drawn by:Checked by:REVISIONSSHEET OF SCAN HERE FOR UPDATED DRAWINGSBRAZOS VALLEY FLOOR & DESIGN 12900 OLD WELLBORN ROAD COLLEGE STATION, TX A7.0UDO REQUIREMENTS216.0812.21.2017 SS/LB AGHGRANITE FABRICATION100%5412.21.2017 PR O P E R T Y O W N E R : CH U C K M O R E A U MO R E A U F A M I L Y I N V E S T M E N T S , L T D . 18 3 4 H A R R I S D R I V E CO L L E G E S T A T I O N , T X 7 7 8 4 5 (9 7 9 ) 2 1 8 - 8 8 3 5 CH U C K @ B V C A R P E T O U T L E T . C O M SC A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " WE S T E L E V A T I O N 4 SC A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " SO U T H E L E V A T I O N 1 SC A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " EA S T E L E V A T I O N 3 SC A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " NO R T H E L E V A T I O N 2 (V I S I B L E F R O M G R A H A M R O A D R . O . W . ) (V I S I B L E F R O M A N D F A C I N G O L D W E L L B O R N R O A D R . O . W . ) (V I S I B L E F R O M O L D W E L L B O R N R . O . W . ) (V I S I B L E F R O M A N D F A C I N G G R A H A M R O A D R . O . 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While primarily designed for horizontal applications, it can also be installed vertically to give a distinguished architectural design. The panels provide 16” coverage and are available with factory applied mastic in the side laps. Panels may be attached to metal studs, with or without sheathing, as well as to subgirts. 16” ⁄” MASTERLINE 16™ CONCEALED FASTENING SYSTEMS Descriptions and specifications contained herein were in effect at the time this publication was approved for printing. In a continuing effort to refine and improve products, MBCI reserves the right to discontinue products at any time or change specifications and/or designs without incurring obligation. To ensure you have the latest information available, please inquire or visit our website at www.mbci.com. Application details are for illustration purposes only and may not be appropriate for all environmental conditions, building designs or panel profiles. Projects should be designed to conform to applicable building codes, regulations and accepted industry practices. If there is a conflict between this manual and project erection drawings, the erection drawings will take precedence.10-15 MASTERLINE 16™ CONCEALED FASTENING SYSTEM CATEGORY CHARACTERISTIC TEST METHOD PURPOSE RESULT ENVIRONMENTAL Air leakage ASTM E283 Determines the air leakage rates of exterior windows, curtain walls, and doors under specified air pressure differences across the specimen 0.002 cfm/ft2 at 6.24 psf static pressure 0.003 cfm/ft2 at 12.00 psf static pressure Water Penetration ASTM E331 Determines the resistance of exterior windows, curtain walls, skylights, and doors to water penetration when water is applied under uniform static air pressure difference No uncontrolled water penetration through the panel joints at a static pressure of 20.00 psf STRUCTURAL Negative Wind Loads ASTM E 1592 Provides a standard procedure to evaluate or confirm structural performance under uniform static air pressure difference See Load Chart Section Positive Wind Loads ASTM E 1592 Provides a standard procedure to evaluate or confirm structural performance under uniform static air pressure difference See Load Chart Section Location HOUSTON, TX Panel Profile ROOF: LOKSEAM® SERIES 16" WALL: ARTISAN® SERIES 12" BROWNSTONE ST. CLARE OF ASSISI CATHOLIC CHURCH AND SCHOOL ARCHITECTURAL CO L O R C H A R T COLOR CHART ARCHITECTURAL SIGNATURE® 300 STANDARD COLORS • Final color selection should be made from actual color chips. • For the most current information available, visit our website at www.mbci.com. • All products are available in smooth or embossed finish. • Trim is available in all colors. • Review the sample warranty for complete performance attributes and terms and conditions. ** Minimum quantities and/or extended lead times required. Please inquire. HARBOR BLUE ✭ SR .28 SRI 30 COLONIAL RED ✭ SR .34 SRI 37 MEDIUM BRONZE ✭ SR .33 SRI 36 PACIFIC BLUE ✭ SR .29 SRI 31 NATURAL PATINA** ✭ SR .41 SRI 47 SNOW WHITE ✭ SR .65 SRI 79 SLATE GRAY ✭ SR .37 SRI 41 ALMOND ✭ SR .63 SRI 76 MIDNIGHT BRONZE ✭ SR .29 SRI 31 CLASSIC GREEN ✭ SR .28 SRI 30 EVERGLADE ✭ SR .33 SRI 36 BROWNSTONE ✭ SR .47 SRI 54 TUNDRA ✭ SR .46 SRI 53 SPRUCE ✭ SR .36 SRI 40 HUNTER GREEN ✭ SR .35 SRI 39 BRITE RED** ✭ SR .49 SRI 55 BONE WHITE** ✭ SR .70 SRI 85 ✭ ENERGY STAR® Qualied SIGNATURE® 200 STANDARD COLORS SIGNATURE® 300 METALLIC Signature® is a registered trademark of NCI Group, Inc. ** Minimum quantities and/or extended lead times required. Please inquire. Metallic coatings are directional. Panels and trim must be installed oriented in the same direction to prevent perceived shade variances. Siliconized Polyester Polar White is a Straight Polyester. BURNISHED SLATE ✭ SR .28 SRI 29 POLAR WHITE ✭ SR .58 SRI 69 CHARCOAL GRAY ✭ SR .28 SRI 30 LIGHT STONE ✭ SR .50 SRI 58 RUSTIC RED ✭ SR .36 SRI 40 KOKO BROWN ✭ SR .28 SRI 30 FERN GREEN ✭ SR .28 SRI 29 COAL BLACK ✭ SR .30 SRI 31 HAWAIIAN BLUE** ✭ SR .32 SRI 35 SOLAR WHITE** ✭ SR .74 SRI 91 COPPER METALLIC** ✭ SR .45 SRI 51 SILVER METALLIC ✭ SR .52 SRI 60 BRITE RED ✭ CHARCOAL GRAY ✭ COLORATION IMAGINATION HUNTER GREEN ✭ Location HERRIMAN, UT Panel Profile ROOF: CRAFTSMANTM HB SILVER CREST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Location GILLETTE, WY Panel Profile ROOF: BATTENLOK® HS, PBR PANEL WALL: PBR PANEL * Custom Color HARLEY-DAVIDSON SHOP & STORE Location HOUSTON, TX Panel Profile WALL: PBR PANEL, PBC PANEL URBAN LOFTS COAL BLACK ✭ORANGE* SR/SRI CHART STANDING SEAM Vertical Leg ULTRA-DEK® CRAFTSMANTM SERIES ARTISAN® SERIES QWIKLOKTM ARCHITECTURAL PANELS CLASSIC® SERIES SHADOWRIBTM TRADITIONAL® DOUBLE-LOK® ULTRA-DEK® NUWALL FLEXLOK® SB-12 LB-12 HB-12 S-12C B-12C 16.0 Fluted 12.0 Flat 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" SB-12 3 8" 3 8" 2"2" 1" 2" 3 16 1 3 16 1 5 8 1 2" 3 16" 1 2 10 " 12" 4"1" 1" 4"4" L-12 L-12 (with Beads) 1 2"2 12" 1 2"1 1 2"1 12" 12" 1 2"1 12" FW 120-0 FW 120-1 (with Bead) FW 120-2 (with Beads) 4"4"4" 24" 3" 24" 16" 3" SNAP-TOGETHER SYSTEM12" and 18" Also Available FIELD-SEAMED SYSTEM12" and 18" Also Available (Wall Panel) P-12 (Roof Panel)16" Also Available LOKSEAM® BATTENLOK® SUPERLOK® CURVED BATTENLOK® NUWALL® 1 2"1 1 4"5 3" 3" 1" 12" 18" 16" 16" 3 4"1 3 8" 1 16" 1 16"2" 1 2" 16" 1 16"2" 12" 1 2"2 1 2" ILM-180-0 ILM-180-2 (with Beads) ILM-240-0 24" 1 4"1 1 4"1 1 4"1 18" 18" 6"6"6" ILM-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 4"1 6"6"6"6" IL-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 2"1 6"6"6"6" 12"3 4"1 16"3 4"1 DESIGNER SERIES® 16" CRAFTSMANTM SERIES ARTISAN® SERIES QWIKLOKTM ARCHITECTURAL PANELS CLASSIC® SERIES SHADOWRIBTM TRADITIONAL® DOUBLE-LOK® ULTRA-DEK® NUWALL FLEXLOK® SB-12 LB-12 HB-12 S-12C B-12C 16.0 Fluted 12.0 Flat 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" SB-12 3 8" 3 8" 2"2" 1" 2" 3 16 1 3 16 1 5 8 1 2" 3 16" 1 2 10 " 12" 4"1" 1" 4"4" L-12 L-12 (with Beads) 1 2"2 12" 1 2"1 1 2"1 12" 12" 1 2"1 12" FW 120-0 FW 120-1 (with Bead) FW 120-2 (with Beads) 4"4"4" 24" 3" 24" 16" 3" SNAP-TOGETHER SYSTEM 12" and 18" Also Available FIELD-SEAMED SYSTEM12" and 18" Also Available (Wall Panel) P-12 (Roof Panel)16" Also Available LOKSEAM® BATTENLOK® SUPERLOK® CURVED BATTENLOK® NUWALL® 1 2"1 1 4"5 3" 3" 1" 12" 18" 16" 16" 3 4"1 3 8" 1 16" 1 16"2" 1 2" 16" 1 16"2" 12" 1 2"2 1 2" ILM-180-0 ILM-180-2 (with Beads) ILM-240-0 24" 1 4"1 1 4"1 1 4"1 18" 18" 6"6"6" ILM-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 4"1 6"6"6"6" IL-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 2"1 6"6"6"6" 12"3 4"1 16"3 4"1 DESIGNER SERIES® 16" DOUBLE-LOK® Snap-Together System 12" and 18" also available Field Seamed System 12" and 18" also available Trapezoidal Leg CRAFTSMANTM SERIES ARTISAN® SERIES QWIKLOKTM ARCHITECTURAL PANELS CLASSIC® SERIES SHADOWRIBTM TRADITIONAL® DOUBLE-LOK® ULTRA-DEK® NUWALL FLEXLOK® SB-12 LB-12 HB-12 S-12C B-12C 16.0 Fluted 12.0 Flat 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" SB-12 3 8" 3 8" 2"2" 1" 2" 3 16 1 3 16 1 5 8 1 2" 3 16" 1 2 10 " 12" 4"1" 1" 4"4" L-12 L-12 (with Beads) 1 2"2 12" 1 2"1 1 2"1 12" 12" 1 2"1 12" FW 120-0 FW 120-1 (with Bead) FW 120-2 (with Beads) 4"4"4" 24" 3" 24" 16" 3" SNAP-TOGETHER SYSTEM 12" and 18" Also Available FIELD-SEAMED SYSTEM 12" and 18" Also Available (Wall Panel) P-12 (Roof Panel)16" Also Available LOKSEAM® BATTENLOK® SUPERLOK® CURVED BATTENLOK® NUWALL® 1 2"1 1 4"5 3" 3" 1" 12" 18" 16" 16" 3 4"1 3 8" 1 16" 1 16"2" 1 2" 16" 1 16"2" 12" 1 2"2 1 2" ILM-180-0 ILM-180-2 (with Beads) ILM-240-0 24" 1 4"1 1 4"1 1 4"1 18" 18" 6"6"6" ILM-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 4"1 6"6"6"6" IL-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 2"1 6"6"6"6" 12"3 4"1 16"3 4"1 DESIGNER SERIES® 16" Field Seamed System 12" also available IL-180-0, IL-180-2 (with Beads) & IL-240-0 also available BATTENLOK® HS CRAFTSMANTM SERIES ARTISAN® SERIES QWIKLOKTM ARCHITECTURAL PANELS CLASSIC® SERIES SHADOWRIBTM TRADITIONAL® DOUBLE-LOK® ULTRA-DEK® NUWALL FLEXLOK® SB-12 LB-12 HB-12 S-12C B-12C 16.0 Fluted 12.0 Flat 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" SB-12 3 8" 3 8" 2"2" 1" 2" 3 16 1 3 16 1 5 8 1 2" 3 16" 1 2 10 " 12" 4"1" 1" 4"4" L-12 L-12 (with Beads) 1 2"2 12" 1 2"1 1 2"1 12" 12" 1 2"1 12" FW 120-0 FW 120-1 (with Bead) FW 120-2 (with Beads) 4"4"4" 24" 3" 24" 16" 3" SNAP-TOGETHER SYSTEM 12" and 18" Also Available FIELD-SEAMED SYSTEM 12" and 18" Also Available (Wall Panel) P-12 (Roof Panel)16" Also Available LOKSEAM® BATTENLOK® SUPERLOK® CURVED BATTENLOK® NUWALL® 1 2"1 1 4"5 3" 3" 1" 12" 18" 16" 16" 3 4"1 3 8" 1 16" 1 16"2" 1 2" 16" 1 16"2" 12" 1 2"2 1 2" ILM-180-0 ILM-180-2 (with Beads) ILM-240-0 24" 1 4"1 1 4"1 1 4"1 18" 18" 6"6"6" ILM-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 4"1 6"6"6"6" IL-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 2"1 6"6"6"6" 12"3 4"1 16"3 4"1 DESIGNER SERIES® 16" SUPERLOK® Field Seamed System 12" also available LOKSEAM® Snap-Together System12" and 16" also available CRAFTSMANTM SERIES ARTISAN® SERIES QWIKLOKTM ARCHITECTURAL PANELS CLASSIC® SERIES SHADOWRIBTM TRADITIONAL® DOUBLE-LOK® ULTRA-DEK® NUWALL FLEXLOK® SB-12 LB-12 HB-12 S-12C B-12C 16.0 Fluted 12.0 Flat 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" SB-12 3 8" 3 8" 2"2" 1" 2" 3 16 1 3 16 1 5 8 1 2" 3 16" 1 2 10 " 12" 4"1" 1" 4"4" L-12 L-12 (with Beads) 1 2"2 12" 1 2"1 1 2"1 12" 12" 1 2"1 12" FW 120-0 FW 120-1 (with Bead) FW 120-2 (with Beads) 4"4"4" 24" 3" 24" 16" 3" SNAP-TOGETHER SYSTEM12" and 18" Also Available FIELD-SEAMED SYSTEM12" and 18" Also Available (Wall Panel) P-12 (Roof Panel) 16" Also Available LOKSEAM® BATTENLOK® SUPERLOK® CURVED BATTENLOK® NUWALL® 1 2"1 1 4"5 3" 3" 1" 12" 18" 16" 16" 3 4"1 3 8" 1 16" 1 16"2" 1 2" 16" 1 16"2" 12" 1 2"2 1 2" ILM-180-0 ILM-180-2 (with Beads) ILM-240-0 24" 1 4"1 1 4"1 1 4"1 18" 18" 6"6"6" ILM-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 4"1 6"6"6"6" IL-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 2"1 6"6"6"6" 12"3 4"1 16"3 4"1 DESIGNER SERIES® 16" Field Seamed System CRAFTSMANTM SERIES ARTISAN® SERIES QWIKLOKTM ARCHITECTURAL PANELS CLASSIC® SERIES SHADOWRIBTM TRADITIONAL® DOUBLE-LOK® ULTRA-DEK® NUWALL FLEXLOK® SB-12 LB-12 HB-12 S-12C B-12C 16.0 Fluted 12.0 Flat 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" SB-12 3 8" 3 8" 2"2" 1" 2" 3 16 1 3 16 1 5 8 1 2" 3 16" 1 2 10 " 12" 4"1" 1" 4"4" L-12 L-12 (with Beads) 1 2"2 12" 1 2"1 1 2"1 12" 12" 1 2"1 12" FW 120-0 FW 120-1 (with Bead) FW 120-2 (with Beads) 4"4"4" 24" 3" 24" 16" 3" SNAP-TOGETHER SYSTEM12" and 18" Also Available FIELD-SEAMED SYSTEM12" and 18" Also Available (Wall Panel) P-12 (Roof Panel)16" Also Available LOKSEAM® BATTENLOK® SUPERLOK® CURVED BATTENLOK® NUWALL® 1 2"1 1 4"5 3" 3" 1" 12" 18" 16" 16" 3 4"1 3 8" 1 16" 1 16"2" 1 2" 16" 1 16"2" 12" 1 2"2 1 2" ILM-180-0 ILM-180-2 (with Beads) ILM-240-0 24" 1 4"1 1 4"1 1 4"1 18" 18" 6"6"6" ILM-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 4"1 6"6"6"6" IL-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 2"1 6"6"6"6" 12"3 4"1 16"3 4"1 DESIGNER SERIES® 16" CURVED BATTENLOK® CLASSIC® SERIES CRAFTSMANTM SERIES ARTISAN® SERIES QWIKLOKTM ARCHITECTURAL PANELS CLASSIC® SERIES SHADOWRIBTM TRADITIONAL® DOUBLE-LOK® ULTRA-DEK® NUWALL FLEXLOK® SB-12 LB-12 HB-12 S-12C B-12C 16.0 Fluted 12.0 Flat 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" SB-12 3 8" 3 8" 2"2" 1" 2" 3 16 1 3 16 1 5 8 1 2" 3 16" 1 2 10 " 12" 4"1" 1" 4"4" L-12 L-12 (with Beads) 1 2"2 12" 1 2"1 1 2"1 12" 12" 1 2"1 12" FW 120-0 FW 120-1 (with Bead) FW 120-2 (with Beads) 4"4"4" 24" 3" 24" 16" 3" SNAP-TOGETHER SYSTEM 12" and 18" Also Available FIELD-SEAMED SYSTEM12" and 18" Also Available (Wall Panel) P-12 (Roof Panel)16" Also Available LOKSEAM® BATTENLOK® SUPERLOK® CURVED BATTENLOK® NUWALL® 1 2"1 1 4"5 3" 3" 1" 12" 18" 16" 16" 3 4"1 3 8" 1 16" 1 16"2" 1 2" 16" 1 16"2" 12" 1 2"2 1 2" ILM-180-0 ILM-180-2 (with Beads) ILM-240-0 24" 1 4"1 1 4"1 1 4"1 18" 18" 6"6"6" ILM-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 4"1 6"6"6"6" IL-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 2"1 6"6"6"6" 12"3 4"1 16"3 4"1 DESIGNER SERIES® 16" 16" also available CRAFTSMANTM SERIES ARTISAN® SERIES QWIKLOKTM ARCHITECTURAL PANELS CLASSIC® SERIES SHADOWRIBTM TRADITIONAL® DOUBLE-LOK® ULTRA-DEK® NUWALL FLEXLOK® SB-12 LB-12 HB-12 S-12C B-12C 16.0 Fluted 12.0 Flat 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" SB-12 3 8" 3 8" 2"2" 1" 2" 3 16 1 3 16 1 5 8 1 2" 3 16" 1 2 10 " 12" 4"1" 1" 4"4" L-12 L-12 (with Beads) 1 2"2 12" 1 2"1 1 2"1 12" 12" 1 2"1 12" FW 120-0 FW 120-1 (with Bead) FW 120-2 (with Beads) 4"4"4" 24" 3" 24" 16" 3" SNAP-TOGETHER SYSTEM 12" and 18" Also Available FIELD-SEAMED SYSTEM12" and 18" Also Available (Wall Panel) P-12 (Roof Panel)16" Also Available LOKSEAM® BATTENLOK® SUPERLOK® CURVED BATTENLOK® NUWALL® 1 2"1 1 4"5 3" 3" 1" 12" 18" 16" 16" 3 4"1 3 8" 1 16" 1 16"2" 1 2" 16" 1 16"2" 12" 1 2"2 1 2" ILM-180-0 ILM-180-2 (with Beads) ILM-240-0 24" 1 4"1 1 4"1 1 4"1 18" 18" 6"6"6" ILM-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 4"1 6"6"6"6" IL-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 2"1 6"6"6"6" 12"3 4"1 16"3 4"1 DESIGNER SERIES® 16" QWIKLOK™ CRAFTSMANTM SERIES ARTISAN® SERIES QWIKLOKTM ARCHITECTURAL PANELS CLASSIC® SERIES SHADOWRIBTM TRADITIONAL® DOUBLE-LOK® ULTRA-DEK® NUWALL FLEXLOK® SB-12 LB-12 HB-12 S-12C B-12C 16.0 Fluted 12.0 Flat 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" SB-12 3 8" 3 8" 2"2" 1" 2" 3 16 1 3 16 1 5 8 1 2" 3 16" 1 2 10 " 12" 4"1" 1" 4"4" L-12 L-12 (with Beads) 1 2"2 12" 1 2"1 1 2"1 12" 12" 1 2"1 12" FW 120-0 FW 120-1 (with Bead) FW 120-2 (with Beads) 4"4"4" 24" 3" 24" 16" 3" SNAP-TOGETHER SYSTEM 12" and 18" Also Available FIELD-SEAMED SYSTEM 12" and 18" Also Available (Wall Panel) P-12 (Roof Panel)16" Also Available LOKSEAM® BATTENLOK® SUPERLOK® CURVED BATTENLOK® NUWALL® 1 2"1 1 4"5 3" 3" 1" 12" 18" 16" 16" 3 4"1 3 8" 1 16" 1 16"2" 1 2" 16" 1 16"2" 12" 1 2"2 1 2" ILM-180-0 ILM-180-2 (with Beads) ILM-240-0 24" 1 4"1 1 4"1 1 4"1 18" 18" 6"6"6" ILM-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 4"1 6"6"6"6" IL-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 2"1 6"6"6"6" 12"3 4"1 16"3 4"1 DESIGNER SERIES® 16" SHADOWRIB™ CRAFTSMANTM SERIES ARTISAN® SERIES QWIKLOKTM ARCHITECTURAL PANELS CLASSIC® SERIES SHADOWRIBTM TRADITIONAL® DOUBLE-LOK® ULTRA-DEK® NUWALL FLEXLOK® SB-12 LB-12 HB-12 S-12C B-12C 16.0 Fluted 12.0 Flat 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" SB-12 3 8" 3 8" 2"2" 1" 2" 3 16 1 3 16 1 5 8 1 2" 3 16" 1 2 10 " 12" 4"1" 1" 4"4" L-12 L-12 (with Beads) 1 2"2 12" 1 2"1 1 2"1 12" 12" 1 2"1 12" FW 120-0 FW 120-1 (with Bead) FW 120-2 (with Beads) 4"4"4" 24" 3" 24" 16" 3" SNAP-TOGETHER SYSTEM12" and 18" Also Available FIELD-SEAMED SYSTEM12" and 18" Also Available (Wall Panel) P-12 (Roof Panel) 16" Also Available LOKSEAM® BATTENLOK® SUPERLOK® CURVED BATTENLOK® NUWALL® 1 2"1 1 4"5 3" 3" 1" 12" 18" 16" 16" 3 4"1 3 8" 1 16" 1 16"2" 1 2" 16" 1 16"2" 12" 1 2"2 1 2" ILM-180-0 ILM-180-2 (with Beads) ILM-240-0 24" 1 4"1 1 4"1 1 4"1 18" 18" 6"6"6" ILM-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 4"1 6"6"6"6" IL-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 2"1 6"6"6"6" 12"3 4"1 16"3 4"1 DESIGNER SERIES® 16" CRAFTSMAN™ SERIESCRAFTSMANTM SERIES ARTISAN® SERIES QWIKLOKTM ARCHITECTURAL PANELS CLASSIC® SERIES SHADOWRIBTM TRADITIONAL® DOUBLE-LOK® ULTRA-DEK® NUWALL FLEXLOK® SB-12 LB-12 HB-12 S-12C B-12C 16.0 Fluted 12.0 Flat 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" SB-12 3 8" 3 8" 2"2" 1" 2" 3 16 1 3 16 1 5 8 1 2" 3 16" 1 2 10 " 12" 4"1" 1" 4"4" L-12 L-12 (with Beads) 1 2"2 12" 1 2"1 1 2"1 12" 12" 1 2"1 12" FW 120-0 FW 120-1 (with Bead) FW 120-2 (with Beads) 4"4"4" 24" 3" 24" 16" 3" SNAP-TOGETHER SYSTEM12" and 18" Also Available FIELD-SEAMED SYSTEM12" and 18" Also Available (Wall Panel) P-12 (Roof Panel)16" Also Available LOKSEAM® BATTENLOK® SUPERLOK® CURVED BATTENLOK® NUWALL® 1 2"1 1 4"5 3" 3" 1" 12" 18" 16" 16" 3 4"1 3 8" 1 16" 1 16"2" 1 2" 16" 1 16"2" 12" 1 2"2 1 2" ILM-180-0 ILM-180-2 (with Beads) ILM-240-0 24" 1 4"1 1 4"1 1 4"1 18" 18" 6"6"6" ILM-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 4"1 6"6"6"6" IL-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 2"1 6"6"6"6" 12"3 4"1 16"3 4"1 DESIGNER SERIES® 16" CRAFTSMANTM SERIES ARTISAN® SERIES QWIKLOKTM ARCHITECTURAL PANELS CLASSIC® SERIES SHADOWRIBTM TRADITIONAL® DOUBLE-LOK® ULTRA-DEK® NUWALL FLEXLOK® SB-12 LB-12 HB-12 S-12C B-12C 16.0 Fluted 12.0 Flat 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" SB-12 3 8" 3 8" 2"2" 1" 2" 3 16 1 3 16 1 5 8 1 2" 3 16" 1 2 10 " 12" 4"1" 1" 4"4" L-12 L-12 (with Beads) 1 2"2 12" 1 2"1 1 2"1 12" 12" 1 2"1 12" FW 120-0 FW 120-1 (with Bead) FW 120-2 (with Beads) 4"4"4" 24" 3" 24" 16" 3" SNAP-TOGETHER SYSTEM 12" and 18" Also Available FIELD-SEAMED SYSTEM 12" and 18" Also Available (Wall Panel) P-12 (Roof Panel)16" Also Available LOKSEAM® BATTENLOK® SUPERLOK® CURVED BATTENLOK® NUWALL® 1 2"1 1 4"5 3" 3" 1" 12" 18" 16" 16" 3 4"1 3 8" 1 16" 1 16"2" 1 2" 16" 1 16"2" 12" 1 2"2 1 2" ILM-180-0 ILM-180-2 (with Beads) ILM-240-0 24" 1 4"1 1 4"1 1 4"1 18" 18" 6"6"6" ILM-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 4"1 6"6"6"6" IL-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 2"1 6"6"6"6" 12"3 4"1 16"3 4"1 DESIGNER SERIES® 16" L-8 & L-10 also available ARTISAN® SERIES CRAFTSMANTM SERIES ARTISAN® SERIES QWIKLOKTM ARCHITECTURAL PANELS CLASSIC® SERIES SHADOWRIBTM TRADITIONAL® DOUBLE-LOK® ULTRA-DEK® NUWALL FLEXLOK® SB-12 LB-12 HB-12 S-12C B-12C 16.0 Fluted 12.0 Flat 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" SB-12 3 8" 3 8" 2"2" 1" 2" 3 16 1 3 16 1 5 8 1 2" 3 16" 1 2 10 " 12" 4"1" 1" 4"4" L-12 L-12 (with Beads) 1 2"2 12" 1 2"1 1 2"1 12" 12" 1 2"1 12" FW 120-0 FW 120-1 (with Bead) FW 120-2 (with Beads) 4"4"4" 24" 3" 24" 16" 3" SNAP-TOGETHER SYSTEM12" and 18" Also Available FIELD-SEAMED SYSTEM 12" and 18" Also Available (Wall Panel) P-12 (Roof Panel)16" Also Available LOKSEAM® BATTENLOK® SUPERLOK® CURVED BATTENLOK® NUWALL® 1 2"1 1 4"5 3" 3" 1" 12" 18" 16" 16" 3 4"1 3 8" 1 16" 1 16"2" 1 2" 16" 1 16"2" 12" 1 2"2 1 2" ILM-180-0 ILM-180-2 (with Beads) ILM-240-0 24" 1 4"1 1 4"1 1 4"1 18" 18" 6"6"6" ILM-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 4"1 6"6"6"6" IL-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 2"1 6"6"6"6" 12"3 4"1 16"3 4"1 DESIGNER SERIES® 16" CRAFTSMANTM SERIES ARTISAN® SERIES QWIKLOKTM ARCHITECTURAL PANELS CLASSIC® SERIES SHADOWRIBTM TRADITIONAL® DOUBLE-LOK® ULTRA-DEK® NUWALL FLEXLOK® SB-12 LB-12 HB-12 S-12C B-12C 16.0 Fluted 12.0 Flat 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" SB-12 3 8" 3 8" 2"2" 1" 2" 3 16 1 3 16 1 5 8 1 2" 3 16" 1 2 10 " 12" 4"1" 1" 4"4" L-12 L-12 (with Beads) 1 2"2 12" 1 2"1 1 2"1 12" 12" 1 2"1 12" FW 120-0 FW 120-1 (with Bead) FW 120-2 (with Beads) 4"4"4" 24" 3" 24" 16" 3" SNAP-TOGETHER SYSTEM12" and 18" Also Available FIELD-SEAMED SYSTEM 12" and 18" Also Available (Wall Panel) P-12 (Roof Panel)16" Also Available LOKSEAM® BATTENLOK® SUPERLOK® CURVED BATTENLOK® NUWALL® 1 2"1 1 4"5 3" 3" 1" 12" 18" 16" 16" 3 4"1 3 8" 1 16" 1 16"2" 1 2" 16" 1 16"2" 12" 1 2"2 1 2" ILM-180-0 ILM-180-2 (with Beads) ILM-240-0 24" 1 4"1 1 4"1 1 4"1 18" 18" 6"6"6" ILM-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 4"1 6"6"6"6" IL-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 2"1 6"6"6"6" 12"3 4"1 16"3 4"1 DESIGNER SERIES® 16" NUWALL® CRAFTSMANTM SERIES ARTISAN® SERIES QWIKLOKTM ARCHITECTURAL PANELS CLASSIC® SERIES SHADOWRIBTM TRADITIONAL® DOUBLE-LOK® ULTRA-DEK® NUWALL FLEXLOK® SB-12 LB-12 HB-12 S-12C B-12C 16.0 Fluted 12.0 Flat 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" SB-12 3 8" 3 8" 2"2" 1" 2" 3 16 1 3 16 1 5 8 1 2" 3 16" 1 2 10 " 12" 4"1" 1" 4"4" L-12 L-12 (with Beads) 1 2"2 12" 1 2"1 1 2"1 12" 12" 1 2"1 12" FW 120-0 FW 120-1 (with Bead) FW 120-2 (with Beads) 4"4"4" 24" 3" 24" 16" 3" SNAP-TOGETHER SYSTEM 12" and 18" Also Available FIELD-SEAMED SYSTEM12" and 18" Also Available (Wall Panel) P-12 (Roof Panel)16" Also Available LOKSEAM® BATTENLOK® SUPERLOK® CURVED BATTENLOK® NUWALL® 1 2"1 1 4"5 3" 3" 1" 12" 18" 16" 16" 3 4"1 3 8" 1 16" 1 16"2" 1 2" 16" 1 16"2" 12" 1 2"2 1 2" ILM-180-0 ILM-180-2 (with Beads) ILM-240-0 24" 1 4"1 1 4"1 1 4"1 18" 18" 6"6"6" ILM-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 4"1 6"6"6"6" IL-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 2"1 6"6"6"6" 12"3 4"1 16"3 4"1 DESIGNER SERIES® 16" DESIGNER® SERIES CRAFTSMANTM SERIES ARTISAN® SERIES QWIKLOKTM ARCHITECTURAL PANELS CLASSIC® SERIES SHADOWRIBTM TRADITIONAL® DOUBLE-LOK® ULTRA-DEK® NUWALL FLEXLOK® SB-12 LB-12 HB-12 S-12C B-12C 16.0 Fluted 12.0 Flat 12"12" 12" 12" 12" SB-12 3 8" 3 8" 2"2"1" 2" 3 16 1 3 16 1 5 8 1 2" 3 16" 1 2 10 " 12"4"1"1"4"4"L-12 L-12 (with Beads) 1 2"2 12" 1 2"1 1 2"1 12" 12" 1 2"1 12" FW 120-0 FW 120-1 (with Bead) FW 120-2 (with Beads) 4"4"4" 24"3" 24" 16" 3" SNAP-TOGETHER SYSTEM12" and 18" Also Available FIELD-SEAMED SYSTEM12" and 18" Also Available (Wall Panel) P-12 (Roof Panel) 16" Also Available LOKSEAM®BATTENLOK® SUPERLOK® CURVED BATTENLOK® NUWALL® 1 2"1 1 4"5 3" 3" 1" 12" 18"16" 16" 3 4"1 3 8"1 16" 1 16"2" 1 2" 16" 1 16"2" 12" 1 2"2 1 2" ILM-180-0 ILM-180-2 (with Beads) ILM-240-0 24" 1 4"1 1 4"1 1 4"1 18" 18" 6"6"6" ILM-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 4"1 6"6"6"6" IL-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 2"1 6"6"6"6" 12"3 4"1 16"3 4"1 DESIGNER SERIES® 16" CRAFTSMANTM SERIES ARTISAN® SERIES QWIKLOKTM ARCHITECTURAL PANELS CLASSIC® SERIES SHADOWRIBTM TRADITIONAL® DOUBLE-LOK® ULTRA-DEK® NUWALL FLEXLOK® SB-12 LB-12 HB-12 S-12C B-12C 16.0 Fluted 12.0 Flat 12"12" 12" 12" 12" SB-12 3 8" 3 8" 2"2"1" 2" 3 16 1 3 16 1 5 8 1 2" 3 16" 1 2 10 " 12"4"1"1"4"4"L-12 L-12 (with Beads) 1 2"2 12" 1 2"1 1 2"1 12" 12" 1 2"1 12" FW 120-0 FW 120-1 (with Bead) FW 120-2 (with Beads) 4"4"4" 24"3" 24" 16" 3" SNAP-TOGETHER SYSTEM12" and 18" Also Available FIELD-SEAMED SYSTEM12" and 18" Also Available (Wall Panel) P-12 (Roof Panel) 16" Also Available LOKSEAM®BATTENLOK® SUPERLOK® CURVED BATTENLOK® NUWALL® 1 2"1 1 4"5 3" 3" 1" 12" 18"16" 16" 3 4"1 3 8"1 16" 1 16"2" 1 2" 16" 1 16"2" 12" 1 2"2 1 2" ILM-180-0 ILM-180-2 (with Beads) ILM-240-0 24" 1 4"1 1 4"1 1 4"1 18" 18" 6"6"6" ILM-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 4"1 6"6"6"6" IL-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 2"1 6"6"6"6" 12"3 4"1 16"3 4"1 DESIGNER SERIES® 16" CRAFTSMANTM SERIES ARTISAN® SERIESQWIKLOKTM ARCHITECTURAL PANELS CLASSIC® SERIES SHADOWRIBTM TRADITIONAL®DOUBLE-LOK® ULTRA-DEK® NUWALL FLEXLOK® SB-12 LB-12 HB-12 S-12C B-12C 16.0 Fluted 12.0 Flat 12"12"12"12"12"SB-12 3 8"3 8"2"2"1"2"3 16 1 3 16 1 5 8 1 2" 3 16" 1 2 10 " 12"4"1"1"4"4"L-12 L-12 (with Beads) 1 2"2 12"1 2"1 1 2"1 12" 12" 1 2"1 12" FW 120-0 FW 120-1 (with Bead) FW 120-2 (with Beads) 4"4"4" 24"3"24"16"3"SNAP-TOGETHER SYSTEM12" and 18" Also AvailableFIELD-SEAMED SYSTEM12" and 18" Also Available(Wall Panel) P-12 (Roof Panel)16" Also Available LOKSEAM®BATTENLOK®SUPERLOK® CURVED BATTENLOK® NUWALL® 1 2"1 1 4"5 3" 3" 1" 12" 18"16"16"3 4"1 3 8"1 16"1 16"2"1 2"16"1 16"2" 12" 1 2"2 1 2" ILM-180-0 ILM-180-2 (with Beads) ILM-240-0 24" 1 4"1 1 4"1 1 4"1 18" 18" 6"6"6" ILM-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 4"1 6"6"6"6" IL-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 2"1 6"6"6"6" 12"3 4"1 16"3 4"1 DESIGNER SERIES®16" FLEXLOC® 8¹⁄₂" and 9¹⁄₂" also available WALL / LINER PANELS CRAFTSMANTM SERIES ARTISAN® SERIES QWIKLOKTM ARCHITECTURAL PANELS CLASSIC® SERIES SHADOWRIBTM TRADITIONAL® DOUBLE-LOK® ULTRA-DEK® NUWALL FLEXLOK® SB-12 LB-12 HB-12 S-12C B-12C 16.0 Fluted 12.0 Flat 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" SB-12 3 8" 3 8" 2"2" 1" 2" 3 16 1 3 16 1 5 8 1 2" 3 16" 1 2 10 " 12" 4"1" 1" 4"4" L-12 L-12 (with Beads) 1 2"2 12" 1 2"1 1 2"1 12" 12" 1 2"1 12" FW 120-0 FW 120-1 (with Bead) FW 120-2 (with Beads) 4"4"4" 24" 3" 24" 16" 3" SNAP-TOGETHER SYSTEM12" and 18" Also Available FIELD-SEAMED SYSTEM 12" and 18" Also Available (Wall Panel) P-12 (Roof Panel)16" Also Available LOKSEAM® BATTENLOK® SUPERLOK® CURVED BATTENLOK® NUWALL® 1 2"1 1 4"5 3" 3" 1" 12" 18" 16" 16" 3 4"1 3 8" 1 16" 1 16"2" 1 2" 16" 1 16"2" 12" 1 2"2 1 2" ILM-180-0 ILM-180-2 (with Beads) ILM-240-0 24" 1 4"1 1 4"1 1 4"1 18" 18" 6"6"6" ILM-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 4"1 6"6"6"6" IL-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 2"1 6"6"6"6" 12"3 4"1 16"3 4"1 DESIGNER SERIES® 16" CRAFTSMANTM SERIES ARTISAN® SERIES QWIKLOKTM ARCHITECTURAL PANELS CLASSIC® SERIES SHADOWRIBTM TRADITIONAL® DOUBLE-LOK® ULTRA-DEK® NUWALL FLEXLOK® SB-12 LB-12 HB-12 S-12C B-12C 16.0 Fluted 12.0 Flat 12"12" 12" 12" 12" SB-12 3 8" 3 8" 2"2"1" 2" 3 16 1 3 16 1 5 8 1 2" 3 16" 1 2 10 " 12"4"1"1"4"4"L-12 L-12 (with Beads) 1 2"2 12" 1 2"1 1 2"1 12" 12" 1 2"1 12" FW 120-0 FW 120-1 (with Bead) FW 120-2 (with Beads) 4"4"4" 24"3"24" 16" 3" SNAP-TOGETHER SYSTEM12" and 18" Also Available FIELD-SEAMED SYSTEM 12" and 18" Also Available (Wall Panel) P-12 (Roof Panel)16" Also Available LOKSEAM®BATTENLOK® SUPERLOK® CURVED BATTENLOK® NUWALL® 1 2"1 1 4"5 3" 3" 1" 12" 18"16" 16" 3 4"1 3 8"1 16"1 16"2" 1 2" 16" 1 16"2" 12" 1 2"2 1 2" ILM-180-0 ILM-180-2 (with Beads) ILM-240-0 24" 1 4"1 1 4"1 1 4"1 18" 18" 6"6"6" ILM-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 4"1 6"6"6"6" IL-240-3 (with Beads) 24" 1 2"1 6"6"6"6" 12"3 4"1 16"3 4"1 DESIGNER SERIES® 16" 16¹⁄₂” also available SIGNATURE® 300 SR #SRI # HARBOR BLUE .28 30 COLONIAL RED .34 37 MEDIUM BRONZE .33 36 PACIFIC BLUE .29 31 HUNTER GREEN .35 39 SNOW WHITE .65 79 SLATE GRAY .37 41 ALMOND .63 76 MIDNIGHT BRONZE .29 31 CLASSIC GREEN .28 30 EVERGLADE .33 36 BROWNSTONE .47 54 TUNDRA .46 53 SPRUCE .36 40 NATURAL PATINA .41 47 BRITE RED .49 55 BONE WHITE .70 85 SIGNATURE® 300 METALLIC SR #SRI # COPPER METALLIC .45 51 SILVER METALLIC .52 60 SIGNATURE® 200 - SILICONIZED POLYESTER SR #SRI # BURNISHED SLATE .28 29 POLAR WHITE .58 69 CHARCOAL GRAY .28 30 LIGHT STONE .50 58 HAWAIIAN BLUE .32 35 RUSTIC RED .36 40 KOKO BROWN .28 30 FERN GREEN .28 29 COAL BLACK .30 31 SOLAR WHITE .74 91 SOLAR REFLECTANCE INDEX (SRI) The SRI is used to determine compliance with LEED requirements and is calculated according to ASTM E 1980 using values for reectance and emissivity. Emissivity is a material’s ability to release absorbed energy. To meet LEED requirements, a roong material must have an SRI of 29 or higher for steep slope (above 2:12) roong and an SRI value of 78 or higher for low slope (2:12 or less) roong. For more information, please visit www.usgbc.org. SOLAR REFLECTIVITY (SR) Solar reectivity or reectance (SR) is the ability of a material to reect solar energy from its surface back into the atmosphere. The SR value is a number from 0 to 1.0. A value of 0 indicates that the material absorbs all solar energy and a value of 1.0 indicates it is all reflected. ENERGY STAR® requires SR testing of both new and aged roof products. New products must have an SR value of 0.25 or higher for steep slope (above 2:12) roong and an SR value of 0.65 or higher for low slope (2:12 or less) roong. Aged testing takes three years to complete, so not all products that meet the initial requirements are qualied. For more information, please visit www.energystar.gov. CUSTOM COLORS AND ACCESSORIES If you’re looking for a color that isn’t on our chart, let us know and we’ll work with you to nd the exact color offering you need. MBCI also has a large selection of standard trim and ashing for each of its metal roof and wall panels. All trim and ashing are available in the same gauge and nish as our panel systems. Additionally, MBCI can make most any custom trim you require. Gutter systems are also available and can be ordered to match or in any other color you choose. 11-15 FOR THE MOST CURRENT INFORMATION AVAILABLE, VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.MBCI.COM For complete performance specifications, product limitations and disclaimers, please consult MBCI’s Paint and Galvalume Plus® warranties. Upon receipt of payment in full, these warranties are available by request for all painted or Galvalume Plus® prime products. Contact your local MBCI Sales Representative or visit www.mbci.com for sample copies. Houston, TX | 877.713.6224 Adel, GA | 888.446.6224 Atlanta, GA | 877.512.6224 Atwater, CA | 800.829.9324 Dallas, TX | 800.653.6224 Indianapolis, IN | 800.735.6224 Lubbock, TX | 800.758.6224 Memphis, TN | 800.206.6224 Oklahoma City, OK | 800.597.6224 Omaha, NE | 800.458.6224 Phoenix, AZ | 888.533.6224 Richmond, VA | 800.729.6224 Rome, NY | 800.559.6224 Salt Lake City, UT | 800.874.2404 San Antonio, TX | 800.598.6224