HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecommendation Letters, documents, (04/2005)TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Department of Nutrition and Food Science Kleberg Center 2253 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-2253 (979)845-2142 Fax(979)862-2378 Human Nutrition April 9, 2005 Dear Selection Committee: The Mid East Texas Dietetic Association is pleased to endorse the nomination of Frances Shock Henry for the Daughters of the American Revolution Outstanding Women in American History Award. Frances has numerous accomplishments in dietetics and will be remembered as the first clinical dietitian in private practice in Brazos County. As an active volunteer in the Bryan/College Station communities and her service in dietetics, she has made significant contributions with many volunteer events programs. Using her nutrition skills, Frances has had a successful and impressive professional career in dietetics as well as a remarkable record of community service. Frances' dietetic work experience has spanned many historical developments in nutrition. While a student, she was the dietitian for the pilot program of the first "Hot School Lunch Program" in the state of Missouri, using an allowance of $0.02 per day per student, plus surplus commodities, to provide the meals. In her first job beginning in June 1941, County Supervisor for 12 schools with the National Youth Administration Hot School Lunch Program, the food was cooked on kerosene stoves, including canning fruits and vegetables. Her early experiences are truly historical remembrances now. Over the years, her dietetic employment involved feeding 1100 patients and 300 employees at the Missouri State Sanatorium; Manager for a department store feeding 1500 daily; Manager of a Defense Plant Cafeteria, feeding 3000 at noon daily; to Hospital Dietitian; to Mental Health/Mental Retardation classes; to Consultant and Private Practice Dietetics. As a dietitian in private practice from 1978 - 1989, she helped numerous patients with their medical nutrition therapy. From allergies, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, to weight control, she provided individual counseling of private clients, teaching nutrition to help control and maintain their health. Her educational impact has reached and resulted in better health with improved nutritional status of many individuals and groups. Frances Henry, page 16 of 40 Frances has held leadership positions in the dietetic organizations with which she has associated. She served as State President of the Lone Star Consultant Nutritionists in 1984 and Treasurer 1985-1989. She served as President of the Mid East Texas Dietetic Association in 1981-82, as well as President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and on numerous committees. She was also President of the Brazos Valley Home Economics Association. Her volunteer activities in Dietetics include work with the American Cancer Society since 1977. She served as Brazos Unit Board President for two years. Her monthly column on nutrition was in the Golden Eagle for five years and was awarded the Texas Division Media Award Another example of her volunteer activities was propagating plants for students in the first grade in a local public school for more than six years. She grew 150 plants in 1992 in her greenhouse so underprivileged children could have a plant from their teacher at Christmas. Her volunteer activities involved telling interesting stories to motivate children to read and to learn about their history. In colonial dress and using dolls, tools, food and other visuals used in colonial days; and other visuals, she tells how people lived, the activities of boys and girls, and nutrition and food choices. One of her program topics was "Foods Thomas Jefferson Introduced to America". With up to 3,000 children enjoying her programs yearly, Frances visited most local school classes K through 12 and groups of the local Reading is Fundamental and provided materials for other classes throughout the Brazos Valley. Frances graduated from the University of Missouri in 1941 with a Bachelor of Science in Foods and Nutrition. She also attended Iowa State University and Texas A&M University graduate courses. She has completed numerous continuing education seminars each year to maintain her dietetic registration until she retired in 1989. Frances has many distinguished accomplishments for many years with numerous groups that she has given generously of herself and her time in service to her church, community, state and nation. The energy that she devoted to her pursuits and the proficiency she achieved has been noted over the years. Her historical and dietetic educational programs and nutrition counseling in private practice are noteworthy achievements to recognize Frances Henry as one of the outstanding Women in American History from the Daughters of the American Revolution. Sincerely, Karen Beathard, MS,RD,LD President, Mid East Texas Dietetic Association Lecturer, Didactic Program Director, Texas A&M University Frances Henry, page 17 of 40 (`fi e (t�rttzc� Xob�r of C` aas �ooce o'�n� a � 4 IXI ANCIENT FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MASTER April 6, 2005 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: It is my happy privilege to support the nomination of Frances Henry as outstanding Woman in American History for the Daughters of the American Revolution. My initial contact with Frances was through the Masonic Fraternity. Her husband, Walter Keith Henry, was instrumental in organizing the Brazos Valley Chapter of National Sojourners, an organization of Masons who are serving or have served in the Uniformed Services of the United States. A part of the Sojourner Chapter is a group known as the Heroes of `76. This group promotes patriotism through programs of flag history with primary interest from the time of the American Revolutionary War to the present. For over 20 years and over 100 programs, Frances, in colonial period dress has participated in these programs to help keep the spirit of patriotism and love of country alive in the United States. These programs have been presented at public schools, civic clubs, community centers, fraternal organizations, senior citizen centers and churches across the Brazos Valley as well as in Central and East Texas. Wives of Heroes of `76 are given the title of Campfollowers. Frances is so well known for her work with the Sojourners and Heroes, she is often requested to conduct the ceremonies, at both state and national meetings and conferences when the Campfollower title is conferred. At the suggestion and request of Frances, the Brazos Valley Chapter of National Sojourners joins with La Villita Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution each Memorial Day and Veterans Day to place U.S. flags on the graves of veterans buried in the College Station cemetery. The families of the veterans greatly appreciate the fact that their loved ones' service and sacrifice are recognized and remembered by the community. Each summer, the Military Order of the World Wars and the National Sojourners Incorporated cooperatively conduct a leadership conference during the summer at various educational institutions around the country. One of these conferences is held at Texas A&M University and Frances sponsors a participant annually. Frances Henry, page 18 of 40 Frances Henry --page 2 of 2 Frances' additional service to Masonry and the Bryan/College Station community includes 39 years as a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, a Masonic -related organization of men and women dedicated to charity, truth and loving kindness. Additional contributions of Frances to the Bryan/College Station community are listed as follows: a. Member, Brazos County Historical Commission, 1970-1988 b. Secretary, Brazos County Bicentennial Commission, 1975-1978 c. American Cancer Society: Brazos Unit Board Member, 1977-1990; Brazos Unit President, 1987-1989; District Lay Director, 1989-1990 d. Volunteer, Brazos Valley Rehabilitation Center, 1958-1970 e. Swimming Program Chair, College Station Recreation Council, 1965-1968 f. President, College Station Schools Band Boosters Club, 1965-1967 g. Den Mother, Cub Scouts, 1958-1966 h. President, Campus (Texas A&M University) Study Club, 1993-1994 i. A&M Methodist Church: Member, 1958 -present; Flower Chair, 1958-1988; Sunday School Teacher, 1958-1970; Sunday School Teacher, Crestview Retirement Community, 1970 -present Frances has had careers as a mother and as a dietitian. Along with these careers, she has materially contributed to the education, health, intellectual stimulation and recreation of the Bryan/College community. Her enthusiasm is unparalleled, her devotion to people is great and her love of country is to be admired and envied. I recommend Frances Henry highly as the outstanding Woman in American History. Sincerely, C�24 n� Henry O'Neal District Deputy Grand Master Masonic District 29-B Frances Henry, page 19 of 40 American Cancer Society, Austin Brazos Valley Burleson Freestone Grimes Madison Washington April 4, 2005 Daughters of the American Revolution Awards Committee RE: Woman in American History Dear Selection Committee: I would like to personally take the time to inform you that Frances Henry has helped support and lead the way in the American Cancer Society's local efforts to reduce the burden of cancer. As the District 19 Executive Director for the American Cancer Society, I have the privilege to work with volunteers as they plan upcoming activities that support the mission of the American Cancer Society. Every person who volunteers or supports the American Cancer Society is a vital link in our ability to deliver cancer information and patient services. With the combined efforts of volunteers and collaborative partners such as the Alpha Phi Lambda chapter, progress has been and will be made on the local, state and national levels. Clinical and behavioral research has advanced our ability to reduce unnecessary suffering and loss of life due to cancer. We have also had legislative success in improving insurance coverage of cancer screenings and treatment. These successes are major steps in reducing the disparity of those who have and do not have access to medical care. On the local level, Francis Henry and other dedicated volunteers are filled with passion to truly make a difference in their community. She served as President of the Board for two years and was an active member of the board for more than 15 years. During her years of service, she worked on several special events and secured corporate sponsors for these events. She also served as the Patient Services Chairman and trained volunteers on how to work with cancer patients. One of her other talents is writing and Francis wrote monthly columns on cancer and the activities of the Brazos County Unit of the American Cancer Society for the local newspaper. For her efforts, she was awarded the Texas Division Media Award for column by the American Cancer Society. District 19 Office 3207 Briarcrest Dr., Bryan, TX 77802 t) 979.776.1463 f) 979.774.0865 Cancer Information 1.800.ACS.2345 www.cancer.org Frances Henry, page 20 of 40 American Cancer c) Society® Austin Brazos Valley Burleson Freestone Grimes Madison Washington The efforts made by Francis enable us to insure that residents of Brazos County know about and can access American Cancer Society information and services regardless of individual finances, education level or culture. On behalf of the American Cancer Society, please allow me to thank the Francis Henry for her generosity and commitment to our mission. She has truly made a difference in our community and I highly recommend that she receive the outstanding Woman in American History award. For more information or if I can be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Beth Sartwelle District 19 Executive Director District 19 Office 3207 Briarcrest Dr., Bryan, TX 77802 t) 979.776.1463 f) 979.774.0865 Cancer Information 1.800.ACS.2345 www.cancer.org Frances Henry, page 21 of 40 GEORGE BUSH Presidential Library and Museum March 30, 2005 Re: Recommendation Letter for Frances Henry, La Villita Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution Nominee for the Outstanding "Woman in American History" To Whom It May Concern: Martha Frances Shock Henry has spent her life contributing beneficially and in an outstanding manner to many community activities wherever she lived. She was born in Columbia, Missouri in 1920. She graduated from the University of Missouri in foods and Nutrition 1941. Frances is a very patriotic, gracious, interesting historian and genealogist. Her membership in the Bush Museum Storytellers Guild at the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum, College Station, TX, is her newest venture. She assists with the education programs, tells stories and helps with students who come to hear the authentic historical programs that are presented. Frances has given outstanding performances wearing her colonial dress for numerous events relating to colonial history. In addition, Frances has distributed hundreds of thousands of bookmarks to students reinforcing American History and values. This is an example of her thoughtfulness and generosity. In 1987 she designed historic bookmarks to distribute to schools and in the next 14 years she distributed 509,000 in Bryan, College Station and the surrounding counties. Frances is truly an Outstanding Woman in American History who has made innumerable patriotic and educational contributions beginning at an early age. Throughout her life she has given her utmost by energetically working to make a difference in her community. While a 19 year old junior in College she was chosen to help manage the pilot program for the State of Missouri for the National Youth Administration Hot School Lunch Program. The school was a local elementary school with 400 students. The food and funding amounted to two cents a day/student and surplus commodities and the equipment for the hot lunch involved using kerosene stoves. The successful lunch program made a significant difference in the students' lives. Following graduation she was employed as a supervisor for seven county schools. In her next job she worked as the Dietitian for the State of Missouri State Tuberculoses Sanitarium. This led to a job in St. Louis where she was in charge of serving lunch daily for 3000 people at a Defense plant. 1000 George Bush Drive West * College Station, Texas 77845 (979) 691-4000 * FAX (979) 691-4050 Frances Henry, page 22 of 40 GEORGE BUSH Presidential Library Page Two and Museum Thirty-five years later she became a Registered Dietitian. She worked in hospitals and as a consultant. In 1978 she established the first Private Practice in Brazos County, TX. While employed as a dietitian she served in a number of offices in the profession organization. Other activities in her professional career were volunteer planning and preparation of food for church dinners. In addition, Frances wrote a nutrition column for the newspaper. Frances would help by being an innovator whenever she saw a need. Thus, she became a volunteer trainer for cooks of the first day care centers in the Brazos County. In 1943 Frances married her college sweetheart, Walter K. Henry, who was in the United States Air Force. They traveled extensively, were married fifty-four years, and had three sons. She has published two books of Genealogical Records and two Family Memories of pictures and family stories. The Henry family has been active in Church. Frances has taught Sunday school from elementary to adults for more that 65 years. She teaches now in Crestview Retirement Community every Sunday. She works in the United Methodist Women and other church organizations. Frances has served for 30 years taking care of flowers for the church on a weekly basis. Other community activities where Frances has made an outstanding difference and been an active innovator are: 30 years on the Board of the American Cancer Society, 2 years as President; writing a nutrition column in The Eagle newspaper for 20 years; Brazos County Rehabilitation 25 years; organized the American Diabetes Association; served three years on the United Way 1975-78; President of Band Boosters two years; served 8 years on the College Station Community Council; served as Secretary of the Brazos County Bicentennial Community Working with Age Group Swimmers; Den Mother for Cub Scouts for 8 years; Sponsor Meteorology Students Wives club for 10 years; lifetime member of the American Dietetic Association; contributing member to the Texas Dietitian Association; and, Member of Bush Museum Storytellers Guild since its inception four years ago. In addition, Frances has demonstrated that she is an Outstanding Woman in American History through her participation in hundreds of Flag shows that she has presented to organizations and schools in this community and surrounding communities. The participants dress in colonial dress and show the historical development of the flags that have flown over the USA. Frances has led the Historic Program at the annual National Sojourner Encampment since 1980. It was Frances who organized placing flags on graves of veterans in the College Station Cemetery beginning in 1985 and continuing to the present. Flags are placed Memorial Day and Veterans Day. In 2004 alone 1,150 flags were placed. 1000 George Bush Drive West * College Station, Texas 77845 (979) 691-4000 * FAX (979) 691-4050 Frances Henry, page 23 of 40 GEORGE BUSH Presidential Library Page Three and Museum Frances has demonstrated her exemplary leadership, innovation and that she is a person worthy of recognition in the following organizations: Daughters of the American Colonists in which organized the Governors Chapter in 1977. She has served in all local offices, State Regent, National Registrar. Frances has been serving on the National Board for 17 years. Also, Frances has membership in the Daughters of the American Revolution and has served in all local offices and State Organizing Secretary and Chairman of Genealogical records since joining in 1968. Other memberships are United State Daughters 1812, serving as in local offices, State Chaplain as well as several State Committee chairman positions; Dames Court of Honor, Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims; Colonial Dames XVII Century serving as President, Vic President, and several Sate Committee Chairman positions; Magna Charta Dames, and Order of the Crown (descendants of Charlemagne.) and The Order of The Eastern Star. Among the many honors bestowed upon Frances has been the George Washington Award from Freedoms Foundation in 1992 and the National Sojourner Grande Dame Award in 2001 for years of service with patriotic programs. She has received an award from the American Cancer Society, the Sword of Hope Award; and, the Outstanding Woman of Brazos County in 1992. It is a great pleasure to give Frances Henry the highest recommendation for this award. She is truly a person worthy of recognition, a beneficial innovator in all of her activities who has made significant differences to her community throughout her lifetime with innumerable contributions from improving Americans' health to enlightening understanding of American History and patriotism. Frances has always worked diligently to make caring contributions. She is friendly, considerate, empathetic and dependable. Frances Henry is an Outstanding Woman in American History. It is an honor to know her. Sincerely, Shirley K. Hammond, Ph.D. Education Director 1000 George Bush Drive West * College Station, Texas 77845 (979) 691-4000 * FAX (979) 691-4050 Frances Henry, page 24 of 40