HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/09/2009 - Regular Agenda Packet - City CouncilMayor Council members Ben White John Crompton Mayor Pro Tem James Massey Dennis Maloney City Manager Katy-Marie Lyles Glenn Brown Lawrence Stewart David Ruesink Agenda College Station City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, July 09, 2009 at 7:00 PM City Hall Council Chamber, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 1. Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, Consider absence request. · Presentation of TAMIO Awards to Public Communication Department. · Presentation to both the TAMU Track and Field men’s and women’s team. Hear Visitors: A citizen may address the City Council on any item which does not appear on the posted Agenda. Registration forms are available in the lobby and at the desk of the City Secretary. This form should be completed and delivered to the City Secretary by 6:30 pm. Please limit remarks to three minutes. A timer alarm will sound after 2 1/2 minutes to signal thirty seconds remaining to conclude your remarks. The City Council will receive the information, ask staff to look into the matter, or place the issue on a future agenda. Topics of operational concerns shall be directed to the City Manager. Consent Agenda Individuals who wish to address the City Council on a consent or regular agenda item not posted as a public hearing shall register with the City Secretary prior to the Mayor’s reading of the agenda item. Registration forms are available in the lobby and at the desk of the City Secretary. The Mayor will recognize individuals who wish to come forward to speak for or against the item. The speaker will state their name and address for the record and allowed three minutes. A timer will sound at 2 1/2 minutes to signal thirty seconds remaining for remarks. 2. Presentation, possible action and discussion of consent agenda items which consists of ministerial or "housekeeping" items required by law. Items may be removed from the consent agenda by majority vote of the Council. a. Presentation, possible action, and discussion of minutes for Council meeting held on Monday, June 22, 2009 and Thursday, June 25, 2009. b. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a change order to the contract with JaCody, Inc for the renovations to the Municipal Courts Building. This item is a deductive change order in the amount of $249,668.88. c. Presentation, possible action, and discussion awarding Bid #09-70 to Stresscrete, Inc., and authorize the estimated annual expenditures of $257,320.00 for prestressed spun cast concrete poles. 1 City Council Regular Meeting Page 2 Thursday, July 9, 2009 On Behalf of the Citizens of College Station, Home of Texas A&M University, We will continue to Promote and Advance the Community’s Quality of Life d. Presentation, possible action and discussion on extending the bank depository agreement with Citibank Texas, N.A. for one final year. e. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on consideration of an ordinance temporarily amending Chapter 10, Section 3E (2)(e), of the College Station Code of Ordinances by changing the posted speed limit on the section of Harvey Mitchell Parkway (FM 2818) between Welsh Avenue and Holleman Drive to 45 mph for the duration of TxDOT’s FM 2818 Grade Separation project. f. Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding the approval of a resolution accepting from the Department of Homeland Security Fire Station Grant Program in the amount of $3,200,000 and agreeing to provide the balance of $3,700,000 to complete the construction of Fire Station # 6. The total cost of construction for Fire Station # 6 is projected to be $6,900,000. g. Presentation, possible action and discussion on awarding an annual contract for Turf Mowing Services for various City properties to Green Teams, Inc. for an annual expenditure of $79,626.00. (Bid #09-19) Regular Agenda Individuals who wish to address the City Council on a regular agenda item not posted as a public hearing shall register with the City Secretary prior to the Mayor’s reading of the agenda item. The Mayor will recognize you to come forward to speak for or against the item. The speaker will state their name and address for the record and allowed three minutes. A timer will sound at 2 1/2 minutes to signal thirty seconds remaining for remarks. Individuals who wish to address the City Council on an item posted as a public hearing shall register with the City Secretary prior to the Mayor’s announcement to open the public hearing. The Mayor will recognize individuals who wish to come forward to speak for or against the item. The speaker will state their name and address for the record and allowed three minutes. A timer alarm will sound at 2 1/2 minutes to signal thirty seconds remaining to conclude remarks. After a public hearing is closed, there shall be no additional public comments. If Council needs additional information from the general public, some limited comments may be allowed at the discretion of the Mayor. If an individual does not wish to address the City Council, but still wishes to be recorded in the official minutes as being in support or opposition to an agenda item, the individual may complete the registration form provided in the lobby by providing the name, address, and comments about a city related subject. These comments will be referred to the City Council and City Manager. 1. Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion of design options for the Tauber & Stasney Street Rehabilitation Project. 2. Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion an ordinance amending City of College Station Code of Ordinances Chapter 13: Flood Hazard Protection. 3. Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion concerning a resolution awarding the professional services contract (Contract No. 09-241) with Bury + Partners, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $112,133 for engineering design services for the Hike & Bike Trail Completion Project (ST- 2 City Council Regular Meeting Page 3 Thursday, July 9, 2009 On Behalf of the Citizens of College Station, Home of Texas A&M University, We will continue to Promote and Advance the Community’s Quality of Life 0904) and approval of a resolution declaring intention to reimburse certain expenditures with proceeds from debt. 4. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the annual review of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), including recent UDO amendments, proposed amendments, and requested amendments. 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion to approve an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) for Joint Use of Facilities between the City of College Station and the College Station Independent School District (CSISD). 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion to approve an ordinance by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, issuing $31,315,000 City of College Station Certificates of Obligation, Series 2009. 7. Presentation, possible action and discussion to approve an ordinance by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, issuing $3,335,000 City of College Station General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009. 8. Presentation, possible action, and discussion to approve a resolution providing an exception to Policy to allow Mr. Thomas and Ms. Palasota to construct sewer infrastructure necessary to connect their homes to the City sewer system. 9. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on appointments of citizens to the following committees: Cemetery Committee, Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals, Historic Preservation Committee, Parks and Recreation, Planning and Zoning Commission, and Zoning Board of Adjustments. 10. Presentation, possible action, and discussion of appointments to Committees as follows: Arts Council, Audit Committee, Brazos Co. Health Dept., Convention and Visitor Bureau, Research Valley Partnership Board, Intergovernmental Committee, Sister Cities Association, Transportation Committee. 11. Presentation, possible action, and discussion of Mayor Pro Tem appointment. 12. Adjourn. If litigation issues arise to the posted subject matter of this Council Meeting an executive session will be held. APPROVED: ________________________________ City Manager 3 City Council Regular Meeting Page 4 Thursday, July 9, 2009 On Behalf of the Citizens of College Station, Home of Texas A&M University, We will continue to Promote and Advance the Community’s Quality of Life Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas will be held on the Thursday, July 09, 2009 at 7:00 PM at the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this 6th day of July, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. E-Signed by Connie Hooks VERIFY authenticity with ApproveIt ________________________________ City Secretary I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Governing Body of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas, and the City’s website, www.cstx.gov . The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on July 6, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours proceeding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: __________________________ by ________________________. Dated this _____day of ________________, 2009 By______________________________________ Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the _____day of ________________, 2009. ______________________________ Notary Public – Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: ___________ The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.gov . Council meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Channel 19. 4 July 9, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 2b Municipal Court Renovation To: Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Chuck Gilman, Director of Capital Projects Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a change order to the contract with JaCody, Inc for the renovations to the Municipal Courts Building. This item is a deductive change order in the amount of $249,668.88. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of deductive change order no. 1 in the amount of $249,668.88. Summary: The renovations to the Municipal Courts Building includes the completion of the interior of the second floor of the building, installation of the elevator, improvements to the exterior of the building to address O&M issues, modifications to the entrance of the building which will allow for a separate entrance for staff and visitors the Court, and include a small addition to building to allow visitors to the Court to be out of the weather while wait to pass through security. The guaranteed maximum price for the Construction Manager At Risk (CMAR) contract was $1,744,200.00. The actual bid price for the project was $1,461,207.00. This change order reduces the contract amount to the actual bid price, adds Siemens security work to the contract in order to better coordinate security work installation, and adds miscellaneous plumbing equipment and appurtenances. Budget & Financial Summary: Funds in the amount of $2,000,000.00 are currently budgeted in the General Government Capital Improvement Projects Fund for the Municipal Court Renovation Project (GG-0701). Funds in the amount of $2,014,465.11 have been expended or committed to date. Assuming this change order is approved, the new project balance will be $1,764,796.23. Attachments: 1. Change Order No. 1 2. Location Map 5 6 7 98 July 9, 2009 Consent Agenda Item 2c Annual Prestressed Spun Cast Concrete Poles To: Glen Brown, Interim City Manager From: Jeff Kersten, Chief Financial Officer Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion awarding Bid #09-70 to Stresscrete, Inc., and authorize the estimated annual expenditures of $257,320.00 for prestressed spun cast concrete poles. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends award to the lowest, responsible bidder meeting specifications, Stresscrete, Inc. with annual estimated expenditures totaling $257,320.00. Six bids were received: 1) Stresscrete $257,320.00 2) Superior Power Poles $431,835.00 3) TEC $441,120.00 4) Valmont Newmark $567,975.00 5) Techline $668,040.00 6) Dealers Electrical Supply $697,705.00 Summary: These purchases will be made as needed during the term of the agreement. The concrete poles are maintained in the electrical inventory and expensed as necessary. These poles are bought as needed and kept in stock for emergency purposes also. The term of agreement shall be for one year with up to two one-year renewal options. Budget & Financial Summary: Six (6) sealed, competitive bid were received and opened on Friday, June 22, 2009. Funds are budgeted and available in the Electrical Fund. Various projects may be expensed as supplies are pulled from inventory and issued. Attachments: Bid Tabulation #09-70 9 Ci t y o f C o l l e g e S t a t i o n - P u r c h a s i n g D e p a r t m e n t Bi d T a b u l a t i o n f o r # 0 9 - 7 0 "A n n u a l P r i c e A g r e e m e n t f o r P r e s t r e s s e d C o n c r e t e Di s t r i b u t i o n P o l e s f o r E l e c t r i c I n v e n t o r y " Op e n D a t e : F r i d a y , J u n e 2 2 , 2 0 0 9 @ 2 : 0 0 p . m . IT E M Es t . An n u a l Us a g e U N I T D E S C R I P T I O N I n v e n t o r y N o . UN I T CO S T EX T E N D E D CO S T UN I T CO S T EX T E N D E D CO S T UN I T CO S T EX T E N D E D COST U N I T C O S T EXTENDED COST U N I T C O S T EXTENDED COST U N I T C O S T EXTENDED COST A- 1 5 E a 3 5 ' p r e s t r e s s e d s p u n c a s t c o n c r e t e p o l e 5 4 0 - 0 7 0 - 0 0 0 2 0 $9 9 9 . 0 0 $4 , 9 9 5 . 0 0 $3 , 4 8 6 . 0 0 $1 7 , 4 3 0 . 0 0 $1 , 8 5 9 . 0 0 $9,295.00 $1,932.00 $9,660.00 $3,635.00 $18,175.00 $2,949.00 $14,745.00 A- 2 10 E a 40 ' p r e s t r e s s e d s p u n c a s t c o n c r e t e p o l e 5 4 0 - 0 7 0 - 0 0 0 1 0 $ 1 , 1 5 0 . 0 0 $1 1 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 $3 , 5 9 1 . 0 0 $3 5 , 9 1 0 . 0 0 $2 , 0 8 0 . 0 0 $20,800.00 $ 2 , 0 2 4 . 0 0 $ 2 0 , 2 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 , 7 4 5 . 0 0 $ 3 7 , 4 5 0 . 0 0 $ 3 , 0 4 1 . 0 0 $ 3 0 , 4 1 0 . 0 0 A- 3 80 E a 4 5 ' p r e s t r e s s e d s p u n c a s t c o n c r e t e p o l e 5 4 0 - 0 7 0 - 0 0 0 0 8 $1 , 2 7 5 . 0 0 $1 0 2 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $3 , 7 0 0 . 0 0 $2 9 6 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $2 , 1 8 0 . 0 0 $174,400.00 $2,208.00 $176,640.00 $3,860.00 $308,800.00 $3,139.00 $251,120.00 A- 4 15 E a 50 ' p r e s t r e s s e d s p u n c a s t c o n c r e t e p o l e 5 4 0 - 0 7 0 - 0 0 0 0 9 $ 1 , 4 2 5 . 0 0 $2 1 , 3 7 5 . 0 0 $3 , 8 1 8 . 0 0 $5 7 , 2 7 0 . 0 0 $2 , 4 2 2 . 0 0 $36,330.00 $ 2 , 3 5 6 . 0 0 $ 3 5 , 3 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 , 9 8 4 . 0 0 $ 5 9 , 7 6 0 . 0 0 $ 3 , 2 4 2 . 0 0 $ 4 8 , 6 3 0 . 0 0 A- 5 35 E a 55 ' p r e s t r e s s e d s p u n c a s t c o n c r e t e p o l e 5 4 0 - 0 7 0 - 0 0 0 1 1 $ 1 , 5 5 0 . 0 0 $5 4 , 2 5 0 . 0 0 $3 , 9 3 8 . 0 0 $1 3 7 , 8 3 0 . 0 0 $2 , 5 7 7 . 0 0 $90,195.00 $ 2 , 4 9 7 . 0 0 $ 8 7 , 3 9 5 . 0 0 $ 4 , 1 3 0 . 0 0 $ 1 4 4 , 5 5 0 . 0 0 $ 3 , 3 6 6 . 0 0 $ 1 1 7 , 8 1 0 . 0 0 Dealers Electrical Supply V a l m o n t N e w m a r k Superior Power Poles Ta b l e A - 1 P r e s t r e s s e d S p u n C a s t C o n cr e t e D i s t r i b u t i o n P o l e s TE C St r e s s c r e t e T e c h l i n e TO T A L $1 9 4 , 1 2 0 . 0 0 $ 5 4 4 , 4 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 3 1 , 0 2 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 9 , 2 7 5 . 0 0 $ 5 6 8 , 7 3 5 . 0 0 $ 4 6 2 , 7 1 5 . 0 0 A- 6 10 E a 50 ' p r e s t r e s s e d s p u n c a s t c o n c r e t e s e l f - su p p o r t i n g p o l e 6 d e g r e e a n g l e 54 0 - 0 7 0 - 0 0 0 2 1 $1 , 7 4 0 . 0 0 $1 7 , 4 0 0 . 0 0 $3 , 8 1 8 . 0 0 $3 8 , 1 8 0 . 0 0 $3 , 4 0 1 . 0 0 $34,010.00 $2,790.00 $27,900.00 $3,984.00 $39,840.00 $3,242.00 $32,420.00 A- 7 10 E a 50 ' p r e s t r e s s e d s p u n c a s t c o n c r e t e s e l f su p p o r t i n g p o l e 1 2 d e g r e e 5 4 0 - 0 7 0 - 0 0 0 1 8 $ 2 , 0 3 0 . 0 0 $2 0 , 3 0 0 . 0 0 $4 , 1 5 9 . 0 0 $4 1 , 5 9 0 . 0 0 $3 , 7 0 3 . 0 0 $37,030.00 $ 3 , 4 4 3 . 0 0 $ 3 4 , 4 3 0 . 0 0 $ 4 , 3 4 0 . 0 0 $ 4 3 , 4 0 0 . 0 0 $ 3 , 5 4 3 . 0 0 $ 3 5 , 4 3 0 . 0 0 A- 8 10 E a 50 ' p r e s t r e s s e d s p u n c a s t c o n c r e t e s e l f su p p o r t i n g p o l e 1 8 d e g r e e a n g l e 54 0 - 0 7 0 - 0 0 0 1 9 $2 , 5 5 0 . 0 0 $2 5 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 $4 , 3 8 3 . 0 0 $4 3 , 8 3 0 . 0 0 $3 , 9 0 6 . 0 0 $39,060.00 $4,023.00 $40,230.00 $4,573.00 $45,730.00 $3,741.00 $37,410.00 TO T A L $6 3 , 2 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 2 3 , 6 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 0 , 1 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 0 2 , 5 6 0 . 0 0 $ 1 2 8 , 9 7 0 . 0 0 $ 1 0 5 , 2 6 0 . 0 0 GR A N D T O T A L $2 5 7 , 3 2 0 . 0 0 $ 6 6 8 , 0 4 0 . 0 0 $ 4 4 1 , 1 2 0 . 0 0 $ 4 3 1 , 8 3 5 . 0 0 $ 6 9 7 , 7 0 5 . 0 0 $ 5 6 7 , 9 7 5 . 0 0 Ta b l e A - 2 P r e s t r e s s e d S p u n C a s t C o n cr e t e D i s t r i b u t i o n P o l e s Pa g e 1 o f 1 10 July 9, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 2d Bank Depository Agreement Extension To: Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Jeff Kersten, Chief Financial Officer Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action and discussion on extending the bank depository agreement with Citibank Texas, N.A. for one final year. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of the final one-year renewal option. Summary: The current bank depository agreement with Citibank expires on September 30, 2009. On November 22, 2005, the Council selected Citibank as the City's depository bank. The depository agreement was for three (3) years with an option for two (2) one-year renewals under the same terms and conditions and upon mutual consent of both parties. Staff requests executing the final one-year renewal option set to expire on September 30, 2010. A Request for Application for the bank depository contract will be released in 2010. Budget & Financial Summary: The annual cost for the services provided by Citibank is not expected to exceed $45,000 annually. The expenditure for banking services is budgeted in the General Fund. The interest rate on the account is the 91-day treasury rate plus 50 basis points. Given current market conditions, Citibank, out of good faith, has held the City’s interest rate at 1% to help off-set fees. Attachments: 1. Depository Contract Extension, Commercial Banking Services 11 AGREEMENT TO EXTEND THE DEPOSITORY CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS AND CITIBANK TEXAS, N.A. WHEREAS, the City of Col.lege Station, Texas entered into a Depository Contract (the "Contract") with Citibank Texas, N.A., on November 22,2005; and WHEREAS, the term of the Contract expires on September 30,2009; and WHEREAS, the terms of the Contract permit the parties to extend, by written agreement, the Contract up to two (2) additional terms with each term not to exceed one (1) year; and WHEREAS, the Contract provides that the original terms and conditions will apply to any extension; and WHEREAS, the City of College Station, Texas and Citibank Texas, N.A., desire to extend the Contract for one (1) additional term to expire on September 30,2010; NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the recitations above and the covenants expressed herein below, the parties agree to the following: A. Citibank Texas, N.A., Depository, located at 2717 Texas Avenue South, College Station, Texas 77840, Brazos County, State of Texas, and the City of College Station agree to extend the Contract for an additional one (1) year term from October 1,2009 to September 30,2010 (the "one (1) year extension"). B. The parties agree that the original terms and conditions of the Contract will apply to the one (1) year extension. C. The parties agree that the rate(s) set under the original Contract will apply to the one (1) year extension. EXECUTED this the day of ,2009. CITIBANK TEXAS, N.A., COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS . BY: Ben White Mayor 12 ATTEST: CONNIE HOOKS, City Secretary APPROVED: G~ENN BROWN, City Manager City Attorney Chief Financial Officer JEFF KERSTEN 13 THE STATE OF TEXAS ) 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on this the - dayof of @MU4 , 2009, by KATHY J. LYNCH as Vice President -Public Funds Sector of CITIBANK TEXAS, N.A., TEXAS, a dl& P~Qs; dqnt , on its behalf. THE STATE OF TEXAS ) 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on this the - day of , 2009, by BEN WHITE as Mayor of the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, a Home-Rule Municipality, on its behalf. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas 14 July 9, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 2e Harvey Mitchell Parkway (FM 2818) Temporary Speed Limit To: Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Mark Smith, Director of Public Works Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on consideration of an ordinance temporarily amending Chapter 10, Section 3E (2)(e), of the College Station Code of Ordinances by changing the posted speed limit on the section of Harvey Mitchell Parkway (FM 2818) between Welsh Avenue and Holleman Drive to 45 mph for the duration of TxDOT’s FM 2818 Grade Separation project. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of the ordinance amendment. Summary: TxDOT is currently constructing a bridge over Wellborn Road (FM 2154) and the adjacent railroad. The completed project will allow traffic on FM 2818 to go over the railroad and Wellborn Road on a bridge, thus traffic on FM 2818 will no longer have to stop for vehicles on Wellborn Road or one of the 24 trains per day crossing FM 2818. To improve safety of the construction crews in the area as well as the motoring public traveling through the work zone, TxDOT has asked the City to temporarily reduce the speed limit in the work zone from 60 to 45 mph. This lower speed limit will also allow TxDOT to place a low-profile concrete barrier at the edge of the work zone to further improve the safety of construction crews and motorists. The TxDOT manual, Procedures for Establishing Speed Zones, describes the process for establishing a construction speed zone within an incorporated city, which includes two options. A city may establish a construction speed zone by adopting an ordinance or by making a request to TxDOT. The accompanying ordinance establishes a temporary 45 mph construction speed zone along a section of FM 2818, beginning on the west side of the Welsh Avenue intersection and extending to Holleman Drive. The construction speed zone is temporary, becoming effective 10 days from the date of passage of the ordinance and expiring after the completion of the TxDOT construction project. Budget & Financial Summary: No expenditure of City funds is necessary or associated with this item. Attachments: 1. Ordinance 2. Location Map 15 16 17 18 Existing speed limit of 60 mph or 50 mph Temporary construction speed limit of 45 mph Wellborn Road (FM 2154) G e o r g e B u s h D r i v e (F M 2 3 4 7 ) Proposed Construction Speed Limit on FM 2818 H a r v e y M i t c h e l l P k w y (F M 2 8 1 8 ) G r a h a m R o a d Existing speed limit of 60 mph Texas Avenue Existing speed limit of 50 mph 19 July 9, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 2f Fire Station Construction Program Grant To: Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Robert Alley, Fire Chief Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding the approval of a resolution accepting from the Department of Homeland Security Fire Station Grant Program in the amount of $3,200,000 and agreeing to provide the balance of $3,700,000 to complete the construction of Fire Station # 6. The total cost of construction for Fire Station # 6 is projected to be $6,900,000. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of the application and acceptance of the grant if awarded from the Department of Homeland Security and recommends the City Council to authorize and designate the Fire Chief or their designee, to sign agreements with the Department of Homeland Security for these grants on behalf of the City of College Station. Summary: The City of College Station has prepared a Grant Application in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Homeland Security who is responsible to administer the grant funds under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act which has provided FEMA with $210 million to fund the construction and modifications of Fire Stations. The purpose of this grant program is to strategically increase the safety of the firefighters and the communities that they serve. As such, all program priorities focus on the timeliness of the implementation of the construction project, the effect the new or modified facility will have on the health and safety of the firefighters, the number of firehouses in the surrounding area, as well as the benefit the new or modified facility will have on the protection of the community. Budget & Financial Summary: This Fire Station Grant process is competitive, grant requests for projects in which the applicant already owns the property will be given additional consideration for approval. If the Grant is awarded, the City of College Station would receive $3,200,000 from the DHS grant and the City of College Station would be responsible for the balance of the construction cost of $3,700,000 to complete the construction of Fire Station # 6. The total cost of construction for Fire Station # 6 is projected to be $6,900,000. Attachments: Homeland Security Application on file in City Secretary’s office Resolution 20 21 July 9, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 2g Annual Turf Mowing Services To: Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Jeff Kersten, Chief Financial Officer Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action and discussion on awarding an annual contract for Turf Mowing Services for various City properties to Green Teams, Inc. for an annual expenditure of $79,626.00. (Bid #09-19) Recommendation(s): Staff recommends award of the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Green Teams, Inc. in the annual not-to-exceed amount of $79,626.00. Summary: This contract contains two (2) sections: Section I - Annual Turf Mowing for College Station Utility Electrical Substations, Water/Wastewater and Economic Development Sites and Section II - Temporary Landscape Maintenance Services for Carters Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant and Chimney Hill Center. Section I consists of turf mowing, edging/trimming, litter/debris removal, fire ant control and minor landscape bed maintenance. Section II consists of turf mowing, hardscape maintenance, edging/trimming, litter/debris removal, landscape bed maintenance, shrub trimming, fertilization, irrigation inspection and repair, etc. The two (2) temporary locations at Carter Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant and Chimney Hill Center will be maintained under this contract until September 30, 2009. They will be included in the re-bid of annual landscape (manicured) maintenance services that will have a resulting contract in place by October 1, 2009. Sealed competitive bids were solicited and five (5) bids were received. Please see the attached bid tabulation for details. Budget & Financial Summary: Funding for turf mowing services comes from the operations/maintenance funds for Water/Wastewater, Electric, Community Development, Economic Development, and the New Convention Center. Attachments: Tabulation for Bid No. 09-19 Contract on file in the City Secretary’s Office 22 IT B 0 9 - 1 9 An n u a l T u r f M o w i n g a t V a r i o u s C i t y o f C o l l e g e S t a t i o n L o c a t i o n s Op e n D a t e : W e d n e s d a y , J u n e 3 , 2 0 0 9 @ 2 : 0 0 No . o f Cy c l e s Co s t P e r Cy c l e A n n u a l T o t a l Co s t P e r Cy c l e A n n u a l T o t a l Co s t P e r Cy c l e A n n u a l T o t a l Co s t P e r Cy c l e A n n u a l T o t a l Cost Per Cycle A n n u a l T o t a l Co l l e g e S t a t i o n E l e c t r i c U t i l i t y S u b s t a t i o n s Gr e e n s P r a i r i e S u b s t a t i o n 18 $1 6 2 . 0 0 $ 2 , 9 1 6 . 0 0 $ 1 4 7 . 0 0 $ 2 , 6 4 6 . 0 0 $ 9 2 . 1 8 $ 1 , 6 5 9 . 2 4 $ 2 1 5 . 0 0 $ 3 , 8 7 0 . 0 0 $ 2 4 0 . 7 5 $ 4 , 3 3 3 . 5 0 Co l l e g e S t a t i o n S w i t c h S t a t i o n 18 $2 5 6 . 0 0 $ 4 , 6 0 8 . 0 0 $ 2 4 0 . 0 0 $ 4 , 3 2 0 . 0 0 $ 2 6 5 . 2 3 $ 4 , 7 7 4 . 1 4 $ 2 1 5 . 0 0 $ 3 , 8 7 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 1 . 0 0 $ 5 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Po s t O a k M a l l S u b s t a t i o n 18 $1 4 2 . 0 0 $ 2 , 5 5 6 . 0 0 $ 2 2 5 . 0 0 $ 4 , 0 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 2 4 . 6 3 $ 2 , 2 4 3 . 3 4 $ 2 1 5 . 0 0 $ 3 , 8 7 0 . 0 0 $ 2 4 0 . 7 5 $ 4 , 3 3 3 . 5 0 So u t h w o o d V a l l e y S u b s t a t i o n 18 $6 4 . 0 0 $ 1 , 1 5 2 . 0 0 $ 7 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 2 6 0 . 0 0 $ 5 6 . 6 5 $ 1 , 0 1 9 . 7 0 $ 2 1 5 . 0 0 $ 3 , 8 7 0 . 0 0 $ 2 4 0 . 7 5 $ 4 , 3 3 3 . 5 0 No r t h g a t e S u b s t a t i o n 18 $8 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 4 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 4 5 . 0 0 $ 2 , 6 1 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 0 . 3 6 $ 1 , 9 8 6 . 4 8 $ 9 5 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 1 0 . 0 0 $ 2 4 0 . 7 5 $ 4 , 3 3 3 . 5 0 Do w l i n g R o a d S u b s t a t i o n 18 $1 3 4 . 0 0 $ 2 , 4 1 2 . 0 0 $ 2 0 0 . 0 0 $ 3 , 6 0 0 . 0 0 $ 7 5 . 9 1 $ 1 , 3 6 6 . 3 8 $ 3 5 0 . 0 0 $ 6 , 3 0 0 . 0 0 $ 2 4 0 . 7 5 $ 4 , 3 3 3 . 5 0 Sp r i n g C r e e k S u b s t a t i o n 18 $7 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 2 6 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 5 . 0 0 $ 2 , 0 7 0 . 0 0 $ 9 3 . 7 8 $ 1 , 6 8 8 . 0 4 $ 3 5 0 . 0 0 $ 6 , 3 0 0 . 0 0 $ 2 4 0 . 7 5 $ 4 , 3 3 3 . 5 0 Gr e e n s P r a i r i e E l e v a t e d S t o r a g e T a n k 18 $5 0 . 0 0 $ 9 0 0 . 0 0 $ 7 5 . 0 0 $ 1 , 3 5 0 . 0 0 $ 7 7 . 2 5 $ 1 , 3 9 0 . 5 0 $ 1 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 1 . 0 0 $ 5 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Pa r k P l a c e E l e v a t e d S t o r a g e T a n k 18 $1 1 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 8 0 . 0 0 $ 8 5 . 0 0 $ 1 , 5 3 0 . 0 0 $ 7 7 . 2 5 $ 1 , 3 9 0 . 5 0 $ 1 5 0 . 0 0 $ 2 , 7 0 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 1 . 0 0 $ 5 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Un i v e r s i t y D r i v e P u m p S t a t i o n 18 $9 8 . 0 0 $ 1 , 7 6 4 . 0 0 $ 8 5 . 0 0 $ 1 , 5 3 0 . 0 0 $ 1 2 8 . 7 5 $ 2 , 3 1 7 . 5 0 $ 1 5 0 . 0 0 $ 2 , 7 0 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 1 . 0 0 $ 5 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Wa t e r W e l l # 1 18 $6 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 0 8 0 . 0 0 $ 6 5 . 0 0 $ 1 , 1 7 0 . 0 0 $ 6 1 . 8 0 $ 1 , 1 1 2 . 4 0 $ 7 5 . 0 0 $ 1 , 3 5 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 1 . 0 0 $ 5 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Wa t e r W e l l # 2 18 $6 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 0 8 0 . 0 0 $ 6 5 . 0 0 $ 1 , 1 7 0 . 0 0 $ 6 6 . 9 5 $ 1 , 2 0 5 . 1 0 $ 1 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 1 . 0 0 $ 5 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Wa t e r W e l l # 3 18 $5 0 . 0 0 $ 9 0 0 . 0 0 $ 5 5 . 0 0 $ 9 9 0 . 0 0 $ 6 1 . 8 0 $ 1 , 1 1 2 . 4 0 $ 7 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 2 6 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 1 . 0 0 $ 5 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Wa t e r W e l l # 4 18 $4 3 . 0 0 $ 7 7 4 . 0 0 $ 4 5 . 0 0 $ 8 1 0 . 0 0 $ 6 1 . 8 0 $ 1 , 1 1 2 . 4 0 $ 6 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 0 8 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 1 . 0 0 $ 5 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Wa t e r W e l l # 5 18 $6 6 . 0 0 $ 1 , 1 8 8 . 0 0 $ 7 5 . 0 0 $ 1 , 3 5 0 . 0 0 $ 6 6 . 9 5 $ 1 , 2 0 5 . 1 0 $ 1 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 1 . 0 0 $ 5 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Wa t e r W e l l # 6 18 $6 6 . 0 0 $ 1 , 1 8 8 . 0 0 $ 7 5 . 0 0 $ 1 , 3 5 0 . 0 0 $ 6 6 . 9 5 $ 1 , 2 0 5 . 1 0 $ 1 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 1 . 0 0 $ 5 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Wa t e r W e l l # 7 18 $6 6 . 0 0 $ 1 , 1 8 8 . 0 0 $ 7 5 . 0 0 $ 1 , 3 5 0 . 0 0 $ 2 5 6 . 4 7 $ 4 , 6 1 6 . 4 6 $ 1 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 1 . 0 0 $ 5 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Tr a n s m i s s i o n L i n e S i t e # 1 18 $4 2 . 0 0 $ 7 5 6 . 0 0 $ 7 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 2 6 0 . 0 0 $ 8 7 . 5 5 $ 1 , 5 7 5 . 9 0 $ 6 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 0 8 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 1 . 0 0 $ 5 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Tr a n s m i s s i o n L i n e S i t e # 2 18 $8 4 . 0 0 $ 1 , 5 1 2 . 0 0 $ 6 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 0 8 0 . 0 0 $ 8 5 . 4 9 $ 1 , 5 3 8 . 8 2 $ 6 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 0 8 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 1 . 0 0 $ 5 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Gr e e n s P r a i r i e E l e v a t e d S t o r a g e T a n k 2 $5 2 . 0 0 $ 1 0 4 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 $ 7 2 . 1 0 $ 1 4 4 . 2 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 $ 1 6 0 . 0 0 $ 2 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 Pa r k P l a c e E l e v a t e d S t o r a g e T a n k 2 $5 4 . 0 0 $ 1 0 8 . 0 0 $ 3 5 . 0 0 $ 7 0 . 0 0 $ 7 2 . 1 0 $ 1 4 4 . 2 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 $ 1 6 0 . 0 0 $ 2 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $1 6 , 3 4 4 . 0 0 $ 2 0 , 5 5 6 . 0 0 $ 1 4 , 7 3 7 . 3 2 $ 2 9 , 7 9 0 . 0 0 $ 3 1 , 7 7 9 . 0 0 Gr a n d T o t a l - C S E l e c t r i c U t i l i t y S u b s t a t i o n s 2 . F i r e A n t C o n t r o l I. T u r f M a i n t e n a n c e A . S e c o n d a r y M o w 1 . M o w , T r i m , C l e a n u p Gr e e n T e a m s , I n c . (B r y a n , T X ) Ra i n b o w G a r d e n s (B r y a n , T X ) Br o o k w a y H o r t i c u l t u r a l S e r v i c e s (H o u s t o n , T X ) C& D P r o p e r t y S e r v i c e s (C o l l e g e S t a t i o n , T X ) Rios Tree Service, Inc.(San Antonio, TX) Wa t e r / W a s t e w a t e r S i t e s - W a t e r P r o d u c t i o n S i t e s SE C T I O N I AN N U A L M A I N T E N A N C E I. T u r f M a i n t e n a n c e A . S e c o n d a r y M o w 1 . M o w , T r i m , C l e a n u p Pa g e 1 o f 5 23 IT B 0 9 - 1 9 An n u a l T u r f M o w i n g a t V a r i o u s C i t y o f C o l l e g e S t a t i o n L o c a t i o n s Op e n D a t e : W e d n e s d a y , J u n e 3 , 2 0 0 9 @ 2 : 0 0 No . o f Cy c l e s Co s t P e r Cy c l e A n n u a l T o t a l Co s t P e r Cy c l e A n n u a l T o t a l Co s t P e r Cy c l e A n n u a l T o t a l Co s t P e r Cy c l e A n n u a l T o t a l Cost Per Cycle A n n u a l T o t a l Gr e e n T e a m s , I n c . (B r y a n , T X ) Ra i n b o w G a r d e n s (B r y a n , T X ) Br o o k w a y H o r t i c u l t u r a l S e r v i c e s (H o u s t o n , T X ) C& D P r o p e r t y S e r v i c e s (C o l l e g e S t a t i o n , T X ) Rios Tree Service, Inc.(San Antonio, TX) SE C T I O N I AN N U A L M A I N T E N A N C E Un i v e r s i t y D r i v e P u m p S t a t i o n 2 $6 8 . 0 0 $ 1 3 6 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 $ 6 1 . 8 0 $ 1 2 3 . 6 0 $ 1 6 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 0 . 0 0 $ 2 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 Wa t e r W e l l # 1 2 $5 8 . 0 0 $ 1 1 6 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 $ 1 0 . 3 0 $ 2 0 . 6 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 $ 1 6 0 . 0 0 $ 2 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 Wa t e r W e l l # 2 2 $7 2 . 0 0 $ 1 4 4 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 $ 1 6 . 4 8 $ 3 2 . 9 6 $ 1 6 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 0 . 0 0 $ 2 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 Wa t e r W e l l # 3 2 $5 8 . 0 0 $ 1 1 6 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 $ 1 2 . 3 6 $ 2 4 . 7 2 $ 8 0 . 0 0 $ 1 6 0 . 0 0 $ 2 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 Wa t e r W e l l # 4 2 $3 6 . 0 0 $ 7 2 . 0 0 $ 3 0 . 0 0 $ 6 0 . 0 0 $ 6 . 1 8 $ 1 2 . 3 6 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 $ 2 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 Wa t e r W e l l # 5 2 $6 8 . 0 0 $ 1 3 6 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 $ 1 6 . 4 8 $ 3 2 . 9 6 $ 1 6 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 0 . 0 0 $ 2 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 Wa t e r W e l l # 6 2 $6 8 . 0 0 $ 1 3 6 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 $ 2 0 . 6 0 $ 4 1 . 2 0 $ 1 6 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 0 . 0 0 $ 2 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 Wa t e r W e l l # 7 2 $6 8 . 0 0 $ 1 3 6 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 $ 4 2 6 . 4 2 $ 8 5 2 . 8 4 $ 1 6 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 0 . 0 0 $ 2 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 Do w l i n g R o a d P u m p S t a t i o n 18 $2 1 0 . 0 0 $ 3 , 7 8 0 . 0 0 $ 2 6 0 . 0 0 $ 4 , 6 8 0 . 0 0 $ 2 5 7 . 5 0 $ 4 , 6 3 5 . 0 0 $ 4 0 0 . 0 0 $ 7 , 2 0 0 . 0 0 $ 9 6 3 . 0 0 $ 1 7 , 3 3 4 . 0 0 Sa n d y P o i n t R o a d P u m p S t a t i o n 18 $2 4 4 . 0 0 $ 4 , 3 9 2 . 0 0 $ 3 8 0 . 0 0 $ 6 , 8 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 5 4 . 5 0 $ 2 , 7 8 1 . 0 0 $ 4 7 5 . 0 0 $ 8 , 5 5 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 1 . 0 0 $ 5 , 7 7 8 . 0 0 Do w l i n g R o a d P u m p S t a t i o n 2 $2 5 0 . 0 0 $ 5 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 0 0 . 0 0 $ 2 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 2 8 . 7 5 $ 2 5 7 . 5 0 $ 4 8 0 . 0 0 $ 9 6 0 . 0 0 $ 1 0 0 . 0 0 $ 2 0 0 . 0 0 Sa n d y P o i n t R o a d P u m p S t a t i o n 2 $2 6 5 . 0 0 $ 5 3 0 . 0 0 $ 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 0 0 . 0 0 $ 5 1 . 5 0 $ 1 0 3 . 0 0 $ 5 6 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 1 2 0 . 0 0 $ 2 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 Do w l i n g R o a d P u m p S t a t i o n 12 $1 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 2 0 0 . 0 0 $ 5 0 . 0 0 $ 6 0 0 . 0 0 $ 4 1 . 2 0 $ 4 9 4 . 4 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 $ 9 6 0 . 0 0 $ 3 0 0 . 0 0 $ 3 , 6 0 0 . 0 0 Sa n d y P o i n t R o a d P u m p S t a t i o n 12 $1 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 2 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 0 . 0 0 $ 1 2 0 . 0 0 $ 4 1 . 2 0 $ 4 9 4 . 4 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 $ 9 6 0 . 0 0 $ 1 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 Do w l i n g R o a d P u m p S t a t i o n 1 $1 5 8 . 0 0 $ 1 5 8 . 0 0 $ 1 3 0 . 0 0 $ 1 3 0 . 0 0 $ 6 6 . 9 5 $ 6 6 . 9 5 $ 5 5 0 . 0 0 $ 5 5 0 . 0 0 $ 4 2 5 . 0 0 $ 4 2 5 . 0 0 Sa n d y P o i n t R o a d P u m p S t a t i o n 1 $1 7 0 . 0 0 $ 1 7 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 5 1 . 5 0 $ 5 1 . 5 0 $ 5 5 0 . 0 0 $ 5 5 0 . 0 0 $ 4 2 5 . 0 0 $ 4 2 5 . 0 0 Do w l i n g R o a d P u m p S t a t i o n 2 $1 8 . 0 0 $ 3 6 . 0 0 $ 2 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 6 6 . 9 5 $ 1 3 3 . 9 0 $ 1 2 0 . 0 0 $ 2 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 7 5 . 0 0 $ 7 5 0 . 0 0 Sa n d y P o i n t R o a d P u m p S t a t i o n 2 $3 6 . 0 0 $ 7 2 . 0 0 $ 1 0 . 0 0 $ 2 0 . 0 0 $ 5 1 . 5 0 $ 1 0 3 . 0 0 $ 1 2 0 . 0 0 $ 2 4 0 . 0 0 $ 3 7 5 . 0 0 $ 7 5 0 . 0 0 Do w l i n g R o a d P u m p S t a t i o n 1 $0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 1 0 . 0 0 $ 1 0 . 0 0 $ 7 7 . 2 5 $ 7 7 . 2 5 $ 1 2 0 . 0 0 $ 1 2 0 . 0 0 $ 3 7 5 . 0 0 $ 3 7 5 . 0 0 Sa n d y P o i n t R o a d P u m p S t a t i o n 1 $0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 1 0 . 0 0 $ 1 0 . 0 0 $ 7 7 . 2 5 $ 7 7 . 2 5 $ 1 2 0 . 0 0 $ 1 2 0 . 0 0 $ 3 7 5 . 0 0 $ 3 7 5 . 0 0 To t a l - W a t e r P r o d u c t i o n S i t e s $1 5 , 5 1 4 . 0 0 $ 1 5 , 7 1 0 . 0 0 $ 2 1 , 2 1 1 . 8 2 $ 2 2 , 5 7 0 . 0 0 2 . P o s t - e m e r g e n t W e e d C o n t r o l $69,736.00 Wa t e r / W a s t e w a t e r S i t e s - W a t e r P u m p S t a t i o n s II . B e d M a i n t e n a n c e A . G e n e r a l M a i n t e n a n c e B . M u l c h R e p l e n i s h m e n t C . P e s t / W e e d C o n t r o l , A l l L a n d s c a p e B e d A r e a s 1 . P r e - e m e r g e n t W e e d C o n t r o l I. T u r f M a i n t e n a n c e A . S e c o n d a r y M o w 1 . M o w , T r i m , C l e a n u p 2 . F i r e A n t C o n t r o l Pa g e 2 o f 5 24 IT B 0 9 - 1 9 An n u a l T u r f M o w i n g a t V a r i o u s C i t y o f C o l l e g e S t a t i o n L o c a t i o n s Op e n D a t e : W e d n e s d a y , J u n e 3 , 2 0 0 9 @ 2 : 0 0 No . o f Cy c l e s Co s t P e r Cy c l e A n n u a l T o t a l Co s t P e r Cy c l e A n n u a l T o t a l Co s t P e r Cy c l e A n n u a l T o t a l Co s t P e r Cy c l e A n n u a l T o t a l Cost Per Cycle A n n u a l T o t a l Gr e e n T e a m s , I n c . (B r y a n , T X ) Ra i n b o w G a r d e n s (B r y a n , T X ) Br o o k w a y H o r t i c u l t u r a l S e r v i c e s (H o u s t o n , T X ) C& D P r o p e r t y S e r v i c e s (C o l l e g e S t a t i o n , T X ) Rios Tree Service, Inc.(San Antonio, TX) SE C T I O N I AN N U A L M A I N T E N A N C E Do w l i n g R o a d P u m p S t a t i o n 2 $0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 1 0 . 0 0 $ 2 0 . 0 0 $ 7 7 . 2 5 $ 1 5 4 . 5 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 $ 1 5 0 . 0 0 $ 3 0 0 . 0 0 Sa n d y P o i n t R o a d P u m p S t a t i o n 2 $0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 7 . 5 0 $ 1 5 . 0 0 $ 7 7 . 2 5 $ 1 5 4 . 5 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 $ 6 5 . 0 0 $ 1 3 0 . 0 0 Do w l i n g R o a d P u m p S t a t i o n 1 $0 . 0 0 $ 0 . 0 0 $ 1 5 . 0 0 $ 1 5 . 0 0 $ 5 6 . 6 5 $ 5 6 . 6 5 $ 1 3 0 . 0 0 $ 1 3 0 . 0 0 $ 5 0 0 . 0 0 $ 5 0 0 . 0 0 Do w l i n g R o a d P u m p S t a t i o n 1 $6 0 . 0 0 $ 6 0 . 0 0 $ 2 5 . 0 0 $ 2 5 . 0 0 $ 1 8 0 . 0 0 $ 1 8 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 0 . 0 0 $ 2 7 5 . 0 0 $ 2 7 5 . 0 0 Ca r t e r ' s C r e e k W W T r e a t m e n t P l a n t 18 $6 7 6 . 0 0 $ 1 2 , 1 6 8 . 0 0 $ 6 8 0 . 0 0 $ 1 2 , 2 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 1 5 8 . 7 5 $ 2 0 , 8 5 7 . 5 0 $ 1 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 , 4 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 5 0 . 0 0 $ 3 5 , 1 0 0 . 0 0 Li c k C r e e k W W T r e a t m e n t P l a n t 18 $4 3 0 . 0 0 $ 7 , 7 4 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 0 . 0 0 $ 7 , 2 0 0 . 0 0 $ 3 3 4 . 7 5 $ 6 , 0 2 5 . 5 0 $ 8 0 4 . 0 0 $ 1 4 , 4 7 2 . 0 0 $ 1 1 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 8 0 . 0 0 Li f t S t a t i o n # 2 18 $2 5 . 0 0 $ 4 5 0 . 0 0 $ 2 5 . 0 0 $ 4 5 0 . 0 0 $ 7 7 . 2 5 $ 1 , 3 9 0 . 5 0 $ 3 5 . 0 0 $ 6 3 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 8 0 . 0 0 Li f t S t a t i o n # 3 18 $2 5 . 0 0 $ 4 5 0 . 0 0 $ 3 0 . 0 0 $ 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 7 7 . 2 5 $ 1 , 3 9 0 . 5 0 $ 3 5 . 0 0 $ 6 3 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 8 0 . 0 0 Fo x f i r e L i f t S t a t i o n 18 $3 4 . 0 0 $ 6 1 2 . 0 0 $ 4 5 . 0 0 $ 8 1 0 . 0 0 $ 7 7 . 2 5 $ 1 , 3 9 0 . 5 0 $ 3 5 . 0 0 $ 6 3 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 8 0 . 0 0 He n s e l P a r k L i f t S t a t i o n 18 $3 4 . 0 0 $ 6 1 2 . 0 0 $ 3 5 . 0 0 $ 6 3 0 . 0 0 $ 7 7 . 2 5 $ 1 , 3 9 0 . 5 0 $ 3 5 . 0 0 $ 6 3 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 8 0 . 0 0 Lu t h e r S t r e e t L i f t S t a t i o n 18 $3 4 . 0 0 $ 6 1 2 . 0 0 $ 5 0 . 0 0 $ 9 0 0 . 0 0 $ 8 7 . 5 5 $ 1 , 5 7 5 . 9 0 $ 4 5 . 0 0 $ 8 1 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 8 0 . 0 0 Na n t u c k e t L i f t S t a t i o n 18 $2 6 . 0 0 $ 4 6 8 . 0 0 $ 3 0 . 0 0 $ 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 0 . 3 0 $ 1 8 5 . 4 0 $ 3 5 . 0 0 $ 6 3 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 8 0 . 0 0 Cr e e k M e a d o w L i f t S t a t i o n 18 $3 4 . 0 0 $ 6 1 2 . 0 0 $ 3 5 . 0 0 $ 6 3 0 . 0 0 $ 2 0 . 6 0 $ 3 7 0 . 8 0 $ 3 5 . 0 0 $ 6 3 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 8 0 . 0 0 Va l l e y P a r k L i f t S t a t i o n 18 $2 6 . 0 0 $ 4 6 8 . 0 0 $ 3 0 . 0 0 $ 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 8 . 2 4 $ 1 4 8 . 3 2 $ 3 5 . 0 0 $ 6 3 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 8 0 . 0 0 Ca r t e r L a k e L i f t S t a t i o n 18 $1 0 6 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 0 8 . 0 0 $ 1 5 0 . 0 0 $ 2 , 7 0 0 . 0 0 $ 2 7 1 . 9 2 $ 4 , 8 9 4 . 5 6 $ 3 5 . 0 0 $ 6 3 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 8 0 . 0 0 Ca r t e r ' s C r e e k W W T r e a t m e n t P l a n t 2 $8 1 4 . 0 0 $ 1 , 6 2 8 . 0 0 $ 5 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $ 1 2 8 . 7 5 $ 2 5 7 . 5 0 $ 2 , 1 6 0 . 0 0 $ 4 , 3 2 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 Li c k C r e e k W W T r e a t m e n t P l a n t 2 $4 1 0 . 0 0 $ 8 2 0 . 0 0 $ 1 7 0 . 0 0 $ 3 4 0 . 0 0 $ 8 2 . 4 0 $ 1 6 4 . 8 0 $ 9 6 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 2 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 Li f t S t a t i o n # 2 2 $1 4 . 0 0 $ 2 8 . 0 0 $ 5 . 0 0 $ 1 0 . 0 0 $ 2 0 . 6 0 $ 4 1 . 2 0 $ 2 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 Li f t S t a t i o n # 3 2 $1 4 . 0 0 $ 2 8 . 0 0 $ 5 . 0 0 $ 1 0 . 0 0 $ 2 5 . 7 5 $ 5 1 . 5 0 $ 2 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 Fo x f i r e L i f t S t a t i o n 2 $1 4 . 0 0 $ 2 8 . 0 0 $ 7 . 5 0 $ 1 5 . 0 0 $ 2 5 . 7 5 $ 5 1 . 5 0 $ 3 0 . 0 0 $ 6 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 3 . F i r e A n t C o n t r o l $2 2 , 1 8 0 . 0 0 II I . T r e e M a i n t e n a n c e A . E s t a b l i s h T r e e W e l l M a i n t e n a n c e I. T u r f M a i n t e n a n c e A . S e c o n d a r y M o w 1 . M o w , T r i m , C l e a n u p $33,057.00 Wa t e r / W a s t e w a t e r S i t e s - W a s t e w a t e r T r e a t m e n t S i t e s To t a l - W a t e r P u m p S t a t i o n s $1 2 , 0 9 8 . 0 0 $ 1 2 , 8 2 5 . 0 0 $ 9 , 8 2 0 . 8 0 Sp r i n g C r a p e M y r t l e P r u n e 2 . F i r e A n t C o n t r o l Pa g e 3 o f 5 25 IT B 0 9 - 1 9 An n u a l T u r f M o w i n g a t V a r i o u s C i t y o f C o l l e g e S t a t i o n L o c a t i o n s Op e n D a t e : W e d n e s d a y , J u n e 3 , 2 0 0 9 @ 2 : 0 0 No . o f Cy c l e s Co s t P e r Cy c l e A n n u a l T o t a l Co s t P e r Cy c l e A n n u a l T o t a l Co s t P e r Cy c l e A n n u a l T o t a l Co s t P e r Cy c l e A n n u a l T o t a l Cost Per Cycle A n n u a l T o t a l Gr e e n T e a m s , I n c . (B r y a n , T X ) Ra i n b o w G a r d e n s (B r y a n , T X ) Br o o k w a y H o r t i c u l t u r a l S e r v i c e s (H o u s t o n , T X ) C& D P r o p e r t y S e r v i c e s (C o l l e g e S t a t i o n , T X ) Rios Tree Service, Inc.(San Antonio, TX) SE C T I O N I AN N U A L M A I N T E N A N C E He n s e l P a r k L i f t S t a t i o n 2 $1 4 . 0 0 $ 2 8 . 0 0 $ 5 . 0 0 $ 1 0 . 0 0 $ 2 5 . 7 5 $ 5 1 . 5 0 $ 3 0 . 0 0 $ 6 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 Lu t h e r S t r e e t L i f t S t a t i o n 2 $1 4 . 0 0 $ 2 8 . 0 0 $ 1 2 . 0 0 $ 2 4 . 0 0 $ 2 5 . 7 5 $ 5 1 . 5 0 $ 3 5 . 0 0 $ 7 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 Na n t u c k e t L i f t S t a t i o n 2 $1 4 . 0 0 $ 2 8 . 0 0 $ 5 . 0 0 $ 1 0 . 0 0 $ 1 0 . 3 0 $ 2 0 . 6 0 $ 2 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 Cr e e k M e a d o w L i f t S t a t i o n 2 $1 4 . 0 0 $ 2 8 . 0 0 $ 5 . 0 0 $ 1 0 . 0 0 $ 2 5 . 7 5 $ 5 1 . 5 0 $ 2 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 Va l l e y P a r k L i f t S t a t i o n 2 $1 4 . 0 0 $ 2 8 . 0 0 $ 5 . 0 0 $ 1 0 . 0 0 $ 8 . 2 4 $ 1 6 . 4 8 $ 2 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 Ca r t e r L a k e L i f t S t a t i o n 2 $6 8 . 0 0 $ 1 3 6 . 0 0 $ 3 5 . 0 0 $ 7 0 . 0 0 $ 4 5 3 . 2 0 $ 9 0 6 . 4 0 $ 1 2 0 . 0 0 $ 2 4 0 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 11 2 3 P h o e n i x 18 $2 5 . 0 0 $ 4 5 0 . 0 0 $ 3 0 . 0 0 $ 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 4 8 . 4 1 $ 8 7 1 . 3 8 $ 3 5 . 0 0 $ 6 3 0 . 0 0 $ 1 6 0 . 4 2 $ 2 , 8 8 7 . 5 6 12 0 8 P h o e n i x 18 $2 5 . 0 0 $ 4 5 0 . 0 0 $ 3 0 . 0 0 $ 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 4 8 . 4 1 $ 8 7 1 . 3 8 $ 3 5 . 0 0 $ 6 3 0 . 0 0 $ 1 6 0 . 4 2 $ 2 , 8 8 7 . 5 6 11 2 4 C a r o l i n a 18 $2 5 . 0 0 $ 4 5 0 . 0 0 $ 2 5 . 0 0 $ 4 5 0 . 0 0 $ 4 7 . 3 8 $ 8 5 2 . 8 4 $ 3 5 . 0 0 $ 6 3 0 . 0 0 $ 1 6 0 . 4 2 $ 2 , 8 8 7 . 5 6 42 1 4 C r i p p l e C r e e k 18 $2 5 . 0 0 $ 4 5 0 . 0 0 $ 3 0 . 0 0 $ 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 5 2 . 5 3 $ 9 4 5 . 5 4 $ 3 5 . 0 0 $ 6 3 0 . 0 0 $ 1 6 0 . 4 2 $ 2 , 8 8 7 . 5 6 Fi r s t S t r e e t P r o p e r t i e s ( A l l ) 18 $7 5 . 0 0 $ 1 , 3 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 2 5 . 0 0 $ 2 , 2 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 4 1 . 1 1 $ 2 , 5 3 9 . 9 8 $ 1 8 0 . 0 0 $ 3 , 2 4 0 . 0 0 $ 9 6 3 . 0 0 $ 1 7 , 3 3 4 . 0 0 42 8 4 H o l l o w S t o n e 18 $2 5 . 0 0 $ 4 5 0 . 0 0 $ 2 5 . 0 0 $ 4 5 0 . 0 0 $ 5 2 . 5 3 $ 9 4 5 . 5 4 $ 3 5 . 0 0 $ 6 3 0 . 0 0 $ 1 6 0 . 4 2 $ 2 , 8 8 7 . 5 6 10 2 2 C r e s t e d P o i n t 18 $2 5 . 0 0 $ 4 5 0 . 0 0 $ 3 0 . 0 0 $ 5 4 0 . 0 0 $ 5 5 . 6 2 $ 1 , 0 0 1 . 1 6 $ 3 5 . 0 0 $ 6 3 0 . 0 0 $ 1 6 0 . 4 2 $ 2 , 8 8 7 . 5 6 $2 8 , 6 8 9 . 0 0 $ 4 1 , 2 8 4 . 4 6 $ 5 9 , 5 9 2 . 0 0 $ 5 5 , 7 8 0 . 0 0 Gr a n d T o t a l - W a t e r / W a s t e w a t e r S i t e s ( A l l ) $5 6 , 5 2 0 . 0 0 $ 5 7 , 2 2 4 . 0 0 $ 7 2 , 3 1 7 . 0 8 $ 1 0 4 , 3 4 2 . 0 0 $ 1 5 8 , 5 7 3 . 0 0 To t a l - W a s t e w a t e r T r e a t m e n t S i t e s $2 8 , 9 0 8 . 0 0 Ec o n o m i c D e v e l o p m e n t S i t e s I. T u r f M a i n t e n a n c e A . S e c o n d a r y M o w 1 . M o w , T r i m , C l e a n u p Gr a n d T o t a l - E c o n o m i c D e v e l o p m e n t S i t e s $4 , 0 5 0 . 0 0 $ 5 , 3 1 0 . 0 0 $ 8 , 0 2 7 . 8 2 $ 7 , 0 2 0 . 0 0 $ 3 4 , 6 5 9 . 3 6 Gr a n d T o t a l - S e c t i o n I A n n u a l M a i n t e n a n c e $7 6 , 9 1 4 . 0 0 $ 8 3 , 0 9 0 . 0 0 $ 9 5 , 0 8 2 . 2 2 $ 1 4 1 , 1 5 2 . 0 0 $ 2 2 5 , 0 1 1 . 3 6 Pa g e 4 o f 5 26 IT B 0 9 - 1 9 An n u a l T u r f M o w i n g a t V a r i o u s C i t y o f C o l l e g e S t a t i o n L o c a t i o n s Op e n D a t e : W e d n e s d a y , J u n e 3 , 2 0 0 9 @ 2 : 0 0 No . o f Cy c l e s Co s t P e r Cy c l e A n n u a l T o t a l Co s t P e r Cy c l e A n n u a l T o t a l Co s t P e r Cy c l e A n n u a l T o t a l Co s t P e r Cy c l e A n n u a l T o t a l Cost Per Cycle A n n u a l T o t a l 1 . M o w , T r i m , C l e a n u p 6 $6 4 . 0 0 $ 3 8 4 . 0 0 $ 6 5 . 0 0 $ 3 9 0 . 0 0 $ 1 , 1 5 8 . 7 5 $ 6 , 9 5 2 . 5 0 $ 5 0 . 0 0 $ 3 0 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 5 . 0 0 $ 1 , 9 5 0 . 0 0 2 . C h e m i c a l / F e r t i l i z a t i o n ( S u m m e r ) 1 $7 2 . 0 0 $ 7 2 . 0 0 $ 1 2 5 . 0 0 $ 1 2 5 . 0 0 $ 6 6 9 . 5 0 $ 6 6 9 . 5 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 $ 8 0 . 0 0 $ 1 7 5 . 0 0 $ 1 7 5 . 0 0 1 . G e n e r a l M a i n t e n a n c e 3 $1 3 8 . 0 0 $ 4 1 4 . 0 0 $ 9 5 . 0 0 $ 2 8 5 . 0 0 $ 2 3 1 . 7 5 $ 6 9 5 . 2 5 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 2 0 . 0 0 $ 4 5 . 0 0 $ 1 3 5 . 0 0 1 . O p e r a t i o n a l C h e c k s 3 $4 8 . 0 0 $ 1 4 4 . 0 0 $ 4 0 . 0 0 $ 1 2 0 . 0 0 $ 2 3 1 . 7 5 $ 6 9 5 . 2 5 $ 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 5 0 . 0 0 $ 3 2 5 . 0 0 $ 9 7 5 . 0 0 6 $2 5 8 . 0 0 $ 1 , 5 4 8 . 0 0 $ 4 0 0 . 0 0 $ 2 , 4 0 0 . 0 0 $ 8 9 0 . 0 0 $ 5 , 3 4 0 . 0 0 $ 4 5 0 . 0 0 $ 2 , 7 0 0 . 0 0 $ 8 7 5 . 0 0 $ 5 , 2 5 0 . 0 0 1 . G e n e r a l M a i n t e n a n c e 3 $5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 5 0 . 0 0 $ 1 0 0 . 0 0 $ 3 0 0 . 0 0 $ 3 3 3 . 7 5 $ 1 , 0 0 1 . 2 5 $ 7 5 . 0 0 $ 2 2 5 . 0 0 $ 1 2 5 . 0 0 $ 3 7 5 . 0 0 NO T E S Rios Tree Service, Inc. Gr e e n T e a m s , I n c . »M i s c a l c u l a t e d W a t e r W e l l # 4 u n d e r W a t e r P r o d u c t i o n S i t e s ( M o w , T r i m , C l e a n u p ) a s $ 7 5 6 . 0 0 , t h e t o t a l f o r W a t e r P r o d u c t i o n s S i t es a s $ 1 5 , 4 9 6 . 0 0 a n d t h e G r a n d T o t a l f o r a l l W / W W s i t e s a s $ 5 6 , 5 0 2 . 0 0 . T h e h i g h l i g h t e d t o t a l s a b o v e a r e c o r r e c t . »W a t e r P u m p S t a t i o n s : B i d a m o u n t f o r T u r f M a i n t e n a n c e / F i r e A n t C o n t r o l i n c l u d e s t h e c o s t f o r F i r e A n t C o n t r o l f o r l a n d s c a p e b e ds . B i d a m o u n t f o r G e n e r a l / B e d M a i n t e n a n c e f o r D o w l i n g R o a d a n d S a n d y P o i n t R o a d P u m p S t a t i o n s i n c l u d e s t h e c o s t f o r P o s t - e m e r g e n t W e e d C o n t r o l a n d T r e e W e l l M a i n t e n a n c e . GR A N D T O T A L - S E C T I O N I + S E C T I O N I I $7 9 , 6 2 6 . 0 0 $ 8 6 , 7 1 0 . 0 0 $ 1 1 0 , 4 3 5 . 9 7 $ 1 4 4 , 7 2 7 . 0 0 $ 2 3 3 , 8 7 1 . 3 6 Gr a n d T o t a l - S e c t i o n I I T e m p o r a r y M a i n t e n a n c e $2 , 7 1 2 . 0 0 $ 3 , 6 2 0 . 0 0 $6 , 3 4 1 . 2 5 $ 2 , 9 2 5 . 0 0 $ 5 , 6 2 5 . 0 0 $1 5 , 3 5 3 . 7 5 $ 3 , 5 7 5 . 0 0 $ 8 , 8 6 0 . 0 0 SE C T I O N I I TE M P O R A R Y M A I N T E N A N C E Gr e e n T e a m s , I n c . R a i n b o w G a r d e n s B r o o k w a y C & D P r o p e r t y S e r v i c e s I. T u r f M a i n t e n a n c e A . P r i m a r y ( M e d i a n s ) 1 . M o w C y c l e (I n c l u d e s t r i m , II . H a r d s c a p e M a i n t e n a n c e ( P a v e r e d m e d i a n s , c u r b l i n e s , e t c . ) To t a l - C h i m n e y H i l l C e n t e r $1 , 6 9 8 . 0 0 $ 2 , 7 0 0 . 0 0 $6 5 0 . 0 0 II . B e d M a i n t e n a n c e II I . I r r i g a t i o n S y s t e m $3,235.00 Ch i m n e y H i l l C e n t e r To t a l - C a r t e r ' s C r e e k W W T r e a t m e n t P l a n t $ 1 , 0 1 4 . 0 0 $ 9 2 0 . 0 0 $ 9 , 0 1 2 . 5 0 Ca r t e r ' s C r e e k W a s t e w a t e r T r e a t m e n t P l a n t I. T u r f M a i n t e n a n c e A . P r i m a r y M o w Ex e c u t e d 5 % B i d d e r ' s B o n d 9 Ac k n o w l e d g e d A d d e n d u m s 1 - 3 9 Ce r t i f i c a t i o n F r o m B i d P a c k a g e 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Ca s h i e r ' s C h e c k 99 Pa g e 5 o f 5 27 July 9, 2009 Regular Agenda Item No. 1 Tauber and Stasney Streets Rehabilitation Project To: Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Chuck Gilman, Director of Capital Projects Agenda Caption: Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion of design options for the Tauber & Stasney Street Rehabilitation Project. Recommendation(s): Staff is recommending that the Tauber and Stasney Street Rehabilitation Project proceed according to Option B, as this alternative meets most of the goals of the project, minimizes the negative impacts to the adjacent property owners, and is in compliance with the ordinances that private development must follow. However, based on some of the feedback from the public engagement process, some stakeholders expressed a preference for Option C Summary: Section 5.6.B.5.a (page 5-16) of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) states "Existing head-in parking that requires backing maneuvers into a right-of-way shall be removed with all proposed development, redevelopment, rehabilitation, and façade projects within any Northgate district". The term rehabilitation is defined in the Ordinance, but it does not clearly identify whether City funded capital projects, initiated to improve safety and the reliability of city services, and are considered a rehabilitation project. The Northgate Parking Plan, adopted by Council in March 2000, and referenced in the UDO, requires the removal of all on-street parking in residential areas in Northgate, which is the section of Northgate zoned NG-3. The segments along Tauber and Stasney between Cross and Cherry Street are zoned NG-3. On December 11, 2008 staff came before Council seeking direction on the Tauber and Stasney Street Rehabilitation Project, specifically to the question of whether or not this, and other City initiated rehabilitation project, should require the removal of existing parking. Council indicated that the UDO should apply to City funded capital projects. Staff then requested 90 days to engage landowners in Northgate who may be impacted by the project, to discuss the potential impacts and benefits of the project, and to gather their input. Staff presented the Council with three design alternatives to accomplish the goals established with this project on April 9, 2009. Council discussed the alternatives and ultimately requested that staff bring this item, and the alternatives presented in the presentation, back in the form of a public hearing. On April 23, 2009 staff presented the same three design alternatives in a public hearing. Council requested that staff attempt to identify more alternatives that would allow for more on-street parking, include sidewalks, and the 26-feet wide travel lane required by the City’s emergency responders. Since April 23, 2009, staff has met with each of the property owners, or the designated representative(s) of the owner, along Tauber and Stasney to discuss alternative solutions and the impacts to their property, and to discuss the possibility of right-of-way and/or access easement dedications. Several land owners indicated a willingness to dedicate a few feet of land in the form of an access easement to facilitate the construction of new 28 sidewalks, but none were willing to dedicate enough land so the ROW can be expanded enough to construct two 8-feet wide sidewalks, two 8-feet wide parallel parking rows, and a 26-feet wide travel lane required by the by the City’s emergency responders. Based on our discussions with the stakeholders, staff has developed one new design alternative to accomplish the goals of the project, and attempt to meet the needs of the property owners, to the extent possible. The Council is familiar with Options A and B below, as these alternatives were presented on April 9th and 23rd. Option C is a new alternative. A brief summary of the alternatives is listed below. Option A: · Mill the old pavement and overlay with a new asphalt surface. · Replace the water and sewer utilities. · Address the pavement grade issues along Tauber between Cross and Cherry. · Do not construct new sidewalks or install street trees along either street. · All head-in parking and parallel parking will remain. · Maintain two-way traffic along Tauber and Stasney. · This option will require a clarification to the definition of a rehabilitation project in the UDO. · Option does not require additional ROW. · Option will not result in the permanent loss of any parking spaces along Tauber or Stasney. Option B: · Remove head-in parking along Tauber and Stasney - replace/keep parallel parking where possible along Tauber and Stasney (Parallel parking will be provided on one side of Stasney between University and Cherry. Parallel parking will be provided on one side of Tauber between University and Church, two sides of Tauber between Church and Cross, and one side of Tauber between Cross and Cherry). · Amend the Northgate Parking Plan to allow for on-street parking in NG-3 along one side of Tauber and one side of Stasney. · 8-feet wide sidewalks with street trees along Stasney. · 8-feet sidewalks with street trees along Tauber between Church and Cherry. · The majority of the sidewalk along the east side of Tauber between University and Church will not be modified; the sidewalk on the west side of Tauber between University and Church will be reconstructed to a width of 7-feet. Existing 6” to 8” caliper live oaks immediately behind the sidewalk on the east side of Tauber between University and Church will be preserved. · New concrete pavement on Tauber and Stasney. · Replace the water and sewer utilities · Construct a new storm sewer system along Tauber and Stasney. · Maintain two-way traffic along Tauber and Stasney. · This option does not require an amendment to the UDO. · This option will require a small amount of additional ROW and/or an access easement along Tauber near Cherry Street. · This option will result in the loss of approximately 137 parking spaces along Tauber and Stasney. Option C: · Remove head-in parking along Tauber and Stasney - replace/keep parallel parking where possible along Tauber and Stasney (Parallel parking will be provided on two sides of Stasney between University and Cherry. Parallel 29 parking will be provided on two sides of Tauber between University and Cross, and one side of Tauber between Cross and Cherry). · 4-feet wide sidewalks on both sides of the Stasney from University to Cherry. Street trees will not be included along Stasney. · 8-feet sidewalks with street trees along Tauber between Church and Cross. · 4-feet wide sidewalks on the east and west side of Tauber between University and Church. This will require a dedication of 1 to 2 feet of ROW (to accommodate the construction of 42-feet of pavement) and 5 to 6 feet of land to be dedicated in the form of an access easement by property owners on both sides of the ROW (to allow the existing sidewalks on private property to be reconstructed). The existing 6” to 8” caliper live oaks immediately behind the sidewalk on the east side of Tauber between University and Church will be preserved. · Amend the Northgate Parking Plan to allow for on-street parking in NG-3 along one side of Tauber and two sides of Stasney. · New concrete pavement. · Replace the water and sewer utilities. · Construct a new storm sewer system along Tauber and Stasney. · Maintain two-way traffic along Tauber and Stasney. · This option does require an amendment to the UDO. · This option will require a small amount of additional ROW and an access easement along Tauber between University and Church. · This option will result in the loss of approximately 96 parking spaces along Tauber and Stasney. Budget & Financial Summary: The current project budget for the Tauber and Stasney Street Rehabilitation Project is $3,058,128. Funds in the amount of $572,840.70 have been expended or committed to date, leaving a balance of $2,485,287.30 in the project budget. Attachments: 1. Map 30 U n i v e r s i t y Dr C o lle g e M ai n C h u r c h A v e N a gle St T a u b er St Sta s n e y St C h e r r y S t S e c o n d St C r o s s S t L o d g e St C h u r c h A v e Lo ui s e A v e P a t r i c i a S t C r o ss S t Tauber and Stasney Street Rehabilitation Project Location Map 31 July 9, 2009 Regular Agenda Item No. 2 Ch. 13 Flood Hazard Protection – No Adverse Impacts to Floodplain To: Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Mark Smith, Director of Public Works Agenda Caption: Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion an ordinance amending City of College Station Code of Ordinances Chapter 13: Flood Hazard Protection. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of this ordinance amendment with the primary benefit of enhanced flood hazard protection. Summary: At the June 25, 2009 Council requested two additional revisions to the proposed ordinance including: (1) Explicitly stating that the subject ordinance applies to both public and private projects, and (2) Proposed street and public utility encroachments in the Floodway shall be exempted from the requirement of a variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustments (ZBA) provided that an engineering report demonstrates that the encroachments shall not result in any increase in water surface elevation or flood hazard. Note that all requirements associated with an encroachment into the FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area would apply as well. The following further summarizes the ordinance amendment proposal as presented in the June 25th City Council Meeting: (1) To restrict the following activities that would have an adverse impact on the FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area: a. increased flood elevation, b. increased Special Flood Hazard Area, c. decreased conveyance capacity, d. decreased storage volume, and e. increased velocities; (2) To exempt the above restrictions: a. Where the adverse impact is wholly contained: 1. on the subject property, 2. on a property where its owner joins the associated development permit application which causes, quantifies, and outlines the adverse impact, 3. within a Private Drainage Easement which is specified to be privately owned and maintained, and is recorded at the Brazos County Court House, or 4. within the Public Right-of-Way; 32 b. For tracts platted prior to the effective date. So, subsequent Site Plans, Development Permits, and Building Permits on grandfathered tracts would be exempt from these proposed amendments. (3) To require that approved mitigation such as excavation, must be properly approved and occur prior to any approved encroachment or fill is placed in the construction sequencing. (4) To require an Engineer’s Certification of Compaction of fill in accordance with FEMA Technical Bulletin 10-01 for proposed fill activities encroaching into the FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area or the Ultimate Base Floodplain area; (5) To quantify that Conditional Letters of Map are required for modification of any watercourse where total of 300 feet reach or more of channelization or closing within a culvert; (6) To establish that the City Engineer is the Administrator of the Flood Hazard Ordinance. Lastly, similar to one of the exemptions above, the effective date for this ordinance has a proposed 120 day effective date from adoption to further enable projects underway to not be influenced. Budget & Financial Summary: N/A Attachments: 1. Ordinance 2. Stakeholder Minutes Summary 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 No Adverse Impacts Stakeholder Meeting Monday, April 13, 2009 11:30 am Staff present: City Engineer Alan Gibbs, Sr. Assistant City Engineer Carol Cotter, Graduate Civil Engineer Erika Bridges, Drainage Inspector Donnie Willis, Neighborhood Services Coordinator Barbara Moore, Director of Capital Projects Chuck Gilman, Greenways Program Manager Venessa Garza, First Assistant City Attorney Mary Ann Powell, Staff Assistants Deborah Grace-Rosier, Brittany Caldwell, and Nicole Padilla City Council Members present: John Crompton and David Ruesink Stakeholders present: Veronica Morgan, Joel Mitchell, Chuck Ellison, Hunter Goodwin, Dale Browne, Fred Paine, Paul Kaspar, Steven Davis, Henry Wittner, Doris Watson, Parviz Vessali, Rebecca Riggs, Danielle Singh, James Batenhorst, Kent Laza, Jeremy Peters, Ani Dutta, Jesse Durden, Chris Harris, Kim Jacobs, Mike Davis, Chris Wilde, Brandon Hilbrich, Ralph Wurbs, Jeff Robertson, and Steve Duncan Presentation by Alan Gibbs discussing primary intent of meeting to hear public feedback on No Adverse Impact draft ordinance as directed by City Council at their March 12th meeting. Mr. Gibbs discussed the five future floodplain initiatives that are under consideration: Speculative Fill Policy, Riparian Buffer/Setback, Increased Free-Board, Future Conditions Modeling, and Parallel Open Space between the creek and developments. Current floodplain management initiatives he mentioned as currently under way include: the Tree Preservation Ordinance, Application to FEMA to become CRS Community, the Greenways Master Plan, Drainage/Floodplain Management in the ETJ, Green College Station, Parks Acquisition/Dedication, the Stormwater Management Plan, the TPDES Committee membership, and FEMA Map Modernization. To preface the discussion about the proposed ordinance, Mr. Gibbs stated that by definition No Adverse Impact seeks to go beyond federal and state minimum requirements and provide a higher level of protection for citizens and prevent increased flooding presently and in the future. He discussed the following changes which are proposed under the draft ordinance: 46 · Restrict activities in the Special Flood Hazard Area so that: Flood Elevation not increased, Special Flood Hazard Area not increased, Conveyance Capacity should not be decreased, Storage Volume should not be decreased, and Velocities should not be increased. Exemptions include if negative impacts are contained on subject property or within Public ROW and grandfathered for tracts platted prior to 120 days after passage of the ordinance. · Prohibiting removal of trees and vegetation for mitigation of encroachments. · Requirement of Engineer’s Certification of Compaction in accordance with FEMA Technical Bulletin. · Mitigation constructed prior to other proposed site improvements. · Clarify that CLOMRs are required for 300-ft channel or culvert modification. · Utilize Future Conditions Floodplain Model, if available, in lieu of BFEs for Elevation Certificates and Minimum Finished Floor Elevations. · Defining what the Future Conditions elevation is and Mannings Roughness Coefficient. · Clarify that the City Engineer is the Flood Ordinance Administrator. Open forum: Initial presentation brought about discussion regarding the wording of the draft ordinance amendment and future conditions. 1. Comment regarding language used for grandfathered properties which were platted 120 days prior to passage of the ordinance. Chuck Ellison suggested that the phrase “prior to” be removed from the draft ordinance if this really refers to tracts platted up to 120 days after the passage of the ordinance. Mr. Gibbs indicated that he would verify the language. 2. Question about encroachment in Future Conditions models. Veronica Morgan expressed concern about the way the draft ordinance is worded. Her understanding is that encroachment would not be permitted on property currently outside the Special Flood Hazard area but included in that area in the Future Conditions model. Mr. Gibbs clarified stating that floodplain encroachment would still be permitted, but would need to follow all ordinance requirements. 47 3. Question if Future Conditions models would account for site specific or regional detention facilities. Fred Paine questioned whether Future Conditions models without construction of flood detention structures accounted for site specific or regional detention. Mr. Gibbs referenced a federal court ruling in which detention was left out of their definition of Future Conditions based on a regional mitigation effort. If there is only a “planned” regional detention facility, you cannot take credit through the model for detention until it is actually built. 4. Question regarding how Future Conditions model would be developed. Rebecca Riggs asked how the City anticipated creating the Future Conditions models for all of the local watersheds. Alan Gibbs responded that it would most likely be done by individual watershed or at least by tributary. He anticipates updating the hydrology for future conditions and using the existing HEC-RAS models. Ms. Morgan replied that hydrology and cross-sections would both need to be updated to reflect current and future conditions since so much development has occurred since they were developed. Mr. Gibbs commented that the City may be able to OP more extensive studies where LOMRs are already being prepared and it wouldn’t be much additional work to model the remaining tributary. Mr. Gibbs also mentioned that despite our detention policies, flows within the channels continue to rise. Future Conditions modeling is a way to address some of this increased flow. 5. Concern that increasing floodplain in areas due to Future Conditions modeling, and not accounting for required detention on the site, would in effect be “double dipping.” Fred Paine said that most site development requires detention, and it seems like “double dipping” to increase floodplain on sites but not account for detention. Mr. Gibbs responded that H&H modeling does not typically account for small commercial and residential detention and proposed Future Conditions modeling would be consistent with that practice. Mr. Paine likened this concept to providing site detention under proposed conditions because it is a requirement, but modeling the site without 48 taking it into account because detention may not work. Mr. Gibbs indicated that the City is open to utilizing a more detailed model. 6. Concern that Future Conditions modeling for upstream properties would increase floodplain on unrelated sites downstream which would be “exaction” of property. Chuck Ellison reiterated the concerns of Veronica Morgan and Fred Paine asking why floodplain would be increased in a fully developed model if post-development flows be equal to or less the pre-development flows. He went on to state that increasing the floodplain downstream to account for upstream development would be an illegal exaction of land. Mr. Gibbs responded that in future conditions models, it would not make sense to account for the benefits of regional detention which is not yet built because it may not be built. Furthermore, not all properties require detention and take flows back to pre-development rates. Some properties lie in areas where detention is not required and it becomes a timing issue with the rapid conveyance. 7. Comment that ordinance language should be changed to utilize updated existing conditions rather than future conditions. Veronica Morgan suggested that the language be changed in the ordinance to not include Future Conditions. She said that the ordinance could be reworded to reflect updated Existing Conditions and that would alleviate concerns about how a Future Conditions model should be built. Mr. Gibbs stated that the intent at this point was to collect comments and possibly redraft the language. He also added that this method is being used in communities across the state and nation, so he is comfortable that it was not an exaction issue. Mark Smith stated that the draft ordinance that was presented refers to Future Conditions, but the ordinance would be operating under Existing Conditions until the new model was adopted by Council. He said that there would be separate discussions later regarding Future Conditions design methodology. Mr. Smith indicated that this is only one part of the No Adverse Impacts Toolkit, but it would benefit the community and reduce flood risk. 8. Comment that new ordinance should not be adopted until Future Conditions model is complete. Chuck Ellison suggested that it may be better to amend the Flood Hazard ordinance later after there the Future Conditions model is complete. 49 Mr. Smith agreed and reiterated that the Future Conditions model design would be debated in the future and the ordinance would operate under the Existing Conditions model. Mr. Gibbs also agreed that the Future Conditions should probably be removed from the Flood Ordinance until the model is ready. 9. Comment about use of Future Conditions model in other cities. Veronica Morgan stated that Future Conditions models in other cities are used as a basis for raising the BFE, etc. but do not preclude development in the floodplain. Mark Smith agreed and stated that the City has used a similar approach as Future Conditions in the past with excess freeboard requirements. He said he could also see using the Future Conditions model in bridge and culvert design. Alan Gibbs mentioned that the City of Plano is an example of a city with a more stringent ordinance. They require that all Future Conditions floodplain areas be dedicated to the City, which is more aggressive than what is being proposed by the City of College Station. He also stated that the City had considered proposing that developers to provide Future Conditions models for the entire basin when a LOMR is being done, but ultimately felt that it was too onerous. 10. Question about permitting removal of vegetation in a case where channel improvements and mitigation are proposed. Veronica Morgan proposed a scenario where a development is proposing a floodplain encroachment but mitigating with upper bank improvements (above the high water mark) and some additional storage volume. As the ordinance reads, Ms. Morgan feels that this would be allowed although she would be removing some vegetation. Mr. Gibbs stated the ordinance was trying to keep people from clear- cutting trees only as means to drop the n-value as their sole form of mitigation. He suggested that language be included in the ordinance to allow channel improvements and also stated that the ordinance was not actually prohibiting trees from being removed. Fred Paine mentioned that he submitted a LOMR and FEMA told him reduce the “n” value to reflect the existing conditions on the site. Mr. responded that a separate model could be submitted to the City in which n-values were not reduced. 50 Ms. Morgan questioned how a bridge crossing and associated channel improvements could be accomplished without removing trees. Mark Smith responded that removing vegetation would be fine in that case because you aren’t removing the vegetation for the purpose of lowering the n-value. Mr. Smith stated that this regulation would go beyond FEMA requirements. The City wants to achieve Zero Rise, but does not want to sacrifice vegetation to do it. He said there are two objectives: to not increase flood rise and less removal of vegetation in greenbelts in College Station. Both objectives are related, but not necessarily hard- wired together. Some trees will have to be removed when doing channel improvements. Fred Paine suggested that some sort of “Tree Protection Line” be required that would prevent removal of trees beyond a certain point. Mr. Gibbs clarified that this was not intended as a complete Tree Ordinance, but currently there was a Tree Ordinance being drafted. He added that there was language included in the ordinance that would exempt rise occurring in the right-of-way. Joel Mitchell commented that the language in the ordinance regarding removal of vegetation to lower n-values was written backwards. He feels that Zero Rise cannot be achieved without channel improvements, but channel improvements cannot occur without removal of vegetation. Mr. Gibbs agreed that the language needed to be clearer in establishing the difference between removals of vegetation for channel improvements and clear-cutting to reduce n-values. Mr. Mitchell offered to aide in revising this language. There seemed to be a consensus that some sort of riparian buffer (either including the entire floodplain or 50-ft off of the centerline of the creek) may be the best option. 11. Question concerning where LOMR would be required. Mike Davis questioned when conditional LOMRs would be required and if this applies to any channel or waterway upstream. Alan Gibbs responded that currently Conditional LOMRs are only required when a watercourse is modified and only applies to FEMA Special Flood Hazard areas. A suggestion was made that more specific wording be added to the ordinance as to where this would be required. Mr. Gibbs stated that this 51 should only apply to Special Flood Hazard areas that should be applied to the entire section of the ordinance without adding additional verbage. Fred Paine asked if the ordinance would apply to areas that are waterways but not currently considered FEMA Special Flood Hazard zones or haven’t been studied. Mr. Gibbs said that the ordinance would not apply to those areas as drafted. 12. Concern that incidental effects may occur on adjacent property when altering floodplain. Mike Davis raised the concern that any changes made to the floodplain on one property would cause some sort of effect (i.e. increased velocity or rise) on an adjacent property. What effects on an adjacent property would be permitted? Mr. Gibbs responded that FEMA considers Zero Rise as a 0.02-foot or less rise (since it rounds to zero). The way the language in the ordinance is drafted, the City would be able to use FEMA’s interpretation of Zero Rise. 13. Concern that adjacent property owner may not want to plat in order to allow improvements on their site. Veronica Morgan stated that the language to allow purchase or easement on an adjacent property owner’s land was not included in the ordinance. She expressed concern that she would have a hard time proceeding with development if she had to get adjacent property owners to plat as well. Could an easement or something be permitted on the adjacent property? Mr. Gibbs stated that language may be able to be added to allow the adjacent property owner to be a co-applicant without triggering the platting requirement. Ultimately, the items that trigger platting would be a legal and planning issue. Mark Smith commented that if easements were granted, it would be preferred that they were granted between property owners rather than from a property owner to the City. Ms. Morgan concurred. 14. Concern about the equitability of the ordinance. Hunter Goodwin commented that the City is the primary developer within the floodplain but would not have to follow the constraints of the Flood Hazard and Tree Ordinances. He added that it would be costly for a developer to remove trees in the floodplain and mitigate, but the City would not incur costs for doing the same. 52 Alan Gibbs responded that the City would have to follow the same regulations as the development community. Mark Smith added that the City may have to look at transferring money into the Greenways Fund or something similar to mitigate for its development in the floodplain. Meeting closed 2:00pm. Enclosures (2) 53 July 9, 2009 Regular Agenda Item No. 3 Hike & Bike Trail Completion Professional Services Contract and a Resolution Declaring Intention to Reimburse Certain Expenditures with Proceeds From Debt To: Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Chuck Gilman, Director of Capital Projects Agenda Caption: Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion concerning a resolution awarding the professional services contract (Contract No. 09-241) with Bury + Partners, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $112,133 for engineering design services for the Hike & Bike Trail Completion Project (ST-0904) and approval of a resolution declaring intention to reimburse certain expenditures with proceeds from debt. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends Council approval of the resolution and award of the professional services contract to Bury+Partners, Inc and recommends approval of the resolution declaring intention to reimburse certain expenditures with proceeds from debt. Summary: The Hike & Bike Trail Completion Project was part of the 2008 bond authorization to implement projects identified by the Hike & Bike Task Force and adopted by Council on November 23, 2004. The high priority project identified for completion is a portion of Bee Creek Greenway Trail along the north side of the FM 2818 corridor from Welsh Ave. to Texas Ave. This project is also identified on the Bikeway and Pedestrian Master Plan. Staff recommends award for professional services to begin design of this facility. This project aims to create and increase safe and convenient multi-modal transportation options within the City. The greenway trail will connect key destinations including A&M Consolidated High School, Bee Creek Park as well as residential and commercial property along this corridor. It will also connect to improvements underway along Longmire, including intersection improvements at FM 2818 and the bridge crossing Bee Creek, which will further increase multi-modal connectivity throughout the city. This also provides the opportunity to address concerns from students at A&M Consolidated who spoke at the May 18th City council meeting in need for a place to walk and bike along this corridor. Budget & Financial Summary: This project is funded from the 2008 Bond Authorization in the amount of $1,000,000. Funds in the amount of $333,000 have been appropriated this fiscal year for the design of the trail. $1,302.80 have been expended or committed to date, leaving a balance of $331,697.20 for this contract award and other FY09 expenses. The balance of the budget will be appropriated in future fiscal years. The “Resolution Declaring Intention to Reimburse Certain Expenditures with Proceeds from Debt” is necessary for this item because the long term debt has not been issued for the project. The debt for the project is scheduled to be issued later this fiscal year and future fiscal years. Attachments: 1.) Resolution 2.) Project Location Map 3.) Resolution Declaring Intention to Reimburse Certain Expenditures with Proceeds from Debt 54 55 56 57 58 59 July 9, 2009 Regular Agenda Item No. 4 Annual Review of the Unified Development Ordinance To: Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Bob Cowell, AICP, Director of Planning & Development Services Agenda Caption: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the annual review of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), including recent UDO amendments, proposed amendments, and requested amendments. Recommendation(s): The Planning & Zoning Commission recommends that staff- identified and developer-requested code amendments be pursued. Summary: The annual review of the Unified Development Ordinance is required by the ordinance to provide for an on-going effort to keep the development codes of the City of College Station current and relevant. The UDO also calls for an annual review of the Comprehensive Plan, which was recently completed through the consideration and adoption of the Comprehensive Plan update on May 28, 2009. The last annual review was considered by City Council on June 12, 2008. A list of amendments to the UDO since that time, along with pending amendments, staff-proposed amendments, and developer-requested amendments, is included as an attachment. A second attachment describes the type of code amendments that will be necessary to help reach the goals of the newly adopted Comprehensive Plan. Budget & Financial Summary: N/A Attachments: 1. 2009 Annual Review of the Unified Development Ordinance 2. Implementation of the Comprehensive Plan Through the Unified Development Ordinance 3. Planning & Zoning Commission minutes from June 4, 2009 60 2009 ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE Approved Amendments to the UDO since June 12, 2008 1. Design Review Board Membership (August 6, 2008) Article 2 Development Review Bodies was amended to provide flexibility in Design Review Board member positions. Those with architectural and landscape architectural experience and/or education can now fulfill the roles of “architect” and “landscape architect” (respectively) on the Board. Also, the position with a design district connection has been expanded to allow the services of business owners within a design district. 2. Historic Preservation Enabling Ordinance (September 11, 2008) Articles 2 Development Review Bodies, 3 Development Review Procedures, 4 Zoning Districts, 5 District Purpose Statements and Supplemental Standards, 10 Enforcement, and 11 Definitions were amended to create a Historic Preservation Overlay Zoning District that may be used to preserve historically significant sites and areas in the City. Included in this amendment was the creation of a Landmark Commission and the processes involved to receive Certificates of Appropriateness and Certificates of Demolition. 3. Traffic Impact Analysis (October 23, 2008) Article 7 General Development Standards was amended to require traffic impact analyses for all rezoning and site plan proposals projected to exceed 150 vehicle trips in the peak hour. It established the trip generation rates that are used for rezoning requests, identified what is required in the TIA, specified how the TIA is analyzed, and how traffic impacts are mitigated. 4. Master Plans and ETJ Issues in the UDO and Subdivision Regulations (November 5, 2008) The Subdivision Regulations and the Unified Development Ordinance were amended to remove master plans and amend standards relating to the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, including the minimum lot size, minimum lot width, and allowable street design. 5. Parkland Dedication in the Subdivision Regulations (December 11, 2008) The Subdivision Regulations and Code of Ordinances were amended to update the Parkland Dedication Ordinance. Included in these amendments were new dedication requirements and fees and the addition of provisions for community parks. 6. Subdivision Regulations into the UDO (December 16, 2008) The provisions of the Subdivision Regulations were moved into the UDO and deleted as a separate chapter in the Code of Ordinances. Procedural changes to the regulations (such as the requirement of title reports to subdivide and the alignment of permit timeframes with the TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE) were also made at this time. 7. Detention Pond Aesthetics (January 22, 2009) Article 7 General Development Standards was amended to remove detention pond screening requirements, provide alternatives to existing material and design options to support green development, and add regulations regarding exposed concrete involved in storm water management facilities. 61 8. Alcohol Sales in Wolf Pen Creek and Residential Northgate (March 26, 2009) Articles 6 Use Regulations and 11 Definitions were amended to make retail sales of alcohol, nightclub, and tavern uses subject to Conditional Use Permits in the Wolf Pen Creek (WPC) zoning district (with the exception sales on City-owned premises), and to prohibit the retail sale of alcohol in the Residential Northgate (NG-3) zoning district. 9. Sign Ordinance (May 18, 2009) Articles 7 Development Standards and 11 Definitions were amended to allow signage for real estate related events and to allow government facilities located on agricultural- or residentially- zoned property to have attached signage. Pending Amendments to the UDO 10. Tree Preservation With direction from City Council on January 10, 2008, a toolkit of tree preservation measures has been explored, three public meetings have been held to gather input, and Staff has presented information regarding options for the amendment four times to City Council. At a public hearing on the matter on May 18, 2009, Council provided direction that they wish to consider an ordinance amendment that would protect trees in riparian areas, require at least two trees per new single family lot, allow more credit for preserved trees (excluding sensitive post oaks) on developing sites, and provide credit for landscape plans prepared by landscape architects or similar professionals. 11. Phase II of the Subdivision Regulations update The first phase of the update to the Subdivision Regulations was to align them with the requirements of the TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE and to integrate them into the Unified Development Ordinance. The second phase will be to update the regulations, which have not been considered comprehensively for update since their inception in the 1970s. Phase Three will eventually align the subdivision regulations with the goals of the newly-adopted Comprehensive Plan. 12. Enhanced development standards for dense, small-lot single family residential development The Strong and Sustainable Neighborhoods Implementation Program included an action statement, to begin in 2009, to develop higher development standards for single family developments susceptible to conversion to rental units. These were to include items such as no parking zones concurrent upon recording of plats, designated overflow parking areas, mandatory alleys, off-street parking tied to number of bedrooms, and maximum lot coverage. These standards could be lessened or waived if the development was subjected to a zoning prohibition against two or more unrelated individuals residing in the homes. 13. Parking Lot Berms After a presentation by Staff to Council on the implementation of non-residential architectural standards, Staff received direction to develop additional requirements for the use of berms for parking lot screening. The proposed ordinance amendments are intended to modify the requirements for parking lot screening required in conjunction with the Non-Residential Architectural Standards. 14. Northgate Ordinance Staff will be scheduled to discuss Northgate regulations with City Council at an upcoming workshop. 62 Staff-Identified Amendments to the UDO 15. Temporary leasing offices for multi-family On several occasions, temporary leasing offices have been requested for multi-family developments on unplatted properties that are part of planned development projects, but not on the apartment communities’ land. An amendment would codify the interpretation staff has made to allow for such temporary uses. 16. Expansion of architectural features for Non-Residential Architectural Standards The Non-Residential Architectural Standards have been in place for almost five years. Staff has noticed that many of the same architectural elements are being utilized to meet the requirements of this code. While the list of architectural features in the ordinance was not intended to be all-inclusive, to propose something other than what is on the list requires another level of review that many building designers or developers choose not to pursue. Staff would like to increase the number of architectural elements on the list to provide more options by right. 17. Permanent storage container area screening As more businesses explore storage containers as permanent solutions to their inventory space needs, Staff has realized that some flexibility in the screening requirements would be beneficial. Planning would like to amend the portable storage structures regulations to adjust screening requirements when visibility of the permanent container area is limited. 18. UDO amendments related to the new Comprehensive Plan A number of amendments will be necessary to implement the vision of a newly adopted Comprehensive Plan. A preliminary list of needed amendments related to this are presented in the attachment “Implementation of the Comprehensive Plan Through the Unified Development Ordinance”. Developer-Requested Amendments to the UDO 19. Signage in Wolf Pen Creek/Signage for Mixed Use Projects Commercial signage in Wolf Pen Creek is required to meet the standard requirements of commercial signage in College Station. When a sign has done this, the Design Review Board determines if it meets the design requirements associated specifically with the Wolf Pen Creek district (such as compatibility with the district and integration into building architecture). Signage for mixed use projects is not addressed in the ordinance. The developer of the Lofts at Wolf Pen Creek has proposed a sign package that in some ways does not fit within the regulations of the UDO, and in other ways does fit within the UDO but is not in compliance. He is requesting that in addition to attached and freestanding signs, banners that project away from the building to be allowed on a permanent basis. Currently, Staff has interpreted the ordinance to allow mixed-use buildings to utilize a mixture of signage. Clarity in sign regulations for mixed uses would be beneficial; but Planning has concerns with proposals that would promote the use of quickly-degrading banner material on a permanent basis and the proliferation of signage. 20. Outdoor Display Outdoor display of items for sale is allowed between the wall of a retail building and five feet from the wall. The developer of Lowe’s has proposed that instead of outdoor display areas being limited in this manner, that the square feet of display area allowed by such a regulation be able to be configured as the retailer wishes. 63 Staff agrees that some flexibility could be allowed through the ordinance, but still feels some limitations should be in place to regulate the number and expanse of such display areas. 21. Hotel/Motel as an Acceptable Use with a Country Club Pebble Creek Country Club is exploring the possibility of a freestanding building on their site that would provide lodging. The integrated use of a few suites into the clubhouse could be considered an accessory use, but a separate commercial facility sharing the site goes beyond on the allowances given for an accessory use. These type of facilities are not uncommon with resorts/some country clubs, but it would stretch the limits of the current ordinance to allow for the facility. The use could currently be pursued through a PDD rezoning and concept plan. If desired, the ordinance could be amended to allow the use by right or through the conditional use process. Staff believes that neighborhoods and surrounding property owners should be informed of such changes and given an opportunity to speak to the City Council through a public hearing before such a use could develop. The conditional use permit process would allow Council (with the recommendation of the P&Z) to decide if such a use were appropriate on a property and if any mitigating efforts would be necessary. This could also be done through a rezoning for a Planned Development District, but a rezoning would be more complex than necessary if the desire is to only address the appropriateness and impact of one use on the site. 22. Recreational vehicle (RV) parks Currently, new RV parks may not develop in the City. The owner of Holiday Park, a manufactured home and RV park at the corner of Harvey Mitchell Parkway and Dowling Road, has requested an amendment to allow RV parks by right within the City limits (the use at this location was annexed in to the City). The use could currently be pursued through a PDD rezoning and concept plan. If desired, the ordinance could be amended to allow the use by right with supplemental standards such as maximum density, setbacks, required buffering, and off- street parking. Regulations regarding RV parks were discussed when the UDO was originally under consideration, but City Council did not support the use in the adopted UDO. An amendment for RV parks was also requested as part of the 2005 Annual Review, but Staff was not given direction to pursue the amendment. 64 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN THROUGH THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE The College Station Comprehensive Plan: 2009-2029 is a statement of the community's vision for the future and provides strategic direction to guide change, providing for growth with a high quality of life. Where the Comprehensive Plan is the guiding policy document for decisions made of behalf of the community, the Unified Development Ordinance is the regulatory document used to help implement the vision. Over the next two years, Staff will be researching ordinances, gathering stakeholder input, and drafting ordinance amendments to reach several of the goals of the adopted Comprehensive Plan. Amendments will be necessary to carry out several of the employed strategies that are to meet community goals. These amendments fall into five main categories as described below. 1. Zoning districts and their dimensional standards The new Comprehensive Plan partially shifts the land use paradigm for College Station. Land use designations shift from being density/intensity-centered to focusing on density, intensity, and form. As such, some of the zoning districts created to implement old land use designations will no longer be the most relevant tools for the implementation of a new plan. An evaluation of the existing zoning options and their standards will need to take place and appropriate amendments developed, including those for new zoning districts, to realize several goals of the Comprehensive Plan. This will be one of the more complex—but most effective—ways to implement the Plan. 2. Context Sensitive Solutions/Context Sensitive Design As land uses begin to be evaluated in a new way with a new plan, so does the transportation system that supports the emerging pattern. Transportation facilities will still be planned based upon need and with effective routing, but the Comprehensive Plan takes the planning of facilities beyond engineering to add a value-based component. Context Sensitive Design will be incorporated into the UDO’s subdivision regulations (and the related B/CS Unified Design Guidelines) to provide multi-modal transportation system designs that will be employed based upon the context through which the facilities will move. For developed areas that will be retrofitted with transportation facilities or have their facilities expanded or upgraded, code amendments will prescribe a Context Sensitive Solutions process to develop the design appropriate for each unique area. 3. Subdivision regulations Recently, the City’s subdivision regulations have been updated to reflect procedural changes and state code requirements, and have been integrated into the Unified Development Ordinance. Amendments are currently being drafted to modernize the code. Now that a new Comprehensive Plan is adopted, changes will be proposed to align urban design and design standards (including infrastructure design through the B/CS Unified Design Guidelines) with the vision for College Station. Context Sensitive Design will be integrated into subdivision design, but identification of efforts related to this element stands on its own in this document to highlight its significance in the way the citizens, the City, and design will interact. 65 4. General development standards General development standards are those that are considered the minimum necessary to ensure the community’s health, welfare, morals, and safety. These include regulations such as the prohibition of dust coming from a property, the installation of landscaping, the aesthetic design of commercial buildings, and the spacing of driveways. The physical development of the city has a tremendous impact on the perception of the community, and the regulation of site design elements is the most precise tool to affect the built environment. Current regulations will need to be evaluated and new ones explored to provide standards that will help to fulfill the adopted goals of the community. 5. Future amendments The Comprehensive Plan has several action items identifying a need to amend the Unified Development Ordinance, but not all amendments should be immediately pursued. In some instances, existing codes have not been significantly tested to warrant immediate evaluation. Some codes should not explored until after a small area planning process determines their need. Actions calling for amendments such as these will need to be reviewed on a routine basis to evaluate if and when they should be employed. 66 June 4, 2009 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting Thursday, June 4, 2009, 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: John Nichols, Noel Bauman, Paul Greer, Doug Slack, Winnie Garner, and Hugh Stearns COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Thomas Woodfin CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: James Massey CITY STAFF PRESENT: Senior Planner Jennifer Prochazka, Staff Planners Jason Schubert and Matthew Hilgemeier, City Engineer Alan Gibbs, Transportation Planning Coordinator Joe Guerra, Planning Administrator Molly Hitchcock, Director Bob Cowell, Assistant Director Lance Simms, First Assistant City Attorney Carla Robinson, Action Center Representative Carrie McHugh, and Staff Assistant Brittany Caldwell Regular Agenda 1. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the annual review of the Unified Development Ordinance. Case #09-00500076 (BC) Director Cowell gave a presentation regarding the annual review of the Unified Development Ordinance. He reviewed the approved amendments since June 12, 2008, pending amendments, staff-identified amendments, and developer-requested amendments. He also discussed the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan through the Unified Development Ordinance. The staff-identified amendments consisted of temporary leasing offices for multi-family developments, expansion of architectural features for Non-Residential Architectural Standards, permanent storage container area screening, and UDO amendments related to the new Comprehensive Plan. The developer-requested amendments consisted of signage in Wolf Pen Creek-signage for mixed use projects, outdoor displays, hotel/motel as an acceptable use with a country club, and recreational vehicle (RV) parks. Chairman Nichols opened the public hearing. 67 June 4, 2009 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 Dwayne Blackman, Lowes, said that the expanded list of architectural features would help and provide more flexibility. He also stated that there is no flexibility in the current outdoor display ordinance. Donald Jones, Holiday RV Park, stated that the RV park is very well maintained and they are looking at expanding. Chairman Nichols closed the public hearing. Commissioner Garner stated that outdoor displays need to have a permanent location. There was general consensus from the Commission that the amendments should be considered. 68 July 9, 2009 Regular Agenda Item No. 5 CSISD Interlocal Agreement for Joint Use of Facilities for Parks and Recreation Department Recreation Programs To: Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Marco A. Cisneros, Director, Parks and Recreation Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion to approve an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) for Joint Use of Facilities for Parks and Recreation Department Recreation Programs between the City of College Station and the College Station Independent School District (CSISD). Recommendation(s): The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Staff recommend approval of the Interlocal Agreement for Joint Use of Facilities with CSISD. Summary: The City and CSISD have had numerous Interlocal Agreements in place over many years for various City and CSISD recreation and education programs. One of those agreements is for the joint use of facilities between the two entities. This proposed Interlocal Agreement will consolidate many of those separate agreements into one document. The current agreement was last renewed in 1999. This new agreement will also include exhibits related to the operations of the Kids Klub, Natatorium and XTRA Education Programs. The use of this agreement allows both entities to provide services and programs for their customers in a cost effective manner for all parties. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board reviewed and considered this ILA at their June 9, 2009 regular board meeting. They voted unanimously to recommend that the City Council approve this ILA. Budget & Financial Summary: The impact to the Parks and Recreation Department operations budget for the next fiscal year will be dependent upon the actual use involved of the joint use facilities. There are no changes in the programming of City recreation programs anticipated at this time with relation to this ILA. Attachments: 1. Interlocal Agreement for Joint Use of Facilities 2. Minutes – Parks and Recreation Advisory Board June 9, 2009 3. ILA Program Sites 69 P:\GROUP\AGEN-CAL\For Legal Review\In Review\07-09-2009\CSISD CS Interlocal Agreement 07-01-2009 Page 1 of 12 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR JOINT USE OF FACILITIES FOR PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT RECREATION PROGRAMS BETWEEN COLLEGE STATION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between COLLEGE STATION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT (hereinafter referred to as "CSISD"), and the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS (hereinafter referred to as the “City”), a Texas Home Rule Municipal Corporation. (CSISD and the City may be referred to hereinafter either individually as the “Party” or “Agency” or collectively as the “Parties” or the “Agencies”.) WHEREAS, CHAPTER 791 OF THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, also known as the INTERLOCAL COOPERATION ACT, (the “Act”), authorizes all local governments to contract with each other to provide a governmental function or service that each Party to the contract is authorized to perform individually and in which the contracting Parties are mutually interested, such as administrative functions, planning, parks and recreation and engineering; and WHEREAS, the City is a Home-Rule Municipal Corporation organized under the laws of Texas and is authorized to enter into this Agreement pursuant to ARTICLE II, SECTION 5 OF ITS CITY CHARTER; and WHEREAS, CSISD is an independent school district and is authorized to enter into this Agreement pursuant to the approval of its board of trustees; and WHEREAS, the City and CSISD represent that each is independently authorized to perform the functions contemplated by this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the governing bodies of the City and CSISD are mutually interested in providing high quality programs for education and recreation activities (herein referred to as “Programs”) for the citizens of College Station in a cost-effective manner; and WHEREAS, full cooperation between the City and CSISD is necessary to achieve the best services for the citizens of College Station in a cost effective manner; and WHEREAS, the authority to administer this Agreement may be delegated by the City and CSISD to the City Manager and the Superintendent or their designees; NOW THEREFORE, the City and CSISD herein enter into this Agreement pursuant to the above- named Act to authorize their representatives to cooperate by allowing the joint use of areas and facilities (herein referred to collectively as “Facilities”) under the following terms and conditions: A. Obligations of Each Agency for Use of Facilities. 1. CSISD will identify school Facilities which are suitable for the Programs, and subject to the joint agreement of the Parties, make those Facilities available to the City for community Programs. 2. The City will identify Facilities which are suitable for the Programs, and subject to the joint agreement of the Parties, make those Facilities available to CSISD for community Programs. 70 P:\GROUP\AGEN-CAL\For Legal Review\In Review\07-09-2009\CSISD CS Interlocal Agreement 07-01-2009 Page 2 of 12 3. All established Facility rules and regulations will apply to users from both Agencies. Subject to any specific cost-sharing provisions set forth in this Agreement, additional costs for personnel, equipment or supplies that may be required for a Program will be arranged in advance by the Agency using the Facility for such Program by contacting the Facility manager of the Agency which owns such Facility. Costs associated with the Program will be the responsibility of the Agency using the Facility for the Program. 4. Each Agency shall be responsible for the maintenance, utilities and reasonable janitorial services for their own Facilities regardless of which Agency uses the Facility except as otherwise provided herein. The Agency using the Facility shall be responsible for reasonable care and protection of the Facility and equipment provided for its Programs as well as for any damages that may occur as a result of these Programs, except for normal wear and tear. 5 Each Agency will submit to the other Agency no later than December 1 of each year, a schedule of proposed dates for the use of the Facilities for the next following calendar year. Each Agency will have first priority for use of their respective Facilities. The second priority for use will be granted to the other Agency. All other groups will have subsequent priority; provided however, that an Agency may cancel the use of its Facilities upon written notice to the other Agency no later than six (6) months prior to the beginning of the school semester for which the cancellation is contemplated. 6. Both Agencies shall cooperate to make information about their respective Programs and Facilities available to the citizens of the community. 7. Each Agency agrees to pay for the services and functions to which they are obligated under this Agreement from current revenues. B. Potential Joint Acquisition of Property and Development of Facilities. 1. Both Agencies agree that with respect to future land acquisitions for parks or school sites each Agency will make a reasonable effort to jointly discuss community needs to foster potential cooperative school/city developments. Final determination for a particular site rests with the purchasing Agency. C. Obligations for Joint Operation of Specific Facilities and Programs. 1. Both Agencies agree that joint operation of the Kids Klub after school care program is a mutual benefit to the citizens of College Station. Specific operational information and details are contained in the operational guidelines attached to this agreement as EXHIBIT “A”. EXHIBIT “A” is incorporated herein by reference. 2. Both Agencies agree that the joint operation of the CSISD Natatorium is of mutual benefit to the citizens of College Station. Specific operational information and details are contained in the operational guidelines attached to this agreement as EXHIBIT “B”. EXHIBIT “B” is incorporated herein by reference. 3. Both Agencies agree that the joint operation of the XTRA Education (community education) program is a mutual benefit to the citizens of College Station. Specific operational information and details are contained in the operational guidelines attached to this agreement as EXHIBIT “C”. EXHIBIT “C” is incorporated herein by reference. 71 P:\GROUP\AGEN-CAL\For Legal Review\In Review\07-09-2009\CSISD CS Interlocal Agreement 07-01-2009 Page 3 of 12 D. Terms of Agreement. 1. The term of this Agreement shall be one (1) year commencing on the date upon which the Agreement is approved by both parties. Thereafter, this agreement shall be automatically renewed for successive one year terms up to a maximum of an additional nine (9) years unless terminated earlier by either Party giving the other 60 days advance written notice. 2. This Agreement may be terminated at any time and for any reason without liability by either Party upon written notice as provided herein not later than six (6) months prior to the beginning of a school semester, and subject to the limitations herein. E. Hold Harmless The City and CSISD each individually agree to hold the other harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, causes of action, suits, and liabilities of every kind, including all expenses of litigation, court costs, and attorney’s fees, for injury or death of any person, for damage to any property, arising out of or in connection with the work done under this Agreement. The Parties understand and agree that each Party is a "Governmental Unit" as that term is defined in Section 101.001(3) of the Texas Civil Practice Code. The Parties further understand and agree that they are entitled to the, rights, protections and limitations which Title 5 of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code provides for Governmental Units, including the protections and limitations afforded under Chapter 101 of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code. The Parties agree to indemnify and hold the other Party and its officers, trustees, directors, employees, and agents harmless from claims, demands, causes of action, suits, damages, costs, and attorney fees, in favor of any third party, subject to the following: (a) the Party’s obligation to indemnify extends only to those claims, demands, suits, causes of action, damages, costs, or attorney fees, which arise out of or are connected with their own acts or negligence; and (b) the Party’s obligation to indemnify is subject to Title 5 of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code. Notwithstanding anything which may be construed to the contrary herein, the Party’s liability to indemnify will only exist to the extent and to the limits that it would itself otherwise be exposed to liability under Title 5 of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code. F. Invalidity If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction, the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. The Parties shall use their best efforts to replace the respective provision or provisions of this Agreement with legal terms and conditions approximating the original intent of the Parties. G. Written Notice Unless otherwise specified, written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered in person or sent by certified mail to the last business address as listed herein. College Station Independent School District 1812 Welsh College Station, Texas 77840 Attn: Superintendent of Schools 72 P:\GROUP\AGEN-CAL\For Legal Review\In Review\07-09-2009\CSISD CS Interlocal Agreement 07-01-2009 Page 4 of 12 City of College Station P. O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842-9960 Attn: City Manager H. Entire Agreement It is understood that this Agreement contains the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes any and all prior agreements, arrangements, or understandings between the Parties relating to the subject matter. No oral understandings, statements, promises or inducements contrary to the terms of this Agreement exist. This Agreement cannot be changed or terminated orally. No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent or employee of the City, either before or after the execution of this Agreement, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations hereunder. I. Amendment No amendment to this Agreement shall be effective and binding unless and until it is reduced to writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of each Party. J. Texas Law This Agreement has been made under and shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. K. Place of Performance Performance and all matters related thereto shall be in Brazos County, Texas, United States of America. L. Authority to Enter Contract Each Party has the full power and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement, and the person signing this Agreement on behalf of each Party has been properly authorized and empowered to enter into this Agreement. The persons executing this Agreement hereby represent that they have authorization to sign on behalf of their respective organizations. M. Waiver Failure of either Party, at any time, to enforce a provision of this Agreement, shall in no way constitute a waiver of that provision, nor in any way affect the validity of this Agreement, any part hereof, or the right of the City thereafter to enforce each and every provision hereof. No term of this Agreement shall be deemed waived or breach excused unless the waiver shall be in writing and signed by the Party claimed to have waived. Furthermore, any consent to or waiver of a breach will not constitute consent to or waiver of or excuse of any other different or subsequent breach. 73 P:\GROUP\AGEN-CAL\For Legal Review\In Review\07-09-2009\CSISD CS Interlocal Agreement 07-01-2009 Page 5 of 12 N. Agreement Read The Parties acknowledge that they have read, understand and intend to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. O. Assignment This Agreement and the rights and obligations contained herein may not be assigned by either Party without the prior written approval of the other Party. P. Multiple Originals It is understood and agreed that this Agreement may be executed in a number of identical counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original for all purposes. EXECUTED on this the day of , 2009. COLLEGE STATION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT By: Charlotte Slack, Board President College Station Independent School District STATE OF TEXAS § § ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF BRAZOS § This instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of ____________________ 2009, by Charlotte Slack, in his capacity as Board President of College Station Independent School District, a political subdivision, on its behalf. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas My Commission expires on: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Attest: By: _____________________________________ Mayor City Secretary City of College Station 74 P:\GROUP\AGEN-CAL\For Legal Review\In Review\07-09-2009\CSISD CS Interlocal Agreement 07-01-2009 Page 6 of 12 APPROVED: City Manager Date City Attorney Date Finance and Strategic Planning Director Date STATE OF TEXAS § § ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF BRAZOS § This instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of , 2009, by ___________________, in his capacity as Mayor of the City of College Station, a Texas home-rule municipality, on behalf of said municipality. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas My Commission expires on: 75 P:\GROUP\AGEN-CAL\For Legal Review\In Review\07-09-2009\CSISD CS Interlocal Agreement 07-01-2009 Page 7 of 12 EXHIBIT “A” OPERATION OF KIDS KLUB AFTER SCHOOL CARE PROGRAM AGENCY OBLIGATIONS The CSISD Superintendent and the City Manager, or their respective designees, shall each appoint a representative from their Agency to serve as a director of Kids Klub. The two directors shall be empowered to carry on the business of the Kids Klub program with the approval of their respective supervisors. Subject to the following specific provisions, the general obligations of the Parties shall be as follows: Financial administration, participant registration, and provision of Facilities are the responsibility of CSISD. Daily operation, staff training, supervision, and curriculum development are the responsibility of the City. A. Obligations of the City. 1. Interview, hire, train, evaluate, and when needed, dismiss staff. 2. Conduct a background check on all potential City staff employees. 3. Plan, carry out, and evaluate the program. 4. Provide CSISD with correct staff attendance records in a timely manner as required by the payroll calendar. 5. Order supplies and materials deemed appropriate to conduct the program. 6. Provide CSISD with an accident report within twenty-four (24) hours for all accidents to staff or students that require medical assistance to the Superintendent of School or his designee. 7. Produce an annual program evaluation by December 1st for the previous fiscal year. This evaluation should detail both fiscal and programmatic functions and be submitted to the City Manager and Superintendent of Schools. 8. Develop a proposed annual budget in collaboration with the CSISD Director of Career and Technology Education and Community Education. This budget shall be developed no later than April 1st of each year. Budgets will be based on projected enrollment. 9. Handle all external public relations, including parent handbooks, enrichment flyers, and parent concerns regarding program operations. 10. Develop appropriate enrichment registration forms and materials for all activities of Kids Klub. B. Obligations of CSISD. 1. Collect and account for all monies according to the accounting principles set forth in the Texas Education Agency's Financial Accounting Resource Guide. 76 P:\GROUP\AGEN-CAL\For Legal Review\In Review\07-09-2009\CSISD CS Interlocal Agreement 07-01-2009 Page 8 of 12 2. Provide the facilities for the program. Fees associated in building use shall be waived. Utility costs will be paid as set forth in the agreed budget. 3. Pay all bills generated by the activities of the program as verified by both Parties. 4. Pay all salaries of the employees of the program, except for the City Program Director and other city staff. Timesheets and other documents will be maintained for auditing purposes. CSISD is to reimburse the City $20,000 toward the cost of the City Kids Klub Program expenses. 5. Conduct a background check on all potential staff employees. 6. Provide daily snacks for students and staff through the CSISD Food Service Department based on information received from the City Program Director. 7. Develop a proposed annual budget with the City Program Director. This proposed budget shall be developed no later than April 1st of each year. Budgets will be based on projected enrollments. The final approved budget must be reviewed and approved by both the City and CSISD. 8. Provide to the City monthly financial statements. In addition, an annual financial report shall be prepared by December 1st of each year. 9. Purchase and administer an accident insurance policy for staff and students in the program. 10. Communicate in a timely manner with the CSISD Food Service Department, all necessary information concerning the Snack Program. 11. Handle all customer concerns regarding individual financial accounts. C. General Provisions. 1. The Fiscal Year shall coincide with that of CSISD, which is September 1 - August 31. 2. After all outstanding obligations have been paid in full, a final accounting of all program expenses and revenues shall be completed. At that time: a. $10,000.00 shall be allowed to remain as a fund balance, with an additional $10,000.00 being added to the fund balance each year. b. The fund balance shall be allowed to rise to a target level of $40,000.00. If this target level is exceeded, two alternatives are available for use of the excess, which are as follows: i. The excess funds will be distributed equally between CSISD and the City; or ii. The excess funds will be used to enhance the program, upon the mutual agreement of both Agencies. 3. No CSISD or other school district funds may be used to cover program deficits beyond the existing fund balance in the Kids Klub Proprietary Fund. In turn, nothing herein shall obligate City to incur costs beyond what is expressly budgeted and approved, including no obligation to incur costs beyond the existing fund balance in the Kids Klub Proprietary Fund. 77 P:\GROUP\AGEN-CAL\For Legal Review\In Review\07-09-2009\CSISD CS Interlocal Agreement 07-01-2009 Page 9 of 12 4. Should it become necessary on the part of either Agency to withdraw from the cooperative program or abandon the program altogether, an accounting of the net worth of the program shall be made. This accounting shall include assets and liabilities, but exclude non-monetary assets. If only one Party withdraws, non-monetary assets of the program shall become sole property of the other Agency. 5. If both Agencies withdraw, an equitable (equal) disposition of non-monetary assets will be proposed which must be acceptable to both Agencies and which must be approved by the governing body of each Agency. 6. Neither Party may withdraw during a program year unless both Agencies withdraw. 7. Should CSISD withdraw from the program beginning with the first day of the following Fiscal Year, CSISD reserves the right to totally withdraw all support, including the provision of facilities or CSISD reserves the right to adjust building use fees. 8. As a part of each annual budget, a figure shall be established by the CSISD Business Office which shall reflect the annual utility and custodial costs applicable to the program. This cost shall be paid to CSISD in ten (10) monthly installments. The assessment may be revised during a fiscal year only if the building usage requirements of the program change. Failure to properly manage utilities at the campuses may result in the re-negotiating of the utility fee (i.e. running air conditioners with doors open, leaving lights on, etc.). 9. Upon mutual agreement of the Parties, CSISD can designate a clerk to handle daily operations of the Financial Director; salary to be paid from the Kids Klub budget. 10. Upon mutual agreement of the Parties, the City can designate a program assistant to handle daily operations of the Program Director; salary to be paid from the Kids Klub budget. 78 P:\GROUP\AGEN-CAL\For Legal Review\In Review\07-09-2009\CSISD CS Interlocal Agreement 07-01-2009 Page 10 of 12 EXHIBIT “B” OPERATION OF THE NATATORIUM FACILITY AGENCY OBLIGATIONS The CSISD Superintendent and the City Manager, or their respective designees, shall each appoint a representative from their Agency to serve as a director of the natatorium. The two directors shall be empowered to carry on the business of the facility with the approval of their respective supervisors. Subject to the following specific provisions, the general obligations of the Parties shall be as follows: Financial administration, participant registration, and provision of Facilities are the responsibility of CSISD. Daily operation, staff training, supervision, and curriculum development are the responsibility of the City. A. Obligations of the City. 1. Interview, hire, train, evaluate and, when needed, dismiss staff. 2. Conduct a background check on all potential staff employees. 3. Plan, carry out, and evaluate the program. 4. Order supplies and materials deemed appropriate to operate the facility. 5. Provide CSISD with an accident report within twenty-four (24) hours for all accidents to staff or pool users that require medical assistance to the Superintendent of School or his designee. 6. Produce an annual program evaluation by December 1st for the previous fiscal year. This evaluation should detail both fiscal and programmatic functions and be submitted to the City Manager and Superintendent of Schools. 7. Develop a proposed annual budget in collaboration with CSISD and the City Program Director. This budget shall be developed no later than April 1st of each year. Budgets will be based on projected participation. 8. Handle all external public relations, including flyers and notices regarding facility operations. 9. Collect and account for all monies in accordance with the City and its Parks and Recreation Department’s fiscal policies. B. Obligations of CSISD. 1. Proprietary Fund to be established. a. A Proprietary Fund (similar to Kids Klub) to be established that would account for all financial transactions involving the natatorium with all revenues including, but not limited to: i. User fees ii. Facility rentals 79 P:\GROUP\AGEN-CAL\For Legal Review\In Review\07-09-2009\CSISD CS Interlocal Agreement 07-01-2009 Page 11 of 12 iii. Any other revenues attributable to the operations of the natatorium or use of the facility b. All expenses including, but not limited to: i. Salaries of full-time employees devoted to operations of natatorium ii. Salaries of part-time employees devoted to operations of natatorium iii. Pro-rated salaries of any full or part time employees devoted partially to operations of natatorium iv. Compensation of City Lifeguards v. Chemicals vi. Supplies vii. Utilities (pro-rated based on square footage of building, or at the option of CSISD, separate meter(s) for natatorium utility consumption, if feasible) viii. Maintenance and repairs to include materials and labor ix. Insurance x. Any other expense directly attributable or partially allocable to the operations of the natatorium c. Sharing of Profit or Loss i. The net income or loss from the Proprietary Fund to be shared between CSISD and City based on the ratio of hours used by each respective entity to the total hours the facility is open. Record of hours used to be maintained by the manager of the facility. Report of hours used to be provided to CSISD and City on a monthly basis. d. Fiscal Year i. Fiscal year of Proprietary Fund to be from September 1 to August 31. ii. Annual Settle Up iii. Settle up to be within 90 days of the end of the fiscal year on an annual basis. e. Develop a proposed annual budget with the City Program Director and CSISD. This proposed budget shall be developed no later than April 1st of each year. Budgets will be based on projected participation. C. General Provisions. 1. The Fiscal Year shall coincide with that of CSISD, which is September 1 – August 31. 2. The City can designate an “Acting Program Director” to handle the daily operations of the Facility Director. 80 P:\GROUP\AGEN-CAL\For Legal Review\In Review\07-09-2009\CSISD CS Interlocal Agreement 07-01-2009 Page 12 of 12 EXHIBIT “C” OPERATION OF THE XTRA EDUCATION PROGRAM AGENCY OBLIGATIONS The CSISD Superintendent and the City Manager, or their respective designees, shall each appoint a representative from their Agency to serve as a director. The two directors shall be empowered to carry on the business of the program with the approval of their respective supervisors. Subject to the specific provisions of the operational guidelines, the following general provisions shall apply: The financial administration, curriculum development, instructor recruitment, and daily operation of the program shall be the responsibility of the City. CSISD shall be responsible for the use of Facilities and for joint marketing of the program. A. Obligations of the City. 1. Interview, hire, train, evaluate and, when needed, dismiss staff and instructors. 2. Conduct a background check on all potential staff employees and instructors. 3. Plan, carry out, and evaluate the program. 4. Order supplies and materials deemed appropriate to conduct the program. 5. Provide CSISD with an accident report within twenty-four (24) hours for all accidents to staff, instructors or participants that require medical assistance to the Superintendent of School or his designee. 6. Produce an annual program evaluation by December 1st for the previous fiscal year. This evaluation should detail both fiscal and programmatic functions and be submitted to the City Manager and Superintendent of Schools. 7. Handle all external public relations, including flyers, brochures, and notices regarding program operations. 8. Collect and account for all monies in accordance with the City and its Parks and Recreation Department’s fiscal policies. B. Obligations of CSISD. 1. Utility and janitorial costs are the responsibility of CSISD. 2. Normal wear and tear repairs to the Facilities are the responsibility of CSISD. C. General Provisions. 1. The Fiscal Year shall coincide with that of the City, which is October 1 – September 30. 2. The City can designate an “Acting Program Director” to handle the daily operations of the Facility Director. 81 82 Joint Use of Facilities Programs and Sites For College Station Independent School District And City of College Station College Station Independent School District Athletics and Programs City Site(s) Used Baseball Southwood Athletic Complex Cross Country Veterans Park and Athletic Complex 7 on 7 Football Veterans Park and Athletic Complex High School Orchestra Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater School Field Days Parks and park pavilions Soccer Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Softball Stephen C. Beachy Central Park, VPAC Staff training Conference Center, WPC Green Room Swimming City Aquatic Facilities Tennis Southwood Athletic Complex City of College Station Recreation Programs CSISD Site(s) Used Basketball Elementary Schools, Middle Schools Challenger Sports Middle Schools Kids Klub Elementary Schools Lap Swimming Natatorium Swim Team Natatorium Water Aerobics Natatorium Volleyball Middle Schools XTRA Education Intermediate Schools 83 July 9, 2009 Regular Agenda Item No. 6 Consider Ordinance Issuing of Certificates of Obligation To: Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Jeff Kersten, Chief Financial Officer Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion to approve an ordinance by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, issuing $31,315,000 City of College Station Certificates of Obligation, Series 2009. Recommendation(s): Council move to approve the attached ordinance to issue certificates of obligation. Summary: The City Council is authorized to approve the issuance of certificates of obligation (COs) after approving a resolution directing notice to be published of the intent to issue the COs. On May 28, 2009, Council approved a resolution directing staff to advertise the issuance of COs. On June 5th and 12th such notice was published. The City of College Station typically issues debt to fund various capital projects identified and approved as a part of the annual budget. The City primarily uses three types of debt instruments to fulfill those requirements: 1. General Obligation Bonds (GOBs) are based on the full faith and credit of the City and are paid primarily through the debt service portion of the ad valorem tax rate. GOBs are authorized by the voters and therefore the notice is provided in the election process. 2. Utility Revenue Bonds (URBs) are backed by the revenues of the City's various utilities and are issued as a business activity. These are typically only issued for utility capital projects. 3. Certificates of Obligation (COs) normally include at least one additional revenue stream such as utility revenues, but are considered to be much like GOBs and therefore normally receive a rating similar to GOBs. Our policy for issuing CO's allows more flexibility in their issue than GOBs, particularly when other revenues are anticipated to assist in debt service. It is at the recommendation of the City’s Financial Advisor, Mr. Drew Masterson, that the City issue Certificates of Obligation for utility projects rather than Utility Revenue Bonds. This particular issue will provide resources for technology projects, the cemetery development project, master planning and design of the convention center and a portion of the land acquisition, Twin Oaks landfill project, electric and water improvements, and debt issuance costs totaling $31,315,000. Budget & Financial Summary: Staff reviewed the impact of the Certificates on the City's ability to meet debt service requirements and the effect they may have on the ad valorem tax rate and utility rates. The recommendation to move forward with this issue will not affect the ad valorem tax rate or the utility rates. Attachments: 1. Debt Issuance 2009 2. Ordinance available in City Secretary's Office 84 1 ORDINANCE NO. ____ PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $31,315,000 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 2009 AND ORDAINING OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT, INCLUDING IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVENESS WHEREAS, on May 28, 2009, the City Council of the City of College Station (the "City" or t he "Issuer ") passed a reso lut io n aut ho rizing and direct ing no t ice o f it s int ent io n t o issue t he Cert ificat es o f Obligat io n herein aut ho rized t o be issued o n July 9, 2009, t o be p u blished in a newspaper as required by Sect io n 271.049 o f t he Texas Lo cal Go vernment Co de; and WHEREAS, said notice was published in the Bryan-College Station Eagle, a "newspaper" of the type described in Section 2051.044, Texas Government Code, as required by said Section 271.049 o f t he Texas Lo cal Go vernment Co de, o n June 5, 2009 and June 12, 2009; and WHEREAS, no petition, signed by at least 5% of the qualified electors of said City as permitted by said Section 271.049 of the Texas Local Government Code protesting the issuance of such Cert ificat es o f Obligat io n, has been filed; and WHEREAS, t he Cert ificat es o f Obligat io n hereinaft er aut ho rized are t o be issued and delivered pursuant to Subchapter C o f Chapter 271 of the Texas Local Government Co de; THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Sect io n 1. AUTHORIZATION OF CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION. That said Cit y's Certificates of Obligation, to be designated the "City of College Station, Texas Certificates of Obligation, Series 2009", are hereby authorized to be issued and delivered in the principal amount of $31,315,000 for the purpose of paying contractual obligations to be incurred by the City, to-wit, (1)t he co nst ruct io n o f impro vement s t o a cit y-o wned cemet ery lo cat ed at 3800 Raymo nd Stotzer Parkway; (2) t he acquisit io n o f appro ximat ely 7.1469 acres o f land lo cat ed at 701 Universit y Drive East to be used for municipal purposes, including but not limited to, a site for a convention center; (3)master planning and preliminary design costs for the construction of a convention center; (4)constructio n of impro vements t o t he new Twin Oaks Landfill; 85 2 (5)the acquisition of an electronic scheduling system for use by the City Police Department; (6)t he acquisit io n and inst allat io n o f t echno lo gy impr o vement s including a r adio communication syst em and fiber optic infrast ructure for use by the City; (7)the construction of improvements and extensions to the City's combined electric, wat erwo rks and sewer syst ems; and (8)t he payment o f fiscal, engineering and legal fees incurred in co nnect io n t herewit h. Section 2. PREAMBLE. That the preamble to this Ordinance is incorporated by reference and made a part hereof for all purposes. Section 3. DATE, DENOMINATIONS, NUMBERS, MATURITIES AND INTEREST RAT E S. T hat said Cer t ificat es shall init ially be issued, so ld and deliver ed her eunder as fully regist ered cert ificat es, wit ho ut int erest co upo ns, dat ed July 15, 2009, in t he respect ive deno minat io ns and principal amo unt s hereinaft er st at ed, numbered co nsecut ively fro m R-1 upward, payable t o t he r es p e c t iv e init ial r e g ist e r e d o w ne r s t he r e o f, o r t o t he r e g ist e r e d a ssig ne e o r a ssig ne e s o f sa id Cer t ificat es o r any po r t io n o r po r t io ns t her eo f (in each case, t he "R e g is t er ed Owner "), and said Certificat es shall mature and be payable on February 15 in each of the years and in the principal amounts, and shall bear interest at the rates per annum, as follows: Year Principal Amount ($) Interest Rate (%)Year Principal Amount ($) Interest Rate (%) 2010 2020 2011 2021 2012 2022 2013 2023 2014 2024 2015 2025 2016 2026 2017 2027 2018 2028 2019 2029 The term "Certificates" as used in this Ordinance shall mean and include collectively the Certificates initially issued and delivered pursuant t o this Ordinance and all substitute Certificates exchanged t herefo r, as well as all o t her subst it ut e Cert ificat es and replacement Cert ificat es issued pu rsuant her et o , and t he t er m "Cer t ificat e" shall mean any o f t he Ce r t ifica t e s. I nt e r e st o n t he Ce r t ifica t e s sha ll 86 3 be calculat ed o n t he basis o f a 360-day year co nsist ing o f t welve 30-day mo nt hs. Int er est shall be payable to the registered owner of any such Certificates in the same manner provided and on the dates stated in the FORM OF CERTIFICATE. Section 4. REDEMPTION. (a) That the City reserves the right to redeem the Certificates mat uring o n o r aft er February 15, 2020, in who le o r in part in principal amo unt s o f $5,000 o r any integral multiple thereof, on February 15, 2019, or on any date thereafter, at the redemption price of par plus accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption. If less than all of the Certificates are to be redeemed by the City, the City shall determine the maturity or maturities and the amounts thereof t o be redeemed and shall direct t he Paying Agent /Regist rar t o call by lo t Cert ificat es, o r po rt io ns thereof, within such maturity or mat urit ies and in such principal amo unts, fo r redempt io n; provided, that during any period in which ownership of the Certificates is determined only by a book entry at a securities depository for the Certificates, if fewer than all of the Certificates of the same maturity and bearing t he same int erest rat e are t o be redeemed, t he part icular Cert ificat es o f such mat urit y and bearing such int erest rat e shall be select ed in acco rdance wit h t he arrangement s bet ween t he Cit y and t he secu r it ies d ep o sit o r y. T he Cit y shall no t ify t he P aying Ag e nt /Re g ist r a r a t le a st fo r t y-five (4 5 ) d a ys prior to the scheduled redemption date that a redemption of the Certificates is to be effected. (b) T he Cer t ificat es ar e no t su bject t o mand at o r y sink ing fu nd r ed emp t io n p r io r t o mat u r it y. (c) At least thirty (30) days prior to the date any such Certificates are to be redeemed, a written notice of redemption shall be given by the Paying Agent/Registrar to the registered owner of each Cert ific a t e o r a po rt io n t hereo f being called fo r r edempt io n by depo sit ing such no t ice in t he United States mail, first-class, postage prepaid, addressed to each such registered owner at the ad- dress thereof as shown on the registration books of the Paying Agent/Registrar. By the date fixed for any such redemption due provision shall be made by the City with the Paying Agent/Registrar for the payment of the required redemption price for the Certificates or the portions thereof which are to be so redeemed, plus accrued interest thereon to the date fixed for redemption. If such notice of redempt io n is given, and if due pro visio n fo r such payment is ma d e , a ll as pro vided abo ve, t he Cert ificat es, o r t he po rt io ns t hereo f which are t o be so redeemed, t hereby aut o mat ically shall be r edeemed pr io r t o t heir scheduled mat ur it ies, and shall no t bear int er est aft er t he d at e fixed fo r t heir redemption, and shall not be regarded as being outstanding except for the right of the registered o wner t o receive t he redempt io n price plus accrued int erest t o t he dat e fixed fo r redempt io n fro m t he Paying Agent/Registrar out of the funds provided for such payment. The Paying Agent/Registrar shall r eco r d in t he Regist rat io n Bo o ks all such redempt io ns o f principal o f t he Cert ificat es o r any portion thereof. If a portion of any Certificate shall be redeemed, a substitute Certificate or Certificates having the same maturity date, bearing interest at the same rate, in any denomination or deno minat io ns in any int egral mult iple o f $5,000 o f principal amo unt , at t he writ t en request o f t he r egist er ed o wner , and in an aggr egat e pr incipal amo unt equal t o t he unr edeemed po r t io n t her eo f, will be issued t o t he regist ered o wner upo n t he surrender t hereo f fo r cancellat io n, at t he expense o f t he City, all as provided in this Ordinance. (d)In addition to the foregoing, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall give notice of redemption of Certificates by United States mail, first-class postage prepaid, at least 30 days prior to a redemption date to the MSRB (as defined in Section 18 hereof). The failure to cause such notice to be given, however, or any defect therein, shall not affect t he validity or effectiveness of such redemption. 87 4 (e)In addition, in the event of a redemption caused by an advance refunding of t he Cert ificates, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall send a second notice of redemption to the perso ns specified abo ve at least 30 days but no t mo re t han 90 days prio r t o t he act ual redempt io n dat e. The Paying Agent /Regist rar shall a lso se nd a no t ice o f prepayment o r redempt io n t o t he o wner o f any Certificate who has not sent the Certificates in for redemption 60 days after the redemption date. (f)Each redemption notice, whether required in the FORM OF CERTIFICATE or o t herwise by t his Ordinance, shall co nt ain a descript io n o f t he Cert ificat es t o be redeemed, including the complete name of the Certificates, the series, the date of issue, the interest rate, the maturity date, t he CUSIP number, if any, t he amo unt s called o f each Cert ificat e, t he mailing dat e fo r t he no t ice, t he date of redemption, the redemption price, the name of the Paying Agent/Registrar and the address at which the Certificate may be redeemed, including a contact person and telephone number. (g) All redempt io n payments made by the Paying Agent/Registrar to the registered owners of the Certificates shall include CUSIP numbers relating to each amount paid t o such registered owner. Section 5. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CERTIFICATES. (a) The Issuer shall keep or cause t o be kept at t he co rpo rat e t rust o ffice in Dallas, Texas (t he "Designat ed Trust Office") o f The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., or such other bank, trust company, financial inst it u t io n, o r o t her agency named in acco rdance wit h t he pro visio ns o f (g) belo w (t he "Paying Agent/Registrar"), books or records for the registration and transfer of the Certificates (the "Regis- t rat io n Bo o k s"), and t he Issuer hereby appo int s t he Paying Agent /Regist r ar as it s r egist r ar and transfer agent to keep such books or records and make such transfers and registrations under such reaso nable regulat io ns as t he Issuer and Paying Agent /Regist rar may prescribe; and t he Paying Agent/Registrar shall make such transfers and registrations as herein provided. It shall be the duty of the Paying Agent/Registrar to obtain from the registered owner and record in the Registration Bo o ks t he address o f t he regist ered o wner o f each Cert ificat e t o which payment s wit h respect t o t he Certificates shall be mailed, as herein provided. The Issuer or its designee shall have the right to inspect the Registration Books during regular business hours of the Paying Agent/Registrar at its Designated Trust Office, but otherwise the Paying Agent/Registrar shall keep the Registration Books confidential and, unless otherwise required by law, shall not permit their inspection by any o ther entity. Registration of each Certificate may be transferred in the Registration Books only upon presentation and surrender thereof to the Paying Agent/Registrar at its Designated Trust Office for t r ansfer o f r egist r at io n and cancellat io n, t o g et her wit h p r o p er wr it t en inst r u ment s o f assignment , in fo rm and wit h guarant ee o f signat ures sat isfact o ry t o t he Paying Agent /Regist rar, evid e ncing t he assignment o f such Cert ificat e, o r any po rt io n t hereo f in any int egral mult iple o f $5,000, t o t he assignee or assignees thereof, and the right of such assignee or assignees to have such Certificate or any such po rt io n t hereo f regist ered in t he name o f such assignee o r assignees. Upo n t he assignment and t r ansfer o f any Cer t ificat e o r a ny p o r t io n t he r e o f, a ne w su bst it u t e c e r t ific a t e o r c e r t ific a t e s s ha ll be issued in exchange therefor in the manner herein provided. 88 5 (b) The entity in whose name any Certificate shall be registered in the Registration Books at any time shall be treated as the absolute owner thereof for all purposes of this Ordinance, whether o r no t such cert ificat e shall be o verdue, and t he Cit y and t he Paying Agent /Regis t r a r s hall no t be affect ed by any no t ice t o t he co nt r ar y; and payment o f, o r o n acco unt o f, t he pr incipal o f, pr emium, if any, and interest on any such certificate shall be made only to such registered owner. All such payment s shall be valid and effect ual t o sat isfy and discharge t he liabilit y upo n such cert ificat e t o t he extent of the sum or sums so paid. (c) The Cit y hereby furt her appo int s t he Paying Agent /Regist rar t o act as t he paying agent for paying the principal of and interest on the Certificates, and to act as its agent to exchange or replace Certificates, all as provided in this Ordinance. The Paying Agent/Registrar shall keep proper reco rds o f all payment s made by t he Cit y and t he Paying Agent /Regist rar wit h respect t o t he Certificates, and of all exchanges thereof, and all replacements thereof, as provided in this Ordinance. (d) Each Certificate may be exchanged for fully registered certificates in the manner set forth herein. Each Certificate issued and delivered pursuant to this Ordinance may, upon surrender thereof at the Designated Trust Office of the Paying Agent/Registrar, together with a written request therefor duly execut ed by t he r e g is t e r e d o wner o r t he assignee o r assignees t her eo f, o r it s o r t heir d u ly aut ho rized at t o rneys o r represent at ives, wit h guarant ee o f signat ures sat isfact o r y t o t he Paying Agent/Registrar, at the option of the registered owner or such assignee or assignees, as appropriate, be exchanged fo r fully regist ered Cert ificat es, wit ho ut int erest co upo ns, in t he fo rm prescribed in t he FORM OF CERTIFICATE, in the denomination of $5,000, or any integral multiple thereof (subject to the requirement hereinafter stated that each substitute Certificate shall have a single stated maturity date), as requested in writing by such registered owner or such assignee or assignees, in an aggregate principal amo unt equal t o t he principal amo unt o f any Cert ificat e o r Cert ificat es so surrendered, and payable t o t he appro priat e regist ered o wner, assignee, o r assignees, as t he case may be. If any Certificate or portion thereof is assigned and transferred, each Certificate issued in exchange therefor shall have the same principal maturity date and bear interest at the same rate as the Certificate for which it is being exchanged. Each substitute Certificate shall bear a letter and/or number to distinguish it from each other Cert ificate. The Paying Agent/Registrar shall exchange or replace Cer t ificat es as pr o vided her ein, and each fu lly r egist er ed Cer t ificat e o r Cer t ificat es deliver ed in exchange fo r o r replacement o f any Cert ificat e o r po r t io n t he r e o f as permit t ed o r required by any provision of this Ordinance shall constitute one of the Certificates for all purposes of this Ordinance, and may ag ain be exch ang ed o r r ep laced . I t is sp ecifically provided, however, that any Certificate delivered in exchange for or replacement of another Certificate prior to the first scheduled interest payment date on the Certificates (as stated on the face thereof) shall be dated the same date as such Cert ificat e, but each substitute Certificate so delivered on or after such first scheduled interest payment date shall be dated as of the interest payment date preceding t he dat e o n which such subst it ut e Cert ificat e is delivered, unless such subst it ut e Cert ificat e is delivered o n an int erest payment dat e, in which case it shall be dat ed as o f such dat e o f d elive r y; p r o vid e d , ho w e ve r , t ha t if a t t he t ime of delivery of any substitute Certificate the interest on the Certificate for which it is being exchanged has not been paid, then such substitute Certificate shall be dated as of the date to which such interest has been paid in full. On each subst it ut e Cert ificat e issu ed in exchang e fo r o r replacement o f any Cert ificat e o r Cert ificat es issued under t his Ordinance t her e shall be print ed t hereo n a Paying 89 6 Agent/Registrar's Authentication Certificate, in the form hereinafter set forth in t he FORM OF CERTIFICATE (t he “Aut hent icat io n Cert ificat e”). An aut ho rized repr e s e nt a t ive o f t he Paying Agent/Registrar shall, before the delivery of any such substitute Certificate, date such substitute Certificate in the manner set forth above, and manually sign and date the Authentication Certificate, and no such subst it ut e Cert ificat e shall be deemed t o be issued o r o ut st anding u nless t he Aut hent icat io n Cer t ificat e is so execu t ed . T he P aying Ag ent /Reg ist r ar p r o mpt ly s hall cancel all Certificates surrendered for exchange or replacement. No additional ordinances, orders, or resolutions need be passed or adopted by the City Council or any other body or person so as to acco mplish t he fo rego ing exchange o r replacement o f any Cert ificat es o r po rt io n t hereo f, and t he Paying Agent/Registrar shall provide for the printing, execution, and delivery of the substitute Certificates in the manner prescribed herein. Pursuant to Chapter 1206, Texas Government Code, t he dut y o f exchange o r replacement o f any Cert ificat es as afo r esaid is hereby impo sed upo n t he Paying Agent/Registrar, and, upon the execution of Authentication Certificate, the exchanged or replaced Cert ificat e shall be valid , inco nt est able, and enfo rceable in t he same manner and wit h t he same effect as the Certificates which originally were delivered pursuant to this Ordinance, approved by the Attorney General, and registered by the Comptroller of Public Accounts. Neither the City nor the Paying Agent/Registrar shall be required to transfer or exchange any Certificate so selected for redemption, in whole or in part, within 45 calendar days o f the date fixed for redemption; provided, however, such limitation of transfer shall not be applicable to an exchange by the registered owner of the uncalled principal of a Certificate. (e) All Certificates issued in exchange or replacement of any other Certificate or portion t hereo f, (i) shall be issued in fully regist ered fo rm, wit ho ut int erest co upo ns, wit h t he principal o f and interest on such Certificates to be payable only to the registered owners thereof, (ii) may be redeemed prior to their scheduled maturities, (iii) may be transferred and assigned, (iv) may be exchanged for o t her Cert ificat es, (v) shall have t he charact erist ics, (vi) shall be signed and sealed, and (vii) t he principal of and interest on the Certificates shall be payable, all as provided, and in the manner re- quired or indicated, in the FORM OF CERTIFICATE. (f) The City shall pay the Paying Agent/Registrar's reasonable and customary fees and charges for making transfers of Certificates, but the registered owner of any Cert ificat es requesting such transfer shall pay any taxes or other governmental charges required to be paid with respect thereto. The registered owner of any Certificates requesting any exchange shall pay the Paying Agent/Regis- trar's reasonable and standard or customary fees and charges for exchanging any such certificate or portion thereof, together with any taxes or governmental charges required to be paid with respect thereto, all as a condition precedent to the exercise of such privilege of exchange, except, however, t hat in t he case o f t he exchange o f an assigned and t ransferred Cert ificat e o r Cert ificat es o r any portion or portions thereof in any integral multiple of $5,000, as provided in this Ordinance, such fees and charges will be paid by the City. In addition, the City hereby covenants with the registered o wners o f t he Cert ificat es t hat it will (i) p ay t he reaso nable and st andard o r cust o mary fees and charges of the Paying Agent/Registrar for its services with respect to the payment of the principal of and interest on Certificates, when due, and (ii) pay the fees and charges of the Paying Agent/Registrar fo r services wit h respect t o t he t r ansfer o r regist rat io n o f Cert ificat es so lely t o t he ext ent abo ve provided, and with respect to the exchange of Certificates solely to the extent above provided. (g) T he Cit y co venant s wit h t he r egist er ed o wner s o f t he Cer t ificat es t hat at all t imes while the Certificates are outstanding the City will provide a competent and legally qualified bank, trust co mpany, financ ia l inst it ut io n, o r o t her agency t o act as and perfo rm t he services o f Paying 90 7 Agent /Regist r ar fo r t he Cer t ificat es under t his Or d inance, and t hat t he P aying Ag ent /Reg ist r ar will be one entity. The City reserves the right to, and may, at its option, change the Paying Agent/Regis- t rar upo n no t less t han 60 days writ t en no t ice t o t he Paying Agent /Regist rar. In t he event t hat t he entity at any time acting as Paying Agent/Registrar (or its successor by merger, acquisition, or other met ho d) sho u ld r e s ig n o r o t her wise cease t o act as su ch, t he Cit y co venant s t hat it will p r o mpt ly appoint a competent and legally qualified national or state banking institution which shall be a co rpo rat io n o rganized and do ing business under t he laws o f t he Unit ed St at es o f America o r o f any st at e, aut ho rized under such laws t o exercise t rust po wers, subject t o supervisio n o r examinat io n by federal o r st at e aut ho rit y, and who se qualificat io ns subst ant ially are similar t o t he previo us Paying Agent /Regist rar t o act as Paying Agent /Regist rar under t his Ordinance. Upo n any change in t he Paying Agent /Regist rar, t he previo us Paying Agent /Regist rar pro mpt ly shall t ransfer and deliver t he Registration Books (or a copy thereof), along with all other pertinent books and records relating to t he Cert ificat es, t o t he new Paying Agent /Regist rar designat ed and appo int ed by t he Cit y. Upo n any change in t he Paying Agent /Regist rar, t he Cit y pro mpt ly will cause a writ t en no t ice t hereo f t o be sent by the new Paying Agent/Registrar t o each registered owner of the Certificates, by United States mail, first -class po st age prepaid, which no t ice also shall give t he address o f t he new Paying Agent/Registrar. By accepting the position and performing as such, each Paying Agent/Registrar shall be deemed t o ha ve a g r e e d t o t he pr o visio ns o f t his Or dinance, and a cer t ified co py o f t his Ordinance shall be delivered to each Paying Agent/Registrar. Section 6. FORM OF CERTIFICATES. The form of the Certificates, including the form of t he Aut hent icat io n Cert ificat e, t he fo rm o f Assignment and t he fo rm o f Regist rat io n Cert ificat e o f t he Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas to be attached to the Certificates initially issued and delivered pursuant to this Ordinance, shall be in substantially the form as set forth in Exhibit A to this Ordinance, with such appropriate variations, omissions, or insertions as are permitted or required by t his Ordinance. The print er o f t he Cert ificat es is hereby aut ho rized t o p r int o n t he Certificates (i) the form of bond counsel's opinion relating to the Certificates, and (ii) an appropriate st at ement o f insurance furnished by a municipal bo nd insurance co mpany pro viding municipal bo nd insurance, if any, covering all or any part of the Certificates. Sect io n 7. DEFINITIONS. That t he t erms "Cer t ificat es" and "Cert ificat es o f Obligat io n" shall mean the City of College Station, Texas Certificates of Obligation, Series 2009, authorized to be issued and delivered by this Ordinance; and the term "Surplus Revenues" shall mean t ho se revenues from the operation of the City's combined municipal electric light and power, waterworks and sewer syst em remaining aft er payment o f all o perat io n and maint enance expenses t hereo f and o t her o bligat io ns heret o fo re o r hereaft er incurred t o which such revenues have been o r shall be encumbered by a lien on and pledge of such revenues superior to the lien on and pledge of such revenues to the Certificates. Section 8. LEVY OF TAX; INTEREST AND SINKING FUND. That a special fund or account, to be designated the "City of College Station, Texas Series 2009 Certificate of Obligation Interest and Sinking Fund" (the "Interest and Sinking Fund") is hereby created and shall be established and maint ained by t he Cit y. T he I nt er est and Sinking Fund shall be kept separ at e and apar t fr o m all other funds and accounts of the City, and shall be used only for paying the interest on and principal 91 8 of the Certificates. All ad valorem taxes levied and collected for and on account of the Certificates shall be deposited, as collected, to t he credit of the Interest and Sinking Fund. During each year while any of the Certificates are outstanding and unpaid, the governing body of the City shall compute and ascert ain t he rat e and amo unt o f ad valo rem t ax, based o n t he lat est appro ved t ax ro lls o f t he Cit y, wit h full allo wances being made fo r t ax delinquencies and t he co st o f t ax co llect io ns, which will be sufficient to raise and produce the money required to pay the interest on the Certificates as such int erest co mes due, and t o pro vide a sinking fund t o pay t he principal (including mandat o ry sinking fund redemption payments, if any) of the Certificates as such principal matures or comes due through operation of the mandatory sinking fund redemption, if any, but never less than 2% of the original amo unt o f t he Cer t ifica t e s a s a sink in g fu n d e a c h yea r . T he r a t e a nd a mo u nt o f a d va lo r e m t a x is hereby o rdered t o be levied against all t axable pro pert y in t he Cit y fo r e a c h year while any o f t he Certificates is outstanding and unpaid, and the ad valorem tax shall be assessed and collected each such year and deposited to the credit of the Interest and Sinking Fund. Ad valorem taxes necessary to pay the interest on and principal of the Certificates, as such interest comes due and such principal mat ures, are hereby pledged fo r such payme nt , wit hin t he limit prescribed by law. There shall be ap p r o p r iat ed fr o m t he G e ne r a l Fu nd o f t he C it y fo r d e p o s it int o t he I nt e r e s t a nd S ink ing Fu nd mo ne ys as may be necessary to pay the principal and interest payments on the Certificates scheduled to occur on or before February 15, 2010. Sect ion 9. REVENUES. That the Certificates are additionally secured by and shall be payable from the Surplus Revenues. The Surplus Revenues are pledged by the City pursuant to authority of Chapter 1502, Texas Government Code, specifically Section 1502.058 thereof. The City shall pro mpt ly depo sit t he Surplus Revenues upo n t heir receipt t o t he credit o f t he Int erest and Sinking Fund creat ed pursuant t o Sect io n 8, t o pay t he principal and int erest o n t he Cert ificat es. The amount of Surplus Revenues pledged to the payment of the Certificates shall not exceed $1,000. If Surplus Revenues or any other lawfully available revenues, income or resources of the City are deposited or budgeted to be deposited in the Interest and Sinking Fund in advance of the time when ad valorem taxes are scheduled t o be levied for any year, then the amount of taxes that otherwise wo uld have been required t o be levied pursuant t o Sect io n 8 may be reduced t o t he ext ent and by t he amount of the Surplus Revenues or other lawfully available revenues, income or resources then on deposit or budgeted to be deposited to the credit of the Interest and Sinking Fund. Section 10. TRANSFER. That the City shall do any and all things necessary to accomplish t he t r ansfer o f mo nies t o t he I nt er est and Sinking Fund o f t his issu e in ample t ime t o p ay su ch it ems of principal and interest due on the Certificates. Sect io n 11. SE CURI T Y FOR FUNDS. T hat t he I nt er est and Sinking Fund cr eat ed by t his Ordinance shall be secured in the manner and to the fullest extent permitted or required by law for the security of public funds, and such Interest and Sinking Fund shall be used only for the purposes and in the manner permitted or required by this Ordinance. Section 12. DAMAGED, MUTILATED, LOST, STOLEN, OR DESTROYED CERTIFICATES. (a) Replacement Certificates. T hat in t he event any o ut st anding Cer t ificat e is damaged, mutilated, lost, stolen, or destroyed, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall cause to be printed, executed, and delivered, a new Certificate of the same principal amount, maturity, and interest rate, as the damaged, mutilated, lost, stolen, or destroyed Certificate, in replacement for such Certificate in the manner hereinafter provided. 92 9 (b) Application for Replacement Certificates. That application for replacement of damaged, mut ilat ed, lo st , st o len, o r dest ro yed Cert ificat es shall be made by t he regist ered o wner t hereo f t o t he Paying Agent/Registrar. In every case of loss, theft, or destruction of a Cert ificate, the registered o wner applying fo r a replacement Cert ificat e shall furnish t o t he Cit y and t o t he Paying Agent/Registrar such security or indemnity as may be required by them to save each of them harmless fro m any lo ss o r damage wit h respect t heret o . Also , in every case o f lo ss, t heft , o r dest ruct io n o f a Certificate, the registered owner shall furnish to the City and to the Paying Agent/Registrar evidence to their satisfaction of the loss, theft, or destruction of such Certificate, as the case may be. In every case o f damage o r mut ilat io n o f a Cert ificat e, t he regist ered o wner shall s u r r e nd e r t o t he Paying Agent/Registrar for cancellation the Certificate so damaged or mutilated. (c) No Default Occurred. T hat no t wit hst anding t he fo r ego ing pr o visio ns o f t his Sect io n, in the event any such Certificate shall have matured, and no default has occurred which is then co nt inuing in t he payment o f t he princ ip a l o f, r e dempt io n premium, if any, o r int erest o n t he Cert ificat e, t he Cit y may aut ho rize t he payment o f t he same (wit ho ut surrender t hereo f except in t he case of a damaged or mutilated Certificate) instead of issuing a replacement certificate, provided security or indemnity is furnished as above provided in this Section. (d) Charge for Issuing Replacement Certificates. That prio r t o t he issuance o f any replacement Certificate, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall charge the registered owner of such Cert ificat e wit h all legal, print ing, and o t her expenses in co nnect io n t herewit h. Every replacement Certificate issued pursuant to the provisions of this Section by virtue of the fact that any Certificate is lo st , st o len, o r dest ro yed shall co nst it ut e a co nt ract ual o bligat io n o f t he Cit y whet her o r no t t he lo st , st o len, o r d est r o yed Cer t ificat e shall be fo u nd at any t ime, o r be enfo r ceable by anyo ne, and shall be entitled to all the benefits of this Ordinance equally and proportionately with any and all other Certificates duly issued under this Ordinance. (e) Authority for Issuing Replacement Certif icates. That in accordance with Section 1201.067, Texas Go vernment Co de, t his Sect io n o f t his Ordinance shall co nst it ut e aut ho rit y fo r t he issuance o f any such replacement Cert ificat e wit ho ut necessit y o f furt her act io n by t he Cit y o r any o t her bo dy o r perso n, and t he dut y o f t he replacement o f such Cert ificat es is hereby aut ho rized and impo sed upo n t he Paying Agent /Regist rar, and t he Paying Agent /Regist rar shall aut hent icat e and deliver such Certificates in the form and manner and with the effect, as provided in Section 5(d) of this Ordinance for Certificates issued in conversion and exchange of other Certificates. Sect io n 13.FE DE RAL I NCOME T AX MAT T E RS . T ha t t he Cit y c o ve na nt s t o r e fr a in from any action which would adversely affect, or to take such action as to ensure, the treatment of the Certificates as obligations described in Section 103 of the Code, the interest on which is not includable in the "gross income" of the holder for purposes of federal income taxation. In furtherance thereof, the City covenants as follows: (a)to take any action to assure that no more than 10 percent of the proceeds of the Certificates (less amounts deposited to a reserve fund, if any) are used for any "private business use," as defined in sect io n 141(b)(6) o f t he Co de o r, if mo re t han 10 percent o f t he proceeds are so used, that amounts, whether or not received by the City, with respect to such privat e business use, do no t , under t he t erms o f t his Ord ina nc e o r any underlying 93 10 arrangement , direct ly o r indirect ly, secure o r pro vide fo r t he payment o f mo re t han 10 percent of the debt service on the Certificates, in contravention of Section 141(b)(2) of the Code; (b)to take any action to assure that in the event that the "private business use" described in subsection (a) hereof exceeds five percent of the proceeds of the Certificates (less a mo u nt s d epo sit ed int o a r eser ve fund, if any) t hen t he amo unt in excess o f five per cent is used fo r a "privat e business use" which is "relat ed" and no t "dispro po rt io nat e", wit hin t he meaning of Section 141(b)(3) of the Code, to the governmental use; (c)to take any action to assure that no amount which is greater than the lesser of $5,000,000, or five percent of the proceeds of the Certificates (less amounts deposited into a reserve fund, if any) is directly o r indirectly used to finance loans to persons, other than state or local governmental units, in contravention of Section 141(c) of the Code; (d)t o refrain fro m t aking any act io n which wo uld o t herwise result in t he Certificates being treated as "private activity bonds" within the meaning of Section 141(b) of the Code; (e)t o refrain fr o m t aking any act io n t hat wo uld result in t he Cert ificat es being "federally guaranteed" within the meaning of section 149(b) of the Code; (f)t o r efr ain fr o m using any po r t io n o f t he pr o ceeds o f t he Cer t ificat es, direct ly or indirectly, to acquire or to replace funds which were used, directly or indirectly, to acquire investment property (as defined in Section 148(b)(2) of the Code) which produces a materially higher yield over the term of the Certificates, other than investment property acquired wit h – (1)proceeds of the Certificates invested for a reasonable temporary period o f t hree years o r less unt il su c h p ro ceeds are needed fo r t he purpo se fo r which t he Certificates are issued, (2)amo unt s invest ed in a bo na fide debt service fund, wit hin t he meaning o f Sect io n 1.148-1(b) o f t he Treasury Regulat io ns, and (3)amo unt s depo sit ed in any reaso nably required reserve o r replacement fund t o t he ext ent such amo unt s do no t exceed 10 percent o f t he pro ceeds o f t he Certificates; (g)to otherwise restrict the use of the proceeds of the Certificates or amounts treated as proceeds of the Certificates, as may be necessary, so that the Certificates do not otherwise contravene the requirements of Section 148 of the Code (relating to arbitrage) and, t o t he ext ent applicable, Sect io n 149(d) o f t he Co de (relat ing t o advance refundings); and 94 11 (h)to pay to the United States of America at least once during each five-year period (beginning on the date of delivery of the Certificates) an amount that is at least equal t o 90 percent o f t he "Excess Earnings," wit hin t he meaning o f Sect io n 148(f) o f t he Co de and to pay to the United States of America, not later than 60 days after the Certificates have been paid in full, 100 percent of the amount then required to be paid as a result of Excess Earnings under Section 148(f) of the Code. For purposes of the foregoing (a) and (b), the City understands that the term "proceeds" includes "disposition proceeds" as defined in the Treasury Regulations and, in the case of refunding bonds, transferred proceeds (if any) and proceeds of the refunded bonds expended prior to the date of issuance o f t he Cer t ificat es. I t is t he u nd er st and ing o f t he Cit y t ha t t he c o ve na nt s c o nt a ine d he r e in are int ended t o assure co mpliance wit h t he Co de and any regulat io ns o r rulings pro mulgat ed by t he U.S. Department of the Treasury pursuant thereto. In the event that regulations or rulings are hereaft er pro mulgat ed which mo dify o r expand pro visio ns o f t he Co de, as applicable t o t he Cert ificat es, t he Cit y will no t be required t o co mply wit h any co venant co nt ained herein t o t he ext ent t hat such failur e t o co mply, in t he o pinio n o f nat io nally-r eco g nized bo nd co u nsel, will no t ad ver sely affect the exemption from federal income taxation of interest on the Certificates under Section 103 of the Code. In the event that regulations or rulings are hereafter promulgated which impose addit io nal requirement s which are applicable t o t he Cert ificat es, t he Cit y agrees t o co mply wit h t he addit io nal requirement s t o t he ext ent necessar y, in t he o pinio n o f nat io nally-r eco g nized bo nd co u nsel, to preserve the exemption from federal income taxation of interest on the Certificates under Section 103 of the Code. In furtherance of such intention, the City hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor, t he Cit y Manager, any Assist ant Cit y Manag er and t he Chief Financial Officer t o execut e any do cument s, cert ificat es o r repo rt s required by t he Co de, and t o make such elect io ns o n behalf o f t he Cit y which may be permit t ed by t he Co de as are co nsist ent wit h t he purpo se fo r t he issuance o f t he Certificates. In order to facilitate compliance with clause (h) above, a "Rebate Fund" is hereby established by the City for the sole benefit of the United States of America, and such Fund shall not be subject t o t he claim o f any o t her per so n, includ ing wit ho u t limit at io n t he bo nd ho lder s. T he Rebat e Fu nd is established for the additional purpose of compliance with Section 148 of the Code. Section 14. ALLOCATION OF, AND LIMITATION ON, EXPENDITURES FOR THE PROJECT. That t he Cit y co venant s t o acco unt fo r t he expendit ure o f pro ceeds fro m t he sale o f t he Cert ificat es and any invest ment earnings t hereo n t o be used fo r t he purpo ses described in Sect io n 1 of this Ordinance (such purpose referred to herein and Section 15 hereof as a "Project") on its books and records by allocating proceeds to expenditures within 18 months of the later of the date that (a) t he expendit ure o n a Pro ject is made o r (b) such Pro ject is co mplet ed. The fo rego ing no t wit hst and ing , t he Cit y shall no t exp end su ch p r o ceed s o r invest ment ear ning s mo r e t han 6 0 d ays after the earlier of (a) the fifth anniversary of the date of delivery of the Certificates or (b) the date the Certificates are retired, unless the City obtains an opinion of nationally-recognized bond counsel subst ant ially t o t he effect t hat such expendit ure will no t adversely affect t he t ax-exempt st at us o f t he Cer t ificat es. Fo r pur po ses her eo f, t he Cit y shall no t be o bligat ed t o co mply wit h t his co venant if it obtains an opinion that such failure to comply will not adversely affect the excludability for federal income tax purposes from gross income of the interest. 95 12 Section 15. DISPOSITION OF PROJECT. That the City covenants that the property constituting a Project will not be sold or otherwise disposed in a transaction resulting in the receipt by the City of cash or other compensation, unless the City obtains an opinion of nationally-recognized bond counsel substantially to the effect that such sale or other disposition will not adversely affect the tax-exempt status of the Certificates. For purposes of the foregoing, the portion of the property comprising personal property and disposed in the ordinary course shall not be treated as a transaction result ing in t he receipt o f cash o r o t her co mpensat io n. Fo r purpo ses her eo f, t he Cit y shall no t be obligated to comply with this covenant if it obtains an opinion that such failure to comply will not adversely affect the excludability for federal income tax purposes from gross income of the interest. Section 16. CUSTODY, APPROVAL, AND REGISTRATION OF CERTIFICATES. That t he Chief Financial Officer o f t he Cit y is her eby aut ho r ized t o have co nt r o l o f t he Cer t ificat es init ially issued and delivered hereunder and all necessary reco rds and pro c eedings pert aining t o t he Certificates pending their delivery and their investigation, examination, and approval by the Attorney General o f t he St at e o f Texas, and t heir regist rat io n by t he Co mp t ro ller o f Public Acco unt s o f t he State of Texas. Upon registration of the Certificates said Comptroller of Public Accounts (or a deput y designat ed in writ ing t o act fo r said Co mpt ro ller) shall manually sign t he Co mpt ro ller's Regist rat io n Cert ificat e at t ached t o such Cert ificat es, and t he seal o f said Co mpt ro ller shall be impr essed, o r placed in facsimile, o n such cer t ificat e. T he Cer t ificat es t hus r egist er ed shall remain in the custody of the Chief Financial Officer (or the designee thereof) until delivered to the Purchasers. Sect io n 17. DTC REGISTRATION. That t he Cert ificat es init ially shall be issued and delivered in such manner that no physical distribution of the Certificates will be made to the public, and The Depository Trust Company ("DTC"), New York, New York, initially will act as depository for the Certificates. DTC has represented that it is a limited purpo se t rust company incorporated under t he laws o f t he St at e o f New Yo rk, a member o f t he Federal Reser ve S yst em, a "clearing co rpo rat io n" wit hin t he meaning o f t he New Yo r k Unifo rm Co mmercial Co de, and a "clearing agency" regist ered under Sect io n 17A o f t he Securit ies Exchange Act o f 1934, as amended, and t he Cit y accept s, but in no way ver ifies, such r epr esent at io ns. T he Cer t ificat es init ially au t ho r ized by t his Ordinance shall be delivered to and registered in the name of CEDE & CO., the nominee of DTC. It is expected that DTC will hold the Certificates on behalf of the Purchasers (as defined in Section 20 of this Ordinance) and its participants. So long as each Certificate is registered in the name of CEDE & CO., the Paying Agent/Registrar shall treat and deal with DTC the same in all respects as if it were the actual and beneficial owner thereof. It is expected that DTC will maintain a book-entry system which will identify ownership of the Certificates in integral amounts of $5,000, with transfers o f o wnership being effect ed o n t he reco rds o f DTC and it s part icipant s pursuant t o rules and regulat io ns est ablished by t hem, and t hat t he Cer t ificat es init ially depo sit ed wit h DTC shall be immobilized and not be further exchanged for substitute Certificates except as hereinafter provided. The Cit y is no t respo nsible o r liable fo r any funct io ns o f DTC, will no t be respo nsible fo r paying any fees or charges with respect to it s services, will not be responsible or liable for maintaining, supervising, or reviewing the records of DTC or its participants, or protecting any interests or rights of the beneficial owners of the Certificates. It shall be the duty of the DTC Participants, as defined in the Official Statement herein approved, to make all arrangements with DTC to establish this book- ent ry syst em, t he beneficial o wnership o f t he Cert ificat es, and t he met ho d o f paying t he fees and 96 13 charges of DTC. The City does not represent, nor does it in any way covenant that the initial book- entry system established with DTC will be maintained in the future. Notwithstanding the initial est ablishment o f t he fo r eg o ing bo o k -ent r y syst em wit h DT C, if fo r any r easo n any o f t he o r iginally delivered Certificates is duly filed with the Paying Agent/Registrar with proper request for transfer and substitution, as provided for in this Ordinance, substitute Certificates will be duly delivered as provided in this Ordinance, and there will be no assurance or representation that any book-entry syst em will be maint ained fo r such Cert ificat es. In co nnect io n wit h t he init ial est ablishment o f t he foregoing book-entry system with DTC, the City heretofore has executed a "Blanket Letter of Representations" prepared by DTC in order to implement the book-entry system described above. Section 18. CONTINUING DISCLOSURE OBLIGATION. (a) Definitions. That as used in this Section, the following terms have the meanings ascribed to such terms below: "MSRB" means the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. "Rule" means SEC Rule 15c2-12, as amended from time to time. "SEC" means t he Unit ed St at es Securit ies and Exchange Co mmissio n. (b) Annual Reports. (i) The City shall provide annually to the MSRB, in an electronic format as prescribed by the MSRB, within six months after the end of each fiscal year ending in o r after 2009, financial information and operating data with respect to the City of the general type included in the final Official Statement authorized by Section 20 of this Ordinance, being the information descr ibed in E xhibit B her e t o . Any financial st at ement s so t o be pr o vided shall be (1) pr epar ed in acco rdance wit h t he acco unt ing principles described in Exhibit B heret o , o r such o t her acco unt ing principles as the City may be required to employ from time to time pursuant to state law or r egulat io n, and (2) audit ed, if t he Cit y co mmissio ns an audit o f such st at ement s and t he audit is completed within the period during which they must be pro vided. If the audit of such financial statements is not complete within such period, t hen the City shall provide unaudited financial statements by the required time, and shall provide audited financial statements for the applicable fiscal year to the MSRB, when and if the audit report on such statements become available. (ii) If the City changes its fiscal year, it will notify the MSRB of the change (and of the date of the new fiscal year end) prior to the next date by which the City otherwise would be required to provide financial information and operating data pursuant to this Section. The financial information and operating data to be provided pursuant to this Section may be set forth in full in one or more do cument s o r may be included by specific r efer ence t o any do cument t hat is available t o t he public on the MSRB's internet website or filed with the SEC. All documents provided t o t he MSRB pursuant to this Section shall be accompanied by identifying information as prescribed by the MSRB. (c) Material Event Notices. The City shall notify t he MSRB in an electronic format as prescribed by t he MSRB, in a t imely manner, o f any o f t he fo llo wing event s wit h respect t o t he Certificates, if such event is material within the meaning of the federal securities laws: 97 14 1.Principal and interest payment delinquencies; 2.Non-payment related defaults; 3.Unscheduled draws on debt service reserves reflecting financial difficulties; 4.Unscheduled draws on credit enhancements reflecting financial difficulties; 5.Subst it ut io n o f cr edit o r liquidit y pr o vider s, o r t heir failur e t o per fo r m; 6.Adverse t ax o pinio ns o r event s affect ing t he t ax-exempt st at u s o f t he Certificates; 7.Modifications to rights of holders of the Certificates; 8.Certificates calls; 9.Defeasances; 10.Release, subst it ut io n, o r sale o f p ro pert y securing repayment o f t he Cert ificat es; and 11.Rating changes. The City shall notify the MSRB, in a timely manner, of any failure by the City to provide financial information or operating data in accordance with subsection (b) of this Section by the time required by such subsection. (d) Limitations, Disclaimers, and Amendments. (i) The Cit y shall be o bligat ed t o o bserve and perform the covenants specified in this Section for so long as, but only for so long as, the City remains an "obligated person" with respect to the Certificates within the meaning of the Rule, except that the City in any event will give notice of any deposit made in accordance with this Ordinance or applicable law that causes Certificates no longer to be outstanding. (ii) The provisions of this Section are for the sole benefit of the registered owners and beneficial o wners o f t he Cert ificat es, and no t hing in t his Sect io n, express o r implied, shall give any benefit or any legal or equitable right, remedy, or claim hereunder to any other person. The City undertakes to provide only the financial information, operating data, financial statements, and notices which it has expressly agreed to provide pursuant to this Section and does not hereby undertake to pro vide any o t her info rmat io n t hat may be relevant o r mat erial t o a co mplet e present at io n o f t he Cit y's financial result s, co ndit io n, o r pr o sp ect s o r her eby u nd er t ak e t o u p d at e any info r mat io n p r o vided in accordance with this Section or otherwise, except as expressly provided herein. The City does not make any representation or warranty concerning such information or its usefulness to a decision to invest in or sell Certificates at any future date. (iii) UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THE CITY BE LIABLE TO THE REGISTERED OWNER OR BENEFICIAL OWNER OF ANY CERTIFICATE OR ANY OTHER PERSON, IN CONTRACT OR TORT, FOR DAMAGES RESULTING IN WHOLE OR IN PART FROM ANY BREACH BY THE CITY, WHETHER NEGLIGENT OR WITHOUT FAULT ON ITS PART, OF ANY COVENANT SPECIFIED IN THIS SECTION, BUT EVERY RIGHT AND REMEDY OF ANY SUCH PERSON, IN CONTRACT OR TORT, FOR OR ON ACCOUNT OF ANY SUCH BREACH SHALL BE LIMITED TO AN ACTION FOR MANDAMUS OR SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE. 98 15 (iv) No default by t he Cit y in o bser ving o r p er fo r ming it s o bligat io ns u nd er t his S ect io n shall co mpr ise a br each o f o r default und e r t his Or dinance fo r pur po ses o f any o t her pr o visio n o f t his Ordinance. No t hing in t his Sect io n is int ended o r shall act t o disclaim, waive, o r o t herwise limit t he duties of the City under federal and state securities laws. (v) Should the Rule be amended to obligate the City to make filings with or provide notices to entities other than the MSRB, the City hereby agrees to undertake such obligation with respect to t he Cert ificat es in acco rdance wit h t he Rule as amended. The pro visio ns o f t his Sect io n may be amended by the City from time to time to adapt to changed circumstances that arise from a change in legal requirement s, a change in law, o r a change in t he ident it y, nat ure, st at us, o r t ype o f o perat io ns of the City, but only if (1) the provisions of this Section, as so amended, would have permitted an underwriter to purchase or sell Certificates in the primary offering of the Certificates in compliance wit h t he Rule, t aking int o acco unt any amendment s o r int erpret at io ns o f t he Rule since such o ffering as well as such changed circumst ances and (2) eit her (a) t he r eg ist er ed o wner s o f a ma jo r it y in aggregate principal amount (or any greater amount required by any other provision of this Ordinance that authorizes such an amendment) of the outstanding Certificates consent to such amendment or (b) a person that is unaffiliated with the City (such as nationally recognized bond counsel) determined that such amendment will not materially impair the interest of the registered owners and beneficial owners of the Certificates. If the City so amends the provisions of this Section, it shall include with any amended financial info rmat io n o r o perat ing dat a next pro vided in acco rdance wit h subsect io n (b) of this Section an explanation, in narrative form, of the reason for the amendment and of the impact of any change in the type of financial information or operating data so provided. The City may also amend o r r epeal t he pr o visio ns o f t his co nt inuing disclo sur e agr eement if t he S E C amend s o r r ep eals the applicable pro vision of the Rule or a court of final jurisdiction enters judgment that such provisions of the Rule are invalid, but only if and to the extent that the provisions of this sentence would not prevent an underwriter from lawfully purchasing or selling Certificates in the primary offering of the Certificates. Section 19. DEFEASANCE. (a) Deemed Paid. Any Certificate and the interest thereon shall be deemed t o be paid, ret ired and no lo nger o ut st anding (a "Defeased Cert ificat e") wit hin t he meaning of this Ordinance, except to the extent provided in subsection (e) of this Section, when payment of the principal of such Certificate, plus interest thereon to the due date (whether such due dat e be by reaso n o f mat ur it y o r o t her wise) eit her (i) shall have been made o r caused t o be made in acco rdance wit h t he t erms t hereo f, o r (ii) shall have been pro vided fo r o n o r befo re such due dat e by irrevocably depositing with or making available to the Paying Agent/Registrar in accordance with an escrow agreement or other instrument (the "Future Escrow Agreement") for such payment (1) lawful money of the United States of America sufficient to make such payment or (2) Defeasance Securities t hat mat ure as t o principal and int erest in such amo unt s and at such t imes as will insure t he availability, without reinvestment, of sufficient money to provide for such payment, and when proper arrangements have been made by the City with the Paying Agent/Registrar for the payment of its services until all Defeased Certificates shall have become due and payable. At such time as a Cert ificat e shall be deemed t o be a Defeased Cert ificat e hereunder, as afo resaid, such Cert ificat e and the interest thereon shall no longer be secured by, payable from, or entitled to the benefits of, the ad valo r em t axes her ein le vie d a nd p ledged o r t he pledge o f S ur plus Revenu es as p r o vided in t his 99 16 Ordinance, and such principal and interest shall be payable solely from such money or Defeasance Securities. (b) Investments. Any mo neys so depo sit ed wit h t he Paying Agent /Regis t r a r ma y a t t he written direction of the City be invested in Defeasance Securities, maturing in the amounts and times as hereinbefo re set fo rt h, and all inco me fro m such Defeasance Securit ies received by t he P aying Agent/Registrar that is not required for the payment of the Certificates and interest thereon, with respect to which such money has been so deposited, shall be turned over to the City, or deposited as directed in writing by the City. Any Future Escrow Agreement pursuant to which the money and/or Defeasance Securit ies are held fo r t he payment o f D e feased Cert ificat es may co nt ain pro visio ns permitting the investment or reinvestment of such moneys in Defeasance Securities or the substitution o f o t her Defeasance Secur it ies u p o n t he sat isfact io n o f t he r e q u ir e ment s sp e c ified in su bse c t io n (a )(i) or (ii) above. All income from such Defeasance Securities received by the Paying Agent/Registrar which is not required for the payment of the Defeased Securities, with respect to which such money has been so d ep o sit ed , shall be r emit t ed t o t he Cit y o r d e p o sit e d a s d ir e c t e d in w r it ing by t he Cit y. (c) Selection of Defeased Certificates. In the event that the City elects to defease less than all of the principal amount of Certificates of a maturity, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall select, or cause t o be select ed, such amo unt o f Cert ificat es by su c h rando m met ho d as it deems fair and appropriate. (d) Defeasance Securities. T he t er m "Defeasance Secur it ies" means (i) direct , no ncallable obligations of the United States of America, including obligations that are unconditionally guaranteed by t he Unit ed St at es o f America, (ii) no ncallable o bligat io ns o f an agency o r inst rument alit y o f t he Unit ed St at es o f America, including o bligat io ns t hat are unco ndit io nally guar ant eed o r insur ed by t he agency o r inst rument alit y and t hat , o n t he dat e o f t he purchase t hereo f are rat ed as t o invest ment qualit y by a nat io nally r eco gnized invest ment r at ing fir m no t less t han AAA o r it s eq u ivalent , and (iii) noncallable obligations of a state or an agency or a county, municipality, or other political subdivision of a state that have been refunded and that, on the date the governing body of the City adopts or approves the proceedings authorizing the financial arrangements are rated as to investment quality by a nationally recognized investment rating firm not less than AAA or its equivalent. (e) Continuing Duty of Paying Agent/Registrar. Unt il all Cer t ificat es defeased under t his Section of this Ordinance shall become due and payable, the Paying Agent/Registrar for such Cer t ificat es shall per fo r m t he ser vices o f P aying Agent /Regist r ar fo r such Cer t ificat es t he same as if they had not been defeased, and the City shall make proper arrangements to provide and pay for such services. Section 20. SALE OF CERTIFICATES. (a) Sale to Best Bidder. That t he sale o f t he Certificates to __________________, and syndicate members (the "Purchasers"), at a price of par and accr u ed int erest o n t he Cert ificat es t o t he dat e o f delivery, is hereby aut ho rized, rat ified and confirmed. It is hereby officially found, determined and declared that the Certificates were sold to the highest bidder at terms that were the most advantageous reasonably obtained. 100 17 (b) Offering Documents. The Certificates were sold pursuant to the terms of a "Notice of Sale and Bidding Instructions", "Official Bid Form" and "Official Statement", the use of which documents, a true and correct copy of each such document is attached hereto, is hereby approved. The use o f t he "Preliminary Official St at ement " prepared in co nnect io n wit h t he sale o f t he Certificates is hereby ratified. Section 21. FURTHER PROCEDURES. That the Mayor, the City Secretary, the City Manager, the Chief Financial Officer, any Assistant City Manager, and all other officers, employees, and agents of the City, and each of them, shall be and they are hereby expressly authorized, empowered, and directed from time to time and at any time to do and perform all such acts and things and to execute, acknowledge, and deliver in the name and under the corporate seal and on behalf of t he Cit y all such inst r ument s, whet her o r no t her ein ment io ned, as may be necessar y o r desirable in o rder t o carry o ut t he t er ms and pro visio ns o f t his Ordinance, and t he sale and delivery o f t he Cert ificat es and fixing all det ails in co nnect io n t herewit h. The Cit y Co uncil hereby aut ho rizes t he payment of the fee of the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Texas for the examination of the proceedings relating to the issuance of the Certificates, in the amount determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 1202.004, Texas Government Code. Sect io n 22. USE OF PROCE E DS. T hat t he pr o ceeds fr o m t he sale o f t he Cer t ificat es shall be used in the manner described in a letter of instructions prepared by the City or on behalf of the City by the City<s financial advisor. The foregoing notwithstanding, proceeds representing accrued interest on the Certificates shall be deposited to the credit of the Interest and Sinking Fund. Any amounts remaining after completion of the improvements described in Section 1 hereof shall be transferred FI RST t o t he Rebat e Fund, t o t he ext ent r equired by Sect io n 13 her eo f and as fur t her descr ibed in Section 2 hereof, and THEREAFTER to the Interest and Sinking Fund. Sect io n 23. INTEREST EARNINGS. That t he int erest earnings derived fro m t he invest ment o f pro ceeds fro m t he sale o f t he Cert ificat es may be used a lo ng wit h o t her pro ceeds fo r t he construction of the permanent improvements set forth in Section 1 hereof for which the Certificates are issued; provided that after completion of such permanent improvements, if any of such interest earnings remain on hand, such interest earnings shall be deposited in the Interest and Sinking Fund. It is furt her pro vided, ho wever, t hat any int erest earnings o n pro ceeds which a r e r e q uired t o be rebat ed t o t he U nit e d St at es o f America pursuant t o t his Ordinance hereo f in o rder t o prevent t he Certificates from being arbitrage bonds shall be so rebated and not considered as interest earnings for t he purpo ses o f t his Sect io n. Section 24. DEFAULT AND REMEDIES. (a) Events of Default. E ach o f t he fo llo wing o ccu r r ences o r event s fo r t he p u r p o se o f t his Ordinance is hereby declared to be an Event of Default: (i) the failure to make payment of the principal of or interest on any of the Certificates when the same becomes due and payable; or 101 18 (ii) default in the performance or observance of any other covenant, agreement or obligation of the City, the failure to perform which materially, adversely affects the rights of the registered owners of the Certificates, including, but not limited to, their prospect or ability to be repaid in accordance with this Ordinance, and the continuation thereof for a period of 6 0 d ays aft er no t ice o f su ch d efa u lt is g iven by any r eg ist er ed o wner t o t he Cit y. (b) Remedies for Default. (i) Upon the happening of any Event of Default, then and in every case, any registered owner or an authorized representative thereof, including, but not limited to, a trustee or trustees therefor, may proceed against the City, or any official, officer or employee of the City in t heir o fficial capacit y, fo r t he p u r p o se o f p r o t ect ing and enfo rcing t he right s o f t he regist ered owners under this Ordinance, by mandamus or other suit, action or special proceeding in equity or at law, in any court of competent jurisdiction, for any relief permitted by law, including t he specific perfo rmance o f any co venant o r agreement co nt ained herein, o r t hereby t o enjo in any act o r t hing t hat may be unlawful o r in vio lat io n o f any right o f t he registered owners hereunder or any combination of such remedies. (ii) It is pro vided t hat all such pro ceedings shall be inst it ut ed and maint ained fo r t he equal benefit of all registered owners of Certificates then outstanding. (c) Remedies Not Exclusive. (i) No remedy herein conferred or reserved is intended to be exclusive of any other available r emedy o r r emedies, but each and ever y such r emedy shall be cumulat ive and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or under the Certificates or now or hereafter existing at law or in equit y; provided, however, that notwithstanding any other pr o visio n o f t his Or dinance, t he r ight t o acceler at e t he debt evidenced by t he Cer t ificat es shall not be available as a remedy under this Ordinance. (ii) The exercise of any remedy herein conferred or reserved shall not be deemed a waiver o f a ny o t her availa ble r emed y. (iii) By accepting the delivery of a Certificate authorized under this Ordinance, such registered owner agrees that the certifications required to effectuate any covenants or representations contained in this Ordinance do not and shall never constitute or give rise to a perso nal o r pecuniary liabilit y o r charge against t he o fficers, emplo yees o r members o f t he Cit y o r t he Cit y Co uncil. (iv) None of the members of the City Council, nor any other official or officer, agent, o r emplo yee o f t he Cit y, shall be charged perso nally by t he regist ered o w ne r s wit h any liability, or be held personally liable to the registered owners under any term or provision of t his Ordinance, or because of any Event of Default or alleged Event of Default under t his Ordinance. 102 19 Section 25. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. (a) Titles Not Restrictive. That the titles assigned t o t he vario us sect io ns o f t his Ordinance are fo r co nvenience o nly and shall no t be considered restrictive of the subject matter of any section or of any part of this Ordinance. (b) Rules of Construction. The words "herein", "hereof" and "hereunder" and other words of similar import refer to this Ordinance as a whole and not to any particular Section o r other subdivision. Except where the context otherwise requires, terms defined in this Ordinance to impart the singular number shall be considered to include the plural number and vice versa. References to any named per so n means t hat par t y and it s successo r s and assigns. Refer ences t o any co nst it u t io nal, st at ut o r y o r r e g u la t o r y pr o visio n means su ch p r o visio n as it exist s o n t he d at e t his Or d inance is ado pt ed by t he Cit y and any fut ure amendment s t heret o o r s u c c e s s o r pro visio ns t hereo f. Any r efer ence t o "FORM OF C E R T I FI C AT E " shall refer t o t he fo r m o f t he Cer t ificat es set fo r t h in Exhibit A t o t his Ordinance. Any reference t o t he payment o f principal in t his Or d ina nc e sha ll be deemed t o include t he payment o f any mandat o ry sinking fund redempt io n payment s as may be described herein. (c) Inconsistent Provisions. All ordinances, orders and resolutions, or parts thereof, which are in conflict or inconsistent with any provision of this Ordinance are hereby repealed and declared t o be inapplicable, and t he pro visio ns o f t his Or d inance shall be and remain co nt ro lling as t o t he mat t ers prescribed herein. (d) Severability. If any word, phrase, clause, paragraph, sentence, part, portion, or provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall be held to be invalid, t he r emainder o f t his Or d inance shall never t h e le s s b e valid and t he Cit y her eby declar es t hat t his Ordinance would have been enacted without such invalid word, phrase, clause, paragraph, sentence, part, portion, or provisions. (e) Governing Law. This Ordinance shall be co nst rued and enfo rced in acco rdance wit h t he laws of the State of Texas. (f) Open Meeting. T he C it y o fficially finds and det er mines t hat t he meet ing at which t his Ordinance is adopted was open to the public; and that public notice of the time, place, and purpo se of such meeting was given, all as required by Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. (g) Application of Chapter 1208, Government Code. Chapt er 120 8 , Texas Go vernment Code, applies to the issuance of the Certificates and the pledge of ad valorem taxes and the Surplus Revenues granted by the City under Sections 8 and 9, and such pledge is therefore valid, effective, and per fect ed. I f T exas law is amended at any t ime while t he Cer t ificat es ar e o ut st anding and unpaid such t hat t he pledge o f t he ad valo rem t axes and Surplus Revenues grant e d by t he Cit y is t o be subject to the filing requirements of Chapter 9, Texas Business & Commerce Code, then in order to pr eser ve t o t he Regist er ed Owner s o f t he Cer t ificat es t he per fect io n o f t he secur it y int er est in said pledge, the City agrees to take such measures as it determines are reasonable and necessary under Texas law to comply with the applicable provisions of Chapter 9, Texas Business & Commerce Code and enable a filing to perfect the security interest in said pledge to occur. 103 20 (h) Immediate Effect. In accordance with the provisions of Section 1201.028, Texas Government Code, this Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its adoption by the City Co uncil. [Remainder of page intentionally left blank.] 104 21 PASSED AND APPROVED this July 9, 2009. ____________________________________ ______________________________ City Secretary, City of College Station, Texas Mayor, City of College Station, Texas (CITY SEAL) APPROVED: McCall, Parkhurst & Horton L.L.P., Dallas, Texas Bond Counsel ____________________________ 105 EXHIBIT A FORM OF CERTIFICATE NO. ____ $________ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION SERIES 2009 MATURITY DATE INTEREST RATE ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE CUSIP % July 15, 2009 ON THE MATURITY DATE SPECIFIED ABOVE, THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, in Brazos County (the "City" or the "Issuer"), being a political subdivision of the State of Texas, hereby pro mises t o pay t o __________________________________________, o r t o t he regist ered assignee hereo f (eit her being hereinaft er called the "regist ered o wner") t he principal amo unt of ________________________ DOLLARS and to pay interest thereon, from the Original Issue Date specified above, to the Maturity Date specified above, or the dat e o f its redemption prior to scheduled maturity, at the interest rate per annum specified above, with said interest payable on February 15, 2010, and semiannually on each August 15 and February 15 thereafter until maturity or prior redemption; except that if this Certificate is required to be authenticated and the date of its authentication is later than February 15, 2010, such interest is payable semiannually on each August 15 and February 15 following such date. THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON this Certificate are payable in lawful money of the United States of America, without exchange or collection charges. At maturity or redemption prior to maturity, the principal of this Certificate shall be paid to the registered owner hereof upon presentation and surrender of this Certificate at the designated corporate trust office in Dallas, Texas (t he "Designat ed T r ust Office") o f T he Bank o f New Yo r k Mello n T r ust Co mpany, N.A., which is t he "Paying Agent /Regist rar" fo r t his Cert ificat e. The payment o f int erest o n t his Cert ificat e shall be made by t he Paying Agent /Regist rar t o t he regist ered o wner hereo f o n each int erest payment dat e by check, dat ed as o f such int er est payment dat e, dr awn by t he Paying Agent /Regist r ar o n, and payable solely from, funds of the Issuer required by the ordinance authorizing the issuance of this Certificate (the "Certificate Ordinance") to be on deposit with the Paying Agent/Registrar for such purpose as hereinafter provided; and such check shall be sent by the Paying Agent/Registrar by United States mail, first -class po st age prepaid, o n each such int er est p ayment d at e, t o t he r eg ist er ed o wner her eo f, at it s address as it appeared o n t he last business day o f t he mo nt h preceding eac h su ch dat e (t he "Record Date") on the Registration Books kept by the Paying Agent/Registrar, as hereinafter de- scribed. Any accrued interest due at maturity as provided herein shall be paid to the registered owner upo n present at io n and surrender o f t his Cert ificat e fo r payment at t he Designat ed Trust Office o f t he 106 Paying Agent/Registrar. The Issuer covenants with the registered owner of this Certificate that on o r befo r e e a ch principal and int erest payment dat e fo r t his Cert ificat e it will make available t o t he Paying Agent/Registrar, from the "Interest and Sinking Fund" created by the Certificate Ordinance, the amounts required to provide for the payment, in immediately available funds, of all principal of and interest on the Certificates, when due. IN THE EVENT OF NON-PAYMENT of interest on a scheduled payment date, and for 30 days t hereaft er, a new reco r d d a t e fo r such int erest payment (a "Special Reco rd Dat e") will be est ablished by t he Paying Agent /Regist rar, if and when funds fo r t he payment o f such int erest have been received from the Issuer. Notice of the Special Record Date and of the scheduled payment date of the past due interest ("Special Payment Date", which shall be 15 days after the Special Record Dat e) shall be sent at least five bu siness d ays p r io r t o t he S p ecial Reco r d Dat e by Unit ed S t at es mail, first -class po st age prepaid, t o t he address o f each regist ered o wner o f a Cert ificat e appearing o n t he Registration Books kept by the Paying Agent/Registrar at the close of business on the last business day next preceding the date of mailing of such notice. IF THE DATE for the payment of the principal of or interest on t his Cert ificate shall be a Sat urday, Sunday, a legal ho liday, o r a d ay o n which banking inst it ut io ns in t he cit y where t he Designat ed Trust Office o f t he Paying Agent /Regist rar is lo cat ed are aut ho r ized by law o r execut ive o rder t o clo se, t hen t he dat e fo r such payment shall be t he next succeeding day which is no t such a Sat urday, Sunday, legal ho liday, o r day o n which banking inst it u t io ns are aut ho rized t o clo se; and payment o n such dat e shall have t he same fo rce and effect as if made o n t he o riginal dat e payment was due. THIS CERTIFICATE is one of a Series of Certificates dated as of the Original Issue Date st at ed abo ve, aut ho rized in acco rdance wit h t he Co nst it ut io n and laws o f t he St at e o f Texas in t he principal amo unt o f $31,315,000, fo r t he purpo se o f paying co nt ract ual o bligat io ns t o be incurred by t he Cit y, t o -wit , t he co nst ruct io n o f impro vement s as described in t he Cert ificat e Ordinance, and t he payment o f fiscal, engineering and legal fees incurred in co nnect io n t herewit h. ON FEBRUARY 15, 2019, o r o n any dat e t hereaft er, t he Cert ificat es o f t his Series mat uring o n Febr u ar y 1 5, 2020 and t hereaft er may be redeemed prio r t o t heir scheduled mat urit ies, at t he o pt io n o f t he Issuer, in who le, o r in part , at par and accrued int erest t o t he dat e fixed fo r redempt io n. The years of maturity of the Certificates called for redemption at the option of the City prior to stated maturity shall be selected by the City. The Certificates or portions thereof redeemed within a maturity shall be selected by lot or other method by the Paying Agent/Regist rar; provided, t hat during any period in which ownership of the Certificates is determined only by a book entry at a securities depo sit o ry fo r t he Cert ificat es, if fewer t han all o f t he Cert ificat es o f t he same mat urit y and bearing the same interest rate are to be redeemed, the particular Certificates of such maturity and bearing such int erest rat e shall be select ed in acco rdance wit h t he arrangement s bet ween t he Issuer and t he securities depository. AT LEAST 30 days prior to the date fixed for any such redemption, a written notice of such redemption shall be given to the registered owner of each Certificate or a portion thereof being called for redemption by depositing such notice in the United States mail, first-class postage prepaid, addressed t o each such regist ered o wner at his ad d ress sho wn o n t he Regist rat io n Bo o ks o f t he Paying Agent /Regist rar. By t he dat e fixed fo r any such redempt io n due pr o visio n shall be made by 107 t he I ssuer wit h t he Paying Agent /Regist r ar fo r t he payment o f t he r equired r edempt io n pr ice fo r t his Certificate or the portion hereof which is to be so redeemed, plus accrued interest thereon to the date fixed fo r redempt io n. If such no t ice o f redempt io n is given, and if due pro visio n fo r such payment is made, all as provided above, this Certificate, or the portion hereof which is to be so redeemed, thereby automatically shall be redeemed prior to its scheduled maturity, and shall not bear interest aft er t he dat e fixed fo r it s redempt io n, and shall no t be regarded as being o ut st anding except fo r t he right of the registered owner to receive the redemption price plus accrued interest to the date fixed fo r redempt io n fro m t he Paying Agent /Regist rar o ut o f t he funds pr o vided fo r such payment . T he Paying Agent/Registrar shall record in the Registration Books all such redemptions of principal of this Certificate or any portion hereof. If a portion of any Certificate shall be redeemed a substitute Cert ificat e o r Cert ificat es having t he same mat urit y dat e, bear ing int er est at t he same rat e, in any deno minat io n o r deno minat io ns in any int egral mult iple o f $5,000, at t he writ t en r e q u e s t o f t he r egist er ed o wner , and in aggr egat e pr incipal amo unt equal t o t he unr edeemed po r t io n t her eo f, will be issued t o t he regist ered o wner upo n t he surrender t hereo f fo r cancellat io n, at t he expense o f t he Issuer, all as provided in the Ordinance. ALL CERTIFICATES OF THIS SERIES are issuable solely as fully registered certificates, wit ho ut int erest co upo ns, in t he deno minat io n o f any int egral mult iple o f $5,000. As pro vided in t he Certificate Ordinance, this Certificate may, at the request of the registered owner or the assignee or assignees hereof, be assigned, transferred, and exchanged for a like aggregate principal amount of fully registered certificates, without interest coupons, payable to the appropriate registered owner, assignee, o r assignees, as t he case may be, having t he same mat urit y dat e, and bearing int erest at t he same r at e, in any deno minat io n o r deno minat io ns in any int egr al mult iple o f $5,000 as r equest ed in writing by the appropriate registered owner, assignee, or assignees, as the case may be, upon surrender of this Certificate to the Paying Agent/Registrar at its Designated Trust Office for cancellation, all in accordance with the form and procedures set forth in the Certificate Ordinance. Amo ng o t her requirement s fo r such assignment and t ransfer, t his Cert ificat e must be present ed and surrendered to the Paying Agent/Registrar at its Designated Trust Office, together with proper inst rument s o f assignment , in fo rm and wit h guarant ee o f signat ures sat isfact o ry t o t he Paying Agent /Regist rar, evidencing assignment o f t his Cert ificat e o r any po rt io n o r po rt io ns hereo f in any integral multiple of $5,000 to the assignee or assignees in whose name or names this Certificate or any such po rt io n o r po rt io ns hereo f is o r are t o be t ransferred and regist ered. The fo rm o f Assign- ment print ed o r endo rsed o n t his Cert ificat e may be execut ed by t he regist ered o wner t o evidence t he assignment hereof, but such method is not exclusive, and other instruments of assignment satisfactory t o t he Paying Ag ent /Re g ist r ar may be used t o evidence t he assignment o f t his Cert ificat e o r any portion or portions hereof from time to time by the registered owner. The foregoing notwithstanding, in the case of the exchange of an assigned and transferred Certificate or Certificates or any portion or portions thereof, such fees and charges of the Paying Agent/Registrar will be paid by the Issuer. The one requesting such exchange shall pay the Paying Agent/Registrar's reasonable standard or customary fees and charges for exchanging any Certificate or portion thereof. In any circumstance, any t axes o r go vernment al charges required t o be paid wit h respect t heret o shall be paid by t he o ne requesting such assignment, transfer, or exchange as a condition precedent to the exercise of such privilege. In any circumstance, neither the Issuer nor the Paying Agent/Registrar shall be required (1 ) t o mak e any t r ansfe r o r exchang e d u r ing a p er io d be g inning a t t he o p e ning o f bu sine ss 3 0 d a ys before the day of the first mailing of a notice of redemption of Certificates and ending at the close of business on the day of such mailing, or (2) to transfer or exchange any Certificates so selected for redemption when such redemption is scheduled to occur within 30 calendar days. 108 WHENEVER the beneficial ownership of this Certificate is determined by a book entry at a securities depository for the Certificates, the foregoing requirements of holding, delivering or t ransferring t his Cert ificat e shall be mo dified t o require t he appro priat e perso n o r ent it y t o meet t he requirements of the securities depository as to registering or transferring the book entry to produce the same effect. IN THE EVENT any Paying Agent/Registrar for the Certificates is changed by the Issuer, resigns, or otherwise ceases to act as such, the Issuer has covenanted in the Certificate Ordinance that it promptly will appoint a competent and legally qualified substitut e therefor, and prompt ly will cause written notice thereof to be mailed to the registered owners of the Certificates. IT IS HEREBY cert ified, recit ed and co venant ed t hat t his Cert ificat e has been duly and validly aut ho rized, issued, and delivered; t hat all act s, co ndit io ns, and t hings required o r pro per t o be per fo r med, exist , and be do ne pr ecedent t o o r in t he aut ho r izat io n, is suance, and deliver y o f t his Certificate have been performed, existed, and been done in accordance with law; that this Certificate is a direct obligation of said Issuer, issued on the full faith and credit thereof; and that in accordance wit h t he t erms o f t he Cert ificat e Ordinance, annu a l a d va lo rem t axes sufficient t o pro vide fo r t he payment of the interest o n and principal of this Certificate, as such interest comes due and such principal matures, have been levied and ordered to be levied against all taxable property in said Issuer, and have been pledged for such payment, within the limit prescribed by law; and that a limited pledge (not to exceed $1,000) of the surplus revenues from the operation of the City's combined municipal elect ric light and po wer, wat erwo rks and sewer syst em remaining aft er payment o f all o perat io n and maintenance expenses thereof and any other obligat io ns heretofore or hereafter incurred to which such revenues have been or shall be encumbered by a lien on and pledge of such revenues superior to the lien on and pledge of such revenues to the Certificates, have been pledged as additional security for the Certificates. BY BECOMING t he regist ered o wner o f t his Cert ificat e, t he regist ered o wner t hereby acknowledges all of the terms and provisions of the Certificate Ordinance, agrees to be bound by such terms and provisions, acknowledges that the Certificate Ordinance is duly recorded and available for inspect io n in t he o fficial minut es and reco rds o f t he Issuer, and agrees t hat t he t erms and pro visio ns of this Certificate and the Certificate Ordinance constitute a contract between each registered owner hereof and the Issuer. I N WI T NE SS WHE RE OF, t his Cer t ificat e has been signed wit h t he manu al o r facsimile sig nat u r e o f t he Mayo r o f t he Cit y, at t est ed by t he manu al o r fa csimile sig nat u r e o f t he Cit y S ecr et ar y, and t he o fficial seal o f t he I ssuer has been duly affixed t o , o r impr essed, o r placed in facsimile, o n t his Certificate. xxxxx xxxxx City Secretary, City of College Station, Texas Mayor, City of College Station, Texas (SEAL) 109 FORM OF PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR'S AUTHENTICATION CERTIFICATE PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR'S AUTHENTICATION CERTIFICATE It is hereby cert ified t hat t his Cert ificat e o f Obligat io n has been issued under t he pro visio ns o f t he pro ceedings ado pt ed by t he Cit y as described in t he t ext o f t his Cert ificat e o f Obligat io n; and that this Certificate of Obligation has been issued in exchange for or replacement of a certificate of obligation of an issue which originally was approved by the Attorney General of the State of Texas and registered by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas. Dated ___________ T he Bank o f N ew Yo r k Mello n T r u st Co mp any, N.A., Paying Agent/Registrar By________________________________ Aut ho rized Represent at ive 110 *FORM OF COMPTROLLER'S CERTIFICATE ATTACHED TO THE CERTIFICATES UPON INITIAL DELIVERY THEREOF OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER : REGISTER NO. ______ STATE OF TEXAS : I hereby certify that there is on file and of record in my office a certificat e o f the Attorney General of the State of Texas to the effect that this Certificate has been examined by him as required by law, and t hat he finds t hat it has been issued in co nfo rmit y wit h t he Co nst it ut io n and laws o f t he State of Texas, and that it is a valid and binding obligation of the City of College Station, Texas, payable in t he manner pr o vided by and in t he o r dinance au t ho r izing sa me, a nd sa id Ce r t ifica t e ha s t his day been registered by me. WITNESS MY HAND and seal of office at Austin, Texas this ___________________. ___________________________________ Comptroller of Public Accounts of (SEAL) the State of Texas NOT E :* t o acco mp any init ial cer t ific a t e s o nly 111 FORM OF ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENT For value received, the undersigned hereby sells, assigns and transfers unto: _____________________________________________________________ Please insert Social Security or Taxpayer Identification Number of Transferee _____________________________________________________________ Please print or type name and address, including zip code of Transferee the within Bond and all rights thereunder, and hereby irrevocably constitutes and appoints: ____________________________________, at t o rney, t o regist er t he t ransfer o f t he wit hin Bo nd on the books kept for registration thereof, with full power of substitution in the premises. Dated: __________________. Signature Guaranteed: NOTICE: Signature(s) must be guaranteed by an eligible guarant o r inst it ut io n part icipat ing in a securities transfer association reco gnized signat ur e guar ant ee pr o gr am. NOTICE: The signat ure abo ve must co rrespo nd wit h t he name o f t he r egist er ed o w ner as it appears upon the front of this Bond in every particular, without alteration or enlargement or any change whatsoever. 112 EXHIBIT B DESCRIPTION OF ANNUAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION The following information is referred to in Section 18 of this Ordinance. Annual Financial Statements and Operating Data T he financial info r mat io n and o per at ing dat a wit h r esp ect t o t he Cit y t o be p r o vid e d a nnu a lly in acco rdance wit h such Sect io n are as specified belo w (and included in t he Appendix o r under t he headings of the Official Statement referred to): 1. The "Audit Report" for the most recently concluded fiscal year. 2. The information included in the Official Statement under the following captions, but for the most recently concluded fiscal year: Tables 1 through 6, 8 through 14, and 20, and Appendix B. Accounting Principles The accounting principles referred to in such Section are the accounting principles described in the notes to the financial statements referred to in paragraph 1 described above, as such principles may be changed fro m t ime t o t ime t o co mply wit h st at e law o r regulat io n. 113 July 9, 2009 Regular Agenda Item No. 7 Consider Ordinance Issuing General Obligation Bonds To: Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Jeff Kersten, Chief Financial Officer Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action and discussion to approve an ordinance by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, issuing $3,335,000 City of College Station General Obligation Bonds, Series 2009. Recommendation(s): Council move to approve the attached ordinance issuing general obligation bonds. Summary: The City Council is authorized to approve the issuance of general obligation bonds which have been authorized by a vote of the citizens. The Citizens approved a total of $38,405,000 on November 4, 2003 and $76,950,000 on November 4, 2008. By approving the ordinance, the Council will issue a total of $655,000 from the 2003 authorization and $2,680,000 from the 2008 authorization. This is the sixth bond sale from the 2003 bond authorization and the first from the 2008 bond authorization. The City of College Station typically issues debt to fund various capital projects identified and approved as a part of the annual budget. The City primarily uses three types of debt instruments to fulfill those requirements: 1. General Obligation Bonds (GOBs) are based on the full faith and credit of the City and are paid primarily through the debt service portion of the ad valorem tax rate. GOBs are authorized by the voters and therefore the notice is provided in the election process. 2. Utility Revenue Bonds (URBs) are backed by the revenues of the City's various utilities and are issued as a business activity. These are typically only issued for utility capital projects. 3. Certificates of Obligation (COs) normally include at least one additional revenue stream such as utility revenues, but are considered to be much like GOBs and therefore normally receive a rating similar to GOBs. Our policy for issuing CO's allows more flexibility in their issue than GOBs, particularly when other revenues are anticipated to assist in debt service. This particular debt issue is planned to provide resources for street projects, traffic signal and safety projects, sidewalk improvements, hike and bike trails, and parks and park facilities improvements and the design of fire station #6 totaling $3,335,000. Budget & Financial Summary: Staff reviewed the impact of the general obligation bonds City's ability to meet debt service requirements and the effect they may have on the ad valorem tax rate. The recommendation to move forward with this issue will not impact the ad valorem tax rate. Attachments: 1. Debt Issuance 2009 2. Ordinance available in City Secretary's Office. 114 ORDINANCE NO. ____ PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $3,335,000 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 2009; AND ORDAINING OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT, INCLUDING IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVENESS WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable and t o t he best int erest o f t he Cit y o f Co llege St at io n (t he "Cit y" o r t he "Issuer") t hat cer t ain bo nds aut ho rized at elect io ns previo usly held in said Cit y be combined in a single issue and sold at this time, the dates of election, amount of bonds authorized thereat, purpose, amount of bonds previously sold, and the amount now to be sold being as follows: AMOUNT AMOUNT DATE OF ELECTION AMOUNT AUTHORIZED PURPOSE PREVIOUSLY SOLD ISSUED HEREIN November 4, 2003 $17,980,000 Street & transportation improvements $16,260,000 $200,000 November 4, 2003 $3,000,000 Traffic safety system improvements $2,545,000 $455,000 November 4, 2003 $7,610,000 Municipal complex improvements $3,955,000 -0- November 4, 2008 $48,785,000 Street & transportation improvements -0-$395,000 November 4, 2008 $8,385,000 City library improvements -0--0- November 4, 2008 $6,990,000 New fire building -0-$750,000 November 4, 2008 $12,790,000 Park & recreation improvements -0-$1,535,000 $105,540,000 $22,760,000 $3,335,000 WHEREAS, the bonds hereinafter authorized for such purpose are to be issued and delivered pursuant t o Chapt ers 1251 and 1331 Texas Go vernment Co de, as amended, and t he Chart er o f t he Cit y. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: 1. BONDS TO BE SOLD; SERIES DESIGNATION. That the bond or bonds of the City to be called "City of College Station, Texas General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2009" (t he "Bo nds"), be issued under and by virt ue o f t he Co nst it ut io n and laws o f t he St at e o f Texas and t he Chart er o f said Cit y, in t he aggregat e principal amo unt o f $3,335,000 fo r t he pur po se o f financing p er manent impro vement s t o t he Cit y, t o -wit , (i) co nst ruct io n and acquisit io n o f st reet and t ranspo r t at io n impro vement s t hro ugho ut t he Cit y including, wit ho ut limit at io n, t raffic signals and control systems, sidewalks and pedestrian improvements, (ii) construction and impro vements of hike and bike trails, (iii) construction of improvements for parks, park facilities and other recreational purpo ses, (iv) co nst ruct io n o f a new Cit y fire st at io n; and (v) paying t he co st s o f issuance o f t he Bonds. 2. PREAMBLE. That the preamble to this Ordinance is incorporated by reference and made a part hereof for all purposes. 115 -2- 3. MATURITY SCHEDULE; INTEREST. That the Bonds shall be dated July 15, 2009, shall be in the denomination of $5,000 each, or any integral multiple thereof, shall be numbered consecutively from R-1 upward, shall mature on February 15 in each of the years, and in the amounts, and shall bear interest at the rates per annum, respectively, as set forth in the following schedule: Year Principal Amount ($) Interest Rate (%)Year Principal Amount ($) Interest Rate (%) 2010 2020 2011 2021 2012 2022 2013 2023 2014 2024 2015 2025 2016 2026 2017 2027 2018 2028 2019 2029 T he t er m "Bo nds" as u s e d in t his Or d inance shall mean and includ e co llec t ive ly t he Bo nd init ially issued and deliver ed p u r su ant t o t his Or d inance and all su bst it u t e Bo nd s exchang ed t her efo r , as well as all other substitute Bonds and replacement Bonds issued pursuant hereto, and the t erm "Bond" shall mean any of the Bonds. Interest on the Bonds shall be calculated on the basis of a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day months. Interest shall be payable to the registered owner of any such Bonds in the same manner provided and on the dates stated in the FORM OF BOND. 4. REDEMPTION PROVISIONS. (a) That the City reserves the right to redeem the Bonds maturing on or after February 15, 2020, in whole or in part, on February 15, 2019 or on any date thereafter, for the principal amount thereof plus accrued interest thereon to the date fixed for redemption. The years of maturity of the Bonds called for redemption at the option of the City prior t o st at ed mat urit y shall be select ed by t he Cit y. The Bo nds o r po rt io ns t hereo f redeemed wit hin a maturity shall be selected by lot or other method by the Paying Agent/Registrar (hereinafter defined); provided, that during any period in which ownership of the Bonds is determined only by a book entry at a securit ies depo sit o ry fo r t he Bo nds, if fewer t han all o f t he Bo nd s o f t he same mat urit y and bearing t he same int erest rat e are t o be redeemed, t he part icular Bo nds o f such mat urit y and bearing such int erest rat e shall be select ed in acco rdance wit h t he arrangement s bet ween t he Cit y a nd t he secu r it ies d ep o sit o r y. T he Cit y shall no t ify t he P aying Ag ent /Reg ist r ar at least fo r t y-five (4 5 ) d ays prior to the scheduled redemption date that a redemption of the Bonds is to be effected. 116 -3- (b) The Bonds are not subject to mandatory sinking fund redemption prior to their scheduled maturities. (c) At least 30 days prior to the date fixed for any such redemption the City shall cause a written notice of such redemption to be deposited in the United States Mail, first-class postage prepaid, addressed to each such registered owner at his address shown on the Registratio n Books (hereinafter defined) of the Paying Agent/Registrar. By the date fixed for any such redemption, due provision shall be made with the Paying Agent/Registrar for the payment of the required redemption price for the Bonds or the portions thereof which are to be so redeemed, plus accrued interest thereon to the date fixed for redemption. If such notice of redemption is given, and if due provision for such payment is made, all as provided above, the Bo nds or the portions thereof which are to be so redeemed, thereby automatically shall be redeemed prior to their scheduled maturities, and shall not bear int erest aft er t he dat e fixed fo r t heir redempt io n, and shall no t be regarded as being o ut st anding except for the right of the registered owner to receive the redemption price plus accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption from t he Paying Agent/Registrar out of the funds provided for such payment . The Paying Agent /Regist rar shall reco rd in t he Regist rat io n Bo o ks all such redempt io ns of principal of the Bonds or any portion thereof. If a portion of any Bond shall be redeemed, a su bst it ut e Bo nd o r Bo nds having t he same mat urit y dat e, bearing int erest at t he same rat e, in any d eno minat io n o r deno minat io ns in any int egral mult iple o f $5,000, at t he writ t en request o f t he r egist er ed o wner , and in an aggr egat e pr incipal amo u nt eq u al t o t he u nr ed eemed p o r t io n t her eo f, will be issued t o t he regist ered o wner upo n t he surrender t hereo f fo r cancellat io n, at t he expense o f t he City, all as provided in this Ordinance. (d) In addition to the foregoing, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall give notice of redemption of Bonds by United States mail, first-class postage prepaid, at least 30 days prior to a redemption date t o t he MSRB (as defined in Sect io n 14 hereo f). The failure t o cause such no t ice t o be given, however, or any defect therein, shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of such redemption. (e) In addition, in the event of a redemption caused by an advance refunding of the Bonds, t he Paying Agent /Regist rar shall send a seco nd no t ice o f redempt io n t o t he perso ns specified abo ve at least 30 days but no t mo re t han 90 days prio r t o t he act ual redempt io n dat e. The Paying Agent /Regist rar shall also send a no t ice o f prepayment o r redempt io n t o t he o wner o f any Bo nd who has not sent the Bonds in for redemption 60 days after the redemption date. (f) E ach r ed emp t io n no t ice , w he t he r r e q u ir e d in t he FO RM O F BO N D o r o t he r w ise by t his Ordinance, shall contain a description of the Bonds to be redeemed, including the complete name of t he Bo nd s, t he ser ies, t he d at e o f issu e, t he int er est r a t e , t he ma t u r it y d a t e , t he C U S I P nu mbe r , if a ny, t he amo unt s called o f each Bo nd, t he mailing d at e fo r t he no t ice, t he dat e o f redempt io n, t he redempt io n price, t he name o f t he Paying Agent /Regist rar and t he address at which t he Bo nd may be redeemed, including a contact person and telephone number. (g) All redemption payments made by the Paying Agent/Registrar to the registered owners of the Bonds shall include CUSIP numbers relating to each amount paid to such registered owner. 5. ADDITIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BONDS. (a) That the City shall keep 117 -4- or cause to be kept at the designated corporate trust office in Dallas, Texas (the "Designat ed Payment /Transfer Office") o f The Bank o f New Yo rk Mello n Trust Co mpany, N.A. (t he "P a ying Agent/Registrar"), or such other bank, trust company, financial institution, or other agency named in accordance with the provisions of (g) below, books or records of the registration and transfer of the Bonds (the "Registration Books"), and the City hereby appoints the Paying Agent/Registrar as its registrar and transfer agent to keep such books or records and make such transfers and registra- tions under such reasonable regulations as the City and the Paying Agent/Registrar may prescribe; and t he Paying Agent /Regist r ar shall make such t r ansfer s and r eg ist r at io ns as her ein p r o vided . I t shall be t he dut y o f t he Paying Agent /Regist rar t o o bt ain fro m t he regist ered o wner and reco rd in t he Registration Books the address of such registered owner of each bond to which payments with respect t o t he Bo nds shall be mailed, as herein pro vided. The Cit y o r it s designee shall have t he right to inspect the Registration Books during regular business hours of the Paying Agent/Registrar, but otherwise the Paying Agent /Registrar shall keep the Registration Books confidential and, unless otherwise required by law, shall not permit their inspection by any other entity. Registration of each Bond may be transferred in the Registration Books only upon presentation and surrender of such Bond to the Paying Agent/Registrar for transfer of registration and cancellation, together with proper writ t en inst rument s o f assignment , in fo rm and wit h guarant ee o f signat ures sat isfact o ry t o t he Paying Agent/Registrar, evidencing the assignment of such Bond, or any portion thereof in any integral multiple of $5,000, to the assignee or assignees thereof, and the right of such assignee or assignees to have such Bond or any such portion thereof registered in the name of such assignee or assignees. Upon the assignment and transfer of any Bond or any portion thereof, a new substitute Bond or Bonds shall be issued in exchange therefor in the manner herein provided. (b) The ent it y in who se name any Bo nd shall be regist ered in t he Regist rat io n Bo o ks at any time shall be treated as the absolute owner thereof for all purposes of this Ordinance, whether or not such Bo nd shall be o verdue, and t he Cit y and t he Paying Agent /Regist rar shall no t be affect ed by any no t ice t o t he co nt rary; and payment o f, o r o n acco unt o f, t he principal o f, p r emium, if any, and int erest o n any such Bo nd shall be made o nly t o such regist ered o wner. All such payment s shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability upon such Bond to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. (c) The Cit y hereby furt her appo int s t he Paying Agent /Regist rar t o act as t he paying agent for paying the principal of and interest on the Bonds, and to act as its agent to exchange or replace Bonds, all as provided in this Ordinance. The Paying Agent/Registrar shall keep proper records of all payment s made by t he Cit y and t he Paying Agent /Reg ist r ar wit h r esp ect t o t he Bo nd s, a nd o f a ll exchanges thereof, and all replacements thereof, as provided in this Ordinance. (d) Each Bo nd may be exchanged fo r fully regist ered Bo nds in t he manner set fo rt h herein. Each Bond issued and delivered pursuant to this Ordinance, to the extent of the unredeemed principal amo unt t hereo f, may, upo n surrender t hereo f at t he Designat ed Payment /Transfer Office o f t he Paying Agent/Registrar, together with a written request therefor duly executed by the registered owner or the assignee or assignees thereof, or its or their duly authorized attorneys or representatives, with guarantee of signatures satisfactory to the Paying Agent/Registrar, at the option of the registered owner or such assignee or assignees, as appropriate, be exchanged for fully registered Bonds, without 118 -5- interest coupons, in the form prescribed in the FORM OF BOND, in the denomination of $5,000, or any int egral mult iple t hereo f (subject t o t he requirement hereinaft er st at ed t hat each subst it ut e Bo nd shall have a single stated maturity date), as requested in writing by such regist ered owner or such assignee o r assignees, in an aggregat e principal amo unt equal t o t he unredeemed principal amo unt of any Bond or Bonds so surrendered, and payable to the appropriate registered owner, assignee, or assignees, as the case may be. If a portion of any Bond shall be redeemed prio r t o its scheduled mat urit y as pro vided herein, a subst it ut e Bo nd o r Bo nds having t he same mat urit y dat e, bearing interest at the same rate, in the denomination or denominations of any integral multiple of $5,000 at the request of the registered owner, and in an aggregate principal amount equal to the unredeemed po rt io n t hereo f, will be issued t o t he regist ered o wner upo n surrender t hereo f fo r cancellat io n. If any Bo nd o r po rt io n t hereo f is assigned and t ransferred, each Bo nd issued in exchange t herefo r shall have t he same principal mat urit y dat e and bear int erest at t he same rat e as t he Bo nd fo r which it is being exchanged. Each substitute Bond shall bear a letter and/or number to distinguish it from each other Bond. The Paying Agent/Registrar shall exchange or replace Bonds as provided herein, and each fully registered Bond or Bonds delivered in exchange for or replacement of any Bond or portion thereof as permitted or required by any provision of this Ordinance shall constitute one of the Bonds fo r all pur po ses o f t his Or dinance, and may again be exchanged o r r eplac e d. I t is specifically provided, however, that any Bond delivered in exchange for or replacement of another Bond prior to the first scheduled interest payment date on the Bonds (as stated on the face thereof) shall be dated the same date as such Bond, but each substitute bond so delivered on or after such first scheduled interest payment date shall be dated as of the interest payment date preceding the date on which such subst it ut e Bo nd is deliver ed, unless such subst it ut e Bo nd is deliver ed o n an int er est payment dat e, in which case it shall be dat ed as o f such dat e o f delivery; provided, however, that if at the time of delivery of any substitute Bond the interest on the Bond for which it is being exchanged has not been paid, t hen such subst it u t e Bo nd s ha ll be d a t e d a s o f t he d a t e t o w hic h s u c h int e r e s t ha s be e n p a id in full. On each substitute Bond issued in exchange for or replacement of any Bond or Bonds issued under t his Or d inance t her e shall be p r int ed t her eo n a P aying Ag ent /Reg ist r ar 's Au t hent icat io n Cer t ifi- cat e, in t he fo rm hereinaft er set fo rt h in t he FORM OF BOND (t he "Aut hent icat io n Cert ificat e"). An authorized representative of the Paying Agent/Regist rar shall, before the delivery of any such substitute Bond, date such substitute Bond in the manner set forth above, and manually sign and date the Authentication Certificate, and no such substitute Bond shall be deemed to be issued or out- st anding unless t he Aut hent icat io n Cer t ificat e is so execut ed. T he P aying Ag ent /Reg ist r ar p r o mpt ly shall cancel all Bonds surrendered for exchange or replacement. No additional ordinances, orders, or resolutions need be passed or adopted by the City Council or any other body or person so as to acco mplish t he fo rego ing exchange o r replacement o f any Bo nd o r po rt io n hereo f, and t he Paying Agent /Regist rar shall pro vide fo r t he print ing, execut io n, and delivery o f t he subst it ut e Bo nds in t he manner prescribed herein. Pursuant to Chapter 1206, Texas Government Code, the duty of exchange or replacement of any Bond as aforesaid is hereby imposed upon the Paying Agent/Registrar, and, upon the execution of the Authentication Certificate, the exchanged or replaced Bond shall be valid, incontestable, and enforceable in the same manner and with the same effect as the Bonds which o riginally were delivered pursuant t o t his Ordinance, appro ved by t he At t o rney General, and registered by the Comptroller of Public Accounts. Neither the City nor the Paying Agent/Registrar shall be required to transfer or exchange any Bond so selected for redemption, in whole or in part, within 45 calendar days of the date fixed for redemption; provided, however, such limitation of 119 -6- t ransfer shall no t be applicable t o an exchange by t he r egist er ed o wner o f t he uncalled pr incipal o f a Bond. (e) All Bo nds issued in exc ha ng e o r r e p lac e ment o f a ny o t he r Bo nd o r p o r t io n t he r e o f, (i) shall be issued in fully registered form, without interest coupons, with the principal of and interest on such Bo nds t o be payable o nly t o t he r egist er ed o wner s t her eo f, (ii) may be r edeemed pr io r t o t heir scheduled maturities, (iii) may be transferred and assigned, (iv) may be exchanged for other Bonds, (v) shall have the characteristics, (vi) shall be signed and sealed, and (vii) the principal of and interest on the Bonds shall be payable, all as provided, and in the manner required or indicated, in the FORM OF BOND. (f) The City shall pay the Paying Agent/Registrar's reasonable and customary fees and charges fo r making t r ansfer s o f Bo nds, but t he r egist er ed o wner o f any Bo nd r equest ing such t r ansfer shall pay any taxes or other governmental charges required to be paid with respect thereto. The registered o wner o f any Bo nd request ing any exchange shall pay t he Paying Agent /Regist rar's reaso nable and standard or customary fees and charges for exchanging any such Bond or portion thereof, together with any taxes or governmental charges required to be paid with respect thereto, all as a condition preced ent t o t he exercise o f such privilege o f exchange, except , ho wever, t hat in t he case o f t he exchang e o f an assigned and t ransferred Bo nd o r Bo nds o r any po rt io n o r po rt io ns t hereo f in any int egral mult iple o f $5,000, and in t he case o f t he exchange o f t he unredeemed po rt io n o f a Bo nd which has been redeemed in part prio r t o mat urit y, as pro vided in t his Ordinance, such fees and charges will be paid by the City. In addition, the City hereby covenants with the registered owners o f t he Bonds that it will pay (i) the reasonable and standard or customary fees and charges o f t he Paying Agent/Registrar for its services with respect to the payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds, when due, and (ii) the fees and charges of the Paying Agent/Registrar for services with respect to the transfer or registration of Bonds solely to the extent above provided, and with respect to the exchange of Bonds solely to the extent above provided. (g) The Cit y co venant s wit h t he regist ered o wners o f t he Bo nds t hat at all t imes while t he Bo nd s ar e o u t st and ing t he Cit y will p r o vid e a co mp et ent and leg ally q u alified bank , t r u st co mp any, o r o t her ent it y duly qualified and legally aut ho rized t o act as and pe r fo r m t he services o f Paying Agent /Regist rar fo r t he Bo nds under t his Ordinance, and t hat t he Paying Agent /Regist rar will be o ne entity. The City reserves the right to, and may, at its option, change the Paying Agent/Registrar upon no t less t han 60 days writ t en no t ice t o t he Paying Agent /Regist rar. In t he event t hat t he ent it y at any time acting as Paying Agent/Registrar (or its successor by merger, acquisition, or other method) should resign or otherwise cease to act as such, the City covenants that it will promptly appoint a competent and legally qualified national or state banking institution which shall be a corporation organized and doing business under the laws of the United States of America or of any state, authorized under such laws to exercise trust powers, subject to supervision or examination by federal o r st at e aut ho rit y, and who se qualificat io ns subst ant ially are simila r t o t he previo us Paying Agent /Regist rar t o act as Paying Agent /Regist rar under t his Ordinance. Upo n any change in t he Paying Agent /Regist rar, t he previo us Paying Agent /Regist rar pro mpt ly shall t ransfer and deliver t he Registration Books (or a copy thereof), along with all other pertinent books and records relating to t he Bo nds, t o t he new Paying Agent /Regist rar designat ed and ap p o int ed by t he Cit y. Upo n any change in t he Paying Agent /Regist rar, t he Cit y pro mpt ly will cause a writ t en no t ice t hereo f t o be sent by t he new P aying Ag ent /Reg ist r ar t o each r eg ist er ed o wner o f t he Bo nd s, b y U n it ed S t at es mail, first-class postage prepaid, which notice also shall give the address of the new Paying Agent/Regis- 120 -7- trar. By accepting the position and performing as such, each Paying Agent/Registrar shall be deemed t o have agreed t o t he p r o visio ns o f t his Ordinance, and a cert ified co py o f t his Ordinance shall be delivered to each Paying Agent/Registrar. 6. FORM OF BONDS. That the form of all Bonds, including the form of the Authentication Certificate, the form of Assignment, and the form of the Comptroller's Registration Certificate to accompany the Bonds on the initial delivery thereof, shall be, respectively, substantially in the form set forth in Exhibit A to this Ordinance, with such appropriate variations, omissions, or insertions as are permit t ed o r required by t his Ordinance. The print er o f t he Bo nds is hereby aut ho rized t o print on the Bonds (i) the form of bond counsel's opinion relating to the Bonds, and (ii) an appropriate st at ement o f insurance furnished by a municipal bo nd insurance co mpany pro viding municipal bo nd insurance, if any, covering all or any part of the Bonds. 7. LEVY OF TAX; INTEREST AND SINKING FUND. (a) That a special fund or account, t o be designat ed t he "Cit y o f Co llege St at io n, Texas Series 2009 General Obligat io n Impro vement Bo nds Int erest and Sinking Fund" (t he "Int erest and Sinking Fund") is her eby cr eat ed and shall be est ablished and maint ained at an o fficial depo sit o r y o f t he Cit y. T he I nt er est and Sinking Fund shall be kept separate and apart from all other funds and accounts of the City, and shall be used only for paying t he int erest o n and principal o f t he Bo nds. All ad valo rem t axes levied and co llect ed fo r and o n acco unt o f t he Bo nds shall be depo sit ed, as co llect ed, t o t he credit o f t he Int erest and Sinking Fund. Dur ing each year while any Bo nd is o u t st a nd ing a nd u np a id , t he Cit y Co u nc il o f t he Cit y sha ll co mput e and ascer t ain t he r at e and amo unt o f ad valo r em t ax, based o n t he lat est ap p r o ved t ax r o lls of the City, with full allowances being made for tax delinquencies and costs of tax collections, which will be sufficient to raise and produce the money required to pay the interest on the Bonds as such int erest co mes due, and t o pro vide a sinking fund t o pay t he principal (including mandat o ry sinking fund redemption payments, if any) of the Bonds as such principal matures, but never less than 2% of the outstanding principal amount of the Bonds as a sinking fund each year. Said rate and amount of ad valo rem t ax is hereby o rdered t o be levied and is hereby levied against all t axable pro pert y in t he Cit y fo r each year while any Bo nd is o ut st anding and unpaid, and said ad valo r em t ax shall be assessed and collected each such year and deposited to the credit of the Interest and Sinking Fund. Said ad valorem taxes necessary to pay the interest on and principal of the Bonds, as such interest co mes due, and such pr incipal mat ur es o r co mes due t hro ugh o perat io n o f t he mandat o ry sinking fund r edempt io n, if any, as pr o vided in t he FORM OF BOND, ar e her eby pledged fo r such pur po se, wit hin t he limit pr escr ibed by law. T her e shall be ap p r o p r iat ed fr o m t he Gener al Fu nd o f t he Cit y fo r d ep o sit into the Interest and Sinking Fund moneys as may be necessary to pay the principal and interest payments on the Bonds scheduled to occur on or before February 15, 2010. Money in the Interest and Sinking Fund, at the option of the City, may be invest ed in such securities or obligations as per mit t ed under applicable law and t he Cit y's invest ment po licy. Any secur it ies o r o blig at io ns in which money is so invested shall be kept and held in trust for the benefit of the owners of the Bonds and shall be sold and the proceeds of sale shall be timely applied to the making of all payments required t o be made fro m t he Int er est and Sinking Fund. Int erest and inco me derived fro m t he investment of money in the Interest and Sinking Fund shall be credited thereto. (b) Chapt er 1208, Texas Go vernment Co de, a p p lie s t o t he issuance o f t he Bo nds and t he 121 -8- pledge o f ad valo rem t axes made under t his Sect io n, and such pledge is t herefo re valid, effect ive, and perfected. If Texas law is amended at any time while the Bonds are outstanding and unpaid such that t he pledge o f ad valo r em t axes made by t he Cit y under t his Sect io n is t o be subject t o t he filing requirement s o f Chapt er 9 , T exas Business & Co mmerce Co de, t hen in o rder t o preserve t o t he registered owners of the Bonds the perfection of the security interest in said pledge, the City agrees to take such measures as it determines are reasonable and necessary under Texas law to comply with the applicable provisions of Chapter 9, Texas Business & Commerce Code and enable a filing to perfect the security interest in said pledge to occur. 8. DAMAGED, LOST, STOLEN OR DESTROYED BONDS. (a) That in t he event any o ut st and ing Bo nd is d amag ed , mut ilat ed , lo st , st o len, o r d est r o yed , t he P a ying Ag e nt /Re g ist r a r sha ll cause t o be print ed, execut ed, and delivered, a new Bo nd o f t he same principal amo unt , mat urit y, and interest rate, as the damaged, mutilated, lost, stolen, or destroyed Bond, in replacement for such Bond in the manner hereinafter provided. (b) Applicat io n fo r r eplacement o f damaged, mut ilat ed, lo st , st o len, o r d est r o yed Bo nd s shall be made t o t he Paying Agent /Regist rar. In every case o f lo ss, t heft , o r dest ruct io n o f a Bo nd, t he applicant for a replacement Bo nd shall furnish to the City and to the Paying Agent/Registrar such security or indemnity as may be required by them to save each of them harmless from any loss or damage wit h respect t heret o . Also , in every case o f lo ss, t heft , o r dest ruct io n o f a Bo nd , t he applicant shall furnish to the City and to the Paying Agent/Registrar evidence to their satisfaction of the loss, theft, or destruction of such Bond, as the case may be. In every case of damage or mut ilat io n o f a Bo nd, t he applicant shall surrender t o t he Paying Agent /Regist rar fo r cancellat io n t he Bond so damaged or mutilated. (c) No t wit hst anding t he fo r ego ing pr o visio ns o f t his Sect io n, in t he event any such Bo nd shall have matured, and no default has occurred which is then continuing in the payment of the principal o f, redempt io n premium, if any, o r int erest o n t he Bo nd, t he Cit y may aut ho rize t he payment o f t he same (without surrender thereof except in the case of a damaged or mutilated Bond) instead of issuing a r eplacement Bo nd, pr o vided secur it y o r inde mn it y is fu r nished as abo ve p r o vided in t his Sect io n. (d) Prior to the issuance of any replacement Bond, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall charge the owner of such Bond with all legal, printing, and other expenses in connection therewith. Every replacement Bo nd issued pursuant t o t he pro visio ns o f t his Sect io n by virt ue o f t he fact t hat any Bo nd is lo st , st o len, o r dest ro yed shall co nst it ut e a co nt ract ual o bligat io n o f t he Cit y whet her o r no t t he lo st , st o len, o r dest ro yed Bo nd shall be fo und at any t ime, o r be enfo rceable by anyo ne, and shall be entitled to all the benefits of this Ordinance equally and proportionately with any and all other Bonds duly issued under this Ordinance. (e) I n acco r danc e w it h Chapt er 1206, T exas Go ver nment Co de, t his Sect io n o f t his Ordinance shall constitute authority for the issuance of any such replacement Bond without necessity o f furt her act io n by t he go verning bo dy o f t he Cit y o r any o t her bo dy o r perso n, and t he dut y o f t he replacement of such bonds is hereby authorized and imposed upon the Paying Agent/Registrar, subject to the conditions imposed by this Section, and the Paying Agent/Registrar shall authenticate and deliver such Bo nds in t he fo r m and manner and wit h t he effe ct , as p r o vided in S ect io n 5 (d ) o f t his Ordinance for Bonds issued in exchange for other Bonds. 122 -9- 9. SUBMISSION OF PROCEEDINGS TO ATTORNEY GENERAL. That the Chief Financial Officer o f the City is hereby authorized to have control of the Bonds and all necessary reco rds and pro ceedings pert aining t o t he Bo nds pending t heir delivery and t heir invest ig at io n, examinat io n and appro val by t he At t o rney General o f t he St at e o f Texas, and t heir regist rat io n by t he Co mpt r o ller o f P ublic Acco unt s o f t he St at e o f T exas. Upo n r egist r at io n o f t he Bo nds, said Co mpt r o ller o f P ublic Acco unt s (o r a deput y designat ed in wr it ing t o act fo r said Co mpt r o ller ) shall manually sign t he Co mpt r o ller 's Regist r at io n Cer t ificat e acco mpanying t he Bo nds, and t he seal o f said Co mpt ro ller shall be impressed, o r placed in facsimile, o n each such cert ificat e. Aft er regist rat io n by said Comptroller, delivery of the Bonds shall be made to the representative for the purchasers named in Section 10 below under and subject to the general supervision and direction of the Chief Financial Officer, against receipt by the City of all amounts due to the City under the terms of sale. The City Council hereby authorizes the payment of the fee of the Office of the Attorney General of the State o f Texas fo r t he examinat io n o f t he pro ceedings relat ing t o t he issuance o f t he Bo nds, in t he amo unt determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 1202.004, Texas Government Code. 10. SALE OF BONDS. (a) That the sale of the Bonds to __________________________________, and syndicate members (the "Purchasers"), at a price of par and accrued int erest o n t he Bo nds t o t he dat e o f delivery, is hereby aut ho rized , r at ified and co nfirmed. It is hereby o ffic ia lly fo u nd , det ermined and declared t hat t he Bo nds were so ld t o t he highest bidder at terms that were the most advantageous reasonably obtained. Any accrued interest received from the sale of the Bonds shall be deposited to the Interest and Sinking Fund. (b) The Bo nds were so ld pursuant t o t he t erms o f a "No t ice o f Sale and Bidding Inst ruct io ns", "Official Bid Fo rm" and "Official St at ement ", t he use o f which do cument s, a t rue and co rrect co py o f each such do cument is at t ached heret o , is hereby appro ved. The use o f t he "Preliminary Official Statement" prepared in connection with the sale of the Bonds is hereby ratified. 11. FEDERAL TAX COVENANTS. That the Issuer covenants to take any action to assure, o r refrain fro m any act io n which wo uld adversely affect , t he t reat ment o f t he Bo nds as o bligat io ns described in section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Code"), the interest on which is not includable in the "gross income" of the holder for purposes of federal income taxation. In furtherance thereof, the Issuer covenants as follows: (a)to take any action to assure that no more than 10 percent of the proceeds of t he Bo nd s o r t he p r o ject s financed t her ewit h (le ss a mo u nt s d e p o sit e d t o a r e se r ve fu nd , if a ny) are used for any "private business use," as defined in section 141(b)(6) of the Code or, if more t han 10 percent o f t he pro ceeds are so used, t hat amo unt s, whet her o r no t received by t he Issuer, with respect to such private business use, do not, under the terms of this Ordinance or any underlying arrangement, directly or indirectly, secure or provide for the payment of more than 10 percent of the debt service on the Bonds, in contravention of section 141(b)(2) of the Code; (b)to take any action to assure that in the event that the "private business use" described in subsect io n (a) hereo f exceeds 5 percent o f t he pro c e e d s o f t he Bo nds o r t he projects financed therewith (less amounts deposited into a reserve fund, if any) then t he 123 -10- amount in excess of 5 percent is used for a "private business use" which is "related" and not "disproportionate," within the meaning of section 141(b)(3) of the Code, to the governmental use; (c)to take any action to assure that no amount which is greater than the lesser of $5,000,000, o r 5 percent o f t he pro ceeds o f t he Bo nds (less amo unt s depo sit ed int o a reserve fund, if any) is directly or indirectly used to finance loans to persons, other than state or local governmental units, in contravention of section 141(c) of the Code; (d)to refrain from taking any action which would otherwise result in the Bonds being treated as "private activity bonds" within the meaning of section 141(b) of the Code; (e)t o refrain fro m t aking any a c t io n t hat wo uld result in t he Bo nds being "federally guaranteed" within the meaning of section 149(b) of the Code; (f)t o r efr ain fr o m using any po r t io n o f t he pr o ceeds o f t he Bo nds, direct ly o r indi- rectly, to acquire or to replace funds which were used, directly or indirectly, to acquire invest ment pr o per t y (as defined in sect io n 148(b)(2) o f t he Co de) which pr o duces a mat er ially higher yield over the term of the Bonds, other than investment property acquired with -- (1)proceeds of the Bonds invested for a reasonable temporary period of t hr ee years o r less, unt il such pro ceeds are needed fo r t he purpo se fo r which t he bonds are issued, (2)amo unt s invest ed in a bo na fide debt service fund, wit hin t he meaning o f sect io n 1.148-1(b) o f t he Treasury Regulat io ns, and (3)amo unt s depo sit ed in any reaso nably requir ed r eser ve o r r eplacement fund to the extent such amounts do not exceed 10 percent of the proceeds o f t he Bonds; (g)to otherwise restrict the use of the proceeds of the Bonds or amounts treated as proceeds o f t he Bonds, as may be necessary, so that the Bonds do not otherwise co nt ravene t he requirement s o f sect io n 148 o f t he Co de (relat ing t o arbit rage) and, t o t he ext ent applicable, sect io n 149(d) o f t he Co de (relat ing t o advance refundings); and (h)to pay to the United States of America at least once during each five-year period (beginning on the date of delivery of the Bonds) an amount that is at least equal to 90 percent of the "Excess Earnings", within the meaning of section 148(f) of the Code and to pay t o t he Unit ed St at es o f Amer ica, no t lat er t han 60 days aft er t he Bo nd s have been p aid in fu ll, 100 percent of the amount t hen required to be paid as a result of Excess Earnings under section 148(f) of the Code. 124 -11- For purposes of the foregoing clauses (a) and (b) above, the Issuer understands that the term "proceeds" includes "disposition proceeds" as defined in the Treasury Regulations and, in the case of a refunding bond, transferred proceeds (if any) and proceeds of the refunded bonds expended prior to the date of the issuance of the Bonds. It is the understanding of the Issuer that the covenants contained herein are intended t o assure compliance with the Code and any regulations or rulings pro mulgat ed by t he U.S. Depart ment o f t he Treasury pursuant t heret o . In t he event t hat regulat io ns o r r ulings ar e her eaft er pr o mulgat ed which mo dify o r expand pr o visio ns o f t he Co de, as applicable to the Bonds, the Issuer will not be required to comply with any covenant contained herein t o t he extent that such failure to comply, in the opinion of nationally-recognized bond counsel, will not adversely affect the exemption from federal income taxation of interest on the Bonds under section 103 of the Code. In the event that regulations or rulings are hereafter promulgated which impose addit io nal requirement s which are applicable t o t he Bo nds, t he Issuer agrees t o co mply wit h t he addit io nal requirement s t o t he ext ent necessar y, in t he o pinio n o f nat io nally-r eco g nized bo nd co u nsel, to preserve the exemption from federal income taxation of interest on the Bonds under section 103 of the Code. In furtherance of the foregoing, the Mayor, the City Manager, any Assistant City Manager, and t he Chief Financial Officer may execut e any cert ificat es o r o t her repo rt s required by the Code and to make such elections, on behalf of the City, which may be permitted by the Code as are consistent with the purpose for the issuance of the Bonds. In o rder t o facilit at e co mpliance wit h t he abo ve clause (h), a "Rebat e Fund" is hereby est ablished by t he Cit y fo r t he so le benefit o f t he Unit ed St at es o f America, and such Rebat e Fund shall not be subject to t he claim o f any other person, including without limitation the registered owners of the Bonds. The Rebate Fund is established for the additional purpose of compliance with section 148 of the Code. 12. ALLOCATION OF, AND LIMITATION ON, EXPENDITURES FOR THE PROJECT. That the City covenants to account for on its books and records the expenditure of proceeds from t he sale o f t he Bo nds and any invest ment ear nings t her eo n t o be used fo r t he pur po ses descr ibed in Section 1 of this Ordinance (such purposes referred to herein and Section 13 hereof as a "Project") in accordance with the requirements of the Code. The City recognizes that in order for the proceeds to be considered used for the reimbursement of costs, the proceeds must be allocated to expenditures within 18 months of the later of the date that (a) the expenditure on a Project is made or (b) each such Project is completed; but in no event later than three years after the date on which the original expenditure is paid. The foregoing notwithstanding, the City recognizes that in order for proceeds to be expended under the Code, the sale proceeds or investment earnings must be expended no more t han 60 days aft er t he earlier o f (a) t he fift h anniversary o f t he dat e o f delivery o f t he Bo nds o r (b) t he dat e t he Bo nds are ret ired. The Cit y agrees t o o bt ain t he advice o f a nat io nally-reco gnized bo nd counsel if such expenditure fails to comply with the foregoing to assure that such expenditure will not adversely affect the tax-exempt status of the Bonds. For purposes of this Section, the City shall not be o bligat ed t o co mply wit h t his co venant if it o bt ains an o pinio n o f a nat io nally-reco gnized bo nd counsel to the effect that such failure to comply will not adversely affect the excludability for federal income tax purposes from gross income of the interest. 125 -12- 13. DISPOSITION OF PROJECT. That the City covenants that the property financed or refinanced with the proceeds of the Bonds will not be sold or otherwise disposed in a transaction resulting in the receipt by the City of cash or other compensation, unless the City obtains an opinion of a nationally-recognized bond counsel substantially to the effect that such sale or other disposition will not adversely affect the tax-exempt status of the Bonds. For purposes of this Section, the portion o f t he pr o per t y co mpr ising per so nal pr o per t y and dispo sed o f in t he o r dinar y co ur se o f business shall not be treated as a transaction resulting in the receipt of cash or other compensation. For purposes of this Section, the City shall not be obligated to comply with this covenant if it obtains an opinion o f a nat io nally-r eco gnized bo nd co unsel t o t he effect t hat such failur e t o co mply will no t ad ver sely affect the excludability for federal income tax purposes from gross income of the interest. 14. CONTINUING DISCLOSURE OBLIGATION. (a) Definitions. T hat as used in t his Section, the following terms have the meanings ascribed to such terms below: "MSRB" means the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. "Rule" means SEC Rule 15c2-12, as amended from time to time. "SEC" means t he Unit ed St at es Securit ies and Exchange Co mmissio n. (b) Annual Reports. (i) The City shall provide annually to the MSRB, in an electronic format as prescribed by the MSRB, wit hin six months after the end of each fiscal year ending in or after 2009, financial information and operating data with respect to the City of the general type included in the final Official Statement authorized by Section 10 of this Ordinance, being the information descr ibed in E xhibit B her et o . Any financial st at ement s so t o be pr o vid e d shall be (1) pr epar ed in acco rdance wit h t he acco unt ing principles described in Exhibit B heret o , o r such o t her acco unt ing principles as the City may be required to employ from time to time pursuant to state law or r egulat io n, and (2) audit ed, if t he Cit y co mmissio ns an audit o f such st at ement s and t he au d it is complet ed wit hin the period during which they must be provided. If the audit of such financial statements is not complete within such period, then the City shall provide unaudited financial statements by the required time, and shall provide audited financial statements for the applicable fiscal year to the MSRB, when and if the audit report on such statements become available. (ii) If the City changes its fiscal year, it will notify the MSRB of the change (and of the date of the new fiscal year end) prior to the next date by which the City otherwise would be required to provide financial information and operating data pursuant to this Section. The financial information and operating data to be provided pursuant to this Section may be set forth in full in one or more do cument s o r may be included by specific r efer ence t o any d o cu ment t hat is available t o t he p u blic on the MSRB's internet websit e or filed with the SEC. All documents provided to the MSRB pursuant to this Section shall be accompanied by identifying information as prescribed by the MSRB. (c) Material Event Notices. The City shall notify the MSRB in an electronic format as prescr ibed by t he MSRB, in a t imely manner, o f any o f t he fo llo wing event s wit h respect t o t he Bonds, if such event is material within the meaning of the federal securities laws: 1.Principal and interest payment delinquencies; 2.Non-payment related defaults; 126 -13- 3.Unscheduled draws on debt service reserves reflecting financial difficulties; 4.Unscheduled draws on credit enhancements reflecting financial difficulties; 5.Subst it ut io n o f cr edit o r liquidit y pr o vider s, o r t heir failur e t o per fo r m; 6.Adverse tax opinions or events affecting the tax-exempt status of the Bonds; 7.Modifications to rights of holders of the Bonds; 8.Bond calls; 9.Defeasances; 10.Release, substitution, or sale of property securing repayment of the Bonds; and 11.Rating changes. The City shall notify the MSRB, in a timely manner, of any failure by the City to provide financial information or operating data in accordance with subsection (b) of this Section by the time required by such subsection. (d) Limitations, Disclaimers, and Amendments. (i) The Cit y shall be o bligat ed t o o bserve and perform the covenants specified in this Section for so long as, but only for so long as, the City remains an "obligated person" with respect to the Bonds within the meaning of the Rule, except that the City in any event will give notice of any deposit made in accordance with this Ordinance or applicable law that causes Bonds no longer to be outstanding. (ii) The pro visio ns o f t his Sect io n are fo r t he so le benefit o f t he r egist ered o wners and beneficial o wner s o f t he Bo nds, and no t hing in t his Sect io n, expr ess o r implied, shall give any benefit or any legal or equitable right, remedy, or claim hereunder to any other person. The City undertakes t o pr o vide o nly t he financial info r mat io n, o per at ing dat a, financial st at ement s, and no t ices which it has expressly agreed to provide pursuant to this Section and does not hereby undertake to provide any o t her info rmat io n t hat may be relevant o r mat erial t o a co mplet e present at io n o f t he Cit y's financial result s, co ndit io n, o r pr o spect s o r her eby under t ake t o updat e any info r mat io n pr o vided in accordance with this Section or otherwise, except as expressly provided herein. The City does not make any representation or warranty concerning such information or its usefulness to a decision to invest in or sell Bonds at any future date. (iii) UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THE CITY BE LIABLE TO THE REGISTERED OWNER OR BENEFICIAL OWNER OF ANY BOND OR ANY OTHER PERSON, IN CONTRACT OR TORT, FOR DAMAGES RESULTING IN WHOLE OR IN PART FROM ANY BREACH BY THE CITY, WHETHER NEGLIGENT OR WITHOUT FAULT ON ITS PART, OF ANY COVENANT SPECIFIED IN THIS SECTION, BUT EVERY RIGHT AND REMEDY OF ANY SUCH PERSON, IN CONTRACT OR TORT, FOR OR ON ACCOUNT OF ANY SUCH BREACH SHALL BE LIMITED TO AN ACTION FOR MANDAMUS OR SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE. (iv) No default by t he Cit y in o bser ving o r p er fo r ming it s o bligat io ns u nd er t his S ect io n shall co mpr ise a br each o f o r default under t his O r dinance fo r pur po ses o f any o t her pr o visio n o f t his Ordinance. No t hing in t his Sect io n is int ended o r shall act t o disclaim, waive, o r o t herwise limit t he duties of the City under federal and state securities laws. 127 -14- (v) Should the Rule be amended to obligate the City to make filings with or provide notices to entities other than the MSRB, the City hereby agrees to undertake such obligation with respect to the Bonds in accordance with the Rule as amended. The provisions of this Section may be amended by the City from time to time to adapt to changed circumst ances that arise from a change in legal requirement s, a change in law, o r a change in t he ident it y, nat ure, st at us, o r t ype o f o perat io ns o f t he City, but only if (1) t he provisions of this Section, as so amended, would have permitted an underwrit er t o purchase o r sell Bo nds in t he primary o ffering o f t he Bo nds in co mpliance wit h t he Rule, t aking int o acco unt any amendment s o r int er p r et at io ns o f t he Ru le since su ch o ffe r ing as well as such changed circumstances and (2) either (a) the registered owners of a majority in aggregate principal amount (or any greater amount required by any o t her provision of this Ordinance that authorizes such an amendment) of the outstanding Bonds consent to such amendment or (b) a person that is unaffiliated with the City (such as nationally recognized bond counsel) determined that such amendment will not materially impair the interest of the registered owners and beneficial owners of the Bonds. If the City so amends the provisions of this Section, it shall include with any amended financial information or operating data next provided in accordance with subsection (b) of this Section an explanation, in narrative form, of the reason for the amendment and of the impact of any change in the type of financial information or operating data so provided. The City may also amend or repeal t he pr o visio ns o f t his co nt inuing disclo sur e agr eement if t he SE C amends o r r epeals t he applicable pr o visio n o f t he Rule o r a co ur t o f final jur isdict io n ent er s jud g ment t hat su ch p r o visio ns o f t he Ru le are invalid, but only if and to the extent that the provisions of this sent ence wo uld not prevent an underwriter from lawfully purchasing or selling Bonds in the primary offering of the Bonds. 15. DEFEASANCE. (a) Defeased Bonds. That any Bo nd and t he int erest t hereo n shall be deemed t o be paid, r et ired and no lo nger o ut st anding (a "Defeased Bo nd") wit hin t he meaning o f t his Ordinance, except t o t he ext ent p r o vid ed in subsect io n (d) o f t his Sect io n, when payment o f t he principal of such Bond, plus interest thereon to the due date (whether such due date be by reason of mat urit y o r o t herwise) eit her (i) shall have been made o r caused t o be made in acco rdance wit h t he t er ms t her eo f, o r (ii) shall have been pr o vided fo r o n o r befo r e suc h d u e d a t e by irr evo cably depositing with or making available to the Paying Agent/Registrar in accordance with an escrow agreement or other instrument (the "Future Escrow Agreement") for such payment (1) lawful money of the United States of America sufficient to make such payment or (2) Defeasance Securities that mat u r e as t o p r incip al and int er est in su c h a mo u nt s a nd a t su c h t ime s a s w ill insu r e t he a va ila bilit y, without reinvest ment , o f sufficient money to provide for such payment, and when proper arrangements have been made by the Issuer with the Paying Agent/Registrar for the payment of its ser vices unt il all Defeased Bo nds shall have beco me due and p ayable. At su ch t ime as a Bo nd shall be deemed t o be a Defeased Bo nd her eunder , as afo r esaid, such Bo nd and t he int er est t her eo n shall no longer be secured by, payable from, or entitled to the benefit s o f, t he ad valo rem t axes her ein levied and pledged as pr o vided in t his Or d inance , a n d su ch p r incipal and int er est shall be p ayable so lely fr o m such mo ney o r Defeasance Secur it ies. No t wit hst anding any o t her pr o visio n o f t his Ordinance to the contrary, it is hereby provided that any determination not to redeem Defeased Bonds t hat is made in co njunct io n wit h t he payment ar r angement s specified in su bsect io n 1 5 (a)(i) o r (ii) shall not be irrevocable, provided that: (1) in the proceedings providing for such payment arrangements, the Issuer expressly reserves the right to call the Defeased Bonds for redemption; (2) the Issuer gives 128 -15- no t ice o f t he reservat io n o f t hat right t o t he o wners o f t he Defeased Bo nds immediat ely fo llo wing t he making o f t he payment arrangement s; a nd (3 ) t he Issuer direct s t hat no t ice o f t he reservat io n be included in any redemption notices that it authorizes. (b)Investment in Defeasance Securities. Any mo neys so depo sit ed wit h t he Paying Agent/Registrar may at the written direction of the Issuer be invested in Defeasance Securities, maturing in the amounts and times as hereinbefore set forth, and all income from such Defeasance Securities received by the Paying Agent/Registrar that is not required for the payment of the Bonds and interest thereon, with respect to which such money has been so deposited, shall be turned over t o t he Issuer, o r depo sit ed as direct ed in writ ing by t he I ssuer. Any Fut ure Escro w Agreement pursuant to which the money and/o r Defeasance Securities are held for the payment of Defeased Bo nds may co nt ain pr o visio ns per mit t ing t he invest ment o r r einves t me n t o f s u ch mo neys in Defeasance Securit ies o r t he subst it ut io n o f o t her Defeasance Securit ies upo n t he sat isfact io n o f t he requirements specified in subsection 15(a)(i) o r (ii). All income from such Defeasance Securities received by the Paying Agent/Registrar which is not required for the payment of the Defeased Bonds, with respect to which such money has been so deposited, shall be remitted to the Issuer or deposited as directed in writing by the Issuer. (c)Defeasance Securities Defined. The term "Defeasance Securities" means (i) direct, no ncallable o bligat io ns o f t he Unit ed St at es o f Amer ica, including o bligat io ns t hat ar e unco ndit io nally guaranteed by the United States of America., (ii) noncallable obligations of an agency or inst r ument alit y o f t he Unit ed St at es o f Amer ica, including o bligat io ns t hat ar e unc o nd it io nally guaranteed or insured by the agency or instrumentality and that, on the date of the purchase thereof are rat ed as t o invest ment qualit y by a nat io nally reco gnized invest ment rat ing firm no t less t han AAA o r it s eq u ivalent , a nd (iii) no nc a lla ble o blig a t io ns o f a st a t e o r a n a g e nc y o r a c o u nt y, mu nic ip a lit y, o r o t her po lit ical subdivisio n o f a st at e t hat have been refunded and t hat , o n t he dat e o n t he dat e t he governing body of the Issuer adopts or approves the proceedings authorizing the financial arrangements are rated as to investment quality by a nationally recognized investment rating firm not less than AAA or its equivalent. (d)Paying Agent/Registrar Services. Until all Defeased Bonds shall have become due and payable, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall perform the services of Paying Agent/Registrar for such Defeased Bonds the same as if they had not been defeased, and the Issuer shall make proper arrangements to provide and pay for such services as required by this Ordinance. (e)Selection of Bonds for Defeasance. In the event that the Issuer elects to defease less than all of the principal amount of Bonds of a maturity, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall select, or cause to be selected, such amount of Bonds by such random method as it deems fair and appropriate. 16. BOOK-ENTRY ONLY SYSTEM. That the Bonds initially shall be issued and delivered in such manner t hat no physical d ist r ibut io n o f t he Bo nds will be made t o t he public, and The Depo sit o ry Trust Co mpany ("DTC"), New Yo rk, New Yo rk, init ially will act as depo sit o ry fo r t he Bonds. DTC has represented that it is a limited purpose trust company incorporated under the laws o f t he St at e o f New Yo r k, a member o f t he Feder al Reser ve Syst em, a "clear ing co r p o r at io n" wit hin the meaning of the New York Uniform Commercial Code, and a "clearing agency" registered under 129 -16- Section 17A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the City accepts, but in no way ver ifies, such r epr esent at io ns. T he Bo nds init ially aut ho r ized by t his Or dinance int ended t o be held by DTC shall be delivered to and registered in the name of CEDE & CO., the nominee of DTC. It is expect ed t hat DTC will ho ld t he Bo nds o n behalf o f t he Purchasers (as defined in Sect io n 10) and t heir part icipant s. So lo ng as each Bo nd is reg ist ered in t he name o f CEDE & CO., t he Paying Agent /Regist rar shall t reat and deal wit h DTC t he same in a ll r e sp e ct s as if it were t he act ual and beneficial o wner t her eo f. I t is expect ed t hat DT C w ill ma int ain a bo o k-ent r y syst em which will ident ify o wnership o f t he Bo nds in int egral amo unt s o f $5,000, wit h t ransfers o f o wnership being effect ed o n t he reco rds o f DTC and it s part icipant s pursuant t o rules and regulat io ns est ablished by them, and that the Bonds initially deposited with DTC shall be immobilized and not be further exchanged fo r subst it ut e Bo nds except as her einaft er pr o vided . T he Cit y is no t r esp o nsible o r liable for any functions of DTC, will not be responsible for paying any fees or charges with respect to its services, will not be responsible or liable for maintaining, supervising, or reviewing the records of DTC or its participants, or protecting any interests or rights of the beneficial owners of the Bonds. It shall be the duty of the DTC Participants, as defined in the Official Statement herein approved, to make all arrangement s wit h DTC t o est ablish t his bo o k-ent ry syst em, t he beneficial o wnership o f t he Bonds, and the method of paying the fees and charges of DTC. The City does not represent, nor do es it in any way co venant t hat t he init ial bo o k-ent ry syst em est ablished wit h DTC will be maintained in the future. Notwithstanding the initial establishment of the foregoing book-entry syst em wit h DTC, if fo r any reaso n any o f t he o riginally delivered Bo nds is duly filed wit h t he Paying Agent/Registrar with proper request for transfer and substitution, as provided for in this Ordinance, substitute Bonds will be duly delivered as provided in this Ordinance, and there will be no assurance or representation that any book-entry system will be maintained for such Bonds. In connection with the initial establishment of the foregoing book-entry system with DTC, the City heretofore has executed a "Blanket Letter of Representations" prepared by DTC in order to implement the book- entry system described above. 17. DEFAULT AND REMEDIES. (a) Events of Default. Each o f t he fo llo wing occurrences or events for the purpose of this Ordinance is hereby declared to be an Event of Default: (i) the failure to make payment of the principal of or interest o n any o f t he Bonds when the same becomes due and payable; or (ii) default in the performance or observance of any other covenant, agreement or obligation of the City, the failure to perform which materially, adversely affects the rights of the Registered owners of the Bonds, including, but not limited to, their prospect or ability to be repaid in accordance with this Ordinance, and the continuation thereof for a period of 60 d ays aft er no t ic e o f s u c h d e fa u lt is g ive n by a ny Re g ist e r e d o w ne r t o t he Cit y. (b) Remedies for Default. (i) Upo n t he happening o f any Event o f Default , t hen and in every case, any Registered owner or an authorized representative thereof, including, but not limited to, a trustee or trustees therefor, may proceed against the City, or any official, officer or employee 130 -17- of the City in their official capacity, for the purpose of protecting and enforcing the rights of the Registered owners under this Ordinance, by mandamus or other suit, action or special proceeding in equity or at law, in any court of competent jurisdiction, for any relief permitted by law, including t he specific perfo rmance o f any co venant o r agreement co nt ained herein, o r t hereby t o enjo in any act o r t hing t hat may be unlawful o r in vio lat io n o f any right o f t he Registered owners hereunder or any combination of such remedies. (ii) It is pro vided t hat all such pro ceedings shall be inst it ut ed and maint ained fo r t he equal benefit of all Registered owners of Bonds then outstanding. (c) Remedies Not Exclusive. (i) No remedy herein conferred or reserved is intended to be exclusive of any other available r emedy o r r emedies, but each and ever y such r emedy shall be cumulat ive and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or under the Bonds or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity; provided, however, that notwithstanding any other provision of t his Or dinance, t he r ight t o acceler at e t he debt evidenced by t he Bo nds shall no t be available as a remedy under this Ordinance. (ii) The exercise of any remedy herein conferred or reserved shall not be deemed a waiver o f a ny o t her availa ble r emed y. (iii) By accepting the delivery o f a Bond authorized under this Ordinance, such registered owner agrees that the certifications required to effectuate any covenants or representations contained in this Ordinance do not and shall never constitute or give rise to a perso nal o r pecuniary liabilit y o r charge against t he o fficers, emplo yees o r t rust ees o f t he Cit y o r t he Cit y Co uncil. (iv) None of the members of the City Council, nor any other official or officer, agent, o r emplo yee o f t he Cit y, shall be charged perso nally by t he Regist ered o wners wit h any liability, or be held personally liable to the Registered owners under any term or provision of t his Or dinance, o r becau se o f any E vent o f D e fa u lt o r a lleg e d E ve nt o f D e fa u lt u nd e r t his Ordinance. 18. OFFICIALS AUTHORIZED TO ACT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. That the Mayor, the City Secretary, the City Manager, any Assistant City Manager or the Chief Financial Officer of the City, and all other officers, employees, and agents of the City, and each of them, shall be and they are hereby expressly authorized, empowered, and directed from time to time and at any time to do and perform all such acts and things and to execute, acknowledge, and deliver in the name and under t he seal and o n behalf o f t he Cit y all such inst rument s, whet her o r no t herein ment io ned, as may be necessary or desirable in order to carry out the terms and provisions of this Ordinance, the Bonds, t he o ffering do cument s p r ep ar ed in co nnect io n wit h t he sale o f t he Bo nds, o r t he Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement. In case any officer whose signature appears on any Bond shall cease 131 -18- t o be such o fficer befo re t he delivery o f such Bo nd, such signat ur e shall neve r t he le s s be valid and sufficient for all purposes the same as if he or she had remained in office until such delivery. 19. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. (a) Titles Not Restrictive. That the titles assigned to the various sections of this Ordinance are for convenience o nly and shall not be considered restrictive of the subject matter of any section or of any part of this Ordinance. (b) Rules of Construction. The words "herein", "hereof" and "hereunder" and other words of similar import refer to this Ordinance as a whole and not to any particular Section or other subdivision. Except where the context otherwise requires, terms defined in this Ordinance to impart the singular number shall be considered to include the plural number and vice versa. References to any named per so n means t hat par t y and it s successo r s and assigns. Refer ence s t o a ny co nst it u t io na l, st at ut o r y o r r egulat o r y p r o visio n means such pr o visio n as it exist s o n t he dat e t his Or dinance is ado pt ed by t he Cit y and any fut ure amendment s t heret o o r successo r p r o vis io ns t hereo f. Any reference t o t he payment o f principal in t his Ordinance shall be deemed t o include t he payment o f any mandatory sinking fund redemption payments as may be described herein. References to the FORM OF BOND in this Ordinance refer to the FORM OF BOND set forth in Exhibit A to this Ordinance. (c) Inconsistent Provisions. All orders and resolutions, or parts thereof, which are in conflict o r inco nsist ent wit h any pro visio n o f t his Ordinance are her eby r epealed and declared t o be inapplicable, and the provisions of this Ordinance shall be and remain controlling as to the matters prescribed herein. (d) Severability. If any word, phrase, clause, paragraph, sentence, part, portion, or provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall be held to be invalid, the remainder of this Ordinance shall nevert heless be valid and t he Cit y hereby declares t hat t his Ordinance would have been enacted without such invalid word, phrase, clause, paragraph, sentence, part, portion, or provisions. (e) Governing Law. This Ordinance shall be co nst rued and enfo rced in acco rdance wit h t he laws of the State of Texas. (f) Open Meeting. T he Cit y o fficially finds and det er mines t ha t t he meet ing at which t his Ordinance is adopted was open t o t he public; and t hat public no t ice o f t he t ime, place, and purpo se of such meeting was given, all as required by Chapter 551, Texas Government Code. (g) Immediate Effect. In accordance with the provisions of Section 1201.028, Texas Government Code, this Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its adoption by the City Co uncil. [Execution page follows.] 132 -19- PASSED AND APPROVED this July 9, 2009. __________________________________________________________ City Secretary, Mayor City of College Station, Texas City of College Station, Texas (CITY SEAL) APPROVED: McCall, Parkhurst & Horton L.L.P. Bond Counsel ____________________________ 133 EXHIBIT A FORM OF BOND N O . ____$_______ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 2009 MATURITY DATE INTEREST RATE ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE CUSIP % July 15, 2009 ON THE MATURITY DATE SPECIFIED ABOVE, THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS (the "Issuer"), a home-rule municipality located Brazos County, Texas, hereby promises to pay to ______________________________ o r t o t he regist ered assignee her eo f (eit her being hereinaft er called t he "regist ered o wner") t he principal amo unt o f: _______________________________ DOLLARS and to pay interest thereon, from the Original Issue Date specified above, to the maturity date specified above, or the date of its redemption prior to scheduled maturity, at the rate of interest per annum specified above, with said interest being payable on February 15, 2010, and semiannually on each August 15 and February 15 thereafter; except that if the Paying Agent/Registrar's Authentication Cer t ificat e appear ing o n t he face o f t his Bo nd is dat ed lat er t han Febr u ar y 15 , 2 0 1 0 , su ch int er est is payable semiannually on each August 15 and February 15 following such date. THE PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON t his Bo nd are payable in lawful mo ney o f t he Unit ed St at es o f Amer ica, wit ho ut exchange o r co llect io n char ges. T he pr incipal o f t his Bo nd shall be paid to the registered owner hereof upon presentation and surrender of this Bond at maturity or redemption prior to maturity at the designated corporate trust office in Dallas, Texas (the "Designated Payment /Transfer Office"), o f The Bank o f New Yo rk Mello n Trust Co mpany, N.A., which is t he "Paying Agent /Regist rar" fo r t his Bo nd. The payment o f int erest o n t his Bo nd shall be made by t he Paying Agent /Regist rar t o t he regist ered o wner hereo f as sho wn by t he Regist rat io n Bo o ks kept by t he Paying Agent /Regist rar at t he clo se o f business o n t he last business day o f t he mo nt h next preceding such int erest payment dat e by check, dat ed as o f such int erest payment dat e, drawn by t he Paying Ag e nt /Regist r ar o n, and payable so lely fro m, funds o f t he I ssuer r eq u ir ed t o be o n d ep o sit wit h t he Paying Agent /Regist rar fo r such purpo se as hereinaft er pro vided; and such check shall be sent by the Paying Agent/Registrar by United States mail, first-class postage prepaid, on each such interest payment date, to the registered owner hereof at its address as it appears on the Registration Books kept by the Paying Agent/Registrar, as hereinafter described. Any accrued int erest due at mat urit y o r upo n redempt io n o f t his Bo nd prio r t o mat urit y as pro vided herein shall be paid t o t he regist ered o wner upo n present at io n and surrender o f t his Bo nd fo r redempt io n and payment at t he 134 Designat ed Payment /Transfer Office o f t he Paying Agent /Regist rar. The Issuer co venant s wit h t he registered owner of this Bond that no later than each principal payment and/or interest payment date fo r t his Bo nd it will make available t o t he Paying Agent /Regist rar fro m t he Int erest and Sinking Fund as defined by the ordinance authorizing the Bonds (the "Ordinance") the amounts required to provide for the payment, in immediately available funds, of all principal of and interest on the Bonds, when due. IN THE EVENT OF A NON-PAYMENT of interest on a scheduled payment date, and for 30 days t hereaft er, a new reco rd dat e fo r such int erest payment (a "Special Reco rd Dat e") will be est ablished by t he Paying Agent /Regist rar, if and when funds fo r t he payment o f such int erest have been received from the Issuer. Notice of the Special Record Date and of the scheduled payment date of the past due interest ("Special Payment Date", which shall be 15 days after the Special Record Dat e) shall be sent at least five bu siness d ays p r io r t o t he S p ecial Reco r d Dat e by Unit ed S t at es mail, first -class po st age prepaid, t o t he address o f each regist ered o wne r o f a Bo nd appearing o n t he regist rat io n bo o ks o f t he Paying Agent /Regist rar at t he clo se o f business o n t he last business day next preceding the date of mailing of such notice. I F T HE DAT E fo r t he p ayment o f t he p r incip al o f o r int e r e st o n t his Bo nd sha ll be a S a t u r d a y, Sunday, a legal holiday, or a day on which banking institutio ns in t he city where the Designated Payment /Transfer Office o f t he Paying Agent /Regist rar is lo cat ed are aut ho rized by law o r execut ive o rder t o clo se, t hen t he dat e fo r such payment shall be t he next succeeding day which is no t such a Sat urday, S unday, legal ho liday, o r day o n which banking inst it ut io ns are aut ho rized t o clo se; and payment o n such dat e shall have t he same fo rce and effect as if made o n t he o riginal dat e payment was due. No t wit hst anding t he fo r e g o ing , dur ing any per io d in which o wner ship o f t he Bo nds is det ermined o nly by a bo o k ent ry at a securit ies depo sit o ry fo r t he Bo nds, any payment t o t he securit ies depo sit o ry, o r it s no minee o r regist ered assigns, shall be made in acco rdance wit h exist ing ar r ang ement s bet ween t he I ssu er and t he secu r it ies d ep o sit o r y. THIS BOND is one of a Series of Bonds of like tenor and effect except as to number, principal amo unt , int erest rat e, mat urit y and o pt io n o f redempt io n, aut ho rized in acco rdance wit h t he Co nst it ut io n and laws o f t he St at e o f Texas in t he principal amo unt o f $3,335,000, fo r t he fo llo wing purposes, to-wit: ((i) construction and acquisition of street and transportation improvements t hro ugho ut t he Cit y including, wit ho ut limit at io n, t raffic signals and co nt ro l syst ems, sidewalks and pedestrian improvements, (ii) construction and improvements of hike and bike trails, (iii) construction of improvements for parks, park facilities and other recreational purposes, (iv) construction of a new City fire station; and (v) paying the costs of issuance of the Bonds. ON FEBRUARY 15, 2019, or on any date thereafter, the Bonds of this Series maturing on February 15, 2020 and thereafter may be redeemed prior to their scheduled maturities, at the option o f t he Issuer, in who le, o r in part , at par and accrued int erest t o t he dat e fixed fo r redempt io n. The years of maturity of the Bonds called for redemption at the option of the City prior to stated maturity shall be select ed by t he Cit y. The Bo nds o r p o r t io ns t hereo f redeemed wit hin a mat urit y shall be selected by lot or other met hod by t he P aying Agent /Regist rar; provided, t ha t d u r ing a ny p e r io d in which o wnership o f t he Bo nds is det ermined o nly by a bo o k ent ry at a securit ies depo sit o ry fo r t he Bonds, if fewer than all of the Bonds of the same maturity and bearing the same interest rate are to be redeemed, the particular Bonds of such maturity and bearing such interest rate shall be selected in accordance with the arrangements between the Issuer and the securities depository. AT LEAST 30 days prior to the date fixed for any such redemption a written notice of such 135 redemption shall be given to the registered owner of each Bond or a portion thereof being called for redemption by depositing such notice in the United States mail, first-class postage prepaid, addressed t o each such regist ered o wner at his address sho wn o n t he Regist rat io n Bo o ks o f t he Paying Agent/Registrar. By the date fixed for any such redemption due provision shall be made by the Issuer with the Paying Agent/Registrar for the payment of the required redemption price for this Bond or the portion hereof which is to be so redeemed, plus accrued interest thereon to the date fixed for redemption. If such notice of redemption is given, and if due provision for such payment is made, all as provided above, this Bond, or the portion hereof which is to be so redeemed, thereby auto- matically shall be redeemed prior to its scheduled maturity, and shall not bear interest after the date fixed fo r it s redempt io n, and shall no t be regarded as being o ut st anding except fo r t he right o f t he registered owner to receive the redemption price plus accrued interest to the date fixed for redempt io n fro m t he Paying Agent /Regist rar o ut o f t he funds pro vided fo r such payment . The Paying Agent /Regist rar shall reco rd in t he Regist rat io n Bo o ks all such redempt io ns o f principal o f t his Bo nd o r any po rt io n hereo f. If a po rt io n o f any Bo nd shall be redeemed a subst it ut e Bo nd o r Bo nds having t he same mat ur it y dat e, bear ing int er est at t he same r at e, in any deno minat io n o r deno minat io ns in any integral multiple of $5,000, at the written request of the registered owner, and in aggregate principal amount equal to the unredeemed portion thereof, will be issued to the registered owner upon the surrender thereof for cancellation, at the expense of the Issuer, all as provided in the Ordinance. ALL BONDS OF THIS SERIES are issuable solely as fully registered bonds, without interest co upo ns, in t he deno minat io n o f any int egr al mult iple o f $5,000. As p r o vided in t he Or d inance, t his Bond, or any unredeemed portion hereof, may, at the request of the registered owner or the assignee or assignees hereof, be assigned, transferred, and exchanged for a like aggregate principal amount of fully registered bonds, without interest coupons, payable to the appropriate registered owner, assignee, o r assignees, as t he case may be, having t he same mat urit y dat e, and bearing int erest at t he same r at e, in any deno minat io n o r deno minat io ns in any int egr al mult iple o f $5,000 as r equest ed in writing by the appropriate registered owner, assignee, or assignees, as the case may be, upon surrender of this Bond to the Paying Agent/Registrar at its Designated Payment/Transfer Office for cancellation, all in accordance with the form and procedures set forth in the Ordinance. Among other requirement s fo r such assignment and t ransfer, t his Bo nd must be present ed and surrendered t o t he Paying Agent/Registrar, together with proper instruments of assignment, in form and with guarantee o f signat ures sat isfact o ry t o t he Paying Agent /Regist rar, evidencing assignment o f t his Bo nd o r any portion or portions hereof in any integral multiple of $5,000 to the assignee or assignees in whose name o r names t his Bo nd o r any such po r t io n o r po rt io ns hereo f is o r are t o be t ransferred and regist ered. The fo rm o f Assignment print ed o r endo rsed o n t his Bo nd may be execut ed by t he registered owner to evidence the assignment hereof, but such method is not exclusive, and other inst rument s o f assignment sat isfact o ry t o t he Paying Agent /Regist rar may be used t o evidence t he assignment of this Bond or any portion or portions hereof from time to time by the registered owner. The one requesting such exchange shall pay the Paying Agent/Registrar's reasonable standard or cust o mary fees and charges fo r exchanging any Bo nd o r po rt io n t he reo f. The fo rego ing notwithstanding, in the case of the exchange of a portion of a Bond which has been redeemed prior t o mat urit y, as pro vided herein, and in t he case o f t he exchange o f an assigned and t ransferred Bo nd o r Bo nd s o r a ny p o r t io n o r p o r t io ns t he r e o f, su c h fe e s a nd c ha r g e s o f t he P a ying Ag e nt /R e g ist r a r w ill be paid by t he I ssu er . I n a ny c ir c u mst a nc e , ne it he r t he I ssu e r no r t he P a ying Ag e nt /Re g ist r a r sha ll be required (1) to make any transfer or exchange during a perio d beginning at t he o pening o f business 30 days before the day of the first mailing of a notice of redemption of Bonds and ending at the close of business on the day of such mailing, or (2) to transfer or exchange any Bonds so selected for redemption when such redemption is scheduled to occur within 30 calendar days. 136 WHENEVER the beneficial ownership of this Bond is determined by a book entry at a securit ies depo sit o ry fo r t he Bo nds, t he fo rego ing requirement s o f ho lding, delivering o r t ransferring this Bond shall be modified to require the appropriate person or entity to meet the requirements of the securities depository as to registering or transferring the book entry to produce the same effect. IN THE EVENT any Paying Agent/Registrar for the Bonds is changed by the Issuer, resigns, o r o t her wise ceases t o act as su ch, t he I ssu er has co venant ed in t he Or d inance t hat it p r o mpt ly will appoint a competent and legally qualified substitute therefor, and promptly will cause written notice thereof to be mailed to the registered owners of the Bonds. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that the issuance of this Bond, and the series o f which it is a part , is duly aut ho rized by law; t hat all act s, co ndit io ns and t hings required t o be do ne precedent t o and in t he issuance o f t his series o f bo nds, and o f t his Bo nd, have been pro perly do ne and performed and have happened in regular and due time, form and manner as required by law; that sufficient and pro per pro visio n fo r t he levy and co llect io n o f ad valo rem t axes has been made, which, when collected, shall be appropriated exclusively to the payment of this Bond and the series of which it is a part; and that the total indebtedness of the City of College Station, Texas, including the entire series o f bo nds o f which t his is o ne, do es no t exceed any co nst it ut io nal o r st at ut o ry limit at io n. BY BECOMING t he regist ered o wner o f t his Bo nd, t he regist ered o wner t hereby ackno wledges all o f t he t erms and pro visio ns o f t he Ordinance, agrees t o be bo und by such t erms and pro visio ns, ackno wledges t hat t he Ordinance is duly reco rded and available fo r inspect io n in t he o fficial minut es and reco rds o f t he go verning bo dy o f t he Issuer, and agrees t hat t he t erms and provisions of this Bond and the Ordinance constitute a contract between each registered owner hereof and the Issuer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City has caused this Bond to be signed by the manual or facsimile signature of the Mayor of the City and countersigned by the manual or facsimile signature of the City Secretary of the City, has caused the official seal of the City to be duly impressed, or placed in facsimile, on this Bond. xxxxx xxxxx City Secretary, City of College Station, Texas Mayor, City of College Station, Texas (SEAL) 137 FORM OF PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR'S AUTHENTICATION CERTIFICATE: PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR'S AUTHENTICATION CERTIFICATE It is hereby certified that this Bond has been issued under the provisions of the proceedings ado pt ed by t he I ssuer as descr ibed in t he t ext o f t his Bo nd; and t hat t his Bo nd has been issued in conversion of and exchange for or replacement of a bond, bonds, or a portion of a bond or bonds of an issue which originally was approved by the Attorney General of the State of Texas and registered by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas. Dated:The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., Paying Agent/Registrar By________________________________ Aut ho rized Represent at ive 138 FORM OF COMPTROLLER'S CERTIFICATE (ATTACHED TO THE BONDS UPON INITIAL DELIVERY THEREOF): OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER : REGISTER NO. __________ STATE OF TEXAS : I hereby cert ify t hat t his Bo nd has been examined, cert ified as t o validit y, and appro ved by the Attorney General of the State of Texas, and that this Bond has been registered by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas. WITNESS MY HAND and seal of office at Austin, Texas this ___________________. ___________________________________ Comptroller of Public Accounts of (SEAL) the State of Texas NOT E :* t o acco mp any init ial Bo nd s o nly 139 FORM OF ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENT For value received, the undersigned hereby sells, assigns and transfers unto: _____________________________________________________________ Please insert Social Security or Taxpayer Identification Number of Transferee _____________________________________________________________ Please print or type name and address, including zip code of Transferee the within Bond and all rights thereunder, and hereby irrevocably constitutes and appoints: ____________________________________, at t o rney, t o regist er t he t ransfer o f t he wit hin Bo nd on the books kept for registration thereof, with full power of substitution in the premises. Dated: __________________. Signature Guaranteed: NOTICE: Signature(s) must be guaranteed by an eligible guarant o r inst it ut io n part icipat ing in a securit ies transfer association recognized signat ur e guar ant ee pr o gr am. NOTICE: The signat ure abo ve must co rrespo nd wit h t he name o f t he r e g ist e r e d o w ne r a s it appears upon the front of this Bond in every particular, without alteration or enlargement or any change whatsoever. The print er o f t he Bo nds is hereby aut ho rized t o print o n t he Bo nds (i) t he fo rm o f bo nd co unsel's opinion relating to the Bonds, and (ii) an appropriate statement of insurance furnished by a municipal bo nd insurance co mpany pro viding municipal bo nd insurance, if any, co vering all o r any part o f t he Bonds. 140 EXHIBIT B DESCRIPTION OF ANNUAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION The following information is referred to in Section 14 of this Ordinance. Annual Financial Statements and Operating Data T he financial info r mat io n and o p er at ing d at a wit h r esp e c t t o t he Cit y t o be p r o vid e d a nnu a lly in acco rdance wit h such Sect io n are as specified belo w (and included in t he Appendix o r under t he headings of the Official Statement referred to): 1. The "Audit Report" for the most recently concluded fiscal year. 2. The information included in the Official Statement under the following captions, but for the most recently concluded fiscal year: Tables 1 through 6, 8 through 14, and 20, and Appendix B. Accounting Principles The accounting principles referred to in such Section are the accounting principles described in the notes to the financial statements referred to in paragraph 1 described above, as such principles may be changed fro m t ime t o t ime t o co mply wit h st at e law o r regulat io n. 141 July 9, 2009 Regular Agenda Item No. 8 Exception to Policy for Sewer Service to Mr. Thomas and Ms. Palasota To: Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Dave Coleman, Director, Water Services Department Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion to approve a resolution providing an exception to Policy to allow Mr. Thomas and Ms. Palasota to construct sewer infrastructure necessary to connect their homes to the City sewer system. Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approve this resolution. Summary: Mr. Thomas and Ms. Palasota have each requested the City provide sewer service to their homes, which are located along Cheyenne Drive, which is in the area of Wellborn Road and Capstone Drive. These are existing single family homes, and the sites are not being developed. Their letters, with maps, are attached. Their homes are outside the City’s current certificated area for sewer, but are within the City’s extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ). The area is presently not certificated and the City has the legal right to provide this sewer service. The home owners will bear all construction cost for infrastructure to connect to the City system. The Water Services Department has recently taken ownership of a sewer line in this area, which is suitable and has adequate capacity for these homes to be connected. Both of these home owners provided easements to the City for the sewer line to be constructed, with the expectation that they would be allowed to tie onto the sewer line. Mr. Thomas signed a non-annexation agreement for a portion of his property, to allow the City to annex the property being developed, adjacent to his property. Neither Mr. Thomas nor Ms. Palasota have plans to develop their properties, but if those plans change, then the City can pursue annexation. City Policy states that the City may provide sewer service outside the City limits or the City’s sewer certificated area, only in certain situations. Since the City does not hold the CCN for this area, an exception to Policy is required. Exceptions are allowed for three cases, one of which is for health and safety reasons. The health and safety of all the area residents are much better served by having these homes connected to the City sewer system, rather than on-site sewage facilities that spray treated effluent. On this basis, staff recommends approval of these requests for an exception to City Policy. Budget & Financial Summary: City funds are not required. Attachments: Letters Resolution 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 July 9, 2009 Regular Agenda Item No. 9 Appointment of citizens to various Boards and Committees To: Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Connie Hooks, City Secretary Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Council selection of applicants to various Boards and Committees. Cemetery Committee Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals Historic Preservation Committee Parks and Recreation Board Planning and Zoning Commission Zoning Board of Adjustments Attachments: Notebook of Citizen Committee applications provided prior to meeting. 150 o:council/citizencommittees/2009 citizen committee/council committee list 2009 1 Council Appointed Representatives The following individuals are appointed by the City Council to represent the City of College Station on joint committees with other governmental agencies and community groups. Arts Council of the Brazos Valley (College Station Representatives) Tom Wilkinson Appointed 8/07 Reappointed till 10 John Happ Appointed 8/07 Reappointed till 10 Lynn McIlhaney Appointed 8/07 Reappointed 7/08 Audit Committee Larry Stewart (Chair) Appointed 7/08 James Massey Appointed 7/08 Lynn McIlhaney (vacant) Appointed 7/08 Brazos County Health Department Lynn McIlhaney (vacant) Appointed 6/06 Reappointed 7/08 Ben White Appointed 6/06 Reappointed 7/08 Brazos Valley Council of Governments Board of Directors Mayor Ben White B/CS Metropolitan Planning Organization Mayor Ben White BVSWMA Policy Advisory Board Lynn McIlhaney vacant Mayor Ben White Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee Dennis Maloney Appointed 7/08 Larry Stewart (Alternate) Appointed 7/08 Convention and Visitors Bureau Stephen Moore Scott Shafer vacant Dave Ruesink (Council Rep) Reappointed 7/08 151 o:council/citizencommittees/2009 citizen committee/council committee list 2009 2 Council committee list Page 2 Intergovernmental Committee James Massey (Chair) Appointed 8/07 Reappointed 7/08 Dave Ruesink Appointed 8/07 Reappointed 7/08 Larry Stewart Appointed 7/08 Research Valley Partnership Ben White Appointed 7/08 Dave Ruesink (alternate) Appointed 7/08 Sister Cities Association Dave Ruesink Appointed 8/06 Reappointed 7/08 Transportation Committee Lynn McIlhaney (Chair) vacant Appointed 8/06 Reappointed 7/08 John Crompton Appointed 7/08 Dennis Maloney Appointed 7/08 MPO Linda LaSuit Created position 7/05 TTI Dennis Christianson Created position 7/05 BVCOG Michael Parker Created position 7/05 TxDot Bryan Woods Created position 7/05 Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee Dennis Maloney Appointed 7/08 James Massey Appointed 7/08 Larry Stewart (Alternate) Appointed 7/08 City/CSISD Subcommittee 152