HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/23/2009 - Regular Agenda Packet - City CouncilMayor Ben White Mayor Pro Tem Dave Ruesink City Manager Glenn Brown Council members John Crompton James Massey Dennis Maloney Katy-Marie Lyles Lawrence Stewart Agenda College Station City Council Regular Meeting Monday, November 23,2009 at 7:00 PM City Hall Council Chamber, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 1. Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, Consider absence request. Presentation of Brazos Boot Award from City of Bryan, Mayor Mark Conlee. Recognition of Brazos Valley Worldfest by Secretary of State. Hear Visitors: A citizen may address the City Council on any item which does not appear on the posted Agenda. Registration forms are available in the lobby and at the desk of the City Secretary. This form should be completed and delivered to the City Secretary by 6:30 pm. Please limit remarks to three minutes. A timer alarm will sound after 2 1/2 minutes to signal thirty seconds remaining to conclude your remarks. The City Council will receive the information, ask staff to look into the matter, or place the issue on a future agenda. Topics of operational concerns shall be directed to the City Manager. Consent Agenda Individuals who wish to address the City Council on a consent or regular agenda item not posted as a public hearing shall register with the City Secretary prior to the Mayor's reading of the agenda item. Registration forms are available in the lobby and at the desk of the City Secretary. The Mayor will recognize individuals who wish to come forward to speak for or against the item. The speaker will state their name and address for the record and allowed three minutes. A timer will sound at 2 1/2 minutes to signal thirty seconds remaining for remarks. 2. Presentation, possible action and discussion of consent agenda items which consists of ministerial or "housekeeping" items required by law. Items may be removed from the consent agenda by majority vote of the Council. a. Presentation, possible action, and discussion of minutes for City Council Special Meeting, November 11, 2009. b.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding adoption of 2010 Council Meeting Calendar. c. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding approval of a resolution awarding a construction contract, Bid No. 10-06 to Thedford Construction Company Inc. for the installation of Four (4) bores under Harvey Mitchell Parkway (FM2818) at Jones Butler, North Dowling Rd. and Welsh Ave. in the amount of $76,965.02. City Council Regular Meeting Monday, November 23,2009 Page 2 d.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding revisions to College Station, Texas, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 1, "GENERAL PROVISIONS", Section 29, "COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY RULES AND REGULATIONS." e. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on the resolution approving a change order to the construction contract (Contract #09-032) with Brazos Valley Services in the amount of $63,497.70 for Phase I of the Barron Road Capacity Improvements. f. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the renewal of an annual purchasing agreement for dewatering chemical (polymer) with Atlantic Coast Polymer, Inc. not to exceed $172,560. g.Presentation, possible action, and discussion on approving an ordinance removing the statutory maximum contribution rate limit for the city's contribution to Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS), the employee retirement plan, effective January 1,20 10. h.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a resolution to secure through a 15% deposit, 43 Wetland Mitigation Credits from OXBOW Investments, Inc. in the amount of $132,225.00. i. Presentation, possible action, and discussion for the approval of three Master Agreements for Real Estate Appraisal Services: JMP Land Services $50,000; Holtkamp Realty Consulting $50,000 and S.T. Lovett & Associates $50,000 and authorize the City Manager or his delegate to approve Service Orders for each project within the terms of each Master Agreement. j. Presentation, possible action, and discussion approving a resolution awarding a construction contract for the 2002 Annexation Areas 5 & 6 Utilities and Lift Station to Doughtie Construction Company, Inc. of Huntsville, TX, in the amount of $922,576, and approval of a resolution declaring intention to reimburse certain expenditures with proceeds from debt. Regular Agenda Individuals who wish to address the City Council on a regular agenda item not posted as a public hearing shall register with the City Secretary prior to the Mayor's reading of the agenda item. The Mayor will recognize you to come forward to speak for or against the item. The speaker will state their name and address for the record and allowed three minutes. A timer will sound at 2 112 minutes to signal thirty seconds remaining for remarks. Individuals who wish to address the City Council on an item posted as a public hearing shall register with the City Secretary prior to the Mayor's announcement to open the public hearing. The Mayor will recognize individuals who wish to come forward to speak for or against the item. The speaker will state their name and address for the record and allowed three minutes. A timer alarm will sound at 2 112 minutes to signal thirty seconds remaining to conclude remarks. After a public hearing is closed, there shall be no additional public comments. If Council needs additional information from the general public, some limited comments may be allowed at the discretion of the Mayor. If an individual does not wish to address the City Council, but still wishes to be recorded in the official minutes as being in support or opposition to an agenda item, the individual may complete the registration form provided in the lobby by providing the name, address, and comments about a city related subject. These comments will be referred to the City Council and City Manager. City Council Regular Meeting Page 3 Monday, November 23,2009 1. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding proposed user fees for parks and recreation activities and facilities for the 2010 calendar year. 2. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding planned pedestrian safety improvements in the Northgate area. 3. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the City appointing three representatives to the Research Valley BioCorridor Task Force. 4. Adjourn. If litigation issues arise to the posted subject matter of this Council Meeting an executive session will be held. APPROVED: City Manager Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas will be held on the Monday, November 23, 2009 at 7:00 PM at the City Hall Council Chambers, 1 10 1 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this 2oth day of November, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. i ,,),-) E-Signed by Connie koks .@I i /.' VE.RIFY authentic ity ivlthP ~&~ro~e~t.* ; .-.I i: ;<;..?> !,,%< '/%",*? ~.~~&,~r;y...:??. ; i .'...,,, \, [ %.' </ .>' , ; City Secretary I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Governing Body of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1 101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas, and the City's website, www.cstx.gov . The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on November 20, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours proceeding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: by Dated this day of ,2009 By Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of ,2009. Notary Public - Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.gov . Council meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Chamel 19. Mayor Ben White Mayor ProTem David Rusink City Manager Glenn Brown Draft Minutes City Council Special Meeting Wednesday, November 11,2009 8:30 a.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas Councilmembers John Crompton James Massey Dennis Maloney Katy-Marie Lyles Lawrence Stewart COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor White, Council members Massey, Lyles, and Stewart STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Neeley, Assistant City Manager Merrill, City Attorney Cargill Jr., City Secretary Hooks, Deputy City Secretary McNutt, Management Teain COUNCIL MEMBER ABSENT: Mayor ProTem Ruesink, Council members Crompton, and Maloney Special Agenda Item No. 1 -- Call meeting to order. Mayor White called meeting to order at 8:33 p.m. Special Agenda Item No. 2 -- Presentation, possible action, and discussion of resolution declaring results of Citv Special Election November 3,2009. City Secretary Connie Hooks presented a resolution canvassing the results of the November 3, 2009 Special Election for Red Light Camera. A motion was made by Council member Lyles to approve Resolution No. 11-11-2009-02 as presented and seconded by Council member Stewart, which carried 4-0. FOR: Mayor White, Council members Massey, Lyles, and Stewart AGAINST: None ABSENT: Mayor ProTem Ruesink, Council members Crompton, and Maloney Special Agenda Item No. 2 -- Adiourn. Hearing no objections, Mayor White adjourned the meetings at 8:40 a.m. on Wednesday, November 11, 2009. PASSED AND APPROVED this 23'" day of November, 2009. ATTEST: APPROVED City Secretary Connie Hooks Mayor Ben White On Behalfof the Citizens of College Station, Home of Texas A&M University, We will continue to Promote and Advance the Community's Quality of Life November 23, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 2b 2010 Council Meeting Calendar To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Connie Hooks, City Secretary Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding adoption of 2010 Council Meeting Calendar. Summary: The schedule lists the 2nd and 4th Thursdays for 2010 Council Meeting dates. Highlighted meetings are alternate dates that should not conflict with Council members' schedule. Should there be a conflict; alternate dates will be provided for City Council to choose due to schedule conflicts. This schedule is provided to the public on the City's website. Attachments: Calendar 2010 2010 CITY COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE Workshop Meetings Thursday January 14, 2010 3:00 pm Thursday January 28, 201 0 3:00 pm Thursday February 11, 201 0 3:00 pm Thursday February 25, 2010 3:00 pm Thursday March 1 I, 201 0 3:00 pm Thursday March 25,201 0 3:00 pm Thursday April 8,201 0 3:00 pm Thursday April 22, 201 0 3:00 pm Monday, May 17,2010 3:00 pm Thursday May 27, 201 0 3:00 pm Thursday, June 10, 2010, 3:00 pm Thursday June 24, 2010,3:00 pm Thursday July 8, 2010, 3:00 pm Thursday July 22, 2010, 3:00 pm Monday, August 16,2010,3:00 pm Thursday August 26, 201 0, 3:00 pm Thursday Sept. 9, 2010, 3:00 pm Thursday Sept. 23, 201 0, 3:00 pm Regular Meetinas Thursday January 14, 201 0 7:00 pm Thursday January 28, 2010 7:00 pm Thursday February 11, 201 0 7:00 pm Thursday February 25,201 0 7:00 pm Thursday March 11, 201 0 7:00 pm Thursday March 25, 201 0 7:00 pm Thursday April 8, 201 0 7:00 pm Thursday April 22, 201 0 7:00 pm Monday, May 17,2010 7:00 pm Thursday, May 27, 201 0 7:00 pm Thursday, June 10, 2010, 7:00 pm Thursday June 24, 201 0, 7:00 pm Thursday July 8, 201 0, 7:00 pm Thursday July 22, 201 0, 7:00 pm Monday, August 16, 2010, 7:00 pm Thursday August 26, 201 0, 7:00 pm Thursday Sept. 9, 2010, 7:00 pm Thursday Sept. 23, 201 0, 7:00 pm Thursday, October 14, 201 0, 3:00 pm Thursday, October 14, 2010, 7:00 pm Monday, October 25, 2010, 3:00 pm Monday, October 25,2010, 7:00 pm Thursday, November 11, 2010, 3:00 pm Monday November 22,2010,3:00 pm Thursday, November 11 201 0, 7:00 pm Monday November 22,2010, 7:00 pm Thursday December 9, 201 0, 3:00 pm Thursday December 9, 201 0, 7:00 pm Conflicts: BCS Chamber of Commerce Washington DC Trip, May 10-13 Texas Transportation Summit, Irving, 7X - August 9-1 3 TML-AMCC-Newly Elected Officials Conference, Austin -August 13-14 Texas Municipal League Annual Conference, Corpus Christ;, TX October 26-29 O:\Cor~ncil Meeting Calenda~s 2010lCo11~1cil Meeting Calendar 2010 Schedule Conflicts.doc November 23, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 2c Four (4) bores under Harvey Mitchell Parkway (FM 2818) at Jones Butler, North Dowling Rd. and Welsh Ave. To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: David Massey, Director of Electric Utilities Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding approval of a resolution awarding a construction contract, Bid No. 10-06 to Thedford Construction Company Inc. for the installation of Four (4) bores under Harvey Mitchell Parkway (FM2818) at Jones Butler, North Dowling Rd. and Welsh Ave. in the amount of $76,965.02. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends the award of Bid No. 10-06 to the lowest responsible bidder, Thedford Construction Company Inc. Summary: This construction contract, Bid No. 10-06 is for the installation of Four (4) bores under Harvey Mitchell Parkway (FM 2818) at Jones Butler, North Dowling Rd. and Welsh Ave.. Installation will include three (3) 14 inch casing and one (1) 12 inch casing with conduits for electric feeder crossings installed inside each casing. This construction project is necessary for future electric feeder routes for the future Dowling Rd. Substation project. Sealed competitive bids were received and open on October 28, 2009 from three (3) companies with Thedford Construction Company Inc. being lowest responsible bidder in the amount of $76,965.02 Budget & Financial Summary: Funds are budgeted and available in the City of College Station's Electric Utility Department Capital Improvement Project Budget. Attachments: 1. Resolution 2. Bid Tabulation 3. Project Location Map A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THZ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, APPROVING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR THE FOUR BORES UNDEIRS HARVEY MITCHELL PARKWAY (FM 2818) AT JONES BUTLER RTP., NORTH DOWILING RH). AND WELSH AW. PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPErnITUHaE OF FUNDS. WHEREAS, the City of College Station, Texas, solicited bids for the construction phase of the Four bores under Harvey Mitchell Parkway (FM 2818) at Jones Butler Rd., North Dowling Rd. and Welsh Ave. Project; and WHEREAS, the selection of Thedford Construction Company Inc. is being recommended as the lowest responsible bidder for the construction services related to the Four bores under Harvey Mitchell Parkway (FM 281 8) at Jones Butler Rd., North Dowling Rd. and Welsh Ave. Projects; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That the City Council hereby finds that Thedford Construction Company Inc. is the lowest responsible bidder. PART 2: That the City Council hereby approves the contract with Thedford Construction Company Inc. for $76,965.02 for the laboi; materials and equipment required for the improvements related the the Four bores under Harvey Mitchell Parkway (FM 281 8) at Jones Butler Rd., North Dowling Rd. and Welsh Ave. Project Project. PART 3: That the funding for this Contract shall be as budgeted from the College Station Utilities Capital Improvement Project Fund, Electric Department, in the amount of $76,965.02. PART 4: That this resolution shall take effect inmediately fiom and after its passage. ADOPTED this day of , A.D. 20- ATTEST: APPROVED: MAYOR City of College Station -Purchasing Department Bid Tabulation for #lo-06 "Four (4) Bore under Harvey Mitchell Pkwy (FM 2818) " Open Date: Wednesday, October 28,2009 @ 2:00 p.m. FM 2818 URD Crossing Near Dowling Road I I I I 1 ITEM Section UR (URD Excavation Assembly Units $18,409.201 $68,915.50) $1 12,590.001 Thedford Construction Co., Inc. TOTAL BID AMOUNT DESCRIPTION I Section UM Assembly Unit Total Cost $20,149.20 $71,240.50 $129,790.00 FM 2818 URD Crossing Near Welsh Avenue I I I I I Quanta Utility Services, LLC TOTAL BID AMOUNT URD Miscellaneous Assembly Units I Section UM IURD Miscelianeous Assembly Units $1,200,001 $1,874.251 $7,497.00 I I I Classic City Utility TOTAL BID AMOUNT I I I $1,740.00 Assembly Unit Total Cost $1 9,609.20 $65,693.56 $1 14,752.00 Section UR ~URD Excavation Assembly Units $2,325.00 I Assemblv Unit Total Cost $37.206.62 $131.186.40 $22 1.864.00 $17,200.00 $1 8.409.20 FM 2818 URD Crossing Near Jones-Butler Road GRAND TOTAL $76,965.02 $268,120.46 $466,406.00 $63,819.3 11 $ 107,255.00 Section UM Section UR Page 1 of 1 URD Miscellaneous Assembly Units URD Excavation Assenlbly Units Executed So/" Bidder's Bond $2.000.00 $35,206.62 J $3,643.50 $127,542.90 J Certification from bid package $14:574.00 $207,290.00 J Total nrrnrbrr of Cnlmdrrr Dr~ys to substnntinl conrplrtion 3 0 45 120 J J J November 23,2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 2d Revisions to College Station, Texas, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 1, "GENERAL PROVISIONS", Section 29, "COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY RULES AND REGULATIONS" To: Glenn Brown, City Manager From: David Schmitz, Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation Department Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding revisions to College Station, Texas, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 1, "GENERAL PROVISIONS", Section 29, "COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY RULES AND REGULATIONS". Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of the revisions to College Station, Texas, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 1 "GENERAL PROVISIONS", Section 29, "COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY RULES AND REGULATIONS" as presented. In addition, these revisions were considered by the Cemetery Advisory Committee during the November 20, 2009 meetiug. The Cemetery Advisory Committee made a recommendation to the College Station City Council for approval of the ordinance changes as presented. Summary: With commencement of operations in the Memorial Cemetery of College Station, some ambiguities in the current wording "COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY RULES AND REGULATIONS" have been brought to the Cemetery Advisory Committee's attention. The proposed amending ordinance was developed to update the existing ordinance with minor housekeeping items and to clarify the restrictions contained in Sub-sections J and K. Proposed changes on 1) the monument restrictions for the municipal sections of the Memorial Cemetery and 2) the variance process. - No substantive changes in these proposed changes The changes are mainly wording and organization changes to provide better clarity and understanding of the monument restrictions. Brought about by ambiguity of additional ornamentation on the back of monuments in the Aggie Field of Honor. Budget & Financial Summary: None Attachments: 1) College Station, Texas, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 1 "GENERAL PROVISIONS", Section 29 "COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY RULES AND REGULATIONS" 2) Supporting Documentation of Proposed Changes 3) Proposed Ordinance Changes (Under review by Legal) ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1, "GENERAL PROVISIONS" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING SECTION 29 PERTAINING TO CITY CEMETERIES RULES AND REGULATIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1 : That Chapter 1, "General Provisions", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this day of ,2009. APPROVED: ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED: City Attorney Mayor C:lDoc~tmenls and Seiii~igslfmcn~~iilLocal SelfingslTemporary lniernef FileslConienf.lE5IS6PZFXS7l I-- Cemeie~y-Rules-AmenrImenf[I].docxI I/.?O/ZOOY 12:55:01 PM ORDrNANCE NO. EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 I. That Chapter 1, "GENERAL PROVISIONS", Section 29, "COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY RULES AND REGULATIONS", Sub-sections J and K are hereby amended to read as follows: "J. MONUMENTS, FOOT MARKERS, AND CORNER MARKERS IN THE COLLEGE STATION CEMETERY (1) Monuments shall mean those markers placed on the head line of a space or spaces. Foot markers shall mean markers placed on the foot line of the space. Corner markers shall mean markers placed on the corners of a space or spaces. (2) Monuments for single standard spaces shall not exceed thirty inches (30") in height; forty- eight inches (48") in length; or sixteen inches (16") in width. These maximum dimensions shall also pertain to any design that incorporates a base. If a base is included, it shall be set flush with ground level or must have a minimum of four inches (4") above ground level. The back of the monument shall be set on the head line of the space and equidistant from the side boundaries of the space, and the monument shall be located on undisturbed ground. No more than one monument shall be permitted per single space. (3) Family or double monuments shall only be placed on a minimum of two adjoining (side by side) standard spaces, and shall not exceed thirty inches (30") in height; seventy-two inches (72") in length; or sixteen inches (16") in width. These maximum dimensions shall also pertain to any design that incorporates a base. If a base is included, it shall be set flush with ground level or must have a minimum of four inches (4") above ground level. The back of the monument shall be set on the head line of the spaces and equidistant from the side boundaries of the spaces, and the monument shall be located on undisturbed ground. No more than one family or double monument shall be permitted per two adjoining (side by side) standard spaces. (4) Monuments for single baby spaces (Babyland and Section 0 only) shall not exceed twenty-two inches (22") in height; twenty-four inches (24") in length; or twelve inches (12") in width. These maximum dimensions shall also pertain to any design that incorporates a base. If a base is included, it shall be set flush with ground level or must have a minimum of three inches (3") above ground level. The back of the monument shall be set on the head line of the space and equidistant from the side boundaries of the space, and the monument shall be located on undisturbed ground. There shall be only one monument per infant space and no other markers shall be allowed. (5) Foot markers shall be set on the foot line of the space with the long side of the foot marker parallel to the foot line and centered equidistant from the side boundaries of the space. The foot marker shall not exceed twenty-eight inches (28") in length or sixteen inches (16") in width. Flat foot markers shall be set flush with the ground; slanted foot markers shall not exceed eight inches (8") in height. Only one foot marker per standard space shall be allowed. (6) Corner markers shall not exceed eight inches (8") by eight inches (8") and shall be set flush with the ground. (7) Any additional items incorporated into any monument or foot marker design shall be permanently affixed to the monument or marker and shall not extend beyond the maximum dimensions allowed for the monument or foot marker. (8) Single monuments for the designated cremate only spaces in Section LR shall not exceed twenty-eight inches (28") in length or sixteen inches (16") in width, and shall be set flush with the ground or up to a maximum of two inches (2") above ground level. The back of ORDINANCE NO. Page 3 the monument shall be set on the head line of the space and equidistant from the side boundaries of the space. There shall be only one monument per designated cremate only space and no other markers shall be allowed. (9) Family or double monuments for the designated cremate only spaces in Section LR shall not exceed fifty-four inches (54") in length or sixteen inches (16") in width. The monument shall be set flush with the ground or up to a maximum of two inches (2") above ground level. The back of the monument shall be set on the head line of the spaces and equidistant from the side boundaries of the spaces. There shall be only one double monument per two adjoining (side by side) designated cremate only spaces and no other markers shall be allowed. K. MONUMENTS, FOOT MARKERS. AND CORNER MARKERS IN THE MEMORIAL CEMETERY OF COLLEGE STATION (1) Monuments shall mean those markers placed on the head line of a space or spaces. Foot markers shall mean markers placed on the foot line of the space. Corner markers shall mean markers placed on the corners of a space or spaces. (2) Municipal Sections: (a) Monuments for single standard spaces shall not exceed thirty inches (30") in height; thirty-six inches (36") in length; or sixteen inches (16") in width. These maximum dimensions shall also pertain to any design that incorporates a base. If a base is included, it shall be set flush with ground level or must have a minimum of four inches (4") above ground level. The back of the monument shall be set on the head line of the space and equidistant from the side boundaries of the space, and the monument shall be located on undisturbed ground. No more than one monument shall be permitted per single space. (b) Family or double monuments shall only be placed on a minimum of two adjoining (side by side) standard spaces, and shall not exceed thirty inches (30") in height; seventy-two inches (72") in length; or sixteen inches (16") in width. These maximum dimensions shall also pertain to any design that incorporates a base. If a base is included, it shall be set flush with ground level or must have a minimum of four inches (4") above ground level. The back of the monument shall be set on the head line of the spaces and equidistant from the side boundaries of the spaces, and the monument shall be located on undisturbed ground. No more than one family or double monument shall be permitted per two adjoining (side by side) standard spaces. (c) Monuments for single infant spaces shall not exceed twenty-two inches (22") in height; twenty-four inches (24") in length; or twelve inches (12") in width. These maximum dimensions shall also pertain to any design that incorporates a base. If a base is included, it shall be set flush with ground level or must have a minimum of three inches (3") above ground level. The back of the monument shall be set on the head line of the space and equidistant from the side boundaries of the space, and the monument shall be located on undisturbed ground. There shall be only one monument per infant space and no other markers shall be allowed. (d) Foot markers shall be set on the foot line of the space with the long side of the foot marker parallel to the foot line and centered equidistant from the side boundaries of the space. The foot marker shall not exceed twenty-eight inches (28") in length or sixteen inches (1 6") in width. Flat foot markers shall be set flush with the ground; slanted foot markers shall not exceed eight inches (8") in height. Only one foot marker per standard space shall be allowed. (e) Corner markers shall not exceed eight inches (8") by eight inches (8") and shall be set flush with the ground. ORDINAIVCE NO. Page 4 (f) Any additional items incorporated into any monument or foot marker design shall be permanently affixed to the monument or marker and shall not extend beyond the maximum dimensions allowed for the monument or foot marker. (g) Niche coverings for the columbarium shall be supplied by the City, and there shall be no substitutions of material. Engraved lettering on all columbarium niche covers shall be painted black. If other engravings and carvings are painted, the only allowed color is black. The niche covering shall have no more than one (I) attached item, such as bronze emblems, and these items shall not extend more than one inch (1") from the face of the niche covering, and shall not extend beyond the edges of the niche covering. (3) Aaaie Field of Honor Sections: (a) All monuments shall be base and tablet style, and shall be gray granite with polished tops, sides, and backs. Foot markers shall be polished gray granite, bronze, or a combination of the two. There shall be no corner markers. (b) Monuments for single standard spaces shall be set so that the overall height is thirty inches (30") above grade. The monument tablet shall be twenty-six inches (26") in height; thirty inches (30") in length; six inches (6") in width; and rectangular in shape. 'The tablet sides shall be perpendicular to the ground, and the top shall be flat. The monument base shall be thirty-six inches (36") in length; twelve inches (12") in width; and rectangular in shape. The base shall be set so that the top of the base is four inches (4") above grade. The back of the monument base shall be set on the head line of the space and equidistant from the side boundaries of the space. The monument tablet shall be set on the base equidistant left to right and front to back. The monument shall be located on undisturbed ground. No more than one monument shall be permitted per single space. (c) Family or double monuments shall only be placed on a minimum of two adjoining (side by side) standard spaces. Family or double monuments shall be set so that the overall height is thirty inches (30") above grade. The monument tablet shall be twenty-six inches (26") in height; sixty inches (60") in length; six inches (6") in width; and rectangular in shape. The tablet sides shall be perpendicular to the ground, and the top shall be flat. The monument base shall be seventy-two inches (72") in length; twelve inches (12") in width; and rectangular in shape. The base shall be set so that the top of the base is four inches (4") above grade. The back of the monument base shall be set on the head line of the spaces and equidistant from the side boundaries of the spaces. The monument tablet shall be set on the base equidistant left to right and front to back. The monument shall be located on undisturbed ground. No more than one family or double monument shall be permitted per two adjoining (side by side) standard spaces. (d) Engraved lettering on all monument tablet faces and backs, granite foot markers, and columbaria niche covers shall be painted black. If other engravings and carvings are painted, the only allowed color is black. (e) The following applies for all monuments: engraving, carving, and sandblasting are allowed only on the tablet face. Any ornamentation on the face of the tablet shall not extend to the sides, top, or back of the tablet or base. No more than two (2) attached items, such as bronze emblems, shall be allowed on the tablet face, and these items shall not extend more than two inches (2") from the face of the tablet, and shall not extend beyond the edges of the tablet. (f) The only allowed ornamentation on the back of the monument shall be the surname of the interred and the lettering shall not exceed three inches (3") in height. The top of the lettering shall be six inches (6") below the top of the tablet, ORDINANCE NO. Page 5 the lettering shall be centered equidistant from the sides of the tablet, and the lettering shall be parallel to the top of the tablet. The lettering shall be painted black, and no additional engraving, carving, or sandblasting is allowed on the back of the monument. (g) Foot markers shall only be set on the foot line of the space, with the long side of the foot marker parallel to the foot line, centered equidistant from the side boundaries of the space, and shall not exceed (28") in length or sixteen inches (16") in depth. All foot markers shall be set flush with the ground. Only one foot marker per space shall be allowed. Foot markers shall be polished gray granite, bronze, or a combination of the two. (h) There shall be no additional items incorporated into monuments or foot markers in the Aggie Field of Honor sections. 0) Niche coverings for the columbaria shall be supplied by the City, and there shall be no substitutions of material. Engraved lettering on all columbaria niche covers shall be painted black. If other engravings and carvings are painted, the only allowed color is black. The niche covering shall have no more than one (1) attached item, such as bronze emblems, and these items shall not extend more than one inch (1") from the face of the niche covering, and shall not extend beyond the edges of the niche covering." November 23, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 2e Barron Road Capacity Improvements Phase 1 Closeout Change Order To: Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Chuck Gilman, Director of Capital Projects Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on the resolution approving a change order to the construction contract (Contract #09-032) with Brazos Valley Services in the amount of $63,497.70 for Phase I of the Barron Road Capacity Improvements. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of this change order for the above contract with Brazos valley Services. Summary: This contract is for the capacity improvements of Barron Road from Decatur to State Highway 6. Improvements include the construction of a four-lane road with a raised center median, bike lanes, sidewalks, and street lighting. This change order will modify the quantities in the contract so the quantities included in the original bidding documents to equal the actual quantities placed in the field during the project. The most notable change is the sidewalk quantity. The original bid documents called for 2,239 square feet of sidewalk to be installed as part of the project. During construction it was noted that this quantity was extremely low and subsequent investigation found that a typographical error in the bid documents had been made by the design engineer and the units for this quantity should have been square yards instead of square feet. This error is corrected in this change order and the correct and final quantity for concrete sidewalk is amended to reflect the proper number of square feet installed. Quantities for other items included in the bid are listed in detail in the attached change order, but in general include the following: Installation of new storm sewer lines and the removal of the old lines resulted in more pavement repairs being required than originally estimated. A pedestrian guardrail was removed from the project. Unforeseen site conditions, in the form of a previously unknown buried inlet box at the intersection of Barron Road and Dove Trail resulted in addition charge for its removal and backfill of the resulting area. Modifications to the traffic control plan to improve safety and visibility at the intersection of Barron Road and Decatur. Additional orange construction fencing during the project in order to increase pedestrian safety throughout the project area. Minor changes to the quantities for sod, top soil, raised curb and pavement markings have been adjusted from the original bid quantities to reflect the actual quantities placed in the field during the project. Additionally, a time extension of two calendar days is being given for rain events in accordance with the project contract documents. The consultant provided engineering services to address the design errors at no additional cost of the City. Budget & Financial Summary: Funds in the amount of $3,000,000 are budgeted in the Streets Capital Improvement Projects Fund for the Barron Road Design and Capacity Improvements - Phase I. These funds are part of the 2003 General Obligation Bond funds. Funds in the amount of $2,653,106.14 have been expended or committed to date, leaving a balance of $349,106.34 for this change order and future expenses. In addition, funds in the amount of $100,000 are budgeted in the Water Capital Improvement Projects Fund and funds in the amount of $10,850 are budgeted in the Wastewater Capital Improvement Projects Fund for the water and wastewater components of this project. No water or wastewater funds have been expended or committed to date and it is anticipated that these funds will not be needed. Attachments: 1. Change Order No. 4 2. Project Location lYap CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 Contract No. 09-032 P.O.# 090375 PROJECT: Barron Road Capacity Improvements, Phase I OWNER: City of College Station Brazos Valley Services P.O. Box 9960 6988 Raymond Stotzer Pkwy College Station, Texas 77842 PURPOSE OF THIS CHANGE ORDER: A. Sidewalk Quantity Adjustment: The orginal bid documents called for 2,239 square feet of sidewalk to be installed as part of the project. Upon construction it was determined that this number was extremely low. Investigation inlo the issue revealed that the design engineer had a typo in the bid documents and the quanlty should have been In the units of square yards. Revising the quanity to reflect the accurate amount of sidewalk to be Installed in the correct unit of measurement yields a total of 20,142 square feet. B. Restore Pavement: Installation of the new storm sewer system and the removal of the old storm sewer system between State Highway 6 and Dove Trail resulted In more pavement pair than orginaily estimated. C. Removal of Pedestrain.Guardral1: Further study by the engineer of record resulted in the reccomendatlon lo remove this item from the scope of the project. D. Removal of Burled lnlet Box: On June 20, 2009 the contractor uncovered a previously unidentified inlet box buried beneath the travel lane of Barron Road. Afler consulting the engineer of record it was determined that entire culvert would need to be removed and the resulting hole backfilled in accordance with the project specifications. A cost was negotiated for $4,500.00 to remove and backfill. In order to keep construction moving and not delay the project, the box was removed and the resulting hole backfilled by the end of the day on June 23rd. E. Revised Traffic Control: Upon opening the new north and south side lanes on Barron and the Intersection with Dove Trall and Decatur, it was observed that motorists were struggling to safely navigate the new traffic control plan. In order to reduce confusion and lmprove safety, the design engineer and the City of College Station traffic engineer agrees that improved and increased signage would help lmprove traffic movements. F. Oranqe Construction Fence: In order to make the work area safer to pedestrians, addilional measures were reccommended by engineer and the City. In addltiona to better traffic control slgnage, additional orange fencing was reccomended to block off areas of the workzone to prevent accidental pedestrian access to areas that were deemed to be an unsafe condition. In total, 532 feet of construction fenclng was used for this purpose. G: Removal of Exlstlnq ~ulveh: An approximate 20-foot long metal culvert was unearthed during construction near the Longmlre intersection. This culvert needed to be removed and the subsequent hole backfiil with stabilized sand in order to stabilize the subgrade beneath the road bed. IH. Quanitv Adjustments for Sod, TOD Soil. Raised Curb and Pavement Markinqs. Final Quanities for sod, top soil, rip rap. raised curb, signs and traffic pavement markings came in under the bid amounts resulting in a savings to the Clty for these items I. Time Extension: A time extension of 2 calendar days is granted in accordance with the contract for rain events that have occurred from the start of the project in January 2009 through the end of September 2009. J. Sidewalk Modification: Upon completion of the sldewalk, a dralnage problem was discovered adjacent to a CSU transformer, installing a trench drain and modifylng the sldewalk where this drain shall be Installed will alleviate the drainage problem adjacent to the transformer. ITEM UNIT ORIGINAL REVISED ADDED NO 43 5 1 53 C03-1 C03-3 C03-4 33-5 4 5 C03-6 54 65 66 68 71 UNIT S.F SY LF L.S. L.S. LF EA SY SY LS LF LF LF LF LF DESCRIPTION Concrete Sidewalk (4'7, complete and In place Cut and Restore Pavement, Complete and In Place Typical Pedestrian Guardrail Removal of Buried Inlet Box Culvert Revised Trafric Control Signage Orange Construction Fence Removal of Existing Culvert and backfill with stabilized sand Final Block Sodding Complete and In Place , Furnishing and Placing Topsoil (4"). Complete and in place Sidewalk Modification for transformer dralnage Raised concrete curb, complete and in place Type I Refelectorized Pavemenl Markings (Y)(4")(Sld) complete and ir place Type I Reflectorlzed Pavement PRICE $4.00 $40.00 $150.00 $4,500.00 $802.50 $3.00 $500.00 $4.00 $2.00 $1,800.00 $50.00 $0.75 QUANTITY 2238 85 40 0 0 0 0 5021 5021 0 40 4276 ($3,200.00) ($397.20) ($1,800.00) Markings (Y)(24")(Sld) complete and in place Pavement Seaier (4") complete and In place Pavement Sealer (24") complete and In place QUANTITY 20142 289 0 1 1 532 1 2821 2821 1 29 3283 $8.00 $0.40 $4.50 COST $71,616.00 $8,150.40 ($6,000.00) $4,500.00 $802.50 $1,596.00 $500.00 ($8,800.00) ($4,400.00) $1,800.00 ($550.00) ($744.75) -- 532 9061 640 132 8068 240 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT Change Order No. 1 Change Order No. 2 Change Order No. 3 Change Order No. 4 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT ORIGINAL CONTRACT TlME Time Extension No. 1 REVISED CONTRACT TlME ($320.0( $744.71 $63,497.7[ 77 80 Original Substantial Completion Date Revised Substanlial Completion Date THE NET AFFECT OF THIS CHANGE ORDER IS 3.44% INCREASE. 360 Days 2 Days 362 Days EA LF -0.08% CHANGE 3.49% CHANGE 0.14% CHANGE 3.44% CHANGE 6.98% TOTAL CHANGE . , . Date Dale Date/ CIW ATTORNEY Date Refl Pav Mrkr Ty II-A-A Removable work zone pavement marking (Y)(4")(Sld) Complete and ir place CITY MANAGER Date DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR Date CITY SECRETARY Date MAYOR Date This change order is for ratification of work already completed, except for item C03-6 $8.00 $0.75 21 8 4556 178 5549 TOTAL November 23, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 2f Renewal of Annual Purchasing Agreement for Dewatering Chemical To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: David Coleman, Director of Water Services Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the renewal of an annual purchasing agreement for dewatering chemical (polymer) with Atlantic Coast Polymer, Inc. not to exceed $172,560. ~ecommendation: Staff recommends renewal of this annual purchasing agreement. Summary: Polymer is a treatment chemical that aids in the separation of solids from wastewater. It concentrates the solids in wastewater sludge for efficient treatment, allowing the removal of excess water for treatment and disposal. Three separate processes use polymer for solids removal: 'P the Carters Creek WWTP thickening process 'P the Carters Creek WWTP centrifuge process 'P the Lick Creek WWTP centrifuge process. The polymer purchase was advertised last year, and invitation to bid #08-83 received bids from three vendors. Performance trials were conducted with products from all three companies. The products that were most cost effective in these trials result in the following projected annual costs: 'P Fort Bend Services' projected annual cost for the Carters Creek WWTP thickening process was $39,200. This contract will be renewed under City Manager authority. 'P Atlantic Coast Polymer's projected annual cost for the Carters Creek WWTP centrifuge process was $137,520. 'P Atlantic Coast Polymer's projected annual cost for the Lick Creek WWTP centrifuge process was $35,040. Fort Bend Services and Atlantic Coast Polymer have both expressed a willingness to renew these annual agreements despite the fact that these chemicals are derived largely from petroleum and petroleum prices continue to fluctuate. Their prices are fair and reasonable, and the products are performing well, so staff recommends approval of the renewal. Budget & Financial Summary: Wastewater Operating funds are budgeted and available for the anticipated amount of polymer usage. Attachments: Renewal Agreement RENEWAL ACCEPTANCE By signing herewith, I acknowledge and agree to renew Bid No. 08-83 for Annual Liquid & Dry Polymer in accordance with all terms and conditions previously agreed to and accepted in an amount not to exceed $172,560.00. T understand this renewal term will be for tlle period beginning December 16,2009 through December 15,2010. ATLANTIC COAST POLYMERS, INC. JG - sf UQ kf 3?./. 0 Ck 23/74 zdbg Aut orize epresentative DATE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED: , City Manager Chief Financial Officer DATE DATE DATE DATE STATE OF TEXAS COWORATE ACIOJOWLEDGMENr / COUNTY OF no ~1.5 This instrument was acknowledged on the 23nd day of 2009, in hislher capacity as fj2~0/ & f of @b~-/i; 604t-f.It/w~x, a TEXAS Corporation, on behalf of said corporation. ,. Notary ~ublic'in a@ for the ' State of Texas STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS ACKNOWLEDGMENT This instrument was acltnowledged on the day of ,2009, BY , in his capacity as Mayor of the City of College Station, a Texas home-rule municipality, on behalf of said municipality Notary Public in and for the State of Texas 1101 Terns Averrue College Slaliorr, EX 77840 \~\\~\\~:cslX.!o\: ANNUAL PRICE AGIWEmNT AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR BID #08-83 BID OPENING DATE: AUGUST 13,2008 @2:00 P.M. CST Bids will be received at the City of College Station Purchasing Department, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, TX 77842, until August 13, 2008, at 2:00 p.m. CST, and publicly opened and read aloud at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, TX. Any questions concerning the bid should be directed to Cynthia Sciulli, C.P.M., Buyer, Purchasing Services Division, (979) 764-3437. Clearly mark return bid envelope with Bid # and Bid Opening Date. INTRODUCTION Bids are solicited for an annual agreement for liquid and dry polymer with the following definitions, term and conditions of bidding. Should this bid contain the City's standard contract terms, conditions and insurance requirements, they will be attached as Exhibit A. NOTE: Bid opportunities are posted on our website at www.csCx.~. Some bids, but not all, are conducivc to receipt of bids via the City of College Station's On-Line Bidding System. These bids are encrypted and remain effectively locked until the due date and time. If you are interested in submitting your bid on-line, you must be registered with the City of College Station, See On-Line Bidding at ~I~WW.CS~K.~OV for more information. DEFINITIONS, TERMS AND CONDITIONS The following instructions apply to all bids and become a part of terms and conditions of any bid submitted to the City of College Station Purchasing Services Division, unless otherwise specified elsewhere in this bid request. All bidders are required to be informed of these Terms and Conditions and will be held responsible for having done so: Definitions In order to simplify the language throughout this bid, the following definitions shall apply: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION - Same as City. CITY COUNCIL - The elected officials of the City of College Station, Texas given the authority to exercise such powers and jurisdiction of all City business as conferred by the State Constitution and Laws. Collusion Advanced disclosures of any information to any particular bidder which gives that particular bidder any advantage over any other interested bidder in advance of the opening of bids, whether in response to advertising or an informal request for bids, made or permitted by a member of the governing body or an employee or representative thereof, will cause to void all proposals of that particular bid solicitation or request. Communication The City shill not be responsible for any verbal communication between any employee of the City and potential bidder(s). Only written specifications and price quotations will be considered. Confidentiality Public agencies in Texas are subject to the Public Information Act. Dclivew All prices quoted shall be F.O.B. City of College Station. No fieight or delivery charges will be accepted unless shown on bid. Electronic Documents Bidders may be supplied with the oiiginal documents in electronic form to aid in the preparation of bid(s). By accepting these electronic documents, Bidders agree not to edit or change the language or foimat of these documents. Submission of a proposal by Bidder signifies full agreement with this requirement. Exceptions The bidder will note any exceptions to the conditions of this bid. If no exceptions are stated, it will be understood that all general and specific conditions will be complied with, without exception. Extension of Contract Upon completion of the term of the original contract and upon the mutual agreement of both parties, the original contract may be renewed for up to two (2) additional one (1) year terms [three (3) years total]. The renewal will be under the same terms and conditions as the original contract; provided, however, that the unit prices bid under the original contract may, by mutual agreement, be increased by no more than five percent (8%) of the original contract price. In the event a new contract cannot be executed at the anniversary date of the original term or any renewal term, the contract may be renewed month-to-month until a new contract is executed. Financial Condition Contractor must provide audited fmancial statements, if requested, to the City. Fiscal Funding This contract includes fiscal hding provisions. If, for any reason, hds are not appropriated to continue this contract, said contract shall become null and void. Forms Bid proposals will be submitted on the forms provided by Owner. All figures must be written in ink or typewitten. However, mistakes may be crossed out, corrections inserted adjacent thereto and initiated in ink by the person signing the proposal. When discrepancies occur between words and figures, the words shall govern. Bid No. 08-83 Annual Liquid1Dt-y Polymer November 23, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 29 Ordinance to Remove TMRS Statutory Maximum Contribution Rate Limit To: Glenn Brown, City IYanager From: . . Alison Pond, Human Resources Director Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on approving an ordinance removing the statutory maximum contribution rate limit for the city's contribution to Texas Municipal Retirement System (TPIRS), the employee retirement plan, effective January 1, 2010. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of the ordinance. Summary: The City of College Station participates in the Texas Municipal Retirement System (TPIRS) to provide a pension plan for City employees. The TMRS Act sets a limit as to the maximum amount the System can require a City to contribute in a given year, based on the level of benefits the city has chosen to provide. The maximum amount that applies to the City of College Station is 13.50%. This ordinance will allow the city to impose its own "limit" on the contribution rate by using its discretion in determining which potential plan improvements to adopt, or not adopt, based on the yearly calculated contribution rate. The 2010 TMRS phase in rate for the City of College Station is 14.45%. This rate is included in the FY 10 budget and is funded in the FY 10 budget. The City of College Station has chosen to phase in to the full rate over an 8 year period. 2010 is year 2 of that phase in period. The Full Rate after phase in is 18.71%. Budget and Financial Summary: Funds are available and budgeted in various operating departments of the City. There is a total of $5,878,667 included in the FY 10 budget. Attachments: 1. TMRS Letter 2. Ordinance '1 ~sxs~~lrnvrc~r,~~ KErIRe~1Evr Slrsrm November 6,2009 Via E-Mail Ms. Kim Voitier - Benefits Coordinator City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842-0960 Dear Kim: We are pleased to enclose a model ordinance for your city to: Remove the statutory maximum contribution rate limit By adopting this ordinance, your city is agreeing to fully fund the costs of the pension benefits included in the City's plan. This ordinance w~ll allow your city to impose its own "limit" on the contribution rate by using its discretion in determining which potential plan improvements to adopt, or not adopt, based on the calculated contribution rate. The 'TIVIRS actuary wrll perform a valuation of the City's plan of benefits each year and forward this rate to your City. With the removal of the statutory rate limit your city's full contribution rate for 2010 will be 18.71% and the phase-in rate will be 14.45%. We would appreciate receiving a copy of this ordinance as soon as possible after adoption. Please fax a copy of the executed ordinance to 512.476.2903. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 1-800-924-8677. TMRS P.O. BOX 1491.53 AUSTIN, TELG 77871.4-9 153 Eric W. Davis Deputy Executive Director Plan Provisions Deposit Rate Matching Ratio Updated Service Credits Transfer USC ** Annuity Increase 20 YearIAny Age Ret. Vesting Contribution Rates Normal Cost Rate Current 7.00% 2 to 1 100% (Repeating) Yes 70% (Repeating) Yes 5 years 2010 11.39% Prior Service Rate Retirement Rate Supplemental Death Rate Total Rate Unfunded Actuarial Liability Amortization Period Funded Ratio Phase-In Total Rate 7.32% 18.71% O.OOO/o (None) 18.71% $48,332,827 29 years 65.1% 14.45% Plan Chancre study 00280 College Station GRID 2010 Fur Informational Wposes Only Effective Date - January 1, 2010 Report Date - November 6,2009 - Proposed Plans - .- . -- - - - 1 7.00% 2 to 1 100% (Repeating) Yes 70% (Repeating) Yes 5 years 2010 11.39% 7.32% 18.71% 0.00% (None) 18.71% d $48,332,827 29 years 65.1Yo J 14.45% ** This is the addition to the Initial Prior Service Rate for USC for transfers. There were 53 eligible transfer employees on the valuation date. GRS Choose Same City Print Another City Different Options Report Return to Main Menu TMRS-Stat Max Remove TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM AN ORDINANCE ELEC'TING FOR THE CITY TO MAKE CURRENT SERVICE AND PRIOR SERVICE CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE CITY'S ACCOUNT IN THE MUNICIPAL ACCUMULATION FUND OF THE 'TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM AT THE ACTUARIALLY DETERMINED RATE OF TOTAL EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION. WHEREAS, the City of College Station (the "City"), is a participating municipality in the Texas Municipal Retirement System (the "System"), and has undertaken to provide certain retirement, death and disability benefits to its employees pursuant to Subtitle G, Title 8, Government Code, (hereinafter, the "TMRS Act"); and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to authorize funding of such benefits as herein provided; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, 'TEXAS: Section 1. Pursuant to Section 855.407(g) of the TMRS Act, the City hereby elects to make future normal and prior service contributions to its account in the municipal accumulation fund of the System at such combined rate of the total compensation paid by the City to employees who are members of the System, as the System's actuary shall annually determine as the rate necessary to fund, within the amortization period determined as applicable to the City under the TMRS Act, the costs of all benefits which are or may become chargeable40 or are to be paid out of the City's account in said accumulation fund, regardless of other provisions of the TMRS Act limiting the combined rate of City contributions. Section 2. The provisions of the ordinance shall become effective on the first day of January 201 0. ADOPTED this day of , A.D. 20-. ATTEST: APPROVED: City Secretary f \ MAYOR November 23, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 2h Twin Oaks Landfill Wetlands Mitigation Credit Deposit To: Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Mark Smith, Director of Public Works Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a resolution to secure through a 15% deposit, 43 Wetland Mitigation Credits from OXBOW Investments, Inc. in the amount of $132,225.00. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of the resolution. Summary: This credit deposit is necessary to meet the remaining federal agency mitigation requirements for wetlands at the new landfill site on State Highway 30. The total purchase price for the maximum estimated credits will be $881,500.00, including a $132,225.00 or 15% deposit payment. The Twin Oaks Landfill site is under construction south of SH 30 and Alum Creek in Grimes County, Texas. Because this site contains wetlands that will be disturbed during construction, BVSWMA is required by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to obtain approval of a compensatory mitigation plan under a Clean Water Act, Section 404 Individual Permit. On January 27, 2009, the Bryan City Council considered and denied a proposal to purchase a wetlands mitigation tract as outlined in the original 404 permitted mitigation plan. The action has resulted in the formulation of a contingency plan that will meet 404 permit requirements through credit purchase. The contingency plan consists of the acquisition 11.5 Wetland Mitigation Credits to offset the disturbed areas that will be affected during current construction, and subsequent construction of disposal cells 2A, 28, and 3A or approximately the next ten years of operations at the facility. Council approved the initial credit purchase on April 23, 2009. Staff has then proceeded with efforts to mitigate the rest of the disturbed areas through an additional credit purchase. The BVSWMA Policv Advisorv Board was briefed on the continqencv plan on April 13, 2009. Due to the change in mitigation strategies, from easement acquisition to credit purchase, staff has been renegotiating the credit ratio amounts needed for the project with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, as credit purchase is preferred by the Corps. Renegotiation could result in a reduction of credits needed, up to 13. However, negotiations have been protracted, and staff has determined that it would be prudent to secure credits prior to a decision by the USACE. OXBOW Investments Inc. has agreed to accept a 15% deposit to secure 43 credits for the cities for 6 months. If needed, the cities may also deposit an additional 10% of the total purchase price to hold the credits for 1 year. All of the 15% and 10% deposits will be applied to the total purchase price once the exact credit amount is set by the USACE. The deposit is configured as: 43 credits X $20,500 per credit = $881,500 X 0.15 = $132,225 Budget & Financial Summary: Funding for this credit purchase is available in the BVSWMA Capital Improvements Fund. As BVSWMA is funded through an inter-local agreement, both the Cities of Bryan and College Station are sharing the cost of this project. This item will also require the approval of the Bryan City Council. Attachments: 1. Resolution 2. Oxbow Investments, Inc. Deposit Invoice - November 5, 2009 ... RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE cIm OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT OF A DEPOSIT ON 43 MITIGATION CREDITS IN THE STEELE CREEK MITIGATION BANI< ROBERTSON COUNTY, TEXAS, TROUGH OXBOW DIVESTMENTS INC, AS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO TI-IE MITIGATION PLAN FOR UNITED STATES ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS APPLICATION NO. 2001 00239 FOR THE TWIN OAI<S LANDFILL PROJECT IN GRIMES COLTNTY, mXAs. WHEREAS, in October, 2005, the City Couilcil approved an engineering contract with HDR Engineering, Inc. for the ha1 design of the Twin Oaks Landiill Project, and in Octobcr 2008, approved a construction contract with C. Watts and Sons Construction Co., Inc. for future phases of consttuction at the Twin Oaks Landfill Project, in western Grimes County, Texas; and WHEREAS, at the time construction was to proceed, a United States Amy Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit No. 200100239 was required including an approved mitigation plan requiring the acquisition and conveyance of a conservation easement; and WHEREAS, the United States Army Corps of Engineers has approved and accepted the City's submitted revised mitigation plan to purchase the remaining 43 Mitigation Credits in the Steele Creek Mitigation Bank in Robertson County, Texas, in lieu of off-site mitigation through the acquisition and conveyance of a conservation easement; thercforc, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That the City Council hereby Jinds that the purchase of the remaining 43 Mitigation Credits in the Steele Creek Mitigation Bank in Robertson County, Texas, is a reasonable alternative to off-site mitigation through the acquisition and conveyance of a conservation easement. PART 2: That the City Council hereby approves the payment of a deposit for 43 Mitigation Credits in the Steele Creek Mitigation Bank in Robertson County, Texas, through OXBOW Investments, Inc. as part of the Twin Oaks LandhU Project. PAR'1' 3: 'Ihat the City Council authorizes the Miagation Deposit Payment of $132,225.00 to OXBOW Investments, Inc for said 43 Mi@ation Credits. PAR'li 4: l'hat the funding for the Mitigation Payment shall be budgeted from the Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency Capital Improvement Projects Fund in the amount of $132,225.00. PART 5: That this resolution shall take effect immediately horn and after its passage. ADOPTED this day of , A.D. 2009. ATTEST: APPROVED: City Secretary APPROVED: City ~ttorie~ Mayor INVOICE OXBOW Investments Inc. 160 Lexington Sq Carrollton, Virginia 23314 Date: 05 November 2009 Invoice #lo0509 Terms: Payment due upon receipt Sold To: Cities of Bryan and College Station Transaction Description: Client will need between 30-43 wetland mitigation credits from the Steele Creek Mitigation Bank. Client environmental company is worhng with the Corps to determine final credit number required. 15% down now will hold the credits for 6 months. This will give the environmental company and the Corps plenty of time to resolve the number of credits required for the project. The HUGE benefit for the client is that they can be rest assured that enough credits will be "set aside" for their project and ensure it is not held up by mitigation credit needs. If you or your client needs more time, an additional 10% would hold the credits for 6 more months. All of the 15% and 10% would be applied to the total purchase price once the exact credit amount is set by the Corps. 43 credits x $20,500 per credit = $88 1,500 x .15 = $132,225 down payment to hold credits in the Steele Creek Mitigation Bank. PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT: $132,225 MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: OXBOW Investments Ii~c. 160 Lexington Sq Carrollton, Virginia 23314 November 23, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 2i Real Estate Appraisal Services To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Chuck Gilman, Director of Capital Projects Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion for the approval of three Master Agreements for Real Estate Appraisal Services: IMP Land Services $50,000; Holtkamp Realty Co~sulting $50,000 and S.T. Lovett & Associates $50,000 and authorize the City Manager or his delegate to approve Service Orders for each project within the terms of each Master Agreement. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of the Master Agreements. Summary: As a result of RFP #09-69, Request for Proposal of Real Estate Appraisal Services, three real estate appraisal firms have been selected to prepare real estate appraisal reports and provide real estate consulting services to the City of College Station. It is estimated that the City of College Station will require real estate appraisal services in the amount of $110,000-$135,000 for FYlO to support the City's Capital Plan. Typical appraisal assignments include appraisal of public utility easements; the appraisal of partial fee simple takings; the appraisal of tracts for park land and other municipal uses. Each agreement will have a not to exceed amount of $50,000. In order to keep multiple projects going concurrently, staff will assign projects to each of these firms on a rotating basis. Budget & Financial Summary: Funds for the appraisals are budgeted in the various funds out of which the land will be purchased. In the case of land purchases for capital projects, the funds are budgeted as part of the capital project. Attachments: 1.) Master Agreement - Holtkamp Realty Consultants (in City Secretary's Office) 2.) Master Agreement - JPlP Land Services (in City Secretary's Office) 3.) Master Agreement - S.T. Lovett & Associates (in City Secretary's Office) November 23, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 2j Project Numbers WFO805789, WF0805744, WFO805807 & WF0805756 2002 Annexation Areas 5 & 6 Utilities & Lift Station and a Resolution Declaring Intention to Reimburse Certain Expenditures with Proceeds From Debt To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Chuck Gilman, Director of Capital Projects Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion approving a resolution awardirlg a construction contract for the 2002 Annexation Areas 5 & 6 Utilities and Lift Station to Doughtie Construction Company, Inc. of Huntsville, TX, in the amount of $922,576, and approval of a resolution declaring intention to reimburse certain expenditures with proceeds from debt. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of the contract and recommends approval of the resolution declaring intention to reimburse certain expenditures with proceeds from debt. Summary: The purpose of this project is to extend water and sewer service along W.D. Fitch Parkway, east of Rock Prairie Road, which was annexed in 2002 as "Areas 5 and 6." This project will construct a water line, a sewer line, and a sewage lift station to serve the areas on both sides of the Parkway, as required in the Annexation Service Plan. -the design of this construction project began several years ago, but the actual construction was postponed since no development was occurring in this area, and the water and sewer lines would not have any usage on them. However, development pressure has begun, and the lines now need to be constructed. The location of these improvements is shown on the attached map. Doughtie Construction Company, Inc. was selected to construct the project because they were the lowest responsible bidder in response to the city's solicitation of bids. Budget & Financial Summary: Funds in the amount of $1,709,111 are budgeted for this project from the Water and Wastewater Capital Improvement Projects Funds. Funds in the amount of $294,899 have been expended or committed to date, leaving a balance of $1,414,212 for this construction contract and future expenditures. Based on the breakdown of the bid, the Water portion of this project will be under budget by approximately $500,000 and the Wastewater portion of this project will be over budget. If approved, budget in the amount of $30,000 will be transferred from Wastewater contingency to cover the overage in the Wastewater Capital Fund. The "Resolution Declaring Intention to Reimburse Certain Expenditures with Proceeds from Debt" is necessary for this item because the long term debt has not been issued for the project. The debt for the project is scheduled to be issued later this fiscal year. Attachments: 1.) Resolution Doughtie Construction Company, Inc. 2.) Bid #09-93 Bid Tab 3.) A/E Estimate at Final Design 4.) Location Map 5.) Resolution Declaring Intention to Reimburse Certain Expenditures with Proceeds from Debt RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, APPROVING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR THE AREAS 5 & 6 UTILITIES AND LIFT STATION PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS. WHEREAS, the City of College Station, Texas, solicited bids for the construction phase of the Areas 5 & 6 Utilities and Lift Station Project; and WHEREAS, the selection of Doughtie Construction Company, Inc. is being recommended as the lowest responsible bidder for the construction services related to the Areas 5 & 6 Utilities and Lift Station Project; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COLJNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That the City Council hereby finds that Doughtie Construction Company, Inc. is the lowest responsible bidder. PART 2: That the City Council hereby approves the contract with Doughtie Construction Company, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $922,576.00 for the labor, materials and equipment required for the construction related to the Areas 5 & 6 Utilities and Lift Station Project. PART 3: That the funding for this Contract shall be as budgeted fiom the Water 1 Wastewater Services Fund in the amount of $922,576.00. PART 4: That this resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage. ADOPTED this day of , A.D. 2009. ATTEST: APPROVED: City Secretary MAYOR APPROVED: City Attorney ESTIHATg OB PRDBABLE COST ANNEX ARER 5 AND 6 UTILITY SZRVICES CITY OF C0LLEC;E STRTION WO NOS. F0805789/001 6 WF0805807/001 PLANS DATED JULY 28, 2009 ITW Estimated NO. Ciu-tiW DESWPTION DNIT PRICE ~~ 2 1 LS Traffic Control 5,000 5,000 1 LS Erosion Control I I 5,000 5,000 4 I 1 LS Uydmuich Seeding ANNEX AReA 5-sm I 20" x 3/8" Steel Casing By Open Cut, Includes Casing Spacers, End Seals, 12" Certa-lok 2241 Sewer Line, All Depths 7 I 15 LE l12'v Certa-lok 2241 Sewer Line, All Depths 8 I 4 hill' Standard Manhole, All Depths 9 sewer/Water Crossing. Center joint and backfill with EA css. 200 200 10 1 2,031 LE Trench Safety System for Sanitary Sewer Line TV Inspection of 12" Sanitary Sewer Line Including Cleaning of Pipe 12 1,288 SY Dry Rip Rap Channel Lining 30 38,640 Concrete, Open Cut and Replace I I 1 ANNEX AREA 5-wA!rER 12" Water Line, AWWA C900 Class 200 PVC with Detector Tape and Tracer Wire in Trench - 20" x 3/8" Steel Casing By Bore, Includes Casing 16 100 LF Spacers, End Seals, 12" Certa-lok lC900) Water Line, 300 30,000 All Depths 20" x 3/8" Steel Casing By Open Cut, Includes Casing 17 100 LF Spacers, End Seals, 12" Certa-lok (C900) Water Line, 225 22,500 All Depths l8 I 5 EA 12" Gate Valve 6 Box 5 EA 12"x6" DI Tee 19~ I ESTIMATE OF PI(OBABLB COST ANNEX AREA 5 AND 6 UTILITY SERVICES CITY 08 COLLEGE STATION WO NOS. F0805789/001 6 W0805807/001 PIANS DATED 3ULP 28, 2009 5 FA Fire Hydrant Assembly with Lead, Gate Valve, and Box 3,445 LF Trench Safety System for Water Line, all but bores I- NO. 20 2 1 26 LF Pavement Repair, Base, Open Cut and Replace Existing Drive DESCRIFTION 12" DI Bends (90, 45, etc.1 12" DI Plug or Cap Estimated QvantitY 4 EA 1 EA (ANNEX AREA 6-SEWER I 2 5 12" Sanitary Sewer Line, ASTM D-3034 SDR-26 PVC with 400 LF Detector Tape in Trench, All Depths 4 0 UNIT PRICE 375 . 200 20" x 3/8" Steel Casing By Open Cut, Includes Casing 100 LF Spacers, End Seals, 12" Certa-lok 2241 Sewer Line , All De~thS AmNNT 1,500 200 1 29 1 2 EA112" DI Plug or Cap 27 28 515 LF 12" Gravel Bedding for Trench Dewatering 2 EA 2 EA 30 3 1 32 2,882 LF 12" Force Main, ASTM D-2241 class 160 PVC with Detector Tape and Tracer Wire in Trench 20" x 3/8" steel Casing By Bore, Includes Casing 100 1.F Spacers, End Seals, 12" Certa-lok 2241 Sewer Line or Force Main, All Depths 4' Standard Manhole, All Depths Watertight Ring and Cover for Standard Manhole 756 SY 500 LF 500 LF LF 6" x 3/8" Steel Casing By Bore, Includes casing Spacers, End Seals, 3" PVC conduit, All Depths 1 1 FA 12" Gate Valve and Box [Force Main) I l,400( 1,4001 2,800 450 3 EA 12'' DI Bends (90, 45, etc.) I 5,600 900 22,680 1.000 3,000 Dry Rip Rap channel Lining Trench Safety System for Sanitary Sewer Line W Inspection of 12" Sanitary Sewer Line Including Cleaning of Pipe 2 FA 12" DI Plug or Cap 30 2 6 ESTPIAIPZ OF PROBABIZ WST F2WP.X AREA 5 AND 6 WL'ILITP SERVICES CITY OF COLLEGE STRTION WD NOS. T0805789/001 C US0805807/001 PLANS DATED JLILY 28, 2009 Asphalt, Open Cut and Replace I Route 4" IMC Up Utility Pole, Mount with Standoff Brackets Anchored with Galvanized U-bolts. IW NO. 4" PVC Conduit with Pull String Embedded in 6" CSS 1 / i7 "with 24- corer. I I I I DESCRIPTION Eetimated Quantity 2,975 LF 3; PVC Conduit with Pull String Embedded in 6" CSS 1 44 I iwlth 24" cover. UNIT PRIm I AMDm 45 46 SUBTOTAL CONTINGENCY TOTAL 3 W 1 LS 10% 36"x308' Heavy-Duty Traffic Rated Pull Box. Lift Station 1,385,014 134,986 1,520,000 5,000 700,000 15,000 700,000 Areas 5 & 6 Utilii.;s & Lift Station Project Location Map RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION DECLARING INTENTION TO REIMBURSE CERTAIN EXPENDITURES WITH PROCEEDS FROM DEBT WHEREAS, the City of College Station, Texas (the "City") is a home-rule municipality and political subdivision of the State of Texas; WHEREAS, the City expects to pay expenditures in connection with the design, planning, ' ' acquisition and construction of the projects described on Exhibit "A" hereto (collectively, the "Project") prior to the issuance of obligations by the City in connection with the financing of the Project from available finds; WHEREAS, the City finds, considers, and declares that the reimbursement of the City for the payment of such expenditures will be appropriate and consistent with the lawhl objectives of the City and, as such, chooses to declare its intention, in accordance with the provisions of Section 1.150-2 of the Treasury Regulations, to reimburse itself for such payments at such time as it issues obligations to finance the Project; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS THAT: Section 1. The City reasonably expects it will incur debt, as one or more series of obligations, with an aggregate maximum principal amount not to exceed $1,050,000, for the purpose of paying the aggregate costs of the Project. Section 2. All costs to be reimbursed pursuant hereto will be capital expenditures. No tax- exempt obligations will be issued by the City in furtherance of this Statement after a date which is later than 18 months after the later of (1) the date the expendihues are paid or (2) the date on which the property, with respect to which such expenditures were made, is placed in service. Section 3. The foregoing notwithstanding, no tax-exempt obligation will be issued pursuant to this Statement more than three years after the date any expenditure which is to be reimbursed is paid. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 9th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2009. Ben White, Mayor ATTEST: Connie Hooks, City Secretary (Seal) APPROVED : Exhibit "A" The projects to be financed that are the subject of this Statement are: Rock Prairie Rock South of Carter Lake (Area 5) and William D. Fitch East (Area 6): Construction of water and sanitary sewer facilities, including a lift station, on the south side of College Station along William D. Fitch Roadway to provide utilities to this area of College Station. November 23, 2009 Regular Agenda Item No. 1 Public Hearing, Presentation, Possible Action and Discussion Regarding Proposed User Fees for the Parks and Recreation Department 2010 Calendar Year To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: David Schmitz, Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation Agenda Caption: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding proposed user fees for parks and recreation activities and facilities for the 2010 calendar year. Recommendation(s): Staff requests City Council input and direction regarding the proposed user fees for parks and recreation activities and facilities for the 2010 calendar year. Summary: The Parks and Recreation Department conducts annual reviews of user fees to determine direct costs, as well as local "market" rates for individual programs and facilities. Further, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board established a departmental fees policy statement to provide guidance in the establishment of fees. This policy is consistent with the City's fiscal and budgetary policy. The Board reviewed the originally proposed fees on July 14, 2009 and voted unanimously with one abstention to recommend approval of the fees as submitted for Calendar Year 2010. The City Council reviewed but did not act upon the proposed fees at their September 24, 2009 meeting. They asked staff for further information, including changes to certain fees to include a 5O0/0 difference between resident and non-resident fees, and received that presentation at their November 16, 2009 meeting. At the November 16~~ meeting, the Council directed staff to proceed with a public hearing on the proposed fees for the November 23, 2009 City Council meeting for stakeholder input. Following the results of that meeting the Council could take formal action on the proposed fees at their December 10, 2009 meeting for implementation on January 1, 2010. While the Municipal Cemetery System fees are included in this fee schedule, those fees are acted upon and recommended to the City Council by the Cemetery Advisory Committee as a separate action. These fees are solely included in order to view the Department's User Fees Schedule in its' entirety. In City-facilitated athletic programs such as youth baseball and youth soccer, the players or teams only pay to the City the respective sport-specific Field Redevelopment Fee to use City athletic facilities. There are no other user or registration fees collected by the City. In City- provided athletic programs such as softball and flag football, the respective sport-specific Field Redevelopment Fee is included in the registration fee for players or teams participation in each sport. Budget & Financial Summary: The proposed user fees for the 2010 Calendar Year include changes that are detailed in Attachment 2 (Exhibit A). If approved at the December 10, 2009 City Council meeting, the new fees will become effective January 1, 2010. Attachments: 1. Proposed Parks and Recreation Department Fees for the 2010 Calendar Year 2. Fee Changes Summary Sheet 3. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes, July 14, 2009 4. Parks and Recreation Department User Fees Comparison from Previous Years PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT USER FEES 2010 PROPOSED FEES EXHIBIT A Regular Rate Resident Discount Rate ADULT SPORTS PER TEAM 1. Flag Football (Includes $95 Per Team Field Redevelopment Fee) 2. Volleyball (No Field Redevelopment Fee Included) 3. Softball (Includes $95 Per Team Field Redevelopment Fee) Play-off League: Spring and SummerlFall $390 $260 Fast Pitch: Spring and SummerIFall $390 $260 4. Outside League Field Redevelopment Fee Per Team $145 $95 5. Kick Ball $390 $260 6. Adult Sports Transfer I Cancellation Fee $1 0 7. Forfeit Deposit Fee $50 8. Outside League Per Game Contract Fee $1 0 ............................................................................................................................... Regular Rate Resident Discount Commercial Rate Rate Tournaments ATHLETIC FIELDS 1. Athletic Field Rental - Per Field, Per Day (Includes Field Redevelopment Fee Of $15) One (I) Field, Per Day $190 / Day $1 25 / Day $250/Day 2. Athletic Field Rental - Per Hour, up to 7 Hours. (Includes Field Redevelopment fee of $5) One (I) Field, Per Hour $30 / Hour $20 / Hour $401 Hour 3. Athletic Field Rental Deposit Varies 4. Lights for Field Rentals (Per hour, Per field)$20/Hour $25 / Hour $1 5 / Hour $30 / Hour 5. Game Field Prep Fee, Per Field $70 / Field $45 / Field $90 / Hour 6. Bee Creek Batting Cage Rental, Per Hour $1 5 / Hour $1 0 / Hour 7. Veterans Park "Package" Day Rental -All 9 Soccer Fields and the American Pavilion $1 875 / Day $1,250 /Day $2,500 / day 8. Key Fee (New Annual Fee and Replacement Fee) $10 Each Page I of I1 9. Parking Fee (Wayne Smith Complex) on TAMU Game Days $10 1 Day In addition to the rental fees, a deposit will be charged and paid by the renter in advance of any tournament. The deposit will vary depending on the type and size of the tournament. * Commercial rate tournaments. In addition to the rental and deposit fees, additional fees may be assessed to the renter depending on the length and type of tournament in order to cover expenses incurred by the City for personnel and supplies needed to facilitate the tournament. Initial game field prep and light fees are included in the daily rental fee, but not in hourly rental fees. * Commercial rate tournaments NOTE: 1. The Regular Rate applies to non-resident individuals of College Station. 2. The Regular Rate for team fees applies to teams that have less than 75% College Station resident participation on the team. 3. Reduction in Fee is due to "Pay at the Plate" implementation for games. 4. The Commercial Rate for Tournaments applies to 'For Profit' entities. CEMETERY FEES 1. College Station Cemetery: 2. Memorial Cemetery of College Station Municipal Section: Aggie Field of Honor Standard Space $1,125 Cremate Space $300 Infant Space $1 50 Standard Space $1,125 Columbaria Niche $690 Infant Space $150 Standard Space $2,350 Columbaria Niche $1,380 Regular Rate (No Discounted Rates) CONFERENCE CENTER 1. Commercial Rental Rates (Companies or Businesses) Room 101 Monday - Thursday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less 8AM - 5PM 6PM - Close Friday Flat Rate: 8AM - Close Saturday Flat Rate: 8AM - Close Room 102*, 103,104,106* Monday - Sunday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less 8AM - 5PM 6PM - Close Room 105 Monday - Sunday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less 8AM - 5PM 6PM - Close Page 2 of I1 Room 127 Monday - Thursday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less 8AM - 5PM 6PM - Close Friday Flat Rate: 8AM - Close Saturday Flat Rate: 8AM - Close 2. Non-Commercial Rental Rates (Individuals or groups / not companies or businesses) Room 101 Monday - Thursday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less $30 8AM - 5 PM $45 6PM - Close $40 Friday Flat Rate: 8AM - Close $85 Saturday Flat Rate: 8AM - Close $165 Room 102*, 103, 104, 106" Monday - Sunday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less 8AM - 5PM 6PM - Close Room 105 Monday - Sunday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less 8AIW - 5PM 6PM - Close Room 127 Monday - Thursday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less 8AM - 5PM 6PM - Close Friday Flat Rate: 8AM - Close Saturday Flat Rate: 8AM - Close 3. Room Rental Deposits (For All Groups) * Deposit for Room 127 Deposit for all other rooms 4. Kitchen Rental Kitchen Deposit 5. Additional Fees Week days: For time between 5:00 - 6:00 p.m., this time is based on availability, plus this extra fee. The fee is waived if reservation is from 8 a.m. to close. No extra fee on Room 101 or 127 with flat rate. $30 Sunday: This fee is added to commercial / non-commercial rates 1-5 Consecutive Hours $65 1-5 Hours Split, or over 5 Consecutive Hours $90 6. Alcohol Deposit (if alcohol is served) $55 7. Catering Deposit $55 8. Patio Based on Availability (2) Patio with Rental of Room 102 or 106 9. Audio / Visual Equipment Amplifier (2) Speakers (3) $25 Each No Charge $20.00 Each $1 0.00 Each Page 3 of I1 Microphone, Wireless Clip-on (3) Microphone, Wireless Handheld (1) Microphone on Stand (3) Microphone on Tabletop (6) (ALL MICROPHONES REQUIRE AN AMPLIFIER) Multi-media Projector (I) Multi-media Projector Deposit Portable CD Player (I ) Television, 32" with DVDIVCR (I) Television, 25" with DVDIVCR (3) 10. Podiums Upright with Microphone (3) Upright without a Microphone (1) ReceptionIParty ltems Candles 6" x 3 %", with Holder (50) Dance Floor Panels, 3' x 3' Panel (50) Lattice Screens -White, Folding 8' x 6' (4) Wedding Arch, White, Metal (1) Wedding Arbor Trellis, White Wooden (1) Mirror Ball (Available in Room 127 Only) Piano (1 ) 12. Kitchen ltems Ice Machine (Per 20 Pounds) Coffee Maker: 30-Cup (2); 60-Cup (3); 100-Cup (2) 13. MeetingIConference Equipment Flip Chart without Paper (3) Flip Chart with Paper (3) Silk Plants (1 5) Stage Extenders 4' x 7', One-step 3' x 1' (2) 14. Other Services: Copies (Per Copy) Maximum 100 Per Day * * Faxes - Local (Per Page) Long Distance (First PageIEach Additional Page) Trip Charge (For Food) $30.00 Each $30.00 Each $20.00 Each $20.00 Each $100.00 Each $55.00 Each $10.00 Each $25.00 Each $25.00 Each $1 5.00 Each $5.00 Each $1 .OO Each $2.00 Each $10.00 Each $15.00 Each $25.00 Each $1 0.00 Each $20.00 Each $2.50 Each $5.00 Each $5.00 Each $10.00 Each $40.00 Each $15.00 Each Coffee or Tea Service (Per Cup) Includes Coffee Pot, Coffee, Cups, Cream, Sweeteners and Napkins $.50 cents Per Cup Donuts and/or Cold Drinks Market Price plus Trip Charge Room or Date Transfer / Cancellation Fee Per Change * $1 0.00 Set-up Changes Less than 12 Hours Prior to the Event $10.00 Open Early Before 7:00 a.m., Sunday through Saturday $75.00 Late Closing 11 :00 p.m. - 12:OO a.m., Sunday - Thursday $75.00 Late Closing I :00 a.m. - 3:00 a.m., Friday - Saturday $75.00 / Hour Custodial Service Arranged in Advance, One Hour Min. $1 5.00 / Hour Unarranged Custodial Clean-up $30.00 / Hour Use of Wi-Fi Internet Connection Service - Rooms 105 and 127 $25.00 ANY Unstipulated Occupancy Timer Per Contract Agreement for Early Arrival or Late Departure $90.00 / Hour Deposits are refundable upon compliance with all rules, regulations, and clean-up requirements by client and caterer. * Deposits are refunded less the cancellation fee of $10, if the reservations is cancelled sixty (60) days prior to the event. Page 4 of I1 ** Per Section 11 1.61 of the Texas Administrative Code ............................................................................................................................... Regular Rate Resident Discount Rate INSTRUCTION FEES PER PERSON 1. Swim Lessons 45-Minute Lesson 25-Minute Lesson* 2. Stroke Clinic $75 $50 3. USTA Tennis League $1 50 $100 4. Tennis Lessons $1 05 $70 5. Water Fitness Pass - Morning Water Fitness - Fall, Spring Summer Night Water Fitness - Fall, Spring, Summer Morning Water Fitness -Winter Night Water Fitness -Winter 6. Instruction Transfer I Cancellation Fee $1 0 $1 0 * Children ages 5 and under attend only a 25-minute lesson. All other leskons are 45 minutes in length. ............................................................................................................................. Regular Rate Resident Discount Rate LINCOLN CENTER 1. School Year Membership Pass: Youth (1 7 & Under) Low Income Eligible 2. Summer Membership Pass $1 00 $50 3. Late Pick-up Fee 1'' Fifteen Minutes Each Additional Minute Thereafter 4. Adult (I8 & Over) Annual (I2 Month) Membership Pass $70 $45 5. Non-Member Guest Pass Per Day (Youth or Adult) $3 $2 6. Gym Deposit Per Day (8 hour block) $375 $250 Half Court Rental Per Hour (4 hour maximum) $45 $30 Full Court Rental Per Hour (4 hour maximum) $60 $40 Gym Event $.35 I Chair $.35 I Chair All Day Usage (More than 4 Hours) $375 $250 Concessions Room Usage $30 $20 7. Game Room I Multi - purpose Room Rental Per Hour (4 hour minimum) $40 I Hour $25 I Hour Deposit $75 Page 5 of 17 Regular Rate Resident Discount Rate 8. Community Room Rental Per Hour (3 Hour Maximum) $45 Deposit $1 50 Kitchen Fee $40 9. Special Event Fee (Funerals, weddings, parties) $41 5 10. Miscellaneous Charges: Copies (Per Copy) * $.I0 I Copy Faxes - Local (Per Page) Faxes - Long Distance (Per Page) $1 .OO I Page $2 First Pg /$I Ea. Addt'l Page 11. Gym or Room Transfer I Cancellation Fee $1 0.00 All rooms are subject to an after-hour charge of $20 per hour. The after-hour charge is based on any request to use facilities beyond the Center's normal operation hours. Special Event fee includes the rental of the gym, Community Room, sound system, and 450 chairs. * Per Section 1 1 1.61 of the Texas Administrative Code. ............................................................................................................................... Regular Rate Resident Discount Rate PAVILION RENTALS PER DAY 1. Bee Creek (100) I Oaks (40) I W.A. Tarrow Park Pav~lion (1 00) Monday - Thursday $1 50 Friday - Sunday & Holidays $190 Deposits $300 2. Central (200) I Southwood Pavilions (300) Monday - Thursday Friday - Sunday, and Holidays Deposit 3. John Crompton Park Pavilion (80) Monday - Thursday Friday - Sunday, and Holidays Deposit 4. American Pavilion in Veterans Park (500) Monday - Thursday Friday - Sunday, and Holidays Deposit 5. Pavilion Transfer I Cancellation Fee Per Change $1 0 $1 0 6. Dog Park Rentals - (Steeplechase Park and University Park) - Per day $225 Deposits are refundable if the facility is left clean, damage-free, and the keys are returned. Deposits are refundable, less the $10 cancellation fee if reservation is cancelled no later than seven (7) days prior to the rental date. ( ) -The parenthesis by each pavilion shows the limit of occupants that the pavilion can facilitate. ........................................................................................................................... Page 6 of I1 Regular Rate Resident Discount Rate RACE EQUIPMENT RENTALS 1. Printing Stop Watch I Non-printing Stop Watch $1 5 $1 0 2. Cones (10) $1 5 $1 0 3. Bases, Poles, and Flagging (10) $1 5 $1 0 4. Big Time Clock $90 $60 5. Water Cooler I Ice Chest $1 01$10 $51$5 6. Tables $1 5 $1 0 7. Traffic Flags and Vests (10) $10 $5 8. Rental Package #I : Big time clock, 1 printing stopwatch, 10 cones, 10 baseslpoles and flagging, 2 water coolers, 2 tables,lO traffic flags and vests. $1 30 $85 9. Rental Package #2: Big time clock, 2 printing stopwatches, 30 cones, 20 baseslpoles and flagging, 6 water coolers, 4 tables, 15 traffic flags and vests. $1 50 $1 00 1 0. Rental Package #3: Big time clock, 4 printing stopwatches, 60 cones, 30 baseslpoles and flagging, 12 water coolers, 6 tables, 20 traffic flags and vests. $1 90 $1 25 ............................................................................................................................... Rate (No Discounted Rates) SWIMMING POOLS 1. General Admission Per Person (Ages 3 and up) Hallaran I Thomas Natatorium Adamson 2. Discount Pass - 25 Swims Hallaran I Thomas Natatorium *Adamson 3. Family Season Pass (Up to Five Family Members) Fee for Additional Members in Excess of Five Hallaran I Thomas Pass or Natatorium Pass *Adamson 4. Individual Season Pass Hallaranrrhomas *Adamson 5. Babysitter Season Pass Hallaran I Thomas *Adamson $25 Per Person $1 50 $250 6. Special Day Care Fee @ Adamson Lagoon Per Child $3 Page 7 of 11 7. Pool Rentals (2 Hour Period. Limited weekend availability) Thomas / Hallaran: 25 people or fewer 50 people or fewer 51 - 76 people 77 - 102 people Each hour after initial 2 hours Natatorium: Adamson: 25 people or fewer 50 people or fewer 51 - 76 people 77 - 102 people Each hour after initial 2 hours 99 people or fewer 199 or fewer 299 or fewer 300 + Each hour after initial 2 hours 8. Adamson Baby Pool Rental - (2 Hour Period) 9. Pool Parties Per Person - (2 Hour Period) General Party: Southwood and Thomas Adamson Lagoon Theme Party: Southwood and Thomas Adamson Lagoon Catered General Party: Southwood and Thomas Adamson Lagoon Catered Theme Party: Southwood and Thomas Adamson Lagoon Pavilion Party (Four-table limit): First Table Additional tables (Max of 3) 10. Junior Lifeguard Program Per Person Per Session 11. Junior Lifeguard Level 2, Per Session 12. Other Pool Fees: Texas SuperGuard Competition Per Person Swim Diaper Fee Per Diaper Tube Rental Fee Deposit Locker Rental Fee Deposit Duck Derby (Sponsor a duck July 4th) Per Person ltsy Bitzy Tiny Cutie Bathing Beauty & Handsome Boy Contest on July 4'h, Per Person "Schools Out Blow Out" at Adamson Lagoon Pool Trout Fish-Out Per Person (Ages 3 and up) Over the 5-fish limit (Per fish) Regular Rate Resident Discount Rate $25 + Cert. Fees Page 8 of 11 13. Educational Class Rental Per Hour Regular Rate Resident Discount Rate 14. Adamson Lagoon Summer Day Camp Use, Per Child $3 $2 15. Natatorium Team Use Fee, Per Person, Per Season $1 5 $1 0 16. Pool Rental, Junior Lifeguard Transfer / Cancellation Fee $1 0 * Adamson passes are also valid at Southwood Hallaran and Thomas pools, excluding the CSlSD Natatorium. All discount passes are priced for 25 swims. ............................................................................................................................... TEEN CENTER (THE EXIT) Rate (No Discount Rate) 1. Annual Membership Pass $20 2. Non-Member Fee Per Day $2 3. Meeting Room Rental, Per Hour Deposit 4. DanceIGame Room Rental, Per Hour Deposit 5. Whole Facility Rental Per Hour (Excludes Computer Lab) Deposit 6. Additional Attendance Fee Per Hour * $1 0 7. Room or Rental Transfer / Cancellation Fee $1 0 * All rental rates are based on a party of 1 - 25 people. Additional fees are added per hour for over 25 attendees. Any rental expecting more than 100 attendees must have prior Supervisor approval. Deposits are refundable if the facility is left clean and damage-free. Fees are assessed for special events and field trips. ............................................................................................................................... VENDOR PERMITS & CONCESSIONS 1. Vendor Permit $50 2. Commissions: (Gross Sales minus Sales Tax) Food & Drinks 10 - 15% Other Goods 10 - 15% Alcoholic Beverages 20 - 25% ............................................................................................................................... WOLF PEN CREEK AMPHITHEATER 1. Amphitheater Rentals Per Day: Private Rental Non-Commercial - Benefit Rental Professional/Commercial Rentals 2. Green Room Meetings Four Hours or Less Non Commercial Commercial Mon - Thurs I Fri - Sunday $300 /$400 $600 /$700 $1,000/ $1,100 Page 9 of I1 3. Green Room Meetings Up to Twelve Hours Non Commercial Commercial 4. Green Room Social Events - Four Hours or Less Mon - Thurs / Fri - Sunday Non Commercial Commercial 5. Green Room Social Events - Up to Twelve Hours Non Commercial Commercial 6. Deposit for all Amphitheater or Green Room Rentals Varies - $1 00 - $600 7. The Plaza at Wolf Pen Creek Rental (Includes Pavilion and Restrooms) Deposit (Security, Damage, Clean-up) 8. Other Non-typical Events Rate based on event 9. Discounts for Three or More Dates Reserved 15% 10. Alcohol Surcharge for any Function $50 A percentage of ticketing and fees for service personnel and vending charges will be added accordingly for . amphitheater rentals. A percentage of the gate will be negotiated for commercial events. Non Commercial defined as: Non-profit, student, civic or private. Security deposits are based upon participants/attendees. ............................................................................................................................... XTRA EDUCATION CLASSES - All Xtra Education class fees will be set according to the individual needs of each class. Based upon 100% Cost Recovery. 1. Class Transfer / Cancellation Fee $1 0 ............................................................................................................................... Regular Rate Resident Discount Rate YOUTH SPORTS PER CHILD 1. BasketballIYouth Volleyball/Flag Football*/ Girl's Softball* (* Includes $10 Per Child Field Redevelopment Fee) 2. Challenger Sports (Basketball, Bowling, Soccer) 3. Outside League Field Redevelopment Fee Per Child Baseball All Other Sports 4. Swim Team (No Field Redevelopment Fee Included) $40 Per Child $25 Per Child $1 5 Per Child $10 Per Child 5. Youth Sports Transfer / Cancellation Fee Page 10 of I1 Cemetery Fees approved by Cemetery Advisory Committee - August 19, 2009 Alternate Recommendation Cemetery Fees approved by City Council - All Other Fees approved by Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - September 8, 2009 All Fees approved by City Council - Page 11 of 11 201 0 Parks and Recreation Fees Summary Paqe .he majority of our proposed changes are geared toward the Regular Rate and the Resident Discount Fees, as directed by Co~~ncil. Regular Fees Rate were raised 50 O/O across the board, with a wide range in the amount of the fees increased. Some other rates are not proposed to increase at all. Below is a brief overview of changes in the 2010 fees: Adult Sports and Athletic Field Rentals - Proposed Resident Discount Rates now apply, and some fees were adjusted. Fees for league sports were reduced to allow for the implementation of the "Pay at the Plate" Practice. Gem-etery Fees - Rates have changed, however no Resident Discount Rate is proposed. These fees are not being recommended by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board because that recommendation must come from the Cemetery Advisory Committee. Conference Center - No Resident Discount Rate is proposed. Wi-Fi Internet Connection was a fee added for 2010, as well as Equipment Rental Rates. Transfer/Cancellation Fee - This fee was added to those programs that did not have this in 2009 (I-incoln Center, Pool Rentals, EXIT Teen Center Rentals, Xtra Education Classes). Instruction Fees - The Resident Discount Rate for swim lessons is the only rate in this jtegory that did not increase; all other fees were raised anywhere from $20 to $60. Lincoln Center Rates - A few rates have increased. Not all rates reflect a Resident Discount Rate. Pavilion Rental and Deposit Rates - All rates increased between $75 and $300, with Regular and Resident Discount Rates now in place. Race Equipment Rentals - Proposed Resident Discount Rates now apply. Fees were increased from $5 to $55. Swimming Pools - There is a proposed increase to pool admission and pool passes, with some Regular and Resident Discount Rates now in place for pool rentals. Exit Teen Center - There is no Resident Discount Rate proposed for the EXIT Teen Center, however some rental rate increases are proposed. Vendor Permits and Commissions - There is no Resident Discount Rate proposed. Youth Sports - In addition to the Regular Rate and Resident Discount Rate being added, an Outside League Field Redevelopment Fee per Child for baseball has been increased. Regular and Resident Discount Rates now in place. Garett Karr, 2315 Bristol, Bryan - Has to go out of town to use the skate park as a unique amenity this would make our park an attraction. He also likes Southwood as the location for the park. Daniel, 3908 Horseback - Would like scooters to be included into the park. Barbara Rush, Bryan, TX - Her grandson does the stairs and other skate park amenities. She explained that she watches him and would like for shade to be incorporated into the park for the viewers. She also asked for different elements to be incorporated for the different age groups and urged that things be included for those who would like a challenge. She agreed that having an all wheel park would benefit the users. Jonathan Mendez - Feels that Southwood is the best location and that incorporating different architecture will make the skate park unique and help the city thrive. I The public hearing portion closed, and Board discussion followed. Glenn Schroeder made a motion to recommend that Southwood Athletic Park be the location for the skate park and that the city and Board work with the consultant to incorporate the different users into the park. Also to include certain amenities, such as shade, as specified by the users. George Jessup seconded. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion carried unanimously. J\, Z;i 6. Presentation. ~ossi ble action. and discussion concernina Parks and 7 Recreation Department Proposed ScheduBe of Fees for FY 2010: There was discussion regarding the proposed schedule of fees for FY 2010. David Scott made a motion to accept the proposed schedule of fees for FY 2010, and Glenn Schroeder seconded the motion. Glenn Schroeder included that he would like to see the fees on the agenda on a regular basis so that the Board can address the issues. He also included that the difference in the regular rate and the resident discount rate was justified, because the infrastructure in the city has been paid by citizens tax dollars. The vote was called. Douglas Becker in opposition to the motion. The vote passed with a vote of 6 to 1. (Donald Williams being absent). 8. Presentation, ~ossible action, and discussion concernins Doq Park Qoerations: Curtis Bingham, Park Operations Superintendent, explained the advantages and problems that each of the dog parks has. Discussion followed. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. July 14, 2009 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting Minutes PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT USER FEES DRAFT of PROPOSED FEES - September 24,2009 5. Kick Ball 6. Adult Sports Transfer I Cancellation Fee 7. Forfeit Deposit Fee 8. Outside League Per Game Contract Fee Page 1 of 8 2. Athletic Field Rental - Per Hour, up to 7 Hours. (Includes Field Redevelopment fee of $5) One (I) Field, Per Hour 3. Athletic Field Rental Deposit 4. Lights for Field Rentals (Per hour/Per field) 5. Game Field Prep Fee, Per Field 6. Bee Creek Batting Cage Rental, Per Hour 7. Veterans Park "Package" Day Rental -All 9 Soccer Fields and the American Pavilion 8. Key Fee (New Annual Fee and Replacement Fee) 9. Parking Fee (Wayne Smith Complex) on TAMU Game Days NIA $10 NIA $1 0 - In addition to the rental fees, a deposit will be charged and paid by the renter in advance of anv tournament. The deposit will vary depending on the type and size of the tournament. - In addition to the rental and deposit fees, additional fees may be assessed to the renter depending on the length and type of tournament in order to cover expenses incurred by the City for personnel and supplies needed to facilitate the tournament. - Initial game field prep and light fees are included in the daily rental fee, but not in hourly rental fees. *~ommercial rate tournaments. NOTE: I. The Regular Rate applies to non-resident individuals of College Station. 2 The Regular Rate for team fees applies to teams that have less than 75% College Station resident participation on the team. 3. Reduction in Fee is due to "Pay at the Plate" implementation for games. 4. The Commercial Rate for Tournaments applies to 'For Profit' entities. $10 1 hour Varies $10 1 hour $45 1 field $10/hour NIA NIA N/A NIA $1 0 NIA $1 0 $10 1 hour Varies $10 1 hour $45 / field $10/hour $1,000 NIA N/A NIA $1 0 NIA $1 0 $390 I $260 $10 $50 $1 0 $15 1 hour Varies $15 / hour $45 1 field $10/hour $1,000 $10 each $10 $30 I hour j $20 1 hour j $40 1 hour Varies $25 1 hour ! $15 / hour ! $30 I hour I I $70 1 field i $45 I field i $90 I hour $15lhour I $10 /hour ! ! $1,875 I day ! $1,250 1 day ! $2,500 I day $10 each $10 /day I Monday - Sunday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less $55 $55 $55 8am-5pm $65 $65 $65 6 m -Close P $70 1 $70 $70 Room 127: 1. College Station Cemetery: Standard Space $600 $600 Cremate Space Infant Space 2. Memorial Cemetery of College Station Municipal Section: Standard Space 2, ,, ,, Columbaria Niche << ,, ,, Infant Space Aggie Field of Honor: Standard Space ,, ,, ,, Columbaria Niche Monday -Thursday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less 8am-5pm 6 pm - Close Friday Flat Rate: 8 am -Close Saturday Flat Rate: 8 am - Close 2. Non-Commercial Rental Rates (Individuals or groups / not companies or businesses.) Room 101 : $250 $100 N/A N/ A N/A N/A N/A Monday - Thursday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less 8am-5 p m 6 pm - Close Friday Flat Rate: 8 am - Close Saturday Flat Rate: 8 am - Close Room 102*, 103, 104, 106* 4 Consecutive Hours or Less Monda Y - Sunda y : 8am-5pm 6 pm - Close $125 $165 $175 $225 $450 Monday - Sunday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less 8am-5pm 6 p m -Close Page 2 of 8 $250 $100 $950 $600 $150 $1,950 $1,200 $25 1 $40 $35 $75 $150 $20 $35 , $30 , I Room 127: Monday - Thursday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less 8am-5pm 6 pm - Close $125 $165 $175 $225 $450 $25 $40 $35 $300 $1 50 $950 $600 $1 50 $2,000 $1,200 $25 $40 $35 $75 $150 $20 $20 $60 $110 $80 $300 $1 50 $1,125 $690 $150 $2,350 $1,380 $1 25 $165 $1 75 $225 $450 $35 $30 $25 $40 $35 $140 $1 80 $1 90 $250 $500 $60 $110 $80 $35 $30 $25 $40 1 $35 $40 $35 $30 $45 $40 $60 $110 $80 $65 $1 25 $90 Page 3 of 8 8. Patio Based on Availabilit $30.00 Each (ALL MICROPHONES REQUIRE AN AMPLIFIER) Multi-media Projector (I) Multi-media Projector Deposit Portable CD Player (I) Television, 32" with DVDNCR (1) Television, 25" with DVDNCR (3) 10. Podiums Upright with Microphone (3) Upright without a Microphone (1) 11. ReceptionlParty ltems Candles 6" x 3 %", with Holder (50) Dance Floor Panels, 3' x 3' Panel (50) Lattice Screens - White, Folding 8' x 6' (4) Wedding Arch, White, Metal (I) Wedding Arbor Trellis, White Wooden (1) Mirror Ball (Available in Room 127 Only) Piano (1) 12. Kitchen ltems Ice Machine (Per 20 Pounds) Coffee Maker: 30-Cup (2); 60-Cup (3); 100-Cup (2) 13. MeetinglConference Equipment Flip Chart without Paper (3) Flip Chart with Paper (3) Silk Plants (15) Stage Extenders 4' x 7', One-step 3' x 1' (2) 14. Other Services: Copies (Per Copy) Maximum 100 Per Day ** Faxes - Local (Per Page) Long Distance (First Page / Each Additional Page) Trip Charge (For Food) Coffee or Tea Service (Per Cup) Includes Coffee Pot, Coffee, $50 $.lo* $1 $2/$1 $50 $.lo' $1 $2/$1 $5 .50 cents $50 $.lo' $1 $2/$1 $10 .50 cents $100.00 Each $55.00 Each $10.00 Each $25.00 Each $25.00 Each $1 5.00 Each $5.00 Each $1 .OO Each $2.00 Each $10.00 Each $15.00 Each $25.00 Each $10.00 Each $20.00 Each $2.50 Each $5.00 Each $5.00 Each $10.00 Each $40.00 Each $1 5 Each $.lob $1 $2 1 $1 $20 .50 cents Per Cup Cups, Cream, Sweeteners and Napkins Donuts andlor Cold Drinks Room or Date Transfer I Cancellation Fee Per Change * Set-up Changes Less than 12 Hours Prior to the Event Open Early Before 7:00 a.m., Sunday through Saturday Late Closing 11;OO p.m. - 12:OO a.m., Sunday - Thursday Late Closing 1:00 a.m. - 3:00 a.m., Friday - Saturday Custodial Service Arranged in Advance, One Hour Min. Unarranged Custodial Clean-up Use of Wi-Fi Internet Connection Service - Rooms 105 and 127 ANY Unstipulated Occupancy Time Per Contract Agreement for Early Arrival or Late Departure 1. Swim Lessons 45-Minute Lesson 25-Minute ~esson* Page 4 of 8 - Deposits are refundable upon compliance with all rules, regulations, and clean-up requirements by client and caterer. * Deposits are refunded less the cancellation fee of $10, if the reservation is cancelled sixty (60) days prior to the event. ** Per Section 111.61 of the Texas Administrative Code $1 0 2. Stroke Clinic 3. USTA Tennis League 4. Tennis Lessons 5. Water Fitness Pass Morning Water Fitness Pass - Fall, Spring, Summer Night Water Fitness Pass - Fall, Spring, Summer Morning Water Fitness Pass -Winter Night Water Fitness Pass -Winter 6. Instruction Transfer 1 Cancellation Fee $40 $40 $1 0 * Children aaes 5 and under attend onlv a 25-minute lesson. All other lessons are 45 minutes in lenath. $45 $90 $65 $80 $60 $60 $45 $10 $45 $35 $1 0 $45 $90 $65 $80 $60 $60 $45 $1 0 Market Price plus Trip Charge $10.00 $10.00 $75.00 $75.00 $75.00 1 Hour $15.00 1 Hour $30.00 1 Hour $25.00 $90.00 1 Hour $45 $40 $70 j $45 $60 ! $40 $45 $90 $65 $80 $60 $60 $45 $10 $75 I $50 $150 / $100 $105 ! $70 $120 1 $80 $90 I $60 I $90 I $60 $70 ! $45 $10 6. Dog Park Rentals - - Deposits are refundable, less the $10 cancellation fee if reservation is cancelled no later than seven (7) days prior to rental date. Deposit Kitchen Fee 9. Special Event Fee (Funerals, weddings, parties) 10. Miscellaneous Charges: Copies (Per Copy) * Faxes - Local (Per Page) Faxes - Long Distance (Per Page) 11. Gym or Room Transfer I Cancellation Fee Page 5 of 8 - All rooms are subject to an after-hour charge of $20 per hour. The after-hour charge is based on any request to use facilities beyond the Center's normal operating hours. - Special Event fee includes the rental of the gym, Community Room, sound system, and 450 chairs. * Per Section 111.61 of the Texas Administrative Code. $1 00 $20 $1 50 $.lo* $1 .OO $2 First pg /$I Addt'l Pages 1. Printing Stop Watch I Non-printing Stop Watch 2. Cones (lo) 3. Bases, Poles, and Flagging (10) 4. Big Time Clock 5. Water Cooler I Ice Chest 6. Tables 7. Traffic Flags and Vests (1 0) 8. Rental Package #I: Big time clock, 1 printing stopwatch, 10 cones, 10 baseslpoles and flagging, 2 water coolers, 2 tables, 10 traffic flags and vests. 9. Rental Package #2: Big time clock, 2 printing stopwatches, 30 cones, 20 baseslpoles and flagging, 6 water coolers, 4 tables, 15 traffic flags and vests. $100 $20 $250 $.lo* $1 .OO $2 First pg /$I Addt'l Pages $10/$5 $1 0 $1 0 $50 $5 I $5 $1 0 $5 $75 $1 00 $100 $20 $250 $.lo* $1 .OO $2 First pg /$I Addt'l Pages $10/$5 $10 $1 0 $50 $5 1$5 $1 0 $5 $75 $1 00 $150 i $100 $40 $25 $415 ! $275 $.I0 I Copy $1 .OO / Page $2 First Pg / $1 Ea. Addt'l Page $10.00 $101$5 $10 $10 $50 $5 1$5 $1 0 $5 $75 $1 00 $15 ) $10 $1 5 ! $10 $1 5 I $1 0 ! $90 I $60 $101$10 j $5/$5 $1 5 j $10 $1 0 I $5 I ! ! $130 ! $85 I I ! $150 ! $100 Southwood and Thomas 10. Rental Package #3: Big time clock, 4 printing stopwatches, 60 cones, 30 bases/poles and flagging, 12 water coolers, 6 tables, 20 traffic flags and vests. Page 6 of 8 $125 $125 $1 25 ! I $1 90 1 $125 11. Junior Lifeguard Level 2, Per Session 12. Other Pool Fees: Texas SuperGuard Competition Per Person Swim Dia p er Fee Per Dia p er Tube Rental Fee Deposit Locker Rental Fee Deposit Duck Derby (Sponsor a duck July 4th) Per Person ltzy Bitzy Tiny Cutie Bathing Beauty & Handsome Boy Contest on July 4th, Per Person "Schools Out Blow Out" at Adamson Lagoon Pool Trout Fish-out Per Person (Ages 3 and up) Over the 5-fish limit (Per fish) 13. Educational Class Rental Per Hour 15. Natatorium Team Use Fee, Per Person, Per Season 16. Pool Rental, Junior Lifeguard TransferlCancellation Fee *Adamson passes are also valid at Southwood Hallaran and 1. Annual Membership Pass 2. Non-Member Fee Per Day 3. Meeting Room Rental, Per Hour Deposit DancelGame Room Rental. Per Hour Deposit 5. Whole Facility Rental Per Hour (Excludes Computer Lab) 6. Additional Attendance Fee Per Hour * priced for 25 swims. 7. Room or Rental Transfer I Cancellation Fee 3. Green Room Meetings Up to Twelve Hours 1 $25 + $1 0 $1 $1 5 $50 $25 $50 $50 $75 N/A $1 0 1. Vendor Permit $50 $50 $50 Page 7 of 8 $70 $20 $1 $1 $2 $1 $2 $2 $3 $200 $3 $1.50 $25 $2 $1 0 Thomas pools, $25 + Cert. Fees $25 + Cert. Fees $20 * All rental rates are based on a party of 1-25 people. Additional fees are added per hour for over 25 attendees. Any rental expecting more than 100 attendees must have prior Supervisor approval. - Deposits are refundable if the facility is left clean and damage-free. - Fees are assessed for special events and field trips. 2. Commissions: (Gross Sales minus Sales Tax) Food & Drinks Other Goods Alcoholic Beverages Cert. Fees $20 $1 $1 $2 $1 $2 $2 $3 $200 $3 $1.50 $25 $2 $10 excluding the $1 $1 $2 $1 $2 $2 $3 $200 $3 $1.50 $25 $2 $1 0 $20 $2 $1 5 $50 $25 $50 $50 $75 N/A $1 $2 $1 $2 $2 $3 $200 $3 $1.50 $25 $3 ! $2 $1 5 ! $10 $1 0 10-15% 10-15% 20-25% CSISD Natatorium. All discount passes are $20 $2 $15 $50 $25 $50 $50 $75 $10 10-15% 10-15% 20 - 25 % $20 $2 $20 $50 $30 $50 $75 $75 $10 9. Discounts for Three or More Dates Reserved - All Xtra Education class fees will be set according to the individual needs of each class. Based upon I00 % Cost Recovery. Cemetery Fees approved by Cemetery Advisory Committee - August 19, 2009 Alternate Recommendation Cemetery Fees approved by City Council - All Other Fees approved by Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - September 8, 2009 All Fees approved by City Council - 15% . Basketball / Youth Volleyball / Flag Football */ Girl's Softball' (* Includes $10 Per Child Field Redevelopment Fee) 2. Challenger Sports (Basketball, Bowling, Soccer) 3. Outside League Field Redevelopment Fee Per Child Baseball All Other Sports 4. Swim Team (No Field Redevelopment Fee Included) 5. Youth Sports Transfer 1 Cancellation Fee Page 8 of 8 10. Alcohol Surcharge for any Function 1. Class Transfer I Cancellation Fee 15% $1 0 $55 / $50 $15 $10 $100 /$90 $10 15% - A percentage of ticketing and fees for service personnel and vending charges will be added accordingly for amphitheater rentals. -A percentage of the gate will be negotiated for commercial events. - Non Commercial defined as: Non-profit, student, civic or private. - Security deposits are based upon participants/attendees. $50 $1 0 $1 0 $1 0 $55 / $50 $1 5 $10 $100 /$90 $10 $50 $50 $55 $15 $1 0 $100 $10 ! $85 ! $55 $15 ! $1 5 $40 Per Child $15 Per Child $25 Per Child $10 Per Child $150 j $100 $10 November 23, 2009 Regular Agenda Item No. 2 Northgate Pedestrian Safety Improvements To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Mark Smith, Director of Public Works Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding planned pedestrian safety improvements in the Northgate area. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends that Council support the plan developed through collaboration between the Texas Department of Transportation, the City of College Station, and Texas A8M University and that the City Council hereby approve the plan's proposed closure of College Main to motor vehicles between University Drive and Church Street, converting the area into a pedestrian and bicycle facility. Summary: TxDOT and City Staff will present the proposed safety improvements that have been developed through collaboration between TxDOT, Texas A8M and the City of College Station. The proposed pedestrian improvements will be constructed byTxDOT. Texas A8M1s Council on Built Environment (CBE) met on October 14, 2009. The CBE approve the concept presented by TxDOT with the caveat that if the pedestrian mall on College Main is not approved by the City of College Station, the approval from the CBE is withdrawn. Budget & Financial Summary: The projected cost of the improvements is $2 million. The cost of the permanent improvements will be paid by TxDOT. Attachments: November 23, 2009 Regular Agenda Item No. 3 Appointment to Research Valley BioCorridor Task Force To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: City Manager's Office Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the City appointing three representatives to the Research Valley BioCorridor Task Force. Summary: On October 29, 2009, The Research Valley Partnership's Board of Directors unanimously approved a resolution endorsing the BioResearch Valley vision of a biocorridor/biopark; a unified approach in the development and implementation of a plan to accomplish that vision; and the establishment of a task force to serve as an oversight body in plan development. The RVP is requesting that the Cities of College Station and Bryan and Brazos County appoint three representatives to the Research Valley BioCorridor Task Force. This task force is intended to serve as an oversight body in plan development and endorsement to the RVP Board and governing bodies for any approvals that might be sought or required. The representatives appointed by other entities are below: Texas A&M System: Vergel Gay, Brett Giroir, Guy Diedrich City of Bryan: Mayor Mark Conlee, David Watkins, Dennis Goehring (alternate Joey Dunn) Brazos County is scheduled to make their appointments on Tuesday, November 24. Budget & Financial Summary: IV/A Attachments: 1. Letter from the Research Valley Partnership October 30, 2009 Dr. Mjcllael YlcIGnncy, Chancellor 'Texas fl&h!l Urlive~.si ty Sys tern 'The Honol-xl~le R;~ncly Sirns r 7 Count). Judge of nrazos County, I exas The Ilonorablc hlark Conlec M;I~~I of Rryan, Texas 'Fhe I-Ionoral3le Ben White lVIayor of Collep,~ Station, Tcxas .Ilear Sirs, Ic is rnyplc;~sure to advise yo11 that on October 29, 2009, ?'he Kcscarch Valley P:~rtnership's Boarcl of Directors unanimously approved a resolution endorsing the Bioliesearch Valley vision ofa biocorritlor/bictparl<; ;I unified approach in thc clcveloprnent and iniplelnent3tio11 of a plan to accomplish that vision; and the establishn~ent of'a task force to selvc as all ovcrsigllt body in plan development. ,Attached is this executed resolutioll and co~lcept boundaty map. As Chairman ofthc Board, 1 respcctf~~lly request that you each appoirlt at ya~lr earliest co~lvcnicncc three (3) represent:ltivcs to the Kcpcarcll Valley BioCorriclnr l'aslt Forcc. 'Thanlc you ;~i.rtl (lo riot- 1lesit;lte to ~;~ll if you have any clt~estions. L:lrry I-lodges .. \ Ch;~irrn;~n, The Rcscarcll LTxlley Partnership l3o;tril [IF Directors CC:: 111.. Brett Giroir, 'l'es:ls A&A4 University System 1.11.. Fancy I..>icl<ey, 7'ex:ls A&A;l I [calth Scicncc Centcr Dr. Jeffrey Seemann, 'Texa:: A&M 1.l nivcrsity Davit1 Wlttliins, City of-Ryu~ Glenn Brown, City of College Station -roclcI :MCD;~niel, Ttlc Rcscarch Vallcy l'artncrsl~il:, ICESOLU'I'ION OF TI-IE RESEARCII VALLEY 1',4RTNERSITIP IJOflW 01;' DIKEC'I'ORS WE, THE RESEARCH VAT,I,EY PI-IRTNERSHIP (RVP) BOARD OF DIRECTORS, STRONGLY ENDORSE THE BIORESEflRCH VALLEY VISlON OF A BIOCORRIDOR / PARIC AND A UNIFIED APPROACI-I IN TI-IE DEVEI,OPIVIENT AND IMPLEMENTr-YITOhT OF A PLAN TO ACCOh4PLISII THAT VISION. WHEREAS, the RVP's mission is to be a catalyst for economic growth 111 'The Kcsearch Valley without regard to municipal boundary, which engages higher education ancl psivatc industry in order i'o achieve sustainable/lligh quality econor-n~c development success; WHERUS, the BioReseardl Valley Corridor is described as a biotech corridor linlting core bioscicnccs infrastructure (research, tlevcloplnel~t, and eclucatiollal) togethe1 ill an area enerally described as being bounded: to the cast bv IVellboi-n Roacl; to the south by f&yrnond Stotze~ ParlW3y; to the north by the ?';ras JlSCVI I-lealtli Science Center Campus; and to the West by State I-Iighway 47. MrlIEREAS, the 13ioResearch Valley BioPark is described as a biotech cornrnerce park focused on biopharma research, develo rnent and production activities and is generally described as an area of undeveloped lani bounded to the east by Torkey Creek Road and Traditions Parkcway; to the south on the bounda~ line of property owned by Bryan Comlnerce and Development, I,J..,C located in the city lirrlits of the City of College Station; to the north on the boundary line of property ow~iccl by I3iyan Corn~nercc anti Ilevelopment, LLC adjacent to the Texas AMV1 .Health Science Cenrer campus located in the city limirs of the City of Blyan; and to the IVcst by Srate I-Iighway 47. FVI-IEREAS, the RW's funding partners, the Rcse'u-ch Vallcy P'irtncrship's pri~ltc sector investors, thc Texas AM/I IJniversity System, and the bt~sinesses ancl citizens of 13razos County will benctit both clircctly and indirectly from the irriplcnlcntation of a plL~nnctl 13ioCosridor and Pnrk; Wl-.lEREAS, there is a compelling need for the Cities of 13r);an and C:ollege Seatioil, Urazos County, ;uld the Tekxs R&hiI University System to p~usut: the uciir tcrm ilcvelvp~nei~t of a HioCorriilor anil Park M;istcr i>l;in- in ovtler ro facilir:~te 5intiing of-' critic.al econonlic cleveloprnent ititi-astruct~~re and pro,jccts such as the clevtlopmcnt of FLk.13 Roacl as the primary transportation artcry of the biocossidor; ancl %VMETIEAS, there is a co~npelling opport~u~~ity to mxiirnize the econolnic c~evclopmenc of The Research Vsllcy for future geficrations in concert with Texas A&\![ ITJnivcrsiry System kir~il its components headquartered in Hrazos Couuty, 'l'exas; 13E IT RESOLVED BY THE RESEARCH VALLEY PAR'rNEIISHIP BOARD OF DIRECTORS: 1'AKS 1: 'l'hat the Hoard stronqly endorses the BioRcscarch Valley vision, biocorridor nnd park initiative, Ad the nccd for the cities, Urazos County, and the Tesas AMY1 System to take a unif'ied approach in the developmel~t ;~ntl inil~len~entatio~Y of a plan to accomplish that vision; Pflli'l' 2: r 7 I hat thc ItVP respcctfillly oSfers to senre as the uni+ing entity in bringing togethcr thc citics, Urdzos County, and the Texas A&V1 University System components headquartered in 'She Research Valley to develop and endorse the plan. PAITS 3: That the RVl' rcspectii~lly offers to serve as the unifi:iilp entity in bringing together the cities, Urazos County, and the Tcms Am University System corn. oncnts headc uartered in The Research Valley to develo a collective cf appropri;itc gover~lirtg botlies; and f fun ing strategy for execution of the plan for recornrncncation to the PART 4: ?'hat the RVP respectfully requests that the cities, Brazos County, and the Tcxas A&M University System each a oint three representatives to a BioCorridor '17;isli Forc; Co-Chaired by Kfr. Lsriy Hodues, Ctlsinnsn and 111- Srephcn Holditch, Chair-Elect of Thc Kescarch valley Parti~crsliip Board of. Directors to serve as an oversight body in plan development and c~ldorsen~cnt to thc RVP Board and governing bodies for any approvals that might by sought or AI)OP1:EI) this z? kh day of -,-fi/,&fi r , A.D. 2009. I --- I c- -- - _-0 .i \ -- TL'ODII NICIIANIEL CI IAIm/1?1LZN OF '1'1-IE 130AKl> PRESIDENT QL CEO 13ioResc;1rch V;illcy Cor~iclor i~nil Pwrk Iiesol~~tiori October 2000 Paga 2 01 2