HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/09/2009 - Regular Agenda Packet - City CouncilMayor Ben White Mayor Pro Tem Dave Ruesink City Manager Glenn Brown Council members John Crompton James Massey Dennis Maloney Katy-Marie Lyles Lawrence Stewart Agenda College Station City Council Regular Meeting Monday, November 09,2009 at 12:OO PM City Hall Council Chamber, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 1. Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, Consider absence request. Recognition of Connie Hooks, Faye Scott and Tasha Velasco as "Exemplary Five-Star" Local Registrars by the Texas Department of State Health Services. 2. Hear Visitors. Consent Agenda Individuals who wish to address the City Council on a consent or regular agenda item not posted as a public hearing shall register with the City Secretary prior to the Mayor's reading of the agenda item. Registration forms are available in the lobby and at the desk of the City Secretary. The Mayor will recognize individuals who wish to come forward to speak for or against the item. The speaker will state their name and address for the record and allowed three minutes. A timer will sound at 2 112 minutes to signal thirty seconds remaining for remarks. 3. Presentation, possible action and discussion of consent agenda items which consists of ministerial or "housekeeping" items required by law. Items may be removed fi-om the consent agenda by majority vote of the Council. a. Presentation, possible action, and discussion of minutes for City Council Workshop and Regular meeting, October 8, 2009 and October 19,2009. b.Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding renewal of an annual price agreement with Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions to provide emulsified asphalt products for the maintenance of streets in an amount not to exceed $478,104. c.Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding the approval of a resolution accepting from the Governors Division of Emergency Management (GDEM) the 2009 Homeland Security Grant Program Sub- recipient of $75,000, naming a City staff member as manager of those grant funds, and approving the 2009 City of College Station Equipment List for purchase. d.Presentation, possible action, and discussion to approve a resolution increasing the food establishment health permit fee collected by the Brazos County Health Department to a flat fee of $400 a year, beginning with the 2010 permit. City Council Regular Meeting Page 2 Monday, November 9,2009 e. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on the purchase of a Roll-Off Truck from East Texas Mack Sales, LLC and B & C Body Company be used by the Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency in the amount of $145,432.00. f. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on the purchase of a Ford F750 Truck from Philpott Ford to be used by the Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency in the amount of $1 19,734.00. g.Presentation, possible action, and discussion requesting approval of a settlement agreement with Wellborn SUD and Main Street Homes, which is the third of three agreements that will allow the City to pursue TCEQ approval of our application to extend our sewer certificated area into parts of the ETJ. h.~resentation, $ossible action, and discussion on a funding agreement between the City of College Station and the Arts Council of Brazos Valley for FY 10 in the amount of $18 1,000 for Affiliate funding. i. Presentation, possible action and discussion to authorize the FY 10 expenditures for the Brazos County Appraisal District in the amount of $236,692 pursuant to the Property Tax Code 6.06D. j. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on approval of the 2009 Property Tax Roll in the amount of $23,623,086.36. k.Presentation, possible action, and discussion: (1) an amendment to the Professional Services Contract 04-176 with Epsilon Engineering, Inc. for the purpose of foregoing transfer and novation of the contract to Jacobs Engineering Group Inc and also modifying the date for which all design work and other professional services provided under the Contract must be completed to July 30,2012, and (2) a change order to the Professional Services Contract 04-176 with Epsilon Engineering, Inc., now Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., in the amount of $60,870.40, for additional services to design improvements to the intersection of Barron Road and SH 40. 1. Presentation, possible action, and discussion to a change order to Contract #08-277 to Brazos Valley Services in the amount of $233,373.70 for additional construction services related to the College ParMBreezy Heights Rehabilitation Project. m. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding change order no. 1 to the Water Reclamation Project design contract in the amount of $24,000.00 to Contract No. 09-147 with Lockwood, Andrews, & Newnam for design services to provide programming deliverables for control of the water reclamation system. n.Presentation, possible action, and discussion to approve a change order to professional services contract #05-160 with McClure & Brown Engineering in the amount of $21 1,397.50 related to revisions and updates to the Tauber and Stasney Streets Rehabilitation design. o.Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Professional Services Contract with Lockwood, Andrews, and Newnam, Inc. in the amount of $225,477; for the design of the Carters Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Lab and SCADA Building and approval of a resolution declaring intention to reimburse certain expenditures with proceeds from debt. City Council Regular Meeting Page 3 Monday, November 9,2009 p.Presentation, possible action and discussion of an Interlocal Agreement between the cities of Bryan and College Station in an amount not to exceed $60,000; for turn lanes and signals at the intersection of University Drive and Copperfield. q.Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding a resolution to purchase 5.5 Wetland Mitigation Credits in the Steele Creek Mitigation Bank from OXBOW Investments Inc. in the amount of $137,500.00. r. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding execution of a Right-of-way Easement Agreement with the Texas A&M University System (TAMUS), for the construction of Penberthy Road Extension. Regular Agenda Individuals who wish to address the City Council on a regular agenda item not posted as a public hearing shall register with the City Secretary prior to the Mayor's reading of the agenda item. The Mayor will recognize you to come forward to speak for or against the item. The speaker will state their name and address for the record and allowed three minutes. A timer will sound at 2 112 minutes to signal thirty seconds remaining for remarks. Individuals who wish to address the City Council on an item posted as a public hearing shall register with the City Secretary prior to the Mayor's announcement to open the public hearing. The Mayor will recognize individuals who wish to come forward to speak for or against the item. The speaker will state their name and address for the record and allowed three minutes. A timer alarm will sound at 2 112 minutes to signal thirty seconds remaining to conclude remarks. After a public hearing is closed, there shall be no additional public comments. If Council needs additional information from the general public, some limited comments may be allowed at the discretion of the Mayor. If an individual does not wish to address the City Council, but still wishes to be recorded in the official minutes as being in support or opposition to an agenda item, the individual may complete the registration form provided in the lobby by providing the name, address, and comments about a city related subject. These comments will be referred to the City Council and City Manager. 1. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a proposed amendment to the City's smoking ordinance. 2. Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an ordinance amending Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 7.9, "1Von-Residential Architectural Standards," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station as it relates to parking lot screening. 3. Public Hearing, presentation, possible action and discussion regarding an Oil and Gas Operations Permit for the McCullough-Olden Unit, Well #IRE as requested by the operator, EnerVest Operating, LLC. of Houston, Texas. 4. Public Hearing, presentation, possible action and discussion regarding an Oil and Gas Operations Permit for the McCullough- McCullough Unit, Well #IRE as requested by the operator, EnerVest Operating, LLC. of Houston, Texas. 5. Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion approving an ordinance vacating and abandoning a 1,265 square foot, 20-foot wide public utility easement, which is located on Lot 3C of Block 1 of the Gateway Phase 3 Subdivision according to the plat recorded in Volume 9 1 12, Page 138 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. City Council Regular Meeting Monday, November 9, 2009 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on an update regarding the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenway Master Plan. 7. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the extension of Holleman Drive from its intersection with FM 281 8 and making a connection to the existing Jones-Butler roadway just east of the Dowling Road Pump Station. 8. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update on the convention center project. 9. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the establishment of a Code Coordination Sub- committee of various Boards, commissions, and Council involved in the implementation and enforcement of the Unified Development Ordinance and other development related regulations and standards and appointment of membership to the same. 10. Council Calendar Nov. 10-14 NLC Congress of Cities in San Antonio, TX, 8:00 a.m. Nov. 10 Preview Event St. Joseph Emergency Center & St. Joseph Imaging & Diagnostic Center at 441 1 Hwy 6 South, College Station, 11:OO a.m. Nov. 12 Animal Control Ordinance Meeting - Public Input Session at Municipal Court, 6:30 p.m. Nov. 14 Brazos Valley Worldfest at Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater, 10:OO a.m. Nov. 16 IGC Meeting at BVCOG, 12:OO p.m. Nov. 16 Canvass of Votes & Special Council Meeting in Council Chambers, 4:00 p.m. Nov. 16 Oakwood Neighborhood Mtg - Historic Preservation Mtg, CS Conf. Center, 6:00 p.m. Nov. 17 Council Transportation Committee Mtg in Council Chambers, 4:30 p.m. Nov. 18 Exploring History Lunch Lecture Series at CS Conf. Center Room 127, 1 1:30 a.m. Nov. 19 Animal Control Ordinance Subcommittee Mtg at CS Conf. Center Room 101, 2:00 p.m. Nov. 20 WTAW Radio Interview Spot at 8: 10 a.m. in Crystal Park Plaza Blg, 2700 Rudder Freeway, Suite 5000, 8:00 p.m. Nov. 23 Council WorkshopIRegular Meeting in Council Chambers, 3.00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. 11. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items: A Council Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 12. Discuss'ion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Arts Council of the Brazos Valley, Audit Committee, Brazos County Health Dept., Brazos Valley Council of Governments, Brazos Valley Wide Area Communications Task Force, Cemetery Committee, Code Review Committee, Design Review Board, Historic Preservation Committee, Interfaith Dialogue Association, Intergovernmental Committee, Joint Relief Funding Review Committee, Landmark Commission, Library Committee, Metropolitan Planning Organization, National League of Cities, Outside Agency Funding Review, Parks and Recreation Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, Sister City Association, TAMU Student Senate, Research Valley Partnership, Regional Transportation Committee for Council of Governments, Texas Municipal League, Transportation Committee, Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee, Wolf Pen Creek TIF Board, Zoning Board of Adjustments, BVSWMA, Signature Event Task Force, (Notice of Agendas posted on City Hall bulletin board). City Council Regular Meeting Page 5 Monday, November 9,2009 13. Executive Session will inltnediately follow the workshop meeting in the Administrative Conference Room. Consultation with Attorney {Gov't Code Section 551.071 1; possible action. The City Council may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending or conten~plated litigation subject or settlement offer or attorney-client privileged information. Litigation is an ongoing process and questions may arise as to a litigation tactic or settlement offer, which needs to be discussed with the City Council. Upon occasion the City Council may need information from its attorney as to the status of a pending or contemplated litigation subject or settlement offer or attorney-client privileged information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. The following subject(s) may be discussed: a. Application with TCEQ for permits in WestsideIHighway 60 area, near Brushy Water Supply Corporation b. Sewer CCN permit requests for Brushy & Wellborn Services Areas c. Water CCN permit requests for Brbshy & Wellborn Services Areas d. Bed & Banks Water Rights Discharge Permits for College Station and Bryan e. Legal aspects of Water Well, permits and possible purchase of or lease of water well sites f. Cliff A. Skiles, DVM & C.A. Skiles Family Partnership, Ltd. Water permit applications with the Brazos Valley Groundwater Conservation District g. TMPA v. PUC (College Station filed Intervention) h. City of Bryan suit filed against College Station, Legal issues and advise on Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency contract, on proposed methane gas contract 1. Update on legal proceedings for Grimes County Landfill site and contracts for development of Grimes County site 1. Weingarten Realty Investors v. College Station, Ron Silvia, David Ruesink, Lynn McIlhaney, and Ben White k. Chavers et a1 v. Tyrone Morrows, Michael Ikner, City of Bryan, City of College Station, et a1 1. Rogers Sheridan v. Barbara Schob & Greg Abbott m. Clancey v. College Station, Glenn Brown, and Kathy Memll n. Legal rights and obligations regarding ATS and the results of the election Real Estate {Gov't Code Section 551.072); possible action The City Council may deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the City in negotiations with a third person. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. The following subject(s) may be discussed: a. Possible Purchase or Exchange of Property near E. University and Tarrow Personnel {Gov't Code Section 55 1.074); possible action The City Council may deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. The following public officer(s) may be discussed: a. Mayor & Council Self Evaluation 14. Action on executive session, or any workshop agenda item not completed or discussed in today's workshop meeting may be discussed in tonight's Regular Meeting if necessary. 15. Adjourn. If litigation issues arise to the posted subject matter of this Council Meeting an executive session will be held. APPROVED: City Council Regular Meeting Monday, November 9,2009 Page 6 City Manager Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas will be held on the Monday, November 09, 2009 at 12:00 PM at the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this 6Ih day of November, 2009 at 12:00 p.m. City Secretary I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Governing Body of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1 101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas, and the City's website, www,cstx,,go,v . The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on November 6, 2009 at 12:00 p.m. and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours proceeding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: by Dated this day of ,2009 By Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of ,2009. Notary Public - Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 45 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-500-735-2959. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.gqv . Council meetings are broadcast live on Cable Access Channel 19. ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... . . . .. . ...., . . . . . . Mayor Ben White Mayor Pro Tem David Ruesink City Manager Glenn Brown CITY 01: C0l-1.1~1. S-I'IITION Home of 'le*-l15 A&M 0nrvtl.szpu Councilmembers John Crompton James Massey Dennis Maloney Katy-Marie Lyles Lawrence Stewart Minutes City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, October 08,2009 at 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Ben White, Mayor Pro Tem Ruesink, Council members Crompton, Massey, Maloney, Lyles, Stewart STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Brown, Assistant City Manager Merrill, Assistant City Manager Neeley, City Attorney Cargill Jr., Deputy City Secretary McNutt, Management Team 1. Pledge of Allepiance, Invocation, Consider absence request, EIear Visitors Mayor White called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with all Council members present. Mayor White led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Fire Chief R.B. Alley provided the invocation. Hear Visitors: Hugh Lindsay, 400 Walton Dr. - spoke on the topic of rental registration and a recent citation he received for non-payment of rental registration. He stated that he did not own rental property in College Station. Brian Alg,TAMU student spoke on City's unnecessary spending regarding Red Light Camera pamphlets and the City's recent action to install surveillance cameras in Northgate and the construction of restrooms in Northgate. 2. Presentation, possible action and discussion of consent agenda items which consists of - ministerial or "housekeeping" items required by law. Items may be removed from the consent agenda by maioritv vote of the Council. a. Approved minutes for City Council Special Meeting, September 1, 2009, workshop and regular meetings September 10, 2009 and Joint meeting with CSISD, September 22, 2009. b. Approved Resolution No. 10-OS-09-2b for a Professional Services Contract with The Ground Crew, LLC, in the amount of $149,865.93 for the completion of the Texas Avenue Streetscape project. c. Approved request for the City to serve as a co-sponsor and contribute $2,500 to assist in Page 12 City Council Regular Minutes Thursday, October 08,2009 underwriting the Fall of the Berlin Wall 20th Anniversary celebration. d. Approved bid awarding single purchase of electrical wire and cable maintained in inventory as follows: HD Supply $357,900; TEC $36,600 and Crawford Electric Supply $61,082.75. Total expenditure, $455,582.75. e. Approved budget of the Brazos Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau and finding agreement between the City of College Station and the Brazos Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau for FY 10 in the amount of $1,107,000. f. Approved finding agreement between the City of College Station and the Research Valley Partnership for FY 10 in the amount of $300,000. g. Approved budget of the Arts Council of Brazos Valley and the operations and maintenance finding agreements between the City of College Station and the Arts Council of Brazos Valley for FY 10 totaling $208,000. h. Approved Resolution No. 10-08-09-231 replacing Resolution No. 9-1-2009-03 for the purpose of revising a polling place location and to correct language in the Interlocal Government Agreement with Brazos County for the conduct and management of the Special Election. i. Approved Resolution No. 10-08-09- 2i awarding a Professional Services Contract (#09-209) with Clark Condon Associates in an amount not to exceed $73,500.00, for the development of a master plan for the Wolf Pen Creek Water Feature and Festival Area Project (Project No. WP-090 1). j. Approved an annual purchase order with Boundtree Medical L.L.C. for $65,000.00 for EMS supplies. k. Approved rejection of Bid 09-79 annual agreement for electric meters that are maintained in Electrical Inventory. Council member Maloney moved to approve consent items 2a thru 2k. Council member Lyles seconded the motion, which carried 7 - 0. FOR: Mayor Ben White, Mayor Protem Ruesink, Crompton, Massey, Maloney, Lyles and Stewart AGAINST: None 1. Presentation, possible actio~~ and discussion on a bid award for the a~~ni~al agreement for - various electrical items and electric meters to be stored in inventory as follows: Stuart C. Irbv 1 Electric Supplv $25,572.00; Priester Mell and Nicholson S105,270.00; and $17,620.00 to be determined bv tie breaker proced ures. Total estimated annual expenditure is $1,452,748.40. Cheryl Turney, Assistant Finance Director presented bids on annual various electrical items and electric meters. Staff recommended awarding to the lowest responsible bidder meeting Page 13 City Council Regular Minutes Thursday, October 08,2009 specifications as shown below plus an additional $17,620.00 to be determined by tie breaker (see below) for a total annual expenditure of $1,452,748.40. I. Stuart C. Irby $ 428,585.00 11. HD Supply $ 488,054.00 111. KBS Electric $ 179,458.50 IV. Techline $ 225,808.90 V. Hill Country Electric Supply $ 25,572.00 VI. Priester Mell and Nicholson $ 105,270.00 $1,452,748.40 Tie Bids KBS Electric Techline F- 1 Brace Deadend 8' Fiberglass 75x$1 80=$13,500 75x$1 80=$13,500 Priester Mell Nicholson Techline F-4 Brace Deadend 1 07Fiberglass 20x$206=$4,120 20x@$206=$4,120 Troy Rother, Assistant City Engineer introduced two youth from the College Station Cub Scout Troop 1074 to draw for two (2) tie breakers between KBS Electric & Techline and Priester Me11 Nicholson & Techline. Blaze with Troop 1074 drew - KBS Electric for F- 1 Brace Deadend 8' Fiberglass at 75x$1 80=$13,500 Jasia with Troop 1074 drew - Techline for the F-4 Brace Deadend 1 O'Fiberglass20x@$2O6=$4,12O Council member Massey made a motion to award line item bids to Stuart C. Irby for $428,585.00, HD Supply for $488,054.00, KBS Electric for $179,458.50, Techline for $225,808.90, Hill County Electric Supply for $25,572.00, Priester Mell and Nicholson for $105,270.00 and award tie bids to KBS Electric for F-1 Brace Deadend 8' Fiberglass at $13,500 and Techline for the F-4 brace Deadend 107Fiberglass at $4,120. Council member Stewart seconded the motion, which carried 7-0. FOR: Mayor Ben White, Mayor Pro tem Ruesink, Crompton, Massey, Maloney, Lyles and Stewart AGAINST: None 2. Presentation, r~ossible action, and discussion of Citv Policy regarding Street Lighting for - Subdivisions in City Limits scwiccd by HTIJ. Mark Smith, Director of Public Works presented an interim policy that reimburses developers or Home Owners Associations a monthly billing cost for BTU streetlights in College Station City Limits. This provides equity for College Station citizens regardless of their electric provider and College Station Utilities currently pays the same street lighting costs for areas served by CSU. The Reimbursement Agreement is proposed to be entered into by the developer or Home Owners Association. Upon proof of timely payment by Developer to BTU, and upon submittal of such proof to City, City shall reimburse Developer its regularly incurred monthly charges for electricity for Page 14 City Council Regular Minutes Thursday, October 08, 2009 lighting such street lights. Staff recommended approval of this policy and authorizing City Manager to enter Reimbursement Agreements with developers or Home Owners Associations. Council member Maloney moved to approve policy and authorizing City Manager to enter Reimbursement Agreements with developers or Home Owners Association. Council member Lyles seconded the motion, which carried 7 - 0. FOR: Mayor Ben White, Mayor Pro tem Ruesink, Crompton, Massey, Maloney, Lyles and Stewart AGAINST: None 3. l'resen tation, possible action, and discussion regarding a resolution awarding a 1,andscape - Maintenance Service Contract for seventeen (17) nlunicipal sites to Rainbow Gardens Nursery for an annual expenditure of $152,168.00 and approval of a cllan~e order reducing the contract by S30,285.00. David Schmitz, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation presented two (2) resolutions for Landscape Maintenance Service Contracts and change order to reduce contact amounts for seventeen (17) municipal sites to Rainbow Gardens Nursery at $12 1,833.00 and twenty-seven (27) municipal sites to Landscapes, USA at $224,95 1.00. Council member Crompton moved to approve Resolution No. 10-08-09-03 for Landscape Maintenance Service Contracts and change order on (17) municipal sites to Rainbow Gardens Nursery. Council member Massey seconded the motion, which carried 7 - 0. FOR: Mayor Ben White, Mayor Pro tem Ruesink, Crompton, Massey, Maloney, Lyles and Stewart AGAINST: None 4. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a resolution awarding a Landscape - Maintenance Senrice Contract for twent~-se\~en (27) municipal sites to Landscapes, USA for an annual expenditure of $265,787.00 and apuroval of a change order reducin~ the contract bv S40,836.00. Items 3 and 4 were presented together. Council member Crompton moved to approve Resolution No. 10-08-09-04 for Landscape Maintenance Service Contracts and change order on (27) municipal sites to Landscapes, USA. Council member Massey seconded the motion, which carried 7 - 0. FOR: Mayor Ben White, Mayor Pro tem Ruesink, Crompton, Massey, Maloney, Lyles and Stewart AGAINST: None 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussio~l regarding the City's appointment to the Rrazos - Count)' Appraisal District. City Manager Glenn Brown provided information about an expired position on the Brazos Caunty Appraisal District, which currently is Dr. Ronald Kaiser. Staff recommended reappointing Dr. Kaiser for another term as the City's representative on the Brazos County Appraisal District's Board of Directors. Page 15 City Council Regular Minutes Thursday, October 08, 2009 Council member Maloney moved to approve the reappointment of Dr. Ronald Kaiser to the Brazos County Appraisal District's Board of Directors. Mayor Pro tem Ruesink seconded the motion, which carried 7 - 0. FOR: Mayor Ben White, Mayor Pro tem Ruesink, Crompton, Massey, Maloney, Lyles and Stewart AGAINST: None 6. Adiourn. - Hearing no objections, Mayor White adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 8, 2009. PASSED AND APPROVED this November 9,2009 ATTEST: APPROVED: City Secretary Connie Hooks Mayor Ben White Mayor Ben White Mayor Pro Tem David Ruesink City Manager Glenn Brown CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Home of Texas A&M Universily" Councilmembers John Crompton James Massey Dennis Maloney Katy-Marie Lyles Lawrence Stewart COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Ben White, Mayor Pro Tem Ruesink, Council members Crompton, Massey, Maloney, Lyles and Stewart STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Brown, Assistant City Manager Merrill, Assistant City Manager IVeeley, City Attorney Cargill Jr., Deputy City Secretary McNutt, Management Team 1. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on items listed on the consent agenda. - Item No. 2b - Council member Ruesink inquired if any additional bids were submitted for the Texas Avenue Streetscape Construction Contract. Staff replied numerous bids were received. Item No. 2i - Council member Maloney inquired on Wolf Pen Creek Water and Festival Area Professional Services Contract and what direction or proposal has Clark Condon Associates, Inc given on festival site. Item No. 2h - Mayor White pulled item for discussion - Tanya McNutt, Deputy City Secretary explained ballot language changes due to software issues. Also, the purpose of revising resolution was to relocate polling place location of Precinct No. 80 to Christ United Methodist Church from Brazos Valley Bank. The ILA with Brazos County was amended to reflect this change. 2. Presentation, possible action, and discussion concerning an alternative to address the - administrative office space needs for city staff, the need for a larger city council chamber, and more public meeting space. City Manager Glenn Brown introduced the item with general comments. Chuck Gilman, Director of Capital Projects identified an option that will help further centralize City operations; to improve City's efficiencies and lend itself favorable towards Council long term goal to consolidate city services along Krenek Tap Corridor and strategically allow for our growth as a City. Mr. Gilman explained that the next step was to retain the services of an architect to conduct a feasibility study for this alternative plan. The scope of this study would include the following: 1. Facility program for the office and meeting space needs. 2. Evaluate the existing building to determine the feasibility of expanding the building: Access/egress locations Internal circulation Lobby space City Council Workshop Meeting Thursday, October 8, 2009 Page 2 Independent structure/single structure Aesthetics 3. Preliminary floor plan for the building expansion. 4. Opinion of probable construction cost for the expansion. Staff recommended proceeding with a study to evaluate the feasibility of expanding the Municipal Courts Building, or receive alternative direction from Council. Council directed staff to proceed with the understanding of keeping Council informed step by step. 3, Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding Cell Phone Use in School Zones. Mark Smith, Director of Public Works presented an overview of the last Legislative Session, House Bill 55 that approved a new law making it an offense to use wireless communication devices while driving in a school zone. Staff recommended enforcement on recent amendments to the Transportation Code that prohibits the use of wireless communication devices by drivers in schools zones. Council member Massey made a motion to prohibit wireless communication while driving in school zones. Council member Stewart seconded the motion, which carried 7 - 0. FOR: Mayor Ben White, Mayor Pro Tem Ruesink, Crompton, Massey, Maloney, Lyles and Stewart AGAINST: None 4. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a proposed amendment to the City's - smoking ordinance that would define tobacco/cigar bars in the City and add them as an exception. Hayden Migl, Assistant to the City Manager presented an overview of City's smoking ordinance passed on January 22 of this year prohibiting smoking in workplaces, bars and bar areas. Exceptions to the existing ordinance included specialty tobacco stores and actors or actresses participating in a theatrical performance. After the ordinance was passed, staff contacted bar owners to ensure that their businesses came into compliance and Police allowed a 30-day grace period in lylhich the ordinance was enforced but no citations were issued. Since that time an issue has come up regarding the Hookah Station located at Northgate. The Hookah Station is a bar that customers smoke flavored tobacco from hookahs, but they are also allowing other forms of smoking in the establishment. There have been complaints from other bar owners in the City that this is not equitable since the Hookah Station operates as a bar. The Hookah Station owners' argument is the ordinance allows their bar to currently operate as it is today because they are a tobacco specialty shop; however, City staff has pointed out that a majority of their revenue comes from the sale of alcohol which makes them a bar according to the ordinance. The owners of the Hookah Station have met with the City and requested an exception. This business is not currently in compliance with the ordinance, but enforcement action is not being taken at this location until direction is received from Council. Staff requested Council's direction on determining how to move City Council Workshop Meeting Thursday, October 8,2009 Page 3 forward with an amendment that would define tobaccolcigar bars in the City and add them as an exception or leave present ordinance as is. Davis Watson, Attorney for owner of Hookah Station requested Council's approval of proposed amendment to City's smoking ordinance Council member Crompton made a motion to direct Assistant to the City Manager Hayden Migl and the Legal Department staff to return to Council with a definition of a tobacco specialty shop until further action is taken by Council. Council member Massey seconded the motion, which carried 6-1. FOR: Mayor Ben White, Crompton, Mayor Pro Tem Ruesink, Massey, Maloney and Stewart AGAINST: Council member Lyles 5. Presentation, possible actions and discussion regarding street maintenance operations for - existing roadway infrastructure. Mark Smith, Director of Public Works presented information describing the management strategies toward existing roadway infrastructure, service levels and costs for future street maintenance operations. Council directed staff to provide a detail report on proposed transportation user fees to fund these projects with input from the Transportation Committee. No formal action was taken. 6. Council Calendar - Council reviewed upcoming meetings and events. 7. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items: A Council Member may - inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subiect on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. No items were presented for future agendas. 8. Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Arts Council of the - Brazos Valley, Audit Committee, Brazos County Health Dept., Brazos Valley Council of Governments, Brazos Valley Wide Area Communications Task Force, Cemetery Committee, Code Review Committee, Design Review Board, Historic Preservation Committee, Interfaith Dialogue Association, Intergovernmental Committee, Joint Relief Funding Review Committee, Landmark Commission, Library Committee, Metropolitan Planning Organization, National League of Cities, Outside Agency Funding Review, Parks and Recreation Board, Planning and Zoning Commission, Sister City Association, TAMU Student Senate, Research Valley Partnership, Regional Transportation Committee for Council of Governments, Texas Municipal League, Transportation Committee, Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee, Wolf Pen Creek TIF Board, Zoning Board of Adjustments, BVSWMA, Signature Event Task Force, (Notice of Agendas posted on City Rall bulletin board). Council member Ruesink reported on Sister Cities Committee meeting held this month. Topic related to the process of recruiting youth19th or 1 oth grade to be considered for travel to Germany or Russia. City Council Workshop Meeting Thursday, October 8,2009 Page 4 Council member Lyles reported on the Arts Council meeting held this month. Topic related to the success of celebrating the arts programs, approval of revised budget, the hiring of executive director and the discussion of future upcoming events. Council member Massey reported on National Night Out that was held this month. Topic related to success of 47 neighborhood watch parties in the community. Mayor White reported on Metropolitan Planning Organization meeting held this month. Topic related to an interesting project called Gulf Coast Strategic Interstate System. Also a team of four (4) Glenn Brown, Mayor White, John Crompton, Bob Cowell and the Chamber of Commerce met with group of five (5) developers and had a good dialog on homeowners associations and the future of College Station. At 5:15 pm, Mayor White announced that the City Council would convene into executive session pursuant to Sections 551.071 and 551.072 of the Open Meetings Act to seek the advice of our city attorney, and to consider the purchase of real property. Executive Session will immediately follow the workshop meeting in the Administrative Conference Room. Consultation with Attorney {Gov't Code Section 551.0711; possible action. The City Council may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending or contemplated litigation subject or settlement offer or attorney-client privileged information. Litigation is an ongoing process and questions may arise as to a litigation tactic or settlement offer, which needs to be discussed with the City Council. Upon occasion the City Council may need information from its attorney as to the status of a pending or contemplated litigation subject or settlement offer or attorney-client privileged information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. The following subiect(s) may be discussed: a. Application with TCEQ for permits in Westsideklighway 60 area, near Brushy Water Supply Corporation b. Sewer CCN permit requests for Brushy & Wellborn Services Areas c. Water CCN permit requests for Brushy & Wellborn Services Areas d. Bed & Banks Water Rights Discharge Permits for College Station and Bryan e. Legal aspects of Water Well, permits and possible purchase of or lease of water well sires f. Cliff A. Skiles, DVM & C.A. Skiles Family Partnership, Ltd. Water permit applications with the Brazos Valley Groundwater Conservation District g. TMPA v. PUC (College Station filed Intervention) h. City of Bryan suit filed against College Station, Legal issues and advise on Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency contract, on proposed methane gas contract i. Update on legal proceedings for Grimes County Landfill site and contracts for development of Grimes County site j. Weingarten Realty Investors v. College Station, Ron Silvia, David Ruesink, Lynn McIlhaney, and Ben White City Council Workshop Meeting Thursday, October 8, 2009 Page 5 k. Chavers et a1 v. Tyrone Morrows, Michael Ikner, City of Bryan, City of College Station, et a1 1. Rogers Sheridan v. Barbara Schob & Greg Abbott m. Clancey v. College Station, Glenn Brown, and Kathy Merrill n. Legal issues related to Economic Development Agreement between City of College Station & Sahara Realty o. Legal issues related to the real estate contract between City of College Station and CHSC, Ltd. Real Estate {Gov't Code Section 551.072); possible action The City Council may deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the City in negotiations with a third person. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. The following subject(s) may be discussed: a. Property located south of the intersection of George Bush Drive and Holleman Drive 10. Action on executive session or any workshop agenda item not completed or discussed in todav's workshop meeting may be discussed in tonight's Regular Meeting if necessary. Council returned to open session at 7:00 pm. No action was taken. 11. Adiourn. - The workshop meeting concluded at 7:00 p.m. PASSED AND APPROVED this 9th day of November, 2009. ATTEST: APPROVED: City Secretary Connie Hooks Mayor Ben White Mayor Ben White Mayor Pro Tem David Ruesink City Manager Glenn Brown Councilmembers John Crompton James Massey Dennis Maloney Katy-Marie Lyles Lawrence Stewart Minutes City Council Workshop & Regular Meeting Monday, October 19,2009 at 12:OO p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Ben White, Mayor Pro Tem Ruesink, Council members Crompton, Massey, Maloney, Lyles, Stewart STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Brown, Assistant City Manager Merrill, Assistant City Manager Neeley, City Attorney Cargill Jr., City Secretary Hooks, Deputy City Secretary McNutt, Management Team 1. Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, Consider absence request. Mayor White called the meeting to order at 12:OO pm with all Council members present. Mayor White led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance and provided the invocation. 2. Hear Visitors. - Daniel Dick, liaison from TAMU Student Senate reported on the progress of involvement with the City as a non-voting member on the City Council. 3. Presentation, possible action anti discussion of consent agenda items which consists of nlinisterial - or "housekeeping" items rey uired bv law. Items mav be removed froill the conscnt agenda by majority vote of the Council. a. Approved minutes for City Council Workshop and Regular meeting, September 24,2009. b. Approved budget of the George Bush Presidential Library Foundation and funding agreement between the City of College Station and the George Bush Presidential Library Foundation for FY 10 in the amount of $50,000. c. Approved Resolution No. 10-19-09-3c stating that the City Council has reviewed and approved the City's Investment Policy, Broker-Dealer List and Investment Strategy. d. Approved funding agreement between the City of College Station and the Keep Brazos Beautiful for FY I0 in the amount of $60,240. Page 12 City Council Minutes Monday, October 19,2009 e. Approved Master Cash Management Service Agreement with the City's bank depository, Citibank Texas, N.A. f. Approved Resolution No. 10-19-09-3f authorizing expenditures for the Brazos Animal Shelter in the amount of $71,2 14. g. Approved changes to the City's Homebuyer Down-Payment Assistance Program (DAP) Guidelines. h. Approved Resolution No. 10-19-09-3h awarding contract 09-306 to HDR Engineering Inc in the amount of $209,500 for a Wastewater Collection System Planning Evaluation. i. Approved change order to the Design Contract 06-238 with Bleyl and Associates in the amount of $5,350; for the Westminster Sanitary Sewer Line Extension Project to update the topographic survey and revise the design drawings to reflect current conditions. j. Approved Resolution No. 10-19-09-3i awarding bids for the installation of roadway traffic markings and traffic control to lowest responsible bidder Highway Technology of Austin, Texas in the amount of $163,182.50 and, Resolution No. 10-19-09-3i-a on traffic control services to lowest responsible bidder N-Line Traffic Maintenance of Bryan, Texas in the amount of $1 8,706.25. k. Approved request for release of lien on 150 Venture Lane currently held by the City. I. Approved authorizing the payment of an economic development incentive in the total amount of $250,000 to Texas A&M University's Texas Institute for Preclinical Studies (TIPS). m Approved an Interlocal Agreement between the Cities of College Station, Bryan, and Wickson Creek Special Utility District (WCSUD) in the amount of $171,833.00 to extend water service to the BVSWMA Twin Oaks Landfill in Grimes County and a payment authorization in the amount of $16,976.00 for easements assigned to WCSUD related to the water service extension project. n. Approved Service, Construction and Defined Corporate Easement Application/Agreements between the Cities of College Station, Bryan, and Mid-South Synergy in the total amount of $54,142.54 to connect electric service to the BVSWMA Twin Oaks Landfill in Grimes County. o. Approved purchase of a D8T Dozer from Mustang Tractor & Equipment to be used by the Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency in the amount of $719,000.00. p. Approved increase in funds for professional services rendered in fiscal year 2009 from Coats, Rose, Yale, Ryman & Lee PC for litigation concerning the Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency (BVSWMA) in the amount of $33.284.46 for a total of $123,284.46. Approval by the Council of this request will ratify $33,284.46 expended for additional legal costs associated with this project through September 30, 2009. q. Approved agreement in an amount not to exceed $60,000 with the legal firm of Nichols, Jackson, Dillard, Hager & Smith, L.L.P. to establish an entity, such as a local government corporation, to Page 13 City Council Minutes Monday, October 19,2009 own and operate Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency and authorization for the Mayor to execute the agreement. (Pulled for separate vote 6-1 - Council member Maloney voted against.) r. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an amendment to the Economic Development, Drainage and Corridor Beautification Participation Agreement between the City of College Station and Sahara Realty. (Language for motion is contingent on acquiring Mr. Scarmardo's signature) Item No. 3b - Council member Maloney inquired on funds for Library. Council member Crompton moved to approve consent items 3a thru 3p and item 3r contingent upon Mr. Scarmardo's signature. Council member Massey seconded the motion, which carried 7-0. FOR: Mayor Ben White, Mayor Pro tem Ruesink, Crompton, Massey, Maloney, Lyles and Stewart AGAINST: None Council member Crompton moved to approve consent item 3q. Council member Massey seconded the motion, which carried 6 - 1. FOR: Mayor Ben White, Mayor Pro tem Ruesink, Crompton, Massey, Lyles and Stewart AGAINST: Council member Maloney 3. Presentation, possible action, and discussion rerarding construction on the campus of Texas - A&M Uuiversitv and their current capital project program. Mr. Chuck Sippial, Vice President for Facilities at TAMU introduced Lt. General Joe Weber (Ret.), Vice President of Student Affairs and TAMU intern Richard Fox. Mr. Sippial presented an update to the City Council on current projects occuring on TAMU campus totaling more than $700 million. Lt. General Joe Weber (Ret.), Vice President of Student Affairs updated Council on TAMU's master plan for future student housing projects in Hensel Park Area. 9. Presentation, possible action, and discussio~i regarding the approval of a Real Estate Contract - for the purcl~ase of 204 - 220 Hollemal~ Drive East. David Gwin, Director of Economic and Community Development presented a proposed real estate contract for nine lots totaling 6.1 368 acres located at 204 - 220 Holleman Drive East. The intended use of these properties is to promote targeted development in this area of the community and provide additional housing and job opportunities to low to moderate income households. Staff recommended approval of the purchase contract for 204 - 220 Holleman Drive East. Council member Crompton moved to approve real estate contract for the purchase of 204 - 220 Holleman Drive East. Council member Stewart seconded the motion, which carried 7-0. Page (4 City Council Minutes Monday, October 19,2009 FOR: Mayor Ben White, Mayor Pro tem Ruesink, Crompton, Massey, Maloney, Lyles and Stewart AGAINST: None 6. Presentation, nossible action and discussion to approve a funding: addendum that will authorize - expenditures for the Brazos Countv Health 1)epartment in the amount of $351,500. Jeff Kersten, Chief Financial Officer presented the purpose of a proposed funding addendum th:.t will authorize expenditures for the Brazos County Health Department. Staff recommended approval of the hnding addendum in the amount of $35 1,500 to the Brazos County Health Department. Council member Crompton requested Council to send back to Health Committee for a cost allocation before approving the ILA with the Health Department and at that time approve a six month budget for the Health Department instead of a year. Council member Crompton moved to approve a six month budget instead of a twelve month budget for Brazos County Health Department. Council member Maloney seconded the motion. Ken Bost, of the Brazos County Health Department briefly explained the complexity of a 3.3 million budget, which the City of College Station funds $35 1,500 upon approval of budget. So, the ability to gather data Council is requesting will be challenging, due all the services that health department provides. Council member Crompton expressed his appreciation to Ken's explanation of the complexity of gathering this data and would withdraw his motion with at least a time number and multiplied by visits and look at time instead of dollars to give Council some kind of feel for services being funded. Council member Crompton withdrew his motion and Council member Maloney withdrew his second. Council member Massey moved to approve the funding addendum in the amount of $351,500 to the Brazos County Health Department. Council member Lyles seconded the motion, which carried 7 - 0. FOR: Mayor Ben White, Mayor Pro tem Ruesink, Crompton, Massey, Maloney, Lyles and Stewart AGAINST: None 5. Presentatio~~, possible action, and discussio~l regarding the potential creation of a "Medical - Corridor" in the southern portioil of the City. David Gwin, Director of Economic and Community Development presented an outline of proposed parameter of a "Medical Corridor," in the southern portion of the City. A comprehensive study to better determine the corridor's exact size and scope, associated market analysis, economic impact forecasting and modeling, and initiative visioning exercise is being proposed as the first phase of this project and once completed is expected to position the City to implement this major economic development initiative. Further, staff recommended approval and has preliminarily identified several key corridor elements to be explored under the proposed study, including signage, landscaping, pedestrian amenities, roadway enhancements and distinct design standards. It is anticipated that this City-administered study will be conducted by Schrickel, Rollins and Associates (SRA) and take approximately eighteen months to complete. If approved, a partnership, as proposed with The Med, is the preferred method. Page 15 City Council Minutes Monday, October 19,2009 Mayor Pro tem Ruesink moved to approve the College Station Medical Corridor project. Council member Lyles seconded the motion, which carried 7 - 0. FOR: Mayor Ben White, Mayor Pro tem Ruesink, Crompton, Massey, Maloney, Lyles and Stewart AGAINST: None 7. Prcscntation, possible action, and discussion on a potential amendment to the Unified - '1)eveIopment Ordinance related to architectural standards for n~unicipal facilities that are industrial in nature. David Coleman, Director of Public Utilities presented proposed amendment that would exempt municipal facilities of an industrial nature from the Non-Residential Architectural (lVRA) Standards contained in the City's Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). Currently the UDO includes an exemption for both public and private developments on industrial zoned properties. Because municipal facilities are permitted in all zoning districts, it is unusual that City-owned property carry an industrial zoning designation. The proposed amendment would allow municipal industrial facilities to comply with the same standards that are in place for privately developed industrial facilities. A current example of an industrial facility is a new building under design, to be constructed at the Carters Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant, which will house the Water Services Laboratory and computer servers. For the new Lab Building, approximately $56,000 can be saved if it were exempt from the NRA standards, and designed to match the architecture of the main administrative building at the Carters Creek plant. Examples of cost savings are: Exterior Building Materials - Use matching brick, which is less expensive. Landscaping - Use Xeriscape, which will not require irrigation. Building Mass & Design - D elete the delineating columns on the exterior walls Staff requested Council to consider a UDO amendment to make architectural requirements for City industrial uses on parity with private industrial uses. City Attorney Harvey Cargill recommended Council to make a motion for staff to develop language for proposed UDO amendment for future use. Council member Lyles moved to approve staff to develop language proposed UDO amendment for future use. Council member Maloney seconded the motion, which carried 7 - 0. FOR: Mayor Ben White, Mayor Pro tem Ruesink, Crompton, Massey, Maloney, Lyles and Stewart AGAINST: None 8. Presentation, possible action and discussion on a resol~~tio~~ approving a preliminam official - statement, and related material; and on an ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of Cltv of College Station, Texas General Obligation Refundi~~g Bonds, Series 2009; establishing parameters regardine the sale of the bonds; approving the execution of an escrow agreement; and ordainiug other matters related thereto, including immediate effectiveness. Jeff Kersten, Chief Financial Oficer introduced Drew Masterson, City's Financial Advisor with First Southwest Company. Pege 16 City Council Minutes Monday, October 19,2009 City's Financial Advisor Drew Masterson with First Southwest Company presented the City with an opportunity to issue refund bonds for several of our outstanding General Obligation Bond issues. Refunding is issuing new debt to replace and pay off existing debt. Refunding can be done far a number of reasons; however, most often are used to accrue a savings against the current debt. The bonds that are proposed to be refunded are: General Obligation & Refunding Bonds, Series 1998 $ 740,000 General Obligation, Series 1999 $3,100,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2000 $ 865,000 Certificates of Obligation, Series 2000A (Parking Garage) $4,220.000 $8,925,000 Council member Maloney moved to approve Resolution No. 10-19-09-08 approving the preliminary official statement, and related materials; and Ordinance No. 3211 authorizing the issuance and sale of General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2009; establishing parameters regarding the sale of the bonds; approving the execution of an escrow agreement; and ordaining other matters related thereto, including immediate effectiveness. Council member Massey seconded the motion, which carried 7 - 0. FOR: Mayor Ben White, Mayor Pro tem Ruesink, Crompton, Massey, Maloney, Lyles and Stewart AGAINST: None 10. Presentatioa, possible action, and discussioil regarding update to the cxisting ordih~a~ - regulating taxicabs operating withill the city limits of College Station. Larry Johnson, Assistant Chief of Police updated Council on existing taxicab ordinance and regulations and the ordinance intention to provide for and promote adequate and efficient vehicles for hire in the City of College Station. But the current City ordinance does not regulate taxi fare rates and only requires fare rate be displayed in a "conspicuous place" inside the taxi. Staff recommended fares to be displayed both inside and outside of vehicle and taxi vehicle maximum age not more than five (5) years. Council member Crompton moved to approve displaying fares both inside and outside of vehicle and refer remainder of issues, such as maximum age and flat fare rates to Transportation Committee. Council member Lyles seconded the motion, which carried 7 - 0. FOR: Mayor Ben White, Mayor Pro tem Ruesink, Crompton, Massey, Maloney, Lyles and Stewart AGAINST: None 1.1. Presentation. possible action, and discussion regarding video surveillance cameras recentlv - installed in the Northgate Entertainment District. Ben Roper, Director of Information Technology reported and demonstrated the pilot video surveillance cameras in the Northgate Entertainment District which were installed the week of September 21st. Also, policy and procedures documents are being developed and finalized to govern use of the system. No formal action was taken. 12. Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding the College Station Storrn Water - Page 17 City Council Minutes Monday, October 19,2009 Management Plan. Alan Gibbs, City Engineer presented brief annual report of the Storm Water Management Program and a five year period implementation of storm water program to eliminate pollution. No formal action was taken. 13. Council Calendar - Council reviewed upcoming events. 14. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items: A Coi~ncil Member mav 7 inquire about a subiect for which notice lias iiot been given. A statement of specific factual infortriation or the recitation of exist in^ policv may be ~iven. Anv deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subiect on an agenda for a subseq~~ent meetinu. Council member Maloney inquired on upcoming appointment to Code Development subcommittee. 15. Discnssion, review and possible actio~l regarding the following meetings: Arts Council of the - Brazos Valley, Audit Committee, Brazos County Health Dept., Brazos Valley Council of Governments, Brazos Vallev Wide Area Communications Task Force, Ceineterv Committee, Code Review Committee, Design Review Board, Historic Preservation Committee, Interfaith Dialogue Associatio~i, Intergovernmental Committee. Joint Relief Funding Review Comn-ittee, Landmark Commission, Librarv Committee, Metropolita~~ Planning Organization, National League of Cities, Outside Agency fund in^ Review, Parks and Recreation Board, Planiii~ig and Zoning Commission, Sister City i\ssociation, TAMU Student Senate, Research Vallev Partnership, Ke~ional Transportation Committee for Council of Governments, Texas Municipal Leagne, Transportation Committee, Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee, Wolf Pen Creek TIF Board. Zoning Hoard of Adiostments, BVSWMA, Signature Event Task Force, (Notice of Agendas posted on City Hall bulletin 1)oard). No discussion was held. - At 3:30 pm, Mayor White announced that the City Council would convene into executive session pursuant to Sections 55 1.071, 55 1.072, and 55 1.087 of the Open Meetings Act to seek the advice of our city attorney, to consider the purchase of real property and economic development negotiations. 16. Executive Session will i~nmediatelv follow the workshop meeti~ig in tlie Administrative - Conference Room. Consultation with Attorney {Gov't Code Section 551.071); possible action. The City CounciC may . - seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending or contemplated ~iti~atibn subject or settlement offer or attorney-client privileged information. Litigation is an ongoing process and questions may arise as to a litigation tactic or settlement offer, which needs to be discussed with the City Council. Upon occasion the City Council may need information from its attorney as to the status of a pending or contemplated litigation subject or settlement offer or attorney-client privileged information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. The following subject(s) may be discussed: a. Application with TCEQ for permits in WestsideHighway 60 area, near Brushy Water Supply Corporation b. Sewer CCN permit requests for Brushy & Wellborn Services Areas Page 18 City Council Minutes Monday, October 19,2009 c. Water CCN permit requests for Brushy & Wellborn Services Areas d. Bed & Banks Water Rights Discharge Permits for College Station and Bryan e. Legal aspects of Water Well, permits and possible purchase of or lease of water well sites f. Cliff A. Skiles, DVM & C.A. Skiles Family Partnership, Ltd. Water permit applications with the Brazos Valley Groundwater Conservation District g. TMPA v. PUC (College Station filed Intervention) h. City of Bryan suit filed against College Station, Legal issues and advise on Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency contract, on proposed methane gas contract 1. Update on legal proceedings for Grimes County Landfill site and contracts for development of Grimes County site j. Weingarten Realty Investors v. College Station, Ron Silvia, David Ruesink, Lynn McIlhaney, and Ben White k. Chavers et al v. Tyrone Morrows, Michael Ikner, City of Bryan, City of College Station, et al 1. Rogers Sheridan v. Barbara Schob & Greg Abbott m. Clancey v. College Station, Glenn Brown, and Kathy Merrill n. Legal issues related to the real estate contract between City of College Station and CHSC, Ltd. Real Estate {Gov't Code Section 551.072); possible action The City Council may deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position ofthe City in negotiations with a third person. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. The following subject(s) may be discussed: a. Possible Purchase or Exchange of Property near E. University and Tarrow Economic Incentive Negotiations {Gov't Code Section 551.087); possible action The City Council may deliberate on commercial or financial information that the City Council has received from a business prospect that the City Council seeks to have locate, stay or expand in or near the city with which the City Council in conducting economic development negotiations may deliberate on an offer of financial or other incentives for a business prospect. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. The following subject(s) may be discussed: a. Arctic Wolf Ice Center 17. Action on executive session or any workshop agenda item not completed or discussed in today's workshop meeting may be discussed in tonight's Regular Meeting if necessary. No formal action was taken. 18. Adiourn. Hearing no objections, Mayor White adjourned the meeting at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, October 19,2009. PASSED AND APPROVED this November 9,2009 ATTEST: APPROVED: City Secretary Connie Hooks Mayor Ben White November 9, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 3b Emulsified Asphalt Price Agreement To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Mark Smith, Director of Public Works Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding renewal of an annual price agreement with Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions to provide emulsified asphalt products for the maintenance of streets in an amount not to exceed $478,104. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of the renewal for one year to Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions. Summary: Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions was the successful bidder for the FY2009 blanket purchase agreement. Emulsified asphalt is used for the seal coat process, pothole repair and maintenance of streets in the City. This renewal is the first of two optional annual renewals of the current contract. The contract supports maintenance operations in the Street Maintenance Division. Budget & Financial Summary: Funding is available in the operating budget of the Street Maintenance Division. Attachments: Renewal letter RENEWAL ACCEPTANCE By signing herewith, I acknowlcdge and agree to renew Bid No. 08-89, for various emulsified asphalt products, in accordance with all terms and conditions previously agreed to and accepted. I understand this renewal term will be for the period beginning October 1,2009 thru September 30,2010. :flflflap&& AUTHORIZED REP, ENTATIVE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED: Chief Financial Officer OCTOBER 8, 2009 DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE STATE OF TEXAS COlWORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF TRAVIS This instrument was acknowledged on the 8th day of October ,2009, by R. M. McKemie in I~islher capacity as Vice President o f Ergon Asphalt & Emu-, a TEXAS Corporation, on behalf of said corporation. STATE OF TEXAS v ' State of Texas MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: December 5, 2011 ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF BRAZOS This instru~nent was acknowledged on the day of ,2009, by , in his capacity as Mayor of the City of College Station, a Texas home-rulc municipality, on behalf of said lnunicipality. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas City of College Stnliorr 1101 Tans Averrrre College Slntiorr, TX 77840 I\\\\\, L >I\ 20\ PRICE AGREEMENT AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR EMULSIFIED ASPHALT PRODUCTS BID #08-89 BID OPENING DATE: AUGUST 22,2008 @2:00 P.M. CST Bids will bc received at the City of College Station Purchasing Department, 1 10 1 Texas Avenue, College Station, TX 77842, until August 22, 2008, at 2:00 p.m. CST, and publicly opened and read aloud at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, TX. Any questions concerning the bid should be directed to Cynthia Sciulli, C.P.M., Buyer, Purchasing Services Division, (979) 764-3437. Clearly mark return bid envelope with Bid # and Bid Opening Date. INTRODUCTION Bids are solicited for various emulsified asphalt products with the following detinitions, term and conditions of bidding. Should this bid contain the City's standard contract terms, conditions and insurance requirements, they will be attached as Exhibit A. NOTE: Bid opportunities are posted on our website at m.catx.~ov. Some bids, but not all, are conducive to receipt of bids via the City of College Station's On-Lhe Bidding System. These bids are encrypted and remain effectively locked until the due date and time. If you are interested in submitting your bid on-line, you must be registered with the City of College Station. See On-Line Bidding at ww~y2.c~t,wtg~ for more information. DEFINITIONS, TERMS AND CONDITIONS The following instructions apply to all bids and become a part of terms and conditions of any bid submitted to the City of College Station Purchasing Services Division, unless otherwise specified elsewhere in this bid request. All bidders are required to be informed of these Terms and Conditions and will be held responsible for having done so: Annual Bid for E~nulsified Asphalt Prutlucts Bid 08-89 Certificatioa~ Bids must be completed and submitted on the form included within the specifications of this bid. Certification of Bid must be fully completed. Collresion Advanced disclosures of any information to any particular bidder which gives that pai-ticular bidder any advantage over any other interested bidder in advance of the opening of bids, whether in rcsponse to advertising or an informal request for bids, made or permitted by a member of the governing body or an employee or representative thereof, will cause to void all proposals or that particular bid solicitation or request. Comm,unication The City shall not be responsible for any verbal communication between any employee of the City and potential bidder(s). Only written specifications and price quotations will be considered. Delivery All prices quoted shall be F.O.B. City of College Station. No fieight or delivery charges will be accepted unless shown on bid. Exceptions The bidder will note any exceptions to the conditions of this bid. If no exceptions are stated, it will be understood that all general and specific conditions will be complied with, without exception. Extension of Contract Upon completion of the term of the original contract and upon the mutual agreement of both parties, the original contract may be renewed for up to two (2) additional years [three (3) years total]. The renewal will be under the same terms and conditions as the original contract; provided, however, that the unit prices bid under the original contract may, by mutual agreement, be increased by no more than eight percent (8%) of the original contract price. In the event a new contract cannot be executed at the anniversa~y date of the original term or any renewal term, the contract may be renewed month-to-month until a new contract is executed. Fiscal Funding This contract includes fiscal fiinding provisions. If, for any reason, funds are not appropriated to continue this contract, said contract shall become null and void. Forms Bid proposals will be submitted on the forms provided by Owner. All figures must be written in ink or typewritten. However, mistakes may be crossed out, corrections inserted adjacent thereto and initiated in ink by the person signing the proposal. When discrepancies occur between words and figures, the words shall govern. Page 4 of 12 November 9, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 3c Homeland Security Grant Program To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Robert Alley, Fire Chief Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding the approval of a resolution accepting from the Governors Division of Emergency Management (GDEM) the 2009 Homeland Security Grant Program Sub-recipient of $75,000, naming a City staff member as manager of those grant funds, and approving the 2009 City of College Station Equipment List for purchase. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends acceptance of the grant from Governors Division of Emergency Management (GDEM), and recommends the emergency management coordinator be designated as the "Grant Manager" for administration of this grant. It is also recommended that the attached 2009 City of College Station Equipment List be approved for purchase. Summary: The City of College Station has been awarded the Homeland Security program grant of $75,000 through GDEM. The funding will be used by city departments to purchase equipment that will enhance our response capabilities to terrorist threats or catastrophic events. Attached is the equipment list for the 2009 Homeland Security Grant Program which funds are to be expended. The period of performance of this agreement shall end on January 15, 2012. Budget & Financial Summary: This is an equipment grant and the City of College Station has no matching funds committed. Dependent upon equipment requested future budgets might include requests for O&M for equipment obtained. Attachments: Resolution 2009 Homeland Security Letter to Mayor White 2009 Homeland Security Grant Program Notice of Sub-recipient Award - 08-SR 15976-01 - a Copy is on file in the City Secretary's Office. 2009 City of College Station Equipment List RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CIT'Y COTJNCIL OF TI-IE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, ACCEPTING THE 2009 HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM SUB- RECIPIENT AWARD FOR TI-IE PURCHASE OF RESPONSE EQUIPMENT AND AUTHORIZING A CONTACT PERSON FOR THE CI?'Y. WHEREAS, the Office for Domestic Preparedness, a component of the {J.S. Department of Homeland Security, has awarded the Governor's Division of Emergency Management (GDEM) the 2009 Homeland Security Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the Govei-nor's Division of Emergency Management (GDEM) has served the City of College Station with a Notice of Sub-recipient Award for the 2009 I-Iomeland Security Grant Program in the amount of $75,000 to be used in this performance period ending on January 15, 201 2; and WHEREAS, the intent of this sub-grant is to aid in the City's ability to enhance its capacity to prevent, respond to and recover from acts ofterrorism and natural disasters; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That the City Council hereby accepts the Sub-recipient Award for the 2009 Homeland Security Grant Program in the amount of $75,000 from the Governor's Division of Emergency Management (GDEM). PART 2: That the City Council hereby approves the 2009 City of College Station Equipment List for purchase to aid in the City's ability to enhance its capacity to prevent, respond to and recover from acts of teri.orism and natural disasters. PART 3: That the City Council hereby authorizes the Emergency Management Coordinator to serve as the Grant Manager for the City of College Station to sign agreements with the Governor's Division of Emergency Management and hereby designates said position to receive this award on behalf of the City of College Station. PART 4: That this resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage. RESOLUTION NO. Page 2 ADOPTED this day of , A.D. 2009. ATTEST: APPROVED: City Secretary Mayor City Attorney ' The Honorable Ben mite Mayor, City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 October 1,2009 College Station, TX 77842-0960 Dear Mayor White: Your jurisdiction is being awarded a sub-grant for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) to carry out homeland security projects that will significantly improve local and regional terrorism prevention, preparedness, response, and recover capabilities. Proposed local, regional, and urban area projects were grouped into investments that were submitted to U. S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for review and approval. Grant hds must be used for projects which support the investments approved by DHS, which are identified in Enclosure I. The following additional grant-related documents are enclosed: Notice of Sub-recipient Award (SRA) - Enclosure 2 The Notice of Sub-recipient Award for the 2009 HSGP must be signed by the chief elected official of your jurisdiction unless that authority has been delegated. Other signatures will require an accompanying statement from the chief elected official authorizing the individual to sign for the jurisdiction. Direct Deposit Authorization - Enclosure 3 A. TDEM must have a current Direct Deposit Authorization born yow jurisdiction in order to transfer grant hds electronically to a designated bank account to reimburse you for grant-funded expenses. Additional copies are available from the Texas State Con~ptroller's website at: ~tt~://www.window .state.tx,us/taxi~fo/taxfontl~/74-158.pdf. An appropriate local official, typically your finance officer, must sign the Direct Deposit Authorization. D. If you submitted a completed Direct Deposit Authorization form with prior Homeland Security Grant Program awards, you do need to submit another unless your bank account information has changed. The deadline for returning the signed Notice of Sub-Recipient Award, Exhibit B and C of tire Terms and Condiriarrs, and Direct Deposit A~~tlto~tion fiyapplicable) is November 18. 2009. The offer of a homeland security sub-grant will be withdrawn if the required materials are not postmarked by thc due date. Extensions to this date will not be granted. Please submit above documents to the following addresses: Mail: PO Box 4087 Austin,Texas 78773 Courier: 5805 N. Lamar Blvd. Austin, Texas 78752 Telephones: Main: 512-424-2138 * 24 hour: 512-424-2208 * Fax: 512-424-2444 Mail: Courier: Division of Emerge~~cy Management Attention: SAA Section P.O. Box 4087 Austin, TX 78773-0270 Division of Emergency Management Attention: SM Section 5805 N. Lamar Austin, TX 78752 Please retain a copy of each fonn for your records. If you have any program questions regarding HSGP, please contact Edwin Staples at the SAA nt 512-377-0002 or 5 12-377-0000. Sincerely, Jack Colley Assistant DirectorlChief Enclosures: 1. DHS Approved Investmena 2. 2009 Notice of Sub-recipient Award 3. Direct Deposit Authorizalion 2009 State Homeland security Program Grant Total $ 75,000.00 Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Quanty 3 14 17 24 11 5 5 5 1 2 1 3 24 24 1 3 2 3 1 2 Item # MDS575WR NRS 2783 NRS 2338 NRS 2439 NRS 2152 BH-37PR XTS 5000 NRS 1570 60 CSX 40 HP E-Tec NRS NRS 2778 Unit Descripton Boat Repair Class Mustang Dry Suits Pelican Lights NRS Workboot NRS Rescue Gloves Bigwater 5 Lifejacket Blackhawk Radio Puoch Motorola 800 Handheld Radio RQ3 Hose Inflator Garmin GPS Evinrude 40HP E-Tec 2 stroke Motorola XTS 2500 Princeton -Tec Aqua Strobe Princeton - Tec EOS Headlight Rope Rescue Equipment Lighting Detector Rain Gear Blauer Military Rrepair Kit Viking Pro 1000 Turbo Dry Suit Price $200.00 $905.57 $27.00 $47.95 $32.95 $77.50 $44.95 $4,500.00 $360.00 $1,596.87 $6,058.33 $3,423.00 $26.95 $32.95 $3,900.00 $270.00 $202.50 $1,951.35 $2,000.00 Total $600.00 $12,677.98 $459.00 $1,150.80 - $362.45 $387.50 $224.75 $22,500.00 $360.00 $3,193.74 $6,058.33 $10,269.00 $646.80 $790.80 $3,900.00 $810.00 $4,657.50 $1,951.35 $4,000.00 November 9, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 3d Food Establishment Permit Fee To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: City Manager's Office Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion to approve a resolution increasing the food establishment health permit fee collected by the Brazos County Health Department to a flat fee of $400 a year, beginning with the 2010 permit. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of the resolution. Summary: The Brazos County Health Department has requested that the fee charged for food establishment health permits be increased to a flat fee of $400 a year, beginning with the 2010 permit. The Health Department carries out a number of health related functions for the City by contract. The fees help to offset the costs to the City of those functions. Chapter 7 "Health and Sanitation" of the College Station Code of Ordinances requires that this fee is set by a resolution of the City Council. Mr. Don Plitt, Director of Environmental Health Services for the Brazos County Health Department, is scheduled to be at the Council meeting if there are any questions regarding this item. Budget & Financial Summary: The food establishment health permit fee is currently $300 and was last increased two years ago. This fee helps cover the Health Department's operational costs involved with food establishment health permits. Attachments: 1. Resolution 2. Letter from Health Department 3. Chapter 7 "Health and Sanitation", Section 5: Food Establishments of the Code of Ordinances RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTlON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, INCREASING THE FOOD ESTABLISHMENT HEALTH PERMIT FEE TO A FLAT FEE OF FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS ($400) A YEAR, BEGINNING WITH THE 20 1 0 PERMIT. WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of College Station has the authority to set the health permit fees for food establishments under Chapter 7: Health and Sanitation of the Code of Ordinances, Section 5,B(2)(a); and WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of College Station has received a request from the Director of Environmeiltal Health Services of the Brazos County Health Department to increase the food establishment health permit fee to a flat fee of $400 a year, beginning with the 20 10 permit; and WHEREAS, The Brazos County Health Department carries out a number of health related functions for the City by contract; and WHEREAS, The fees help to offset the costs to the City of those functions; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That the City Council hereby increases the food establishment health permit fee to a flat fee of four hundred dollars ($400) a year, beginning with the 20 10 permit. PART 2: That this Resolution shall take effect immediately. ADOPTED this 9th day of November, A.D. 2009. ATTEST: APPROVED: City Secretary Mayor APPROVED: BRAZOS COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 201 NORTH TEXAS AVENUE BRYAN. TEXAS 77803-531 7 (979) 361-4440 Fax (979) 823-2275 E-mail: henlthdept@co.b~.azos.~x.~~s www.co.brazos.tx.r~slhcnlth October 15, 2009 The Environmental Health Services of the Brazos County Health Department requests .the College Station City Council to increase the food establishment health permit fee to a flat fee of $400/year, beginning with the 201 0 permit. Sincerely, Don Plitt Director- Environmental Health Services SECTION 5: FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS A. - TEXAS.DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, DIVISION OF'FOOD AND DRUGS, "RULES ON TEXAS FOOD ESTABLISHNIENTS 229.161 - 229.1 71 and 229.1 73 - 229.175". ADOPTED The definitions; the inspection of food service establishments; the issuance, suspension and revocation of permits to operate food service establishments; the prohibiting of the sale of unsound or mislabeled food or drink; regulating the sale of food from mobile food units; and the enforcement of this ordinance shall be regulated in accordance with the Texas Depart- ment of Health, Division of Food and Drugs "Rules on Texas Food Establishments 229.1 61 - 229.1 71 and 229.1 73 - 229.1 75"' which on this date are hereby adopted by reference, three certified copies of which shall be on file in the office of the City Secretary, and the guidelines provided by the Texas Department of Health for the regulation of mobile shrimp vendors in accordance with Chapter 431 "Texas Food', Drug and Cosmetic Act," Health and SafetyCode which on this date is hereby adopted by reference: Provided, that the words "municipality of in said ordinance shall be understood to refer to the authority" shall be understood to refer to the City of College Station and the words "regulatory authority" shall be understood to refer to the City of College Station or its authorized representative. The authorized representative for enforcement of this ordinance shall be the Brazos County Health Department and the City. B. PERMITS. LICENSES, OR CERTIFICATES (1) GENERAL No person shall operate a food service establishment who does not have a valid permit, license, or certificate issued to him by the regulatory authority. Only a person who complies with the requirements of these rules shall be entitled to receive or retain such a permit, license, or certificate. Permits, licenses, or certificates are not transferable. A valid permit, license, or certificate shall be posted in every food service establishment. (2) ISSUANCE OF PERMIT , I (a) Any person desiring to operate a food service establishment shall make written application for a permit on forms provided by the City. Such application shall include the applicant's full name and post office address and whether such applicant is an individual, firm, or corporation, and, if a partnership, the names of the partners, together with their addresses shall be included; the location and type of the proposed food service establishment; and the signature of the applicant or applicants. If the application is for a temporary food service establishment, it shall also include the inclusive dates of the wro~osed o~eration. Permits shall be renewed annuallv on or before Januaj 1st. At the time o business has beaun, tEa Its agent receiving same, a von receipt of such an ap health authority, shall make an inspection of the food service establishment to determine compliance with the provisions of this section. When inspection reveals that the applicable requirements of this section have been met, a permit shall be issued to the applicant by the City of College Station as set by City Council resolution. (b) The application for a renewal permit and the acc.ompanying fee must -be received by the Brazos County Health Department, on. or before February I of the calendar year for which the permit is sought. If such application and fee are not received by the date herein specified, Brazos County Health Department may charge the food service establishment up to an additional 20% of the fee due and owing as a late penalty for failure to comply with the requirements of subsection (a), above. The charging of such late fee will have no effect on the City's right to seek criminal penalties permitted by the enforcement provision of this ordinance. Rev. 05/06 Novem ber 09, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 3e BVSWMA Roll-Off Truck and Hoist/Tarper Purchase To: Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Mark Smith, Director of Public Works Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on the purchase of a Roll-Off Truck from East Texas Mack Sales, LLC and B & C Body Company be used by the Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency in the amount of $145,432.00. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends award to East Texas Mack Sales, LLC in the amount of $109,250.00 and B & C Body Company in the amount of $36,182.00 for the original total purchase price of $145,432.00 Summary: This purchase is for a roll-off truck and hoistltarper to be used by the Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency. The truck and hoistltarper will replace a 2000 roll-off and hoistltarper in the BVSWMA equipment fleet. The truck is primarily used at the customer convenience area to service roll-off containers and to transport materials off-site to Bryan Iron and Metal. The new truck will serve the needs of BVSWIYA for an estimated 12 to 15 years. Vendor East Texas Mack Sales, LLC B & C Body Company Base Bid $109,250.00 $36,182.00 Budget & Financial Summary: This purchase is budgeted in the FY2009 BVSWMA Operating Fund as a service level adjustment. The service level adjustment was approved by the BVSWMA Policy Advisory Board and both the College Station and Bryan City Councils during the FY2009 budget approval process. The quotes on this unit was acquired by East Texas Mack Sales, LLC and B & C Body Company utilizing HGAC Contract Pricing. As BVSWMA is funded through an inter-local agreement, both the Cities of Bryan and College Station are sharing the cost of this purchase. As this purchase is in excess of $50,000, it will require the approval of the Bryan City Council. Attachments: 1. East Texas Mack Sales, LLC Quote 2. B & C Body Company Quote CONTRACT PRICING WORKSHEET (Tlie Follotc~irrg Detrrils /MUST bepr.ovirler1 111itli rrriy plrrchrrse or(ler- slrbrrritterl to H-GAC by Erirl User) l~nd User: CITY OF COLLEGE STATlONIClTY Or; BRYAN L.ANDFlLL 1 ate Prepared: 1012912009 1 I~re~ared By: DAVID CARROUMIEAST TEXAS MACK SALES, LLC Icontract No.: A Item Base Unit Price, Per H-GAC Contract: A:I $ 54,450.00 B Published Options (Itemize beIow, attach additional sheet(s) if necessary) Phone No.: 214-232-6669 Item Product Code: I< E Description: GRANITE CAB & CHASSIS FOR A ROLL OFF HOIST Code 1001 506 2880088 88 GALLON LH 2442003 20000# FRONT SPRINGS 2550 2741025 2700281 Description MP7-405 .44" FRAME 281" WHEELBASE 1364922 2401501 SubtotaI B:I $ 57,654.00 C Unvublished Options (Itemize below. attach additional sheet(s) if necessarv) Cost 2450 1 Code Description Cost Code Description Cost -2854 2475 4650 ALLISON TRANSMISSION FXL20.20.000# FRONT AXLE Code 1861 035 900BRID 2680462 Note: Unpcrblislzed O~tions caririot be rrsed to clzari~e to anotlzer contracterl niorlel.) I 3180001 9015324 21 177 3450 Subtotal From Additional Sheet(s): Subtotal C: D Miscellaneous Price Adjustments Description SS462 REAR AXLE BRIDGESTONE FRONT TIRES 5462 REAR AXLE $ (2,854.00) I Subtotal D:I $ 109.250.00 1 Cost $ 2,925.00 BATTERY DlSCONNECT 11R22.5 REAR TIRES 2560003 4020002 Check: The total cost of Unpublished Options as a percentage of the total of the Base Price plus Published Options cannot exceed 25%. For this transaction, the percentage is: $ (0.03) I E l~nit Cost of Item Before Fee & Non-Equipment Charges (A+B+C+D) I I $ 855.00 $ 3,150.00 2125 2925 PDLO ANTISWAY SPRINGS F H-GAC Fee Calculation (From Current Fee Tables) ALREADY CHARGED! I $ G Non-Equipment Charges (Trade-In, Extended Warranty, Delivery, etc.) $ 3,387.00 $ 1,975.00 901BRID BRIDGES STONE REAR TIRES Subtotal Froni Additional Sheet(s): Quantity Ordered X Subtotal E: $ 2,125.00 $ 1 .OO $ 109,250.00 H Total Purchase Price (E+F+G): Promised Delivery Date: 60 DAYS ARO Subtotal G: $ (Please Print Legibly) . ., .,:.... . . Description i Cost PIONEER RP4500 SARG HYD. TARPER i 8,488.00 HST-I2 HOT SHWT PT01,744.00 1,744.00 I 3 Descnphon i Cost . . Subtotal From Additional Sheet@): I 11 Subtotal B: 10232 cost Subtotal From Additional Sheet@) I 11 Subtotal C: 0 Price plus Published Optiors (A+B). For this transaction the percentage is: 0% . ,"... .. .(&+B~$?: . ;, .:,;!:'; , .' , .:!:;><::.:.:;; ;:~ >',: ',;:: :;;;~~~~;~~~;~;i~;::'.:.~ .,,,. . ,.. &: .7,n .: -. . ~ ~.GG'G; (1 Subtotal D: j 36182 . . ;; . " :. , , . ..::%, :..: ,., T.: .;..,:-.p.g~:.'::i~g'a~~.~. . .. . . . . .,:>>:, ,,.. .:.xy...-.,> ...+;.:>,!$.+*! .. .'. ,..... 3~ . *<.,~ . --...,... Description i Cost b ]I Subtotel E: f 0 ;..!.;.,-;; ;,>:t$<;j;;:?'i;;z%-;f;:? >:;:- :<.; . ..x. .:t':'.. ?.:.- ' - .. ,:.:. ~: .: ., :,,:~:; .: .;:: .: .,..>: : \ : . . . ... .. . . . ..:.. ...:.-..<s,2 ...,:.I :.,:::.:. * 7 1 ... . ... . .: . . ... ,.: . *, . . ... . :. .. ::!. .~.q-..:.~-~:::.:5j.;~~gg~v2~~h~~ L.. . . .. :,; ..... I,;. .... :.>:t.:.:.-..:..':;.-..;..i . . ... .... . . ,. I :.;;.?a - :. , ; :: ;F. ,~@t$l .h~~j.++$.~~$@;p+~$+J 3618 November 9, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 3f BVSWMA Mechanic Truck Purchase To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Mark Smith, Director of Public Works Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on the purchase of a Ford F750 Truck from Philpott Ford to be used by the Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency in the amount of $119,734.00 Recommendation(s): price of $1 19,734.00 Staff recommends award to Philpott Ford for the original purchase Summary: This purchase is for a Ford F750 Heavy Equipment Mechanic Service Truck and Utility Bed to be used by the Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency. The new truck and bed is a scheduled replacement of the 2000 F450 cab and chassis and 1993 utility bed that is undersized and overloaded. The F750 cab and chassis is sufficient in size to support the utility bed which will be equipped with a 600 gallon diesel fuel tank, (4) 60 gallon product tanks, (2) 30 gallon tanks for antifreeze, (1) 200 gallon tank for waste oil, 8 product pumps, reels, hydraulic air compressor, and various tool compartments. In addition, the truck will be equipped with an emergency cut off valve and access key to deter unauthorized users. The Heavy Equipment Service Truck and Utility Bed will serve the BVSWMA's equipment maintenance needs for an estimated 12+ years. The cost of this service level adjustment was underestimated by $19,734.00 due to the size of cab and chassis that would be needed to support the utility bed; however, sufficient funds are available in the BVSWMA Budget for this purchase. Four service level adjustments approved for the FYI0 budget year came in under budget resulting in a cost savings total of $100,420.78. The costs savings were from the purchase of a light plant, roll-off truck, D8 Dozer, and Compliance Officer truck. Vendor Philpott Ford Base Bid $1 19,734.00 Budget & Financial Summary: This purchase is budgeted in the FY2010 BVSWMA Operating Fund as a service level adjustment and funds are available. The service level adjustment was approved by the BVSWMA Policy Advisory Board and both the College Station and Bryan City Councils during the FY2010 budget approval process. The quote on this unit was acquired by Philpott Ford utilizing HGAC Contract Pricing. As this purchase is in excess of $50,000, it will require the approval of the Bryan City Council. Attachments: 1. Philpott Ford Quote CUSTOMIZED PRODUCT PRICING SUMMARY BASED ON CONTRACT \/EHICLES BUYBOARD #281-07 End User: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Philpott Rep: ALAN WlLEY Contact: HOWARD STOUGH Date: 30-Oct-09 Protluct Description: FORD F750 A. Bid Series: 23 A. Base price: B. Publishetl Options lltemize each below] Total of B. Published options:- ONE 200 GALLON FOR WASTE OIL I INCL C. Unpublished Options [Itemize each below, not to ex PUMPS, REELS, ETC. 1 lNCL EMERGENCY CUTOFF. STROBE LIGHTS I INCL Options LUBE AND FUEL BODY FROM EXPRESS MOTOR EXCHANGE OF BELLVILLE, TX 600 GALLON DIESEL TANK FOUR 60 GALLONS PRODUCT [OADING LIGHTS, & BACKUP ALARM 1 ;;N: HYDRAULIC DRIVEN AIR COMPRESSOR GORDON PENNY IS YOUR CONTACT AT 979 865-2992 Bid Price $ (4,010.00' MCL INCL MCL eed 25%1 -3.3 % 0 tions Bid Price CHASSIS WITH THE REQUIRED 9 I B EXHAUST SYSTEM. NOTE: THIS TRUCK MAY OR MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE 1 NOTE WHEN WE RECEIVE YOUR PURCHASE 1 NOTE ORDER. IF AVAILABLE. EXPECT 1 NOTE DELIVERY WITH 4x4 CONVESION IN 1 NOTE I Total of C. Unpublished options:l $ (4,010.00)1 D. Contract Price Adjustment: - E. Delivery Charges: 0 miles @ $.93/mile F. TotaIof A+B+C+D+E=F I S 119,334.00 1 G. Quantity Ordered I xF= H. BUYBOARD Administrative Fee $400.00 PER PURCHASE ORDER I $ 400.00 I 1. Non-Equip Charges & Credits J. TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE INCLUDING BUYBOARD FEE November 9, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 39 Sewer CCN Settlement Agreement 3 To : Mr. Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Mr. Dave Coleman, Director of Water Services Department Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion requesting approval of a settlement agreement with Wellborn SUD and Main Street Homes, which is the third of three agreements that will allow the City to pursue TCEQ approval of our application to extend our sewer certificated area into parts of the ETJ. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the settlement agreement. Summary: In September 2005, the City applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to extend our sewer Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CCN) into the extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ). Three protests were filed, and the City reached settlement agreements on two of the protests in the Fall of 2006. -the third protest was filed by Wellborn Special Utilities District and Main Street Homes, regarding sewer service to the Meadow Creek development on Koppe Bridge Road. Wellborn is providing sewer service to this development, and their protest stated that College Station should only get the Sewer CCN for this area if the City takes over operation of the sewage treatment package plant servicing the neighborhood. Since then, the City has decided to pull back the Sewer CCN request, so that the requested area does not include the Meadow Creek neighborhood, nor any of the surrounding area. Wellborn SLID and Main Street Homes are agreeable to this solution, and a settlement agreement has been reached. This agreement has been formally approved by the Wellborn SUD Board, and has been signed by the Main Street Homes principal. Staff has acted on City Council's direction to revise the Sewer CCN request and pursue this settlement; therefore staff recommends approval of this settlement agreement. Budget & Financial Summary: None. Attachments: Agreement (on file with City Secretary) Revised CCIY Map November 9, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 3h Affiliate Funding Agreement With Arts Council of Brazos Valley To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Jeff Kersten, Chief Financial Officer Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a funding agreement between the City of College Station and the Arts Council of Brazos Valley for FYlO in the amount of $181,000 for Affiliate funding. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of the funding agreement. Summary: As part of the 2009-2010 budget process the City Council approved total funding for the Arts Council of Brazos Valley from the Hotel Tax Fund in the amount of $289,000. Per Council direction, $181,000 is to be used to fund Arts Council Affiliate grants. Funding includes $162,000 for Affiliate Funding, $9,500 for the Brazos Valley Symphony 4th of July concert, and $9,500 for miscellaneous affiliate funding through the year. This funding must be approved by the City Manager before these funds are released. As part of the 2009-2010 budget process the City Council approved $100,000 from the General Fund and $108,000 from the Hotel Tax fund for operations and maintenance of the Arts Council. These funding agreements were approved by Council on October 8, 2009. State law requires that the City Council adopt the budget of any organization that is to be funded through Hotel Tax revenue. Council approved the FYlO budget of the Arts Council of Brazos Valley on October 8, 2009. Budget & Financial Summary: The funds for this agreement are budgeted and available in the 2009-2010 Hotel Tax Fund Budget in the amount of $181,000. The total of this amount is to be used to fund Arts Council Affiliates. Attachments: 1. Arts Council of Brazos Valley Affiliate Funding Agreement (available in the City Secretary's Office) 2. Arts Council of Brazos Valley Budget (available in the City Secretary's Office) 3. Affiliate Funding Exhibit A Arts Council of Brazos Valley FYI0 Affiliate Funding Affiliate Funding Armstrong I Bergeron Dance Company $2,000 Brazos Valley American Guild of Organists $1,000 Brazos Valley Chorale $8,000 Brazos Valley Museum of Natural History $1 7,000 Brazos Valley Symphony $27,000 Brazos Valley TROUPE $21,000 Downtown Bryan Economic Development Association First Fridays1 Art Walk $2,500 Friends of Chamber Music $3,000 KAMLI-FM $25,000 KEOS-FM $7,500 MSC Forsyth Center Gallery $2,000 Stagecenter $1 5,000 The Theatre Company of Bryan I College Station $27,000 University Summer Performance Series - TAMU $4,000 AFFILIATE SUBTOTAL $1 62,000 Other Funding 4th of July Concert - Brazos Valley Symphony $9,500 Miscellaneous Affiliate Funding (to be approved by City Manager in advance) $9,500 OTHER FUNDING SUBTOTAL $1 9,000 TOTAL AFFILIATE FUNDING $181,000 November 9, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 3i Authorize Brazos County Appraisal District Expenditures To: Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Jeff Kersten, Chief Financial Officer Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action and discussion to authorize the FY 10 expenditures for the Brazos County Appraisal District in the amount of $236,692 pursuant to the Property Tax Code 6.06D Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of the expenditures in the amount of $236,692 to the Brazos County Appraisal District. Summary: Chapter 6.01 of the Property Tax Code calls for an appraisal district to be established in each county. The district is responsible for appraising property in the district for ad valorem taxes purposes of each taxing unit that imposes ad valorem taxes in the district. Chapter 6.06 (d) stipulates how the funding is allocated: "each taxing unit participating in the district is allocated a portion of the amount of the budget equal to the proportion that the total dollar amount of property taxes imposed in the district by the unit for the tax year in which the budget proposals is prepared bears to the sum of the total amount of property taxes imposed in the district by each participating unit for that year." Budget & Financial Summary: Funds are available and budgeted in the General Fund, Finance Administration Budget. Payments are made in four equal payments made at the end of each calendar quarter. Attachments: 1. Brazos County Appraisal District 2010 Operating Budget (Available in City Secretary's Office) November 9, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 3j Approval of the 2009 Property Tax Roll To: Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Jeff Kersten, Chief Financial Officer Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on approval of the 2009 Property Tax Roll in the amount of $23,623,086.36. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of the 2009 Property Tax Roll in the amount of $23,623,086.36. Summary: Section 26.09 (e) of the Texas Property Tax Code mandates formal approval of the Tax Roll by the City Council as the final step in the process of establishing the tax roll for the new year. The tax roll consists of the Maintenance and Operations levy and the Interest and Sinking fund levy. The tax roll that will be generated by the tax rate of $0.4394 per $100 assessed valuation is $23,623,086.36. This tax rate was adopted by the City Council on September 10, 2009. Budget & Financial Summary: See above Attachments: 1. Letter 2. 2009 Levy Totals Kristeen Roe, RTA, CTA Brazos County Tax Assessor/Collector 300 E. Wm J Bryan Pkwy Bryan, TX 77803 979-361-4470 979-361-4487 - Fax October 20, 2009 Honorable Ben White Mayor City of College Station RE: 2009 Tax Rolls Dear Mayor White: I am providing the 2009 tax roll total information for the City of College Station as required by the Texas Property Tax Code: Sec. 26.09 (e) -the assessor shall enter the amount of tax determined as provided by this section in the appraisal roll and submit it to the governing body of the unit for approval. The appraisal roll with amounts of tax entered as approved by the governing body constitutes the unit's tax roll. The Brazos County Tax Office received seven supplemental value/ownership/exemption change files from the Brazos County Appraisal Review Board after the original 2009 value certification. The tax office accepted and balanced all of these changes prior to calculation of the 2009 tax rolls. A copy of the taxable values as well as the tax ceiling information for the City of College Station used for calculation is also provided. Please contact me if you have any questions concerning these figures. Respectfully, Kristeen Roe, RTA, CTA Tax Assessor/Collector Brazos County BRAZOS County Property Count: 27,670 2009 LEVY TOTALS C2 - CITY OF COLL. STAT. Grand Totals Land Valw Homesite: 555,791,937 Non Homesite: Ag Market: Timber Market: 879,145.555 100,265,811 0 Total Land I lm~nwemont Valw 1 Homesite: 2,358,537,606 Non Homesite: 1,925,755.442 Total Improvements (+) Non Real Count Valua Perwnal Property: 2.856 421,451,299 Mineral Property: 2.334 6,100,566 Autos: 0 0 Total Non Real Market Value I Ag Nan E-P~ Exam@ j Total Productivity Market: 100,265,811 0 Ag Use: 624,971 0 Productivity Loss Timber Use: 0 0 Appraised Value Productivity Loss: 99,640,840 0 Homestead Cap Assessed Value ( Exemptton Count Loui Stab Totri AB 6 9,168,088 0 9,168,088 DP 80 0 0 0 DVl 122 0 1,023,000 1,023.000 DVl S 7 0 35.000 35,000 DV2 54 0 535,500 535,500 DV3 49 0 526.000 526,000 DV3S 1 0 10,000 10,000 DV4 50 0 480,000 480.000 DV4S 14 0 168.000 168,000 DVHS 2 1 0 3,925,770 3,925,770 EX 518 0 654,642,624 654,642,624 EX(Prorated) 2 0 26,755 26,755 EX366 1,788 0 129.077 129,077 FR 5 10,478.991 0 10,478,991 OV65 2,139 63,661,502 0 63,661,502 OV65S 8 240,000 0 240,000 Total Exemptions Net Taxable Fmzm TaxaM. Actual Tax Caillng Count DP 11,645,305 10,773.635 45,212.23 48.515.68 72 OV65 394,095,447 333,427,815 1.403.1 31.98 1,411,362.46 1.938 Total 405,740,752 344,201,450 1,448,344.21 1,459,878.14 2,010 Freeze Taxable Tax Rate 0.439400 Freeze Adjusted Taxable Page 12 of 159 Tnre Automation, Inc. BRAZOS County Property Count: 27.670 2009 LEVY TOTALS C2 - CITY OF COLL. STAT. Grand Totals ] Levy Info I M&O Rate: 0.209967 MA0 Tax: IBS Rate: 0.229433 IBS Tax: 12,334,796.61 Protected IBS Rate: 0.000000 Protected IBS Tax: 0.00 Ag Penalty: 27.97 Total Levy ' Tax Increment Finance Value: Tax Increment Finance Levy: Page 13 of 159 True Automation, Inc. To: Glenn Brown, City Manager Frarr: Chuck Gilman, Director of Capital Projects AgendaCaption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on: (1) an amendment to the Professional Services Contract 04-176 with Epsilon Engineering, Inc. for the purpose of foregoing transfer and novation of the contract to Jacobs Engineering Group Inc and also modifying the date for which all design work and other professional services provided under the Contract must be completed to July 30, 2012, and (2) a change order to the Professional Services Contract 04-176 with Epsilon Engineering, Inc., now Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc., in the amount of $60,870.40, for additional services to design improvements to the intersection of Barron Road and SH 40. Fs): Staff recommends approval of the amendment to professional services contract and change order. m The original Professional Services Contract 04-176 between the City of College Station and Epsilon Engineering, Inc. for the design of the Barron Road Improvements was approved by Council on October 21, 2004. The original contract described three phases of design and construction for Barron Road from SH 6 to Wellborn Road. A previous change order dated July 9, 2009 revised the phasing to: SH 6 to Victoria (Phase I), and Victoria to Wellborn Road (Phase 2). Due to an unresolved issue with BTU, the phases were revised again to: SH 6 to Decatur Drive (Phase 1) and Decatur Drive to William D. Fitch Parkway (Fitch). Since that time, Epsilon Engineering, Inc. was acquired by Edwards and Kelcey. Edwards and Kelcey was subsequently acquired by Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. Furthermore, the original Professional Services Contract set December 31, 2007, as the date for which all design work and other professional services must be completed. This contract amendment modifies the completion date to July 30, 2012, and names Jacobs Engineering Group Inc as the engineer. College Station Independent School District recently announced plans for a new high school near the intersection of Barron Road and Victoria Drive. The traffic generated by this new facility will require improvements to the intersection of Barron Road and Fitch - sidewalks across Fitch, improved pedestrian safety, widening the crossover between the northbound and southbound frontage roads of Fitch, transitioning Barron Road from four lanes of traffic, back to the existing two lanes of traffic on the west side of Fitch, a deceleration lane and dedicated right turn lane from Fitch onto Barron, drainage improvements, etc. Additionally, a recent traffic study of the intersection of Barron Road and Fitch determined that a traffic signal is warranted for this intersection. In an effort to coordinate the design and installation of the traffic signal and the BarronIFitch intersection improvements in the Fitch right-of-way which is owned by the Texas Department of Transportation, it was decided to include intersection improvements and traffic signal into Phase I1 of the Barron Road Widening Project. This change order increases the amount of the design contract to compensate the engineer for the additional design work. Wrlget&FixmdSumrry: The contract amendment will not affect the budget for this project. Change Order No. 2 will increase the contract amount by $60,870.40 for a revised contract total of $900,752.60. Funds in the amount of $14,665,000 are currently budgeted for this project in the Street Capital Improvement Projects Fund. Also, $100,000 is budgeted in the Wastewater Capital Improvement Projects Fund, and $100,000 is budgeted in the Water Capital Improvement Projects Fund for water and wastewater components of this project. Funds in the amount of $2,643,220.48 have been expended to date, leaving a balance of $12,231,079.52 which will cover this change order. 1.) Amendment to Professional Services Contract 2.) Change Order No. 2 3.) Project Location Map AMENIIMENT TO CITY OF COLLEGE STATION'S PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT This a~nend~ncnt ("Amendment") to the Professional Scrvice Contract I'or the Barron Road Capacity Improvements (the "Agreement") is cntered into as of this day of 2009 by and between Epsilon Engineering Inc. ("Epsilon") and the City of College Station, Texas (the "City"). Recitals Whereas Epsilon and the City entered into the Agreement with Contract Number 04- 176 executed on November 8, 2004; Whereas Epsilon and the City now desire to amend and modify the Agrccmenl as hereinafter provided; Now therefore in consideration of the 111~1tual covenants, representations, warranties and agreements contained herein, and for other valuable consideration, the receipt and legal sufficiency of which are hercby acltnowledged, the parties agrec as follows: Section I Transfer of Parties A. Epsilon Engineering, Inc. is a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of Texas and Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. ("Contractor"), is a corporation duly organizcd and existing under the laws of Delaware. B. The City dcsires that Contractor now perforin all obligations under the Ag~.ecment. C. Contractor agrees to be bound by and to perform the Agreement in accordailce with the conditions contained thercin. Contractor also assumes all obligations and liabilities of, and all claims against, Epsilon Engineering, Ii~c, under the contracts as if the Contractor were the original party to the contracts. The Agreement includes all change orders, taslc orders or any other modifications or additions to such contracts that were mutually agreed to by City and Transferor. D. Contractor ratifies all previous aclions talcen by Epsilon Engineering, Inc, with respect to the Agreement, with thc same force and effect as if the action had been talteil by Con tractor. E. The City recognizes Contractor as Epsilon Engineering, Inc.'s successor in interest in and to Agrceinent. Contract01 by this Agreement becomes entitled to all rights, titles, and interests of Epsilon Engineering, Inc. in and to Agreement as if ConLractor were the original party to the Agl.eeinent. F. All paymellts and reimbursements previously made by the City to Epsilon Engineering, Inc., and all other previous actions talten by thc City under tl~e Agreement, shall be considercd to havc discharged those parts of the City's obligations under the Agrecmcnt. All pay~nents and reimbursements made by thc City after the date of this Ag~.een~ent should be madc in the name of Contl-actor, under the same ~.emittance instl-uctions as were applicable lor Epsiloil Engineering, Inc. G. In consideration of the terms and conditions of this An~endment, the City hereby consents to the foregoing transfer and novalion of the Agreement to Sacobs Engineering Group Inc. Section I1 Time of Performance A. Section 3.02 of the Agreement is modified as follows: All design work and other professional services provided under this Contract must be completed by thc following date: July 30,2012. Sectioil 111 Miscellaneous A. The Agreement shall remain in full force ancl effect, except as nlodified by this Amendment. Each party has executed this Amendment as of the day and year firs1 above written. Contract Amclldment iultl Novation Agreell~ent EPSILON ENGINEERING INC. Title : g.dGy-' Date: //-a -07 JACOBS ENGINEERING GROUP INC. n CITY OF COLLEGE STATION By: Mayus Date: ATTEST: By: By: City Secretary Title: Date: APPROVED: . - City Manager Date: City Attorney Date: Chief Financial Officer Contract Anlcndmcnt and No\l;ilion Agree~nent $161,569.20 23.82% CHANGE $60,870.40 8.97% CHANGE $900,752.60 32.79% TOTAL CHANGE 1,146 days 669 days 1,003 days 2,819 Days PIRECTOR OF FiSCAL SERVICES -- PROJECT MANAGER MAYOR CITY ENGINEER CITY SECRETARY , . ( .- -. -< DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR Y:: ..' c '.'L CITY MANAGER Page 1 of 1 November 9, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 3L College Park-Breezy Heights Rehabilitation Project Close-out Change Order To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Chuck Gilman, Director of Capital Projects Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion to a change order to Contract #08-277 to Brazos Valley Services in the amount of $233,373.70 for additional construction services related to the College Park/Breezy Heights Rehabilitation Project. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of this change order. C Summary: The construction work to rehabilitate streets and utility lines in the College Park and Breezy Heights areas is complete, and this change order is the final action to close out the construction contract. This change order will make the final adjustments to the quantities of specific utility improvements such as water service connections, sewer service connections, lengths of pipe, pavement repair and backfill, valve quantities and number of manholes installed. Many of the quantity changes are inherent to utility rehabilitation in historic neighborhoods, as the many of the plans for the construction of the original infrastructure are no longer available, and the area has been modified and improved over time as a result of on-going operation and maintenance. Once the utility work began the contractor found utility lines that were shown in record drawings and service connections that could not be located by the surveyor or the design team. Additional, once work began to replace a predetermine quantity of deteriorating sanitary sewer pipe by pipe bursting (a method of replacing existing pipe by trenchless methods that does not require the excavation of a utility trench), other segments of sewer line in poor conditions were discovered. Therefore, these lines were also replaced by the less intrusive pipe bursting method to ensure the City can continue to provide reliable sewer services to the neighborhood without unnecessarily disturbing the yards of the residents in the neighborhood. Budget & Financial Summary: The original contract for construction services was $4,116,581.28. Change order 1 increased the contract by 10.4% to a total of $4,545,519.78. Change order 2 increased the contract by 2.77% to a total of $4,659,432.72. This Change Order will increase the contract by an additional $233,373.70. The current budget for the College Park-Breezy Heights Rehabilitation project is $5,843,045. Funds in the amount of $5,337,412 have been expended or committed to date, leaving a balance of $505,633 for this change order and future expenses. The funding sources for this project include the Streets, Drainage, Water and Wastewater Capital Improvement Projects Funds. A portion of this change order, in the amount of $107,961, will be applied to the portion of the project funded by the Water Capital Fund, which has a balance of $126,278.67. A portion of this change order, in the amount of $135,229.40, will be applied to the portion of the project funded by the Wastewater Capital Fund, which has a balance of $159,644.52. This change order also includes a credit to the Drainage Capital Fund in the amount of $9,816.70. Attachments: 1. Change Order Number 3 2. Location Map of the College Park Breezy Heights Rehabilitation Project CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 Conlracl No. 08-277 DATE: 15 October 2009 P.O.# 081170 PROJECT: College ParkIBreezy Heighle Rehabililalion ...................................................................................... .............................................................................. ___ ........................................................ .......:.:......... .. ....... : .... _ .......... _..._ ........................... .... OWNER: CONTRACTOR: City of College Slalion Brazos Valley Services P.O. Box 9960 PO Box 985 Ph: (979) 255-3977 College Stalicn. Texas 77842 Bryan. TX 77805 Fax: (936) 399-701 2 PURPOSE OF THIS CHANGE ORDER: & Pro ect Close Oul ctlange Order: Thls change orfler lor Ine College ParuBreezy Helyllls Rehabllllal~on Project serves lo afllusl qJanl.1 es 01 vanous lhne llems lo acco~nl lor overruns and underruns encoutltered d~nng Ihe project Ihal have not beer1 prevlo~sly adoressed n pnor clla~lyc orders. This change order updates the contract and associated Purchase Order In order lo successlully close oul Ihe projecl llems in his change order primarily arc for wastewaler and waler ulililies and drainage ulility ilems. : .................. :... :.. _.( ............................................................... ........................................................ ..;..... ... ,:,;:;:;:; :::.:.::: I:;:.:::.:: :.:.::: ..................... ..... :.::::;:;:I:::I:;.I::::::~ .... ;jiiiiiiiii~iii:iiiijjji.~ .IGI: .'.:iiji:ijiii:iiiiij~,~, .. ::iiiijiiijiiijiiiiijii~ : :.. . iiiijijiiiiii ....... .... ,j,1,i:~Q~~~jiijii:,~~I~j:jj:jj:jjjjijjj;ij~~~~~[~:~~~ijjjjijjj~jij~jijiijjjj:j~j~ji$R~~~jjjijijijiiijiiijiji~jrj-~A't;i~~ijijjjj:iiiiiiiD~k'r(rs~~vjiijiIiiijiiijijijiji~~~~j~~~j~~~j~~~~ ... 6" reinforced concrele paving. lncludina related ilems and 19 1 SY lappurtenances, complete in place I $38.00 1 2116 LF SY SY EA 1 16' dowel on curb including relaled 1 I I 2758 $20.00 1 247 $24.396.00 ilems and appurtenances, complete in place 4" reinforced 6' concrele sidewalk paving includlng ADA handicap ramps and sub grade compaclion lo 98% slandard proclor density @ oplimum moislure conlent, lncluding related ilems end appurtenances. complete In place Resldenlial reinforced concrele driveway lumoul (widlhs vary) Including related ilems and appurtenances, complete In place Remove and dispose of exlsling head and wing wall inludlng relsled ilems and appurtenances, complete in place Remove and dispose of exisllng RCP pipe, Including relaled ilems and 28A I LF lcomplete in place I $63.00 1 410 I 152 $5.00 $36.00 $40.00 $1,000.00 related items & appurtenances. 162 ($16.254.00 29A 30A 1 I I~onslrucl 5' extension on end of 1 I 1 1 1 ($1,700.00 32 33 43 24" HDPE storm sewer including related ilems & appurlenances. LF LF 1 EA LF EA 44 1 EA 1 existing cub Inlet, complete in place 1 $1.500.00 1 1 I 3 complete in place 30" HDPE storm sewer including related ilems & appurtenances, complele in place Connect proposed RCP slonn sewer lo exisllng inlet box, including relaled ilerns & appurtenances, complele in $3.000.00 45 place Asphall pavement repalr for slorm sewer relaled ilems with full deplh cement stabillzed backnll including related items, complete in place Remove exisling slorm sewer manhole and replace with 6'xW iunction box, complete in place I 1 Concrele curb and guller repair 46 52 54 I I 12" C-900 Certa-Lok PVC waterline inslalled bv direcllonal borina. $77.00 $110.00 I I I I I I LF 6" gale valve and box, including marker and related ilems and I $1,000.00 $40.00 $3,500.00 LF LF EA 281 553 lncludlng relaled appurtenances. complete In place $760.00 58 61 13 136 1 Lower exisling walerllne on Hereford Slreel, including relaled Items and appurtenances, complete and in place 4" C-900 PVC walerline lncluding relaled ilems and appurtenances. complete In place 8" gate valve and box. lncluding marker and relaled items and appurtenances, complete in place 229 413 $30.00 37 LF LF ($4.004.00) ($15,400.00) 9 266 0 $100.00 $32.00 $1,025.00 ($4.000.001 $5.200.00 ($3.600.00~ 30 38 complele in place 4" Yellomlne SDR 19 waterline installed by directional boring inlcuding relaled items and appurtenances, complele in place 30 513 8 $760.00 515 $90.00 $35.00 $14.550.00 0 713 9 ($3.000.00) $6.400.00 $1.025.00 2860 898 2895 900 $3.150.00 $70.00 Relocale 8 reconnect existing vraler meter including retaled items and EA a urtenances. com lele In lace 1 63 1 ( pp p 1 $30000 1 88 1 105 1 S5,lOO.OO 1 EA EA EA I 67 72 Long water service lransfer including 1" schedule 40 PVC, related fillings. ball valves, connection lo exislirig meler 8 related appudenances. complele in place Long dual waler service lransfer including 1.5 schedule 40 PVC. retaled fittings, ball valves, connection to existing meler 8 related appurtenances, cornplele In place . Short dual vraler service transfer Including 1.5" schedule 40 PVC. relaled fillings, ball valves, connection to exisling meler 8 relaled appurtenances, complete in place Short waler service transfer including 1" schedule 40 PVC, relaled fillings. ball valves, connectlon lo exisling meler 8 relaled aDourtenances. 82 I I I related items wlhllt deplh cement stabilized backfill including related EA EA 1 83 1 LF lappurteiances, complete in place I $15.00 1 1245 $1,100.00 $1,420.00 $800.00 EA compiele In place' ' lnlerconnecled proposed 1P" PVC waterline lo exlsling 6" walerllne, including relaled filing and appurtenances, complete in place 1 lconcrele pavement repair for water I I I I 3521 1 81 89 95 98 99 101 103 105 78 16 6 Relocate 8 reconnect existing waler meler including relaled llems and appurtenances, complete in place 1" schedule 40 PVC waler service line iroln relocaled meler lo exisling resldenl8 plumblng including connectlon by licensed plumber includina relaled Items and $34.140.00 107 96 12 11 $500.00 $1.500.00 LF EA EA LF LF EA EA EA $400.00 $400.00 EA ilems 8 appurtenances, complele in place Curb 8 guller repair for waler related crossing wlfull depth cemenl slabilized backfill including related ilems and appurtenances, complele in place Remove and reset exisllng mailboxes, including relaled ilems and appurtenances, complete in place 6" SDR 26 PVC(ASTM D3034) Sanitary sewer Ilne, Including lilllngs, related Items 8 appurtenances, complete in place 6 SDR 26 PVC(ASTM D3034) Sanilary sewer line installed by dry bore, including fittings, relaled ilems 8 appurtenances, cornplate In place Conslrucl slatidard concrete manhole on exisling sewer line wflid, rim. sealant, Inclduing relaled items 8 appurtenances, complete In place Precast concrete drop manholes wflid, dm, sealanl, including relaled items 8 appudenances, complele in place Standard 5" cleanoul assembly. including relaled ilems 8 appurtenances, complete in place Short sewer sewice transfer, including servlce line, relaled fillings. 8 appurtenances, complele in related items wlfull deplh cement slabilized backfill including relaled ilems 8 appudenances, complele In 926 Remove 8 dispose of exisling 115 EA manhole, complete in place $500.00 11 $3,000.00 $1.500.00 78 1 84 19 50 Long sewer servlce transfer, lncludlng service Ilne, relaled fllllngs, llems 8 appurtenances, complele in place Asphall pavemenl repair for sawer 1 31 $35.00 $150.00 $100.00 $30.00 $185.00 $3,000.00 $3,500.00 $800.00 1126 13 2 58 $1,300.00 $6.000.00 $1.000.00 170 122 5 5348 60 5 4 7 $3.200.00 38 290 120 16 5570 80 6 3 9 $4.200.00 $1,050.00 $1.100.00 $6.680.00 $3.700.00 $3,000.00 ($3,50000) $1.600.00 47 $1 1.700.00 11 6 119 11 9 120 120E 120G 120J 121 C 125 127A C03-1 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $4,116,581.28 Change Order No. 1 $428,938.50 10.42% CHANGE Change Order No. 2 $113,912.94 2.77% CHANGE Change Order No. 3 $233.373.70 5.67% CHANGE REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT $4,892.808.42 13.1 9% TOTAL CHANGE $20.00 CO-3-2 ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME Time Extension No. 1 Revised Conlract Time Rerliove 6 dispose olexisling sanitary sewer line as new sanitary sewer line is inslalied, complete in LF LF LF LF SY SY SY LF LF 275 Days 62 Days 337 Remove S dispose of existing sewer line, complete in place $10.00 I I I I ...... 1 TOTAL 1 $233,373.70 ...,......... ..................... ... :.:.:.:.:.:.:::::.: .: ........................................................................................................................................................................ THE NET AFFECT OF THIS CHANGE ORDER IS 5.67% INCREASE. .... ................................... ... ;.;.:.:.:.:::: SY 1 Revised Substantial Complelion Dale 10/12/09 I $4,120.00 67 118 4" SDR 26 PVC sewerline inslalled by open cul including related ilems and appurlenances, complel in place 4" SDR 26 PVC sewerline inslalled by open cut including relaled ilerns and appurtenances, complet ill place 6 duclile iron sevderline including related ilems and appurtenances. complete in place Asphalt pavement repair lor shod services complele&place -- Asphalt pavement repair for boring pits including relaled Items and appurtenances, complele in place Asphalt pavement repair lor boring pits including relaled items and appurtenances, complete in place Asphall pavement repair for shod services. complete in place Slmctural backfill for sewer relaled items w/full depth cement slabilized backfill i~icluding relaled ilerns 8 appudenances, complele in place 14" standard weight steel casing :.:.:.:.:.:.:;:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ... ...................................... APPROVED 5350.00 $50.175 00 273 4194 159 CemenlSlabillzed subgrade -- Dale I 4220 828 LF $30.00 $20.00 $64.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $20.00 $40.00 LF EA . . u. h~d jO/J5>0~ .-PROJEC~MANA;GER-.,~' Dale DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR .' <:, .'? Date $120.00 $250.00 including related ilems and appurtenances, complete In place Saddles, 1 W, forwaler connecllon on Fairview $10.00 CITY MANAGER Dale MAYOR Dale CITY SECRETARY Date lnstall8"SDR 11 IPS HOPE by pipe bunling,including related iterns and appurtenances, complele in place 55 0 19 177 22 11 100 50 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Dale 'Thls Change Order Is acceptance by ralification for work already compleled $75.00 80 0 0 0 837 ti 394 100 81 378 115 ($1 .ti5U.Oll) $16.740.00 ($032.00) $8,680.00 $3.106.40 $2,800.00 $5.580.00 $2.600.00 100 13 782 $2,400.00 $3.250.00 $7,820.00 College ParkIBreezy Heights Rehabilitation Project Location Map November 9, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 3m Water Reclamation Project Design Contract Change Order No. 1 To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Chuck Gilman, Director of Capital Projects Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding change order no. 1 to the Water Reclamation Project design contract in the amount of $24,000.00 to contract no. 09-147 with Lockwood, Andrews, & Newnam for design services to provide programming deliverables for control of the water reclamation system. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of change order no. 1. Summary: This project will extend treated effluent from the Carters Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant to Veteran's Athletic Complex, where it will be used for irrigation purposes in the park. The project includes a pump station at the treatment plant, pipeline and ground storage tanks at the park. Programming for the controls associated with the water reclamation system was to be accomplished in-house. However, due to the existing workload of the SCADA technicians and limited resources in the division, Water Services is now requesting that this function be included in the scope of work of the engineering consultant. Budget & Financial Summary: Funds in the amount of $3,606,730.00 are budgeted in the Water Capital Projects Fund. Funds in the amount of $518,507.00 have been expended or committed to date, leaving a balance of $3,088,222.10 for this change order and future expenses. Attachments: 1. Change Order No. 1 2. Project Location Map Page 1 of 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 level and flow instruments, HMI interface logic, I/O configuration, and communications configuration Engineer to coordinate programming with currently on-going mechanical, electrical and instrumentation design for proposed Phase I Reclaimed Water System project Engineer to conduct Quality Control (QC) review of programming deliverables prior to Owner submission Engineer to coordinate with the selected construction contractor to accomplish programming for proposed Phase I Reclaimed Water System project Engineer representative to attend programming workshopJrneeting with Owner representative(s) prior to Engineer initiating programming work. Workshop will involve Engineer presentingldescribing proposed programming plan to Owner, Owner subsequently providing comments/input, and the OwnerJEngineer ultimately coming to a consensus regarding the programming plan to be implemented Engineer to conduct in-office testing of programming via PLC upload and/or software simulation, prior to field installation $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 10 11 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT Change Order No. 1 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT 12 ORIGINAL CONTRACT DESIGN TIME Change Order No. 1 Revised Contract Design Time Engineer representative to participate in system start-up activities, in conjunction with selected construction contractor, to verify programming operation/function; Scope of Services assumes that selected construction contractor will install all equipment, have all equipment functioning, and have completed, tested and verified all field wiring, prior to initiation of Engineer's start-up activity participation Engineer representative to conduct four (4), two (2) hour, field training sessions to instruct Owner operations and maintenance personnel regarding system operation \IET AFFECT OF THIS CHANGE ORDER IS A 5.57% INCREASE Engineer to provide Owner with single electronic copy of final installed program via FTP site upload or CD ROM and ten (10) hard copies of training reference material (programming narrative) $431,000.00 $24,000.00 5.57% CHANGE $455,000.00 5.57% TOTAL CHANGE $0.00 $0.00 180 Days 60 Days 240 Days $0.00 ,.CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR 0 0 PROJECT MANAGER 0 CITY ENGINEER /, 1 1 DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR $0.00 $0.00 1 DIRECTOR OF FISCAL SERVICES $0.00 MAYOR ClTY SECRETARY ClTY MANAGER Page 2 of 2 To: Glenn Brown, City Manager Fmn Chuck Gilman, Director of Capital Projects &edaC;ption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion to approve a change order to professional services contract #05-160 with McClure & Brown Engineering in the amount of $211,397.50 related to revisions and updates to the Tauber and Stasney Streets Rehabilitation design. Fs): Staff recommends approval of the requested change order. SLnrrrry: In May 2005 the City Council approved a design contract for the design of improvements and rehabilitation of Tauber and Stasney. Since 2005, the scope of this project has changed significantly as a result of the Northgate Design Guidelines in the Unified Development Ordinance, and input from the adjacent property owners and stakeholders in the Northgate District. This item is for the approval of a professional services change order to McClure & Browne Engineering/Surveying, Inc. for changes related to the change in scope of their contract in the amount of $211,397.50. This change order will compensate the consulting engineer for the following: Additional topographic and boundary surveys for access easements being dedicated by some of the adjacent property owners. Additional topographic surveying to supplement and update the survey data collected in 2005 to include new improvements along both Tauber and Stasney (e.g. improvements to Church Street, improvements constructed with The Factory and Warehouse, etc). Revisions to the drawings to reflect the changes to the horizontal alignment of the roadway and parking as a result of the public engagement process, including the plan and profile sheets of the roadway, the traffic control plans and the storm water pollution preventions plans. Revisions to the drawings to reflect the changes to the utilities as a result of the public engagement process. Revisions to the drawings and specifications to ensure the design meet the requirements of the Northgate Design Guidelines in the Unified Development Ordinance. Development of a tree protection and preservation plan by a certified arborist (not included in the original scope of work). Construction material testing by a local certified testing laboratory (not included in the original scope of work). Testing will include sub grade soils for the pavement and sidewalks, backfill material for all utility replacement associated with the project and on cast-in-place concrete. Preconstruction site visits be performed a geotechnical and structural engineer to document existing distress conditions within certain buildings near the construction zone and that observations of other structures be made from the right-of-way (not included in the original scope of work). Vibration monitoring and settlement monitoring at certain buildings and other structures (e.g. retaining walls) during construction to monitor vibrations measured during construction activities and to monitor existing structures to ensure movement is not occurring. The time of construction is fourteen (14) months. It is expected that construction will begin this summer, once the design documents are revised and updated. Budyet&F~l~The current budget for the Tauber and Stasney Street Rehabilitation project is $3,100,899. Included in this budget are funds for street rehabilitation as well as water and wastewater utility rehabilitation. A total of $609,025.60 has been expended or committed to date, leaving a balance of $2,491,873.40 for this change order and future expenses. 1. Change Order #4 2. Location Map of the Tauber and Stasney Streets Rehabilitation Project. Change Order #4, Contract #05-160, Page 1 of 2 CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 Contact t 05-160 DATE: October 28. 200 P.O.# 051140 PROJECT: TauberIStasney Rehabilitation and Northgate Sidewalks .: :: :.:.:.:.: .:.::::::::: :.: ........................ . ..... . .::.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . , . . , . . , . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . , . . . .... .,........ :: .. : . ... :: ...... ......... .,.<<.. . ........ ...... . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. :.:. .: . .. . ...... . . . .... . ... ... .. ...................................................................... : .. ,- OWNER: CONTRACTOR: City of College Station P.O. Box 9960 McCiure & Browne, Engineeringlsurveying, inc. 1008 Woodcreek Dr Suite 103 Ph: (979) 693-3838 College Station, Texas 77842 College Station, TX 77845 PURPOSE OF THIS CHANGE ORDER: Fax: '(976) 693-2554 A. Additional Surveying: Additional topographic and boundary surveys, including the location of surface and underground features necessary for the use in subsequent redesign phases. The horizontal location of ulility lines that are marked at the surface by lheir respective owners will be included in this survey. Underground features will be limited to manholes, storm drains and other appurtenances that have access from the surface or that have been uncovered by City forces. Drawings of the existing condilions shall be prepared and submitled lo the City for review. A series of temporary benchmarks will be placed at key locations throughout the site for subsequent use-during the construclion phase. B. Redesign: The redesign will involve the completion of plans described in the approved final layout. It will include a traffic control plan that complies with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic control Devices and a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Deliverable will include one set of complete, construction ready plans in reproducible form for all items described In the Preliminary Design, one set of bid documents that include technical specifications, special conditions and unit cost bid proposal sheets and a final conslruction cost estimate based upon an itemized list of quantities taken from the constructlon plans. C. Arborlst: At the request of the City, the design engineer has acquired the services of a licensed arborist to evaluate and inspect the existing trees along the construction area and to make reccomendations on how to best protect and preserve the trees during the design and construction phases. D. constructlon Material Testing: At the request of the City, the design engineer will provide construction material testing as part of its services. The deslgn engineer has acquired the services of a geotechnical consultant to perfrom this task. Testing will include subgrade soils for the pavement and sidewalks, backfill material for all utility replacement associated with the project and on cast-in-place concrete. E. Preconstruction Site Visits: Limited Visual Observation services to document existing distress conditions wilhin the following buildings in the proposed construction area: FedExIKinkos, Papa JohnsISubway, Aggieland Credit Union, Methodist Church, Islamic Mosque and the Catholic Church Additionally, observation and documentation of other structures will be made along and from the public right-of-way on Tauber and Stasney Streets. A written report of observations including photographs will be provided. The scope of work will not include reccomendations or opinions regarding the cause or repair of the documented conditions. Observations will be made from ground or floor level and does not include obeservations in crawl spaces, roofs, or other inaccessible areas. F. Vibratlon Monltoring: Monitoring of constructlon vibrations using geophone devices will be conducted for the duration project construction These locations will be determined as construction sequencing dictates. Construction is expected to last approximately fourteen (1 4) months. ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT Change Order No. 1 Change Order No. 2: Change Order No. 3: Change Order No. 4: TOTAL: $160,000.00 $6,000.00 3.75% CHANGE $5,500.00 3.44% CHANGE $2,500.00 1.56% CHANGE $21 1,397.50 132 12% CHANGE $385,397.50 140.87% CHANGE Change Order #4, Contract 805-160, 1. Page 2 of 2 .................... ................................ % ................................. _.( ....... : : : : :. . ___:.:.:.:.: :.: :., :.:.:.:.:.:.: :.:. ............................................. ........................ ....................... ..... :.:.,.:.::: :.:,:::_::I .:.:.: ...... ..... ........................................................ ........ .............................. ::::::.:.:.: ..... ,:.:,:.:.:.:.:,:.: ........................... :: :.:.:,:.:.: :.:,:.: : :.,.:,:.:,:.:.: ::.:::i:j:j:j:j.j:;:j:::::::::::::::::.:.,::::::::::::::.:.:.:.: ...................................... :.: ::.:: ...... ..........::. ....... ....... ..................... IC,/AS/O ", Date, , -.. .... / i , ,. - -- ; ,-- , /, .j ,,.' .' j' DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR,' -% ,! . ,;<: Date MAYOR Dale CITY SECRETARY Date CITY MANAGER Date Tauber and Stasney Street Rehabilitation Project Location Map November 9, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 30 Project Number WF1129844 Carters Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Lab & SCADA Building and a Resolution Declaring Intention to Reimburse Certain Expenditures with Proceeds From Debt To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Chuck ~ilmari, Director of Capital Projects Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Professional Services Contract with Lockwood, Andrews, and Newnam, Inc. in the amount of $225,477; for the design of the Carters Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Lab and SCADA Building and approval of a resolution declaring intention to reimburse certain expenditures with proceeds from debt. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of the professional services contract and recommends approval of the resolution declaring intention to reimburse certain expenditures with proceeds from debt. Summary: At the Council Meeting on October 19, 2009, the Council expressed a willingness to consider an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance that would exempt certain City facilities with an industrial use from all of the requirements in the Ordinance. During that meeting the Council requested that staff draft the proposed amendments and develop a review process whereby each design project to modify, expand or build an industrial facility can be reviewed. Staff recognizes that this process is still being developed. However, staff would propose to move forward with the design of the Carters Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Lab and SCADA Building on the premise that the exterior match the existing administration building at the Wastewater Treatment Plant - split face block exterior to with a metal roof at a single elevation to match the existing building. Once the design is complete on the Lab and SCADA Building, staff will send this project through the review process ultimately adopted by the Council to allow these variances. The Carters Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Lab and SCADA Building is a funded project in the FY 2010 Capital Plan. The scope of this project includes the design and construction of the new building facility to replace the existing aging antiquated laboratory, and centralize our SCADA equipment and hardware into a centralized, environmentally controlled, weather resistant building. Lockwood, Andrews, and Newnam, Inc. (LAN) was selected as the most highly qualified firm based on their statement of qualifications submitted in response of RFQ 08-95. LAN and City Staff have completed the programming phase of this project where current and future needs were thoroughly evaluated and analyzed. With a design budget of $225,477.00, we are prepared to move into detailed design. Budget & Financial Summary: The budget for this project is currently $940,000.00. The P.O. for the project design is $225,477.00. To date, $19,087.36 has been expended or committed for this project, leaving a balance of $920,912.64 for this contract and future expenses. This item replaces the standard terms, conditions and specifications that were attached to the P.O. with those in the Professional Services Contract and requires no additional funds. The "Resolution Declaring Intention to Reimburse Certain Expenditures with Proceeds from Debt" is necessary for this item because the long term debt has not been issued for the project. The debt for the project is scheduled to be issued later this fiscal year. Attachments: 1.) Resolution 2.) Resolution Declaring Intention to Reimburse Certain Expenditures with Proceeds from Debt RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, SELECTING A PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTOR, APPROVING A PROFESSIONAL SEYaVPCES CONTRACT AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITUm OF FUNDS FOR THE CARTER§ CREEK WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT LAB AND SCDA BUILDING PROJECT. WHEREAS, the City of College Station, Texas, solicited proposals for the design and constiuction phase services; and WHEREAS, the selection of Lockwood, Andrews, & Newnam, Inc. is being recommended as the most highly qualified provider of the design and construction phase services; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That the City Council hereby finds that Lockwood, Andrews, & Newnam, Inc. is the most highly qualified provider of the design and construction phase services for Carters Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Lab and SCADA Building Project on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications. PART 2: That the City Council hereby approves the contract with Lockwood, Andrews, & Newnam, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $225,477.00 for the design and construction phase services related to the Carters Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Lab and SCADA Building Project. PART 3: That the funding for this Contract shall be as budgeted from the Water Services Fund in the amount of $225,477.00. PART 4: That this resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage. ADOPTED this day of . A.D. 2009. ATTEST: APPROVED: City Secretary MAYOR APPROVED: City Attorney RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION DECLARING INTENTION TO REIMBURSE CERTAIN EXPENDITURES WITH PROCEEDS FROM DEBT WHEREAS, the City of College Station, Texas (the "City") is a home-rule municipality and political subdivision of the State of Texas; WHEREAS, the City expects to pay expenditures in connection with the design, planning, acquisition and construction of the projects described on Efibit "A" hereto (collectively, the "Project") prior to the issuance of obligations by the City in connection with the financing of the Project from available funds; WHEREAS, the City fmds, considers, and declares that the reimbursement of the City for the payment of such expenditures will be appropriate and consistent with the lawful objectives of the City and, as such, chooses to declare its intention, in accordance with the provisions of Section 1.150-2 of the Treasury Regulations, to reimburse itself for such payments at such time as it issues obligations to finance the Project; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS THAT: Section 1. The City reasonably expects it will incur debt, as one or more series of obligations, with an aggregate maximum principal amount not to exceed $940,000, for the purpose of paying the aggregate costs of the Project. Section 2. All costs to be reimbursed pursuant hereto will be capital expenditures. No tax- exempt obligations will be issued by the City in furtherance of this Statement after a date whlch is later than 18 months after the later of (1) the date the expenditures are paid or (2) the date on which the property, with respect to which such expenditures were made, is placed in service. Section 3. The foregoing notwithstanding, no tax-exempt obligation will be issued pursuant to th~s Statement more than three years after the date any expenditure which is to be reimbursed is paid. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS !MI DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2009. ATTEST: Connie Hooks, City Secretary Ben White, Mayor APPROVED: Exhibit "A" The projects to be financed that are the subject of this Statement are: Carters Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Lab and SCADA Building November 9, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 3p Copperfield/FM 60 Signal ILA To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Mark Smith, Director of Public Works Agenda caption: Presentation, possible action and discussion of an Interlocal Agreement between the cities of Bryan and College Station in an amount not to exceed $60,000 for turn lanes and signals at the intersection of University Drive and Copperfield. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of the ILA Summary: The ILA provides for College Station and Bryan to share in the cost of constructing the new signal. Bryan will enter into an Advance Funding Agreement with TxDOT to provide the complete design plans, specifications and estimate (PS&E) for the construction of a protected left-turn lane and traffic signals at the intersection of FM 60 and Copperfield Drive. Bryan will fund 100 percent of the actual construction cost of the traffic signal work and pavement work on Copperfield Drive. College Station will reimburse Bryan for one-half of the actual cost of the traffic signal construction, in an amount initially estimated not to exceed $60,000.00. Payment will be made as the work progresses and within 30 days of invoice. Budget & Financial Summary: Funds for this signal are available and budgeted in the street capital improvements fund. Attachments: 1. Interlocal Agreement 2. Cost estimate INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT RETWEEN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION AND THE CITY CIF BRYAN FOR TURN LANES AND SIGNALS ON FM 60 AT COPPERFIELD This Interlocal Agreement (Agreement) between the City of College Station, Texas (College Station) and the City of Bryan, Texas (Bryan) is effective as of the day of ,2009. WHEREAS, Chapter 791 of the TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, also known as the JNTERLOCAL COOPERATION ACT, authorizes local governments to contract with each other to perform functions or services that each party to the contract is authorized to perform individually; and WHEREAS, the parties are seeking to enhance safety and improve the traffic flow through the intersection of FM 60 (University Drive) and Copperfield Drive along the city limits of the Cities of Bryan and College Station; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to provide interim improvements to the intersection in advance of a future widening of FM 60 to include pavement widening on the southeast side of FM 60, traffic signals on all approaches, drainage structure relocation, and signing and pavement marking improvements; and WHEREAS, the parties agree to equally share in the costs not paid by TxDOT for the said improvements at the intersection of FM 60 and Copperfield Drive; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. Advance Funding Agreement with TxDOT. Bryan will enter into an Advance Funding Agreement with TxDOT to provide the complete design plans, specifications and estimate (PS&E) for the constiuction of a protected left-turn lane and traffic signals at the intersection of FM 60 and Copperfield Drive. Additional design for construction of pavement inlproveinents to Copperfield Drive will be included in the PS&E. Bryan will fund 100 percent of the actual coilstiuction cost of the traffic signal work and pavement work on Copperfield Drive. 2. Reimbursement. College Station will reimburse Bryan for one-half of the actual cost of the traffic signal construction, in an amount initially estimated not to exceed $60,000.00. Payment will be made as the work progresses and within 30 days of invoice. A portion of College Station's reimbursement to Bryan may consist of inaterials provided for the project as listed in Attachment A. The cost of the materials may count toward College Station's reimbursement contribution when invoicelreceipts are provided. 3. Additional Expenses. Unexpected expenses or change orders resulting in an increased traffic signal construction cost will be shared equally between the two parties. 4. Available Funds. All expenditures under this Agreement by either party will be froin current available revenues in accordailce with Texas Government Code $791 -01 1(d)(3). 5. Notices. Notices will be mailed to the addresses designated herein or as may be designated in writing by the parties from time to time and are deemed received when sent postage prepaid U.S. Mail to the following addresses: City of Bryan Attn: City Manager P.O. Box 1000 Bryan, Texas 77805 City of College Station Attn: City Manager P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 6. Venue. This agreement is governed by and construed under and in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. Jurisdiction and venue for any matter arising out of this Agreement is in a court of competent jurisdiction in Brazos County, Texas. 7. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties respecting the subject matter hereof and supersedes any prior understanding or written or verbal agreements concerning the same. The terms and conditions of this Agreement may be modified at any time by the mutual consent of both parties, but only in writing, signed by the governing bodies of both entities. SIGNED this the day of ,2009. CITY OF BRYAN CITY OF COLLEGE STATION BY: BY: Mark Conlee, Mayor Ben White, Mayor ATTEST: ATTEST: Mary Lynne Stratla, City Secretary Connie Hooks, Cily Secretary APPROVED: APPROVED: David Watkins, City Manager Glenn Brown, City Manager Janis Hampton, City Attorney Charles Cryan, Chief Finailcia1 Officer Jeff Icersten, Chief Fillancia1 Officcr Page 3 - . - - -- - ATTACHMENT A College Station's Estimated Material Costs* Emergency Vehicle Preemption 1 $4,500 Video Imaging Vehicle Detection (VIVD) System 1 $10,270 1 Confirmation Enforcement Lights I $ 1,000 - *Invoice/receipt to be provided upon material delivery. Estimate FMGOCOPPERFIELD Estimated Cost: $107,959.87 Contingency: 0.00% Estimated Total: $107,959.87 0506-01-097 - SIGNAL Base Date: 0511 8/09 Spec Year: 04 Unit System: E Work Type: Highway Type: FLEXIBLE (BASE AND ACP) PAVE. UrbanIRural Type: RURAL Season: County: BRAZOS Midpoint of Latitude: lblidpoint of Longitude: District: BRYAN FederalIState Project Number: 0506-01-097 Prepared by System Administrator Estimate: FM6OCOPPERFIELD Line # Item Number Quantity Units Description Supplemental Description Group 0007: SIGNS (0506-01 -097) 0060 06442004 2.000 EA INS SM RD SN SUP&AM TY IOBWG(1) SA(T) 0091 06442060 3.000 EA REMOVE SM RD SN SUP & AM Group 0008: SIGNAL (0506-01 -097) 0061 041 62032 60.000 DRILL SHAFT (TRF SIG POLE) (36 IN) 0062 061 8201 8 44.000 CONDT (PVC) (SCHD 40) ( 21N) 0063 06182022 257.000 CONDT (PVC) (SCHD 40) (31N) 0064 06182024 25.000 CONDT (PVC) (SCHD 40) (41N) 0065 06202007 242.000 ELEC CONDR (NO. 4) BARE 0066 06202008 484.000 ELEC CONDR (NO. 4) INSULATED 0067 0620201 1 469.000 ELEC CONDR (110.8) BARE 0068 06202012 1,408.000 ELEC CONDR (NO. 8) INSULATED ,069 06242012 3.000 GROUND BOX TY C (16291 1) WIAPRON 0070 06282164 1.000 ELC SRVTY D 1201240 070 (NS)AL(E)PS(U) 0071 06802002 1 .OOO INSTALL HWY TRF SIG (ISOLATED). SP FOR CS TO PROVIDE MATERIAL 0072 06822001 8.000 BACK PLATE (12 IN) (3 SEC) 0073 06822003 4.000 BACK PLATE (12 IN) (5 SEC) 0074 0682201 2 1.000 LOUVER (12 IN) (ADJUSTABLE) 0075 06822022 4.000 VEH SIG SEC (12 IN) LED (GRN ARW) 0076 06822023 12.000 VEH SIG SEC (12 IN) LED (GRN) 0077 06822024 4.000 VEH SIG SEC (12 IN) LED (YEL ARW) 0078 06822025 12.000 VEH SIG SEC (12 IN) LED (YEL) 0079 06822027 12.000 VEH SIG SEC (12 IN) LED (RED) 0080 0684201 0 769.000 'TRF SIG CBL (TY A) (12 AWG) ( 5 CONDR) 0081 06842012 1,315.000 TRF SIG CBL (TY A) (12 AWG) ( 7 CONDR) q082 0686201 8 4.000 INS TRF SIG PL AM(S) STR (TY D) LLlM 0083 06882001 4.000 PED DETECT (2 INCH PUSH BTN) Unit Price Extension Group Alternate Code: SGN Total for Group 0007: $1,110.00 1 :23:02PM Thursday, October 08, 2009 Page 2 of 3 Estimate: FM6OCOPPERFIELD Line # Item Number Quantity Units Description Supplemental Description 0084 62662011 1.000 EA VlVDS CAMERA SYSTEM (INSTALLATION ONLY) 0085 62662003 1.000 EA VlVDS SET-UP SYSTEM 0087 68342001 30.000 DAY PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN 0088 81 682001 4.000 EA LED COUNTDOWN PEDESTRIAN MODULE Group 0009: 0089 MlSC (5%) 0090 05002001 MOBILIZATION 7% 0 F TO TAL 1 :23:02PM Thursday, October 08, 2009 Unit Price Extension Group Alternate Code: SIG Total for Group 0008: $94,982.45 Total for Group 0009: $1 1,867.42 Page 3 of 3 November 9, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 3q Holleman Extension Wetlands Mitigation Credit Purchase To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Mark Smith, Director of Public Works Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding a resolution to purchase 5.5 Wetland Mitigation Credits in the Steele Creek Mitigation Bank from OXBOW Investments Inc. in the amount of $137,500.00. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of the resolution approving the purchase of 5.5 mitigation credits from OXBOW Investments Inc. Summary: This credit purchase is necessary to meet federal agency mitigation requirements for wetlands that will be disturbed by the extension of Holleman Drive between Dowling Road and FM 2818. The total purchase price for the credits is $137,500.00. The City is required by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to obtain approval of a compensatory mitigation plan under a Clean Water Act, Section 404 Individual Permit. 6udGet & Financial Summary: Funding for this credit purchase is available in the Street Capital Improvements Fund. Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Resolution 3. Invoices RESOLUTION NO. il RESOLU'TION OF THE CITY COIJIVCIL OF 'I'HE CITY OF COILEGE STATION, *-TEXAS, rll'PROVING 'YHE PURCHASE OF 5.5 MITIGATION CREDITS IN 'T'EIH Sl'El<I,E CREEK MITIGATION RANI<, AS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO THE MI'I'IGATION PLAN FOR UNITED STATES ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS PROJECT NO. 2009-00206. WFIEREAS, in April, 2009, the City Council approved an engineering contract with Mitchell and Morgan Jd.P for design services for Holleinan Drive extension through Lhe City of College Station property and a connection to the existing Jones-Butler roadway just east of Lhe Dowling Road Pump Station.; aild WHEREAS, at thc time construction is to proceed, a United States Ariny Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit No. 2009-00206 is required; and WHEREAS, thc United States Army Corps of Engineers has ~pproved and accepted the City's mitigation plan to buy 5.5 Mitigation Crcdits in the Steele Creelr Mitigation Banlr in Robertson County, Texas; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY TFIE CI'IY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PAR'I' 1: That the City Council hereby finds that the purchase of 5.5 Mitigation Credits in the Steele Creelr Mitigation Banlr in Robertson County, Texas, is the desired method of mitigation. PART 2: That the City Council hereby approves the purchase of 5.5 Mitigation Credits in the Steele Creelr Mitigation Bank in Robcrtson County, 'l'cxas, from OlYBOW Illvestments Inc. as part of the Holleman Extension Project. PAR'I' 3: That the City Council authorizes the Mitigation Payl~lent of $137,500.00 to OXBOW Investments Inc. for said 5.5 Mitigation Credits. PART 4: That this resolution shall take effect inlmediatelj~ from and after its passage. ADOPTED this day of , A.D. 2009. ATTEST: APPROVED: City Secretary Mayor INVOICE Invoice Date: 14 September 2009 Invoice #09 1409 Terms: Payment due upon receipt Sold To: City of College Station Transaction Description: Wetland 'Mitigation Credits = 0.7 Credits for I-Iolleman Drive Phase I1 @ $25,000 per whole Credit unit = $17,500 PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT: $17,500 MAKJ3 CHECK PAYABLE TO: OXBOW Investments Inc. 160 Lexington Sg Carrollton, Virginia 23314 INVOICE Invoice Date: 23 October 2009 Invoice # i. 02309 Terms: Payment due upon rece@t Sold To: City of College Station Transaction Description: Wetland .Mitigation Credits = 4.8 Credits fkom the Steele Creek Mitigation Bank @ $25,000 per whole Credit unit = $120,000 PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT: $120,088 -MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: OXBO W 1nve.stments IHC 6 60 Lexington ,Sq Carrolltun, Virgin iu 233 14 November 9, 2009 Consent Agenda Item No. 3r Project Number ST0905 Right-of-way Easement Agreement Penberthy Road Extension To: Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Chuck Gilman, Director of Capital Projects Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding execution of a Right-of-way Easement Agreement with the Texas A&M University System (TAMUS), for the construction of Penberthy Road Extension. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends Council approval of the Right-of-way Easement. Summary: The extension of Penberthy (AKA Jones Butler) from Luther Drive to George Bush Drive was a project included in the 2008 Bond Program. This will allow direct access to the West Campus of Texas A&M University for College Station residents who live south of campus and west of Wellborn Road. This connectivity will be especially important in the future as the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is designing a grade separation at George Bush and Wellborn road, which will make Marion Pugh a right-in/right-out onto George Bush once construction is complete. Once Marion Pugh is a right-in/right-out onto George Bush, there will no longer be direct and easy access to the West Campus of Texas A&M University without backtracking to FM 2818 or Holeman. City staff has been working closely with the University for the past two years on the alignment and functional classification of the roadway, and the layout of the George BushjPenberthy layout. The design of this roadway extension is scheduled to begin this fiscal year. This easement agreement will allow the City to construct, operate, and maintain this important new roadway that will extend across the campus of Texas A&IY University. Budget & Financial Summary: This project is funded by General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $3,283,500. Funds in the amount of $7,809.22 have been expended or committed to date, leaving a balance of $3,275,690.78 for future expenses. This item, however, has no budgetary impact at this time as the easement is being dedicated. Attachments: 1.) Right-of-way Easement Agreement 2.) Project Location Map RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT (City of College Station) 1. Grant of Easement. The BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SYSTEM ("TAMUS"), acting by and through its duly authorized officer, under and in consideration of the mutual benefits to be derived by both parties, GRANTS, BARGAINS, SELLS and CONVEYS to the CITY OF COLLEGE- STATION ("GRANTEE"), its successors and permitted assigns, a conditioilal road right-of-way easement (the "Easement") over, on, and across certain property of TAMUS (the "Property"), located in Brazos County, Texas, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part of this agreement. 2. Purpose and Location of Easement. The Easement is granted solely for the purpose of constructing, operating and maintailling a public roadway extending from I'enberthy Boulevard to Jones Butler Road (the "Road") located on the Property. A plat of the Property showing the surface area affected by the Easement and the location of GRANTEE'S right-of- way is depicted on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a pait of this Agreement. 3. Right of Access. GRANTEE agrees to occupy the surface of the Propeity only to the extent and for the length of time necessary to construct, maintain, repair, replace, and rebuild the Road for public use. 4. Duties. If GRANTEE damages or destroys any roads, bridges, culverts, buildings, other structures or equipment on the Property, other than its own property, GRANTEE must, within a reasonable period of time, repair or replace such iinprovements to the extent it will, as nearly as practicable, be in lilce condition as before such damage or destruction. At the option of TAMUS, in lieu of repairing or replacing the improvements, money damages will be paid. Such damages include those caused by GRANTEE or its agents or employees entering, departing, or by reason of being present during construction and maintenance of the Road. If GRANTEE removes any materials or structures, it will fix and level as required by TAMUS the land affected so that the Property will bc as nearly as possible in the same condition as it was before GRANTEE entered on the Property. GRANTEE must remove all surplus baclcfill material, felled trees and other debris caused by its activities on the Property. GRANTEE agrees to notify TAMUS, in the manner set forth in Section 19, no later than three (3) busiiless days after completion of any construction, repairs or replacements, and will cooperate with TAMUS personnel in conducting an onsite inspection to assess damages resulting from GRANTEE'S activities. Prior to any subsequent alteration or additional construction, GRANTEE agrees to notify TAMUS, in the same manner as set foi-th above, five (5) business days prior to commencement of such activities. 5. No Fee Interest Granted. This is a grant of a non-exclusive easement only, and does not grant any fee interest to the surface, subsurface, or any interest in the minerals on or under the Property. The conveyance is made subject to any and all outstanding restrictions, ,; i.' .. ; - - ,:: ./, l~ -... ,. - . . ;! .;,. :,.:- .r.. ; $.*$ ', ;, !:,,~ ;;~,>i, 4L.jL [;.,..~.;;.:>.,:-!- 5 ,; ~..; < :-, ;/ I( !' \-.>., ; "tyeL Prepared by OfliceofGeneral Counsel TAMU Street Ex~c~~rion~mprovemcnls Legal Files 2007-001 5924 1 112109-GhiI reservations, covenants, conditions, easements and other encumbrances filed of record or apparent on the ground. TAMUS expressly retains all rights to grant, coiltrol and renew all easements, of every kind and character, on: over or under the Property. 6. Duration of Easement. TAMUS and GRANTEE expressly agree that the conditional road right-of-way Easement will remain in force and effect only so long as the Property is used for a public right-of-way. If the Property ceases to be uscd as a public right-of- way, the Easement will automatically terminate. If required by TAMUS, GRANTEE shall remove all improvements within one (1) year following the date of termination or abandonment of the Easement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, TAMUS may demand removal of the improvements in writing at any time following termination or abandonment of the Easement, and if the improvements are not removed within sixty (60) days following such demand, TAMUS shall have the right to remove the improvenlents at the expense of GRANTEE. GRANTEE agrees to pay the actual costs incurred by TAMUS for removal of the improvements within sixty (60) days following written notice from TAMUS accompanied by reasonable supporting documentation. If any removal causes injury to the Property or adjacent propei-ty, GRANTEE will restore or pay for such damage within sixty (60) caleildar days after completion of such removal. 7. Non-Exclusive Easement. The Eascment is nonexclusive. TAMUS reserves for TAMUS and TAMUS' successors and assigns the right to full use and enjoyment of the Property and the right to convey the Property or other rights or easements to others, so long as such use or conveyance does not unduly interfere with GMNTEEYs use. 8. Hold Harmless. GRANTEE and TAMUS, to the extent allowed by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, each agree to hold the other harmless from any and all claims, demands, liabilities, and causes of action for personal injury or death andlor damage to or destruction of property or improvements caused by, arising out of, or resulting from the exercise of each parties rights and obligations under this Agreement. 9. Hazardous Waste. GRANTEE will not commit or suffer to bc committed waste upon the Property; will lceep the Road in good worlcing order and repair and in a clean, safe and healthful condition; and will comply with all state, federal and local laws, rules and regulations with regard to the use and condition of its improvements on the Property. GRANTEE will not use the Property or permit it to be used so as to cause, suffer, or allow any contamination of soils, groundwater, surface water, or natural resources on or adjacent to the Property resulting fsom, but not limited to, spills or lealcs of oil, gasoline, hazardous materials, hazardous wastes, or other chemical compounds. GRANTEE is solely responsible for cleanup of any contamiilatioil resulting from the violation of this provision. Prepared by Olfice orGeneral Counsel TAMU Slreel Ex~ensionlllm~~rovemcnls Legal Files 2007-0015924 I IIU09-GMJ IF THE PRESENCE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ON THE PROPERTY IS CAUSED OR PERMITTED BY GRANTEE AND SUCH MATERIALS RESULT IN CONTAMINATION OF THE PROPERTY OR IF CONTAMINATION OF THE PROPERTY BY HAZARLIOUS MATERIAL OTHERWISE OCCURS AND IS RELATED TO GRANTEE'S USE, THEN GRANTEE WILL, TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY THE CONSTITUTION AND THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD TAMUS HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, JUDGMENTS, DAMAGES, PENALTIES, FINES, COSTS, LIABILITIES OR LOSSES (INCLUDING DIMINUTION IN VALUE OF THE PROPERTY, DAMAGES FOR THE LOSS OF OR RESTRICTION ON USE OF THE PROPERTY OR OF ANY AMENITY OF THE PROPERTY, AND SUMS PAID IN SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS, ATTORNEYS' FEES AS MAY BE ALLOWED BY LAW, CONSULTANTS' FEES AND EXPERTS FEES) WHICH ARISE DURING OR AFTER THE EASEMENT TERM AS A RESULT OF SUCH CONTAMINATION. 10. Default and Termination. It is agreed upon default by GRANTEE of any of these covenants, conditions and agreements, that TAMUS has the right, and such right is expressly reserved, to declare the Easement forfeited, without prejudice to any claim TAMUS may have against GRANTEE; provided, however, TAMUS will give GRANTEE written notice of its intention to terminate the Eascnlent and the reasons for termination, and GRANTEE will have thii-ty (30) calendar days after receipt of notice to rectify the default or violation. Upon timely correction, the Easement will remain in full force and effect. Termination or abandonment of the Easement for any cause will automatically revert to TAMUS all rights granted to GRANTEE in this agreement without the necessity of any further action or suit on the part of TAMUS. Upon termination or abandonment, GRANTEE agrees to file a Release of Easement in the Deed Records of the county in which the Property is located. Abandonment will be deemed to have occurred when the Easement is not used for the purposes granted for a continuous period of one calendar year. 11. Waiver. No waiver by TAMUS or GRANTEE of any default or breach of any term, condition, or covenant of this agreement will be a waiver of any other breach of any other term, condition, or covenant. 12. Privileges and Immunities. GRANTEE aclu~owledges TAMUS is an agency of the State of Texas and nothing in this agreemcnt will be constmed as a waiver or relinquishment by TAMUS of its right to claim all exemptions, privileges, and immunities as may be provided by law. 13. Governing Law and Venue. The validity of this agreement and all matters pel-taining to this agreement, including but not limited to, matters of performance, non-performance, breach, remedies, procedures, rights, duties, and intelpretation or construction, shall be governed and determined by the Constitution and the laws of the State of Texas. Prepared by Oflice ofGeneral Counsel TAMU Slreel RxlensionJlmprovc~nenls Legnl FiFil2007-0015924 1 1/2/09-GMJ Pursuant to Section 85.18, Texas Ed~lcation Code, venue for any suit filed against TAMUS shall be in the county in which the primary office of the chief executive officcr of TAMUS is located. 14. Grammatical Interpretation. When the singular number is used in the agreement, it also includcs the plural, and the masculine gender includes the feminine and neuter gender. 15. Headings. Headings are for reference and will not be construed lo limit or alter the meaning of the provisions of the agreement. 16. Parties Bound. This agreement is binding upon and inures to the benefit of the Parties and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors in interest or office, and assigils (but this Section does not constitute permission for an assignment). 17. Saving Clause. Should any clause in this agreement be found invalid by a coui-t of law, the remainder of this agreement will not be affected and all other provisions in the agreement remain valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 18. Assignment. GRANTEE may not sell, assign, encumber, or convey any rights under this agreement, without the prior written consent of TAMUS, and any attempt by GRANTEE to sell, assign, encumber, or convey any such rights without consent will cause this agreement to terminate. 19. Notices. Any notice required or permitted under this agreement must be in writing, and shall be deemed to be delivered (whether actually received or not) when deposited with the United States Postal Service, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, and addressed to the intended recipient at the address set out below. Notice may also be given by regular ,mail, personal delivery, courier delivery, facsimile transmission, email or other commercially reasonably means and will be effective when actually received. TAMUS and GRANTEE can change their respective notice address by sending to the other party a notice of the new address. Notices should be addressed as follows: If to TAMUS: System Real Estate Office A&M System Building, Suite 2079 200 Technology Way College Station, Texas 77845-3424 Phone: (979) 458-6350 Fax: (979) 458-6359 If to GRANTEE: City of College Station 1 10 1 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77840 Prepared hv Ofice oI'Ciencral Cou~lsel l'~hfil ~trc;l Es~ensionrllrnprove~~~e~~ls Lcgal Files 2007-0015924 1 112109-Gh4l 20. Entire Agreement. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between TAMUS and GRANTEE and will not be explained, modified, or contradicted by any prior or contemporaneous negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral. This agreement may only be a~neilded by a subsequent written instrument. 21. Effective Date. This Agreement is deemed to be in force as of the day of ,2009. BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SYSTEM By: MICHAEL D. MCICINNEY Chancellor The Texas A&M University System APPROVED AS TO FORM: f--: GINA M. JOSEPH i, ' Assistant General Couns'e 1 Office of General Counsel The Texas A&M University System STATE OF TEXAS 9 8 COUNTY OF BRAZOS 5 This instrument was aclcnowledged before me this day of , 2009 by MICHAEL D. MCICINNEY, Chancellor of The Texas A&M University System, an agency of the State of Texas, on behalf of the Board of Regents of The Texas A&M University System. Notary Public, State of Texas Prcparcd by Ofice of General Counsel TAMU Slreel Exlens~o~~Jlniproven~enls Legal Files 2007-0015924 1 112109-GMJ TERMS AND CONDITIONS EXPRESSLY ACICNOWLEDGED AND ACCEPTED: EXECUTED this the day of ,2009, by GRANTEE. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION By: BEN WHITE, Mayor ATTEST: CONNIE HOOKS City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: HARVEY CARGILL, JR. City Attorney ACIUVOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF TEXAS 8 § COUNTY OF BRAZOS 8 This instrument was aclcnowledged before me this day of , 2009 by BEN WHITE, Mayor of the City of College Station, and on its behalf. Notary Public, State of gas Prepared by Ollicc ofGencrnl Counsel TAMU Srree~ Exleasionr/l~nproven~enlr Lcgal Files 2007-001592~1 11/2/09-GMJ Joe Orr, Inc. Surveyors & Engineers 2167 Post Oak Circle College Station, TX 77845 (979) 690-3378 / 693-2777 Proposed 80' Right-of-way Jones-Butler Road / Penberthy Boulevard , Texas A&M University Property Joseph E. Scott LeagucA-50 - --- College Station, Texas 13 July 2009 All that certain tract or parcel of land lyiag and being situated in the JE. Scott League, Abstract no. 50, in College Station, Brazos County, Texas, being a part of that 104.8 acre tract conveyed to the Board of Directors of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, by deed recorded in Volume 49, Page 340 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, being an 80 feet wide strip of land extending fiom Luther Street West to George Bush Drive and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 518'' iron rod found 70 feet right of TXDOT centerline station 55+00 of George Bush Drive (F.M. 2347) fiom which NGS monument "Texas A&M 1935" bears N 6" 27' 32" W - 4484.1 feet. Thence N 42" 19' 33" E - 99.00 feet along the southeast right-of-way line of George Bush Drive to the most northerly corner of this tract, fiom where a 5/8" iron rod was found N 40" E - 0.71 feet; Thence through the said Texas A&M tract as follows: S 2" 40' 27" E - 70.71 feet to an angle point on the slope of a creek channel; S 47" 40' 27" E - 484.17 feet to a W iron rod with an orange plastic cap stamped "H.P. Mayo RPLS 5045" set the beginning of a tangent curve to the right (R= 1540.00'); Along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 15" 00' 00" to a W iron rod with an orange plastic cap stamped "H.P. Mayo RPLS 5045" set the end of said curve; S 32" 40' 27'' E - 306.92 feet to a %" iron rod with an orange plastic cap stamped W.P. Mayo RPLS 5045" set the beginning of a tangent curve to the lefl (R= 1460.00'); Along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 12" 47' 33" to a %" iron rod with an orange plastic cap stamped "H.P. Mayo RPLS 5045" set the end of said curve; S 45" 28' 00" E - 395.95 feet to a %" iron rod with an orange plastic cap stamped "H.P. Mayo RPLS 5045" set an angle point; Jones-Butler I Penbathy Page 1 of 2 N 88" 00' 53'' E - 68.81 feet to a %" iron rod with an orange plastic cap stamped "H.P. Mayo RPLS 5045" set the northwest line of Luther Street West from where a W' iron rod was found S 6" 57' 02" E - 80.18 feet at the west comer of Lot 1, Block 2 of Woodway West Phase 1 according to plat of record in Volume 705, Page 6 1 9 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas; Thence S 4 1" 29' 46" W - 180.11 feet along the northwest linc of Luther Street West lo a !A'' iron rod with an orange plastic cap stamped "H.P. Mayo RPLS _5~O~&~thwest~0mer-of_thistract; - -- - N 1" 59' 07" W - 72.56 feet to a W iron rod with an orange plastic cap stamped "H.P. Mayo RPLS 5045" set an angle point; N 45" 28' 00" W - 400.20 feet to a %" iron rod with an orange plastic cap stamped "H.P. Mayo RPLS 5045" set at the beginning of a tangent curve to the right (R= 1540.00'); Along the arc of said curve bugh a ccntral angle of 12" 47' 33" to a !hY' iron rod with an orange plastic cap stamped "H.P. Mayo RPLS 5045" set the end of said curve; N 32" 40' 27" W - 306.92 feet to a %" iron rod with an orange plastic cap stamped 'X.P. Mayo RPLS 5045" set at the beginning of a tangent curve to the left (R= 1460.00'); Along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 15" 00' 00" to a L/z" iron rod with an orange plastic cap stamped "H.P. Mayo RPLS 5045" set thc cnd of said curve; N 47" 40' 27" W - 487.27 feet to a %" iron rod with an orange plastic cap stamped "H.P. Mayo RPLS 5045" set an angle point; N 89" 49' 08" W - 74.15 feet to a K" iron rod with an orange plastic cap stamped "H.P. Mayo RPLS 5045" set in the southeast right-of-way line of George Bush Drive; Thence N 48" 02' 11" E - 81.15 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 3.820 acres of land more or less. Bearings are Texas State Plane, NAD83 (1986) datum, based on City of College Station 1994 GPS monument no. 165 and NGS monument "Texas A&M 1935" (N 52' 36' 27" E). See survey plat dated 21 Nay 2008 Revised July 1,2009. Jones-Butler / Penberthy Pen berthy Road Extension Project Location Map November 9, 2009 Regular Agenda Item No. 1 Smoking Ordinance Amendment To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Hayden Migl, Assistant to the City Manager Agenda Caption: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a proposed amendment to the City's smoking ordinance. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of Option A. Summary: The City Council directed staff at the October 8 Council meeting to define specialty tobacco shops within the City's current smoking ordinance. The proposed amendment states that a tobacco specialty shop is "any establishment that is dedicated to the sale or rental of tobacco, tobacco-related products and accessories for consumption or use on or off the premises and more than 60% of the revenues must come from the sale or rental of tobacco and tobacco-related products." The ordinance also clarifies that "Smoking is not allowed at any public meeting, in any public place, or in a workplace unless specifically permitted" as an exception. The only exceptions listed in the ordinance include actors or actresses in theatrical performance and specialty tobacco shops. Staff has also included an Option B that defines hookah bars and adds them as an exception in addition to defining tobacco specialty shops. Hookah bars would be required to receive at least 30% of their revenues from the sale or rental of hookah tobacco products. Budget & Financial Summary: N/A Attachments: 1. Smoking ordinance Option A - Defining tobacco specialty shops 2. Smoking ordinance Option B - Same as Option A and defines hookah bars and adds them as an exception ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 7, "HEALTH AND SANITATION7, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING SECTION 9, "TOBACCO PRODUCTS AND SMOKING", AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 7, Section 9, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 9th day ofNovember, 2009. APPROVED: ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED: MAYOR ORDINANCE NO. EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 SECTION 9: TOBACCO PRODUCTS AND SMOKING A. Definitions (1) Public Meeting means a meeting required to be open to the public under TEX. GOVT. CODE, Chapter 55 1. (2) Public Place means an enclosed, indoor area to which the public has access and includes, but is not limited to the following: (a) the common areas of a retail store, office, grocery store, or other commercial establishments; (b) a restaurant or cafeteria; (c) a public or private or secondary school; (d) a public or private institution of higher education; (e) a hospital or nursing home; (f) an elevator; (g) City and school buses; (h) City building, owned or leased by the City and used for City purposes; (i) an enclosed theater, auditorium, movie house, or arena; Cj) a courtroom or a jury waiting or deliberation room; or (k) bar or bar area (3) Smoke or smoking includes: (a) carrying or holding a lighted pipe, cigar or cigarette of any kind or any other lighted smoking equipment or device; (b) lighting a pipe, cigar, or cigarette of any kind or any other smoking equipment or device; or (c) emitting or exhaling the smoke of a pipe, cigar, or cigarette of any kind or any other smoking equipment or device. (4) Bar. A bar is an establishment that is dedicated predominately to the serving of alcohol rather than food. ORDrNANCE NO. Page 3 (5) Bar area. A bar area is an area physically separated from a food serving area dedicated predominately to the serving of alcohol rather than food. (6) Tobacco specialty shop means any establishment that is dedicated to the sale or rental of tobacco, tobacco-related products and accessories for consumption or use on or off the premises and more than 60% of the revenues must come from the sale or rental of tobacco and tobacco-related products. Workplace means an enclosed area in which employees work or have access during the course of their employment. B. Offense; Penaltv. (1) A person commits an offense if the person smokes at a public meeting, in a public place, in a workplace or in any other enclosed, indoor area in which "no smoking" signs are conspicuously posted by the person in charge, and the person is not in an area designated as a smoking area under Subsection C below. (2) It shall be an affirmative defense to the application of provision (1) of this subsection that the person is smoking: (a) as an actor or actress in a theatrical performance; or (b) at a tobacco specialty shop. Smoking shall be allowed and smoking signs are not required to be posted by the person in charge under Subsection C when smoking is permitted by Subsection B(2)a and B(2)b. Smoking is not allowed at anv public meeting, in any public place. or in a workplace unless specificallv permitted by Subsectioil B(2)a and B(2)b. C. Designation of No Smoking and Smoking Areas (1) The person in charge shall designate the following areas as "non-smoking": (a) food order areas, cashier areas, check-out lines for stores; (b) City library; (c) elevators; (d) City and school buses, including associated terminals; (e) restrooms; (f) movie theaters, hospitals, and rest home facilities; (g) all other public places including restaurants, cafeterias, bars, bar areas; and (h) workplaces. ORDINANCE NO. Page 4 (i) within a ten feet (10') radius of bars and bar areas entry ways; ('j) within a twenty feet (20') radius of the entry ways of all other pGblic places or workplaces (2) Smoking areas shall not be designated to cover areas in provisions (l)(a) through (l)(i) of this subsection. It is not required that any smoking areas be designated. (1) The person in charge of a public place or workplace shall place signs visible at each entrance of the building to notify persons entering that smoking is prohibited or that smoking is prohibited except in areas designated as smoking areas. (2) The person in charge shall conspicuously post signs in areas designated as a smoking area that smoking is permitted in the area. E. Facilities to Extinguish Smoking Material All public places shall be equipped for extinguishments of smoking materials. Facilities for extinguishments of smoking materials that are located in areas of public places other than designated smoking areas shall be accompanied by clearly visible signs, stating "no smoking". F. Ownerfoperator Responsible A person commits an offense if he is the owner, operator, manager or an employee of an establishment and he intentionally permits or fails to make a reasonable effort to prevent smoking in a "no smoking" area. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 7, "HEALTH AND SANITATION", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING SECTION 9, "TOBACCO PRODUCTS AND SMOKING", AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 7, Section 9, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 9th day of November, 2009. APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED: City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 SECTION 9: TOBACCO PRODUCTS AND SMOKING A. Definitions (1) Public Meeting means a meeting required to be open to the public under TEX. GOVT. CODE, Chapter 551. (2) Public Place means an enclosed, indoor area to which the public has access and includes, but is not limited to the following: (a) the common areas of a retail store, office, grocery store, or other commercial establishments; (b) a restaurant or cafeteria; (c) a public or private or secondary school; (d) a public or private institution of higher education; (e) a hospital or nursing home; (f) an elevator; (g) City and school buses; (h) City building, owned or leased by the City and used for City purposes; (i) an enclosed theater, auditorium, movie house, or arena; ('j) a courtroom or a jury waiting or deliberation room; or (k) bar or bar area (3) Smoke or smoking includes: (a) carrying or holding a lighted pipe, cigar or cigarette of any kind or any other lighted smoking equipment or device; (b) lighting a pipe, cigar, or cigarette of any kind or any other smoking equipment or device; or (c) emitting or exhaling the smoke of a pipe, cigar, or cigarette of any kind or any other smoking equipment or device. (4) Bar. A bar is an establishment that is dedicated predominately to the serving of alcohol rather than food. ORDINANCE NO. Page 3 (5) Bar area. A bar area is an area physically separated from a food serving area dedicated predominately to the serving of alcohol rather than food. (6) Tobacco s~ecialty shop means-any_espblis&nt that l~ddicated to sale or rental of tobacco, tobacco-related products and accessories for consumption or use on or off the premises and more than 60% of the revenues must come from the sale or rental of tobacco and tobacco-related products. (7) Workplace means an enclosed area in which employees work or have access during the course of their employment. Hookah bar means a bar.in which the on-site sales or rentals of hookah tobacco products a.n~,.,s,mo.king accessories.. forco.ns,~mptionor.use..,on ,the p.r.e.mi.ses exceeds?Q%.of gross.. revenues. B. Offense; Penaltv. (1) A person commits an offense if the person smokes at a public meeting, in a public place, in a workplace or in any other enclosed, indoor area in which "no smoking" signs are conspicuously posted by the person in charge, and the person is not in an area designated as a smoking area under Subsection C below. (2) It . sha!!. ..be an affk~tive defens.e to the application of provision ( 1) of this subsection that the person is smoking: (a) as an actor or actress in a theatrical performance; or (b) at a tobacco specialty shop; or Smoking shall be allowed and smoking signs are not required to be posted by the person in charge under Subsection C when smoking is permitted by Subsection B(2)a and B(2)b. Smoking is not allowed at any publlc meeting, in any public place, or in a workplace unless specifically permitted by Subsection B(2)a and B(2)b and B(2)c. C. Designation of No Smoking and Smoking Areas (1) The person in charge shall designate the following areas as "non-smoking": (a) food order areas, cashier areas, check-out lines for stores; (b) City library; (c) elevators; (d) City and school buses, including associated terminals; (e) restrooms; ORDINANCE NO. (f) movie theaters, hospitals, and rest home facilities; (g) all other public places including restaurants, cafeterias, bars, bar areas; and (h) workplaces. (i) within a ten feet (10') radius of bars and bar areas entry ways; (j) within a twenty feet (20') radius of the entry ways of all other public places or workplaces (2) Smoking areas shall not be designated to cover areas in provisions (l)(a) through (1)Q) of this subsection. It is not required that any smoking areas be designated. D. Signs (1) The persoiin-charge of a public place or workplace shall place signs visible at each entrance of the building to notify persons entering that smoking is prohibited or that smoking is prohibited except in areas designated as smoking areas. (2) The person in charge shall conspicuously post signs in areas designated as a smoking area that smoking is permitted in the area. E. Facilities to Extinpuish Smoking Material All public places shall be equipped for extinguishments of smoking materials. Facilities for extinguishments of smoking materials that are located in areas of public places other than designated smoking areas shall be accompanied by clearly visible signs, stating "no smoking". F. OwnerIO~erator Responsible A person commits an offense if he is the owner, operator, manager or an employee of an establishment and he intentionally permits or fails to make a reasonable effort to prevent smoking in a "no smoking" area. November 9, 2009 Regular Agenda Item No. 2 UDO Amendment - Parking Lot Screening To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Bob Cowell, AICP, Director of Planning & Development Services Agenda Caption: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an ordinance amending Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 7.9, "Non- Residential Architectural Standards," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station as it relates to parking lot screening. Recommendation(s): -the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the amendment at their meeting on September 17, 2009. Staff also recommended approval. Summary: The proposed ordinance amendments are intended to modify the requirements for parking lot screening required in conjunction with the Non-Residential Architectural Standards. In 2008, the City Council requested information relating to the Non-Residential Architectural Standards. During that discussion, the Council directed Staff to develop requirements for the use of berms for parking lot screening. In July, 2009, Staff brought forward an amendment to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review that would require berms be used as parking screening for Non-Residential building plots with more than 20,000 s.f. of gross building area. Although the original ordinance was recommended for approval, 5-1, by the Commission, a number of concerns were raised during the discussion about prohibiting other landscaped parking screening options. Staff revised the ordinance to add incentives to utilize berms over other methods, but took out restrictions from utilizing other parking screening methods when certified by a landscape professional to meet the screening requirement. Additionally, other alternatives may be considered when designed by a registered Landscape Architect. The ordinance also contains provisions for flexibility in the design of berms by allowing half- berms with retaining walls, as well as flexibility for redeveloping sites or sites that utilize tree preservation. No changes were made to the requirement for building plots greater than 150,000 s.f. which requires a berm be used for parking screening without exception. Ordinance summary: 1. Requires the use of berms for parking screening unless landscaping points are doubled, and method of screening is certified by a landscape professional to provide solid screening of parking 2. Allows the use of half-berms 3. Allows for alternative design of berms to preserve existing trees 4. Allows alternative design by registered Landscape Architect. Budget & Financial Summary: N/A Attachments: 1. Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes, September 17, 2009 2. Ordinance MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting September 17, 2009, 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 11OlTexasAvenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman John Nichols, Paul Greer, Mike Ashfield, and Hugh Stearns COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Scott Shafer and Tom Woodfin CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Katy-Marie Lyles CITY STAFF PRESENT: Senior Planners Jennifer Prochazka and Lindsay Kramer, Staff Planners Lauren Hovde and Matthew Hilgemeier, Graduate Civil Engineer Erika Bridges, Senior Assistant City Engineer Carol Cotter, Greenways Program Manager Venessa Garza, Transportation Planning Coordinator Joe Guerra, Planning Administrator Molly Hitchcock, Assistant Director Lance Simms, Director Bob Cowell, First Assistant City Attorney Carla Robinson, Action Center Representative Carrie McHugh, and Staff Assistant Brittany Caldwell 1. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 7.9, Non-Residential Architectural Standards related to parking lot screening. Case #09-00500077 (LK) Lindsay Kramer, Senior Planner, presented the ordinance amendment to the Non- Residential Architectural Standards related to parking lot screening. There was general discussion regarding the ordinance amendment. Chairman Nichols opened the public hearing No one spoke during the public hearing. Chairman Nichols closed the public hearing. Commissioner Slack motioned to recommend approval of the ordinance amendment. Commissioner Greer seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). September 17,2009 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 1 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE," SECTION 7.9, "NON-RESIDENTIAL ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 7.9, "Non-Residential Architectural Standards," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A", "B", "C". and "D", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provi- sions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 9'" day of November, 2009. APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED: City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 7.9.B, "Non-Residential Architectural Standards, Standards for all Non-Residential Structures," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended by amending the NRA Summary Table to read as follows: NRA SUMMARY TABLE Fa~ade Standards P P I B I I 'E BUILDING MA 2 elements of architectural relief every 45 feet 2 elements of architectural I InI relief everv 60 feet I In/ BUILDING I No more than 66% of roofline at same elevation R Brick, stone, marble, granite, tile or specified i & DESIGN R R R from concrete product ROW 10% 10% R if visible 75% rnax Stucco, EIFS, specified concrete product R, no more than 33% on same plane R 10% R if visible from from from ROW ROW 25% R 75% max; 100% allowed w/ 2 colors, if under 5, 000 s.f. I standing seam metal, 1 premium grade I 25010 Wood or cedar siding Smooth face, tinted concrete blocks Reflective glass Stainless steel, chrome, 20% rnax R 1 0 O/o required if visible 30% max 10% rnax rnax R, no more than 33% on same plane R I 10°/oR architectural metal Painted panel siding and galvanized steel R 50% R Rear of building only if not visible from ROW, parkland, greenway, or residences if visible ORDINANCE NO. Page 3 R = Required * = A fa~ade is considered to be "facing public right-of-way" when an imaginary plane could be extended unobstructed by a wall or structure from at least 25% of the fa~ade into the public right-of-way adjacent to the building plot. For the purposes of this section, public rights-of-way shall include all forms of passageways (such as streets, sidewalks, and bike paths) dedicated or deeded to the public for public use. ** = When a property does not have frontage on a public right-of-way, the primary entrance fa~ade of the building(s) will meet the standards of a "fa~ade facing a public right-of-way." *** Required when berms are not used for parking lot screening. ORDINANCE NO. EXHIBIT "B" Page 4 That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 7.9.D, "Non-Residential Architectural Standards, Additional Standards for 20,000 S.F. or Greater," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: D. Additional Standards for 20,000 S.F. or Greater In addition to the standards set out in Section 7.9.B, the following shall apply to any single building or combinations of buildings of 20,000 gross square feet in area, whether connected or not, but determined to be a single building plot. 1. Building Material Any fa~ade facing a public right-of-way shall have a minimum of twenty-five percent (25%) (calculation shall be based on the area of the first two (2) stories of any single building(s) fa~ade) brick, stone, marble, granite or a material fabricated to simulate brick or stone (not split-face concrete masonry). 2. Parking Screening The following options are allowed as parking lot screening methods: a. Screening methods allowed in 7.5, Landscaping, except berms, provided that 1) The minimum landscape points for a site shall be double (2 x minimum landscape points), and 2) The screening method utilized will create a solid hedgerow or completely screen the parking to a height of 3-feet. If vegetated, the screening must be a minimum of 24-inches at planting and reach 36-inches within one (1) calendar year of planting, and such method is certified to meet these requirements by a registered Landscape Architect, landscape designer, or landscape contractor. b. Berms with a minimum height of 3-feet as measured from the parking lot pavement, and a maximum slope of 1:3. Berms may be designed around trees that are barricaded for tree preservation in accordance with 7.5, Landscaping. Where there will be gaps in berm screening for the preservation of existing trees, alternative screening methods shall be used in accordance with Section 7.5, Landscaping to meet the minimum 3-foot screening requirement. c. Half-berms with a minimum height of 3-feet as measured from the parking lot pavement, and a maximum allowable slope of 1:3. Retaining walls shall be designed to face the parking lot and sidewalks located between the retaining wall and right-of-way may not be closer than 3-feet to the top of a retaining wall. d. For redeveloping sites maintaining existing parking lot perimeters, the Administrator may authorize the use of masonry walls, or lower the minimum berm height to a height that may be safely maintained in the existing parking setback when additional parking lot screening is provided in accordance with Section 7.5, Landscaping. The cumulative height of plant material and berm shall be a minimum of 3-feet. e. Variations to the requirements of this Section may be approved if the landscape/streetscape plan is sealed by a registered Landscape Architect and approved by the Administrator. Such plans must show reasonable evidence that the requirements, as set forth in this Section and Section 7.5, Landscaping, were used as a guide. ORDINANCE NO. EXHIBIT "C" Page 5 That Chapter 12, "Unified Developnlent Ordinance," Section 7.9.E, "Non-Residential Architectural Standards, Additional Standards for 50,000 S.F. or Greater," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended by amending Parking Screening to read as follows: 5. Parking Screening a. The following options are allowed as parking lot screening methods b. Screening methods allowed in 7.5, Landscaping, except berms, provided that the screening method utilized will create a solid hedgerow or completely screen the parking to a height of 3-feet. If vegetated, the screening must be a minimum of 24-inches at planting and reach 36-inches within one (1) calendar year of planting, and such method is certified to meet these requirements by a registered Landscape Architect, landscape designer, or landscape contractor. c. Berms with a minimum height of 3-feet as measured from the parking lot pavement, and a maximum slope of 1:3. Berms may be designed around trees that are barricaded for tree preservation in accordance with 7.5, Landscaping. Where there will be gaps in berm screening for the preservation of existing trees, alternative screening methods shall be used in accordance with Section 7.5, Landscaping to meet the minimum 3-foot screening requirement. d. Half-berms with a minimum height of 3-feet as measured from the parking lot pavement, and a maximum allowable slope of 1:3. Retaining walls shall be designed to face the parking lot and sidewalks located between the retaining wall and right-of-way may not be closer than 3-feet to the top of a retaining wall. e. For redeveloping sites maintaining existing parking lot perimeters, the Administrator may authorize the use of masonry walls, or lower the minimum berm height to a height that may be safely maintained in the existing parking setback when additional parking lot screening is provided in accordance with Section 7.5, Landscaping. The cumulative height of plant material and berm shall be a minimum of 3-feet. f. Variations to the requirements of this Section may be approved if the landscape/streetscape plan is sealed by a registered Landscape Architect and approved by the Administrator. Such plans must show reasonable evidence that the requirements, as set forth in this Section and Section 7.5, Landscaping, were used as a guide. ORDINANCE NO. EXHIBIT "D" Page 6 That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 7.9.F, "Non-Residential Architectural Standards, Additional Standards for 150,000 S.F. or Greater," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended by amending 7.9.F.4 to read as follows: 4. All parking areas must be screened from the public right-of-way using berms without exception. November 9, 2009 Regular Agenda item No. 3 McCullough-Olden Unit, Well #lRE - Oil and Gas Operations Permit To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Mark Smith, Director of Public Works Agenda Caption: Public hearing, presentation, possible action and discussion regarding an Oil and Gas Operations Permit for the McCullough-Olden Unit, Well #IRE as requested by the operator, EnerVest Operating, LLC. of Houston, Texas. Recommendation(s): The Project Review Committee, comprised of the Planning and Zoning Commission Chair, the City Engineer, and the Director of Planning and Development Services, met on October 5, 2009 and recommends denial of the permit. Summary: The McCullough-Olden Unit Well #IRE is the re-entry of a pre-existing well bore is located at the corner of William D. Fitch and Williams Creek Drive. The original well was permitted in 1993 as a "Rural" classification well. Based on the encroachment by development the re-entry of this well is classified as 'High Impact". High impact means any residential, administrative, professional, or commercial neighborhood zone where there is an existing residential, administrative, professional, or commercial neighborhood use in the area of the proposed oil or gas operation. Access to the site during drilling operations will be from the existing private access drive coming off William D. Fitch. Access to the site during production will be from a proposed private access road off Williams Creek Drive. The Project Review Committee concurred with the attached City Engineer's Report which detail the permit application deficiencies in regard to the associated requirements outlined in the Chapter 4: Business Regulations, Section: Oil and Gas Regulations. Per the ordinance, the City retained CSC Engineering & Environmental Consultants, Inc., a third party consultant, to evaluate the public impact of the proposed activity. The applicant is responsible for the consultant's fee of $4,752.11 per the ordinance. The consultant's findings were provided to the applicant and incorporated into the City Engineer's Report to the Project Review Committee. Note this item was originally scheduled for the October 19, 2009 City Council Meeting. However, due to a meeting time inaccuracy in the public notices this item was rescheduled for subject meeting. Budget & Financial Summary: N/A Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Resolution 3. Exhibit A - Application (available at City Engineer's Office) 4. Exhibit B - Location Map 5. Exhibit C - Indemnity Bond (available at City Engineer's Office) 6. City Engineer Report to Project Review Committee 7. Draft Permit 8. Report of Impact Assessment (available at City Engineer's Office) 1 inch = 5.000 feet RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTIOIV OF THE CITY COUlVCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATIOIV, TEXAS GRANTING AN OIL AND GAS HIGH IMPACT PERMIT FOR THE McCULLOUGH- OLDEN UNIT, WELL NO. I-RE AT THE CORNER OF WILLIAM D. FITCH AND WILLIAMS CREEK DRIVE, AND LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, has reviewed an application for an Oil & Gas Rural Permit ("Permit") submitted by Enervest Operating, LLC for the McCullough-Olden Unit, Well No. 1 -RE; and WHEREAS, Council has reviewed the Project Review Committee report and other related information relating to the afore-described proposed rural gas well located at the comer of William D. Fitch and Williams Creek Drive within the City of College Station (the "City"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 4, Section 13.J Council is required to make certain findings and determinations in granting a permit for an oil and gas operations located within the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, now desires to make such determinations and to grant such permit; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That the City Council hereby acknowledges receipt of an application, Project Review Committee report and other related information relating to an Oil and Gas Rural Permit to Enervest Operating, LLC for the McCullough-Olden Unit, Well No. 1-RE located at the comer of William D. Fitch and Williams Creek Driven. A copy of such paperwork and the exact location of said proposed well are attached hereto as Exhibits "A" and "B", respectively. PART 2: That the City Council hereby inakes the following determinations with respect to said proposed Permit: 1. That the following amount and type of security instrument has been issued: a bond rider to an Indemnity Bond, on behalf of applicant, in favor of the City in a total amount of FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND N/100 DOLLARS ($450,000.00) attached hereto as Exhibit "C"; 2. That the operations proposed under the Pennit are reasonable under the circumstances and conditions prevailing in the area; 3. That the operations proposed under the Permit are consistent with the health; safety, and welfare of the public when and if conducted in accordance with the permit conditions to be imposed; and 4. That the impact upon adjacent property and the general public of operations conducted in compliance with the Permit conditions are reasonable and justified, balancing the following factors: RESOLUTION NO. Page 2 (1) The riglzt of the owiier(s) of the mineral estate to explore, develop, and produce the minerals. (2) The availability of alternate drill sites, both presently and at other times during the lease term. (3) The date of acquisition by the various owners of the surface and mineral estates. PART 3 : That based upon the above the City Council hereby grants said Permit and authorizes the City Manager or his designee to talte any and all reasonable action to issue same. PART 4: That this resolution shall talte effect immediately from and after its passage. ADOPTED this day of , A.D. 2009. APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED: EXHIBIT A APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT OPERATIONS FOR THE DISCOVERY AND PRODUCTION CIIY or: COLLEGE S.liu ION OF OIL, GAS, AND ASSOCIATED HYDROCARBONS WITHIN THE IU,,,,~;,~~ BD~oulopmo,r Soizitr., CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS (ORDINANCE NO. 191 6, OCTOBER 10, 1991) ORIGINAL $2,000 [XI RURAL Ll RBAN HIGH IMPACT [XI SEISMIC Please provide the following information for your permit request: 1. Applicant's name and address. Enervest Operating, LLC 1001 Fannin Street, Suite 800 Houston, TX 77002-6707 2. Name and address of drilling company. Nabors Drilling USA LP 515 West Greens Road, Suite 1000 Houston, TX 77067 3. Name and address of Operator. Enervest Operating, LLC 1001 Fannin Street, Suite 800 Houston, TX 77002-6707 4. Proposed name of well. McCullough-Olden Unit Well No. 1-RE 5. Proposed depth of well. Enervest Operating, LLC intends to drill a re-entry well, thc McCullough-Olden Unit Well No. 1-RE and drill a 4628' updip lateral (ST# 04) to depth of 12,500' i11 the Giddings Austin Chalk Gas Field. 6. Location and description of all improvements and structures within one thousand (1000 ft) of the well. Please refer to attached Exhibit "A". 9. Site plan of proposed operation, showing location of all improvements and equipment. (13 copies) Please refer to attached Exhibit "A" 6r. "B". 8. Area Map showing proposed transportation route and roads for equipment, chemicals, or waste products used or produced by the oil or gas operation, and all natural features of the site. (1 3 copies) Please refer to attached Exhibit "C". McCullough-Olden - Permit Application EXHIBIT A 9. Description of type, kind, size and amount of major equipment used before completion and re-working. Please refer to attached Exhibit "D". 10. Description of surface equipment after drilling and completion. Please refer to attached Exhibit "A" & "E". 11. Well surface casing and cementing program. Please refer to attached Exhibit "F". 12. Copies of Railroad Commission forms and drilling permit. Please refer to attached Exhibit "G". 13. Security instrument consisting of an irrevocable letter of credit, indemnity bond, or certificate of deposit, as required by this ordinance and in an amount determined by the City Council within 30 days after Council approval. Enervest Operating LLC is committed to providing the required security instrument in the amount determined by the City Council within 30 days after Council approval of this permit application. 14. Name of representative with supervisory authority over all oil or gas operation site activities and phone number where he can be reached twenty-four (24) hours a day. Dean Broussard - Operations Superintendent 6933 N. US Hwy 77 La Grange, TX 78945 979-255-3048 15. Legal description of the property to be used for the oil or gas operation, the parcel, and the production unit (plat description or metes and bound bearings) and name of the geologic formation as used by the Railroad Commission. Property recorded by plat should reference subdivision, block and lot numbers. Legal description: 62.37 acre tract - Parcel 1, Vol. 8479, Pg. 93, of the Official Records of BI-azos County, Texas,, located in the Nathan Clampitt Survey, A-90 and in the S. W. Robertson Survey, A-202, College Station, Brazos County, Texas. Tax Parcel # R300813 (see site plan plat - Exhibit "A" for additional information). Giddings Austin Challc Gas Field. 16. Mineral Lessee name and address. Carol McCullough Anderson Jean McCullough Stephen 2504 River Forest Drive 2514 Memorial Drive Bryan, TX 77802 Bryan, TX 77802 17. Surface owner name and address. Carol McCullough Anderson and Fred G. Anderson Jean Stephen Family No. Two L.P. 2504 River Forest Drive 2514 Memorial Drive Bryan, TX 77802 Bryan, TX 77802 McCullough-Olden - Permit Application Page 2 of 4 EXHIBIT A 18. Name and address of an individual representing the ownerlapplicant designated to receive notice. Fred Deitsch 615 E. Blue Bell Rd. Brenhanl, 'X 77833 19. Evidence of insurance information as required by Ordinance No. 191 6. (a) Commercial General Liability $500,000 (b) Automobile Liability $500,000 (c) Worker's Compensation $1 00,000 Please refer to attached Exhibit "H". 20. Survey of production unit at a scale of 1 per 300 or greater by a Texas certified surveyor including: (a) Lengths and bearings of all boundary lines for production. (b) Exact acreage of the production unit. (c) Exact location of the well within production unit with distances of a minimum of two adjacent boundary line of the production unit. (d) Length of maximum diagonal within the production unit. Please refer to attached Exhibit "I"(2 pages). 21. Owner and address of each parcel of property within one thousand feet (1000') of the proposed drill site. Please refer to attached Exhibit "J". 22. Copies of all reports required by the Department of Water Resources and Commission. Please refer to attached Exhibit "I<". 23. Statement under oath signed by applicant that the information submitted in the application is true and correct. "I, Lloyd Bruce, Operations Manager, Western Division, do hereby affirm that the information submitted in and attached to the Application for Permit to Conduct Operations for the Discovery and Production of Oil, Gas and Associated Hydrocarbons within the City of College Station, Texas, for the Application of Permit, is true and correct." Date: B/?/o 9 Westein Division STATE OF TEXAS 8 COUNTY OF HARRIS 5 Swoin to and subscribed before me this Lloyd Biuce, who is personally known tc ~<~~&-Sl:Tiiiiii&51S FRED DRITi:Ci4 No!a,y Public, State 21 kxas -?& day of Notaiy Public in hQd for the -, 2009, by the above State of Texas McCullough-Olden - Permit Application Page 3 of 4 EXHIBIT C BOND RIDER NO. 2 Attaching to and forming part of Indemnity Bond No. RLB0011114, executed January 3, 2008, on behalf of EnerVest Operating, LLC as Principal, in favor of the City of College Station as Obligee, in the amount of FOI-I~ Hundred Fifty Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($450,000.00). It is understood and agreed that effective April 17, 2009, the following well list is 1 amended as attached. ! All other conditions and terms to remain as originally written or previously amended by rider. Signed, sealed and dated this 17~~ day of April 2009. EnerVest Operatinq, LLC Principal By: Mark Houser - President RLI Insurance Company 8 Greenway Plaza, Suite 400 Houston, TX 77046 Surety By: Pea-. orf- Paul M. O'Sullivan, Attorney-in-Fact EXHIBIT C ~~~0011114 RLI Surety A divislon of RLI Insurance Company POWER OF ATTORNEY RLI Insurance Company Know All Men by These Presents: That the RLI INSUWYCE COFIPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, and authorized and licensed to do business in all states and the District of Columbia does hereby rnalte, constitute and appoint: PAUL M. O'SULLIVAN in the City of HOUSTON , State of TEXAS , as Attorney-in-Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred upon him to sign, execute, acknowledge and deliver for and on its behalf as Surety and as its act and deed, all of the following classes of documents to-wit: $450,000.00 Indemnity, Surety and Undertakings that may be desired by contract, or may be given in any action or proceeding in any court of law or equity; policies indemnifying employers against loss or damage caused by the mi'sconduct of their employees; official, bail and surety and fidelity bonds. Indemnity in all cases where indemnity may be lawfully given; and with full power and authority to execute consents and waivers to modify or change or extend any bond or document executed for this Company, and to compromise and settle any and all claims or demands made or existing against said Company. The RLI INSURANCE COMPANY further certifies that the following is a true and exact copy of a Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of RLI Insurance Company, an~l now in force to-wit: "All bonds, policies, undertakings, Powers of Attorney, or other obligations of the corporation shall be executed in the corporate name of the Company by the President, Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, or any Vice President, or by such other officers as the Board of Directors may authorize. The President, any Vice President, Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, or the Treasurer may appoinl Attorneys-in-Pact or Agents who shall have authority to issue bonds, policies, or undertakings in the name of the Company. The corporate seal is not necessary for the validity of any bonds, policies, undertakings, Powers-of-Attorney, or other obligations of the corporation. 'The signature of any such officer and the corporate seal may be printed by facsimile." (Blue shaded areas above indicate authenticity) IN LVITNESS WHEREOF, the RLI Insurance Company has caused these presents to be executed by its PRESIDENT with its corporate seal affixed this On this 17day of 2009 before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Michael 1. Stone and lean M. Stephenson, who heing by me duly sworn, acknowledged that they signed the above Power of Attorney as President and Corporate Secretary, respectively, of the said RLI INSURANCE COMPANY, and acknowledged said instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Notary Public "OFFICIAL SEAL" CHERIE 1. MONTGOMERY EXHIBIT C Well List Indenmity Bond - City of College Station (5109 - 511 0) Akin-Foxfire 1 Akin, J.M. 1 Borislcie-Diversified Unit 1 Brazos Coal Ltd-Raceway Unit 1 Brazos Coal Ltd-Terry "B" Unit IRE Brazos Coal Ltd-Terry "C" Unit 1 Felix "K" Unit 1 Freeman-Creagor Unit 1 Jones et al, Eugenia 1 Kinman 1 McCullough-McCullough Unit 1 McCullough-Olden Unit 1 McCulloug11-Tei~y Unit 1 Olden-Olden Unit 1 Olden-Paul1 Unit 1 Ritchey, W.S. #1 Terry Unit, H.L. 1 Terry-Terry Unit 2 Thompson-Marsh Unit 1 Waltman 1 Permit # 94-000 1 Not assigned 93-806 Not assigned 99-807 92-8 19 93-801 93-826 91-804 Not assigned 92-805 93-804 93-803 9 1-822 92-8 13 93-820 93-809 08-400001 93-81 1 940W05 H:\Lond Propcts R2\041\Rabertson SW A--202\Wllliomk Creek Subdi~sion\dwg\Wells\McCvllough-Olden\City Po&oge\Vlcinity Mop.dwg 7/24/2009 11:14:30 /U( I I I m5: KUNG ENGINEERING & SURMnNG BRYAN. TEXAS OIL & GAS OPERATIONS PERMIT APPLICATION CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT TO PLAN REVIEW COMMITTEE (PRC) ADNIINSTRATIVE INFORMATION DATE: CASE FILE NO. WELL NAME: APPLICANT: DRILLING COMPANY: WELL CLASSIFICATION: LOCATION: DEPTH: ACCESS: 9/23/09 09-40002 McCullough-Olden Well Unit #I RE EnerVest Management Partner, Ltd., Houston, Texas Nabors Drilling USA, LP, Houston, Texas High Impact Classification, 1 each Vertical/Horizontal Wells Surface - corner of William D. Fitch and Williams Creek Drive ST#04, 4628' updip lateral to depth of 12,500' Drilling - From William D. Fitch on an existing 12' private access road Production - From Williams Creek Drive on proposed 20' private access road (proposed route) PRC REVIEW ITEMS REQUIRED PERMITS ISSUED: Application Fee Legal Consultant Technical Consultant Texas Railroad Commission (Drilling Permit) TCEQ (Ground Water to be Protected) FAA (Hazard to Aviation Determination) Airport Zoning Board Height Variance Drainage Development Permit Driveway Access Permit Insurance Certificates a. Alternate well location due to adjacent land uses. Not applicable due to well being a re-entry of an existing well. The well site is located on a currently permitted location. The drilling operation is the re-entry of an existing well bore. The well site is located within 1,000' of 7 private residences and 1 future residential site. The applicant proposes to increase the size of the well site from 1.8 acres to 2.45 acres. No provisions or options have been presented for relocation of the site. YES X X X X X b. Air pollution control devices. The drilling rig has industry standard air pollution control devices installed. NO X c. Noise and light control. NOTREQUIRED X X X X Noise continuation shall be provided, as necessary, to limit noise exposure at the nearest residence to 72dBA continuous. Lights shall be orientated as to minimize the impact on residential areas. Site development other than drilling shall be conducted only between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. d. Type of pump engine. Electric e. Height of pump equipment. 30 feet C:\Documents and Settings\t~ncnutt\Local Settings\Tempora~y Internet Files\Content.lES\OAL1 ASE2\Engineer's_Report[l].DOC 1 of4 f. Fire control measures, as required by this Ordinance. Permittee shall erect and maintain signs which identify the well by name, the operator, his address and a 24 hr emergency contact phone number at the well site and at the intersection of the well site access road and the public street. The College Station Fire Department will provide emergency response and limited fire fighting services. g. Fence andlor visual screening, as required by this Ordinance. If the drilling site is not occupied by the applicant or drilling company during the entire drilling period (24 hoursl7days a week), security fencing will be required during drilling operations. Provide six-foot solid screen fence around the perimeter of the site as per Chapter 4 of the Code of Ordinance, Section 13 Oil and Gas Well Regulations. h. Landscaping, as required by this Ordinance. Provide a landscape plan according to site area and requirements of Chapter 12 of the Code of Ordinances (Unified Development Ordinance), Section 7.5 Landscaping and Tree Protection. The plantings are to be disbursed around the perimeter of the site. Also in accordance with this Section, provide irrigation for the proposed landscaping. i. Proof of contractual responsibilities of pump site and storage site maintenance. Not addressed in the application j. Safety procedures. See Report of Impact Assessment for EnerVest's McCullough-McCullough Unit #I RE for additional safety requirements and procedures k. Spill reporting and record keeping. The operator will notify the City Engineer within 24 hours of an onsite crude 011 spill exceeding 55 gallons or any spill into water that creates a sheen. Crude oil spills on the ground equal to or greater than 210 gallons or any spill into water that creates a sheen must be reported to RRC. The operator shall maintain a monthly inspection log which address on site spills. The copy of said log will be provided to the City prior to permit annual renewal or when requested by the City.. I. Gas flaring. Operator shall comply with all Ordinances and Railroad Commission requirements pertaining to flaring gas. In no event shall the flaring of gas exceed ninety (90) calendar days after completion of the well. Flare height shall be below treetop level. Flares shall be placed so the existing trees or manmade structures obstruct the flare from the direct view of any residence. C:\Documents and Settings\tmcnutt\LocaI Settings\Tempoia~y Internet Files\Content.IES\OALI ASE2\Enginee1.'~-Repo1t[l].DOC !Unexpected End of Formula2 2 of4 m. Location of storage facilities. Production and storage tanks shall be contained within earthen berms constructed in accordance with applicable oil field practice. Berms shall be constructed and maintained to retain not less than 133% of the capacity of the largest of such tanks. n. Traffic loads or patterns, proposed street development, as required by this Ordinance, and ingresslegress of vehicular traffic. The access drive apron must have and maintain at a minimum, an asphalt surface from the street to the right-of-way line that conforms to the minimum pavement design as described in the College Station Standard Specifications for Street Construction. The remainder of the access drive shall be surfaced with crushed rock, gravel, ore, or oiled and maintained to prevent dust and mud. During drilling ingresslegress will be via existing private access road off William D. Fitch. During production ingresslegress will be via proposed private access road off Williams Creek Drive Oil tanks shall not park or loadlunload on or adjacent to a street. o. Water source used during drilling operation. Pre-existing on site water well. Water zones to be protected are from the surface to a depth of 1250' and from 2,000' to 2425'. Well surface casing from surface to 3,200'. Ground water is protected. p. Full line location and route between the well head and storage facilities. See Application Exhibit E - direct line from well bore to separator STAFF COMMENTS: Per the ordinance, this item can be scheduled for the next available Council Meeting which is October 19th. To make this date, the City must give notice to the local newspaper to run a public notice and mail notices to residences within 1500 feet no later than September 28th. Additionally, this report has been forwarded to the Project Review Committee (PRC), which is defined as the P&Z Commission Chair, Planning Director, and City Engineer. This committee will issue an updated report with recommendations to Council. This likely does not leave time for an application re-submittal and review to achieve a recommendation of support of the permit. Therefore, for this item to be on the Council October 19th agenda, the recommendation would currently be for denial due to the listed comments below. The following Council Meeting is November 12th with a newspaper submittal and mailing deadline of October 22nd. Five to ten days should be allotted for application re-submittal review ahead of the notice deadline. Again, a report will follow the PRC meeting and action prior to the Council meeting. Understanding the above, please re-submit your application and/or request a specific Council Meeting. 1. See: Report of Impact Assessment for included requirements and inclusions that apply 2. Require landowner notification be extended to a radius of 1,500' 3. Require waives from the owner and occupant of all residence within 600' of the well site 4. Require operator to limit light levels near residences below 0.5 fc 5. Proposed production site access needs to be fully addressed, including drivewaylculvert design and details, etc.; or under separate permit application 6. Proposed site is located within 50' of any street, right of way, alley or utility easement 7. Consultant, public notice, and landowner notification fees must be paid prior to the Public Hearing at Council C:\Documents and Settings\tmcnutt\LocaI Settings\Te~npota~y lnte~net Files\Content.IE5\0ALl A5E2\Enginee1.'s_Repo1t[l].DOC !Unexpected End of Formula3 3 of4 8. Provide six-foot solid screen fence around the perimeter of the site as per Chapter 4 of the Code of Ordinance, Section 13 Oil and Gas Well Regulations. 9. Provide a landscape plan according to site area and requirements of Chapter 12 of the Code of Ordinances (Unified Development Ordinance), Section 7.5 Landscaping and Tree Protection. The plantings are to be disbursed around the perimeter of the site. Also in accordance with this Section, provide irrigation for the proposed landscaping. 10. Need a description of fire control measures, as required by Ordinance 11. Need fencing and/or screening plan, as required by Ordinance 12. Need landscapirlg plan , as required by Ordinance 13. Need proof of contractual responsibility of pump site and storage site maintenance 14. Sight vehicle triangle per AASHTO needs to be determined and appropriate vegetation removed at access apron accordingly. RECORlllVlEND SECURITY FOR COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT TERMS AND ORDINANCE: A minimum of $25,000 is required for security by the ordinance. A $25,000 Indemnity Bond is on file for the site. SCHEDULE FOR COUNCIL ACTION: City Council Regular Meeting: Publish according to High Impact Classification schedule for Public Hearing and Council Action October 22, 2009 C:\Documents and Settil~gs\t~nc~iutt\LocaI Settings\Tempo~a~y Intelnet Files\Co1itent.lE5\0ALI A5E2\Engineer's_Rep01t[l].DOC !Unexpected End of Formula4 4of4 HIGH IMPACT OIL AND GAS PERMIT ISSUED BY THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS PERMITTEE: EnerVest Management Partners, Ltd. 1001 Fannin Street, Suite 800 Houston, Texas 77002-6707 EXPIRATION DATE: WELL NAIME: McCullough-Olden Unit Well #I RE PERMIT NO: 09-400002 REGULATION: The City Council of the City of College Station has determined that the testing and exploration for and development, production and storage of oil, gas, and mineral hydrocarbons (including enhanced or secondary recovery thereof) within the City limits is an activity which necessitates reasonable regulations in order that such activities will not cause injury or property damage to the citizens of the City, and that such activities should conform to the comprehensive plan and zoning ordinances of the City as far as practicable in order to preserve the integrity of said ordinances and regulations. The City recognizes that conflicting property rights exist in the carrying out of such activities, and further recognizes the rights of all property owners, minerals and otherwise, to the peaceable enjoyment of their property and the benefits and revenues therefrom. UNLAWFUL: It shall be unlawful to engage in any activity not permitted by the terms of this permit and the applicable laws, or to fail to comply with any condition set forth in this permit. PERlMlT TERMS: This permit is issued in accordance with Ordinance No. 1916, Chapter 4 Section 13 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, and with applicable ordinances, rules, regulations and laws of the City of College Station, the State of Texas and of the United States of America and their respective agencies, commissions and regulatory bodies. The City Engineer is authorized and directed to enforce this Ordinance. Whenever necessary to enforce any provision of this Ordinance, or whenever the City Engineer has reasonable cause to believe any condition exists upon any premise or in any building contrary to this Ordinance, he niay enter such place at any reasonable time to inspect or perform any duty imposed by this Ordinance. EnerVest Management Partners, Ltd. is hereby issued this Oil and Gas Permit, having posted a Security Instrument in the amount of Twenty-Five Thousand and No1100 Dollars ($25,000.00), in the form of irrevocable letter of credit or indemnity bond, or certificate of deposit as set forth in Ordinance No. 1916, and required by action of the City Council. Additional terms and conditions of the granting, issuance and continued effectiveness of this Oil and Gas Permit follow: I. ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS: Permittee shall comply with Permittee's Application for Permit to conduct operations for the Discovery and Production of Oil, Gas and Associated Hydrocarbons within the City of College Station, Texas except as modified by this permit. Perrr~ittee shall corr~ply will all applicable Ordinances, Rules, Regulations and Laws of the City of College Station, the State of Texas, and of the Ur~ited States of America and .their respective agencies, commissions, and regulatory bodies. This permit is issued for a period of one (1) year. To continue oil and gas operations under this permit, the operator shall submit an application for renewal no later than thirty (30) days before the expiration of this permit. The perrr~ittee shall maintain the security instrument and insurance required for issuance of this permit in effect for the terms of this permit. II. SlTE LOCATION: No oil or gas drill site may be located or oil and gas operation shall occur: a. Within fifty feet (50') of any street, right-of-way, alley, or utility easement. b. Within six hundred feet (600') of a cemetery, park, or residential unit, unless waived by the residential unit property owner and the party entitled to occupy the premises. c. Within one thousand feet (1,000') of any school or hospital. d. In any public park unless authorized by State law. e. In any City streets or alleys. Ill. SlTE DEVELOPMENT: Site development other than drilling shall be conducted only between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Access to the site shall be via private access road off William D. Fitch. The access drive apron must have at a minimum, an asphalt surface from the street to the right- of-way line that conforms to the minimum pavement design as described in the College Station Standard Specifications for Street Construction. The remainder of the access drive shall be surfaced with crushed rock, gravel, ore, or oiled and maintained to prevent dust and mud. Drives shall be at least thirty feet (30) wide. IV. SCREENING AND LANDSCAPING: City Council has directed that the site be provided with screening as a condition of the permit approval. Council approved vegetation screening in lieu of wood fence screening. Upon completion of drilling operations the site will be screened with red tip photinea hedges, spaced at 5' intervals on all four sides of the site. Irrigation will be provided by the operator for a period of two (2) years after planting. V. DRILI-ING SITE REQUIREMENTS: No drilling shall occur within one hundred feet (100') of any oil storage tank, ignition source, or building. If the drilling site is not occupied by the applicant or drilling con-lpany during the entire drilling period (24 hoursl7days a week), security fencing will be required during drilling operations. Permittee shall confine light and noise associated with exploration and production activities to the site to the maximum extent possible. No drilling or re-working sliall occur within one hundred (100) feet of any oil storage tank, ignition source or building. Permittee shall comply with all Ordinances and Railroad Commission requirements pertaining to flaring gas. In no event shall the flaring of gas exceed ninety (90) calendar days after completion of the well. FI-~rther, Permittee shall install prior to entry into the target zone, a sufficient separating device or system(s) (at least two in series) to ensure that gas, oil, other fluids and solids are separated to a sufficient degree that the in the event the flaring of gas is necessary in connection with the safe drilling and completion of the well (subject to the limitation set forth herein), such flare shall, to the maximum extent possible, be clean burning and emit neither noxious smoke nor odors. Permittee shall equip flare lines with smokeless flare ignition system. The flare shall be directed away from existing trees to the maximum extent possible. At the conclusion of drilling, .the drill site shall be cleaned within forty-eight (48) hours of all equipment and machinery that is not needed to produce the well. At the conclusion of the drilling operation all equipment, materials and constructed items shall be removed from the area outside the production site. This area shall be returned to its original state within thirty (30) days of the completion of the drilling operation. Drilling mud, cuttings, oil, or liquid hydrocarbons and all other oil field waste derived or resulting from or connected with the drilling, re-working, or deepening of any well shall be discharged into portable steel tanks or a earth pits. Upon completion of drilling operations waste materials stored in portable steel tanks shall be removed from the site no later than thirty (30) days. Waste material stored in pits shall be removed from the site and the liner shall be removed to the maximum extent practicable and the pits shall be filled and leveled. Burning of sludge pits shall not be permitted. VI. PRODUCTION SITE REQUIRERIIENTS: Within thirty (30) days after completion of drilling .the site shall be screened by a fence enclosure constructed of any material compatible with surrounding uses whicli effectively screens the site and have landscaping. Fencing shall be in the PRC's discretion based upon the impact to adjacent areas. b. Fencing may be required during the drilling operations andlor separate fencing may be required after completion of the drilling operations. c. A six foot (6') solid screen fence around the entire perimeter of the site may be required. d. Any fence should be at least one hundred feet (1 00') from any well, equipment, or structure within the site, but no closer than five hundred feet (500') to any residential property line. e. All fencing shall be of a solid neutral color compatible with surrounding uses and shall be maintained in a neat, orderly, secure condition. Neutral colors for fencing shall include unobtrusive shades of sand, grey, green, blue, brown, or other colors approved by the PRC. f. Upon completion of a well as a commercial producer, any apparatus used in the production of the well, including pump jacks, shall be enclosed as to prevent any entry by unauthorized persons and to prevent well equipment from being seen. The enclosure walls shall be solid and constructed with privacy fence materials and shall be high enough to restrict the view of any well equipment including the pump jack. The enclosure shall remain locked at all times unless the well is eing serviced by the operator or its service companies. The shall at all times be kept free of debris, pools of oil, water or other liquids, weeds, brush, trash, or other waste material. All discarded surplus materials, supplies, and refuge shall be removed from the operation site no later than thirty (30) days after corrlpletion of drilling operation. Permittee shall erect and maintain signs which identify the well by name, the operator, his address and a 24 hr emergency contact telephone number at the well site and at the intersection of the well site access road with the public street. A Permanent weatherproof signs reading "DAIVGER IVO SIUOKIIVG ALLOWED" shall be posted at the entrance of the well site and tank battery. The production site shall be enclosed by a chain-link fence. It shall have a gate which shall be kept closed and locked except while occupied by Permittee, Permittee's personnel, Permittee's agentslrepresentatives, City Engineerldesignate or the Fire Department. The fence shall not be less than six (6) feet high and shall be topped with not less than three (3) strands of barbed wire. Corner posts shall be anchored in concrete. The City Engineer shall be provided the combination to the gate lock. Orlly electric prime movers or motors shall be permitted for the purpose of pumping wells. All production equipment on the site shall be painted and maintained at all times, including pumping units, storage tanks, buildings and structures. Permittee shall paint pumping units, storage tanks, and vessels a neutral color, or such other color scheme as may be approved by the City Planner. . No person shall allow, cause, or permit gases vented into the atmosphere to be burned by open flame except as allowed by law or permitted by the Commission. Production and storage tanks shall be contained within earthen berms constructed in accordance with applicable oil field practice. Berms shall be constructed and maintained to retain not less than 133% of the capacity of the largest of such tanks. No street or alley may be blocked or obstructed by any drilling or producing operations unless prior consent is obtained by the operator in the form of a resolution adopted by the Council, except when necessary to protect life or property in connection with emergency operations being conducted. No person shall place, deposit, discharge, cause, or permit to be placed, deposited, or discharged, any oil, naphtha, petroleum, asphalt, tar, hydrocarbon substances, or any refuse, including wastewater or brine, from any oil and gas operation or the contents of any container used in con~iection with any oil operation in, into, or upon any public right-of-way, storm drain, ditch or sewer, sanitary, drain or sewer, any body of water, or any private property in the City. No drilling equipment, re-working equipment, other portable equipment or idle equipment which are not essential to the everyday operation of the activity located thereon shall be stored on the oil or gas operation site. Lumber, pipes, tubing, and casing shall not be left on the site except when drilling or well servicing operations are being conducted. No person, owner, or operator shall store or park any vehicle or item of machinery on any street, right-of-way, driveway, alley, or upon any oil or gas operation site which constitutes a fire hazard or an obstruction to or interference with fighting or controlling fires except that equipment which is necessary for .the maintenance of the site or for gathering or transportation of hydrocarbons from the site. The Fire Department shall be the entity which determines whether any equipment on the site shall constitute a fire hazard. VII. WELL SERVICING AND SITE MAINTENANCE: No re-working shall occur within one hundred feet (100') of any oil storage tank, ignition source, or building. After corr~pletion of well servicing or abandonment, owner shall repair all damage to public property caused by such servicing or abandonment operations. At the conclusion of re-working operations, the drill site shall be cleaned within forty-eight (48) hours of all equipment and machinery that is not needed to produce the well. Idle equipment will not be stored on the site. All well servicing equipment shall be removed from the site within fifteen (1 5) days after completion of a well servicing operation. After completion of well servicing or abandonment, Operator shall repair all damage to p~~blic property caused by such servicing or abandonment operations. All property on which an oil or gas operation occurs shall at all times be kept free of debris, pools of oil, water or other liquids, weeds, brush, trash, or other waste material. VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL UPSETS: After any leak, spill, or malfunction, the permittee shall remove or cause to be removed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, and Fire Department all oil and waste materials from property affected by such spill, leak or malfunction. In the event of the loss of control of any well or other oil and gas operation, (i.e., blowout, etc.) the Operator shall immediately take all reasonable steps to regain control of such activity regardless of any other provisions of this Ordinance and shall notify the City Engineer as soon as practicable. IX. EMERGENCY SERVICES: The perrr~ittee or his agent shall be responsible for providing primary fire fighting services. The College Station Fire Department will provide emergency response and limited fire fighting services. X. ACQUISITION AND TRANSFER OF EXISTING OPERATIONS Transfer of the site operations by Permittee or acquisition of operations at this site by another party does not constitute transfer of this permit. The transferring party and acquiring party shall notify the City Engineer in writing, within ten (10) days of the transfer or acquisition. The notice shall contain the following: a. The name and address of the person acquiring such well, property or site involving an oil or gas operation. b. The name and location of the oil or gas operation c. The date of acquisition. d. A description of the properties and equipment acquired, and the oil or gas operation. e. The name and address of any individual designated to receive service of notice in compliance with the notice provision requirements. XI. SITE ABANDONMENT During abandonment, Operator shall comply with all applicable sections in this Ordinance Abandonment shall be approved by the City Engineer after restoration of the drill site and the subsurface thereof has been accomplished in conformity with the following requirements: a. All tanks, towers, and other surface installations are removed from the site. b. All concrete, piping, wood, and other foreign materials regardless of depth, except surface casing, are removed from the site, unless otherwise directed by the Commission. c. All holes and depressions are filled with clean compatible soil. d. All oil, waste oil, refuse, or waste material is removed from the site. e. Operator pays an abandonment fee in an amount set by Council resolution. XII. PERMIT SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION The City Engineer may, in writing, suspend or revoke any permit issued under the provisions of this article upon finding any of the following: a. Permittee failed, neglected, or refused to perform and comply with the conditions of this Permit. b. Permittee failed, neglected, or refused to comply with or abide by, or in any way violated any provision of this Ordinance or any regulation, law, rule, or order either directly or indirectly, by reason of or in connection with or incidental to the conduct of his oil or gas operation. c. Any of the Permittee's operations or the continuance thereof upon the premises covered by the permit is a menace or hazard to public or private property, or to any interest of the City, or to the lives or safety of persons. d. Any of the Permittee's operations or the continuance thereof upon the premises covered by the permit constitutes a public nuisance. e. Permittee made any willful misrepresentation of facts in any application for any such permit or in any report or record required by this Ordinance to be submitted to the City f. Permittee illegally burned or allowed to burn oil, gas, or other hydrocarbons in the City. CHECK LIST FOR ISSUANCE The following items must have been received and on file with the City before this permit is issued: Approved Drainage Development Permit: Not Required Security instrument: $25,000.00 Certified Postage re-imbursement: Public Notice re-imbursement: Considered by City Council this - day of ,2009 Issued this the - day of ,2009 City Engineer Date City Secretary Date Fire Marshall Date November 9, 2009 Regular Agenda Item No. 4 McCullough-McCullough Unit, Well #lRE - Oil and Gas Operations Permit To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Mark Smith, Director of Public Works Agenda Caption: Public hearing, presentation, possible action and discussion regarding an Oil and Gas Operations Permit for the McCullough- McCullough Unit, Well #IRE as requested by the operator, EnerVest Operating, LLC. of Houston, Texas. Recommendation(s): The Project Review Committee, comprised of the Planning and Zoning Commission Chair, the City Engineer, and the Director of Planning and Development Services, met on October 5, 2009 and recommends denial of the permit. Summary: The McCullough- McCullough Unit Well #IRE is the re-entry of a pre-existing well bore on a 193 acre tract located within the city limits. The location of the drilling site is 470' east of Ginger Court, then 1370' NNW of Rock Prairie Road. The original well was permitted in 1992 as a "Rural" classification well. Based on the encroachment by development the re-entry of this well is classified as "High Impact". High impact means any residential, administrative, professional, or commercial neighborhood zone where there is an existing residential, administrative, professional, or commercial neighborhood use in the area of the proposed oil or gas operation. Access to the site during drill will be from the existing private access drive coming off Rock Prairie Road. Access to the site during production will be from a proposed private access drive coming off Rock Prairie Road. The Project Review Committee concurred with the attached City Engineer's Report which detail the permit application deficiencies in regard to the associated requirements outlined in the Chapter 4: Business Regulations, Section: Oil and Gas Regulations. Per the ordinance, the City retained CSC Engineering & Environmental Consultants, Inc., a third party consultant, to evaluate the public impact of the proposed activity. The applicant is responsible for the consultant's fee of $4,752.11 per the ordinance. 'the consultant's findings were provided to the applicant and incorporated into the City Engineer's Report to the Project Review Committee. Note this item was originally scheduled for the October 19, 2009 City Council Meeting. However, due to a meeting time inaccuracy in the public notices this item was rescheduled for subject meeting. Budget & Financial Summary: N/A Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Resolution 3. Exhibit A - Application (available at City Engineer's Office) 4. Exhibit B - Location Map 5. Exhibit C - Indemnity Bond (available at City Engineer's Office) 6. City Engineer Report to Project Review Committee 7. Draft Permit 8. Report of Impact Assessment (available at City Engineer's Office) I inch = 5,000 feet RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS GRANTING AN OIL AND GAS HIGH IMPACT PERMIT FOR THE McCULLOUGH- McCULLOUGH UNIT, WELL NO. 1 -RE NEAR ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD APPROXIMATELY 1,370 FEET NORTH OF ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD, AND LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, has reviewed an application for an Oil & Gas Rural Permit ("Permit") submitted by Enervest Operating, LLC for the McCullough-McCullough Unit, Well No. 1 -RE; and WHEREAS, Council has reviewed the Project Review Committee report and other related information relating to the afore-described proposed rural gas well located near Rock Prairie Road approximately 1,370 feet north of Rock Prairie Road within the City of College Station (the "City"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 4, Section 13.J Council is required to make certain findings and determinations in granting a permit for an oil and gas operations located within the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, now desires to make such determinations and to grant such permit; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS : PART 1: That the City Council hereby acknowledges receipt of an application, Project Review Committee report and other related information relating to an Oil and Gas Rural Permit to Enervest Operating, LLC for the McCullough-McCullough Unit, Well No. 1-RE located near Rock Prairie Road approximately 1,370 feet north of Rock Prairie Road. A copy of such paperwork and the exact location of said proposed well are attached hereto as Exhibits "A" and "B", respectively. PART 2: That the City Council hereby makes the following determinations with respect to said proposed Permit: 1. That the following amount and type of security instrument has been issued: a bond rider to an Indemnity Bond, on behalf of applicant, in favor of the City in a total amount of FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND NO1100 DOLLARS ($450,000.00) attached hereto as Exhibit "C"; 2. That the operations proposed under the Permit are reasonable under the circumstances and conditions prevailing in the area; 3. That the operations proposed under the Pennit are consistent with the health, safety, and welfare of the public when and if conducted in accordance with the permit conditions to be imposed; and 4. That the impact upon adjacent property and the general public of operations conducted in compliance with the Permit conditions are reasonable and justified, balancing the following factors: RESOLUTION NO. Page 2 (1) The right of the owner(s) of the mineral estate to explore, develop, and produce the minerals. (2) The availability of alternate drill sites, boll1 presently and at other tilncs during the lease tcrm. (3) The date of acqaisition by the various owners of the surface a11d mineral estates. PART 3: That based upon the above the City Council hereby grants said Permit and authorizes the City Manager or his designee to take any and all reasonable action to issue same. PART 4: That this resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage. ADOPTED this day of , A.D. 2009. APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: EXHIBIT A APPblCATlQN FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT OPERATIONS FOR THE DISCOVERY AND PRODUCTION (11 I-Y 01: COLI.I~~;ES.IXI-ION OF OIL, GAS, AlVD ASSOCIATED HYDROCARBOIVS WITHIIV THE 1~1,~~~~~~~~~: L- 11, ,.,.L~~~,Z, ,,, st em<C, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS (ORDINANCE NO. 1916, OCTOBER 10, 1991) ORIGINAL $2,000 rn RURAL URBAN HIGH IMPACT SEISMIC rn Please provide the following information for your permit request: 1. Applicant's name and address. Enervest Operating, LLC 1001 Fannin Street, Suite 800 I-Iouston, TX 77002-6707 2. Name and address of drilling company. Nabors Drilling USA LP 515 West Greens Road, Suite 1000 Houston, TX 77067 3. Name and address of Operator. Enervest Operating, LLC 1001 Fannin Street, Suite 800 Houston, TX 77002-6707 4. Proposed name of well. McCullough-McCullough Unit Well No. 1-RE 5. Proposed depth of well. Enervest Operating, LLC intends to drill a re-entry well, the RlcCullough- McCullough Unit Well No. 1-RE and drill a 4234' updip lateral (ST# 2) to depth of 12,500' in the Giddings Austin Cl~alk Gas Field. 6. Location and description of all improvements and structures within one thousand (1000 ft) of the well. Please refer to attached Exhibit "A". 7. Site plan of proposed operation, showing location of all improvements and equipment. (13 copies) Please refer to attached Exhibit "B". 8. Area Map showing proposed transportation route and roads for equipment, chemicals, or waste products used or produced by the oil or gas operation, and all natural features of the site. (1 3 copies) Please refer to attached Exhibit "C". McCullough-Olden - Permit Application Page 1 of 4 EXHIBIT A 9. Description of type, kind, size and amount of major equipment used before completion and re-working. Plcasc rcfer to attachcd Exhibit "D". 10. Description of surface equipment after drilling and completion. Please refer to attached Exhibit "A" Sr "E". 11. Well surface casing and cementing program. Please refer to attached Exhibit 'LF". 12. Copies of Railroad Commission forms and drilling permit. Please refer to attached Exliibit "G". 13. Security instrument consisting of an irrevocable letter of credit, indemnity bond, or certificate of deposit, as required by this ordinance and in an amount determined by the City Council within 30 days after Council approval. Enervest Operating LLC is committed to providing the required security instrument in the amount determined by the City Council within 30 days after Council approval of this permit application. 14. Name of representative with supervisory authority over all oil or gas operation site activities and phone number where he can be reached twenty-four (24) hours a day. Dean Broussard - Operations Superintendent 6933 N. US Hwy 77 La Grange, TX 78945 979-255-3048 15. Legal description of the property to be used for the oil or gas operation, the parcel, and the production unit (plat description or metes and bound bearings) and name of the geologic formation as used by the Railroad Commission. Property recorded by plat should reference subdivision, block and lot numbers. Legal description: 192.97 acre (net) tract - Parcel 3, Vol. 8479, Pg. 93, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas,, located in the S. W. Robertson Survey, A-202, College Station, Brazos County, Texas. Tax Parcel # R15978 (see site plau plat - Exhibit "A", for additional information), Giddings Austin Challc Gas Field. 16. Mineral Lessee name and address. Carol McCullough Anderson Jean McCullough Stephen 2504 River Forest Drive 2514 Me~norial Drive Bryan, TX 77802 Bryan, TX 77802 17. Surface owner name and address. Carol McCullougli Anderson and Fred G. Anderson Jean Steplieii Faniily No. Two L.P. 2504 River Forest Drive 2514 Memorial Drive Bryan, TX 77802 Bryan, TX 77802 McCullough-Olden - Permit Application Page 2 of 4 EXHIBIT A 18. Name and address of an individual representing the ownerlapplicant designated to receive notice. Fred Deitsch 615 E. Blue Bell Rd. Brenhani, TX 77833 19. Evidence of insurance information as required by Ordinance No. 1916. (a) Commercial General Liability $500,000 (b) Automobile Liability $500,000 (c) Worker's Compensation $100,000 Please refer to attached Exhibit "H". Survey of production unit at a scale of 1 per 300 or greater by a Texas certified surveyor including: (a) Lengths and bearings of all boundary lines for production. (b) Exact acreage of the production unit. (c) Exact location of the well within production unit with distances of a minimum of two adjacent boundary line of the production unit. (d) Length of maximum diagonal within the production unit. Please refer to attached Exhibit "I" (2 pages). 21. Owner and address of each parcel of property within one thousand feet (1000') of the proposed drill site. Please refer to attached Exhibit "J". 22. Copies of all reports required by the Department of Water Resources and Commission. Please refer to attached Exhibit "I<". 23. Statement under oath signed by applicant that the information submitted in the application is true and correct. "I, Lloyd Brace, Operations Manager, Western Division, do hereby affirm that the information submitted in and attached to the Application for Permit to Couduct Operations for the Discovery and Produetion of Oil, Gas and Associated Hydrocarbons within the City of College Station, Texas, for the Application of Permit, is true and col-rect." '/- Date: 6/'?/ 7 STATE OF TEXAS 6 ~1ofd'~luce Operations Manger COUNTY OF HARRIS 5 Sworn to and subscribed before me this -7 day of 21 ,)&' ,2009, by the above Lr named Lloyd Bmce, who is personally knowll to me. FRED DEITSCH Fred Deitsch Notaly Public in alh for the State of Texas WkACH 29. 2011, ,*; iww%%$w- McCullough-Olden - Permit Application EXHIBIT C BOND RIDER NO. 2 Attaching to and forming part of Indemnity Bond No. RLB0011114, executed January 3, 2008, on behalf of EnerVest Operating, LLC as Principal, in favor of the City of College Station as Obligee, in the amount of Four Hundred Fifty Thousand and IVo/l00 Dollars ($450,000.00). It is understood and agreed that effective April 17, 2009, the following well list is I amended as attached. I All other conditions and terms to remain as originally written or previously amended by rider. Signed, sealed and dated this 17~~ day of April 2009. EnerVest Operating, LLC Principal By: ark Houser - President RLI Insurance Corrlpany 8 Greenway Plaza, Suite 400 Houston, TX 77046 Surety By: - Paul M. O'Sullivan, Attorney-in-Fact EXHIBIT C RLB0011114 RLI Surety A divislon of RLI Insurance Company Know AII Men by These Presents: POWER OF ATTORNEY RLI Insurance Company That the RLI INSURXJCE COklPhW, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, and authorized and licensed to do business in all states and the District of Columbia does hereby make, constitute and appoint: PAUL M. O'SULL[VM in the City of HOUSTON , State of TEXAS , as Attorney-in-Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred upon him to sign, execute, acknowledge and deliver for and on its behalf as Surety and as its act and deed, all of the follo\ving classes of documents to-wit: $450,000.00 Indemnity, Surety and Undertakings that may be desired by contract, or may be given in any action or proceeding in any court of law or equity; policies indemnifying employers against loss or damage caused by the misconduct of their employees; olficial, bail and surety and fidelity bonds. Indemnity in all cases where indemnity may he lawfully given; and with full power and authority to execute consents and waivers to modify or change or extend any bond or document executed for this Company, and to compromise and settle any and all claims or demands made or existing against said Company. The RLI INSURANCE COMPANY further certifies that the following is a true and exact copy of a Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of RLI Insurance Company, and now in force to-wit: "All bonds, policies, undertakings, Powers of Attorney, or other obligations of the corporation shall be executed in the corporate name of Lhe Company by the President, Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, or any Vice President, or by such other officers as the Board of Directors may authorize. The President, any Vice President, Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, or the Treasurer may appoinl ALtorneys-in-Pact or Agents who shall have authority to issue bonds, policies, or undertakings in the name of the Company. The corporate seal is not necessary for the validity of any bonds, policies, undertakings, Powers-of-ALtorney, or other obligations of the corporation. The signature of any such officer and the corporate seal may be printed by facsimile." (Blue shaded areas above indicate authenticity) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the RLI Insurance Company has caused these presents to be executed by its PRESIDENT with its corporate seal affixed this u CORPORATE SECRETARY State of Illinois ) ss County of Peoria ) RLI INSURANCE COMPANY Wk@- U PRESIDENT On this 17day of 2009 before me, a No1al.y Public, personally appeared Michael J. Stone and Jean M. Stenhenson, who being by me duly sworn, acknowledged that they signed the above Power of Attorney as Presi~lcnt and Corporate Secretary, respectively, of the said RLI INSURANCE COMPANY, and acknowledged said instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of said corporalion. -* Notary Public "OFFICIAL SEAL" CHERIE 1. MONTGOMERY COMMISSION EXPIRES 02/02/12 EXHIBIT C Well List Indenmity Bond - City of College Station (5/09 - 5/10) Akin-Foxfire 1 Akin, J.M. 1 Borisltie-Diversified Unit 1 Brazos Coal Ltd-Raceway Unit 1 Brazos Coal Ltd-Terry "B" Unit IRE Brazos Coal Ltd-Terry "C" Unit 1 Felix "K" Unit 1 Freeman-Creagor Unit 1 Jones et al, Eugenia 1 Kinman 1 McCullough-McCullough Unit 1 McCullough-Olden Unit 1 McCullough-Tei~y Unit 1 Olden-Olden Unit 1 Olden-Paul1 Unit 1 Ritchey, W.S. #1 Terry Unit, H.L. 1 Terry-Terry Unit 2 Thompson-Marsh Unit 1 Waltman 1 API # Permit # 94-000 1 Not assigned 93-806 Not assigned 99-807 92-8 19 .93-801 93-826 91-804 Not assigned 92-805 93-804 93-803 91-822 92-8 13 93-820 93-809 08-40000 1 93-81 1 940W05 SCALE: 1 "=2000' 1 MILE RADIUS VICINITY MAP AND ACCESS PLAT ENERVEST OPERATING, L.L.C. S. W. ROBERTSON SURVEY, A-202 NATHAN CLAMPlll SURVEY, 8-90. COLLEGE STA-TIOIU, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS SCALE: 1 "=2000' AUGUST, 2009 PREPARED BY. KUNG ENGINEERING & SURVEYING= 4101 TBX5 AV. + P.O. BOX 4234 + BRYAN,TMAS + PH.979/846-6212 I ' I I XREF: KUNG ENGINEERING & SURVMNG BRYAN. TW OIL & GAS OPERATIONS PERMIT APPLICAI'ION ClN ENGINEER'S REPORT TO PLAN REVIEW COMMITTEE (PRC) ADNllNSTRATlVE INFORMATION DATE: CASE FILE NO. WELL NAME: APPLICANT: DRILLING COMPANY: WELL CLASSIFICATION: LOCATION: DEPTH: ACCESS: 9/23/09 09-400001 McCullough-McCullough Well Unit #I RE EnerVest Management Partner, Ltd., Houston, Texas Nabors Drilling USA, LP, Houston, Texas High Impact Classification, 1 each Vertical/Horizontal Wells Surface - 1370' NNW of Rock Prairie Road ST#02, 4234' updip lateral to depth of 12,500' Drilling - From Rock Prairie Road on an existing 12' access road. Production - From Rock Prairie Road on proposed 40' road along western property line (proposed route) PRC REVIEW ITEMS REQUIRED PERMITS ISSUED: YES NO NOTREQUIRED Application Fee X a. Alternate well location due to adjacent land uses. Legal Consultant Technical Consultant Texas Railroad Commission (Drilling Permit) TCEQ (Ground Water to be Protected) FAA (Hazard to Aviation Determination) Airport Zoning Board Height Variance Drainage Development Permit Driveway Access Permit Insurance Certificates Not applicable due to well being a re-entry of an existing well. The well site is located on a currently permitted location. The drilling operation is the re-entry of an existing well bore. The well bore is located 497 feet from a one private residence and within 600 feet of a future residential site. The applicant proposes to increase the size of the well site from 1.83 acres to 4.75 acres. No provisions or options have been presented for relocation of the site. b. Air pollution control devices. The drilling rig has industry standard air pollution control devices installed. X X X X c. Noise and light control. Noise continuation shall be provided, as necessary, to limit noise exposure at the nearest residence to 72dBA continuous. X Lights shall be orientated as to minimize the impact on residential areas. X X X X Site development other than drilling shall be conducted only between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. d. Type of pump engine. Electric e. Height of pump equipment. 30 feet C:\Documents and Settings\t~ncnutt\Local Settings\Tempo~a~y Internet Files\Content.IES\S6P2FXS7\E1~gi1~eer's~repo1t[I].DOC l of4 f. Fire control measures, as required by this Ordinance. Permittee shall erect and maintain signs which identify the well by name, the operator, his address and a 24 hr emergency contact phone number at the well site and at the intersection of the well site access road and the public street. The College Station Fire Department will provide emergency response and limited fire fighting services. g. Fence and/or visual screening, as required by this Ordinance. If the drilling site is not occupied by the applicant or drilling company during the entire drilling period (24 hoursl7days a week), security fencing will be required during drilling operations. Provide six-foot solid screen fence around the perimeter of the site as per Chapter 4 of the Code of Ordinance, Section 13 Oil and Gas Well Regulations. h. Landscaping, as required by this Ordinance. Provide a landscape plan according to site area and requirements of Chapter 12 of the Code of Ordinances (Unified Development Ordinance), Section 7.5 Landscaping and Tree Protection. The plantings are to be disbursed around the perimeter of the site. Also in accordance with this Section, provide irrigation for the proposed landscaping. i. Proof of contractual responsibilities of pump site and storage site maintenance. Not addressed in the application j. Safety procedures. See Report of Impact Assessment for EnerVest's McCullough-McCullough Unit #I RE for additional safety requirements and procedures k. Spill reporting and record keeping. The operator will notify the City Engineer within 24 hours of an onsite crude oil spill exceeding 55 gallons or any spill into water that creates a sheen. Crude oil spills on the ground equal to or greater than 21 0 gallons or any spill into water that creates a sheen must be reported to RRC. The operator shall maintain a monthly inspection log which address on site spills. The copy of said log will be provided to the City prior to permit annual renewal or when requested by the City.. I. Gas flaring. Operator shall comply with all Ordinances and Railroad Commission requirements pertaining to flaring gas. In no event shall the flaring of gas exceed ninety (90) calendar days after completion of the well. Flare height shall be below treetop level. Flares shall be placed so the existing trees or manmade structures obstruct the flare from the direct view of any residence. m. Location of storage facilities. C:\Documents and Settings\tmcnutt\Local Settings\Teinpola~y Internet Files\Content.lES\S6P2FXS7\Engineer's-repo1i[I].DOC !Unexpected End of Formula2 2 of4 Production and storage tanks shall be contained within earthen berms constructed in accordance with applicable oil field practice. Berms shall be constructed and maintained to retain not less than 133% of the capacity of the largest of such tanks. n. Traffic loads or patterns, proposed street development, as required by this Ordinance, and ingresslegress of vehicular traffic. The access drive apron must have and maintain at a minimum, an asphalt surface from the street to the right-of-way line that conforms to the minimum pavement design as described in the College Station Standard Specifications for Street Construction. The remainder of the access drive shall be surfaced with crushed rock, gravel, ore, or oiled and maintained to prevent dust and mud. Ingresslegress during drilling operations will be via existing 12' wide gravel site access road off Rock Prairie Road. Ingresslegress during production operation is via a pro~osed 40' wide gravel site access road along the western edge of the property line off Rock Prairie Road. Oil tanks shall not park or loadlunload on or adjacent to a street. o. Water source used during drilling operation. Pre-existing on site water well. Water zones to be protected are from the surface to a depth of 1300' and from 2350 feet to 2600'. Current well bore sketch indicates casing and cement from surface to 10,707'. Ground water is protected. p. Full line location and route between the well head and storage facilities. See Application Exhibit C - direct line from well bore to separator STAFF COMMENTS: Per the ordinance, this item can be scheduled for the next available Council Meeting which is October 19th. To make this date, the City must give notice to the local newspaper to run a public notice and mail notices to residences within 1500 feet no later than September 28th. Additionally, this report has been forwarded to the Project Review Committee (PRC), which is defined as the P&Z Commission Chair, Planning Director, and City Engineer. This committee will issue an updated report with recommendations to Council. This likely does not leave time for an application re-submittal and review to achieve a recommendation of support of the permit. Therefore, for this item to be on the Council October 19th agenda, the recommendation would currently be for denial due to the listed comments below. The following Council Meeting is November 12th with a newspaper submittal and mailing deadline of October 22nd. Five to ten days should be allotted for application re-submittal review ahead of the notice deadline. Again, a report will follow the PRC meeting and action prior to the Council meeting. Understanding the above, please re-submit your application andlor request a specific Council Meeting 1. See: Report of Impact Assessment for included requirements and inclusions that apply 2. Require landowner notification be extended to a radius of 1,500' 3. Require waives from the owner and occupant of all residence within 600' of the well site 4. Require operator to limit light levels near residences below 0.5 fc 5. Proposed production site access needs to be fully addressed, including drivewaylculvert design and details, etc.; or under separate permit application 6. Proposed site is located within 50' of any street, right of way, alley or utility easement 7. Consultant, public notice, and landowner notification fees must be paid prior to the Public Hearing at Council C:\Doculnents and Settings\tmcnutt\Local Settings\Telnporaly Internet Files\Content.IE5\S6P2FXS7\EngineelJs-1.epo1t[ I].DOC !Unexpected End of Formula3 3of4 8. Provide six-foot solid screen fence around the perimeter of the site as per Chapter 4 of the Code of Ordinance, Section 13 Oil and Gas Well Regulations. 9. Provide a landscape plan according to site area and requirements of Chapter 12 of the Code of Ordinances (Unified Development Ordinance), Section 7.5 Landscaping and Tree Protection. The plantings are to be disbursed around the perimeter of the site. Also in accordance with this Section, provide irrigation for the proposed landscaping. 10. Need a description of fire control measures, as required by Ordinance 11. Need fencing and/or screening plan, as required by Ordinance 12. Need landscaping plan , as required by Ordinance 13. Need proof of contractual responsibility of pump site and storage site maintenance 14. Sight vehicle triangle per AASHTO needs to be determined and appropriate vegetation removed at access apron accordingly. RECOMMEND SECURITY FOR COMPLIANCE WITH PERMIT TERMS AND ORDINANCE: A minimum of $25,000 is required for security by the ordinance. A $25,000 Indemnity Bond is on file for the site. SCHEDULE FOR COUNCIL ACTION: City Council Regular Meeting: Publish according to High Impact Classification schedule for Public Hearing and Counc~l Action 2009 C:\Documents and Settings\t~ncnutt\Local Settings\Tempora~y Internet Files\Content.lE5\S6P2FXS7\Engineer's-repo1t[I].DOC !Unexpected End of Formula4 4of4 HIGH IMPACT OIL AND GAS PERMIT ISSUED BY THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS PERMITTEE: EnerVest Management Partners, Ltd. 1001 Far~nin Street, Suite 800 Houston, Texas 77002-6707 EXPIRATION DATE: WELL NAME: McCullough-McCullough Unit Well #I RE PERMIT NO: 09-400001 REGULATION: The City Council of the City of College Station has determined that the testing and exploration for and development, production and storage of oil, gas, and mineral hydrocarbons (including enhanced or secondary recovery .thereof) within .the City limits is an activity which necessitates reasonable regulations in order that such activities will not cause injury or property damage to the citizens of the City, and that such activities should conform to the comprehensive plan and zoning ordinances of the City as far as practicable in order to preserve the integrity of said ordinances and regulations. The City recognizes that conflicting property rights exist in the carrying out of such activities, and further recognizes the rights of all property owners, minerals and otherwise, to the peaceable er~joyment of their property and the benefits and revenues therefrom. UNLAWFUL: It shall be unlawful to engage in any activity not permitted by the terms of this permit and the applicable laws, or to fail to comply with any condition set forth in this permit. PERMIT TERMS: This permit is issued in accordance with Ordinance No. 1916, Chapter 4 Section 13 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, and with applicable ordinances, rules, regulations and laws of the City of College Station, the State of Texas and of the United States of America and their respective agencies, comrrrissions and regulatory bodies. The City Engineer is authorized and directed to enforce this Ordinance. Whenever necessary to enforce any provision of this Ordinance, or whenever the City Engineer has reasonable cause to believe any condition exists upon any premise or in any building contrary to this Ordinance, he may enter such place at any reasonable time to inspect or perform any duty imposed by this Ordinance. EnerVest Management Partners, Ltd. is hereby issued this Oil and Gas Permit, having posted a Security Instrument in the amount of Twenty-Five Thousand and No1100 Dollars ($25,000.00), in the form of irrevocable letter of credit or indemnity bond, or certificate of deposit as set forth in Ordinance No. 1916, and required by action of the City Council. Additional terms and conditions of the granting, issuance and continued effectiveness of this Oil and Gas Permit follow: I. ADNIINISTRATIVE REQUIRENIENTS: Permittee shall comply with Permittee's Application for Permit to conduct operations for the Discovery and Production of Oil, Gas and Associated Hydrocarbons within the City of College Station, Texas except as modified by this permit. Permittee shall comply will all applicable Ordinances, Rules, Regulations and Laws of the City of College Station, the State of Texas, and of the United States of America and their respective agencies, commissions, and regulatory bodies. This permit is issued for a period of one (1) year. To continue oil and gas operations under .this permit, the operator shall submit an application for renewal no later than thirty (30) days before the expiration of this permit. The permittee shall maintain the security instrument and insurance required for issuance of this permit in effect for the terms of this permit. II. SlTE LOCATION: No oil or gas drill site may be located or oil and gas operation shall occur: a. Within fifty feet (50') of any street, right-of-way, alley, or utility easement. b. Within six hundred feet (600') of a cemetery, park, or residential unit, unless waived by the residential unit property owner and the party entitled to occupy the premises. c. Within one thousand feet (1,000') of any school or hospital. d. In any public park unless authorized by State law. e. In any City streets or alleys. Ill. SlTE DEVELOPMENT: Site development other than drilling shall be conducted only between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Access to the site shall be via private access road off William D. Fitch. The access drive apron must have at a minimum, an asphalt surface from the street to the right- of-way line that conforms to the minimum pavement design as described in the College Station Standard Specifications for Street Construction. The remainder of the access drive shall be surfaced with crushed rock, gravel, ore, or oiled and maintained to prevent dust and mud. Drives shall be at least thirty feet (30) wide. IV. SCREENING AND LANDSCAPING: City Council has directed that the site be provided with screening as a condition of the permit approval. Council approved vegetation screening in lieu of wood fence screening. Upon completion of drilling operations the site will be screened with red tip photinea hedges, spaced at 5' intervals on all four sides of the site. Irrigation will be provided by the operator for a period of two (2) years after planting. V. DRILLING SITE REQUIREMENTS: No drilling shall occur within one hundred feet (100') of any oil storage tank, ignition source, or building. If the drilling site is not occupied by the applicant or drilling company during .the entire drilling period (24 hoursl7days a week), security fencing will be required during drilling operations. Permittee shall confine light and noise associated with exploration and production activities to the site to the maximum extent possible. No drilling or re-working shall occur within one hundred (100) feet of any oil storage tank, ignition source or building. Permittee shall comply with all Ordinances and Railroad Commission requirements pertaining to flaring gas. In no event shall the flaring of gas exceed ninety (90) calendar days after completion of the well. Further, Permittee shall install prior to entry into the target zone, a sufficient separating device or system(s) (at least two in series) to ensure that gas, oil, other fluids and solids are separated to a sufficient degree that the in the event the flaring of gas is necessary in connection with the safe drilling and completion of the well (subject to the limitation set forth herein), such flare shall, to the maximum extent possible, be clean burning and emit neither noxious smoke nor odors. Permittee shall equip flare lines with smokeless flare ignition system. The flare shall be directed away from existing trees to the maximum extent possible. At the conclusion of drilling, the drill site shall be cleaned within forty-eight (48) hours of all equipment and machinery that is not needed to produce the well. At the conclusion of the drilling operation all equipment, materials and constructed items shall be removed from the area outside the production site. This area shall be returned to its original state within thirty (30) days of the completion of the drilling operation. Drilling mud, cuttings, oil, or liquid hydrocarbons and all other oil field waste derived or resulting from or connected with the drilling, re-working, or deepening of any well shall be discharged into portable steel tanks or a earth pits. Upon corr~pletion of drilling operations waste materials stored in portable steel tanks shall be removed from the site no later than thirty (30) days. Waste material stored in pits shall be removed from the site and the liner shall be removed to the maximum extent practicable and the pits shall be filled and leveled. Burning of sludge pits shall not be permitted. VI. PRODUC'TION SITE REQLIIREMENTS: Within thirty (30) days after completion of drilling the site shall be screened by a fence enclosure constructed of any material corr~patible with surrounding uses which effectively screens .the site and have landscaping. Fencing shall be in the PRC's discretion based upon the impact to adjacent areas b. Fencing may be required during the drilling operations and/or separate fencing may be required after completion of the drilling operations. c. A six foot (6') solid screen fence around the entire perimeter of the site may be required. d. Any fence should be at least one hundred feet (1 00') from any well, equipment, or structure within the site, but no closer than five hundred feet (500') to any residential property line. e. All fencing shall be of a solid neutral color compatible with surrounding uses and shall be maintained in a neat, orderly, secure condition. Neutral colors for fencing shall include unobtrusive shades of sand, grey, green, blue, brown, or other colors approved by the PRC. f. Upon completion of a well as a commercial producer, any apparatus used in the production of the well, including pump jacks, shall be enclosed as to prevent any entry by unauthorized persons and to prevent well equipment from being seen. The enclosure walls shall be solid and constructed with privacy fence materials and shall be high enough to restrict the view of any well equipment including the pump jack. The enclosure shall remain locked at all times unless the well is eing serviced by the operator or its service companies. The shall at all times be kept free of debris, pools of oil, water or other liquids, weeds, brush, trash, or other waste material. All discarded SI-~rplus materials, supplies, and refuge shall be removed from the operation site no later .than thirty (30) days after completion of drilling operation. Permittee shall erect and maintain signs which identify the well by name, the operator, his address and a 24 hr emergency contact telephone number at the well site and at the intersection of the well site access road with the public street. A Permanent weatherproof signs reading "DANGER NO SMOKING ALLOWED" shall be posted at the entrance of the well site and tank battery. The production site shall be enclosed by a chain-link fence. It shall have a gate which shall be kept closed and locked except while occupied by Permittee, Permittee's personnel, Permittee's agentslrepresentatives, City Engineerldesignate or the Fire Department. The fence shall not be less than six (6) feet high and shall be topped with not less than three (3) strands of barbed wire. Corner posts shall be anchored in concrete. The City Engineer shall be provided the combination to the gate lock. Only electric prime movers or motors shall be permitted for the purpose of pumping wells. All production equipment on the site shall be painted and maintained at all times, including pumping units, storage tanks, buildings and structures. Perrr~ittee shall paint purr~ping units, storage tanks, and vessels a neutral color, or such other color scheme as may be approved by the City Planner. IVo person shall allow, cause, or permit gases vented into the atmosphere to be burned by open flame except as allowed by law or permitted by the Commission. Production and storage tanks shall be contained within earthen berms constructed in accordance with applicable oil field practice. Berms shall be constructed and maintained to retain not less than 133O/0 of the capacity of the largest of such tanks. No street or alley may be blocked or obstructed by any drilling or producing operations unless prior consent is obtained by the operator in the form of a resolution adopted by the Council, except when necessary to protect life or property in connection with emergency operations being conducted. No person shall place, deposit, discharge, cause, or permit to be placed, deposited, or discharged, any oil, naphtha, petroleum, asphalt, tar, hydrocarbon substances, or any refuse, including wastewater or brine, from any oil and gas operation or the contents of any container used in connection with any oil operation in, into, or upon any public right-of-way, storm drain, ditch or sewer, sanitary, drain or sewer, any body of water, or any private property in the City. No drilling equipment, re-working equipment, other portable equipment or idle equipment which are not essential to the everyday operation of the activity located thereon shall be stored on the oil or gas operation site. Lumber, pipes, tubing, and casing shall not be left on the site except when drilling or well servicing operations are being conducted. No person, owner, or operator shall store or park any vehicle or item of machinery on any street, right-of-way, driveway, alley, or upon any oil or gas operation site which constitutes a fire hazard or an obstruction to or interference with fighting or controlling fires except that equipment which is necessary for the maintenance of the site or for gathering or transportation of hydrocarbons from the site. The Fire Department shall be the entity which determines whether any equipment on the site shall constitute a fire hazard. VII. WELL SERVICING AND SITE MAINTENANCE: No re-working shall occur within one hundred feet (1 00') of any oil storage tank, ignition source, or building. After completion of well servicing or abandonment, owner shall repair all damage to public property caused by such servicing or abandonment operations. At tlie co~iclusion of re-working operations, the drill site shall be cleaned within forty-eight (48) hours of all equipment and machinery that is not needed to produce the well. Idle equipment will not be stored on the site. All well servicing equipment shall be removed from the site within fifteen (1 5) days after completion of a well servicing operation. After completion of well servicing or abandonment, Operator shall repair all damage to public property caused by such servicing or abandonment operations. All property on which an oil or gas operation occurs shall at all times be kept free of debris, pools of oil, water or other liquids, weeds, brush, trash, or otlier waste material. VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL UPSETS: After any leak, spill, or malfunction, the permittee shall remove or cause to be removed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, and Fire Department all oil and waste materials from property affected by such spill, leak or malfunction. In the event of the loss of control of any well or other oil and gas operation, (i.e., blowout, etc.) the Operator shall immediately take all reasonable steps to regain control of such activity regardless of any other provisions of this Ordinance and shall notify the City Engineer as soon as practicable. IX. EMERGENCY SERVICES: The permittee or his agent shall be responsible for providing primary fire fighting services. The College Station Fire Department will provide emergency response and limited fire fighting services. X. ACQUISITION AND TRANSFER OF EXISTING OPERATIONS Transfer of the site operations by Permittee or acquisition of operations at this site by another party does not constitute transfer of this permit. The transferring party and acql-iring party shall notify the City Engineer in writing, within ten (1 0) days of the transfer or acquisition. The notice shall contain the following: a. The name and address of the person acquiring such well, property or site involving an oil or gas operation. b. The name and location of the oil or gas operation. c. The date of acquisition. d. A description of the properties and equipment acquired, and the oil or gas operation. e. The name and address of any individual designated to receive service of notice in compliance with the notice provision requirements. XI. SITE ABANDONMENT During abandonment, Operator shall corr~ply with all applicable sections in this Ordinance Abandonment shall be approved by the City Engineer after restoration of the drill site and the subsurface thereof has been accomplished in conformity with the following requirements: a. All tanks, towers, and other surface installations are removed from the site. b. All concrete, piping, wood, and other foreign materials regardless of depth, except surface casing, are removed from the site, unless otherwise directed by the Commission. c. All holes and depressions are filled with clean compatible soil. d. All oil, waste oil, refuse, or waste material is removed from the site. e. Operator pays an abandonment fee in an amount set by Council resolution. XII. PERMIT SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION The City Engineer may, in writing, suspend or revoke any permit issued under the provisions of this article upon finding any of the following: a. Perrr~ittee failed, neglected, or refused to perform and comply with the conditions of this Permit. b. Permittee failed, neglected, or refused to comply with or abide by, or in any way violated any provision of this Ordinance or any regulation, law, rule, or order either directly or indirectly, by reason of or in connection with or incidental to the conduct of his oil or gas operation. c. Any of the Permittee's operations or the continuance thereof upon the premises covered by the permit is a menace or hazard to public or private property, or to any interest of the City, or to the lives or safety of persons. d. Any of the Permittee's operations or the continuance thereof upon the prerr~ises covered by the permit constitutes a public nuisance. e. Permittee made any willful misrepresentation of facts in any application for any such permit or in any report or record required by this Ordinance to be submitted to the City f. Permittee illegally burned or allowed to burn oil, gas, or other hydrocarbons in the City. CHECK LIST FOR ISSUANCE The following items must have been received and on file with the City before this permit is issued: Approved Drainage Development Permit: Not Required Certified Postage re-irnbursement: Public Notice re-imbursement: Considered by City Council this - day of ,2009 Issued this the - day of ,2009 City Engineer Date City Secretary Date Fire Marshall Date November 9, 2009 Regular Agenda Item No. 5 1401 University Drive East - 20 ft Public Utility Easement Abandonment To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Mark Smith, Director of Public Works Agenda Caption: Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion approving an ordinance vacating and abandoning a 1,265 square foot, 20-foot wide public utility easement, which is located on Lot 3C of Block 1 of the Gateway Phase 3 Subdivision according to the plat recorded in Volume 9112, Page 138 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends approval of the ordinance. Summary: This easement abandonment accommodates the development of this subject tract as Staybridge Suites. There are no public or private utilities in the subject portion of easement to be abandoned. The 1,265 square foot, 20-foot wide public utility easement to be abandoned is located on Lot 3C of Block 1 of the Gateway Phase 3 Subdivision according to the plat recorded in Volume 9112, Page 138 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. Budget & Financial Summary: N/A Attachments: 1. Attachment 1 - Vicinity Map 2. Attachment 2 - Location Map 3. Attachment 3 - Ordinance 4. Attachment 4 - Ordinance Exhibit "A" 5. Attachment 5 - Application for Abandonment (On file with the City Secretary) ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN AFFIRMATIVE FINDINGS AND VACATING AND ABANDONING A 1,265 SQUARE FOOT, 20-FOOT WIDE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT, WHICH IS LOCATED ON LO'T 3C OF BLOCK 1 OF THE GATEWAY PHASE 3 SUBDIVISION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 9112, PAGE 138 OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. WHEREAS, the City of College Station, Texas, has received an application for the vacatioil and abandonment of a 1,265 square foot, 20-foot wide public utility easement, which is located on Lot 3C of Block I of the Gateway Phase 3 Subdivision according to the plat recorded in Volume 91 12, Page 138, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, as described in Exhibit "1" attached hereto (such portion hereinafter referred to as the "Easement"); and WHEREAS, in order for the Easement to be vacated and abandoned by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, the City Council must make certain affirmative findings; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That after opening and closing a public hearing, the City Council finds the following pertaining to the vacating and abandoning of the Easement described in Exhibit "1 " attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all puiposes. 1. Abandonment of the Easement will not result in property that does not have access to public roadways or utilities. 2. There is no public need or use for the Easement. 3. There is no anticipated future public need or use for the Easement. 4. Abandonment of the Easement will not impact access for all public utilities to serve current and hture customers. PART 2: That the Easement as described in Exhibit "I" be abandoned and vacated by the City. ORDINANCE NO. Page 2 PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this day of ,2009. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary APPROVED: City Attorney Easement Abandonment within Lot 36, Block 1 ÿ he Gateway, Phase 3 Richard Carter Survey, A-8 College Station, Brazos County, Texas Field notes of a 20'wide strip or parcel of land, lying and being situated in the Richard Carter Survey, Abstract No. 8, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and being part of Lot 3C, Block 1,2.00 acres, according to the final plat of The Gateway Subdivision Lots 3A, 36, 3C and 3D, Block 1, Phase 3, being a Replat of The Gateway Subdivision, Lot 1, Block 1, Phase 3,6.21 acres recorded in Volume 91 12, Page 138, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, and said 20' strip being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an "x" found in a concrete sidewalk located in the northwest line of the beforementioned Lot 3C, Block 1, the said "x" also being at the north corner of a 20' wide public utility easement as described in Volume 6372, Page 138, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, an "xUfound in concrete marking the north corner of the said Lot 3C, bears N 41° 55' 26" E - 66.36 feet; THENCE S 42" 00' 27" W along the common line between the beforementioned Lot 3C, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 1, The Gateway Phase 2, according to the plat recorded in Volume 5809, Page 7, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, for a distance of 20.00 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING of this description, in the southwest line of the beforementioned 20' wide public utility easement; THENCE S 48" 04' 07" E along the southwest line of the beforementioned 20' public utility easement for a distance of 20.00 feet to a 60d nail set in the southeast line of a 20' wide public utility easement as created on the Replat and Final Plat of Block 1, Phases 1 and 3, Gateway Subdivision, according to the plat recorded in Volume 6372, Page 138, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas; THENCE S 42O 00' 27" W along the southeast line of the beforementioned 20' wide public utility easement (63721138) for a distance of 70.91 feet and corner in the west line of the beforementioned Lot 3C, Block 1; THENCE N 100 30' 15" W along the west line of the beforementioned Lot 3C, Block 1, for a distance of 25.21 feet and corner at the west corner of the beforementioned Lot 3C, Block 1; THENCE N 42O 00' 27" E along the common line between the beforementioned Lot 3C, Block 1, and Lot 1, Block 1, The Gateway, Phase 2, for a distance of 55.54 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 1265 square feet of land, more or less. Surveyed AyustJOO I I Prepared 08125109 kes09dvdlgateway ph 3 - 20' pue abandonment - 1265sqH.wpd KLlNG ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING BRYAN, TEXAS EXHIBIT NO. 1 - - . . - . . . . Easement Abandonment within Lot 3C, Block I The Gateway, Phase 3 Richard Carter Survey, A-8 College Station, Brazos County, Texas 1 Field notes of a 20'wide strip or parcel of land, lying and being situated in the Richard Carter Survey, Abstract No. 8, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and being part of Lot 3C, Block 1, 2.00 acres, according to the final plat of The Gateway Subdivision Lots 3A, 38, 3C and 3D, Block 1, Phase 3, being a Replai- of The Gateway Subdivision, Lot 1, Block 1, Phase 3,6.21 acres recorded in Volume 91 12, Page 138, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, and said 20' strip being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an "x" found in a concrete sidewalk located in the northwest line of the beforementioned Lot 3C, Block 1, the said "xu also being at the north corner of a 20' wide public utility easement as described in Volume 6372, Page 138, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, an "x" found in concrete marking the north corner of the said Lot 3C, bears N 41 55' 26" E - 66.36 feet; THENCE S 42O 00' 27" W along the common line between the beforementioned Lot 3C, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 1, The Gateway Phase 2, according to the plat recorded in Volume 5809, Page 7, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, for a distance of 20.00 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING of this description, in the southwest line of the beforementioned 20' wide public utility easement; THENCE S 48O 04' 07" E along the southwest line of the beforementioned 20' public utility easement for a distance of 20.00 feet to a 60d nail set in the southeast line of a 20' wide public utility easement as created on the Replat and Final Plat of Block 1, Phases 1 and 3, Gateway Subdivision, according to the plat recorded in Volume 6372, Page 138, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas; THENCE S 42O 00' 27" W along the southeast line of the beforementioned 20' wide public utility easement (637211 38) for a distance of 70.91 feet and corner in the west line of the beforementioned Lot 3C, Block 1 ; THENCE N 1 O0 30' 15" W along the west line of the beforementioned Lot 3C, Block 1, for a distance of 25.21 feet and corner at the west corner of the beforementioned Lot 3C, Block 1; THENCE IN 42O 00' 27" E along the common line between the beforementioned Lot 3C, Block 1, and Lot 1, Block 1, The Gateway, Phase 2, for a distance of 55.54 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 1265 square feet of land, more or less. Prepared 08/25/09 kes09dvd:galeway ph 3 - 20' pue abandonment - 1265sqff.wpd KLlNG ENGINEERING AND SUSVEYING BRYAN. TEXAS ~~ -. . -. . . EXHIBIT NO. 1 1 For Office Use Onlv I ABANDOhIMENT OF PUBLIC ROW-OF-WAYlEASENl EEN APPLICATION X $300 Abandonment of Public Right-of-way (ROW) / Easement application fee. X A completed copy of the attached Abandonment of Public ROW / Easement application. X All exhibits processed (except for Exhibit No. 4, which will be processed by staff). 2 A copy of a recent (within 90 days) deed or title insurance policy showing the names of the owners, or, an older deed or title with a Nothing Further Certificate. n/a For unplatted property, a signed, sealed and dated metes and bounds description and a diagram of the property showing the location of the abandonment. ADDRESS Forest Drive - 700' north of Universitv Drive LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 3C, Block 1, The Gatewav Phase 3 APPLICANT (Primary Contact for the Project): Name Stewart Klinq - Kling Engineering E-Mail stewart@klinqens.com Street Address 4101 S. Texas Ave. Suite A City Brvan State TX Zip Code 77802 Phone Number 979-846-621 2 Fax Number 979-846-8252 PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION (if different from above): IVame Salim Ismail, LLC E-Mail Street Address P.O. Box 2864 City Bryan State TX Zip Code 77805-2864 Phone Number 979-846-8700 Fax Number The applicant has prepared this application and certifies that the facts stated herein and exhibits attached hereto are true and correct. /-*-;:. Date Page 1 of 8 APPLICATION FOR THE ABANDONMENT OF A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAYlEASEgVBENT g j ,. 1 [, 7 Date: Location of Right-of-WayIEasement to be Abandoned: On the west side of Forest Dr. - 700' north of Ur~iversitv Drive Property Owner's Name & Address: Salim Ismail, LLC, P.O. Box 2864, Bryan, TX 77805 Property Owner's Phone Number: 979-846-8700 TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF 'THE ClTY OF COLLEGE STATION: The undersigned hereby makes application for the abandonment of that portion of the above right-of-way particularly described in Exhibit No. 1, attached. In support of this application, the undersigned represents and warrants the following: 1. The undersigned will hold the City of College Station harmless, and indemnify it against all suits, costs, expenses, and damages that may arise or grow out of such abandonment. 2. Attached, marked Exhibit No. 1, is a sealed metes and bounds description of the area sought to be abandoned, prepared by a Registered Public Surveyor. 3. Attached, marked Exhibit No. 2, is a copy of a plat or detailed sketch of that portion of the public right-of-wayleasement sought to be abandoned and the surrounding area to the nearest streets in all directions, showing the abutting lots and block, and the subdivision in which the above described right-of- wayleasement is situated, together with the record owners of such lots. 4. Attached, marked Exhibit No. 3, is the consent of all public utilities to the aban- donment. 5. Attached, marked Exhibit No. 4, is the consent of the City of College Station staff to the abandonment. 6. Attached, marked Exhibit No. 5, is the consent of all the abutting property owners, except the following: (if none, so state) none Page 2 of 8 7. Such public right-of-wayleasement should be abandoned because: -The proposed Stavbridqe 1009 room hotel parking lot will encroach into a portion of the easement. 8. Such public right-of-wayleasement has been and is being used as follows: The only utility (either public or .franchise) is a 12" water line. I swear that all of the information contained in this application is true and correct to the best 0.f my knowledge and belief. Owner's Name: Salim Ismail, LLC Owner's Address: P.O. Box 2864 Btyan, TX 77805 Owner's Phone Number: 979-846-8700 STATE OF TEXAS ) ) ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, this &lh day of ,2009, by &ncd a.Lcv., W.,, ah ry Public'in and for the State of Texas Page 3 of 8 Application for Abandonment of a Public Right-of-WayIEasement Located: On the west side of Forest Dr. - 700' not?h of Universitv Drive - EXI-IIBIT NO. 1 Attached is a sealed copy of the metes and bounds description of the public right-of- wayleasement situated in The Gateway, Phase 3 AdditionISubdivision to the City of College Station, Brazos County, Texas, sought to be abandoned. Page 4 of 8 Easement Abandonment within Lot 3C, Block I The Gateway, Phase 3 Richard Carter Survey, A-8 College Station, Brazos County, Texas Field notes of a 20' wide strip or parcel of land, lying and being situated in the Richard Carter Survey, Abstract No. 8, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and being part of Lot 3C, Block 1,2.00 acres, according to the final plat of The Gateway Subdivision Lots 3A, 3B, 3C and 3D, Block 1, Phase 3, being a Replat of The Gateway Subdivision, Lot 1, Block 1, Phase 3,6.21 acres recorded in Volume 91 12, Page 138, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, and said 20' strip being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an "x" found in a concrete sidewalk located in the northwest line of the beforementioned Lot 3C, Block 1, the said "x" also being at the north corner of a 20' wide public utility easement as described in Volume 6372, Page 138, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, an "xnfound in concrete marking the north corner of the said Lot 3C, bears N 41° 55' 26" E - 66.36 feet; THENCE S 42O 00' 27" W along the common line between the 1 beforementioned Lot 3C, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 1, The Gateway Phase 2, according to the plat recorded in Volume 5809, Page 7, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, for a distance of 20.00 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING of this description, in the southwest line of the beforementioned 20' wide public utility easement; THENCE S 48O 04' 07" E along the southwest line of the beforementioned 20' public utility easement for a distance of 20.00 feet to a 60d nail set in the southeast line of a 20' wide public utility easement as created on the Replat and Final Plat of Block 1, Phases 1 and 3, Gateway Subdivision, according to the plat recorded in Volume 6372, Page 138, of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas; THENCE S 42O 00' 27" W along the southeast line of the beforementioned 20' wide public utility easement (637211 38) for a distance of 70.91 feet and corner in the west line of the beforementioned Lot 3C, Block 1 ; THENCE N 10°30' 15" W along the west line of the beforementioned Lot 3C, Block 1, for a distance of 25.21 feet and corner at the west corner of the beforementioned Lot 3C, Block 1; THENCE N 42O 00' 27" E along the common line between the beforementioned Lot 3C, Block 1, and Lot 1, Block 1, The Gateway, Phase 2, for a distance of 55.54 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 1265 square feet of land, more or less. Surveyed Aug~st.pO9 Prepared 08/25/09 kesOBdvd\gateway ph 3 - 20' pue abandonment - 1265sqfl.wpd I1 I1 KLlNG ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING BRYAN. TEXAS EXHIBIT NO- I (1,265 S.F.) METES: LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 S48'04'07"E 20.00' L2 S42'00'27"W 70.91' L3 N10'30'15"W 25.21 ' L4 N42'00'27"E 55.54' COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS SCALE: 1 "=I 00' AUGUST, 2009 PREPARED BY: KUNG ENGINEERING & SURVEYING= 4101 TEXAS AV. + P.O. BOX 4234 + BR//W.TW + PH.979/846-6212 Application for Abandonment of a Public Right-of-WaylEasernent Located: On the west side of Forest Dr. - 700' north of University Drive - EXHIBIT NO. 2 Attached is a copy of a plat or detailed sketch of the public right-of-wayleasernent sought to be abandoned in the above-mentioned application, showing the surrounding area to the nearest streets in all directions, abutting lots, the block or blocks in which the portion of the public right-of-wayleasement sought to be vacated is situated, and the addition or subdivision in which the portion of the public right-of-wayleasement sought to be abandoned is situated. Also, the names of record owners of the abutting lots are shown. Page 5 of 8 Application for Abandonment of a Public Right-of-WayIEasement Located: On the west side of Forest Dr. - 700' north of University Drive - EXHIBIT NO. 3 The undersigned public utility companies, using or entitled to use, under the terms and provislons of our respective franchises with the City of College Station, that portion of the public right-of-waylutility easement sought to be abandoned in the Application for Abandonment above referred to, do hereby consent to the abandonment of the described portion thereof. ATMOS ENERGY \ / Title . p &% - 1 - VERIZON TELEPHONE COMPANY BY: Tltle SUDDENLINK COMMUNICATIONS BY: Title BRYAN TEXAS UTILITIES BY: Title Page 6 of 8 Application for Abandonment of a Public Right-of-WayIEasement Located: On the west side of Forest Dr. - 700' north of Universitv Drive - EXHIBIT NO. 3 The undersigned public utility companies, using or entitled to use, under the terms and provisions of our respective franchises with the City of College Station, that portion of the public'right-of-waylutility easement sought to be abandoned in the Application for Abandonment above referred to, do hereby consent to the abandonment of the described portion thereof. ATMOS ENERGY BY: Title VERlZOlV TELEPHONE CONIPANY BY: Title BRYAN 'TEXAS U1-ILITIES BY: Title Page 6 of 8 19792688139 P. Bq : 38 fim COX 1 Commun i cat i 005 Ap llcation for Abandonment of B a ublic Wig htsf-W ayl~asernent Located: On the west side of Forest Dr. - 700' north of Unlversltv Drlvg - EXHIBIT NO. The undersi ned publlc utlllty companies, using or entitled to use, under the t B provislons o our respective franchises with the City of College Statlon, that the public rlght-of-wsylutility easement sought to be abandoned In the Appll Abandonment above referred to, do hereby consent to the abandon described portlon thereof, ATMOS ENERGY BY: Tltle VERIZON TELEPHONE COhilPANY BY: _ Tltle SUDDENLINK COMMUNICATIONS BY: TI BRYAN TEXAS UTILITIES BY: Tltle Application for Abandonment of a Public Right-of-WaylEasemenP Located: On tho west side of Forest Dr. - 700' north of University Drive - EXHIBIT NO. 3 'The undersigned public utility companies, using or entitled to use, under the terms and provislons of our respective franchises with the City of College Station, that portion of the public right-of-waylutility easement sought to be abandoned in the Application for Abandonment above referred to, do hereby consent to the abandonment of the described portlon thereof. ATMOS ENERGY BY: Title VERIZON TELEPHONE COMPANY BY: Title SUDDENLINK COMMUNICATIONS BY: , ~,N~\P)+ Page 6 of 8 Application for Abandonment of a Public Right-of-WaylEasement Located : On the west side of Forest Dr. - 700' north of University Drive - EXHIBIT NO. 4 The undersigned, City staff of the City of College Station, certify that they have carefully considered the Application for Abandonment of the public right-of-wayleasement referred to above from the standpoint of City of College Station ordinances and with respect to present and future needs of the City of College Station and see no objection to the requested abandonment from the City's standpoint. . ',&--- ' - 33"k'-~~~~yyp > Zonina OfficiX City of~ollege~~tation Electric Department City of College Station C%nlk. Building Official City of college Station Fire Marshal City of College Station Water Services Department City of College Station Page 7 of 8 09/119/2009 08:50 FAX 979 '784 34.52 COLLEGE STATION PUB. UTL. - Application for Abandonment of a Public Right-of-WaylEasernent Located: On the west side of Forest Or. - 700' north of University Drlve _ EXHIBIT NO. 4 The undersigned, City staff of the City of College Station, certify that they have carefully considered the Appllcatlon for Abandonment of the publlc Aght-of-wayleasement referred to above from the standpoint of Ciiy of College Station ordinances and with respect to present and future needs of the City of College Station and see no objection to the requested abandonment from the City's standpoint. Gity Engineer Buildlng Offlclal City of College Station City of College Station Loning Official City of College Station Electric Department City of College Station Fire Marshal City of College Station Ci of College ~taiion Application for Abandonment of a Public Right-of-Way/Easemant Located: On the west sjde of Forest Dr. - 700' north of UnIversh Drive EXHIBIT NO. 4 The undesigned, City staff of [he City of College Station, cert'm Lhat they have carelully cansidered the Application Tor Abandonmen1 of the public rightof-wayleasement mferred to above from the standpoint of City of College Station ordinances and with respect to present and future. needs of the City of College Station and see no objection to the requested abandonment from Ihe C~ty's stafidpoint. -- City En ineer cw of Eo~~ege Station Buildlng OHicial City of C~llege Station Zoning ofncial City ot College Station Electric Department City of Collego Station Water Servlces Department City of Collcge Station COP6 POL 6L0 XYd TC: PT 311L 00/811/O0 09/10i2009 09:05 FAX 979 781 3152 COLLEGE STATION PUB. UTL. Application for Abandonment of a Public Right-of-WayIEasement Located: On the west side of Forest Dr. - 700' north or Universitv Drive - EXHIBIT NO. 4 The undersigned, City staff of the City of College Station, certify that they have carefully considered the Application for Abandonment of the public right-of-wayieasement referred to above from the standpoint of City of College Station ordinances and with respect to present and future ne~ds Of the City of College Station and see no objection to the requested abandonment from the City's standpoint. Citv Enaineer Biiildlna Official -. Cltjr bf College Station City ofEollege Station Zoning Official City of College Station Fire Marshal City of College Station &ity of Coll&ge Station Wat~r '&vices Department City of College Station Application for Abandonment of a Public Right-of-WayIEasement Located: On the west side of Forest Dr. - 700' north of Universitv Drive - EXHIBIT NO. 5 The undersigned, owners of property abutting upon that portion of the public right-of- wayleasement named and described in the Application for Abandonment of a Public Right-of-WayIEasement referred to above, do hereby consent to such abandonment. NAME: Brazos Gatewav PI&% Development, Ltd. NAME: ADDRESS: NAME: ADDRESS: NANIE: ADDRESS: Page 8 of 8 November 9, 2009 Regular Agenda Item No. 6 Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenways Master Plan To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Bob Cowell, AICP, Director of Planning and Development Services Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion on an update regarding the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenway Master Plan. Summary: The Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenways IYaster Plan, a component of the College Station Comprehensive Plan is currently being updated. The planning process began in IVovember 2008 with an inventory of existing bicycle, pedestrian and greenway facilities and the selection of a technical task force and staff resource team. Over the past year, staff has provided updates on the progress of the plan including a needs assessment and system recommendations. Citizen engagement has included two community meetings, an online survey and focus groups. Staff will provide an update on the planning process including an update to the timeline (see attached) which has a new proposed completion date of early 2010. An overview of system management and design guideline recommendations will also be provided. Budget & Financial Summary: N/A Attachments: Project Scope and Timeline Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenways Master Plan Timeline/Scope ct Initiation Needs Plan Adoption W n 0 U V) Nov 08 -Jan 09 Feb. - March April - May June - September October - November December - January Online Survey Online Survey Community Meeting Community Meeting Focus Groups Stakeholder Meetings Community Meeting Public Hearings Online Comments to Draft Plan November 9, 2009 Regular Agenda Item No. 7 Holleman Extension Update To: Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Mark Smith, Director of Public Works Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the extension of Holleman Drive from its intersection with FIY 2818 and making a connection to the existing Jones-Butler roadway just east of the Dowling Road Pump Station. Summary: Staff and TxDOT made a presentation to Council on February 12~~ where a planned grade separation at the intersection of Wellborn and FM 2818 was described. During that presentation it was pointed out that the intersection of Jones Butler and FM 2818 would be blocked by this construction project. Staff began working with the developer of the nearby Capstone development at that time to extend Holleman Drive so that through City participation there would be a connection to Jones Butler providing access to FM 2818 at the signalized intersection with Holleman. In April Council approved a contract with Mitchell & Morgan to design the portion of the roadway that will be contained on City property. The developer's plans have been put on hold due to economic conditions and they are unable to construct the Holleman extension within a time frame desired by the City. Staff proposes that the City construct the roadway and recover the developer's share of construction cost through a paving assessment. The key ingredient to making this project happen is that the necessary right-of-way and easements be dedicated by the developer. Staff is in the process of negotiating these dedications. Once the land is dedicated the project will be ready to bid. The bidding and construction process will take 6 to 8 months. Budget & Financial Summary: Staff proposes to fund this project with street capital funds from the 2003 general obligation bond funds. Attachments: 1. Project Map 2. Project Timeline 3. Cost and assessment estimate Today Holleman Extension Estimated Project Time Line November 9,2009 Task Duration Date ROW Dedication 2 to 6 weeks 12/24/09 Bidding Process 4 to 6 weeks 1/8/10 Contract Award 2 to 4 weeks 1/29/10 Begin Construction 2/1/10 Project Completion 16 to 24 weeks 6/18/10 ggsgao 0 99coqggs+sssga 0000 0000 mo w 6606 z 2 oooo o00m Oz'%ss 9emo p"-! zroomo e WmmmgZZZ moom z e zgg ~GAW ~rlmm cur. erl m. ~-.~.~.m.*.m.m m.a.*.q E~ZS~Z 2 ommorlmmG mr.*m m. mNO Tqm-m m-y zEm'lm d rl m ~d 43 Tl Ln m'N'~' m*b~ m0 0 rl rl ddrl mm a 4- aaaaaa a maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaa aa 000000 0 000000000000000000000 0000 00 mmmm m m mmmmmmmm mmmm m mmm mmmm mm 000000 0 000000000000000000000 0000 mo 999999 9 999999999999999999999 9999 N9 000000 0 00N00e0mN000e0m000m00 ODNe mm - OOOOO~ o ~emer.m~mmeooeomooor.oo mrlmm r-r. 4- *.O.m.~."~~m~m.m."O.O.~.m.*-~-O-~~m.*.O. O.O-"*! "*. 2% 3 ~m~r.~ommmm~mmr.~mmme~o mmm- em e rl rl e NN rl rlr. mo rl ~mm N rlrlrl em N 000000 0 000000000000000000000 0000 00 999999 z 999999999999999999999 9999 99 oooooo ommoo~eeem~me~~ooomo~ m~mm mm a, 000000 0 0 rlrlm rlo b0 OOONOO emmm r.m .u 0-9*-99*. z. & 0er.mmrl 2 7" Z.z-2 2.8 m r. oe rl rl e N N m N I IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII U UUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUuUUUUUU ~~$%$$$$$$$$$$$~%++~ 5 +$$$$$$$$$22$$$$$ Erosion Control Plan &Sedimentation Control (per Item 106) (includes silt fencing, construction exits, straw bale barriers, inlet 73 protection, grass seeding, and any other sedimentation control devices) L.5. $ 15,000.00 Project Total $ 2,646,842.25 Assessable $ 2,033,042.63 ASSESSABLE TOTAL FRONTAGE COSTS $/FOOT 5279.83 $2,033,042.63 $385.06 * Other costs include unassessed roadway expenses, and utility costs OWNER CAPSTONE COLLEGE STATION TOTAL FRONTAGE 3042.96 2236.87 5279.83 ASSESSMENT $1,171,717.15 $861,325.47 $2,033,042.63 OTHER COSTS* $0.00 $613,799.63 $613,799.63 TOTAL $1,171,717.15 $1,475,125.10 $2,646,842.25 November 9, 2009 Regular Agenda Item No. 8 Convention Center Update To : Glenn Brown, City Manager From: David Gwin, Director of Economic and Community Development Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update on the convention center project. Summary: In March of 2009, staff released a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for firms interested in the master planning and design of a new convention center facility for the City of College Station. In October of 2009, and in order to insert two additional steps into the project's planning process, the City rejected the referenced qualifications in order to pursue an RFQ that will now update the 2005 market study and feasibility analysis which supported the construction of the convention center and also engage major stakeholders in this assessment process. To date, staff has begun drafting the new RFQ and seeks Council input as to the current direction of this important project. Budget & Financial Summary: N/A Attachments: Attachment 1 - 2005 Johnson Consulting Study Executive Summary 2005 Johnson Consulting Study - Executive Summary Executive Summary As contemplated, the proposed convention would feature exhibition, ballroom, and meeting space. The presence of the latter two facility elements will contribute to the use of the facility by area residents and companies in search of appropriately sized venues for functions that place a premium on quality and service such as banquets, awards dinners, and other social functions. This component will provide a new asset for the community by supporting and encouraging local use, as well as university-related conferences, etc. In comparison, many of Bryan-College Station's peer markets - from Austin to Arlington and Corpus Christi to South Padre - have invested in public facilities of this nature and, as a result, are attracting use and visitation that might otherwise be interested in the Bryan-College Station market. Given the presence of Texas A&M, the geographic location in relation to Texas' major population centers, and all of the other resources in Bryan-College Station, it is not surprising that event planners and others continue to express an interest in the market. Yet, they currently have no appropriate options to host events. With the relative affordability of the market and other advantages, including the exceptional emotional attachment toward Texas A&M, Bryan-College Station is a natural location for a convention, conference, and meetings facility. The addition of a multi-component convention facility in Bryan-College Station will allow the market to bring more, and larger, events into the area, as well as to penetrate the growing meetings market. Much of the expected demand at the convention center will be statewide or regional in nature, including rotating state association events. This is a marked departure from the existing events market in Brazos County which is dominated by smaller, consumer-focused shows that have a limited geographic reach. Further, there is also a need for new social and civic space in the market to host the considerable banquet and other activity that is currently occurring, but has no room to grow. With the addition of this space, these events could increase in size, and create new opportunities for the existing properties in the market. Based on the updated market study, review of the regional and contemplated business opportunity, we have assumed the physical program shown in Table 2-1. Table 2-1 Bryan-College Station Convention Center Updated Building Program Size or Units % of Total I. Enclosed Space Exhibition Hall 20,000 SF 22% Ballroom 12,500 SF 14% IMeeting Rooms 10,000 SF 11% Service and Support 47,222 SF 53% Total Enclosed Space 89,722 SF 100% Source: Johnson Consulting The phase one program calls for 20,000 square feet of exhibit space, a 12,500 square foot ballroom, 10,000 square feet of breakout meeting rooms and support space of 47,000 square feet. The building should be designed in such a way that it can be expanded multiple times in the future. We 2005 Johnson Consulting Study - Executive Summary 2 would expect an eventual ballroom size of 20,000 square feet and exhibit space of up to 90,000 square feet at full build-out over a period of 20 - 25 years. In reflection of this business model and to provide proper support for the convention center, it is . - . - also recommended that at least 200 full-service hotel rooms-be developed adjacent to the convention center. While it is recommended that the full-service hotel-have its own function space, due to cost constraints, the first phase will have the convention center acting as the hotel's meeting component. Given this total program, approximately 500 parking spaces should also be contemplated, either on site or nearby. Outside of ownership considerations, Johnson Consulting also suggests a private management firm be contemplated for the potential facility, as it will preclude any operating conflicts that may arise if the facility is publicly operated or controlled by a single body. Such a firm could be a hotel operator. Table 2-2 summarizes the projected event schedule for the facility by event type. Table 2-2 Bryan-College Station Convention Center I Projected Event Demand I I Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 I Year 5 I Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Exhibit Event I Conventions/Trade Shows l8 10 11 121 131 13 13 13 13 131 Non-Exhibit Events Meeting and Seminars Banquets Concerts and Entertainment Consumer ShowsISpecialty Expos Subtotal Total Events 10 12 14 16 18 2 2 2s 28 OtherICivic Events Total Event Days Exhibit Hall Occupancy Source: Johnson Consultino In the first year of operation, the convention center is projected to host 125 events. The exhibition hall is projected to host 18 events, including eight conventions or trade shows and ten consumer shows or specialty expos. Another 107 non-exhibit events are projected for the convention center's ballroom and meeting space. This includes a total of 60 meetings, 30 banquets, five concerts and entertainment events, and 12 "other" or civic events. 18 3 1 12 16 19 22 Table 2-3 summarizes the projected total annual attendance at the convention center by event type. 18 18 18 18 18 3 1 31 31 31 3 1 Subtotal 25 107 121 132 144) 1551 155 155 155 155 155 25 25 25 25 25 2005 Johnson Consulting Study - Executive Summary Table 2-3 As the table shows, total attendance is projected to be approximately 48,500 in Year 1, including 24,500 attendees from the exhibit hall events and 24,000 from the non-exhibit events. In Year 5, attendance is projected to increase to 80,200. Bryan-College Station Convention Center Projected Attendance Table 2-4 summarizes the projected annual number of room nights from the convention center's demand. The estimate is based on assumptions of length of stay and percentage of attendees who are from out of town and require lodging as shown in the first two columns of the table. Table 2-4 Year 6 Year7 Year 8 Year9 Year 10 9,400 9,400 9,400 9,400 9,400 33,200 33,200 33,200 33,200 33,200 42,600 42,600 42,600 42,600 '42,600 9,800 9,800 9,800 9,800 9,800 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 13,000 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 11,400 11,400 11,400 11,400 11,400 37,600 37,600 37,600 37,600 37,600 80,200 80,200 80,200 80,200 80,200 Bryan-College Station Convention Center Projected Number of Room Nights Generated - 5ource:lohnson Consulting Year 5 9,400 33,200 42,600 9.800 13,000 3.400 11,400 37,600 80,200 Exhibit Event ConventionsITrade Shows Consumer ShowsISpecialty Expos Subtotal Non-Exhibit Events Meeting and Seminars Banquets Concerts and Entertainment OtherICivic Events Subtotal Total Events Year 1 Year 2 Year3 Year 4 5,900 7,300 8,100 8,600 18,600 22,800 25,700 30.100 24,500 29,900 33,800 38,700 7,700 8,100 8,800 9,200 8,100 9,500 10,600 11,900 2,900 3,400 3,400 3,400 5,300 7,400 8,600 9.900 24,000 28,400 31,400 34,400 48,500 58,300 65,200 73,100 I Conventions/Trade Shows 1 2.4 60% 1 9,500 11,100 12,000 12,1001 13,2001 13,200 13,200 13,200 13,200 13,2001 Exhibit Events Length of % Non- Year 1 Year2 Year 3 Year4 Stay* Local*' I Consumer ShowsISpecialty Expos Subtotal 'In number of days "lndicotes the percentage of event otrendees who ore from out of town ANOrequire lodging ondchoose to slay in Bryan-CollegeStorion oreo. Source.lohnson Consulting Nan-Exhibit Events Meeting and Seminars Banquets Concerts and Entertainment Other/Civ~c Events Subtotal Total As the table shows, a total of 18,370 room nights are projected in Year 1, and the majority of the room nights are attributable to exhibit hall events. In Year 5, the number of room nights is projected to increase to approximately 24,420. Year5 0.6 3% Table 2-5 presents the projected operating statement for the facility's first ten years of operation. Year6 Year7 Year8 Year9 Year 10 1.4 57% 1 7% 1 4% 1 9% 2,500 2,600 2,400 2,500 12,000 13,700 14,400 14.600 5,300 5,500 6,100 6,400 570 660 740 830 100 120 120 120 400 500 600 700 6,370 6,880 7,560 8,050 18,370 20,580 21,960 22.650 2.500 15.700 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 15,700 15,700 15,700 15,700 15,700 6,900 900 120 800 8,720 24,420 6,900 6,900 6,900 6,900 6,900 900 900 900 900 900 120 120 120 120 120 800 800 800 800 BOO 8,720 8,720 8,720 8,720 8,720 24,420 24,420 24,420 24,420 24,420 2005 Johnson Consulting Study - Executive Summary 4 Table 2-5 Bryan-College Station Convention Center Projected Operating Proforma (in $000's, Inflated) Other Total Revenues Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Operating Expenses Direct Expenses Revenues Space Rental Equipment Rental Event Se~ices Food and Beverage Services (Net) Contract Services Utilities Building Maintenance and Repair Supplies Insurance Other Direct Expenses Subtotal Indirect Expenses General and Administrative Wages and Salaries Employee Benefits Advertising and Promotion $268 $321 $365 $407 156 189 216 242 134 160 182 204 176 208 261 290 Other Expenses Subtotal Total Operating Expenses Advertising Revenues (Net) 1 51 52 54 55 $457 272 229 322 As shown in the table, in the first year of operation, the convention center is projected to generate revenues of $827,000 and incur approximately $1.1 million in operating expenses. After management fee and reserve for replacement, the facility's net deficit is projected to be $413,000 in Year 1. In Year 5, the facility's net deficit is projected to decrease to $213,000. $469 $481 $493 $505 $518 179 286 293 300 308 234 240 246 252 259 331 340 349 359 368 56 Net Operating Income (Deficit) Management Fee Reserve for Replacement Net Income (Deficit) Before Other Charges Based on the building program summarized earlier in this section, a preliminary capital cost estimate was developed, as shown in Table 2-6. 58 59 61 62 64 Source:lohnson Consulting $ (288) $ (219) $ (126) $ (128) $100 $104 $109 $113 $25 $29 $34 $38 $ (413) $ (352) $ (2691 $ (2791 $ (53) $117 $42 $ (213) $ (54) $ (55) $ (56) $ (56) $ (57) $118 $119 $121 $122 $123 $43 $44 $46 $47 $48 $ (216) $ (219) $ (222) $ (224) $ (228) 2005 Johnson Consulting Study - Executive Summary Table 2-6 Bryan-College Station Convention Center Estimated Development Budget - Phase I Size or Units Unit Cost Cost I. Enclosed Space Exhibition Hall 20,OOOSF $165/SF $3,300,000 Meetings and Banquet 22,500 SF $185/SF 4,162,500 Service and Support 47,222 SF $187/SF 8,830,556 Total Enclosed Space 89,722 SF $16,293,056 II. Unenclosed Space 20,485 SF $65/SF $1,331,532 Ill. Surface Parking 667 spaces $1,50O/space $1,000,500 IV. Landscaping and Site Amenities $75,000 Total Construction Cost $18,700,087 V.Soft Cost Allowances 14.0% of constr. cost $2,618,000 Professional Services 10.0% of constr. cost 1,870,000 FF&E Allowance 10.0% of subtotal cost 2,3 18,800 Contingency Potential Project Budget $25,506,887 Source: Johnson Consulting As shown in the table, the convention facility of the proposed size, at the high end of the quality spectrum and incorporating all recommended program elements, will cost approximately $18.7 million to construct. Including the soft costs (i.e., professional services, allowance for fixture, finishes, and equipment, and contingency), total development budget is $25.5 million. Table 2-7 shows the estimated economic impact of the proposed Bryan-College Station Convention Center events. Johnson Consulting utilized the IMPLAN input-output model to estimate indirect and induced impacts. IMPLAN is a nationally recognized model commonly used to estimate economic impacts. An input-output model analyzes the commodities and income that normally flow through the various sectors of the economy. The indirect and induced spending and employment effects represent the estimated changes in the flow of income and goods caused by the direct spending associated with the enhanced facilities. 2005 Johnson Consulting Study - Executive Summary Table 2-7 As shown in the table, Johnson Consulting projects, that in their stabilized year of operation, the proposed Bryan-College Station Convention Center is estimated to generate approximately $12.2 million in total direct, indirect, and induced spending, $1.2 million in personal income, and 66 jobs, including impacts from both transfer spending and net new spending. Fiscal impacts are shown in the balance of this report. Bryan-College Station Convention Center While the cost and development of the facility represents a significant investment to for the community, the economic and fiscal impacts listed above articulate the value and contribution of this facility to Bryan-College Station, as well as Brazos County. Equally important to the ongoing consideration of this project is the direct link between its development and the creation of new business opportunity for the community. And, as these opportunities generate additional public resources, the development of this facility also represents a vehicle that makes effective use of public resources such as the venue tax because the activity in the building helps to spur growth in this fiscal resource resulting, in time, in a net gain to the community. Convention Center Direct Spending Indirect Spending Induced Spending Total Personal Income Employment (in FTE) Notes: Colume (a) represents economic impact from spending by City residents Column (b) represents economic impact from spending by all out-of-City visitors. Column (c) is o subset of Column (b). It expresses economic impoct from spending by all visitors from outside Brazos County. Column (d) is a subset of Column (c). It expresses economic impoct from spending by all out-of-state visitors. Column (e) represents total economic impact from spending by locals and non-locals. Column (e) = Column (a) + Column (b) Source: Johnson Consulting Economic Impact ($Millions) Gross City Total (4 $8.7 1.6 1.9 $12.2 $1.2 66 From Transfer Spending by Locals (a) $3.4 0.9 1.1 $5.3 $0.7 38 Net New Net New Net New to to City to County State fb) (c) (4 $5.3 $4.6 $1.2 0.7 0.7 0.3 0.8 0.7 0.4 $6.9 $6.0 $1.9 $0.5 $0.5 $0.2 28 24 6 November 9, 2009 Regular Agenda Item No. 9 Code Coordination Sub-committee Formation and Appointments To: Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Bob Cowell, AICP, Director of Planning & Development Services Agenda Caption: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the establishment of a Code Coordination Sub-committee of various Boards, Commissions, and Council involved in the implementation and enforcement of the Unified Development Ordinance and other development related regulations and standards and appointment of membership to the same. Recommendation(s): Staff recommends the Council form the sub-committee based on the criteria provided in the attached memo and that Council members and members from the other Boards and Commissions be appointed. Summary: At their annual Council retreat, the Council prioritized the establishment of a "UDO Oversight Committee". At a recent Council meeting, the Council instructed staff to bring this item forward at a future Council meeting for discussion. Staff presented this item to Council in September at which time Council concurred with the staff proposals and asked that the item be brought back for formal ratification and sub-committee appointments. The attached memo provides the form of the sub-committee, its charge, composition, etc. It is anticipated that the first meeting of the sub-committee will be held in January 2010. Budget & Financial Summary: NA Attachments: 1. Staff Memo November 9, 2009 To : City Council From: Bob Cowell, AICP, Director of Planning & Development Services RE: Establishment of a Code Coordination Sub-committee Code Coordination Sub-committee (CCC) Purpose Facilitate coordination among the Council, Boards, and Commissions that use/implement City development codes and regulations resulting in an effort to keep the codes and regulations responsive to current needs and methods. Scope of Authority: 'the Su b-committee is a coordination committee offering analysis and recommendation to the Council regarding adopted codes and regulations. The Sub-committee is not a decision-making body nor is it intended to review specific amendments to codes and regulations, which remain the purview of the P&Z Commission and City Council. Membership: The Sub-committee shall consist of the following members: (2) City Council appointees - The Mayor and one other Council Member. The Sub-committee shall be chaired by the Mayor or his appointee The Chair of the Planning & Zoning Commission or his/her designee The Chair of the Zoning Board of Adjustment or his/her designee The Chair of the Design Review Board or his/her designee The Chair of the Landmark Commission or his/her designee Meetings: The Sub-committee shall meet as deemed necessary by the membership but not less than quarterly. One of the meetings shall be concurrent with the annual Comprehensive Plan and UDO reviews conducted by the P&Z Commission and City Council. Miscellaneous: 'the Sub-committee shall be supported by the staff of the Planning & Development Services and other City staff as deemed necessary. The Sub-committee shall develop and maintain Rules of Procedure to govern their operations.