HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/10/1979 - Regular Agenda Packet - Bryan College Station Library System Advisory Board 1110 _ 'AGENDA BRYAN LIBRARY BOARD REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1979 5 p.m. LIBRARY REFERENCE ROOM I. Regular Business A. Minutes of the December Meeting B. Statistics C. Standing Committees II. Old Business A. Blinn College B. Collection Agent's Contract III. New Business 410 A. Adult registration card MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING • OF THE BRYAN LIBRARY BOARD DECEMBER 13, 1978 The Bryan Library Board of Trustees met in regular session on December 13, 1978 in the Reference Room of the library. Present were Mrs. R. J. Holmgreen, President of the Board, Mr. Travis B. Bryan, Jr, Mrs. C. J. Allen, Mrs. Bookman Peters, Mrs. Willie Pruitt,- Mrs. R. H. Harrison, III, and Mrs. Jesse Flores. Under regular business, the minutes of the November meeting were approved as written. - Mr. Bryan moved acceptance of the booklist and Mrs. Flores seconded it. Under old business, it wasannounced to the Board that the $15,000 check from College Station was received and deposited into the Restricted Gifts Account for the purchase of books. • The current situation of Blinn students usage of library facilities was dis- cussed. Copies of Resolution 719 passed by the Bryan City Council .authorizing the Mayor to request financial assistance from Blinn College for the use of the Bryan Public Library by Blinn College students, were distributed. Under new business the Librarian reported that the Presbyterian Church of America had requested use of the library's auditorium for Church and Sunday School sessions for a temporary period of six months. After much discussion, Mr. Bryan moved that the Library Board adhere to the present policy for auditorium usage, which restricts meetings to comply with the library's public service hours, because any action contrary to this policy could create a dangerous precedent which could not be controlled in the future. Mrs. Flores seconded this and the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Mrs. K. J. Holmgreen, President Mrs. Linda Pringle, Librarian and Secretary to the Board , --- - . BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY ACCOUNT 4027 NOVEMBER 1978 ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET EXPEND. E NCUM. UNENCUM: BAL. MRSONAL SERV ICES Illw SUPERV. EXEC. ADMIN. 18, 432.00 2, 930.00 15,502.00 SKI LLED LABOR 124. 311.00 18, 362.32 106, 428.68 LABOR OPERATIONS 15,1 64.00 Z066.57 ' 13,0 97.43 SALARY ADJUSTMENTS 530.00 580.00 RETIREMENT = 5,126.0.0 709.51 4,416.49 SOC IAL SECURITY , 9, 716.00 1,414.49 3, 301.51 GROUP INSURANCE 5, 705.00 . 695.55 4, 806.45 WORKMEN'S COMP. 360.00 29.13 330.87 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP. 276.00 . 45.36 230.64 TOTAL 1 30,1 70.00 * 26, 475.93 * .00 * 153, 694.07 SUPPLIES , OFF ICE SUPPL I ES 5,292.00 334.11 4, 957.89 MOTOR VEHICLES 471.00 62.31 405.69 MINOR APPARATUS 20.00 20.00 LAUNDRY ico CLEAN I NQ 35.00 • 35.00 BOTANICAL 20.00 20.00 MISCELLANEOUS 776.00 33.38 742.12 CREW SUPPLIES 20.00 20.00 OUTSTANDING ORDERS 1,1 53.99 1,1 53.99 0. TOTAL 6, 634.00 * 430.30 * 1.153.99 * 5.049.71 CONTRkCTUAL SERV ICES COMMUNICATIONS 1,290.00 1 82.23 1,1 07.77 • HIRE OF EQUIPMENT 635.00 330.00 355.00 INSURANCE 1, 950.00 1, 965.35 15.35 LB TRAVEL EXPENSES 943.00 92.70 850.30 SPECIAL STUDIES 1,320.00 1,320.00 UTILITIES 27,000.00 4,484.20 22,515.80 MISCELLANEOUS 155.00 155.0021+0.00 TRAINING 240.00 ASSOC IAT I ONAL DUES 394.00 80.00 314.00 OUTSTAND I NQ ORDERS 215 0 21.50 0 TOTAL 33, 977.00 * 7, 1 34.48 * 21.50 * 26, 821.02 MA I NTE NA NU._ • FURNITURE So F I XTURE S 350.00 350.00 INSTRUMENTS & APPARATUS 140.00 1 40.00 MOTOR VEHICLES 300.00 10.21 289.79 OFF ICE MACHINES - 520.00 820.00 BOOKS & MAGAZINES 2.500.00 544.40 1,955.60 TOTAL 4.110.00 * 554.61 * .00 * 3,555.39 CAP I TA L OUTLAY FURNITURE & FIXTURES 2,374.00 2,374.00 MACH! NES Sc. TOOLS 1,000.00 1,000.00 INSTRUMENTS & APPARATUS 289.00 289.00 BOOKS 18,250.00 1,1 31.39 17, 118.11 MAGAZINES 5,069.00 721.31 4.347.69 OUTSTANDING ORDERS 219.95 219.95 0 TOTAL 26, 982.00 * 1,853.20 * 219.95 * 24. 908.85 . , PAGE 2 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY ACCOUNT 4027 NOVEMBER 1978 ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET EXPEND. E NCUM. UNENCUM. BAL. !La, • PERSONAL SERV ICES 180,170.00 26, 475.93 153,694.07 SUPPLIES 6,634.00 430.30 1,153.99 5,040.71 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 33, 977.00 7,134.43 21.50 26. 821.02 MAINTENANCE 4,110.00 554.61 3,555.39 CAPITAL OUTLAY 26, 982.00 1,853.20 219.95 24, 903.85 TOTAL 251,873.00 * 36, 448,52 * 1,395.44 * 214,029.04 • • BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY • FINANCIAL REPORT FOR NOVEMBER, 1978 CASH ON HAND 30.00 COLLECTIONS FINES 171.85 LOST & PAID BOOKS 24.42 REFUND ON LOST BOOK ( 14.45) LIBRARY FEES 65.60 TOTAL 247.42 RESTRICTED GIFTS 1,867.46 COLLECTIONS 15,152.99 TOTAL 17,020.45 EXPENDITURES 86.32 LESS ENCUMBRANCES 458.00 4 BALANCE 16,476.13 ROUNTREE ACCOUNT 643.61 DEPOSITS -0- TOTAL 643.61 EXPENDATURES -0- BALANCE 643.61 REFUNDABLE DEPOSITS 255.00 COLLECTIONS -0- TOTAL 255.00 REFUNDS -0- BALANCE 255.00 PETTY CASH 20.00 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY LIBRARIANS INDIVIDUAL BOOK ORDER BUDGETS DECEMBER 31, 1978 REPORTING YEAR TO BEGINNING MONTH DATE ENDING DEPARTMENT BALANCE EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE BALANCE ROUNTREE ROOM. BOOKS 3,200.00 1.50 1.50 3,198.50 RECORDS 200.00 -0- -0- 200.00 BOOKMOBILE - ADULT 1,000.00 -0- 259.35 740.65 - CHILDREN 1,500.00 833.61 833.61 666.39 REFERENCE 300.00 -0- -0- 300.00 GENEALOGY 750.00 208.95 208.95 541.05 YOUNG ADULT 300.00 -0- -0- 300.00 ,•LARGE PRINT 500.00 -0- -0- 500.00 (FICTION & NON-FICTION FEDERAL MONEY: 2,266.70 -0- 2,266.70 -0- CITY MONEY: 5,700.00 1,729.95 1,793.88 3,906 .12 DISCOUNTS & CANCELLATIONS 70.64 70.64 TEXAS BOOKS 260.00 -0- -0- 260.00 STANDING ORDERS, RARE BOOKS REPLACEMENT BOOKS, ENCYCLOPEDIAS 5,000.00 -0- 1,004.65 3,995.35 ADULT RECORDS 300.00 185.30 185.30 114.70 0 • FINANCIAL REPORT ON BOOK ACCOUNTS 4027-758 Books: Balance ending December 31, 1978 $ 14,218.70 4027-760 Magazines & Newspapers: Balance ending December 31, 1978 3,546.97 Records: Balance ending December 31, 1978 314.70 F. Law Henderson: Texas Books, Balance ending December 31, 1978 260:00 LSCA GRANT: Federal Monies for Books: Balance ending December 31, 1978 -0- Restricted Gifts: Balance ending December 31, 1978 16,535.86 TOTAL MONIES AVAILABLE FOR COLLECTION DEVFLUPMENT: $ 34.876.23 111 h BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT FOR DECEMBER, 1978 • SERVICES THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Days Open 24 24 Auditorium Usage 49 39 New Borrowers 247 168 Book Reviews, Radio & TV Talks, Newspaper 6 30 Evening Visitors 692 1,213 Evening Circulation 1,585 1,512 Overdue Notices 437 832.. ROUNTREE ROOM Story Hour Attendance 262 128 Saturday Program 162 115 Class Visits & Tours/Attendance 26/514 13/301 Classroom Collections 54 35 REFERENCE Interlibrary Loan 45 95 Questions 1,234 1,387 Reserves Notified 93 362 ELDERLY & HOMEBOUND , Regular Print 243 205 Large Type Print 646 476 BOOKMOBILE Trips Made 35 29 Adult Books 1,028 Non-fiction 302 * Fiction 629 * Juvenile Non-fiction 2,793 3,887 Fiction 12,973 12,959 Books Carried to Schools, Parks 2,820 3,093 Books Circulated to Schools, Parks 14,100 15,465 Crestview 61 59 Steephollow 114 125 Redmond Terrace 389 381 The Oaks 181 229 Wellborn 14 33 Girls Club 46 28 Humpty Dumpty Nursery 210 210 Collier's Nursery 210 250 French's Nursery I, II, & III 1,015 675 A&M Methodist Church 430 415 Hensel Apts. 4 • * DATA NOT RECORDED AT THIS TIME • • • BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT FOR DECEMBER, 1978 CIRCULATION THIS YEAR LAST YEAR ADULT JUVENILE BOOKMOBILE ADULT JUVENILE BOOKMOBILE Non-fiction 3,030 778 3,095 2,340 1,018 4,401 Fiction 2,846 3,039 13,602 4,774 2,993 13,473 Pamphlets 29 0 0 18 0 0 Periodicals 295 27 0 232 20 0 Framed Prints 51 12 0 67 15 0 Picture File 0 3 0 0 46 0 Records 79 34 0 83 12 0 Slide Sets 0 4 0 0 4 0 Sculpture 2 0 0 7 0 0 Paperbacks 2,104 38 104 25 3 * Bound Periodicals 105 0 0 * 0 0 TOTAL 8,541 3,935 16,801 7,546 4,111' 17,874 GRAND TOTAL 29,277 29,531 BOOK STOCK THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Books Catalogued - Adult 265 430 Books Catalogued - Juvenile 60 141 Memorial Books Catalogued 15 19 Other Gifts Catalogued 128 128 Total Additions 325 571 Books Repaired in Library 8 0 Books Withdrawn 43 31 Books Rebound 0 0 Magazines Bound 0 0 Records Catalogued 51 0 Records Withdrawn 2 0 * DATA NOT RECORDED AT THIS TIME I . BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY Month of DECEMBER, 1978 , III CIRCULATION - Adult 8,541 -Juvenile 3,935 Bookmobile 16,801 GRAND TOTAL 29 ,277 SERVICES Days open 24 Auditorium Usage 49 New Borrowers 247 Book Reviews, Radio & TV Talks, Newspaper 6 Evening Visitors 692 Evening Circulation 1,585 Overdue Notices 437 RoUNTREE ROOM Story Hour Attendance 262 Saturday Program 1b2 Class Visits & Tours/Attendance Zbiblt,1 Classrloom Collections 54 REFERENCE Interlibrary Loan 45 (tuestions 1,234 Reserves Notified 93 ELDERLY & HOMEBOUND 111 ReLular Print 243 Large Type Print 646 BOOKMOBILE Trips Made 35 Books Carried to Schools, Parks 2,820 Books Circulated to Schools, Parks 14,100 Crestview 61 Steephollow 114 Redmond Terrace 389 The Oaks 181 Wellborn 14 Girls Club 46 Humpty Dumpty Nursery 210 Collier's Nursery 210 French's Nursery I, II, & III 1,015 A&M Methodist Church 430 Hensel Apts. 4 BOOK STOCK Books Catalogued - Adult 265 Books Catalogued'- Juvenile 60 Memorial Books Catalogued 15 Other Gifts Catalogued 128 Total Additions 325 Books Repaired in Library 8 Books Withdrawn Books Rebound , 43 0 Magazines Bound 0 Records Catalogued 51 _ Records Withdrawn 2 1 1 MEMORIALS CATALOGED DURING THE MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1978 Cust: Tropical Aquarium Fishes Hale, John R. : Age_ of Exploration Horse and Pony Manual Howell, Clinton T. : Lines to live by; a collection of inspirational prose and poetry Jacobsen, Carol L. : The Portrait of Dolls, vols. II and III Marshall, Alexandra: Still Waters Merk, Frederick: History of the Westward Movement Moss, Howard: Buried city--poems Pahlen, Kurt: Great Singers Schiwetz, E. M. : Buck Schiwetz` Memories Stein, Ralph: The Great Cars Tanner, Ogden and Ed. of Time-Life: The Ranchers Taylor, Walter H. : Four Years with General Lee Wilson, Robert A. : Ben K. Green--a bibliography 411 O MEMORIALS AND GIFTS TO THE BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY -- DECEMBER, 1978 Given in Memory of Mr. Jim H. Beard $10.00 from Dr. and Mrs. A. G. McGill Given in Memory of Mr. D. C. Cole The Natural World of the Texas Big Thicket: by William A. Owens Given in Memory of John Harrison Dowling & Mary Frances McPhail Dowling "McPahill: John and Elizabeth McPhaill and their descendants: by C. W. McPahil Given in Memory of Mrs. Maude M. Gardner $10.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Fanguy & family Given in Memory of Mr. Douglas W. Howell, Sr. $10.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Bookman Peters $10.00 from Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Harrison, III S * From Mrs. Johnnie Johnson $36.00 to buy microfilm From Spiritual Assembly of the BahA'i's of Bryan, Texas Baha'i World Faith: Selected writings of Baha'u 'llah and 'Abdu'l-Baha Christ and Baha'u'llah: by George Townsend Gleanings from the writings of Baha'u'llah