HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/17/1983 - Regular Minutes - Bryan College Station Library System Advisory Board MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING • OF THE BRYAN LIBRARY BOARD AUGUST 17, 1983 1. On the 17th of August, 1983, the Library Board of the City of Bryan, Texas convened in regular session in the regular place in the Reading Area located in the Library Building at 5 p.m. with the following members present. 2. ATTENDANCE Member Present No. of meetings held No. of meetings today since appointment attended since appointment Mrs. C. J. Allen, President X 95 77 Mr. Ed Madeley, Vice President X 2 2 Mrs. Willie Pruitt, Treasurer X 95 68 Judge Carolyn Ruffino X 2 2 Mrs. Willie Belle Bogard X 24 19_ Mr. Vic Paulos Absent 24 13 Mrs. Wayne Gibson Absent 2 0 Also present was Mrs. Clara B. Mounce, City Librarian and Secretary to the Board. 3. Visitors were Mrs. Jean Muetzel, Associate City Librarian; Mrs. Linda Parkin, Bookmobile Librarian; and Miss Sue Sommerfeld, Childrens' Librarian. • 4. The minutes were approved as mailed. 5. In reviewing the monthly statistical report, it was noted that circulation for the adult and childrens section increased over last year. 6A. Mrs. Pruitt submitted a report from the committee appointed to review the Board's by-laws and section 2-97, 2-98, and 2-99 of the Bryan code. The recommendations were (1) , to continue having the city librarian serve as secretary to the Board; (2) Continue two-year terms for elected officers of the Board; (3) To recommend that the City Council change the wording in the city code that identifies the Board as the Carnegie Public Library Board to read: the Bryan Public Library Board; (4) Change the month for Board appointments to April, or change month for election of officers to July, so that new members may participate in election of officers. Presently, appointments have beenmade in July, but elections are expected to be held in May according to Section 2-98 of the Bryan Code. The committee further recommended that the City :Council initiate staggered terms for Board members in 1985 so that all seven persons are not appointed at the same time. All of the recommendations were approved by voice vote after motion made by Mrs. Bogard. The city librarian was requested to draft the recommendations and mail copies to each Board member. Mrs. Allen will sign a formal copy • to be submitted to Community and Support Services Operation Manager, with the request that it become an agenda item for the City Council at a con- venient time. 6B.. . Mrs. Bogard's report on duties of the Library Board was not complete. She o _ 2 • will report at the September meeting. 7A. A lengthy discussion of services to children, as provided by the Rountree Room staff and the Bookmobile staff, was conducted with the assistance of the librarians who work in those sections of the library. It is expected that for fiscal year 83-84, no new personnel will be approved. The library had requested an additional person for childrens so that services for day care and school groups, and the public could remain at approximately the same level. As this will not be possible in FY 83-84, the discussion centered around those day care groups that have program visits to the library as well as a visit by the Bookmobile. It is felt that services by both sections of the library to the same group would be the area to examine and make changes. If a day care or school group has transportation to the library, then that group would not be included on the Bookmobile schedule. Day care and school groups that cannot come to the library will be given priority on the Bookmobile schedule in the fall. Requests for the Bookmobile generally are more than can be accommodated, given the constraints of time and staff size. The Rountree Room does not have the staff to provide programs for 53 day care and school groups per month. These organizations will be mailed letters in September that encourage them to make as many book visits to the library as their transportation and time allow. The library staff will present programs on a seasonal basis for these groups, instead of on a monthly schedule. etters to these groups will offer assistance in book selection for the teachers, and a librarian will always be on duty to help the children in book selecting. We have always encouraged • book visits. This past year's statistics show that 23 day care groups and private schools came to the library on a monthly basis for a program. Some of these bring up to 4 classes--making a total of 53 group visits per month. Of the 23 groups, 12 consistently checked out books during a visit. Eleven day cares or schools did not borrow materials. They came just for a program. This has concerned the librarians, as our first priority is developing a collection of materials to circulate, and to help all children use the library. Eight of these day care groups also have visits from the Bookmobile. The children do not come aboard the Bookmobile--only the teachers. Often the Bookmobile staff is asked to help carry books inside, or to come inside and collect books, because staff size at day care centers is sometimes limited. We have always tried to provide help in gathering seasonal materials. We take special requests as a regular part of Bookmobile service. The library staffTfeels that it can continue good service for day cares and private schools, but it cannot duplicate services by providing Bookmobile visits and Rountree Room programming to the same groups. The staff has an obligation to provide help for children who come to the library as individuals. Time for book selection, now that we have more furida_for that area, must be allocated. To spend money wisely is time consuming, Mrs. Mounce stated. Librarians are often forced into reading book review sources at home because an appropriate amount of time is not always available during the week. Weeding the collection and reading and examining 411 3 new materials is another important duty to be considered in the workload of librarians. Circulation has increased, population has increased, demands for services have increased, and the library collection has increased because of better support funding. The staff of the library has not increased, except by one person in over 7 years. In 1977-78, $20,000. was spent on materials. In FY 82-83, the amount is almost $85,000. The librarians at the Board meeting expressed their dedication to providing the best services, given constraints of time and staff size. 7B. Overdue materials procedures will be demonstrated at the September meeting. 8. There was no new business. 9. A committee report by Mrs. Bogard was requested for the next agenda. 10. The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. a/1f,,.1 /(7)., Mrs. C. J. All , President Mrs. Clara B. Mounce, City Librarian and Secretary to the Board 0 S - 4111 09/07/83 CITY OF BRYAN PAGE 52 S REPORT ID: 4103P - - - - DETAIL LISTING OF OBLIGATICNS VS. BUDGET • ---FOR- BUDGET--F-LSCAL-YEAR_1989 AS OF 08/31/83 ' cUND:-100-GENERAL-FUNT, AGENCY-:_600-CULTURA1rS &ECREAL1UNAt ORGANIZATION: 6020 LIBRARY ACTIVITY: 's CURRENT PERIOD FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE ' -OBJECT 1-----------1 ---- . - --.__.- ____ -_.--,,,--'-:----.---T,-I---CURRENT UNOBLIGATED ---I TOTAL I OUTSTANDING IOTAL I BUDGETED BUDGET , " CODE-DESCRIPTION 1 OBLIGATIONS I ENCUMBRANCES EXPENDITURES OBLIGATIONS I AMOUNT BALANCE PERCENT 1--------- ----I------_---- ____ ----------1 0 0 1 i � 09/07/83 CITY OF BRYAN PAGE 53 Il REPORT ID: A103P DETAIL LISTING OF OBLIGATIONS VS. BUDGET FOR.-BUDGET-FISCAL-YEAR-1983_ -.__.__ AS OF 08/31/83 r ; .1 ' FUND:--100--GENERAL-FUN" '"GENC1--600-CULTURAL_&-RECREATILNAI ORGANIZATION: 6020 LIBRARY ACTIVITY: CURRENT PERIOD FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE � -OBJECT I- -I- - ------------------------------1---CURRENT-----UNOBLIGATFn 14 ---I TOTAL I OUTSTANDING TOTAL I BUDGETED BUDGET I' II CODE-DESCRIPTION I OBLIGATIONS I ENCUMBRANCES EXPENDITURES OBLIGATIONS I AMOUNT BALANCE PERCENT 15 15 ' 4346 BOOKS MTN 757.40 704.40 1,450.85 2,155.25 2,118 37.25- 1.8- 3 1, .• fl ' • 603 APPR UNIT TOTL 844.52 704.40 13,408.37 14,112.77 24,592 10,479.23 42.6 2; „ --4400-ELECTRIC SER 2,507-.87 0.00 40,6_50.86 40-,650.86 .5.7.,465- 16,814.14--.29.1 i✓ ` 4402 WATER SER 6.65 0.00 66.50 66.50 440 373.50 84.9 Y✓ - 25 4403 WW SERVICE 3.53 0.00 35.29 35.29 236 200.71 85.0 3 2) i 4404-GARBAGE 11.50 0.0f1 91-.0n 91.00---.---. 102_-_--____11.00_..__10.8-4.1- V '• I--4405 COMM SERVICE 0.00 0.00 2,741.64 2,741.64 3,142 400.36 12.7 .e✓ ' 21 30 4421 BLDG RENTAL 1,734.83 0.00 19,083.13 19,083.13 20,818 1,734.87 8.3 4 `442-2-EQUIP--RENTAL-----------0.000.00.- 9.75.00- -_.--975.00.---.------ 975 -._-______-0.00__-__0.0-4 ✓ " " 4441 TRAVEL 52.90 0.00 2,016.95 2,016.95 2,380 363.05 15.3 4 ✓ 33 • ; 4442 0 TRAINING 15.00 0.00 439.00 439.00 720 281.00 39.0 4 ''--4445-4-TRAINING ---0.00--------0.00 -179.82-----179.82---- 225--------_-___-_45.18-20.1-k P 8 '1 4450 LIABILITY IN 0.00 0.00 707.55 707.55 708 0.45 3.1 &'-- 38 o '"l 4451 FIRE INS 0.00 0.00 2,968.50 2,968.50 3.565 596.50 16.7 .4r "-4455-INS-AND-INSP 1.00--------- 0.00 425.00_-_--425..00----.-- 7.76-______. ____351.00. 45.2-X '� 1`° 4458 ASSOC DUES 10.00 0.00 462.00 462.00 477 15.00 3.1 X ; 4460 CAR-CLOTHES 23.60 0.00 106.68 106.68 200 93.32 46.7 4'' "=-4463-SPECIAL STDY ----0.0C 0.00 -__-35.00 ---35.00_-._____3,000 _.--._ _ __. 2,965.00 __-98.d-_$__✓__..___ �1 " 4474 PR SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50 50.00 100.0 4 ''' L. 4477 MISC CHARGES 0.00 0.00 46.63 46.63 175 128.37 73.4 .4 l. Hi 604 APPR UNIT TOTE 4,365.88 0.00 71,030.55 71,030.55 95,454 24,423.45 25.o ;i 1--4524--L-IBRARY-IMPR 1,289.87-------7,701-.998_ -32,362.50------__40,064.,48-. 40,000 ..__ _.___.._- 64.48-._.__0.2-_$-_ i" 4544 OFF MACH/EQ 0.00 0.00 2,071.75 2,071.75 2,410 338.25 14.0 X --605-APP-R-UNI-T-TOTE 1,289.87-- 7-,-701..98 34.,434.2.5 42.,.136.23 -42,410 - -273.77.--U.,, 56 34:1 57 58 ACTIVTY TOTAL 38,902.67 8,780.80 390,782.16 399,562.96 467,537 67,974.04 14.5 lii60 � ' 6020 DRG TOTAL 38,902.67 8,780.80 390,782.16 399,562.96 467,537 67,974.04 14.5 6 IB Le :vl 55 53 51 68 51 58 4 ,_/ 54 • BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY FINANCIAL REPORT ON COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS AUGUST, 1983 CITY FUNDS: $ -0- books, continuation service, magazines & newspapers, records, audio-visual ROUNTREE ACCOUNT: 37.93 F. LAW HENDERSON: Texas Books 80.69 LSCA GRANT: State: -0- RESTRICTED GIFTS: REGULAR FUND: 5,824.50 COLLEGE STATION FUND: 5,132.81 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY FUNDS: 126.85 HEDGCOCK ESTATE: 311.98 TODERO ESTATE: 2,317.97 TOTAL MONIES AVAILABLE FOR COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES $ 13,832.73 PREPARED BY J(//1/5e2/1>41,6_, REVIEWED BY E(bAk- 811/4"61744LeA-- , BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT FOR AUGUST. 1983 SERVICES • THIS YEAR LAST YEAR 410 Days Open 27 26 Auditorium Usage .19 35 New Borrowers 362 371 Renewed Borrowers 247 181 Replacement Borrowers Card 65 *** , Book Reviews, Radio & TV Talks, Newspaper 30 29 Overdue Notices 751 382 ROUNTREE ROOM Story Hours Attendance 69**** 429 Saturday Program 115 153 Class Visits & Tours/Attendance -- 3/18 Special Programs 3/170 -- REFERENCE Interlibrary Loan 53 51 Questions 1,037 859 Reserves Notified 237 246 ELDERLY & HOMEBOUND ® Regular Print 48 81 Large Type Print 226 285 BOOKMOBILE Trips Made 31 38 Adult Books Non-fiction 103 81 Fiction 618 434 Juvenile Non-fiction 346 320 Fiction 1,558 3,679 * Redmond Terrace 658 609 Oak Hill-Johnson School area 351 360 K-Mart 1,079 596 Crestview Apts. 31 18 Raintree 411 255 Steep Hollow 15 16 Manor East Mall - 99 ** Brushy 0 27 Bonham Park 68 0 Kurten 0 80 Carver 78 0 ® * La Brisa/Rockwood 139 0 Includes times 5 for day care schools. ** Not a scheduled stop at this time. *** Data not recorded at this time **** Story hour reduced to one per month. /�� �/ PREPARED BY i�r1✓'�L /1. GAJ��2 2 REVIEWED BY 616444 15' /LLZc'7 f o 4 a1 . , BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT FOR AUGUST, 1983 • CIRCULATION THIS YEAR LAST YEAR ADULT JUVENILE BOOKMOBILE ADULT JUVENILE BOOKMOBILE 1 Non-fiction 4,944 1,693 449 4,161 1,302 401 Fiction 4,351 7,388 2,176 3,558 6,067 4,113 Pamphlets 21 1 - 21 0 - Periodicals 660 47 - 587 52 - Framed Prints 92 9 - 55 4 - Picture File - 5 - 0 2 - Records 218 206 - 222 139 - Slide Sets - 0 - - 0 - Sculpture 10 - - 2 - - Paperbacks 4,898 603 304 4,194 506 323 Bound Periodicals 300 - - 350 - - Cassettes 82 - - 25. - - Film Strips - 22 - - - - TOTAL 15,576 9,974 2,931 13,175 8,072 4,837 * GRAND TOTAL 28,481 26,084 BOOK STOCK THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Books Catalogued - Adult 263 292 Books Catalogued - Juvenile 440 79 Memorial Books Catalogued 13 37 Other Gifts Catalogued 7 91 Total Additions 703 371 Books Transferred 378 26 Books Repaired in Library 271 117 Books Withdrawn 1,157 119 Books Rebound 23 0 Magazines Bound 56 0 Records Catalogued 72 20 Records Withdrawn 36 1 * Includes times 5 for day care schools. PREPARED BY �,!vl/ 71 KJ� � REVIEWED BY __,QQDa,04 CN !I v aCnn QJL,