HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/21/1982 - Regular Agenda Packet - Bryan College Station Library System Advisory Board S AGENDA BRYAN LIBRARY BOARD WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1982 -- 5 p.m. I. Reguldr Business A. Minutes of the June Meeting B. Statistics C. Standing Committees II. New Business A. Review of fee structure and recommendation for future policies. B. Review of memorial fund and recommendation for its structure. III. Old Business 111 A. Report on Library Budget, 1982-83. B. Summer reading program and Monday evening movies. • _ 'Z .r, sr ,.' .„k e:;.*,, ";e" --..-.4%-:,.,11,7‘.,,s,40-', . .. r ,"y-: 4 ,. «e.;+- `1x ,3',,4:...4...:.---,--`,.. -"•o- .t ,k. .�. , `"` ,. , ,. , w . - . ", ,p mss ..a ,y- • t• ----- -------- - ----- - - ---- • 9 06/29/82 CITY OF BRYAN PAGE 55 REPORT ID:--A103P ---- DETAIL-LISTING--OF OBLIGATIONS VS. OU0GET- ( 1 FOR BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1982 AS OF 05/31/82 et FUND: 100 GENERAL FUND AGENCY: 600 CULTURAL E RECREATIONAL 46 - -------------ORGANIZATION:-6020-LIBRAR.Y ..-._ACTIVITY:.- _-_.__-_ -- .____.-. _--- -------------------__---- --_-- - . p CrIRRENT-PERI06 F-ISCAL--YEAI _Tl1-IIATr OBJECT I I I CURRENT UNOBLIGATED • 46 1 I TOTAL I OUTSTANDING TOTAL ( _BUDGETED BUDGET O __-CODE-JESCRIPI_ICN_I-OBLIGAL1OhS-1-ENCUMBRANCES EXPENDI-7uRES OBLIGATIONS__)__ . AMOUNT_ -BALANCE____._-_PEj(CENT I L4100-SUPERVISO3.Y 1.,7QA..O0 0-on 744153.97 '4,153.92 -38,420 1.4,266..08 37.1_ - Ii 4102 FULL TIME 12,677.60 0.00 100,783.24 100,783.24 152,996 52,212.76 34.1 % abii 4103 PART TIME 1,275.60 0.00 12,246.19 12,246.19 20,526 8,279.81 40.3 % • i-- 4109_HOLIDAY_PAY __-_0..0n Q.00 _--0.00 -_._.-._0.00.- 0_- ___ --0.00--U.U---+---------- 4110 SICK PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.0 % a I' 4111 VACATION PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.0 % a I. 4112_TERM1NALPAY 0-.00 0.,J 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.0--z. ' r __ 4113 INJURY PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 U 0.00 0.0 % _ ii 4114 MISC PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0.00 0 0.00 0.0 % • 4115 _MERLT_.PAY n.00 n, n 4 4120 RETIREMENT 1,481.55 0.00 5,740.80 5,740.80 7,739 1,998.20 25.8 % 4121 FICA 2,828.95 0.00 10,841.06 10,841.06 14,881 4,039.94 27.1 • __4122_HEALIH_INS L031.57 0..On 4 ,183..75 _4,183..7q 5,690 1,.506.25-_26.3__.% I 4123 LIFE INS 164.22 0.00 687.82 687.82 877 189.18 21.6 % +" I-' 4124 +4URKERS COMP 39.33 0.00 308.77 308.77 460 151.23 32.9 % a• __ 4125..JNEMP COMP__ 36..0n n_0(1 100.-0.0_ __.___300.00 __.448 148.00_-33.J___-% 501 APPR UNIT TOIL 22,838.82 0.00 159,245.55 159,245.55 242,037 82,791.45 34.2 a i ' � 4200 OFFICE SUPP 318.62 499.91 1,416.58 1,916.49 2,500 583.51 23.3 % II 4201 EDUCA SUPP 122.00 156.30 241.43 397.73 500 102.27 20.5 % a 4202-P.DTDG._SUPP __U.On 0..00 0.00 -__-__0.00-__._._.____._ 141____.__.________-__141.0U-_._100.0__ ,�._ II 4203 POSTAGE 6.12 0.00 945.71 945.71 1,850 904.29 48.9 % ,'j 4204 PRINTING 620.09 549.55 646.15 1,195.7) 2,000 804.30 40.2 % a' I__-4219-0THER_0FF 21_g2 1$.7-66 485.94 073.60_________.1,500_ 626..40-41..8-% -__.____ 4220 MTR VEH SUPP 75.94 0.00 471.20 471.20 1,600 1,128.80 70.6 _'% o 1: 4222 TOOLS EQ SUP 0.00 0.00 16.18 16.18 25 8.82 35.3 % __ 4242_JANITOR_SUPP 1 .84 0_.00 7E.S0._---_-_-28.80 _._-- ._-. ._ _. 40-___.--___ __--11.20--._28.0_.. A. I4251 BOT SUPP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200 200.00 100.0 4281 FIRST AID 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 10.00 100.0 % • 4289-11LCRE4_31IPP n..0.0 • - n.-On 'T.D.() 1.00 10 10.00-10U.D-% 's] " 502 APPR UNIT TOTL. 1,168.13 1,593.42 4,251.99 5,845.41 10,376 4,530.59 43.7 • If 4300 MTR VEH MTN 21.69 0.00 381.80 381.60 500 118.20 23.6 % A Li 4302 OFF FUR/EQ 99.00 0.00 208.00 208.00 700 492.00 70.3 Y • -_4304_F-IRE_AP MT.N 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40 40.00-100.11-.$. 4319 MACH/EMIN 0.00 0.00 56.95 56.95 170 113.05 66.5 Y oft 4346 BOOKS MTN 0.00 0.00 439.53 439.53 1,650 1,210.47 73.4 % • /+ • \I • • • -. a ® 06/29/82 CITY OF BRYAN PAGE 56 0 _. 3EPORT ID:_.A103P DELAIL__LISTING_UF. OBLIGATIONS VS. BUDGET_ 'i FOR BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1982 O AS OF 05/31/82 6 1,---- FUND: 100 GENERAL FUND AGENCY: 600 CULTURAL C RECREATIONAL 40 , --- --- ' ;Or ______.______r___ORGANLZATION:__6020__LLBRAR.Y _..._. ACTIVITY: cURRENL_QERLOD F ISCAI YFAR=1L1DA.TF • - - OBJECT I I 1 CURRENT UNOBLIGATED e !- I TOTAL I OUTSTANDING TOTAL I BUDGETED BUDGET Ifs' CODE-DESCRIP_TION_1�7BLIGALLONS_LENC.U.MB.RANCFS EXEENDIIU.RES_OBLIGATIONS..I ____AMOUNT _.___..BALANCE_________-_.PERCENT_.-.____--- _ h I I I ® '-1 6- 1 ,._.603.JaPP_R_.UNLLTD.TL 1Z0.69 Q..0.0 1,D96.2.8 _I.086,28._ ____3.1060 1.973.72_._64.5_.__ ___. _.. I 4 I -4400 ELECTRIC SER 0.00 0.00 33,487.36 33,487.36 60,000 26,512.64 44.2 % 61 4402 RATER SER._---___-_-.__0.00 0.00 180.83 _180.83._-- -.-_--- 400_,_-,__-___--.---- 219.17 -_ 54.8_ % _______ __ - i-' 4403 11N SERVICE 0.00 0.00 107.22 107.22 300 192.76 64.3 % . 4 i` 4404 GARBAGE 0.00 0.00 59.50 59.50 102 42.50 41.7 % ' s L___4405_.CJ.MM-_SER.VLCF 149..35 0_._Q0 • 1..7.3_7_9_.7.0 1,339.70 2.,377 997.30 42.0._._% __ _ _.__ _ _ _ 4 j' 4422 EQUIP RENTAL 0.00 0.00 679.19 679.19 680 0.81 0.1 % I 4441 TRAVEL 1,004.79 0.00 1,064.59 1,064.59 1,500 435.41 29.0 X t ��_._4442_.0 TRAINING 1.11..00 0._00 321.00 _321.OU _7J0 379.00__54.1___.$_ 4445 I TRAINING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200 200.00 100.0 % 4 ; I1 4450 LIABILITY IN 0.00 0.00 641.59 641.59 642 0.41 0.L % a 4451_fIRE_INC 0._00 0._0.0_ 2J2.(1-Q0 _2,820.00-___.-_2,820 0.0.0 0.0 % 0 4455 INS AND INSP 0.00 0.00 501.20 501.20 735 233.80 31.8 % abil 4458 ASSOC DUES 0.00 0.00 441.27 441.27 476 34.73 7.3 % 8' ' _4460 CAR-CLOTHES 12.90 0.00___ _ _ 41.70 _ ..__ .__41.7J _._ ._.._ _.._200 ___..________.__ 158.30 _79.2._ _% . '1_._ 4463 SPECIAL STDY 107.00 0.00 1,436.20 1,436.20 3,000 1,563.80 52.1 % e i I 4474 PR SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 U.00 50 50.00 100.0 % i E-.4477_MLSC__i.HARGES 0-._00 0_,_0,0 42.._78 '.2.78._-_______175_ ____132.22 75..60-5_._.____._ _ . • I (SI i 604 APPR UNIT TOIL 1,385.04 0.00 43,204.13 43,204. 13 74,357 31,152.87 41.9 6 1•-� 45•24 LIBRARY IMPR 1,934.67 8,557.92 21,623.74 30,181.66 33,292 3,110.34 9.3 a e l 4544 OFF MACH/EQ 0.00 1,232.88 0.00 1,232.88 1,650 417.12 25.3 % 6. U 505 APPR UNIT TOIL 1,934.67 9,790.80 21,623.74 31,414.54 34,942 3,527.46 10.1 ri _______ACTIVLY__TOTAI 2.7.,_447.35 1.1:3.84_.-22 . 229,_4.11.6.9. _.240.,795.91._.__._._ 364,772___ _ _123.976.09_3.4.0____.-__________ itr.I 6020 ORG TOTAL 27,447.35 11,384.22 229,411.69 240,795.91 364,772 123,976.09 34.0 0 1. 4: , A ft ; a 1 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY • FINANCIAL REPORT ON COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS JUNE, 1982 CITY FUNDS: Books $ 681.35 CONTINUATION SERVICE: 10.21 MAGAZINES & NEWSPAPERS: 2,090.92 RECORDS: 2.35 AUDIO-VISUAL: 32.62 ROUNTREE ACCOUNT: 26.82 F. LAW HENDERSON: Texas Books .03 LSCA GRANT: Federal: -0- State: -0- • RESTRICTED GIFTS: REGULAR FUND: 3,308.26 COLLEGE STATION FUND: 17,068.42 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY FUNDS: 106.96 HEDGCOCK ESTATE: 191.98 TODERO ESTATE: 2,653.52 TOTAL MONIES AVAILABLE FOR COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES $ 26,173.44 • BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY 2 LIBRARIANS INDIVIDUAL BOOK ORDER BUDGETS • JUNE, 1982 REPORTING YEAR TO BEGINNING MONTH DATE ENDING DEPARTMENT BALANCE EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE BALANCE ROUNTREE ROOM: Books -City 4,096.62 -0- 4,096.62 -0- Records-City 379.51 5.04 377.16 2.35 Books-State 5,937.00 -0- 5,937.00 -0- BOOKMOBILE: Children-City 2,898.20 -0- 2,898.20 -0- Adult-City 700.00 -0- 700.00 -0- Children-State 2,000.00 -0- 2,000.00 -0- REFERENCE 410.74 -0- 410.74 -0- GENEALOGY 1,000.00 69.39 930.09 69.91 LARGE PRINT 800.00 -0- 636.00 164.00 ADULT: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Young Adult, Etc. 411 STATE MONEY: 2,284.00 -0- 2,284.00 -0- FEDERAL MONEY 5,653.00 -0- 5,653.00 -0- CITY MONEY 8,103.03 -0- 8,103.03 -0- CITY DISCOUNTS & CANCELLATIONS 3,319.35 238.07 2,871.91 447.44 TEXAS BOOKS 164.38 -0- 164.38 -0- STANDING ORDERS 6,550.00 8.80 6,550.00 -0- DISCOUNTS & CANCELLATIONS 118.65 108.44 108.44 10.21 ADULT RECORDS 516.49 -0- 516.49 -0- DISCOUNTS & CANCELLATIONS -0- -0- AUDIO-VISUAL 896.00 -0- 893.67 2.33 DISCOUNTS & CANCELLATIONS 30.29 -0- -0- 30.29 111 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR MAY. 1982 3 COLLECTIONS FINES $ 279.95 • LOST & PAID BOOKS 96.62 REFUNDS ON PAID BOOKS ( 1.50) LIBRARY FEES 33.00 TOTAL • $ 408.07 RESTRICTED GIFTS BEGINNING BALANCE $ 31,972.41 REGULAR $ 3,880.46 COLLECTIONS 248.00 EXPENDITURES 97.91 ENCUMBRANCES 639.88 BALANCE $ 3,390.67 COLLEGE STATION $ 22,116.50 DEPOSITS -0- EXPENDITURES 332.80 ENCUMBRANCES 3,159.45 BALANCE $ 18,624.25 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY $ 697.72 DEPOSITS -0- EXPENDITURES 172.96 ENCUMBRANCES 135.00 BALANCE $ 389.76 • HEDGCOCK ESTATE $ 2,241.95 EXPENDITURES -0- ENCUMBRANCES -0- BALANCE $ 2,241.95 TODERO ESTATE $ 3,035.78 EXPENDITURES -0- ENCUMBRANCES 382.26 BALANCE $ 2,653.52 RESTRICTED GIFTS ENDING BALANCE $ 27,300.15 ROUNTREE ACCOUNT BEGINNING BALANCE $ 1,139.20 DEPOSITS -0- EXPENDITURES -0- ENCUMBRANCES 1,112.75 ROUNTREE ACCOUNT ENDING BALANCE $ 26.45 F. LAW HENDERSON BEGINNING BALANCE $ 31.08 DEPOSITS -0- EXPENDITURES -0- ENCUMBRANCES 31.08 F. LAW HENDERSON ENDING BALANCE $ -0- CASH ON HAND $ 15.00 411 PETTY CASH $ 35.00 4 • BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY FUNDS JUNE, 1982 TOTAL REPORTING YEAR TO DISCOUNTS BEGINNING QUANTITY MONTH DATE & ENDING CATEGORY BALANCE PURCHASED EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE CANCELLATIONS BALANCE BOOKS 17 -0- 300.42 85.42 COPY PAPER-REGULAR 4 70.00 140.00 ' COPY PAPER-LEGAL 2 -0- 70.00 TONER 4 120.00 240.00 DISPERSANT 5 72.00 180.00 COPIER SERVICE CONTRACT 1 -0- 450.00 CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS -0- 107.93 •INVESTMENT -0- 818.90 CTLS WORKSHOP -0- 11.43 RECORDS 24 -0- 112.50 COPIER DRUM 1 -0- 72.00 CALCULATOR 1 -0- 169.00 20 YR. EMPLOYEE HONORED 20.80 20.80 DEPOSITS 400.00 BALANCE 2,714.52 282.80 2,692.98 85 .42 106.96 • 5 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY • LIBRARIANS INDIVIDUAL BOOK ORDER BUDGETS COLLEGE STATION FUNDS 1980-81 FISCAL YEAR JUNE, 1982 REPORTING YEAR TO BEGINNING MONTH DATE ENDING DEPARTMENT BALANCE EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE BALANCE ROUNTREE ROOM 4,499.03 -0- 4,499.03 -0- BOOKMOBILE - ADULT 2,200.11 -0- 2,200.11 -0- - CHILDREN 3,100.00 -0- 3,100.00 -0- GENEALOGY 700.00 31.00 700.00 -0- ADULT: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Young Adult, Etc. 9,500.00 -0- 9,500.00 -0- Discounts & Cancellations 5,600.57 -0- 5,600.57 -0- • BALANCE 25,599.71 31.00 25,599.71 -0- i . 6 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY II! LIBRARIANS INDIVIDUAL BOOK ORDER BUDGETS COLLEGE STATION FUNDS 1981-82 FISCAL YEAR JUNE, 1982 REPORTING YEAR TO BEGINNING MONTH DATE ENDING DEPARTMENT BALANCE EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE BALANCE ROUNTREE ROOM 6,500.00 -0- -0- 6,500.00 BOOKMOBILE - ADULT 2,500.00 374.25 1,089.70 1,410.30 - CHILDREN . 3,000.00 133.62 2,215.22 784.78 GENEALOGY 831.00 -0- -0- 831.00 ADULT: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Young Adult, Etc. 12,200.00 1,566.51 6,983.96 5,216.04 Discounts & Cancellations 2,326.30 -0- -0- 2,326.30 BALANCE 27,357.30 2,074.38 10,288.88 17,068.42 410 7 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT FOR JUNE, 1982 SERVICES THIS YEAR LAST YEAR • Days Open 25 23 Auditorium Usage 64 18 , New Borrowers 521 484 Book Reviews, Radio & TV Talks, Newspaper 29 27 Overdue Notices 457 322 ROUNTREE ROOM Story Hour Attendance 542 327 Saturday Program 170 243 Special Programs, Tours/Attendance 10/323 14/217 REFERENCE Interlibrary Loan 49 54 Questions 875 586 Reserves Notified 242 133 ELDERLY & HOMEBOUND Regular Print 18 52 Large Type Print 343 350 BOOKMOBILE • Trips Made 46 41 Adult Books Non-fiction 111 104 Fiction 606 503 Juvenile Non-fiction 958 300 Fiction 6,037 2,951 Redmond Terrace 1,099 1,362 Oak Hill-Johnson school area 704 104 Humpty Dumpty 420 382 Collier Nursery * 205 K-Mart 918 255 French's Nursery I thru V 1,695 400 A&M Methodist Church Day Care 325 329 Culpepper Plaza 395 36 Calvery Baptist Church Day School ** Crestview Apts. 31 37 Raintree 538 53 Memorial Forest 42 ** Steep Hollow 106 128 Carver 178 ** Kurten 20 55 Bonham Park 82 ** Brushy 69 28 LaBrisa 20 9 410 Headstart 1,250 664 Kiddie Castle 165 ** * Not a scheduled summer stop. ** Not a scheduled stop at this time. III III • BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT FOR JUNE, 1982 CIRCULATION THIS YEAR LAST YEAR ADULT JUVENILE BOOKMOBILE ADULT JUVENILE BOOKMOBILE Non-fiction 4,837 2,900 1,069 4,023 1,790 404 Fiction 3,762 10,174 6,643 3,897 8,122 3,454 Pamphlets 16 0 0 4 2 0 Periodicals 650 23 0 459 16 0 Framed Prints 92 9 0 47 8 0 Picture File 0 4 0 0 3 0 Records 214 173 0 176 153 0 Slide Sets 0 2 0 0 2 0 Sculpture 2 0 0 3 0 0 Paperbacks 4,300 697 306 4,445 789 168 Bound Periodicals 377 0 0 196 0 0 TOTAL 14,250 13,982 8",018 (0J, ) 13,250 10,885 4,026 GRAND TOTAL /�36,250f 28,161 BOOK STOCK THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Books Catalogued - Adult 342 650 Books Catalogued - Juvenile 228 10 Memorial Books Catalogued 58 26 Other Gifts Catalogued 24 1 Total Additions 570 687 Books Transferred 24 31 Library Material repaired by staff 45 13 Books Withdrawn 567 155 Books Rebound 0 4 Magazines Bound 0 77 Records Catalogued 110 0 Records Withdrawn 28 0 oo BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY MONTH OF JUNE, 1982 CIRCULATION-Adult 14.750 Juvenile 13.987 410 Bookmobile 8.018 GRAND TOTAL 36,250 SERVICES Days Open 25 Auditorium Usage 64 New Borrowers 571 ' Book Reviews, Radio & TV Talks, Newspaper 29 Overdue Notices 457 ROUNTREE ROOM Story Hour Attendance 542 Saturday Program 170 Special Programs, Tours/Attendance 10/323 REFERENCE Interlibrary Loan 49 Questions 875 Reserves Notified 242 ELDERLY & HOMEBOUND Regular Print 18 Large Type Print 343 BOOKMOBILE Trips Made 46 410 Redmond Terrace 1.099 Oak Hill-Johnson School Area 704 Humpty Dumpty 420 Collier Nursery * K-Mart 918 • French's Nurserys I thru VI 1,695 A&M Methodist Church Day Care 325 Culpepper Plaza 395 Calvery Baptist Church Day School (Remainder continued on back) BOOK STOCK Books Catalogued - Adult 342 Books Catalogued - Juvenile 228 Memorial Books Catalogued 58 Other Gifts Catalogued 24 Total Additions 570 Books Transferred 24 Library Material Repaired By Staff 45 Books Withdrawn 567 Books Rebound 0 Magazines Bound 0 Records Catalogued 110 • Records Withdrawn 28 * Not a scheduled summer stop. J, . VENDOR'S I COPY . ., I ' ' BOOK PURCHASE ORDER SHOW TI-41SNtfilBER*ON AL INVOICES, PACKING LISTS, ' R 5'4-' ' '' A; , ' Telephone 713/823-8021 ciiRTONS,,ETC. PURCHASE 1315 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY - ORDER NO. 201 E.26th ST. . June 8, 1982 • BRYAN,TEXAS 77801 Data . Customer No. T. 43769—q TO: . The Baker.&. Taylor Company Contract No P. O. Box 458 : ADULT . Commerce, Georgia 30599 . FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY _ Fund or Acct Se—.i s-4,t s-s 5 - 4 Please furnish the following publications in accordance with terms and conditions Date Approved C' on the face and reverse side hereof: Approved Frl Oat,. NO.of COPIES AUTHOR PUBLISHER . . TITLE - PRICE " 1 Young-, J. 12. - U.of Okla. The schooling of the horse 19.95 2 Solomon, D. S. U.of Okla. Teaching riding: step-bv-step school- ing for horse and rider 31.90 1 Whitney, C. .A. Knopf Whitney's star finder: revised for , ' • 1982 through 1985 I 8.95 1 ' Abbott, J. H. Vintage In the belly of the beast: letters ! . from prison I 2.95 1 Clifford, D. Addison-Wes. The partnership book: how you (and a friend) can legally start your own business 14.95 1 Denhardt, R. ' U.of Okla. Quarter horses: a story of two centuries 9.95 1 O'Hara,' Mary Putnam Flicka's friend: the autobiography of . Mary O'Hara 14.95 1 Joseph, Marie St.Martins Maggie Craig . . 11.95 1 ' 0 2 Mancuso, A. Addison-Wes. How to form your own Texas Corp. 29.90 , '2 Shirer, Wm. F. I S&S Rise and fall of the 3rd Reich. (paperback) 19.90 1 Stamberg, Susan Pantheon Every night at five: Susan Stamberg's , all things considered book:1971-198l 14.95 1 Cookson, C. Morrow Tilly Wed , i 12.95 . - . , . . . , , , _ . • . . , . , . _ . • . . , , • . . . 1 . . , . ' . • . . . . . . ' . . . . I . , . . . . i ... - VENDOR'S CO P Y I I BOOK PURCHASE ORDER SHow=rHiS NUMBER ON ALL, INVOICES, PACKING LISTS. j' ' A 3:-":'- . Telephone 713/823-8021 CARTONS,,ETC. • PURCHASE 1316 • BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY ORDER N0. 201 E.26th ST. BRYAN,TEXAS 77801 ow.. June 10, 1982 TO. Customer No 431 18000 Bound-to-Stay Bound Books, Inc. , Contract Nn West Morton Road - - Jacksonville, Illinois 62650 FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Fund or Acct. Restricted Gifts-Bryan Please furnish the following publications in accordance with terms and conditions Date Approved rr 0702 on the face and reverse side hereof: Approved FE-1 rate NO.of COPIES AUTHOR PUBLISHER TITLE PRICE I. :1 :. .. u. u. . Crowell Anno's alphabet 17.90 107617 9 Rame],mans. L. Viking Madeline 19.90 108495 1 Renr•h1ey, N. Varner Kilroy and the gull 7.95 • :.. all f,N. Harper Who's a nest 8.93 1595161 1 Brown- M.W. Harper Goodnight moon 6.70 1625251 1 - IBrown. M.W. Hastings Where have you been 5.95 Bruna. Dick Methuen Miffy's dream 4.81 164216 1 Brunhoff. Jean de Random The story of Babar 6.09 2056221 2 Chandler, Edna W Random Cowboy Andy 13.80 2714901 1 Delaney. A. Harper Monster tracks ' 7.95 2841991 1 - 1Dolch. E.& M. ' Garrard Monkey friends ' 6.39 2853131 1 1Dolch, E. & M. Garrard Tommy's pets 5.50 I 2 IDuvoisin'. R. Knopf Petunia 16.60 6391 1 Duvoisin, Roger Knopf Petunia beware 7.46 298773 1 Duvoisin, R. Knopf Petunia, I love you 8.30 129897) 1 Duvoisin, Roger Knopf Veronica 8.30 1 3247571. 1 Farley, Walter ' Random Man O'War ' 7.45 3400891 1 Flack, Marjorie Viking The story of ping 8.09 3643571 1 ` Galdone, Paul Clarion Three Billy Goats Gruff 8.95 380211 1 Ginsburg, Mirra Greenwillowl Good morning, chick 7.95 4480381 1 Hoban, Russell Harper ' Bedtime for France 8.33 531961 1 Drauss, Ruth Harper Carrot seed b. /U 57769A 1 ' Lionni, Leo Pantheon Fredrick 8.30 730741 1 Pelutsky, Jack Greenwillow4 Rolling Harvey down the hill do. /5 74074A 1 Rawls, Wilson Doubleday Summer of the monkeys /.95 74075 1 Rawls, Wilson Doubleday Where the red fern grows I /.95 78146 1 Scarry, Richard Random Early bird I 4.y5 78151 2 Scarry, Richard Random Richard Scarry's busiest people ever I ll.9u 78151 1 Scarry, Richard Random Richard Scarry's great big mystery bo9K 5.93 79557 1 Schulz, Charles M. Random Snoopy's facts and fun 6.bok about tams 4.64 79058 1 Schulz, C. M. Random Snoopy's fact and tun book about planers 4.61 790581 1 Schulz, C. M. Random Snoopy's fact and tun book about seasons 4.61 80133]) 1 Random Sesame Street ABU storybook 6.09 801334 1 Random Sesame Street bedtime storybook 3.63 940621 1 White, E.B. Harper Stuart Little 6.95 968301 2 Wright, Dane Doubleday Lonely doll 17.90 97311 1 . Ylla 1 Harper I'll snow you cats 10.33 973206 -1 Ylla 1 Harper -Iwo little bears 11.031 iI I - I I - . • 1 1 I I 1 HI I . NO BOOK PURCHASES ARE VALID UNLESS COVERED BY THIS FORM AND SIGNED BY THE LIBRARIAN. ' By - -4! VENDOR'S COPY BOOK PURCHASE ORDER • SHOW THIS-NUMBER ON Al..' INVOICES, PACKING LISTS;'. Ili,'i R A Telephone 713/823-8021 CARTONS,ETC. r.,, r PURCHASE 1317 • BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY Remit Payment: ORDER NO. 201 E.26th ST. P.O. Box 75266 BRYAN,TEXAS 77801 Charlotte, N.C. 28275 Date .Time 23, 1982 TO: Customer No. T, 42978-7 The Baker & Taylor Companies SUPER SELLER Contract Nn P. 0. Box 458 , BOOKMOBILE Commerce, Georgia 30599 FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Fund or Acct Rest.Gifts—College Sta. Please furnish the following publications in accordance with terms and conditions Date Approved r' 100-2423 on the face and reverse side hereof: Approved Fn nat.,. NO.of AUTHOR PUBLISHER COPIES I TITLE PRICE 1 ArnhPr I Simon Prndigal daughter ' 1 17.50 • . 11. p11 I Hol t_ TIIP Glad River 14.50 .-- AM I Pinna 1, ' onhecies of Nostradamus I 5.95 oh-- Pr - t:... ii O. • t a paradise 110.00 1 Cnrnr 11 ' • , . • .. nes Company 113.95 1 I (;ardnpr Random Mickelssons ghost 116.95 1 Howard Putrm EDnie: the story of Ann Landers 113.95 1 Jackson Balaw Color me beautiful I 8.95 1 Jakes, J. Hardo North and South 114.95 1 Kuah,nner Sshocken When bad things happen to good people 110.95 1 R. Random Parsifal mosaic - 1 15.95 1 Macdonald Harper Cinnamon skin j 11.95 1 MrRain Avon Dark before the rising sun . • I 3.95 _III1 1 McIntyre Pocket Star Trek II 1 2.50 1 McNab, T. Morrow Flannigans run 114.00 1 Michener, J. Fawcett Covenant I 4,95 1 Phillips Arboh Money workbook for women j 5.95 1 Shaw Random Life extension 12.95 1 Tax, M. Morrow Rivington Street 115.50 1 Thai Dell Simple solution- to Rubiks Cube ' -I 2.25 1 Toland Doubleday Infamy 117.95 • 1 . 1110 . • • 1 I -.-- __._ _--_ I __ •- A tt ;t VENDOR'S COPY /: 0 BOOK PURCHASE ORDER 11-10W7Hts.NCIMBER ON AL IN.vOICES, PACKING LISTS' CARTONS,ETC. P___ ".: • , , ' /S .h Telephone 713/823 8021 ,ry ;. PURCHASE 1318 • BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY Remit to: ORDER NO. 201 E.26th ST P.O. Box 75266 BRYAN,TEXAS 77801 Charlotte, N.C. 28275 Date June 3, 1 982 TO: Customer No.L 42978-7 The Baker & Taylor Companies Contract N' P. 0. Box 458 Commerce, Georgia 30599 FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY SUPER SELLERS Fund or Acct..Ji r- (moi ft c-f:nl 1 aaa Sta t i nn Please furnish the following publications in accordance with terms and conditions Date Approved rr 100-2423 on the face and reverse side hereof: Approved Fp r)atn NO.of COPIES AUTHOR PUBLISHER TITLE PRICE 1 Anthony Putnam Avenue of the dead 13.95 1 Austin NWAMT Tracy growing up a champion 8.95 1 Becker Random Blue eyed Shan 13.50 1 Berger Simon Southampton diet 15.50 1 Berlitz Gross Native tongues : the bk.of language facts 14.95 1 Brand Dodd Gunmen's feud 8.95 1 Burger Bantam Woman of 2 continents - 3.50 1 Carothers St.Martin Kilcaraig 17.95 1 Carr Little Bellerose bargain13.95 1 - Conway, Flo Doubleday Holy terror 17.95 1 Defelitta Warnp. For the love of Audrey Rose 3.95 1 Estrella Scribner Family guide to crime prevention 12.95 1 Farris Delacorte Uninvited 15.95 1 Gann Abroh. Magistrate - 12.95 1 Gardner, J. Coward For special services 9.95 1 Gibbons Macmillan Salads for all seasons 13.95 1 Hess, M. A. McGraw Hill Pickes and Ice cream 11.95 1 Higgins Random Patriot game 12.95 1 Hill St.Martin House of Gray 12.95 1 James, D. Putnam Fall of the Russian Empire, 13.95 . 1 Kazan Random Anatolian 15.95 2 Kotzwinkle - Berkley E T 5.50 1 Leguin Harper Compass Rose 12.95 1 LeShan, Eda Harper Eda LeShan on living your lite: based on the radio series "Getting Along" 10.95 1 • Ludlum Bantam Road to Gandolfo .i. /5 1 McIntyre Pocket Star Trek II z.5u 1 Matthews Bantam Embers of dawn 6.93 1 Otoole Delacorte Poor Richards game - 16.93 1 Philbin Crehm Wood finishing and refinishing 6.95 1 Pines Morrow Back to basics 13.30 1 Reeves, R. S&S American Journey: 14.95 1 Roosevelt, E. Crowell Mother and daughter: the letters or Eleanor and Anna Roosevelt 17.93 1 Kotsler Simon Crease z 2.95 1 Serling, R. St.Martin stewardess 13.95 1 Sheridan st.Martin hove at sunset 13.95 I Steel Dell once in a lifetime - 6.95 1Random silver profits in the 8G'S 14.50 41, 1 Starr Random Dafx side or tue dream 15.75 i Underwood St.Martin Goddess of death 10.95 1 wertmuiier, Lina Morrow The head of Aivise 12.00 1 wilnelm, Kate Houghtoni M Oh Susehher1L! 1 12.95 1 williams 5L.MatLILL CuppeL , 601d, aLid LL.D.. 9.95 -- ---- -- - , VENDOR'S COPY 1 • - ti I' I ..:,' BOOK PURCHASE ORDER .iHOW THI:t isIUMiER,ON AL.4 INVOICESe PACKING',LISTSi • , -.. `., ct • 1„: • ''J.-'., Telephone 713/823-8021 -,CA R TONS,PTC. - ' , . , , •-••1,- m PURCHASE 1319 ., BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY I ORDER NO. 201 E.26th ST. BRYAN,TEXAS 77801 Date .7111y 2, 1987 TO: I • . Customer No. I, 43770-7 Contract Nr The Baker & Taylor Company P, O. Box 458 FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Commerce, Georgia 30599 Fund or Acct. Restricted Gifts - Bryan Please furnish the following publications in accordance with terms and conditions Date Approved re- 100-2423 on the face and reverse side hereof: Approved Fri NO.of COPIES AUTHOR PUBLISHER TITLE . i . PRICE 1 Feldman, Annette Van Nostrani The big book of- afghans 15.95 1 Fielstul, A.B. Dutton Early American wall stencils in color 25.75 1 Gross, J. Van Nostranl Patterns from China: sweater ideas for children . . 17.95 1 Jackson, C. Scribners The woolcraft book: spinning, dyeing . and weaving ' 24.95 1 Dutton The patchwork pattern book 21.75 1 Plath, Sylvia Harper Collected poems of Sylvia Plath 15.95 1 Rottenberg, Dan Random Finding our fathers . 12.95 3 Sperry, Neil Taylor Neil Sperry's complete guide to Texas 'gardening ' ' 65.85 1 Schraffenberger Sterling Woman's Day decorative needlework for the home 13.93 111 1 Sheldon, E. Arco Washable and dryable needlepoint 14.95 1 Southern Living I Oxmoor Christmas with Southern Living 12.93 1 Southern Living Oxmoor The joys or Christmas 19oL . 11.93 1 Van Zandt, Eleanor Arco The complete booic or baby crarts 16.DU .1 ' Warren, Robt.P. Random Rumor Verified: poems 19/9-19oO 9.93 I Wilson, Erica Oxmoor Erica Wiison's needieworic to wear 17.95 . . . , . i , . 1 . . . , . • . 1 -4111 , , . . 1 , _ _ MEMORIALS AND GIFTS TO THE BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1982 • Given in Memory of Mrs. Frances Brusse Omitted Chapters from Hotten's original lists of persons of quality: J.C. Brandow by Mary Cooper Given in Memory of Mr. Marshall Bullock $15.00 from Brownrigg H. Dewey Given in Memory of Mrs. Nonie Mason Field $20.00 from Mrs. Gainer B. Jones $20.00 from Margaret J. Scoates $5.00 from Bernie and Linda Huckaby $15.00 from John Paul and Virginia Abbott $5.00 from Frankin and Rubye Simon $25.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cofer, Jr. $10.00 from Aline and Daisy Brogdon $15.00 from Carolyn Hensarling and B. H. Dewey, Jr. $15.00 from Sue Sanders Loew $20.00 from Mary Frances Yager $10.00 from Locke Moss and Mary Dell Wood $15.00 from Anne T. Ballinger $10.00 from Gertrude Foster $7.50 from Mrs. John S. Caldwell $3.50 from Marjorie Hillier $25.00 from Mrs. Hazel Adams Richardson $7.50 from Raymond and Dian Jones $10.00 from Dr. and Mrs. Richard Grant Given in Memory of Mr. Louis S. Nemec $7.50 from Dian and Raymond Jones Given in Memory of Mrs. Sam B. (Virginia) Pate $15.00 from Carolyn Hensarling $15.00 from Roman Prescription Shop Given in Memory of Mrs. Henry (Mary)Rohde' $20.00 from Linda Braley Grace and Suzan Braley Cook Given in Memory of Mr. George R. Turner $10.00 from Mrs. Brownie Bessent • Given in Memory of Mr. George Barton Wilcox $20.00 from Frances Cameron Munro • Given to the Bryan Public Library by the Brazos Genealogical Association English convicts in colonial America, v.1 English convicts in colonial America v. 11 The New York Magazine The genealogical- reader Cite your sources Nebraska pioneer Canadianass orts 1681-1752 P P Banks and bankers in early Texas 1835-1875 Acadian church records 1679-1757 Ohio Valley history New Orleans marriage contracts 1804-1820 General correspondence of Louisiana: 1678-1763 Given by Mrs. Peggy Sames Harrison Thomas Jewett Goree Letters, Vol. 1, The Civil War Correspondence. No. 13 Given in Honor of Peggy Hovind • Let rocks their silence break; by Evelyn Corry Appelbee Given in appreciation for the use of the auditorium $15.00 from Mrs. Georgia' S. Locke A MEMORIALS AND GIFTS CATALOGUED DURING THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1982 • HI, Word bird! : by Jane Moncure Leo and Emily: by Frank Brandenberg Omitted chapters from Hotten's; by James C. Brandow Omitted chapters from Hotten's original lists of persons of quality, V.11, Brandow Women's diaries of the westward journey; by Lillian Schlissel The dinner & supper cookbook, complete menus, recipes & tips: by Southern Living The camel: by Hilde Gauthier-Pilters The best in children's books; by Zena Sutherland Texas' last frontier Texas Hill Country The second complete home decorating catalogue: by Jose Wilson Field guide to wildflowers of northeastern and north-central North America: by Roger T. Peterson Essays on Walter Prescott Webb: by Philip/West A new shorter spanish review grammar: by Juan Castellano The complete poems: by Anne Sexton New decorating book: by Better Homes and Gardens • Marriages of Gibson County, Tenn, 1924-1860: by Edythe R. Whitley Fashion: from concept to consumer. by Gini S. Frings Complete guide to needlework: by Reader's Digest A new land beckoned: German immigration to Texas, 1844-1847 : by Chester Geue The German Texans: by Glen E. Lich The children's picture book: how to write it, how to sell it: by Ellen Roberts Making it personal with monograms, initials & names : by Leslie Linsley America from the road: by Readers Digest A river no more: by Philip Franklin Houston, a history: by David McComb • BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY • FINES & FEES FINES: Adult Dept. All monies collected go into the general fund of the City of Bryan. Overdue books, paperbacks:$.5 daily, maximum fine, $1.00. (5 day grace period allowed) Phonograph records, magazines, pamphlets:$.5 daily, maximum fine, $1.00. (no grace period allowed) Framed art prints and sculpture: $.25 per day, maximum fine, $5.00. (no grace period) LOST MATERIALS or irreparably damaged : patron is assessed amount equal to cost of the item. DAMAGED MATERIALS : Charges are determined by cataloging dept. , based on amount of time spent in repairing. Currently we send a bill for this amount to avoid having to estimate charges before actu al repair takes place. We have had some difficulty in this area, especially with childrens' materials. A patron does not always view damage from the same standpoint the library does. Frequently,damaged materials are returned in the book drop and we are forced into sending a bill. It does not happen a great deal, but often enough to warrant a procedure. • I prefer all billing go out from the administrative assistant's office but I don't like the time and postage it costs. However, determining damage costs needs to be done by one person to be consistent. BOOKMOBILE FINES: Currently no fines are charged for overdue materials borrowed from the Bookmobile. Given the space restrictions, it is awkward to carry a cash box, receipt books, etc. It is also considered a security problem. Certainly, patrons are charged for damaged or lost materials, and this usually involves a check which makes it a simple transaction. Volume of overdue books is extremely low on the Bookmobile. CHILDREN'S FINES: Currently no fines are charged for overdue materials borrowed from the childrens collection. The reasoning for not charging fines is that children must depend on transportation to the library and so it is not directly their fault if books are kept overdue. I have never read a formal statement as to the reasoning in this area. I cannot find a lot of information about this subject. Older staff members say that it was felt fines would discourage young readers. Some research in libraries says that books are kept overdue regardless of the amount of fines due. From 3 to 5 % of the entire collection is considered a normal figure for overdue materials. If a library y stays in this percentage it is not to be considered a major problem. We are currently gathering statistics that will tell us a percentage. The children's dept. has what is called the Fish Fund. For those children who wish to make up in some way their late return of books, • they can contribute to this fund. It is probably not legal! The money is used now for supplies for the aquarium, but in the past it has been used for a variety of items, crafts supplies, etc. It is not reported in a formal way. It has been stolen from time to time, as it was once kept near the fish tank. It is now kept emptied and the contents are kept loc ked up. FEES: • Replacement of borrowers cards: $1.00 Reserve book request notification: • $.13 postage charge for notification by post card. I.L.L notification: $. 13 postage charge for notification by post card. Postage charges are returned to the library account by the city finance office. Fines and fees for everything except postage go directly into the city of Bryan general fund. • i !1•11111r Worksession on Circulation of Library Materials Canal T....Library Syciern CITY LAWS: DALLAS CITY CODE, Sec, 24-3. Neglect to return books, etc. : Checking Up On Checking Out "Every person who shall take or borrow from the public library any book, pamphlet, periodical, paper or other property, and neglect to return the same within two weeks from the date of mailing a notice to his address, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor." BAYTOWN ORDINANCE: Sec. 17-18, Failure to return library materials, (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly fails to return library materials to the Sterling Municipal Library which were loaned to the actor or borrowed in the actor's name. (b) The actor's intent and knowledge shall be presumed if: (1) Pursuant to agreement, the library materials were to be returned on a date specified; (2) Actual notice is given or notice in writing is sent by depositing in the United States mail said notice addressed to the actor at his address shown on the records of the library stating that the library materials were not returned on the date specified; and (3) The library material is not returned to the owner within twenty (20) days of receipt of such notice, (c) If notice is given in accordance with subsection (b) (2) of this section, it is presumed that the notice was received no later than five (5) days after it • was sent. (d) In prosecution under this section, it is no defense that the actor, though the actual borrower, no longer possesses the library materials, (e) In prosecution under this section, it is an affirmative defense that another borrowed the library material in the name of the actor without his effective consent. (f) An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor and any person who shall violate any provision of this section shall upon conviction be punished by a fine not to exceed two hundred dollars ($200.00) , Each day of the continuance of such violation shall be considered a separate offense and each and every day shall constitute a separate violation, (Ord. No, 1847, Sec. 1, 8-14-75) AUSTIN CITY CHARTER - Chapter 18: Libraries - Article I. In General Section 18,1.General Regulations. Nothing shall be done or practiced to limit the free use of the libraries by the public and no rule shall be established or prac- ticed that will require the payment of money for the use of books outside the li- braries by the public and no 'rule shall be established or practiced that will re- quire the payment of money for the use of books outside the libraries, except to impose fines for infractions of the rules and to collect for damages to and for loss of books, and to charge rental for duplicate copies of books. (1-26-33. Section 3) (Specific charges are in the form of ordinances reviewed & approved by the City Council) CTLS 3/81 '11,7 Checking Up on Checking Out Worksession on Circulation 411 Central Texas Mean;Segura of Library Materials STATE LAW VERNON' S ANNOTATED CIVIL STATUTES: Section 31.04 (Penal Code) Theft of Service. (a) A person commits theft of service if, with intent to avoid payment for service that he knows is provided only for compensation: (1) he intentionally or knowingly secures performance of the service by deception, threat, or false token; (2) having control over the disposition of services of another to which he is not entitled, he intentionally or knowingly diverts the other's services to his own benefit or to the benefit of another not entitled to them; or v/3) having control of personal property under a written rental agreement, he holds the property beyond the expiration of the rental period without the effective consent of the owner of the property, thereby depriving the owner of the property of its use in further rentals. (b) For purposes of this section, intent to avoid payment is presumed if ' (1) the actor absconded without paying for the service in circumstances where payment is ordinarily made immediately upon rendering of the service, as in hotels, restaurants, and comparable establishments; or to/ (2) the actor failed to return the property held under a rental agreement within 10 days after receiving notice demanding return. (c) For purposes of Subsection (b) (2) of this section, notice shall be given in • writing, sent by registered or certified mail with return receipt requested or by telegram with report of delivery requested, and addressed to the actor at his address shown on the rental agreement. (d) If written notice is given in accordance with Subsection (c) of this section, it is presumed that the notice was received no later than five days after it was sent. (e) An offense under this section is: (1) a Class C misdemeanor if the value of the service stolen is less than $5; (2) a Class B misdemeanor if the value of the service stolen is $5 or more but less than $20; (3) a Class A misdemeanor if the value of the service stolen is $20 or more but less than $200; (4) a felony of the third degree if the value of the service stolen is $200 or more but less than $10,000; (5) a felony of the second degree if the value of the service stolen is $10,000 or more. • • CTLS 3/81 tS. �4 a4 y��� r tb ,J'. ti. )4 `fir pl "T4' e 1f Y 5 4i'3� E4 .Tr L, !7ti;i to . iiii* r a n 4'n. It t a�".r q t r ,t , �y �". "' �,' ,�tit ' t ��, �t s'R!�',3 4 t s, �. rf Int� '� ie qv, y ;v �,a���-e�Sti�s. ss`^�' . ,t«.-.erk.M+r.•.W- ria..W PUBLIC LIBRARY .- 201 E. 26TH STREET • TELEPHONE 823-8021 • AREA CODE 713 • BRYAN, TEXAS 77801 Clara. Mounce , Librarian Residents of Brazos County and the surrounding counties (Grimes, Burleson, Robertson, Madison, Leon and Washington) are eligible for a borrowers card from the Bryan Public Library. A person who lives in a hotel, motel, or rents without at least a six-month lease, is not considered to be a resident. A person who is living temporarily with friends or relatives in the area is not eligible. Temporary- cards are not issued by the library. Since we do not limit the amount of books a first-time borrower may check out, positive proof of residence is required. Identification Requirements for Library Borrower's Card: Primary: A valid Texas driver's license with current (local) address. In case of teenagers who do not drive, a high school or middle school identi- fication card or the driver's license of a parent will substitute. If the above is not available, two of the following I.D's, will substitute. One • of the two must have a current address. 1. Checkbook showing current address. 2. Utilities or telephone receipt showing local address 3. Housing lease showing at least a 6-month contract, name and address 4. Birth certificate 5. Passport 6. Texas A&M student I.D. card 7. Blinn College student I.D. hard 8. Bryan High School student I.D. card 9. College Station High School student I.D. card 10. Any type of paper or mail showing name and current address 11. Social security card Expiration dates may vary: All T cards should be for one year, or less if desired. Groups from Allen Academy, Discovery Land, Greenleaf Psychiatric Hospital, Bryan Girl's Club, Dilly Shaw Farm, Half-Way House, come with a teacher and/or counselor who can identify them. The driver's license of the teacher/counselor is to be used in the space for I.D. 'f Cards should never be for more than one year. • -,-fri pyo y 1? EfE ev 1/ { I Memorial book process: Memorials come in the mail, in person or on the telephone (with checks mailed in later) . During the 8 to 5 hours, most memorials are handled by the secretary. A form is completed by the secretary or the person, depending on the situation. Currently there is encouragement to ask about a subject area or a particular book that the donor would like to recommend. The form itself has a section for Book Selected, and even though this was intended for record keeping purposes, many times the donor expects he is to complete that part. A receipt is made for the money or check and a weekly accounting of these monies is turned in by the secretary. Almost immediately, notification,in the form of a printed card, is mailed to acknowledge' _ _ '. the gift. Sometimes the secretary must call the funeral home to verify addresses for next of kin or for the actual spelling of the name, as some people do not have this information when they make a contribution. Currently the procedure is tb match an amount of money to a book that would be appropriate for the person. Some memorial-type books are kept available if a person wishes to choose, but this • has not been too effective, plus new books remain in the librarian's office a long time. If a subject request has been made, the, librarian tries to fit it in with book selecting from newly published works. It becomes time consuming on the part of the librarian and the secretary to match a book, an amount and a person's interests. However, after selecting takes place, an order is placed for several memorials, using restricted gifts as source of funds for the payment authorization. When the books arrive, they are checked in by a clerk, delivered to the secretary who then types memorial plates for each book, refers to the original memorial form and enters the title of the book selected, and once a month compiles this list for the board of trustees. A separate list is generated each month listing the names of donors and amounts of money, for the board's information. Books then go to the cataloging department to have the plates affixed and be processed. The cataloger adds to the shelf list card a statement that this is a memorial book in honor of that person. The secretary then adds the name of the donor, the title and author of the book, and initiates a page for the person in_ _ leather bound memorial books kept in a locked case outside the secretary's office. The secretary keeps a ledger with the name of the donor, amount and honored person's name, as well as the completed memorial forms. At times, donors have requested to see a book before it was processed or at least have it on reserve for them the first time it circulated. Card sent / Reported to Board Entered in book(\s, ; l BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY Bryan, Texas MEMORIAL �iffi T 1 F Please accept $ for a book to be selected by Librarian. Given in memory of Make acknowledgement of this gift to: Name Address • Name of donor BOOK SELECTED: •