HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/17/1982 - Regular Agenda Packet - Bryan College Station Library System Advisory Board • AGENDA BRYAN LIBRARY BOARD WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1982 -- 5 p.m. I. Regular Business A. Minutes of the January meeting B. Statistics C. Standing Committees II. Old Business A. Budget procedures II. New Business •� A. New Bookmobile Librarian, Linda Parkin B. Personnel y- . _- -- - ----- Illi 411 : . 4 01/2.0/82 CITY OF BRYAN PAGE 54 -RE-PORT-I-02-4.1-03P DLI A.I L-L-ISJ-I NG�O F-C BL-I GA-7-IONS-V-S.--BUDGET ' • FOR BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1982 l AS OF 12/31/81 d S ' FUND: 100 GENERAL FUND AGENCY: 600 CULTURAL E RECREATIONAL --- - ORGANIZATION-:-6020- --L-I-BR A P Y Ar_T I'1 T r Y ' ISI ------ ----• CURRENTPERIOD -FISCAL, YEAR-70=0A-IT -.-__ • ----_ - • " ' OBJECT I 1 I CURRENT UNOBLIGATED - I TOTAL I OUTSTANDING TOTAL I BUDGETED BUDGET , Q • , -CODE=DESCRI-P-TI-0N-I-0BL-IGAT-I-ONS--I-_E-NCUMBRANCES -EXPE1':DI.r-URE-S LJBLIIGA-T-I-LINS I AMOUNT BALANCE PERCENT °I ' -- 603-AP-PRUNI-I 7OTL -12.2.-4? fl-:00.__---- 1-89.._82 18-9.92 i_0"n ----'---^T,87U1-fl----93-.-a -11 , 4400 ELECTRIC SER 8,427.29 0.00 10,313.40 10,313.40 40,000 29,686.60 74.2 Z >j4 4402--WATER--SEP 50.43 0-.-00- /8..63 78._63 /00 277_17 a n a 4403 Wh SERVICE 29.86 0.00 46.74 46.74 300 253.26 84.4 Z 1,i 4 ; ' 4404 GARBAGE 17.00 0.00 25.50 25.50 102 76.50 75.0 Z '1 4405_-COMM_ SE-RV-ICF ____394...1.6_-____ 0..00-_._ 525.92 52.5-07 ,7an 11,,62.4.0A 7-6..1_ .Z 4422 EQUIP RENTAL 0.00 0.00 679.19 679.19 680 0.81 0.1 Z ;,I 4 '� 4441 TRAVEL 0.00 0.00 40.40 40.40 1,500 1,459.60 97.3 Z ,,I4. 44.42_O_TRAINI.Nr. 7..00 0...On 90 -0.0 Sn.n 0.00 92._ --1', r- 0 TOn !,S o � , 4445 I TRAINING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200 200.00 100.0 Z' i"1 r 4450 LIABILITY IN 0.00 0.00 641.59 641.59 642 0.41 0.1 ZC ' 4451- FIRE-INS_.-_ 0.00 -0.00-- -____2,-82.0-.-On ?,82J_0'T 7__,Z20 8.-00 " 0.0_%_____-__ ; 4455 INS AND INSP 0.00 0.00 501.20 501.20 735 233.80 31.8 Z j1: " 4458 ASSGC DUES 336.27 0.00 431.27 431.27 476 44.73 9.4 Z ••' 4 '�_4460.--CAR=CLOCHES_ 0..00 n.00 0.0.0 0.00 20.0 200.00-_-.00..n 4 'j4463 SPECIAL STDY 293.20 0.00 293.20 293.20 3,000 2,706.80 90.2 $ ' I4474 PR SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 100.0 Z 50 j"'j .,, 4" 447_7_ M I S C CHARGES---------0.00________0.00_ 0...0.Q 0..011 -17c 175._011 100_.0 I 0 h 604 APPR UNIT TOIL 9,548.25 0.00 16,447.04 16,447.04 54,180 37,732.96 69.6 114 " 4524 LIBRARY IMPR 5,411.48 9,610.10 4,115.19. 13,725.29 33,292 19,566.71 5.8.8 Z • 4544 OFF MACH/EQ 1,232.88 1,232.88 0.00 1,232.88 1,650 417.12 25.3 Z ,;, e , S ' 605 APPR UNIT TOTL 6,644.36 10,842.98 4,115.19 14,958.17 34,942 19,983.83 57.2 . Q '_.-_____..ACL.LV.1.Y_TDTAI 15.,-617.72-_ 11.,-il65.7_4 - 74,33 1.53 85,804-27 364,372 2784967_73 71-S • ' ! 6020 ORG TOTAL 35,617.72 11,065.74 74,738.53 85,804.27 364,372 278,567.73 76.5 ,, 0 ,,r "i " 4 ' . 0 ' e 01/20/82 CITY OF BRYAN PAGE; -, - 0 • 11. 1 4 53 ' 0 -•-REPORT--I-04--A-1133P )ET-AIL---L-1-ST-ING-0E-OBL-IGA-TI-ON-s- V-S-.-8U0GLT y 01 FOR BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1982 - I;j AS. OF 12/31/81 I 4 FUND: 100 GENERAL FUND AGENCY: 600 CULTURAL E RECREATIONAL ,I j ORGAN-I-PATI-ON:-6020-L-TBRAR" ACT I U1 TY' • ! ---- ---- ,. �• , ---------------_----_._.__-CURRENT--PERIOD- - FISCAL-YEAR-TO-DATE '0 I OBJECT I I - 1 CURRENT UNOBLIGATED „1 I TOTAL I OUTSTANDING TOTAL I BUDGETED .BUDGET "IN CODE-DESCRIRTbDN-I-08L-IGATIONS-I-ENCUviBRANCS E-XPtND-i TURF-S-9BLI-GATIOJI�S-J1MBUNT ---84L-ANC_. PE-RC-ENT +# 1; I 1 --- -- HI, -4100--SUPERVI-SORY 3- 444i/: M „2-10.00 9.00-_.. -- -----,-44 35.9_ ,935-92 , 36.4-84.-08 82.-1 " % 4102 FULL TIME 11,681.76 0.00 34,337.68 34,337.68 153,596 119,2_58.32 77.6 $ 1 4103 PART TIME 1,721.20 0.00 4,338.49 4,338.49 32,470 28.131:51 86.6 $ 1'40 --4109-HC11DAY--P-A? 0.00 9.00 0 00 0_0Q 9 0.-00. . 0.-0 2i'9 i'! 4110 SICK PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0" " ; 0.00' 0..0 •%• ,1 X4111 VACATION PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 .0.00. 0. 0.00 0.0 % - I :4112--TERMINAL--PAY=- 0.0C 0.0^ • 0.00 94-00 9 --0,00 0.0 -"d ' 4, 14113 INJURY PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.0 2 kat41.14 MISC PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.0 b '•�-4115---MERI- -RDv 0-.0C 0._00 04-00 0..-00 0 9.-00. . . 0.-0 I') h4120 RETIREMENT., 600.64 0.00 1,683.02 1,683.02 9,028 7,,344.98 ' 81:4 ''' 1 4121 FICA 1,106.10 0.00 3,099.71 3,099.71 15,058 11,958.29 79.4 2 1 L4122 HEALTH-I-NS 468.-58- 0.00------=1,-405.-T 1..405....7/4 5r62-3- i,2-17.-26-75.0 T 1,1 Ah : 14123 LIFE INS 78.54 0.00 234.94 234.94 832 597.06 71._8 2 I 4124 WORKERS COMP 37.37 0.00 102.43 102.43 351 248.57 70.8 % I,'I4 I --412-5-_UNEMP-COMP ''0.0Q 0.-0!' 1-12.-0J9 112-.00 •' . _ .32 221.-00 741 '}< I'1' ' I,, '-I601 ,APPR UNIT TOTL. 18.,964.19 0.06 , 53,249.93 53,249.93 ?_61,814; 208,.564.07 79.7 is ® 1;14200 OFFICE SUPP 2.25 0.00 81.43 81.43 2,500 2,418.57 96.7 % - 4201 EDUCA SUPP 74.75 0.00 74.75 74.75 500 425.25 85.1 % ' Q 4202-PHOTOG-SUPP 0_0C C' x.00 0..00 0.-00 141 14-1-.-00-101' ^ `1 a. 4203 POSTAGE 53.25 , 0.00 198.62 198.62 1,850 1.651.38 . ,89.3 $ I:•; 14204 PRINTING 10.73 , '0.00 21.40' 21.40 2.1.000 1,978.60 98.9 % '. II 4219-OTHER-OFF--------- --1-68.40---------222.76.--------- 234.53 45.7.2-0 1,500 • . 1,04.2.-71-----69 $ `! 4220 MTR VEH SUPP 29.13 0.00 123.79 123.79 1,600 1,476.21 92.3 % ' 11 4222 TOOLS EQ SUP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25 . 25.00 100.0 % ?, 1 I' -4242-JANI-TCR--SUPD ,0400 0,0^ . 11.2 2_R 4^ '7_07 940 T ', 4251 BOT SUPP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200 200.00 100.0 2 `4 ® 1 , 4281 FIRST AID 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 . 10 .10.00 100.0' % 4289 CT CROW SUPP -- --------------------_0.00--. .------------ 0.00------ ----.__._ _-0.O0 . 0.-00. 10 ' 1-0.-00-1-00-.0 ! • ,.'1 602 APPk UNIT TUTL 338.51 222.76 736.55 959.31 10,376 9,416.69 30.8 1].. 1 4300 MTR VEH MTN 8.40 0.00 14.25 • 14.25 . 500 485.75 97.2 % ,,I , A G ', 4302 OFF FUR/EQ 109.00 0.00 109.00 -, 109.00 700 591.00 84.4 % 11 I' 4304 FIRE AP MIN_ _0.00------ --..____.-_..0.00 ---.---.-.--.----0.00 X1..00 40 40.00-100.0.__Z 4319 MACH/EQ MIN 0.00 0.00 U.00 0.00 170 170.00 100.0 % 4346 BOOKS MIN 5.01 0.00 66.57 66.57 • 1,650 1,583.43 96.0 I„I 'I a ii , z ., • i ' 1 0 1111 01/20/82 CIIY OF BRYAN PAGE 10 •--REPORT---I D:--•-A203 P ---------- -DETAIL-LI-SUNG-OF-REVENUES-V S-.-BUDGE T ,l t FOR BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1982 II �I • AS OF' 12/31/81 FUND: 100 GENERAL FUND AGENCY: 600 CULTURAL E RECREATIONAL ------------ ORGAN-I-Z-AT ION-6020-L16RAR-YAC-TI\'ITY' , ! - CURRENT -' PERIOD --------- -----FISCAL--YEAR--TO-DATE--- i I. UN FECOGNIZED u IGPS REVENUE CASH REVENUE CASH BUDGETED BUDGET RE-VENUE- SOURCE-------REF------ -RECOGNIZED--------COLLECTED RECOGNIZED GALL-EC-TED AMOUNT BALANCE PERCENT 11 1 3372 -LBRY--CONTRIB----- 0.00--------------0.00- 9.-0O 0.-00 - '3-1000 3,000.00- 100.0-%-- -- ;,! 1, " ' 3476 DAMAGE FEES 64.26 74.21 220.11 257.06 1,509 1,288.89 85.4 % ;;! 4 Ii 3480 M1SC CHARGES 0.00 0.00 105.12 105.12 0 105.12- 0.0 Z 'I H3502-LIBRARY-FINE 434.45 -- 434-.0 933.-00 1-0-39.4^ 2;984 ?,-047-.00 76.6-Z 1`'I 3550 MISC INCOME 0.00 0.00 1.03 1.03. 0 1.03- 0.0 % '--------- --AC-T-I.VITY--TOTAL------ 4c8.3-1- 508.-2'-• '_-12-5-9.-2 1-14-02,-61 P,.-489 71229-.-74 85.2 - " j 6020 ORG TOTAL 498.31 508.26 1,259.26 1,402.61 8,489 7,229.74 85.2 I, .11 • I 17 (k; , - - . k.I II ; I i toil • i. f ' I II I 40 40 f I. a''`-.: je3y+t .y S.°a f ".',...i r . 1' ,, y s n0,t.7,t 1 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY FINANCIAL REPORT ON COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT 4111 AND MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS JANUARY, 1982 CITY FUNDS Books: $ 6,134.74 CONTINUATION SERVICE: 4,270.46 MAGAZINES & NEWSPAPERS: 6,459.43 RECORDS: 641.41 AUDIO-VISUAL: 896.00 F. LAW HENDERSON: Texas Books 22.23 LSCA GRANT: Federal: 2,959.00 State: -0- RESTRICTED GIFTS: REGULAR FUND: 2,452.90 COLLEGE STATION FUND: 21,330.52 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY FUNDS: 851.87 HEDGCOCK ESTATE: 2,241.95 TODERO ESTATE: 3,035.78 TOTAL MONIES AVAILABLE FOR COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES $51,296.29 • S. 1 2 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY 0, LIBRARIANS INDIVIDUAL BOOK ORDER BUDGETS ;{ 1111 JANUARY, 1982 REPORTING YEAR TO BEGINNING MONTH DATE ENDING DEPARTMENT BALANCE EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE BALANCE ROUNTREE ROOM: Books -City 4,100.00 1,134.74 1,252.43 2,847.57 Records-City 400.00 78.84 98.77 301.23 Books-State 5,937.00 -0- 5,937.00 -0- BOOKMOBILE: Children-City 2,900.00 -0- 1,030.60 1,869.40 Adult-City 700.00 -0- 545.45 154.55 Children-State 2,000.00 -0- 2,000.00 -0- REFERENCE 400.00 -0- -0- 400.00 GENEALOGY 1,000.00 -0- 462.00 538.00 LARGE PRINT 800.00 480.00 480.00 320.00 ADULT: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Young Adult, Etc. • STATE MONEY: 2,284.00 -0- 2,284.00 -0- FEDERAL MONEY 5,653.00 5.50 2,694.00 2,959.00 CITY MONEY 8,103.03 -0- 8,103.03 -0- CITY DISCOUNTS & CANCELLATIONS 1,472.74 1,173.87 1,467.52 5.22 TEXAS BOOKS 81.93 14.00 59.70 22.23 STANDING ORDERS 6,550.00, 185.89 2,279.54 4,270.46 ADULT RECORDS 496.00 33.94 155.82 340.18 DISCOUNTS & CANCELLATIONS AUDIO-VISUAL 896.00 -0- -0- 896.00 • 3 41 it ;. BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY FUNDS JANUARY, 1982 TOTAL REPORTING YEAR TO DISCOUNTS BEGINNING QUANTITY MONTH DATE & ENDING CATEGORY BALANCE PURCHASED EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE CANCELLATIONS BALANCE BOOKS 2 -0- 25.70 7.31 COPY PAPER-REGULAR COPY PAPER-LEGAL TONER 1 -0- 60.00 DISPERSANT 1 -0- 36.00 COPIER SERVICE CONTRACT 1 -0- 450.00 CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS -0- 67.93 411 INVESTMENT -0- 818.90 CTLS WORKSHOP 11.43 11.43 Total 2,314.52 11.43 1,469.96 7.31 851.87 4 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY III LIBRARIANS INDIVIDUAL BOOK ORDER BUDGETS COLLEGE STATION FUNDS 1980-81 FISCAL YEAR REPORTING YEAR TO BEGINNING MONTH DATE ENDING DEPARTMENT BALANCE EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE BALANCE ROUNTREE ROOM 4,499.03 -0- 4,499.03 -0- BOOKMOBILE - ADULT 2,200.11 -0- 2,111.11 89.00 1 - CHILDREN 3,100.00 -0- 3,100.00 -0- GENEALOGY 700.00 -0- 669.00 31.00 ADULT: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Young Adult, Etc. 9,500.00 -0- 9,500.00 -0- Discounts & Cancellations 5,600.57 216.04 5,600.57 -0- III . BALANCE 25,599.71 216.04 25,479.71 120.00 410 5 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY LIBRARIANS INDIVIDUAL BOOK ORDER BUDGETS COLLEGE STATION FUNDS 1981-82 FISCAL YEAR JANUARY, 1982 REPORTING YEAR TO BEGINNING MONTH DATE ENDING DEPARTMENT BALANCE EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE BALANCE ROUNTREE ROOM 6,500.00 -0- -0- 6,500.00 BOOKMOBILE - ADULT 2,500.00 -0- -0- 2,500.00 - CHILDREN 3,000.00 -0- -0- 3,000.00 GENEALOGY 800.00 -0- -0- 800.00 ADULT: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Young Adult, Etc. 12.200.00 3,789.48 3,789.48 8,410.52 Discounts & Cancellations BALANCE 25,000.00 3,789.48 3,789.48 21,210.52 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY 6 FINANCIAL REPORT FOR DFCFMRFR, 1981 CASH ON HAND $ 15.00 • COLLECTIONS FINES $ 409.05 LOST & PAID BOOKS 57.21 REFUNDS ON PAID BOOKS -0- LIBRARY FEES 42.00 TOTAL $ 508.26 RESTRICTED GIFTS BEGINNING BALANCE $ 36,005.20 REGULAR $ 3,558.00 COLLECTIONS 166.00 EXPENDITURES 412.68 ENCUMBRANCES 1,525.43 BALANCE $ 1,785.89 COLLEGE STATION $ 26,027.75 DEPOSITS -0- EXPENDITURES 115.56 ENCUMBRANCES 630.96 BALANCE $ 25,281.23 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY $ 1,141.72 • DEPOSITS -0- EXPENDITURES 143.42 ENCUMBRANCES 135.00 BALANCE $ 863.30 HEDGCOCK ESTATE $ 2,241.95 EXPENDITURES -0- ENCUMBRANCES -0- BALANCE $ 2,241.95 TODERO ESTATE $ 3,035.78 EXPENDITURES -0- ENCUMBRANCES -0- BALANCE $ 3,035.78 RESTRICTED GIFTS ENDING BALANCE $ 33,208.15 ROUNTREE ACCOUNT BEGINNING BALANCE $ 875.14 DEPOSITS -0- EXPENDITURES -0- ENCUMBRANCES -0- ROUNTREE ACCOUNT ENDING BALANCE $ 875.14 MP PETTY CASH $ 35.00 . 7 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT FOR JANUARY, 1982 • SERVICES THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Days Open 25 26 Auditorium Usage 57 64 New Borrowers 378 419 Book Reviews, Radio & TV Talks, Newspaper 32 15 Overdue Notices 352 452 ROUNTREE ROOM Story Hour Attendance 316 540 Saturday Program 244 295 Class Visits & Tours/Attendance 26/507 25/496 Books Checked Out By Teachers 78 368 Books Circulated In Classroom 390 1,840 REFERENCE Interlibrary Loan 58 57 Questions 1,984 1,229 Reserves Notified 267 191 ELDERLY & HOMEBOUND • • Regular Print 65 181 Large Type Print 355 457 BOOKMOBILE Trips Made 20* 35 Adult Books Non-fiction 179 - 364 Fiction 527 496 Juvenile Non-fiction 540 2,497** Fiction 3,334 15,102** Books Carried to Schools, Parks No longer scheduled 3,098** Books Circulated to Schools, Parks No longer scheduled 15,988** K-Mart - 616 135 Culpepper Plaza 355 *** Redmond Terrace 681 597 Oak Hill-Johnson School Area 472 *** Happy Day 85 *** Humpty Dumpty Nursery 505 300 Collier's Nursery 365 300 French's Nursery I, II, III & IV 1,095 955 A&M Methodist Church 405 370 Calvery Baptist Church 100 *** • Scheduled stops cancelled due to Bookmobile mechanical failure. ** Reflects school stops now discontinued. *** Not a scheduled stop at this time. III III • BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT FOR JANUARY, 1982 CIRCULATION THIS YEAR LAST YEAR ADULT JUVENILE BOOKMOBILE ADULT JUVENILE BOOKMOBILE Non-fiction 5,204 1,441 719 5,511 1,845 2,861 Fiction 3,667 4,738 3,861 4,017 5,942 15,598 Pamphlets 18 6 0 18 3 0 Periodicals 632 21 0 532 17 0 Framed Prints 66 6 0 52 7 0 Picture File 0 0 0 0 67 0 Records 185 90 0 197 161 0 Slide Sets 0 10 0 0 32 0 Sculpture 7 0 0 11 0 0 Paperbacks 3,918 501 126 4,252 273 62 Bound Periodicals 450 0 0 180 0 0 TOTAL 14,147 6,813 4,762 14,770 8,347 18,521 GRAND TOTAL 25,722 41,638 * BOOK STOCK THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Books Catalogued - Adult 224 278 Books Catalogued - Juvenile 170 197 Memorial Books Catalogued 11 39 Other Gifts Catalogued 81 5 Total Additions 475 475 Books Transferred 0 53 Books Repaired in Library 96 10 Books Withdrawn 265 467 Books Rebound 68 0 Magazines Bound 50 30 Records Catalogued 33 16 Records Withdrawn 52 2 * Reflects Bookmobile stops to schools no longer scheduled co BRYAN PUBLLC LIBRARY Month of Janua rat 1982__ • CIRCULATION - Adult 14.147 Juvenile 6.813 Bookmobile 4 .762 GRAND TOTAL 25,722 SERVICES Days Open 25 Auditorium Usage 57 New Borrowers 378 , Book Reviews, Radio & TV Talks, Newspaper 32 Overdue Notices 352 ROUNTREE ROOM Story Hour Attendance 316 Saturday Program 244 Class Visits & Tours/Attendance 26/507 Books Checked Out By Teachers 78 Books Circulated In Classroom 390 REFERENCE Interlibrary Loan 58 Questions 1.984 Reserves Notified 267 ELDERLY & HOMEBOUND Regular Print 65 Large Type Print 355 BC)OKMOBILE Trips Made 20 Books Carried to Schools, Parks No longer scheduled Books Circulated to Schools, Parks No longer scheduled K-Mart 616 Culpepper Plaza 355 Redmond Terrace 681 Oak Hill-Johnson School Area 472 Happy Day 85 Humpty Dumpty Nursery 505 Collier's Nursery 365 French's Nursery I, II, III & IV 1,095 A&M Methodist Church 405 Calvery Baptist Church 100 BOOK STOCK_ ::��uhs Catalogued - Adult 224 Books Catalogued - Juvenile 170 Memorial Books Catalogued 11 Other Gifts Catalogued 81 Total Additions 475 Books Transferred 0 Rooks Repaired in Library 96 Books Withdrawn 265 Books Rebound 68 Magazines Bound 50 Records Catalogued 33 Records Withdrawn 52 _� � . .' VENDOR'S COPY BOOK PURCHASE ORDERSHOW THIS.NUMBER ON A INVOICES,PACKING 1•��ST`, ';'� • .� Telephone 713/823-8021 CARTONS,ETC. ,II ' ,. PURCHASE 1243 RYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY ORDER NO. 201 E.26th ST. BRYAN,TEXAS 77801Date January 6, 1982 TO. Customer Nn Amereon Ltd. Contract No Box 1200 . Mattituck, N. Y. 11952 FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Fund or Acct. 100-600-6020-0700-4524 Please furnish the following publications in accordance with terms and conditions Date Approved Cr' on the face and reverse side hereof: Approved Fri ^•tn - NO.of COPIES AUTHOR I PUBLISHER TITLE PRICE 1 A11;ngham M_ Amerenn Ltd. The Black Dudley_ Murder 11.50 1 Allingham, M. Black Plumes 14.65 • 1 Allino_hnm. M. The China Governess 13.25 1 Al l inaham M_ Dancers in Mournine 15..45: rzl,.m.., • Allingham_ M_ Deadly Duo ' 11.15 1 Ambler, R. Cause for Alarm 14.10 1 Ambler. E. A Coffin for Dimitrios 112.95 1 Ammer. E. Judgment on Deltchev 113.55 1 Brand_- Max Bandit of the Black Hills 12.70 1 It - The Big Trail 14.40 1II Border Bandit 12.05 1 " Brothers of the Trail 113.85 1Ai ,, Dan Barry's Daughter 17.95 1. Dead or Alive 16.30 1 It Ghost Rider - 12.95 1 " Montana Rides! _ 11.50 • 1 it The Secret of Dr. Kildare 11.75 1 Eromfield, Loui; The Farm 17.95 1 Bromfield, L. Pleasant Valley 16.30 1 Cadell, Eliz. Around the Rugged Rock - 14.10 • _ 1 Cadell, Eliz. The Cuckoo in Spring 13.25 1 Cadell, Eliz. 1 The Yellow Brick Road 1i.LJ 1 Gardner, Erle 1 The Case of the Baited Hook 15.45 • 1 Gardner, Erle 1 The Case of the Dangerous Dowager 11.SU 1 Gardner, Erle 1 The Case of the Sleepwalker's Niece iz. /u 1 Grey, Zane King of the Royal Mounted and the Great Jewel Mystery 15.y5 1 Grey, Zane Rustlers'of Silver River 1.5.55 1 Gruber, Frank Zane Grey: a Biography 1 .93 1 Harte, Bret The Lost Galleon is.VD 1 Harte, Bret The outcasts of Poker Flats, the LUCK ., of Roaring Camp, and other sketches 14.40 , 1 Heyer, Georgette Death in the Stocks 14.6-3 1 Kipling, Rudyarld The Jungle Books 16.60 1 " I Just so stories 3.5; it The Man who would be king 12.95 1 Renault, Mary The Middle Mist 15.45 1 Sterling, Rod into the 'iwiiignt Zone _ 1L.05 1 Shute, Nevil No Highway in the Sky 17.45 1 Upfield, Arthu The hattling prophet I 12.35 1 Upfield, Arthuri . The holy at Madman's bend I 12.0:, 1 " bony and the Black Viiglu I 14.10 1 ti bony and the Kelley Gang 12.70 1 '' Bony buys a Wuman 13.85 1 " me uevii's Steps 1 --- H me Lake Frome MySLeLy 11.75 ---- --1 - - - - _ _ -- -- -- - - - = Mr-.-Jeiiy s Busiu.J-,_litre-1t. - del-IL' .5.7 - -- _ 1 ,. murder HUSL WaiL 12,05 I f • 1 �. v No UOLp1111L.5 in LI1n Lush 12.°5_ , _S , , , . NO BOOK•PURCHASES AREVALID UNLESS COVERED BY THIS FORM AND SIGNED BY THE LIBRARIAN. - ` '.„ Librarian VENDOR'S COI'Y • I - BOOK PURCHASE ORDER SHOW TH!S NUMSER•Ofj1 A jL INV.OICES' PAC 101,G,LeST A :777-7—jam' a 1`f,a Telephone 713/823-8021 CARTONS;ETC:r isiL .� ' 7 PURCHASE wµ ll RYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY ORDER NO. 1244 201 E.26th ST. January 1982 BRYAN,TEXAS 77801 Dal,. 6, TO: Customer Ni Select Publications SHIP BOOK RATE Contract N,, P. 0. Box 355 Rountree Rm. - Carrville, Alabama 36023 FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Fund or Acct 100-600-6020-0702- Please furnish the following publications in accordance with terms and conditions Date Approved r•r on the face and reverse side hereof: Approved Fr lata - NO.of AUTHOR PUBLISHER PRICE COPIES I TITLE, • _ 1 Goldilocks and the three bears - 8.33 1 Animals that burrow 5.64 1 Animals that live in shells 5.64 1 Raker, E. Secret of writing codes & messages . 6.29 1 Beauty and the beast . 8.33. I i. Bourne. M. Dog walk 4.93 1 Bowyer. C. House and homes y::JB:..n.W,' 1 Bradford. A. Mystery at Misty Falls o.L9 1 Cinderella • . 0..53 - 1 Cox. R. Understanding Zoo Animals 9.96 1 . • Ebert. R. Lawrence of Arabia - 6.90 1 Endangered animals 3.64 ilio 1 • Fneel. D. I Voyage of the Kon-Tike 8.90 1 Frazier, C. I To the South Pole 6.yu 1 Grant, E. I I hate my name 9.23 1 I Hansel and Gretel . 8.33 1 Hillert; M. I I Take a walk Johnny -- 4.73 1Jack and the Beanstalk 6.,i5 1 Jackson, E. Grumpus under the rug 4.93 1 Kenny, K I Sometimes•my mom drinks too much _ .7.20 _ 1 Lazarus, K. Gismo 0.51 _ 1 Lazarus, K. Gismonauts 6.51 • _ • 1 Lazarus, K. Message from Monaa. - ' 6.31 _ 1 Marsh, A. Pirate treasure 0.90 I 1 Murphy, K. Battle or the Alamo 8.90 _ I 1 Nordlicht, L. t love to laugh - - 9.20 I - 1 1 O'Henry Last _Lear 43 I 1 I rinocchio 8.33 _ 1 Putman, P. nystery of Sara Bea ' .91- 1 Ridpath, I. secrets of space E•95 1 - . • . sleeping Beauty . 8.33 1 Smith, S. Night light 4.93 1 I Thompson + frees 7•'19 1 I Trundel, R. reople of the wuLld 9.9E 1 I Warren D. Great EbutyeL a•on 1 1 Wright, W. Star Wars Maveli..k Motr'i - ")01 1-uu11g EugiuuuLb. 1 3€t; 3 3elc. ').3. AR 1 Zelasney, J. DO pigs sit iu tL�.-.. . A (41 :7441 1 Zumbrowski, B. Ball puiul folio Fi 5n 1 Gumbrowski, B. 3�I'vu.e6 h Sn - . I I • I - - a. ill - I I - I I NO BOOK PURCHASES ARE VALID UNLESS COVERED . - ' BY THIS FORM AND SIGNED BY THE LIBRARIAN. n `lei //1� `' By d! ,' a l- . l 7,0,4.1. C(?. 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Dewey, Jr. MEMORIALS AND GIFTS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 1982 Page 2 Given in Memory of Mr. Pat Newton $25.00 from Mrs. Hazel Adams Richardson $10.00 from Alice Sue and Clifford Hunter Given in Memory of Mrs.Winnie Cloud Newton $7.50 from Ruth Leffler and Fran Eastes Given in Memory of Mr. Henry Odom $10.00 from Alice Sue and Clifford Hunter $25.00 from Betty Jo and Jack Conlee $15.00 from Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Karli Given in Memory of Mrs. C. W. Simmons $10.00 from The Woman's Club Given in Memory of Mr. Douglas Brent Sybert $15.00 from Brownrigg H. Dewey, Jr. Given in Memory of Mrs. Dorotea Varisco $10.00 from Brownrigg H. Dewey, Jr. • Mrs. Frances Brusse $25.00 from Mrs. Hazel Adams Richardson Given in Memory of Mrs. Clara Belle Simmons (Mrs. C. W.); $25.00 from Mrs. Hazel Adams Richardson MEMORIALS AND GIFTS CATALOGUED DURING THE MONTH OF JANUARY, 1982 Ten more Texans in gray; by Dr. W. Curtis Nunn Fighting with Ross' Texas Cavalry Brigade, CSA; by Dr. Homer Kerr Bathrooms; by 1001 Decorating Ideas Family rooms and dens; by 1001 Decorating Ideas Apartments; by 1001 Decorating Ideas Kitchens; by 1001 Decorating Ideas The principles of classical dance; by Joan Lawson Woman's Tennis; a historical documentary of the players and their game; by Angela Lumpkin Collector's encyclopedia of dolls; by Dorothy S. Coleman A happy book of happy stories; by William J. Leaderer Spanish-English dictionary; by Cassells I