HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/19/1972 - Regular Agenda Packet - Bryan College Station Library System Advisory Board January 19, 1972 The Bryan Public Library Board of Trustees met at 5:00 P. M. in the Library on January 19th. Present were Dr. Paul Crawford, Mrs. R. J. Holmgreen, Mr. Edsel Burkhart, Mr. W. D. Dunn, and Dr. Tom King. Mr. Fred Sandlin, the City Manager, was present, as was Mrs. Hazel Richardson, the Librarian. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as written. In an examination of the statistics it was noted that the circulation was up 27% over December of last year even though the Library had been open three days less. The book order was discussed. A motion was made and seconded for its approval. The budget- was discussed and Dr. Crawford and Mr. Sandlin noted that it was underspent by $15,000. Mrs. Richardson, reporting on available Title II funds explained to the Board that we could not apply for such funds until we had matching 11/ funds in the City budget. Mrs. Holmgreen discussed her project, the Library Board's sponsor- ship of the Texas 'A & M Singing Cadets on February 11 at the Civic Auditorium. She said that she would ask Mayor Skrivanek to welcome the audience and that he would present Dr. Crawford who would speak briefly on the services and programs of the Library. It was decided that the members of the Bryan City Commission, the Library Board, the City Manager, and the Executive Board of the Friends of the Library should be asked to be in the lobby to greet the guests. Mrs. Holmgreen said she would speak to Mrs. Hutchison, president of the Friends, about setting up a membership table in the lobby. Mrs. Holmgreen reported that she had made arrangements for publicizing the event. The First National Bank's billboard at the Holiday Inn will carry an announcement. KBTX, KORA, and WTAW will make announcements. The Bryan Daily 11/ Eagle will write a story. Letters are being sent to all the organizations in town and to all churches to ask announcements be made in bulletins and at meetings. Pr The schools have been asked to publicize the event, and Mr. Dunn said he would check on this being carried out. A & M Consolidated, under the direction of Mrs. Helen Perry, is having a poster contest. The posters will feature the program and services of the Library and will be displayed in banks and in the lobby of the Civic Auditorium. Under new business Mrs. Richardson said that the State Library had notified us that we would receive a total of $18,000 under Title I grants for the federal fiscal year July 1, 1971 - June 30, 1972. $10,000 of the amount is for Project 6 and may be used to purchase library materials (books, periodicals, newspapers, documents, pamphlets, photographs, reproductions, microfilms, pictorial or graphic works, musical scores, maps, charts, globes, sound recordings, slides, films, filmstrips, processed video and magnetic tapes, printed, published, and audiovisual materials). $5,600 is for Project 7 (Program Priority Grant) and is to be spent to buy materials and extend services to disadvantaged persons in rural areas and for l ' early childhood enrichment opportunities. Dr. Crawford reported the visit of Congressman Olin Teague to the Library on Saturday to see the exhibit we had set up of the pictures and materials he had given the Library on Apollo 15. Congressman Teague spent over an hour in the Library with Dr. Crawford and the Librarian, had a tour of the Library, and dis- cussed our programs and needs. We told him that we were interested in applying for Title II funds in 1972 with a plan to finish our basement. He said he would like to have full information on this project with the amount of money needed, and that he would do everything he could to help us secure Federal aid. Mr. Dunn asked that the minutes reflect the appreciation, of the Board and the Librarian to Dr. Crawford for Congressman Teague's visit. The Librarian's report included a brief description of a workshop held in the Audio-Visual room of the Library on January 12. Seventeen persons attended. The workshop was conducted by Mrs. Celia Carroll, Coordinator of Children's Services of the Austin Public Library. of Bryan's - with the Library's telephone and street address. The Board examined the library stationery from other Texas libraries. After dis- cussion it was decided to ask Mr. Sandlin if we might do so. 4. The Librarian reported gifts of Mrs. J. M. Crawford (Dr. Crawford's mother) : A leather bound Bible in large print, $64.00 with which to pur- chase Bibles to circulate in German-English and Spanish-English. The meeting adjourned at 5:45 P. M. President 41 Secretary Approved: S r BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY ACCOUNT 4027 JANUARY 1972 ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET EXPEND ENCUM UNENCUM BAL 1 PERSONAL SERV I CES t�2'p 0 0 0 QVC xA R ADMIN. 10,080.000p 35,880.00 37;539:30 L 8P IONS ?, R:C3 9,512.69 2115.31 TOTAL 90,768.00 * 46,913.39 * .00 * 43,854.61 SUPPLIES I WEARING APPAREL 200.00 64.80 135.20 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,208.00 942.61 2,265.39 MOTOR VEHICLES,GAS,OIL 700.00 144.21 555.79 I MINOR APPARATUS 300.00 25.95 274.05 LAUNDRY 80 CLEANING 200.00 46.80 153.20 OTHER SUPPLI ES 700.00 12.0.75 579.25 OUTSTANDING ORDERS 357.78 357.78 QE TOTAL 5,308.00 * 3..34.5.12 * 357.78 * 3,605.10 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 1,300.00 636.95 663.05 HIRE OF EQUIPMENT 350.00 230.00 120.00 COURT COSTS, DAMAGES 50.00 3 50.00 ( , TRAVELING EXPENSES 1,200.00 203.74 991.26 UTILITIES 16,050.00 10,870.47 , ; 5,179.53 MISCELLANEOUS 1,575.00 595.60 ' 979.40 ASSOCIATIONAL DUES 400.00 285.00 1 115.00 : FiLM TOTAL T 21,425.00 * 12826.76 * '.00 * 8,598.24 1 MAINTENANCE FURNITURE 8o FIXTURES 400.00 400.00 I MOTOR VEHICLES TIRES 600.00 188.22 411.78 OFFICE MACH INES t 400.00. 197.00 203.00 BOOKS 83 MAGAZINES 5,000.00 542.34 4,457.66 1 OUTSTANDING ORDERS 205.77 205.77 gE TOTAL 6.400.00 * 92756 * 205.77 * 5,266.67 1 CAPITAL OUTLAY BUILDINGS 2,000.00 2,000.00 FURNITURE 83 FIXTURES 2,431.00 315.00 2,116.00 ` OFFICE MACHINES 250.00 183.00 67.00 BOOKS 18,459.00 5,503.71 12,950.29 MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS 4,500.00 2.104.66 2,395.34 1 OUTSTANDING ORDERS 3,893.79 3,893.79 TOTAL 27,640.00 * 8.111.37 * 3,893.79 * 15,634.84, i 1 , I, { • BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY ACCOUNT 4027 JANUARY 1972 ACCOUNT NAME ,:.BBDGET EXPEND ENCUM UNENCUM SAL SUMMARY PERSONAL SERV I CES 90,768.00. 46,913.39 43,854.61 SUPPLIES 5,308.00 1,345.12 357.78 3,605.10 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 21,425.00 12,826.76 8,598.24 MAINTENANCE 6,400.00 927.56 205.77 5,266.67 CAPITALOUTLAY 27,640.00 8,111.37 3,893.79 15,634.84 TOTAL 151,541.00 * 70,124.20 * 4,457.34.* 76,959.46 • • • i • • BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JANUARY, 1972 CASH ON HAND 20.00 COLLECTIONS FINES 98.42 LOST & PAID BOOKS 3.12 LIBRARY FEES 6.00 TOTAL 127.54 RESTRICTED GIFTS 5,444.03 COLLECTIONS 139.38 TOTAL 5,583.41 EXPENDITURES 43.21 BALANCE 5,540.20 ROUNTREE ACCOUNT 351.40 DEPOSITS 100.39 TOTAL 451.79 EXPENDATURES none BALANCE 451.79 REFUNDABLE DEPOSITS 300.00 COLLECTIONS 15.00 TOTAL 315.00 REFUNDS none BALANCE 315.00 SPETTY CASH 30.00 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT FOR January 1972 111 CIRCULATION , �.'I{i YEAR t._..�....- .__.�_. ,. .._._.�t LAST YEAR Adult Juvenile Adult Juvenile Non-fiction 6307 6707 5374 5510 Fiction 8320 19370 6631 16531 Pamphlets 481 14 280 21 Periodicals 526 54 369 48 Framed Prints 102 33 70 42 Pictures 0 355 0 374 Records 132 0 13 0 Slides 0 1757 0 0 Total 15868 28290 12737 22526 Grand Total 44158 35263 SERVICES THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Days open 25 25 New borrowers 253 267 Reference questions 2117 2070 Story hour attendance 451 523 Book reviews, radio programs, talks 45 43 410 Classroom collections 306 725 Inter-Library Loan 320 115 Evening visitors 2614 2374 Evening circulation 4118 3775 Overdue notices 537 608 Bookmobile Trips made 27 30 Books carried to schools, parks 4383 2856 Books circulated to schools, parks 22319 14712 Crestview 100 100 Redmond Terrace 306 483 Manor East 56 124 Millican 14 31 Wellborn 2 8 Girls Club 50 0 Boys Club 0 0 Harvey 19 20 Cedar Grove 101 108 Sherwood 98 80 Youth Center 0 0 BOOK STOCK THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Books purchased - Adult 171 108 ' Books purchased - Juvenile 45 0 4111/ Memorial books 2 8 Other gifts 9 15 Total additions 227 131 Books repaired in Library 304 146 Books withdrawn 0 13 Books rebound 0 115 Magazines bound 61 37 MEMORIAL AND OTHER GIFTS FOR JANUARY 1972 In memory of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Adams: $10.00 from Mrs. Morris Wilcox In memory of Alfred J. Barberio: $5.00 from Dr. and Mrs. John J. Hall In memory of Joe Barberio: $5.00 from Dr. and Mrs. John J. Hall In memory of Mrs. Peggy Birdwell: A book from Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Chalk In memory of Mrs. F. T. Cole: $5.00 from Roman Pharmacy $5.00 from Mrs. Hazel Adams Richardson $3.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Noah Dansby • In memory of Mrs. Catherine Conway: $7.00 from Mrs. Roland M. Searcy, Jr. In memory of Mrs. Marshall Dansby: $4.00 from Lillian Haneman Du Puy $5.00 from Roman Pharmacy $5.00 from Mrs. Hazel Adams Richardson $3.00 from Bess and Joe Vincent $4.00 from Brownrigg H. Dewey, Jr. $3.50 from Mrs. J. H. Todd $3.50 from Mrs. John Seeley Caldwell $4.00 from Ethel S. Mitchell In memory of Dr. Charles E. Ferguson: $7.50 from Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Chalk In memory of Darwood French: 411 $5.00 from Mr. -and Mrs. Joe Hollingsworth and Philip In memory of Mrs. Jeffy Ray Kemp: $5.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hunter $10.00 from Dr. and Mrs. William B. Roman, Jr. In memory of,Mrs. H. G. Kenagy: A book from Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Campbell In memory of Laurence E. `King: $10.00 from Dr. and Mrs. A. G. McGill, Jr. $5.00 from Roman Pharmacy In memory of Reed McDonald: $4.00 from Mrs. John Seeley Caldwell $5.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cole In memory of Otto Maroski: $4.25 from Mrs. Marshall Robertson In memory of Oscar Pape: $5.00 from Dr. and Mrs. John J. Hall In memory of Mrs. Lum Powers: $5.00 from Roman Pharmacy In memory of Homer E. Ray: $5.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Marshall C. Peters In memory of E. M. Seeman: $5.00 from Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Krenek In memory of Mrs. J. H. Sorrels: $4.00 from Brownrigg H. Dewey, Jr. In memory of George Summey, Jr. and Helen Dinwiddie Summey: • $100.00 from Mary Summey Smith In memory of Mrs. Helen Wallace: $3.50 from Nan and Dick Cardwell In memory of E. Dorothy Weekes: $100.00 from Dr. and Mrs. Donald F. Weekes In memory of Mrs. Bettie White: $6000 from Mrs. R. J. Cardwell and Mrs. Hazel Adams Richardson In memory of Robert J. Williams $5.00 from Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Bock In memory of George Wrenn: $5.00 from Mrs. Hazel Adams Richardson