HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/11/2017 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board PHrcKs AND REMw i ION ADv15URT oOARD AG>CfaGt,►
Uil1 M
Ce,t ,F ira>.U.cE SrnTFo,
TUt5uAY APRIL ZI, 2017
Wolf PI-Gin Creek Green Room
1015 Colgate
College Station- 1,& 77840
SI-Eaff PrEwent:
DaYid .>cMmit.4, Dilector, nasty Wet nclZe, Project &Asset Mianager; Ant]rea Lauer, Boaru secretary
Boarcl P,esent:
Gary Erwln, Don Heliriegei; Paul Dyson- r+nn Hsyus,, r,arc Chalupka, mevin Henderson; Reith Roberts
Visital 3:
Cynthia Corona
1. Call to urger and Ron Can. The meeting web canes to orde, vvitn a quurom
pre.,ent at 7.00 PM.
2. actin" evriverning requests for absences of■„a►,.Ders. An ab.,Ence
request web rcLrived from Rebecca ]aciZz an and Meyal, Fuentes. Mai L Cnaloapka
made a motion >ca approve the abs,Gt-,4c regaebt ane Keith Robert., 'econdeb tnG
rniutiun. The vote vas called. Aii were in tavvr, and Lhe mutivn passed
3. Hew. vlsiiars. Cyntnia Cora,a was prebe„t ane spoWe about the Spirit Ur Texas
even tar 2018.
4. Cu"sideratio,,, possible approval, a"a Discu5naur, or minutes t,om the Ap►,7
11, 2017 meeting. Gary Erwin ,mtaaL a mado„ to approve the m;nutes as
sobt�littea, and Mai z: Cnaloupka .,uconaed the motion. The vete was called. All
vv¢re in favor, ane the mutiun passea unal rimoasly.
5. Presentation, &xcassion ar►a possible act;on on Na,,tacXet Park
(Nantucket HOA7. Memhe,., rrom the Cove of Nantu%Ket ROA yave a
prebentatlun. The ti,.,t motion wa., made by Marc CRaioupka racummendfny that
start 3Rcuid estaftzin a pian tur mmtorauun and preservation or the park i„ the
nature. Keith Rulserts seconaea the mvtioi-i, i he vote was call. All vvure in favor,
and she motion pa55ca monimoatly. Gary Erwin mane a secand motion to deny
t.Fie request Lo tur,, pariZ property into parking .,Paces. Keith ROQeRs becul;sed ir.
-i Fiz vote was caliea. All were in ravur, ane tRe motion pa.,sed anani,r rvusiy.
b. Preme„twtion ais4aasion and possible actio,. on Parkla►,d Dedication,
Ora;,,ance. A Subcommittee vv;li oe fu,mea and will meet to evaluate the current
time frarie vonicn is allotted to use tht: tunas, the 6aanaaries of tfie Lurref t. Lane.,
in referei,ce to current airs ruture yruvetn and any utner idea., they may have.
This Eallding IT-heelchair ac�rlble.Persons witfl oizo;;liitic=-ho plan to rend;hl:meeting and n„o ma, need accommoaoel.m,a�;;il ary aids,or scrnico+ eh as
rnsrpret■rs,readers,or I..rge print are asR.-:o contact the city accrete-'e Office at i977) 64 3541,TDD at 1 Bou-:35-2999,or email 4r.nr w stx m,v ae le;,elle
beslness ucys prior to the meeting so ehot appropriate arrangements can be mad..�f.he City does not ret m,T.atiflostion at least Mu bt-1n_:s days prior to the meeting,the
Chy iii,make-reasonaGlc a..empt to provide Site nece=;—,accommooaaons.
7. Lick geek Park update presenred by David Schmitz. Thi, was an
intormat',unal item only. No action vva3 taKen.
8. Fun Far All Pinygruzina updave prime„tea Dy David Schmitz. Tni, vvaz an
info matiunal item only. No actfun ,as talZen.
9. Update rrom rhe ca„u";ttee ."embers on their a-'sig,.ed parks. The
committee will email the checklibt5 tu David Schrmitz.
10. St,at y;c Ranning: Short a,nd Lung term.
a. Fla,KlanQ Dedicaria,r Suba:vmm;ttee formatio,,:
Keith Roberto, Marr- ClIaloupka, raul Dybo, and Kevin Henderbo, will be
on the 5-umommittee and will meet un April 20, 2017 at 11:30 a.m. in
tMe Conference oom at CG,.tral Park.
11.Repv,t, pv=�;ore actian, arsd W veam,.m concerning the car-,a"t Parks
P,ujects Summary ai,a DrWcations of Lesa than F;..0 Acres from Ru,�ty
Warneke. Inturmational item untly, iu aztkm ,,as taken.
400 Poplar
r Falcon Puint 4
> Faitcun Point building 5
Indian Lake Pha�C 20
,- PetteraR
5OCO Apartments
y University Heignt� Apartmenr-5
Wall Place
12.Presentatio,,, pv.,=.Die actian, a"tff on future aye,02F items: A
Board Member may inquire about a 3unject for which notice Ram nut been given. A
Statement of Specitic tactuei ;nrormation or the recitatian or existing policy may be
given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the 5abject un an
ac enda tar a subsequent meeting.
y NeXI Meeting: May 09, 2017
13.AUjvurn. Gary Erwin male a mutiun to adjourn Lhe meeting, and Marc Chaloupka
3lconaed the n►otiun. TME ,ute was called. All vve c iii ravor, and Lhe f-ijeeting
adjvarned at 8:47 PM.