HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/14/2017 - Regular Minutes - Parks BoardPARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA
Wolf Pen Creek Green Room
1015 Colgate
College Station, TX 77840
Staff Present:
David Schmitz, Director; Rusty Warncke, Project &. Asset Manager; Andrea Lauer, Board Secretary
Board Present:
Gary Erwin, Don Hellrlegel; Paul Dyson; Ann Hayes; Marc Chalupka; Megan Fuentes; Kevin Henderson;
Rebecca Jackson
Visi t ors:
N o ne
1. Call to order and Roll call. The meeting was called to order with a quorum
present at 7:00 PM.
2. Possible action concerning requests for absences of members. An absence
request was received from Keith Roberts. Marc Chalupka made a motion to
approve the absence request and Gary Erwin seconded the motion. The vote was
called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously.
3. Hear visitors. No visitors were heard.
4. Consideration, possible approval, and discussion of minutes from the
February 14, 2017 meeting. Gary Erwin made a motion to approve the minutes
as submitted, and Paul Dyson seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were
in favor, and the motion passed unanimously.
5. Update on new police facility and its relationship ro Central Park. David
Schmitz showed a power point presentation. Informational item only. No action
was taken.
5. Report, possible action, discussion concerning Summit Crossing Park land.
Marc Chalupka made a motion recommending the approval of the change of use to
go to council. Ann Hays seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were In
favor, and the motion passed unanimously.
7. Update from the committee members on their assigned parks. The
committee will email the checklists to David Schmitz.
TNs t>ullcllnv IS whe-efcft•!r e�5'bl•. Pft'lons ,.,ttn Clls1b!ln1es who ti!11n to 6t'ttt!CS tf'lls m�lft9 and who m;ty need bCcommod1uons, au>0!h1ry aids, or s.ttvlCH cuch as
lnte:fprece1s, reatfl!!rs, or large t>fl"t are asked to oonta<t lM: Oty $�retar('s ornce at (919) 76it•3S4l, mo at t ·800•735·2g89, ot ernatt aousstsl?!Me@ csrw gay at 111s.t two buslnets days Pl'ICM' to the meet.Ing so thl1 IPPt01>rlatl!! arran9tmtnn can� melfe. It the City doa not 1'1cttvt notltl(41Mn at lost two b1,1t:!l"IH$ e11v1 Pf'IOt t.o the mnllng, ttie
City Wiii mete a rttlOftlblt iurempt to prcMde ttit tieeieSsary actDmmOdatlo,.s.
8. Strategic Planning: Short and Long term.
a. Presentation, discussion, possible action on projects in process:
LRC expansion, Lick Creek Nature Center, LRC Splash Pad and
new playgrounds, Informational item only. No action taken.
b. Presentation, discussion, possible action on Community Zone A
and B Park land Options. Informational Item only. No action taken.
9. Report, possible action, and discussion concerning the current Parks
Projects Summary and Dedications of Less than Five Acres from Rusty
Warncke. Informational Item only, no action was taken.
J;>-601 Nimitz
)> 903 Montdair
}> 911 Montclair
> Castlegate II Sections 106, 107, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210
> South Forty
10.Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items: A
Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A
statement of specific factual Information or the recitation of existing policy may be
given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an
agenda for a subsequent meeting.
> Next Meeting: April 11, 2017
11.Adjourn. Gary Erwin made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Paul Dyson
seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the meeting
adjourned at 7:47 PM.