HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/31/2011 - Regular Minutes - Senior Advisory Committee College Station Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, October 31, 2011 10:00am Southwood Community Center 1520 Rock Prairie Rd MINUTES Members Present: E.E. Burns, Jon Denton, Frank Duchmasclo, Ann Hays, Susan McGrail, Jerry Mar .o is , Robert Meyer, Pearl Robertson, Ron Silvia, Pat Vanderboom and Joanna Yeager Staff Present: Amy Atkins, David Gerling, Kelly Kelbly and Marci Rodgers Cali to order The meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m. by Joanna Yeager, Chairman IL Hear visitors Amy Atkins was introduced as the new Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation Department. Members of the Senior Advisory Committee introduced themselves. Ms. Atkins presented to the committee a conceptual plan of a new senior living facility with multifamily and/or tow homes planned on 18 acres behind the Southwood Community Center. The plan includes medical, office and commercial space. Ms. Atkins informed the board that the developers will be making a formal presentation to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting on November 8th at 7:00 pm at the Wolf Pen Creek Green Room. The committee was invited to attend to learn more. III. Approval of minutes from regular meeting on September 26, 2011 Frank Duchmasclo made a motion to approve the minutes as presented from the September 26, 2011 meeting.. Robert Meyer seconded the motion... The motion passed unanimously. IV. Discussion, consideration and possible action concerning patio project at Southwood Community Center. Joanna Yeager recognized Ron Silvia who presented a donation of$200.00 to Southwood Community Center from the College Station Noon Lions Club. Mr. Silvia expressed his appreciation to Mr. Frank Duchmasclo who visited with the organization and asked for their support. Mr, Duchmasclo reported that he had met with staff to discuss the patio project. Staff prepared an itemized list of cost estimates for construction of the patio area and included a shelter, picnic tables, benches, soil bore reports, landscaping and irrigation for a total cost of$71,364. The committee will continue looking for ways to fund the project. V. Discussion, consideration and possible action concerning program sub- committee report regarding upcoming programs and events Marci Rodgers reported that the sub-committee met on October 12th to discuss the November Calendar for Southwood Community Center. The calendar was presented to the committee for review. Highlights for next month include: The "Walk to End Alzheimer's at Wolf Pen Creek on November 5; a five week diabetes class, line dancing on Tuesdays and Fridays, AARP Driver Safety Class and free movie and popcorn "Pearl Harbor' on November 17th at 1:00 pm. Also, a shuttle will be available from Southwood to the Conference Center on November 16 for the Exploring History Lunch/Lecture series. Also, a Christmas Open House at Southwood is planned for Wednesday, December 14th from 10:00 — 12:00 noon. The next meeting of the sub-committee will be on Tuesday, November 15th at 9:00 a.m. VI. Discussion, consideration and possible action concerning goal sub-committee report (report on file) Robert Meyer reported that he along with Jon Denton, Frank Duchmasclo, Pat Vanderboom and Marci Rodgers met on October 25th to discuss goals for the Senior Advisory Committee. Four goals were presented: 1) Establish a permanent Senior Center for College Station; 2) Continue to develop senior programs at Southwood Community Center; 3) Promote healthy lifestyle programs for seniors and Complete the Patio Project at Southwood Community Center. Jon Denton made the motion to adopt the goals presented. E.E. Burns seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The goal committee will meet again in November to discuss action steps for each goal. V . Presentation, possible action and discussion on Senior Services Coordinator Report regarding upcoming programs and events (report on file) The staff is currently gathering information for the Spring Activity Guide. The November calendar will be available on the city website and all members of the Southwood Community Center will receive a copy by e-mail. VIII. Presentation, discussion and possible action on future agenda items: Committee member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. • Next meeting: Monday,day, November 28, 2011 • Update on Goals • Patio Project IX. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 11:05 a.m. Goal Sub-Committee Meeting October 25, 2011 Meeting Notes Members Present: Jon Denton, Frank Duchmasclo, Bob Meyer, Pat Vanderboom Staff Present: Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator The sub-committee discussed the following goals for 2012. The Goals of the Senior Advisory Committee are: 1) Establish a permanent Senior Center for College Station Action Steps: 2) Continue to develop senior programs at the Southwood Community Center Action Steps: a) Increase the senior membershi• at Southwood Co mun t Center b) Pro.ram sub-committee will continue to meet month! with staff to set month). calendar of events c) Collaborate with other or.anizations to offer •ualit senior .ro.rams d) Work with cit staff to ir. .rove si.nate for the communit center 3) Promote healthy lifestyle programs for seniors Action Steps: a) Promote Hike and Bike Trails throw Bout the arks s stem 4) Complete Patio Project as Southwood Community Center Action Steps: