HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/08/2011 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board (47,44114 CAPRA PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA ':611Ah011yp CITY OF COLLEGE STATION e'w l't% REGULAR MEETING 7:00 PM, Tuesday, March 8, 2011 The Green Room at Wolf Pen Creek 1015 Colgate College Station, TX 77840 1. Call to order and Roll Call. 2. Possible action concerning requests for absences of members. 3. Hear visitors. 4. Consideration, possible approval, and discussion of minutes from the meeting of February 8, 2011. 5. Discussion and possible action concerning the Southwood Community Center Senior Fee. 6. Discussion regarding the Annual Report for City Council. 7. Discussion and possible action concerning the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Goals for FY 1 . 8. Report, possible action, and discussion concerning the current Capital Improvements Program: Capital Improvements and Park Land Dedication Project Lists of March 2011. Dedications of Less than Five Acres Gateway, Phase 1, Lot 9R-1A r 9R-1C Park Zone 2 9. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items: A Board Member may inquire about a subjectfor which notice has not been given. statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Next Regular Meeting April 12, 2011, The Green Room at Wolf Pen Creek 10. Adjourn. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made at least 48 hours before the meeting, To make arrangements call(979) 764-3517 or(TDD)1-800-735-2989, Agendas may be viewed on vow. t ,. v. Notice is hereby given that a Regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board of College Station, Texas will be held on the 8th day of March, 2011. For the meeting to begin at 7:00 p.m. at the Green Room at Wolf Pen Creek,1015 Colgate, College Station, Texas, 77840. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this the day of , 2011, at p.m. City of College Station, Texas BY: Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board of the City of College Station, Texas is true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas and on the City's website, w ffvoy_„_g_42c,fipy.. The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on at , and remained ained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: by Dated this day of -- , 2011. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, T X S STATE TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of , 2011. Notary Public—Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: ‘,4,441444 PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IMi... Kt." REGULAR MEETING II/MUTES 7:00 PM, Tuesday, arch 8, 2011 The Green Room at Wolf Pen Creek 1015 Colgate College Station, TX 77840 _ _ STAFF PRESENT: David Schmitz, Interim Director; Amanda Putz, Board Secretary; Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent; David Gerling, Special Facilities Superintendent; Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator; Kelly Kelly, Southwood Community y center Supervisor BOARD PRESENT: Gary Erwin, Chair; Gerard Kyle, Millie Burrell, Jon enon, George Jessup, Douglas Becker, Billy Hart, Shane Wendel, Susan Fox VISITORS: Ro ert Meyer, 308 Pershing AvenuO, College Station Sherry Ellison, 2705 Brookway Dr., College Station Frank Duchmasclo, 1004 Woodhaven Cr., College Station Anne Hazen, 1309 Wilshire Ct., College Station 1. Call to order and Roil C : The meeting was called to order with a quorum present at 7:00 p.m. . 2. Possible action concernin re. uests for absences--- members: Hearing none, this item was closed. 3. Hear visitors: Hearing none, this item was closed. Billy Hart and Douglas Becker arrived at 7:01 .m. 4. Consideration possible •-:..:'royal and discussion of minutes from the ip ti r 2011: Jon Denton made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted, and Millie Burrell seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. George Jessup arrived at 7:03 .m. 5. Discussion and :possible action concernin..: the Southwood Communit.:. Center Senior E Marci Rodgers reported that the Senior Advisory Committee met and agreed upon an annual senior fee of twenty dollars. The fee includes the use of the center within the hours of 8 am - 3 pm, Monday thru Friday. Marci Rodgers explained that this is a start for the seniors and the fee can be reviewed after staff can experience the results of the fee. Anne Hazen reported that many items have been donated towards the senior program. She said that offering this for seniors that have a lower income and that lack computer skills, opens up many doors. The board compared the costs and usage between the seniors and the teens. The board discussed that teens were being charged more with less hours, and they would like a cost analysis for the teen program. Discussion followed. Jon Denton made a motion to approve the twenty dollar annual senior fee, along with the other Southwood Community Center fees recommended, and George Jessup seconded the motion. The vote was called. Douglas Becker, Shane Wendel, and Billy Hart were in opposition. The vote passed with a vote of to 3. 6. Discussion regarding the Annual----R - --- ' __Ci _ _ --- Millie Burrell made a motion to approve the annual report as submitted, and Gerard Kyle seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 7. Discussion and possible action concerning the Parks - Recreation Advisory Board Goals for FY11: Discussion followed. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 8. Report, possible action, and discussion r _i --the--current--- Ca_pitai Ca 'Rai m•rovements and Park Land Dedication Pro*ect Lists of March 2011: Pete Vanecek, senior Park Planner, reported on the Capital Improvements Project Lists. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. PdicatipfLess than Five Acres: Pete Vanecek, senior Park Planner, reported on the Dedications of less than five acres. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. Gateway, Phase 1, Lot 9R-1A thru9R-1C ev Park Zone 9. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items--- . Board Member may_inquire__abouta___subject For which notice has not been ,yen. A statement of s ecifkfactual information or the recitation of existirig___policy may be given: Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting: Next regular meeting, April 12, 2011, The Green Room at Wolf Pen Creek ▪ Cost Analysis on the Southwood Center teen operations, providing that staff has the information, 66% drop in teen participation, costs may need to be changed uniformly. • Look t the electrical usage for our programs. (George Jessup) 2 March 8, 2011 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting Minutes 10. : Shane Wendel made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Billy Hart seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the meeting adjourned p.m. 3 March 8, 2011_ Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Parks and r tr r yir1thl .,,Report: February, 2011 *The grounds maintenance contract bidding is completed. The bids have been reviewed and recommendation is coming forward for approval by the Council at the April 14th meeting. In anticipation, the Parks and Recreation operations staff are being re-organized and will implement the changes with the effective start date for the contracts. *The Forestry crews have replaced dead trees and shrubs in street medians on Rock Prairie East, W,D. Fitch, and Dartmouth o th Streets. *Recreation Fund —We continue to fine tune the Recreation Fund project. As we begin to work on the FY12 budget, this fund will be fully implemented into the department's budget. *Registration is currently being taken for Spring season leagues and programs. *The Armadillo Dash had 1,890 participants this year. The event was staged out of Veteran's Park. The City of College Station was a sponsor with the Mayor's Council on Physical Fitness. *The Audit report for the Concessions and Aquatics operations was presented to Council on February 24th. We are currently in the process of making necessary changes as outlined in the report. *Historic Preservation is currently working with a publishing firm to create a comprehensive history of College Station volume. This is being donat thprevious direction of thCouncil to update the history in conjunction with the upcoming 75th anniversary of the founding of the City. The work will be done through sponsors at no cost to the City. The City wilt have the books for sale once published and can use the proceeds to help finance the 75th Anniversary celebration. *The Pool Trout Fish Out was held February 10— 13 at the Southwood Swimming Pool. The event was a success with 552 persons attending even in cold temperatures. Projects: Parks and Recreation planning staff is working in conjunction with the Capital Projects staff to insure that these park projects have met all of thoffici *Central Park C nc ss o R str ms Building—This project is at design. (Bond 2008 project). The initial plan is estimated to be within budget. *East District Maintenance Shop —This project is in the beginning planning phases. (Bond 2008 project). A preliminary cnc t design has been approved, however thproject has been put on hold by thCouncil. *Nature Center—This project has been put on hold by the Council. *Brothers Pond Park—renovation of Park—Council approval was received on February 27. The project includes removal, replacement and upgrades to the sidewalk/bicycle path, lighting, bridge, and the pond. The contractor has been given his notice to proceed effective March 7. The project is expected to be completed by early Summer. *Emerald Forest Park—replacement f playground unit, relocation of sidewalks, and drainage repairs to avoid flooding issues—in process with Morgan & Mitchell Engineers to complete grading/drainage plan *Tarrow Park improvements— this project has been approved and will begin construction in March. Funds in the amount of$99,890 are coming it from the Parkland larr d Dedication fund and CBG funds. *South West Park—conceptual plan completed - includes connector trail with Hike & Bike Project, climbing rock, student gathering area, and minimal l operations and maintenance. The project will be advertised for bids this Spring. *Skate Park—the bid for construction was approved at the January 13th Council meeting. Construction has begun on the site. Completion of the skate park is estimated for October. *DOE Stimulus Grant—installing LED area lighting t Central and Veteran's Parks is now complete. Additional lighting has been approved for the W. Smith Baseball Complex parking lot. This project has begun and should be complete in March. *Irrigation t p r d s—we are moving forward with the $100,000 budget allocation for irrigation upgrades at Southwood Athletic Complex,c, Bee Creek Park, Wayne mith baseball fields, Lemontree Park, and Anderson Park. Site plans are being reviewed and designs being created for this project. We anticipate that we will have funds available after bids are received and we will then look at upgrade to City facilities, including City Hall. Upcoming Event Dates: March 5—8: CS High School Varsity Girl's Fastpitch Softball Invitational March 5 & 6: TAAF 4X4 Adult Flag Football State Tournament March : Armadillo Dash March 19: CS Jr. Varsity Girl's Fastpitch Softball Invitational To: City Council From: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Being an important link to the College Station Parks and Recreation Department, as a Board we would like to list the accomplishments that we achieved for Fiscal Year 2010. Per our goals we continue to strive to meet the needs of the citizens. Some things we worked on in Fiscal Year 2010 were: • Worked closely with staff to implement ent the new park vendor policy. • Worked with staff on details for the new skate park. • Helped with the Water Feature and Festival Area project. • Coordinated with staff on the Recreation, Park,and Open Space Master Plan • Continue to do parks and recreation facility tours for board members Additionally,we would like to proudly report some of the achievements the Department accomplished: Achievements: • Received the Amateur Softball Association Softball Complex of the Year National Award • Received the Amateur Softball Association Tournament of Excellence National Award for the 160 team ASA National Tournament Received the Gold International Aquatic Safety Award from the International Pool and Wate rpa rk Association • Record setting year at Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater for number of events and attendance,Year end quick summary—From February through November we hosted 32 events (the Green Room statistics are kept separately). This breaks our record of 28 events in o . What that means in numbers is that we worked 4 out of every 5 weekends from February through November. We hosted 58,091 guests,our third best season on record. Completed park improvements at Windwood Park, Pebble Creek Park, Southern Oaks Park, and Castle Rock Park • Completed the Department of Energy Stimulus Grant projects to install irrigation system upgrades and smart controllers as well as LED parking lot lighting and solar powered trash compactors at Veteran's Park and Central Park • The year-end figures for the Christmas in the Park event have been completed. Over the course of the month (36 days) that the drive through lights were on, we estimate 115,000 guests. During the two day activity event, we estimate over 7,000 visitors and passed out 18,468 cookies and 8,300 cups of hot chocolate. • The year end figures for the Conference Center have been completed. We experienced our best year ever for activity (2537 rentals) and revenues ($155,433). This was an 11% increase over 2009. Fiscal Year 2010 showed great efforts from the department and many changes, and budget reductions that the department overcame with success. There are also projects and designs being worked on, completed, and decided upon that we have worked very hard on with the department. This allows for many new and exciting opportunities for the future of the department. Opportunities for 2011: • Construction of a new Skate Park facility • Construction of a new rest room/concession stand building at Central Park • Complete major renovations at Emerald Forest Park,WooCreek Park,Southwest Park, and Brother's Pond Park • Installation and renovation of the irrigation systems at Southwood Athletic Complex,W. Smith Baseball Fields, Bee Creek Softball Fields,and Anderson Park • Implementation of the Recreation Fund accounting system into the day to day operations of the Department • Design of a Nature Center at Lick Creek Park • Design of an expansion to the maintenance shop at Veteran's Park In Conclusion, we continue to work with staff on past, present, and future projects to help make the parks and recreation department succeed, We are excited for this year and hope to accomplish as much as we did last year. One of the changes we have made is our goals format to link directly with the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan. By doing so, we feel that this will help us be more efficient. Thank You, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board City vision statement r us. rt :I'llColj r5 + . ` oe_,c r va` J .,. 9 V�RYWthe heart of the-Research remain,Arvibrant,,,,,fprward-k: • 5c +�} 'e 2 1 'b as' wo< o � e } ^' which o' highest 4 � k l � R. ra °o I i k for,its o- k { Y r Erft.)ri h 5afe,trantwil dea0,;And,tfeaJthS,t-,neighborhood .,`,!,-;3-4, rtt C Iv }}z 3. tth ratter- x _ R L!f 4 1 Y ^ & Orid '15146 ea'a lid J,J65hitiiieterctlater,rilddat' II' 'systp :transportation } lxi fr 4 ` i k I# ,r.: r management r'.!11:5:uPP9rtiri., fPl P,P,,o, 11:0,.1'ciP !-,qT9-i'r- PLI'L4 J,9sP,01-0)!,,'OLti'",,ItlIr.r'(:.: O � I andt } ultural Land-historical-community I fi I YyyM s� I:k3 rh a 5.w�4€� �' I. ����4U� h � I � r I � I� w I i id i ire 14 4' 6 t w h S� .. \ ° ` tture i I F `na. k • +t o Y opportunities 1 'for, I educational.�.��4 R.f N ¢£x 3 i s ' _ + I 11“ ry �"I "I t � � l •kn r # xsooda r i-Nta 10. tarbe a'place,wherelTexas,andthei:i r tOkriel-,0;10aIrriiLlive;.-:andeorictuctLbustriessi--`:-',,iL--E wn Parks and Recreation Department Mission statement "to provide a diversity of facilities and leisure services which are geographically and demographically accessible to our citizens" City of College Station Comprehensive Plan Parks, Greenways the Arts Goal "...achieve and maintain a diversity of parks,greenways, and the arts for leisure and recreation as well as for entertainment, education, and culture to achieve a high quality of life for all residents and visitors" Proposed Goal and Strategy Categories For College Station Recreation, Park, and open Space Master Plan Resource Conservation & City Character Health &Wellness Economic Sustainability Connectivity & Mobility Parkland & Neighborhood Character Diversity in Recreation & Cultural Programs Responsible Governance Goals Resource Conservation &Cit Character Protected open space, natural features, and natural resources contributing to the unique character desired for various areas of the City and for the City as a whole Health &Wellness Parks and Recreation system enabling residents to attain and sustain an active lifestyle and reduce the economic costs associated with poor health Economic Sustainability Parks and Recreation system that adds economic value to the City through enhanced property values, reduced medical costs, and through attraction of guests and participants to events and programs Connectivit Ilobilit Parks and open spaces linked together and to the City's vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian networks Parkland & Neighborhood Character High-quality environments located in close proximity to as many residences as practical meeting the needs and levels of service of those residents Diversityin Recreation & Cultural Programs Opportunities for persons of all ages and abilities and to celebrate the diversity of cultures found in the community Responsible Governance Cost-effective system where those generating demand for facilities and programs provide the means to deliver those facilities and programs and where partnerships are maximized Strategies Resource Conservation & City Character • Greening the City through park restoration, plantings, streetscape, etc. • Preservation of open spaces through acceptance of land dedications and acquisition • Support Sustainability practices and Green parks and recreation design and operations Support the Grimes County Regional Park initiative Health It __ C_We l ll l n e ss • Support a Senior Center initiative • Support the Mayor's Council on Physical Fitness • Promote active Recreation programs for all ages Economic Sustainability • Identify and support one or two signature events within the community • Ensure that parks, preserved open space,greenways, etc are located within close proximity to residences • Support and recommend capital improvement programs and projects in park and recreation facilities • Develop CSPARD partnership/sponsorship opportunities • Conduct annual review and update user fees for facilities and programs Connectivity & Mobility • Link parks to larger transportation system Link parks to greenway system • Use parks to further implementation ntation of the City's adopted Plans(Comprehensive Plan, neighborhood plans, thoroughfare plan, bicycle, pedestrian, and greenways plan, etc.) • Coordinate with Greenways coordinator, make suggestions, and comment on the Master Plan, and Hikeand BikeTrail System Parkland & Nei:hborhood Character • Renovate and enhance existing parks and facilities • Meet future parks and recreation needs through a diversity of context-based park types (such as regional parks, community parks, neighborhood parks, linear parks,etc,) • Provide open space and parks in close proximity to residences • Preserve open space areas that contribute to the character of a neighborhood or contain significant natural features • Promote safe and well-maintained park and recreation facilities for all to use as needed. • Review the Park Land dedication ordinance and provide recommendations endation to City Council (as needed). Diversity in Recreation and Cultural Programs • Provide inter-generational facilities in all parks and facilities • Develop a community/senior center within the City • Provide high-quality youth programs and facilities • Continue development and programming of the Wolf Pen District as a unique facility that protects significant natural features, offers gathering places for the entire City, and offers opportunities to celebrate our City's diversity in the arts and culture • Promote and support family and youth oriented activities Responsible Governance, Accountability and Communication • Identify projected O&M costs for facilities and programs and identify revenue sources to meet these needs • Develop and implement ent the"pay to play" concept for recreation programs and facilities • Seek out and implement partnership opportunities with CSISD, private recreation providers, private developers, land trusts, and others • Develop an effective communications and marketing plan • Support Staff and Citizens in the endeavors to make the parks and recreation system a quality based department in everyday operations and customer service PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS&PARK LAND DEDICATION PROJECTS FY MARCH 1, 2011 Capita/Improvements Projects Completion ] Date ! Capital:Improvements . :..ct.:... r:', :un in : Expected/Actual Projects StatusManager Budget F inal Cost. .. ............... &ept irkVnlrartTa:Nir#trjtzSW4jPRWNRVIMW,t,v*tWl 340-fr,-P,Atit,R.4411a1;litzgatre.aitt.0 103"'Map 57,z4:1,1AiLklilte,:4:,$,'.,,,W" ''' '','.1• .-"..-4vat,•_,‘W,,,, IP.. '.--1.':„,..---'"4,,,,,..',,'-'4,i-e.,, '-2g -!,,..---,,ArraVIzzriiht*ftiPtefit)'ft. TV,I.,. frigIirmi,,,,,g',---mat'E;f7e ...my,";;44.4.rev....,4, 4 '':.''''''1''' '''''' K;A,M. is ...,.. ."-',A.-.*om41,W,. s. galleM FAMWARRO,MketatOrgalekttriA • r04**Tiiikettl,1ati"61alleOWN wMVP :ei - .:,.SiesnrinpriatraMposig44:01V41 IA...Arta ,:t .,t k;mr,..e;:Liraral mamba,,,, aumakit tiw,a4AZItg Geo 'a K.Fitch 1n Desi!n David W. ' PK1104 $103,500 CDBG MIIMMII. . Sandstone Shade Cover 1n Design David W. P1<1108 $ 6,000 GOB'08 7/11 El Thomas Shade Cover In Desi•n David W. PK1112 $30,000 GOB'08 5/11 Merry Oaks Area Lights in Design _ Pete V. PK1105 0 $25,000. GOB'0 6/11 Emerald Forest Park improvements In Design Pete V, Pk 071 $60,000 GOB'0 7/11_ I Central Concessions Design In Desistn CPD/Pete V, P 1001 $96,000 GOB'0 W 3/11 Veterans Park Phase II Bonfield Entry In Design Pete V. PK0501 01 $19,852 2003 GOB 6/11 University Park Improvements Parking GOB'08+Zone Lot&Site Improvements On Hold CPD!David W. PK0410 $105,000 2 Funds _ Lemontree Park Swing Set On Hold Pete V. P1 1106 $25,000 GOB'08 Steeplechase Park improvements On Hold David W P1 1109 $41,000 GOB'08 Central Maintenance Shop Design On Hold PD/Pete V. PK1101 $200,000 GOB Lick Creek Nature Center On Hold CP PK1102 $2,495,000 GOB'08 WPC Festival Site&Fountain Bids ReceivedPDIDavid S. !f P0901 $3,500,000 TIF Funds 1/12 Wood reek Park Improvements Out to Bid Pete V. PK1114 $62,000 GOB'086/11 Central Park Stimulus improvements ents Under Construction DPD 1 David W. 101 $210,000 Stimulus Funds 6/11 Veterans Stimulus lm•rovements Under Construction David W./Pete V. GG1013 $296,000 Stimulus Funds 6/11 W Athletic Field irrigation Upgrades Under Construction David W. _ P1 1 $ 00,00 General Fund 6/11 Skate Park Construction Under Construction David W. PK0911 11 $720,000 GOB'08 8/11 Brothers Pond Park Concrete Walks, Signs,Pond Improvements&Lightiry Under Construction David W. PK1003 $194,000 GOB'08 6/11 W W Tarrow Park Playground I. $7 done lm+rove eats Under Construction Pete V. P1 1103 $133,500 $60,000 CDBG 5/11 fkii21- \...7 Project Totals .> .i4\0"39_ 63113,xiir. Hold lr� t \Cli'-- -iTp . . . .. ...... jb On Hold Funds $66,000 ................ ... ....... .. C/P Summary 'Sx rP P.O.. ' " � �AM.... .,....4..f.ry.. � �1-� , "a..,.... w ms W pSz t ki-;Y r t r < x Sg "la,. :fi'',' } slP :7 ra ,j k ,i,;mti �, rt ,. , , a ,',. ' o- .'." ' ' e� ' Pending n Hold Pending Council .royal In Design Out to Bid i Re-Bid 9 Bids Receivedl Pending Design Contract Pen dingConstruction Contract No Status 0 Under Construction Public Hearing Scheduled 0 R 's-Design .: Total: 22 Park Land Dedication Projects - - ............................ Project 0 . A— Funding Date Final Park Land Dedication :'......'........ . ............. .':. ... Projects.Prioritized .� ................................ rSource r..... ... ..::. ...: .... .... .:.......... . .......... Expected/Actual C.:� t....: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIII 'ZONE -$32,590.,.'. :.......:...:.'ZONE:3...-:.$1. .1, 40 Central Park Rainwater 1 ary stip• In Desi•n David W.I CP PK1012 $100,000 Zone 3+Stimulus MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ' 4 wl F} 'hSM1.` 'M '1 1 .� S. t.-79-1—Marrik,9 � p5 arilza 'xit)v- i Ii,',!-,44. q1.0,),/,....kylmew .,:!,-two miLwrArv.444------,,,vrAtiga—,i,„---., wja -;, fah 4. ligk-, :,, '!'der i ; 0 -yam t x 4. ,4 .4% lite w. ��&' �}. Ko-`'' '.:'�;. c`i.... x ,4 r x„ .. itthiaP .. .. , .....:...:.........ZONE4 $38,296 : :..ZONE '$196IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMMIIMIMMIMMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIII':.: ' ZONE. -.$441,576. :.:...:.::..:.>. IIINIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIUMIIII MS Southwest In Design CP&Pete P 0 $260,000 Zone 6 4/11 OV 7:-$24, IIIIIIMIIII :'. IIIIIIIIII,. I,LIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS�1. , o l y L,;�n� Apvwli2aIi, t i 5 �� w44 'PEB 6 $ dgo-}' # A �k 2 * Y *JCV1,44,,'4,4114200.1Mitig,13:010VA sialt: ZONE8 91 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII . .: '..-'$. . ,1. ..: :':* Emerald or t Park I o€n In Design CP&Pete PK0713 $58,000 Zone 8 111111111111111 improvements ZONE:9.#.$24,614 .:::::::'.::::.::: Woodland Hills Improvements Under Construction Pete PK0 $30,000 Zone 9 ME= $5,200 ::ZONE 10 $290,217:::::::.:': IIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMIMIIIIMMMIIIIIIIIM : :ZONE: 1-$109 IIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII :..: ZONE12-.$._25,654 : : MIIIIIIIII=1.1111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111111111111111 MI 13' -:$ 07 : ::M1 ZONE 14 $.79,933: ....:..................:......:............................................:.............:......:...: ZONE.:15..-$3 , :. ZONE 16-23 $C '. 1111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111.1111111111111111111111 .. .. .. ..... . . .. 11111111111111111111111 IIIIIIAIMMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII :.::::...:..................ZONE..24...-..$17,483....:.:. ZONE �. :-- . 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIII ZONE 26-:$3,23x. .ZONE . 7.:-:.29:" :: IIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII .."9.°\pciavolVL3 0 iyiji>51— ,..32.0,..5z Completed Projects:Total Park Land Dedication Summary • .' ai��r�.: x .,:1i ui41: � x ,, l gx xa Sa,��ao-"s:w."'r .,�F 4 .4 a�%, isA„,r'w . ,6te ec,3v, °4"rs ,-,Jss� r :S�,".w r„- ,,t Design On HoldTotal 3o-tix 000� \.�"..v.o-���' ,� �°k�w"�F,i7:bin� }:}�� (m+'Y-` i.�'}.x. k Y ib £xS M'F+d}oN.xw...\;+..k.h tiS/�ks';.N+*}}Xv }*4e }'.;1}�. „yr }�x'r.�v}'. x�„f+i�-� ��.. i>fy' '� �nwos.+t. s," w�4i� l ,X"`4.i ✓X i *k t 3- ° T"53�.wf�'�"'i"a-w;vww"'t4'k im ^k'J17x . t K.”Z hxs r}i k SwF x ox res,:,,.' n "' c $448 ';s°} �3 "�a. .e,$-��� �.'r »>�� "�t #=Z ,�»�- '�'�¢�.b,3�'c'F� ��.}y'',�� ��.�a,�.t}x�t-.�w�} -"3x� ;���� # '^'�`�"'..^' ;#"" ::Sw. ?1,0 �`4i�.��>y„� r'�' �.o-xscw r`�i'�;'<��peh<�1.",F�'�3�' 4°�i:�w'�`��'v a�ox���x a3�.:. .. .. .... .. .... .. 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Non-Park CIP Projects :.'...:...:...:...... ..'. :..'.r...:'.': Project ::': .Funding ::':.: ::Com letion Date: Final.. :: :.:Status Manager Project Budget :'Source.. :.Expected / Cost Non— :... :'.:Actual:.'.:::' • Barron Road Phase 11 Land and Design Streets Capital Irrl•ati n Corn•l t d Pete STI 026 $250,000 Fund 4/12 Landscape Plan for Electric Design WF0175 Substation Completed Pete 160/1 $10,000 Electrical 6/11 1111.11111 Completed Pro j Total $0 Future Project Fund $260,000 Non:::Park::Summ , �v v .�,.,,>x..v...x�.>,.:,.::s..�,v,.,,._.:,_.�..,.�......r�.,.. r..,r-. 1.{wtr.>:.s.✓�.�,,,_.tk..,�,..�.,�.,,..kvk>h::>,�..,r... �.'.r.. �..� ¢�.. v"x, .�:.. ,�i�a�,y::. wxLkw"vN', ,.r "��*�.�+ .iS'h-dry• ";:i'>. In Desi Desi+n Cornil t a 1111111116111111111 Out to Bid Bids Received Inspection Pending Construction Contract Under Construction Total City of College Station Administrative Approval for Required irParkland Dedications of Less than Five Acres t Applicant Name: David S arr ado _._.. Address: 1289 N. Harve Mitchell l arl t ra Phone:e: 979-x 79-7208 -Mit*_ ____"vidAscarmmardofoodsicom _ 2. Development Name: Gateway_Phase Lo_9R-4A thru9R-1C Project : 11-00500011 Development Location: ` north of Homelocated at the lntar�eoin o nlverl viva and i hra . 3. Dwelling Units: Single Family 32 Multi-family Units, located in Neighborhood Park Zone 2 Single Family • 32 Multi-family Units, located in Community Park Zone C 4. Development e Fees and Dedication Requirements: a. Development Fee: Neighborhood Total Single Family @$754.°°per DU $ 0 Single Family @$638.°°per DU$ 0 = $ 0 Multi-family @$292,c°per DU $ 9,344 itI-family $52000per DU $, 0 = TOTAL(Neighborhood and Community) = .�...— _v44.... .....-_..-...., . Land Dedication or Fee in Lieu of Land (Choose One): Neighborhood- � rrfi1# eta Single Family: One(1)acre per 102 DUs 0 ac One acre per 106 Ws 0 ac= 0 ac Multi-family: One acre per 125 DU's 0 ac One acre per 129 CT's 0 ac= 0 ac TOTAL = 0 Acres OR Fee Paid in Lieu of Land Dedication Nei h orQd Cir-city Single Family:ily;@$314.°°per D - --- 0 $305°°per DU$ 0 $ Multi-family a@$160,°° per D $ •'i 0 @$248.°°per DU$ 0 $ 5,120 TOTAL(Neighborhood and Community) = 6*'I l- 5. Comments: The City of College Station agrees to accept: GRAND TOTAL(Neighborhood and Community)32 Units x.$4$2 14,464 Land Dedication .11-fr'?//:( _ Name Date / a Frpa-,\ r42.7".4474 hEll. i eax s�rr t+,-arLss'r,�=aaa�c 1�a sr�x co�now ..... - IP4 71i PE+F #CC{�#iR A4 y..i4 1,2A SS c,,,K #41SC CA'�f{.3�SL#+ 9, 1Ri.WPi,'L4 ..-.... 2g2 item#ttrt.,KM.Cir K 44.21Y. VAlt 1"-. 2,1 ....MCr C.F. 7',L[...#JCSTr.lio, .11-7 ) .,,.„ xll FS 'r11f h7C9lAOiQ iD P107.404"%3 -pliiCf.RiFC 3�J9 cr.. . 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' , ... x.rrrv.wtti- M � N V T 1-• li ,\ \ 1 sEit!ill -Air 11 ,gigg6_,,--i i-7---zi- • k 0 4 . 1 y Yi '4 lc i, il..-- 9 i , $ Acri,,,,,, Th,„„,,,,,,,,,, , I ipi \- it J Ilk y r i -2,,, 11 1 #---1) g 1,1 1 +,qq II , 1 �-- - 1 - •-- -- • ----_=r--.— — - c - ---- aso lu ocra�c uor+ # A (o c �}M�p41p�mqa ie 3��ucFwl f i # 71+ +a -A-\ Y:+ :::o .......x. CALLED MEETING AGENDA BRYAN 4- COLLEGE STATION LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING TUESDAY,MARCH 1,2011 5:15 p.m. CLARA B. MOUNCE LIBRARY 201 E.26TH STREET BRYAN,TX 77803 1. CALL To ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. NEW BUSINESS A. REDUCTION IN OPERATING HOURS FOR CLARA B. MOUNCE LIBRARY DUE TO STAFFING 4. ADJOURN Please notify the Adm. Asst. Laura Mills, 209-5614, if u are unable to attend. College Station Board Members should also complete the absence request form and submit to the office of the College Station City Secretary one week prior to meeting date. FOR INFORMATION ON SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETATION, TDD OTHER TRANSLATION OR ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE LIBRARY SYSTEM DIRECTOR, LARRY KOENINGER AT 209-5611. PLEASE TRY TO CONTACT THE ABOVE PERSON AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE THE SCHEDULED TIME OF THE MEETING SO THAT YOUR REQUEST MAY BE ACCOMMODATED.