HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/27/2011 - Regular Minutes - Senior Advisory Committee College Station Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, June 27, 2011 Southwood Community Center 1520 Rock Prairie Rd 10:00am MINUTES Members Present: E.E. Burns, Jon Denton,., Fra . uch nasclo, Dorothy Hernandez, Robert Meyer, Dorthea Robinson, Ron Silvia and Joanna Yeager Members Absent: Anne Hazen and Jerry Markowich Staff Present: Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator Call to order The meeting was called to order at 10:05am by Joanna Yeager, Chairman H. Welcome guests and visitors No visitors present III. Approval o minutes from regular meeting on May 23, 2011 E. Burns made the motion that the minutes be approved. Robert Meyer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. IV. Report, possible action and discussion concerning summer activities for seniors and July calendar a for Southwood Community Center from the program sub- committee - commi ee Marci Rodgers reported that the program sub-committee met on June 21, 2011 to discuss activities for the July calendar. Joanna Yeager, Robert Meyer and Pearl Robertson attended the meeting. Highlights for next month include: a free concert on July 1st, "Transition of Life" session on July I.1 th, computer classes offered on Tuesdays and a new special event on Wednesday, July 27th to include free lunch and casino games. The committee also discussed changing the time for game day on Fridays to the morning from 9:00 — 12:00 noon. The center will be closed on July 4, 2011. V. Presentation, possible action and discussion on Southwood Community Center Patio Project Frank Duchmasclo reported that he and Ron Silvia would visit Target to discuss a donation to the center. Mr. Duchmasclo said that he will visit with Home Instead Senior Care about the possibility of helping with the patio project. He will also contact College Station Noon Lion's Club to request a donation. The cost of the patio addition is approximately $7,000.00 and currently, $1,000 has been donated to the center. Marci Rodgers reported that an online grant application had been submitted to Sam's Club requesting $1,000.00 for patio furniture. Joanna Yeager, Chairman, expressed appreciation for the efforts of Mr. Duchmasclo on this project VI. Presentation, possible action and discussion on Senior Services Coordinator Report regarding upcoming programs and events (report attached) Marci Rodgers reported on the success of the Fashion Show and lunch held at Southwood Community Center on June 22, 2011. Home Instead Senior Care sponsored the lunch and the fashions were provided by Morgan Fitzgerald's. A total of 90 attended the event. Marci Rodgers reported on a recent meeting with the City Secretary's office to discuss revisions and upcoming appointments to boards and committees. The City Secretary's Office would like to get all citizen committees to follow the same rules and procedures as described in Res. 07-13-10-02. The City Secretary's office will conduct mandatory orientations for all new appointments and terms will be for two years with a two term limit. A citizen must take a year off before reapplying. The Senior Advisory Committee was asked to make a recommendation to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on a chairman and vice-chairman to begin in July, 2011. E.E. Burns made the motion that the Senior Advisory Committee recommends Joanna Yeager as Chairman and Frank Duchmasclo as vice-chair. Robert Meyer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. VII. Recognition and Presentation of Service Awards to Senior Advisory Committee members: Anne Hazen, Dorothy Hernandez and Dorthea Robinson. Joanna Yeager, Chairman, recognized Dorothy Hernandez and Dorthea Robinson with words of appreciation for their service on the Senior Advisory committee and presented each with a plaque as their terms ended on the committee. Anne Hazen's plaque will be delivered to her. VIII. Presentation, discussion and possible action on future agenda items: A Committee member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting, • Joanna.na Yeager recognized Robert Meyer and thanked him for his recent generous donation to Southwood Community Center • Revision of y-laws • Discussion of eneratin more interest to the center for game days. IX. Next meeting: Monday,July 25, 2011 X. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 10:50 am Minutes submitted by Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator. Senior Services Coordinator Report June, 2011 Ma Event/Class Daily Attendance Location Totals Bridge 79 Game Da 16 Bingo Corn cuter Class Sit& Fit Line Dancing 59 Computer Club 20 CC Training Room Birthday Party 10 Crafts Movie Genealogy Group Special Event: Senior Expo 2000 Brazos Center Lincoln Center 240 Lincoln Center Senior Advisory Committee LunchiLecture Series 80 Conference Center Total Programs Offered: 14 Total: 2606 Total S Iecial Events: June Lincoln Center trip to Buffalo Soldiers Museum, Houston State Senior Games Breakfast and Opening Ceremonies 15 Exploring History Lunch /Lecture Series WTAW Early Radio History 6-27 Transition of i e Series 17 Marian Anderson String Quartet Summer Institute Concert 22 Senior Chic Fashion Fun and Lunch Ju ly 1 Marian Anderson String Quartet Summer Institute Concert Holiday Computer Classes begin Birthday Celebration 11 Transition of Life Series 19 Free Movie and popcorn 20 xploring History Lunch Lecture with Robert Borden, The Eagle 27 Special Event: Casino Day and Lunch .,.._, 1 iiiti,,,116400...:,,i,,:ti3L..zirstrilltlii''IrErifr._ Alir,,,,,,, i L 6 ,,,,,,„,..,,,,,..„,„.,., ,.„:,,,,,,:,,,r,„„,,,,,,,,,,,...,„.„,, ,.,::,...,,.i.,„„,„,_,„..,.,„„,„„„,::..,.,..„.,.,:..„,,,,,.._ ♦ 0..7.44.-NOT. _3;` ' .d'''z}cb*"o-7rj.'-�"+ oQQ " +- ry¢k fl :4 COifiniunt Ly Cent,e, r • .'....:...'.:.hs.d.{0a. i-..:" x..n>.. /41:1';It-. 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Computer* : Birt 9:00 Game Day Celebration 1:30 LineDancing (SponsoredM g if 12:00 Bridge Health Rehab} 8 9 10 11 12 9:00 Beg.Cor t r* 10:00 "Cool Meal 9:00 Facebook class* 9:00 Bridge ideas" 10:45 Int. Computer * wI Texas A&M 9:30 42 9:00 Game Day Agrilife-Brazos 12:00 Sit& Fit County Extension 12:00 Sit& Fit Assistant 1:30 Line Dancine 15 16 18 19 10:00 Travel Tips 9:00 Beg.Computer* 9:30 Genealogy 9:30 42 9:00 Bridge Presented by: 10:45 r . Computer Computer Dorothy Hernandez 12:00 Sit& Fit Group 12:00 Sit & Fit 9:00 Game Day 1:00 Movie& Popcorn "Lassiter"w 'o S e k 12:00 Bridge 1:30 Line Dancini 2 25 26 9:00 Beg.Com uter*I. 9:00 IT oe col class* Bridge 24 10:45 Int. Computer* V 12:00Sit It Heat" BINGO :3o Line Dancing Ice Cream social ,r r Cs Fire Fighters 12:00 Sit Fit 29 30 10:00 Senior Advisory Committee Meeting 12 00 Sit MeflibeisnipFit , ' 1:30 Line Dancing $20 0 .{ear _,s;*. i . ,, .,. Registration Begins *Fee for class Senior Services Coordinator Report July, 2011 June Event/Class Daily Attendance Location Totals Bridte 42 90 Game Day 14 Special Event—LC Senior Day Tri,i 111.111111111111111111111 Buffalo Soldier Museum-Houston Bingo Computer Class Sit & Fit Line Dancing 46 Corn. t r Club 16 CC Training Room Birthday Party Tiansition of Life Series Movie Lunch/Lecture 140 Conference Center Genealogy Grous 20 Special Event: Senior Games Opening 10 A&M Student Rec Center Ceremony S sc lal Event: Fashion Show 90 Lincoln Center 243 Lincoln Center Special Event-Concert Senior Advisory Committee S•ecial Event: Senior Games 463 Various Sites Total Programs Offered: 14 Total: 1,328 Total S iecial Events: July 1 Marian Anderson String Quartet Summer Institute Concert 13 Ice Cream Social with CS Police Dept. 20 Exploring History Lunch Lecture with Robert Borden, The Eagle 27 Special Event: Casino Day and Lunch August Beginning and Intermediate Computer classes 3 Computer Club for Seniors"How to Google" 10 Nutrition and Healthy Meal Demo with Texas A&M Agrilife 11 & 25 Learn How to do Facebook Class 15 Travel Tips with Dorothy Hernandez at SWCC 16 Movie and Popcorn at SWCC 24 Ice Cream Social with CS Fire Fighters 26 Bingo 29 Xtra Education Registration Begins