HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/29/2010 - Regular Minutes - Senior Advisory Committee College Station Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, November 29, 2010 Southwood Community Center 1520 Rock Prairie Rd 10: am Minutes Members Present: B.E. Burns, Jon Denton, Frank Duchmasclo, Anne Hazen, Dorothy Hernandez, Jerry Markowich, Robert Meyer and Ron Silvia Members Absent: Colleen Risinger, Dorthea Robinson and Joanna Yeager Staff Present: Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent, Kelly Seib y, Southwood Community Center Supervisor and Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator Call to order The meeting was called to order at :00 am by Anne Hazen, serving as Chairman in the absence of Joanna Yeager H. Welcome guests and visitors Ms, Hazen welcomed Larry Isham, President of Aerofit Health and Fitness Center and Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent III. Approval o minutes from regular meeting on October 25, 2010 and Approval of minutes from regular meeting on September 27, 2010 Jerry Markowich made the motion to approve the minutes from the October 25, 2010 meeting. Robert Meyer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Ron Silvia made the motion to approve the minutes from the September 27, 2010 meeting. E.E. Burns seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. IV. Presentation, discussion and possible action Larry Isham with Aerofit Health and Fitness Centers. Anne Hazen introduced Mr. Isham with Aerofit and he explained a new project he is developing. Mr. Isham is currently discussing with College Station Medical Center plans for a new wellness center that would include weight equipment, heated indoor pool and exercise space. The location for the facility is planned on Longmire off Rock Prairie Rd. near the BCS Heart Building. An official announcement is scheduled sometime in February, 2011. Mr, Is am was interested in visiting with the Senior Advisory Committee to identify other needs or services for senior groups at the wellness center. Suggestions included: coffee bar, monthly competitive events for 55 and over, training 'or the Senior State Games and designated times scheduled for senior classes. Ms. Hazen thanked Mr. Isham for attending the meeting and asked that he remain to answer questions following the meeting. V. Presentation, discussion and possible action concerning Volunteer Training, Publicity and new activities for Southwood Community Center (packet on file) Kelly Ke bly distributed a packet to the committee on Senior Volunteer Training at Southwood Community Center, The information explained the duties and responsibilities of volunteers and how to sign up for shifts. Ms. Ke b y introduced the new logo being considered for the center. Staff is working with the city Public Communications Department on publicity •for the holiday open house and new activities at the center. A program sub-committee will he appointed to meet and plan new activities for older adults at Southwood Community Center VI. Presentation, discussion and possible action on holiday open house and information booths at Southwood Community Center. A Christmas Open House is planned at the Southwood Community Center for older adults on Wednesday, December 15th from 10:00 — 1:00 pm. Refreshments, entertainment will be provided and Santa will be greeting guests. The event is open to all seniors in the community. Information atio tables will be set up with a representative to allow visitors an opportunity to see and discuss activities offered at the center. Members of the Senior Advisory Committee were asked to sign up for one hour shifts at the Senior Advisory Committee Information table during the Open House. Robert Meyer 10- 11, Dorothy Hernandez 11-12 and Anne Hazen from 12-1:00 pm. VII. Presentation, discussion and possible action on an update on donations and wish list for Southwood Community Center. The committee reviewed the current wish list and reported on donations receivedto date. Mr. Frank Duchmasclo updated the members on contacts he had made in the community. Mr, Duchmasclo reported that University Title Company was willing to donate a TV. Also, the board of the College Station Morning Lions Club will meet at the center on December 7th. They arc interested in building a patio cover located at the rear of the building. Mr. Robert Meyer spoke with the manager of HEB who expressed interest in donating and Marci Rodgers will follow up with the request for coffee service. The committee was thanked for their hard work and success in obtaining items for the center. VIII. Consideration, discussion and possible action on reviewing Senior Advisory committee By-laws Ms. Hazen asked the members to review the current by-laws and to send any suggestions for changes to Marci Rodgers. A by-laws sub-committee was formed and they will meet to discuss the suggestions. Jerry Markowich and Anne Hazen agreed to serve. Ms. Hazen will ask Joanna Yeager to serve. IX. Presentation, possible action and discussion on Senior Services Coordinator report regarding upcoming programs and events. (report on file) X. Presentation, discussion and possible action on future agenda items: Committee member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. • Update on "Wish List" and discuss donor recognition • Report from by-laws sub-committee • Report from programs sub-committee XI. Next meeting: The committee agreed not to meet in December. The next meeting will be held on Monday,January 31, 2011 X. I. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 11:15 am Senior Services Coordinator Report November 2010 October, 2010 Event/Class Enrollment or Location Attendance Computer Classes (2) 10 SWCC Digital Photography Class SWCC Computer Club 26 Carter Creek 42 48 (avg. daily=12 SWCC - . . . ..m ..... ... Friday Bridge 81 (avg. daily= SWCC Bridge Class 13 r SWCC Lunch/Lecture 100 Conference Center Genealogy Computer User Group -------. 18 SWCC Special Event-Senior World Passport(2) SWCC Special Event-Falb Dance 21 Conference Center Special Event- Fall Fest 425 Veteran's Park ---------- - - --- Senior Advisory Committee SWCC Get Fit Lincoln Center Lincoln Center i330 (avg. daily-15) Lincoln Center Total Programs s offered: Individuals Total,Special Events Offered: 3 Served: 1,199 November 2-December 16: "Sit and Fit" Chair Exercise Class offered t SWCC on Tuesdays and ' -says, 10:00— 10:45 am. Free. November 6 - Memory Walk over 400 participants and approximately $35,00000 raised for Alzheimer's Research November 11 — Lincoln Center Senior's enjoyed Headstart Children from Forest Ridge November 16 AARP Driver Safety Program offered at SWCC November 19* Lincoln Center Senior 'ro rar .Thanks iving Luncheon November 22 -Final Presentations presented by A&M Architect students (310 Looking Ahead! December 2 - Holiday mance at the Conference Center, 7:00— 9:00 pm Cost is $5.00 December - George Bush Library, Holiday in the Rotunda 9:30 — 3:30 pm December 8- Barnes and Noble Holiday Senior Citizen's Day 10:30 — 12:00 noon December 7, 8, —Christmas Light Tours December 11- Bra so Valley Senior Pageant at Lincoln Center 6:00 —9:00pm December 15— Southwood Community Center Open House for Older Adults 10:00— I:00pm AGENDA BRYAN COLLEGE STATION LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY OA ,. MEETING TUESDAY,NOVEMBER 16,2010 5:15 p.m. LARRY RINGER LIBRARY 1818 HARVEY MITCHELL PARKEWAY SOUTH COLLEGE STATION,T XAS S 77845 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. RECOGNITION VISITORS 4. PREVIOUS MINUTES—OCTOBER 19,2010 5. MONTHLY STATISTICS—SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER 2010 6. OLD BUSINESS— A. INTER GOVERNMENTAL CONTRACT B. MOUNCE I ARY REMODELING PLAN—KAREN LAHDE 7. NEW USINES.1.. 8. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT ON LIBRARY ACTIVITIES ES 9. REQUEST FOR AGENDA ITEMS FOR JANUARY 18,2011 MEETING AT THE CLARA MOUNCE LIBRARY IN BRYAN,TEXAS 10. ADJOURN Please noti the Adm. Asst. Laura Mills 209-5614 if ou are unable to attend. College Station Board Members should also corn.fete he absence re.uest form and submit to the office of the Colle.e Station City Secretary one week prior to meet u date, FOR INFORMATION ON SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETATION, TDD OR OTHER TRANSLATION OR ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION, PLEASECONTACT THE LIBRARY SYSTEMDIRECTOR, L LARRY K ENING R AT 209-5611. PLEASE TRY TO CONTACT THE ABOVE PERSON AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE THE SCHEDULED TIME OF THE MEETING SO THAT YOUR REQUEST MAY BE ACCOMMODATED. MINUTES OF A REGULARMEETING BRYAN + COLLEGE STATION PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD OCTOBER 19, 2010 On the 19TH day of ctober, 2010, the Bryan + College Station Public Library System Advisory Board of the cities of Bryan and College Station,Texas,met in a regular meeting at the Carnegie History Center, 111 S. Main, Bryan,Texas. 1. Larry Ringer, President, called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m.and the following were present: 2. ATTENDANCE Name Present/ #of meetings #of meetings attended Absent held since attended since in last 6 ' appointment appointment on hs Larry Ringer, President P 75 69 100 Sonia Gangotena, -Pres. P 22 100 Katherine Edwards P 32100 Helen Kunz A 17 Carroll Johnson A 34 21 66 Elizabeth Pool P 11 11 100 Charles Smith P 16 16 100 Mary Fran Troy-- - P 27 23 66 --------------- ----- - -------------- - --- ------------------- 3. Other attendees were Larry Koeninger, Library System Director; David Gerling, City of College Station; and Laura Mills,Administrative Assistant. 4. The minutes of the meeting for September 21, 2010 were approved as distributed. 5. The monthly stats for September were not available. Dr. Koeninger stated the form for reporting statistics would be revised effective with the new fiscal year starting October 2010. 6. A. In old business, Dr. Koeninger reported the Inter-Local Agreement will be renamed the Inter- Governmental Contract. Dr. Koeninger prepared the paperwork to send the contract to the City Manager and Council. It is expected that the City of rya legal department will make changes. B. Dr. Koeninger stated the City of Bryan's 2010-2011 budget had been approved.Other funding sources include Loan Star Funds, Doak Estate money and the Friends of the Library. C. In the Mounce renovation project, Dr. Koeninger said that painting project will proceed and the Facilities Department has the library next on the schedule. D. There was discussion about te Library Advisory Board's bylaws Changes proposed included the appointment of the Bryan members by the City Council rather than the Library System Director; changing the name from Community Librarian to Library System Director and changing the meeting dates to every month except December. A copy of the revised bylaws is attached. A motion was made by Sonia Gangotena to accept the revised bylaws; seconded by Katherine Edwards,the motion passed. 7. There was no new business, 8. Librarians report: See attached report from Dr. Koeninger. 9. The next meeting is scheduled for November 16, 2010 at the Larry Ringer Library. 10. Meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Approved by: Larry Ringer, President Larry Koeninger, Library System Director Library Advisory Board October 19, 2010 I. Overdue and Holds Notices a. BCSPLS will no longer mail overdue notices and holds notices i. The phone number and online access to accounts ii. Only affects those with long distance numbers bers and no valid email b. Will continue to mail fine notices and billing notices c. November 1 2. BCSPLS a. Soft launch this week. b. The CGI error has been corrected and several tabs have been added for easier navigation. 3. Mone Remodel i. Paint crews are at Sue Haswell Park, but are scheduled for the library next. 4. City Council Workshop a. Delayed until December b. Report to the Bryan City Council concerning duties and responsibilities 5. Board Member Reappointments a. Sonia Gangotena b. Elizabeth Pool c, Charles Smith d. Katherine Edwards e. Send application to appropriate City Secretary 6. Inter Local Agreement a. At Bryan legal department, 7. eAudiobook Breakdown by Month - --Month Downloads Feb 2010 Mar 2010 196 ------------ Air 2010 309 Ma 2010 408 un 2010 459 l 2010 622 Au: 2010 423 Se• 2010 361 Current Data Users 765 Downloads 3,008 BRYAN . COLLEGE STATION PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERSHIP The Board shall be comprised of eight members. Four members from Bryan shall be appointed by the Bryan City Council and four members from College Station shall be appointed by the College Station City Council. All terms will be two-year terms. COMMUNITY LIBRARIAN The Library System Director shall be an ex-officio r ember of the Board. The Library System Director, or the Director's designee, shall attend all Board meetings. DUTIES The Advisory Board shall perform the following duties: encourage the development of the library system; recommend to the city councils policies and programs for the advancement of the libraries; cooperate with all other public and private groups in advancing the best interests of the library system; render to the city councils all recommendations it considers advisable regarding the library system. OFFICERS Officers of the Board shall be chosen at the first meeting of the year and shall be: president and vice-president. Officers shall serve for one year. The president shall preside at all meetings, appoint special committees as needed and authorize calls for any special meetings. The vice-president assumes the duties of re i e t in the absence of the president. COMMITTEES Special committees may be appointed by the president. Such committees are to serve until the completion of the work for which they were appointed. All committees are expected to make a progress report at each Board meeting. MEETINGS The Board shall meet monthly except December at a time and place to be selected. The Library System Director shall provide a secretary to keep a permanent record of the meetings. The Board shall comply with the State of Texas Open Meeting Law and other laws of the State and the Cities of ryan and College Station. Special meetings may be called by the president, or upon the request of four members, for the transaction of only that business stated in the call for the meeting. Notice of special meetings shall be sent at least four days in advance. QUORUM A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of five members of the Board. AMENDMENT of BYLAWS These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Board when a quorum is present by a unanimous vote, providing the amendment was stated in the call for the meeting. When a unanimous vote is not obtained, the proposed amendment may be placed on a future agenda at which time a majority vote is required for passage. BRYAN PUBLIC RAR REPORT FOR: September,2010 This Year Last Year SERVICES: Days Open 29 29 Meeting Room Usage 32 56 __Patrons Registered _ .� 392 381 Tot:11 ActivePatrons 14,843 �rord notices ..�......�.., �,... - 111111111 1,788 O Holds Filled 2,209 2,214 T of People Visiting Library � �..�� � �.....�...�.�.�.,�,.�,. �---- �,...�, .�, �5,95920,173 #of Ch c ou .. __ 26,645 27,676 m ._. #of Checkins25,618 25,855 ...� In House Use _ 4,216 4,011 CHILDREN'S REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: MOM Story Hour Attendance.. 61254 10/408 I Teen Program/Attendance 1/1 3115 Class Visits&Tour/A.tt ndance 9/569 Special Programs/Attendance 2/213 3/253 Reference Transactions 484 466 _ u mer Reading Club Registered this month �w.�. ...w_ _.w._M....... w� mm r Reading Club Total Registration/Total Com letio _..... .. .. . t .. w.. � .�� � � ... ... 1ADULT REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READEnit'S ADVIS-ORY: - ------ ' --- Interlibrary Loan Received 5460 �. w Reference Tran actio M-.--�� ..-...,..M ..�.M ..�.. .. 662 _ 904 1.--da-:ss Visits&Tow's/Attendance 0/0 0/0 Technology Classes/Attendance -- -- 0/0 Mill COLLECTION V , P NT: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII r Adult Books 357 357 Juvenileook 334 334 Adult Media71 71 Juvenile Media ----.Y-. .,� .� W 5_ 5 Videos _ �._ _207 207 CIRCULATION THIS YEAR �..M LAST YEAR Adult JuvenileOther Adult -Juvenile Other TCILL 2,250 2,168 Non-Fiction 2,361 2,267 2,628' 2,523 Fiction 6,791 7,517 7,144 7,779 mm Periodicals 111111111M 70 504 49 Framed Prints - 3 � Sculpture 1 Paperbacks 1,176 1,475 ,Adult Media 794 775 Juvenile Media364 367 al= l � W.�.. 5� 4 � h M.....,,.,�. � � 4,5 , Videos ...._�.....M, ,. .._ �� w _... m�. ... ... 1 9 271 Audi of i al Equipment ... ...... _ w n Y m. . .. _ TM Wireless lnterr t. w 312 Internet Computers4,833 5,137 --- ILL 54 � �60 Reference 50 10 128 6 . TOTAL 11,687 10,228---- 11,707 12,658 10,724 11,948 GRAND TOTAL 33,622 35,330 Prepared by Approved by BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT FOR: October,2010 Thise r Last Year SERVICES: Hours Open7 280 31 _MeetingRoomUsage -Patrons Registered .�� ,. ......_,...�, - ..,_.......�.�.--._.....Y.4.� �___ __.�.w #1 433 Total Patrons t ve or Expired< c ...,.m... ...W �.. .. . .....�� .... �. , 17,6{7 mm 15,152 Over& 1,085 1,962 Holds Filled .m .. 2,008 2,049 ti of People Visiting Library 13,269 20,775 tt f Checkouts MEM 27,835 II of Chec i s 24,400 25,861 In House Use 4,234 3,827 CHILDREN'S REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: 111.11111111.1111111 Story Hour/Attendance 81359 14/504 Teen Program/Attendance . .. ... Class Visits&Tors/Attendance �� 1/8 Special ro rar tier cfa ce .�. 2192 3/69 M . _ —..„ Reference Transactions ..M. m 574 583 Summer fedi Club Registered this mon — ....� �._ �' w.__ Summer Reading Club Total Registration/Total Completion A. REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: Adult Programs/Attendance .. 0/0• Interlibrary Loan Received 59 Interlibrary Loan Loaned IMMO Reference Transactions 111111E1-8-474 Class Visits 3 Tours/Atte - — 3/ mm 0/0 Technology Classes/Attendance �- .. - 8/46 7/30 COLLECTION 'E L 'M '(Items Added): ,m ... w Adult Books 127 771 Juvenile Books55 184 �. Adult Media1 l 11 Juvenile Media � Video2 s 19 Microform CIRCULATION THIS YEAR LAST YEAR �.. �� Adultvenile Other Adult Juvenile t1 Other 4-' I — .. 2,3 5 W ... 2,404 Books 9,020 10,306 9,663 _10,594 Periodicals 548 3241 38 I aper a; s 1,196 .�. .�. 1,027 .._ .._. �.. Media771 406 844 417 DVDs Ww W..�__ 4,279 4,390 Videos - 15 325 Wireless Internet .....�.. . �..�...�.� MOM, _ 267 Internet Computers 4,985 5,644 ILL 59 36 Reference401 93 TOTAL ______ �.._m 11,581 10,745 11,693 12,0411 11,057 13,066 -6RAND TOTAL 34,0 19 36,164 Prepared by Approved by --------— LARRY J RINGER PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT FOR: September 2010 This Year Last Year SERVICES: Days Open �� N � - �..�.��.,..�., --�-�-� 226� Meeting Room Usage . 71111111111111 Patrons fe ,isteredm 351 351 Total Active Patrons15,801 14,115 � Overdue loci ._ . m� - -- HoldsFilled v 3,713 x,480 #of People Visiting Library 20,224 19,429 II of Checkouts _ 31,071 30,042 of ecki s 30,329 30,295 In House Use 4,456 4,561 IIIIIIIIII CHILDREN'S REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: Y: Story Hour Attendance18/462 33/855 __TeenProgram/Attendance5/44 Class Visits&Tours/Attendance4/89 4/105 Special Programs/AttendanceMm...,,,... 2/154 .�Y.....r.M....�..,...�.�� �.Y...Y......�..�,�.,h.,Y... . ....Y..,�.�.,.. �., - .... _......�.,.,.... Reference Transactions3 97 200 Summer Reading Club Registered this month r Summer Reading Club Total RegistrationlTotal Completion -- ADULT REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: . Interlibrary Loan Received m - �� 23 Reference Transactions �-- 1,243 662 Class Visits&Tours/Attendance Technology Classes/Attendance ttendance Adult Programs _�..m .�� Y ...� ..� 31/158 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT: Adult Books � .�..�.�... 1115111 Juvenile Boo5 .�.�.�.� 170 170 Adult Media �...�..,.� �...�.�.�. l Juvenile Medi Videos MOW Microfor ___,____,=m CIRCULATION TIS YEAR LAST YEAR w. w �_ m Adult Juvenile Other Ci-oi Adult Jenne OtherTfl� �m� �._ �.,.�.,... _ ��_...�...�.�. 1,075 ion-Fiction �.� rN �� 2,898 2,624 .� 2,925 2,958 Fiction �..�. ,.�........�,.�„� 7,781 .k�Mmm...�.....,11,762 _ 7,603 16,742 Periodicals - -----�........Y....�...........--- .......�....�,,.��,.... 5439 2 Framed Prints Sculpture _ Paperbacks 769 1111111.1 626 Adult Media IIIIIIMIMIIIII 797 Juvenile Media IMMO 302 300 DV ' . IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 3,156 MEI 2,766 Videos MI= 413 11111 618 Audio/Visual Equipment Wireless Internet 490 433 � _ Internet Computers , 3 :,537 _W . ___ ILL 2723 Reference 23 131 34 1 TOTAL 12,656 14,892 8,531 2,52814,093 8,452 GRAND TOTAL 36,079 35,073 Prepared by Approved by 1OCTOLARRY JRINGER LIBRARY REPORT FOR: BI3R2U)0 — Tb��ou, / Last SERVICES: | ----- - —' -------- Hours Open 276 31 Meeting Room ll 2}^� — .. ___ _____ Patrons Registered 329 �37/ Total Patrons Active or Expired<2 Years _ 15,902 14,286 ` Overdue 649 l�Y0 __ ` _BnWu�Umd 3,576 3�84. #of People Visiting Library _ .l9�8�. 19,369 #o�Ch�o�ox� 31,389 31 —.. _____. _______- #of Cbwokiom30,317 31'110 _ luHouse Dae �,935 4,356 ..--- -_ ----- -_____ ______- CHIL0REN'S �ADVISOBY' 26/650Stoly 32/7� — Teen 3/68 Class Visits 6tIuom/Aomodunno4/ll9 4/79 ___ .__ - - -- Sbd Programs/Attendance 2/228 --------- ' — ------------ Reference Tmonmctioon �dl 255 ' -- ' Summer Reading Club Registered this month _ .. __ -__-__. ______ Summer Reodio�ClubToudRegistration/Total C | b ___ _ _ _ _--� ADULT����N�!�����0�����'���l���� ___' Adult Programs/Attendance 10/65 __ ______ Interibzmy Loan Received 33 17 Interlibrary Loan u0 Reference Transactions 1,263 939 Class Visits&Tunns/Aueodonce }/4 - '''' Technology Classes/Attendance ________.._ _-__- .. COLLECTION 8� ? ddod) ______ ---.. ____ __-_ _ Adult Books 159 329 Juvenile Books 96 110 Adult Media 2 -. -.. - JuvenilmMedia % ___ .. Videos 5 _-_-_-_--_----_-__-.. Mimnf0000 _______________________ ' CIRCULATION THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Adult Juvenile Other' Adult Juvenile Other _______ . _---_–_. TCILLl.097 l.l%�. . __ Books 10,760 l4,�97 10,953 14,347 -------- � ' ----- Periodicals 553 680 96 Paperbacks 589 736 Media 781 302, 780 300 1 DVDs 3,189 2,8491 38--i------- ' ' --- Videos : , 612j Wireless Internet 1' 471 416 Internet Computers 3,282 3,594T ILL 33 17 Reference 34 0 36 42 TOTAL 12,717 15,01 8,455 13,185 14 785 G�������AL 36,257 36,581 - Prepared by Approved by CARNEGIE CENTER OF BRAZOS VALLEY HISTORY THIS LAST REPORT FOR smr, 2010 YEAR YEAR SERVICES: Days-Open--- -- --- 18 21 _____Patrons Registered Total Active Patrons 9 pf People Visiting Library 886 1,247 of Checkouts (Internet PCs plus renewals) of Checkins EIIIIII [REFERENCE/GENEALOGY INFORMATION: ti InterlibraryLoan Received Reference Transactions 4.1 4o Visits &Tours/Attendance Special Programs/Attendance 2 of 25 1 Mo Outside Programs/Attendance rams/Attendance COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT: Adult Books 76 16 .�J uv nil Books Adult Media Microforms Periodicals 10 IN HOUSE USE/CIRCULATION Internet Computers •0 '1 5 CCS-rorn Corn.urs 18 Books 218355 Rare Books History Books 12 18 Files15 2 Photo Files 5 I Microfilm 3 17 ILL History Lab Maps 3 5 Microform Machine Use IIIIIIIIIIIEI 16 Periodical Use 5 3 CD's Not in Database 111= 2 New Soars Photo Collection Use 3 Wireless Internet 20164 TOTAL In House Use 357 651 Prepared by Reviewed by 'CARNEGIE CENTER OF BRAZOS VALLEY HISTORY THIS LAST REPORT FOR: October, 2010 YEAR YEAR SERVICES: Hours Open _.M.............w.M__ ... ... 128 23 Patrons Registered 2 .. Total Active Patrons 9.1 of People Visiting Library - 1 021 1,741 ' of Checkouts (Internet PCsplus renew ! of Che ki s REFERENCE/GENEALOGY INFORMATION: Interlibrary Loan Received Reference Transactions 51 35 l ti--r'i.h�r�4�r'remm.-.w'n-n rf:a4n.nwMnrrn-r.. ♦ --rnn r.�.e.�a.arnaMn._..w�.... rkmnmaa. Visits & Tours/Attendance 1 of 20 ec l Programs/Attendance 2 of 20 2 of 35 each OutsidePrograms/Aftendance 1111111111111_ COLLECTION !' LO M T: Adult Books 10 Juvenile Books Adult Media Microforms Periodicals IN HOUSE USE/CIRCULATION Internet Computers 21 23 CD rom Computers 39 I Books 167 356 Rare Books 21 History Books .. .. 1 Files Photo Files Microfilm37 ILL 6 History Lab M3 2 -- Microform roform M chine Use 23 Periodical Use 3 24 CD Not in Database i New Scans 10 Photo Collection Use 10 Wireless Internet 1201 'TOTAL. In House Use 245 692 Prepared by Reviewed by BRYAN COLLEGE STATION PUBLIC LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD 2011 MEETINGS MEETING TIME: 5:15 .M. January 18, 2011 Clara B. Mounce Public Library February 15, 2011 Carnegie History Center March 15, 2011 Larry Ringer Library April 19, 2011 Clara B. Mounce Public Library May 17, 2011 Carnegie History Center June 21, 2011 Larry Ringer Library July 19, 2011 Clara B. Mounce Public Library August 16, 2011 Carnegie History Center September 20, 2011 Larry Ringer Library October 18, 2011 Clara B. Mounce Public Library November 15, 2011 Carnegie History Center