HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/09/2008 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD . CAPRA . AGENDA CITY OF COLLEGE STATION .4w n ati.P tr REGULAR MEETING 7:00 PM, Tuesday, December 9, 2008 The Green Room at Wolf Pen Creek - 1015 Colgate College Station, TX, 77840 1. Call to order. 2. Pardon and possible action concerning requests for absences of members. 3. Hear visitors. 4. Consideration, possible approval, and discussion of minutes from the meeting of November 18, 2008. 5. Presentation, possible action and discussion concerning the Green Parks and Recreation Department Program. 6. Presentation, possible action and discussion concerning the Recreation Programs and Athletic Fields Support Program and Hierarchy. 7. Discussion and possible action concerning Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Goals. 8. Update on Grimes County Regional Park Project. 9. Presentation, possible action and discussion concerning the current Capital Improvement Program: • Current Capital Improvement and Park Land Dedication Project Lists 10. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items: A Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. • Next Regular Meeting — January 13, 2009, The Green Room at Wolf Pen Creek 11. Adjourn The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made at least 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call(979)764-3517 or(TDD)1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.vg_qy. Memorandum To: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board From: E,piti Marco A. Cisneros, Director, Parks and Recreation Department Subject: Items of Interest Date: December 2, 2008 This week's very special event is the 25th Christmas in the Park Program on Friday, December 5th at 6 p.m. here at Beachy Central Park. This program has grown from a couple of strands of light on the office building to over one million lights throughout the entire park! The staff has done a tremendous job of constant improvements over the years with all of the major components being built utilizing the skills of staff from all departments. The artistry and color is a wonder for all park visitors. The recreation programs also bring the season's special times to both children and adults. The Board members are all encouraged to attend the Friday kickoff events as our PARD guests. Southwest Park Public Hearing — We had the public hearing for the development of the Southwest Park site on Holleman Road at the last Board meeting. This was actually the second public hearing on this proposed park since the one held in June was so poorly attended. Unfortunately, the results were the same. The student population that lives in the area did not attend the meeting to share their desires for the future development of this project with the Board. Staff will continue with the development of the park as proposed. It is a part of this year's PARD CIP, Green Parks and Recreation Operations Presentation — PARD staff has been working with a Recreation, Parks and Tourism Sciences class on researching what "Green" parks and recreation operations are in existence in Texas. Staff will be presenting at the next Board meeting what is being planned in helping College Station PARD develop its own Green PARD Program for the future. Policy for Recreation Programs and Athletic Fields Support Program and Heirarchy —The City Council has asked that the Board consider formulating policies that will help to address the issues of participation in recreation programs and athletic fields throughout the PARD system. This would involve an exercise of establishing what programs or activities are to be considered as Core Programs, Tier I Programs or Tier II Programs. Once the Board has had an opportunity to run through the exercise, discussed these issues and arrived at some creation of policies to address these issues, the City Council would like for staff to make a presentation of these findings at a future City Council workshop. This item will be on the next Board agenda. Grimes County Regional Park Proposal — The Board asked for an update as to the status of this project. The last known activity in this area was in 2007. Enclosed are some basic background information pieces regarding some of the history with the project. Staff is working on seeing what key members of the initial project group might be available to attend the next Board meeting and discuss their thoughts on the project with the Board. Parks and Recreation Department FY 09 Capital Improvements Program — With the start of the new fiscal year, the construction plans grow with the addition of new PARD projects. Some of these new projects will also include the projects that were authorized by the voters in the Bond 2008 Program. The listing of projects is included in the Board packet. PARD Staff Kudos — Also attached are but just a few of the many examples of positive responses and comments that we have received from our PARD clients. This might have something to do with a special action taken by a staff member, or a PARD program, project or facility. It simply is another example of helping our clients to fulfill their PARD needs in some form or fashion. The city is very fortunate to have such a talented and skilled PARD staff, and the results speak for themselves! Attachments PC: PARD Staff 2 Deuvytur of , ab08 osi- r*P-leorLeyi; wit f}duisoil Boctio 0j , U 1, S' 11-70 S YUR-St SAO Ivy c� MLQ PV—k:F1 (Itu/I " A„x T,erocc �r G7 r �' rte' CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD ABSENCE REQUEST FORM FOR ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICERS I will not be in attendance at the + qOO meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for the reason(s) specified: Naine � .c,„,,.,�;,.� 7.i,�..c',�'S I__ .61_70._ ii i • o ..., io,, _ -- ----^3 .,7'''''''' \ 114)L-1 . r ,.( f 0Alike(0\ A Signature ' N6--. Requests for Absence must be submitted to the Board Secretary @ 764-6271 prior to the meeting date. City of College Station dor e [©r Arc Parks and Recration a C Department °� �cc 731-/ ° , of Providing good things in life since 1971 ( /07;-' CITY or COLI EGE STATION w. Green College Station "College Station is committed to being a leader in resource conservation and protection of our environment. Green College Station will express the City's commitment to achieve resource conservation and sustainability over the long-term. " College Station City Council January 24,2008 1 Parks and Recreation Department Green Program GOAL: "College Station will be recognized as having the "Greenest" Parks and Recreation Department in Texas within the next 3 years. " Parks and Recreation Department Green Program Categories of "Best Practices"Focus ® Land LE Energy • Water ■ Programs • Future 2 Parks and Recreation Department Green Program >.4 Land . Audit current Parks and Facilities for "Best Practices" • Promote environmental and land resource conservation • Acquire Greenspace for future use as Parkland and also for protection of the natural environment from over-development • Design new and renovated Parks and Facilities to "Green"standards ▪ Plant 500 new trees over the next 3 years Parks and Recreation Department Green Program Energy N Use new technology for energy conservation ▪ Review and modify policies and practices to lead toward resource efficiency and cost effectiveness ® Design new and renovated facilities to "Green"energy standards • Actively pursue replacing energy in- efficient systems within the Parks and Facilities 3 Parks and Recreation Department Green Program Water NI Use new technology for water conservation and positive environmental impact ▪ Review and modify policies and practices to lead toward resource efficiency, waste reduction, and cost effectiveness ® Utilize Xeriscaping standards for new and replacement landscaping ▪ Design new and renovated irrigation systems to "Green"standards ▪ Utilize re-claimed water, where possible, for irrigation purposes Parks and Recreation Department Green Program Programs ▪ Conduct educational classes and programs promoting "Green"practices and lifestyles or Partner with other Agencies such as TAMU RPTS, Keep Brazos Beautiful and TAMU Re-Plant . Research Best Practices nationwide in PARD Green Initiatives ▪ Promote environmental and resource conservation 4 Parks and Recreation Department ,.g Green Program Future . Continually assess the PARD Green Program for effectiveness III Utilize other Cities'Green PARD Programs as a benchmark for measurement and comparisons a Seek sustainable funding sources to ensure the long term success of the Green PARD Program ▪ Continually review and modify policies and practices to lead toward resource efficiency, waste reduction, and cost effectiveness IN Conduct in-depth study of the Green PARD Program after three years to assess progress and future viability Parks and Recreation Department Green Program Framework for the building of the Parks and Recreation Green Program . Phase I-Assessment of Green PARD Operations • Where are we today? . Phase II-Analysis of Green PARD benchmarks in other PARD Systems within Texas and Nationwide • What are other PARD systems doing to be Green? . Phase III—Development of a Green PARD Program • Based on what we know,what are we going to do to be a Green PARD operation? . Phase Iv-Establishment of Operational Priorities for a Green PARD Program • What are short and long-term priorities that will get us to be one of the greenest PARD systems in Texas within the next three years. ▪ Phase v—Implementation of a Green PARD Program • What resources and/or actions are needed to accomplish the goals within the three year time frame? 5 `Program/Service Area Core Tier 1 Tier 2 (Community Benefit) (Community/Individual Benefit) (Individual Benefit) Some public support Minimum public support Greatest level of support Portion of direct and indirect costs Cost plus recovery for direct recovered costs plus percentage of indirect costs Youth Athletics(City Programs) Youth Baseball,Select Youth Tackle Football Youth Soccer,Recreational Youth Soccer,Select Youth Softball,Select Adult Athletics(City Programs) Adult Soccer Adult Cricket Adult Ultimate Frisbee CSISD Programs Learn To Swim Swim Team,Annual Competitive Public Swim Kids Klub Starlight Music Series Facilitated Concerts Christmas in the Park Hosted Tournaments Facilitated Tournaments EXIT Teen Center Programs Lincoln Recreation Center Programs Xtra Education Aquatic Programs Athletic Facility Rentals Aquatic Facility Rentals Building Rentals Senior Services Programs Home School Programs PARKS AND RECREATION ,A,RA . ADVISORY BOARD CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 2009 GOALS College Station's Mission Statement On behalf of the citizens of College Station, home of Texas A&M University, we will continue to promote and advance the community's quality of life. The following goals of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board are established to support Strategic Plan of the College Station City Council: I. Council Strategic Issue: Effective Communications Effective two-way communications with both internal and external audiences is essential to the continued success of the many programs and services offered by the City of College Station. Utilizing a variety of media and technology, we will strive to market our services, communicate our mission and values, engage our citizens in the decisions of city government while telling the College Station story to our elected officials, employees, citizens, community partners, and others nationwide. Policy Initiatives a We will implement a communication strategy which continually informs our citizens about the city government. o We will market the City of College Station as a superior service provider. ® Cultivate citizen trust by fostering and practicing open, accountable and responsible government. Specific Strategy I: Develop an Effective Communications Plan ❑ Develop recommendations for Website improvements — add updates relating to capital improvements Review the Parks Calendar ❑ Continue to conduct neighborhood park open houses ❑ Teens/ Youth—Communication Options O HOAs/ Parks Cooperative Agreement ❑ Host the annual International Scholars Picnic at Veterans Park American Pavilion • Continue working on improving communication with all athletic user groups. Specific Strategy 2: Coordinate with Cemetery Committee on the Continuation of the Marketing Campaign for the New Cemetery. ❑ Continue the advertisement campaign and Marketing Plan implementation O Conduct appropriate ceremony for the dedication of the project 1 O:1Board\Parks Board\BOARD GOAL,S12009 Board Goals IL Council Strategic Issue: Growing Sustainable Revenue Sources The ability of College Station to finance quality services, meet demands of growing infrastructure and provide for the quality of life quotient for the community, requires fiscal soundness and growing our revenue sources. We will adhere to sound business practices which obtain true value for dollars spent, diversify our revenue sources through identification of innovative revenue strategies, and implement financial policies which protect city resources. Policy Initiatives • We will develop innovative income strategies to diversify and strengthen income base. • We will re-evaluate and update financial policies to ensure they continually meet our needs as a city government. • We will continually improve business practices to ensure we achieve the best value for dollars invested. • We will continually recognize the importance of neighborhood integrity as well as responsible growth in our community. • We will continually work toward improving the city's financial long term stability by making growth pay for itself. Specific Strategy 3: Annual Review and Update User Fees for Facilities and Programs ❑ Review existing fees and related policies Develop recommendations for fees and policy changes as appropriate ❑ Present to the City Council for consideration Specific Strategy 4: Develop a Sponsorship Program for Programs and Facilities ❑ Identify potential facilities and programs suitable for sponsorship opportunities ❑ Determine appropriate guidelines for potential sponsorship sources ❑ Develop a request for proposal process to solicit potential vendors ❑ Review proposals and projected revenues; implement the process if appropriate IIL Council Strategy: Exceptional Multi-modal Transportation The rapid growth of College Station is impacting our ability to provide an efficient public and private transportation network to ensure mobility and safety to our citizens. Development of an efficient multi-modal transportation system is needed to promote a healthy local economy and support the community's quality of life. Policy Initiatives • We will develop an integrated transportation plan which supports the development of College Station in consideration of its land use and transportation needs. • We will implement our transportation plans on a prioritized basis to improve our overall transportation network and support development of the community. • We will improve operational efficiency of our existing transportation network by implementing state of the art transportation management programs and systems. • We will lobby for state & federal transportation funds to continually improve our transportation systems. 2 0:1Board\Parks Board\BOARD GOALS12009 Board Goals Specific Strategy 5: Review and Comment on the Greenways Master Plan O Review the existing Greenways Master plan and identify potential trail connections ❑ Include annexed areas in the revised plan ❑ Incorporate the revised plan into the Comprehensive Plan Specific Strategy 6: Develop Plans to Expand the Hike and Bike Trail System (Expand this) ❑ Develop a plan for a hike and bike trail from Pebble Creek to Edelweiss Gartens O Develop a plan for a hike and bike trail from Park Hudson (Bryan) to Raintree Park ❑ Develop other plans for hike and bike trails where appropriate IV. Council Strategic Issue: Sustainable Quality City Workforce Our employees are our most valued asset. We want to ensure the City of College Station work environment is exceptional while encouraging innovation and creativity. We want to be able to attract the best and brightest and retain highly competent individuals who serve the citizens of College Station. Policy Initiatives ® We will aggressively create a work environment which attracts and retains quality employees. Specific Strategy 7: Support Staff and Citizens in the Endeavors to make the Parks and Recreation System a Quality Based Department in Everyday Operations and Customer Service El Assist the new Director in the orientation to the Board members, goals and operations Provide input to Council regarding the Department programs and operations Specific Strategy 8: Oversee the Continuation of the Agency Accreditation Process ❑ Review quarterly reports ❑ Review semi-annual and annual reports ❑ Review annual program evaluations ❑ Review annual Agency Accreditation renewal report due in November V. Council Strategic Issue: Exceptional Infrastructure and Core Services Our core mission is the delivery of exceptional services to our citizens. Our infrastructure is the backbone of our service delivery system and we will continually make prudent investments to grow and maintain all infrastructures to support our delivery of services. We will expect our core services to be of the highest quality. We expect our services to our customer to be focused, timely and cost effective. 3 O:1BoardlParks Board\BOARD GOALS12009 Board Goals Policy Initiatives • We want to ensure our infrastructure is well maintained and expands to meet the needs of our citizens and various city services. • We want core city services to be customer focused, cost effective and of the highest quality. • We want the Department to be recognized as one of the leaders in the State in Green Parks and Recreation Operation. Specific Strategy 9: Oversee a new Capital Improvement Program for Parks ❑ Develop recommendations for the new Bond 2008 capital improvement program ❑ Seek input regarding the proposed plan through public meetings, user groups, etc. Specific Strategy 10: Oversee the Completion of Neighborhood Park Projects • Complete construction of University Park {Zone 2), Woodland Hills Park (Zone 9), and Edelweiss Gartens Park(Zone 10) ❑ Complete construction of Crompton Park, Phase III (Zone 7) ❑ Incorporate paved trails, feeders, butterfly garden, and water accessibility at Lick Creek Park. VI. Council Strategic Issue: Destination Place to Live and Work We want College Station to be a destination city which attracts visitors, residents, businesses, and investment. In promoting and maintaining a high quality of life, we want to be a community which provides diverse opportunities for work, entertainment, livable neighborhoods, and business development. We want College Station to be among the best cool places to live in the United Sates. Policy Initiatives • We will invest in infrastructure and programs which creates a sense of place for College Station citizens. • We will systematically identify and invest in those programs and activities which promotes College Station as a cool place to live, work, and play. • We will promote comprehensive planning and management of growth to ensure College Station remains a highly livable city driven by quality of life. • We will promote a high level of quality and safety for the citizens of College Station. Specific Strategy 11: Oversee Planning Issues Related to Parks and Leisure Services ® Complete the update of the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan In progress I Review the Park Land Dedication Ordinance and provide recommendations to City Council Specific Strategy 12: Develop a Water Feature for the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor 4 OA\Board\Parks BoardIBOARD GOALS12009 Board Goals El Determine scope and location of project O Select a design firm and initiate the process. Specific Strategy 13: Support the Grimes County Regional Park Initiative (Give the board status over this strategy) O Support the process to identify potential funding sources O Provide leadership and support to the Council in making this project a long term priority O Oversee the development of a long terni implementation process with potential partners Board Approval: November 18, 2008 Updated: November 11, 2008 FOOTNOTES 0 Not Complete El Complete Work In Progress 5 O:\Board\Parks Board\BOARD GOALS\2009 Board Goals -•-.,-, `-'z;.-..-i.,.w.s'" ,...'". =.:.A,r:*sed'r"`�:' 3[, <e r�x."�.s, �si«cr.3t.'3 t 6-u" '" :s"&.,r'.�n''soN...,r;�"' .:7 ra'"�";.""F,.,;,,,�H'r.��:.,,'I'ee;..w"`:"',...:'£,I::r`�l.M.a.'Fzir..w�, . + yt.--Y 43, TEXAS MUNICIPAL POWER AGENCY of , REGIONAL PARK PROPOSAL i? i3j ttt4. x ~n'„ r i ,W':r,,.. a: I p'3' ';•• 4- A-r:- M ,•::::,.04,-.%'wy 6.a."� m5' rY ."- ' w�' yG"" ,e« 5 g . “,, sl* r4 7 '• .,.!,v-,17,7t-r"" , t � Ne.'. �4, per, s ,,,,a , Z AI y wS ' , Erx,,.. , Iu 4 10 • • • aA'! s w d J -.4- .!'%.--_,..S.FA'4Y..a .;_ v ,.2,'v,Fk 3`.G`Yk'?v'� !t„'�Y..PIN"33n:x..:,Aaa f:L.aY^.eS;3rr'ar2;H�*= ryryyy Presented at , REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT LUNCHEON May 20, 2003 G:� TEXAS MUNICIPAL POWER AGENCY REGIONAL PARK PROPOSAL DISCUSSION POINTS POTENTIAL PARTNER& • Brazos Valley Council of Governments - Coordinating & developing vision study along with potential development plan • Texas Parks & Wildlife Department—Potential component of the State Parks plan (4 new - 5,000 acre regional parks); matching grant funds; technical expertise for vision study * State Legislators - Political support will be essential • Convention&Visitors Bureaus -The regional park will provide a major nature-based attraction for the Brazos Valley Region • State Parks Political Lobbyist—TX Coalition for Conservation; essential to gain support for the concept on a state-wide basis • Economic Development Agencies in the B.V.C.O.G. region - Regional park fits into the "nature" theme of the Research Valley marketing initiative. Also, has economic potential similar to Huntsville and Somerville State Parks. • Houston Wilderness, Inc. —24 county planning area centered on Galveston Bay; established to coordinate the preservation of natural areas; based upon the Chicago Wilderness concept; point of contact: —Rosie Zamora, Executive Director • Greater Houston Partnership —Dedicated to quality of life issues affecting the greater Houston area; points of contact: Ana Lewts, Chuck Carlsbety • Houston Endowment Private foundation with natural resources interests; points of contact: Ann Hamilton, Terry Hershey • Trust for Public Land—National trust dedicated to acquiring open space lands for public agencies; puts the acquisition deal together and holds land on interim basis • Texas Municipal Power Agency - Landowner and responsible for site reclamation; initial 3,000 acres to be released between 2005 Sr, 2007. Remaining 7,000 acres to be released by 2015. POTENTIAL FUNDING: • $3 million needed for Phase I—3,000 acres • Local jurisdictions in B.V.C.O.G. —$500,000; Essential "seed" money to leverage grants • Foundations (Houston Endowment, Astin Trust, etc) - $500,000 Needed to make match for grants • TMPA Reduced Price Land Sale - $400,000; the value of the land above the actual sale price used a portion of the local match for grants • Texas Parks & Wildlife-Regional Park Grant; LWCF federal matching funds; Must be matched locally on a 1:1 basis • Texas Department of Transportation - Mitigation bank funding; "set aside" property for endangered species for state highway construction RATIONALF • Economic Impact: Similar to Huntsville & Somerville State Parks; 80% of visitors from Houston area • Quality of Life in Brazos Valley: southeastern edge of B/CS metro area within 20 years; major site for outdoor activities including trails, river, lakes, etc. • Public/Private Partnerships: LCRA model; Canyon of the Eagles; Matagorda, McKinney Roughs OPERATIONAL OPTIONS: • B.V.C.O.G. - establish a non-profit entity and board to check it • Public —private partnership to develop and operate the site or portions of the park • Existing or new public regional agency • Existing non-profit land trust agency • TMPA TMPA Plant. Gibbons Lake FM244 _ $ 0 # • a .. 14'30� ` IZI1.1- . w • Clar .;P1i . .r. ,,,„,... .,:„..,:.„,„.„.„,,wit5.k.so— . . .4.:.-,fer,f17.0C-s-.4.--04- 4-,.;,:„ --,Altig-44- -zraw College ! - L +ate ry k- '..74,.'!"'qtriiireatel4P4Vg4,0097D'I/09M-4,"%tta,,•63g',',"47g2-0WanekigUitr,,,,,r,14 K • to• �Rc =1i iAar, FM3090 -*I AajtiflOnei.ScMier0 11"4A1AV:Pr4T.efreV4.W.t.. 4----4*,. ter.. Anderson a\ ¢ . -- ,ch -LEGEND ASN, s � `.. , .V PP$f11RE ._ ffdJ�t8T �311SiCllkt ' p61 L P ;WAEE� RESOURCES. s Gl? P111(C ,5111 7F ktPIt7 TE�f B- :41113 utt, sou;Fr wort NED e'r rs a Navasota ,. __., __. . ,. . 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CAL':LL ��� w� HIGHWAYditit lr lk - KILLEEN r � 351 COLLEGE STATION/ ��� BRYAN141W4441. j z4 ` WATER hvaviz CONROE iik RIVER leopp ...,..iiitv*----1111111111Wir 4 NAVASOTA �, li A ,�,,. ANDERSON iv xV : STATE FOREST q _ ... I� k_ � ■ raft HOUSTON '74 '� HEMPSTEAD . „� orp__10.„...34vioa X �.x . « ► �.. .�.�• ' P�PU�T�®� CENTERS !■ .i Its+ it: — him -47)-±--,44-...Ala ,.... � -- .''_ ' ``�. . ��r' COUNTIES �» a•�/ SAN ANTONIO c �1__>r''�� a'4 r1 + _ #7:44,+ - .�� PROPOSED PARK SITE .;.ZjigrawA,... millpg014110 *sk i r ---1,1_-:,...,,,,,iorw , �1(' \ 4 � � .....4 A 0 15 30 �0 90 120. .,,t,,,,,,-- [ Sr‘f# ''''' AK* iMiles . . ................................. ........................ The Bryan-College Station Eagle -Grimes County Edition Page 1 of 2 , . 4 , the ngle tit - ea, gle 'COM classifieds lio4s..thevagivid Matttai 'Grimes Grimes Classifieds 1 The Eagle 1 BrazosSports.com 1 Subscribe 1 Contact Grimes Agriculture Grimes County Edition Business Grimes County > News Classifieds Columnists March 10, 2004 Community&Clubs Faith&Values Grimes park clears purchasing phase Features News By BRETT NAIJMAN Obituaries Eagle Staff Writer Police Beat Schools ANDERSON — Plans for a 10,000-acre recreational park near Carlos Sports High School will move forward after the Grimes County Commissioners Court on Sports-Recreational Monday voted to accept the title for the project's land. Subscribe The Eagle A&M News Land for the proposed park, which is owned by the Texas Municipal Agriculture Power Agency, can be purchased by regional planners over the next Announcements decade without being subject to public bid after the court agreed to hold Business&Technology the title during the purchasing process at its regular meeting. Classifieds Columnists Officials with the Brazos Valley Council of Governments were able to Community The Eagle bypass state bidding laws that govern the sale of public land by Entertainment convincing another public entity — Grimes County —to hold the title. Faith&Values Food Refusing to accept the land title would have been a major obstacle that Health&Fitness would have likely put an end to the project, two Texas A&M professors Kids Korner working to develop the park told the court last month. Lifestyles Newspapers in Education Obituaries The BVCOG will work to obtain between $10 million and $12 million in Opinions state and federal funding to pay for the land during the next decade. Politics Grimes County will not have to pay, said Tom Wilkinson, executive Region/State director of the BVCOG. Schools Sports Subscriptions While the organization wants to begin purchasing the land as soon as Weather next year, it likely will take two decades for the state's second largest recreational park to emerge, officials have said. The park ultimately will become a tourist destination with camping, fishing, hiking and hunting, and an economic boon for the county, according to developers. " I think this is one of the best things to happen in our area in a long time," County Judge James Dixon said. "And it's all going to be in Grimes County." Dixon said the only negative argument made to him about the project is http://grimes.theeagle.cominewsinews/031004grimespark.php 3/12/2004 The Bryan-College Station Eagle - Grimes County Edition Page 2 of 2 that the 10,000-acre TMPA site could have been developed and put on the tax rolls if regional planners didn't want to build a recreational park. The court on Monday approved a resolution agreeing to hold the land title with a 4-1 vote. Commissioner Larry Snook opposed the resolution, saying the court was acting too quickly by not exploring what the county may gain by agreeing to hold the title. Specifically, the court needs to research whether it can obtain ownership of the land's mineral rights in return for accepting the land title, Snook said before the court approved its measure. " I'm 100 percent for the park, but I certainly think we'd be remiss if we didn't clear this up," Snook said of the mineral rights. "If we do this right, it could be a huge benefit to our taxpayers." Much like the landfill project, which will be located next to the proposed park land, Dixon said he feels the BVCOG would have found a way to get the project done even had the court not agreed to hold the title. " We're not buying the property," Dixon said, disagreeing with Snook's comment that the county could use its leverage in the situation to financially profit. "I'm convinced that if we're not involved in [the park], they're going to build it anyway." County Attorney Joe Falco said there's nothing to stop the court from reversing its decision if any part of the project were to become undesirable to the county up until the time the land is purchased. " We've agreed to hold the title," Falco said. "We don't even hold it yet. By doing this today, we haven't entered in to a contract." Brett Nauman's e-mail address is bnauman@theeagle.com. 0 2000 -2004 The Bryan - College Station Eagle Privacy Statement http://grimes.theeagle.com/news/news/031004grimespark.php 3/12/2004 Park Land Dedication Projects Completion Park Land Dedication Project Project# Funding Date Final Projects Prioritized Status Manager Budget Source Expected/Actual .Cost ZONE 1 - $17,973 ZONE 2--$26,807 University Park Under Construction David PK0410 Zone 2 12/08 Parkway Park In Design David PK0903 $20,000 Zone 2 ZONE 3-$208,397 _ Central Park Pond Sidewalk In Design David PK0805 $61,000 Zone 3 ZONE 4 $37,220 Windwood Park On Hold David $42,862. Zone 4 ZONE 5-$822 ZONE 6—$270,297 Southwest Public Hearing(Nov 18 08) PK0806 Zone 6 ZONE 7-$115,997 John Crompton Park Phase III On Hold Pete PK0904 $114,000 Zone 7 ZONE 8-$63,709 Emerald Forest Park Improvements On Hold David PK0713 $44,500 Zone 8 ZONE 9-$38,262 Woodland Hills Development Under Construction Pete PK0523 $34,000 Zone 9 12/08 ZONE 10 $387,199 Edelweiss Gartens Development Under Construction Pete PK0613 $366,000 Zone 10 5/08 Southern Oaks Trail and Lights In Design David PK0905 $110,000 Zone 10 ZONE 11—$2,788 _ ZONE 12-$44,911 ZONE 13-$641 ZONE 14-$98,282 ZONE 15 $175,807 . ZONE 16-$0 I—Intergenerational Project Park Land Dedication Summary Com•feted _` 0 Substantial Completion • On Hold 3 In Design ©� Out to Bid/Re-Bid 0 Bids Received 0 Pending Construction Contract 0 Pending Design Contract 0 Under Construction 3 Under Contract 0 Public Hearin• 1 10 0:/Projects/CIP/CIP&Park Land Ded Project List.dac Page 2 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT&PARK LAND DEDICATION PROJECTS FY'09 DECEMBER 2, 2008 Ca•ital 1m•rovement Projects Completion Date CapitalIm Improvement Project Project Funding Expected /Aciva! Projects Status Manager # Budget Source Final Cost. Forestry Shop Sign Completed David PK0520 $4,500 GOB'03 10/08 10/08 $4169 Thomas Bath House Replacement Design Completed Pete PK0802 $32,600 FY'08 OF 9108 9/08 $32,600 Central Park Shop Renovation Completed David PK0821 $40,000 GOB'03 ' 9/08 10/08 $34,044.89 AFOH Cemetery Under Construction Ross GG9905 $8,000,000 GF'07 1/09 University Park Under Construction , David PK0410 $400,000 GF'07 12/08 Woodland Hills Park Under Construction Pete PK0523 $315,000 GF'07 11/08 Southwood Little League Irrigation Under Construction Pete PK0901 $35,000 FeldR mart 12/08 Adamson Bath House Replacement Under Construction Pete PK0701 $1,190,000 FY'07 GF 5/09 Lions Swing Set Pending construction cont. David PK0804 $15,000 CDBG 2/09 Oaks Improvements-Walks& Lights Pending construction cont. David PK0705 $85,460 CDBG 2/09 Thomas Bathhouse On Hold Pete PK0802 $50,000 GE'09 5/09 Adamson—UV Treatment System Out to Bid Pete PK0902 $98,600 GF'09 3/09 Creekview Neighborhood Park In Design Pete $515,000 GOB'08 09 Neighborhood Park Improvements In Design David W $290,000 GOB'08 09 `e Park Design In Design David $105,000 GOB'08 09 CIP Summary Completed 3 Substantial Completion 0 Pending/On Hold In Design Out to Bid/Re-Bid 1 Bids Received 0 Pending Design Contract 0 Pending Construction Contract No Status 0 Under Construction 5 Public Hearing Scheduled 0 . ...... ... .... ...... ..... 1s:`. Non-Park CMP Projects Non-Park CIP Projects Status Project': Project Budget Funding Completion Date Final Manager #` Source. Expected / Actual . .Cost University Dr. Overpass Landscape In Design David 8°10515 $300,000 2009 Dartmouth extension landscape Pending Pete ST0211 $100,000 Streets January id irrigation design construction Capital Fund 2009 contract Veterans Memorial In Design Pete $275,000 Grant Sept. 2009 Trails/Bridges Patricia St Planters and Completed "::Pete $3,500 Economic Nov.2008 Nov. $2,920 Additional Landscape Development . '2008 PARKLAND DEDICATION FEES SUMMARY Approved Sept.2007 Effective-Jan.2002 (Effective-Jan.2008 Proposed to be Ord.2546 Proposed Aug.2007 Ord.2997) Effective Jan.2009 NEIGHBORHOOD r-h Land Dedication per Dwelling Unit(DU) Single Family 1 ac per 101 DUs 1 ac per 98 DUs 1 ac per 98 DUs 1 ac per 102 DUs Multi-Family 1 ac per 125 DUs 1 ac per 121 DUs 1 ac per 121 DUs 1 ac per 125 DUs r Fee in Lieu of Land per DU Single Family $198 $204 $245 $314 ' � Multi-Family $160 $165 $198 $256 Park Development Fee per DU Single Family $358 $655 $655 $764 Multi-Family $292 $533 $533 $622 _tv y lb Total Neighborhood Park Fees per DU Single Family $556 $859 $900 $1,078 Multi-Family $452 $698 $731 $878 COMMUNITY Land Dedication per Dwelling Unit(DU) N/A NOT APPROVED Single Family 1 acre per 101 DUs 1 ac per 105 DUs Multi-Family i 1 acre per 125 DUs 1 ac per 129 DUs 1 4 i Fee in Lieu of Land per DU Single Family i $198g $305 Multi Family $160 $248 Park Development Fee per DU Single Family $725 $638 Multi-Family 4. $590 „ $520 Total Neighborhood Park Fees per DU Single Family ÷ $923 $943 L... M ulti-Fa mily1 $750 $768 \'-' (k.ff4444 Mayor CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Councilm embers Ben White John Crompton Mayor Pro Tern James Massey Lynn McMhaney Dennis Maloney City Manager Lawrence Stewart Glenn Brown David Ruesink Minutes City Council Workshop&Regular Meeting Thursday, October 09,2008 at 3:00 PM & 7:00 PM City Hall Council Chamber, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station,Texas COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor White, Mayor ProTem Mcllhaney, Council members Maloney Crompton,Massey, Ruesink and Stewart STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Brown, Assistant City Manager Merrill, City Attorney Cargill Jr., City Secretary Hooks,Deputy City Secretary McNutt, Management Team Mayor White called meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Workshop Agenda Item No. 1 -- Presentation, possible action,and discussion on items listed on the consent agenda. Mayor Pro Tem Mcllhaney informed the Council of intent to abstain from consent agenda items 2a and 2k. Council member Crompton inquired if there was enough land for the easement on item 2c, Council member Ruesink inquired on the solid waste management tipping fees and fees being to low. Council member Ruesink inquired on the programs used with Hotel/Motel funds; why they were presented on October 9, 2008 and not September 25, 2008 when budget was being approved and would like to see comparisons of expenditures from Hotel/Motel funds from 07-08 and 08-09 budget for items 2h,2i and 2j. Workshop Agenda Item No. 2 -- Presentation possible action and discussion of a Bryan-College Station Mobility Initiative to focus on increasing mobility, regional cooperation, and improving safety for all users of the community transportation systems. Introduced by Mark Smith, Director of Public Works. Terry Childers, Assistant Agency Director of TTI presented an update on the College Station Mobility Initiative. This project was launched to focus on increasing mobility, regional cooperation, and improving safety for all users of the community transportation systems. The project,when fully deployed, will result in the establishment of a Transportation Management Center (TMC) located in the TTI TransLink Laboratory facility. Council concurred with the proposed Initiative and directed staff to move forward in working with TTI officials and MPO. City Council Workshop&Regular Minutes Page 6 Thursday,October 9,2008 f Council member Maloney made a motion to approve the appointments of Council members Crompton, Ruesink and Stewart to the Joint City/CSISD Committee. Council member Massey seconded the motion, which carried 7-0. FOR: Mayor White, Mayor Pro Tern Mcllhaney, Crompton, Massey, Maloney, Stewart and Ruesink AGAINST: None Council returned to discussion of workshop agenda items. Mayor White left the meeting at 7:45 pm. Workshop Agenda Item No. 3 -- Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding possible revisions to the Park Land Dedication Ordinance. Tony Cisneros, Director of Parks and Recreation presented Ordinance 2997, the current Park Land Dedication Ordinance, approved by the City Council on September 13, 2007. The Park Land Dedication Ordinance provided a means to acquire and develop neighborhood parks in the City and the ETJ. The funds for these park developments are generated by the development of new residential subdivisions and must be used for neighborhood park acquisition and/or development with a prescribed service area as defined by the City's approved Park Zones. The ordinance requires a three year review period, and the City Council approved the most recent changes in September, 2007. However,both acquisition and development costs associated with park development ( have increased dramatically over the past few years. Key policy issues were reviewed and discussed by the Joint Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Planning & Zoning Commission Subcommittee June, 2008 as well as a public hearing was held as a part of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting held in July, 2008. The major points of discussion at these meetings included: The current cost of land, the cost of park construction, the need for more community parks in newly developed areas, and the estimated population growth for the City in the next ten years Council member Crompton made a motion to send back to the Planning and Zoning Commission, Parks and Recreation Board for further review, receive input from stakeholders with a public hearing to be held at a future council meeting. Council member Stewart seconded the motion,which carried 6-0. FOR: Mayor Pro Tern Mcllhaney,Crompton, Massey,Maloney, Stewart and Ruesink AGAINST: None ABSENT: Mayor White Workshop Agenda Item No. 4-- Presentation,possible action,and discussion regarding the creation of a Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenway Master Plan (BPGMP) including formation of an advisory committee. Vanessa Garza, Greenways Program Manager presented a concept of integrating the Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan and the Greenways Master Plan inclusive of the Carter Creek corridor. She requested ( Council input and consideration of the draft outline of the project scope and formation of an advisory committee. Staff recommended approval. The Scope of this Master Plan may include but is not limited to: r a ti °tea � r � � _- Mg. t� P a d 4 h ; s Update ,. Worldim>.--; 3 ffi- �Y (kt .,kn�. College Station Parks and Recreation Department December 2008 as Texas A&M Administrators, faculty, and Parks and c ° r vi .. ry staff, the Texas A&M Welcome Club and members of the Discovery Program along Board with IPO staff. I say we, because it was truly Reg ular 1 a team effort event. There were representatives from every unit in IPO, either December , working at a specific task or just getting to know our international families. Thank you WOLF PEN CREEK, The Green Room all for your help. Mario and I would especially 7.00PM like to thank Kim Fox and Admin Council members Rebekah See-Hruska, Patsy Rose Goodnight, Rachel Levins, Renae Vargo, December Birthdays Sherran Johnson, Jamie Alhmaidi, Melissa Wailes, Shilpa Hegde, Kimberly Smith, Deb December 3 - Adam Alvarado Warren, Kathryn Cantrell, Patti Urbina and Erin Pope for the set up and decorations, December 6 - Curtis Bingham greeting teams, the children's craft table December 10 - Marian Zavala kitchen duty, and clean up help. We are most appreciative of the City of College Station for December 19 - Sheila Walker their logistical support, beautiful facility, and for getting into the spirit of welcoming our December 20 - Samantha Walker international faculty and scholars with the Howdy t-shirts and Bar-B-Que cups. Tony December 28 - Heather Lupoli Cisneros, the new Director of Parks and Recreation and David Gerling, Special International Scholars Facilities Superintendent, and other parks staff worked side by side with IPO staff to put Bar-B-Que it all together and stayed to clean up, take down flags and put decorations away for "Dear IPO family, another year. We are grateful for the support of the City of College Station. We appreciate We hosted a wonderful Texas Style BBQ last all that goes into an event like this and thank night for International Faculty and Scholars all of you for your help." and their families. Nearly 500 people were at Veterans Park last night including Mayor Ben Linda Edwards White, City Council Members James Massey Director and Lynn Mcllhaney and City of College International Outreach, TAMU Station police, fire and waste management and Parks and Recreation personnel, as well Si December 2008 • page 1 world leadquari ers Update 2008 Arthritis Walk Lincoln Recreation Centers Get Ready to Dance The Arthritis foundation presented a plaque to the College Station Parks and Recreation Department for assisting and co-sponsoring kf ` ` ` the 2008 Arthritis Walk. n Get Led to dance "Great Job!" Tony Cisneros Great .fob Athletics �x t "David, F � % ,,° I am a former participant in your adult sports = -, .�• s and would like you to know I had more fun ` ' ' ' ;,-*P playing sports in your city than any other 1 �,`; :, ; before. I can't wait to coming back to some tournaments in the future Jason D. Kucera ' - . , Athletics Coordinator ' Harker Heights Parks & Recreation Thanks Sent to Spud and PARD Staff • ,‘David, ` h `Y+ak IM'"'4ESLTa2'.rr Thanks Again! You and the staff at the �, , «; , , �b�,;,��u����R ,� �� ; 3 '-:az.,Wkl.'p'tra '.''" avxn""`''',/ a ptn 26y ekndxn�s,�a a2o-sq er pnnYm @t xaY IN m''''''Yuhar' College Station Parks and Recreation a444,44-. Department are always very gracious and helpful whenever I come calling. It is really appreciated," Five Year old Devin Banks is all smiles as he plays with recreational assistant, Lindsey John Blackburn Byers in the lobby of the Lincoln Recreation Center in College Station. Byers teaches dance to Devin and up to 25 other children Weekend of October 4th ages 6 too as part of her work with the center's afters program. "WPC had a great weekend with both the fun r run and buddy walk and concert. Both of the events were well attended and successful." ��� Sheila Walker Venue Manager December 2008 • __age 2 World Headquarters Update New Forestry Crew Leader Lincoln Center Fall Fest "I have made Ramona Embry my new "To all, Forestry Crew Leader. I am very lucky to have two individuals that were trained by out I want to give an extra special pat on the going Crew Leader Curtis Schoessow and back to Cheletia, Lance, Eli and the Lincoln could do the job in his absence." Center Unit crew for a great job on the Fall Fest on October 23, 2008. There were Gerald Guillory hundreds of members, parents and Forestry Supervisor volunteers, sororities, and TAMU athletes were in attendance. It was a great night of "Gerald, Scooby Doo and Princess Joy Jump, face Congrats on a great hire!" painting, pie toss and other family fun. There were Wings sold by the Nia Panther Keystone Thanks, Club and Chief Ikner calling out the door prize Tony winners." Thanks, Two of our finest nominafec Ron Rolett Boys & Girls Clubs of Brazos galley for City Employee of the Year... Robert Hole Cemetery Sexton Project Sunshine Sends Thanks Kelly Keibly Recreation Supervisor "Dear Lincoln Recreation Center Staff, Thank you so much for hosting our 2008 Thanks Sent. .. Project Sunshine Sock Hop. The children had a blast dancing and playing games in your "Sheila, nice facility. We appreciate the kindness you showed on Friday so much. You brought I want to give you and Vera a big "Thank smiles to all of the Project Sunshine children's You" for the presentation both of you gave at faces. Thanks again for your hospitality and my Foundations of Kinesiology class on allowing us to have a wonderful start to year October 20th and 21st. It was very full of happiness with some of the sweetest informative and professionally presented. kids in the world." The students and myself were very Sincerely, impressed. I am looking forward to future presentations in the coming semesters. Thank you and everyone at the College Station Megan Preston-Chollett Parks and Recreation Department once Director again." Project Sunshine Sincerely, Jenni Griffith Larry Letterman Assistant Director larry.latterman@thlinn.edu Project Sunshine December 2008 • page 3 World Headquarters Update Christmas in the Parkr' about the impact she will have in our department. Christmas in the Park Holiday Celebration Jana Church December 5 - 6, December 12 - 13 Recreation Supervisor - School Age Care 6:00PM - 8:30PM: Visit Santa, Hayrides, Entertainment, Cookies Thanks sent from the Arthritis & Hot Chocolate Thank you PARD Family foundation "Dear Ones, "Dear City of College Station, My family and I truly appreciate the kindness, Thank you so much for supporting the thoughtfulness, and understanding that you Arthritis Foundation's Annual Bryan / College all have given to us over the last few months. Station Walk. Your support each year means This has been a year that I do not wish to so much to us and we could not do it without ever repeat. With my new found friendships, I all of you. We look forward to a continued have managed to keep going knowing that I relationship and hope to see you again in had so much support from my friends at 2009l" work. You are my new home in the City and already I feel a part of such a great team. I Best, miss you all. Lauren Bohnstedt The floral spray is stunning and one that I will Director enjoy especially because it came from such dear friends. I understand Amanda chose New Addition to the Parks this. Thank you for having such flair and expertise in designing a most gorgeous spray. and Recreation Family I look forward to returning to work soon and Heather Lupoli, Conference Center secretary, some sense of normalcy eventually." welcomed her precious baby girl, Isabella Joy Lupoli, into the world on Thursday, November Hugs all around, 13, 2008 between 5:30 - 6PM. Isabella Anne Boykin weighed 7lbs 13 oz and was 19 inches long. Congratulations to proud parents Heather and New Assistant Recreation Joey Lupoli! Supervisor - School Age Care What a blessing a baby is! Jenny Arnold is the "new" Assistant Recreation Supervisor - School Age Care. "Jenny has been a seasonal in our department for 10 years and has served as the Assistant Director to Kids Klub for six of these years. This is a great example of the positive effect we receive when we invest in our temp/seasonal staff. I look forward to continuing to work with Jenny and am excited December 2008 page 4 World Head•carters Urate Basketball League Kudos... Great Job Safety Committee! My name is Ryan Cote and I want to return to "I would like to send a big THANK YOU to the coach this year for the basketball season. I Safety Committee for today's Punkin Chunkin was very impressed last year with the way Turkey Gobblin. I know there is a lot of hard this league was ran and look forward to work involved in putting this event together another season in it. and your efforts are appreciated. It's a blessing to work in a department that realizes Thank You, the importance of employee morale. Ryan Many, many thanks to those of you who went Patrick Hazlett receives above and beyond to make it happenlli" "Veteran of the Year" - Jana Church valeiiiMta "I want to give a BIG "Shout Out" to the PARD Safety Committee for coordinating such a fabulous event yesterday at Wolf Pen Creek. The safety training you provided was invaluable to all that attended, and the comradery and food was top notch. I am already looking forward to attending your next event. Maybe this annual event should become a bi-annual event." -David Gerling "I wanted to say Thank You to all of the The Texas Association of Sports Officials Safety Committee for making this year's "Veteran Chunkin' and Turkey Gobblin event chose Patrick Hazlett for the TASO of the Year" for the Brazos Valley Volleyball such a great success. I always enjoy this Chapter. event each year and love to be able to see all "This organization is in charge of providing of our PARD Department have a great time volleyball officials for junior high and high together. We always learn such great safety school matches from about a two hour radius standards and this also helps as a reminder outside of College Station. Patrick often is with the Holiday Season near. I wanted to requested by high school coaches to officiate say THANK YOU especially to Kelly Kelbly for their matches and is often placed by the her effort and motivation with the T.A.S.O. scheduler for high profile matches. I coordination of this event. Great Job!" have watched Patrick officiate and in my opinion he does a great job, handles this - Amanda Putz stressful position very well and with extreme professionalism. I just wanted to CONGRATULATE him on his efforts as a �' „"' quality official and person." David Hudspeth Recreation Superintendent i` irovo nit December 2008 • page 5 Brazos County Coalition `.z Against Domestic Violence We greatly appreciate your donation to our Fun Run/Walk to Stop the Violence 2008. The purpose of the, run/walk was to raise ` awareness about domestic violence. it a � was a success, and we couldn't have done it without you. 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The sponsorship you provided was invaluable and added to the success of the event. We couldn't have done it without you! Please view photos of Memory Walk at www.walmart.com, email ID is brazosmemorywalk@gmail.com, and the password is walk2008. We are looking forward to having an even larger turn out .next year! Itis our hope that yo•u will be on•e of our sponsors in the future I will contact you about the 2009 Memory Walk as soon as we have an event date If you would like to continue being ort the Memory Walk steering committee, please let me know L i Once again, thank you very much for taking the time and eff©rr to: helps make our Alzheimer's Memory Walk 2008'such a success! Your support makes you and'the City of College Station! a champion in the fight against this :fatal disease Please feel free to contact me at 979 764 4090 or amie1615( aol;com. It is•our hope that with events such as this, we part move a nation to end`Alzheimer's: Sincerely, Arnie Brauer, M.S. Steering Committee Chair Alzheimer's Memory Walk 2008 • 1615 Foxfire Dr. College Station, TX 77845 Senior Services Coordinator Report November 2008 October 2008 Event/Class Enrollment or Location Attendance Computer Club for Seniors 12 Carter Creek Training Room Senior World Passport Program 53/43 Exit Teen Center (2) Friday Bridge Group 22/22 Exit Teen Center Get Fit 5 Lincoln Center Computer Classes (7) 27 Exit Teen Center Special Event: Senior Fall Fest 300 Veteran's Park Lunch Lecture 75 Conference Center Genealogy Computer Group 9 Exit Teen Center Senior Advisory Committee 13 Exit Teen Center Lincoln Center Senior Program 38 Lincoln Center 42 16 Exit Teen Center Total Programs Offered:l8 Total Enrollment: 635 Total Programs Conducted: Total Daily Attendance: 17 828 College Station Citizens University Deadline to apply is December 5, 2008. For information contact 764-3499. The session starts Monday, January 26 at 5:30-9 pm. Meal included. Christmas in the Park-November 26- January 1, 2009 Stephen C. Beachy Central Park - drive through the park and view over one million lights from 6:00 - 11:00 pm each night. Visit with Santa, enjoy free hayrides, cookies, hot cocoa and live entertainment on Friday and Saturday nights, December 5, 6, 12, & 13th. Computer Club for Seniors - December 3 The club meets on the first Wednesday of each month from 9:00am-10:30am at the Carter Creek Waste Water Treatment facility training room located at 2200 North Forest Parkway in College Station. There is no fee or registration. The topic for Wednesday, "Protecting Your Financial Identity Online" presented by Hugh (Jim), CISA, CDP, CIA. Christmas Dance for Seniors - December 4 Older adults are invited to the annual Christmas Dance at the College Station Conference Center, 1300 George Bush Dr. from 7:OOpm-9:OOpm. The cost is $5.00/person pay at the door. Light snacks will be provided. Attire is dressy-casual. Bring a partner! Door prizes will be given away. Hear your favorite tunes from DJ, Tom Byer. The dance is sponsored by the College Station Parks and Recreation Department Senior Services and St. Joseph Gold Medallion Club. College Station Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday,November 24, 2008 College Station Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. 10:00am MINUTES Members Present: E.E. Burns, Joyce Davis, Anne Hazen, Rick Heaney, Dorothy Hernandez, Laura Holmes, Clifford Linsey,Neal Nutall, Ray Reed, Colleen Risinger, Dorthea Robinson, Yvonne Stevens and Joanna Yeager. Members Absent: Jack Hernandez, Jean Roberts and Ron Silvia Staff Present: Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator Call to order The meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m. by Rick Heaney, Vice-Chairman H. Hear Visitors No visitors III. Approval of minutes from regular meeting on September 29,2008 and notes from October 27,2008 E.E. Burns made the motion that the following item be included in the September 29, 2008 minutes and the minutes then be approved in total. "E.E. Burns suggested that Proposition 5, Community Center, could be recommended by members of the Senior Advisory Committee by showing support at various voting precincts on November 4th. Affirmative discussion and planning followed. Laura Holmes would coordinate volunteers and obtain handout material. " Ray Reed seconded the motion. The motion passed. Ray Reed made the motion to approve the notes from the October 27, 2008 meeting. E.E. Burns seconded the motion. The motion passed. IV. Review,discussion and possible action on sub-committee goals for 2009 Ray Reed,chairman of the community center sub-committee, suggested that the committee meet and regroup as well as reorganize objectives because of defeat of the community center on the recent bond issue. Anne Hazen suggested the sub-committee look into the Brazos County Senior Association in Bryan to inquire about 501(c)3 non-profit status and possibly tapping into the organization and create a College Station branch. Mr. Burns suggested that the committee concentrate on a senior center opposed to a community center. Ray Reed made the motion that the community center sub- committee be renamed the senior center sub-committee and to research possible locations such as a storefront for an interim senior center. Joyce Davis seconded the motion. The motion passed. The sub-committee will meet prior to the next regular Senior Advisory Committee meeting. Other goals considered included networking with other citizen committees on programs. Colleen Risinger, chairman of Long Range Planning mentioned the importance of promoting College Station as a good place to live for seniors and retirees. One of the objectives of this sub-committee was to recognize seniors in the community in the paper. It was suggested to start with 50Plus, a monthly special section in the Eagle. V. Discussion, consideration and possible action on Senior Services Coordinator report regarding upcoming programs and events. (report attached) VI. Presentation, discussion and possible action on future agenda items: A Committee member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Moving the Senior Advisory Committee to a Council appointed committee VII. Next meeting: To be discussed The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, January 26, 2009 VIII. Adjourn The committee adjourned at 10:55 a.m.