HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/08/2009 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES REGULAR MEETING 7:00 PM, Tuesday, December 8, 2009 The Green Room at Wolf Pen Creek ~ 1015 Colgate College Station, TX 77840 STAFF PRESENT: Marco A. Cisneros, Director; Amanda Putz, Board Secretary; David Schmitz, Assistant Director – Operations; Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent; Pete Vanecek, Senior Park Planner BOARD PRESENT: Gary Erwin, Chair; Jon Denton, Glenn Schroeder, Douglas Becker, Gerard Kyle, Jody Ford, David Scott BOARD ABSENT: George Jessup VISITORS: Niki Lewis, 210 Landsburg Court, College Station Cliff Latham, 4130 Sweetwater, College Station (uses Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater for his fitness camp) Jamie Hall, 1409 Antove Court 1. Call to order and Roll Call: The meeting was called to order and roll call was taken with a quorum present at 7:01 p.m. 2. Possible action concerning requests for absences of members for the Regular November meeting, Joint Council meeting, and Regular December meeting: Gary Erwin, Chair; notified the Board that Donald Williams had submitted his resignation because he could no longer serve as a board member due to health reasons. George Jessup had sent in a Request for Absence, while Mr. Douglas Becker also asked that he be excused for arriving to the meeting a little late. Douglas Becker arrived at 7:02PM. Also for previous meetings there were some other absence requests. th November 10 meeting, Gerard Kyle had sent in a request for absence by  email, (right before the meeting), and Don Williams (at a later date) notified staff that he was incapable of notifying staff of his absence. th Also for the November 16 meeting, Don Williams was incapable of  notifying staff of his absence. David Scott made a motion to approve the absence requests as submitted, and Glenn Schroeder seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Hear visitors: Hearing none, this item was closed. 4. Consideration, possible approval, and discussion of minutes from the meeting of November 9, 2009 and November 10, 2009: David Scott made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Jody Ford asked that the statement of when he left from the meeting at 9:02PM be moved until after item #10 on the minutes. Jon Denton seconded the motion. The vote was carried. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 5. Public hearing, presentation, possible action and discussion concerning the formation of a task force to work on guidelines for for-profit operations in public parks and a registration/permit system for those operations: Marco A. Cisneros, Director, reported on this item and the timeline of its process. He explained the intent of the park vendor permit system is that the department is aware of who is in the park. Mr. Cisneros asked that the motion for the Board needs to be for the Board to look at the overall program, while maybe a task force at a later date could be the answer. Discussion followed. Gary Erwin opened the Public Hearing. Niki Lewis, 210 Landsburg Court – Is there a charge for the current Vendor Permit? -Yes, currently there is a fifty dollar charge for a one time use vendor permit. Can there be a system of registration so that staff is aware of use, without any type of fee? -Jody Ford explained that part of the discussion is that in the past there was not any registration required of anyone. Jamie Hall 1409 Hantall Court - What feasibilities studies have been done? (Edelweiss) Ms. Hall stated that one of the biggest things that she would like to bring to awareness of others is that when her camp is using one of the parks for their 2 December 8, 2009 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting Minutes camp, no other citizens are there. She believes that citizens need to use the park, because that is exactly what the park is there for. David Scott asked Ms. Jamie Hall …. How many hours does your camp use the parks? Ms. Hall said that her camp uses the park for approximately five hours in the morning, and four hours in the evening. The time is before work at five o’ clock in the morning, and after work at five thirty in the evening for three to five days a week. Ms. Niki Lewis’s camp uses the Rock Prairie Elementary Park for their use, and she explained that her camp cleans up a lot of trash. She also explained that the parks could feasibly be cleaner after they leave the park. Cliff Latham explained that he will work with us on any issues, or problems that the City needs help with. Gary Erwin closed the Public Hearing. Glenn Schroeder made a motion to put together a task force, recommending that task force consist of a couple people from the following groups: City Council  Parks and Recreation Advisory Board  Stakeholders  The primary focus of the group should be to discuss how groups should register, and secondly what would be the appropriate fee for the groups? The target goal of completion for the task force is February 2010. Douglas Becker seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 6. Public hearing, presentation, possible action and discussion concerning the Field Redevelopment Fee FY 10 Program and formation of an Athletic Fields Sub-committee: Marco A. Cisneros reported on this item, explaining the history and status. Discussion followed. Glenn Schroeder reported that maybe this is being done the wrong way, and that a possibility may be to operate the Field Redevelopment Fee on the potential of field use. The down side of this process is that if you do not have the participants, then you do not get the fee, and you cannot do what needs to be done. 3 December 8, 2009 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Jody Ford commented that maybe the Board should reconsider their motion on the fees. The reconsideration would be to do a sports specific fee, based on that sports field use. Discussion followed. This item will be discussed further at the next meeting. 7. Presentation, possible action, and discussion concerning Board membership on the Mayor’s Council on Physical Fitness: Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent, introduced visitor Cliff Latham, Chair of the Mayor’s Council on Physical Fitness. Mr. Latham explained that he feels that having a Parks and Recreation Advisory Board member also be a member of the Mayor’s Council on Physical Fitness it would be a great link with City Council. David Scott explained that even though George Jessup is not present, he still feels that George Jessup would be a great for that position. Discussion followed. Further Board members agreed that Mr. Jessup would be a great choice for them. David Scott made a motion suggesting that Mr. George Jessup be a member of the Mayor’s Council on Physical Fitness, and Jody Ford seconded the motion. The vote was called with Mr. Douglas Becker in opposition. The motion passed with a vote of 6:1. (Mr. George Jessup was absent.) 8. Presentation, possible action, and discussion concerning an update on the proposed FY 10 Parks and Recreation Department Fees Schedule: There was brief discussion. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 9. Presentation, possible action and discussion concerning an update on the proposed Recreation, Park and Open Space Master Plan 2010 Proposed Update: Marco A. Cisneros explained that a Master Plan Sub- committee meeting was held discussing the Recreation, Park and Open Space Master Plan. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 10. Discussion and possible action concerning the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Goals for FY10: There was discussion with changes made to the Board Goals. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 11. Presentation, possible action, and discussion concerning the current Capital Improvements Program: Capital Improvements and Park Land Dedication Project  Lists of December 2009: Pete Vanecek, Senior Park Planner, reported on the current Capital Improvements Program list. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 4 December 8, 2009 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Dedication of Less than Five Acres: Pete Vanecek, Senior Park  Planner, reported on the Dedications of Less than Five Acres. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. Final Plats – Lots 5R & 7R, Block 12 ~ Park Zone 6  Final Plats – Lots 61A-R & 61 B ~ Park Zone 3  12. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items: A Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting: Update on Wolf Pen Creek TIF and Wolf Pen Creek Oversight  Committee meeting held on December 14 Progress report on the enterprise concept  Next Regular Meeting ~ January 12, 2010, The Green Room at Wolf  Pen Creek 13. Adjourn: David Scott made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Jody Ford seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m. 5 December 8, 2009 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting Minutes