HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/08/2005 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board Grff us PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD CITY OF COLLEGE STATION REGULAR MEETING 7:00 PM Tuesday, November 8, 2005 The EXIT Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Road • College Station, Texas Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director; Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director; Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent; Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator; Pamela Springfield, Staff Assistant Members Present: Jodi Warner, Chair; Gary Erwin; Harry Green; Glenn Schroeder; Jeannie McCandless; John Crompton; Carol Blaschke; Gary Thomas; Kathleen Ireland Members Absent: All members were present. Visitors: Joe LeCour, Joanna Yeager, Robert Meyer, Raymond Reed - Senior Advisory Committee 1. Call to order. Jodi called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Pardon and possible action concerning requests for absences of members. No requests for absence had been submitted. Hearing none, this item was closed. 3. Hear visitors. Hearing none this item was closed. 4. Discussion, consideration, and possible approval of minutes from the Goals Workshop and Regular Meeting of October 11, 2005. John C. moved approval of the minutes as presented. Glenn S. seconded and the vote was called. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. 5. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding potential Park Land Dedication requests: • Lakeview Acres (South of Harvey Mitchell/FM2818 and east of Texas Avenue ", Park Zone 3: A vicinity map had been included in the members' packets. The proposed dedication was located on Morgan Lane and the development would create one single-family residence. Staff was recommending acceptance of the $1,112 dedication fees in lieu of land. John C. moved acceptance of the staff recommendation to accept the fees in lieu land. Gary E second and the vote was called. All were in favor and the motion carried unanimously. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made at least 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call(979)764-3517 or(TDD)1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on www,cs..C.K.ggy. 6. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding Senior Citizen Facility Report Marci Rodgers. Marci introduced the members of the senior committee who were present to make recommendations for a senior citizen facility. She briefly described the background for the report, which had been included in the member's packets), the public input process, and the findings as stated in the report (see attached Senior Advisory Committee Senior Facility Report). Marci stated that she and the group had made numerous presentations to retirement groups, civic groups, etc. The report showed the numbers and participation at the meetings and made some recommendations. Marci turned the meeting over to Bob Meyer. Bob Meyer briefly went through some of the items listed in the report. The seniors would like a building manager, a program manager, and maintenance support for the building. He was there to get support from the board in order to bring the report to the City Council. the process for the design competition that they would like to hold in order to find a professional architect to design the building was briefly described. John C. thought this was great but suggested that, since the existing community center was insufficient to meet the city's current needs, the city needed to do something towards a new, 25,000-30,000 SF building that would expand to accommodate future needs. He thought that it would be appropriate to ask the city if they would regard the Senior Advisory Committees recommendations as a starting point to build something that would accommodate not just the seniors' needs but the needs of the entire community. From the research done, it was made clear that the seniors wanted a separate amenity because they do not want to compete with younger groups. They would be in competition with the teens in a single facility. Discussion followed about the history and the status of the current conference center; parking issues and the inability of the center to meet the needs of the seniors; selling the current center to offset the cost of building a new center; doing a feasibility study to investigate that possibility; and having a facility set aside for the seniors with a design that would allow for expansion of a separate building located adjacent to it for younger groups. John C. made a motion to recommend that the Council commission a feasibility study to identify the costs, revenues, and facilities associated with a community center which will accommodate senior citizens and other community programs; and, they would consider the status of the existing community center as a part of the study. The schematic that Robert Meyer had worked up was for a 20,000 SF building that should be able to handle a lot of other functions, but the idea was to satisfy the needs of the seniors through 2025 with a senior center. The Senior Advisory committee had told Council that they would come forth with a recommendation by December. When presenting this to Council Mr. Meyer felt that the issue of mixed uses would come up and when the details were worked out as far as budget and architectural/engineering services it would be surprising if it did not include the expanded needs of the entire community. John C. stated that the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board had a broader responsibility to look at the big picture, and he would like to adopt a broader motion to integrate both facilities. While most all agreed that there was the need for a community center, a few members felt that it would be best to make the recommendation to Council for a senior center. Jodi suggested a separate motion. Gary E. seconded the motion, with a friendly amendment to change the wording from "community center" to "senior center". Hearing no further discussion regarding the motion on the table, the vote was called. The motion passed six to two. Gary made a second motion to approve and authorize the Senior Advisory Committee to go forth to the City Council with their proposal. The motion was seconded by Kathy I. Jodi called for the vote and the motion carried unanimously. The report was scheduled for the December 15th Council Workshop. Jodi thanked the members of the Senior Advisory Committee for their report. 7. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives, and City Council Strategic Plan. This item was on the agenda to review the draft of the 2006 Board Goals which had been developed at the October meeting. • Item #11 Community Efforts to Address Health-related issues. John C. stated that he had not meant for there to be specific items, but that it would be a catalyst to bring everyone to the table - the City of Bryan, hospitals, etc., and that it would be a county-wide group that be brought together. Add as a bullets: to coordinate a community ideas exchange - not open to the public, just health- related groups; also add the need to identify potential partners. • Item # 7 CIP Projects Oversight - Planning has been doing an analysis on a park-by-park basis, looking at potential park enhancements and the Pebble Creek drainage problem could included on that list. Planning has gone through most of zones and it should be 3-6 months before the list could be brought back to the Board. The list will be made a part of the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan when it is updated again. • Item #6 Urban Forest Management Plan - One of the members was unclear as to what had come before in the plan process. Steve explained that the Urban Forest Master Plan had been presented to the City Council a few years back, but had not been approved. The idea was to get that plan out and bring it back to board, show them what it is, and then go back to Council and see if there is a way to implement the plan. It would be good to have Ross Albrecht, the Forestry and Urban Landscape Manager come back to explain some of the items in the report. • Item #5 Park Land Dedication Ordinance Update - Steve stated that there may be some new laws that affect the Park Land Dedication Ordinance revisions and he would have to speak to one of the city attorneys. The board expressed frustration at the length of time it has taken to get the revisions approved. • Item #8 Program and Facility Needs Assessment ". Staff was waiting to receive the final report, which would not be going before City Council in December. Steve commented that the goals would be added to and updated throughout the year. Hearing no further changes or additions, John C. moved approval of adopting the said goals with the amendments discussed. Glenn S. seconded the motion and the vote was called. All were in favor and the motion approving the Board goals passed unanimously. 8. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the Capital Improvement Program. Both lists had been included in the members' packets. There was activity on virtually all of the projects listed. • Park Land Dedication and Capital Improvement Project Lists: Glenn S. thought that the lights at Lemontree Park would be removed permanently once the girls' leagues were moved to Central Park. Steve B. said that the thought was that Lemontree would be used as a lit practice site only. Jodi asked if staff had seen anything on the Gameday Condominium project going in at Northgate. Steve said nothing had been seen yet. Jodi said that it would be nice to see how many units would be developed and if the project would be subject to the Park Land Dedication Ordinance. She said she would like to see something in that area, since that has been an issue for a long time. The new Parks Department Forestry shop would be located in Park Zone 9 by the landfill. • Veterans Park & Athletic Complex: The engineers were making revisions and cost estimates. The department may wait until after the first of the year before bidding this project out. Steve complimented Ric and the Park Planning Project Managers on the large number of projects they had completed last year. He added that they do more projects than anyone else and they are done on time, under budget, and with very few change orders. Hearing no further discussion this item was closed. 9. Discussion of calendar, future meeting dates, and possible agenda items: • Christmas in the Park Lighting Ceremony and Open House — The Open House would be held the first three weekends in December. The lighting ceremony was on Friday, December 2 . • December Regular meeting December 13, 2005 • The Veterans Day Ceremony would be held on Friday, November 11th at 6:00 p.m. Invitation cards had been distributed to everyone. • Agenda item requests - The City Secretary would be doing a presentation on open meetings laws in the near future. Gary stated that he still wanted to be on the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan subcommittee. 10. Adjourn. Jeannie M. moved to adjourn and Kathleen I. seconded. The vote was called. All were in favor and the meeting adjourned at 8:53 p.m. r @. `: BRAZOS VALLEY VETERANS MEMORIAL ,tVETERANS DAY CELEBRATION 2005 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BRAZOS VALLEY VETERANS MEMORIAL MOST CORDIALLY INVITES YOU, YOUR VETERAN HONOREES, AND YOUR wimmilii FRIENDS TO ATTEND A VERY SPECIAL CEREMONY. Friday, 11 November 2005, at 6:00 p.m. : at the Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial 11 (in the College Station Veterans Park and Athletic Complex,one-half mile east of 11 Texas Highway 6 Bypass on Harvey Road/Hwy.30) DEDICATION CEREMONY INCLUDES: 11 "r Dedication of 223 names added to the Veterans Honor Wall since 11 November 2004 U.S.Senator John Cornyn is scheduled to speak in honor of the veterans "" `✓r Ross Volunteers of Texas A&M University will provide 21-gun salute BRAZOS VALLEY Fightin'Texas Aggie Band will perform;bugler will play Taps VETERANS ' M.A.Sterling,America the Beautiful * Special recognition of WWII veterans 1 Park Land Dedication Ordinance Project Review Checklist Date Received: 10-09-05 Park Zone: 3 Current Zone Balance: $68,073 Project Location: Morgan Lane (East of Texas Ave) Name of Development: Lot 15-A & Lot 15-B Phase: N/A Applicant: Alvin & Patricia Larke Address: 110 Morgan Lane City/State/Zip: College Station, Texas 77845 Phone Number/Fax: 693-3321 Fax Number: E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Carlomagno Surveying, Inc Address: 2714 Finfeather Rd City/StateZip: Bryan, Texas 77801 Phone Number/Fax: 775-2873 Fax Number: 775-4787 E-Mail: REQUIRED COMPLIANCE Section 10-B-1: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: 2 Multi-Family Dwelling Units: Total Land Requirement: .02 Acres Proposed Dedication: 0 Section 10-B-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning and Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? No Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): $198 x 2 = $396.00 Multi-Family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): Total Acquisition Fee: Section 10-B-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): $358 x 2 = $716.00 Multi-family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee ($556/dwelling Unit): $556 x 2 = $1,112.00 Multi-Family Fee ($452/dwelling Unit): Section 10-B-4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: 10-06-05 Parks Board review and decision: 10-11-05 Section 10-B-5: Minimum Park Size Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? If yes, staff recommends: Acceptance of fees Section 10-B-7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing park that can serve the proposed development? Cy Miller or Central If yes, staff recommends: Acceptance of fees Section 10-E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan? Comments: Section 10-F: Additional Information 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? No Percentage: a. Detention/Retention? None Size: Meets Board Policy? Acreage in floodplain: None Percentage: Acreage in detention: None Percentage: Acreage in greenways: None Percentage: Comments: Section 10-F (of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance) 10-F. 1 Any land dedication to the City under this section must be suitable for park and recreation uses. Consideration will be given to land that is in the floodplain or may be considered "floodable" even though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its elevation, it is suitable for park improvements. (a) Neighborhood park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a manner that serves the greatest number of users. Comments: (b) Neighborhood park sites should be located so that users are not required to cross arterial roadways to access them. Comments: (c) Sites should not be severely sloped or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for organized recreational activities. Comments: (d) Sites should have existing trees or other scenic elements. Comments: (e) Detention/retention areas will not be accepted as part of the required dedication, but may be accepted in addition to the required dedication. If accepted as part of the park, the detention/retention area design must be approved by the City staff and must meet specific parks specifications. Comments: 10-F. 2 Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area development, enhance the visual character of the city, protect public safety, and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines should be used in designing parks and adjacent development: (a) Where physically feasible, park sites should be located adjacent to greenways and/or schools in order to encourage both shared facilities and the potential co-development of new sites. Comments: (b) A proposed subdivision adjacent to a park may not be designed to restrict reasonable access to the park from other area subdivisions. Street and greenway connections to existing or future adjoining subdivisions may be required to provide reasonable access to parks. Comments: (c) Where a non-residential use must directly abut a park, the use must be separated by a screening wall or fence and landscaping. Access points to the park may be allowed by the Planning and Zoning Commission if a public benefit is established. Comments: (d) It is desirable that a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the perimeter of a park should abut a public street. In all cases, the City shall approve the proposed street alignment fronting on city parks. Comments: (e) Streets abutting a park shall be built in accordance with the thoroughfare plan and the standards of this ordinance; however, the City may require any residential street built adjacent to a park to be constructed to collector width to ensure access and prevent traffic congestion. The developer may request oversize participation in such an instance. Comments: Staff Recommendations: Acceptance of parkland dedication fees. Section 10-G: Approval: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: The board voted unanimously to accept the staff recommendation to accept the fees of$1,112.00 in lieu of land. Planning & Zoning Commission: City Council: ,_ z QDo wI- oC__) c . o lroTir N. Cl„ 1 Q W is Z. PtEPSMII 1174 (-) ik• C..) ‘g Lli k---- 2 1 1 , z r Z ,_____ TE>�"y5 LONE MIRE 1 S AV JCOJ'xffi gRfRNN Cl pC Z O TEXA fs,`R O AmyCT DYeR , CD ` LDNDANRE DR illiktNDRuAND CR eift, ANDERE ADRIENNE CR "O 4 JENNIFER Cl gi 3 NILLT� 00.t• .: , CELINDA CR Mil414'4lliAt !!R - !li r1:1 ii y ,!� co vl� I o�,R or: i 1a !� !9 4 9 it I"sb IV 1 I il 11 . if' 11 I ' ,win 1.09 t ISVIti a Iii „th ;nil .! tilliViiiiiilkilli O 1.k 7 ill `I IO Iiti illy:r: Ca.A j- ii li pg I! 1 15 IIS';” II"'i Pi I Ii -r I.. r ; ill Ill, Illi,. 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This request was based, in part, upon previous community survey results, an in-depth study by the Eisenhower Leadership Development Program, and established strategic goals of the City Council. The Board supported this request and encouraged the Committee to proceed. Information presented included demographic data that currently every one in twelve Texans are over 55. In 25 years, it is estimated that one in six Texans will be seniors. College Station is one of the few Texas cities that does not have a Senior Center. Seniors currently have no place to go for quiet conversations, playing cards and dominoes, low impact exercises, computer classes, lectures, dances and lunches. Senior activities are conducted in many existing governmental buildings at times when they are not in use by others. Senior programs have historically been assigned a lower priority than those of other user groups. The Senior Advisory Committee presented the need for a Senior Center to the College Station City Council on July 28, 2005. The Committee stated that they would conduct public meetings to determine the level of support and seek opinions regarding what a Senior Center should provide. Based upon the results of this public input process, the Committee would prepare a program of requirements and develop a preliminary budget estimate for a College Station Senior Center. This would include basic information including the facility size, location, and functional areas, as well as recommended program activities. This information was to be assimilated into a subsequent report to the College Station City Council to seek authorization to proceed with the funding, design, and construction of a College Station Senior Center. The City Council approved our requests and urged us to proceed with deliberate speed and to report back prior to the end of 2005. PUBLIC INPUT PROCESS Since July, the Senior Advisory Committee and the Parks and Recreation Department have hosted two public meetings, using the Nominal Group Techniques. One newspaper article plus two purchased ads, one TV appearance, and two radio announcements were made to promote the project and seek additional public input. The requests were received and presentations were made to the Lulac Oakhill Retirement Center, the Lincoln Center, The Villas of Rock Prairie, Active Advantage Club, Area Agency on Aging Advisory Committee, and Walden Brook Estates. At these meetings, the participants were given a handout with a history of the project and the results from the public meetings. They were asked to indicate on the sheet, what they felt were important items, and, if they did not see something on the list, to add it. (See Attachment A for Public Meeting Attendance) FINDINGS The results of the two public meetings provided insight into the needs and desires of the senior community in three areas: facilities, programs, and services. We found that the majority would like to see a facility equipped with a kitchen and dining area for meals, computer room, game room, exercise facilities, and meeting rooms. Activities offered should include day trips, exercise classes, dances, educational programs such as lectures, and lunch and dinner meetings. Services ranking the highest included: bus service to provide transportation to and from activities, information distribution, and health services. (See Attachment B for Results from Public Meetings and Attachment C for Results from Community Presentations) RECOMMENDATIONS Based upon our research modified by input from our public meetings and studies of other Senior Centers for cities of comparable size, we now are confident in listing the needs that a College Station Senior Center should provide for our citizens. Station Senior 1. Be centrally located and easy to get to; 2. Be wheelchair and handicap accessible; 3. Have adequate, well-lit level parking; 4. Have a staffed information center providing information on activities and facilities of interest to the community, to tourists, and to seniors; 2 5. Have a coffee-TV lounge for informal gatherings and conversations; 6. Have adequate restroom facilities; 7. Have adequate administrative staff, offices and facilities; 8. Have flexible meeting rooms to simultaneously accommodate different sized groups, with audio-visual equipment to teach computers, play cards, dominoes and other board games, and to conduct meetings, lectures, receptions and conventions; 9. Have a separate room equipped for various arts and crafts; 10. Have adequate storage for all activities equipment; 11. Have a full kitchen and dining area staffed to serve daily lunches, luncheon and dinner meetings, wedding receptions, and small banquets; 12. Have low impact exercise facilities with adequate equipment, showers, and locker rooms. This should, budget permitting, include an air-conditioned walking track and a shallow heated exercise pool; 13. Have, additional facilities for additional community services and activities as needed for the facility to "pay its' own way". The College Station Senior Center should be located in a park-like setting, preferably in the city owned 'City Center' land. It should have paved, short looped, outside walking paths with shaded benches and tables. It should be economical to construct and operate. The design should be capable of easy and economical future enlargement and expansion. It should proudly reflect our climate, our culture and our community. It should be a design that brings visitors to our community. It should seek LEEDS Silver Certification. A state or nationwide Architectural Design Competition should be considered. PRELIMINARY BUDGET STIMATES Based on research, preliminary area tabulations, activity scheduling assumptions, and viewing facilities for comparable communities, it is estimated that between 15,000 and 22,000 square feet will be required. The construction cost should be between $2.5 - $3 million dollars. (See Attachment D for Program Requirement Worksheet) It is requested that the Parks and Recreation Board approve our efforts and authorize the Senior Advisory Committee to appear before the College Station City Council to present our findings and request that the College Station City Council take such actions as to fund, and initiate action for the design and construction of a College Station Senior Center. Attachments: A-Public Meeting Attendance B -Results from Public Meetings C -Results from Community Presentations D—Program Requirement Worksheet 3 ATTACHMENT A Attendance Figures Date Meeting Attendance Public Meeting Held at September 8, 2005 Conference Center 42 Public Meeting Held at First September 15, 2005 Baptist Church CS 38 Lulac Oak Hill Retirement October 10, 2005 Community 23 October 13, 2005 Lincoln Center 11 Villas of Rock Prairie October 19, 2005 Retirement Community 14 College Station Medical October 25, 2005 Center 60 Active Advantage Club Brazos Valley Regional November 1, 2005 Advisory Committee on 27 Aging November 2, 2005 Walden Brook Estates 20 4 ATTACHMENT B Results from Public Meetings Facilities Activities Kitchen 27 Day Trips 14 Computer Room w/ Dances 11 Computers, 18 Educational Programs 10 Game Room 17 Lunch and Dinner Meetings 9 Exercise Facility 16 Games 8 Meeting Room 12 Genealogy 8 Walking Path 12 Water Exercise 7 Arts & Crafts Room 7 Aerobics Instruction 6 Billiard Room 5 Exercise Classes 6 Exercise Equipment 51 Book Club 5 Theater room 5 Gardening 5 Coffee Bar 4 Lectures 4 Library 4 Cooking Classes 3 Biking Trails 3 Movie Nights 3 Locker Room W/ Showers 3 History Seminars 2 Walking Track Indoors 3 Language Classes 2 Gym 2 Memoirs Classes 2 Indoor Pool 2 Tours 2 Information Center 2 Art Classes 1 Refreshment Center 2 Art Displays 1 Auditorium 1 Cycling 1 Copy Center 1 Dinner theater 1 Golf Practice area 1 First Aid Classes 1 Lounge 1 Health Speakers 1 Party Room 1 Line Dancing 1 Television Room 1 I Meals Program 1 Pot Luck Lunches 1 Services - Sewing Workshop 1 Item Name Votes Bus Service To/From 12 Ride Locall 8 Travel 0$I ortunities 8 Information Services 7 Computer Assistance 4 Health Services 4 Het a in: Hands 1 Senior Day Care 1 Stress Counselin: 1 5 ATTACHMENT C Ranking from Community Presentations Facilities Pot Luck Lunches 10 Indoor Pool 20 Travel 10 Kitchen 17 Tours 9 Exercise Facility 15 Meal Program 9 Walking Paths 12 Dinner Theater 8 Indoor Walking Track 12 Lunch & Dinner Meetings 7 Exercise Equipment 10 Lectures 7 Game Room 11 Games 4 Arts &Crafts Room 8 Art Classes 3 Meeting rooms 9 Movie Nights 3 Coffee Bar 5 Genealogy 2 Computer Room 5 Memoirs Classes 2 Billiard Room 3 Helping Hands 2 Theater Room 3 Sewing Workshops 2 Party room 2 First Aid Classes 1 Television room 3 Bible Study Classes 1 Library 3 History Seminars 1 Copy Center 2 Language Classes 1 Gym 1 Senior Fair 1 Information Center 1 Book Club 1 Shuffleboard 1 Auditorium 1 Services 1 Item votes Lounge Area Bus Service 28 Refreshment Center 1 13 1 Local Rides 8 Communit room 1 Senior Da Care Hot TubCorn p uter Assistance 7 4 Stress Counselin: 2 Activities Votes Information Item1 30 Financial Service Day Tris 24 Exercise Classes1 12 Water Exercise 11 Daily Call to check on Seniors Educational Programs 11 Dances 10 Health S•eakers 6 ATTACHMENT D College Station Senior Center Program Requirements Work Sheet 1. Wheelchair and handicapped accessible 2. Adequate, well-lit level parking, thirty spaces 300 square feet per space 9,000 SF 3. A staffed information center providing information on activities and facilities of interest to the community, to tourists, and to seniors 1,500 SF 4. Coffee-TV lounge for informal gatherings 500 SF 5. Adequate restroom facilities 1,000 SF 6. Administrative staff, offices and facilities 750 SF 7. Four flexible meeting rooms to simultaneously accommodate different sized groups; with audio-visual equipment to teach computers, play cards, dominoes and other board games, and to conduct meetings, lectures, receptions and conventions 4,000 SF 8. A separate room equipped for various arts and crafts 1,000 SF 9. Adequate storage for all activities equipment 1,000 SF 10. A full kitchen and dining area to serve daily lunches, luncheon and dinner meetings, wedding receptions, etc. 2,500 SF 11. Low impact exercise facilities with adequate equipment, showers and 2,500 SF locker rooms 12. Budget permitting, an air-conditioned walking track and a shallow, heated 5,000 SF exercise pool 2,500 SF 13. Heating ventilating equipment and circulation space 22,500 SF ESTIMATED TOTAL ENCLOSED SPACE 9,000 SF PARKING(possibly shared with adjacent facilities) 7 ........... ..... .. Parks & Recreation Advisory Board CrrYONCOLLEGE STATION Goals & Objectives FY2005 -06 (Not Prioritized) N DRAFT N 1. Update the Recreation, Park, and Open SpaCe Master Plan. El Revise and update the current plan which was approved in 2002. E] Present revised plan to Parks & Recreation Advisory Board for approval. Present the revised plan to City Council for approval. 2. Support Neighborhood Park Development and Improvements (Parks & Leisure Strategy 2 Crompton Park N (Park Zone 7) EJComplete construction of Phase I Construction underway expected completion expected November 2005 E] Conduct dedication ceremony N spring 2006 Complete design review and approval for Phase II project Edelweiss Gartens N (Park Zone 10) El Conduct public hearings for proposed park improvements Complete design review and approval of conceptual plan for Edelweiss Gartens In design phase. Southwest Park Site N (Park Zone 6) El Conduct public hearings for proposed park improvements Complete design review and approval of conceptual plan for Southwest Park University Park N (Park Zone 2) Conduct public hearings for proposed park improvements Complete design review and approval of conceptual plan for University Park Southern Oaks Park f+ (Park Zone 10) Neighborhood celebration/dedication of park Approved by Parks&Recreation Advisory Board: Updated: November 4, 2005 Review park master plan for future improvements Steeplechase Park (Zone 10) Construction of Steeplechase Park. Project is out to bid. Completion expected in 2006. Dedication of Steeplechase Park. 3. Veterans Park and Athletic Complex(Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) Veterans Day Ceremony November 11, 2005 ri Complete Phase II design plans Plans complete. EjConstruction process Bid process expected to take place in December 2005. Conduct groundbreaking ceremony 4. Continued interaction with other City Boards (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) Appoint Subcommittees for Trails, Trees, and Park Land Dedication Ordinance Report from Trails Subcommittee Report from Trees Subcommittee Report from Park Land Dedication Ordinance Subcommittee Report from PARD/P&Z Subcommittee E3Report regarding status of Lincoln Center Advisory Committee Report regarding status of the Conference Center Advisory Committee Report from Senior Advisory Committee Report presented at November 8, 2005 regular meeting of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board. Joint meeting/report to City Council 5. Park Land. Dedication Ordinance Update (Planning & Development, Strategy 1) Presentation of revisions and approval by City Council Board approved revisions at joint meeting with Planning &Zoning August 18, 2005. Final review pending. Revise and make recommendations regarding dedication fees and land requirements. 2 6. Urban Forest Management Plan (Parks & Leisure,:;Strategy 1) Review approved Urban Forest Master Plan with Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. • Develop recommendations for implementation • Present recommendations to City Council and seek direction. 7. Capital Improvement Projects Oversight. (Parks 8c Leisure, Strategy 2) • Determine use for old buildings at Lincoln Center Funds requested for testing services. Funding not approved. EiReview report regarding potential park improvements and renovations • Identify potential new CIP projects for next bond election • Review and update Veterans Park Development Plan for future phases. Repair/fix Pebble Creek Park drainage problems 8. Needs Assessment for Facilities and Programs. (Parks leisure, Strategy 2) ▪ Review and accept final report Parks Board: Draft report presented at October 11, 2005 regular meeting; final report pending. Present report to City Council Council review: Possibly in December ElDevelop implementation plan based upon City Council direction 9. Park Maintenance Standards Review'andDirection. (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 1,) ❑ Review quarterly standards reports from staff ❑ Develop recommendations based upon findings ❑ Present recommendations to City Council 10. Support NRPA Accreditation Process ElPresent accreditation program to Board ❑ Develop recommendations for implementation El Submit application to NRPA 3 11. Support Community Efforts to Address Health-Related Issues Support plans for Brazos Valley Senior Olympics April 20-23, 2006 Attend National Recreation and Park Association health conference Install Life Trail Fitness equipment in Central Park 12. Support Greenways Progam (Parks & Leisure,Strategy #2) Develop recommendations for acquisition of greenways ElReview and assist with update of Greenways Master Plan Continued support of Hike and Bike Task Force 13. City Center Project Support. EjDevelop recommendations for Parks and Recreation office requirements EDevelop future Community Center facility recommendations 14. Conduct a Waterpark Feasibility Study Determine scope of feasibility Request funding for study and related costs 15. Identify Neighborhood Groups;For Park Collaboratan Projects Develop ideas for neighborhood beautification projects Develop plan for encouraging citizen gatherings in neighborhood parks %f Item Complete Pending/On Hold 4 (f‘e** Parks & Recreation Department Goals & Objectives FY2005 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION (Not Prioritized) • Implementation of the CIP Program • Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues • Continuation of Staff Development • Implementation of Special Projects & Programs Implementation of the CIP Program El FY 2005 CIP Projects (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Ongoing. Monthly report given to Board El FY 2005 Park Land Dedication Projects (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Ongoing. Monthly report given to Board Continuation of Staff Development El Complete Management Academy Status: The Assistant Director and all superintendents have completed the course. 2 Complete Supervisory Academy (Mollie Bin/on, Darrel Harvey, Cameron Parker) Status: Graduation November 16, 2004 2 Complete Emergency Management Academy (Cheletia Thomas, Darrell Harvey) Status: Wednesdays January 12 - March 2 El Complete NRPA Revenue Management School (David Gerling) Status: Peter Lamont completed the two-year course; David Gerling completed the first year. Attend TRAPS Conference (Steve Beachy, Eric Ploeger, Peter Lamont, Curtis Bingham, Sheila Walker, Cheletia Thomas, Eli Williamson, Vera Solis, Zach Lowy, Carisse Depew, Scott Hooks, Geri Marsh. Status: Complete Attend Arbor Master Training (Parks & Leisure, #1) Status: Training was not available in 2005. El Attend the 11th Annual Southeast Texas Grounds Maintenance Conference Status: Complete El Attend the Texas Cooperative Extension Forestry Unit's 'Arboriculture 101' (Curtis Schoessow, Scott Deffendoll, and David Pemberton) Status: Four Saturdays in January 2005 Coordinate and prepare for TRAPS Regional Workshop in Winter 2006 Status: 2005 conference re-scheduled for February 9, 2006 in College Station El Attend Texas Turfgrass Conference (Scott Hooks, Gary Marske, Paul Rucker, Keith Fails) Status: Conference attended, December 6th- 8th. Ei Attend 2005 NRPA Conference (Geri Marsh, Curtis Bingham, Steve Beachy, Eric Ploeger) Status: Conference attended October 18 - 21, 2005. Ei Attend 2005 Trends in Recreational Facilities Conference (Ross Albrecht, Dana Albrecht) Status: Conference attended - Summer 2005. Updated: November 3, 2005 Page 1 of 3 Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues Acquire new cemetery site and develop Master Plan (Core Services, #1) Status: Appraisals complete; negotiations in progress 0 Continued implementation of Park Maintenance Standards (Parks & Leisure, #1) Status: FY 2004 overall 89% rating; FY 2005 goal- 90% overall; quarterly reports given to Parks Board. Continued implementation of the Urban Forest Management Plan?? (Parks & Leisure, #1) Status: On hold pending further directions Q Continue efforts to make parks more intergenerational (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Report given at October, 2004 regular meeting; construction contract approved on March 10th and under construction. Completed in October 2005. 0 Review leisure service programs ( Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Softball program report October 12, 2004. Fall "Senior Passport"program complete; cricket league proposal received. Internal review of Division 81 programs was been completed in April 2005. Q Pursue cooperative efforts with the City of Bryan on joint programming (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Planning Senior Olympics for 2006; Men's D State softball tournaments July15-17 2005 a Develop Veterans Park & Athletic Complex, Phase II (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Design contract approval at October 21, 2004 City Council meeting; In conceptual design phase - plans reviewed by VPAC Phase II Subcommittee on February 11th. Plans 98% complete - bids expected in December. 0 Promote performing arts (Parks & Leisure, #3) Status: 2005 starlight concert series complete. 0 Continued implementation of regional planning and development initiative (Parks & Leisure, #4) Status: Funding approval in BVSWMA FY 2005 budget; Appraisal complete; meeting on August 31st with Congressman Chet Edwards and BVCOG. Federal funding possibilities being explored. Develop action plan for Northgate Park (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: On hold pending staff discussions Q Develop Master Plan for Steeplechase (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: First public hearing held on February 23rd Second on March 29th, Board review scheduled for May regular meeting. a. Implement Arboretum improvement plan (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: On hold pending Bee Creek channel improvements. Implementation of Special Projects and Programs Q Implementation of the remote sports lighting system (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Complete; New soccer lights will include Sky Logic Q Continue implementation of automated registration software (RecWare) Status: In progress; software installed; testing completed; training completed and software in use. 2 Conduct benchmark survey of similar cities Status: On-line survey completed January 27th. Results collected from all Big 12 Conference Schools. Results will be received by all involved. Q Continue investigation of the feasibility for NRPA departmental accreditation Status: Inventory with current level of compliance complete Updated: November 3, 2005 Page 2 of 3 Continue investigation of the feasibility of implementing a Donations Program for the Department Status: Draft program complete. Conduct Program and Facilities Needs Assessment (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Agreement with TAMU's RPTS department approved; February - focus groups complete; public hearing held on March 3rd; Parks Board focus group on March 8th; all focus groups complete; survey results being tabulated. Draft report to board on October 11, 2005. Acquire and implement AED's at select PARD facilities Status: Funding approved in FY 2005 budget; acquisition complete; training held April 1-2. Acquire and install Wolf Pen Creek street banners (Economic Development, #1) Status: Banner design complete; bid awarded for 36 steel banners; signs received; installation pending until light poles can be painted. Signs installed in August 2005. V/ Facilitate Cricket program (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Facilitate start of user group; site identified for facility; organization of group in progress. On hold. Northgate Music Series (Parks & Leisure, #3) Status: Initial funding approved. On hold. 0 Investigate Lincoln Center staffing possibilities Status: Reorganization with existing positions complete. Two Assistant Center Supervisors in place as of February 1st. a Decide what should be done with old buildings at Lincoln Center Status: Staff met with Lincoln Former Students in April 2005; funding requested for testing services. On hold pending funding approval. V Item Complete k‘S' W. Pending/On Hold Updated: November 3, 2005 Page 3 of 3 STRATEGIC PLANS IMPLEMENTATION CALENDAR OCTOBER 2005 - DECEMBER 2005 STATEMENT SUBJECT TEAM OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER Core S MVICBL.. , et ey Effective ctces. S r9 Oss,.' .,. . �' . 8. • # Cure 58N/Ce'� Technology Services • Peter L, ' . ,Infrastructure to su rt new . Online/Phone Rec Testing S David G infrbstructure to stpprt new! phone system being at Central Parkm bsirig Installed at f>ark to va ti its a Department • , goat for Ft/20054, Core S 3 ices City Marketing Plaut Core Services • •:Employee S 3' .Communication Plan; „ r Core Services Advisory Board - . PARD'; `ice : > • i"- `, �t call i w ,= A•:i!ati S 3 Communication # �.-,•� _. ilttsd a •, b• ! E� ° w vi• M:1 .5� :>.• i fpr 2005'; 3, . Core Services Cooperation with 7 .' S 5 : 'TxDOT for Landscaping Capital . " Projects ' Core Services Employee ", < $6 .. Recognition Systems . Core Services Performance • S 6 , _:Evaluation Systems =i .. Steve, fi'=Glue .„ fa_' <#'^ f Parks&Leisure Parks Maintenance 777 Services Standards Rk,Curtis, +: ° , " i Gained forward ass Department S 1 zclss ' } goal for FY 20054 K Parks&Leisure 'Urban Forest Steve, Canted Over'as a Department Services Management Plan Ross goal for 01` 06 2005 Parks&Leisure Greenway I Bikeway Carried forwardis a Department • Services Plans goal for FY 2005-06 x� S1 • Parks&Leisure 'Politic Appearance Services • ;Issues S1 Parks&Leisure ° # Stave,Rid r intergenerational Project£�' ' Services • Pate v.,David ' $2 Parks ,< # ,1 j Parka&Leisure '3 W. 4 " �)li v ....T4''','': ;'::;' '.1:' :'4'4'4'4:'; Senior Mort to Parks&Rec. Senior Report to City Council Services Leisure Service Steve, ' . € • `4oard on 1f=6 45 • Needs Assessment Final Report to Programs Petr L. '" `° ' '' €r " Needs Assessment Final Report Board S 2 . . David aa. , 'E f, ' ` ' to Board MOVED TO DEC Needs Assessment Report to :, �� � . j r. Council Parks&Leisure M �. ASA National bids weekend of Cooperative Efforts . Steve, ., ��' "'" Nov.12-13th Services y the City of Bryan Peter L. ` � ethers = _ >i rt S 2 Darrfd G E } ' EE at iarkmeiit � `. , .°, in design•.expected to bid a t in Parks&Leisure •. veterans park Steve Ric, . ' 'E a �" Carried of/s out to Bid Servkes •• 'Phase II Development Curtis-, ' ; 4 ,, Carried faward� a Depaitment S 2 • " ear Peter L,7' ' �,,. i 4 I ow for FY`2 i 506 Parks&Leisure Fivelear Parks Ste=. ,,7i Caphal Improvement Ongoing projects Services Projects MeV, S 2 David W. NOTE: Shaded items have been completed. Parks&'Leisure VPAC II �" Meld Light ,' 3 Additional fields included in design Serlricesi o g $2 '',! Parks&Cei re �,yg 4'� . 4at Serl+ices - nh8rrce&Stave the Z , Coiaraiitl . 4 Parks&Leisure� s � �" ��'` Promote the ;ems i/F rf rming Arks , Parks$Leisure W rat to Piecement Nf.• Services of,�ubiic art Parks&Leisure Y ,-' Serviees �glorrat Pif'" & ' sieverd a• 'S. ()eve, ^ ParkSBoard tlw it ativesi , " Punning& , Update Park Lar=d i, ' Expected update through council Deveiapment 1edlcatlan Ordinance P e, S1 ,i., i Economic ' promote Commercial Development ,,;Development in ttre S.1' ,, WPC t3lstrl ct, i PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT& PARK LAND DEDICATION PROJECTS FY'06 November 3, 2005 Capital Improvement Projects Completion Capital Improvement Project Funding Date Final Projects Status Manager Project# Budget Source Expected/Actual Cost Jack&Dorothy Miller Park Basketball Court Cover Complete Pete PK0512 $175,000 '05 General Fund 9/05 10/05 $152,850 Intergenerational Park Additions Substantial Completion David PK0513 $310,000 '03 Bond 9/05 10/21 $304,438,85 Lincoln Playground Under Construction Pete PK0533 , $50,000 '05 Gen.fund 11/30 Pending Design Lions Park Iron Fence Contract Pete PK0603 $25,000 CDBG 04/06 Pending Design New Forestry Shop Contract Ric PK0520 $100,000 '03 Bond Lions Park Basketball Court& Pending Design Cover Contract Pete PK0604 $220,000 CDBG 04/06 Lemontree Ball field Lights Pending design contract Pete $78,000 Pending Design Lincoln Center Walk Cover Contract Ric PK0602 $45,000 CDBG Soccer field irrigation t Field redevelopment Southwood Park In Design Pete PK0300 $39,000 fees 03/06 Veterans Park Phase II In Design Ric P0501 $6,925,000 '03 Bond 10/07 WPC Multipurpose Building In Design Ric WP0501 $700,000 WPC T.I.F. 5/06 BeeCreek Playground In Design David N/A $75,000 Replacement Fund 08/06 Replacement University Park Development In Design David PK0410 $400,000 General Fund . Steeplechase Park Development Out to Bid David Pk0502 $315,000 Community Dev. 03/06 W.A.Tarrow Spray Park Out to bid Ric PK0503 $245,000 Community Dev. Northgate Restrooms No status Ric $300,000 FY'05 Cemete Land Ac uisition Pendin Land Contract Ross 0G9905 $275,000 '98 G.O. Unknown I-Intergenerational Project CIP Summary u io '1_ t .'x, , Under Construction MI - Under Contract 0 Pendin• Desi•n Contracts -© Bids Received 0 Out to Bid I Re-Bid ©. In Desi•n Pendin• Land Contract 111111111.1 On Hold 0 No Status a■ 17 Park Land Dedication Pro"ects Park Land Dedication Project Project Funding Completion Projects Prioritized Status Date Finalanager # Budget Source Ex.ected/Actual Cost ZONE 1 -$204,687 North.ate Park Ac.uisition On Hold Zone 1 Funds ZONE 2-$84,117 ZONE 3-$71,985 Cy Miller Park Sign Bed Complete Peter PK0532 $9,000 Zone 3 Funds 10/15/05 10/22/05 $8,867 Central Park Ball field entrance Improvements In Design David Redevelopment $30,000 Fund Youngblood Memorial Under Construction . David PK0534 $12,502 Zone 3 Funds 12/20/05 Central Park Life Trail On Hold David ZONE 4-$22,398 Zone 4 Funds+ Raintree Improvements Concrete Walks On Hold Pete NA $0 $15,000'98 Bond Windwood Im.rovements Concrete Walks On Hold Pete NA $0 Zone 4 Funds ZONE 5-$24,932 ZONE 6-$85,967 Southwest Park Development On Hold Pete/David $90,000 Zone 6 Funds Gabbard Park Sidewalk 1 On Hold David NA $0 Zone 6 Funds • ZONE 7-$342,309 John Crompton Park Developments Complete Pete PK9803 $710,000 Zone 7 Funds Oct.1/05 11/04/05 , $550,360 ZONE 8-$42,079 ZONE 9-$34,719 ZONE 10-$188,625 Desi.n Edelweiss Gartens In Design Pete ZONE 11 -$28,545 ZONE 12-$10,664 ZONE 13-$586 I-Intergenerational Project Park Land Dedication Summary Completed 2 Under Construction 1 Under Contract 0 Bids Received 0 Pending Contracts 0 Out to Bid 0 In Design 2 Pending Land Acquisition 0 On Hold 6 Total 11 O:/Projects/CIP/CIP&Park Land Ded Project List.doc Page 2