HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/24/2006 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board College Station Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, April 24, 2006 College Station Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. 10:00am MINUTES Members Present: Patricia Boughton, E. E. Burns, Dorothy Hernandez, Laura Holmes, Robert Meyer, Neal Nutall, Raymond Reed, Colleen Risinger, Yvonne Stevens, Doreen Todd and Joanna Yeager. Staff Present: Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator Visitors Present: Andres Vanegas I. Call to order The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Robert Meyer at 10:01am II. Hear visitors III. Approval of minutes from regular meeting on March 27, 2006 Ray Reed made the motion to approve the minutes. Pat Boughton seconded the motion. The motion passed. IV. Discussion, consideration and possible action concerning recommended By- Law changes. Recommended changes are attached. V. Discussion, consideration and possible action on Senior Advisory Committee Goals for 2006 Goal A says, "To assist staff with the College Station Senior Center Project". Ray Reed suggested that under recommendation#3 the words "offer support in design process"be added. The Chairman added Neal Nutall and Dorothy Hernandez to the Senior Center Project Sub-Committee. The committee asked for discussion of the Goals to be placed on the agenda for next month. Committee members were encouraged to offer suggestions on how to accomplish the 2006 Goals. VI. Senior Services Coordinator Report Report attached. Robert Meyer agreed to help work the College Station Senior Programs booth at the Seniors Expo from 9:00am-12:00noon. Doreen Todd and Colleen Risinger will help from 12:00 noon- 3:00pm VII Next meeting: Monday, May 22, 2006 VIII. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 11:20am PROPOSEWCHANGES City of College Station Senior Advisory Committee By-Laws July 24, 2000 Name The name of this organization is the "College Station Senior Advisory Committee". Hereinafter,the organi atitn will be referred to as"theGopimitt +''. Purpose The purpose kof the Conizxiittee is to address tia�e.needs of all sen�orn coxaarr�unity The committee wiil;actively se l anda receive ideas Io ai, sografi o� ail en r rs that promote physi cial., edueattc�nal,recreationai d�endti8naltweli bemmtg off'all,seit�cirs the College Statmd , arre . eed�ne datzons fob actions'+11 at 'to`t eParks,and R.ecr a(ipn.Advisor Boanf and titCiyuncxi ARTICLE 1 - RULES OF THE COMMITTEE Section 1. Membership The comnm�ttee shall consist of College Stationresidents age S5 or o der ,It:l desirable to have rel resentatmon xomn vario :s ethnic, economic and age_ ciup n our community, The cdminittee will,have iia more,th� 17'members .d o loss Wait e i.b rs Section 2. Term of Office The term of office for the committee shall commence on Julyland shall be three (3) years in length. One third of the members shall be appointed by the College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board each year. Members mnay sev two 2) cpztecutive terms. Section 3. Termination Any committee member appointed by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board shall forfeit that membership if absent for more than three (3) consecutive meetings in one (1) appointment year, unless the absenteeism is excused for reasons defined in Ordinance No. 2406. Absenteeism may also be excused by the Committee or by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board ,If a:mnember es beyond this absenteeism itmtt, the larks and Recreation Advisory Boards all be advised by the co nmtttee o declare tl pci do vacant and appoint a new;iiiembez Q full the, cane frim°thy�r omnmendeel:list; ARTICLE II - MEETINGS Section 1. Regular Meetings The regular meeting shall be held on the last Monday of each month at 10:00am. Section 2. Notice of Meetings 1 Notice of all regular meetings shall be given to each member of the Committee at least five (5) days prior to each meeting. Notice of all meetings shall be posted at City Hall and delivered to the news media in compliance with all state and local laws. Section 3. Special Meetings Special meetings may b called at any time the_Chair of th ;Comm ttae oar by five(5) members of*OConrttee The Notice of Special Meeting shall state specific items to be discussed. No items other than those designated in the notice may be discussed. Section 4. Quorum A quorum for the Committee meetings shall be the presence of a majority of Committee members in good standing. Section 5. Rules of Order General parliamentary rules as given in Robert's Rules of Order, as modified by the rules and regulations of the Committee, shall be observed in conducting meetings of the Committee. ARTICLE III - OFFICERS Section 1. Appointment of Officers Upon the recommendation of the Committee, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board shall appoint one member of the committee to serve as Chair and one member to serve as Vice-Chair on an annual basis Section 2. Duties of the Committee Chair The Chair of the Committee shall preside at the meetings of the Committee, and shall perform the other duties ordinarily performed by the office. The chairman of the committee shall only,vote in case of a tie. Section 3. Duties of the Vice-Chair The Vice-Chair of the Committee, in the absence of the Chair, shall perform all the duties of the Chair. In the absence of both the Chair and the Vice-Chair, the Committee shall elect a Chair pro tempore who shall perform the duties of the Chair of the Committee. Section 4. Duties of the Senior Services Coordinator This individual shall act a tlto=official advisor to the committee:. The Coordinator shall attend all regular meetings and participate in discussions, but shall not be entitled to vote. They Coordinator car repre atike shall attend all: egr lar meetings and'participate,to discussi ns,but shall mote entitled t4 vote, 2 ARTICLE IV- SUB-COMMITTEES Section 1. Appointment of Special Sub-Committees Special sub-committees may be appointed by the Chair for consideration and study of any matter not covered by the Committee during regular or special meetings. The Chair or Vice-Chair are ex officio members and shall attend sub-committee meetings and participate in discussions. The special sub-committee shall report their findings to the Committee. ARTICLE V-AMENDMENTS Section 1. Amendments These by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Committee by a majority vote of the members present, provided previous notice of the nature of any proposed amendment shall have been given at least one (1) regular meeting before the action thereon shall be taken. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board must approve the amendments. 3 . , A. el........ ..>, /I (ir. irill:\ A rv, 4, _.10 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Department of Recreation, Park & Tourism Sciences Office of the April 10, 2006 Department Head Mr. Steve Beachy, Director College Station PARD 1000 Krenek Tap Road College Station, TX 77845 Dear Steve: I just wanted to take a minute to compliment you and your talented staff for the outstanding /7 organization and program presentation tied to the opening of the John L. Crompton Park last week. It was both professional and lots of fun. Every person I spoke with after the event said it was the best event like this they had ever been to. Congratulations for an event EXTREMELY well done. Si cerely, ilt . oseph O'Leary i fessor and Department Head t i• ary@tamu.edu 106 Francis Hall • 2261 lAMU • College Station, Texas 77843-2261 • (979)845-7324 • FAX(979)845-0446 http://www.rpts.tarnu.edu t PURPOSE MINUTES y' • Robert's Says: "Minutes are the written record of the proceedings of a deliberative assembly. They are a record XI ■•° of what was done at the meeting, not " CITY OF COLLEGE STATION what was said at the meeting." Office cf City Secretary 1� , 1. 5/9/2006 5/9/2006 Ell 13 ti EFI EP Objective Today's Situation • Numerous departments provide minutes for city boards,committees and •Lej Council directive to staff regarding subcommittees. minute formats for City Council meeting, other boards and committees, and E ■ Minutes are approved in lengthy, il narrative format, not consistent with y_ subcommittees throughout city state and nationwide organizations. organization. • Potential problem with minutes portraying judgmental phrases or opinion or interpretation of staff member. ri 5/9/2006 Ej 5/9.06 IN PE (21 EP EP e &A Q3 Support Documents Staff Concerns ■Strea ming video .,, • Hours to reproduce written record of ■Electronic CouncilP a Retained on DVD Packet meetings. permanent > Retained ■ Limits staff time to devote to hi her ^ ■Audio tap e permanentlyg a Retained five years priorities. ■ Concerns about what was said by a governing official and time spent at business meeting to correct. Ei 5/9/2006 0 9/9/2006 1 Steve Beachy-New format for Minutes of Citizen Committees and Board Page 171 From: Connie Hooks To: Amanda Putz; Bridgette George; Debbie Eller; Deborah Grace; Don Fazzino; Jessica Kramer; Katie Elrod; Lisa Lindgren; Mandi Alford; Marci Rodgers; Mollie Binion; Ross Albrecht; Shelia McQueen; Susan Chmelar; Susan Manna; Vonn Casares Date: 5/8/2006 4:46PM Subject: New format for Minutes of Citizen Committees and Board The City Council took action last week at the May 4th workshop meeting regarding the format of our minutes transcribed for each board/committee. Its direction states that"action only" minutes are the preferred method of compiling minutes. See attached power point presented at the meeting. Council wants to ensure there is a backup, be it audio tape, dvd, video streaming, electronic notes stored for at least five years in the event a question arises about the subjects discussed. So, we can begin to focus on motions and votes rather than lengthy summation of presentations. Please do remember to includes names of individuals who addressed the board/committee. There are two great resources for"Parliamentary Procedure", and minutes. Robert's Rules for Dummies and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Roberts Rules. Can be purchased online or barnes and nobles. You can borrow my copies if you wish. Connie Hooks, TRMC, CMC College Station City Secretary P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 979-764-3541 phone 979-764-6377 fax chooks@cstx.gov ' Steve Beachy-New format for Minutes of Citizen Committees and Board Page 1 From: Connie Hooks To: Amanda Putz; Bridgette George; Debbie Eller; Deborah Grace; Don Fazzino; Jessica Kramer; Katie Elrod; Lisa Lindgren; Mandi Alford; Marci Rodgers; Mollie Binion; Ross Albrecht; Shelia McQueen; Susan Chmelar; Susan Manna; Vonn Casares Date: 5/8/2006 4:46PM Subject: New format for Minutes of Citizen Committees and Board The City Council took action last week at the May 4th workshop meeting regarding the format of our minutes transcribed for each board/committee. Its direction states that"action only" minutes are the preferred method of compiling minutes. See attached power point presented at the meeting. Council wants to ensure there is a backup, be it audio tape, dvd, video streaming, electronic notes stored for at least five years in the event a question arises about the subjects discussed. So, we can begin to focus on motions and votes rather than lengthy summation of presentations. Please do remember to includes names of individuals who addressed the board/committee. There are two great resources for"Parliamentary Procedure", and minutes. Robert's Rules for Dummies and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Roberts Rules. Can be purchased online or barnes and nobles. You can borrow my copies if you wish. Connie Hooks, TRMC, CMC College Station City Secretary P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 979-764-3541 phone 979-764-6377 fax chooks@cstx.gov Steve Beachy- New format for Minutes of Citizen Committees and Board Page 1 j From: Connie Hooks To: Amanda Putz; Bridgette George; Debbie Eller; Deborah Grace; Don Fazzino; Jessica Kramer; Katie Elrod; Lisa Lindgren; Mandi Alford; Marci Rodgers; Mollie Binion; Ross Albrecht; Shelia McQueen; Susan Chmelar; Susan Manna; Vonn Casares Date: 5/8/2006 4:46PM Subject: New format for Minutes of Citizen Committees and Board The City Council took action last week at the May 4th workshop meeting regarding the format of our minutes transcribed for each board/committee. Its direction states that"action only" minutes are the preferred method of compiling minutes. See attached power point presented at the meeting. Council wants to ensure there is a backup, be it audio tape, dvd, video streaming, electronic notes stored for at least five years in the event a question arises about the subjects discussed. So, we can begin to focus on motions and votes rather than lengthy summation of presentations. Please do remember to includes names of individuals who addressed the board/committee. There are two great resources for"Parliamentary Procedure", and minutes. Roberts Rules for Dummies and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Roberts Rules. Can be purchased online or barnes and nobles. You can borrow my copies if you wish. Connie Hooks, TRMC, CMC College Station City Secretary P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 979-764-3541 phone 979-764-6377 fax chooks@cstx.gov CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD ABSENCE REQUEST FORM FOR ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICERS \\ANI will not be in attendance at theRiAQJ . meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for the reason(s) specified: Name Date Rev'd Reason : Pam Springfield - Re: Parks Board Meeting Moved Back to Tuesday Page 1 From: "Jodi Warner" <jodiwarner@gmail.com> To: "Pam Springfield" <Pspringfield@cstx.gov> Date: 5/2/2006 10:56:24 AM Subject: Re: Parks Board Meeting Moved Back to Tuesday Sounds like you have me covered, but just in case. Please pardon my absence from the May meeting as I have another previously scheduled annual meeting. Thank you, Jodi On 5/2/06, Pam Springfield <Pspringfield@cstx.gov> wrote: > Good Morning! > The decision has been made to go ahead and hold the regular Parks Board > meeting on Tuesday, May 9th and to leave the public hearing on Thursday, > May 11th. It is not necessary that you attend the public hearing unless > you so choose-an update will be given at the June Board meeting. > Please let me know your availability for Tuesday's regular meeting. > Jodi, I know that you will be unable to attend. >Thank you! > Pamela Springfield > Staff Assistant > College Station Parks & Recreation Department > (979) 764-3414 > pspringfield@cstx.gov > College Station. Heart of the Research Valley. Blessings! Jodi Warner C 229.8802 Pam Springfield - RE: April Minutes and May Agenda Page 1 From: "Glenn Schroeder" <GSchroeder@aggiecatholic.org> To: "Pam Springfield" <Pspringfield@cstx.gov> Date: 5/9/2006 8:39:07 AM Subject: RE: April Minutes and May Agenda Good morning Pam, I will be unable to make the meeting this evening. I had rescheduled our St. Mary's Finance Council meeting to that date during the time that the Parks Advisory Board meeting had changed. Please pass this info on to the Board. Thanks, Glenn Original Message From: Pam Springfield [mailto:Pspringfield@cstx.gov] Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 1:30 PM To: Glenn Schroeder; Gary Erwin; Harry Green; Carol Blaschke; Jodi Warner;jcrompton@tamu.edu; Kathleen Ireland; Jeannie McCandless; Gary Thomas Cc: Curtis Bingham; David Gerling; David Wood; Glenn Brown; Peter Lamont; Pete Vanecek; Ross Albrecht; Ric Ploeger; Steve Beachy Subject: April Minutes and May Agenda Good Afternoon! Attached you will find the draft of the April minutes and the agenda for next Tuesday's regular meeting. The meeting will be at the EXIT as usual . . . see you there! Thank you! Pamela Springfield Staff Assistant College Station Parks & Recreation Department (979) 764-3414 pspringfield@cstx.gov College Station. Heart of the Research Valley. [ Pam Springfield- Re-:-Parks Board Meeting Moved Back to Tuesday „ Page 11 From: "Kathleen Ireland" <irishmist2@verizon.net> To: "Pam Springfield" <Pspringfield@cstx.gov> Date: 5/5/2006 5:47:06 PM Subject: Re: Parks Board Meeting Moved Back to Tuesday Pam, I'm sorry, but I will be unable to attend the meeting. I had surgery on my nose and sinus and it is still packed and I look awful! Will see you in July, though. Kathy Original Message From: "Pam Springfield" <Pspringfield@cstx.gov> To: "glenn schroeder" <gschroeder@aggiecatholic.org>; "Gary Erwin" <Erwin74@aol.com>; "Harry Green" <HarJrAg52@aol.com>; "Jodi Warner" <jodiwarner@gmail.com>; <jcrompton@tamu.edu>; "Carol Blaschke" <blaschke@tca.net>; "Kathleen Ireland" <irishmist2@verizon.net>; "Jeannie McCandless" <jeanniewmc@yahoo.com>; "Gary Thomas" <olarmy58@yahoo.com> Cc: "David Wood" <Dwood@cstx.gov>; "Pete Vanecek" <Pvanecek@cstx.gov>; "Ric Ploeger" <Rploeger@cstx.gov>; "Steve Beachy" <Sbeachy@cstx.gov> Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 10:52 AM Subject: Parks Board Meeting Moved Back to Tuesday > Good Morning! > The decision has been made to go ahead and hold the regular Parks Board > meeting on Tuesday, May 9th and to leave the public hearing on Thursday, > May 11th. It is not necessary that you attend the public hearing unless >you so choose -an update will be given at the June Board meeting. > Please let me know your availability for Tuesday's regular meeting. > Jodi, I know that you will be unable to attend. > Thank you! > Pamela Springfield > Staff Assistant > College Station Parks & Recreation Department > (979) 764-3414 > pspringfield@cstx.gov > College Station. Heart of the Research Valley. > 123 April 27, 2006 Regular Agenda Streetscape Resolution To: Glenn Brown, City Manager From: Lance Simms, Acting Director ofP fanning & Development Services Agenda Caption: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion of a resolution addressing streetscaping in the City ofC ollege Station. Recommendation(s): The Planning & Zoning Commission and the Parks Board recommend approval of this item. Summary: This resolution supports the concept of planting trees and other vegetation along public roadways in College Station to enhance community appearance. It also directs staff to develop standards and prepare ordinances required to implement streetscaping on roadways designated as a Major Collector or higher, whether publicly financed or constructed by private development. The resolution is a result of a series of subcommittee meetings of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board, the Planning & Zoning Commission and the Greenways Task Force. The subcommittee is comprised of the following members: Scott Shafer — Planning & Zoning Commission Bill Davis - Planning & Zoning Commission Marsha Sanford - Planning & Zoning Commission John Crompton - Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Kathryn Ireland - Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Gary Thomas - Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Robert Rayburn - Greenways Task Force Tom Woodfin - Greenways Task Force Budget & Financial Summary: If approved, future transportation projects would need to include additional funding to address policies within this resolution. Attachments: 1. Streetscape Resolution 2. P&Z/Parks Board Subcommittee Recommendations RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, IN SUPPORT OF THE COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD AND THE COLLEGE STATION PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION'S DESIRE TO IMPROVE THE CITY'S EFFORTS UNDER THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION STREETSCAPE PLAN. WHEREAS, on November 10, 1994, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, adopted a Streetscape Plan developed by Newman,Jackson and Bieberstein, Inc.; and WHEREAS, the Streetscape Plan recommends the planting of trees and other vegetation along public roadways in the City to enhance the community's appearance; and WHEREAS, on this date, the College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission presented a number of recommendations to improve the City's streetscape along its public roadways to the City Council of the City of College Station,Texas; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, desires to improve the streetscapes along the City's public roadways to enhance the community; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That the City Council hereby supports the College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and College Station Planning and Zoning Commission's desire to improve the streetscapes along the City's public roadways. PART 2: That the City Council hereby directs staff of the City's Planning and Development Services Department to amend appropriate standards or ordinances to implement the recommendations of the College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and College Station Planning and Zoning Commission regarding improvements to the City's streetscape. PART 3: That the City Council hereby will amend the City's Strategic Plan to include an item, or items, to adequately reflect the purpose and intent herein. PART 4: That this resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage. ADOPTED this day of ,A.D. 2006. A LI EST: APPROVED: CONNIE HOOKS, City Secretary RON SILVIA, Mayor APPROVED: E-Signed by Carla A.Robinson VFRTFY airthantirity'with AnnrnvpTt City Attorney P:IGROUPIAGEN-CALIFor Legal Reviewl2006 Completelln Review104-27-061Streetscapelresolution.doc