HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/08/2005 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board (3) Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 8, 2005, 6:00 p.m. The EXIT Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Road College Station, Texas Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director; Peter Vanecek, Senior Park Planner; Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent; Ross Albrecht, Forestry Superintendent; Dana Albrecht, Recreation Supervisor - Instruction; Lance Jackson, Recreation Supervisor - Lincoln Center; Pamela Springfield, Staff Assistant Board Members Present: Jodi Warner, Chair; Don Allison; Gary Erwin; Glenn Schroeder; Kathleen Ireland; Carol Blaschke; Jeannie McCandless; Larry Farnsworth; Gary Thomas (Gary E. and Gary T. arrived late; Glenn S. and Don A. left early) Board Members Absent: All members were present Guests & Visitors: Jamie Rae Walker and Bill Boswell - TAMU Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences (RPTS); Michelle Bynum - TAMU RPTS 402 1. Call to order. Jodi Warner, Chair called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. 2. Pardon and possible action concerning requests for absences of members. No requests for absence had been submitted. 3. Hear Visitors. Hearing none, this item was closed. 4. Discussion, consideration, and possible approval of minutes from the Regular meeting of February 8, 2005 and the Joint Meeting with the Design Review Board on February 11, 2005. Kathy Ireland moved to accept the minutes of the February 8, 2005 regular meeting as presented. The motion was seconded by Glenn S., and hearing no opposition or discussion, the vote was called. The February minutes were unanimously approved. Larry Farnsworth moved to accept the minutes of the Joint Meeting with the Design Review Board that was held on February 11, 2005. The motion was seconded by Don Allison, and hearing no opposition or discussion, the vote was called. The minutes of the joint meeting were unanimously approved. 5. Review, discussion, and possible action regarding potential Park Land Dedication requests for: • River Ridge Townhomes - Park Zone 2: This dedication was for 87 single-family, non- gated, townhomes that would generate a land dedication of less than one acre. University Park site, which is in the same zone, is within one-quarter of a mile walking distance from this site and would be fully developed in 2006. Staff was recommending acceptance of the cash dedication of$48,372, which would go into Park Zone 2 funds. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Page 1 of 3 Regular Meeting of March 8, 2005 Glenn S. moved to accept the staff recommendation and Kathy I. seconded. Hearing no discussion, the vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously to accept the cash dedication in lieu of land. 6. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding appointments to the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee. Lance Jackson, Recreation Supervisor for the Lincoln Center and liaison for the advisory committee introduced himself and stated that there were five positions currently open on the committee. He explained that he was trying to renew the committee and give it more vigor with members who were anxious to serve. Terresa Katt, Chanda Elbert, Kristiana Ford, and Jason Fikes had turned in applications to serve on the committee, and a fifth application was expected within the next month or so. After Lance gave brief explanations about each member, Don A. made a motion to endorse the slate of applicants suggested. Jeannie McCandless seconded. Hearing no further discussion the vote was called and passed unanimously. Lance invited the members to come by Lincoln Center to see the new renovations. Steve B. suggested that the regular May Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting be held at the center. 7. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Current lists had been included in the members' packets. Further updates were given on the status of some of the projects. • The Lincoln Center project was complete and had come in approximately $85,000 under budget. Ric P. stated that he had been working with Community Development in order to get permission to spend the money on additional improvements at the center. • The Central Park light poles for the soccer fields had arrived and the installation should begin shortly. • The Crompton Park bid opening for the development of the first half of the park would be held on Thursday, March 10, 2005 and would be going to Council soon after for approval. A map was displayed of the park site showing the acreage currently owned by the city and the adjacent 5.25 acres being purchased by the city. Once the bids were opened on Thursday, staff would know how much money would be left to further develop the site. The additional funds can be included in the upcoming budget process for use in FY 2005-06. • Tarrow Spray Park will go out to bid soon. • The plans for the cover over basketball court at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park are complete. • The Steeplechase Park public hearing had been held and Parks Planning had a conceptual plan completed. They were currently in the process of assigning values to the possible amenities and would have those cost estimates at the next hearing. • The Department had received $700,000 for a project at Wolf Pen Creek (WPC). The WPC TIF Board and Council had approved funding to build a multi-purpose building at the amphitheater that would include rest rooms, concessions, and a plaza. The building would provide a place for the amphitheater workers to go and relax when they are working the concerts. A contract with a local architect is in the works for the design and the the project should be completed by next year's 2006 concert season. • Ric P. stated that he had recently been placed on a team to work on building restrooms at Northgate. He now has 36 projects in the works. • Staff along with the VPAC, Phase II subcommittee had met with the design team to look at the conceptual drawings for Phase II. A lot of input was received and the design team is continuing to work on the conceptual stage. This was an informational item only and no action was required. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Page 2 of 3 Regular Meeting of March 8, 2005 8. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Department Goals and Objectives, and City Council Strategic Plan. The Board and Departmental Goals had been included in the packets. There were no additional updates. There were several things in progress and moving forward. Kathy I. asked if there was a maintenance plan built in for older parks in order to, for example, paint the playgrounds. It was explained that there were certified playground inspectors who went out on a regular basis to check bolts and those type things, and to correct them. There is also a schedule set up that forecasts out which playgrounds need to be changed out. Generally playgrounds are replaced at the rate of about one or two per year and need replacing probably about every 15-20 years. Budget wise we cannot do that right now. The Department has tried to remove all of the wooden playgrounds and have eliminated all old units that were over eight feet in height. The new standard is about five feet. With our maintenance standards, we know approximately four or five years out which units will be replaced, however, occasionally that has to be rearranged. Kathy asked where Woodcreek was on the schedule. Steve B. said he did not know and would have to check and get back to her on that. Bee Creek was scheduled to be replaced in 2006 and it would take about $50,000. Glenn S. asked if the playground at Bee Creek could be moved to where it was more visible from the ballfields so that parents could see their children. Ric stated that there had been discussion about putting a small playground in at ballfield that would basically be a cage due to foul ball hazards. He stated that Curtis Bingham could come discuss that with the board. The new Lincoln Center playground would be covered. This was an informational item only and no action was required. 9. Discussion of calendar, future meeting dates, and possible agenda items. • The next regular meeting would be held on April 12, 2005. • The second public hearing for Steeplechase Park was set for Tuesday, March 29, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. Advertising would be done as it was for the first hearing and the public library would be reserved. • Girls' Softball opening ceremonies would be held on March 21, 2005. The members were asked to notify Pam Springfield if they planned to attend. 10. Program and Facility Needs Assessment Process Focus Group. This portion of the meeting was not recorded. Representatives Jaime Rae Walker and Bill Boswell from Texas A&M University's Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences were present to conduct a focus group for members of the board and staff that were present. The results of all of the focus group meetings would be combined and brought back to the board at a later date in the form of a report. 11. Adjourn. The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:00 p.m. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Page 3 of 3 Regular Meeting of March 8, 2005 6. 3\-kccA fikkA1t) L R.T1 td(v6e 4(\tAt\f TeA0-5 IzTrr qu , japniQ Rom Wcaor k-o-g-01-0H1N , ecict, LAILA/I CL/ / gaL6 Lpq i\&-e • 1 QA01,, Park Land Dedication Ordinance • Project Review Checklist Date Received: 2/10/2005 Park Zone: 2 Current Zone Balance: $159,375 Project Location: Spring Loop St. Name of Development: River Ridge Townhomes Phase: N/A Applicant: Alton Ofczarzak Address: 4060 Hwy 60 City/State/Zip: College Station, Texas 77840 Phone Number/Fax: 979-690-1504 Fax Number: 979-690-2504 E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Municipal Development Group Address: 2551 Texas Ave. S. City/StateZip: College Station, Texas 77840 Phone Number/Fax: 979-690-1504 Fax Number: E-Mail: REQUIRED COMPLIANCE Section 10-B-1: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: 87 Multi-Family Dwelling Units: Total Land Requirement: .86 Acres Proposed Dedication: Section 10-B-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning and Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? No Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): $198 x 87 = $17,226.00 Multi-Family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): Total Acquisition Fee: Section 10-B-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): $358 x 87 = $31,146.00 Multi-family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee ($556/dwelling Unit): $556 x 87 = $48,372.00 Multi-Family Fee ($452/dwelling Unit): Section 10-B-4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: 10/02/05 Parks Board review and decision: 8/03/05 Section 10-B-5: Minimum Park Size Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? N/A If yes, staff recommends: Acceptance of a cash dedication fee in lieu of a land dedication. Section 10-B-7: Prior Park Acquisition Yes, University Park is located approximatley 1/4 Is there an existing park that can serve the proposed development? miles walking distance. If yes, staff recommends: Acceptance of a cash dedication fee in lieu of a land dedication. Section 10-E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan? N/A Comments: Section 10-F: Additional Information 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? No Percentage: a. Detention/Retention? No Size: Meets Board Policy? Acreage in floodplain: No Percentage: Acreage in detention: No Percentage: Acreage in greenways: No Percentage: Comments: Section 10-F (of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance) 10-F. 1 Any land dedication to the City under this section must be suitable for park and recreation uses. Consideration will be given to land that is in the floodplain or may be considered "floodable" even though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its elevation, it is suitable for park improvements. (a) Neighborhood park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a manner that serves the greatest number of users. Comments: N/A (b) Neighborhood park sites should be located so that users are not required to cross arterial roadways to access them. Comments: N/A (c) Sites should not be severely sloped or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for organized recreational activities. Comments: N/A (d) Sites should have existing trees or other scenic elements. Comments: N/A (e) Detention/retention areas will not be accepted as part of the required dedication, but may be accepted in addition to the required dedication. If accepted as part of the park, the detention/retention area design must be approved by the City staff and must meet specific parks specifications. Comments: N/A 10-F. 2 Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area development, enhance the visual character of the city, protect public safety, and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines should be used in designing parks and adjacent development: (a) Where physically feasible, park sites should be located adjacent to greenways and/or schools in order to encourage both shared facilities and the potential co-development of new sites. Comments: N/A (b) A proposed subdivision adjacent to a park may not be designed to restrict reasonable access to the park from other area subdivisions. Street and greenway connections to existing or future adjoining subdivisions may be required to provide reasonable access to parks. Comments: N/A (c) Where a non-residential use must directly abut a park, the use must be separated by a screening wall or fence and landscaping. Access points to the park may be allowed by the Planning and Zoning Commission if a public benefit is established. Comments: N/A (d) It is desirable that a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the perimeter of a park should abut a public street. In all cases, the City shall approve the proposed street alignment fronting on city parks. Comments: N/A (e) Streets abutting a park shall be built in accordance with the thoroughfare plan and the standards of this ordinance; however, the City may require any residential street built adjacent to a park to be constructed to collector width to ensure access and prevent traffic congestion. The developer may request oversize participation in such an instance. Comments: Acceptance of the park land dedication fee of$48,372.00 in Staff Recommendations: lieu of land dedication. The existing University Park site is 10.2 acres and is located within 1/4 mile walking distanceof this project. University Park is scheduled for full development in FY 2006. Section 10-G: Approval: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: At the regular meeting on March 8, 2005, the Board voted unanimously to accept the cash dedication of $48,372, in lieu of a land dedication. Planning & Zoning Commission: City Council: 1' UNIVERSITY PARK 111IMAOK1' " 'b► 111111111111111 111111' 61111tt.'N</.I d.I E I I‘ illa � 1. lk ,ii Apr . *r mitr/Quo ......,§i W-1.111001a WI 111111 1 afte I- Loop :I 1 11 Rat! �►i i �i �prtng" 4 I 1 kliti I 6411;111111 I;It ;It;* I 11� River Ridge _ r Townhomes j I 1111100/100' IN t ..f.,:p p off04. ,a� A, • j 0 , � AF 51y/411pp i ,/� I 4 4.7 0-41r Flk �� f . It" i I IL I :✓`fç1;. , RA . 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I E-mail:Ckti'vi'a beri- ma_tt C 0111 Telephone: - - College Station Resident for LI ih_ years Fax: 4c -2(09 (Must be a resident°Ube City to serve) Subdivision 1---7-ciel we"5,r; 15Aks. E-mail: Ca,62/4- t,a-v-n,Lt flack Voter Registration # Education (optional)T k,D. POSITION SOUGHT: (Please indicate choice with 1,2 or 3 - where 1 is most preferable and 3 being least preferable.) CHOOSE NO MORE THAN 3 - _ Non-Standing. 6intnittees -Standing Committees 71 911 Brazos County Emergency Comm. CI Cemetery Committee Dist. CI Construction Board of Adjustments and B/CS Economic Development Board Appeals Li Brazos County Appraisal Board CI CS Business Development Corporation CI Facade Improvement Committee Parks & Recreation Board Appointed CI Historic Preservation Committee Committees: CI Joint Relief Funding Review Committee 2 Conference Center Advisory Committee CI Library Committee Lincoln Center Advisory Committee In Parks and Recreation Board El Senior Advisory Committee Planning and Zoning Commission Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board Zoning Board of Adjustments If you currently serve on any other boards/commissions/committees, please list them here: Please list any experience or interests that qualifies you to serve in the positions indicated: i.ur..rk_ t•th It nclef ri,ufs cti---TAPAti as a -C-4114-LA memiter Evr_elitriLe. Urt, Acs Cult-Lac., ",• 12 • etc et_ . • - 4-K '01' s -• Ac.. *al 4.1-1(wart ecreciviit 4144 -Level -4.aeitr Avt. VaciAltde- ' enviet s cc& 0eivi- gra estalutti-io n I A. attOttrie,l, eCTVI-La t1(15 rketaeP.IC r\ I I Or- lketkr f efs 4.4.p4c it 51 Dip; Signature of Applicant et-4\a/vLo.L. 0. E L Date 3-- V) Mail completed application to: City Secretary's Office,City of College Station,P.O.Box 9960,College Station,TX 77842. In compliance with Chapter 552,Government Code(Public Information Act),information related to the applicant's home address,home telephone number,and e- mail address shall be made available to the public,unless the applicant signs below stating that the information is not to be released. Signature°Aela\-SLOk..— 0 EKON+ Attendance at orientation is mandatory before serving on a committee. 03/04/2005 FRI 08:34 FAX 979 764 5535 COLLEGE STATION ISD Z1 0O2 (_Ikk Application for City Boards/Commissions! COLLEGE STATION el* 9( f! 9 Committees for Year 2003-2004 Staileti PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY NAME - (--,2i3/ V-ern-- Personal InfOrmation 11 1111111=1,1=11111111 Home Address 0 A , :45_11LOPI Business Owner? Yes No i C4110,4,_. Clikncii 11+1, 1-liqC Business Name: C.elitty.../S11,thoin 13V Telephone: L' tPin -1 9 7)5 Occupation; PrinaPal I 1-011051-' 1?-4AV---- (if retiredipleaie indicate fcxner OCcitpatio0., Fax: Address: M9 CVlee-e--fq5 Vrdl ri E-mail: -1-L18-0 CA-61 .0 Vi Telephone: Ito i 4-Ss oi Ov i(p L4 -55 4 0 College Station Resident for 1 p years Fax: I,9 4 - ,51Os 0 r 11014 -551 5 (Must be a residen f the City to serve) Subdivision ,- E-mail; 1-Itat9 elsef6d • a il Voter Registration # Education (optional) V1(1 464,c — TAIllbi POSITION SOUGHT: (Please indicate choice with 1,2 or 3 - where 'I is most preferable and 3 being least preferable.) CHOOSE NO MIMED:14BI 1111 Non-Standing Contatittees Standing Conintinces L1 911 Brazos County Emergency Comm. ri Cemetery Committee Dist. E1 Construction Board of Adjustments and R B/CS Economic Development Board Appeals Brazos County Appraisal Board R CS Business Development Corporation Facade Improvement Committe‘o IOI I Decreaton loam)Ipporntedil Historic Preservation Committee GomMittoig: El .10;ni Relief Funding Review I 11-11 onierence Center Advisory Committee CI Library Committee gLincoln Center Advisory Committee a Parks and Recreation Board Senior Advisory Committee CI Planning and Zoning Commission B Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board Zoning Board of Adjustments If you currently serve on any other boards/commissions/committees, please list them here: Pleas- lis any experience or interests tat qualifies you to serve i the positions indicated: •. i .• 1 0-I= . e:, "b1Mrilit' a 121111111 I MIL' v-i It ...,. tv U J, vi (e. • Kok- , 0• .. AIIMP_ Ii_ IAPIALT111di. . •,. 0-.)I a Li el (.._.o fr-k 'e...-1 0,0, Signature of Applican , / / Date ip 7-- 0 Mail completed application to: City SecretaOffice,City of College Station,P.O.Box 9960, olle_- Station,TX 77842. Jo compliance with(leper 552,Government Code CPublic Information Act),information related to the applicart.6 home address,home telephone number,and e- mail address shall be made available to[hops:Mc,unless the applicant signs below stating that the informadan is not to be released Signature 03/04/2005 FRI 08:34 FAX 979 764 5535 COLLEGE STATION ISD a001 Succass....osch day,.....earis hour , lett.'`" - • • OFFICE. OF THE SUPERINTENDENT DAT z: 31 FACSIMILE FOR: ±LOIY c.,,eb,., iprneldt3; tesPAsko) FA.X NUMBER 14 I 1 FHCDNE NuMEER: FROM: 1 Orre41211, FHCNE NLJNIEt: FAX NUMB : (979) 754-5E35 fildissliel °SSW) • NUMBER OF PAGES 7-RANSMMED (INCLUDING COVER PAGE) " a Please 'cali. the above number if transmission is Incomplete. . • MESSAGE • • • • • •" • • • • • • • • . • • • . . • • College Station Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race relitaio , ocior,.national origin, s , or handicap in providing education services. Greg.Mcitryre, D'irector of Pezonnel and Student 2ervices, 1312 Welsh, College Station, TX 77340 (979-764-1411) has been designated.to cobrdinate cornpliaric: with the nondiscrimination requirements of Title • Director OfSpeciai Education, 1812 Welsh,.Suite120, College Stan, 'IX 77840 : 794-5432): has been designated to coordinate compliance with the concii.sorirainacion requirements of Secion 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. • , 181.2 Welsh S trasi . • — STEVE JOHNEON, E Callege Station, TX 77840 • 979.7644455979-764-5135 ,• • • rintorsOznt o I00134ET:hts f 413- 0310812005 14: 15 9797643464LINCOLL N CENTER PAGE 01102 Application for City Boards/Commissions/ City of Committees for Year 2003-2004 College StationPLEAS �P oR PRIN LY NAMEL(17G� Y 1111=111111 1111111/1=1/M111 Home Address P , (30)4 % L( 1211 c1 Business Owner? Yes o (Lk2D We/. h Rd Ibilegel 'avt Business Name: Telephone: ,y _ - a i dr ' Occupation:_ 11.55/4.5r, G vii i� I. 9�0 r.d ws.air.ro poSnm Fax: Address: (air&Marv► 4 �S E-mail: . h,, !.. ma, - ./' /G5/A, .:d/14-' Telephone: (ifl) e0gti' ,00 — • College Station Resident for 1 years Fax:_ 9/71-54 3 3 Must be•resident of N o CNy to aarva) J� J{D/(A Subdivision E-mail: r,�J(� ��/Sy, l Y q ' Voter Registration #� Education (options, lk id. de./M al • POSITION SOUGHT: (Please indicate choice with 1,2 or 3- where 1 is most preferable and 3 being least preferable.) _HOOSE.NO IYMO E THAN3 von- standing (,'nrrilnitrc'c, Strlrlrlillti ( r>tnnri!lcc'k ❑ 911 Brazos County Emergency Comm. Cemetery Committee Dist. S Construction Board of Adjustments and RB/CS Economic Development Board Appeals DD Brazos County Appraisal Board CS Business Development Corporation Facade Improvement Committee Parks& Recreation Board Appointed Historic Preservation Committee Committees: Joint Relief Funding Review Committee Conference Center Advisory Committee Library Committee Lincoln Center Advisory Committee Parks and Recreation Board Senior Advisory Committee Planning and Zoning Commission Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board Zoning Board of Adjustments If you currently serve on any other boards/commissions/committees, please list them here: P =se list*any.experience o f 'ntere - - that ualifi out s e i, t, y os' '• ind; ted: // .ix �1� jj.'u � , /lir / i /- / !fill !/. `'tJ A9 If ,1 // / Signature of Applicant ' i'�/// A,.1 fit /4-4 Date . rr" Mag completed application ,, City Secretary's Office,City of College Station,P.O.Box 9960, o Station,TX 77842, In compliance rids[Asper 352 Gaverw of C. (Pei&Informal=Ate,asfairmation radials the appEcames Barre Adihaas,/some alkipheme a ip mi e fla Mier aka be made arai a Me to the public,mitts Os spplinanr sigma hollow statist Oar the Wars,ation is ma**,be reiorrat 03/08/2005 14:15 9797643464 LINCOLN CENTER PAGE 02/02 03/07/2005 16:35 9796930401 AMCHURCHCFCHRIST PAGE 01 (: i Application for City 13oards/Commisaionsl Committees for Year 2003-2004 !LEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY �S� NAME, , A.5c4 Al KG'S- /lLCUJ'illl/111(11 In/nrHHItirl t1 Home Address /30`t faue,1I c (_i Business Owner? Yes No Business Name: A9 rio z- % Occupation: /Niv'�f� Telephone: indicate tomer oocupotion) ` r yr Via,t indicate,/�� �"�, ,�c�'r� Fax q' i 4° 3- DSO! Address: 2 7,,_ e, c 7 w s01,t„vLA.>,,ltf Telephone: G93,04fp0 -- E-mail: ,��'�9(, � ._._. College Station Resident for years Fax:. must be a roslderrt of the CO to serve) E-mail Subdivision a �k .A Voter Registration %39 Education (options° POSITION SOUGHT: (Please indicate choice with 1,2 or 3- where I is most preferable and 3 being least preferable.) Asa 1Q MO N„,,_ .`i.,,,, ,,,;,, ( rortilltarr t 1, Sir:ll,/llf,:; ( otimrrrh'r'N 1 911 Brazos County Emergency Comm. S Cemetery Committee Dist. LJ Construction Board of Adjustments and S BiCS Economic Development Board Appeals Brazos County Appraisal Board CS Business Development Corporation Facade Improvement Committee Parks& Recreation Board Appointed Historic Preservation Committee Committees: Joint Relief Funding Review Committee 4 Conference Center Advisory Committee Library Committee Lincoln Center Advisory Committee Parks and Recreation Board Senior Advisory Committee Planning and Zoning Commission Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board Zoning Board of Adjustments If you currently serve on any other boards/commissions/committees, please list them here: Please list any experience o� interests that qualifies you to serve in the positions indicated: orri P,,1C.a 1v *4e11.o A,04 r^ ouPlcol!e;,P,e r . i? ca.•el.l fj Pi s! L fe u •/ 4 r owl m C�f Signature of Applicant C-.... 9 f CAP.--v Date s• /- °5 Mail completed application : City Secretary's Office,City of College Station,P.O.Box 9960,College Station, P( 77842. be compliance with Chapter 552,Government Cede(Public lhjbnwation Aa),information rained ro the applicant's Prolog addrm,home ralq'hnee number,red e.nadi a&lreu shall be Mlade ivai/abre to U's prtbliC,Mien the OPPOCent Om below gan6ng rhos the bifaYMation lr norm be retarget PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT& PARK LAND DEDICATION PROJECTS FY'05 March 3, 2005 Ca•ital Im•rovement Pro"ects Capital Improvement Completion Project Project FundingDate Final Projects Status Manager # Budget Sourc ' �� Expected/Actual • 711Tiv 7471717,'-' Cost a 3 11/ 1 YI'. o- "'" "- ' ..u..l.`.-. .,,'{ ,J ptfr ! P1C04 4 1 8 s®�*'., »' � y✓, N ®'t 1.� �.1 1l a�` {' 3 ' • a 1 ,0y 1 :1 1 '04 Central Park Soccer Field LI at Desi n' Pete P 0401= $206;00 Geners7P4tnds 10104 ICrenek Grossin• Landsc a C . 44/ rr Pete GG002 $20'000 fki'>Ci Centre` r � 1104 t3 0 8 Lick Creek Park Bike"Racks Benches &Stabs 4 Pete PK0069 7000 '08 Bond 12/31/04 yR. 1/05,. $6 850 Lincoln Center Ex.-nsionitm•tovements • Ric, PKo319 $984 8 00,. ff,�►BG��unds- � 3/05- �' 11105 �818 448 Greens Prairie Rd Landsca.in.&Irri•ation Desi.n Under Construction David ST0214 $80,000 Street Pro'ect Fund 4/05 VPAC Soccer Li•hts Under Construction Pete PK0511 $400,000 General Fund 6/05 Parkway Park 7 Under Construction Pete PK0409 $50,000 '03 G.O.+Zone 2 3/05 _ $44,795 Central Park Soccer Li.hts Under Construction Pete PK0406 $285,000 General Fund 6/05 Veterans Park Phase II In Desi.n Ric P0501 $6,925,000 '03 Bond 10/07 W.A.Tarrow S.ra Park In Desi.n Ric PK0503 $170,000 Communit Dev. 6/05 Thomas Pool Collector Tank Re.air Out to Bid Ric PK0528 $20,000 '05 General Fund 5/05 Jack Miller Park B Basketballtball Court rt Cover In Desi.n Pete PK0512 $175,000 '05 General Fund 9/05 Stee.lechase Park Develo•ment In Desi•n David Pk0502 $315,000 Communit Dev. 6/06 Lincoln Pla .round In Desi.n Pete $50,000 '05 Gen.fund 6/05 Inter•enerational Park Additions Pendin.Contract David PK0512 $310,000 '03 Bond 5/05 Econnmis Development -_ Business Park Si.n Pendin.Contract Pete GG0302 $50,000 Business Center Fundd7/05 Cemete Land Ac.uisition Pendin.Land Contract Ross GG9905 $275,000 '98 G.O. Unknown Rock Prairie Rd Medians Landsca.e Under Construction Pete St9923 $40,000 '98 Bond 3/05 I—Intergenerational Project CIP Summary • et-• ,,401‘,4 s 44fr� ,, Under Construction 5 Under Contract 0 Pendin. Contracts 2 Bids Received 0 Out to Bid/Re-Bid 1 In Desi.n 5 Pendin. Land A •uisition 1 On Hold 0 22 Park Land Dedication Pro"ects • Park Land Dedication Project Project Completion Projects Prioritized Status Manager # Budget Funding Date Final SourceEx ected/Actual Cost ZONE 1 -$201,858 — __ North ate Park Ac wsition On Hold _ ZONE 2 $169,640 - = Zone 1 Funds Richard Carter Park Replacement In Desi.n Pete N/A $15,000 Fund Thomas Park Track Pendine Contract David Pk0526 $110 000 Zone 2 Funds 5/05 ZONE 3 $57,634 -_----- entrafFond Sail sl nW l COM.s#e.. David P04OS 1'506 Zvns 3 Funds ititi8104s 12/3/04 $48 690 ZONE 4-$22,112 __----_ Raintree Im.rovements Concrete Walks Zone4 In Desi•n Pete NA $p $t5,000'98 se Bond Windwood Im.rovements Concrete Walks In Desi.n Pete NA $0 Zone 4 Funds ZONE 5-$25,227 <r ,.� �• � n � . '; �fx�s : P + l = , ter $ iib t3.== ...= t2.• ZONE 6-$91,365 —_—_ Southwest Park Development On Hold Pete/David _ $90,000 Zone 6 Funds Gabbard Park Sidewalk I On Hold D=�� Zone Z 6 Funds ZONE 7-$785,042 --- John Crompton Park Development 1 To Bid in Feb'05 Pete/David PK9803 $710,000 Zone 7 Funds Oct.1/05 8 ZONE -$41,341 -_---_- N.E 8......_.. ...-....._....._......_............... ._... . ZONE 9-$34,110 ____—■—_----- ZONE 10-$133,195 Desin Edelweiss GE On Hold 11 Pete/David ZONE 11 $41,267 --_ P teCreek Pisti tmproverl1entsflot,,P ®rtli�nd ,i e e, .1 Petef '.,PK0403 :$38 600 stone 110Funds ' .:11/04:, 12/04 ' $38325 ZONE 12-$10,616 ZONE 13-$576 I—Intergenerational Project Park Land Dedication Summary Cotpleted 4: Under Construction 0 Under Contract 0 Bids Received 0 Pending Contracts 2 Out to Bid 1 In Design 2 Pending Land Acquisition 0 On Hold 4 Total 13 O:/Projects/DIP/DIP&Park Land Ded Project List.doc Page 2 STRATEGIC PLANS IMPLEMENTATION CALENDAR • JANUARY 2005 - MARCH 2005 STATEMENT SUBJECT TEAM JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH X >? , CemeteryCommittee to begin process ' • ''At'-•'","'•ilit•'`011,i•••4`r'' of developing proposed operational Staff select design firm to create ) ,. issue changes for new site. Master Plan and Phase I' ,.:,,o , construction documents. Staff prepare Scope of Services to use '0' 3t',414 F in selection of design firm and ';''''''').'t'i4 :� � y',:;:.-‘....,'':',,,4":A;,',,'' construction requirements for Phase I. A R X I ^ ,: ,i,it,40 IF.,,,,''',.-.'''-', :i etinti*,,,11.,-16.14-"•\', !;!--': ..:c.,, ,.:14,4,...,,,er „:,,,,,7,:' C,,,,''''t.li'::,";,/:,,,,,,,i, ,,,,,...,.. .,..„_,,,....,,,,,re: ..,0, 4,-,......z .1,,loye,),,;,,,..:...:., .,,,,?:;,:,...,.,. ...„.,,,,:zt, ®.0t4 ,A, , „ ,:•',• ,;^‘• •E•... '. ' ,,,,...1.,.. ..,,,,,,, ..„T' Joint meeting with Parks Board and Design:Review Board on �' X s February 11T ' �, �� A � !' Start prelim plans of George Bush 4:ref-i*IO ' °0 t 1,1° Drive medians � � tttS �tl'�a 1 '..%°f,,�V iiii p e J es 0 myp,t� CC414 f .:.,04:-.','-- Ilt4.' ;,''4' � fie" ` . X j ,` , ii. ` fin, . 4 , Fr,-k;,,,::,7,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,::,.41,,,,,!:.B ."Y ° FY 2004 and First Quarter Report :',,,-1'4.*,� ` 1 :s`. given at well y 11th Parks Advisory ' Board as well as recommendations 8 iiiitil4Vf'4"',',41:1,f:P-,i. '/4.,,31:tit':,,',;';,„ "0,..1..f!',tret,,:C*.,:^ )'..4%.„..,14 ie , if eX , 4 1 k Complete review of Leisure Service X TPProgram p "� ,t Intergenerational project to council L ," 'fin— r1 Parkway Park under construction. L@fS ,,,„R for possible approval S@!'Y1C@ $ R ' March 10,2005 F Bid ebruaeneration features last l : � k° � °' � of February ,,,..-.,„ ,,,,, Li oarV , Nerds Assessment Focus Groups• Needs Assessment Focus ��Ore ' j 1 € " • three held in January Groups—seven meetings for B `� y 1 �� February planned. � fR® X eeteNOTE: Shaded items have been completed. 5 „.0 , Vie°,, a st s * v Phase II preliminary concept ' • r �` r ,st �, • plans toParks Advisory Board Ott s ttPACSubcommitteeon i-i; '. � February 11th z s ®', ! ! t Intergenerational features to Council v • 7, : illi. VPAC,Phase II design underway March 10,2005 a Bid intergenerational features last �y of February 8 tl 'g Construction contract to Council for Begin construction approval ' ``" l' i � 9 ' �a iUi @g si f 2005 Starlight Music nes ' Scheduled 4 z, ;�t.+ �ttity �ServIces y �,'rEar O1' . •• • group $4e�8l'f r8t 4, Appraisal process in progress Met with Equestrian interest 40 d �m�♦A / SF 'f w' /�/�� �,' ,,,„1 ,s, r- 'yam P!1 £ BV 1 di a k,i1:1, Ka a a 0 !. t Pil1:,„1-...,71-,,„,,,...,F; �TC?eYB l'x i ',,,'..ijf ',,,,„4;:;5..,'?I'',f t.,.4',',I'/-, ir,,,„ . ��1/ ` Complete Installation Of Street ,,,,,,,::,...4;1:4 #66i.,,,,,,,,,,::,,,,,,,: !#,#,##, Banners Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Goals & Objectives FY2005 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION (Not Prioritized) 1. Support Regional Park Initiative (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 4) Develop action plan Complete appraisal of property Appraiser chosen; work should be complete by April 1, 2005. Tour for new Parks & Recreation Advisory Board members in spring 2. Andy Anderson Arboretum at Bee Creek (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 1) Develop long-term plan for redevelopment once drainage issues are addressed ElMake additional trail improvements Install new trail markers 3. Oversee planning process for Steeplechase Park (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) JJConduct public hearings First of two hearings for neighborhood input held on February 23rd ElDevelop Master Plan ElComplete design process El Bid project 4. Crompton Park (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) QComplete design process Design complete. Bid project Project pre-construction meeting held on March 3`d; out to bid, with bid opening to be held on March 10th Complete construction Begin operation and maintenance ❑ Conduct dedication ceremony Approved by Parks&Recreation Advisory Board: October 12, 2004 Page 1 of 4 Updated: March 2, 2005 S. Veterans Park, Phase II (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) Complete Phase II design plans Design contract approval at October 21, 2004 City Council meeting. In conceptual design phase - plans reviewed by VPAC, Phase II Subcommittee on February llth. Assist with Veterans Memorial expansion project Memorial wall expansion complete November, 2004. Veterans Day Ceremony November 11, 2004 Ceremony complete. Complete lighting of four existing soccer fields Design complete; project out to bid; Council approval on January 20th; under construction 6. Continued interaction with other City Boards (Lincoln Center, Bryan Parks Board, Conference Center, P&Z, Seniors) (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) ElJoint meeting with DRB Presentation and discussion of the film 'Small Urban Spaces"and discussion of park concepts for Northgate on February 11th. ElReport from Lincoln Center Advisory Committee Report from Conference Center Advisory Committee Report from Senior Advisory Committee Monthly updates included in Board packets. Ei Joint meeting with Planning and Zoning Commission El Joint meeting with City Council 7. Park Land Dedication Ordinance Update (Planning & Development, Strategy 1) ElReview and approval of recommendations Approval by City Council 8. Urban Forest Management Plan (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 1) Revisit or new direction? 9. Capital Improvement Projects oversight. (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) ElIntergenerational Park Improvements (See CIP& Park Land Dedication Projects list for status.) Update given at the regular October meeting. Intergenerational Park Improvements construction contract to Council for approval on March 10th. JSpray Park at Lincoln Center Conceptual design complete; notice to proceed with preliminary design has been given. El Determine use for old buildings at Lincoln Center Approved by Parks&Recreation Advisory Board: October 12, 2004 Page 2 of 4 Updated: March 3, 2005 EJ Basketball pavilion at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park (Zone 5) • In design phase. ED Park Land Dedication Projects (Zone 10) 10. Needs Assessment for facilities and programs. (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) Ei Conduct focus group meetings LZI Conduct public hearings Meeting conducted on March 3rd ElDevelop survey instrument Review and accept final report Parks Board: Council review: Meeting held with RPTS students to go over scope of the project on Nov 11th 2004 11. Park Maintenance Standards Review and Direction. (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 1) ElFirst quarter standards report Report given at January 11th regular meeting Second quarter standards report ElThird quarter standards report Fourth quarter standards report Develop recommendations for improvement 12. Southern Oaks Park (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) EI Neighborhood celebration/dedication of park Review park plan for additional improvements 13. Support Greenways Program (Parks & Leisure, Strategy #2) Review and assist with update of Hike and Bike Master Plan Kristan Clann review of Hike and Bike Trail Plan at regular meeting of November 9, 2004. ElReview and assist with update of Greenways Master Plan EjContinued support of Hike and Bike Task Force 14. City Center Project support. ElParks and Recreation office recommendations Approved by Parks&Recreation Advisory Board: October 12, 2004 Page 3 of 4 Updated: March 2, 2005 0 Parks and open space area recommendations Ei Community Center facility recommendations 15. Develop plan of action for Northgate Park. 0 Review existing Northgate Redevelopment Plan EDevelop recommendations for neighborhood parks 16. Explore new leisure programs and activities (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) 0 Passport program for Seniors Fall session complete 0 Passport program for Teens ESenior Olympics Investigating senior Olympics for 2006. 0 International faculty and scholars picnic Held successfully at Central Park pavilion on October 26, 2004 0 Dog splash day at Hallaran Pool Held on October 24, 2004. 17. Revision of By-Laws for the Board El Prepare draft By-Laws Draft turned over for review by Legal. Draft received back from Legal, October12, 2004 EIBoard approval with revised By-Laws Review and approval at November 9th Regular meeting. 3J By-Laws approval by City Council Approved by Council at the February 10th meeting Approved by Parks&Recreation Advisory Board: October 12, 2004 Page 4 of 4 Updated: March 2, 2005 Parks & Recreation Department Goals & Objectives FY2005 (11Vir (Not Prioritized) CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ■ Implementation of the CIP Program • Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues • Continuation of Staff Development • Implementation of Special Projects & Programs Implementation of the CIP Program ❑X FY 2005 CIP Projects (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Ongoing. Monthly report given to Board ❑X FY 2005 Park Land Dedication Projects (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Ongoing. Monthly report given to Board Continuation of Staff Development ❑X Complete Management Academy Status: The Assistant Director and all superintendents have completed the course. ❑X Complete Supervisory Academy (Mollie Binion, Darrel Harvey, Cameron Parker) Status: Graduation November 16, 2004 E Complete Emergency Management Academy (Cheletia Thomas, Darrell Harvey) Status: Wednesdays January 12 - March 2 Complete NRPA Revenue Management School (David Gerling) Status: Peter Lamont completed the two-year course; David Gerling completed the first year. Complete TRAPS Conference (Steve Beachy and others will attend) Status: March 2005 Conduct Arbor Master Training (Parks & Leisure, #1) Status: Working on schedule for fall session Attend the 11th Annual Southeast Texas Grounds Maintenance Conference Status: ❑X Attend the Texas Cooperative Extension Forestry Unit's 'Arboriculture 101' (Curtis Schoessow, Scott Deffendoll, and David Pemberton) Status: Four Saturdays in January 2005 ❑ Coordinate and prepare for TRAPS Regional Workshop in Fall 2005 Status: 2005 conference scheduled for November in College Station ❑X Attend Texas Turfgrass Conference (Scott Hooks, Gary Marske, Paul Rucker, Keith Fails) Status: Conference attended, December 6th- 8th Updated: March 2, 2005 Page 1 of 3 Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues 1:3 Acquire new cemetery site and develop Master Plan (Core Services, #1) Status: Appraisals complete; negotiations in progress 0 Continued implementation of Park Maintenance Standards (Parks & Leisure, #1) Status: FY 2004 overall 89% rating; FY 2005 goal- 90% overall; quarterly reports given to Parks Board. El Continued implementation of the Urban Forest Management Plan?? (Parks & Leisure, #1) Status: On hold pending further directions Ej Continue efforts to make parks more intergenerational (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Report given at October, 2004 regular meeting; Project design completed and out to bid. Construction contract to Council for approval on March 10th. Ei Review leisure service programs ( Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Softball program report October 12, 2004. "Senior Passport"program underway; cricket league proposal received. EI Pursue cooperative efforts with the City of Bryan on joint programming (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Investigating senior Olympics for 2006; National softball tournaments in 2005 and 2006 Develop Veterans Park & Athletic Complex, Phase II (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Design contract approval at October 21, 2004 City Council meeting; In conceptual design phase - plans reviewed by VPAC Phase II Subcommittee on February 11th. 0 Promote performing arts (Parks & Leisure, #3) Status: Booking concerts for 2005 starlight concert series El Continued implementation of regional planning and development initiative (Parks & Leisure, #4) Status: Funding approval in BVSWMA FY 2005 budget; appraiser retained ED Develop action plan for Northgate Park (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: On hold pending staff discussions J Develop Master Plan for Steeplechase (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: First of two public hearings for neighborhood input held on February 23rd. E] Implement Arboretum improvement plan (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Implementation of Special Projects and Programs E Implementation of the remote sports lighting system (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Complete; New soccer lights will include Sky Logic Continue implementation of automated registration software (RecWare) Status: In progress; software installed; testing completed; training completed E] Conduct benchmark survey of similar cities Status: On-line survey completed January 27th. Results collected from all Big 12 Conference Schools. Results will be received by all involved. El Continue investigation of the feasibility for NRPA departmental accreditation Status: Inventory with current level of compliance complete ED Continue investigation of the feasibility of implementing a Donations Program for the Department Status: Draft program complete Updated: March 2, 2005 Page 2 of 3 El Conduct Program and Facilities Needs Assessment (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Agreement with TAMU's RPTS department approved; February - focus groups complete; public hearing held on March 3"d; Parks Board focus group on March 8th E Acquire and implement AED's at select PARD facilities Status: Funding approved in FY 2005 budget; acquisition complete; training scheduled or April 1-2. E Acquire and install Wolf Pen Creek street banners (Economic Development, #1) Status: Banner design complete; bid awarded for 36 steel banners; construction in progress Facilitate Cricket program (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Facilitate start of user group; site identified for facility; organization of group in progress Northgate Music Series (Parks & Leisure, #3) Status: Initial funding approved Investigate Lincoln Center staffing possibilities Status: Reorganization with existing positions complete. Two Assistant Center Supervisors in place as of February 1st El Decide what should be done with old buildings at Lincoln Center Status: Updated: March 2, 2005 Page 3 of 3