HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/14/2005 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board (3) 6 : Staff Present: Stephen Beachy, Director; Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director; Curtis Bingham, Parks Operations Superintendent; Pamela Springfield, Staff Assistant Members Present: Jodi Warner, Chair; Jeannie McCandless; Glenn Schroeder; Don Allison; Larry Farnsworth; Gary Erwin; Kathleen Ireland Members Absent: Carol Blaschke; Gary Thomas; Ann Ganter, CSISD Liaison Guests Present: Ken Fogle, Transportation Planner — City of College Station, Development Services; Lee Adams, Principal — MDG (Municipal Development Group) 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Jodi Warner, Chair at 7:03 p.m. 2. Pardon — possible action concerning requests for absences of members from meeting. Jodi stated that Carol Blaschke had turned in a request for absence; Glenn Schroeder had indicated that he would be arriving a little late; and, Ann Ganter, the board liaison from the College Station Independent School District, was seeking the appointment of another person to act as liaison because she was unable to meet on Tuesday evenings. Kathy Ireland moved to accept the request for absence submitted by Carol Blaschke; Don Allison seconded. The vote was called and the motion carried unanimously. (A request for absence had been received from Gary Thomas, but was inadvertently left off of the list of requests turned over to Jodi Warner at the beginning of the meeting.) 3. Hear visitors. Hearing none this item was closed. 4. Discussion, consideration, and possible approval of minutes from Regular Board meeting of May 17, 2005. Item #6 in the second paragraph, in the sixth sentence down, the word "and" needed to be added to make the sentence read correctly. There being no further changes, the vote was called. Don A. moved to accept the May meeting minutes with the aforementioned change. Larry Farnsworth seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. 5. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding proposal related to potential park land in Park Zone 6 (Southwest Park). Ric went through a brief history of the Southwest Park property. The city owns 4.77 acres, purchased over twenty-five years ago. There has never been enough property dedicated in addition to that, in which to build a park. Most recently, the Board had seen a condominium-type project and accepted additional property facing Southwest Parkway, however, that deal had fallen through. A new developer has taken an option to buy both pieces of property - the Butler and the Shick tracts - for both multi-family and commercial development. The major impediment to developing the Butler tract is access. There is only one way in and it is a private easement. If the city were to divest itself of the property it would have to be put to a vote by the citizens and then it would have to be put up for bid. The developer's initial proposal had been for the city to trade him the four acres for ten acres in order to satisfy his dedication requirement and consolidate the Shick property for a better development. This may take place. He has also considered putting a road through his property, which he does not want to do because he wants to use it for commercial development - but it would save time. He wants to move students in by the fall of 2006. He has also talked about furthering his dedication by dedicating greenway and allowing the city to put in a trail. Don A. asked about the divesting-of-property process and Steve B. stated that it was a state law that if you transfer the use of public property in any way or sell it, it has to be put to a vote. A special election would be very expensive and it takes ninety days to get something on a ballot. The state has made this a deliberately difficult task in order to protect public lands. Lee Adams with MDG was representing the developer and there to answer any questions. He stated that he was trying to work out access with the school district, but asked the board if they had a preference. Several members stated that they felt that the best option was to extend the existing park. The school might like it, but the neighborhoods to the north would be what it would serve and the existing land was dedicated by those properties along Southwest Parkway. Lee asked Ken Fogle, Transportation Planner, what he thought. Ken stated that from an engineering/traffic/planning position, there needed to be a public road to open that up. The only issue would be where it tied into Southwest Parkway. Steve stated that this was an information item only and nothing had been finalized, but the Board may see it again on a future agenda. 6. Report, discussion, and possible action regarding the College Station Bike Loop and Pedestrian Master Plan — Ken Fogle. Steve said that the Board had requested periodic updates regarding this item. Ken Fogle gave a presentation to update the Board on the Bikeway and Pedestrian Master Plan. He told the members that a big part of the plan was the recreational aspect and they were trying to connect the neighborhoods and parks, creating a full system that could be used to bike or walk throughout the city. He explained the different components of the system — bike lanes, bike/pedestrian paths, and bike/pedestrian routes. Maps had been distributed to all members present. On the maps, the solid lines represented completed lanes/paths/routes and dashed lines were proposed. There were 25 miles of existing bike lanes and 36 miles of proposed lanes. Bike routes were basically any street that was wide enough to allow cars and bicycles to share the road together, and were easy to implement. Some had signs, but the routes for more advanced cyclists did not. There were 70 miles of existing bike routes and approximately 54 miles of proposed routes. Bike/pedestrian paths — the off-street trails - were the hardest to implement. There were 12 miles of existing bike paths and 45 miles of proposed paths. The last CIP budget allocated about one million dollars to build the paths and greenways. Development Services is trying to spend about $200,000 per year, along with trying to get grant money, in order to finish the projects. The bike loop was started in the early 1990's when College Station applied for federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) enhancement money and received about one million to build the bike loop. The loop is now approximately halfway complete. The Hike and Bike Task Force had identified potential CIP projects, ranking about twenty of them. Ken briefly went over a few that were on the high priority list. He stated that some of the projects could be done in-house and staff would be looking for grant money to do others. • The WPC Upper Trails will be complete in the fall. At some time in the future the hope is to connect those up across Texas Avenue to trails behind the Bed, Bath, and Beyond store, but there is no funding for it now. • Central Park Lane is proposed to go straight through to Colgate but at present is approximately 200' - 300' shy of connecting to Krenek Tap Road. Once the road is complete (later this fall), it will be striped with bike lanes. • Lincoln Avenue exists between University Drive and Texas Avenue and will be striped with bike lanes. • The biggest bike loop project left to do is connecting Bee Creek Park with the City Center project area. This project is on hold until the Texas Avenue widening and the Bee Creek channelization projects are finished. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes—June 14,2005 Ken stated that either he or Kristan Weaver would be glad to come back periodically for updates. He finished by adding that College Station had just received an award for being a bicycle friendly community -the only city in Texas to receive it. The Board thanked Ken for his presentation. 7. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the Parks and Recreation Department Five-Year Strategic Plan FY2005 — FY2009. Steve went through the plan explaining the different components which included what the department does, what resources the department has, growth assumptions, self-analysis, strengths, weaknesses, and bullet point strategies. An updated park system inventory was also included as part of the plan. The department now has forty-three parks - almost 1,200 acres of park land — with eight undeveloped parks. Most of those undeveloped parks will be addressed over the next several years. The plan was also based on known council issues and direction, Parks Board issues, and other issues that staff was aware of. Based on the council retreat that had just ended, it could impact what was in the plan. Steve finished by saying that this document was updated annually and served as a guideline for staff. Gary E. and Jodi both commended staff on the plan. Steve said it would be used and incorporated during the next master plan update. Larry F. made a motion in support of the document. The motion was seconded and the vote was called. The motion passed unanimously in support of the department's Five- Year Strategic Plan. 8. Update and discussion regarding the community-wide Needs Assessment Project. The members had received copies in their packets of the survey that had been mailed out to citizens, some city staff, and the school district superintendent's offices. A follow-up reminder card had also gone out. The project was a little behind schedule. Staff had hoped to be able to have the Board to review the report in July, however it looked as though it may be September before that would happen. The needs assessment would play a key part in the update of the department's master plan. Steve stated that he felt that it was important for the Board to see the survey and what questions had been asked. This was an informational item only and no action was required. 9. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding appointing members to the Fees Subcommittee to develop recommendations for 2006 User Fees. Staff would like to get started on the 2006 User Fees so that they can be presented to council for approval in September or October. Staff had met, and once the Board subcommittee was confirmed, a date could be set to meet. Larry F. was on the subcommittee but would be going off the Board. Jodi asked if anyone had an interest in serving on the subcommittee. Kathy I. said she would be happy to serve. Pam would set up a time for the subcommittee to meet. Steve stated that the Board would also need to look at appointing someone to serve on the VPAC subcommittee at some point in the near future. 10. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the Capital Improvement Program. The Park Land Dedication Projects list had been included in the member's packets. Ric stated that there had not been a lot of significant changes since the last meeting. • The rubber cushioned surfacing for the last 1/3 mile of Thomas Park jogging track would soon be complete, making this the longest rubberized trail installed to date. • The Steeplechase Park project was about ready to go out to bid. • Council had recently approved the Crompton Park design. • The Veterans Park & Athletic Complex, Phase II conceptual plans would be brought to the Board soon for approval and then the project would be on its way to the final design. • Mrs. Youngblood, the wife of man who had died when their vehicle went into the Central Park pond in 2004, wanted to install a bench at the pond in honor of her husband. Along with the money she wants to donate, staff was looking at putting in two benches with a connecting walkway to create a more formal area. The plan was still being worked on. • Jodi asked about the status of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance update. Steve said that based on the last information he had received, the Board might be able to review it at the July meeting, but he would check on it. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes—June 14,2005 11. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives, and City Council Strategic Plan: The appraisal had been completed on the proposed regional park site for the initial tract of 4,609 acres. Steve stated that he'd met with the TMPA director and staff, and had presented that appraisal. The appraised value came back at $1,071 per acre. TMPA staff and Judge Dixon from Grimes County who had attended the meeting as well, seemed pleased with the appraisal. TMPA will present the appraisal to their Board of Directors in Denton on July 8, 2005. TMPA has agreed to hold to that appraised value through 2008. The Conservation Fund Office out of Austin, a nationwide, non-profit organization, could also become involved in the project. If they participate, Grimes County would be the owner and enter into the agreement with the Conservation Fund to seek funding. There is also the potential for private, not-for- profit, foundation funding from Houston, however, most of those are heavily committed over the next few years. Dr. Crompton had talked to the Houston Parks and Recreation Department Director, who had written a letter to the Governor. Congressman Chet Edwards was also very interested, so there is the potential for federal — particularly highway - funding for mitigation efforts. This project will not been advertised or go public until a commitment can be obtained from TMPA. The next key step was for the TMPA Board of Directors to commit to that. The ability to have three years to put together the funding makes this project more doable. This portion of the land will be released in 2007- 08. The remaining acreage comes up for release several years after that. The appraiser, Jim Jeffries, found that the land would not be suitable to do a typical subdivision. 12. Discussion of next meeting date and possible agenda items: Steve said he would check on the Park Land Dedication Ordinance revisions to see if an item could go on the July agenda for discussion. • Regular meeting — July 12, 2005 • Steve stated that at the present time there were some Parks staff members attending a conference in Colorado about recreation centers and would come back to the Board with a report in the near future. They would also be visiting a landfill site that had closed and had a regional park built on it. A report would be given on that as well, along with some ideas concerning operational issues that the park may be facing. The city's current landfill is anticipated to close in 2007 or 2008. 13. Adjourn. Don A. made a motion to adjourn, which was seconded by Kathleen I. Jodi W. called for the vote. All were in favor and the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes—June 14,2005 «Random » 1 June 2005 Name Address COLLEGE STATION, TX You have been selected to participate in a needs assessment survey conducted by the City of College Station Parks and Recreation Department. The purpose of this survey is to help us understand citizens' needs and preferences related to future park facilities and recreation services. The results of this survey will help guide the Department's planning and operational decisions for the next 5 - 10 years. Over the past few months, the Department hosted 14 focus groups comprised of citizens representing a variety of interest groups and perspectives. Responses from these groups provided the basic information for the questions that appear in the survey document. This survey will provide guidance from a representative sample of residents about how these ideas and suggestions should be prioritized. Your name was randomly selected from the city's utility listing to receive this questionnaire. For the findings to be representative, it is important that you complete the questionnaire and return it to us. Your responses will be aggregated with those of other respondents,and they will remain confidential. Please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire and return it in the pre-paid envelope. Every participant who returns the survey will be entered into a drawing for a free swim pass to College Station Pools good for either 2005 or 2006. These are transferable and you have the option of assigning the pass to someone else of your choice if you wish to do so. If you have any questions regarding this survey,please contact my staff assistant Ms. Pamela Springfield, at 979-764-3414. Thank you for your time and assistance in helping us to better meet the needs of College Station residents. Please return your survey in the postage-paid envelope. Sincerely, Steve Beachy Director Parks and Recreation 2 «Random » (I 1,. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Parks & Recreation Needs Assessment Survey Conducted for the City of College Station by The Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences Texas A&M University 2 «Random_» 1. How often do you and/or someone in your household use each of the following College Station park facilities and recreation programs? (Circle one on each line) About About A few Almost Once Once Times Not Daily a Week a Month a Year at All Neighborhood/Community ParksD W M Y N Walking Trails/Bike Paths D W M Y N Recreation Center D W M Y N Outdoor Basketball Courts D W M Y N Wolf Pen Amphitheatre............. D W M Y N Lincoln Center D W M Y N Picnic Tables/Pavilions D W M Y N Ponds/Lakes D W M Y N Swimming Pools D W M Y N Playgrounds D W M Y N Volleyball Courts .................. D W M Y N Tennis Courts D W M Y N Adult Baseball Fields D W M Y N Adult Softball Fields D W M Y N Adult Soccer Fields D W M Y N Adult Flag Football Fields D W M Y N Youth Baseball Fields D W M Y N Youth Softball Fields D W M Y N Youth Soccer Fields D W M Y N Youth Flag Football Fields D W M Y N Senior Programs D W M Y N Kids Klub D W M Y N Xtra Education D W M Y N Teen Activities D W M Y N Fitness Programs D W M Y N Festivals/Events D W M Y N EXIT Teen Center D W M Y N «Random » 3 2.The Parks Department has a limited amount of resources and seeks guidance on where best to invest them. Please circle the PRIORITY LEVEL you feel should be associated with each of the following items(Circle one on each line). Provide lighting for walking and jogging paths NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide more shade trees at parks NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide quiet,green spaces throughout the city NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide storage for sports leagues' equipment NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide playgrounds at athletic fields NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide more walking paths around parks and athletic fields NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Improve accessibility for those with disabilities (e.g., pool lifts, sidewalks,parking,bathrooms) NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Link parks,neighborhoods, and schools with hike and bike trails NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide a wider variety of aquatic classes NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Acquire additional park land NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Offer Xtra Education Classes on weekends NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide more access to the indoor pool at the Junior High School during school vacations NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide more art and music programs NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide personal growth classes(e.g.,car maintenance,career development) NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide more seasonal color and landscaping in parks NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide tables in parks for chess,checkers,cards etc. NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide space for new activities such as cricket, lacrosse,rugby NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Improve public bus transportation to existing park and recreation facilities NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide more directional signs identifying the way to parks NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Place more benches in parks and along trails NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide technology in parks(wireless access,geocoding) .. NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Allocate more funds to enhance the maintenance of existing parks NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide more undesignated, open play space at neighborhood parks ... NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide more trees along city streets NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide a dedicated Senior Center NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH 4 «Random » 3. The quality of the city's park and recreation services is primarily determined by the magnitude of funds the city invests in them. is likely that increases in tax support would enhance the quality of EXISTING park and recreation services,while decreases would reduce it. Would you like to see the level of tax support for park and recreation services changed? If so,by how much?(Please chec one of the following.) Reduce the tax support by: Increase tax support by: -20% -15% -10% -5% Remain the +5% +10% +15% +20% same Would you like to see the city's tax investment in NEW park and recreation facilities change?If so, by how much?(Please check one of the following.) Reduce the tax support by: Increase tax support by: -20% -15% -10% -5% Remain the +5% +10% +15% +20% same 4. Please identify the top 5 facilities from the following list on which you would like to see College Station give priority in its investments over the next ten years. Please ONLY SELECT 5 facilities and put a check alongside each of them. Open Space Fields Dog Park Nature Center Cultural/Art Center Large Regional Park Outdoor Neighborhood Pools Art/Music Facilities Indoor pool Frisbee Golf Course Skate Park Indoor Recreation Center Archery fields Ponds/Lakes Senior Center Indoor Tennis Courts Outdoor Tennis Courts Gardens/Arboretum Remote Control Model Airplane Facility Equestrian Trails Walking/Biking Trails Adult Baseball Fields Adult Softball Fields Adult Soccer Fields Adult Football Fields Fitness Stations Playgrounds Youth Baseball Fields Youth Softball Fields Youth Soccer Fields Youth Football Fields Camping Areas Indoor Play Areas Horseshoe pits Pavilions Neighborhood Parks Zoo Picnic Areas Water Park Bocce courts Nature Trails Extensive regional trail system(15 -20 miles) «Random » 5 5. In the following section, please read each statement and CIRCLE the response which indicates how much you agree or disagree with each statement regarding College Station Park and Recreation Services. Strongly I have no Strongly Agree Agree Knowledge Disagree Disagree I am well-informed about College Station's park facilities and recreation programs SA A NK D SD The Department should work more closely with schools to develop parks and offer programs SA A NK D SD College Station parks and recreation facilities are accessible to people with disabilities SA A NK D SD College Station Parks are well maintained and clean SA A NK D SD In general,I am satisfied with the facilities and services provided by the Parks& Recreation Department SA A NK D SD The Department should work more closely with police and fire personnel on safety in parks/neighborhoods SA A NK D SD Overall,the City of College Station has a"park-like" ambiance about it SA A NK D SD I am satisfied with the availability of fields and open spaces for unscheduled use SA A NK D SD The swimming pools are too crowded SA A NK D SD I am well-informed about plans for parks in my neighborhood SA A NK D SD It is easy for me to offer feedback to the park department and to obtain answers from them to any questionsSA A NK D SD The Department should work more closely with neighborhood groups to plan and maintain parks SA A NK D SD Automobile traffic around parks should be diverted or slowed down SA A NK D SD I can get to my favorite park facilities on foot or by bicycle SA A NK D SD ... ...... .. ... 6 «Random » 6. To help the city prioritize future investment decisions we would like you to please indicate,how IMPORTANT you view each of the following issues in the City of College Station: Not at all Extremely In College Station: Important Neutral Important Helping youth to develop into productive citizens is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Improving air quality is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ensuring that parks are easily accessible to residents from their homes is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Convincing businesses to locate in this community is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Providing role models for adolescents is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Supporting and working with community health organizations is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Providing amenities in the community that older adults want is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Reducing the amount of energy consumed by residents is.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Designing programs specifically for older adults is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Getting tourists to spend money in the city is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Helping people build healthy lifestyles is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Developing attractions that draw people from other cities is... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Providing youth with positive ways to fill their free time is ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Requiring that developers provide park space for people in their developments is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Helping adults build skills that can be used in the workplace is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Keeping neighborhood parks well maintained is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Offering programs that meet the needs of people who are unemployed is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Encouraging Senior Citizens to become involved in the community is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Educating residents on the benefits of healthy activity is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Protecting environmentally sensitive areas is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Encouraging executives and professionals to live in this community is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Supporting and working with community welfare and employment agencies is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Providing programs at which retired people can socialize together is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Hosting events that bring tourism revenue to local businesses is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 «Random » 7 In this section,we are interested in your perceptions of the College Station Parks and Recreation Department's CURRENT CONTRIBUTIONS to each of the items: The College Station Parks and Recreation Department's Contribution to: Very Very Small Neutral Large Helping youth to develop into productive citizens is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Improving air quality is I 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ensuring that parks are easily accessible to residents from their homes is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Convincing businesses to locate in this community is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Providing role models for adolescents is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Supporting and working with community health organizations is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Providing amenities in the community that older adults want is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Reducing the amount of energy consumed by residents is.. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Designing programs specifically for older adults is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Getting tourists to spend money in the city is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Helping people build healthy lifestyles is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Developing attractions that draw people from other cities is... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Providing youth with positive ways to fill their free time is ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Requiring that developers provide park space for people in their developments is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Helping adults build skills that can be used in the workplace is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Keeping neighborhood parks well maintained is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Offering programs that meet the needs of people who are unemployed is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Encouraging Senior Citizens to become involved in the community is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Educating residents on the benefits of healthy activity is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Protecting environmentally sensitive areas is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Encouraging executives and professionals to live in this community is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Supporting and working with community welfare and employment agencies is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Providing programs at which retired people can socialize together is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Hosting events that bring tourism revenue to local businesses is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 «Random » We are collecting the following information in order to understand the characteristics of our study participants. All of the information will be kept confidential and only reported at the group level. Are you?(Check one) Male Female In what kind of residence do you live?(Check one) Single Family Home Town House or Condominium Apartment Building Mobile Home Other: Please indicate Do you own or rent your home in College Station?(Check One) Own Rent Are you a College or University Student?(Check One) Yes No What is your year of birth?(Please state a year on the line below.) Including yourself, indicate the NUMBER of people in your household who are in the following age categories: (If none,write «0„) NUMBER Under 5 years of age 6-10 years old 11-14 years old 15-18 years old 19-34 years old 35-54 years old 55-64 years old 65 years or older What ethnicity do you consider yourself?(Check one) American Indian Asian Black/African American Caucasian/Anglo American Hispanic Other Is there anything else you would like to tell us regarding College Station's Park and Recreation Services? THANK YOU FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE! If you have any questions,please contact Pamela Springfield,at 979-764-3414 55 "W e (101" ,..„,4; , Provide Good ,,. Things in CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Life" Your feedback is important! Please help the City of College Station Parks and Recreation Department by providing information to guide the Department's investments over the next 10 year period. A few days ago we sent you a questionnaire relating to the City of College Station Parks and Recreation Department's facilities and services. If you have already completed and mailed back the survey,thank you,we appreciate your assistance. If you have not done so,please complete the questionnaire and mail it in the postage-paid envelope,which was enclosed,as soon as possible. Every participant who returns the survey receives "a two-for-one"admission to the new Arctic Wolf Ice Complex. In addition,a drawing will be held from all of the completed surveys received for 5 annual swim passes for the College Station pools,good for either 2005 or 2006. These are transferable,so if you should be a winner in the drawing,you have the option of assigning the pass to someone else of your choice if you wish to do so. If you have any questions,please contact Pamela Springfield,at 979-764-3414.Thank you for your time and assistance in helping us to identify and meet the needs of College Station residents. ,.., u>e t -t-* s-i°—F . i I. How often does your department work with or on the following College Station Park facilities and programs?(Circle one on each line) About About A few Almost Once Once Times Not Daily a Week a Month a Year at All Neighborhood/Community ParksD W M Y N Walking Trails/Bike Paths D W M Y N Recreation Center D W M Y N Outdoor Basketball Courts D W M Y N Wolf Pen Amphitheatre D W M Y N Lincoln Center D W M Y N Picnic Tables/Pavilions D W M Y N Ponds/Lakes D W M Y N Swimming Pools D W M Y N Playgrounds D W M Y N Volleyball Courts D W M Y N Tennis Courts D W M Y N Athletic Fields D W M Y N Senior Programs D W M Y N Kids Klub D W M Y N Xtra Education D W M Y N Teen Activities D W M Y N Fitness Programs D W M Y N Festivals/Events D W M Y N EXIT Teen Center D W M Y N Urban Forests D W M Y N City Tree Streets D W M Y N City Right of Ways D W M Y N City Visual Quality D W M Y N Greenways D W M Y N 2 2.The Parks Department has a limited amount of resources and seeks guidance on where best to invest them. Please circle the PRIORITY LEVEL you feel should be associated with each of the following items(Circle one on each line). Provide lighting for walking and jogging paths NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide more shade trees at parks NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide quiet,green spaces throughout the city NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide storage for sports leagues equipment NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide playgrounds at athletic fields NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide more walking paths around parks and athletic fields NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Improve accessibility for those with disabilities (e.g., pool lifts, sidewalks,parking, bathrooms) NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Link parks,neighborhoods, and schools with hike and bike trails .... NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide a wider variety of aquatic classes NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Acquire additional park land NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Offer Xtra Education Classes on weekends NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide more access to the indoor pool at the Junior High School during school vacations NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide more art and music programs NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide personal growth classes(e.g.,car maintenance,career development) NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide more seasonal color and landscaping in parks NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide tables in parks for chess, checkers, cards NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide space for new activities such as cricket, lacrosse,rugby NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Improve public bus transportation to existing park and recreation facilities NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide more directional signs identifying the way to parks NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Place more benches in parks and along trails NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide technology in parks(wireless access,geocoding) NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Allocate more funds to enhance the maintenance of existing parks NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide more undesignated,open play space at neighborhood parks ... NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide more trees along city streets NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH Provide a designated Senior Center NONE LOW MEDIUM HIGH • 3 3. Please identify the top 5 facilities from the following list on which you would like to see College Station give priority in its investments over the next ten years.Please ONLY SELECT 5 facilities and put a check alongside each of them. Open Space Fields Dog Park Nature Center Cultural/Art Center Large Regional Park Outdoor Neighborhood Pools Art/Music Facilities Indoor pool Frisbee Golf Course Skate Park Indoor Recreation Center Archery fields Ponds/Lakes Senior Center Indoor Tennis Courts Outdoor Tennis Courts Gardens/Arboretum Remote Control Model Airplane Facility Equestrian Trails Walking/Biking Trails Adult Baseball Fields Adult Softball Fields Adult Soccer Fields Adult Football Fields Fitness Stations Playgrounds Youth Baseball Fields Youth Softball Fields Youth Soccer Fields Youth Football Fields Camping Areas Indoor Play Areas Horseshoe pits Pavilions Neighborhood Parks Zoo Picnic Areas Water Park Bocce courts Nature Trails Extensive regional trail system(15 -20 miles) 4. In the following section, please read each statement and CIRCLE the response which indicates how much you agree or disagree with each statement regarding College Station Parks. Strongly I have no Strongly Agree Agree Knowledge Disagree Disagree I am well-informed about College Station's park facilities and recreation programs SA A NK D SD The Department should work more closely with schools to develop parks and offer programs SA A NK D SD College Station parks and recreation facilities are accessible to people with disabilities SA A NK D SD College Station Parks are well maintained and clean SA A NK D SD In general, I am satisfied with the facilities and services provided by the Parks&Recreation Department SA A NK D SD The Department should work more closely with police and fire departments on safety in parks/neighborhoods SA A NK D SD Overall,the City of College Station has a "park-like" ambiance about it... SA A NK D SD 4 Strongly I have no Strongly Agree Agree Knowledge Disagree Disagree The swimming pools are too crowded SA A NK D SD I am well-informed about plans for parks in my neighborhood SA A NK D SD It is easy for me to offer feedback to the park department and to obtain answers from them to any questionsSA A NK D SD The Department should work more closely with neighborhood groups to plan and maintain parks SA A NK D SD Automobile traffic around parks should be diverted or slowed down SA A NK D SD I can get to my favorite park facilities on foot or by bicycle SA A NK D SD 5.To help the city prioritize future investment decisions we would like you to please indicate,how IMPORTANT you view each of the following issues in the City of College Station? Not at all Extremely In College Station, ImportantNeutral Important Helping youth to develop into productive citizens is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Improving air quality is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ensuring that parks are easily accessible to residents from their homes is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Convincing businesses to locate in this community is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Providing role models for adolescents is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Supporting and working with community health organizations is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Providing amenities in the community that older adults want is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Reducing the amount of energy consumed by residents is1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Designing programs specifically for older adults is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Getting tourists to spend money in the city is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Helping people build healthy lifestyles 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Developing attractions that draw people from other cities is... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Providing youth with positive ways to fill their free time is ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . 5 Not at all Extremely In College Station, Important Neutral Important Requiring that developers provide park space for people in their developments is \ 2 3 4 5 6 7 Helping adults build skills that can be used in the workplace is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Keeping neighborhood parks well maintained is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Offering programs that meet the needs of people who are unemployed is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Encouraging Senior Citizens to become involved in the community is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Educating residents on the benefits of healthy activity is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Protecting environmentally sensitive areas is . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Encouraging executives and professionals to live in this community is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Supporting and working with community welfare and employment agencies is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Providing programs at which retired people can socialize together is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Hosting events that bring tourism revenue to local businesses is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6. In this section,we are interested in your perceptions of the College Station Parks and Recreation Department's ClJRREV CONTRIBUTIONS to each of the items The College Station Parks and Recreation Department's Contribution to: Very Very Small Neutral Large Helping youth to develop into productive citizens is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Improving air quality is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ensuring that parks are easily accessible to residents from their homes is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Convincing businesses to locate in this community is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Providing role models for adolescents is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Supporting and working with community health organizations is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Providing amenities in the community that older adults want is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Reducing the amount of energy consumed by residents is , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Designing programs specifically for older adults is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Getting tourists to spend money in the city is . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 _ __ _______� 6 The College Station Parks and Recreation Department's Contribution to: Very Very Small Neutral Large Helping people build healthy lifestyles 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Developing attractions that draw people from other cities is... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Providing youth with positive ways to fill their free time is .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Requiring that developerprovide park space for people in their developments is | 2 3 4 5 6 7 Helping adults build skills that can be used in the workplace is .....................................'............... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Keeping neighborhood parks well maintained is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Offering programs that meet the needs of people who are unemployed is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Encouraging Senior Citizens to become involved in the community is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Educating residents on the benefits of healthy activity is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Protecting environmentally sensitive areas is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Encouraging executives and professionals to live in this community is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Supporting and working with community welfare and employment agencies is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Providing programs at which retired people can socialize together is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Hosting events that bring tourism revenue to local businesses is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 We are collecting the following information in order to understand the characteristics of our study participants. All of the information will be kept confidential and only reported at the group level. Which of the following best represents your employment What Department are you employed in? category with the city of College Station?(check one) Part-time Front-line and support staff Middle Management Senior Management Is there anything else you would like to tell us regarding College Station's Park and Recreation Services? PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT& PARK LAND DEDICATION PROJECTS FY'05 June 6, 2005 Ca•ital Im•rovement Pro'ects Capital Improvement Project Project FundingCompletion Projects Status Manager # Budget SourcDate Final Expected/Actual Cost 7,8"317:717r141:17«TV 77:17$771:%74:17; 4r,!TT7+ a •, P""!°!,FadValtwVtAaltIrri:WATwrytertirti • " . A iA A � a 0461211 A4 � y aA i! Centrat F� Sodee rotd L� �sI n ? / - A A A.a s , ti , L $,0, p e tFunds 10/a Krenek Crossin•Lands-- n ; Ce ,',-..1411;;;;!%; 2 '`$20000 �.' . � 1 - 1/05 .. 15+606 � 9 Lick Creek Parte Bik R+cks 1 enches &Slabs < lets fete - 006 .: y',F and 12/31/04A 0°1105. $13.850 Lincoln Center Ex aansion/im nth ' ' ,.. „ Fti Pt 0319 984 t7O G P ds 12/0$a 11O 818 448 a '',,,� d'' 4 sk ?P3 �/� I,3, W /' 'E. v'N / Greens Prairie; d Lend « &lrrt atkrn 0 n E tie an vid 5 A A 000 Pr taut 4/05 s 3128 zA$80-006' / � e X3/25 ` � w'; � � p: � P Park /t�tOd09 � $50€Stt�i "'0' �ne�� 3/t}5 ' $44 795 Central Park Soccer Li s hfs ! to 2$S I'a, _.i nd 6/ti$! r P 0406 r o 4/0 2241"4 v,i a22, Rock Prairie,Rd Media aL ndsca+e ,,4 e r Pet :;5 . 2 A+ ,: r^. A. nit 3$ 4 :. Thomas Pool Collector Tank Re.air " . • Corna ;Ric - P1<0528 ; 20,000 :'05 General Pune 8/05 , 6/18/05 :270 470 / as '+ .R. 8 ` f 1 3A4,1.> •a ':, s : � 1% 71.P VPAG SoccerL.i•,is ' V-4"01' + to 3 ete $ :•11 a A A A r: ner- rand. A 5/05; 5/12/05 1;0 619 Veterans Park Phase II In Desi.n Ric P0501 $6,925,000 '03 Bond 10/07 Lincoln Pla •round In Desi.n Pete $50,000 '05 Gen.fund Stee.lechase Park Develo•ment In Desi.n David Pk0502 $315,000 Communit Dev. 12/05 W.A.Tarrow S.ra Park In Desi•n Ric PK0503 $170,000 Communit Dev. Cemete Land Ac.uisition Pendin. Land Contract Ross GG9905 $275,000 '98 G.O. Unknown Jack&Dory Miller Park BasketballCo -- Court Cover Under Contract Pete PK0512 $175,000 '05 General Fund 9/05 WPC Muiti•ur•ose Buildin• Pendin•Contract Ric $700,000 WPC T.I.F. 5/06 Inter.enerational Park Additions Under Construction David PK0513 $310,000 '03 Bond 9/05 Economic Development -_ Business Park Sian Under Construction Pete GG0302 $50,000 Business Center Fund 5/05 North.ate Restrooms No status Ric $300,000 FY'05 I—Intergenerational Project CIP Summary yip' Jiratr Under Construction 2 Under Contract 1 Pendin. Contracts 1 Bids Received 0 Out to Bid/Re-Bid 0 In Desi•n 4 Pendin• Land Contract 1 On Hold 0 No status 1 24 Park Land Dedication Pro"ects Park Land Dedication Project Project Completion Projects Prioritized Status Manager # Budget Funding Date Final ---- -- --- -- - 9 SourceEx ected/Actual Cost ZONE 1 -$202,629 North.ate Park A •uisition On Hold ==_ Zone 1 Funds ZONE 2-$75,882 ----- Richarr!'Gatter Patictalttl pe kirf yatl t ° P.,`,444,—`•=k. .;'° et• ' t '�a, ,z� . Pa 118,883 Thomas Park Track Under Construction David Pk0526 $110 000 Zone 2 Funds 5/05 ZONE 3-$82,327 —_----- Central Park Life Trail In Desi.n David ----- Cantral .i.Att .., s a i ,. + ;o ; u,• -e.. , .a � ,, 40E. aha°i~�itfids 0,1011510 '_' fl3Jt $45;800 ZONE 4-$22,185 —_----- Raintree Im•rovements Concrete Walks In Desi•n 2$15,000'98one 4 Pete NA $0 Bond Windwood Im.rovements Concrete Walks In Desi•n Pete NA $0 Zone 4 Funds ZONE 5-$25,005 ZONE 6-$88,481 Southwest Park Develo.ment On Hold Pete/David $90,000 Zone 6 Funds Lemorntree Park Dim OoII M ' sAC. >-e' ,.Fete :.a PK 27 Oq(; ndsr .. 115i0*a t1411 $3'7`25 Gabbard Park Sidewalk I On Hold David NA $0 Zone 6 Funds ZONE 7-$231741 —_---_— John Crompton Park Development 1 Under Construction Pete PK9803 $710,000 Zone 7 Funds Oct.1/05 ZONE 8-$41,577 .. _—__----- ZONE 9-$34,305 —_----- ZONE 10-$175,549 Desi•n Edelweiss Gartens On Hold Pete/David ZONE 11 $41,516 —_----- Pebble. t aRtcif#1®r vatilentslf s rourt+ - .. PK8403 /$36 a .e -Funds 1114 .. 12/04 N $38 325 ZONE 12-$10,616 —_----- ZONE 13-$579 __----_ I—Intergenerational Project Park Land Dedication Summary Under Construction 2 Under Contract 0 Bids Received 0 Pendine Contracts 0 Out to Bid 0 In Desi•n 3 Pendin. Land Ac•uisition 0 On Hold 4 Total 15 Page 2 O:/Projects/C/P/CIP&Park Land Ded Project List.doc Parks & Recreation Department 41r1 Goals & Objectives FY2005 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION (Not Prioritized) • Implementation of the CIP Program • Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues • Continuation of Staff Development • Implementation of Special Projects & Programs Implementation of the CIP Program FY 2005 CIP Projects (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Ongoing. Monthly report given to Board FY 2005 Park Land Dedication Projects (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Ongoing. Monthly report given to Board Continuation of Staff Development E Complete Management Academy Status: The Assistant Director and all superintendents have completed the course. Complete Supervisory Academy (Mollie 8inion, Darrel Harvey, Cameron Parker) Status: Graduation November 16, 2004 fJ Complete Emergency Management Academy (Cheletia Thomas, Darrell Harvey) Status: Wednesdays January 12 - March 2 Complete NRPA Revenue Management School (David Gerling) Status: Peter Lamont completed the two-year course; David Gerling completed the first year. 2 Complete TRAPS Conference (Steve Beachy, Eric Ploeger, Peter Lamont, Curtis Bingham, Sheila Walker, Cheletia Thomas, Eli Williamson, Vera Solis, Zach Lowy, Carisse Depew, Scott Hooks, Geri Marsh. Status: Complete El Conduct Arbor Master Training (Parks & Leisure, #1) Status: Working on schedule for fall session j Attend the 11th Annual Southeast Texas Grounds Maintenance Conference Status: Complete Attend the Texas Cooperative Extension Forestry Unit's 'Arboriculture 101' (Curtis Schoessow, Scott Deffendoll, and David Pemberton) Status: Four Saturdays in January 2005 El Coordinate and prepare for TRAPS Regional Workshop in Fall 2005 Status: 2005 conference scheduled for November in College Station EAttend Texas Turfgrass Conference (Scott Hooks, Gary Marske, Paul Rucker, Keith Fails) Status: Conference attended, December 6th- 8th. Updated:June 7, 2005 Page 1 of 3 Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues 0 Acquire new cemetery site and develop Master Plan (Core Services, #1) Status: Appraisals complete; negotiations in progress Continued implementation of Park Maintenance Standards (Parks & Leisure, #1) Status: FY 2004 overall 89% rating; FY 2005 goal- 90% overall; quarterly reports given to Parks Board. Ej Continued implementation of the Urban Forest Management Plan?? (Parks & Leisure, #1) Status: On hold pending further directions Continue efforts to make parks more intergenerational (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Report given at October, 2004 regular meeting; construction contract approved on March 10th and under construction. Review leisure service programs ( Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Softball program report October 12, 2004. "Senior Passport"program underway; cricket league proposal received. Pursue cooperative efforts with the City of Bryan on joint programming (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Planning Senior Olympics for 2006; National softball tournaments in 2005 and 2006 Develop Veterans Park & Athletic Complex, Phase II (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Design contract approval at October 21, 2004 City Council meeting; In conceptual design phase - plans reviewed by VPAC Phase II Subcommittee on February 11tH Promote performing arts (Parks & Leisure, #3) Status: 2005 starlight concert series underway. El Continued implementation of regional planning and development initiative (Parks & Leisure, #4) Status: Funding approval in BVSWMA FY 2005 budget; Appraisal complete Develop action plan for Northgate Park (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: On hold pending staff discussions O Develop Master Plan for Steeplechase (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: First public hearing held on February 23rd Second on March 29th, Board review scheduled for May regular meeting. Implement Arboretum improvement plan (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Implementation of Special Projects and Programs El Implementation of the remote sports lighting system (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Complete; New soccer lights will include Sky Logic • Continue implementation of automated registration software (RecWare) Status: In progress; software installed; testing completed; training completed and software in use. Q Conduct benchmark survey of similar cities Status: On-line survey completed January 27th. Results collected from all Big 12 Conference Schools. Results will be received by all involved. Q Continue investigation of the feasibility for NRPA departmental accreditation Status: Inventory with current level of compliance complete El Continue investigation of the feasibility of implementing a Donations Program for the Department Status: Draft program complete Updated:June 7, 2005 Page 2 of 3 ED Conduct Program and Facilities Needs Assessment (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Agreement with TAMU's RPTS department approved; February - focus groups complete; public hearing held on March 3rd; Parks Board focus group on March 8th; all focus groups complete; survey in progress Acquire and implement AED's at select PARD facilities Status: Funding approved in FY 2005 budget; acquisition complete; training held April 1-2. Acquire and install Wolf Pen Creek street banners (Economic Development, #1) Status: Banner design complete; bid awarded for 36 steel banners; signs received; installation pending until light poles can be painted. E:1 Facilitate Cricket program (Parks & Leisure, #2) Status: Facilitate start of user group; site identified for facility; organization of group in progress El Northgate Music Series (Parks & Leisure, #3) Status: Initial funding approved Ej Investigate Lincoln Center staffing possibilities Status: Reorganization with existing positions complete. Two Assistant Center Supervisors in place as of February 1st. El Decide what should be done with old buildings at Lincoln Center Status: Staff met with Lincoln Former Students in April; funding requested for testing services. Updated:June 7, 2005 Page 3 of 3 Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Goals & Objectives (..*11r4i FY2005 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION (Not Prioritized) 1. Support Regional Park Initiative (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 4) Complete appraisal of property Appraiser chosen. Appraisal received May 27, 2005. Develop action plan Meeting scheduled with Representative Edwards staff on June 16th UTour for Parks & Recreation Advisory Board members in fall 2. Andy Anderson Arboretum at Bee Creek (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 1) EjDevelop long-term plan for redevelopment once drainage issues are addressed El Make additional trail improvements ElInstall new trail markers 3. Oversee planning process for Steeplechase Park (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) ED Conduct public hearings First held on February 2.3td; second hearing on March 29th; Board approval on April 12th EiDevelop Master Plan EComplete design process Design process complete. Ei Bid project 4. Crompton Park (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) Complete design process Design complete. Ej Bid project Project pre-bid meeting held on March 3`c1; bid opening on March 10th; City Council consideration April 14th. Complete construction Construction underway. El Begin operation and maintenance EJConduct dedication ceremony Approved by Parks&Recreation Advisory Board: October 12, 2004 Page 1 of 4 Updated: June 7, 2005 S. Veterans Park, Phase II (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) Assist with Veterans Memorial expansion project Memorial wall expansion complete November, 2004. EjVeterans Day Ceremony November 11, 2004 Ceremony complete. EiComplete lighting of four existing soccer fields Project is complete LJ Complete Phase II design plans Design contract approval at October 21, 2004 City Council meeting. In conceptual design phase -plans reviewed by VPAC, Phase II Subcommittee on February 11th, 6. Continued interaction with other City Boards (Lincoln Center, Bryan Parks Board, Conference Center, P&Z, Seniors) (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) EjJoint meeting with DRB Presentation and discussion of the film 'Small Urban Spaces"and discussion of park concepts for Northgate on February 11 . Report from Lincoln Center Advisory Committee Scheduled for May regular meeting ElReport from Conference Center Advisory Committee ElReport from Senior Advisory Committee Monthly updates included in Board packets. Report scheduled for May 17th regular meeting. ElJoint meeting with Planning and Zoning Commission Ej Joint meeting with City Council 7. Park Land Dedication Ordinance Update (Planning & Development, Strategy 1) ElReview and approval of recommendations El Approval by City Council 8. Urban Forest Management Plan (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 1) El Revisit or new direction? 9. Capital Improvement Projects oversight. (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) ElIntergenerational Park Improvements (See CIP& Park Land Dedication Projects list for status.) Update given at the regular October meeting. Intergenerational Park Improvements construction contract Council approval on March 10th. Project underway. ElSpray Park at Lincoln Center Conceptual design complete; notice to proceed with preliminary design has been given; change order required Determine use for old buildings at Lincoln Center Meeting with Lincoln Former Students held in April; funds requested for testing services Approved by Parks&Recreation Advisory Board: October 12, 2004 Page 2 of 4 Updated: June 7, 2005 Basketball pavilion at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park (Zone 5) Construction in progress. Park Land Dedication Projects (Zone 10) 10. Needs Assessment for facilities and programs. (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) El Conduct focus group meetings El Conduct public hearings Meeting conducted on March 3rd El Develop survey instrument Survey underway. El Review and accept final report Parks Board: Council review: Meeting held with RPTS students to go over scope of the project on Nov 11th 2004 11. Park Maintenance Standards Review and Direction. (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 1) El First quarter standards report Report given at January 11th regular meeting Ej Second quarter standards report Report given at May 17th regular meeting along with Playground Replacement Report EJThird quarter standards report EJ Fourth quarter standards report EJDevelop recommendations for improvement 12. Southern Oaks Park (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) EJNeighborhood celebration/dedication of park EJ Review park plan for additional improvements 13. Support Greenways Program (Parks & Leisure, Strategy #2) Ej Review and assist with update of Hike and Bike Master Plan Kristan Clann review of Hike and Bike Trail Plan at regular meeting of November 9, 2004. EJ Review and assist with update of Greenways Master Plan EJ Continued support of Hike and Bike Task Force Report scheduled for June 14th meeting 14. City Center Project support. El Parks and Recreation office recommendations Approved by Parks&Recreation Advisory Board: October 12, 2004 Page 3 of 4 Updated: June 7, 2005 E1Parks and open space area recommendations City Council presentations made May 12th and 26th ❑ Community Center facility recommendations Staff scheduled report to Board planned for July 15. Develop plan of action for Northgate Park. ElReview existing Northgate Redevelopment Plan ❑ Develop recommendations for neighborhood parks 16. Explore new leisure programs and activities (Parks & Leisure, Strategy 2) 0 Passport program for Seniors Fall session complete ❑ Passport program for Teens 0 Senior Olympics Planning senior Olympics for 2006. 0 International faculty and scholars picnic Held successfully at Central Park pavilion on October 26, 2004 0 Dog splash day at Hallaran Pool Held on October 24, 2004. 17. Revision of By-Laws for the Board 0 Prepare draft By-Laws Draft turned over for review by Legal. Draft received back from Legal, October12, 2004 0 Board approval with revised By-Laws Review and approval at November 9th Regular meeting. Q By-Laws approval by City Council Approved by Council at the February 10th meeting Approved by Parks&Recreation Advisory Board: October 12, 2004 Page 4 of 4 Updated:June 7, 2005 STRATEGIC PLANS IMPLEMENTATION CALENDAR APRIL 2005 - JUNE 2005 STATEMENT SUBJECT TEAM APRIL MAY JUNE Core Services Provide Effective S#ey@j�gg) Design firm gathers input from Cemetery Committee completes Gamete Services ; staff,Cemetery Committee and Rc° the communiy proposed operational issues for new site. Presentation to City Mgr.for approval. Core Services Technology Servicea p Peter L, integration with financial software t?avld G begins. Begin accepting credit cards. Core Services Ciity Marketing Pian h S3 " Gore Services :Employee S Comma,-,atfon Plan Core Services " Advisory Board S3 Communication .r Core Services Cooperation with '. -,'':,:,'".•'''•:••,)i•:',,-,:,•-'P•':'.,i"..,,:,.'‘,,-,f',,1,.,.•'•,'.,, S 6 TxDOT.for Landscaping Capital Projectsh Core Servrces Employee; S 6 Recognition.Systems Core Services Oeif9raSn •'-,,"':..•.:,,„'•„•.,,'...•''‘-,..•',,`'',•-'•;,,''',', , z.,4 S 6, Evaluation Systems '•' A Sieve Present rpsui of 2 carter ark” Parks.&Leisure, Park,'Mlaintenance f." p k • Services " Standards Ricr' urffs, rnaintenaitssur+rsys to-Parks S:1+' Ross `and Recreation Board Parks;&Leisure; . Services Urban Forest #eve, S'1' Management Plan Ross Parks&Leisure Greenway!Bikeway Services Plans S1 Parks&"Leisure y Public Appearance ,services $ issues Parks&Leisure Steve,"Ric, Construction begins µ Intergenerational Underco••:"- ticn Services Parks Pete V, Dov/cl'. 52 W. Program evatuadons due. Surve in Parks&Leisure y progmss Services • " Leisure.Ser' stoveC3i stun,, -',- jrarii rsenitions� 8 2 programs; Petit L,, , ompieie iavldl3':- " 'PJa fining underway tot Senior Parks:'&Leisure' Cooperative Efforts ,Steve Games " Services with the City of Bryan Paten, S 2 t)avlda Parks&Leisure Veterans Park ' Stele,Ric,.. Services °',Phase It Development :: Parks Leistrre fights instatted at VPAC and rogratntni�g sites - Servi es soccer Fier Litjht •. • ;Centmi S 2 "Dire tion Parks&Leisure Actitrities that SarYrces Enhance Serve the' 14th Ever Rod Run June 11th—12th S Conirtiortity- • Parks&l,erStrre starxight Series begins Starlight Series ends Promote the 5e►v3 Performing:Arts Parks&Leisure trategic,Piacement cervices 'a. of Public Art S3 Rio, Parks Lersurr?„ Regignai Planning Ste Appraisal on TMPA property in Services Development t Parks Boarii- nm�s Con + ompiete $4initiatives Planning& -Update Park Land - Development ' Dedication Ordinance' Steve - Si Economic Promote Commercial Development Development in the S 1 WPC District