HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/08/2005 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, February 8, 2005, 7:00 p.m. College Station Central Park 1000 Krenek Tap Road College Station, Texas Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director; Peter Vanecek, Senior Park Planner; Pamela Springfield, Staff Assistant Board Members Present: Jodi Warner, Chair; Don Allison; Gary Erwin; Glenn Schroeder; Kathleen Ireland; Carol Blaschke; Jeannie McCandless; Gary Thomas Board Members Absent: Larry Farnsworth Guests & Visitors: Greg Taggart — MUNICIPAL Development Group; Veronica Morgan — Mitchell & Morgan L.L.P.; Joe and Phyllis Hobson, and Don Morris — Don Morris/Nantucket; Rachel Francis, Joseph Milburn, Michelle Bynum, Heather Sallatura, and Jeffrey Boutte TAMU RPTS 402 1. Call to order. Jodi Warner called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. 2. Pardon and possible action concerning requests for absences of members. Larry Farnsworth had submitted a request for absence. Glenn Schroeder moved to accept Larry's request for absence and Gary Erwin seconded. The vote was called and the motion carried unanimously. 3. Hear Visitors. Hearing none, this item was closed. 4. Discussion, consideration, and possible approval of minutes from the Regular meeting of January 11, 2005. Kathy Ireland moved to accept the minutes of the January 11, 2005 regular meeting as presented. The motion was seconded by Glenn S., and hearing no opposition or discussion, the vote was called. The January minutes were unanimously approved. 5. Review, discussion, and possible action regarding potential Park Land Dedication requests for: • Glade Tract Replat — Park Zone 6: Pete Vanecek explained that the Board had looked at seventeen (17) lots in this tract in October 2003, at which time the cash dedication had been accepted in lieu of a land dedication. The developer was now coming back with a potential dedication for fifteen (15) lots on North Bardell Court. Staff was recommending acceptance of a cash dedication of $8,340, which would go into Park Zone 6 funds. Glenn S. moved to accept the staff recommendation and Jeannie McCandless seconded. Hearing no discussion, the vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. • Nantucket/Don Morris — Park Zone 12: Veronica Morgan of Mitchell & Morgan, L.L.P. and the developer were present to answer any questions that might arise. A staff recommendation had not been made as to the acceptance of a cash or land dedication and Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Page 1 of 3 Regular Meeting of February 8, 2005 the issue was up for discussion. The cash dedication would be $37,808, with the land requirement being less than one acre. The developer was leaning towards creating either a gated or non-gated, age-restricted neighborhood for 55 and older, and asked for the Board's input. Steve Beachy explained that if the community was gated, a land dedication would have to be declined because the park would be considered private and therefore, closed to the public. Veronica Morgan stated that there was the potential for a land dedication of about 3.9 acres that ran parallel to and off of the Highway 6 frontage road. From the frontage road, an area approximately 75' back would be left as wooded green space that would act as a buffer, with the possibility that hand-cleared trails could be added by the developer. Discussion followed regarding dedicated park access for residents of Nantucket and South Hampton. The Board was told that South Hampton would be growing with additional phases to be added. Glenn S. stated that if a park was going to go into that area, then that was probably the only option available. Glenn went on to make a motion that on the condition that the development was a non-gated community, the board look favorably on a land dedication of some or all of the land between the street and the frontage road as park. Gary Thomas seconded. Discussion followed. Don Allison stated that because the only improvements that would probably go into a park of that size would be trails, he had concerns with having to maintain that small of a park over time. Jodi W. stated that it was appealing due to the street frontage and she felt that it would be well used. Jeannie McCandless added that if it was an age-restricted community, the linear layout for walking was ideal. Steve Beachy suggested that in addition to the trails, benches, fountains, and exercise stations designed specifically for seniors could also be included in the improvements. Hearing no further concerns or discussion, the vote was called. The motion carried (6-1) to accept the land dedication. • Bart Munro (Wolf Pen Creek District) — Park Zone 3: This item had been removed from the agenda. 6. Report, discussion, and possible action regarding Program and Facility Needs Assessment process. Steve Beachy stated that the process was moving forward. A focus group meeting dealing with environmental interest groups was being held that evening at the EXIT Teen Center. He stated that up to this point, participation at the meetings had not been as expected and the right connections evidently had not been made. He stated that the ideal number for focus group meeting attendance was between and ten and twenty people. Every effort was being made to improve attendance for the next meeting on February 10th Steve stated that staff and Board members were not being allowed to attend the focus group meetings in order to ensure that the participants felt that they were free to speak without intimidation. The Board would be included in the public hearing, and the regular advisory board meeting in March would be dedicated to a focus group for board members. This was an informational item only and no action was required. 7. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Current lists had been included in the members' packets and brief updates were given on the status of some of the projects in progress. Steve stated that there were thirty-four projects on the current list with a lot of work being done and good progress being made. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Page 2 of 3 Regular Meeting of February 8, 2005 • The Lincoln Center expansion project was complete. The next thing to be done there would be a spray park and a new playground that would go in where the old playground had been. Concepts for that design would be reviewed soon. • The Jack and Dorothy Miller Park trail lighting was complete. There had been some problems with the lights bothering residents whose homes backed up to the back side of the trail. The problem had been corrected by coating the lenses of the lights. A basketball court cover/pavilion was currently in the design phase for this park. • The contract for the Central Park and Veterans Park soccer field lights had been awarded and construction would be underway fairly soon. The project had come in $150,000 under budget and staff was looking at the option of either using the money for additional enhancements such as shade covers or sidewalks, or saving it for the Phase III development of Veterans Park. • The public hearing for the development of the Steeplechase Park site would be held within the next month or so. Based on the ideas from the hearing a conceptual design plan would be developed. • A site for a new municipal cemetery was still in the works as was the Aggie Field of Honor idea. The current cemetery was about three to four years away from being sold out. This was an informational item only and no action was required. 8. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Department Goals and Objectives, and City Council Strategic Plan. The Board and Departmental Goals had been included in the packets. • The Bike and Hike Task Force had been meeting on a regular basis and there would be an update given to the board at the March meeting. • City Council had just held their mid-year retreat and brainstorming session. Discussion had taken place regarding developing strategies to attract tourism, strengthen the Wolf Pen Creek area, and in general have a family-friendly community. No list of projects had been created, however, they were basically strategies that support parks. Council will continue to work on ideas and decide where they want to go, but things may be done on a larger scale than in the past. • City Council would be taking a tour beginning at 2:00 p.m. on February 9th that would take them to view various parks and capital improvement projects being done throughout the city. The Board was welcome to attend the tour if they so desired. This was an informational item only and no action was required. 9. Discussion of calendar, future meeting dates, and possible agenda items. • The VPAC, Phase II subcommittee would be meeting on Friday, February 11th to go over the Phase II conceptual plan design. • The next regular meeting would be held on March 8, 2005. 10. Adiourn. A motion was made to adjourn by Glenn S. and seconded by Kathy I. The vote was called and hearing no opposition, the meeting adjourned at 8:28 p.m. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Page 3 of 3 Regular Meeting of February 8, 2005