HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/08/2004 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board (3) SUMMARY OF MOTIONS from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, June 8, 2004, 7:00 p.m. The EXIT Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Road College Station, Texas Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation; Peter Vanecek, Senior Parks Planner; Curtis Bingham, Parks Operations Superintendent; Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendents; Pamela Springfield, Staff Assistant. Board Members Present: John Nichols, Chairman; Glenn Schroeder; Don Allison; Larry Farnsworth; Jodi Warner; Glen Davis; Gary Erwin, Alternate. Board Members Absent: All members were present. Guests: Charles Edelmon, President - Woodland Hills Homeowner's Association; Billy Hart, President - College Station Soccer Club; James Massey, Councilman Place 1; John Nielsen Gammon - Texas A&M University; Stephen Hollas - Aggieland Soccer Club; David Anderson, Board Member - College Station Soccer Club; Jane Denoux - Aggieland Soccer Club; Amy Stuart - Texas A&M University; Frank Thurmond, Woodland Hills, Ltd.; Todd Callaway - BCS Soccer 5. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding soccer field lights. 'Glenn S. made a motion that the Board recommend to Council that seven soccer fields be lit, with the priority being three fields at Central Park and the secondary priority being four fields at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, for a total of seven fields. Don A. seconded. Glenn amended the motion to add that the Board was in support of any grant funding or donations of qualified materials. The vote was called. All were in favor of the motion as stated and hearing no opposition, the motion passed unanimously.' 6. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Neighborhood Park in Zone 9 (Woodland Hills). 'Jodi moved that Woodland Hills Park be presented as a park under consideration for development during the joint meeting with Council, with the budget to be determined pending public input. Larry F. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion carried unanimously.' 7. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding a joint meeting with the City Council to discuss lights for soccer fields and neighborhood parks. 'Glen D. made a motion to present to Council the development of four parks with Steeplechase Park as priority #1, University Park as priority #2, Woodland Hills Park as priority #3, and Eastgate Park as priority #4; and, requesting the amount of $1.1 million subject to final cost estimates, deleting the park land dedication funds as the supplements to the cost estimate. Gary E. seconded the motion. The motion was voted on and carried 6-1.' Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Page 1 of 1 Summary of Motions from Regular Meeting of June 8, 2004 U.113 'TE ) T-CD (-t t- LIGHTED SOCCER FIELDS (Placalc. PTIOV/5ele2 The College Station Soccer Club, Aggieland Soccer Club, and the Bryan-College Station Soccer League (Adult) have been informed that mixed messages have been presented to the Parks Board and the City `Tit s' 151° Council by some individuals in our clubs in regards to the needs for our organizations from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the City Council. This memo is an attempt to: 1) Clarify what we see as priority needs; 2) Identify what actions the city can take to help achieve these goals; and 3) Identify what actions the clubs will take to help achieve these goals. 1) As soccer has grown in our community, a need for lighted fields has become apparent. There are approximately 1500 registered players in the three clubs playing in College Station. In the past two years some of the needs have been addressed, with the opening of the spectacular Veteran's Park; however, there is still a need for more lighted fields. At the current time there are only four lighted fields available, (two at Veteran's Park and two at Southwood Athletic Complex) two of which are only available during the Spring Season. Many parents are unable during the fall and spring to get off of work,get their children and get to fields in time to have any meaningful practice. Because most games are played on weekends during the day, the primary need at the time is for lighting practice fields rather than game fields. While adding additional lighted game fields is needed the most important need at this time are lighted practice fields. The lighting of practice fields will remove practices from our current lighted (game) fields at Veteran's Park, resulting in the availability of more lighted game slots (if needed), and ensuring that our high quality game fields do not receive excessive wear, allowing the city to maintain this jewel of a park. 2) Our Clubs would like to ask the City to determine if a less powerful lighting system (compared to Veteran's) is acceptable for use at Central Park for soccer practice fields. A less powerful lighting system would reduce the cost of lighting such fields. if acceptable, then we would ask the City to recommend, approve, purchase and install lower-candlepower lights at the Central Park soccer fields to serve primarily as soccer practice fields. 3) While realizing the costs of lights are expensive, our clubs are taking a multi-prong approach to assist the City in addressing this need. A) We are putting together a joint grant between our 3 clubs with the U.S. Soccer Federation to fund a lighting set for as many Central Park fields as we can light. The submission deadline for this grant is December 1st. We intend to ask for the limit of$100,000 from the USSF, and additional funds from other public granting agencies. B) During the coming year we will organize some fund-raising activities specifically geared at lighting these fields and/or additional fields at Veteran's Park. 4) What we request from you. A) That the City determine if a less powerful lighting system (compared to Veteran's) for Central Park with the use of lower-candlepower lights for soccer practice fields. B)We would like your support with our grant application. A letter of support from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the City Council will help us immensely. C) A matching funds statement from the City will help leverage funds from the granting agencies. We ask that you consider what kind of direct matching level is feasible. D)Any advice or suggestions that you may have. Sincerely, ,;:60041( 44111, 411114 r odd Callaway, BCSSL :1 y , CSSC Stephen Holies, ASC CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION Absence Request Form For Elected and Appointed Officers r1 q cJ( J I will not be in attendance at the meeting of 31tALS1-- (0 % /t- Vt 020 (( for th- reason(s) specified: L A.)t fj katie1L- ; 1/1,4,1( &t" g tlc aA O uuktru V ( 0, /,1 ift Signat l This request shall be submitted to the office of the committee/board secretary prior to the meeting date. o:board/absenteeform.doc Pam Springfield Re Agenda for Thursday June 10th JointMeeting w/Council _ Page From: 'John Nichols <jpnag.tamu.edu> To: <Pnphngfia|d@ontx.gnv> Date: 6/7/2004 12:00:28 PM Subject: Re: Agenda for Thursday June 10th Joint Meeting w/Council Dear Pam, I will be out of town on business on Thursday afternoon and will not be able to attend the joint meeting with Council. I am sorry to miss this important meeting, but am confident that the Advisory Board will be well represented. Please submit this to the Advisory Board as a request for pardon from this meeting. Thanks, John Nichols Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Joint Meeting June 10,2004 Council Vision State;mont 'We will continue to promote a wide range of leisure, recreational and cultural ads opportunities" Discussion Topics • Soccer Field Light Proposal • Neighborhood Park Proposal • Funding Alternatives • Council Discussion and Direction Item Background • Field Use Policy Change--September 2002 • City Council Retreat—Jan 30,2004 • Park Issues Report -Feb 26,2004 • Parks Board Meeting—April 20,2004 • Follow up Report—April 29,2004 • Planning meeting w/soccer--June 1,2004 • Parks Board meeting—June 8,2004 Disci.ission of priorities set in CIP process • City Council Joint Meeting—June 10,2004 1 Soccer Field Light Proposals Presented to City Council April 29th • Three Options • Provides lights for 10 existing fields • Estimated cost$1,065,000 • Can be phased over several years • O&M costs—approximately$10K I field • Requires additional funding authority Soccer Organizations' Request June 8,2004 • Signed by Presidents of 3 local clubs • Prioritized the needs of the clubs • Identified actions for City to take • Identified actions the clubs will take • Requested lights for 3 Central Park fields • Requested support for a grant application • Requested investigation to reduce costs • Requested matching funds from the City Neighborhood Park Proposal Presented to City Council April29th • Each park can be implemented separately • Proposes improvements at 4 park sites • Estimated cost-$1,107,000 • Eastgate Park,Steeplechase Park, Woodland Hills Park&University Park • Can be phased over several years • O&M costs—based upon development • Requires additional funding authority 2 Woodland Hills Home Owners Request June 6,2004 • The adjacent subdivisions will have approximately 204 residential lots • Many lots are currently occupied • There are no park facilities available • Requested that funds be allocated for development of the existing park site Parks&Recreation Advisory Board Recommendation Passed at Juno Un onetime • Soccer Lights—motion to recommend lights for 7 fields;accept donations and support a grant application with priority going to the Contral Park fields • Neighborhood Parks—motion to request$1.1 million for 4 parks with priority established as I Steeplechase 2. University Park 3. Woodland Hills 4. Eastgate Funding Considerations • Consider in FY 05 budget process • Debt capacity • Consider with all other potential capital projects • Costs for operations and maintenance 3 Staff Funding Recommendations • Pursue clubs recommendation for Central Park • Commit to lighting three fields in FY'05 • Begin engineering now for Oct'04 bid • Consider remaining fields in FY'05 budget discussions • Open discussions on soccer clubs financial commitment to project Parks& Recreation Issues Parks & Recreation Advisory Board City Council Discussion 4 4 June 10, 2004 Workshop #2 Joint Meeting with the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board to Discuss Parks Issues To: Tom Brymer, City Manager From: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks & Recreation Agenda Caption: Joint meeting with the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board for discussion and possible action regarding neighborhood parks improvements and proposal to light soccer fields. Recommendation(s): Discuss the issues with the Advisory Board and provide direction to staff regarding additional projects for neighborhood parks and lights for soccer fields. The Advisory Board will discuss these issues at their June 8th meeting and prepare a recommendation. Summary: The initial report was presented to Council on April 29th as a follow-up from the February 26, 2004 Workshop report regarding several park issues. At the conclusion of that meeting, Council directed staff to return at a later date with a plan and funding options to address the issues of lighting additional soccer fields and providing improvements to Eastgate and Steeplechase neighborhood parks. In addition, two other undeveloped neighborhood parks, Woodland Hills and University Park, were included due to recent citizen interest in these sites. The Council directed staff at the April 29th meeting to return at a later date for a joint meeting with the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board to further discuss these issues. Staff also researched potential designs that may reduce costs. However, it is determined that any savings would be minimal. The Advisory Board is scheduled to discuss these issues at their regular meeting on June 8th and they will report on any actions, priorities and other recommendations to the Council at the workshop meeting. Budget and Financial Summary: The proposal to light 10 existing soccer fields would require approximately $1,000,000 for design and construction and approximately $100,000 in annual operating costs. This amount can be adjusted based on the actual number of fields that lights are installed on. Also, approximately $1,107,000 would be required for the development of four neighborhood parks. Annual operations and maintenance costs will be required for these additional park facilities, and would be requested as part of the annual budget process. All of these potential projects will require additional funding beyond current approved levels. The scope and time table for implementation of these proposed projects can be adjusted as required based upon funding availability and authorization. Funding options that are being considered for these proposals include issuing debt in the form of certificates of obligation, and using some one time funds from the General Fund fund balance that may be available. The funding option recommended will depend on the level of funding needed for the various projects. The overall impact of any direction given will be reviewed again as part of the FY 05 budget process. Attachments: 1. Soccer Field Lighting Proposal - Option 1 2. Soccer Field Lighting Proposal - Option 2 3. Soccer Field Lighting Proposal - Option 3 4. Neighborhood Park Improvement Proposal 5. Park Zone Map 6. Memo dated April 21st from Jeff Kerstan qrc efcE c fl-OV CS sets ball in motions for soccer-Meld lighting BY,SOMMER HAMILTON by late 2007.:.'x. • Park fields ,to:accommodate ,fields in Smith Ranch near Eagle Staff Writer v , After hearing from •mem- evening practices. the Indian Lakes residential bers of the soccer community,. Two soccer fields in South- development, owned by Bill The College Station City',°;the Parks` and Recreation wood.Athletic Park and two ''Smith.;The club recently paid Council directed city"staff Advisory 'Board; this 'week 'at Veterans,'Park currently _, to "erect lights on donated Thursday to,,start engineer- :trimmed its $1 million-light- have lighting. 'wooden poles with homemade ing and design work to light 'ing request to $700,000 by The council unanimously ?light cages and donated labor three Central. Park„soccer, agreeing to push for lighting agreed t4 cQl,sider funding, on one Smith Ranch field for fields,M :with construction the three future veterans lights,at;.therfour,existing Vet ,a]6ut.$17,000, Hollas said. beginningas soon as 2005 fields'at a later time:} 4 grans fields and funding devel The •quality and power of Design;work is estimated at °: ,,The: presidents of;the u Col • opmentofUoui College.Station' tb. 4hghts is decidedly less $20,000, a portion of the total ' lege Station Soccer‘Club,:,the neighborhood parks - at a- than what the city is consid- $300,000 estimated cost for the Aggieland SoccerClub'and potential'cost of$1.1 million Bring to light its fields, but lighting structures the competitive adult-Bryan- during the. fiscal'.year 2005:- Hollas said lighting was need- The go-ahead comes amore College. Station `;' Soccer budgeting process, which will: ed:for the club's nearly 400 than.'a rmonth, after council: League submitted 'a`letter`to begin this summer. -children on 24 teams who members postponed 'discus the parks board .that was Aggieland Soccer Club practice weekday evenings sion on a $1 million proposal shared during 'Thursday's President Stephen ''Hollas year-round. to light 10 fields::the,three in .;' council workshop. In the let- called the council's decision "[The lights] work just Central Park,;four;currently ter, the soccer clubs,—which "a step in the right direction." fine," he said. "For practice in use at Veterans,.Park'and ; represent 1,500' players Hollas said his club cur they're great." Athletic 'Complex and three asked the council to expedite; rently practices on and pays more at Ve,terans'to be built lighting of the three; Central to help maintain two soccer See FIELDS, Page A9 patio-style homes. Included in Ft e l l s the rezoning is a commercial area along the frontage road and a retail district along FIr'pliA7 Arrington Road. ■Rezoned 20 acres north of During the hour-long dis- Rock Prairie Road West cussion, Mayor Ron Silvia known as Williamsgate to sin- asked the parks board to con- gle-family residential devel- sider making it policy that all oper Robbie Robinson Ltd., new fields be constructed which plans to build 82 homes with lighting. in the area. In other business, the coun- cil: ■ Sommer Hamilton's e-mail ■ Approved the rezoning of address is shamilton@theeagle. 70 acres along Earl Rudder corn. Freeway South between the Shenandoah and Castlegate subdivisions to make room for Castlegate developer Wallace Mitchell's planned 10-acre sin- gle-family home development. Mitchell hopes to construct 54 �- - -- ~ ~ �� ^ - �- - - --Pam Springfield' rarxs & Recreation Advisory Board Page 1 | ~ From: Pam Springfield To: Connie Hooks; Parks Board 2003-04 Date: 6/11/2004 4:07:15 PM Subject: Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Report Good Afternoon! Attached, please find the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Report on 2004 Goals from Chairman John Nichols. An updated list of the Board's goals is also included. Please let me know if you have any questions, Thank you! Pamela Springfield Staff Assistant College Station Parks & Recreation Department (979)764-3414 pmphngfig|d@cotx.gov CC: Curtis Bingham; David Gerling; Glenn Brown; Peter Lamont; Ric Ploeger; Ross MEMORANDUM To: College Station City Council Date: June 9, 2004 Subject: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Report on 2004 Goals The Board had a busy and productive year. Our goals, adopted at the beginning of the year are attached with documentation under each of the thirteen main goals identified. Selected highlights include: • The Capital Improvement Program campaign was successful for the City of College Station and for the Parks and Recreation Department; initial planning is underway on several of the included items, with construction beginning on several projects in FY 2005. • Our neighborhood parks agenda has advanced with one new park under construction (Southern Oaks), public hearings completed for Woodway Park, adoption of a master plan for Eastgate Park, and numerous others considered for improvements and development. • Twenty-five new parkland dedication proposals were received and acted upon during this past year. • Continued oversight and refinement of the Parks Maintenance Standards was a focus at several meetings. Improvements in reaching targeted standards were observed. Focus is shifting to use of progress measurements for identifying needed improvements, resource requirements, and prioritization in annual budgeting process. The ratings have improved from 77% in December, 2002 to 90% in March, 2004. • Expansion of Lincoln Center has been initiated in accordance with master plan adopted last year. Construction has begun on the new game room, locker rooms, parking lot, and basketball pavilion. • Review and development of plans for improvements in the Arboretum; action on a limited set of concerns with others awaiting the Bee Creek drainage project. • Trails at Lick Creek Park completed and dedicated. • Consideration of public input and Council concerns resulted in recommendations regarding lighting of soccer fields and development of unfunded neighborhood parks. Council has voted to include discussion of these funding requests in their FY 2005 budget process. The Board appreciates the confidence and support of the Council through policy direction and provision of resources. We also wish to note that the attainment of these goals is largely due to the productive and efficient staff of CSPARD. We will be pleased to respond to any questions or concerns you may have. John Nichols, Chair College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board pas Attachment: 2004 Parks &Recreation Advisory Board Goals copies: College Station Parks & Recreation Advisory Board City of College Station Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Goals & Objectives FY2004 (Not prioritized) 1. Oversee the development of a new Five-Year Capital Improvement Program (VS2S2e) 7 Assist with the November 4, 2003 Bond Election 7 Develop recommendations for new 5 year CIP implementation Provide oversight for planning and completion of CIP projects Status: Ongoing at monthly meeting. 2. Provide oversight and emphasis on further development of Veterans Park & Athletic Complex, Phase II (VS2S2d) 7 Develop recommendation regarding schedule for development Status: December 9, 2003, Board meeting. Assist with the selection of design professionals Status: Staff meeting held on May 27th with City Manager to discuss process. Subcommittee appointed June 8, 2004. Review & provide input concerning Phase II conceptual plans 3. Review and update the Park Land Dedication Ordinance (VS3S1d) X Review the existing ordinance and methodology Status: Draft approved; first review by Board at January13, 2004 meeting. X Develop recommendations that will allow developers to construct parks Status: Draft approved by Board on February 10th. 4. Oversee the design process and recommend improvements for neighborhood parks (VS2S2e) _I Park Zone 1 (Park site in the Northgate area) Park Zone 2 (Eastgate Park) Status: Board review April 20, 2004. Funding pending. Park Zone 2 (Richard Carter Park) X Park Zone 6 (Southwest Park) Status: Park Land Dedication project prioritization on November 4, 2003. On December 9, 2003, the Board approved the conceptual design and park land dedication funds were dedicated, not to exceed the amount of$90,000. X Park Zone 7 (Woodway Park) Status: First Public Hearing held for Woodway Park March 3, 2004. Second Public Hearing held during regular meeting of the Board on April 2, 2004. Park Zone 9 (Woodland Hills Park) Status: Request from Woodland Hills Homeowner's Association on December 9, 2003. Funding request presented to City Council on April 29, 2004 and June 10, 2004. Funding pending. X Park Zone 10 (Southern Oaks Park) Approved: October 14, 2003 Page 1 Updated:lune 11, 2004 Status: Construction in progress. X Develop recommendations for park and facility names Status: Subcommittee has been formed(Ken Livingston, Jodi Warner, Gary Erwin). Meeting held on May 7, 2004. Parks Board approved several names at May 11th meeting; other names being researched. In progress. 5. Provide oversight and support for the continued implementation of the Park Maintenance Standards (VS2S1a) II Review policies and standards for re-appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department Review and identify critical needs and develop recommendations to address them Status: Overall standards rating: 90% March 2004. 6. Restore the Arboretum at Bee Creek Park to its former value (VS2S2e) X Develop recommendations for redevelopment of the trails Status: Report to Board on January 13, 2004. Develop recommendations for signage and interpretive sites Develop recommendations for the pond areas Develop recommendations for graminetium Develop an operations and maintenance plan 7. Develop recommendations for botanical gardens in existing or proposed parks Determine the scope of the proposal I I Develop a proposed list of potential sites Develop recommendations for implementation 8. Oversee the design and development of the W. A. Tarrow Park Corridor Master Plan (VS2S2e) IZ Review conceptual plans for Lincoln Center expansion Status: December 9, 2003, Board meeting. X Review conceptual plans for Tarrow Park additions Status: December 9, 2003, Board meeting. A Develop recommendations for FY2005 CDBG Budget Status: FY 05 Funding requested for Lincoln Center Splash Park - $170,000 9. Provide guidance and support for the implementation of a regional park site in Grimes County (VS2S4a) X Develop local support for a state-wide $500M bond issue Status: Report at the November 4, 2003, Board meeting. On December 9, 2003, the Board approved a resolution that will be presented to the City Council in support of the project. X Conduct a site tour of the TMPA property Status: Site tour conducted April 15, 2004 for Parks & Recreation Advisory Board. Tour conducted June 10, 2004 for BV Lodging Association. X Develop a recommendation for the budget process Status: Request for$100,000 included in FY 2005 budget submission. Approved: October 14, 2003 Updated:June 11, 2004 Page 2 10. Assist with the implementation of an Urban Forest Management Plan (VS2S1b) _ Review and assist in the development of a policy for street trees and hazard trees ❑ Develop recommendations for implementation Status: Request for$20,000 included with FY 2005 budget submission. 11. Continued interaction between the Board and other City Boards ❑ Attend a joint briefing related to growth issues Status: Growth Report held on October 6th, 2003. In attendance was PARD supervisory staff, the Board, the Senior Advisory Committee, and the Cemetery Committee. ® Conduct joint meeting with the City Council Status: Completed June 10, 2004. ® Conduct joint meeting with the Planning & Zoning Comm. Status: Joint meeting was held on October 30, 2003. Z Conduct a joint meeting with the Senior Advisory Committee Status: Board met with Vice Chairperson Robert Meyer on October 14, 2003, and approved the Senior Advisory Committee goals for Fiscal Year 2004. ® Conduct a joint meeting with the Bryan Parks & Rec. Board Status: Joint tour with Bryan Board on April 15th to the proposed TMPA Regional Park site. 12. Support increased efforts to implement the Greenways Master Plan (VS3S2d) Z Review the status of the current greenways acquisition Status: Greenways Report on October 30th Joint Meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission n Support increased efforts for acquisition of greenways 13. Provide support & assistance for Departmental goals Develop recommendations for a donations program Status: Senior Advisory Committee Goal for FY04. Continue joint programming with outside agencies (VS2S4a) Status: Senior Computer program initiated with BVCOG; International programs in planning with the Bush Library. n Identify potential sources of additional revenue Develop policies for on-line registration procedures Status: Meeting to be held June 9, 2004. Continue communication with outside user groups (VS2S4a) Status: Ongoing. Spring Soccer Field Use meeting held January 27, 2004; Summer Soccer Field Use meeting held on June 1, 2004. Support agency accreditation process Status: In progress. Approved: October 14, 2003 Page 3 Updated:June 11, 2004 Pam Springfield- Memo to council on parks board activities Page 1 From: "John Nichols" <jpn@ag.tamu.edu> To: <Sbeachy@cstx.gov> Date: 6/9/2004 11:34:45 PM Subject: Memo to council on parks board activities Steve, See attached. Please rewrite and edit as you see fit. If you can, put in the number of requests for park land dedication that we considered, please do so....just thought that they might appreciate this as it correlates with city growth. No pride of authorship here, so add important items that I may have missed. I did not have time to go back through our minutes for the year, but that could provide some other items I have forgotton. Sign my name and send it in. I will be in town on Thursday morning, but leave right after lunch. regards, John CC: <pspringfield@cstx.gov> Pam Springfield-Citizen Committee Appointments Page 1 From: Connie Hooks To: Deborah Grace; Eric Barton; Kate Elrod; Lance Simms; Pam Springfield; Susan Chmelar; Susan Hazlett Date: 6/7/2004 11:16:34 AM Subject: Citizen Committee Appointments Council will consider appointments to your boards and committees on June 24. Please submit absence requests from July 03-June 04. Also please remind them that they need to submit an application by June 18 if they wish to be reconsidered for appointment. Connie Hooks, TRMC, CMC College Station City Secretary P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 979-764-3541 phone 979-764-6377 fax chooks@cstx.gov Pam Springfield- Parks Board Appointments by Council Page 1 From: Pam Springfield To: Parks Board 2003-04 Subject: Parks Board Appointments by Council Good Morning! Council will consider appointments to our board on June 24th. You will need to submit an application to the City Secretary by June 18th if you wish to be reconsidered for appointment. You can access an application on-line at: http://www.cstx.gov/docs/aoDlication for citizen committees 2003-2004.pdf Please submit your application to: Connie Hooks, TRMC, CMC College Station City Secretary P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 979-764-3541 phone 979-764-6377 fax chooksacstx.gov My records indicate that terms will be expiring for: John Nichols Glenn Schroeder Jodi Warner Glen Davis If you have any questions, please give me or the City Secretary's office a call. CC: Connie Hooks; Ric Ploeger; Steve Beachy ... ..... ...... \� Application for City Boards/Commissions/ COLLEGE STATION Committees for Year 2003-2004 City of College Station PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY NAME Personal Information Occupational In fUrmation Home Address Business Owner? Yes No Business Name: Telephone: Occupation: (If retired,please indicate former occupation) Fax: Address: E-mail: Telephone: College Station Resident for years Fax: (Must be a resident of the City to serve) Subdivision E-mail: Voter Registration # Education (optional) POSITION SOUGHT: (Please indicate choice with 1,2 or 3 - where 1 is most preferable and 3 being least preferable.) CHOOSE NQ M.QRE.._THAly. Standing Committees ❑ CS Business Development Corporation (4B Board) ❑ Facade Improvement Committee in Joint Relief Funding Review Committee ❑ Library Committee ❑ Parks and Recreation Board ❑ 911 Brazos County Emergency Comm. Dist ❑ Planning and Zoning Commission ❑ metery Committee ❑ Design Review Board Brazos County Appraisal District ❑ Zoning Board of Adjustments Construction Board of Adjustments & Appeals ❑ Research Valley Partnership Board Parks Board Committees ❑Conference Center Advisory Committee ❑Lincoln Center Advisory Committee ❑Senior Advisory Committee If you currently serve on any other boards/commissions/committees, please list them here: Please list any experience or interests that qualifies you to serve in the positions indicated: Signature of Applicant Date Mail completed application to: City Secretary's Office,City of College Station,P.O. Box 9960,College Station,TX 77842. In compliance with Chapter 552,Government Code(Public Information Act),information related to the applicant's home address,home telephone number,and e-mail address shall be made available to the public,unless the applicant signs below stating that the information is not to be released. Signature Attendance at orientation is mandatory before serving on a committee. -------- ------ P� r AppointmentsRe: PerksBoerdCouncil paqe1J LPam' �pvv#v��� --�_ ~~ � �"" -_- ~- ~ From: "John Nichols" <jpn@o .tamu.mdu> To: <PsphngfieW@catx.gov> Date: 6/7/2004 1:30:47 PM Subject: Re: Parks Board Appointments by Council Thanks, Pam. I have already applied for appointments and included Parks as one of the options. Having served three terms on the Parks Board, I assumed they may not want to extend an individual beyond that. I am not sure if the three-term limit is a rigid one or simply represents a logical limit that should normally be observed. And, there are other roles that interested citizens can play. You might also check with Steve regarding a possible resignation of another Board member. If that person intends to do that, he should do it in time so the Council could appoint someone to the remaining time on that term. Steve is aware of the possiblity and better infomed than I am. John >>» "Pam Springfield" «Pup,ingfia|d@nstx.gov> O0/07/2OU412:04:21 PM ).» Good Morning! Council will consider appointments to our board on June 24th. You will need to submit an application to the City Secretary by June 18th if you wish to be reconsidered for appointment. You can access an application on-line at: http:0vmxwv.ostx.gnvdocm/app|imation foLcitizen_committeea_2O03-2OO4.pdf Please submit your application to: Connie Hooks, TRMC, CMC College Station City Secretary P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 079'764'3541 phone 979-764-6377 fax ohnnko@ostx.gov My records indicate that terms will be expiring for: John Nichols Glenn Schroeder Jodi Warner Glen Davis If you have any questions, please give me or the City Secretary's office a call. Thank you! Pamela Springfield Staff Assistant