HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/07/2004 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board (4) . ...... _......_... _ _ . ......... ............. Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Naming Sub-Committee Meeting Notes Friday, May 7, 2004 Central Park Office Noon 1. Jack and Dorothy Miller Park Track: Discussion was held regarding the request to name the track in honor of Carol Weldon, P.E. teacher at Rock Prairie Elementary School. Based upon input from CSISD, the committee recommends that the track be named "Road Runner Track" with appropriate wording developed to recognize those responsible for the creation of the program and development of the track. 2. Lincoln Center Computer Room: More information will be requested to verify this proposal. Tabled for future consideration. 3. Zone 10 Neighborhood Park: The committee discussed several options and recommends the name of "Southern Oaks Park" as an appropriate name for this particular park. 4. Zone 6 Neighborhood Park: This is tabled due to uncertainties regarding the future development adjacent to the existing park property. 5. Little League Baseball Field: The committee recommends the approval of the request to name a little league field at Southwood Athletic Park "Jodie Moore Field" in honor of a former College Station Little League Board member who died during her tenure. 6. Zone 7 Neighborhood Park: The committee recommends that this neighborhood park be named "John Crompton Park" in honor of his contributions to the leisure profession at the local, state, and national level. 7. Eastgate Park: The committee recommends that the current Eastgate Park site be considered for another name. However, further research and input from the neighborhood is desirable prior to a final recommendation being made. APPROVED: May 11, 2004 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Safety Committee Meeting Page 1 of 1 Wednesday,May 5,2004 REVISED DRAFT GUIDELINES FOR THE NAMING OF PUBLIC FACILITIES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Purpose The purpose of these guidelines is to establish a systematic and consistent approach for the official naming of public facilities in the City of College Station, including parks, facilities, recreational areas, streets and municipal buildings. Objectives • Ensure that parks, facilities, recreational areas, and municipal buildings are easily identified and located. • Ensure that given names to parks, facilities, recreational areas, and municipal buildings are consistent with the values and character of the area or neighborhood served. • Encourage public participation in the naming, renaming, and dedication of parks, facilities, recreational areas, and municipal buildings. • Encourage the dedication of lands, facilities, or donations by individuals and/or groups; • Advance the reputation of the City as well as increase the understanding and public support for its programs. Criteria The practice of the City of College Station is to name parks, recreation areas, facilities, and municipal buildings through an adopted process utilizing the above objectives emphasizing community values and character, local and national history, geography, the environment, civics and service to the City of College Station. Therefore, the following criteria shall be used in determining the appropriateness of the naming designation: • Neighborhood, geographic, or common usage identification; • A historical figure, place, event, or other instance of historical or cultural significance; • National and state historical leaders or heroes, both past and present; • An individual (living or deceased) (a) who has made a significant land and/or monetary contribution to the park, recreation area, facility, or municipal building or (b) who has had the contribution made "In Memoriam" and when the name has been stipulated as a condition of the donation; or • An individual (living or deceased)who has contributed outstanding civic service to the City; • Predominant plant materials; • Streams, rivers, lakes, and creeks. Facilities or specialized areas may have a name different from that of the larger park, recreation area, facility, or municipal building. When feasible, the process to name parks, recreation areas, facilities, and municipal buildings should begin within 12 months after the City has acquired title to the land and/or formally accepted the dedication. Names that are similar to existing parks, recreation areas, facilities, and municipal buildings should not be considered in order to minimize confusion. Renaming The City reserves the right to change the name of a park, recreation area, facility or municipal building to maintain consistency with these guidelines. However, renaming carries with it a much 1 REVISED GUIDELINES FOR THE NAMING OF PUBLIC FACILITIES.doc 03/31/04 greater burden of process compared to initial naming. Tradition and continuity of name and community identification are important community values. Each request to rename must meet the criteria of this policy, but meeting all criteria does not ensure renaming. Procedures Upon approval of these guidelines by Council, procedures consistent with the guidelines will be developed. It is anticipated that naming/renaming requests will be submitted to the City Manager. The Manager will then forward the request through an appropriate board, committee, or organization or directly to the City Council for approval. (For example, if the naming or renaming request is for a parks facility, the City Manger will submit the request to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board who will review and make a recommendation. The City Manager will review that recommendation and then submit it to Council for approval.) The City Council may, upon its own initiative name or rename a City facility without following these guidelines. An individual council member may submit a naming suggestion to the City Manager who will then apply the guidelines and procedures. 2 REVISED GUIDELINES FOR THE NAMING OF PUBLIC FACILITIES.doc 03/31/04 readIJb Uf uti: ^ta r• Esr Rock Prairie Elementary School 4,4-i? • ; AA. • College Station Independent School District vs'ir " • Success....each life....each day....each hour 5C14°°‘' May 3, 2004 Mr. Ric Ploeger CS Parks and Recreation Board 1000 Krenek Tap Road College Station, Tx. 77845 Dear Mr. Ploeger, Please accept this letter of support to acknowledge the Rock Prairie Elementary Roadrunner program at the Dorothy Miller Park. As principal of Rock Prairie Elementary I have witnessed first hand the tremendous impact of the Roadrunner program on our student's physical fitness level and ability to set and reach long-term goals. We would be honored if the Parks and Recreation Board would consider dedicating the track at Dorothy Miller Park to the Roadrunner program at Rock Prairie Elementary and its founder Carole Weldon. Please let me know if I can provide any further information that would be helpful as you consider this request. Thank you, CroLAk • IA. 110 Carl Dethloff 3400 Welsh Street CARL DET1 LOFT College Station,TX 77845 STEVE JOHNSON, Ed.D. Principal 979-764-5570 FAX 979-764-5486 Superintendent of Schools PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT& PARK LAND DEDICATION PROJECTS FY 2004 May 3, 2004 Ca•ital Im•rovement Pro'ects Capital Improvement Project Project Fundin Completion Projects Status Manager # Budget Source date Final Expected/Actual Cost Lick Creek Park Development,Phase I Complete <F Pete PK0069 $478400 S$0,9tftPWD,Grant14 2/04 12103 ' George Bush Drive Landscaped Irrigation Design Complete Pete. `a1€t8044` % $16,000 � '98 G.O, '' 2/04 2/04 $16,000-' Bee Creek Light Pole Replacement Complete Pete PK0303 $118,000 ; '98 G,O. 2/04 3/04 $87,565 Hensel Park Playground Replacement Under Construction David PK0210 $45,390 Replacement Account 5/04 $45,390 Wolf Pen Creek Signs Trail Signs Installed Pete WP0460 $70,500 General Fund 3/04 In Design Cemetery Rear Entrance Design and Construction Under Construction Pete N/A $55,000 General Fund 5/04 $43,234 Cemetery Land Acquisition Pending Contract Ross GG9905 $275,000 '98 G.O. Unknown Southeast Community Park Two-Acre Purchase Pending Contracts M.McAuliffe $40,000 12/04 Lincoln Center Expansion/Improvements Bid-April 20th Ric PK0319 $984,000 CDBG Funds 3/05 Richard Carter Park Irrigation,Walks,Drinking In Desi n Pete Fountain 9 $19,400 Replacement Account 12/04 Thomas Park Signs On Hold David $3,600 Replacement Account 4/04 Eastgate Improvements On Hold David $40,000 Brazos Beautiful Unknown Woodland Hills Park Design On Hold Pete/David ? Landscaping Six City Sites Under Construction Pete N/A General Fund 5/15/04 $16,385 Hotel-Motel Greens Prairie Rd Landscaping&Irrigation Design Pending Contract David ST0214 Street Project Fund Hereford Street Traffic Island $29,000 Landscaping&Irrigation Design Under Construction David ST0305 $20,000 Streets CIP Fund CIP Summary Under Construction 4 Bids Received 0 Pendin• Contracts 3 Out to Bid 1 In Desi•n 2 Pendine Land A suisition 0 Other 0 On Hold 3 Total 16 Park Land Dedication Pro'ects Park Land Dedication Project Project FundingCompletion Final Projects Prioritized Status Manager # Budget SourcDate -- ___- Ex ected/Ac Cost ZONE 1 -$180,537 North•ate Park Ac.uisition On Hold __- Zone 1 Funds ZONE 2-$153,281 -_--_-_ ZONE 3-$50,203 ZONE 4-$21,872 -_----- Raintree Im.rovements On Hold Pete NA $0 Zone 4 Funds Windwood Im•rovements On Hold Pete NA $0 Zone 4 Funds ZONE 5-$74,786 __----- Brothers,Fitch,Miller Benches t Con•lete i David f'K0311°" $251060 .Zone 5Funds 12/30/03 12/16/03 $23,922 Jack&Doroth Miller Park Pie •rounds w/Cushion ' -Corn•Iete' David PK0312 $13 ,0d0 dne 5 Funds 11/30/03 '' 12/08/03 $88,889 Start Construction Zone 5& Jack&Doroth Miller Park Exercise E.ui.ment June 1•' Pete PK0402 $20,000 Re.lacement 6/04 $23,224 ZONE 6-$90,392 -_----- Southwest Park Develo.ment On Hold Pete/David _ $90,000 Zone 6 Funds Anderson Walk and Benches 1 On Hold David PK0315 $45,000 Zone 6 Funds Bee Creek Benches 7 On Hold David PK0316 $12,000 Zone 6 Funds Anderson Park Swin.Set On Hold David PK0314 $12,000 Zone 6 Funds Gabbard Park Sidewalk 1 On Hold David NA $0 Zone 6 Funds ZONE 7-$793,247 -_--__- Woodway Park Development In Desi.n Pete/David PK9803 $710,000 Zone 7 Funds Unknown ZONE 8-$40,635 _ ,-_----- ZONE 9-$33,501 __---_- ZONE 10-$118,260 -_ ---_ Zone 10 Park Development' Under Construction Pete PK0060 $185,000 Zone 10 Funds 5/20/04 $160,728 Desi•n Edelweiss Gartens On Hold Pete ZONE 11 -$36,584 -_----- Pebble Creek Park Improvements/Tot Playground 7 In Desi.n Pete NA $30,000 Zone 11 Funds ZONE 12-$4,500 -_----_ ZONE 13-$568 -_----- I-Intergenerational Project Park Land Dedication Summary Under Construction 2 Bids Received 0 Pendin. Contracts 0 Out to Bid 0 In Desi.n 2 Pendin. Land Ac•uisition 0 On Hold 9 Total 15 O:/Projects/C/P/C/P&Park Land Ded Project List.doc Page 2 City of College Station Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Goals & Objectives FY2004 (Not prioritized) 1. Oversee the development of a new Five-Year Capital Improvement Program (VS2S2e) ® Assist with the November 4, 2003 Bond Election ® Develop recommendations for new 5 year CIP implementation (l Provide oversight for planning and completion of CIP projects 2. Provide oversight and emphasis on further development of Veterans Park & Athletic Complex, Phase II (VS2S2d) ® Develop recommendation regarding schedule for development Status: December 9, 2003, Board meeting. [l Assist with the selection of design professionals ❑ Review & provide input concerning Phase II conceptual plans 3. Review and update the Park Land Dedication Ordinance (VS3S1 d) ® Review the existing ordinance and methodology Status: Draft approved; first review by Board at January13, 2004 meeting. ® Develop recommendations that will allow developers to construct parks Status: Draft approved by Board on February 10th 4. Oversee the design process and recommend improvements for neighborhood parks (VS2S2e) Park Zone 1 (Park site in the Northgate area) ® Park Zone 2 (Eastgate Park) (Bond review April 20, 2004) Ill Park Zone 2 (Richard Carter Park) ® Park Zone 6 (Southwest Park) Status: Park Land Dedication project prioritization on November 4, 2003. On December 9, 2003, the Board approved the conceptual design and park land dedication funds were dedicated, not to exceed the amount of$90,000. Park Zone 7 (Woodway Park) Status: First Public Hearing held for Woodway Park March 3, 2004. Second Public Hearing to be held during regular meeting of the Board on April 2, 2004. Li Park Zone 9 (Woodland Hills Park) Status: Request from Woodland Hills Homeowner's Association on December 9, 2003. Funding request presented to City Council on April 29, 2004. ® Park Zone 10 (Park in the Shenandoah area) Status: Construction in progress. Approved: October 14, 2003 Page 1 Updated: May 7, 2004 • Develop recommendations for park and facility names Status: Subcommittee has been formed (Ken Livingston, Jodi Warner, Gary Erwin). Meeting held on May 7, 2004. 5. Provide oversight and support for the continued implementation of the Park Maintenance Standards (VS2S1a) ❑ Review policies and standards for re-appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department Review and identify critical needs and develop recommendations to address them 6. Restore the Arboretum at Bee Creek Park to its former value (VS2S2e) ® Develop recommendations for redevelopment of the trails Status: Report to Board on January 13, 2004. n Develop recommendations for signage and interpretive sites Develop recommendations for the pond areas 1 Develop recommendations for graminetium n Develop an operations and maintenance plan 7. Develop recommendations for botanical gardens in existing or proposed parks n Determine the scope of the proposal Develop a proposed list of potential sites Li Develop recommendations for implementation 8. Oversee the design and development of the W. A. Tarrow Park Corridor Master Plan (VS2S2e) ® Review conceptual plans for Lincoln Center expansion Status: December 9, 2003, Board meeting. ® Review conceptual plans for Tarrow Park additions Status: December 9, 2003, Board meeting. ❑ Develop recommendations for FY2005 CDBG Budget 9. Provide guidance and support for the implementation of a regional park site in Grimes County (VS2S4a) ® Develop local support for a state-wide $500M bond issue Status: Report at the November 4, 2003, Board meeting. On December 9, 2003, the Board approved a resolution that will be presented to the City Council in support of the project. ® Conduct a site tour of the TMPA property Status: Scheduled for April 15, 2004. ® Develop a recommendation for the budget process Status: Request for$100,000 included in FY 2005 budget submission. Approved: October 14, 2003 Page 2 Updated: May 7, 2004 10. Assist with the implementation of an Urban Forest Management Plan (VS2S1b) ❑ Review and assist in the development of a policy for street trees and hazard trees ❑ Develop recommendations for implementation Status: Request for$20,000 included with FY 2005 budget submission. 11. Continued interaction between the Board and other City Boards ® Attend a joint briefing related to growth issues Status: Growth Report held on October 6th, 2003. In attendance was PARD supervisory staff, the Board, the Senior Advisory Committee, and the Cemetery Committee. ❑ Conduct joint meeting with the City Council Status: Scheduled for June 10, 2004. ® Conduct joint meeting with the Planning & Zoning Comm. Status: Joint meeting was held on October 30, 2003. ® Conduct a joint meeting with the Senior Advisory Committee Status: Board met with Vice Chairperson Robert Meyer on October 14, 2003, and approved the Senior Advisory Committee goals for Fiscal Year 2004. ® Conduct a joint meeting with the Bryan Parks & Rec. Board Status: Joint tour with Bryan Board on April 15th to the proposed TMPA Regional Park site. 12. Support increased efforts to implement the Greenways Master Plan (VS3S2d) ® Review the status of the current greenways acquisition Status: Greenways Report on October 30th Joint Meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission I I Support increased efforts for acquisition of greenways 13. Provide support & assistance for Departmental goals ❑ Develop recommendations for a donations program Status: Senior Advisory Committee Goal for FY04. ❑ Continue joint programming with outside agencies (VS2S4a) n Identify potential sources of additional revenue Ii Develop policies for on-line registration procedures ❑ Continue communication with outside user groups (VS2S4a) Status: In progress. Spring Soccer Field Use meeting held January 27, 2004. ❑ Support agency accreditation process Status: In progress. Approved: October 14, 2003 Page 3 Updated: May 7, 2004 • City of College Station Parks & Recreation Department Goals & Objectives FY 2004 t) Implementation of the CIP Program xt, Implementation of Special Projects & Programs t Continuation of Staff Development Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues Implementation of the CIP Program ® Implementation of the FY2004 CIP and Park Land Dedication Project List Status: In progress. Refer to project list. ® Support the November 2003 bond election projects Status: Election on Nov. 4, 2003. Continuation of Staff Development ® Complete Management Academy (Sheila Walker, David Hudspeth, Peter Vanecek) Status: Graduation on Feb 13, 2004. ® Complete Supervisory Academy (Pam Springfield, David Wood) Status: Graduation on Tuesday, November 18, 2003. ® Complete Emergency Management Academy (Jimmy Charanza) Status: Graduated from the class on February 25tH ® Attend NRPA Revenue Management School (Peter Lamont, David Gerling) Status: Attended February 7th _ 11th ® Attend TRAPS Conference (Peter Lamont, Geri Marsh) Status: Peter Lamont and Geri Marsh attended March 10th - 12th ® Conduct Arbor Master Training Status: Curtis Schoessow, David Pemberton, Scott Deffendoll, Ross Albrecht attended March 9th - 12th ® Attend the 10th Annual Southeast Texas Grounds Maintenance Conference in Conroe (to obtain required CEU's to maintain pesticide applicator's licenses) Status: Ross Albrecht, Gerald Guillory, Delmer Charanza, Sandra Weggman, Nina Stanley, Frank Thompson, David Sturdivant, Keith Fails, Mike Watson, Bruce Ray, Greg Richards attended on October 22, 2003. Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues ❑ Acquire new cemetery site and develop a plan for operations (VS1S1e) Status: Department is currently working on a Cemetery Management Plan. ❑ Continue implementation of Park Maintenance Standards (VS2S1a) Status: First Quarter Report presented to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on January 13, 2004; Second Quarter Report presented to Board on April 20, 2004. ❑ Continued implementation of the Urban Forest Management Plan (VS2S1b) Status: On hold. ® Continue efforts to make parks more intergenerational (VS2S2a) Status: Ongoing. Report to Council on February 26, 2004. ❑ Review leisure service programs (VS2S2b) Status: ❑ Pursue cooperative efforts with the City of Bryan on joint programming (VS2S2c) Status: Ongoing. Joint meeting on April 15, 2004. ❑ Develop Veterans Park & Athletic Complex, Phase II (VS2S2d) Status: ® Develop new five-year Parks Capital Improvement Projects (VS2S2e) Status: Completed January 26, 2004 Parks&Recreation Dept. FY04 Goals& Objectives Page 1 of 2 Updated: May 7, 2004 E Promote performing arts (VS2S3a) Status: Marian Anderson String Quartet performances on Nov. 2nd and 3rd The first 2004 WPC Amphitheater event held on April 3rd First concert of the 2004 Starlight Music Series held on April 17th. Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra concert on April 25, 2004. [E] Implement regional planning and develop initiative (VS2S4a) Status: Dr. John Crompton gave a report to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board on November 4th, and the Board was in consensus on supporting a resolution to go to the City Council in support of a future regional park site in Grimes County. The resolution was approved by the Board during its December 9th meeting. IE Update the Park Land Dedication Ordinance (VS3S1d) Status: Draft document complete - February 2004. Implementation of Special Projects & Programs Assist with the development and implementation of the City's website Status: The City went on-line February 3, 2004. [23] Implement automated recreation registration software Status: RecWare contract approved byCouncil on January 8, 2004. Software installation March 15th - 22nd • Adopt and implement temp/seasonal pay plan Status: In progress. Plan has been completed - February 2004. E Implement cemetery software Status: Legacy Mark Cemetery Management software chosen. GIS and cemetery information to be input into database and training to be held in May or June, 2004. El Conduct benchmark survey of similar cities Status: Parks information has been entered into ActiveParks.Org. El Coordinate the City's 65th Birthday Celebration on October 19th Status: Complete. O Investigate the feasibility for departmental accreditation Status: Initial staff "kick off" meeting on November 18th. In progress. • Investigate the feasibility of implementing a Donations Program for the department Status: Senior Advisory Committee goal for Fiscal Year 2004. Draft document complete. (le Parks & Recreation Dept. FY04 Goals& Objectives Page 2 of 2 Updated: May 7, 2004 STRATEGIC PLANS IMPLEMENTATION CALENDAR FEBRUARY — MAY 2004 STATEMENT SUBJECT TEAM FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY s o Praxtei ie K, aS /e,R�tSs, x! ertlRerEntfce. r Start Construction on Cemetery Rear Develop operational cost estimates C0'1.!4;-„f,iV C S 1 et i+itlCogrtt ter� ori 1p Entrance project(Ongoing ter 4 Cqu rid t8C}+da baS 1��, and revenue projections for ' � cemetery NerJobetew)vion e-ercemefeiy A� _ operation by 5/1/04 R ° ? Illtiy database project {t?:9 g ' Training on new cemetery software -Request funding for contract landscape �� �� maintenance services-WPC Phase II $Sifl"i� R a i Ct� a r Develop maintenance standard fiqiitse�ceS � � surveys for Zone 10 park 4A �t� et � � � �� 7 �,smy � ;triuStOrle tel tt Select consultant to develop policy Funding for street tree maintenance tS 1eth (On Hold) re uested FY05 1tie ..� rb8.1 FeKe f �/N05,xita 1 nn q e z� t \ 4 * Design and construct Hensel Park .>&!"YeB s \\e'er tiz-N7h4iteit.%1"6,''';;;ft;:ii:::illft-IN"-:,':;:i;?.11 �' Playground w -Update Joint Use Agreement with �tYlirter€tR�t IPa P E y CSISD(move milestone forward-)) e a S iT , S Conduct community needs �` \�' .:�x .rk e assessment for ConferenceCenter Present recommendations for �$�# (moved milestone forward) Conference iiii; Center utilization to Parks E Advisory Board(On Hold) +Y\ ri' e a a a ,tiE e. "� � \%�, -Complete evaluation of current � � ate;/ N Programs(moved from November) �llsi4n I , f R � \ Develop long-range athletic facility Develop implementation plan for CIP s,:k 9' �: y - T Qom . P"� , a % , � � replacement&improvement plan approved in the November 2003 Bond 4: Y w 6 5 , er,,®,, ‘11 t (moved from February) Electionby4/1/04 eicti �,� ,, tM Design neighborhood park for Park 61 . ig € €as4:414:044i,� ' i ' Zone 7(Woodway area) I a ; s/ a y.4nktIuttr,01:i!,-, mftgft:*etkiii4 :4 a "� � � @ariwvl On 3 � `\ ,�� ��c F 8 3'103 M� ` ' � y G t 3 e�,�� f S. � � � �' ° ��astkAl\� ii, l ci n k ;S B� 18 \� �i �� Z • ? w w3' c bq 4 "i Sl f PksBt �� Develop recommendations to �� U PBed �, h E �5 Revised draft from legal. Still under improve platting process&provide e� �\ review. for developer constructed parks. a itetlG@ f � x � Develop guidelines for developer- .. constructed park facilities. NOTE: Shaded items have been completed. Revised May 6,2004