HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/08/2003 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board ** a Parksilut Recreation Advisory:Board Tuesday;"Judy 8,2,,003 ni 7 OO p.m The EXIT Teen Center 15 0 Ruck Prairie Rua d L . Cullege$ta�LQu,Texas " t � 1. Call to order 2. Pardon r..possible action concerning requests for absences of members from meeting 3. Hear visitors 4. Discussion, consideration, and possible approval of minutes from Regular Board Meeting of June 10,2003 5. Presentation,discussion and possible action regarding a trail in Westfield Subdivision,Phase 6 6. Discussion,consideration,and possible action concerning park land dedication requests for: • Hampton Estates(Park Zone 3) 7. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding recommendations for appointment of new members to the Senior Advisory Committee 8. Update,discussion,and possible action regarding Northgate Plan and the scheduling of a oard tour 9. Discussion,consideration,and possible action regarding Richard Carter Park 10. Discussion,consideration,and possible action regarding future plans for the Arboretum 11. Discussion,consideration, and possible action regarding the field redevelopment fee and user group input 12. Report, discussion, and possible action regarding a proposed regional park 13. Report,discussion,and possible action concerning the Capital Improvement Program 14. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives, and City Council Strategic Plan. 15. Discussion of next meeting dates and possible agenda items: • Regular Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 7:00 p.m.,at Exit Teen Center 16. Adjourn The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979)764-3517 or(TDD) 1-800-735-2989. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD June 10, 2003 GREENWAY PROGRAM UPDATE Acquisitions $3,640,000 1998 bond funds $1,480,909 spent or encumbered Craegor (Priority 2) $1 ,764,113 available Head Lake (Priority 6) Freeman (Priority 4) Schultz (Priority 7) Marsh Reeves (Priority 1) Thurmond (Priority 2) Bee Creek Drainage Project (Priority 6 Ft 9) Acquisitions Pending or on hold City Center - Bee Creek (Priority 2) Academy Sports - Wolf Pen Creek (Priority 5) Wolf Pen Creek - Drainage and Trails (Priority 2) Swoboda (out bid by property owner status) - Bee Creek (Priority 6) Cashion (status) - Wolf Pen Creek (Priority 5) OD Butler - Bee Creek (Priority 4) Ritchie - Lick Creek (Priority 3) Paul Clarke - Alum Creek (Priority 4) Dedications (and Rezoning) Crowley/Castlegate - Conservation Easement Aggieland Fitness Center - Lick Creek (Priority 3) Master Development Plan - Spring Creek, 13009 acres "Drainage Way" Master Development Plan - Ritchey, 41.878 acres "Common Area Lick Creek Drainage Way" Master Preliminary Nat - Castlegate Sections 11, 12, 13 - 10051 Acres shown as "Common Area", 8' concrete path shown crossing Westfield Village Phase 3 - South Fork Lick Creek, Greenway and Detention 2A5 acres Westfield Village Phase 6 - South Fork Lick Creek, additional parkland adjacent to greenway, greenway plat recorded 444/283 Steeplechase Subdivision - Public Park, Stormwater Detention and Open Space Pebble Hills - Dedication areas are Public Park, Stormwater Detention and greenbelt Alexander - Dedication area is greenway and stormwater detention Estates of Spring Creek T.C.C. Subdivision - Lot 6 Aggieland Subdivision - 25' greenbelt Springbrook - Set aside with HOA Woodland Hills Estates - Parkland, Stormwater Detention, 13.91 acres Current Projects • Greenway Master Plan Update - on hold pending UDO Subdivision Regulation and Drainage changes. Anticipate mapping (habitat, connectivity, regional); resource inventory (underway with environmental science intern); buffer requirements; policy recommendations. 4 Storm Water Master Plan - NPDES Phase II MS4-Regulations (Mapping a Water Quality Testing) • Bee Creek Stream Restoration - ACE Corps Permit, 1 Condemnation • Wolf Pen Creek Stream Restoration - HDR Conceptual Design Grantsmanship/Collaboration • Safe Routes to School status report • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Active Living By Design (966 applications, 38 selected for full proposal) - retrofitting the built environment • Section 6 USFW Recovery land • COE Section 206 Events National Trails Day June 7, 2003 (Healthy Trails, Healthy People) Walk To School October Park Land Dedication Ordinance Project Review Checklist Date Received: 6/25/03 Park zone: 3 Current Zone Balance: $52,934 Project Location: Sterling Street Name of Development: Hampton Estates Applicant: Glenda Hampton Address: 3416 N.44th Street, Unit#62 City/State/Zip: Phoenix,Arizona 85018-6049 Phone Number/Fax: Fax Number: E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Carlomagno Surveying, Inc. Address: 2714 Finfeather Road City/StateZip: Bryan, Texas 77801 Phone Number/Fax: 979-775-2873 Fax Number: 979-775-4787 E-Mail: cs@carlomagnosurveying.com REQUIRED COMPLIANCE Section 10-B-1: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: 8 Multi-Family Dwelling Units: Total Land Requirement: 0.0792 Acres Proposed Dedication: 0 Section 10-B-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning and Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? No Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): 8 x$198.00 = $1,584 Multi-Family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): Total Acquisition Fee: Section 10-B-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): 8 x$358.00 = $2,864 Multi-family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee ($556/dwelling Unit): 8 x$556=$4,448 Multi-Family Fee ($452/dwelling Unit): Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Version Revised.xls Page 1 Section 1O-B.4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: Parks Board review and decision: Section 1OB5: Minimum Park Size Is the proposed park less than five(5)acres? N/A If yes, staff recommends: Section 1O-B7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing park that can serve the proposed development? Wolf Pen Creek If yes, staff recommends: Acceptance of fee Section 10-E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Raunaadon. Park, and Open Space Master Plan? N/A Comments: Section 10'F: Additional information 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? No Percentage: a. Detention/Retention? No Size: Meets Board Policy? Acreage in floodplain: 0 Percentage: Acreage in detention: 0 Percentage: Acreage in greenways: 0 Percentage: Comments: Park Land Dedication Checklist om° "mPamLand o°m""wn/ch,"mismxiga°ls/L""oVersion n°,m"d.,* Page 2 Section 1 0=F(of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance) 10'F. 1 Any land dedication to the City under this section must be suitable for park and recreation uses. Consideration will be given to land that is in the floodplain or may be considered "floodable" even though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its elevation, it is suitable for park improvements. (a) Neighborhood park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a manner that serves the greatest number of users. Comments: (b) Neighborhood park sites should be located so that users are not required to cross arterial roadways to access them. Comments: (c) Sites should not be severely sloped or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for organized recreational activities. Comments: ''- ) (d) Sites should have existing trees or other scenic elements. Comments: (e) Detention/retention areas will not be accepted as part of the required dediomdon, but may be accepted in addition to the required dedication. If accepted as part of the park, the detention/retention area design must be approved by the City staff and must meet specific parks specifications. Comments: 10'F. 2 Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area development, enhance the visual character of the city, protect public omfoty, and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines should be used in designing parks and adjacent development: (a) Where physically feasible, park sites should be located adjacent to greenways and/or schools in order to encourage both shared facilities and the potential co-development of new sites. Comments: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/chcklist/Originals/Long Version Revised.xls (b) A proposed subdivision adjacent to a park may not be designed to restrict reasonable access to the park from other area subdivisions. Street and greenway connections to existing or future adjoining subdivisions may be required to provide reasonable access to parks. Comments: (c) Where a non-residential use must directly abut a park, the use must be separated by a screening wall or fence and landscaping. Access points to the park may be allowed by the Planning and Zoning Commission if a public benefit is established. Corn me nts: (d) It is desirable that a minimum of fifty percent(50%)of the perimeter of a park should abut a public street. In all cases, the City shall approve the proposed street alignment fronting on city parks. Comments: (e) Streets abutting a park shall be built in accordance with the thoroughfare plan and the standards of this ordinance; however, the City may require any residential street built adjacent to a park to be constructed to collector width to ensure access and prevent traffic congestion. The developer may request oversize participation in such an instance. Comments: Staff Recommendations: Acceptance of fee. Section 10-G: Approval: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Planning and Zoning Commission: City Council: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Version Revised.xls Page 1 Park Land Dedication Ordinance Project Review Checklist Date Received: 6/25/03 Park zone: 3 Current Zone Balance: $52,934 Project Location: SterlingS�noi Name of Development: Hampton Estates Applicant: Glenda Hampton Address: 3416 N. 44th Street, Unit#62 City/State/Zip: Phoenix,Arizona 85018'6049 Phone Number/Fax: Fax Number: E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Carlomagno Surveying, Inc. Address: 2714 Finfeather Road City/StateZip: Bryan,Texas 77801 PboneNummbmr/Fax: 979-775-2873 FmzWummbnr: 979'775-4787 E-Mail: oo@cur|umagnoounmying.cum REQUIRED COMPLIANCE Section 18-B-1: Land led|cadmn Single Family Dwelling Units: 8 Multi-Family Dwelling Units: Total Land Requirement: 0.0702 Acres Proposed Dedication: 0 Section 10-B-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning and Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? No Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): 8x$198D0 =$1.584 Multi-Family Fee ($16O/dweUinguni1): Total Acquisition Fee: Section I0-B-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): 8 x$358.00 =$2,864 Multi-family Fee($292/ welling unit): Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee($556/dwelling Unit): 8 x$556=$4,448 Multi-Family Fee($452/dwelling Unit): Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Versio"nevised.xm Page 1 Section 1OB4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: Parks Board review and decision: Section 1OB-5: Minimum Park Size Is the proposed park less than five(5)acres? N/A If yes, staff recommends: Section 10'B-7: Prior 7-ark Acquisition Is there an existing park that can serve the proposed development? Wolf Pen Creek If yes, staff recommends: Acceptance of fee Section 10-E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan? N/A Comments: Section 10-F: Additional Information 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? No Percentage: a. Detention/Retention? No Size: Meets Board Policy? Acreage in floodplain: 0 Percentage: Acreage in detention: 0 Percentage: Acreage in greenways: 0 Percentage: Comments: Park Land Dedication Checklist um" "d/PamLand o°m"°m,"/co°"mmvorigm"ls/Lo"nVersion n°viseu^m Page 2 Section 1 0-F (of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance) 10-F. 1 Any land dedication to the City under this section must be suitable for park and recreation uses. Consideration will be given to land that is in the floodplain or may be considered "floodable" even though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its elevation, it is suitable for park improvements. (a) Neighborhood park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a manner that serves the greatest number of users. Comments: (b) Neighborhood park sites should be located so that users are not required to cross arterial roadways to access them. Comments: (c)Sites should not be severely sloped or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for organized recreational activities Comments: '- -\ (d) Sites should have existing trees or other scenic elements. Comments: (e) Detention/retention areas will not be accepted as part of the required dedication, but may be accepted in addition to the required dedication. If accepted as part of the park, the detention/retention area design must be approved by the City staff and must meet specific parks specifications. Comments: 10-F. 2 Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area dmve|opmment, enhance the visual character of the city, protect public safety, and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines should be used in designing parks and adjacent development: (a) Where physically feasible, park sites should be located adjacent to greenways and/or schools in order to encourage both shared facilities and the potential co-development of new sites. Comments: P&k Land Dedication Checklist ma"°"mwmLand o°u*am=/co=^mvorigm°ls/L=,gVersion n",m°d.u* Page 3 (b) A proposed subdivision adjacent to a park may not be designed to restrict reasonable access to the park from other area subdivisions. Street and greenway connections to existing or future adjoining subdivisions may be required to provide reasonable access to parks. Comments: (c)Where a non-residential use must directly abut a park, the use must be separated by a screening wall or fence and landscaping. Accesspoints to the park may be allowed by the Planning and Zoning Commission if a public benefit is established. Comments: (d) It is desirable that a minimum of fifty percent(50%)of the perimeter of a park should abuta public street. In all cases, the City shall approve the proposed street alignment fronting on city parks. Comments: (e) Streets abutting a park shall be built in accordance with the thoroughfare plan and the standards of this ordinance; however, the City may require any residential street built adjacent to a park to be constructed to collector width to ensure access and prevent traffic congestion. The developer may request oversize participation in such an instance. Comments: Staff Recommendations: Acceptance of fee. Section 10-G: Approval: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Board approved acceptance of fee at July 8, 2003 regular meeting. Planning and Zoning Commission: City Council: ( � Park Land Dedication Checklist u/B="d/PawLand o°m=tionaoe"mis,origm°ls/L""«Version n°,is"x,m Page 4 + /1\ \ 4 ) 7 r . •—.—.- --,— -,- - .—,-- .-- ________.----------• .. __ STERLING ST 4-4 30ROW. 5 iiar 5. totia'''—• , •—-;....‹ i WA' i 0000' Mier &Mr ' MX, i / 1 / /44_011,110111 • ' sli 1171111R0 ---1 1 r---------i r — 1s• r isr 1 , ' 1 "--- ----11 "---- ---1 / s 5 g 11 C 1 1111riMMIN1 MMIIII I! / LOT 5 -, 8, LOT 6 11 -.°<',. LOT 7 .°' LOT 8 0" , . V: MIIIIMF . • ,<, T'l ' 01564 Nana <8 0.1184 maEs : 1 0.1168 AcCREsi ,, 0,1179 ACRES i 0.1125 AOREs I 0.1179 ACRES I< I 0.11a2 AMES I. 0.1100 ACRES - 1.::.--308,-•"/ , 1 I 1,. VICINITY MAP ME YO SCALE I L. ....1 i._. .......1 / L ...1 ! L_.... _lit_ __ o_ , 1 , .—7 i 7 ,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,„,„,„.„‘ — ---..— — --- —-- — . .-... C. \ ,.... 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Their terms would begin on July 28th and end with the June meeting in 2006. Their applications are attached. The committee would like to recommend that Joanna Yeager be appointed to serve as chairman and Robert Meyer serve as vice-chairman for the next year. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, 66.1' ./ ( - etzA---- Marci Rodgers Senior Services Coordinator (979)764-6371 A&M 4 g,. 0:01 Application for City Boards/Commissions/ Committees for Year 2002-2003 PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY NAME ea,Ivey •Home Address / Business Owner? Yes No m k! L. ri 5 , 779Vr Business Name: , Telephone: — 4/, / Occupation:_,:-: , (If refired, ple s Indic,te forneer occupy on) Fax: Address: E-mail = n . , .- v, A Telephone: ` ' College station Resident for years Fax: (Must be a resident of the City to serve) Subdivision E-mail: Voter Registration # Education (optional) POSITION SOUGHT: (Please indicate choice with 1,2 or 3 - where 1 is most preferable and 3 being least preferable.) , H _ Ng mpREI 1 d d� iAt. :::,„:4,4141101 WiariritrilLd& f)71-7M, �. In 911 Brazos County Emergency Comm. n Cemetery Committee Dist. Ei Construction Board of Adjustments and B/CS Economic Development Board Appeals 73. Brazos County Appraisal Board n CS Business Development Corporation Facade Improvement Committee Parks & Recreation Board Appointed n Historic Preservation Committee Committees: n Joint Relief Funding Review Committee 171 Conference Center Advisory Committee CI Library Committee El Lincoln Center Advisory Committee CI Parks and Recreation Board 111 Senior Advisory Committee ® Planning and Zoning Commission Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board Zoning Board of Adjustments If you currently serve on any other boards/commissions/committees, please list them here: '7- ` °/e., 577 S. Aves ; ' Cep ' Please list any experience or interests that qualifies you to serve in the positions indicated: _HA t/ r. -., its i{2 f (fl'' ' ry i ,..._ ..., ..... ,.... T--/ 0 CE - -FEIVrE -: f ---- - - Application for City B„.1,_,.-:./Cojm;iiss8io2nos03/ Committees for Year 4,10 2001 PLEASE TYPE OR "• l NAME .----1— .._.; 6 4-if/PAM 4 1-4(6 1 4}f Cl/L.- 9 6---A e TY SECRETARY'S OFFIC: 16.,,,,,,,- Vf----1„-,,. Home AddressAO kiDi0-7--i tle __ -//610 / Business Owner? Yes o 7Pc/3- Business Name: lerti4-e.V Telephone: 6 f' y -Do-7 9 Occupation: iael-S0,-4/Na — ee,47///, OF 7-CA,CS (If retired please indicate foi,iior occupation) Fax: Address: E-mail: Telephone: College Station Resident for years Fax: (Must be a resident of the City to serve) Subdivision E-mail: Voter Registration # /g/ S2),,,/, Education (optional) (4)e_ e_.. c--/2)0 gdA POSITION SOUGHT: (Please indicate choice with 1,2 or 3 - where 1 is most preferable and 3 being least preferable.) CHOOSE NO MORE MAN ,'-,: on.,,,, igitlino-votmourcegm,,wx,_ ari,fiii:01:i,,Ifitri:;;;,15 ,,,....,..augl..4..44,*mtiAgext4tfAftwg -,Auw.... 911 Brazos County Emergency Comm. 0 Cemetery Committee Dist, II Construction Board of Adjustments and B/CS Economic Development Board Appeals El Brazos County Appraisal Board El CS Business Development Corporation El Facade improvement Committee Parks & Recreation zoard Appointed El Historic Preservation Committee Corm iitt,es: El Joint Relief Funding Review Committee El Conference Center Advisory Committee El Library Committee El Lincoln Center Advisory Committee Ci Parks and Recreation Board -.., Senior Advisory Committee CI Planning and Zoning Commission El Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board El Zoning Board of Adjustments If you cy.rrently serv- on any other boards/commissions/committees, please list them here: ii. Please list any experience or interests that qualifies you to serve in the positions indicated: .::., ...-' .4,1 , . ' e,...e,,r, - .--&_. .,... , ' . /7.-1 wit..4.1,6e/, C__ _, ,lee-e-<-0-e i ' 4 ' .......1.........A, i_°.,.. ..,—7, ' 4 4 • ' ' A, ...L21 / - - i -— 1-• ' ' .. .....-.C..- 41 411r"-4-' 41). .., / C .. Dt ..” .. Sienature of Applicant c - . le Al completed applicationi o: City Secretary's Office,City of College Station, P.O. BOX 9960,College Station,TX 77842. In compliance with chapter 552. Government Code(Public Information Act),related to the applicant honw addres S.haute telephone nionher,and entail address shall 1w made available to the public%unless the applicant signs below stating that the information IA not to he released. Signature: Attendance at orientation is mandatory before serving an a committee. ' 160011' cf .1111, U . i, ocation for City Boards/Commissions/ 4 a c(3.141.. .s:FAIlcoN az ty 0 JUN 21 2003 1 •0 mittees for Year 2003-2004 College Stai1pn ! I PLEASE TYPE OA PRINT CLEARLY IL Persona I Information - Occupational inforination .. , .A. , ...... -- Home Address -2 0 0 lifg •f E-,It.e,t,i,,)0,-f, --.' Business Owner? Yes ' No-) Business Name: Telephone: , 61"'2' - a i ;' '',7:(c-, Occupation: (If retired,please indicate former occupation) Fax: Address: _ E-mail: . e4 f ,,, e - _4,-- e--. 2-9,4 Telephone: College Station Resident for 1 years Fax: (Must be a resident of the City to serve) Subdivision c: (--- 0 L-2. L K_... E-mail: Voter Registration # Education (optional) POSIT1*N SOU P;HT: (Please indicate choice with 1,2 or 3 - where 1 is most preferable and 3 being least preferable.) CHOOSE NO MORE THAN 3 Awn . - - --Standing Committees ateinding-Caninuttees - =, El 911 Brazos County Emergency Comm. 0 Cemetery Committee Dist. 0 C- onstructio Board of Adjustments and B B/CS Economic Development :oard Appeals Brazos County Appraisal Board 0 CS Business Development C.:soration F- acade Improve:, ent Committee Parks :, R:f-cre;.:tio,: Bard Api. .ifled 0 Historic Preservation Committee Coe:,'ittees: 0 Joint Relief Funding Review Co , mittee 0 Conference Center Advisory Committee El L- ibrary Committee 0 Lincoln Center Advisory Committee 0 Parks and Recreation Board Senior Advisory Committee E3 Planning and Zoning Commission El Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board Zoning Board of Adjustments If you currently serve on any other boards/commissions/committees, please list them here: Please list any experience or interests that qualifies you to serve in the positions indicated: Signature of Applicant 1 I ' ;_,;', .„ Date Mail completed application to: City Se i etary's Office,City of College Station,P.O.Box 9960,College Station,TX 77842. In compliance with Chapter 552,Government Code(Public Information Act),information related to the applicant's home address,home telephone number,and em address shall be made available to the public,unless the applicant signs below stating that the information is not to be released. Signature („/".• e Attendance at orientation is mandatory before serving on a committee. i 0ttEGF.SW!ON.=, Embracing the Past,Exploring the Future! City of College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Fiscal Year 2003 Goals (Not Prioritized) 1. Establish policies and standards for re-appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department 0 Review quarterly park maintenance standards reports and develop recommendations regarding levels of service (VS2S1.a) (In progress. Si1Quarter report on January 14, 2003. 2nd Quarter report on April 8, 2003. 3rd Quarter scheduled for August 12, 2003.) O Develop a longterm replacement schedule for playgrounds, court surfacing, and other key facilities (VS2S1.a) (Ane, 2003) O Evaluate all leisure service programs offered by the Department and develop recommendations for improvements (VS2S2.b) (Aquatics Programs presentation on November 12th, Athletics Programs presentation on Dec. 10th, Educational Programs presentation on January 14th, Entertainment Programs presentation on Feb. 11t', and Supervised Recreation Programs presentation on March 4'h). El ilevelop recommendatins ftr implementation cif an Ur o..gin Forest Management Plan (VS2S1.b) (Plan presented to Council on September 26, 2002, and recommendations for implementation approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on April 8, 2003. Recommendations for the initial recommended implementation steps included in the FY04 budget requests). 2. Provide more interaction between Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning Commission, and shared vision with the City Council O Monitor status of Unified Development Ordinance (VS3S1.a) O Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to discuss oard goals and objectives (October 24, 2002). El Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to report on the progress of :`oard goals and objectives (April 24, 2003). El Conduct a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss Board goals and objectives and other issues (March 6, 2003 - The revised Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan was presented to the Commission during the joint workshop meeting, and approved during the Commission's regular workshop meeting). 3. Provide oversight for the implementation of the Capital Improvement Program O Woodway Park site plan approval El Shenandoah Park site plan approval (Public hearing May 6, 2003. Board discussion May 13, 2003). O Develop a plan for the use of existing Park Land Dedication Funds (September 10, 2002) O WA Tarrow Park Corridor Master Plan approval (Presentation of citizen survey to Board on November 12th. A joint meeting was held on Feb. 18th, 2003, between the Parks Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval:September 10,2002 Council Approval:October 24,2002 Updated:July 3,2003 Page 1 of 3 and Recreation Advisory Board and the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee. The Lincoln Center Advisory Committee approved the plan on February 24, 2003. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board approved the plan on March 4, 2003. The plan was presented to the City Council on May 8, 2003). El Complete all remaining 1998 Bond Fund projects (In progress). 4. Provide planning and coordination for the 2003 Bond Election (VS2S2,e) IJ Review and update submitted CIP list Ei Develop additional recommendations for the CIP El Staff/Board presentation to the Citizens Advisory Committee (March 25, 2003). 5. Review and update the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan (VS3S2.d) EI Staff review and update of the current Master Plan, Section I — Introduction (September 2002). EI Staff review and update of Sectio ' V—hventory and Facilities (September 2002). EI Staff review and update of Section VI —Needs Assessment and Identification (September 2002). RI Board subcommittee review and comments regarding proposed updates for Sectiol, I, IV, and VI (October 2002). t Gard subcommittee review and comments regarding Section VII —Prioritization of Needs and Plan Implementation (November 6, 2002). 121 hoard subcommittee review and comments regarding Section III — Plan eveloprnent Process (October 2002). EI Completio:: of the Parks and Recreation Department 5-Year Strategic Plan (I' Draft Complete). El Public input period for the revised Master Plan El lroard consideration of the revised Master Plan (January 2003). El Planning and Zoning Commission consideration of the revised Master Plan (March 6, 2003). El City Council presentation and consideration adopting revised Master Plan (June 12, 2003). 6. Provide oversight for the i-,:plementation of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex El Memorial Dedication Ceremony on N:rvember 11, 2002 El Complete Phase I development (VS2S24) (September 2002) El Investigate potential agreement with the College Station Soccer Club for clubhouse building (Project not at this time) El Conduct Grand Opening of the Phase I project (Saturday, May 17, 2003) El Review operations and maintenance and make recommendations for Fiscal Year 2004 (Request submitted within the FY04 budget process). 0 Review Needs Assessment and update as required 0 Develop revisions for Phase II recommendations 7, Provide oversight for the design and installation of the batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park El Secure funding El Approve site plan Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval.September 10,2002 Council Approval:October 24,2002 Updated:July 3,2003 Page 2 of 3 Q Complete construction 8. Provide oversight for the installation of the new jogging track at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park Q Complete construction (September 2002) • Investigate alternative types of surfacing for playgrounds 9. Support implementation of the Greenways Master Plan (VS2S3.a) Q Receive update report from Greenways Coordinator (June 10, 2003). ❑ Review Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan as it relates to greenways 10. Support the City Council's Interagency Plan on any Park and Recreation related issues Q Continue dialog with the College Station Independent School District regarding future school/park developments and programs (presentation to CSISD on January 21, 2003). Q Continue dialog with the College Station Independent School District and the South Knoll PTO concerning the potential of rubberizing the South Knoll jogging track (Interlocal Agreement approved by the City Council on December 19, 2002). Q Continue dialog with Texas A&M University regarding He. sel nark and Veterans Park and Athletic Complex (TAMU Nature Trail Planning; TAMU Cross Country Team). Q Continue to investigate joint programming opportunities with the City of :{ryan Parks ad ecreation Department (VS2S2,() (In progress — currently investigating registration software opportunities, George Bush Library Programming, and TMPA Regional Park). 11. Identify potential new sources of revenue Q Identify potential grant I pportunities (TPWVD October 8, 2002) ❑ Investigate the potential for a donations program (In progress) Q Review user fees and develop recommendations (Fees Subcommittee appointed, and meeting scheduled for April 16, 2003. Scheduled for Parks and Recreation Advisory Board approval May 13, 2003, but the item will he put on a future agenda for discussion). Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval:September 10,2002 Council Approval:October 24,2002 Updated:July 3,2003 Page 3 of 3 PLAYGROUND REPLACEMENT AND REPAIR SCHEDULE (Revised June 2, 2003) Presently, there are five play units within the park system that are recommended for replacement. The play units in the following parks are listed according to priority. The year next to the park's name is when the play unit was installed. The prioritized replacement schedule for the following play units will be determined, as funds are available. Hopefully, at least one will be replaced per year. 1. Jack and Dorothy Miller Park(2), south-end play unit, 1989 Replace in FY 2003. Although these multi-play units are only 14 years old, it is recommended to replace the south-end play unit. This is due to its being installed at too low a depth to accommodate the rubber cushion surface that is to replace the loose pea gravel as the fall surface. Some parts of the play unit are difficult to replace because they are no longer manufactured. .2o Hensel Park, 1986 Replace in 2004. Since this park is on Texas A&M University property, it is being coordinated with Texas A&M University. 3. Bee Creek Park, 1986 Replace in 2004. Replace multi-play unit due to age and difficulty and/or inability to get replacement parts. 4. Southwood Athletic Park(2), 1984 Replace in 2005. Replace both multi-play units due to age and difficulty and/or inability to get replacement parts. 5. Lions Park(2), west-side play unit, 1981 Replace with swings in FY 2006. Since there is another newer multi-play unit in the park, it is being recommended that the west-side play unit be removed and replaced with swings that will accommodate both baby and children swings. The play units at Hensel Park, Southwood Park, and Bee Creek Park are in need of replacement due to the cost and difficulty of obtaining replacement parts. Parts for these playgrounds are no longer available due to changes in safety standards or the companies have been bought out making the replacement parts obsolete. When possible, these obsolete parts must be specially manufactured which increases the cost dramatically. Replacing the playgrounds at Hensel Park, Southwood Park, and Lions Park will require separate swing set installations. The play units at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park have no swings to be replaced. TENNIS & BASHITBALL COURT RESURFACING SCHEDULE This schedule is subject to change due to the amount of varied use between courts, changes in cost of service, or availability of funds. PARK COURT TYPE RESURFACING PERIOD Bee Creek Quadruple Tennis FY03 - Complete Central Double Tennis FY03 - Complete Oaks Full Basketball FY03 - Complete Lions Half Basketball FY04 Merry Oaks Full Basketball FY04 Thomas Double Tennis FY04 Anderson Double tasketball FY04 Southwood Double Basketball FY05 G. K. Fitch Full Basketball FY05 J. & D. Miller Full Basketball FY05 W. A. Tarrow 2 Full Basketball FY05 Pebble Creek Full Basketball FY05 Edelweiss Full Basketball FY06 Emerald forest Half Basketball FY06 Lemontree Half Basketball FY06 Thomas Double Basketball FY06 Sandstone Full Basketball FY06 Woodcreek Half Basketball FY06 Central Full Basketball FY06 Brothers Half Basketball FY06 Castlegate Full Basketball FY07 Double Tennis FY07 Southwood Quadruple Tennis FY07 (As of June 27, 2003) CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS&RECREATION DEPARTMENT FY03 GOALS & OBJECTIVES , Implementation of the CIP Program ie Implementation of Special Projects > Continue to Improve Staff Development Implementation of New Programs • Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues Implementation of the CIP Program O Complete the Lick Creek Park Phase I project(In progress) O Complete master plan and design of Woodway Park O Complete master plan and design of Shenandoah Park(Public hearing on May 6, 2003) El Complete intergenerational park projects(In progress) El Complete G.O. 1998 Bond projects(In progress) El Complete Thomas Pool renovation and shade structure(May 15, 2003) O Complete acquisition of new cemetery site(In progress) Continue to Improve Staff Development El Complete Management Academy(Kristin Lehde,Dana Albrecht, Geri Marsh, and Grace Calbert—attended Feb. 17th-21s(). El Complete Supervisory Academy(Jimmy Charanza, Keith Fails, Charles Harris, David Hudspeth, Marci Rodgers) El Complete National Recreation&Park Association Park Maintenance School(1 employee) El Complete the Texas Nature Trails Construction Workshop(David Wood) El Complete DPS Debris Management Course(Steve Beachy) El Complete Customized Media Presentations Workshop(Director,Assistant Director, and Superintendents) El Complete the"Storms Over the Urban Forest Training"(1 employee:Ross Albrecht—attended Feb. 27-28th). Et Complete NRPA Revenue Management Training(Peter Lamont—completed February 7, 2003). O Complete TAMU Landscape Architect Workshop(Peter Vanecek,Afsaneh Yazdani, David Wood—attended Feb. 21st&22nd) El Attend and participate in the annual TRAPS professional training conference in San Antonio(Steve Beachy, Dana Albrecht,Ross Albrecht,Jana Cope, Sheila Walker, Patrick Hazlett, David Hudspeth,Marci Rodgers, Vera Solis, Eric Ploeger, Curtis Bingham- attended on March 26, 27, and 28, 2003. Steve Beachy, Curtis Bingham. and Vera Solis were presenters at the Conference). implementation of City Council Strategic Issues El Complete the Recreation,Park and Open Space Master Plan update(Approved by the Parks and Rec.Adv.Board on Jan. 14th, approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on March 6th, City Council approval on June 12, 2003.) O Complete the Parks&Recreation Department 2003-2007 Strategic Plan El Complete the WA Tarrow Park Corridor Master Plan update(In progress—a Joint Meeting was held between the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee on February 18th. The plan was approved by the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee on Feb. 24th, and approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on March 4th. The plan will be presented to the City Council on May 8m) El Achieve a 75%or higher rating on all major categories for Park Maintenance Standards(In Progress—1s1 Quarter Report submitted to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on Jan. 14th. 2nd Quarter presented on April 8th) Et Develop implementation schedule of Urban Forest Management Plan(Plan presented to Council on September 26, 2002, staff has recommended implementation steps in the FY04 budget process). O Complete current capital improvement projects(In progress) El Comprehensive review of all leisure services programs(Aquatic Programs presentation on November 12th.Athletics Programs presentation on December 10th.Educational Programs presentation on January 14th, Entertainment Programs presentation on Feb. 11th, and Supervised Recreation Programs presentation on March 8°). El Continue to explore cooperative efforts with other agencies(In progress:TAMU Hensel Park, TAMU/VPAC, CSISD/South Knoll Jogging Track, City of Bryan/Madeley Park and Recreational Software, George Bush Library. TMPA Regional Park Project), Implementation of Special Projects El Conduct dedication ceremony for Veterans Memorial project(November 11, 2002) El Conduct grand opening of Veterans Parks&Athletic Complex(scheduled for Saturday,May 17, 2003) El Investigate feasibility of joint project with College Station Soccer Club(Project is not feasible at this time.) O Conduct a benchmark survey of similar cities El Investigate potential sources of additional revenue(In progress) El Complete recommendations for future CIP program(Presentation to Citizen's Advisory Committee on March 25, 2003) O Develop recommendations for existing Conference Center O Conduct seasonal pay study and develop recommendations(In Progress. working with Human Resources) El Conduct dedication for the Jane Pulley Softball Fields(November 2, 2002) O Purchase Scoreboard for Veterans Park&Athletic Complex(2 scoreboards purchased March 2003) Implementation of New Programs O Complete implementation of Challenger sports program (Challenger Bowling began June 2003) El Begin operation of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex • 0 Implementation of cemetery software program Parks a Recreation --msaassaea.-- City of College Station Updated:June 30,2003 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION MISSION STATEMENT On behalf of the citizens of College Station, home of Texas A&M University, we will continue to promote and advance the community's quality of life. Core Values > Promote involvement and > Promote Regionalism participation of the citizenry > Promote being active member of > Promote the health, safety, and the Brazos Valley community general well being of the > Support activities that promote community municipal empowerment > Promote fiscal responsibility > Pro—ote Excellence in customer > Promote collaboration and service cooperation Vision Statements Core Services /e will continue to improve high quality customer focused basic city services at a reasonable cost. > We will provide infrastructure, with the capacity to meet current and projected needs. > We will promote public safety and health. > We will promote effective communication (interdepartmentally and to the public). > We will rehabilitate infrastructure as needed. • We will provide streets, traffic and transportation systems. • We will provide a workplace that fosters creative ideas for delivery of core services. Parks and leisure Services We will continue to promote a wide range of leisure, recreational and cultural arts opportunities. • We will maintain an integrated parks system driven by connectivity. > We will promote programs and facilities that target all age groups. > We will promote cultural arts. > We will pursue regional planning and development efforts. Planning and 'N'eveloptnent We will continue to promote a well-planned community. > We will continue to revise and guide the development process through the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). > We will continue to support an intermodal transportation action plan. > We will promote well-planned neighborhoods. Economic Development We will continue to promote a strong and diverse economic environment. > We will promote the development of strategic areas. > We will continue to strengthen and diversify the tax and job base. > We will promote tourism. > We will promote revitalization and redevelopment. We will encourage and integrate the city's economic development efforts with the Research Valley Partnership, College Station: Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future PARKS i ND R�CREATI®�®PPARTMEIiT CAPITAL IMPRVEMEIVT PARS LAS® ®E®ICATI®� Prc ®J�CTS ���0®�®0� June 30, 2003 Capital Improvement Projects Capital Improvement .Project ti Pro/ect ' Funding Datgi7t l Projects Status Manager;t # Budget' Sourcoe x•ected/Actual s Coe .ii Jack;&`Dorothy Miller:oggingTrack Complete David = 570200 $29,250 98 G.O. 9/34/02 9/13/02 $62;130.91' Veterans Park,Ra"--1 " Complete " Ric PK9941 $2,936,800 ! i,98 G.O. 11/02 11/6/02 $3,219,264.36 • Madeley"Park" :;Complete Pete",` PK9706 $48,°00 '98G.0 98 G.O. 8/02 12/02 $39,067.33 Anderson',PlaygrourdRcplacement• Complete 'David PKQ215 $39,950 FY'02 Replacement 10/02 12/15/02 $42,942.00 Bea Creek Batting-"Cages&Backstops Complete•" David , K 03 ) 1 " $25,000': PY"'03 General Fund 3/03 1/31/03 $20,963.94' Utility Service Building Landscape Complete Pete" E3900-P $15,000 1/03 1/30/03 $9,301 Southwood Athletic Park Soccer Pence,, Complete ,.,, Pete . N/A,; $12,000: FY'p3 General Fund 2/03 1/17103 $9,936 Arts Council Landscape Design„,. Complete Pete N/A $0 N/A 1/30/03 -$22,000 Central"Parteiighting Improvements Complete Pete PK0101 $17,000 98 Bond 5/31/03 4/03/03 $16,200 Central Park Sottball'Field Improvemer is Complete David PK0300 $24,200 Improvement Fund 313i/033/03/03 $21,075 Bee Creek Tennis Court Fence Replace. Complete Pete P1<031 Q $8,356 " Replacement Account 4/03 4/03/03 $8,356 Southwood Athletic'Perk Improvements Complete, -,. David, PK0076 $119,000 98 G.O. 3/28/033/10/03 $49,990 Thomas Pool Renovation Complete """" Ric PK0205 $277,25FY'02 4/31/03 4/30/03 $242,038 omas Pool Shade Cover; Complete Ric PK0104 $19,000 '98 G.O. 5/31/03 5/2/03 $12,395 Thomas"&Adamson Pool Lighting Complete Pete PK0302 $16;000" FY'03 General Fund 6/03 6/03 $10,497 Lick Creek Park Development,Phase I Under Construction Pete PK0069 $478,000 98 G.O./TPWD Grant 10/03 Southwood Senior League Dugout Covers Bids Received Pete PK0300 $7,200 Improvement Fund 7/31103 Bee Creek Light Pole Replacement On Hold till 11/03 Pete PK0303 $68,000 '98 G.O. 1/04 Agreement Complete Pete PK0210 $40,000 Replacement Account 5/04 Hensel Park Playground Replacement On Hold til 10/03 Cemetery Land Acquisition On Hold Ross GG9905 $275,000 98 G.O. Unknown Lincoln Center Ex.ansion/Im.roveents PendineContract Ric $170,000 CDBG li4.il*i'rii-ii,.iiiiiiiiii'.iii.".i1ii,ii'-,i--iiii,ii.i',i-"...i'.,,-'-'i'--iii..,i..ri';',i--ii..i,,,ii1i,,.i!'i-"i:it,,i:i'ii1iii,ii:;'.‘i ii.i'.:.,i'*''i,''i.ii;ii.''i,i',iii:-,:,i.:i.i!,,-,.:i. ,,.i;.iii":ii,i!i.,i-ii.'i,,i,.'i,.!_''.;it, .it•'i_."::,i,77i7,i-::i;i,,iii"::i-.7-5-,I.:_liii,i lt::,:i.,;,,"3.l•'ii.i;:,i',ttl,,'ii,i'•-ii-7.i +ats^ �,i ,- , 'r ; ' ate`''. s.s. 'c,.,. ' £-.... v� i,: ' g - �4 +w:; k:; # ',5 '' ° y - t '` ;x",,`: ,�'�'�i .��`x$F�Of i4MOunta.' t4'00 `t * ;-01- -- ,�"�,,�" „.v` i. ... i .s i ,.x,. ,..a„x.... z. ._, .+ . "�..�..ka... ,., ,,.. Sn�� . s,=§^riTt,eo- ... *CSISD and Rock Prairie PTO to cover$48'','':,'E,61.2 of this cost. :CIP Summary ' - i Com.lete 15 Under Construction 1 Bids Received - i Pendin. Contracts 1 Out to Bid 0 In Desi.n 0 On Hold 3 -Total :ttr `' ' m21 Park Land Dedication Projects , . Park Land Dedication - Project Project i Funding Projects Prioritized J Status Manager # Budget Sourc0 e.cteci/Actlial' cost - - ZONE 1 -$178,314 Northgate Park Acquisition On Hold Zone 1 Funds ZONE 2.-$129,271 Brazos Beautiful Eastgate Park Improvements I In Design David &Zone 2 Funds 1/04 ZONE 3-$18,835 • ZONE 4-$21,6p7, Raintree Improvements On Hold Pete NA $0 Zone 4 Funds Windwood Improvements On Hold Pete NA $0 Zone 4 Funds ZONE 5-$170,356 BdeIweiSSPk Pedestrian IirldOe"&Vegetatin Complete David PK0216 417,709 zone 5 Fund i 03103 2/10/03 , • , , Sb,tihwood Athletic Park Playground C—oversI " Complete ' ,Pete PK-0307 $22,290 Zone 5 Funds 4/30/03 4/25/03 $22;290 Brothers,Fitch,Miller Benches I In Design David PK0311 $25,000 Zone 5 Funds 8/30/03 Jack&Dorothy Miller Park Playgrounds w/Cushion Bids Received David PK0312 $137,000 Zone 5 Funds 10/30/03 $88,889 Southwood Sidewalks Under Construction Pete PK0313 $17,000 Zone 5 Funds 7/03 $13,719 Longmire Park Pla *round&Picnic Unit On Hold Pete NA $0 Zone 5 Funds ZONE . South Knoll Rubber Cushion Complete Ric PK0308 $8,000 Zone 6 Funds Unknown 5/9/03 Anderson Walk and Benches I On Hold David PK0315 $45,000 Zone 6 Funds 8/29/03 Bee Creek Benches I On Hold David PK0316 $12,000 Zone 6 Funds 6/30/03 Anderson Park Swing Set On Hold David PK0314 $12,000 Zone 6 Funds 8/29/03 .3abbard Park Sidewalk On Hold David NA $35,000 Zone 6 Funds 9/1/03 „ - Woodway Park Development In Design Ric PK9803 $600,000 Zone 7 Funds Unknown ZONE 8 391, ...• " - ZONE 9 Shenandoah Park Development In Design Pete NA $200,000 Zone 10 Funds 6/04 ' - ZONE 11--$117,30';'/';'',-.; ' Pebble Creek Park Improvements/Tot Playground On Hold Pete NA $0 Zone 11 Funds ZONE 13,$557, •, , - - Note:$0 budget- To be determined I-Intergenerational Project _ . Park Land Dedication Summary Under Construction Bids Received Pendin. Contracts 0 Out to Bid 0 In Desi.n 4 Pendin. Land Ac.uisition 0 On Hold 9 Page 2 01Projects/CIP/CIP&Park Land Dad Project List.doc STRATEGIC PLANS IMPLEMENTATIO ,,,i CALENDAR 2002-03 . , IMP.PLAN SUBJECT TEAM OCT NOV ' DEC ' '' JAN FEB MARCH - Board Review of 4a, Board Review of 1st VS 2arteQuarter S 1.a Park Maintenance Curtis 10/22102Qur1/14/03 Standards VS 2 Urban Forestry S 1.b Plan Ross installation of intergenerational park VS 2 Intergenerational features ongoing, S 2.a Parks Ric Aquarticsviepwroegdrams , Athleticreviepwroegdrams progEradimulc1satrioe03vniaelwed .,,,.,,rirograra 2lEntertainment1slfioev3i!wed, ,,,,,,,,, St:,1)eryreviewedisiilediaprograms VS 2 Review Leisure Peter 11/12/024f 12)10102 , S 2.b Service Programs VS 2 Cooperative efforts Peter S 2.c and joint programming with City of Bryan . , , VS 2 . , . Complete Phase!Gonstructi()ri Veterans Memonat.,,. Development of Ric Completed as of, Dedication 11/1110g,,,' Investigatebuil6 ngaagreement reCeemell e gnot Station Soccer Club September and ‘' „, , S 2.d Veterans Park pr,es6,Statsafft1210/85n10,tooaracditizens Phase I talaintenance '- MOmgress—, Phase I activities begun Complete Parks Board : VS 2 Develop new five- , and Staff input ',.,,BonaC•ornmitt.e.e S 2.e year Parks Capital Ric ,— ,— , . - . , , Improvement , Projects Draft of Plan ,Parks Board joint , approved by Parks > meeting r,,,,, T Advisory Board Planning 8,Zoningto • VS 3 Update Parks Steve 1/14/03 review plan on 316103, S 2d Master Plan Ric NOTE: Shaded items have been completed. Revised July 1, 2003 O:\Strategic Planning/Plan Calendars 2003/Timeline 2003.doc a ; IMP.PLAN SUBJECT TEAM APRIL 1 �" MAY" JUNE JULY AUG SEPT VS 2 Park MaintenanceBoard Reviewof 2��Quarter:' Board Review of 3rd S 1.a Standards Curtis , a 418103 Quarter Two SLA's Presentation to Parks Board submitted as part of VS 2 Urban Forestry Plan with staffs recommendations FY 04 Budget Ross on initial implementation process S 1.b 4/8/03 VS 2 Intergenerational Parks S 2.a Ric Review Leisure Service VS 2 Programs Peter S 2.b VS 2 Cooperative efforts and S 2.c joint programming with Peter City of Bryan VS 2 Complete Development of Grand opening Veterans Park Ric scheduled for S 2.d Phase 1 __.5/17103 VS 2 Develop new five-year S 2.e Parks Capital Ric Improvement Projects Council to consider VS 3 SteveCouncil;to consider the revised plan pn Std Update Parks Master Plan Ric revived plan rescheduled for<- 6/12/03 June Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, June 30, 2003 College Station Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Road 10:00am MINUTES Members Present: Annie Lee Finch, Laura Holmes, Bill Kling, Catherine Lamb, Billy Lay, Robert Meyer, Haskell Monroe, Neal Nutall, Suzanne Reynolds, Yvonne Stevens, Betty Wilborn and Joanna Yeager. Members Absent: Frank Camplone, Fred Dollar and Dipankar Sen Staff Present: Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator I. Call to order. till Kling, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 10:04 Hear Visitors No visitors were present HI. Approval of minutes from regular meeting on May 19, 2003 Haskel Monroe moved that the minutes be approved from the May 19th meeting. Bill Lay seconded the motion. The motion passed. IV. Wolf 'en Creek Lower Trail Dedication and appreciatiin to Yvonne Stevens for volunteering. Yvonne Stevens reported on the dedication ceremony. Yvonne served as a judge for the children's parade and pet parade. The event was held on Saturday, June 7th and featured booths and games for the family. V. Discussion, consideration and possible action concerning member applications for the Senior Advisory Committee. Marci Rodgers reported that Yvonne Stevens and Joanna Yeager had submitted applications for the Senior Advisory Committee. Colleen Risinger has also mailed in an application and the committee was told of her interest in serving on the committee. Anne Lee Finch moved that Yvonne Stevens, Joanna Yeager and Colleen Risinger be accepted and recommended to the Parks and Recreation Board as new members for the Senior Advisory committee for three year terms beginning July 28, 2003. Catherine Lamb seconded the motion. The motion passed. Laura Holmes made the motion that the committee recommends Joanna Yeager to serve as chairman and Robert Meyer serves as vice-chairman for the next year. Catherine Lamb seconded the motion. The motion passed. VI. Discussion concerning orientation for new committee members. The committee recommended that an orientation for new members be held at 9:00am on July 28th at the Teen Center. VII. Awards presentation Service awards were presented to Bill Kling, Billy Lay, Anne Lee Finch, Yvonne Stevens and Joanna Yeager. Mr. Kling, Mr. Lay, Ms. Finch and Ms. Yeager have served on the committee beginning in 1999. All were congratulated and thanked for their time and support of senior programs. Laura Holmes made the motion that the College Station Senior Advisory Committee submit for the approval of the Parks and Recreation Department and the Parks and Recreation Board a proposal to the College Station City Council a request for funds, not to exceed $50,000.00, for the rental of space at Post Oak Mall for an office for the Senior Services Coordinator as well as a gathering place for seniors to meet and information distributed on senior services in the community. Catherine Lamb seconded the motion. Bill Lay moved to table the motion. Yvonne Stevens seconded the motion to table. The motion did not pass. Ms. Holmes motion was voted on and the motion passed. A sub- committee was formed to research space for seniors at Post Oak Mall with Laura Holmes, Catherine Lamb, Joanna Yeager and Neal Nutall agreeing to serve. The sub-committee will meet following the meeting to discuss a meeting date and time. VIII. Senior Services Coordinator Report (report attached) Items for next report: A&M Memorial Park, RSVP Drivers Escort Program IX. Next meeting date ad agenda. Monday, July 28, 2003 X. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 11:25am CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CONFERENCE CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE MONTHLY MEETING Monday, June 16, 2003 At 12:00 noon College Station Conference Center 1300 George Bush Drive College Station,Texas 77840 MINUTES Staff Present: Grace Calbert,Conference Center Facility Supervisor Nita Hilburn, Recording Secretary Members Present: Ed Holdredge,Fran Lamb (Vice Chair),Glenda Elledge,Mollie Guin Members Absent: None Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 12:25pm. Pardon-Consider requests for absences of members from meeting: None Hear visitors-None Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes: Fran Lamb made a motion to approve the minutes for April 16,2003 Regular Meeting. Glenda Elledge seconded the motion.Motion passed. Revenue "eports: Revenue reports were reviewed for April 2003. Revenues for April 2003 were$ 11,274.24 versus April 2002 of$ 11,549.99. Number of clients served April 2003 were 6,659 vs.April 2002 of 7,262. Revenue reports were reviewed for May 2003. Revenues for May 2003 were$ 9,610.78 versus May 2002 of$ 10,353.59. Number of clients served May 2003 were 4,860 vs.May 2002 of 4,638. Glenda Elledge motioned to approve the revenue report. Ed Holdredge seconded the motion. Motion Passed. Adjourn: Fran Lamb made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:55 p.m. Glenda Elledge seconded the motion. Motion passed. The Next Regular Monthly Meeting will be held at the College Station Conference Center on Thursday July 24, 2003 at 12:00 noon. Respectfully submitted, Nita Hilburn,Recording Secretary PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD JULY 2003 CALENDAR Sunday Monday Euosduy 'Wednesday r.hvrsday Ih0ux Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 Noon Lions Club Annual Fireworks Display George Bush Library& Museum Entertainment @ 5:30 p.m.& Fireworks after dark 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Parks&Recreation Starlight Concert Hanna's Advisory Board Reef Regular Meeting, 7:00 p.m.at Texas Superguard EXIT Teen CenteCompetition 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Family Swim Night at Starlight Conce Adamson Lagoon Big Oti 8:00 p.m. ASA Men's Slowpitch State Tournament July 19-20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Council appointments to Citizen Boards/Committees Family Swim Night at Adamson 8:00 p.m. 27 28 29 30 31 10U ^B^Girls Family Swim Night at Fastpitch Adamson Lagoon National Tournament 8:00 p.m. July 28 Aug 3 PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD AUGUST2003 CALENDAR Sunday Monday tumoduw Wednesday Eltum&uV Jriday Saturday ' | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 |i14 15 16 Parks& Recreation Adamson Lagoon Advisory Open Weekends Board Regular Only Meeting 7:OOpm. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Committee & Board i Adamson Lagoon Member Orientation / Open Weekends Only City Council Chambers 6-9 p.m. 24 25 26 27 '28 29 30 Adamson Lagoon Open Weekends Only 31 %•0 H. 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N.: : . - /0.„f.,14't:0 w?•i P 6,--S --Ce-- „ i 1 LbLe-r „ ,--L. .'- 1 i — t rtt 6 4 ,--, F 10 -ki_ ,------, -.,- ---„,„ _ , \ , \--),— ,i,?i ±L"--) a VI 4-- .‘ ,.,^ (17( i or i-1.- ,..." I ,.„ '‘ t„ i :-,-4 j 04. „„ ( , 0„ ›-t'LA,,,i ,Lc. 4., -r- J . —lc. i -Fir —, .--t-i- - - - - -- . 144-1, ' u...,,r(,,,,- _ (-"---- f.,,,,,,fe_ K2 , . , ' ..0.:.„ ..1 Y€ A h t . - d P , l r4g iI._ _._ tau . r Cli, C g `- n o a LI- r :7 A m t ."' .. x.a�-sp _.ate ,0'1�8,� '-..� � — t, - . ,r,,,,4_,,, „i, i.:,.,:,,;s :_q. ;fit „,:;..; ,,,,. ;;,,, ,_. _, 5� r, C f ft +E Di 1 c , � a UPDATES FROM THE WORLD HEADQUARTERS It iv:.7 `College Station Parks d Recreation Department July 2003 r vfi SUMMER SIM LESSONS The Water Fitness Class continues to be 64 e extremely popular during the summer N (; Session 2 of summer swim lessons has months. Anne Baker, certified as a Water ) successfully ended. Infants 6 months and Fitness Instructor by the Aquatic Exercise Vak older through adults learned to enjoy the Association, leads a class Mondays - Fridays, 1,4„ 0' water as well as water safety and swimming from 9 - 10 a.m. at the Halloran Pool. Nytii 8 skills. Parents in the Starfish class (Parents Attendance often hovers around 40. Men &. NF $.411e &`. and Infants) are the proud recipients of and women of all ages are currently involved N fat, underwater IV pictures taken of their children in this great exercise program. Participants during class. We increased the number of in the program also have a social luncheon tipre-school children in the Frogs classes once a month. An evening Water Fitness from session ONE, partly due to class is conducted under the leadership of , participation by Longmire Day Care Center. Chad Staley, who also serves as a lifeguard, , . 9 The total number of individuals enrolled in and Cindy Quinn, who is also a land aerobics f` the Day and Night lessons was 443. That instructor. The evening class is composed figure represents 443 individuals who will mainly of those men and women who work isk probably be safer in, on and around the away from home during the day and yet see "` water, now that they have taken Red Cross the many benefits of exercising regularly in ea swimming lessons. the refreshing, cool, pool environment. IV j":"(`'‘ During session TWO, 7 young people participated in the Red Cross Water Safety SUMMER TENNIS LESSONS f Instructor Aide class. Since they have completed the class, they are now beginning The Tennis program is off to a great start. on-the-job training as Water Safety Session ONE of Team Tennis, enrolled a t Instructor Aides. Aides assist Water total of 81 youth. They participated 3 days F fth Safety Instructors in the teaching of a week and learned to play and enjoy the classes. They provide demonstrations of game of tennis. The new "Games Approach" doe strokes and swimming skills and provide helped them learn the game quickly, in a fun more one-on-one help for the students in way and actually get right down to playing ,fi TriA class. After completing a total of 200 tennis--which is what their goal is when they N 7 $ volunteer hours over two years and another enroll. *SI li Aide class, the Aides may apply for positions "` § as Water Safety Aides and be hired as The Parks and Recreation Department has fok ; assistants. Currently, there are eighteen begun an Adult Team Tennis Program. The itt 5 " 1 Water Safety Instructor Aides enrolled in Team Tennis participants meet on Mondays it.O. the Program. As a small token of and Wednesdays, from 5:30 - 7 p.m. While fit� appreciation, Aides receive one Park Buck the first session enrollment numbers are per volunteer hour served. small, activity is fast-paced and the "It!, !, 4A. participants are truly enjoying learning to conducted at the Central Park office = play. They are already competing in game Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. situations and eager to continue learning At this time, the schedule is tentative and7 ,; ,,,/ tennis skills. dependent upon instructor availability and ilik fit7the minimum number enrolled. Session ONE of the night tennis lessons saw 39 beginners, 6 intermediates, and 20 adult IN, participants. Leanne Stout and Steve Merhi PARKS SAFETY COMMITTEE Ott are the instructors for tennis lessons and are assisted by several young Tennis The Parks Safety Committee has been busy! Tiros Ary Instructor Aides. The first edition of P & R Safety, a quarterly newsletter geared towards Tennis Instructor Aides and Tennis increasing awareness of safety issues and ArY Instructors participated in a Coach health concerns, has just come out. All - Development Workshop held in the Spring. Parks and Recreation Department employees 14,.447 gal, The "Games Approach" method for teaching received the newsletter and were able to g` Tennis skills was emphasized. Tennis read up on topics such as what to do when a teik Instructor Aides assist the Tennis coaches heat wave strikes, poisonous plants, and the in the classes and have been invaluable. At West Nile Virus and other insect- - this time, there are 8 aides in the program. transmitted diseases. At q ° This is the first year for the Tennis ' 1. Instructor Aide program and we appreciate The Committee, made up of Vera Solis, ,. x the time and commitment these young Chair; Scott Hooks, Co-chair; Ann Marie _ At people are making as they help teach others Hazlett, Secretary; Gerald Guillory; Jana the game of tennis. Wood; and Kelly Kelbly meets on a regular v.v..:_.. 40t407itt basis to promote their mission, which is: :tit, vAr . REGISTRATION FOR FALL SWIMMING "To develop and promote a healthy and safe Oita, & WATER FITNESS PROGRAMSenvironment for all employees and visitors 4, a�� through the involvement of all individuals Before you know it, fall will be here and we with regards to education, communication, . V are getting ready for it!! Beginning on and safe work practices." :. ;�ApeJuly 21, 2003, registration will begin for fall ;. 46 2003 swim lessons and water fitness. There On July 16th the Safety Committee will be will be three sessions: hosting a barbecue and swim party at the 410A, Bee Creek Pavilion from 7:00 p.m. - Session I - September 1 - September 25 ,,,, 4i4 10:00 p.m. for all PARD employees and family ' .. FOI r Session II - September 29 - October 23 members. Please RSVP to Ann Marie by ' v4b' Session III - October 27 - November 20 July 14th. 04/ tnee 44 i; This registration will take place Monday- KUDOS Thursday at Adamson Lagoon and Thomas Pools only during swim lesson class times. The following letters were received from 4 wAfter August 7th registration will be various individuals expressing their , .. Ni, ,fix 7 .x, : %, at��' .. 14,7 wy ., : ik, 4101 e comments and giving feedback on Parks football. Oh how time flies. Thanks for11, Department programming and/or staff. giving me an opportunity to be around things At that I love: kids, sports and both of you. r %k Dear Mayor Silvia, Thanks for your devotion to making our g q sports programs such a wonderful I wanted to take a moment to say what an experience! ' xenjoyable time that my family, my friends - Stacey Toney and I have had at the Wolf Pen Creek's concerts on Saturday nights for this fbtilsummer. I feel it has been one of the best NEWS FROM LINCOLN CENTER b v)' events that have happened since the Jazz Festivals that were once sponsored by On June 2nd, Lincoln Center kicked off "FM-.�4 , College Station. The music in my opinion has Fun in the Summertime 2003". Attendance7,1071 ..°4 appealed to all interests and the groups is running at 200 children per day and an vie themselves have been top-notch, My hat average of 150 at lunchtime. Summer . goes off to first, you and the City Council participation is expected to average 250 Ar for funding these events. I want to strongly children daily. Thanks to Exit Teen Center, , encourage you to continue to fund this, not Aquatics, and Instruction (free swim and P iIrt only in next year's budget but also in years tennis lessons to Lincoln youth) for your a „ ,. to come. Next, my hat goes off to the staff assistance. 41ki that worked very hard to bring this vision to 1114 reality. Again I am grateful for the June 7th, Lincoln Staff met with Coach Itteh concerts, and Thank you! Thank you! Thank Dennis Franchione and received a $1,000 lts `. you! grant from Coach Fran Charities Inc., for - Bruce Karr general use at Lincoln for FY 2003. Further System Civil Engineer discussions included an August 16, 2003 oio," The Texas A&M University Systemks Coach Fran 5K Walk/Run. Participants will v :' Facilities Planning and Construction receive a t-shirt and free pass to the 2003 (144 TAMU Fightin' Aggie Football Squad Intra- Athletics ® David Hudspeth and Patrick Scrimmage. Proceeds benefit Lincoln F Hazlett received this from Stacey Toney, program and other youth charities in the Az one of their part time employees: Brazos Valley. Other projects with Coach 7 Fran will be planned in the future. VC '. . . Working for you and Patrick in the 41,0 Athletics Department is a job I absolutely Local Lowe's Home and Garden Center Akil'A . love. I honestly feel that I have the best donated up to $15,000 for special projects e bosses anyone could ask for. What I most at Lincoln to include landscaping around the . enjoy is being around the kids and watching newly added north foyer entrance. Other *10 them learn a sport that they can play later collaborators will include Aggie Athletes on in life. Watching these kids go throughInvolved and College Station PARD's Parks our program has been such a blessing in my Planning, the Forestry Division, and West life. It just amazes me that some of the District Park Operations. The project will be rftt kids I refereed in K - 2 flag football, I am detailed in the next newsletter. ` 'q now refereeing in Junior High tackle tiro?i 4 hilt ;LAI iliF14 _4' s.11.1 sikiA:4 AK 4110, ,taii *444, Aka; ikAt 6 :A'diA il k" a ii4i, 110ell 001,4 oilitit, Ale.,- iv ,0 i::: «...' .^ , ; e 3'o .... l" '_ . ''' .._ .,u_. A00- 4fr fit 4, E , i , a irr Az June 9-14 and June 16-21, Lincoln youth family reunion time at Lincoln, with as many , between ages 8-12 and middle scholars as eight activities scheduled for the attended a residential camp for at risk kids summer. �� - Camp of the Hills, near Marble Falls, �, Texas. The cool thing about it is the Lincoln Ills ir At Kids got a great behavior report! The PARKS OPERATIONS = Recreation Assistant at the LRC during the MAINTENANCE STANDARDS ` IV ,, school semester, Chris Field, serves as the "'.4 bhiv CamAxop Director for the summer. This past March, Curtis Bingham, Parks -�' -4, Operations Superintendent, conducted a Ax 4 Juneteenth 2003 - 125 children ages 6 - 18 presentation at the Annual Texas Recreation 'dF and 10 adults/staff, escorted by CSPD, and Parks Society Conference in San participated in the 1.2 mile Freedom Walk Antonio. The presentation was on to George Bush Library and Museum on Developing and Implementing ParksAli.,, June 17, 2003. Kids had a great history Maintenance Standards" and was centered lesson from "Cowboy Mike", presenter and on the maintenance standards that the Irr,v historian of African Americans of the Old College Station City Council approved back in West. They also toured the museum and March 2001. Iffte learned other Wild West facts. Lincoln will4,,,70 be part of other activities at the George Since the presentation, the maintenance s '74, S Bush Library and Museum this summer. standards and associated specifications and survey forms were sent to several Parks and r A. �` The Juneteenth Carnival was held Recreation Departments around Texas that - WO June 19, 2003 at 5:00 p.m., as a community requested the information. The most resent celebration. Lots of games, free food, and request came from Kristen Kennedy, Parks .4i , 1 music, and snow cones were there for the Superintendent for the City of Murphy. The : over 400 participants, (young and old) whoMurphy City Council voted and unanimously t!&I ® ,Aattended. Activities took place in the approved to adopt these maintenancek It *Q playground and basketball court area. standards to be used by their newly ie f established Parks and Recreation litita ' Juneteenth Parade ® June 14, 2003 - Department. Murphy is a small, but fast ilibIL Ten Lincoln girls ages 11-14, the LRC growing City of about 9,000 people. t�gt, . . Soldierettes, placed second in Drill/Step Murphy's Parks and Recreation Department E Team Performance and participated in is a small, but growing department in its Anderson,Texas Juneteenth Celebration on early development stage. The Murphy City '- .�p. June 19, 2003. Thanks to VARSITY FORD Council felt that adopting the College g 4 for use of the truck. Station Parks and Recreation Department's ' maintenance standards would be a benefit ., July-August Upcoming events - The Lincoln and a good way to start their new Parks and AA Former Students Association Class Reunion Recreation Department. Oiiir is planned for July 4-6, 2003 ® LRC. The Zti 4 National Kids Day Celebration will be held These maintenance standards were ' on August 5, 2003. Sports camps and out- developed through a lot of hard work by the .1 . of-town kid trips are also planned. It is following: '��." 1 „?/' STAIr -'1*.! ' l` ..A !" ..» ! '**. 7 *VW ti,"T*7-`'Z',•,:-.:o N4, ',,,,,VII; 1,?, '4,F•%71"4:-1,*11 ;:tt It, 74 tvzi'''of,13 vvr. 41:**** 111:stif tv; ':0:440. , rt-. it.441; Parks Operations ''% FISHING AT CENTRAL PARK POND A.S4 '''' "44' Curtis Bingham, Parks Operations 4 Superintendent The Texas bepartment of Wildlife and liari, .„. Scott Hooks, Parks Operations Supervisor Fisheries will be stocking both the large and (West bistrict) small ponds at Central Park on Tuesday, 'it.Tor 4P Gary Marske, Parks Operations Supervisor July 15th. b This stocking is not part of the Az, lilillt (South bistrict) regular schedule, but is being done in order -*e' Paul Rucker, Parks Operations Supervisor to conduct creel tests to see how quickly "Tat $sAby (East bistrict) the ponds are fished out. They are trying to 5,071 -41-re ft _yForestr determine how often the ponds should be Ross Albecht, Forestry Superintendent stocked. Tibit 01/4 df- 'Aftlr=° ,. .it, Gerald Guillory, Forestry Supervisor &wets, liV-V,0 qt!ti,,tlf,' and through the help and guidance of Steve PFA „it Beachy, Parks and Recreation Director. it -flil 0011iiW 4.11t4 4 STARLIGHT MUSIC SERIES A SUCCESS ),,,,..11.tw 4t.0 -.4„#,:. 41 The second annual Starlight Music Series has been a huge success with over 34,000 in 47 '" k attendance so far this year. The on-stage :-M07 A 0., C) talent has pleased guests with a wide range •git of music styles with everything from rock, - Ort :To wait -30 -441 country, folk, pop, gospel, jazz, and Indian Classical music, 41,L tiVi. „e Vi 04 , 1 41) In addition to the wonderful talent, guests Tyr 04 41. ---v- have been entertained with the Starlight Star Search each week prior to the *, ,rwr eelle.401, %Toe '--Ae concerts. Free give-aways including t- ti ,,nta shirts, flashers, Frisbees, Schlitterbahn and , ” , 2,,A riow te Astroworld tickets, have been very popular Agos 4fJat each event. There are two concerts left ' for this season - July 12th Hanna's Reef will 451_441, be performing and on July 19th it will be Big N4liv. A, Otis. Admission is free. Families are tif 4, encouraged to bring their lawn chairs and IN ,•.T, picnic baskets. The Starlight Music Series .7%... a 411, is sponsored by College Station Utilities. ,t71$ ifilt ' ‘1V wtvir I , 4..,..41 :::*; ,, ., , , .,„ =,,,.. . , • ,. 11.'1_ � : la ,(� ! ''' -4'..A" "" irk'� : ,/ / : '''-\ : ,l � ''+: ,f *, (IN" .! :T a t S r ' ! +,�;, �F {„,tom j ,r :,c-•"4"'''': c; r. a-_. a= t c a �`:�.�y. `3• "'+"'�,t, ".�w"t "'4`�"�S i �i ,si k'S ! i1" 'S.""+� '' ,-.: "' Y ,' _._ 'P . yr "a' ." -�... ' ). � :ti',( �•;4\ • � .�yt�(I 4+ I' 1,' : . 'C ",� .�;• '�. C 'c : < I 4 ' E �.^(' •7.,,7` -• -r �' � ' a , 7 �"', 1 � `*' x2 z F> x a,..,� ;: �'?sM `s` 4`�4 U. �_„v� , s,:`gym 4_,, :> ,* -�—✓ i if.�'�• ' �a � � .� '� • � � "^ � �' �� MAIN mac � 1,0, � . V / Y :'-:';':/1:: D-: k (w ' ,',,;, SUMMER SWIM LESSONS The Water Fitness Class continues to be , extremely popular during the summer ' , Session 2 of summer swim lessons has months. Anne Baker, certified as a Water � ' e ' successfully ended. Infants 6 months and Fitness Instructor by the Aquatic Exercise older through adults learned to enjoy the Association, leads a class Mondays - Fridays ,�4 ,, water as well as water safety and swimming from 9 - 10 a.m. at the Hallaran Pool. A � Y = skills. Parents in the Starfish class (Parents Attendance often hovers around 40. Men T Q,'-' '''' and Infants) are the proud recipients of and women of all ages are currently involved ' underwater pictures taken of their children in this great exercise program. Participants • v } during class. We increased the number of in the program also have a social luncheon ` • pre-school children in the Frogs classes once a month. An evening Water Fitness a. from session ONE, partly due to class is conducted under the leadership of Et participation byLongmire Da Care Center. Chad Stale who also serves as a life uard ,. '; p p 9 Y Y, 9 5 The total number of individuals enrolled in and Cindy Quinn, who is also a land aerobics the Day and Night lessons was 443. That It P instructor. The evening class is composed y, 7th • figure represents 443 individuals who will mainly of those men and women who work y probably be safer in, on and around the away from home during the day and yet see :0 water, now that they have taken Red Cross the many benefits of exercising regularly in � ' swimming lessons. the refreshing, cool, pool environment. b.7-0 `` i s During sessle:et ion TWO, 7 young people s - participated in the Red Cross Water Safety SUMMER TENNIS LESSONALA S �l I• nstructor Aide class. Since they have , completed the class, they are now beginning The Tennis program is off to a great start. g 4 ; } on the job training as Water safety Session ONE of Team Tennis, enrolled a ' f `• Instructor Aides. Aides assist Water total of 81 youth. They participated 3 days ;• safety Instructors in the teaching of a week and learned to play and enjoy the :a.'• onstrations ogame of tennis. The new "Games Approach" e classes. They provide dem f pp 1,�` strokes and swimming skills and provide helped them learn the game quickly, in a fun more ane on one help for the students in way and actually get right down to playing a . .,-,;('1 ,'' class. After completing a total of 200 tennis—which is what their goal is when they .rce. ,, :?,,f;: f p g ▪ volunteer hours over two years and another enroll. " Aide class, the Aides may apply for positions • ` ,. as Water Safety Aides and be hired as The Parks and Recreation Department has 4,,,, ' a• ssistants. Currently, there are eighteen begun an Adult Team Tennis Program. The ` 'y Water Safety Instructor Aides enrolled in Team Tennis participants meet on Mondaysz'. t• he Program. As a small token of and Wednesdays, from 5:30 7 p.m. While '' .,,,_,• -/' =, appreciation, fides receive one Pork Puck; the first session enrollment numbers are i` per volunteer hour served. small, activity is fast-paced and then I. '! f -fit " .f E,, , 're171U I -:> ';?»v- ,.....�I ,w *?s Ms `...?.ems rL A.2:4' AL It,4.*:;st At. 104 leitit ieb #fit gett LOit: 401 Wili ,,:.-% Ai% 4,0at As,AttSi ,ftia 01, 's - Te, o tg.' V lis "41? ' li II V ItV4Z ia T * 74 3 411 N• Ti 0 V 1:, ",. kV .',* Is lra -,17 't,... ,• ,r.,0, .1%,,,... 11., s '3'4', AA '',1k, 4,k A Az a -‘,„e ..),,. '•.% e "X e -'5.1 t A\e ,,1",r ,,„,iir , ,4, l'V, -01 participants are truly enjoying learning to conducted at the Central Park office 4 499; VI144, play. They are already competing in game Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. situations and eager to continue learningOtti At this time, the schedule is tentative and blew, ,' low tennis skills, dependent upon instructor availability and e,t„ 3..,A1lthe minimum number enrolled. .,. Session ONE of the night tennis lessons saw *IiiP ,Vic libiy 39 beginners, 6 intermediates, and 20 adult 14104 .114m4., 4participants. Leanne Stout and Steve Merhi PARKS SAFE1Y COMMITTEE, Atattt ',now are the instructors for tennis lessons and Ada.4., are assisted by several young Tennis The Parks Safety Committee has been busy! ,trat-1iraut Instructor Aides. The first edition of P & R Safety, a ..,.. ,,- .1.% Lt. quarterly newsletter geared towards .,...tk, m7-eti:• Tennis Instructor Aides and Tennis increasing awareness of safety issues and Al #4.11, Instructors participated in a Coach health concerns, has just come out. All wtr.-,. .174.6.,i• Development Workshop held in the Spring. Parks and Recreation Department employees lity 401,, The "Games Approach" method for teaching received the newsletter and were able to 414, If„.v.vi, t'••;4,7 Tennis skills was emphasized. Tennis read up on topics such as what to do when a , It Instructor Aides assist the Tennis coaches heat wave strikes, poisonous plants, and the lb, • in the classes and have been invaluable. At West Nile Virus and other insect- s time, there are • •ffvok insect- this 8 aides in the program. transmitted diseases. , l'et %V' This is the first year for the Tennis 't, Instructor Aide program and we appreciate The Committee, made up of Vera Solis, ,Ottt, „:,..'..1; the time and commitment these young1 iiiw Chair; Scott Hooks, Co-chair; Ann Marie .0i people are making as they help teach others Hazlett, Secretary; Gerald Guillory; Jana Orit. ,:tv -A: ..-- the game of tennis. Wood; and Kelly Kelbly meets on a regular 44440 basis to promote their mission, which is: i Olt kt1-11 ltv .'1 REGISTRATION FOR FALL SWIMMING &.•,,I,%., "To develop and promote a healthy and safe , 14#7 & WATER FITNESS PROGRAMS TV,' environment for all employees and visitors 40kdk through the involvement of all individuals Atli, Id '9 ‘i9 47 ' Before you know it, fall will be here and we with regards to education, communication, °--::: are getting ready for it!! Beginning on and safe work practices." lOtet -seir lr -LA,e• July 21, 2003, registration will begin for fall Olt 2003 swim lessons and water fitness. There On July 16th the Safety Committee will be *;24 *, ,i7; AVVY lk: - will be three sessions: hosting a barbecue and swim party at the 4,09t, ; :a Bee Creek Pavilion from 7:00 p.m. - %VA. .Y" Session I - September 1 - September 25 10:00 p.m. for all PARD employees and family ,.,..,. Session II - September 29 - October 23 members. Please RSVP to Ann Marie by k er h. 4/7 A. Session III - October 27 - November 20 July 14t 'fit 'WIC L.i..„ 1.1* This registration will take place Monday- KUDOS tali Ag: T• hursday at Adamson Lagoon and Thomas W- Pools only during swim lesson class times. The following letters were received from A• fter August 7th registration will be various individuals expressing their mow t i ; 4 4 -V vi. ''Cr -14 147 ,S " A -r-1 VI ' 1' 19";' 9' 9 1 - -9.11, 99 -9 19 79,'IA '11 94, '7i 'or -4 V 7 %.°4..A .:41.p.7, tot. ## A 0 ..1..,0, -...S.,4# -40:,4# 44.,0 lk,0, I. .A- 'A.;PY lit,tgfi as,a, 04. a It,a .*. a ..k.9 * 07 41A , . , ' x. S 4 9 0 ?. 1 i �...,e f ,, �A �1. mac.40 . , i.‘ v.. a comments and giving feedback on Parks football. Oh how time flies. Thanks for ` Department programming and/or staff. giving me an opportunity to be around things that I love: kids, sports and both of you. ..0. Dear Mayor Silvia, Thanks for your devotion to making our t' AK sports programs such a wonderfulgf' I wanted to take a moment to say what an experience! ° enjoyable time that my family, my friends - Stacey Toney lttablif ImtIP and I have had at the Wolf Pen Creek's • f concerts on Saturday nights for this Apt, summer. I feel it has been one of the best NEWS FROM LINCOLN CENTER 4(16 events that have happened since the Jazz ,oiki , Festivals that were once sponsored by On June 2nd, Lincoln Center kicked off "HotIX College Station. The music in myopinion has Fun in the Summertime 2003". Attendance 4 tx appealed to all interests and the groups is running at 200 children per day and an z. �.tl� themselves have been top-notch. My hat average of 150 at lunchtime. Summer tvii goes off to first, you and the City Council participation is expected to average 250 givt for funding these events. I want to strongly children daily. Thanks to Exit Teen Center, encourage you to continue to fund this, not Aquatics, and Instruction (free swim andr ,alot only in next year's budget but also in years tennis lessons to Lincoln youth) for your r to come. Next, my hat goes off to the staff assistance. V < • ,, that worked very hard to bring this vision to ,It , ' reality. Again I am grateful for the June 7th, Lincoln Staff met with Coach : . " concerts, and Thank you! Thank you! Thank Dennis Franchione and received a $1,000 �.. Vai you! grant from Coach Fran Charities Inc., for - Bruce Karr general use at Lincoln for FY 2003. Further Ar -.4K 4 System Civil Engineer discussions included an August 16, 2003 -i The Texas ASM University System Coach Fran 5K Walk/Run. Participants will , Facilities Planning and Construction receive a t-shirt and free pass to the 2003 $ . TAMU Fightin' Aggie Football Squad Intra dOlitas. AthlAlt: etics - David Hudspeth and Patrick Scrimmage. Proceeds benefit Lincoln . Alf Hazlett received this from Stacey Toney, program and other youth charities in the fi one of their part time employees: Brazos Valley. Other projects with Coach ,> Fran will be planned in the future. '` 1 Working for you and Patrick in the Athletics Department is a job I absolutely Local Lowe's Home and Garden Center ITr ri love. I honestly feel that I have the best donated up to $15,000 for special projects bosses anyone could ask for. What I most at Lincoln to include landscaping around the _, 011t 6 , enjoy is being around the kids and watching newly added north foyer entrance. Other them learn a sport that they can play later collaborators will include Aggie Athletes ¢:` on in life. Watching these kids go through Involved and College Station PARD's Parks -� our program has been such a blessing in my Planning, the Forestry Division, and West , , ' t life. It just amazes me that some of the District Park Operations. The project will be re kids I refereed in K - 2 flag football, I am detailed in the next newsletter. . now refereeing in Junior High tackle " " ^ . m aA ';:ft.:e , 0 , si 6 wIv * W4W-11,,, .1 ''...t.o 7 tea7 .: ' aVf1%-eA,„ ot A v. tfV w, sg,7 l0 W A I. ALI, rit June 9-14 and June 16-21, Lincoln youth family reunion time at Lincoln, with as many ‘..P between ages 8-12 and middle scholars as eight activities scheduled for the 4-'-:',. attended a residential camp for at risk kids summer. 17, - Camp of the Hills, near Marble Falls, . ti. ,--A, ;al Texas. The cool thing about it is the Lincoln Ifti.,e. Kids got a great behavior report! The PARKS OPERATIONS Recreation Assistant at the LRC during the MAINTENANCE STANDARDS Z#1 ,•4101! school semester, Chris Field, serves as the ii es% Camp Director for the summer. This past March, Curtis Bingham, Parks 140 . Iti Operations Superintendent, conducted a lireff Juneteenth 2003 - 125 children ages 6 - 18 presentation at the Annual Texas Recreation ' and 10 adults/staff, escorted by CSPD, v... and Parks Society Conference in San mit-4- participated in the 1.2 mile Freedom Walk Antonio. The presentation was on pli,10, to George Bush Library and Museum on "Developing and Implementing Parks ,opit •iireivi 7,kN -\'`*fp June17, 2003. Kids had a great history , Maintenance Standard? and was centered Nty lesson from "Cowboy Mike", presenter and on the maintenance standards that the geict w.tas. 1%.:7 historian of African Americans of the Old College Station City Council approved back in ,kte West. They also toured the museum and March 2001.AR 4" '''''* learned other Wild West facts. Lincoln will 44110. 'los be part of other activities at the George , Since the presentation, the maintenance ‘ 44 1.4t1 Bush Library and Museum this summer. standards and associated specifications and s , survey forms were sent to several Parks and .01, 44,7 The Juneteenth Carnival was held Recreation Departments around Texas that klt;' Iii June 19, 2003 at 5:00 p.m., as a community 9Zir,... requested the information. The most resent tt,kl Aviga, 1We celebration. Lots of games, free food, and request came from Kristen Kennedy, Parks '4:0," ii..fitiA music, and snow cones were there for the Superintendent for the City of Murphy. The over 400 participants, (young and old) who Murphy City Council voted and unanimously -,-, 4,721 attended. Activities took place in the approved to adopt these maintenance isaws, qr. playground and basketball court area. t .- standards to be used by their newly ..d, established Parks and Recreation *11 J• uneteenth Parade - June 14, 2003 - Department. Murphy is a small, but fast ---7,- Ten Lincoln girls ages 11-14, the growing City of about 9,000 people. Ast :'-' S• oldierettes, placed second in Drill/Step Murphy's Parks and Recreation Department 12 # 1 T• eam Performance and participated in is a small, but growing department in its 0 7 Al; 3. Anderson,Texas Juneteenth Celebration on early development stage. The Murphy City 21, J• une 19, 2003. Thanks to VARSITY FORD Council felt that adopting the College 0tit ttst for use of the truck. Station Parks and Recreation Department's A_Let. 4 41, Ikratil maintenance standards would be a benefit tt .44 t lry July-August Upcoming events - The Lincoln and a good way to start their new Parks and a 41' ti-21)1 F• ormer Students Association Class Reunion Recreation Department. !kw is planned for July 4-6, 2003 @ LRC. The -r4 National ''' Kids Day Celebration will be held These maintenance standards were k .= . 4tain „....,t on August 5, 2003. Sports camps and out- developed through a lot of hard work by the .....a,,a, ieal; o• f-town kid trips are also planned. It is following: .,'• P. sli,,\.o' Cai§ Pt 2i - --':•A it at t;',4,.",gt e i utItir I'. :-Iit,' Lliii P't 11 7:11:Stki• .11%, 6,110,tit,i& 'A `.1.:\,,o *i, .7.,i, 1 -,,-,, 7 Parks Operations FISHING AT CENTRAL PARK POND ,74*-0- Curtis Bingham, Parks Operations 'It Superintendent The Texas Department of Wildlife and j Scott Hooks, Parks Operations Supervisor Fisheries will be stocking both the large and 4 lel (West District) small ponds at Central Park on Tuesday, 1. 0` Gary Marske, Parks Operations Supervisor July1th. b This stocking is not part of the - ,.OW VI, ly (South District) regular schedule, but is being done in order Paul Rucker, Parks Operations Supervisor to conduct creel tests to see how quickly rt, (East District) the ponds are fished out. They are trying to A.0 . a..% Forestry determine how often the ponds should be ou, mrwe Ross Albecht, Forestry Superintendent stocked. itec -lo 0 Ift„ Gerald Guillory, Forestry Supervisor VS, ,tti,o' i Ai 4* '7* and through the help and guidance of Steve ,4 Tityp Beachy, Parks and Recreation Director. i0141 1/4..4,', ,Otst STARLIGHT MUSIC SERIES A SUCCESS 40 t it 'WI -4„0- 4 litte The second annual Starlight Music Series till'T71 has been a huge success with over 34,000 in It attendance so far this year. The on-stage 1 . '...1 7 talent has pleased guests with a wide range is -11 fit of music styles with everything from rock, '7Y 14-1., S vatv,4 44:( country, folk, pop, gospel, jazz, and Indian Sit l i Classcamusic. -mirt, n,40 1 it' , ::3**• In addition to the wonderful talent, guests Islet , 40 Nke- have been entertained with the Starlight Star Search each week prior to the '''''zaPi• concerts. Free give-aways including t- 1 „,at shirts, flashers, Frisbees, Schlitterbahn and:4::., Astroworld tickets, have been very popular 1-at at each event. There are two concerts left I 'IS Itg v j Alt. A '41 t for this season - July 12th Hanna's Reef will 441nt, 4, , be performing and on July 19th it will be Big I i..' • '''''k .' Otis. Admission is free. Families are :-... encouraged to bring their lawn chairs and 4, picnic baskets. The Starlight Music Series / ''', , is sponsored by College Station Utilities. 'ktt..0 tA. /-svA., ...,... 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It 1 1 H HI ii f i From: Pam SN To: Gary Erwin; Ken Livingston Date: 7/29/03 8:49AM Subject: Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Good Morning! Congratulations on your appointment to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board! The Board meets monthly- normally on the second Tuesday evening at 7:00 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 12, 2003 at The EXIT Teen Center on Rock Prairie Road, in Southwood Athletic Park. Board packets, which include the agenda for the upcoming meeting and the minutes from the previous meeting along with supporting documentation, will usually be hand delivered to your home on the Friday before the meeting is held. I will be sending a "welcome packet"to you by regular mail, which will include minutes from the May and June ndi The secretary for this Board is our Parks Staff Assistant, Kris Lehde, who is currently out on maternity leave. Kris will be back on August 12th, hovvnver, if you have any questions, Ann Marie Hazlett or I will be happy to answer them for you (764-3486). Thank you! . � Pamela Springfield ! / Senior Secretary College Station Parks & Recreation Department (979) 764-6271 CC: Ann Hazlett; Kris Lehde; Ric Ploeger; Steve Beachy Ann az e - arks oard ee ing ITiäefl j From: "Glen Davis" <DAVISG@fabtexas.com> To: <Ahazlett@ostx.gov> tate: 7/8/03 11:46AM Subject: Parks Board Meeting will be unable to attend the July meeting. I will be in Houston attending an event for my daughter. CC: <Sbeaohy.ParkReo.City. of College Station@ci.00llege-station.tx.us> Steve Beachy- Parks Board - Request for Absence Page 1 From: "Jodi VVarner .cum> To: Date: 7/8/034'20p� � Subject: Parks Board - Request for Absence Steve, Please pass on my pardorequest as! will not be avaiIabe tonight due to another committment. Thank you, Jodi Warner Note, I phoned AnnMarie this afternoon, it appears that the email sent her last week did not go through effectively.