HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/19/2003 - Regular Minutes - Senior Advisory Committee Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, May 19, 2003 College Station Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Road 10:00am MINUTES Members Present: Frank Camplone, Annie Lee Finch, Laura Holmes, Bill Kling, Catherine Lamb, Billy Lay, Robert Meyer, Yvonne Stevens and Betty Wilborn Members Absent: Fred Dollar, Haskell Monroe, Neal Nutall, Suzanne Reynold, Dipankar Sen and Joanna Yeager. Staff Present: Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator 1. Call to or ,.er. The meeting was called to order after the speaker at 11:00am by Bill Kling, Chairman. 11. Hear visitors. No visitors. III. Approv.4 of minutes from regular meeting on April 28, 2003. Billy Lay made the motion that the minutes be approved. Catherine Lamb seconded the motion. The motion passed. IV. Speaker, Don Plitt,Brazos Valley Health Department. Don Plitt is an inspector with the Brazos County Health Department and spoke on the West Nile Virus., Mr. Plitt distributed information and helpful ideas to prevent West Nile Virus. Last year in Brazos County three birds (bluejays) were tested positive for the virus, 13 positive mosquito samples, two positive horses and zero humans and that is how they would like to keep it. Mr. Plitt gave several facts about mosquitoes and taught the four D's on how to avoid infection. • DEET: Apply insect repellant containing Deet when you are outdoors. • DRESS: Wear long-sleeved clothes and long pants treated with repellents. • DRAIN: Eliminate standing water sources from around your home. • DUSK TO DAWN: Consider staying indoors at dawn, dusk, and in the early evening, which are peak mosquito biting times. V. New member applications for the Senior Advisory Committee. Members were encouraged to take and application and invite citizens to apply that would be interested in serving on the Senior Advisory Committee. The following members' terms will end in July, 2003: Annie Lee Finch, Bill Kling, Billy Lay, Joanna Yeager and Yvonne Stevens. Robert Meyer made the motion that the members whose terms expire be asked to reapply. Catherine Lamb seconded the motion. The motion passed. New members and a Chairman and Vice-Chairman will be approved at the July Parks and Recreation Board meeting. VI. City of College Station 65th Birthday Celebration—October 18 &19th The committee was asked to give suggestions on the 65th birthday celebration. The desire of the committee was to have the event family oriented and held outdoors. Activities could include a Chili Fest or October Fest with games for children. Veteran's Park was suggested as a possible site to host activities. The committee was not in favor of a formal dinner-dance. VII. Opportunities to Voluiteer Wolf Pen Creek Lower Trails Dedication Saturday, June 7, 2003 Catherine Lamb and Yvonne Stevens agreed to help with the event. Seniors Expo 2003 —Wednesday, May 28, 2003 A signup sheet was passed around for volunteers to help with the seminars and booth at Seniors Expo. Several members agreed to help. VIII. Senintr Services Coordinator Report ( report attached) IX. Next seting date an* agenda. Mon,ray,I.:,e 30, 2003 X. Adj"urn. The meeting was adjourned at 11:28am. Senior Services Coordinator Report May 2003 Seniors Expo 2003 The 2nd Annual Seniors Expo is planned for Wednesday, May 28th from 9:00am-4:OOpm at the Brazos Center. The Expo is designed to introduce seniors to the "Senior Friendly" businesses, organizations and activities in the Brazos Valley. There will be 80 informational booths, six educational seminars and 5 entertainment groups. Look for insert on Sunday, May 25th in the Eagle. Nutritional Analysis Program Training We have 3 trained leaders to conduct additional programs. The next scheduled class will be June 4' and June 11th at 10:00am at the Teen Center. 13ailroo, Dance On Thursday, May 14th we held a ballroom dance for seniors at the College Station Conference Center. Twenty-two seniors participated. Tom Byer was hired as a DJ and the evening was an enjoyable one. We will not host any dances over the summer, but will offer the dances again starting in the fall. Bush Library Films Senior Services will provide transportation on June 26th, July 31 and August 21 to the Bush Library Summer Classic Film series. On June 26th the Library and the MSC Film Society will present She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, starting at 7:00pm in the Presidential Conference Center. Admission and refreshments are FREE. Third Fri.:ay ge The bridge group met on Friday, May 16th from 9:30am— 12:30pm at the Teen Center and had four tables. The group will continue to meet during the summer. The next meeting is Friday, June 19th New Committee Members Applications are now being accepted for five new members for the Senior Advisory Committee. Three-year terms begin in July. Please encourage interested citizens 55 and over to apply. m `\ ,�§. :s!d� .sl� .te. F0s� fg* �k .@% .t 1110 ` 4.03 /01', e�1 l� �i -��i'i Q6AON . 1'7411 � . '7 , ) 1:.�� ..ate '1-1-..3647P Pyre, z> f alp , � �a �., � , � � .i - �, etaN UPDATES FROM THE WORLD HEADQUARTERS l 74.A.!: iWi— College Station Parks ce Recreation Department Tune 2003 10144 ,,,,...... ,..„..,,,, #.1 2003 Spring tic Leagues improve their strokes. We received a 100% Agit survey satisfaction score for this session. 4 0 tre. Adult Session 1 Volleyball (March ® May) `"� ` The adult volleyball program is still on the 2 3 Adult Spring Softball : � tTAgsit #� increase, thanks to Patrick Hazlett. This (FebruaryMay) au.q. The adult softball league is continuing to , lr session we had 25teams and 200 participants. This is an increase of 2 teams rise in participation. We have been working . and back be s get this program° numbers up and 16 participants from the 2002 session. to ;�,. tittli The program consists of a guaranteed 10- we are making great progress - faster than � � £$� game season similar to our other adult we even expected! This spring we had 160 � ffi teams and 2,560 participants walk onto our t� programs. We use the CSIS® school gyms , � � beautiful Central Park softball complex and Ep , to host this program. They are great compete for their respective divisional rte„ 4. 3 facilities and we want to thank Bunny , <id -.�. Kensinger from Community Education and championship. ei'� 1 the CSIS® for allowing us the use of theseX47* ° This program is broken into several ;fit nice facilities. e E�`A�9 divisions, Men's B, C, b+, b, Co-ed C, b+, and ® b. Each division is primarily divided by a �' 2003Swimming Stroke Clinic (April) #� home run rule in hopes that the stronger ° This program is geared to help swimmers *.....4 0.,, teams will classify themselves in the higher from ages 6 - 18 with the technical aspects . of each swim stroke. Participants register itttgit divisions. ®wring the spring season we °� for either ion/ ed or Tues/Thurs sessions guarantee the teams a 10-game season. <h.., Eight of the games are in a round-robin ', f and each week the instructors try and ,, develop/improve specific strokes for the format on their specific night of play and a ffi® participants double elimination tournament is held for Ati each division throughout the season on ice a.. 1 The 2003 cost to participate in this program weekends. All teams are included in the , ° � was $40.00 for a total of classes. We had double elimination tournaments. E.47 a total of 162 participants this year, which is the maximum we could register for each I also wanted to mention some statistics. 011., Vtp session that we offered. The 2002 session We increased a total of 6 teams and 96 ,, # had a total of 160 swimmers. This program participants from the spring 2002 season. Loy could grow but classes will need to be added The 2002 spring season had 154 teams, ^, in order for growth to occur. Adding 2,464 participants, and the 2001 spring 0111 8 season had 156 teams, and 2,496 �. classes means more pool time and space, �: e participants. We are excited to see the which is scarce. This is a great program and �� q' is well liked by the swimmers that want to spring season increasing again and we hope growth will continue throughout the #1. TNT _� � _� � _° , _',. . _ k, - V1/4 s * gv �t roti tort,' �� _% �� _° } et 4k wiSS 44V- X41 .`� " � .`' 'IVO 9 R �8 . •: Wim, �:,_ ..4 �� . . ,% �,, P w , ,, a, � ., � , ° ems, , y r ::1114:74) ; ; �,, !ma y., ...1. ,•�.. Vat � :.:9.,e Yews'*, s:�"att `svb �. OK/ -„a�.� �s�t, ..�..,b -.�.t i �r��d �., :,.�,,, •,0, !fatal ,r,� '''i$� e•40, ��5� s+��. �s� Sia �� ��. ��.g Tai §� �fi *s� i6 ��G �s. ��d Wir ATI WV:Mr;"Air .'7?1e IV*: VW"'V"Vi AV VW Ve/ Wri WIPP"4,4e WI Wr VP? di remainder of this year for our summer and the coaches° survey. We look forward to Maw fall seasons. continued success and ways to improve. 4 2003 Girls Softball Spring (March ® May) Athletic Website ;a tte)iThe girls' softball program had a great If you have been readingthese newsletters N spring season. During the spring of 2003 we then you are most likely aware of our �� dire, ii � had 25 teams and 257 participants come out website where you can find out about all of , xii ad, and learn the game of softball. That is an the league athletic programs that we run. TkitreiMA, increase of 2 teams and 0 artici ants from You can et re istration information et a li et, the 2002 spring season, which had 23 teams map to the facilities, check the weather, ,„, ArTirtAl ei and 257 participants. The increase in teams find out if games are canceled, when they iii c. came from our younger division, which has have been rescheduled, review rules, get AN fewer participants per team. Participants standings, link to other websites, getri it sign up individually and then the Brazos valuable coaching tools, download the actual •` aakNot Valley Girls° Softball Association (BVGSA) registration form to mail it in or prepare it lsni 0 1 and the Parks and Recreation Department before coming to our office, email us with gplace kids on the teams. questions, and much more! ti i IV The BVGSA has played a large role in recent We launched the site to the public on VAR r seasons of girls' softball. They give September 15, 2002 and as of June 4, 2003, Aa tt guidance and support to the Parks +nd we have had 13,990 hits. The last time I -t Recreation Department. They practically reported to you about our site, we'd had ,,TM 9 place all of the participants onto teams, help 12,249 hits as of April 23, 2003. So IA" 4, advertise the program, help develop the currently we are averaging about 300 hits Ott 'kJ registration form, help with rules, help with per week. The customers are beginning to TV ifkitt, the manager's/coaches° meeting, conduct find out about it and we are continuing to i!l1 Wilttclinics for the participants, speak positively receive good responses about the site and VP iiitl to the public about our program, and try to the communication avenue that it brings. If t WV provide a representative during all activities. you are interested in viewing the site: ., sOthy Usually the President of the association www.eteamz.com/cspard ' t t.:6" (currently Glen Davis) is the Master of � of ettic Ceremonies during the opening ceremony of et each season that the program is held. The �`�,� p 9 Instruction � Ns Jane Pulley Softball Fields (formally Bee ll tip li ' � Creek) and Lemontree are fantastic Tennis Department Grant i�_aa ` 51 facilities. The Tennis Department has received a � , USTA/NRPA Grant that allowed them to ;.. (1 . ' We received a 98% satisfaction rating from hire a USPTA certified tennis rofessional ' �S� r,, p ice, • �� our participants survey. We added a Shaun O'Donovan was hired as the tennis :.. coaches' surveythis spring to tryandget v�� p 9 professional and he will help organize and �� feedback specifically from them to continue o, p Y implement the Youth Team Tennis and help �� � l to try and improve our program, and we get an Adult Team Tennis program started. tliti received a 100% satisfaction rating from 4410. 4.41i'41 v i4I -- f kE.b _diI& Acta 4 «k, 64:gai i ' Al biL/Ct 'a` J1 ' ' S 3% tiii .� .� IIs i ' . if I\ ,_. 011 a 1 :L1 \i L ,w' ' �F 'l ' t ' r .' ' WI . W. �.� �`��> ;INF .fio �,�a� ��:,P� ��i g �;, � `e'3F `+�c,�,•" ��:�s '�i"�' ea'A`,�f' ��a,�, +a'�6`a Val �� "��:,s*� � .1 �;, Anyone 18 years of age and over who is the International Society of Arboriculture. ' interested in learning the game of tennis, The International Society of Arboriculture x ' -q1 wants to get back in the game or improve is a scientific and educational organization to your tennis skills, we encourage you to enroll devoted to the dissemination of information ( ) for both sessions. It's a great way to make in the care and preservation of shade and i new friends and relieve the daily stresses of ornamental trees. The purpose of the ISA @. „‘...* $. (ti R life. It isgood foryour health andyou Certification Program is to improve the level i f 9 p , „ don't have to get together a whole team of of knowledge and standard of practice ,, friends in order to play! Rackets are within the tree care profession. This is svit bq 04,1 furnished upon request. The session dates achieved through an extensive education and examinationprocess bywhich the individual o, iv are: 417 b Session I: June 30 - July 23 can demonstrate a thorough knowledge of a*4Var Session II: July 28 m August 21 tree care practices. ;ig Mondays & Wednesdays 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. ►X At the Southwood Athletic Courts Geri Marsh received words of praise when 14,11 ,. she helped out the Texas Women in Law 'it• it iltfr We use the Games-Approach. This is a fun, Enforcement (TWLE) when they held a Altyi Loa, dynamic teaching ethod. You learn the softball game/cookout/silent auction on . skills and begin to rally at the first lesson. May 13, 2003, as part the annual conference Vtor ittl, Each class is composed of learning they hold here in town. The benefit was for i techniques and using your newly-learned the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer .- a As skills to play the game. The fee per session Foundation. Tracy Sheets with the College dee, Wis $50 plus a can of balls. Park Bucks will Station Police bepartment stated that . .I ,,40+1.71% be accepted for registration. Registration peri stepped right in and he/ped s0000 much/iVst "kis is Monday - Friday, from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. at Idon't know what lwould have done without Vr 401, the Central Park Office. her. She even stayed for the event and 4t itke every time I realized I had missed one of irOt Swim Lesson Registration those pesky 'small details" she stepped in # ` � � It t' The first session of summer swim lessons is and saved my hide. I fust wanted you to ��-t' L underway. If you haven't signed up for know how much I appreciate her help and( -4 ' lessons yet, all registration for swim lessons guidance, and thought I'd take the z�� � ) has now moved out to the pool while lessons opportunity to to// you what a wonderful ag=` 1.'N. are taking place. For morning lessons you employee you have. " ��s Q can register at Adamson La oon between � t '4 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. only. If evening Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator ` i0t1 lessons are what you need, you can register received nothing but praise from Mr. bon s,-.� ' between 6:35 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Classes are Moore, who stated that ': . . you could not � " ' VA filling, so please register as soon as possible. have a better person to do this job. When she comes into the room, the whole room ,�� ION lights up. ,She's a pleasure to be around and zi KUDOS she's a star in your crown!" t Curtis Schoessow, Forestry Crew Leader, Keep up the good work.!/ Otl ,� 4 )we i has been designated a Certified Arborist b P •'��a1 titzt`^ s i3`< ,+ •��,a *L, "`�',. •°'§i�t Was� '3li.� f%*� APL x•"�r'� K;' `3 ''°�``IA }`�� s'gq„`. `�g4 ?`'e AV'",Wi 4r ;'K 9 !J'W'"I W V ts= ' t., 1� , � N4 g`•^ '', a' mo � ei_ 4. '!�. may,, 1,, icP'tt,tt ' yt.074 AI P i � dw, tta. , 1 3s " Wt i A* w' ei ' 1, d f v I,i;WI Senior Services The 12th Annual Rod Runvotri t it (44tSeniors Expo 2003 191 Street Rods, Muscle Cars, and Classics! Aa � Expo 2003 was a huge success! The 2nd made a showing at Central Park on 1 Annual Seniors Expo was held on June 7-8, 2003 for the Annual 12th Ever Rod rm. Wednesday, May 28th from 9:00 a.m. - Run. All vehicles were built before 1973. E-ft 4:00 p.m, at the Brazos Center. The event went extremely well, with the Approximately 1,000 seniors visited the weather cooperating! The event wrapped upS : Pp F44 ruti Expo and gathered information from 80 on Sunday with an awards presentation. 'AV itd booths. Five educational seminars were iti• %., offered throughout the day and live tWi 4 i entertainment had a few dancing away! The L,{OW Wil City of College Station was represented well svfie /001 with the Police, Fire, and Parks and Pfeil ',1 Recreation Department having booths and qv, oftik talking to citizens to inform them about our eta TOP programs. Thanks to Wal-Mart and the IVO" 'e pp Eagle who helped sponsor the event, iieil WDA i 40.40,7 01-111,4 Bush Library Films 0 OgEtt Senior Services will provide transportation on June 26th, July 31St and August 21St to Okai "''. the Bush Library Summer Classic Film Series. On June 26th the Library and the gtks VW xa ile •, is MSC Film Society will present She Wore o �� AVr Ye//ow Ribbon," starting at 7 p.m. in the 1 ,4 S r . Presidential Conference Center. Admission ' 01%4%VIand refreshments are FREE. voto) Third Friday Bridges Wri „, The bridge group met on Friday, May 16 vow; th from 9:30 a.m. -� 12:30 p,m, at the Teen41 4 Center and had four tables. The group will ' s ( $ continue to meet during the summer. They ,w, next meeting is Friday, June 19th ifiti RA -1 4 New Committee Members , Applications are now being accepted for five Attir ,. new members for the Senior Advisory 'Ail Committee. Three-year terms begin in July. Ptiiri Please encourage interested citizens 55 and .0._.-2/ over to apply. Itlif y4 e., y . 5" 4�a ?C *� = qtr ^ � sae ,, , , 2 # 6 "` L �a ss 4 a ' s ,A p a l �1