HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/13/2003 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board ;, Pails and R erea nnAdv•sory lBoa d 1011011110110911,11111000101011N0(MWOWNOMMINAMNSIMIRIN micaloomerniatesainwskiandriiiicjattotWi,center mAnnacaradatiommasoh 2O Rock 'car to Road College * ro a,Texas 1. Callao order. 2. Pardon—possible action concerning requests for absences of members from meeting. 3. Hear visitors. 4. Joint Meeting, discussion, and possible action between the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, the Design Review Board, and the College Station Business Development Corporation concerning the Northgate Redevelopment Plan. 5. Discussion, consideration, and possible approval of minutes from the Regular Board Meeting on April 8,2003,and the Board Tour of Park Zone 10 on April 22,2003. 6. Discussion,consideration,and possible action concerning park land dedication requests for • Parkway Plaza,Phase IV(Zone 6) • Buchanan Estates(Zone 8) • University Preserve(Zone 2) 7. Discussion,consideration,and possible action concerning park land dedication issues for • Southwest Park(Zone 6) • Edelweiss Gartens(Zone 10) 8. Discussion,consideration,and possible action concerning the Shenandoah Park Development. 9. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the Parks and Recreation Department Calendar Year 2004 User Fees. 10. Report,discussion,and possible action concerning the Capital Improvement Program. 11. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives, and City Council Strategies. 12. Discussion of next meeting dates and possible agenda items: - Grand Opening of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex scheduled for Saturday, May 17, 2003 (Armed Forces Day),at 2:00 p.m. - Memorial Day Ceremony scheduled for Monday, May 26, 2003 (Memorial Day), at 6:00 p.m.,at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. - National Trails Day, Wolf Pen Creek Trail Dedication, scheduled for Saturday, June 7, 2003, at 10:00 a.m. - 12th Ever Rod Run Bluebonnet Street Rodders, scheduled for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday(June 6th,7th, and 8th),at Central Park. Regular Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 10, 2003, at 7:00 p.m.,at the Central Park Conference Room. - Council Consideration of the revised Recreation,Park, and Open Space Master Plan scheduled for Thursday,June 12,2003,at 3:00 p.m. (Workshop),and at 7:00 p.m. (Regular Meeting). 13. Adjourn. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979)764-3517 or(TDD) 1-800-735-2989. 1i ."9 , ! , in, 0 , 3 -- ( I---- C\,, 7_ , ckA,,ks 6, Gkirt,(,:k (3 Ccd-J k rc,6k- 1 : — 05 ------4L--- , , 66,,,,), pac, 14-0„.0_ w 42,,,ks,,,L,0L- ( Ay.L._, I, . u/i ,- /.y Wo ' 9 ' ' Vi " 1 _. ,, „(22„/IA4 ( ) II,D 0./1./L. CL,,, (-1014,102_, -17 ,pt, Vo i C , &U Ottm-41), L 46- WL -DAS -0-Aleca 1 trtyy& L-Z di ,Il , i 1 - f- - MAD 191 3 --- ') - 2„,r er-;-- — AO --- kte-o— ,,:vcc, , c „ , L.-K. til ,,,,, ...,.,) v , .G ...,,_,...._...,...__,,,T,,_____, ( i OQ 6 ''' ikk i A ICA CA,---- datLik 11(0/4/ ,7)0d 15)----- et, , ltkpd . 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(1 .. t , d, ..c5. .4. 4 c- , 4,v _ 1E I ) 0,01 dil\-Qil,iO '0 ta/t1 ')‘ t‘ CP r '1„t.S. — eir-VV-49( ''') ' (.5 ij./74.6& puir wit) / to l ' r l V It 0 ili 14-4-ed - tibalL& '-'1.-- ' ' I .., f` L ii 062_, / J P g _ ' _ . Itr !/ 1 1 f ) 9,1 , _ / 4. 94 i'-i-,--L '(,,, / trd,a._ 1(1.,4/11 cd/0,,,, A , i,„, a G' ,.� ... , , ' .. 1 ' - ,,� i' ' �- . 2/6 1- '` --)d ' e ` j� � [1 r (. U.,,4-41(;,,,,,,,,„..,,,,, , , ,,..„ ,ii,,v4,......., i„,.„,, ., , , „7, , _ ,,,, . ., ,, , (7)(63-is,u,, cil, , ,, I • L n , 0 ,, 1 , \ o cc ,„ 11 m il < ii iii 11, 1 E] ill iE ih 1• i )f t}I I 7 II{ 4 yr "a-, I'1/y11,1—..,, � i ' 'i\„) !? 1 1 s m . .. .,v. . _ a« -F_ �,_....-,,. ��. ....... .....<..s� ,.. �..,.. >.�,.,-s.. a ..,. .... .....,.,-<... ..N r...._., .._...�,». -,..»..�...,,._,- ,,., .. h,d �.. g� fi ,,,III,1 . 1 ...+ i }• i .4", ' 9 d F�' kfl--„,/.47)=,"it-74-1 AP -1,-",_4/ ft Kf,".4 ,.., ./.. ,,,---a. p' : ei I - a �� .".� 4'i( 1 A i'\';'' „+€r' '°� t 1° `, k �,»3',>'� a` "_^^ d t .a�.a .S9s �Z tit.,=h s e Y a r,S •v ... _�.�__ ,,4 r._ _. , .r_ g_' tf}gg '{ is i t 11 YGa , C 14 t i:4:S FSS i IG ..l -t4 it q l k; }g 14 t qj MSI I ii A S_3 II k'S f $.8 ° establish the conceptual plan as the master plan for Shenandoah Park. Glenn S. seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Eric clarified that items #l-#12 on the list of amenities were related to the Master Plan. Items #13 and #14 were added because they were mentioned at the public hearing and were not included as part of the Master Plan. After hearing no further discussion, a vote was taken. The motion carried by majority vote of six to one. The Board needed to set priorities for development of the park. Glen D. expressed concern about spending all available funds on Shenandoah when there were other needs in the zone. He felt that perhaps money should be reserved out of the $187,000 for the other proposed parks rather than reserving it from speculative future income. Discussion followed. Bill made a motion to spend up to $175,000 in the previously approved Master Plan for Shenandoah Park which includes the items #1-#8 and #10-#11, in addition, the Board would look at other parks in Zone 10 before spending further funds in Shenandoah Park. Glenn S. seconded the motion. Discussed followed regarding the trees in the park. Jodi amended the motion to reach the $199,500 level to include the trees upon the initial development of the park with the stipulation that the Board would look at other park properties in Zone 10 before spending the money., All members were in favor and motion carried unanimously. s4- . CU i3 1; 9. 'Report', discussion, and p cssible actiln concerning the Parks and Recre 414n tepart, e.,t Calendar Year 2004 fees. There was brief discussion regarding the Special Activity Fees. Glen D. made a motion that the Board to accept the 2004 fee schedule as presented. Don seconded. The issue of not charging field rental fees to Little League was discussed and staff was asked to place an item regarding the forming of a subcommittee to look into this issue on a future agenda once the new Board members were in place. Hearing no further discussion, the vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion carried unanimously. 10. Report, discussion, ad possible action concering te Capital Improvement Program: Eric stated that the project to put rubber surfacing under the two playgrounds at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park has been in design. The two playgrounds there are 13-14 years old and the cargo nets are frayed and need to be replaced. Parts can no longer be gotten. Staff has decided that because of the age of the playgrounds, they will need to be replaced in three to five years, which will destroy the rubber surfacing so they are looking for funding to replace the playgrounds. The reinstallation of the playground at Hensel Park would have to be under construction by October 1, 2003 and Eric did not think that the agreement would get back in time for this to happen. Therefore, the money that would have been spent on the playground at Hensel, will be used to replace the playground at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park and if the Hensel agreeement gets done, then they will be first in line for replacement next year. Jack and Dorothy Miller were next in line for replacement. The Board was in support of this idea. The W.A. Tarrow Master Plan was approved by Council, so this project can go into the design phase. This item was a report only, and no motion was made. Parks&Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,May 13,2003 Page 5 of 6 Gary Bellomy took the floor. He explained that there was a form of development - new urbanism - that tried to get more uses into a smaller area where people could live, work, recreate, etc., in an alternative format that didn't require driving between each of those things. Everything in those areas tended to be smaller, denser, and a little higher quality than what you would see in regular highway development. A few of the development strategies and implementation ideas he presented for Northgate included: • Making retail stronger — make Church Street the major shopping street with anchors on each end; • Create a significant public space — consider conveiting some of Church Street into plaza space and the parking lot behind the Baptist Church to public space; Increase residential density — create work/live programs; develop vacant land and encourage redevelopment of under-utilized land; develop the old Brazos Duplex site as a mixed residential area with a neighborhood park at the center; • District cohesion — have management of commercial land controlled by one manager and roll all residential into a homeowner's association; • Make University Drive more pedestrian friendly — narrow the lanes and increase the sidewalk area; add medians and trees that would form a gateway Kim stated that staff had designated an area in the Second Street Plaza redevelopment for artwork and a play area. Staff has also been working on the possibility of wrapping Church Street around to the intersection, which would create a small pocket for a water/play area. A larger pocket park in the Brazos Duplex site would also be doable because of the price per square foot. Parking issues in the Northgate area would have to be corrected before any parking could be turned into public space. Some areas that could not be developed from a high-density point of view could be used for public space/park areas, such as the detention ponds at St. Mary's and the Lutheran Church. There was a drainage area owned by the City, some undeveloped tracts, and tracts that were up for sale that could be turned into a linear park and tied into the Second Street Plaza. Kim stated that staff wanted feedback from the two Boards about moving forward with that idea. Glen Davis stated that he would like to see a dedicated park, useable by the Board's definition. He felt pretty strongly about not using detention area or sharing plaza space. John stated that he felt the Board would like to see a more traditional park idea, even though it might be smaller. Gary stated that they couldn't find any land that wasn't in a floodplain except in the Brazos Duplex area. That would work if it were densely built so as not to have to build over the entire 14.5+ acre property. Glen D. said he felt that what should be done is acquire a couple of lots and hold on to them if necessary, be creative and innovative, and put a park facility on it. Don Allison. stated that he was disappointed that the Board was just now hearing the ideas for these parks. Glenn Schroeder said he had never seen any of the detention area flood, but agreed with Glen D. that what was done should fit in with what the park land dedication ordinance was written for. Bill Davis stated that the demographics of the population needed to be taken into consideration so that the needs of the residents in that area could be met. It was determined that a park two, acres or less, wouldn't be detrimental to the plan presented. Gary stated that from an economic standpoint the parking lot would be the best area to develop into a park. He added that for the value, the channel/detention area would be cheaper than trying to buy vacant land. Parks&Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,May 13,2003 Page 2 of 6 04/08/2003 14:42 2003 CAC Capital Project Ranking Score Project Amount Cumulative S32,Police Facility Phase 3.310.000 3,310,000 5.11 Veterans Park and Athletic ComplexPhaseUDov�|opmun 5,623,000 8Q33.00O . ( 4.86 New City Hall at City Center Phase I 4.300.000 13,233,000 4.78 Traffic Signals 2.250.000 15,483,000 4.78 Railroad Grade Separations ROW 500.000 15.083.000 4.63 Barron Road Design & Capacity Improvements 3.000.000 18.983.000 4.56 Relocation of Fire Station 3 1.710.000 20.693.000 4.37 Traffic Signal Communications 250.000 20.943.000 4.30 Traffic System Safety Improvements 500.000 . 21,443,000 4.26 Oversize Participation 2.780.000 24.143/00 4.15 New Cemetery Phase I Development 300.000 24,443.000 4.11 Forestry Shop 070.000 25.113.000 3.85 Sidewalk Improvements 500.800 25.613.800 3.81 Central Park Shop Renovation 200.000 25.813.000 3L7OGreenway DeveopmorA1.080.O00 25.813.000 3.70 Northgate Street Rehabilitation 4.820.008 31.633.000 3.63 Rock Prairie Road Widening Design & ROW 2,969,000 . 34.802.000 3.59 Greens Prairie Road Widening Phase II 3,300000 37.802.000 3.56 LibraryExpanoion 4.070.000 41.972.000 3.56 Intergenerational Enhancements (Parks) 308.00O 42.281.000 � 3.52 Dartmouth Extension 2,300,000 44.581.000 3.41 Community Center/Multi-purpose/Intergeeradona| 5,00 .00 49.581.00 3.41 Alternate access to the Windwood Subdivision 1,907,000 | 51.488/000 3.30 Marion Pugh Extension 421,000 51.909.000 3.26 Central Park Lane Extension /377.000 52.286.000 3.26 Annexation Overlays 050.000 53.236.000 3.26 Lick Creek Park Phase II Development 578,000 53.814.000 3.07 Rock Prairie Medians Longmire to Victoria 500,000 � 54,314,000 3.04 Preliminary Design & Land Acquisition 54,314,000 3.00 East-West Major Collector (Alexandria Area) _ 1,600.000 55,914,000 3.00 Ped. Improvements across University Dr. © Northgate 407.000 58.321.000 3.00 Shenandoah Park Development 316.000 56.638.000 2.96 Steeplechase Park Development 315.000 56.951.800 2.89 Lakeway GPR to BP major collector 2.700.000 59.661.000 2.89 Sandstone Park 47.000 50.608.000 2.85 Richard Carter Park Improvements 217.000 59.915.000 2.81 Hospital Road 836.000 60.751.000 2.74 Raintree Extension ' 722.000 51.473.000 2.48 Rock Prairie Road Paving GPR to City Limit 1.635.000 63.108.000 1.44 Lassie Lane Extension 702.000 63.810.800 PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD APRIL 2.003 CALENDAR SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. REGULAR BOARD MEETING.AT 7:00 P.M..AT THE CENTRAL PARK OFFICE 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 FEES SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING,AT 1:00 P.M.,CENTRAL PARK OFFICE 2.0 21 22. 2.3 14 25 2.6 BOARD TOUR OF JOINT MEETING WITH EARTH DAY.ARBOR ZONE 10 THE BOARD AND DAY,AND WPC 3:00 P.M.,CENTRAL COUNCIL.AT DEDICATION PARK OFFICE 3:00 P.M.,CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 27 28 29 30 RAINOUT DAY FOR ZONE 10 TOUR PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOA P 1 MAY 2.003 CALENDAR SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY I 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SHENANDOAH PARK COUNCIL STARLIGHT CONCERT PUBLIC HEARING CONSIDERATION OF RADNEY FOSTER 7:00 P.M.(EXIT TEEN THE WA TARROW CENTER) PARK CORRIDOR MASTER PLAN(3 AND 7 P.M.) 11 12. 13 14 15 16 17 REGULAR BOARD VPAC PHASE I GRAND MEETING AT 7:00 OPENING,AT 200 P.M.,AT THE EXIT P.M. TEEN CENTER 18 19 2.0 21 22 2.3 2.4 25 26 2.7 2.8 29 30 31 MEMORIAL DAY STARLIGHT CONCERT CEREMONY,AT VPAC, THE KILLER BEES AT 6:00 P.M. PARKS AND RECREATION AI VISORY BOARD JUNE 2.003 CALENDAR SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2. 3 4 5 6 7 12TH EVER ROD RON 12TH EVER ROD RUN AT CENTRAL PARK AT CENTRAL PARK NATIONAL TRAILS DAY AND WPC DEDICATION AT 10:00 A.M.,AT WPC 8 9 10 11 12. 13 14 12TH EVER ROD RUN REGULAR BOARD COUNCIL STARLIGHT CONCERT AT CENTRAL PARK MEETING,AT CONSIDERATION OF TROUT FISHING IN 7:00 P.M.AT THE REVISED RECREATION, AMERICA CENTRAL PARK PARK,AND OPEN CONFERENCE ROOM SPACE MP,AT 3:00 AND 7:00 P.M.(CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS) 15 16 17 18 19 2.0 21 STARLIGHT CONCERT MALFORD MILLIGAN 22 2.3 2.4 25 2.6 27 2.8 STARLIGHT CONCERT GOURI SANKAR KARMAKAR, INDRAJIT BANER]EE,SHANKAR BHATTACHARYYA 2.9 30 Park Land Dedication Ordinance Project Review Checklist Date Received: 04/23/2003 Park zone: 6 Current Zone Balance: $104,383 Project Location: 1502/1504 Alpine Circle (off Anderson Street) Name of Development: Parkway Plaza, Phase IV Applicant: Henry F. Taylor Address: 5024 Blue Ridge Drive City/State/Zip: College Station, Texas 77845 Phone Number/Fax: N/A Fax Number: N/A E-mail: N/A Engineer/Planner: MDG/Greg Taggart Address: 2551 S. Texas Avenue City/StateZip: College Station, Texas 77840 Phone Number/Fax: (979)693-5359 Fax Number: (979)693-4243 E~KHoi!: mdgoatx@NoUane.00m REQUIRE* COMPLIANCE Section 1O-B-1: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: Multi-Family Dwelling Units: Two (2) lots -fourplexes = Eight (8) units Total Land Requirement: 0.064 Acres Proposed Dedication: 0 Section 1043-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning and Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): Multi-Family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): $160x8 = $1.280 Total Acquisition Fee: Section 10-B-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): Multi-family Fee ling unit): $292 x 8 = $2,336 Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee ($556/dwelling Unit): Multi-Family Fee ($452/dwelling Unit): $452x8 = $3.016 ' Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Version Revised.xls Page 1 Section 10-B-4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: Parks Board review and decision: Section 1OB5: Minimum Park Size Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? N/A If yes, staff recommends: Section 10-B-7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing park that can serve the proposed development? Lemontree Park If yes, staff recommends: Acceptance of fee. Section 1 OE: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan? Comments: Section 1OF: Additional Information 1. |sland inthe 1OO'yearfloodplain? No Percentage: a. Detention/Retention? No Size: Meets Board Policy? Acreage in floodplain: Percentage: Acreage in detention: Percentage: Acreage in greenways: Percentage: Comments: Park Land Dadication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Version Revised.xls Section 1U-F (of the Park Land Ded/oa�mnOrd�/mnrs� . . 10'P. 1 Any land dedication to the City under this section must be suitable for park and recreation uses. Consideration will be given to land that is in the floodplain or may be considered nUoodob|e° even though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its elevation, it is suitable for park improvements. { (a) Neighborhood park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a manner that serves the greatest number of users. Comments: (b) Neighborhood park sites should be located so that users are not required to cross arterial roadways to access them. Comments: (c) Sites should not be severely sloped or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for organized recreational activities. Comments: ( (d) Sites should have existing trees or othescenic elements. Comments: (e) Detention/retention areas will not be accepted as part of the required dedioadon, but may be accepted in addition to the required dedication. If accepted as part of the park, the detention/retention area design must be approved by the City staff and must meet specific parks specifications. Comments: 10-F. 2 Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area development, enhance the visual character of the city, protect public safety, and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines should be used in designing parks and adjacent development: (a) Where physically feasible, park sites should be located adjacent to greenways and/or schools in order to encourage both shared facilities and the potential co-development of new sites. Comments: Park Land Ddicatjon Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Version Revised.xls } (b) A proposed subdivision adjacent to a park may not be designed to restrict reasonable access to the park from other area subdivisions. Street and greenway connections to existing or future adjoining subdivisions may be required to provide reasonable access to parks. Comments: (c) Where a use must directly abut a park, the use must be separated by a screening wall or fence and landscaping. Access points to the park may be allowed by the Planning and Zoning Commission if a public benefit is established. Comments: (d) It is desirable that a minimum of fifty percent(50%)of the perimeter of a park should abut a public street. In all cases, the City shall approve the proposed street alignment fronting on city parks. Comments: (e) Streets abutting a park shall be built in accordance with the thoroughfare plan and the standards of this ordinance; however, the City may require any residential street built adjacent to a park to be constructed to collector width to ensure access and prevent traffic congestion. The developer may request oversize participation in such an instance. \ i Comments: Staff Recommendations: Acceptance of fee. Section 10-G: Approval: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Planning and Zoning Commission: City Council: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Boam/PamLand anion*eviwxls O'AP\ PROJECT • *- \\4 S9‘941\8°et° 1 C)N SkVil\-\\t65 CINITY MAP Park Land Dedication Ordinance Project Review Checklist Date Received: 04/23/2003 Park Zone: 8 Current Zone Balance: $563 Project Location: East end of Emerald Parkway Name of Development: Buchanan Estates � ! Applicant: Mark Buchanan ' Address: 206 North Sims City/State/Zip: Bryan, Texas 77803 Phone Number/Fax: (979)822-3767 Fax Number: (979) 822-7604 E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Spencer J. Buchanan Associates, Inc. Address: 206N� 8ime City/StateZip: Bryan, Texas 77803 Phone Number/Fax: (979)822-3767 Fax Number: (979)822-7604 E-Mail: Buohanan@sjbainc.00m REQUIRED COMPLIANCE Section 10-B-I: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: Two (2) Multi-Family Dwelling Units: Total Land Requirement: 0.010Acres Proposed Dedication: 0 Section 10-B-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning and Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? No Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): $198x2 = $390 Multi-Family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): Total Acquisition Fee: Section 10-B-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): $358 x 2 = $716 Multi-family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee ($556/dwelling Unit): $556 x 2 $1,112 Multi-Family Fee ($452/dwelling Unit): Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Hoard/Park Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Version Revised.xls Page 1 Section 10-B4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: � Staff review date and comment: Parks Board review and decision: Section 10-B-5; Minimum Park Size Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? N/A If yes, staff recommends: Section 10-B-7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing park that can serve the proposed development? Emerald Forest Park If yes, staff recommends: Acceptance of Fee Section 10-E: Comprehensive Plan / ! Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan? Comments: Section 10-F: Additional Information 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? 10.850 100% a. Detention/Retention? Size: Meets Board Policy? Acreage in floodplain: Percentage: Acreage in detention: Percentage: Acreage in greenways: 0 Percentage: Comments: Park Land Dedication Checklist O/Soard/Park Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Version Revised xis Page 2 Section 1 0-F (of the Park Land Dedication 10-F. 1 Any land dedication to the City under this section must be suitable for park and recreation uses. Consideration will be given to land that is in theflomdpimin or may be considered ^Qmmdobke" even though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its elevation, it is suitable for park improvements. (a) Neighborhood park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a manner that serves the greatest number of users. Comments: (b) Neighborhood park sites should be located so that users are not required to cross arterial roadways to access them. Comments: (c)Sites should not be severely sloped or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for organized recreational activities. Comments: ) (d) Sites should have existing trees or other scenic elements. Comments: (e) Detention/retention areas will not be accepted as part of the required dudiombon, but may be accepted in addition to the required dedication. If accepted as part of the park, the detention/retention area design must be approved by the City staff and must meet specific parks specifications. Comments: 10-F. 2 Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area development, enhance the visual character of the city, protect public safety, and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines should be used in designing parks and adjacent development: (a) Where physically feasible, park sites should be located adjacent to greenways and/or schools in order to encourage both shared facilities and the potential co-development of new sites. Comments: ' | Park Land Dedication o/B"u"mPamLand oemcvxon/chocklismzrigmamum,oVersion xevimumx Page 3 (b) A proposed subdivision adjacent to a park may not be designed to restrict reasonable access to the park from other area subdivisions. Street and greenway connections to existing or future adjoining subdivisions may be required to provide reasonable access to parks. Comments: (c) VVhereo non-residential use mustdiraodymbuta park, the use mustbeoep�rabed bya screening �oUor fence and landscaping. Access points to the park may be allowed by the Planning and Zoning Commission if a public benefit is established. Comments: (d) It is desirable that a minimum of fifty percent(50%) of the perimeter of a park should abut a public street. In all cases, the City shall approve the proposed street alignment fronting on city parks. Comments: (e) Streets abutting a park shall be built in accordance with the thoroughfare plan and the standards of this ordinance; however, the City may require any residential street built adjacent to a park to be constructed to collector width to ensure access and prevent traffic congestion. The developer may request oversize participation in such an instance. Comments: Staff Recommendations: Acceptance of park land dedication fees. Section 1O-G: Approval: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Planning and Zoning Commission: City Council: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Version Revised.xls Page 4 \ ( 4. S . \ zI if( � 9 ` y� K 1 «. _Z \,' 0 c9, 3 » 0_ 9 < Y� S-- - PPO§»TTOX /R �j` ®p _ � . & \g. AKNUT 0 ». 0 /\ /0D DR ''----______________�--- , �� v if N \\ c 'N"\,, NN NN,,,,,,, / ‘‘,.. \ N. 4 „ \ N N \N i INN ,,,N, 1 0 N:\ / -,,,, (.,,,,„ N. 1111,1 5' k --/ -,,, ,,,,-- ,„,,a \,,,,, / ';:;.,„:„- ii t , * } N I\ / ,,, \ , ,:,,.. / -4:\,.<,,,,„,„ ,,,, ,.. ..„... \,,,,, / e>„ . .... iii, ,,,,<":„.> / , NK, NI pidik **- /-,,, i -‘,/n,.. ,, „/„.,.. ,„„/„.„,, -.) i„,,„,,,NN , „...,/ ,,,, / , ....,. „ ‘ , ..-10,,L. ow . Nf"v30. N'''IN„\N-•a �� �N � Nom' dd Park Land Dedication Ordinance ' . Project Review Checklist Date Received: 04/23/2003 Park zone: 2 Current Zone Balance: Project Location: East of Munson Drive, North of Dominik Drive Name of Development: University Preserve (Replat) Applicant: Crux Financial Services, Inc. Address: 502 Arrowhead Point Road City/State/Zip: Belton, Texas 76513 PhonnNonmbar/Faz: (254)780-1100 Fax Number: E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Ash & Browne Engineering, Inc. Address: P.O. Box 10838 City/StateZip: College Station, Texas 77842 Phone Nu'`'ber/Fou: (979) 846-6914 Fax Number: E-Mail: REQUIRED COMPLIANCE Section 10-B-I: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: 36 Multi-Family Dwelling Units: None Total Land Requirement: 0.356 Acres Proposed Dedication: Section 18-B-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning and Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? No Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): $198x36 = $7.128 Multi-Family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): Total Acquisition Fee: $7,128 Section I0-B-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): $358 x 36 = $12,888 Multi-family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee ($556/dwelling Unit): $556 x 36 = $20,016 Multi-Family Fee ($452/dwelling Unit): Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Version Revised.xls page/ Section 1OB-4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost Staff review date and comment: May 5, 2003 Parks Board review and decision: Section 1O-B-5: Minimum Park Size Is the proposed park less than five (5)acres? If yes, staff recommends: Section 10-B-7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing park that can serve the proposed development? Parkway Park, Merry Oaks, and Oaks. If yes, staff recommends: Land requirement is too small for a park. Section 10-E: Comprehensive Plan � | Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan? Yes Comments: Section 10'F: Additional Information 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? No Percentage: a. Detention/Retention? Size: Meets Board Policy? Acreage in floodplain: Percentage: Acreage in detention: .152 Acres Percentage: Acreage in greenways: Percentage: Comments: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/check/ist/OriginalslLong Version Revised.xls Page 2 Section 1 0-F (of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance) 10-F. 1 Any land dedication to the City under this section must be suitable for park and recreation uses. Consideration will be given to land that is in the floodplain or may be considered ^Ompdab|e^ even though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its elevation, it is suitable for park improvements. (a) Neighborhood park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a manner that serves the greatest number of users. Comments: (b) Neighborhood park sites should be located so that users are not required to cross arterial roadways to access them. Comments: The location does not require users to cross an arterial road. (c) Sites should not be severely sloped or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for organized recreational activities. Comments: Fairly gentle slopes to level land. ) (d) Sites should have existing trees or other scenic elements. Comments: (e) Detention/retention areas will not be accepted as part of the required dedioadun, but may be accepted in addition to the required dedication. If accepted as part of the park, the detention/retention area design must be approved by the City staff and must meet specific parks specifications. Comments: 10-F. 2 Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area development, enhance the visual character of the city, protect public safety, and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines should be used in designing parks and adjacent development: (a) Where physically feasible, park sites should be located adjacent to greenways and/or schools in order to encourage both shared facilities and the potential co-development of new sites. Comments: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Version Revised.xls Page 3 (b) A proposed subdivision adjacent to a park may not be designed to restrict reasonable access to the park from other area subdivisions. Street and greenway connections to existing or future adjoining subdivisions may be required to provide reasonable access to parks. Comments: (c) Where a non-residential use must directly abut a park, the use must be separated by a screening wall or fence and landscaping. Access points to the park may be allowed by the Planning and Zoning Commission if a public benefit is established. Comments: N/A (d) It is desirable that a minimum of fifty percent (50%)of the perimeter of a park should abut a public street. In all cases, the City shall approve the proposed street alignment fronting on city parks. Comments: (e) Streets abutting a park shall be built in accordance with the thoroughfare plan and the standards of this ordinance; however, the City may require any residential street built adjacent to a park to be constructed to collector width to ensure access and prevent traffic congestion. The developer may request oversize participation in such an instance. Comments: Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends acceptance of fee versus land, due to the small land requirement for this subdivision. This plat was previously reviewed on April 9, 2002. At that time it was platted with twenty-four(24) lots. Section 10-G: Approval: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Planning and Zoning Commission: City Council: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Version Revised.xls Page 4 (---/ \\,/,\''''\13 N --fes c.,) G) 4 & '\\ \. 40k,,\c--)\40‘ v C5') , \\/ IC, ''..,,,,,,,' # % \ : ,, ,, ,,,,, , / • 4 Parkway 2,it . ,,,,, , , 44k. ,... . , 0,9 '''''' ::';','''' C) vs\ -----\', `moi \\\V \—VS 411% c 4 0 6.4 0 0 IP4 v:::) (3\/ 4 Viih, , ; 1AOtlIllh, ., 'hi M . ,s, r er ' 'Ak AIL, h. ,,42 ..--„,. Nif c) C) .\<)\ -----\ 2S kJ . , \ / i i i 1 , ••-•,-- 1 i \ -1 .,.‘ L ..„,- . ,.. . . SOUTHWEST PKWY. r- .(, o ( ---------,„ ..,—,----.,—,--,-------- , ---,,, ., ,, , ,.. \ ' 3 . N--- \-1P( \ . 1 '.. I ) e. ) 4,...„ . ., ., . , , . -.,,. ? L ' , / . 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' %� �' �t �� / � G 4 ,,,,„>z,„„. •`ps° .! r 4"v `' .1'.'c,. i. / his �• . "w �„e S / a:�. ._,.d# ` ``--� kb - 2',' .�. \ // 0 `` 's. �q6 /� ✓' 'fit �.`N ,�., \ // ` , /N ;, ^/ :. `';4�/�° © ---EELWEISS GAFTENS • 4, < k, \'', / : a % `* , 0 /v v.- ‘,/,/.....—„N .... .s. i ..., ,,,,,/ ..// .:c..,\ 43, \ ,.. / • m . ') ilk % , t AS,/ / ` ,/ mss` 4;, '` S�� PARKS AND RECREATI"•' A. TMEtT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT& PARES LAND DEDICATION .~ '®JECTS FY 2002®03 May 8, 2003 Capital Improvement Projects Capital Improvement Project Project Funding DateFinal . Projects Status Manager" # Budget{ ' fSource"' .Ex s acted Actua/ Coast Jack&Dorothy,Milte Jogg€n ;Track ...F{ Completes David .., ST02001 $29,250 _ '98 G.O. .9/31/02 9/13/02 $62,130.91 Veterans'-Park;--Phase i ,.. Complete ">-- Ric, PK9941 $4936,800 98 G.O. 11/02-- 7:1.'11$.10&.:-:'1-$0,':-21.0.:;264.-.;3.6. tvladeley..Paris„ ', i ,. Complete•', Pete - PK9706 $48 000 '98 G:O. - 8/02 12/02 $39,067.33 Anderson:Playground.R`e'placement' .,..Complete-.. ;,David /1,50215 $399.50- FY02Replacement 10/02 "' 12,15/02 $42,942.00 1. Bee,,Creek.B.attin Cages&�-B`acksto sCompleteiliggE David PKo301 . $25 000 FY'03 General Fund 3103 1/31/03 $20,963.94 9.. p r r„ Ut€lity;SennceBuilding Landscape '_;.. Complete ';Pete ,, F3900-P $15,000 1/03 1/30/03 $9,300 Southwood Athletic Parka:Soccer.Fence 5 '.,...,CompElete; - .. Pete N/A Y;,$12,000 FY'03 General Fund 2/031/17/03: $9,936 ' Arts,Courtcil La60$.06pe Design . 'a ,,, complete' 'Pete ' hi/A $0 N/A 1/30/03 .522,000 Central' "ark.Lighting.Imp`rovements'` ,%,,, " Complete',c., Pete P1<0101 $17,000 98 Bond ;5131/03 i 4/03/03 $16,200 central-'Park Softball;Field,ImprovemerntsComplete' "Dav€d PK0300 x.,,,:$24200? " Improvement Fund ,` 3/31/03 3,03/03 $21,075 Bee Creek Tennis 0outt Fence"Replace complete Pete P1<0310 $8,3556 Replacement Account" 4,03' 4/03/03 $8,356 Southwood Athletic Park.Improvements' complete David .,' PK0076 ,..$119 000 ` . '98 G O. "•3/2$/03 , 3/10/03 $49,990 ThomassPool.Renovat€on:•,. „Complete`. Ric PK0 {205 $277.255 FY 02: 4/31/03 . 4/30/03 omas:Pool Shade Cover,' .. Complete Ric PK0104 '$19 000: '98 G'O. 5/31/03' 5/2/03 r- .k Creek Park Development,Phase I Under Construction Pete PK0069 $478,000 98 G.G./TPWD Grant 10/03 Thomas Out to Bid 6/03 6/03 Thomas& on 5/8 Pete PK0302 $16,000 FY'03 General Fund Adamson Pool Lighting Adamson Complete 4/31/03 3/21/03 $5,400 Southwood Senior League Dugout Covers On Hold until 6/03 Pete PK0300 $7,200 Improvement Fund 7/31/03 Bee Creek Light Pole Replacement On Hold Pete PK0303 $68,000 '98 G.O. 1/04 Hensel Park Playground Replacement On Hold Pete PK0210 $40,000 Replacement Account Cemetery Land Acquisition On Hold Ross GG9905 $275,000 '98 G.O. Unknown Lincoln Center Ex.ansion/Im.rovements On Hold Ric $170,000 CDBG Total Amount $4 47£2 01100 ` *CSISD and Rock Prairie PTO to cover$48,612 of this cost. 'CIP Summary Can?g late 13'4- Under Construction 1 Bids Received 0 Pending Contracts 0 :Out to Bid 1 In Design 0 On Hold 5 Total s .a_, . .. . 1, _ VV Park Land Dedication Projects CompletionPark Land Dedication Project Project - Funding„ Final Projects Prioritized Status Manager # Budget Source .edte” Cost ZONE 1 -$177 370.19 Northgate Park Ac.uisition On Hold Zone 1 Funds ZONE 2-1124 528 33 Brazos Beautiful Eastgate Park Improvements I In Design David &Zone 2 Funds 1/04 ZONE 3-$6,595.49 - - ZONE 4-$21,492.41 Raintree Improvements On Hold Pete NA $0 Zone 4 Funds Windwood Improvements On Hold Pete NA $0 Zone 4 Funds ZONE 5- .192,4112.98 • Edeiwitis Perk PedestrianPridge 43eYegetatiO"O';', David $17,708 26rie 5 Fund " 03103A.:, 2r10/03 't$17 Otithwood Athletic Park ll'layacciona Covers Complete Pete PK0307 $22,295, Zone 5 Poi-ids 4/50/03 4I25I03 . $22,290, Brothers,Fitch,Miller Benches I In Design David PK0311 $25,000 Zone 5 Funds 8/30/03 Jack&Dorothy Miller Park Playground Cushion Out to Bid David PK0312 $90,000 Zone 5 Funds 8/29/03 Southwood Sidewalks I Out to Bid on 5/13 Pete PK0313 $17,000 Zone 5 Funds 7/03 Longmire Park Pla .round&Picnic Unit On Hold Pete NA $0 Zone 5 Funds ZONE 6--$144„0Ot66,-,:f•'"::„.,: South Knoll Rubber Cushion Agreement Complete Ric PK0308 $8,000 Zone 6 Funds Unknown Anderson Walk and Benches I In Design David PK0315 $45,000 Zone 6 Funds 8/29/03 Bee Creek Benches I On Hold David PK0316 $12,000 Zone 6 Funds 6/30/03 Anderson Park Swing Set In Design David PK0314 $12,000 Zone 6 Funds 8/29/03 Nabbard Park Sidewalk I On Hold David NA $35,000 Zone 6 Funds 9/1/03 ZONE 7-$734,857 54 Woodway Park Development Pending Land Acq. Ric PK9803 $600,000 Zone 7 Funds Unknown ZONE 8-$4,365.84 - Z.ONE9-so' ZPNO.10-$174,224,-;15, Shenandoah Park Development In Design Pete NA $0 Zone 10 Funds ZONE 11 -$17,,22 .28 ,•Pebble Creek Park Improvements/Tot Playground I On Hold Pete NA $0 Zone 11 Funds - - ZONE 12--$0 - - ZONE 13-$556 Note:$0 budget- To be determined I-Intergenerational Project Park Land Dedication Summary conlelete , 2. Under Construction 0 Bids Received 0 Pendin• Contracts 0 Out to Bid 2 'In Design 5 Pending Land Ac.uisition 1 On Hold 7 Total Page 2 0:/Projects/CIP/CIP&Park Land Dad Project List.doc 01114 SW100. Embracing the Past,Exploring the Future! City of College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Fiscal Year 2003 Goals (Not Prioritized) 1. Establish policies and standards for re-appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department O Review quarterly park maintenance standards reports and develop recommendations regarding levels of service (VS2S1.a) (In progress. la Quarter report on January 14, 2003. 2nd Quarter report on April 8, 2003). O Develop a long-term replacement schedule for playgrounds, court surfacing, and other key facilities (VS2S1.a) El Evaluate all leisure service programs offered by the Department and develop recommendations for improvements (VS252.b) (Aquatics Programs presentation on November 12th, Athletics Programs presentation on Dec. 10th, Educational Programs presentation on January 14th, Entertainment Programs presentation on Feb. JJth, and Supervised Recreation Programs presentation on March 4th,, El Develop recommendations for implementation of an Urban Forest Management Plan (VS2S1.b) (Plan presented to Council on September 26, 2002, and recommendations for implementation approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on April 8, 2003. Recommendations for the initial recommended implementation steps included in the FY04 budget requests). 2. Provide more interaction between Parks and Recreation Advisory loard and Planning and Zoning Commission, and shared vision with the City Council ET Monitor status of Unified Development Ordinance (VS3S1.a) El Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to discuss toard goals and objectives (October 24, 2002). El Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to report on the prpgress of loard goals and objectives (April 24, 2003). O Conduct a joint meeting with the Planning ad Zoning Commission to discuss Board goals and objectives and other issues (March 6, 2003. The revised Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan was presented to the Commission during the joint workshop meeting, and approved during the Commission's regular workshop meeting). 3, Provide oversight for the implementation of the Capital Improvement Program O Woodway Park site plan approval O Shenandoah Park site plan approval (Public hearing May 6, 2003. Board discussion scheduled for May 13, 2003). El Develop a plan for the use of existing Park Land Dedication Funds (September 10, 2002). Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval:September 10,2002 Council Approval:October 24,2002 Updated:May 8,2003 Page 1 of 3 • WA Tarrow Park Corridor Master Plan approval (Presentation of citizen survey to Board on November 12th. A joint meeting was held on Feb. 18th, 2003, between the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee. The Lincoln Center Advisory Committee approved the plan on February 24, 2003. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board approved the plan on March 4, 2003. The plan was presented to the City Council on May 8, 2003). El Complete all remaining 1998 Bond Fund projects (In progress). 4. Provide planning and coordination for the 2003 Bond Election (VS2S2.e) • Review and update submitted CIP list • Develop additional recommendations for the CIP O Staff/Board presentation to the Citizens Advisory Committee (March 25, 2003). 5. Review and update the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan (VS3S2.d) Er Staff review and update of the current Master Plan, Section I — IntrAuction (September 2002). Ef Staff review and update of Section V — Inventory and Facilities (September 2002). ET Staff review ad update of Section VI—Needs Assessment .:nd Identification (September 2002). • Board subcommittee review and comments regarding proposed updates for Section I, IV, and VI (October 2002). Ef Board subcommittee review and comments regarding Sectiot VII PrioritizatioJi: of Needs and Plan Implementation (November 6, 2002). iZI Board subcommittee review and comments regarding Section III — Plan Development Process (October 2002). Ei Completion of the Parks and Recreation Department 5-Year Strategic Man (Is'Draft Complete). • Public input period for the revised Master Na ZI Board consideration of the revised Master Plan (January 2003). Planning and Zoning Cou. ission consilierAtion of the revised Master Plan (March 6, 2003). 0 City Council presentation and consideration adopting revised Master Plan (schedulecilbr June 12, 2003). 6. Provide oversight for the implementation of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex IZI Memorial Dedication Ceremony on November 11, 2002 IZI Complete Phase I development (VS2S2.d) (September 2002) Iii Investigate potential agreement with the College Station Soccer Club for clubhouse building (Project not,feasible at this time) 0 Conduct Grand Opening of the Phase I project (Scheduled for Saturday, May 17, 2003) Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval:September 10,2002 Council Approval:October 24,2002 Updated:May 8,2003 Page 2 01'3 O Review operations and maintenance and make recommendations for Fiscal Year 2004 (Request submitted within the FY04 budget process). O Review Needs Assessment and update as required O Develop revisions for Phase II recommendations 7. Provide oversight for the design and installation of the batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park E1 Secure funding 2 Approve site plan Et Complete construction 8. Provide oversight for the installation of the new jogging track at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park El Complete construction (September 2002) RI Investigate alternative types of surfacing for playgrounds 9. Support implementation of the Greetways Master (VS2S3.a) O Receive update report from Greenways Coordinator (presentation planned for June 10, 2003). O Review Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan as it relates to greenways 10. Support the City Council's Interagency Plan on any Park and recreation related issues 12 Continue dialog with the College Station Independent School District regarding future school/park developments attd programs (presentation to CS/SD on January 21, 2003). El Continue dialog with the College Station Independent School District and the South Knoll PTO concerning the potential of rubberizing the South Knoll jogging track (Interlocal Agreement approved by the City Council on December 19, 2002). El Continue dialog with Texas A&M University regarding Hensel Park and Veterans Park and Athletic Complex (TAMU Nature Trail Planning; TAMU Cross Country Team). O Continue to investigate joint programming opportunities with the City of Bryan Parks and Recreation Department (VS2S2.c) (in progress — currently investigating registration software opportunities, George Bush Library Programming, and TMPA Regional Park). 11. Identify potential new sources of revenue 12 Identify potential grant opportunities (TPWD — October 8, 2002) O Investigate the potential for a donations program (In progress) O Review user fees and develop recommendations (Fees Subcommittee appointed, and meeting scheduled for April 16, 2003. Scheduled for Parks and Recreation Adviso17,v Board approval May 13, 2003). Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval:September 10,2002 Council Approval:October 24,2002 Updated:May 8,2003 Page 3 of 3 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS&RECREATION DEPARTMENT FY03 GOALS&OBJECTIVES Implementation of the CIP Program Implementation of Special Projects : Continue to Improve Staff Development -fr.. Implementation of New Programs "›..' Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues Implementation of the CIP Program O Complete the Lick Creek Park Phase I project(In progress) O Complete master plan and design of Woodway Park O Complete master plan and design of Shenendoah Park(Public hearing on May 6, 2003) O Complete intergenerational park projects(In progress) O Complete G.O. 1998 Bond projects(In progress) O Complete Thomas Pool renovation and shade structure(In progress) O Complete acquisition of new cemetery site(In progress) Continue to Improve Staff Development El Complete Management Academy(Kristin Lehde, Dana Albrecht, Geri Marsh, and Grace Caibert-attended Feb. 17th-21st). El Complete Supervisory Academy(Jimmy Charanza,Keith Fails, Charles Harris, David Hudspeth, Marci Rodgers) O Complete National Recreation&Park Association Park Maintenance School(1 employee) El Complete the Texas Nature Trails Construction Workshop(David Wood) 2 Complete DPS Debris Management Course(Steve Beachy) EI Complete Customized Media Presentations Workshop(Director,Assistant Director,and Superintendents) El Complete the"Storms Over the Urban Forest Training"(1 employee:Ross Albrecht-attended Feb. 27-28th). El Complete NRPA Revenue Management Training(Peter Lamont-completed February 7, 2003). El Complete TAMU Landscape Architect Workshop(Peter Vanecek,Afsaneh Yazdani, David Wood-attended Feb. 21st&22nd) El Attend and participate in the annual TRAPS professional training conference in San Antonio(Steve Beachy, Dana Albrecht,Ross Albrecht,Jana Cope, Sheila Walker,Patrick Hazlett, David Hudspeth,Marci Rodgers, Vera Solis,Eric Ploeger, Curtis Bingham- attended on March 26, 27,and 28, 2003. Steve Beachy, Curtis Bingham,and Vera Solis were presenters at the Conference). Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues O Complete the Recreation,Park and Open Space Master Plan update(Approved by the Parks and Rec.Adv.Board on Jan. 14th, approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on March 6'. Scheduled for City Council consideration on June 12,2003.) 2 Complete the Parks&Recreation Department 2003-2007 Strategic Plan O Complete the WA Tarrow Park Corridor Master Plan update(In progress-a Joint Meeting was held between the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee on February 18th. The plan was approved by the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee on Feb.24th, and approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on March 4th. The plan will be presented to the City Council on May 8th) O Achieve a 75%or higher rating on all major categories for Park Maintenance Standards(In Progress-1st Quarter Report submitted to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on Jan. 14th. 2nd Quarter presented on April 8.) 2 Develop implementation schedule of Urban Forest Management Plan(Plan presented to Council on September 26, 2002, staff has recommended implementation steps in the FY04 budget process). O Complete current capital improvement projects(In progress) 2 Comprehensive review of all leisure services programs(Aquatic Programs presentation on November 12th,Athletics Programs presentation on December 10th,Educational Programs presentation on January 14th, Entertainment Programs presentation on Feb. 11th, and Supervised Recreation Programs presentation on March 4th), 2 Continue to explore cooperative efforts with other agencies(In progress:TAMU Hensel Park, TAMU/VPAC, CSISD/South Knoll Jogging Track, City of Bryan/Madeley Park and Recreational Software, George Bush Library, TMPA Regional Park Project). Implementation of Special Projects El Conduct dedication ceremony for Veterans Memorial project(November 11, 2002) O Conduct grand opening of Veterans Parks&Athletic Complex(scheduled for Saturday, May 17, 2003) El Investigate feasibility of joint project with College Station Soccer Club(In progress) O Conduct a benchmark survey of similar cities O Investigate potential sources of additional revenue(In progress) El Complete recommendations for future CIP program(Presentation to Citizen's Advisory Committee on March 25,2003) O Develop recommendations for existing Conference Center O Conduct seasonal pay study and develop recommendations(In Progress, working with Human Resources) El Conduct dedication for the Jane Pulley Softball Fields(November 2, 2002) El Purchase Scoreboard for Veterans Park&Athletic Complex(2 scoreboards purchased March 2003) Implementation of New Programs O Complete implementation of Challenger sports program(Challenger Bowling to being in the summer of 2003) O Begin operation of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex El Implementation of cemetery software program Ph5 , Recreation City of College Station Updated:May 8,2003 STRATEGIC PLANS IMPLEMENTATION CALENDAR 2002-03 IMP.PLAN SUBJECT TEAM OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MARCH -,, - card Re-View:of*,: BeardReviewf 1st VS 2 ,. ,, Quarter: - Quarter S 1.a Park Maintenance Curtis' ' -''113/22/02 • , ,,'1/14/03 .- Standards VS 2 Urban Forestry Sl.b Plan Ross Installatiortoti,, intergenerational park— VS 2 Intergenerational . features ongoing S 2.a Parks Ric Aquatics programs..- •i- Athletic fitograms - Educationar' 4. -,Entertalanieit •-fi"--;-;'.."'Superiiiised progfiarns-i revieWed -:',--'.i'i- ' - reviewed - . programs reviewed :tri5rogr0rlis reviewed '- --revlewecli1i VS 2 Review Leisure Peter 411-12102,:-,- ,',; 12110/02 ---:''" 1114/03 .. •:,-,1 . .--Iii1/11/03 S 2.b Service Programs VS 2 Cooperative efforts Peter S 2.c and joint programming with City of Bryan Complete .,, -,'Phase"'Consoctiort -,I, VaterartMEntiOrigi'l'',-: ''''t nvestigate Coilega VS 2 —...,, . .Oarripleterfas of ,' .-'','--"tedicatiolt1111V02'e''%'::6% , -Station Soccer(tub Development of S 2.d Veterans Park Ric Pil''''eS8'P:1teNintilltrei:1,414d6:0#1; ' '-:"!-' e'''''''5':- '''''-1,11',';''', :7''''' ... • [lading agreement In progresel'l , Phase I activities begun Ci;nrigleteParkt Board. ''-':,1„:',,,,,,,,Staff/t3rjardf." VS 2 Develop new five- ...--—- .-..,,,-. - :.;arittSfaff ingatl:i'r -- .grieSantatioaloFitizerta4e S 2.e year Parks Capital Ric ,-- - ,--;50-3-ik-,- -3vf,k Improvement - .1-4401cr ObtrIvatteef Projects Draft of Plan :::----. , ;',Parks Boanitoint approved by Parks l' i---;ill'i,,!ateeting*th Advisory Boare„, ':-.1-Plantting41Zaning to VS 3 Update Parks Steve 1/1410r: - '' reqecii2ptatt'.on 21q/03-:, S 2d Master Plan Ric NOTE: Shaded items have been completed. Revised April 30, 2003 O:\Strategic Planning/Plan Calendars 2003/Timeline 2003.doc IMP.PLAN SUBJECT TEAM APRIL 11 MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT VS 2 Park Maintenance Board Iowe:of 2nd qUartet Board Review of 3b S 1.a Standards Curtis /8/ Quarter VS 2 Urban Forestry Plan S 1.b Ross VS 2 Intergenerational Parks S 2.a Ric Review Leisure Service VS 2 Programs Peter S 2.b VS 2 Cooperative efforts and S 2.c joint programming with Peter City of Bryan VS 2 Complete Development of Grand Opening Veterans ParkRic scheduled for S 2.d Phase 1 5/17/03 VS 2 Develop new five-year S 2.e Parks Capital Ric Improvement Projects Council to consider VS 3 Steve Cour tto cbM er the revised plan on S 2d Update Parks Master Plan Ric revved plan r cheduledfor 6/12/03 ;June "kNt) BUt)C;ETAIZY I'OIi('\ STATE ENTS, I EM # IIt.�3i t1s[R-U:,'s1 I) f VI:ti CHARGES. I'M ;cnices assuCcoed with a trier Ice or chin - Mc direct and indirect costs of that service will be onset H a fee where possible_ There will be a rCv iew or fecs and charmes no less than once every three vein: to ensure that Ices provide adequate coverage of costs of services. User charges utas be classified as "full cost recovery," partial cost recovery," and "minimal cost recovery," based upon City Council policy. a. Full fee support (80-100%) will be obtained from enterprise operations such as utilities, sanitation service, landfill, cemetery and licenses and permits. b. Partial fee support(50-SO%) will be generated by charges for emergency medical services, miscellaneous licenses and Gees, and all adults sports programs. c_ Minimum fee support (0-50%) will be obtained from other parks, recreational, cultural, and youth programs and activities. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT FEES POLICY STATEMENT The citizens of College Station have made a commitment to excellence in parks facilities and recreation programs. These facilities and services require substantial expenditures by the City to ensure appropriate maintenance and effective programming. This policy is intended to insure that a proportion of these costs is recovered through user fees in an equitable manner in accordance with the City's current fiscal and budgetary policies approved by the City Council. L Fees for athletic programs shall be set in accordance with the following guidelines: A. The cost of maintaining and operating athletic facilities should be borne by those who use them. In addition, in those situations where the City has responsibility for organizing and/or programming activities, participants should bear proportionate staff salaries and overhead of direct supervisors associated with the program. B. The City recognizes that it is appropriate to subsidize youth athletic and aquatics activities. Such activities contribute to educational development and to encourage leisure literacy, which are increasingly important aspects of life. Youth is defined as all individuals up to, and including, eighteen years of age. The City will absorb all maintenance and operating costs associated with facilities and the staff costs associated with organizing and/or programming activities. A fee will be assessed to cover all variable costs associated with programs such as uniforms, equipment, awards, umpires, etc. in accordance with the City's fiscal and budgetary policy statement. C. It is intended that facilities and programs should be available to all citizens and that none should be excluded because of inability to pay. The Department Director, at his/her discretion, may reduce any fee in individual cases upon evidence of financial hardship. The "Parks Bucks" program is intended to meet the majority of these cases. D. In addition to this user fee policy, the City levies a tee surcharge, which cjoes into an Athletic Renovation and Inrprovemnent Fund. The policy governing, that Fund is attached to this policy. IL l=ees for the use of rental facilities shall he set to cover the cost of utilities ane maintenance expenses related n) that facility_ I)epo:;it�; nay be required, a; needed, to ensure proper care and clean-11p is provided by user groups. Deposits may he waived when users establish a satisfactory record with the City, and will be determined on a case by case basis l'he Ice and deposit will be waived idr the College Station Independent School District per a joint use agreement. Ill. Aquatics, special events and instruction fees shall be set to cover all expenses directly associated with conduct of the class or event. Pool admission fees shall be set on an annual basis to recover a portion of the pools' operating expenses up to 50%. All fees shall be reviewed on an annual basis at public meetings by the Parks and Recreation Board. After receiving public input, the Board will then submit fee recommendations for the next calendar year to the City Council for final approval. Athletic Renovation and Improvement Funds The CIP Committee recommended multiple lighting, irrigation, shade structures, pathway and backstop projects on athletic fields as part of the 1998 bond program that was approved by the City Council and the citizens. They were assured that this would restore all athletic fields to the City's desirable standard. However, the CIP Committee noted that it was unreasonable to fund these short- term projects which had an expected life of considerably less than 25 years with 25 year bonds, since future taxpayers would be paying for assets that no longer existed. The Council concurred with the Committee's strong recommendation that a surcharge should be required of all teams using athletic fields to pay for the replacement of items that have deteriorated as a result of their use, and for any improvements in the existing standard of facilities they would like to have. In response to this mandate, the Parks and Recreation Department is preparing a rolling 10 year schedule which projects the renovations and improvements required at each athletic field complex. Input from representatives of the athletic field users will be solicited in preparing this schedule. The costs of implementing the 10 year program will be calculated, with allowances made for likely future cost increases, and divided into equal annual amounts. The surcharge will be sufficient to pay each user groups' prorated share of the fields' annual renovations and improvements. This money will be retained in a separate capital fund for each athletic field complex, and will be used exclusively for renovating or improving that complex. The Parks and Recreation Department will consult with representatives from the athletic groups contributing to a fund before money can be appropriated from it. It is likely to take some months for the staff to carefully develop and cost the 10 year plans. However, it is desirable to implement the program as soon as possible, since delays will increase the surcharge amounts that will be needed in future years. This policy will be implemented on October 1,1999 at the commencement of FY2000. In lieu of the availability of the 10-year plan, the Parks and Recreation Board recommended a surcharge be leveled on each item that equates to approximately $5 per person, per season (Fall, Spring, and Summer), per team in FY2000. This will be reviewed with athletic team representatives before the FY2001 budget cycle when the rolling 10-year plan is available, and revisions, if necessary, will be made to this $5 amount to reflect the financial needs of the fields. This procedure will he replicated annually in future years. l'arAs .1,1riv,ty limird: 11,11 2; i. PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT USER FEES 1995-2003 (as of September 13, 2002) ar�+'. '; , � ,..... `� ,� �x. ,.'a, ,�, . .. f€.+ e s. ....,,,...„,-„,...„,„:",,,,,,,,,ANt � .ri ,.�:rs�,.'�.. . ,;.�' F C.�..+a .R.;�.,:i:�w �.,..,, ..""�:.�* .� �.,,1� �??i �... g �.. . �. �'. .:;da r w x �� �,� .�.. �.��e?r�€4ma, a �^;or� ��a,��"`iM' :� x�, u? N"5`i4,143•04,1541 : x a".us ::_' r .'.r.: r' t r.,?- <r ,� , :. j , ;� 'see+ i, �''�? �e,-'Y'. `mr F r .}, „ ' .� ;;:,;.. .s�� �...:,.,,;, .>,.,, x x ,. .,,.-� , , �,`+ t .�n� :a,p,. ,.�t ,apt, :�.. a ��m`fi m �3 � -r, z�_,.,+�/'�(� � ., .x. . 9. 7� '197. ���913;�� � '+�� 4��, ��i�1 � ��''� ,��, ��'� � ���. �,...». n.'��s,.. ,..% -.>, ..4... ._.�:,..> �~.:,�s � �;,x �'.,I��7 ''c»� � -„x...w. -- w.t�w. ��,,. _ ��� .c. - ,...,�. ,.� _. .. �. „�.ass � ,, a- - , , ., . ,u:.* .. ,..te: ,,... ...,,. .. m.,.. .,..,ADULT SPORTS PER TEAM • F.as,,etbn' _ $250 $255 $255 $265 $265 $265 5265 Discontinued F'ao Football $255 $260 $265 $265 $340 $265 5340 5340 1 5340 ollevhall $110 $110 $110 $265 $130 $130 $140 $175 $175 S`than Play-Off Leacue. Sarin• and Summer $255 $260 $265 $285 $285 $356 $360 $360 375 Fall $215 $220 $225 $240 $240 $300 $315 5315 330 Fast Pilch: Sarin• and Summer $290 $300 $300 $300 $300 $375 $375 5375 400 Fall $245 $250 $250 $250 $250 $312 $325 5325 - 340 a.'tt a..;a5a° '.r..: :,xs was...;,r te t.m^.P.�.., a. v..:r;i. M •`r. .es,,WWMWW.«e-::+ z '.<<....,. ' ,x, w::.a wa.:7 15, ..,xsc,�w;',�, _ ate:,: .>.a:` ...a.r, ^aF u'wr �ksz, ea” - + ...t:sW ' 5,«, :r r!t ar :-a „a,.;e:,x.. .,i a z. YOUTH SPORTS PER CHILD Baske,ball $25/$151$5 $301$20/$10 $30/20/10 $30/20/10 $30/20/10 $30/20/10 $30/20/10 540135 540/35 Flan Football $25/$15/$5 $30/$20/$10 $30/20/10 $30/20/10 $35/25/15 $30/20/10 335/25115 $40/35 540/35 Cells Softball $251$15/$5 $30l$20/$10 $30/20/10 $30/20/10 $35/25/15 $30/20/10 535/25/15 540135 I $45/40 ouch"ollevhall 540/30/20 $40135 $40/35 ,tli�e tte Sports $15 00 $15 $15... .:.,.... . ..-,.. , a. .. .. .. -s...... ,..x.- . Mt r...,. .„ q.,.,.,,,, .., .. a- ++, 'i wk .MWam ':ufA'.4aEl^X,.va ,'M- a&rrrak.-::W,,,."..'3k -",;:YXr..'WWM":M W WWPo%WY�d. :yuW,F"4maiw',c,.ti:.:i,✓ WWWWM4Q'.MW waegf.,.ctE'Z£$d@<...rta•^w Y �� -iYs�,sefit;;xr rxi:av,......»...5..zn,1.•rPF�4b:5B"vs.:.Yb:S&',:N'v:,k!.y+2'k'�74+.8.._4,,�.ns.._..,..s,xJ��,.1�'uo-,s,.-uw:;.'>">"+�i"t .,.-vn•. da✓. .....w.',Y. �.',"..-.n. .:3t ..1�2" -n; ,..w. �.t INSTRUCTION FEES PER PERSON wim I , ,, r '. $16 $20 $23 $30 $30 $30 $30 $35 I $35 .sueswot t, s:'ons $20/$10/$5 $20/$10/$5 $25/15/10 $25/15/10 $25/15/10 $25/15/10 $35 540 $40 1 \FBF 7.+,in,l r m, $40/$25/$15 $40/$25/$15 $80/60/40 $80/60/40 $80/60/40 $80/60/40 $85/65/45 $80175 $85/75 N Pr rici Jr Tennis League $40/$35/$30 $40/$35/$30 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 Tennis Lessons +1 can of balls $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $40 $40 Golf r- $45 $45 $45 Discontinued +,.mak` -.M`= .w C. ",MW•'MW,W:W fis». 'WWMV W , ' 4a'O',W.c+M'M,'W'.i+?"Ta-.s:-M"N'v MWMW.+a'#a+a ewfz.m. ...e 4MW,MWO'W.a,',a,'#,aw 4k.MWWW+e*aesn• 3 ran:.Fu.eS,'+"wa 'P,ke -oY�3tu:[sSgn rn� _ wbF.ma r. u K. „St.,,#":+a PAVILION RENTALS PER DAY Bee Creek Pavilion $30 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $75 $75 $75 Bentral and Southwood Pavilions Monday-Thursday $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $75 $100 $100 Friday $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $100 Discount Discontinued Fr'dav—S.,ndav, and Holidays $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $175 5175 5175 I $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Oaks Pavilion $30 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $75 $75 $75 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 550 $50 ,,om 5 Pavilion $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 315 515 ' Deposits are refundable if ke s are returned, and the.avilion is left clean and dama.e-free. De.osits are not re.uired when rentin. Bee Creek Park or Thomas Park pavilions. i.n`f_xba. ':tlPw� yr *ah", WiaSrt":.'Y�vNW4e9'�'-:^!�`>t3�2'S1tld^.:iW� .,�s.:u�';.a+cwa"'k..s_nW'vaSeN:Vt2s'MnrcXta�ro+s�J:ai.§s�YzadS R51,r4iryxyasa'.k.wetvaC,✓,a':�Hk*g*+tMJi la SJ',fiK.aa#.finddYh1.M3�a*-.Y! ,31,8a..a,xsae,..mKvd...Sc,RMsi'n.a,.M,,:,1v�hats�:1a5R,#a5tr�trtx.`2,,,.n31mvv�,�bauY�,ebaau..,,:ae+k.a,.A�i.'.:,E:L"'.Ne:etwMn�,4Wu..#T.fwAA.kdA:�`� WOLF PEN CREEK AMPHITHEATER � I Private Renas. Weekday $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Weekend $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 5250 $250 - ,. .:,.-.. ..ev- -::, e . p 3 +,, �: .c�. ,. ,,: .",:y, -,.ro.x. $ ,,,... a ,. -s?' +,pr. .,t r,. ,, .., :•,. ,. � � ,.• �.� L 3-.; -. ,_.� ,: -.., ,.�+. „ y-rtk„ 4,+fi, >keyr+� ': a, 3s'n ,n.. ,r,.. ro..y., Vi. t >, ' '.:. , ,o-='n., & ;: r r,a:.. *`t. ,g.. _;n t' r �;l"�'r: >,. '... .su:�, -",,..w % „reeX a ,G`F 3k” ,:.,;. ,:, a,,m, � �,3 f r" ,xx ^t v� k''>x-s �. ,*4�` ..�. ':� +'`t•.,t �,'i�5, "�� 5` tm Non Commercial Rental: Weekday $425 $425 $425 $425 t $425 $425 $425 $425 1 $425 Weekend $525 $525 $525 $525 $525 $525 $525 $525 $525 Professional/Commercial Rentals: Weekday $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 Weekend $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 S900 Service .ersonnel chanes will be added accordln.l . �..'W,q�: �°'^':�5'�.V'}'Y.�s•'....%S .;JP'kdr+".;::sP:i1:•..#�'�''3�:4ti5r'i.�%<'^yY,�sref-en'.3!,&;�c.,ak>i°f::J`P%. t+;.:*SS,?.,, ik at +t•'zn wx,K � i:':' s'1 X { #a.N'-d4+.,tblan'.PYEI.%�;ria.�a't+w.."+sksk�3+R "ix'ax a k. CONFERENCE CENTER_ Se. e..Attached Rates FytE tx-.. t s i gitax 4, ivrox fin u5i u 0'pvr.f'YJ r+axp� B..,.f.rv,....,, '�µaAKYv..w,✓�a,,.,,y;,.,yy,...i„.§.„.,:::,,„,::.1„...,..:....,:.:.,..1:,..:.:....:„.:::.. * "rstSNffiffo ChakFwnAie„#vswi y 3 2. 'kWt'b'Y7',�F.# S'M`_".S.A�k.'".Yr,B.'_,$.tk5"P&"Y'�:rz" `rNG'v2°,.'a���,l'`,YaY..k....RR�'.�".'�.19t*.t+�..w:.eti 3 ,P.1..�.,✓.�..v.+�'k„{rx ssL"W1A�i#v16xa.£.:a8.+5�3rw63as,H.S,,,e:_..a.]LLr s.art�uYntc$.w„a„4z.'J++°.,u.Wi�arme�4hl:,e"A'�..iksSv.w,°,s'.�.�SFiSa'h:.',.bi....-&„�2�'.A1�wJi 1.drJ. LINCOLN CENTER 1 Membership Per Year: 19-54 Years of Age $6 $6 N/A N/A N/A $15 $15 $15 1 $15 Youth lsi4 3 . $8tli 6 q s i „ b : „ ,, $10 $10 $10 Low Income Eligible a yr ° t ' it:1041111%g f 't'h s :r ; Yr x - '� $4 $5 S5 $5 i f j oss Yi €1 ` ': ^'< t 1a „k $10 $15 $15 $15 Adult .,,..',.',:40110.1121101.110-11,-,t � t '� �'S ��.��, ` 'if i`' 1�Ii`,fE k'a Hb L'Y, �.f77EP4t ,is�ll o 'v'.slit4 s” , `4 ;/� 7�1i ,I,'v,�'':'fa 1/ p��1 !ai4 '�45�.,,E1..!1,d��, ,t $1 $1 $1 Non-Member Guest Pass Per Day(Youth or Adult) '' ,. 3 k I �s�!1 �, a f Non-Member Summer Rate (Yoth or Adult) kn _t A tla4IIi Three (3) Fields: Per Da1,...wdif-:1:TA-?,..ii...y.pnimiNg:.0..11ViT:9111101.rogy;Ifat..014-gol'.:,F;;;;,:li.o..':gl.$60:Mi.:,!:§,Je-!..j:C.,§-..g*fl-.1iP:fk,..',:"M:::::',,,:),-.',.--,.---..--:,..",,1:•:...zr:-.,:-.-.-,..',:.....-..':::•:".... -- -.,..','..• •- $150 Per Weekend0igi-';:ifi'l!:J:110-..:4-:!--11E;!::!1,$.::itgi•giritiRge:f:40:11111,11tellit:::.t il`,.j,irg'fg:4t,nRitga;:ligitiff,41.0,,,..1."-.!";,..,,,":„:','„',:,::;•-'.:,,,,t1.,,',:-.2:',:.-..';',',I '. ,•" $275 Per Da 1VVeekend ' :,!:::,,,,,i'it,:,,,:',f ..,, .,,,Str, ,. 3',''„. ..,";:.-':,,Og'H.0,,,lt.,tiig;::A;gtk,4!,,!4,11,:ft:t.11144,:t;'',4,!t';:liitb4t'., ",H•-•::',":"1:- ,l'ti,tt0t-t.O.I',4 /, '.';,,,:i'„:::„..,,',,,-t.,i,,,....t,,,,.v,t--.,,vv-,.,vS,,.,... , i ,. . - $50/5100 D.-vif c.1) DeH x: Per Dav $150 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Per Weekend $300 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 'Deposit $50 Varies Soccer Held Rentals . Ort:ie t l'i Fieldi Per Dec $50 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 Complex: Per Da $150 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Per Weekend $300 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 Field Rentals Per Hour 1/2/3 hours $7/$12/$17 $10/$15/$20 $10/15/20 $10/15/20 $10/15/20 $10/15/20 510/15/20 510/15/20 S10/15/20 In addition to the rental fees, a deposit will be charged and paid by the renter in advance of any tournament. The deposit will vary depending on the type and size of the tournament. In addition to the rental and deposit fees, additional fees may be assessed to the renter depending on the length and type of tournament to cover expenses incurred by the City for personnel and su..lies needed to facilitate the tournament. RACE ! EQUPMENT RENTALS MIMI ' • P ri I-,ti g S to g W a tc hi10Z.E'i:SP:teeill*j-,t,i,:4$1*lig::ilt-.jAteitIlii.%ga,iliffitift-Oti litinAl..00t;g14.Rii.:iik.,F4,i,:tt,t1.,,,;.iigi,::,.,.!mo,.0g..tiguigpt.:;.:.:,::,,,...:i ..,.:.:.,,.-..,..:_:..„:.::;.:„,„ ,-. . ..: ......, 510 :2 Ho.Hatch i!-,'t'i,i;hit.,091tir,!!tif4fi'1:-AilglitiVailiiii5l 40,.:Ift,.i.trli.141$10,11141,111,:-IittiliDY01-ligiiit,.01k--iilging,-.!..,..fkl,.',!ii1:-11g-i-M:it'ok.:i.--...:."-:'-'.,.......,.',.:::-.:-.:H-", :::,..,..j.-:,,::,..-:-...:::::...:--.::::-- . .::::,.:.-..:::„... 55 Cones 10) J,14,glitelikilinsologit 1:t,;i:olgoofttil$18111.801111ki. .111.1.siltiliiitaggl.;::.i',4..{,lftfologlit-:.g...';.-:,!...:---.•,:-.,...-...1.-ir,..i.:-!!..f.•',..,,:-,-;:a1-:,g--!,...-:.----,-...:-.•. -.--..i.:':----.-.....:.- . . 510 g:lses, Pules and Flaaainc, 10 ...iiii•-iltrt.Ogigi''ili1.-§j.tt'itl..-0,;'!JilC.':t..6.'tit..,'',1..titit,tsil,i0iitWf;:i0ii,li-,41,i't.!ikr,P„INFIWIli;01111,11.-.15iiii!ilt:i, ttti,Mii.lqii..ilil,,i,J•tiq!,",;tigiilt;iRtii!,;1,:ilii„t..",,,„, :1,1.,:.tt :--'100.t.i.i..::-it;.,,i,,i1.,.;•,:th..tii- , t:: - , $10 L.,-. 51(j Tiaec,loet, .-",•!,,,,t,,,,',1,00',„.!ii'iRiiP t-f,,,XAf.,j,',..:.1.,41,,t10161:1,`'41,1glillgRaii'igi,Ii ,-1,5"i1MPt.:":"t:t.':i'''..t:'s''':.'.'::'i'l!It7;tt':" '''"-J'4.-,'-':');,',T''t1:i''''''''"S':';';S:. '•:'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII $50 Water Cooler :''..-:;'.`-:M,90- , -.;-TAKA!...4 :11.k4Ki.'14,.ggifiVAITAitil'il44..iggilkat:41110,i',:,',i.,$,.:,.i.54,4-;-itli!, ..,,,,.!::.!,46"-..:4,;.-.,;,,'6,.$4::,ki,:iYri,04,:.;-...!,'..;:,---:.:-:::::;::::,::'::....:,-.;:•:..--,......':::,.,-..-.;.:;..:..,."... . i ,• ; $5 ',:.-1.!,,R,,'•,Sgoe,Atiii.V,A ii!:0.K.;?;lb:gl'.-'0:40101ti•-:IhrAtioteVlittiliitillif.tRog,:,,ioot:,-0,EiAividoltdoW-1:drtiskt:,ogc:•„'.:.,i,:::,-,,:0:::::::::::',;::y,....::::,,,:':-: :., :.'--,,,::: $5 V, -Fables .„,,,,,•,.„......,.„..,,,,i,i,kg,-,,,c.,,,.......a.,,,..0.,-..a0Hio xiiiiiii:iixrx,Q.,,haxxx- Ii.:iatt? i,,.0 Hxkhiciirbaiiirck.0-H-0,-k-igi-0 00-ti"Hia",:irkiciii: ki::: i kill 0,5110114i';',:gi§.03900.0014W10111.1iblf ROI',.p-Y011'..,Pt,,Aflow..,,,A1.:q:49;.,.,,!,fioiy.iti:4,);:i!.,,,g,15-Mt), .gi.!..Ig''ii, ,'::--': ....;=IIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIII $1 0 11, Traffic Fla,„ ,_and Vests 101higlii i'iligi]:0;illiirlki.itlillli ii?lii,liii!g111$111V,:$1iiri ij--I',,tir11111.110.1ilgt.i1;:il tgiiiiiiillUtitt,iniiitil',.:a0,::-.:2;;Miligiji;;iJEiii.'iri,i.ii:tit.:ii...-Fii......-.ti:i:i.i":it,',.C.i . : .I •:,.- .. 55 Pental Package Cl. Big timeclock, 1Pr'i ntl ng J ;;V::i%.,FalAg4;4'4111!i-411:11.'4.f.qP:AtiV4:4 .4fAillAti,q0,illiP.1010ii'',Itt.'''01,M.,,i4.0i,S"*t'i,'6'# ';',g,1,43,t4M-yftte41.0.k),-0,,,,Agig,4,-,,,•:0-:Atf:,,,vv,,-,,,,,:: stopwat,ch. 10 cones, 10 bases/poles and flagging, 2,',.q:,.'gi-ri,'i.P1:,ig,g4q,tg,,.i,-ftW'A-i'..IIY,'',' j,gijSt Igi:I''''',11.itgtio,41-1144.11,6il'ttlIA':':::4-'-''Plt.-1PRIgo:41.?::4-,.:; ,''!'t,',1,,:g0)9,-;if:jt..'0,!il.1:',estO.':,..,',..,'.!',K..!:.51'..!,';:;'.:'-.:!.'-,:::- ,,,, e r coo ers, 2 tables,10 traffic flags and vests. ',:;':..:'-':A.10.--M:-,i:i:-Of:,-.48,'; .i:',,..7...:.:,::::::-.':14i.',.:E.:;,-..liMP..4.1!',54ft.,:}i:.`,,,!;.,,aioNtl,, 0,01-1i,4".;',..,(.4010.0;,..:f6-,) .;.;.,,.:.,.;Np.iitR.0, ,,,;:3;Tai.:--?..,;-,d . . .,, ...,...;..---:'.,.'..T0,..--....-.:.. .. .,. '. . $75 Rental Package /tt2... Big timeclock, 2 printing--i.r.ii,,r: 0,,,,...ax--1.11#..„4, . ,5.,„..„..g1.,,,,'15.e4ro tvliti,,,ip?p,o,,lop,14..:,l,,,,, .40,,,i„,1„,,.„.,.. „,„,:.,.....t,...:„,,l,p.::,,I,v,...f„,..„,i,Ag4-..14,,,,rw,,,,,,,,,:-.;,...,....,,.::: pwa;ct-,,es, 2.0 cones, 20 bases/poles and „,:.•:,,,,,',,,ir,;',,tNtgiiig,',19::t--,,,i,"elt,i,',J;:fki-4,11*Iii:"Allilltibt041:4-1i11$1111.C,Jkrii,Vitt' ig.;3'0,itikti.',.',P,Stetl',fiirtiki,i.;it:;;'0it'it'N. ,,i'k,',,....-.,- flagging, 6 water coolers, 4 tables,15 tra ffic flags and gk1tigig,, ft,.,;:fi., g01regttli:iiIrafl.031,!;610.t'01i,1104.,,!0,i4;1:i31',0051 .r0Y . 1?.1t,;i§i`;it.,t10N:$,'.-'::.1.:,'iti'''J':!1.',;i.;35'.;:$1...5•:.:i::i;,.,::•14 . , e , WgO010; •!..,-l:i.-;S:::;---it:'•,$iA'13!i`5, -[1i;i1:t:l4'h-.d[''''t.,1t-P.i!iig:''''''::,','.',''r''''''....;.'''-'.:','-c:i:'.',.,:--:-c---::„...':::..::'---:'--c::-.°-..c.:..".-- c 5100 Rental Package -t-3:. Big timeclock 4 printing -"."::41,;:t-telfOgNi--,.,',.:,S.fi,,,ft....1:Tii,:4..i.;:,,,,g.t4:11,;:!,,,,:;.fft.:13{4.'40;gitiipiii4iMb0kikl.)M0k4r. , ',.-.: ,24.d'P, :..!w,..4 :,,t.i,?,!:414,•;;;•,:,'"..,','-':-:-'''.,.'"-.'-‘•:,--:-.....,--'--:•.':'• - . 0 pwa;ches, 60 cones, 30 bases/poles and,',',1'-q',C:,,liteit!.liglifil!,:"::',':ii,,i41131dRaNig-li ilr.1,004fig,',I60,411i$1114i.',,i11111,1PalOglitlit,F,laig:tligl igfli4111:iliii,:.''. ir.-1,':,-,W.::::,•-•:.::'.1,1::::.;:`,....'2.!j.:. ,.:'....:::',:-:'S:', .-1- • flagoing, 12 4vater coolers 6 tables, 20 traffic flags.,,:",,i400,ilitgir,531ffiliffallifiYfiftl'iielttilirig140;;NIPPOSEIVI:'.ii:;R::::::iiiNi.i.651:ki-IPVcs 0:0:1 4p1"0)4114,--,ti-opiim,rolig•i,ilivi 1.0.1;p01101-.;!,.4f.Nifi,',.:,::1:-.?-t4R-,04ggeti:.,:',10. -.xj.ogrtv:;Jgaliti,:,-,.,10s,--Igg.i,.,v,.;,t:-.jr.,,, .-!-.•.--......:..;..--:fr•-,.'..i.,,.....-::-- . , -. . ..:.-. • •SVVIMMING POOLS 11111111111111111011111115125 .1111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111.1101111 ,•. 07,enerai Adnission Per Person (A es 3 and us $1.25 $1.50 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 NatatoriumTi'OkOlig04:1.:::',P4'-',•:',.. $2 $2 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.50 $3 $3 $3.25 $3.50 $3.50 $3.50 $4 GO I $4.00 .: DiscoLmt Pass-25 Swims i $25 $30 $30 $38 $50 $40 $50 $85 540 'I, d,. n-. .r.V'd. 5`i..... `-2. Mi � ` �:.4 A�m ..:. :..„ Ev .. ...., .vv, x A „. '.' z . +b�Kx.'Y >.. .'I. .s�+'. ._Ft :... .,,. i, .�1: v„:iV .. . ...., , �,'. .. J. .=,Y it .�,,.. � �Sd< ,JIk keai..:: y.�,... ..t�,.�� v�tF,:h 'A. .��`�� .?� !. •.`��aF' i.: [. d%T/..Y ,,5:. }�'�.,�'.” V:d�' F.. :'.S'. �.`.ifi by �'£'.-. a. t , ' .,i.:. .. r.. .r$y"'✓'IY •`T.V. : ' V �:.,. +,y F 3':x,NiW Ry..9 UC,'y. .i...:, to .v. w `� ��:: S 2 , {..,, ,:. . 1':. l:V 4 � `!1..v -' � »:t a. N W, ��Y 15 ,•i.J-e. �. . � � ��� X995 ,19961 � n_�9974 ,.• ,�'99g,: ...�,'�999,, x ZQQQ � =�oQ�'�.;R. � Q���� �o�►s s: f�i� ����� e ��«Ft�,���'r ,.. �,..>... .,. � Y�� �.. _ Natatorium $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $85 $40 Adamson $50 $60 a $60 $70 $75 $75 $75 $85 $85 LL__ Family Season Pass Hallaran/Thomas $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 Natatorium $125 $125 $125 _ $125 $125 $125 $125 'Adamson $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Individual Season Pass Hallaran/Thomas $60 $60 $60 , $60 _ $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 Adamson $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 �_ Babysitter Season Pass Hallaran/Thomas $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 Adamson $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 P r I 6 Special Day Care Fee @Adamson Lagoon Per Child , $2.75"��t � _ _ `- 'Adamson passes also valid at Southwood and Thomas Pools, excluding the CSISD Natatorium. Prior to 2002, discount passes for Hallaran, Thomas,and the Natatorium were priced for 50 swims. As of 2003,all discount passes will be priced for 25 swims. Pool Rental (2 hours) Hallaran: 25 people or fewer $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 _ $75 $75 $100 $100 50 people or fewer $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 _ $100 $125 $125 51-76 people $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $175 $175 77-102 people $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $225 $225 Each hour after initial 2 hours $25 $25 $25 _ _ $50 $50 $50 $50 $75 $75 Thorn e N tatorium. 25 people or fewer $50 $50 $50 $65 $65 $65 $65 $90 $90 50 people or fewer $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $100 $100 51-76 people $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $125 $125 77-102 people $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $150 $150 11 Each hour after initial 2 hours $25 $25 $25 $50 $50 $50 $50 $75 $75 Adamson: 99 people or fewer $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $275 $275 1199 or fewer $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $325 $325 I 299 or fewer $400 $400 $400 $400 $40b $400 $400 $425 $425 300+ $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $525 $525 Each hour after the Initial 2 hours $25 $25 $25 $100 $100 $100 $100 $125 $125 Saturday& Sunday limited hours available. .18 Pool Parties Per Person' Theme Party: Southwood and Thomas 10It.. k ,-a?tilt.:,. h $5.75 Adamson Lagoon� ja.+. nitss$ b f $7.50 General Party: Southwood and Thomas t''i 1r1 1a�t`ri 1prl 'r 'tti�s = i ' $4.75 Adamson Lagoonatbilleir:,i �,`� ,a`� n 3 Y £ .`` Y�����;( Catered Theme Party: Southwood and Thomas SP '";n0410wrlr t Rillig4l11,111' tr W7 u .-�0 '� � l ,r $7.00 $9.25 General Catered Party, Southwood and Thomas "" - ., ,= 0,` ,.4...jra" tr =t`'. r - $6.25 ,r .r, 4146gt y . Avg, i 9 Adamson La•oon 9 ��n , � Yr t i .M.3 P' T'$$.N. ,uxFre>�a 'r"r<�.�2� 00 ,4"z tt, 1iat'i.4is 1. 1 $8.50 8.5, 0 Favllon Part Four-table limit : First table j: r4�� 1tita!;I Eli1;1$1:t! t a... ..:: $15 Additional tables &3.a � v$ ` „ r , H 41 >. L w. t 4 . ,. 1$ . r :?a 'A minimum of 8 •eo.le re.uired. Part favors are included. ��. Other Pool Fees iEj!E f T k 1 } f f 7 C, k3E 3' 4¢ E 4 qi1 E }" 'k,� .,, € t h i ] $20 Texas Su erGuard Com.etition Per Person ,': ,.=r`i"r.:ab�a,�.ii, a,,,,":<r x ,.w ma�s4 r',.4,.ate �, ti„�;w,.,rL�a�„+"?tv`a r:,»"re....,ux 3<«. �,,.�, rk,Ia. ,.„xd+k� r,( t.r.;.a,�{, , ': ,..- , Swim Dialler Fee Per Dia.er x, ` x,. ;, ,Ea' y >9 ;,E E PI 5,w;.,,3-$3r `,,1 "0 ; '`, t axt Ei1fi ..t.1,` `Er $1 Tube Renta': Fee ,.. ? : ,.:: 5,1g` s1 11, F,",c1 b'k```ti,'rl.E .`i Ei:'` aiE' '.;`I 14r3',' ,v:;1.. `-i E.,oi �,,9, ,1' a u `rt.1 d1'Y??4'.t '`u`;t'ts€,3'Nd :1 - $1 1,1 De osit , at Re' tia �„i'tiP g444 trs� aE is1rf ”" �la' $2 Locker Rental Fee 1,1„ ;.11ti ( ' f r dN„04 .0. ^0 s n a , $1 De•OSit 1i b Esti y E il n rJ ,a3SY4:: 3 E' 1,1,tr f E,x n irt:, Erl 4040{ } 9)i €; N; s= 3 Junior Lifeguard Pro•ram Per Person Per Session ,;;,�a,�,,,, �:,�.`4.av'� �r�l ,n.r���ti .::tr,,.��,,t�f=fM ,g�kr���§:s'f �, � � t �i <' t��s��Ka�t; �` ' � $55 ti s€�, <�` v, '• ,si,l ,',i44A ' 3t /t€ iwz`€.,'a F �i,z, s€a ,a;14 un `V4Ati r, 4jCi� ,j to E7 Guard 2-B Per Person, Per session ,'r ,t1 :1 ,;:;t�1:4:11. ,a, .,-V. i 11111;1 ,rr�11, ,,,'.° 3 ,i-tb, r..,: n .=,PWl ,1. 1 � ,: ,#,t,{3,.<,, . ..,, .i,, . $55 Duck Derby IS•onsor a duck Jul 4e Per Person211011:1151113 11111�l11311e',. 1 s If9,7c, , "9E} ° $3 'a;E`E 3 ya ��,:ffi S. _ ne,, V o 3.E€G "h= �i X33Y :.'sr a , L:: 3 ^1r € ,,;#,.,t , 1 .. o»1 at m n. �'�. 1„ ,5,,,,, E 't(,''.. .�k z F : 4I 444 4 4 i,4% 4 i ltzy Bitzy Tiny Cutie Bathing Beauty& Handsom tt.r '- _ ,� '�P� �: �r � � r, ,.i��e �:� `' ,� �r i„ ,a' � �� � i� �� ;r ,� 3v I 3 � - t t J 3 t' a E�i 1 ,� tit a a fP,}`.t�l, =1'. �a, =s. rr 6;t�` �,,i',€ E 3v'e,zr. Ey�y . Sii 1 44 i.p' aw' vrs 1 • Bo Contest on Jul 4'h, Per Person �,1,;a�Ery,ni,a �t o- ��'li„1 s: � „s� ��,��E'ti , . ,a,, �`!� r,.a9;.,3.,�.,�� i ><�>r i��IY, t,1a'�r,!�, 1r, ; $3 Schools Out Blow Out at Adamson La•oon r � vi 1 r$i„ � 1 a �,'& ,�� � �� . ,,, , 41441 ,fi ti t'0 .,,114'"i ..,,, N i,r. sig `,..i $200 11:L_ Pool Trout Fish-out Per Person A•es 3 and u• 1x 1 , 1 a fa 4" x i n 5 111 : 'tr _ • $2.50 Over the 5-fish limit Per fish 1A6 ' 41tk44 1-A31y1,, $1.50 110, Educational Class Rental 1 hour/non exclusive1i„t;Ml i41.i.9 i 4144_ 'I4iii444it 111. ;i $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 ... TEEN CENTER (THE EXIT) Memhershi Per Year !'I0114PA,'t$.i.`4 lIX!i[1 , J4;4,i°PH9t !„E°a€��. 41`�„I,i f� `€'1 r�i l,Ni,i l �.i i r` ,€1,ai.i=la='�, .. ;11 E 1 r ?r? $10 $10 $10 ,rPpra=r Imo'. Non Member Per Dcv ' Pr�, i l s' °sl3a , e€, 'u1 ?{� y IF�I,rrEi,i' E.,, i .lr , ikt� �1 i i li, 1 L ,° I �„ fi r; ;; $1 $1 $1 n neeti nq Room Rental Per Hour ..:�@,v5` .,91441'.'49 z�,l.'%ri x"1 1440 9�i `�. ? 1�3 ,� E �'#3 5 11.:1:,?stir a, 91 i E 4?s>t `I ,s1 �' �� � �, v �* � 'e e���`r ix'�` � �� , i�r',,��.u�+t „ €»,��;E,`�[,r, a�.1,; u i,., $15 1 , E '€ tt 'x e De.os;t �'s�,��rta�',,,� ,a, ��i, vt,.� v, _, � �' �G� ��i �' �a a�,�� �« ,a���`�` ;' '��°_��' ��€r �. _ 3' $50 Dance/Game Room Rental Per Hour I nPiEr "1 2 i ia $25, , , . De.osit ir . �i1 i r = i $50 ,rte ,1Frrrt't"'i:'>,� `''a i`` `,tia/4444 rE, 9 44 i .,P 9,4 r1 I4 ';1 19 t 5!'i �,i'!�:i. 'i 1 3.1: r€ ;;f E,'s t€,u' N ?I ^;f a,�” TL N;,i- i .k” zs:.'.w't '`J`hole Facility Rental Per Hour tiv+=a�,� ��3� � ,�R�,,i.1r�,�,�31���. + ,,��o-,s��,l a,i�, „ �'.'s�,'» ter„� �?i1;�E �Ix�,.,��( �'t �,_ ' ,� rr ' $50 l.4:.w E a.. De•osit all�C= °`3i3ii, ! 1 i '�c,40p. c' 1' %'” ,I t' �r r ',. ��r,? r-t 1' � �;i,,,r'rl }�g�i ;rmd5 e(wrli' "w`^' r ; �€ ':1 v. rw,...,. .,,. �,,,.;�� �u c5 l,.wt-,.:,� i E, „j,,! 'k C.,.»a.,>.ii, ;„{, i ,1 $75 €4 t f `� 16, Additional Attendance Fee Per Hour !,i���'��t��,��.,f�. r��lsi,� ,r�F,�„� ,�. �.,,�t.'�,i°,�~i , .. �•,I,,e,',� .�,a�.=�x��;,= €,�..,,,,�,,,sE!„.�t, r,�.�„ ._�,��E.��v.��„�a,� �,� ,,..,..., 26 - 50 Attendees (,3i?`°y1111,,,. ifi' hqa 1 t , � 3 jxl .1 n `'.,. J ) i: s E;,fin ,t t3d, + 11 r o 1 I a y E ” E}� �,. s'� ��i �t I t Ev� � X � 4 „r i .,X S 3F I n 1��:i YritfE � a �'" ��,,,�i�„3.,,��,:4,,, 1'..., •, ,., $10 6t”V 51- 100 Attendees s, E, ri t „ ' 4 gi z „ $15 100- 200 Attendees i t`yp{'• el ,yyx 't (4tI O�rryy 1l9; .�ikb r� € ,€yi4is ,ri„fir ephi! s It 4i€tlitkh .i $� �:. }( s,�t ..�$,. �4.;,?6,:`73�M ,',3=,.bT � ,�',;,. � t:Y,.raDi., �,,,3:y„� t„ ,.t IE,.h E�}i r;?`l t,,. ,-'_. ,l r.,t,„: .,,.. .. �.' ;,�'� �', $20 All rental rates are based on a party of 1-25 people. Additional fees are added per hour for over 25 attendees. Any rental expecting more than 100 attendees must have prior supervisor approval. Deposits are refundable if facility is left clean,and damage-free, 1*Excludes the corn.uter lab. I VENDOR PERMITS $50 $50 $50 $50 _ $50 _$50 $50 $50 $50 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROPOSED CY2004 USER FEES ACTIVITY/FACILITY Proposed Staff 2003 2004 Comment ADULT SPORTS PER TEAM 1 Flag Football $340 $355 2. Volleyball $175 $175 3. Softball Play-Off League: Spring and Summer $375 $390 A Fall $330 $345 Fast Pitch: Spring and Summer $400 $400 Fall $340 $340 YOUTH SPORTS PER CHILD 1. Basketball $40/35 $45/40 2. Flag Football $40/35 $45/40 3. Girl's Softball $45/40 $50/45 4. Youth Volleyball $40/35 $45140 5. Challenger Sports $15 $15 INSTRUCTION FEES PER PERSON 1. Swim Lessons $35 $35 2. Advanced Swim Lessons $40 $40 3. TAAF Swim Team ;5/75 $85/75 4. National Jr.Tennis League $50 $85 5. Tennis Lessons(+1 can of balls) $40 $45 PAVILION RENTALS PER DAY 1. Bee Creek Pavilion $75 Monday-Thursday , $75 Friday-.Sunday,and Holidays $100 2. Central and Southwood Pavilions Monday-Thursday $100 $100 Friday-Sunday,and Holidays $175 $175 *Deposit $100 $100 3. Oaks Pavilion Monday-Thursday $75 Friday-Sunday,and Holidays $100 *Deposit $50 $50 4. Thomas Pavilion $15 Discontinue *Deposits are refundable if keys are returned,and the pavilion is left clean and damage-fee.Deposits are not required when renting Bee Creek Pavilion. WOLF PEN CREEK AMPHITHEATER 1. Private Rentals: Weekday $200 $200 Weekend $250 $250 2. Non Commercial Rental: Weekday $425 $425 Weekend $525 $525 3. Professional/Commercial Rentals: Weekday $800 $800 Weekend $900 $900 Service personnel charges will be added accordingly. CYMitefreatt/Foopil Mar FoaR ant" ACTIVITY/FACILITY Proposed Staff 2003- 2004 Comment CONFERENCE CENTER(See Attached Rates) LINCOLN CENTER 1. Membership Per Year: 19-54 Years of Age $15 $15 Youth $10 $10 Low Income Eligible $5 $5 Adult $15 $15 2. Non-Member Guest Pass Per Day(Youth or Adult) $1 $1 Non-Member Summer Rate(Youth or Adult) $30 $30 3. *Gym Deposit Per Day(8 hour block) $200 $250 Half Court Rental Per Hour(4 hour maximum) $15 $20 Full Court Rental Per Hour(4 hour maximum) $25 $30 Gym Event $.30/Chair $.30/Chair All Day Usage(More than 4 hours) $175 $175 Concession Usage $15 $20 F 4.*Game Room Rental Per Hour(2 hr.min.) $10 $20 Deposit $50 $50 5.*Teen Room Rental Per Hour(2 hr.min.) $10 $20 Deposit $50 $50 6. *Community Room Rental(3 hour maximum) $30 $50 Additional Fee Per Hour $20 $20 Deposit $75 $75 Kitchen Fee $15 $20 7.**Special Event Fee(Funerals,weddings,parties) $150 $150 8. Miscellaneous Charges Copies(Per Copy) $.10 $.10 Faxes(Per Fax) $2.00 $2.00 *All rooms are subject to an aiter-hour charge of$20 per hour. The after-hour charge is based on any request to use facilities beyond the center's normal operating hours. **Special Event fee includes the rental of the gym,Community Room,sound system,and 450 chairs. ATHLETIC FIELDS 1. Softball and Baseball Field Rentals One(1)Field: Per Day $60 $60 Per Weekend $100 $100 Two(2)Field Complex: Per Day $100 $100 Per Weekend $175 $175 Three(3)Fields: Per Day $150 $150 Per Weekend $275 $275 *Deposit: Per DayNVeekend $50/$100 $501$100 Four(4)Field Complex: Per Day $200 $200 Per Weekend $350 $350 *Deposit Varies Varies 2. Soccer Field Rentals One(1)Field: Per Day $60 $60 Complex: Per Day $200 $200 Per Weekend $350 $350 Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Six(6)Fields: Per Day $400 Per Weekend $700 3. Field Rentals Per Hour(1/2/3 hours) $10/15/20 $10/15/20 ACTIVITY/FACILITY Staff 2004 st ff 2004 2003 Comment 4. Li.hts for field rentals 'per hour $5 In addition to the rental fees,a deposit will be charged and paid by the renter in advance of any tournament. The deposit will vary depending on the type and size of the tournament.In addition to the rental and deposit fees,additional fees may be assessed to the renter depending on the length and type of tournament to cover expenses incurred by the City for personnel and supplies needed to facilitate the tournament. RACE EQUIPMENT RENTALS 1. Printing Stop Watch $10 $10 2. Stop Watch $5 $5 3. Cones(10) $10 $10 4. Bases,Poles,and Flagging(10) $10 $10 5. Big Time Clock $50 $50 6. Water Cooler $5 $5 7. Ice Chest $5 $5 8. Tables $10 $10 9. Traffic Flags and Vests(10) $5 $5H 10. Rental Package#1:Big time clock, 1 printing stopwatch, 10 cones, 10 bases/poles and flagging,2 water coolers,2 tables,10 traffic flags and vests. $75 $75 11. Rental Package#2:Big time clock,2 printing stopwatches,30 cones,20 bases/poles and flagging,6 water coolers,4 tables, 15 traffic flags and vests. $100 $100 12. Rental Package#3:Big time clock,4 printing stopwatches,60 cones,30 bases/poles and flagging, 12 water coolers,6 tables,20 traffic flags and vests. $125 $125 SWIMMING POOLS 1. General Admission Per Person(Ages 3 and up) Hallaran/Thomas $2.00 $2.50 Natatorium $2.00 $2.00 Adamson $4.00 $4.00 2. Discount Pass-25 Swims Hallaran/Thomas $40 $50 Natatorium $40 $40 *Adamson $85 $85 3. Family Season Pass Hallaran/Thomas $125 $125 Natatorium $125 $125 *Adamson $200 $200 4. Individual Season Pass liallaran/Thomas $60 $60 *Adamson $80 $80 5. Babysitter Season Pass Hallaran/Thomas $30 $30 *Adamson $40 $40 6. Special Day Care Fee @ Adamson Lagoon Per Child $2.75 $2.75 *Adamson passes also valid at Southwood and Thomas Pools,excluding the CSISD Natatorium.Prior to 2002,discount passes for Southwood, Thomas,and the Natatorium were priced for 50 swims.As of 2003,all discount passes will be priced for 25 swims. ACTIVITY/FACILITY Proposed Staff 2003 2004 Comment 7. Pool Rental(2 hours) 1-lallaran: 25 people or fewer $100 $100 50 people or fewer $125 $125 51-76 people $175 $175 77-102 people $225 $225 Each hour after initial 2 hours $75 $75 Thomas/Natatorium: 25 people or fewer $90 $90 50 people or fewer $100 $100 1 51-76 people $125 $125 77-102 people $150 $150 Each hour after initial 2 hours $75 $75 Adamson: 99 people or fewer $275 $275 199 or fewer $325 $325 299 or fewer $425 $425 300+ $525 $525 Each hour after the initial 2 hours $125 $125 Saturday and Sunday limited hours available. 8. Pool Parties Per Person" Theme Party: Southwood and Thomas $5.75 $5.75 Adamson Lagoon $7.50 $7.50 General Party: Southwood and Thomas $4.75 $4.75 Adamson Lagoon $6.50 $6.50 Catered Theme Party: Southwood and Thomas $7.00 $7.00 1 Adamson Lagoon $9.25 $9.25 General Catered Party: Southwood and Thomas $6.25 $6.25 Adamson Lagoon $8.50 $8.50 Pavilion Party(Four-table limit): First table $15 $15 Additional tables $5 $5 A minimum of 8 people required.Party favors are included 9. Other Pool Fees Texas SuperGuard Competition Per Person $20 $20 Swim Diaper Fee Per Diaper $1 $1 Tube Rental Fee $1 $1 Deposit $2 $2 Locker Rental Fee $1 $1 Deposit $2 $2 Junior Lifeguard Program Per Person Per Session $55 $65 Guard 2-B Per Person,Per session $55 $65 Duck Derby(Sponsor a duck July 4th) Per Person $3 $3 ltzy Bitzy Tiny Cutie Bathing Beauty&liandsom Boy Contest on July 4th,Per Person $3 $3 "Schools Out Blow Out"at Adamson Lagoon $200 $200 Pool Trout Fish-out Per Person(Ages 3 and up) $2.50 $2.50 Over the 5-fish limit(Per fish) $1.50 $1.50 10. Educational Class Rental(1 hour/non exclusive) $25 $25 TEEN CENTER(THE EXIT) 1. Membership Per Year $10 $10 2. Non Member Per Day $1 $1 J 3. Meeting Room Rental Per Hour $15 $15 Deposit $50 $50 Proposed Staff ACTIVITY/FACILITY 2003 2004 Comment 4. Dance/Game Room Rental Per Hour $25 $25 Deposit $50 $50 _ 5. *whole Facility Rental Per Hour $50 $50 Deposit $75 $75 6. Additional Attendance Fee Per Hour 26-50 Attendees $10 $10 51-100 Attendees $15 $15 100-200 Attendees $20 $20 7. Special Programming Fee e $25-$100 All rental rates are based on a party of 145 people.Additional fees are added per hour for over 25 attendees.Any rental expecting more than 100 attendees must have prior supervisor approval.Deposits are refundable if facility is left clean,and damage-free. *Excludes the computer lab VENDOR PERMITS $50 $50 Legend Proposed Changes for CY04 Staff Comment A Adult Sport Recommendations - Increase Adult Slow Pitch fee$15 per team to recover cost of contractually obligated increase in officiating fees paid to the Brazos Valley Softball Umpires Association - Increase Adult Flag Football fee$15 per team to recover cost of increasing officiating fee $1. B Youth Sport Recommendations - Increase Girls Fast Pitch fee $5 per player to recover cost of contractually obligated increase in officiating fees paid to the Brazos Valley Umpires Association - Increase Youth Basketball and Flag Football fees $5 per player to allow increase in officiating fees. These fees were to be reviewed under agreement with the Brazos Valley Softball Umpires Association. - Increase Youth Volleyball fee$5 per player to keep in line with other youth spots and offset increase in officiating fee. C Tennis Programs - Staff is proposing to increase Tennis to come on line with other area programs, and includes a$5 facility replacement fee. D The following are recommendations for CY04 Pavilions: - Increase both Bee Creek and Oaks Pavilions to$100 for weekends and holidays(keep the weekday rate at $75). - Convert the Thomas Pavilion rental to first-come-first-serve.The rental rate has remained the same ($15)since 1994 because 1)the pavilion is very small, and 2)there are no restrooms (unless when Thomas Pool is open). The set up and clean up for this pavilion has cost staff more money through overtime costs, etc.than we are bringing in. This pavilion had 45 rentals in 2002 (equivalent to$675). E No changes are recommended for CY04. F_ Staff is recommending increasing fees as a result of surveying other community facilities. G Athletic Fields - Add fees for rental of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Soccer Fields of$400 per day or$700 for weekend for all six fields. This compares to the$200 per day and $350 per weekend for the three-field complex at Central Park. The softball fields can be covered through the existing fee structure. - Add fee for lighted field rentals and charge$5 per hour. During program evaluations it was calculated that each field cost approximately$5 per hour to operate the lights. li No changes are recommended for CY04. Increase Junior Lifeguard and Guard 2-B from$55 to$65 as a result of surveying other community facilities. J The only change is to add an item entitled "Special Programming Fee."This fee is to provide some limit on possible charges for existing programs that we are currently offering our customers(i.e. "eXtreme EXIT and the VIP Field Trip Package), as prices for these programs can change depending upon the time that these trips are offered K No changes are recommended for CY04. Resident/Non-Resident Pavilion Rentals 2002 College Station Bryan Other Totals/Pavilion Thomas 36 6 3 45 80% 14% 6% Bee Creek 71 7 9 87 82% 8% 10% Oaks 22 6 3 31 71% 19% 10% Central 86 17 6 109 79% 16% 5% Southwood 65 8 9 82 79% 10% 11% Totals Per Area 280 44 30 2003 College Station Bryan Other Totals/Pavilion Thomas 11 3 0 14 79% 21% 0% Bee Creek 30 0 2 32 94% 0% 6% Oaks 9 1 1 11 82% 9% 9% Central 33 8 3 44 75% 18% 7% Southwood 21 3 2 26 80% 12% 8% Totals Per Area 104 15 8 Residency Percentages by Athletic Activity Sport % College Station c/o Brya n %Other Adult Softball 90__ 9 1 Adult Flag Football 46 48 6 - Adult Volleyball 71 27 2 Adult Sport Tota _ 87 _ 12 1 Girls Fastpitch 59 18 23 Youth Flag Football 77 18 5 Youth Basketball 87 12 1 Stroke Clinic 98 1 1 Youth Volleyball 79 18 3 Swim Team 94 6 >1 Challenger Series 51 . 41 8 Youth Sport Total 79 16 5 OVERALL 85 12 3 1- 1-h-i, i *.'411* ArAlit 4,5411"Iit 40111 "241.4.,,,,,Zit...,,ttravall1e't ograTita 04141. tipti4),144,,t;rills al 04 11.trivto,41415;44,,_iiiip 0:8tatiorp 11* Atait V.ftt, �° UP!?.4 TSS FROA1 THE WORLD hf •�113QU,f1RTERS :t AW College kat Station Parks ar Recreation tepartment may 2003 7 4e �,. representatives. They are the heart of ;,o Ot WINTERATHLETIC PROGRAMS this great program and this year we had an ifte, overwhelming response for volunteer help. %Tr! _. YouthBasketball (December 2002 _- -` 1 We had no problem filling our 90-team Furst week of March 2003) league with a head coach on each team and , tqor) The youth basketball program had 90 many teams had assistants and �',, teams and 700 particiants this year. The representatives. It takes approximately O league consisted of an eight-game, round 5 hours of time throughout the season ttwit o � robin, with several scheduled practices for help a team. One of the questions in our 741) each team. Participants registermalt p participant survey asked how satisfied our �. , . individuallyand areplaced on teamsthe '� ' by customers were with their coaching staff, i College Station Parks and Recreation and we received very positive feedback. j Ika:4‘ar bepartment. The program increased this � 1 year by 61 kids and six teams over last Challenger Basketball (January - Early F ft year (2002). This was a great year for March) 1; youth basketball! Our survey, which we y, 44 distributed at the end of the season, came This is our third year to host the Challenger Basketball program and it '� back with a whopping 991® satisfactory A..‘ continues to grow. This program is for rating. h sical! and mentallychallenged kids ,�� physically 9 mss. r ti I would like to thank CSISb for the use from kindergarten through 12th grade. =a.) . of thegymnasiums. We havegreat �,� We had a total of 51 participants this ,,,�,� n$el facilities in our public school system and year. In 2001 we had 35 participants, and r Bunny Kensinger with the Community last year (2002) we grew to 38, so we .P' Education office does an outstanding job increased our participation by 13 this year TO I . of handlingrequests for use. We have our compared to last year. 104.1 a joint use agreement with CSISb and I 4010 believe it works well for both the City and liWiThe program's location has moved from gibthe Lincoln Center Gym to the College . Q.�the school system. I also would like to . thank each school's administration staff Station Middle School. The main reason Rfy it m for the accommodations and use of the for the move was a need for more space. i A The middle school has two gyms next to <,s t gyms. Thanks to the Kids Klub staff for each other and it trvwas great for our coordinating with us on the daily change- program. I would like to thank CSISb for over of the facility from their program to �6 ours. Jana Cope and her staff do a the use of the gymnasiums. The middle -A i, school has great facilities and, again, , N. wonderful job. Most of all I want to thank • b Bunny Kensinger with the Community Mt , . all of the volunteer coaches and team Education did an outstanding job of Ai_we Wtv � , � � ,.. ti. , p. :: _,, f ., ., „moi317 flit) 4/1,f2 , 9 Wile em �: p �:S � n '� � � � r1441 „ a .6, \ `+ a. �` handling our requests for use. Thanks to I must agree with the comments and add It: Mike Horak, Assistant Principal with the that we simply could not have provided :74:41;:;4, this program without the help of Project.4, e . N- Sunshine. They are fantastic withthe isadsat ' i ,4 t ,, kids in our program. They took the yam;, a, � committee°s raw ideas and developed a r��� _ i • 5{ F great curriculum for the participants. E f0`? t " ," ';', W Communication was great and the ALAN. mit Av. • ,• _ tr44471 participants seemed to enjoy the }-� Iktio -, - opportunity to learn the game of afti $ � VA X4V basketball. Thank you Project Sunshine! 4` "L h F 411 .--. We have a ma jor sponsor for this program � � The Children�sMiracle Network of the ,, m. 1 Z *vim :. :4,:t.,0:: . 1,---710(k4Brazos Valley donated X13,400,00 eA�ti � towards development and coordination to ���` worsA 0:4,74 r �� 0 q m, , , .....,‘,.. 0,,,, ,,,. c 4 run several programs throughout the :$. �� � • � course of each year. We have been alt iTralt _- ' - 1 � l � working with Sylvia Villarreal and Nancy vi.� :_� W4° ' '� o Sumpter, and they seem prepared to E; � 0continue to provide funding and add I®; "'' programs to the series, The name of this Year-roundprogram is "The Children°s ` � g� 0 +' - c -4 4s ,.',.-, «., � . " Miracle Network Challenger Sports Series". Currently we provide three Y ¢_: College Station Middle School. He ,40.4) activities throughout the year. Basketball v ,=sir° personally provided training to Zac Vest (late January, Februaryand andsoccer early(OMarch)ctober ,, i iMatand Angela Griffin (with Project Sunshine) olyi bowling (June ® July) i7.1) and myself about opening, maintaining, and - ®ecember). These are great activities `' alt closing the facility. ,„ dfor challenged kids here in the Brazos �m,�� This program tries to provide ten dates ofph ,efil Valley and we want to thank Children°s }` . 1 activity for the participants with a Miracle Network, the City of College �:, eti curriculum that is developed by our staff, Station, and the Committee for being so 1 'kW) the Challenger Committee, and Project supportive oitilis f this series. Thanks - Sunshine. Project Sunshine (a Children's Miracle Network of the Brazos club/organization from Texas A&M Valley! University) did an outstanding job College Station Little League Baseball also providing volunteer help. Our survey that :\,,,,,t1:-A:1; hosts a challenger baseball program from �f we distribute at the end of the season March - May. The baseball program is not came back with a 100% satisfactory °�� a part of this series but it is part of the rating. Our survey also expressed several overall idea to provide activities for � ® great comments towards Project Sunshine. gchallenged kids in our area. ,-, �� swi ki troy x � wait s � altsx.., o_.a %g� �_ "4,4 ri : �. �, if °�� gel a _® `" "� 9a. 'i' 7 'a=� .saP .sip., �� ��r NO o � a�. ifegli � to i �. € llg e A ea it*A . sta " ._.� .4E 4 i N ' $ .eIti _�, i%II tf t I ' WWI < WI it t -� l 6� "� �tel •. ,, i ��, WWI �° �k, s� 1, iiivitzi 4. �a nY't'�'t.. t t all the dead trees.......THANKS!" '+ .', Athletic Website O6 * Samantha Best We created a new website where you can i M e find out about all of the league athletic Landfill Superintendent Aikk , programs that we run. You can get B. V. 5. W. M. A. registration information, get a map to the 401 Ott, PUBLIC HEARING trri , facilities, check the weather, find out if ,� iwi ames are canceled, when theyhave been On Tuesday, 6th 9May a public hearing was 4-17,01 4e rescheduled, review rules, get standings, held at The EXIT Teen Center, during a at link to other websites, get valuable special meeting of the Parks and t.4110 oil coaching tools, download the actual Recreation Advisory Board, regarding the r r At? registration form to mail it in or prepare potential development ofa public hivr e it before coming to our office, email us Park. The intent of the meeting was to ra rAt/r with questions, and much more. obtain input from the residents within IMF •..ifs4mWe launched the site to the public on that park zone (Zone 10) about what al tiro. facilities and amenities they would like to WW1 Ago September 15, 2002 and as of see developed in that park. In addition to ILIA Wednesday, April 23, 2003, we have had W the Parks and Recreation AdvisoryBoard ' ... 12,249 hits. The last time I reported to i si �: and city staff, 39 residents attended the . 't you about our site, we'd had 6,900 hits for `�° meeting to provide their input. ' .. the period September 15 - December 15, IN ..�7 or about 90 days. The customers are Based on the input received from the At., i ., beginning to find out about the site and we meeting, staff will go back to the Advisory „ SVA Ali,s9 have had many good responses about it and Board with a suggested plan. Decisions 1. pitit about the communication avenue that it still needed to be made regarding ,1,410,i1 brings. If you are interested in viewing scheduling for the development of the sw LI. the site: www.eteamz.com/cspard park. A % ITIP N. , , Thanks for a great winter of 2003! PROGRAM REGISTRATION `TA, S ROA David "Spud" Hudspeth Registration is now being taken for theoil i following summer programs: We Recreation Supervisor , I t. 424 Swim Lesson Registration 4.74,40 KUDOS TO THE Adult Summer Softball(Nay 5- 16) .10440 AO% i j FORESTRY DEPARTMENT Session II Adult Volleyball(May 12- 16) j 1'' a Tennis Instruction a t i',4 � Please give a big Thanks to the Forestry i o1 Water Fitness %fop crew that removed the dead and dying tat trees located at Rock Prairie Road junior Lifeguard Aquatic Sports Camp 104, ° Landfill. They were quick to respond, they i explained everything that they were doing With the exception of Adult Softball and a . and did an excellent job. The landfill Adult Volleyball, registration will continue We Tie entrance looks much better now without mu until the classes fill or until they begin. 411 ove atIt Airki pololtt104 tg ,iik ' 4t a t. �� Matod e. i L4 6i L �� `I �; Voir*lel VW/ I. �; mak * � eP 4,, /14,,,, ' Y / • �°%Wi W s ' s ,tea :' rte, M �� .• � ','i 'at e , i#01 i i 4. iii 4 .PIAN 1,41A‘i s to t .2 0 i ��1 ` 1 ; is ifogs SENIORS The adjoining Memorial for All Veterans tviV of the Brazos Valley, which was L , . Dont forget that the Second alAnnual ,81Fe. Seniors, Expo will be held on Wednesday, ...dedicated on November 11, 2002, w dedicate an additional 900+ veterans k*te, May 28th from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. at - i est kWI names to the wall on Memorial bay, i the Brazos Center. Come out and enjoy th y �. demonstrations, seminars, and May 26 The ceremony is scheduled for % , t 6:00 p.m., followed by a reception for all a entertainment, along with information attendees, which will be hosted byander N booths on housing, leisure activities, iVi held at the George Bush Presidential .. health and fitness, volunteer opportunities , and much more! Library and Museum. 4 40 T 4,2t The next Ballroom bance class for seniors POOL INFORMATION o V is scheduled for Thursday, May 15th from Nfl 7:00 - 9:30 Summer hours for all College Station & , ` p.m. at the College Station 5t ovAtiit Conference Center on George Bush Drive. swimming pools will begin on May 31 . In 104 The cost is $5.00 per person. Music will the meantime, Southwood/Hallaran, jfil 1 if be provided by Tom Byer, a DT Adamson Lagoon, and Thomas Park pools are o en on the weekends from Noon At remitsponsoredentertainer. The event is by p - the College Station Parks and Recreation 7:00 p.m. Southwood Hallaran is also open Wititil1 Department and St. Joseph Gold Medallion Monday - Friday from 9:00 a.m. until noon 6, WIV Club. For more information call 764-6371 and from 4-8 p.m. ,Cil or 774-4653. . e tip 0 ` BLUEBONNET EVER ROD RUN ®E135 t VETERANS PARK & ATHLETIC � th 8th `��'� TV 4 COMPLEX On June 7 andat Central Park the 44) %y 12th Ever Rod Run will be held. As in The grand opening of Phase I of Veterans S, Park and Athletic Complex will be held on years past, pre 1973 cars and trucks will 5 Saturday, May 17, 2003. The first phase be on display by the Bluebonnet Street "°` Rodders Car Club. Come out and take a a t of thepark, which includes six soccer , ' look at some wonderful old cars and trucks e / -1 fields and two softball fields, will on Saturday and Sunday. The fun 1W, officially be opened with youth and adult 0 continues Saturday evening as Duck Soup ,,, i soccer games and an adult softball *ass IV ' tournament starting at 8:00 a.m. There Performs in a free concert at Wolf Pen e Creek Amphitheater. iOl will be children's activities and displays by ilkail tv4r VW/ various organizations beginning at AS 10:00 a.m. The official opening ceremony A*Age Aittp will be held at 2:00 p.m. R WI The grand opening of the park will ' '' represent the first of four phases of IIdevelopment scheduled over the next I.Vre 414 fifteen years. kilts, Vtor !!,_003U ��?'► "� � ��8 �4! --�� _�w .��t s"�e$`�` "6.1 �`?&'}y r�� �'KS` �s�y�Y51° t�k�+' a�S$� � '`�9 ';y.1.F "x�� i ,111 E,f 0 .1I �L g + i, a ., i at.,.,� ,e d