HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/20/2004 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board (2) Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, April 20, 2004, 7:00 p.m. EXIT Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Road College Station, Texas Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation; Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director; Peter Vanecek, Senior Parks Planner; Scott Hooks, Parks Operations - West District Supervisor; David Wood, Parks Planner; Kristan Clann, Greenways Coordinator; Pamela Springfield, Staff Assistant. Board Members Present: John Nichols, Chairman; Larry Farnsworth; Ken Livingston; Don Allison; Jodi Warner; Glen Davis; Gary Erwin, Alternate. Board Members Absent: Glenn Schroeder Guests: Rhonda Raphael, Rock Prairie PTO; Steve Arden, Land Owner; Fred Anderson, Land Owner; Joseph and Janet Johnson, Developer; Mike Hester, Engineer; Alton Ofczarzak, Developer; Garrett Roy, TAMU Student; April Conkey, Woodway Subdivision Resident 1. Call to order. John Nichols called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. Pardon N possible action concerning requests for absences of members from meeting. No requests for absence had been submitted. 3. Hear visitors. Hearing none, this item was closed. 4. Discussion, consideration, and possible approval of minutes. Woodway Park Public Hearing - March 3, 2004. Don Allison moved to approve the minutes from the March 3, 2004, Public Hearing. Ken Livingston seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Regular Meeting - March 9, 2004. Gary Erwin moved to approve the minutes from the March 9, 2004, meeting. Larry Farnsworth seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Proposed TMPA Regional Park Site Tour - April 15, 2004. Gary Erwin stated that he had one correction to the minutes. His name had been left off of the list of those attending the tour. Jodi Warner made a motion to approve the minutes of the site tour with the change mentioned. Don A. seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Page 1 of 6 Regular Meeting of April 20, 2004 5. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding Woodway Park Plan. Eric Ploeger briefly discussed the history of the Woodway Park site and the public hearing that had been held on March 3, 2004. A concept had been created which incorporated items based on the input from citizens at that hearing. Peter Vanecek described the concept for the park, which included: a jogging loop/trail system (1/2 mile), a 50-space parking lot, a rentable picnic pavilion that would hold approximately 80-100 people, restrooms, a standard size playground (not a tot playground), volleyball and basketball courts, a small shelter, a nine-hole disc golf course, and three or four picnic units in the more heavily wooded area of the park. The pond, which would need some renovation, would probably include a fishing pier. The disc golf course would be separated from the areas of higher activity in the park. The walkways would be lit. April Conkey asked whether the jogging path would be concrete or a rubber cushioned surface. Peter stated that perhaps a smaller loop could be done using rubber cushioned surfacing, but the remainder would be concrete. Ms. Conkey also asked if the disc golf area and the area around the pond would be left wooded. Peter responded that some thinning would probably be done for the first couple of holes for the disc golf course and for better visibility by the Police Department. John N. added that he would prefer to see the sidewalks set back from the street. This request would be forwarded to the Public Works Department. The project should go out to bid in the fall. It would cost approximately $600,000 to construct the park, plus the land acquisition costs. The pond work was the biggest unknown factor. Don A. made a motion to adopt the concept presented as the Master Plan for Woodway Park, and Gary E. seconded. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. 6. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding Park Land Dedication requests. ■ Horse Haven Estates ,.► The proposed subdivision of 22 lots required only a .22 acre land dedication. Staff was recommending acceptance of the fees of $12,232, in lieu of the land. Connectivity to nearby Windwood and Raintree Parks would be an issue to consider in the future, as the remaining property in that area is developed. Discussion with the developer and the engineer followed regarding different options for connectivity. Glen D. moved to accept the fee in lieu of land subject to the developer putting in a dedicated sidewalk easement from Horseshoe Drive, towards Switch Station Road, in order to provide access to Windwood Park. (The street name on the developer's site plan presented to the Board was shown as Horseshoe Drive, but this had not been approved by 911 and could Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Page 2 of 6 Regular Meeting of April 20, 2004 change.) The motion was seconded by Don A. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. • Edelweiss Gartens, Phase 6-11 ,.► The proposed dedication of 6.03 acres included some detention area that would be configured for use as an open play area or practice facility. The required dedication of 3.16 acres would be located outside of the detention area. There would be good connectivity between this area and the existing portion of Edelweiss Gartens, creating a total park of 13.7 acres. Staff recommended acceptance of the land dedication. Glen D. moved to accept the dedication of the 6.03 acres of land. Don A. seconded. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. • Williams Creek Subdivision N Approximately 110 single-family home sites would be developed, resulting in a required dedication of little more than an acre. There was the possibility for future phases. Staff had not come up with a recommendation, but may want to discuss with the developer the future of the entire piece of property. The tract has 70'-80' differences in elevation, the likelihood of Navasota Ladies Tresses, and streams that are under the jurisdiction of the US Army Corps of Engineers, so the developer is limited as to what can be done. The owners would have liked to dedicate land, but had not considered any specific location. After lengthy discussion, Glen D. moved to accept the fee in lieu of the land dedication, with the stipulation that the developer work with staff to determine if it would be feasible to establish a park in future phases. Don A. seconded. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. 7. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning requests for naming of Jack & Dorothy Miller Park jogging track. Rhonda Raphael with Rock Prairie PTO was present to request that the track at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park be named in honor of Coach Carole Weldon. Since the discussion at the April meeting regarding this, the City Council had approved the proposed "Guidelines for the Naming of City Facilities", and a petition with 28 names in support of the request had been turned over to staff. Staff recommended that this issue be turned over to the Facility Naming Subcommittee to act on, and then make a recommendation to the Board. It would probably be fall before this could be approved and a plaque created. A meeting of the Facility Naming Subcommittee was then scheduled for May 7, 2004, at noon. The Board asked for a resolution from the Rock Prairie PTO Board showing that they were in support of this project. Ms. Raphael said she would try to get this prior to the May 7th meeting. A letter from the principal of Rock Prairie Elementary was also requested. 8. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding potential park and areenwav joint project with the City of Bryan. A possible Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Page 3 of 6 Regular Meeting of April 20, 2004 between College Station park property (Veterans Park & Athletic Complex) and the adjacent Texas A&M property, with 90 acres of Bryan park property through greenways and trails. Future connections could potentially go south to Lick Creek Park and north to the Brazos Center. This was a conceptual thought only and no proposal had been developed or specific land tracts designated. There was a lot of floodplain involved, but if developed, it would create a pedestrian and wildlife corridor between the sites. Steve introduced Kristan Clann, the City's new Greenway Coordinator and explained that this would involve greenway types of projects. This concept was shown on the Greenways Master Plan as part of the greenways system. This was an informational item only and no action was required. 9. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding Eastgate Park Master Plan. City Council had recently elevated this project on their list of priorities and would like for it to create more of a gateway going into the neighborhood. Peter V. stated that this park had gone through a few different designs, however, the new conceptual plan included major landscaping behind the commercial buildings with raised planter beds, flowering trees, evergreen shrubs, walkways, and possibly a sculpture fountain area in the middle. The brick pavers used would match those in the islands on Texas Avenue. The park was not big enough to put in a playground or ball fields. Keep Brazos Beautiful would be contributing approximately $40,000 to help do part of the landscaping and additional funding would be requested to do the remainder of the project. This would be part of the follow-up report to City Council on April 29th (see item 10 below). The total cost for the project would be approximately $180,000. In addition to Council's desire to see improvements in Eastgate Park, improvements for Eastgate had also been requested in a small area plan that had been conducted two or three years earlier. Some of these improvements had been included in the recent bond package as a result of that small area plan. Glen D. made a motion to accept the concept presented as the Master Plan for Eastgate Park, subject to a special request for funding outside of the normal budget process. Don A. seconded. Discussion followed regarding the funding of the project. Hearing no further discussion, the motion was voted on as stated, and carried five to one. 10. Follow-up report, regarding recommendations from February 26, 2004 Park Issues Report to City Council. Steve had been asked to present to Council at their April 29th meeting, a proposal to light soccer fields over a five- year period and address some neighborhood park issues. Handouts were distributed summarizing the three different options for the soccer field lights. Ten existing soccer fields had been identified as appropriate - four fields at Veterans Park, three at Central, and the three new fields to be built at Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Page 4 of 6 Regular Meeting of April 20, 2004 Veterans Park. (See attached handouts for details of the options.) Council would have to authorize debt authorization to pay for this. If that is done, then it would probably be best to group those projects as described in Option 3. The Neighborhood Park Proposal (attached) dealt with improvements to four parks - Eastgate, Steeplechase Park, Woodland Hills, and University parks. The proposal phased the improvements out, doing Eastgate and Steeplechase first. University Park would be eligible for Community Development Block Grant funds. Once Council makes a recommendation as to how many of these projects they want done and how soon, staff can move forward. This does not utilize any existing bond money or affect any other existing projects. Glen D. asked if the soccer clubs had been asked to help with the lighting project. Steve said no, they had not been asked. John N. stated that he felt both the Lighting Proposal and the Neighborhood Park Improvement Proposal were equally important. Glen D. felt it was important to explore all avenues of revenue generation in the lighting process, such as grant applications for user participation. Glen D. made a motion to endorse the general concept and the priorities as listed. Gary E. seconded the motion. No further discussion being heard, the motion was voted on and passed unanimously. 11. Report, discussion, and possible action regarding Fees Subcommittee meeting. There had been a meeting of the subcommittee and one of the items worked on had been a draft 'Athletic Field Priority of Use Policy'. The subcommittee needed to schedule another meeting to go over the draft and discuss a few other issues. Another meeting was set for Tuesday, April 27, 2004, at 4:00 p.m. Glen D. said he would like for the subcommittee to come back to the Board at the May meeting with a recommendation on 2005 user fees. 12. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning Second Quarter Park Maintenance Standards. This report had gone out in the Board packets. Steve explained that as part of the budget process, additional funds would be requested to increase the Replacement Fund from $75,000 to $100,000 per year. This would help with replacing items such as playgrounds, court resurfacing, and drinking fountains on a timelier basis. This was an informational item only. 13. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the Capital Improvement Program. Eric P. stated that nine bids had been turned in and opened for the Lincoln Expansion Project. Six were within budget, including alternates. Approval for the contract would go to City Council at Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Page 5 of 6 Regular Meeting of April 20, 2004 their first May meeting and construction would start shortly thereafter. A groundbreaking ceremony would be held mid-May. Glen D. asked if the money for the Jack & Dorothy Miller Park exercise equipment had come out of Park Land Dedication funds. Eric said that $40,689 had come out of that fund, with the remaining coming out of the Replacement Fund. 14. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Department Goals and Objectives, and City Council Strategic Plan. Hearing no discussion, this item was closed. 15. Discussion of calendar, future meeting dates, and possible agenda items. • Presentation by Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences Department regarding conceptual plan for TMPA Regional Park N Dr. Scott Shafer had done concept plans for the park site and would be presenting them to the Brazos Valley Council of Governments on May 3rd. A notice would be sent out to the Board as a reminder. • Regular meeting on May 11, 2004 N The May meeting would be held at the TAMU Horticulture Gardens. There would be people there to answer any questions posed by the Board and to do a section by section overview of the Gardens and what it takes to keep them maintained. The board would meet at 5:30 p.m., at the site. 16. Adjourn. A motion was made to adjourn and seconded. Hearing no opposition, the meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Page 6 of 6 Regular Meeting of April 20, 2004 , ,_,,,, ..,-... - ' '''''1 .0. -ir ,;••;- liklickt lor ., � "`r t KE TB A l, , .—.: .,.• 1' ii:- 0 U R T '-f--.1e* ::'-.1„.:-: ,,,, 1-1,=',..,,, -,-.',, e :11000, , �'. !NG LOT :� yr SPACES . ,..t. ..,., a SAND -`` O' r' �Q 'e VOLLEY- °LL kok �rj AREA+* .;1.F,-.Ale' -'° � iCNIC PLAYGr OUND LIGHTS / . 1,i,,,e �O' t PAVILION .,.::‘,1.11'.4"' :$4::.:04:,,,,,41,',„:.'„,,,:fv,,,,,...,1:,,,,,..„..,,, ,i,,� r.ICNICUNI � � • , DISC GOLFP � s BRIDGE ii I :• ' J __ r >'� • y� , 1,� .: god N, P(�ND „� v� � ' 49F-* i ' 1 :�_ \ e tiikik. . ..'' 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Address: 1008 Woodcreek Drive City/StateZip: College Station, TX77845 Phone Number/Fax: 693'3838 Fax Number: E-K8mU� REQUIRED COMPLIANCE Section 10-B-1: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: 299 Multi-Family Dwelling Units: 26 Total Land Requirement: 3.16 Acres Proposed Dedication: 3.21 Section 10-B-2: Fee In Lieu of Land Has the Planning and Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? No Land Fee: Single Family Fee($198/dwelling unit): $198 x299=$59,202 Multi-Family Fee($160/dwelling unit): $180x26= $4,160 Total Acquisition Fee: $63.362 Section 10-B-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee($358/dwelling unit): $358 x 299= $187.042 Multi-family Fee($292/dwelling unit): $292 x 26 = $7,592 $114,574 Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee($556/dwelling Unit): Multi-Family Fee($452/ welling Unit): Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedjcation/checklistlOriginals/LOng Version Revisedxls Page 1 Section 10-B-4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: Parks Board review and decision: Section 10-B-5: Minimum Park Size Is the proposed park less than five(5)acres? No If yes, staff recommends: Section 10-B-7: Prior Park Acquisition is there an existing park that can serve the proposed development? Edelweiss Gartens Acceptance of additional 6.03 acres including detention pond to add to the If yes, staff recommends: existing parkiand of 7.74 acres creating a total park of 13.77 acres. Section 10-E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan? Yes Comments: Section 10-F: Additional information 1. |oland inthe 1OD'yeorfloodplain? No Percentage: 0 a. Detention/Retention? Yes Size: 2.82 acres Meets Board Policy? Acreage in floodplain: 0 Percentage: 0 Acreage in detention: 2.82 Percentage: 3% Acreage in greenways: 0 Percentage: 0 Comments: Park Land Dediction Checklis maon*PamLamDedication/checklist/Originals/Long wommpevm°cim^ Page 2 Section 10-F(of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance) 10-F. 1 Any land dedication to the City under this section must be suitable for park and recreation uses. Consideration will be given to land that is in the floodplain or may be considered "floodable" even though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its elevation, it is suitable for park improvements. (a)Neighborhood park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a manner that serves the greatest number of users. Comments:The proposed park is centered in the neighborhood. (b) Neighborhood park sites should be located so that users are not required to cross arterial roadways to access them. Comments: (c)Sites should not be severely sloped or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for organized recreational activities. Comments:The property out of the detention ares is useable for a variety of recreational uses. (d) Sites should have existing trees or other scenic elements. Comments: (e) Detention/retention areas will not be accepted as part of the required dedication, but may be accepted in addition to the required dedication. If accepted as part of the park, the detention/retention area design must be approved by the City staff and must meet specific parks specifications. Comments:The required dedication is met without consideration of the detention area. 10-F.2 Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area development,enhance the visual character of the city, protect public safety, and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines should be used in designing parks and adjacent development: (a) Where physically feasible, park sites should be located adjacent to greenways and/or schools in order to encourage both shared facilities and the potential co-development of new sites. Comments: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Version Revised.xls Page 3 Comments: (c) Where a non-residential use must directly abut a park, the use must be separated by a screening wall or fence and landscaping. Access points to the park may be allowed by the Planning and Zoning Commission if a public benefit is established. Comments: (d) It is desirable that a minimum of fifty percent(5096)of the perimeter of a park should abut a public street. In all cases, the City shall approve the proposed street alignment fronting on city parks. Comments: The proposed park has acceptable street access. (e) Streets abutting a park shall be built in accordance with the thoroughfare plan and the standards of this ordinance; however. the City may require any residential street built adjacent to a park to be constructed to collector width to ensure access and prevent traffic congestion. The developer may request oversize participation in such an instance. Comments: Staff Recommendations: Acceptance of additional parkiand of 6.03 acres including the detention area. This land would tie into the existing park of 7.74 acres. Total park acreage would be 13.77 acres. Section 10-G: Approval: Parks and Recreation Advisory The Board accepted the dedication of the additional 6.03 acres of land Board: at the April 20, 2004 regular meeting. Planning and Zoning Commission: City Council: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/checkllst/OrigirlalSJLOrlgVersion Revisd.a, Page 4 i p , _, ' d ft�� f —"1 j i t. r , n i fVOfbt'•-Jaw ♦riAcir Ah � r —r---- L:i ,j 1-- _ f, , 1 .L-- x .., :.: kf / � � -- a ..+,e o n ....if 11, ++...r we,ru, _ r . ' . n N a 1 ` �3' , , - MYb,•F+ay..a'3_S_' --L? _� iq 1• ,:.• a 1 Ahhf'Poin Lbl• t • •a '' _ r ;sar.W Yz .`f7"*�' 'jJfrry - `� Y ---' 4i- 111 li: !,i'r 1 r$ i t% t� 1---• . la d µ if ' a ; "tea... ._._��• 1 �F11111111 t 1::—. : __,_ :i? j �j3�py (!j ° a 14 a qjjjjjj - . _ • ' 1 `i \` » ' _• fixer 13 ' • l k 1J t H v ! e ' 1.. _^- al a sr o �* an.•r IPSP.,-..,""'** � `_— to ' . i ( i 11 l • _ • AIM II a , ~-- —' . if J`'/ yr „� 7 . 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J.- a #r ''� A It `5 ,,�.-_S 1., JO a ,‘.1.1 rd✓ ////J /1 a 'b „Jtt' r• a t ,�"v • ' ( J ryt. +11,�,�"`., PROPOSED PARKLAND DEDICATION F ' 1. ,,, 0 EDELWEISS GARTENS ---�_ PHASES 6 THRU 11 1 J' _e y_,�er,„„, , , a' s ar b 1 86.717 ACRES 3r ...,w..,. 17 7 ! �.• •F,. G - !J LprM ROSEN'STE -N50N b7tRbEY.A-54 1 ` .a�.......r. I = I _ �".r w COI-Lea”STAMM, �7FSC5 CO N 7Y,, itxAS Its rola fir' ,..�.. � . -.;t ,....ar. that: t914. - Waft,IM 1I Park Land Dedication Ordinance Project Review Checklist Date Received: 4/8/2004 Park zone: 4 Current Zone Balance: $21.740 Project Location: Horse Haven Drive- East of Hwy 6 Name of Development: Horse Haven Estates Applicant: Burt Hermann Address: 2701 Horse Haven City/State/Zip: College Station, TX 77845 Phone Number/Fax: 879'093'9513 Fax Number: E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Hester Engineering Co. Address: 7607 Eastmark Drive Suite 253-B City/StateZip: College Station, TX 77840 Phone Number/Fax: 6034100 Fax Number: E-Mail: mh*warUoytereng/.com REQUIRED COMPLIANCE Section Y0-B'1: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: 22 Multi-Family Dwelling Units: Total Land Requirement: 0.218 Acres Proposed Dedication: 0 Section 10-B-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning and Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? No Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): $198 x 22 = $4.356 Multi-Family Fee ($160/dwmUing unit): Total Acquisition Fee: Section 10-B-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): $358 x 22 = $7.870 Multi-family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee ($556/dweUing Unit): $556 x 22 =u12.232 Multi-Family Fee ($452/dwelling Unit): Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/PamLand wmmtion/checklist/OrigmlslmwVersion eoviseuxls Page 1 Section 10-6-4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: Parks Board review and decision: Section 10-B-5: Minimum Park Size Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? If yes, staff recommends: Section 10-B-7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing park that can serve the proposed development? Raintree? If accessible If yes, staff recommends: Acceptance of fees Section 10-E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Roonaedon. Park, and Open Space Master Plan? Comments: Section 10-F: Additional Information 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? No Percentage: a. Detention/Retention? No Size: Meets Board Policy? Acreage in floodplain: Percentage: Acreage in detention: Percentage: Acreage in greenways: Percentage: Comments: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dadicatlon/checklist/Originals/Long Version R'evised.xls Page 2 • Section 10-F(of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance) 10-F. 1 Any land dedication to the City under this section must be suitable for park and recreation uses. Consideration will be given to land that is in the floodplain or may be considered "floodable" even though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its elevation, it is suitable for park improvements. (a) Neighborhood park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a manner that serves the greatest number of users. Comments: (b) Neighborhood park sites should be located so that users are not required to cross arterial roadways to access them. Comments: (c) Sites should not be severely sloped or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for organized recreational activities. Comments: (d) Sites should have existing trees or other scenic elements. Comments: (e) Detention/retention areas will not be accepted as part of the required dedication, but may be accepted in addition to the required dedication. If accepted as part of the park, the detention/retention area design must be approved by the City staff and must meet specific parks specifications. Comments: 10-F. 2 Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area development, enhance the visual character of the city, protect public safety, and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines should be used in designing parks and adjacent development: (a) Where physically feasible, park sites should be located adjacent to greenways and/or schools in order to encourage both shared facilities and the potential co-development of new sites. Comments: (b) A proposed subdivision adjacent to a park may not be designed to restrict reasonable access to the park from other area subdivisions. Street and greenway connections to existing or future adjoining subdivisions may be required to provide reasonable access to parks. Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Version Revised.xls Page 3 Comments: (c) Where a non-residential use must directly abut a park, the use must be separated by a screening wall or fence and landscaping. Access points to the park may be allowed by the Planning and Zoning Commission if a public benefit is established. Comments: (d) It is desirable that a minimum of fifty percent (50%)of the perimeter of a park should abut a public street. In all cases, the City shall approve the proposed street alignment fronting on city parks. Comments: (e) Streets abutting a park shall be built in accordance with the thoroughfare plan and the standards of this ordinance; however, the City may require any residential street built adjacent to a park to be constructed to collector width to ensure access and prevent traffic congestion. The developer may request oversize participation in such an instance. Comments: Staff Recommendations: Acceptance of park dedication fees. Section 10-0: Approval: Parks and Recreation Advisory At the April 20,2004 meeting the Board accepted the fee in lieu of land subject to the developer putting in a dedicated easement on Horseshoe Drive,towards Switch Station Road,in order to Board: provide access to Windwood Park. (Street name on developer's site plan shown as Horseshoe Drive,although this has not been approved by 911 and could change.) Planning and Zoning Commission: City Council: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Version Revised.xls Page 4 1 1d -t O " I .--I , zi 01101010110 MOO 11110011 rr. t- , L] , s , moi. . �,�'" / ��.,.. 0 '°' t • S `�. -' „�•tib �. • • •� ) �CZ `,. - //j ` '�, \ � ``� E �� • 11 3 `� No ` %A1 % A9E /� , '111,41, 1� j KEY MAP , \ 6 i FUTURE Rous MIMI rw Wail NOTES RESIDENTIAL A.)AVERAGE LOT DI MENSIDK 55%IIO' CIA Of B.)STREET WIDTH 27'B -50'ROW \1010 1011010,0 KOK WOW C.)ZONING 15 RLOW 2 NM GO 1101110112 4NOM 1112111.• D.)NO PORTION OF THI5 TRACT I5 WITHIN THE 100 YEAR O 10110 IMO-MUM 1000/000oFLOOD PLAIN PER FEMA FIRM N0.163C,JULY 2,1992 OO SOLOLA w E.)PROPOSED LAND USE:SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENT LOTS �y�rt N `g< .. F.)PARKLAND DEDICATION FEE5 WILL BE PAID PER LOT It'P ZONED AD 2oNED AO GJ THIS DEVELOPMENT COMPLIES WITH THE LAW USE PLAN ,F �/ H.)BASIS OF BEARING:NORTHWEST LIFE OF RAINTREE SECTION ONE AS DEPICTED BY PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 373,61. o= U , 4� r'''''' M'' OZo °a N hj4 /. some BOUNDAR°PORSE MAVEN ESTATES PRELIMINARY PLAT p '"""�`" "1010 _, %; BACKLOTL°TG - NOT FOR RECORD �- �»� ®�mim�� '% TTTHWOO HORSE HAVEN ESTATES PHASE 2 �I` �� 7:01�� I/ REs1. ,� 5.37 ACRES " C �i BLOCK ONE LOTS 1-10 �\' j FL°a0P OlS / P"'° BLOCK TWO LOTS 11-13 'at«O0 �\' G/ ONEDAO HAEFIXR ra,tla10w BLOCK THREE LOTS 14-19 DDTURE R I /, �2 ri pato \' TS 20-22 '' ri„//�j/// ” P ,///, ONEDAO "" , MORGAN REACTOR BLOCK FOUR LLEAGUE A-46 � MOM / COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS / gy SCALE: 1'=50' - APRIL 7, 2004 Ar I k twit n �� twtwtm O ,/ E1011.211110 i i/!�� PREPARED BY MICHAEL G.HESTER,P . PREPARED FOR: j// )2 HESTER ENGINEERING COMPANY ALTON OFCZARZAK OWNER \\`GRE=wA=^ ///y/ CONED 4/ 'REE'''' COLLEGE S7607 TATION,TX 7DR VE 5BL0 UITE 2538 OAP.O.BOXD98)9TOM HOMES BURT HORSEAHAVEN � AO / N CONCEPTUAL PLAN 979-693-1100 COLLEGE STATION,TX 77842 COLLEGE STATION,TX 77845 rr M10d>'otw4aa mos we ,, �j HORSE HAVEN ESTATES nHESTER�HESTER-ENGR.COM 979690-ISOL 979-693-9513 / a1Wt.124104014 F,, UlalAp•O t4- WO O ` ILI NM Olt 1,011111111, Park Land Dedication Ordinance Project Review Checklist Date Received: 4/6/2004 Park zone: 14 Current Zone Balance: $0 Project Location: Rock Prairie Rd. Name of Development: Williams Creek Subdivision Applicant: Stan &Jean Stephan Address: 2514 Memorial Drive City/State/Zip: Bryan, TX 77802 Phone Number/Fax: Fax Number: E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Texcon General Contractors Address: 1707 Graham Rd. City/StateZip: College Station, TX 77840 Phone Number/Fax: 764-7743 or 690-7711 Fax Number: E-Mail: REQUIRED COMPLIANCE Section 10-B-1: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: 295 (Possible with total development) Multi-Family Dwelling Units: Total Land Requirement: 2.94 Acres Proposed Dedication: Section 10-B-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning and Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): $198 x 295 = $58,410 Multi-Family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): Total Acquisition Fee: Section 10-B-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): $358 x 295 =$105,610 Multi-family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee ($556/dwelling Unit): $556 x 295 = $164,020 Multi-Family Fee ($452/dwelling Unit): Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Version Revised.xls Page 1 - - -� Section 10-B-4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: 4/7/2004 Parks Board review and decision: Section 10-B-5: Minimum Park Size Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? If yes, staff recommends: Section 10-B-7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing park that can serve the proposed Lick Creek Park (But not as a development? neighborhood park) If yes, staff recommends: Section 10-E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Recnaatiun. Park, and Open Space Master Plan? Comments: Section 10-F: Additional Information 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? Yes Percentage: 37.6096 a. Detention/Retention? Size: Meets Board Policy? Acreage in floodplain: 242.2 Percentage: 37.60% Acreage in detention: Percentage: Acreage in greenways: ? Percentage: ? Comments: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/checklist/OrigmnalslLong Version Revised.xls Page 2 _ Section 10-F (of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance) 10-F. 1 Any land dedication to the City under this section must be suitable for park and recreation uses. Consideration will be given to land that is in the floodplain or may be considered "floodable" even though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its e|mvmtion, it is suitable for park improvements. (a) Neighborhood park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a manner that serves the greatest number of users. Comments: (b) Neighborhood park sites should be located so that users are not required to cross arterial roadways to access them. Comments: (c) Sites should not be severely sloped or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for organized recreational activities. Comments: (d) Sites should have existing trees or other scenic elements. Comments: (e) Detention/retention areas will not be accepted as part of the required dedioation, but may be accepted in addition to the required dedication. If accepted as part of the park, the detention/retention area design must be approved by the City staff and must meet specific parks specifications. Comments: 10-F. 2 Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area deve|opnment, enhance the visual character of the city, protect public safety, and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines should be used in designing parks and adjacent development: (a) Where physically feasible, park sites should be located adjacent to greenways and/or schools in order to encourage both shared facilities and the potential co-development of new sites. Comments: (b) A proposed subdivision adjacent to a park may not be designed to restrict reasonable access to the park from other area subdivisions. Street and greenway connections to existing or future adjoining subdivisions may be required to provide reasonable access to parks. Perk Land Dedication Checklist 0/8 oa rd/Park Land Dedicationfchecklise/Orfginals./Long Version Revisedxls Page 3 '---�-�- - - Comments: (o) Where a non-residential use must directly abut a park, the use must be separated by a screening wall or fence and landscaping. Access points to the park may be allowed by the Planning and Zoning Commission if a public benefit is established. Comments: (d) It is desirable that a minimum of fifty percent(50%)of the perimeter of a park should abut a public street. In all cases, the City shall approve the proposed street alignment fronting on city parks. Comments: (e) Streets abutting a park shall be built in accordance with the thoroughfare plan and the standards of this ordinance; however, the City may require any residential street built adjacent to a park to be constructed to collector width to ensure access and prevent traffic congestion. The developer may request oversize participation in such an instance. Comments: Staff Recommendations: Applicant has indicated a desire to submit the cash dedication. There are no parks within zone 14. Staff recommends that land dedication is needed to allow development of a future neighborhood park. It may be possible to determine a potential park location and accept additional dedications as future portions of the tract develops. Section 10-G: Approval: Parks and Recreation Advisory At the April 20, 2004 regular meeting, the Board accepted the fee in lieu Board: of the land dedication, with the stipulation that the developer work with staff to determine if it is feasible to establish a park in future phases. Planning and Zoning Commission: City Council: Park Land Dedication Checklis 0/Doard/Park Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Version Revisedxls Page 4 „/,, , ///%ff fff f Jf / jfff f f7,1/17//11/11A; _ j = _ _ , /i / / 1/14 ///// / , I , „/;,,,,,„ ., , / _ -/ el N.il ii ///// / , .•„,/,,, , / i r /;,, // . MEET ROW. 1 • , / i' i 2.•wAM. • h1W4 CRE42,1-.77/ WA- f,f WE.9U®IV.Id �` 211 1.1/GRES . TO MACAO OF OE MID KITE Ilk • • MOf7BONSi@1E1 TRACT S/ DESERVE TMLT ofwEwaMR,nE AO6.O.L.IEP.EN TRACT \/ . a, f -,,i7., ZONEO A.0 / !. f '_T _tI \ V / ���”1.:,' ZONED ACI . .. 444,414,toroyfr r .4 y +: .... `; / __ t.-- -. - ^' �� � l 111 II r - r� ,/1 .� I :rf tit .w -.. '• /// . -. ... - •.•/•••/" ...wf••/ UTUIEYr'RN11R-0FXMY `'�. '` IE� / ! fj� a..-r'•+••"•• �fliA OEDIUTgRf�WIAC.) 1 s f f FUTlEECA ION(ISAAC 101,1r DEDICATION ItS.k.) �""'"1`�, •. `mow .... .N A. .....1..-..e..-..kik,......•....v.rea.....w.... ". ■-..:,a . ._'''J'..a 11.-.,:,_a' ::'. .. ..:�- : •-•:..:■�:...a . ...■.:.'. _ i-T- rte*-r--ra v.e_ os..... .c a.a o..a r4 .cxaa4sa w,• 7: �• ... r _.-..r ..wet...Wwaavfr 7 • •.. R w.sfwf w.a.f.w w.a ww•.reww r..frrc a.N Mta..e•../wl1JMT..-......IMe C.4 W.4...1..H.0 r......Y. •• • •• .• .• ia•-•Os•swM.Naw Mrff.�Rant•11O Y.Oa[.N..I.r1f I.I.R•a.N• e•or _ _ 0.608 11111111•11K MDMOM.A.•...MAN 1 RN IN.RN• • lwi0 O- 110.. ....2.4.1%,r1011111111:•a 771,1•1•1011..41...1-1. ••VSVIM= ML IN MONOA IMM.�.A!•NN !®fi OM 1.y . 0 rfN•w.r111.114a.ei1...w1.OM. .i• wa 2":4:111.1".1.7....17..137.47.2.."" iwWw.w•10.110 IN --- -•MOP =--M�------------a•-�•---- MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN MOM1••1••••• MN f• . •1 ...•w 1 1r. rwe•.sNa.e•w•ra..a.f.c.r N.w ass N.-far w,:.•,.®..N..-e...•r.®......_.../.•f..MN.MK 642.82 ACRES f,•..w.a.....a..•..•.•_.i _ „•11a�„e ,�,;, untr ITEM WILLIAMS CREEK SUBDIVISION -f"°"',� 211.14 ACRES REMAINDER OF ANDERSON-STEPHEN TRACT �°:":m":K "•`o"''fM:° �`.......,w....f. 431.68 ACRES • . • • ,• NATHAN CLAMPITT SURVEY.A-90 S.W.ROBERTSON SURVEY.A-202 COLLEGE STATION. SRAZOS COUM1Y.TEXAS WALE: 1•4.100' APRIL.2004 IT VICINY NAP OWNERS: Maslow ..>N'11.711... 7w•Owl M. Vowel LEGEND ..,1111 2014 Ilm.1.11 Paw 7r.A11a •1••imp 77111 ENIMNEEIR ^..°...- - CO N • MAW MIN ••mu.01 Onfir MINIM Orf MIS - -NTN,.•./r na.r --` .s1 P..fa I311�e0 SURVEYOIC DEVEIAPER: egIbmbe MN=OM QUM 77111.R.... //. W 811111 ...e1Er. ......0•••••1.1 U. .:..moi..'�L/ -,-mo• •eow UN %//////;11•-•MI maw=IYe FIRM 'A~�77SN O aF1124 m•,�N MEM .0..NR 0711)Aw-a11 Rhonda Raphael Rock Prairie PTO 3400 Welsh Avenue College Station, Texas 77845 February 11, 2004 Ric Ploeger College Station Parks And Recreation Board 1000 Krenek Tap Road College Station, Texas 77845 Dear Board Members, The Rock Prairie PTO would like to name the track located at the Jack and Dorothy Miller Park in honor of Coach Carole Weldon. Coach Weldon has been instrumental in creating and establishing the Road Runner program utilized by the students at Rock Prairie. This is a wonderful opportunity to recognize her hard work and her visionary methods. She encourages the children to set and achieve physical goals that they normally would not do. The students have all had the joy of celebrating their accomplishments with Coach Weldon. On behalf of the PTO, would you please consider our request? Thank you. Sincerely, (j4t,74,8,3 Arkrtz---L, (14 Rhonda Raphael The City of ` ; College Station Texas Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. P.O.Box 9960 • 1101 Texas Avenue • College Station,TX 77842 • (979)764-3500 www.ci.college-station.tx.us March 18, 2004 Rhonda Raphael Rock Prairie P.T.O. 3400 Welsh Avenue College Station, Texas 77845 Dear Mrs. Raphael: The College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board was presented with your request to name the track at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park during the March meeting. As I mentioned in my letter of February 17, 2004, the City Council will soon consider a new policy for naming city facilities. Until this policy is adopted, the board will hold off making any decisions to recommend names to Council. Until then, it will help to review the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board's current policy for naming park facilities. Specifically item #1, calling for a petition of registered voters. The completion of this petition will speed consideration by the board when Council adopts their new guidelines. Item #2 concerns persons who are deceased, but this is not a requirement. I have included a copy of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Policy for your review. Thank you for your interest. If you have any further questions, I can be reached at (979) 764-3415. Sincere) Eric Ploeger Assistant Director Parks and Recreation Department City of College Station pas enclosure: Park Facility Naming Policy copy to: Steve Beachy, Director, College Station Parks & Recreation f)cine of I cxas A&M Lniv crsit� f lordthe (ic<rrgc Bush Presidential Library and Mu-,cum 4;i 74(.," fa ii j.1 Ir'� L" K. iL __r,e e)(1',. ,� I F ")) . .-; . : ,- .: H • , I .., t I I , _.2_6_,,._wituea. • -, ' ' 3 i'1 _\,,,, - ,,,_, ,i-1,-', ii' - , - : , .S . • i , c--4)- : 1 -_-_---, ,----R - —1 - - - - 4-- /..„... - - !.: . ja I' Lill 8/LeCtii,,, S WC IA,A _ . i 7iii\ -.15L--A,-.-A--)‘ -''•:` . di -4_,,_: dr. , i , l q ii,1 '1, i Ali - : U ; if Ci- .01 ! _ dr I f : , 4.4_ _ / i 1 ilk I TgAil )V02 ._1 A, 1 C' /1,2 LI- . ''' *•2•C.Y.A7-----,......____) 17 ' CA-1-0-Av ,' ylZEt-Lee / 1 i 3 44_ .1, e qa—v) 0 eo-c7-7,d, , ,, 4 i , , , , 4v261 171 , I ..03i . '4, I 0 04/..\ :?5 . ---- orgirwporrput riti, I foir! FOSTER AVE ffifiN PARK SIGN ________-..-----------'--- 0 PARK SIGN :114): •1:.,L•:;•PLANTER .:AINBA: .J.:311.: ..I:i I!I I OM i M. .611." 'I'll.' OgiffigeiNiniterrill1111. .AA..1116' *. 410-0 ..." ,-a-kt,. ..1„. 1 " *; - #,6:, fpt M-7-111r.,,_- M.7:::-' .;77.'-.."'7,72' 1-.C;A:P— 6 % if. ..'4,,Y. . .i',,: 7...;rwr:',.-:,i7 w„, ,-.. - .„,,, , :• .. ,...„,...,- ...-,,,,,- N, ,'i,,,':, ,-,... . w ,,-, ,,,...? _...., . _ ., -- - ,,-- -i-...- 110'. , 0 ,,, ram. ,„N.. • ,...,,, . ,,,,., 0 4.,,, . .... 0 ct.ii.,, .,.,.. .0 ...,. • - — • .,,,, -,..--, - i ' . .4: :....,k:i*,i. ii,VAMAilf.' MIllijirk• ,•;". '4111111110 1'12 -........10- rmmei,iii;41011;,-,•••• -.P11 •:-..:1 '-... .:,..e ,,,f, 4,-,, ,.,..,...,4figagoit:ov.,Pkii ,t, ...-T•440-4t4,1,,,i,i„'poigivirilgoilooPm„,..,,,,.,ftik, 40 40 ,,• ..,c, •'1141:i.--5,e,r44' IL EXISTING WALK g ':,..IV.. •-.•,..• if/*••, RAISE:PEAR BED fe • ,IA • W.MOW STRIP :: --i,' - Asi.„ i'' il RANT RE:DETAILS AND SPECS .4 Wig, ' ••.BED I' AO IL - Ct . ..1•1'4.414 ss, ., .17,•I'W...4... 1110. '‘fs:;•'L5 1,,,,,,. •111`......., '•'•'"It41.4 4114 1 4444 SlitattianOSS:'?AI.'-'''::4- a'.' ....410111.110410111/EN ' 1 0 , ta.tritAittatigatigeltelite.t.:Iir.:. . ' •.......... ... •%014'"c0:44ViigeiMiokr,eit,•...,••:if 41.6:al•i. . teig,,••-4:"-' 2•• "S-1.'1•;,-AgagegagaiagblrAtit•Mii c - LECTRIC POLE MANHOLE IRRI ----------- GATION CONTROLCTRANSFORMER BOX -ELECTRiC PCLE EXISTING PRIVACY PENCE I\ t 30 0 30 60 90 t M ANI EMMEN MM I , Scale 1" = 30' MANUOLE . , A kii , ...," ,111.1 OM, 1,111 514 , .., ilki:1 it *,:,t; EASTGATE MASTER PLAN CONCEPT 5,,,,, RED OAK •,,,, ,, EMSTiND TREE !VKI.99: lifith.wi # 0 PEAR TREE 1 1 : ' 1 41111#:' NOPIPI: 4 1 rr r.Ire ,, 1, IIIIHM, I MY-1.0 111:41,1 CREPE MYRTLE WRII, •Ve're/ 4"') .•••• 110 CP OrMAt IMMo r.. • * ' ,,,,,, MOUNTAIN LAUI Thil.ci 4114 tfirMi Orgy, II 41 '''' '' L',, • .' • •C SCULPTURE 0 HAWTHORNE A,..... :: • . 4.•16 Ali . . , -SA:. ::• ID • C C cc) t;I:::1 '••••1'. .•. 1.41 4114 iME'M Jew, ICII:) ...4 0 .„..ii.:° 4,r . 0 kliti 0 t I 0 o MAP :Mir.11$ • 410 .' • 0 2'101%. CONCRETE WALK 0...... ..7 kW PLANTER •;* ...-"i Olfirf' • I'::° .--• ?",' • C c Ji _•.t„... . ,,. :,..* .,,,N........._\....._ [1...,,- „. . ,,..„ 4,•,....... ... . ..,, Thi • The City of § College Station, Texas Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. P.O. Box 9960 • 1101 Texas Avenue • College Station,TX 77842 • (979)764-3500 www.ci.college-station.tx.us March 15, 2004 Mrs. Linda L. Guinasso 713 Willow Loop College Station, TX 77845 Dear Mrs. Guinasso: Thank you very much for your recent letter regarding Parkway Park. I appreciate your interest and concerns about this park and particularly the removal of the wooden posts. I asked the maintenance crew to remove the posts in an effort to improve the appearance of the park. As you know, the streets along the park do not have curb and gutters. The posts were effective along the west side; however, they were not a very attractive solution. The posts with the water faucets were not removed and will remain in place. We will continue to supply water and hoses for the residents to care for the trees and plants. We greatly appreciate this volunteer support. In addition, I have spoken with Ms. Sarah Bednardz, President of the Homeowners Association, and agreed to meet with residents to discuss a more appropriate method to secure the edge of the park from vehicles. Also, I would like to discuss other needs for the park that may be identified at that time. Again, thank you very much for your interest and concern. I look forward to meeting with you in the near future. Sincerely, 41 / Se-! Steve Beachy Director College Station Parks & Recreation Copies: Tom Brymer, City Manager Glenn Brown, Assistant City Manager Curtis Bingham, Parks Operations Superintendent Home of Texas A&M University Home of the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum I 11 -- WAIV 713 Willow Loop MAR 8 2004 College Station,TX 77845 March 7,2004 tENS STATION Mayor Ron Silva City of College Station Dear Mayor Silva: Reference: Parkway Park Recently post barriers were cut down along the side of Parkway Park. The bathers served as a safety precaution for the trees and plantings,picnic bench,the playground equipment,and the barbeque grill at the end of 1100 block of Marsteller.The bather posts lined the park from Marsteller to Munson and kept vehicles from driving across the park. There is neighborhood pride in the park.The city and the neighborhood association joined to donate trees and shrubs and arranged to plant them to enhance the beauty of this little green space. Neighbors gathered to help plant the trees and shrubs. The neighbors came for a picnic to dedicate the one tree called the"Children's Tree". Committees were formed to water the plantings from the water faucet connections the city installed.These water faucets were installed on the posts that the city recently removed. We wonder what has become of water connections that sustained the trees and shrubs through the hot summers. In the past,vehicles drove through the park. Recently I called the police when two youths drove two pickup trucks up and down the park's embankments.The park will erode as vehicles travel alongside or through the park, making inroads that shrink the green space.Trees will be lost but more importantly the safety of the children that play in the park will be compromised. And perhaps the trees that the city and citizens together planted will be lost to further vehicular traffic through the park. One of the bathers at the end of Marsteller was installed as a result of a serious injury accident that occurred when a car traveling south down Marsteller ran into the light pole at the end of the street. It is important for the city to keep track of why banners have been installed in the past. Please replace the removed bather posts. Sincerely, itAed•IL. Linda L.Gil nesso CC:Judy Warren,Peter Huegul, Sarah Bednardz,Dennis Maloney,Curtis Bingham, Steve Toler, Paul Schoenfeld,Dawn Aberth,Gary Halter 3ijo5— &Jpj : &um Irv' r.d PARK MAINTENANCE STANDARDS SURVEY SUMMARY FOR FY 2004 Quarterly Periods: First Quarter, FY 2004 Overall % of Standards Met: 85% Second Quarter, FY 2004 Overall % of Standards Met: 90% Third Quarter, FY 2004 Overall °Ao of Standards Met: % Fourth Quarter, FY 2004 Overall % of Standards Met: % Categories I. Athletic Facilities: Competitive Fields East South West Avg.%of Stds Met Prey.Yr. %of Stds.Met 1"Quarter 99% 72% 86% 86% 82% 2"d Quarter 95% 90% 90% 92% 90% 3rd Quarter 87% 4th Quarter 88% II. Playgrounds East South West Avg. %of Stds Met Prey.Yr. %of Stds.Met 1st Quarter 81% 84% 85% 83% 84% 2"d Quarter 82% 88% 87% 86% 83% 3rd Quarter 84% 4th Quarter 81% III. Pavilion/Shelter Facilities East South West Avg.%of Stds Met Prey. Yr. %of Stds.Met 1"Quarter 91% 85% 94% 90% 88% 2"d Quarter 96% 91% 93% 93% 89% 3`d Quarter 90% 4th Quarter 88% IV. Tennis Courts East South West Avg. %of Stds Met Prey. Yr. %of Stds. Met 1"Quarter 95% 83% 95% 91% 85% 2"d Quarter 100% 87% 100% 96% 83% 3rd Quarter 98% 4th Quarter 92% V. Basketball Courts East South West Avg. %of Stds Met Prey. Yr. %of Stds. Met 1"Quarter 98% 96% 87% 94% 90% 2"d Quarter 100% 100% 94% 98% 87% 3rd Quarter 94% 4th Quarter 92% VI. Sand Volleyball Courts East South West Avg.%of Stds Met Prey. Yr. %of Stds. Met 1St Quarter 85% 81% 78% 81% 87% 2"d Quarter 74% 89% 89% 84% 89% 3rd Quarter 91% 4th Quarter 84% VII. Ponds East South West Avg.%of Stds Met Prey.Yr. %of Stds.Met 1st Quarter 75% 75% 60% 70% 68% 2' Quarter 82% 78% 69% 76% 72% 3rd Quarter 72% 4th Quarter 68% VIII. Parks: General Parks East South West Avg.%of Stds Met Prey. Yr. %of Stds.Met 1St Quarter 90% 82% 93% 88% 86% 2"d Quarter 90% 90% 96% 92% 90% 3rd Quarter 91% 4th Quarter 88% Overall District Averages East South West Overall% of Stds Met Prey. Yr. %of Stds.Met 1St Quarter 89% 82% 85% 85% 84% 2"d Quarter 90% 89% 90% 90% 85% 3`d Quarter 88% 4th Quarter 85% PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT& PARK LAND DEDICATION PROJECTS FY 2004 April 8, 2004 Ca•ital Im•rovement Pro"ects Capital Improvement Project Project Fundin Completion Projects Status Manager # Budget Source Date Final Expected/Actual Cost Lick Creek Park Development,Phase I Complete Pete 'PK0069 $478,000 98 G:O./TPWD Grant 2/04 12/03 George Bush Drive Landscape&irrigation Design Complete 'Pete ST9804 $16,000 ' '98'0.0.. 2/04 2/04 $16,000 Bee Creek Light Pole Replacement Complete Pete PK0303 $118,000 '98 G.O. 2/04 3/04 $87,565 Hensel Park Playground Replacement Under Construction David PK0210 $45,390 Replacement Account 5/04 Wolf Pen Creek Signs Under Construction Pete WP0460 $70,500 General Fund 3/04 Cemetery Rear Entrance Design and Construction Under Construction Pete N/A $55,000 General Fund 5/04 Cemetery Land Acquisition Pending Contract Ross GG9905 $275,000 '98 G.O. Unknown Southeast Community Park Two-Acre Purchase Pending Contracts M.McAuliffe $40,000 12/04 Lincoln Center Expansion/Improvements Out to Bid Ric PK0319 $984,000 CDBG Funds 3/05 Richard Carter Park Irrigation,Walks,Drinking In Design FountainPete $19,400 Replacement Account 12/04 Thomas Park Signs In Design David $3,600 Replacement Account 4/04 Eastgate Improvements In Design David $40,000 Brazos Beautiful Unknown Woodland Hills Park Design On Hold Pete/David 7 Landscaping Six City Sites Under Construction Pete N/A General Fund 5/15/04 $16,385 Hotel-Motel Greens Prairie Rd Landscaping&Irrigation Design In Design David ST0214 Street Project Fund Hereford Street Traffic Island Landscaping&Irrigation Design In Desi n David ST 0305 $20,000 Streets CIP Fund CIP Summary GOnl.let@.; 3 . .. Under Construction 4 Bids Received p Pendin. Contracts 2 Out to Bid 1 In Desi.n 5 Pendin• Land Ac'uisition 0 Other p On Hold 1 Total 16 Park Land Dedication Pro"ects Park Land Dedication Project Project Funding Completion Final Projects Prioritized Status Manager # Budget Source Ex•ected/Actual Cost ZONE 1 -$179,915 North•ate Park Ac•uisition On Hold Zone 1 Funds ZONE 2-$146,453 ZONE 3-$44,625 ZONE 4-$21,797 Raintree Improvements On Hold Pete NA $0 Zone 4 Funds Windwood Im•rovements On Hold Pete NA $0 Zone 4 Funds , ZONE 5-$91,412 Brothers,Fitch,Miller Benches I Complete David PK0311 $25,000 Zone 5 Funds 12/30/03 12/18/03 $23,922 Jack&Dorothy Miller Park Playgrounds w/Cushion Complete David PK0312 $137,000 Zone 5 Funds 11/30/03 12/08/03 $88,889 Zone 5& Jack&Doroth Miller Park Exercise E.ui•ment Under Construction Pete $20,000 Replacement 6/04 ZONE 6-$90,081 Southwest Park Development On Hold Pete/David $90,000 Zone 6 Funds Anderson Walk and Benches On Hold David PK0315 $45,000 Zone 6 Funds Bee Creek Benches 1 On Hold David , PK0316 $12,000 Zone 6 Funds , Anderson Park Swing Set On Hold , David PK0314 $12,000 Zone 6 Funds Gabbard Park Sidewalk r On Hold David NA $0 Zone 6 Funds ZONE7-$790517 Woodway Park Development r In Design Pete/David PK9803 $710,000_ Zone 7 Funds Unknown ZONE 8-$5,587 ZONE 9-$33,386 ZONE 10-$192,633 Zone 10 Park Development r Under Construction Pete PK0060 $185,000 Zone 10 Funds 5/20/04 Desi•n Edelweiss Gartens On Hold , Pete ZONE 11 -$36,442 Pebble Creek Park Improvements/Tot Playground In Design Pete NA $30,000 Zone 11 Funds ZONE 12-$4,500 ZONE 13-$566 I-Intergenerational Project Park Land Dedication Summary Yx 1, Ai IN Cqm•lett 5 E Under Construction 2 Bids Received 0 Pendin. Contracts 0 Out to Bid 0 In Desi.n 2 Pendin. Land Ac.uisition 0 On Hold 9 Total 15 O:/Projects/CIP/CIP&Park Land Ded Project List.doc Page 2 STRATEGIC PLANS IMPLEMENTATION CALENDAR FEBRUARY — MAY 2004 STATEMENT SUBJECT TEAM FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY Provide Effective Steve,Ross, -Bid Cemetery Rear Entrance project - Start Construction on Cemetery Rear Develop operational cost estimates Core'$erv/C2S -Meeting w/Council on 2/12 on new Entrance project(Ongoing 3) and revenue projections for S 1.e Cemetery Services Ric, cemetery site - Negotiate w/vendor for cemetery operation by 5/1/04 database program(Ongoing 4) -Second Quarter report to Parks Parks& Continue Steve, Advisory Board Leisure Implementation of Ric,Curtis, -Request funding for contract landscape Services Parks Maintenance Ross maintenance services-WPC Phase II S 1.a Standards -Develop maintenance standard surveys for Zone 10 park. Parks& -Update tree-related info on city's Implementation of Steve, website(this milestone delayed until -Select consultant to develop policy Leisure Urban Forest Ross, the next update of the Tree Growing (On Hold) Services 'n Guide—move milestone forward) S 1.b Management Plan Parks& Steve Ric, -Update Coil on intergenerational ' Intergenerational , parks on 2126 -Design and construct Hensel Park Leisure parks, Pete V., playground Services David W. S 2.a Parks& -Update Joint Use Agreement with -Assist with Brazos Valley International Review Leisure Steve, CSISD(move milestone forward3) Festival Leisure Service Programs Peter L., -Conduct community needs Services David G. assessment for Conference Center -Present recommendations for S 2.b (moved milestone forward. ) Conference Center utilization to Parks Advisory Board(On Hold) Parka& Cooperative Efforts Steve, -Complete evaluation of current -Joint Parks Board Meeting&tour of Leisure with the City of Peter-L, programs(moved from November) TMPA site 4/15. Services Bryan; David G. S 2.c Parks& Development of Steve,Ric, Leisure 1/eterans Park Curtis, -,Services Phase 0' Ross, 82'd Peter L. - Develop long-range athletic facility Parks& Development of a Steve,Rid Assist with implementation of CIP Bond replacement&improvement plan Develop implementation plan for CIP Leisure 'Five.year.CIP Plan Pete:'V., ' program(O 41 (moved from February) approved in the November 2003 Bond Services David W - Design neighborhood park for Park Election by 4/1/04 for Park Facilities Zone 7(Woodway area) 2^d S 2.8 - Public Hearing for Woodway Park on 313 on 4/20'c hearing for Woodway Park -Support efforts by BVCOG to acquire region Parks& Regional Planning& Steve,�Ric, (TWA) ^(e"i01rrg4) -TMPA site tour 4/15 Leisure Particticipate/suppaf Houston Wi ness Services -- Development Parks Board nitiahve-(ango�ng.4) a Initiatives IrirpinentIfrtegrationof 1VPAC with adjmertt TAMU property—(Ongoing 4) Draft revisions to Parks Board on 2/10 -Develop recommendations to Planning& Update Park Land Steve, -Revised draft from legal. Still under improve platting process&provide Development Dedication R. review. for developer-constructed parks. S14 Ordinance -Develop guidelines for developer- constructed park facilities. NOTE: Shaded items have been completed. Revised April 12, 2004 City of College Station Parks & Recreation Department Goals & Objectives FY 2004 ▪ Implementation of the CIP Program -4, Implementation of Special Projects & Programs ▪ Continuation of Staff Development Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues Implementation of the CIP Program Implementation of the FY2004 CIP and Park Land Dedication Project List Status: In progress. Refer to project list, Z Support the November 2003 bond election projects Status: Election on Nov. 4, 2003. Continuation of Staff Development Z Complete Management Academy (Sheila Walker, David Hudspeth, Peter Vanecek) Status: Graduation on Feb 13, 2004. Z Complete Supervisory Academy (Pam Springfield, David Wood) Status: Graduation on Tuesday, November 18, 2003. Z Complete Emergency Management Academy (Jimmy Charanza) Status: Graduated from the class on February 25th, Z Attend NRPA Revenue Management School (Peter Lamont, David Gerling) Status: Attended February 7th _ 11th Z Attend TRAPS Conference (Peter Lamont, Geri Marsh) Status: Peter Lamont and Geri Marsh attended March 10t/7 - 12th. Z Conduct Arbor Master Training Status: Curtis Schoessow, David Pemberton, Scott Deffendoll, Ross Albrecht attended March 9th - 12th.) Z Attend the 10th Annual Southeast Texas Grounds Maintenance Conference in Conroe (to obtain required CEU's to maintain pesticide applicator's licenses) Status: Ross Albrecht, Gerald Guillory, Delmer Charanza, Sandra Weggman, Nina Stanley, Frank Thompson, David Sturdivant, Keith Fails, Mike Watson, Bruce Ray, Greg Richards attended on October 22, 2003. Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues L Acquire new cemetery site and develop a plan for operations (VS1S1e) Status: Department is currently working on a Cemetery Management Plan. El Continue implementation of Park Maintenance Standards (VS2S1a) Status: First Quarter Report presented to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on January 13, 2004; Second Quarter Report presented to Board on April 20, 2004. Continued implementation of the Urban Forest Management Plan (VS2S1b) Status: On hold. Continue efforts to make parks more intergenerational (VS2S2a) Status: Ongoing. Report to Council on February 26, 2004. [11 Review leisure service programs (VS2S2b) Status: [i] Pursue cooperative efforts with the City of Bryan on joint programming (VS2S2c) Status: Ongoing. Joint meeting on April 15, 2004. C Develop Veterans Park & Athletic Complex, Phase II (VS2S2d) Status: Z Develop new five-year Parks Capital Improvement Projects (VS2S2e) Status: Completed January 26, 2004 Parks & Recreation Dept. FY04 Goals & Objectives Page 1 of 2 Updated: April 15, 2004 LII Promote performing arts (VS2S3a) Status: Marian Anderson String Quartet performances on Nov. 2hd and 3rd, The first 2004 WPC Amphitheater event held on April 3rti,. First concert of the 2004 Starlight Music Series held on April 11h. Z Implement regional planning and develop initiative (VS2S4a) Status: Dr. John Crompton gave a report to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board on November 4th, and the Board was in consensus on supporting a resolution to go to the City Council in support of a future regional park site in Grimes County. The resolution was approved by the Board during its December 9th meeting. Z Update the Park Land Dedication Ordinance (VS3S1d) Status: Draft document complete - February 2004. Implementation of Special Projects & Programs Z Assist with the development and implementation of the City's website Status: The City went on-line February 3, 2004. Z Implement automated recreation registration software Status: RecWare contract approved byCouncil on January 8, 2004. Software installation March 15th - 22nd Z Adopt and implement temp/seasonal pay plan Status: In progress. Plan has been completed - February 2004. Implement cemetery software Status: Legacy Mark Cemetery Management software chosen. GIS and cemetery information to be input into database and training to be held in May or June, 2009. 111 Conduct benchmark survey of similar cities Status: Parks information has been entered into ActiveParks.Org. Z Coordinate the City's 65th Birthday Celebration on October 19th Status: Complete. C Investigate the feasibility for departmental accreditation Status: Initial staff "kick off" meeting on November 18th. In progress. II Investigate the feasibility of implementing a Donations Program for the department Status: Senior Advisory Committee goal for Fiscal Year 2004. Draft document complete. 0704- Parks&Recreation Dept. FY04 Goals & Objectives Page 2 of 2 Updated: April 15, 2004 City of College Station Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Goals & Objectives FY2004 (Not prioritized) 1. Oversee the development of a new Five-Year Capital Improvement Program (VS2S2e) X Assist with the November 4, 2003 Bond Election X Develop recommendations for new 5 year CIP implementation Provide oversight for planning and completion of CIP projects 2. Provide oversight and emphasis on further development of Veterans Park & Athletic Complex, Phase II (VS2S2d) Develop recommendation regarding schedule for development Status: December 9, 2003, Board meeting. Assist with the selection of design professionals 1 Review & provide input concerning Phase II conceptual plans 3. Review and update the Park Land Dedication Ordinance (VS3S1 d) Review the existing ordinance and methodology Status: Draft approved; first review by Board at January13, 2004 meeting. X Develop recommendations that will allow developers to construct parks Status: Draft approved by Board on February 10"', 4. Oversee the design process and recommend improvements for neighborhood parks (VS2S2e) I Park Zone 1 (Park site in the Northgate area) 1 Park Zone 2 (Eastgate Park) Park Zone 2 (Richard Carter Park) X Park Zone 6 (Southwest Park) Status: Park Land Dedication project prioritization on November 4, 2003, On December 9, 2003, the Board approved the conceptual design and park land dedication funds were dedicated, not to exceed the amount of$90,000. Park Zone 7 (Woodway Park) Status: First Public Hearing held for Woodway Park March 3, 2004. Second Public Hearing to be held during regular meeting of the Board on April 2, 2004. Park Zone 9 (Woodland Hills Park) Status: Request from Woodland Hills Homeowner's Association on December 9, 2003. X Park Zone 10 (Park in the Shenandoah area) Status: Construction in progress. Approved: October 14, 2003 Page 1 Updated: April 15, 2004 Develop recommendations for park and facility names Status: Subcommittee has been formed (Ken Livingston, Jodi Warner, Gary Erwin). 5. Provide oversight and support for the continued implementation of the Park Maintenance Standards (VS2S1a) Review policies and standards for re-appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department Review and identify critical needs and develop recommendations to address them 6. Restore the Arboretum at Bee Creek Park to its former value (VS2S2e) Develop recommendations for redevelopment of the trails Status: Report to Board on January 13, 2004. Develop recommendations for signage and interpretive sites Develop recommendations for the pond areas Li Develop recommendations for graminetium Develop an operations and maintenance plan 7. Develop recommendations for botanical gardens in existing or proposed parks 71 Determine the scope of the proposal Develop a proposed list of potential sites Develop recommendations for implementation 8. Oversee the design and development of the W. A. Tarrow Park Corridor Master Plan (VS2S2e) IX Review conceptual plans for Lincoln Center expansion Status: December 9, 2003, Board meeting. X Review conceptual plans for Tarrow Park additions Status: December 9, 2003, Board meeting. j Develop recommendations for FY2005 CDBG Budget 9. Provide guidance and support for the implementation of a regional park site in Grimes County (VS2S4a) X Develop local support for a state-wide $500M bond issue Status: Report at the November 4, 2003, Board meeting. On December 9, 2003, the Board approved a resolution that will be presented to the City Council in support of the project. X Conduct a site tour of the TMPA property Status: Scheduled for April 15, 2004. Develop a recommendation for the budget process 10. Assist with the implementation of an Urban Forest Management Plan (VS2S1b) Review and assist in the development of a policy for street trees and hazard trees Approved: October 14, 2003 Page 2 Updated: April 15, 2004 Develop recommendations for implementation 11. Continued interaction between the Board and other City Boards Attend a joint briefing related to growth issues Status: Growth Report held on October 6th, 2003. In attendance was PARD supervisory staff, the Board, the Senior Advisory Committee, and the Cemetery Committee. ! Conduct joint meeting with the City Council X Conduct joint meeting with the Planning & Zoning Comm. Status: Joint meeting was held on October 30, 2003. Conduct a joint meeting with the Senior Advisory Committee Status: Board met with Vice Chairperson Robert Meyer on October 14, 2003, and approved the Senior Advisory Committee goals for Fiscal Year 2004. E Conduct a joint meeting with the Bryan Parks & Rec. Board Status: Joint tour with Bryan Board on April 15th to the proposed TMPA Regional Park site. 12. Support increased efforts to implement the Greenways Master Plan (VS3S2d) X Review the status of the current greenways acquisition Status: Greenways Report on October 30th Joint Meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission I I Support increased efforts for acquisition of greenways 13. Provide support & assistance for Departmental goals I Develop recommendations for a donations program Status: Senior Advisory Committee Goal for FY04. Continue joint programming with outside agencies (VS2S4a) I Identify potential sources of additional revenue Develop policies for on-line registration procedures Continue communication with outside user groups (VS2S4a) Status: In progress. Spring Soccer Field Use meeting held January 27, 2004. I I Support agency accreditation process Status: In progress. 0706 Approved: October 14, 2003 Page 3 Updated: April 15, 2004 Memorandum To: Steve Beachy, Parks and Recreation Director College Station Parks and Recreation Board From: Curtis Bingham, Parks Operations Superintendent 6.1A-41:-) Date: April 14, 2004 Subject: Meeting with Micah Mogel on Amtgard Activities I met with Micah Mogel and Don Unsell on April 13 and spoke with them about the Amtgard activities in the Bee Creek Arboretum. Micah Mogel is head of the Amtgard group. The group consists of about 40 people and meets every Sunday afternoon. They have been using the Arboretum for this activity for over 15 years. I told them that the restoration of the Arboretum was a goal of the College Station Parks and Recreation Board and that there were some concerns about the effect their activities may have on the Arboretum. I spoke to them about the following concerns: Possible damage to vegetation. Litter in the park. Possible damage to other structures. Conflicts with other Arboretum users. Non-official trails. Micah said some weeds and grass may get stepped on, but they are careful not to cause any significant damage to vegetation or any damage to structures. He said they make sure everyone in the group is aware of cleaning up the grounds immediately after the event. Don reinforced Micah's comments. They make sure that everyone stays on the main trails. During the meeting they pointed out some of the designated trails that have become overgrown. Micah said they avoid areas where other park users are present. I feel satisfied that they make an effort to keep the Arboretum in good shape with each weekly event and that any efforts that may have been slack will be improved on. Micah and Don offered the group's assistance with anything they could do to help out the Arboretum. I told them there may some opportunities in the future and I would let them know. Micah said to check their local website "www.mordengaard.org" for any information about Amtgard. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CONFERENCE CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING- Wednesday, February 18,2004 AT 12:00p.m. College Station Conference Center 1300 George Bush Drive College Station, Texas 77840 MINUTES Staff Present: Grace Calbert, Conference Center Facility Supervisor Nita Hilburn,Recording Secretary Members Present: Mollie Guin(Chair), Glenda Elledge,Alma Molina Members Absent: None Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 12:30pm Pardon-Consider requests for absences of members from meeting: None Hear visitors-None Approval of the Minutes: Alma Molina motioned to approve the minutes for January 2004 as written. Glenda Elledge seconded the motion. Motion Passed Revenue Reports: Revenue reports were reviewed for January 2004. Revenues for January 2004 were$7,667.59 versus January 2003 of$9,761.27. Number of clients served January 2004 were 6,049 vs. January 2003 of 6,142. Adjourn: Glenda Elledge motioned to adjourn. Alma Molina seconded the motion. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 12:53pm. The next meeting will be held at the College Station Conference Center on Wednesday March 24, 2004 at 5:15pm. Respectfully submitted, Nita Hilburn,Recording Secretary • Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, March 29, 2004 College Station Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Road 10:00am Minutes Members Present: E.E. Burns, Fred Dollar, Laura Holmes, Catherine Lamb, Robert Meyer, Raymond Reed, Suzanne Reynolds, Colleen Risinger, Dipankar Sen, Yvonne Stevens and Joanna Yeager Members Absent: Frank Camplone, Haskell Monroe, Neal Nutall and Betty Wilborn Staff Present: Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator I. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Joanna Yeager, Chairman, at 10:00am. II. Hear visitors. No visitors were present. Joanna Yeager announced to the group that former member Annie Lee Finch had passed away and will be missed. III. Approval of minutes from the regular meeting on February 23, 2004. Catherine Lamb made the motion to approve the minutes from the February meeting. Yvonne Stevens seconded the motion. The motion passed. Dipankar Sen and Ray Reed pointed out that their names were omitted from the February meeting and should be listed under members present. Laura Holmes was omitted from the January meeting and should be listed under members present. IV. Discussion, consideration and possible action concerning LifeTrail at Central Park presented by David Wood, Parks Planner with Parks and Recreation Department David Wood will make the presentation at the April 26th meeting of the Senior Advisory Committee. V. Review, discussion and possible action concerning sub-committee reports: • Goals, Robert Meyer, reviewed the current status of the goals with the committee. (report attached) Ray Reed made the motion that the program sub- committee look into the possibility of offering an "Information Exchange" program for seniors. For example, if a senior had an interest in fishing, his/her wishes would be placed on a bulletin board and an individual that could make that wish come true would contact the individual and go fishing. Catherine Lamb seconded the motion. The motion passed. . . . .............._._._..__. • Program Sub-Committee, Catherine Lamb reported on the success of the February Lunch/ Lecture on Black History. We had 66 attend the luncheon. The next Lunch/Lecture is planned for May 5th and will focus on the Hispanic Community. In April, a trip to the Bush Library to visit the Barbara Bush Exhibit is planned and the participants at Lincoln Center will take their annual "Wildflower Tour" and picnic. VI. Senior Services Coordinator Report Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator, gave the report. (Report attached) VII. Next meeting date and agenda items. Monday, April 26, 2004 • Program sub-committee report • Invite Charles Cryan to meeting to discuss gift program • David Wood presentation on TrialLife • Senior Expo • New Member Applications VIII. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 11:03am Senior Services Coordinator Report March 2004 Azalea Trail — Twenty-nine seniors traveled to Houston on Saturday, March 6th. The day was a perfect Spring day for a road trip and tour of the Bayou Bend Gardens and private homes in River Oaks. An A&M charter bus was rented and a good time was had by all. Computer Club for Seniors — The Computer Club met on Wednesday, March 10th and 24th from 9:00am — 10:30am at the College Station Utilities Service Center Training Room. Speakers were: Diane Mitchell who addressed how to care for your computer at home and Best Buy representatives spoke on the latest in camera technology. Door prizes were given away by Best Buy. Third Friday Bridge Group — Seniors who like to play bridge may join the group every third Friday at the Teen Center beginning from 9:30am — 12:30pm. This is a great time to make new friends who enjoy playing bridge. We will be adding a day to play bridge at the Teen Center on a weekly basis through the end of May. Every Tuesday from 1:00pm-3:00pm all seniors are welcome to play. A Seniors' Greenway Walk — 9 seniors from Lincoln Center participated in the Walk for Seniors at Wolf Pen Creek on Thursday, March 25, 2004. Ray Reed and Susan Scott lead the group and pointed out a variety of plant life along the trail. Refreshments were served after the walk and information packets distributed to all the participants. The Brazos Greenways Council sponsored the walk. Police and Fire Academy for Seniors — The College Station Senior Citizen Police and Fire Academy will be offered this year from April 1st — May 20th. The course will be every Thursday at the College Station Teen Center from 9:00am-11:30am. This course is free and designed to give an overview of the two city departments. Applications are available at the Teen Center and Police and Fire Department. City of College Station Senior Advisory Committee Goals FY 2004 Date: March 29, 2004 The purpose of the Senior Advisory Committee is to address the needs of older adults in the community. The committee members offer ideas to the Senior Services Coordinator for programs that promote the physical, social, educational, recreational and emotional well-being of older adults in the College Station area. The Senior Advisory Committee adopted the following goals for 2003-2004: 1. Develop and Implement a Senior Information Center Need: Seniors need a single location where they can get pertinent senior information Objective: Develop a facility at the EXIT (Teen Center) to be used by seniors during school hours. Recommendations: O 1. Establish an office for Senior Services Coordinator 2. Develop monthly schedule of activities for Seniors at Teen Center Ei 3. Purchase comfortable sofa& chairs for lobby of Teen Center(10-30-03) El 4. Purchase display rack for brochures and information (10-30-03) Ei 5. Complimentary coffee service in lobby (10-30-03) EZI 6. Signage in front of building (10-30-03) Status: Design plans for second floor office at Teen Center finalized (3-3-04) 2. Develop Recommendations for Utilization of the Existing Parks and Recreation Department Headquarters Building Need: Seniors need a facility designated primarily for their needs. The Teen Center can be used temporarily. The new parks and recreation headquarters will be relocated to the new city center. When the department moves the current facility would be available for remodeling and use by the seniors. Objective: A committee was established and found the building to be an excellent facility with some modifications. Dr. Ray Reed is leading the sub-committee. Recommendations: Ei 1. The Senior Advisory Committee approved the motion to pursue the use of the current Parks & Recreation Headquarters as a senior center LZI 2. Schematic drawings presented by Ray Reed El 3. Formal recommendation presented to Parks and Recreation Board on January 13, 2004 0 4. The proposed building will include: a central information area in the lobby, staff offices, meeting rooms of various sizes, an elevator to the second floor, a fully equipped kitchen, a computer room, a pool room, an outdoor activity area around the building (covered patios) and various equipment including: computers, TV, VCR, tables, intercom system, and first aid station O 5. All areas will be handicapped accessible 3. Encourage the Development of a Gift Program for Donations to the City of College Station Need: Develop a system to accept donations to the city from generous citizens who wish to contribute Objective: To assist in developing a program whereby citizens can contribute money or personal property as designated gifts that will enhance the City property and prestige. Recommendations: O 1. Finalize a recommended donation application form El 2. Develop a suggested gift list with costs O 3. Suggest to the Park and Recreation Board that the City develop a City-wide gift program and appoint someone manager(possibly the City Secretary or City Forester) Status: Invite Charles Cryan, Director of Finance to address the committee and distribute current Parks and Recreation Department Gift Catalog 4. Promote and Implement New Low Cost or Free Programs and Continue to Develop Current Programs Need: Some present programs need to be expanded and new ones developed for seniors Objective: To encourage and where possible increase participation in more activities. Recommendations: El 1. Develop free discussion/lunch lecture series O 2. Develop a listing of low cost or free programs for seniors. 0 3. Expand computer course and other educational course capabilities O 4. Increase organized table activities such as bridge, other card games, dominoes, scrabble and puzzles. O 5. Develop more daytime socials O 6. Develop outside activities such as swimming, fishing, walking, softball, tennis, horseshoes 7. Promote day trips and cultural events Status:February and May free,Lunch/Lecture Series and adding a day to play bridge weekly. Pool Trout Fish Out, Support and Encourage Programs that Promote Physical Fitness Need: Seniors need to be physically fit Objective: To encourage the development of programs geared for seniors Recommendations: El Encourage walking O Encourage increased swimming and water fitness participation O Develop a video-led aerobic exercise program at the Teen Center O Evaluate senior level softball and tennis teams Status:participated in Brazos Greenway Council walk at WPC. 5. Provide and Promote Non-Organized Areas and Activities for Seniors and Investigate and Expand Programs that Break Down Barriers Between Cultures and Races Need: Many seniors are not joiners and will not participate or attend an organized program, but they will enjoy the parks and facilities Objective: To encourage the City to develop and expand activities that will encourage these seniors to come together. Recommendations: O 1. To provide benches along trails where people can sit and visit O 2. To provide tables outside where people can play games without formal organization. O 3. To provide coffee and water O 4. Continue to expand the fishing program to encourage a variety interests to participate El 5. Participate in VIP program with teens by providing service projects for seniors in need. 6. Continue to Promote Senior Programs Through Effective Marketing Need: Seniors need to be aware of opportunities available to them. Objective: To increase senior program visibility to the population once a central organization can be developed Recommendations: IZI KBTX Midday Show promoting Holiday Dance El Events listed monthly in the Golden Eagle, Datebook, Club Report Ei Utilize City Utility Bill Newsletter, Press Releases, Cable Channel [ZI Promote the use of the new City of College Station website address _ REVISED DRAFT GUIDELINES FOR THE NAMING OF PUBLIC FACILITIES CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Purpose The purpose of these guidelines is to establish a systematic and consistent approach for the official naming of public facilities in the City of College 8taUon, including pmrts, hani|iUen, recreational oreaa, streets and municipal buildings. Objectives • Ensure that parks, haoi|bien, recreational or000, and municipal buildings are easily identified and located. • Ensure that given names to parks, facilities, recreational ar*aa, and municipal buildings are consistent with the values and character of the area or neighborhood served. • Encourage public participation in the naming, oanaming, and dedication of parks, fooi|itieo, recreational areou, and municipal buildings. • Encourage the dedication of lands, facilities, or donations by individuals and/or groups; • Advance the reputation of the City as well as increase the understanding and public support for its programs. Criteria The practice of the City of College Station is to name porks, recreation oreao, fani|id*o, and municipal buildings through an adopted process utilizing the above objectives emphasizing community values and character, local and national hioVory, geognaphy, the envinonmont, civics and service to the City of College Station. Thenofore, the following criteria shall be used in determining the appropriateness of the naming designation: • Neighborhood, geographic, or common usage identification; • A historical figure, place, event, or other instance of historical or cultural significance; • National and state historical leaders or heroes, both past and present; • An individual (living or deceased) (a) who has made a significant land and/or monetary contribution to the park, recreation area, foci|ity, or municipal building or (b) who has had the oontribuUonmode ''|n Memoriam" and when the name has been stipulated as a condition of the donation; or • An individual (living or deceased)who has contributed outstanding civic service to the City; • Predominant plant materials; • Streams, rivers, lakes, and creeks. Facilities or specialized areas may have a name different from that of the larger park, recreation area, faoi|ity, or municipal building. When feasible, the process to name parks, recreation areas, faci|itism, and municipal buildings should begin within 12 months after the City has acquired title to the land and/or formally accepted the dedication. Names that are similar to existing parkn, recreation aroaa, faoi|ihem, and municipal buildings should not be considered in order to minimize confusion. Renaming The City reserves the right to change the name of a park, recreation area, facility or municipal building to maintain consistency with these guidelines. However, renaming carries with it a much 1 REVISED GUIDELINES FOR THE NAMING OF PUBLIC FACILITIES.doc 03/31/04 greater burden of process compared to initial naming. Tradition and continuity of name and community identification are important community values. Each request to rename must meet the criteria of this po//cy, but meeting all criteria does not ensure renaming. Procedures Upon approval of these guidelines by Counui/, procedures consistent with the guidelines will be developed. It is anticipated that naming/renaming requests will be submitted to the City Manager. The Manager will then forward the request through an appropriate bonnd, oommittee, or organization or directly to the City Council for approval. (For example, if the naming or renaming request is for a parks facility, the City Manger will submit the request to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board who will review and make a recommendation. The City Manager will review that recommendation and then submit it to Council for approval.) The City Council may, upon its own initiative name or rename a City facility without following these guidelines. An individual council member may submit a naming suggestion to the City Manager who will then apply the guidelines and procedures. 2 REVISED GUIDELINES FOR THE NAMING OF PUBLIC FACILITIES.doc 03/31/04 City of College Station Neighborhood Park Improvement Proposal April 2004 PURPOSE: This proposal is intended to offer a response to direction giving to Staff at the February 26, 2004 City Council Workshop (Agenda$4) in regard to the improvement of Eastgate Park and Steeplechase Park. At that meeting, the Mayor directed Staff to develop a plan along with funding options to provide improvements to these two sites. In addition, two other neighborhood parks are worthy of consideration for improvements due to their proximity to existing residents and the lack of any park facilities within 1/2 mile walking distance. Woodland Hills Park is located in a new subdivision north of Greens Prairie Road. Residents in this neighborhood have requested improvements to the existing vacant park land. However, there is only $33,000 in Parkland Dedication Funds in the Zone 9 account. It is unlikely that any significant additional funds will be generated in this area due to the current land use plan which includes the new business park. Therefore, additional funding is required to develop a typical neighborhood park for the residents. PROPOSAL: This proposal is intended to provide supplemental funding for development of these four parks. Partial funding is available from existing resources for Eastgate, Steeplechase and Woodland Hills Parks. The University Park site is in an area that is eligible for Community Development Block Grant Funding. Development of a typical neighborhood park in College Station is estimated to cost approximately $315,000. This proposal uses that number as a starting point and adjusts the amount based upon each specific site and probable improvements. Also, any currently available funding is factored in to determine the additional estimated costs. SCHEDULE: YEAR PARK SITE ACRES PARK ZONE EST. COST FY2005 Eastgate 1.80 Park Zone 2 $180,000' FY2005 Steeplechase 9.0 Park Zone 5 $245,0002 FY2006 Woodland Hills 13.9 Park Zone 9 $282,0003 FY2007 University Park* 10.2 Park Zone 2 $400,0004 TOTAL: $1,107,00 Supplements$40,000 KBB beautification project&$xx of Zone 2 Parkland Dedication Funds 2 Supplements$70,000 of Zone 5 Parkland Dedication Funds 3 Supplements$33,000 Of Zone 9 Parkland Dedication Funds Proposed for Community Development Block Grant funding CONCLUSION: This proposal will result in the development of four additional neighborhood parks within the next three fiscal years. All of these sites are currently owned by the City and are in close proximity to existing residents. Also, without additional funding approval, these sites will not be developed in any significant manner for the foreseeable future. Annual operation and maintenance costs will increase as the parks are developed. These costs will be dependent upon the type of improvements for each site and will have to be included in the annual budget requests as they become operational. City of College Station Soccer Field Lighting Proposal April, 2004 PURPOSE: This proposal is intended to offer a response to direction giving to Staff at the February 26, 2004 City Council Workshop (Agenda Item# 4) regarding equity issues related to lighted athletic facilities. At that meeting, the Mayor directed Staff to develop a plan along with funding options to light more soccer fields at the rate of two potentially per year. PROPOSAL: This proposal is based upon the approach of providing high quality sports lights for existing soccer fields in the most economical way possible over a five year period. To accomplish this, we propose to provide lights for four existing fields at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex over the next two Fiscal Years. In addition, we propose the addition of lighting for the next three fields to be constructed as part of the Phase II project in FY 2006 and FY 2007. All of these fields are 120 yards X 80 yards and can be divided into two smaller fields if needed. Following completion of that project, the next fields that are appropriate for lights are those at Central Park. These include one field that is 120 yards X 80 yards; and two fields that are 100 yards X 70 yards. SCHEDULE: YEAR LOCATION SIZE QUANTITY EST. COST FY2005 Veterans 120x80 2 $200,000 FY2006 Veterans 120x80 2 $210,000 FY2007 Veterans 120x80 3 $350,000 FY2008 Central 120x80 1 $105,000 FY2009 Central 100x70 2 $200,000 TOTAL: 10 $1,065,000 CONCLUSION: This proposal will result in the availability of 10 additional lighted soccer fields over a three year period bringing the total to 14 lighted soccer fields in the City. Of these, 12 are full size fields that can be divided into two smaller youth fields on an "as needed" basis. City of College Station Soccer Field Lighting Proposal Option 1 PURPOSE: This proposal is intended to offer a response to direction giving to Staff at the February 26, 2004 City Council Workshop (Agenda Item # 4) regarding equity issues related to lighted athletic facilities. At that meeting, the Mayor directed Staff to develop a plan along with funding options to light more soccer fields at the rate of two potentially per year. PROPOSAL: This proposal is based upon the approach of providing high quality sports lights for existing soccer fields in the most economical way possible over a five year period. To accomplish this, we propose to request funds to begin design in FY04 for the first project. For that, we propose to provide lights for four existing fields at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex over the next two Fiscal Years. In addition, we propose the addition of lighting for the next three fields to be constructed as part of the Phase II project in FY 2006 and FY 2007. All of these fields are 120 yards X 80 yards and can be divided into two smaller fields if needed. Following completion of that project, the next fields that are appropriate for lights are those at Central Park. These include one field that is 120 yards X 80 yards; and two fields that are 100 yards X 70 yards. SCHEDULE: YEAR LOCATION SIZE QUANTITY EST. COST FY2005 Veterans 120x80 2 $200,000 FY2006 Veterans 120x80 2 $210,000 FY2007 Veterans 120x80 3 $350,000 FY2008 Central 120x80 1 $105,000 FY2009 Central 100x70 2 $200,000 TOTAL: 10 $1,065,000 CONCLUSION: This proposal will result in the availability of 10 additional lighted soccer fields over a five year period, bringing the total to 14 lighted soccer fields in the City. Of these, 12 are full size fields that can be divided into two smaller youth fields on an "as needed" basis. April 04 City of College Station Soccer Field Lighting Proposal Option 2 PURPOSE: This proposal is intended to offer a response to direction giving to Staff at the February 26, 2004 City Council Workshop (Agenda Item # 4) regarding equity issues related to lighted athletic facilities. At that meeting, the Mayor directed Staff to develop a plan along with funding options to light more soccer fields at the rate of two potentially per year. PROPOSAL: This proposal is based upon the approach of providing high quality sports lights for existing soccer fields in the most economical way possible over a three year period. To accomplish this, we propose to request funds to begin design in FY04 for the first project. For that, we propose to provide lights for four existing fields at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex during Fiscal Year 05. In addition, we propose lighting for the next three fields to be constructed as part of the Veterans Park Phase II project in FY 2006 and FY 2007. All of these fields are 120 yards X 80 yards and can be divided into two smaller fields if needed. The other fields that are appropriate for lights are those at Central Park. These include one field that is 120 yards X 80 yards; and two fields that are 100 yards X 70 yards. These can be scheduled as a single project to be completed in FY2006. SCHEDULE: YEAR LOCATION SIZE QUANTITY EST. COST FY2005 Veterans 120x80 4 $410,000 FY2006 Central 120x80(1); 100x70(2)3 $305,000 FY2007 Veterans 120x80 3 $350,000 TOTAL: 10 $1,065,000 CONCLUSION: This proposal will result in the availability of 10 additional lighted soccer fields over a three year period bringing the total to 14 lighted soccer fields in the City. Also, the construction process would be easier due to the fewer number of projects. Of these, 12 are full size fields that can be divided into two smaller youth fields on an "as needed" basis. April 04 City of College Station Soccer Field Lighting Proposal Option 3 PURPOSE: This proposal is intended to offer a response to direction giving to Staff at the February 26, 2004 City Council Workshop (Agenda Item #4) regarding equity issues related to lighted athletic facilities. At that meeting, the Mayor directed Staff to develop a plan along with funding options to light more soccer fields at the rate of two potentially per year. PROPOSAL: This proposal is based upon the approach of providing high quality sports lights for existing soccer fields in the most economical way possible over a three year period. To accomplish this, we propose to request funds to begin design in FY04 for the first project. For that, we propose to provide lights for four existing fields at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex and three fields at Central Park during Fiscal Year 05. In addition, we propose lighting for the next three fields to be constructed as part of the Veterans Park Phase II project in FY 2006 and FY 2007. Five of these fields are 120 yards X 80 yards and can be divided into two smaller fields if needed. SCHEDULE: YEAR LOCATIONS SIZE QUANTITY EST. COST FY2005 Veterans & Central 120x80 7 $715,000 FY2007 Veterans 120x80 3 $350,000 TOTAL: 10 $1,065,000 CONCLUSION: This proposal will result in the availability of 10 additional lighted soccer fields over a three year period bringing the total to 14 lighted soccer fields in the City. This option would add the most number of lighted fields in the shortest time period. Also, the construction process would be easier due to the fewer number of projects. Of these, 12 are full size fields that can be divided into two smaller youth fields on an "as needed" basis. April 04 ( k)ikvvte 64-FF( Lc atTi t) N pLEitcs PR t k`1.-- , t . VRel) Artovt-z:sok. o .•9 co iv c--k_ 02 . ,4_ /,-, ,-: , ', I> 4, : i1 ; -,, c.-f- \)0A/isdiJ a ve_iop Ek- "5 V 1 ''' \)( ti rT Cf - \J '--‘. 11Vn / , 1 e, 0,11714ti ,6. ii, v&z---- ;cc-- Gm f ck .c) y 5ittclont 1 \ / n 1 -2- 61q.G-rit U4\1:114 CA dC,S - Clre_oeums Cod 4v * A p r-i / C0PAA',2 /. si2---astd ./ , ffl-)c n d_47.0,1-pitaci Rty4Ppri. ,. ") / 1 --t- 0 es 4-01 . -.._)69.044 Weed rr-r-e I City of College Station Absence Request Form • For Elected and Appointed Officers Name j ),C1/14f-Cailt) Request Submitted onavA-di G C1-4, q � I will not be in attendance at the meeting of 412 re,s514,6etrikuuria./(4//62) for the reason(s) specified: 1).tta (Date) (-0-S •1, .ignatur;� This request shall be submitted to the office of the City Secretary or Board Secretary one week prior to meeting date. o:oouociltbs«roq.doc Parks & Recreation Parks & 1000 Krenek Tap Rd. Recreation College Station,Texas College Station MAILING ADDRESS: P.O.Box 9960 College Station,Texas 77842 FAX COVER SHEET TO: 4L . ikkk4„ A • COMPANY PHONE Coc\3- 49. 61 FAX 4) 1 k FROA,.. COMPANY . 1" 4C-C2.12( PHONE 7 ( 4— t.. - FAX 979-764-3737 l)ATE I61-( PAGES & COVER SAIF 3 ( 0 v I A.II :\TS: as,qa ' col --LdJ .6kLage4td2a-' (14) — tO(t 10AS (k, I CL6-ed I I 1,LOA,41.Q)CAalixell(t, A 4 . Parks L Recreation pa riCS 1000 krenek Tap Rd. Recreat ion Sa College Station,Texas College lLion MAILING ADDRESS: P.O.Bov 9960 College Station,Texas 77842 FAX COVER SHEET TO: 30 ' COMPANY PHONE FAX 944 - 7739 FROM: Pcut..„_.6puntitizeo COMPANY C5 'PooL,kis 2( kw PHONE 7401 -34 (4- FA X 979-764-3737 DATE: PAC ES & \ FR SHEET 3 ( S: Q14-9 QcficeAkaa/4GA- PaAkS V60 Cut& iNekslaiiip %fru 1/4) 4-ao -6)4 LLL c.LAA.6kcs&AA tk-u &/te ,-d PR— alZAM ) 3-ua4Z4b6krtz . 04/14/2004 11:52 FAX 9797643737 CCS PARKS & REC. 0 001 • ********************* • *** TX REPORT *** ********************* TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO 3989 CONNECTION TEL 96931075 SUBADDRESS CONNECTION ID ST. TIME 04/14 11:50 USAGE T 02'40 PGS. SENT 3 RESULT OK • Parks & Recreation Parks & 1000 Krenek Tap Rd. Recreation College Station,Texas College Station MAILING ADDRESS: P.O.Box 9960 College Station,Texas 77842 FAX COVER SHEET TO: 1► • . _ rte( COMPANY PHONE Vt3- to 5- / 6q.6 a5og4- FAX FROM: CIAZ (51/41A4,11c-- COMPANY PHONE 7ta.4- 3C11c- FAX 979-764-3737 DATE: - 6I-( 04/14/2004 11:55 FAX 9797643737 CCS PARKS & REC. Z001 ********************* *** TX REPORT *** ********************* TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO 3990 CONNECTION TEL 96902504 SUBADDRESS CONNECTION ID ST. TIME 04/14 11:53 USAGE T 02'27 PGS. SENT 3 RESULT OK Parks & Recreation Parks & 1000 Krenek Tap Rd. Recreation College Station,Texas College Station MAILING ADDRESS: P.O.Box 9960 College Station,Texas 77842 FAX COVER SHEET TO: 41. • �:_. L ' �� �L s COMPANY PHONE titCt t 0 l -- / t► 9.is -a 5 04- FAX FROM: 4C� COMPANY PHONE FAX 979-764-3737 DATE: ` 4— 64 04/14/2004 11:57 FAX 9797643737 CCS PARKS & REC. 0 001 ********************* *** TX REPORT *** ********************* TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO 3991 CONNECTION TEL 96932554 SUBADDRESS CONNECTION ID ST. TIME 04/14 11:56 USAGE T 00'35 PGS. SENT 3 RESULT OK Parks & Recreation Parks & z . ' ' Recreation 1000 Krenek Yap Rd. f447;{, College Station,Texas College Station MAILING ADDRESS: P.O.Box 9960 College Station,Texas 77842 FAX COVER SHEET TO: 1AIUiQII 41L etiftAA39-1 COMPANY PHONE FAX tra3 - 2S-s4 kpaAAk,es. FROM: CAS PCSCOMPANY - PHONE 7kg"- 34th FAX 979-764-3737 DATE: 4-/ Lt-04.1 Parks & Recreation Parks & 1000 Ki ellek Taj) Rd. Recreation '„Z.„. College Station,Texas College Station�,...; MAILING ADDRESS: P.O.Box 9960 College Station,Texas 77842 FAX COVER SHEET TO: `frutC& TIPC14 COMPANY PHONE FAX CQQ-3 - as-co-4 LPOUkitt -Un FROM: OJS paA., COMPANY PHONE 7itg- 31( 14 FAX 979-764-3737 DATE: 4-1 (1`01" PAGES & COVER SHEET 3 • Low\ arlACO-a+ek-lAtAIS Eb 4-02°-64 ' b& Wat Q)-ei !s Paitkoec0A00- e&Cc. e4A ,0. 04/14/2004 11:58 FAX 9797643737 CCS PARKS & REC. (j001 • ********************* *** TX REPORT *** ********************* TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO 3992 CONNECTION TEL 97647759 SUBADDRESS CONNECTION II) ST. TIME 04/14 11:57 USAGE T 00'59 PGS. SENT 3 RESULT OK Parks & Recreation Parks & 1000 Krenek Tap Rd. Recreation College Station,Texas College Station : ?MAILING ADDRESS: P.O.Box 9960 College Station,Texas 77842 FAX COVER SHEET TO: 0 - • COMPANY PHONE _ FAX � 4.4 - 7 3 FROM: PCLAAACSpIttAAei‘th..0 COMPANY 35 eat,k.s PHONE 7614 34-0q- F AX 979-764-3737 DATE: 4-14-d�