HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/10/2004 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board ,110t xf° x Ny3lh=.--, �'''R.,.''r I '-: avh,+ ;® " e ' rm , `� -'.."40,,,L.,�d% Vi; t �M tii" siirg}s r 7isz :, ,,e,i7filititti-T:-• ;...-449,1-44,c4- wxc+ " ` (; 'red irS „ �gh nl ; ' Mrq44: „7,1,-.6',11•*„,. ' • 4 ,7 6'z a b9r' q� ; ap , ® Y' l � � ,, `5 s + ,' sv�� i � RAi- e. ® h a € . 4 `rie � rr b n Q1P-�' ri �M1l ? ., 4 q $:-.4.4.4.' xl !' ,'fi a , 0rl 'a +,'$ Ps .i,+ ti �� { 7a 0r � hvtN �- .':" li 71:14,":-T6,::, it6 v ��� -i p` t =$ w --' u'-i-,',0.--;,',,-- ! 1 Fi { . hfi ,, !„ 'F'' , � 4 tl a ��x F h h �' t "7Maz ;fun ' ''" ' 4ej. .1,',, yb �•a ' ,+' ,, x 4,4 3.41 Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director; Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director; David Gerling, Special Facilities Superintendent; Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent; Pamela Springfield, Staff Assistant Members Present: Glen Davis, Larry Farnsworth, Glenn Schroeder, Don Allison 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 11:40 a.m., with a quorum present. 2. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding Parks and Recreation Department user fees. After discussion on numerous issues, the following list of items was created that needed to be addressed (no priority). The consensus was that these items would be addressed in-depth, one at a time, and that it would take several meetings to cover all of these issues. • Overall Fees Increases - After several years of user fee increases, Glen D. stated that he would like to see the fees remain the same unless it was an extraordinary circumstance and justification could be given as to why they should be increased. The existing fee structure would be looked at and discussed at the next meeting. • Credit Card Usage - The department would have to be given authorization by City Council to accept credit cards for program registration. Once authorized, the decision would have to be made as to how the credit card fees of between 2%-3% will be paid. The City could either absorb the fees (as Utility Billing is doing), pass the fees on only to the customers using credit cards, or the program fees could be slightly increased overall to cover the credit card fees. Glenn S. felt that this issue could best be determined by the reasoning behind it. If credit cards were being accepted in order to increase registration, the city could increase fees. If it was being done for the convenience of the customer, then he felt that people paying by cash or check shouldn't be penalized. Steve Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Page 1 Fees Subcommittee Meeting March 10,2004 would need to meet with staff in Purchasing, Finance, and the Legal Department before this issue could be resolved at a later meeting. ■ Affiliate Groups (Little League, Soccer, etc.): There were equity issues between internal city programs and the affiliated programs, which needed to be addressed. There are affiliate user groups charging their participants a fee, but not passing any of those fees on to the city, while other groups were being required to pay. Glen D. felt that if fees were going to be assessed, they should be assessed across the board. Steve suggested having the various user groups come in to discuss this. ■ Tournament Fees: This issue dealt with fees being charged for tournaments. If a tournament comes in, the charge is the same regardless of the number of teams involved in the tournament. There is a different workload associated with the larger tournaments, which includes issues involving overtime accounts, supplies, and utilities. Some Hotel/Motel revenue is brought in from state and national tournaments, but it goes toward bid fees and to help host the event - the money doesn't go back in to the operating budget. There are a lot of tournament games being played that contribute to the wear and tear on the fields and perhaps part of the money collected from them should contribute to Field Redevelopment Fund improvements. Steve suggested setting a base number of games which could be played for the regular fee involved, with any games played over that base number being charged additional fees. This would be discussed further at a later meeting. ■ Redevelopment and Improvement Fund Balance and Fees: The $5 redevelopment fee needed to be reviewed to see if it was still adequate. Tournaments and other sports, such as swimming, needed to be reviewed to determine whether or not they should be required to pay the fee. Fund balance information would be brought to the next meeting, along with projections for expenses. ■ Field Use by Special Teams (traveling teams). See next item. ■ Priority of Facility Use Policy: It was agreed that this item would be addressed at this meeting. Discussion followed regarding the priority for facility use by various groups and the need to establish and create a policy. The following prioritized list was developed: 1. Youth programs will supercede adult programs as a general rule; 2. City sponsored recreational leagues and programs will supercede affiliated recreational (non-city) sponsored programs; 3. CSISD / Joint User Agreement holders; 4. Affiliated user groups with executed User Agreements (such as soccer, Little League, etc.); 5. Competitive Teams (Tournament/Select teams); and Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Page 2 Fees Subcommittee Meeting March 10, 2004 6. All others. Working out scheduling issues without penalizing the city-sponsored programs was discussed. All agreed that scheduling would be done based upon the priorities established. Once a date has been passed on by the first priority group and another group secures the date, the higher priority group cannot go back and bump them. The user group meetings that are being held would continue to help with the coordination of scheduling. Based on the different levels established, staff would create a draft policy and get it out to the Subcommittee members to review before it went to the Board. 3. Adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 12:55 p.m. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Page 3 Fees Subcommittee Meeting March 10,2004 Pam SpringfieldPage 1 � � ���� �� -___-_- � -__- From: Pam Springfield To: Don Allison; Glen Davis; Glenn Schroeder; Larry Farnsworth Date: 4/12/2004 9:51:34 AM Subject: Fees Subcommittee Meeting Good Morning! We did not hear back from everyone in time to post an agenda for the tentatively scheduled Wednesday, Apri| 14thFeeoSuboommitteemoaUng. thensfore. themewUngwiUhovetobanaschedu|ed. I will be contacting each of you shortly with a new date and time for this meeting. Thank you! Pamela Springfield Staff Assistant College Station Parks & Recreation Department (979) 764-3414 CC: David Gerling; Peter Lamont; Ric Ploeger; Steve Beachy Pam Springfield Re Parks Advisory Board Fees Subcommitte Page 1 From: "Glen Davis"<DAV|GG@tob$» aacomp To: <gochroeder@oggiacethm|in.nr0>. <Dgeding@notx.0nv>. <Mamont©cotx.gov». <Popri @cubcAow>. <Rp|neger@uotx.Qmv>. °Sbeoohy@cnbcgov>. "DON ALLISON" <ALL|SDN@habtoxao.00m> <Lfarnsworth@tamu.edu> Date: 3/26Q0049:49:17AM Subject: Re: Parks Advisory Board Fees Subcommitte I have reviewed the minutes from the March 10 meeting. Under the bullet Affiliate Groups(Little League, Soccer, etc.) The equity issues were related to the fees the Parks Department charges some user groups and not others. My discussion centered on the fact that the parks department charges field rental fees to tournament Softball teams and not others, for example Select Baseball Teams(not formed out of leagues). My discussion was centered on making certain that we were consistent in charging fees for these select teams whether they be softball, baseball, soccer or some other group. My thoughts are that we should have a system to charge all the select teams(not developed out of league play) a fee or do not charge anyone. I know we discussed the Little League and Soccer fee situation but I did not intend to have this addressed. Someone else on the Subcommittee may. >>>"Pam Springfield"<Pophngfie|d@csbc.gov>3/12/044:3T:39PM >» Good Afternoon! Attached are the minutes from the Fees Subcommittee meeting on Wednesday. If you have any questions or changes, please let me know. Thank you! Pamela Springfield Staff Assistant College Station Parks&Recreation Department (979)764-3414 College Station. Embracing the past, Exploring the future. City of College Station email addresses are changing! Please note the extension" ci.college-statiori.tx.us" has been changed to" cstx.gov". Although the original address will continue to work, please update your files to contain the new, shorter address. CC: «Emwin74©oo|.nom^