HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/09/2003 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board O� Agenda Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Tuesday, September 9, 2003, at 5:30 p.m. The EXIT Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Road College Station — College Station, Texas Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future Workshop (5:30 p.m.) 1. Call to order. 2. Pardon possible action concerning requests for absences of members from meeting. 3. Hear visitors. 4. Presentation and recognition of Bill Davis for his dedicated years of service to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. 5. Discussion, consideration, and possible approval of minutes from Regular Board meeting of August 12, 2003, and Special Board meeting/tour of August 19, 2003. Regular Meeting (7000 .jom.) 6. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding park land dedication requests for the following projects: • Development by Great Western Land and Recreation Development Company (Park Zone 16) • Southern Trace Subdivision (Park Zone 13) • Villas of Harvey Subdivision (Park Zone 4) • North Forest Parkway Subdivision (Park Zone 8) • Campus Crossing Condominiums (Park Zone 6) Development by Ling Yu He (Park Zone 1) Randall's University Park (Park Zone 2) ® Shenandoah Park Dedication Review (Park Zone 10) 7. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding the Northgate area tour and park facilities for Park Zone 1. 8. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives and City Council Strategic Plan. 9. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the Capital Improvement Program: •®> Park Land Dedication Project List • Current Capital Improvement Project List • Proposed Future Bond Election Projects 10. Discussion of next meeting dates and possible agenda items: • September 23, 2003 Special Meeting to discuss FY04 Board Goals. • Joint Meeting with Planning and Zoning Commission. • Joint Meeting with City Council. ® Site tour of the Texas Municipal Power Agency land. 11. Adjourn The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. ` � ' / 2 ,,,!i ` ;'''-e clu'l 4arta re eg,igti C . T,, -1 ? ,9 V,.S- ^7 } �- ,____...t?‘": ----' i to c `;:•• i i, ,.,•_>5 .7 // f- ' C'''' '''--1 /Do AA c_c 4-7-----,--- ! „ii,,,,,--,1, \\,,,,,,,,,,,a 9 ibilm w.g& i 1 =i -- _.,,,,..,_ , /fit4 1 2 , '57 CY 1 4 ----,-„, , , ,.,_ D• • ,il /.,” , , . ,),„ "eit,7, ..) ,(,( ; ie-ti • � / ' ift. ,A.M..."4.9..„," 2� ______, . _ ____ �� _ |�1 • Park Land Dedication Ordinance Project Review Checklist Date Received: 8/29V03 Park zone: S ^ - —' --' -- | Current Zone Balance: $89,086 � Project Location: Southwest Park Southwest Parkway between Weliborn&Welsh Name of Development: Campus Crossing Condominiums Applicant: Meyer Residential Address: 5851 San Felipe, Suite 215 City/State/Zip: Houston, Texas 77057-3076 Phone Number/Fax: 713-781-2075 Fax Number: 713-781-7327 E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Municipal Development Group Address: 2551 Texas Avenue South, Suite A. City/StateZip: College StationTexas7784U Phone Number/Fax: 979-803'5359 Fax Number: 870'093-4243. E-Mail: REQU!:-EDCOMPLy\NCE � ) � ` ^ Section 10-B-1: Land .edioation Single Family Dwelling Units: Multi-Family Dwelling Units: 96 Total Land Requirement: 0.77 Acre Proposed Dedication: 1 acre, plus greenway Section 10-B-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning and Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? No Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): Multi-Family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): $15,360 Total Acquisition Fee: Section 10-B-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): Multi-family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): $28.032 Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee ($556/dwelling Unit): Multi-Family Fee ($452/dwelling Unit): $43'392 \ / ` — Park Land Dedication Che*hst ommrd/pmLand o��xon/c^"rmavnng^°u^wwVersion Revised xis « � { Section 10-B-4: Park Developnient in Lieu of Fee \ ' Required development cost: $43.397 Staff review date and comment: 9C2/2003 Parks Board review and decision: Section 10-B-5: 578Total Park with addition would beaores3ts� recommends configuration submitted by the developer with the installation of an attractive iron fence to delineate boundaries between the park and Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? townhomes. If yes, staff recommends: Section 10-B-7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing park that can serve the proposed The nearespark is Gabbard, which development? is several miles away. If yesstaffrecnmmendo� / | ( ^/ Section 10-E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan? Yes Comments: Section 10-F: Additional Information 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? No Percentage: a. Detention/Retention? _ Size: Meets Board Policy? Acreage in floodplain: _ Percentage: Acreage in detention: Percentage: Acreage in greenways: Percentage* ( ` Comments mrk�"~,o^�^=-�'^,^`. z:,/,~ 5:o�^.^o��,°=. ,°�2 Section 10-F (oft/ic Park Land Dedication Ordinance) 10-F. 1 Any land dedication to the City under this section must be suitable for park and recreation uses. Consideration will be given to land that is in the floodplain or may be considered ^Ooodab(e^ .oven though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its e(ovadon, it is suitable for park improvements. (a) Neighborhood park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a manner that serves the greatest number of users . } Comments:Adjacent to apartment developments. (b) Neighborhood park sites should be located so that users are not required to cross arterial roadways to access them. Comments: Some crossing of Southwest Parkway will be required. (c) Sites should not be severely sloped or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for organized recreational activities Comments: (d) Shesuhou|dhovee�uhng �eeooro�erooen�dements� / ! } Comments: (e) Oetenbon/rotenkiun'areas will not be accepted as part of the required dedication, but may be accepted in addition to the required dedication. If accepted as part of the park, the detention/retention area design must be approved by the City staff and must meet specific parks specifications. Comments: There will be no detention facilities on the property. Staff recommends eliminating existing pond to add to the usable area of the park. - } 10-F. 2 Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area development, enhance the visual character of the city, protect public safety, and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines should be used in designing parks and adjacent development: (a) Where physically feasible, park sites should be located adjacent to greenways and/or schools in order to encourage both shared facilities and the potential co-development of new sites. Comments: This park has a greenway within it and provides access to the greenway system. (h) A proposed subdivision adjacent to a park may not be designed to restrict reasonable access to the park from other area subdivisions. Street and greenway connections to existing or future adjoining subdivisions may be required to provide reasonable access to parks T'a^Land o°*�a:,eno=wo' nm=r,Vra,-- ~"%o^*�^"*^.�w`,o"r" ,u�/ Comments: /- ! \ i (c) Where a non-residential use must directly abua park, the use must be separated by a screening wail or • 1pnceand |andsooping. Accexspoin|utotheparkmaybeaUowcdbyVheP|anningandZoniogCo. mission if a public benefit is established. ' Comments: (d) It is desirable thaa minimum of fifty percent(50%) of the perimeter of a park should abut a public street. In all cases, the City shall approve the proposed streealignment fronting on city parks. Comments:The proposed addition of the park wUl double the street frontage, (e) Streets abutting a park shall be built in accordance with the thoroughfare plan and the standards of this ordinance; however, the City may require any residential street built adjacent to a park to be constructed to collector width to ensure access and prevent traffic congestion. The developer may request oversize participation in such an instance. Comments: Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends that the required dedication be as proposed by the developer with the addition of an iron fence surrounding the private property. Staff further recommends that walk and area lighting be a priority for this park. Parks Board consideration for development can occur when the use of Zone 6 funds are prioritized. Section 10G: Approval: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Planning and Zoning Commission: City Council: ( ' pa°�°�c��a""��*/ ,^s^°p^"`wm SOUTHWEST PKWY. o CAMDJS CROSSING z 0 co J J U �i- SOUTHWEST PARK CHRISTINE LANE e NOT TO SCALE LOCAl ON M A P Sap. 03 2003 11:03AM P2 FAX NO. :979_693-4243 FROM :MUN I C I PAL DEVELOPMENT GROUP . _•• S I 164 (010 i' ... 'NPF4161111111111 C) I. A /isea (.00 ) 0 A.,,lers 41 \ 11. lir -.'"11%-•' x 11 II ,.'-- -..,e-41111111111 -0 . ... , ( pf r ..643,744/10 i i t i I 16' A I I' i st , 1410,„ 1-$1-0-0.- 5 .z...,-T.I tt.t-fft 3 atik •s-44:- 41 1.,..s._,,,,,, . i. - -------• i al Ilihw 0 4• 444ir 0 '. '___. [ 8 . IP , ,,,t tt 0 ( io rie-4-1A 11) i. I IP ' Al1 * gilk k_`mi 1 1 I - if io a M'W"IIIL.L°4-". inirpw.....,c' .t LK L ii. r ii f 1.11 5 il d Se LIT 4. „. , „. - Z ...k • : _ ,-- Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Suggested 2004 Goals and Objectives 1. Accelerate the continued development of off-street bikeways. (Parks and Leisure Services Vision Statement, We will maintain and integrated parks system driven by connectivity) (Ken L.) 2. Restore the Arboretum at Bee Creek Park to its former value as a repository of knowledge about Texas grasses, plants, and trees; provide safer use of the nature trail; restore signage; restore the identification of Texas grasses and weed the plots; repair bridges as needed; and, remove the pond scum on a more frequent basis. (Parks and Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 2e - Develop new five-year Parks Capital Improvement Pr-jects) (Ken L.) 3. Establish a recreation/mini meeting center for seniors. Ideally, provide for public transportation several times a day. ( arks and Leisure Services Visio St,.4t(- 1. ---Yt, Strategy 2b Revie:. Leisure Service Prsttra : s), (Ken L.) 4. Develop botanical gardens in existing or proposed new parks. (Glen D©) 5. Implement the design and development of the Lincoln Center Expansion, (P.'rks ind Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strateuy 2e De,'el,sp ;,e,..% five-year Parks Cn.ital Improvement Pr jects) (Glen D.) 6. Assist in the 2003 Bond Election approval and implement the funds if approved. (parks and Leisure S,rvices Vision Statement, Strategy - Develop new five-year Parks Capital Improvement Projects) (Glen s.) 7. Provide oversight of the development of Veterans Park Phase II. (Parks and Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 2d Development of Veterans Park Phase II) (Glen D.) 8. Develop recommendation on Greenways Master Plan implementation. (Planning and Development Vision Statement, Strategy 2d Update Greenway Master Plan) (Glen D.) 9. Develop program to systematically be informed, educated, review and consider additional sources of revenues such as grants, donations, etc. (Promote fiscal responsibility) (Glen D.) 0:/Board/Goals/Suggested Board Goals 2004 Revised 9-22-03 1.0. Provide oversight for the implementation of the CIP plan. (Parks and Leisure Services Vision Statesent, Strateuy 2e - Develop new five-year Parks Capital Improvement Projects) (Glen D..) 11. Explore the feasibility of allowing developers to develop park land with the assistance, coordination, and approval of the Parks Department. (Planning and Development Vision Statement, Str-tegy id - Update Park Land Dedication Ordinance) (Glen D.) 12. Provide oversight and support for agency accreditation with the National Recreation and Park Society. (Pr*mote excellance is customer service) (Staff) 13. Assist with the November 2003 Bond Election, (parks and L.- isure Servic-s Visios Statement, Strategy 2e - Develop ncmi fiv,--year Parks Capital Improvement Projects) (Staff) 14, Provide guidance and support for the implementation of a regional park site in Grimes County. (Parks ..,nd Leisure Servic-s Vision St;tement„ Stitegy 4.. - Isilement regi']-,..,1 planning development initiatives) (Staff) 15 Review and update the Park Land Dedication Ordinance. (planning and Devela.pment Statement, Strategy id Li: ,date Lani Dedication Ordinanc•-) (Staff) 16. Review and assist in the development of a policy for street trees and hazard trees. (Parks and Leisure Services Vision St.4ei; 'ent, Strategy lb - I-,ple ,.entd.tior. of the Urb (; Forest Management Plan) (Staff) 17. Oversee the design process for a neighborhood park in Park Zone 7. (Parks and Leis:.re Servic,s Vision StateP .ent„ Strategy 2e - Develop new five-year Parks Capital I,,iproveme!I Projects) (Staff) 18. Oversee the design process for a neighborhood park in Park Zone 9. (P. rks and Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 2e Develop new five-year Parks Capital Improvement Projects) (Staff) 19. Oversee the development of a new Five-Year Capital Improvement program. (Parks and Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 2e - Develop new five-year Parks Capital Improvement Projects) (Staff) 0:/Board/Goals/Suggested Board Goals 2004 Revised 9-22-03 20. Provide oversight and support for the continued implementation of the Park Maintenance Standards. (Parks and Leisur- Services Vision Statement, Strategy la - Continue impiementation of Park Maintenance Standards) (Staff) 21. Develop support for a statewide s500M bond authorization for conservation projects as stated in House Bill 2779. (Parks and Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 4., - Implement regional an,cing and dev- I, - ent initiativ-s) (Staff) 22. #1 on previous list - Establish policies and standards for re-appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department. Review and appraise outcomes of quarterly parks maintenance standards; identify critical needs and develop plans for addressing them; integrate with budgeting process; follow up on implementation of Urban forestry plan (Parks ad Leisure Services Visio:1Stteuient, Strategy la - Citntinue imple!,ientatio of Park Mainten.etce St..ndards; Strategy lb - I ilenetation 01 Ur ca.' E,rest r uigement Plan) N.) 23. Continue interaction with P&Z and Council to improve communication and planning. (Previous #2) (Promote 0 ,01airsratilv, cooperatio7) (J ch.! N.) 24. Capital Improvement Program: Encourage successful support from citizens for launching new bond-funded CIP projects; provide oversight for planning and completion. (Previous #3) (Parks ani Leisure Services Vision Stat-ment, Strategy 2 - Develop new five-year r ks CapiLi I-,prk.vement Projects) (J.hn N.) 25. Continue oversight and emphasis on further development of VPAC. (Prey. #6) (I want to continue to keep this as a separate goal, even though it is part of CIP) (Parks aud Leisure Services Vision State ,ent, Strategy 2d - Developc, ent of Vetera s Park Phase H) (John N.) 26. Support continued efforts to implement Greenways Plan; integrate into considerations for all new parks and emphasize connectivity. (Prev.#9) (Planning and Development Vision Statement, Strategy 2d - Update Greenway Master Plan) (John N.) 27. Support City Council's Interagency Plan on any park and recreation related issues; support planning for possible region-wide parks; increase discussion of cooperative projects with CSISD as they enter critical stage of building and renovation plans (be proactive, present 0:/Board/Goals/Suggested Board Goals - 2004 Revised 9-22-03 ideas to them). (Previous #10) (Parks and Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 4a - Implement regional planning and development initiatives) (John N.) 28. Identify potential new sources of revenue. (Previous #11) (Promote fiscal responsibility) (John N.) 29. Complete planning for Woodway park and begin construction. (Parks and in-isure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 2e - Develop new five-year Parks Capital Improveeut Projects) (John N.) 30. Create plan for reconstruction of Arboretum conditional on Bee Creek restoration project; identify and implement short-run improvements. (P,:rks and Leisure Services Vision State. :ent, Strategy 2e Develop new five-year Parks Capital Improvenv-nt Projects) (Joh, N.) 31, Richard Carter Park: Review and prioritize needed improvements; identify possible sources of funds; implement improvement plan. ( s...Irks and Leisure Services Visi*n Statement, Strategy 2e - *evel4p new fiv,--ye. r Parks C ;pita Imirovenent 'Projects) (John N.) 32. Reconsideration and development of park plans to serve area between Barron Rd. and Graham Rd. (Parks ann.! Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 2e - Develop new five-year Psarks Capit,4 In.provement Proj -cts) (John N.) 33. Continue to engage Seniors' group to assist in developing improved recreational and leisure services; monitor and review the implementation of plans for co-locating programs at The EXIT. (Parks and Leisure Services Vision Staten ent, Str,:tegy 2b - Review Leisure Service Programs) (J•hn N.) 34. Provide oversight for, and review as needed, the planned implementation of on-line registration services. (Parks and Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 2b Revi-w Leisur- Service Programs) (John N.) 35. Maintain and further develop dialogue with recreational sports user groups, including Little League, to identify long-term needs and monitor short-term issues. (Parks and Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 2b - Review Leisure Service Programs) (John N.) 36. We should aggressively seek additional park land for future growth and development. (Planning and Development Vision Statement, We will promote well planned neighborhoods) (Gary E.) 0:/Board/Goals/Suggested Board Goals 2001 Revised 9-22-03 37. We should assist in the rewriting of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance. (Planning and aevelopment Vision Statement, Strategy id - Update Park Land Dedication Ordinance) (Gary E) 38. The board should continue to assist the Parks Department in the implementation of the Park Maintenance Standards. The Parks Board should use all of it resources to insure that funding is made available so these standards can be met.(Parks an* Leisre Services Vision St,. t-ment, Strategy la - Continue implementation of Park Maintenance Standards) (Gary E) 39. The board should continue to assist the Parks Department in the implementation of the Urban Forrest Management Plan. (P,orks and Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 1 .,im .kmentation of Park Ma ttmance St.:ndards; Str.ctegy lb Imple , ,entivtie ., of Urban Forest K.,ridgelent Plan) (Gary E) 40. The board should continue to assist the Parks Department with development of the Parks Capital Improvement Projects. (Parks ,.,nd Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 2e - Devel:,p new P.,rks Capital Improvement Pripjects) (Gary E.) 4L The Parks Board should continue to support and assist the Parks Department with its efforts to implement regional planning and develop initiatives. (Parks and Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 4.t Imiiemerit regknal an,s de% eloment initiatives) (Gary E) 42. The Parks Board should continue to provide interaction between the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and other city boards. (Pro, ot-- collaboration an'i cooperation) (Gary E) 41 The Park Board should continue to support the city council's interagency plan on any parks and recreation related issues. (P.trks and Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 4a - Implement regional plan . nd development initiatives) (Gary E) 0:/Board/Goals/Suggested Board Goals - 2004 Revised 9-22-03 FY2004 B sari Goals Ballot Sheet Board Members Name: Please list the top 5 goals in priority (1 being the top priorty) that you would like for the Board to address in the next 12 months. Please write the corresponding number from the Suggested 2004 Goals and Objectives List. Priority Corresponding Number from List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. r / 17''':•;;;( — > ..01,,,z,.„.1,-,7:;,,,,,,?,•••,,,,7 .•. ,i e f 41g#040. e 1., •e ye)1/,',.' i.;44-1 6 ,a4eke ,,I i i e, , 1.,e' i ...,,, )0a, ,' I 1i ,,,,,, ,,..i „.,,,,, ,,„,,,,, "on i / vti 1 H Z-, t.,--i. N,./ 6 - ,;:;., „.4. iii i; ' .„/ '. ,,/ ., I ,---4 '''''‘ / 1,,4 1;/„464 5,- ,,,,,,, - e- ,,, ce,,,,,, ' ,.,. il-Vok, / „44' 44; 6r 1 , 1 ,' , ' , FY2004 Board Goals Ballot Sheet Board Member's j7 Name: Please list the top 5 goals in priority(1 being the top priorty) that you would like for the Board to address in the next 12 months. Please write the corresponding number from the Suggested 2004 Goals and Objectives List. Priority Corresponding Number from List 1. / /7" / /1.7- 2 -41 / /,‘ 4 42"' 3. -•ptg,gv f'7 4. • 4,`J.7, 5. 1 „, / 3 - FY2004 Board Goals Ballot Sheet Board Members Name: Y 0 Please list the top 5 goals in priority (1 being the top priorty) that you would like for the Board to address in the next 12 months. Please write the corresponding number from the Suggested 2004 Gals and Objectives List. Priority Corresponding Number from List 1. 2. 3. f / 4. J. 5. if FY2004 Board Goals Ball*t Shett Board Members Name: Please list the top 5 goals in priority(1 being the top priorty)that you would like for the Board to address in the next 12 months. Please write the corresponding number from the Suggested 2004 Goals and Objectives List. Priority Corresponding Number from List 1. t r 4 1 2. g egg. ,1 A , 3. t ‘,.;" , to,„K. 4„, , 4 a ,a - t= a --q‘A, ,44-11 f) 4. 5. 1 FY2004 Board Goals Ballot Sheet Board Members 4 ct Name: 1/4 k ki Please list the top 5 goals in priority(1 being the top priorty) that you would like for the Board to address in the next 12 months. Please write the corresponding number from the Suggested 2004 Goals and Objectives List. Priority Corresponding Number trim List 0, D4( 1. 2. c -7 3. 4. 1 ,v 5. r rf FY2004 Board Goals Ballot Sheet Board Members Name: Please list the top 5 goals in priority (1 being the top priorty) that you would like for the Board to address in the next 12 months. Please write the corresponding number from the Suggested 2004 Goals and Objectives List. Priority Corresponding Number from List 1. 2. Ii 3. 4. 5. FY2004. Board Goals Ballot Sheet Board Members ( A ti Name: — — Please list the top 5 goals in priority(1 being the top priorty) that you would like for the Board to address in the next 12 months. Please write the corresponding number from the Suggested 2004 Goals and Objectives List. Priority Corresponding Number from List ,. ..k / , a i 1. .1,, , ,C , ,C, . ' I i 1, /1 :, 4 4 2. 3 ,;:)(4:ki„,,„, ,• . , 314 "70 ,„ , ,, i # , A . , i 14, –i,g-, i, 41 , 1 ,-.----' ;1 i 4;44A4A / ,.', --,--, 4. ! ii 2 2 i 4, V E i 17:..-.,,, I -- , 1; --ei- -, 5. i , i„,i ,,,,,„ ,, ,,,i ,,_.,..„ I L ''---- 1 61i ,, a 5 FY2004 Boar. . ; Is Tabulati . eb moo' s°® N'N®oma®� �4°� ��®� �'���� ����® ®* ®� �<�� �° ** * 4`C/ Priority �o`�° e o .so 0 �� e �� 1. 6 6 6 6 22 6 6 2. 7 7 7 17 6 22 7 3. 17 17 17 11 7 16 17 4. 2 22 22 7 17 17 14 5. 11 11 4 5 -„, 1, 14 11 z Art oreturn .4-Botan al olrr R e`nler .tj ,-6-So> E+ectiont tP v .. ”, 1� 1�Earfi e i i�aara� a ,,;° 14-Regioaa# ark �` 16 Urban Forest Management Plan .. .ti ,„ a -esi fo or �bbood Parks k, 4..,� -2 Parkl itrt F ititr.a t Services �°1 a r ,szJ C1,:'\ i ,0) j ,! ".Ci g As, y i'i,::,3 _ __ r k Draft City if Co liege Stab® w rks & Recre tion Advil.ry 3oard Go- is & Objectives 2®04 gR A g G A is (by p r®or®ty® 1 being h® hest) 1® *versee the e3h}ekp -ent ©f - eek • Five-Ye: r Capt - X pry ve -3e=Ht P An?, (VS2S2e) ❑ Assist .Jith the November 2003 Bond Election ❑ Enter. n eee sf- -- part fr_o -ctie 7for € g�t�b syy�strale - �.,� z°"`C�'�6_"iJxte��—��F—� � l�i_,�„ 5 G ��� ci6e�c9�' 3 d'�W� Sx..n. El Provide oversight fir planning:, and completion of projects 2® °r lite oversight Erid further develop € qnt f Vetera ns Par, thi=tic Cr - :xi lex® 'has- la ( 1S2S2t) 1, d F_._a.. c 3® Revie and update the P rk L rid finance (VS3S1 d) ❑ Review the existing fee s n Methodology El Provide provision that •,°,;°ill alio deveipers to develop parks on City property 4® iversee t 0gn _r .cess Ipr vea aeits for rk (VS2S2 -) ❑ Park Zone 1 (Potential park in the N i;rthg ,te are.) ❑ Park Zone 7 (Woodway Park) ❑ Park Zone 9 (Woodland Hills Park) ❑ Park Zone 10 ark in the Shenandoah are.) ❑ , Richard Carteire.PIr ---(r v---r», 2 ) S. ` P�• v e over t . d s • port f r the c eta wed pie entataon sf theark Ma teg ince Sta ll rds (VS2S1a) ❑ °.< ^policies and standards for re-appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department El Review and identify critical needs and develop plans for addressing them Updated: September 27, 2003 Page 1 of 2 Other Stated oalls ( t prioritized) 6m Rest rr the Arboreta a at Lr; a Creek Park to its f rn.er aI. e (VS2S2 ) ❑ Provide safe use of the nature trail ❑ Restore signage ❑ Restore the identification of Texas grasses and weed the plots ❑ Repair bridges ❑ Remove pond scum 7. ❑ b taIIci@ -dens a g . pr #i � ��• parks a ❑ Z ple• e the 'e ; el ;• • e t i f the LL c. Ce er E n h {n (VS2S$e ® 'ri v s° 3Ida; ce • P sis. rpert _ e?m ;t-ti a redonal i ;.sk site G1orh e elm ty (.52 -4 ) I Develop support for a sttewide $500M bond authorizatir,n for conservation projects as st.,ted in House :ill 2779 • , .ssWt it-, the i' !+Oe ' me tk o of r F re t Pa ,• & e (VS2S1b) ❑ Review and assist i -= the devel� ent of a policy for street trees and hazard trees �o C tr ued -,ter ctii.n bet ,en t he i.7,. and end other City r•1� ❑ Conduct joint meeting between the so.rd and City Council ❑ Conduct joint meeting between the Board and planning. Zoning Commissi }n a ❑ S port c ti a-t of its to a zi..le nt the Green ys •.step' ."plan (VS3S2d) 13 Pr.v s _ a,..• c e.Ida ce a Dep.rt en.t's eft rst ❑ Implement a donations program for the Department ❑ Contin .e joint programming efforts with outside agencies (VS2S4a) ❑ Identify potential sources of revenue ❑ Implement Departmental on-line registration soft •pare ❑ Continue c�ommunicatior-, with outside user groups (VS2S4a) Updated: September 27, 2003 Page 2 of 2 FY21104 i'l:toard Gas -1sulatiAn Sheet e64' e 4ce 4{D 4> . ' g) a*. 4iF" ••=i ' 4.k‘65 4:6 •°k• "sp cf" fb• Priority 1. 6 6 6 6 22 6 6 2. 7 7 7 17 6 22 7 3. 17 17 17 11 7 16 17 4. 2 22 22 7 17 17 14 5. 11 11 4 5 2 4, 14 11 2 Arboretum 4 Botanical Gardens 5 Lincoln Center -eJ, 76 Bond Election/CIF I 1,-7 VPAC e -8-Greenways-MasteEPlan, , \,- 11 Park Land Ded. Ord. Revision i 14 Regional Park 3 16 Urban Forest Management Plan - ,' '-'17 Design for Neighborhood Parks 4 :,,, ,, r, 22 Park Maint./Facilities &Services .10-.' _,. Parks & Recreation Advisory Board 2003 ® 2004 Regular Meeting Calendar Remainder of 2003 • October 14 > November 11 • December 9 2004 > January 13 > February 10 • M a rc h 9 > April 13 > May 11 > June 8 ➢ July 13 > August 10 ➢ September 14 > October 12 • November 9 > December 14 .1.:; ,....;,:v...._. w........i..„, , re'fi,..y,l1 ki`a7 lit ii. ---fe a bi'''a,<iY fak:!1 City of College Station P4,:rics ..,.;';nd Recreation Advisory 11°,,tard Fiscal Year 2003 Goals (LVot Prioritized) L Establish policies a.nd stavdards for reappraisal of existing parks, facilities, and . gervices offered by the Department Zu ii,:cv,",c34/ iichiftrr,'4 iaq-ark illaitifeharite stathdartis reports anti . deveitoi heehiiiiitetairiatitillS reVriliiiig levels Of Serifilie (Ii?•)'2Slaii) thi phagehait, I' atharia. . '''?".:.1,'03'1 ifi,,.-..4:.•qiilaiir 14, 2003.: :7',''''t (..1..:1!,,f1.,iglej-' r,-.:110111 13`;:C1.APril(4.1% .200.3*. 3'd (::,. .farkr On ah:.fftiaa t?.Y: Dit'Vhiiitit a ithighterin rephdternent seitedifte for playgraiiiiii1S„ COUR": glilefiihilaii.„ ittiO hither 'key faciitties feheettidth oftwet 200.3) h.; rfeeettuarte ail. teithwe hervire ithuighatiiii; offered Dy the ifh.t.parthitenh. add devadet recommentrattons for thaprovements 0.ys2,,,)2.1.,) .:„.,,%:..,,,...,.c.., . :),, , ., ....ihk_flic:!,,.. pro:;zrants pivm!nu.„,ion 0;1 1...),,,,a,t g I'g• , l'g'r.,,V,,gV.iligal'f)j.,' 0;gi g.14:71,4 kligg:r it', I:gin:renal igqi/en t Pg''Y4';'1',,J1'1,6 P,reSeige ket ilg hi] Lana:hop reconotherthattons for traphtmentation of an Ulairau Vorest .M4 .i.:.'.!..m.1 (1/32S1.b) ("Van orescwed ,'...:, (..,ttftikill oh Shiatetither „26, 266,6. e.gr,t. . . 2 'Provide more interaction between Parks and Recreation Advisory I oard and Pillik]tanlif, and Zoning Commission, an shared vision with the City Council im: mouitor sfiffus off I.Juified .ffevelopment Ordinance (1,/,::s',3Sisr) .E.;Sl. ("..7onduct a Joint meeting 'with the City Council to discuss .Board goats add eillihtetedveit al thaittfiiet a ithiii: tratettng Ihdrith the (aity t..24itructo to report an Lite prenhei hi tdortith th.t.te,,tz had thidectives hiptif 24, cro,:ndima ii joint mei:it-lng with the Nanning and Zoning t...!OntithiNSittd lo iiiSti1131 iii]ohiihilves and other is.suet (March te etirtht - iihtw hiialseil ihAhaarithii., 3. Provide oversight for the implementation of the Capital Improvement Program 0 Woodway Park site plan approval i.?.i ianentithlitiik Pariii, Site plait tipVat haaail,!.'h haiihav tigtht 6 .thRf.:h ;I;Oat a ,-.,'I hi 1.9evelhp a pian no,ir the use di eXisting .Park. Itand Dedication Funds l WA Tarft.th rht-Elt. fi.'„'itiatialoh 114..ki4,eh Phila afTria.iaVith Wheatatitilaith (it hithhh whaitti, ,,.., ..: Parks arki Recredion Advisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Appt'oval:September 10,2002 Council Approval;Ociober 24,2002 Updated:AUKU.Yr 26,2003 tt;tatttittAt,fittOtt, ttalttattht' M't4ttrti itip,Ottaltelf the plat' ,..9.P. ittlat"Ch. 4 200$, ithtt ;tietit -'ittil'it;i tttthetittleft.!4 tttt gttt) it,...) (.....'eattikti,t Oh„ttil.ipitta 2S, 200.5), ,--kat s.:stroplete aiii reappikting 1998 liond „Fund projects (in pro„ottossio Provide 04anning and coordination for the 2003 Bond Election (7/32S2.e) (!..;:..',..1,2,:li.,,,6-ti sl R4.7vivn, and update Saki-flitted rir iiSt itirntai reCOMMentia tiOnS fer titer CiP ettottf,]-1.2koarta or - to clic Citizens Advisory Conitnitatee tittarcit .,,,ttt, audol 5. Review and update the Recreation, Park, and Open Space M,Aster Phn (VS3S24; 1.1i1 Stafi review and update of the current POaster Plan, Section 1 2 batrodtictioa.! 01 Staff review -Inal update of Section V —invetitory and :Facilities (tlatoisonisit, E.t Staft review and update of Section 17.1 2 Ptiectis Assess-anent and Identification tttvptcatis,2 .200.....?). att Isoard sItIOCOMMiiaTee reviatw aild comments regarding 1.3r6p )seal updates for .earctioa i, lilts and 1,21 Ottlootaoa 2002), El Board saabcorotata-ttee rstvetv- and centments regarding Section VII ra Pricsitization et' Nayeafo; And !Man impiententation fit'ortvalaat 211-eadtd subcontntittete review toad Comments regarti-Pag Section HI 2 Pllat lidotliantiase:ent Process tada,savotar ,',,L, t._to-ttlpletton ot the ?arks, alto Recreation '-i'Pepartinent faYear Strategle PA.Jiti (/ PUbjit iRTfit period for the reViSed Master Plan CtOitAStbitieritt Witt of the reViiSed Magitr Nail f/dainialy 2003), Et ftlaptaing and Zotting C1MAili4-4SiOn CORSideeatiOn of the revised INE1-.4tef PL.a l'atotat2 O, ,Wat., ou ode, preeo n s id er too MI del:Icing revised „rtii aster lip:: 6. Provide oversight for the implementation of Veterans Park and Athletic Coinplem, rg .1,0,7,moriai Dadkation (2,ere.REROUly on November 11, 2092 ETI Contplete, ittiase 1 development (1152S 2d) (Septemer.• ..',13.....2...) lil oftvesttgaae patella-am agreenliefil with ?lie Coilege Station Soccer Cfith -for t:thIVA,ilowie Wiialkg .:..,tt`I'Oitttf ittttitt,„IttaNtit.k! @ (li!On(MCI Gra..-4U1 (...4)(29i I* of the :Phase I project- O.Sr4-1-forskot A-lait' .,,',i', 200j7 . at Review iwenttiotts io niahltilllafiee anti make recornmendations for EP3ad Vita- 1004 (.1Piaitest sphanitntot oathao tip' .12W-21-atatpoi`proces,$) .0 tttespaw .Netais 4„satesstnent and nimiatto as required itevaaop Y.VViSiCenS liOlt Phase 11 iretifithatatidattiOEIS Parks and 1?ecreaaon Advisory Board FY 2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval:,: reptember 10,2002 Council Approval:October 24,2002 Updated:August 26,2003 i.. Provide oversight for the design and installation of the batting cages and backstops kJ: Bee Creek Park 1'41 mi in lit Approve site phut El., (..:,0011pcie.4.-. tionittruction S. Provide oversight for the iristallAtioil of the new jogging track iit Jack arid EaRidthia Miller Park lil Coinukte construction Oitepadatiter .....titOti,) Fil investigaiu alternative types of SURINang 101' playgrounds 9. Support implementation of the Greenways Master Plan (VMS3.d) titi t'thictive update. aitivort from Greetiwitips Coordinator Odic 10, .2003) 0 Review Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan as h relates to greenways 10. Support the City Councills Interagency PLi n on any Park and Recreation related iame RI f,„.iontinue dialog with the (...:ollege Station independent School Dirkt regadthrd frit tA re .Sch.00filparl deveiotainetats andprogradAS 0.:Ve,',:eMaiit-)n Ei: '4.....i0illi§n1111.!. dill:20g With the College Station Independent Sthoo .District at ld) -the. iintiatit Knoll itvR,I ctimeendrog the Potential A rubberizing the South .Knoli jogging trach anitiettattrai A greanittiti agora ved lityCOMO/Oil J.N.Tember l'....,; 2002), . EI 1....-:0R-gtint diahr with Texini A&M University regarding i- re/ .Park. hail Veterans. Park. 5 Athletic Compiex (1.4Aiint Nature Trani fitaiiialw; Taii.AV 1 Croy.% Coatoirt• Ed Corditinti to inveiitigate joint prograturning opportunities with the City itltBryan PaIrki and ecireatioga Department pitS28.2,.p) Op prptirciiis — ourrenify Initottiadoutv ittittistrotion wartattinu 4'.V.,:...q.,'111.:.'!i it/k- , 4..ic'f...1.?)..4V .Sush ij brat)/ .1-7op-In.m,,.utig, of.,,j 1.1. Identify ipotential new sources of revenue ,E1 identify potential iirritrat oppcurtailities Ot:Pldri) — October(3„-R,t02) 0 Investigate the potential for a donations program (In t.,,,,,,d47.,c,,,,,,,,0 • il R.ey iew userilee....4 and devetop recornattindations cants ohocornapnee approadau int] ii,puttiti.4. iiptia otuttprit 16 2003 parks ...r.-1,4d. 1.,..:eer2Ci7k4? Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval:September 10,2002 Council Approval:October 24,2002 Updated:August 26,2003 GUY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS& RECREATION DEPARTMENT FY03 '',30ALS &OEUECTIVES .. • ...,...- 1.,,-E&&.0....,-,,,Ei.„&c.,.0 ft,l rhe CM-, i''"•0119.,FF;Itfi :;''' Implementation of Speclat Projects • • to Coobrats fit troprove trjrierr Devesrpriteut fir itcdpftertentahob of Grry tjounorl Strategic Istmes 1------ ',:e- Imptementanom of New Programs , . ItilittletalrittAtfraddetlittlafttifitctlelettrettitetied O Complete the Lick Creek Park Phase I project On progress.) O Complete master plan and design of Woodway Park . .K ,comrAmr,, maarrEr plan and rjesign ct Shenandoah Park(Pithiro bortotorj,on Mn & ;2003) O Complete intergenerational park projects On,wogress) D Complete G.G. 1998 Bond projects(1r:progress) IA Cony-piste Thothau Pool renovating and shade structure(May 1.5, 2003) O Complete acqa,sition of new cemetery site if;pinogresii) fil (•-oiliPtete Vitaditttfleffreld Aindrarny(Krisin Lehde, Dorm/librocht, Geri Prirrelit and Grace Garbed-ottr.tordesi Feb. 11th- 2 Crel Condbleset,rj-tuoirevisoiti Academy ,mmy(.,;i7arE,n2',7±. k,e1r1,,1--af;$, Lmfl. as'17f fl. t7kavini litAls.tlaw, VE Cernprjara Netiftord Recreation irtt, Fjartt_Assor:iguort Panir,Mamronsmce School peroortr Ctheronze) 5.1 Cumgiets tret,Texas Nature TVEiliS COnStrUCtiOri VVorkshop Ofittavid Vircori) Ed corripEr Dr's .Debria Management Course(•"':4,9V,S.'BP achy,) 0 Cornpete Customized Magto PreEientat ons VVorkshop(Laini,criecrRilsaisterirr.0irecter, are ttlftiperintendents) ED Completa.dEe"fitorms Ovter Inc tirDaC, iiiCT(riat,Training"ri omproyee:Ross Aibbechr s btrtandttio Rob. 27-2ki, Rii: earl i Pii ate-.i',IFTA Revenue ft/Jana:gement'id(tining riPebtrerthrmonq a compiffted.Fothroary fr. 2003), ,i,d compiete Tritgviff Lamrj3ctripe Architect WorNshop(Peter.Variftsalr ,,tisoreth Yesodaidi. David Wood s othandau Feb, 2 2.:11& 2UP '',11 Aloe:no and ocrecipare iiii Mia ailrillai 'IAPS pronettsional trairond confedince in So; Antonio irefteve aesody,I:judo Nibr.terat• .Notts Ajtj,-.•'..•.,0.0', Jar,a 2.:op, , e,ia Waiket; Pa4ick Liazir,,3tf,David Hisdepoth, ijriertsi Ruitigers, Voce .tticsifs, Eric Proeder, ALP'ia il,hill„1 hiiirt•- •ifyigii.541,,,Nu„ititioro of t,,ty rectgrmett oonottf,Nrc lstvs-, atat tttortegiess tne t'recreation, Hark and Oiten Space Master Hari update(Approved by the ' ras and Rec./Joy..iStoibrd plc jar,. approysta L.,.=,:., ti n i,'Inn u ,g Oriti on p1 Ciorrirdission on March t3th, City CsrWilCii apprOila!Gi''')duod 12. ;?,033.) . . ,,,.,. Ed Curnoteto the Perks i&,tttiaereatich Department 2003-2007 Stratagic Han . • " istrj Goindiate the jitiA(1 arrow Park Corridor kiter Plan update(in prograss'---a joint Meeting..,vas he/-i between the P,arits otrti .attic:a Advisory raratirri end ibie Lincodt Center-i-I'itroty iftartm-rttree on February 13 . The plan was approved by Hi Linn-it :Certifte Athos i-jr egistroideva err rob. 24'. rtarci approved by the 4'18fICS anti Recnr.iraion Afro/dory Board on Mamh,...e. The plan will, .,t)tattasn,-of.!to.'b till• ,lbaniftve u Yttata or high•er Val:11-G On all major categories for Park Maintenance Standards(in r'rogrtass- l'-J;juarrer Nepart audit-ties r re (too Rictike foul Naisserrion/Marone,/Bo(rid es,rait. 14'. :.(."1 Querier presented on pit './ 51.] F.i,LVEth:,p impirainvorstpren schedule of iffirta -ot eSi management Plan(i'f1ri praiSr,rliad ti,i)i,,4-nn/or/:::;:ePiejrf',i)(:,)r 2.., 2t51.t.',tatart tn.:a.: O Complete current capital improvement projects it Aroniress) LA Ga-I.- eheresve review Of aii iaiSare s...rvices programs itildwitis Programs diets-aeration od Areguainber ifa'",(Lnhirtities Fiord,ustre petsciffsmori so ccantaretber 11.)m, 11..T:sucalronai Prognams prosearan08 01'Y,.:61mlaFy 14", Eijr-c/Im:amain j-iri,,,,i,grams pre.,,,iriatio,--, nr; Fe.,:-:,, ,anci..S it,naaa.nsoo.Rostresitism Progrados prosefirounth On Pi/lila:in 47). H C orm rt:se at explore cooperative efforts.fv•Ah other agencies lin prQgt6ss: /AMU Hensel/..,':iiik, ii A M 0/'',,i'PA C, St,.),..,Sririiith i'i.rt9/1 ,-a,.:,i-C .i'..ity of ttiyn/M,iiKieleti.Pork ortd Reoreiiddbor Sot/wore, George Bush Libr%Ty, t 18th A Regional Park Protet4). Ei Conduct-'i'-f otion Ceremcny for Veterans Memorial project(Novombor II, 2002) ErEi 0 orvig ot gratin dgertmg of Veterans P 1; Athletic Complex prardidocef?kVSahliday, any t 7, 2004) El investidote readbility or joint project•volth Cottilege Station Soccer Club(Protect is not it ottOde at this time.) El Conduct a benchmark survey of similar cities O Investigate potential sources of additional revenue if privres.to LvLt A,Dilapiete recommendations for future Cirit program (Pratseptabbn i'.z,:,C':itiz an's Advisory Gomm/dee aq Mawr,25, 200:3) O Develop recommendations for existing Conference Center O Conduct seasonal pay study and develop recommendations.(II-,Progress, working liVith nitiMEM RaSiAiril,ia,3) aiL i,J.,attichtUdn for the„lane Pulley Softball Fields(Noventitur 2, 2002 .ests..!?4:4::-.,..,....: 7/ RJP:Thasa.Sctoroboarci for'Vero-wits Park&,Athletic Complex /artdrendijtrifis Piiittdosad Marco 2003.) ..,,,:,-.:,,A,.„.c,•,,,,,,.,..,,,t;,,t.„,„.„.„,0,-.1-we'.,'..,2',:,,,q-clgtani Reeve atici n wr-1'.1 i' i::';,-ii,A, -a '1 -c lirOargentaEori or challenger sports program :.gtkl!,,orr..ier H-i itoji j)(fgan June 232;'-';') .• ,,,,, ,..„ en 01. ealle,ge. ::iltitiOrft .: ., tiLK degin operation UT Vuterans Park end Athletic Cornpest • . ' 0 Implementation of cemetery software program O Conduct selection process for automated recreation software program in prods:acts-nut;goma Through ilk-,RF.P/moo ett&; b:tatateal:A u;:-...'ti ' '70,,,t **Major College Station Projects** Curren* in Progress Short Term (1 Year or Less) • Web site development 65th Colege Station anniversary program • Emergency Management program transltion • West Nile Virus response CP Bond Election - Novemier 4, 2003 • AM Radio System acquisition and implementation Medium Term (1 to 3 Years) • Parks automation software implementation • Crowley dehrntioniretention pond development Develop' :lent of a Hazard Analysis and Mitigation Plan Long Term (3+ Years) • Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan • Veterans Park & Athletic Complex Master Plan • WA Tarrow Park Corridor Master Plan • City Centre Master Plan • Cemetery planning and development • TriAPA regional park initiative • Implementation of the Urban Forest Management Plan Not prioritized 4,Oat 7k; 411154, 01131i College Station Parks and Recreation iv:44! Alio tatik7' Providing Good Things 117 Life! it-4V i• q40.07 1--Pjt !:4_174:;' Updated:August 27, 2003 P F s and Recreati •n AdvWon, Bo. rd Sig este' 21'0Go.is Objectives 1m Accelerate the continued development of off-street bikeways. (Parks and Leis l re Services Vier n St tem ent® We Antaan a "gid te hated p rks s ste - 11ven by connectMvMty) (Ken L.) 2 Restore the Arboretumat Bee Creek Park t,• its former value as a repository of knowledge about Texas grsses, plants, and trees; provide safer use of the nature trail; rest•re signage; restore the identification of Texas grasses and weed the plots; repair bridges as needed; and, remove the pond scum on a more frequent basis. (P rk and Leisure Services Visi,• n z tate ent, Str.tegy 2e m e five®year *arks Cali•ita1 prove, t r•jects) (Ken L) 3. Establish a recreations sil=l r seeting center for seniors. Ideally, provide for public transportation seP�verall t$itms;es ja day.® tea( arks �a •gyp Lei�p�a�re Ser, ices T"Isla,a SG�ate.�;y9e ,tp St0 .te,.,y 2" .. ® Re ie`✓a Lela .are Service • r. era maa) ( en L) © Develop botanical gardens in existing or proposed new parks. ( �8en ®) 5. Implement the design and development of the Lincoln Center Expansion. (P•ar a an Leisure Servkkes Visin State nint® Strate y 2 evek•p ebx k fie. r arks Cai,it i "ors e vent r*ejects) (Glen •aA ® Assist in the 2003 Bond Election approval and it;iplemi-nt the fug ids if approved. ( •• rks an•z Leisure e ices LW 6 St e t® tratecy 2e ® r eveq ;-e Y favi®year parks c . t," -) 4 rox e e t Pr jests) (Glen ) 7. Provide oversight of the development of Veterans Park Phase II. ( arks an .° Leisur er kices VIM . n State a t, Strately 2 evelop4 ent of a eterans - •Irk Ph se IX) (G1 - n D®) S® Develop recommendation on Greenways Master Plan implementation. (Pi. nning an Dever®p ent Visa..- State --nt, Str:tegy 2d Upd Gree°n- ay aster Plat a) (Gie, D 9 Develop program to systematically be informed, educated, review and consider additional sources of revenues such as grants, donations, etc. ( • r. _ gote fiscal rasp ;nsibilaty) (Gen .) Oa/Board/Goals/Suggested Board Goals- 2004 eviS-• 9-22 3 10. Provide oversight for the implementation of the CIP plan. (Parks anioi Leisure Services Vislim Statement, Stratety 2e - Deve ktio) r.qev five-year Parks Capital Imprtveme.nt Project ) (Glen.. ®) 11. Explore the feasibility of alloviing developers to develop park land with the assistance, coordination, and approval of the Parks Department (Plannin,N and )evel*loyment Vision Statement, Strategy li Update Park Land isedication Ordinance) (Glen Lir,.) 12B Provide oversight and support for aiency accredit4ion with the Nation& Recreation and Park Society. (Promote excellence in custitmer service) (Staff) 13B Assist with the November 2003 Bond Election. (Parks ansi Leisure Services vin Statement, Strategy2e - Jjevehqp. new five-year rks Capital IneromomernerAt Prtjects) ( taff) 14. Provide guidance and support fir the implementatlin if a regional park site in Grimes County. (Parks amoi Leisure Services Vision tatement, Stratemy 4ii - Irn o.lernent re14',!1si ro I 71 il 111 11 c4:3 @MI! devel*,ment initiatives) (Staff) 15. Review and uprate the Park Land floedication Ordinance. ( ialarminN ioXid *evel*.ft inert Von Staternert, Stratety l - Ultdate Piark Land itekolcation (triinance) (Staff) 16. Review and assist in the development of a policy for street trees and hazard trees. (Parks and Leisure Se::-vices Viskin Statement, Strategy lb - InlitiernentatL:n (of the Urban Forest Management Pau) (Staff) 17. lOversee the design process for a neighborhoai park in Park Zone 7. (Parks and Leisure Services Vishom Statement, tri 2e Eievelom new five-year Parks Capital Inmow4overnent Projects) (Staff) 1 Oversee the design process for a neighborhood park in Park Zone 9. (Parks and Leisure Services Vislitn Statement, Stratemy 2e Develop new five-year Parks Capital Imoirvve...nent rrtkieet.s.) (Stiff) 19. Oversee the development of a new Five-Year Capital Improvement program. (Parks and Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 2e - Devehtp new five-year Parks CaOtal Improvement Projects) (Staff) Oltoard/Goals/Suggested Board Goals- 2004 vis 9-22-03 20® Provide oversight and support for the continued implementation of the Park Maintenance Standards. (Parand Leisure Se ices ' °ssJon Stat ent, Str tegy 1 ® Continue dementation •f P :rk hiten ante Sta.~.5 dards) (Staff) 2L Develop support for a statewide $500M bond authorization for conservation projects as stated in House Bill 2779. Clarks and Leis. re Services VLsi.. State ent, Strategy 4 ® Xvie n ent lreo lin; plannhg nd de el p 4ment itiati} es) (St .) 22. #1 on previous list o Establish policies and standards for reappraisal of existing parks, facilities, and se ices offered by the Department. Review and appraise outcomes of quarterly parks aintena.ice standards; identify critical needs and develop plans for addressing them; integrate with budgeting process; follow up on implementation if Urban forestry plan (Parks and Leisure Services Visi n tate ent, Strategy la ontanne '• ent do -.-f rk . 1 ten - ce Standards; Strategy 1 ® X -� role . of UrbanForest IA ent Plan) (.john ®) 23 Continue interaction with '&Z and Council to irmprove communication and planning. (Pre. ions #2) (Pr*ro to c: ratrifo . and c' r .er rt on) (3 h .) 24. Capital Improver gent Program: Encourage successful sup. rt from citizens for launching new bonthfunded CIP projects; provide oversight for planning and c• •letion. (Previous #3) ( d Leisure Services Visi St. to a %t, Strategy 2e ® L evek t p five-,:ear Warks Caatal kr, pr. n .,rent roj cts) (Joh,' ©) 2S© Continue oversight and emphasis on further develop)~gent of VPAC. (Prey. #6) (I want to continue to keep this as a separate goal, even though it is part of CIP) (Parks and Leis re Servkke VasioR Statement, Strategy 2d ® De ei p N-fe t •off Veterans Park Phase i) Cloth n a) 26 Support continued efforts to implement Greenways Plan; integrate into considerations for all new parks and emphasize connectivity. (Prey.#9) (PBaani:�. g and Development Vision Statement, Strtegy 2 U{.date Green, y ster • tan) (John: ®) 27e Support City Councirs Interagency Plan on any park and recreation related issues; support planning for possible region-wide parks; incre..se discussion of cooperative projects with CSISD as they enter critical stage of building and renovation plans (be proactive, present O:/Board/Goals/Suggested Board Goals- 2004 •evIs^- %9-22—I°3 ideas to the i ,). (Previo :s #10) (Parks Ad Leisure Services Asion St.lernecity Strategy 4a - X:rIpleccent regional plar ning de initiatives) (John N.) 28. Identify potential new sources of revenue. (Previous #11) (1‘=roi:,cte fiscal respcnsiAlity) (Joh,, N.) 29 Co ,plete plan, ,ing for no.dway park and begin construction. (Parks and Ler rc Visiod Stttt, Straten, 2e - wevel*:, Fn five-year Perks Capital X;-.-11.,r1t ?-r*,jects) NJ 3*. Create plan for reconstructhsi of Arboretum conditional o, .;•ee Creek restoratio, project; identify and in plement short-run impinven ,ents. (PArks a,4 Leis:Te '‘'rertices StratenNy 2e fi ,'e-year Parks C .!ital primit Frojects) (3,chn N.) 31. 'ichard Carter Park: Review and prioritize needed improve' ,ents; identify possible sources of funds; iipenent improvement pia-. (ligai ITS nd re Ser,ices Vin ttmnt tr:Aegv 2a - elop rk I rt !i•• r(,jects) (31n Nm) 32 or'eco, ,sideration and develoy-ent of park plans to serve area between Barron Rd. and Graham Rd. (P.:crk ; ant LcAsure Services State,Y,e-,te Strategy 2,e velop nftw five-year ;Li.-,,,rksCth rt'rojects) 33© Contin, e to engage Seniorsgroup to assist in developing i epr ,',ed recreational an*" leisure services; nnof itor and reviethe implementation of plans for c. ocating prograe-s at The EXIT. Cear,,,,, LAsure Services Vi Stxt--.7nlea, Strategy 2 Lur SerAce (john y,;0 3 Provide o iersight for, and review as needed, the pl,.,, ! ,,ed i -pie. , ent,..,tion of on-line registratio services. ( ‘arks Lre SericesVLk tzte.-nent, Strategy 2b Revie-," Leisore Sel vice PrAtgra, .$) (.11ohn N.) 35. Maintain and further develop dialogue with recre4ional sports user groups, including Little League, to identify long-term needs and onitor short-term issues. (Parks Leisure Services Vision Statei-I,ent, Strategy 2b (e-.,ilew Leisure Se, Ace Progra:-.,$) (34,hn N.) 36. We should aggressively seek additional park land for future growth and develep' ,ent. Devel,cp visio,, State ,,ent, We pro: -,4te ell planned neighborhoods) (Gary E.) 0:/Board/Goals/Suggested Board Goals- 2004 ?.evised 9-22-03 37 We should assist in the rewriting of the Park Land Dedication ordinance. ( • OanI O .g and DevePo ent Vision St< tement© Strategy id Update Park Lied e 1 rata® Ordinance) (Gary E) ® The board should continue to assist the Parks Department in the implementation of the Park Maintenance Standards. The Parks Board should use all of it resources to insure that funding is made available so these standards can be meto(Pa ks and Leasers S rikkes VBsk•;n Statement, Str tegy 1 = C*minus a pie a tato n of par, -ce St'. nd..rds) (Gary E) �a The board should continue to assist the P-rks Department in the implementation of the Urban Forrest Manageme t Plano (Parks d Leasure Servkk :s Vision State , en zt® St r#tegy 1 ® Co,11 e 5s, p0a: entath n < t r fi.Fhnte .a -ce St eAar. s; Strategy lb p0e entath 4 $if Urban For st ' .ani , t Pan) (Gary E.) +'o The board should continue to assist the Parks Department with development of the Parks Capital Improvement Projects. (Parks and Leis° re Services # isi • r State ent, Strate,y 2e ® velorp ` ffi a year rks Cat 0 f pr,•ve e it • •Sects) ( Jary E©) 41. The Parks ;card sho .ld continue to support a ;d assist the Parks Department with its efforts to implement regional planning _1nd develop initiatives ( r s a d Leisure er ,=ices °Psion$ Stet° Bret, Strz to y a ® X= pier tr t regi . n 0 tlannon and d `.°&B- pr nt a 0t0at0ves) (Gary E®) 42, Th- rks ;oard should continue to provide interaction between the Parks and Recreation Advisory oard and ftther city boards. ( ro ate c.10.. •()ration •_c c perat0•n) (• :'ry E®) 43 The Park Board should continue to support the city council's interagency plan on/�iany q parks and recreationerelated issues, ( x: rk'^s n nd�yL�eisure Ser`cis isms n Statement Stra a f4 m �L !4�eme �t ©e-ci•dn p@ :nnL g and d • elop ent az°Bth tBves) ( airy E.) 0o/Board/Goals/Suggested Board Goals- 2004 Revised 922®:0'3 Kris Lehde- Kris, I will be attending a banquet tomorrow night(9/9/03)and will be unable to attend the Parks m Paget] From: DON ALLISON <ALLlSON@fabtexas.com> To: <Klehda@catxgov> Date: 9/8/2003 10:10:16 AM Subject: Kris, I will be attending a banquet tomorrow night will be unable to attend the Parks m Kris, I will be attending a banquet tomorrow night(9/9/03) and will be unable to attend the Parks meeting. Thanks, Don. Page 1 of 1 Kris Lehde - Board Meeting ttaMt.-Mr1.1 ,WW14,'Iaa!WATOW4Mg2TZ43KMV.KMANOMM-:,47:1 ,A1,24.1ZOW01.,,1- NRWM.talgeal*°,,MEAMOMRIZiTgAgNN,,,,MIMPiNEYEOCM:MiEWOATECM From: <Enivin74@aol.00rn> To: <Klehde@ostx.gov> Date: 9/16/2003 4:37 PM Subject: Board Meeting will be out of town the week of October 12-18, so I will not be able to attend the Parks Board meeting that week. file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\klehdeTocal%20Settings\Temp\GW100001.HTM 9/16/2003 ( From: "John Nichols" ^jpn@ag.(amu.edu> To: <Pspringfield@cstx.gov> Date: 9/18/03 2:18:31 PM Subject: Re: CSPARD Board Goals Pam, Please consider this a request for a pardon from the meeting of the CSPARD Advisory Board special meeting on September 23, 2003. I will be out of town on business. I thank the Board for considering my request for a pardon from the meeting. John P. Nichols >»> "Pam Springfield" ^Ps in05mN@ontx.gov> 0Q/18/O31U:48AM >>> Thank you, John. I'll let Steve know that you will be unablel to attend. Thank you! Pamela Springfield Senior Secretary College Station Parks & Recreation Department (979) 764-6271 >>> "John Nichols" `9pn@ag.tomu.odu> Q/18/0310:4O:55AM >>> Pam, see attached word file which contains my contribution to the effort. Sorry will miss the meeting. John ( � John P. Nichols Professor and Associate Head Department of Agricultural Economics Texas A&M University College Station, Texas 77843-2124 Tel: 979-845-8491 Fax: 979-862-3019 Email: <jpn@tamu.edu> College Station. Embracing the past, Exploring the future. City of College Station email addresses are changing! Please note the extension cLcollege-station.tx.us' has been changed to " cstx.gov". Although the original address will continue to work, please update your files to contain the new, shorter address. � \ / ' 6,) �'Y/\ rL-}/� _ / i\ L�L{��,�/ - / - Park Land Dedication Ordinance Project Review Checklist Date Received: 8M8/2003 Park zone: 16 Current Zone Balance: $0 Project Location: F&B Road/west side of FM 2818 Name of Development: "Townhouse Development" Applicant: Great Western Land & Recreation Address: 5115 N. Scottsdale Road, #101 City/State/Zip: Scottsdale, Arizona Phone Number/Fax: 602'692-5470 Fax Number: 480'949'8009 E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Kerr Surveying Address: 505 Church City/StateZip: College Station PhmnaNummbar/Fax: 268-3195 Fax Number: E-Mail: REQUUREDCO8APLIANCE ' \ Section 1 0- -1: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: 104-\ Multi-Family Dwelling Units: Total Land Requirement: 1.029 Acres Proposed Dedication: Section 10-x-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning and Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? No Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): $198x104=$20.592 ~\ Multi-Family Fee ($180/dweUing unit): Total Acquisition Fee: Section 1O'B'3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): $358x104=$37.232 ~\ Multi-family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): Total Fee Amounts: Unit):Total Single Family Fee ($56G/dweUing $558x104=$58.032 � Multi-Family Fee ($452/dwelling Unit): Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Version Page 1 Section 1O-B-4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: Gtaff �w�� �� comment n�v Parks Board review and decision: Section 10-B-5: Minimum Park Size Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? N/A If yes, staff recommends: Section 10- -7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing park that can serve the proposed development? No If yes, staff recommends: Section 10-E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Reoreation. Park, and Open Space Master Plan? Comments: Section 10-F: Additional Information 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? Percentage: a. Detention/Retention? Size: Meets Board Policy? Acreage in floodplain: Percentage: Acreage in detention: Percentage: Acreage in greenways: Percentage: Comments: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park LanVersion Revised.xls Page 2 Section 1 0-F (of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance) 10'F. i Any land dedication to the City under this section must be suitable for park and recreation uses. Consideration will be given to land that is in the floodplain or may be considered "floodable" even though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its elevation, it is suitable for park improvements. (a) Neighborhood park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a manner that serves the greatest number of users. Comments: (b) Neighborhood park sites should be located so that users are not required to cross arterial roadways to access them. Comments: (c) Sites should not be severely sloped or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for organized recreational activities. Comments: (d) Sites should have existing trees or other scenic elements. Comments: (e) Detention/retention areas will not be accepted as part of the required dedication, but may be accepted in addition to the required dedication. If accepted as part of the park, the detention/retention area design must be approved by the City staff and must meet specific parks specifications. Comments: 10-F. 2 Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area development, enhance the visual character of the city, protect public safety, and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines should be used in designing parks and adjacent development: (a) Where physically feasible, park sites should be located adjacent to greenways and/or schools in order to encourage both shared facilities and the potential co-development of new sites. Comments: Park Land Dedication Checklis 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/checklist/Oliginals/LOflg Version Revised.xls Page 3 ` | (b) A proposed subdivision adjacent to a park may not be designed to restricreasonable access to the park from other area subdivisions. Street and greenway connections to existing or future adjoining subdivisions may be required to provide reasonable access to parks. Comments: (c) Where a non-residential use must directly abut a park, the use must be separated by a screening wall or fence and landscaping, Access points to the park may be allowed by the Planning and Zoning Commission if a public benefit is established. Comments: (d) It is desirable thaa minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the perimeter of a park should abut a public street. In all cases, the City shall approve the proposed street alignment fronting on city parks. Comments: (e) Streets abutting a park shall be built in accordance with the thoroughfare plan and the standards of this ordinance; however, the City may require any residential street built adjacent to a park to be constructed to collector width to ensure access and prevent traffic congestion. The developer may request oversize participation in such an instance. Comments: Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends acceptance of the cash dedication. No parks exist in this zone. If future residential areas devo|op, consideration should be given to acquire a park site. Section 10-G: Approval: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Planning and Zoning Commission: City Council: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land VersionReviseuxls Page 4 ; # 4 ,,,,, .., „, 4,- , , ,,,,,, - 3 . '',,,”. 1,,,,3 ;',' ' ir. '''',,',, ,, . ,„...,,, ,,,,,,,. , 00 CD N m RtH 'acs. qal i- ®+ / `, in ®_ ® ®gym..�m F2EIE ;. 1 V� ,.',".e?''',;'';7';'''i .. r ri a'�cm�+ ®mcwnmc®® waemard mem`'" lmD D Jrr,rr v,:iri/.r 4 j > -J CO -3' i I k/-...,-; .•r /i..J 4eY ,� ',.'Y rr/rrr 1/'J�J%JJ/r r 1' 7 1 rr4;;GJr/r'r''r'rrrrJr r/r'� 0 m '' k, I /J J�',r,rr+Jf,/05,/J Jr m x: r rrr r rr r 4i? a, ,:5,,,,,,, r'x N ��: r''d:11'/0/-,1;%;:,''',::;1,''':. rrrri J rrirr r�ri /r C4 s 4" °4 • 9ri Jri/rirrrirl �`: ® c.. Jarr .(1';', • B tl- J �' � � ' � �rr''rri'rrrifiri�r ✓ � IIi1iiiiItiiTij' 111 IIIIO � ' �� it 1a z a .� �, ti t il ` s� t f � 11 Alb 4. i cn t Qo , v ill 1111111 i I r < � k � ' ' 4 1 roz 1 �; 2 r:P 40 ,,..,,,,,oe—-®t 0 2 FEET 1 i 1-1-1-44:—k--------1.-----I.., C wo WESTERN AT Ti 17 r'�. mji �: t �"� GREAT AT1 010440/1401/AP: PROJECT: Rev. w r`�P;; C , by ;,p`r Y irk 5+$ �5'ik� �� !,yY: ///:1'• ' " 1 I A. r s la AS \,. saiii 2 • ,_ .. , , / ( .' N'-, Vi , , -•,,A:: ,,,- . ) ,, / c...s>.,\ ..r' ' / ...._.' , .s. , , )) • ..'s . \ , .../ , . . . . „ ,,,r, . ''' ..^ . 0 , -- 4.*'°1'. te( ',Pe T 5'7'4` s),0 %.‘ :. •, „sOd' 1111k Ns\ ,/•,/, 41.--C ,>÷4- 4 - ,,,,^4 ...14 1, '''' .1_, . 7..7,0,-- ..:,:.o---..,,-''''.kr;',_.' •,-''''' 40,, . G6-.,..i.„ 5r.,, ee,• ,,s, ,,, - - -_, # 4 • , e e. 6, -...‘„ ,,, , 4. „... 9 •,,,..' „,- ...,.- .,+. ,,--• ,..*4' f p SYSTEm LP il 0 j>,94.11111r,• ',. g4.44.44k54-411,0;4;:;-4.--.44-::*,.; -.40.:A4:5441-i 45'4.-ir':o"..4:'''....44.5,;4::::5 4,44,f4%•;Afakiiii0,4--,40,,,,47, . • -.1,..,-tfekei-44,iitt,;': Park Land Dedication Ordinance Project Review Checklist Date Received: 8/28/2003 Park zone: 13 Current Zone Balance: $557 Project Location: East side of Wellborn Road, South of Graham Road Name of Development: Southern Trace Applicant: Robert Carroll Address: 7090 Old Reliance Road City/State/Zip: Bryan, Texas 77808 Phone Number/Fax: 979-778-2028 Fax Number: 979-778-2028 E-mail: lonestarch6@aol.com Engineer/Planner: Michael G. Hester Address: 7607 Eastmark, Suite 253-B City/StateZip: College Station, Texas 77840 Phone Number/Fax: 979-693-1100 Fax Number: 979-693-1075 E-Mail: mhester@hester-engr.com EQUIRED COMPLIANCE Section 10-B-1: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: 50 Multi-Family Dwelling Units: Total Land Requirement: 0.495 Acres Proposed Dedication: 0 Section 10-B-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning and Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? No Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): $198 x 50 = $9,900 Multi-Family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): Total Acquisition Fee: Section 10-B-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): $358 x 50 = $17,900 Multi-family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee ($556/dwelling Unit): $556 x 50 = $27,800 Multi-Family Fee ($452/dwelling Unit): Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/checklist/Onginals/Long Version Revised.xls Page 1 Section 10-B'4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: Au«ust 29, 2003. Parks Board review and decision: Section 1O-B'5: Minimum Park Size Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? NA If yes, staff recommends: Section 1OB7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing park that can serve the proposed development? If yes, staff recommends: Section 10-E: Comprehensive Plan ' > Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Roonaotion, Park, and Open Space Master Plan? Comments: Section 10-F: Additional information 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? NA Percentage: a. Detention/Retention? NA Size: Meets Board Policy? Acreage in floodplain: Percentage: Acreage in detention: ° Percentage: Acreage in greenways: NA Percentage: *There is an existinq pond on the tract of land that will remain, be improved, and serve as a detention Comments: basin. . � Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/checklist/Odgiflals/Long Version Revised.xis Page 2 Section 10-F (of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance) 10'F. i Any land dedication to the City under this section must be suitable for park and recreation uses. Consideration will be given to land that is in the floodplain or may be considered 'Opodob|a^ even though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its n|mvation, it is suitable for park improvements. (a) Neighborhood park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a manner that serves the greatest number of users. { Comments: (b) Neighborhood park sites should be located so that users are not required to cross arterial roadways to access them � Comments: (c) Sites should not be severely sloped or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for organized recreational activities. Comments: ' ) (d) Sites should have existing trees or other scenic elements. Comments: (e) Detention/retention areas will not be accepted as part of the required dedicobon, but may be accepted in addition to the required dedication. If accepted as part of the park, the detention/retention area design must be approved by the City staff and must meet specific parks specifications. Comments: 10-F. 2 Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area devo|mpment, enhance the visual character of the city, protect public safety, and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines should be used in designing parks and adjacent development: (a) Where physically feasible, park sites should be located adjacent to greenways and/or schools in order to encourage both shared facilities and the potential co-development of new sites. Comments: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land DedicaVersion Revisedids (b) A proposed subdivision adjacent to a park may not be designed to restrict reasonable access to the park from other area subdivisions. Street and greenway connections to existing or future adjoining subdivisions may be required to provide reasonable access to parks. Comments: (c) Where a non-residential use must directly abut a park, the use must be separated by a screening wall or fence and landscaping. Access points to the park may be allowed by the Planning and Zoning Commission if a public benefit is established. Comments: (d) It is desirable that a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the perimeter of a park should abut a public street. In all cases, the City shall approve the proposed street alignment fronting on city parks. Comments: (e) Streets abutting a park shall be built in accordance with the thoroughfare plan and the standards of this ordinance; however, the City may require any residential street built adjacent to a park to be constructed to collector width to ensure access and prevent traffic congestion. The developer may request oversize participation in such an instance. Comments: Staff Recommendations: Acceptance of the fee in lieu of land. Castlegate Park is the only Park in Zone 13. Section 10-G: Approval: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Planning and Zoning Commission: City Council: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Version Revised.xls Page 4 0 FUTURE PHASE SIii ./O'er '. ' II�II�, �. _.. X v , �,.... EDELWEISS , W / (IIII �m I. GARTENS II 11 (UNPLATTED) // I II, / ' III�III) i / it /I L A NG �� CONNECT TO // TREE LINEill‘ w.BARroN MUNRo,rRusTEE B JOHN LAMPS, .11111,1 / TRUSTEE % 1 —WATE-LINE �i���/ REMAINDER OF 110.57 ACRE 1 1 / VOL.587,PAGE 653 Y/ V/` /^^ / -,A014"..'1#4121117.71011111°: ',�4ill \ NNPLATTED) _ms's" • ----- �� / Z. 4� CENTER ALONG PROPERTY LINE .E q01 66 ry ! � S.H. 40 ROW ,/ �/ �A'�I I l� 4F I y TERE STAR PAS ERTYMENT _ I 1 I, J d WS �t 1��lI�I h,_ ; aS, „ 510°02'22 344.8 I 1 4 EDELWEISS /r. Ir' i y4 tir -.,m-_ �.' 1 �, GARTENS !�� FUTURE ° SON AREA �%; VIII ` ._ I ouRE / II PAVEMENT ` _ +:� °�/ �i� '411II S.H. 40 ri ►' /J � ,I):‘.1, II/ OF SITE � , , PRTEXAS DEPARTMENT OF S ,F, i \ •� f 4 �` lull AN.S W R. TRANSPORTATION o'.qa. / \�_ �, � -- r' ,9' ��4� �_ S.H.4o ROW(soo•WIDE) a bio/ \ �,®� r, _ ` III (E C;'SED VOL.5202,PAGE 255 y'I,�L �� - , --.� J �I/ f o¢� I`� PLATTED S O \ sw �� ^,. '�` 1 _--E a, I / J. III \ OPOSE6 ��� I •FFSITo ,1C'y�'� \�0 �7 ' 3Uo `��`;�/ =, fmoill �a IIIIh�o PROPOSED . �Jr7�� �. ��«1'D r 1_ o +( '�1 ATERLINE �� V„�' _ y Vii► Q m§ IIII 1 (ENCASED' lW 5�' rn "' 1 / �Ir: '�I�� in'` IISCN I 1 II 1,q: / ♦ .'� 9i♦' DONALD F CARROLL /'. I �,i��• '- qtliat VOLUME 2890,PAGE 51 m .n .......... . 411„, 0 �,i ` .i - 15.01 ACRE$ 1. / IL = 0 .1 % i • --i- . , ..,... I,, • A ` `.. ;.._ '• •A�0 ZONING I LiiL , \,%1141, -'_- '` , `. \11111:4011Pkk 411110IFF ♦.` did j� �. 334.1 / I ahhe‘I N iviry � rams !oh. ,. �...�; ��,yy�, / �\ 441 N/F ''..`_F, , STORMW' R ,\�. m 0.-4 ,] t; ' / OMMON AREA 1r �, �z �`. a:...',.♦`r `.. ��♦ Low DIA. TON .....411a111.4.14.44? _ � � ,�� .� DONALD F.CARROL 2.96 AC "' (I 533 ACRES) ► �r .',,I VOL IL7 PAGE 100 \ ��� ' 1 1 AI REMAINDER OF ACRES 1 , THE EXISTING TANK 1 ■�. O ZON NG'. KEY MAP \ �(UNPLATTED) ��• CR WILL REMAIN AND 1 - .�. A-0 ZONRdG ��` \ ` \ WILL SERVE ASA 1 _ \�y \ S. \ I �', DETENTION BASIN tel IpAi fr_ I ,,,,. ♦ --:F' , ,TAR _001.6 ,.. & ILOP ilpplr ' 111. - ' 1"-- - .. _ .. :10..**-„, ' ,, , 1 . i IN' IPHII4M1M-- -4----- --•- ;kW.' .4161111411 �E%ISTING IWELLBORN WATER EASEMENT �i, - �`-.-N 00`x("W 76.16'-/ iedepk PR A. B 10•BRYAN ELECTRICAL EASEMENT _---,_,. „..,... �. ALONG WELLBORN ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY F.M.21554 - WELLBORN ROAD glliliI.ILIMIIIMMIMHIMMIIMS- . WATER '�--- q� p� �°q ¢�, ©p (::)pp -PREPARED BY: ���-� FM 2154 WELLBORN ROAD .; g'g S T DEVELOPMENT p@ p T 1- 1�,_ (EASEMENT VOLUME 171,PAGE IBI) -_�� ��,--MASTER VS 9 ® `a HESTERL NGG.S EERINA COMP., IOC'R.OW. ••/// „� NOT ®T 7m® RECORD ®®® Po, 7607 EASTMATI DRIVE,SUITE 253-B PREPARED FOR. NOTES: 9 W N i.®0.s G� COLLEGE STATION,TX 77840 ROBERT CARROLL A.)AVERAGE LOT DIMENSION:55 X 120' SOUTHERN TRACE ®�`•.,f M979-EST6ER@HES93-1100TER-ENGR EXT P.S.BOX 1006 �4LONE STAR CUSTOM HOMEBUILDERS /�(/ B.)STREET WIDTH 28'B-8-50'ROW COLLEGE STATION,TX 77862 15 ES C.)ZONING IS A-0 AND WILL BE REZONED TO R-I . SURVEYOR: DICT(BONDS,R.P.L.S. 979-571-0861LONESTRRCIW@AOL.COM D.)NO PORTION OF THIS TRACT IS WITHIN THE 100 YEAR GOODWIN-LASITER,INC D ' FLOOD PLAIN PER FEMA FIRM NO.200C,JULY 2,1992 ROBERT STEVENSON SURVEY — A-54 1509 EMERALD PKWY,SU.101 OWNER: %f//f///////%///1/%/////�%%%//f//ff/fff/f/////%%HC COLLEGE STATION.TX 77845 DONALD CARROLL E. PROPOSED LAND USE:SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS COLLEGE STATI ON, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS 228 ROYAL OAKS 0 100 200 G 9 2 969-696-6767 HENTDVILLL,T:.77342 F.)PARKLAND DEDICATION FEE'S WILL BE PAID PER LOT SCALE: 1"=5O' - AUGUST 22, 2003 969-696-676II.EOM 936-295-6656 5 0 Park Land Dedication Ordinance ! ` Project Review Checklist Date Received: 8/5/2003 Park Zone: 4 Current Zone Balance: $21.654 Project Location: North of Highway 30eastof bordersFyN158 VPAC, Name of Development: Villas of Harvey Applicant: Carrara Realthy Ltd. Address: 40 North Loop 410, Suite 562 City/State/Zip: San AntonioTexas 78216 Phone Number/Fax: 764-7743 (Engineer) Fax Number: (979) 764-7759 E-mail: Engineer/Planner: TEXCON /Joe Schultz Address; 1707 Graham Road City/StateZip: College Station, Texas 77845 Phone Number/Fax: (979) 764-7743 Fax Number: (979) 764-7759 E-Mail: REQUIRED COMPLIANCE / \ Section 10'B'1: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: Multi-Family Dwelling Units: Approximately 600 Total Land Requirement: 4.8 Acres Proposed Dedication: 569 Acres without detention; 7.84 acres with detention Section 10'B-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning and Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? No Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): Multi-Family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): $96,000 Total Acquisition Fee $86.000 Section I0-B-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): Multi-family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): $175.200 Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee ($556/dwelling Unit): Multi-Family Fee ($452/dwelling Unit): $271.200 � ) Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land womnneviseumc Page 1 Section 10-8-4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: $175.200 Staff review date and comment: 8/7/2003 Parks Board review and decision: Section 10-B-5: Minimum Park Size Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? No } If yes, staff recommends: Section 10-B-7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing park that can serve the proposed development? No If yes, staff recommends: Section 10-E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan? Yes Comments: Section 10-F: Additional Information 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? Undetermined Percentage: a. Detention/Retention? Yes Size: Undetermined Meets Board Policy? Acreage in floodplain: Undetermined Percentage: Acreage in detention: Undetermined Percentage: Acreage in greenways: None from Greenway Plan Percentage: Comments: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedicafion/checklist1originals/LOngVersion Revised.xls Page 2 Section 10-F (of the Park Land Dedication 10-F. 1 Any land dedication to the City under this section must be suitable for park and recreation uses. Consideration will be given to land that is in the floodplain or may be considered "floodable" even though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its elevation, it is suitable for park improvements. (a) Neighborhood park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a manner that serves the greatest number of users � Comments: Park is generally located in the center of the development. (b) Neighborhood park sites should be located so that users are not required to cross arterial roadways to access them. Comments: Crossing of only minor collectors will be necessary. (c) Sites should not be severely sloped or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for organized recreational activities. Comments: Staff recommends a site visit by staff and the Parks Advisory Board. (d) Sites should have existing trees or other scenic elements. Comments: (e) areas will not be accepted as part of the required dedication, but may be accepted in addition to the required dedication. If accepted as part of the park, the detention/retention area design must be approved by the City staff and must meet specific parks specifications. Comments: Detention/retention areas are proposed and subject to Parks Advisory Board recommendation. 10-F. 2 Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area development, enhance the visual character of the city, protect public safety, and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines should be used in designing parks and adjacent development: (a) Where physically feasible, park sites should be located adjacent to greenways and/or schools in order to encourage both shared facilities and the potential co-development of new sites. Comments: Park site is in a Drainage/Greenway Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Version Remmuxls Page 3 (b) A proposed subdivision adjacent to a park may not be designed to restrict reasonable access to the park from other area subdivisions. Street and greenway connections to existing or future adjoining subdivisions may be required to provide reasonable access to parks. Comments: Street connections for future subdivisions are shown. (c) Where a non-residential use must directly abut a park, the use must be separated by a screening wall or fence and landscaping. Access points to the park may be allowed by the Planning and Zoning Commission if a public benefit is established. Comments: No non-residential use abutting the park is anticipated. (d) It is desirable that a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the perimeter of a park should abut a public street. In all cases, the City shall approve the proposed street alignment fronting on city parks. Comments: Approximately 25% of the park has street frontage. Approximately 50% street frontage is achieved if the detention/retention portion is accepted. (e) Streets abutting a park shall be built in accordance with the thoroughfare plan and the standards of this ordinance; however, the City may require any residential street built adjacent to a park to be constructed to collector width to ensure access and prevent traffic congestion. The developer may request oversize participation in such an instance. Comments: Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends further information regarding the floodplain area be obtained and reviewed. Staff also recommends additional street frontage for improved park access. Section 10-G: Approval: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Planning and Zoning Commission: City Council: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Version Revised.xls Page 4 i \ . . / i ', ,.....---3-1 a ---'," , . 1 I 1 1 1 ,,,-,--+—"-----r--- I . H REEN 13. '/ L,ANDCAE i-)iREA1.-t .---- . 1 1 ....4._,---r- I i I ' I , ) 1. .pRi5tINAIG 1 -, , -,...„..7,,,...,,.....,,. ...,,. ..7.,,...„.„..,..„,.,,,,,,r1,...,7,,,...,,,•,0,-,.., - ..,.. ..', "...:?,1f. s',.'; ..-, ,eft.r ,1?.1..:A,:g,,,,;;'",,a''..;. 14';`40 t4,-...,,,,,71«.. in7...:.•",.;" .....,,,.. ,,,..„,..,.....p.-.------_ .. .. , ---- , ,7.....\.„_(2,..-''. ... _...... _:::.....___2._....._...._- '' - . , 1 z\. . . - . . . VICINITY MAPERAL SU F BRYAN ilRVEYOR .. According to the 11% e I 'RIVE 9. \ orporatea Areas, a 0 a\ v-- (ion .Other Areas 14‘ i i C.•,u9,,N-. ''''(& 1, I 1- 1 PROJECT t i ! , - LOCATION / ,,, NOT TO i i ., / . 1 . . . ., . /4"/ ,,, • . . , 1 • •„.• .. •„•• ...., , . . , '- ..' , .,,..... . . 1 ..1 1 1 s . Park Land Dedication Ordinance Project Review Checklist Date Received: 9/3/2003 Park zone: 8 Current Zone Balance: $5,522 Project Location: North Forest Parkway Name of Development: North Forest Parkway Subdivision Applicant: Henry Kapchinski Address: 700 A. Krenek Tap Road City/State/Zip: College Station, Texas 77840 Phone Number/Fax: Fax Number: E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Texcon -Joe Schultz Address: 1707 Graham Road City/StateZip: College Station, Texas 77840 Phone Number/Fax: 979-690-7711 Fax Number: E-Mail: REQUIRED COMPLIANCE Section 10-B-1: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: 62 Multi-Family Dwelling Units: Total Land Requirement: 0.614 Acres Proposed Dedication: 0 Section 10-B-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning and Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? No Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): $198 x 62 = $12,276 Multi-Family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): Total Acquisition Fee: Section 10-B-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): $358 x 62 = $22,196 Multi-family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee ($556/dwelling Unit): $556 x 62 = $34,472 Multi-Family Fee ($452/dwelling Unit): Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Version Revised.xls Page 1 Section 10'B-4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: Parks Board review arid decision: Section 10B5: Minimum Park Size Is the proposepark less than five (5) acres? NA If yes, staff recommends: Section 10-B-7: Prior Park Acquisition Approx. 1 mile from North Fores Parkway entry to the Park. Is there an existing park that can serve the proposed development? Emerald Forest Park If yes, staff recommends: Acce•tance of Section 10-E:' Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan? Comments: Section 10-F: Additional Information 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? Percentage: a. Detention/Retention? Size: Meets Board Policy? Acreage in floodplain: Percentage: Acreage in detention: Percentage: Acreage in greenways: Percentage: Comments: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Version Revised.xls Page 2 Section 10-F (of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance) 10-F. 1 Any land dedication to the City under this section must be suitable for park and recreation uses. Consideration will be given to land that is in the floodplain or may be considered '1loodab|e^ even though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its e|evotion, it is suitable for park improvements. (a) Neighborhood park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a manner that serves the greatest number of users. Comments: (b) Neighborhood park sites should be located so that users are not required to cross arterial roadways to access them. Comments: (c) Sites should not be severely sloped or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for organized recreational activities. Comments: �^ ) (d) Sites should have existing trees or other scenic elements. Comments: (e) Detention/retention areas will not be accepted as part of the required dediuohon, but may be accepted in addition to the required dedication. If accepted as part of the park, the detention/retention area design must be approved by the City staff and must meet specific parks specifications. Comments: 10-F. 2 Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area development, enhance the visual character of the city, protect public mafety, and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines should be used in designing parks and adjacent development: (a) Where physically feasible, park sites should be located adjacent to greenways and/or schools in order to encourage both shared facilities and the potential co-development of new sites. Comments: Park Land Dedication Checklis 0/Board/Park Land DedicVemmnnew^ed.,m Page 3 (b) A proposed subdivision adjacent to a park may not be designed to restrict reasonable access to the park from other area subdivisions. Street and greenway connections to existing or future adjoining subdivisions may be required to provide reasonable access to parks. Comments: (c) Where a non-residential use must directly abut a park, the use must be separated by a screening wall or fence and landscaping. Access points to the park may be allowed by the Planning and Zoning Commission if a public benefit is established. Comments: (d) It is desirable that a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the perimeter of a park should abut a public street. In all cases, the City shall approve the proposed street alignment fronting on city parks. Comments: (e) Streets abutting a park shall be built in accordance with the thoroughfare plan and the standards of this ordinance; however, the City may require any residential street built adjacent to a park to be constructed to collector width to ensure access and prevent traffic congestion. The developer may request oversize participation in such an instance. Comments: Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends acceptance of the fee in lieu of land. Emerald Forest Park is the closest park. Distance is 1 mile from this development to the park by walking on streets. This may improve if access is granted through the greenway. Section 10-G: Approval: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Planning and Zoning Commission: City Council: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Version Revised.xls Page 4 • ) i , - , ---. / i • , ' , , i 1 , 1 i',)\ 2 il 3 I i 4 II 5 'I 6,1' 7 1 8 1.--9 ' 10 1 11 1 ,,,,2,,,,:i 13 `i•-.14 ,___, , 1 1 i -- 1 1 t — , , ,---61. -s? , ,61 \ \ - ------. i .$f -f- f• c 02)SCLY- P , ,. 15 I 16 ' 17A8 19 li 20 21-1., 22 'I '23 24 ti,-, 25-4-52 6 c, c ,,,-f- I RESrENTAI_, --' 1`. ,,;\ , ^§' ••• 1 — .--,, + ,,........„‘--- --.''62581 ' ';\'' '\ :1\\::l .s,>i,+e',,1:7----'"-%'5,,,---:\ „,-;,,--„,-3663 70i* 1 ) _ c.,,,,,,b,4, / . , / *,. v,„, <5, \ —41 : 40 39 1, 38 \37 ,, 36 H35 , 34( 33 32;: 31 30 I 7 57\ . ' c"..,63,S' --,- \\\ - // .,,,-0 ,j,.‘• e-`0 .)'• c, \ ' N., i , ,1 ----,1 [ / i 1 1`,, ,-----,,,,, 1 1) ) 1 _., , -.\"7---' 1 , --- .7, ,,,,,,,,,,_ \ 42 I`, 43 'I +44 11 45 :461 I 47 48 1,---49 i, 50 ' 51 If 52 1 53 II 54 __--- + , I ) 1.,..:,,.., 7/----'21,7-1", J \ ( e .1.... _ ____ ----,-- AR4A I /., /7''', / Cr AYS AREiA -,- AQRES-- / , c---- ) , / , , i ,,..„.„........„ , I , „„,,,,,, , ,\, .,/ _ ..., T/ C / l'''''''' , ,, 4- - „) 7-' .// 7/ ( , S ,,,,, \ z AP ADMINIS 'ILPROFESwONAL // I' / . ,<,...69` \ + , il , ' / , , ° ( -) 5.221 A ' S ' / / / ' /7 ' ( r .4 „.., , ././ r Ni-1 , i co m'll n e!s3 - .3,37-, -,N3-ke'' ft te Scsa st MET t / i / (2 ( s.'s --3. n_c, ,,ft -- / - „,. ----) '‘Nfl',"`;4 ('-'• .,-).<--.<-----_-_,-'77--- .::,..:-,,,),""'''') ' f _L_,—------— \ ,,-...- •,'''" ' 1-'-'`,,, __,,,if/ , _/''''" ,,,,, 1;t),,,,c1.-;6'---7‘ ,,,,,,,-,,,;/".,,,---,,,_,---,----_-__.----,1, 7 , 1 \ -7- ; ii, '''•,',,-.,,, ' ,-----,,,,, ._,-' ,2,(`'‹,,.', ///,\, 2;2 .4/ ,---"---\ '4's' //\I , ‘&''C , _ "--„,\\'''',',.C.4_, --.`7,,,,..,___„) ' - / _. .cr , ,/, / ,31 94C „t.7-'''-'''0\,q,y. •3 '(--, f-1 q'f\C-1'f ,,,_ -, e+ • ,,,'`• e N-N -4'i'e 'N.'<N"'N,"--z:,--__) / / 7 / e„\-)k ',/ <,C"'' ., . \•::, ..., eP4 /3Q(/33''- aRIeanren.tnaoae ,me M4m14kAantMno,In.M4 ,e0.19 9 Pnentneen W,I 1,001.8 Men M1final..PlOCO. 4 i4ll4t i 'RAasi9. .:, , 4gCONCEPTUAL PLAN NORTH FOREST PARKWAY SUBDIVISION .. . i e#tSCALEl' 60SEPTEARER, 2003 - - -- OWNER/APPICT: 20.819 ACRES ENGINEER --" — m ID a 4' y Khmad— 4 TEXa\ I, Alb SURVEYOR: COLLEGE STATION, Gonerol Contractors themzos COUNTY, ...1.' srnft.'' 1707 0Danom iaaad ,,k4tri ''' ,-..ii,y4Aaw.i r,'' q.I.E..—- TEXAS Da0aaa Saation naaa 776. APT* '''';'''' 444... or rr..„,,,.. Nin)000-771i Park Land Dedication Ordinance Project Review Checklist Date Received: 8/29/2003 Park zone: 6 Current Zone Balance: $89,096 Project Location: Southwest Park-Southwest Parkway between Wellborn &Welch Name of Development: Campus Crossing Condominiums Applicant: Meyer Residential Address: 5851 San Felipe, Suite 215 City/State/Zip: Houston, Texas 77057-3076 Phone Number/Fax: 713-781-2075 Fax Number: 713-781-7327 E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Municipal Development Group Address: 2551 Texas Avenue South, Suite A. City/StateZip: College Station, Texas 77840 Phone Number/Fax: 979-693-5359 Fax Number: 979-693-4243. E-Mail: EQUIREI COMPLIANCE Section 10-B-1: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: Multi-Family Dwelling Units: 96 Total Land Requirement: 0.77 Acres Proposed Dedication: 1 acre, plus greenway Section 10-B-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning and Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? No Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): Multi-Family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): $15,360 Total Acquisition Fee: Section 10-B-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): Multi-family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): $28,032 Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee ($556/dwelling Unit): Multi-Family Fee ($452/dwelling Unit): $43,392 Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/checklistOriginals/Long Version Revised.xls Page 1 Section 10-6-4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development oost�� $433Q7 . { Staff review date and comment: 9/2/2003 Parks Board review and decision: ( Section 1O-13-G: Minimum Park Size Total Park with addition would be 578 acres. Staff recommends dedication be taken from the eastern portion of the property. The developer recommends Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? taking from the northern portion of the property, If yes, staff recommends: Section 10-13-7: Pror Park Acquisition Is there an existing park that can serve the proposed The nearest park is Gabbard, which development? is several miles away. If yes, staff recommends: Section 10-E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Reun»obon, Park, and Open Space Master Plan? Yes Comments: Section 10-F: Additional Information 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? No Percentage: a. Detention/Retention? Size: Meets Board Policy? Acreage in floodplain: Percentage: Acreage in detention: Percentage: Acreage in greenways: Percentage: Comments: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land DedicationithecklisVOriginals/Long Version Revisedxls Page 2 Section 10-F(of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance) 10-F. 1 Any land dedication to the City under this section must be suitable for park and recreation uses. Consideration will be given to land that is in the floodplain or may be considered "floodable" even though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its elevation, it is suitable for park improvements. (a) Neighborhood park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a manner that serves the greatest number of users. Comments: Adjacent to apartment developments. (b) Neighborhood park sites should be located so that users are not required to cross arterial roadways to access them. Comments: (c) Sites should not be severely sloped or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for organized recrational activities. Comments: (d) Sites should have existing trees or other scenic elements. Comments: (e) Detention/retention areas will not be accepted as part of the required dedinaUon, but may be accepted in addition to the required dedication. If accepted as part of the park, the detention/retention area design must be approved by the City staff and must meet specific parks specifications. Comments: The developer is interested in reconfiguring the existing pond to a retention/detention facility and also improve its appearance. 10-F. 2 Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area deve!opmmnt, enhance the visual character of the city, protect public safety, and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines should be used in designing parks and adjacent development: (a) Where physically haaoib|e, park sites should be located adjacent to greenways and/or schools in order to encourage both shared facilities and the potential co-development of new sites. Comments: This park has a greenway within it and provides access to the greenway system. (b) A proposed subdivision adjacent to a park may not be designed to restrict reasonable access to the park from other area subdivisions. Street and greenway connections to existing or future adjoining subdivisions may be required to provide reasonable access to parks. Pa,*Land Dedication Checklist man""wPa*Land o^m" tio°mecklismOng*alsku"gw"rsmnRow""d,u Page 3 Comments: (c) Where a non-residential use must directly abut a park, the use must be separated by a screening wall or fence and landscaping. Access points to the park may be allowed by the Planning and Zoning Commission if a public benefit is established. Comments: (d) his desirable that a minimum of fifty percent(50%) of the perimeter of a park should abut a public street. In all cases, the City shall approve the proposed street alignmenfronting on city parks. Comments:The proposed addition ot the park will double the street frontage. (e) Streets abutting a park shall be built in accordance with the thoroughfare plan and the standards of this ordinance; however, the City may require any residential street built adjacent to a park to be constructed to collector width to ensure access and prevent traffic congestion. The developer may request oversize participation in such an instance. Comments: Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends that the required dedication come from the eastern portion of the tract so that the park does not have small strips surrounding the new development. The developer requests that the dedication beunthe north po�iunof thetnsct . Section 1043: Approval: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Planning and Zoning Commission: City Council: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/F'ark Land Version Reviseuxls Park Land Dedication Ordinance Project Review Checklist Date Received: 8/2/2003 Park zone: 1 Current Zone Balance: $178,953 Project Location: Corner of Boyett and Spruce Streets Name of Development: Applicant: Ling Yu He Address: 718 Summerglen Street City/State/Zip: College Station, Texas 77840 PhmneNummber/Faz: 970'846'4076 Fax Number: E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Harvey Bostic Address: 3800 Hwy 6 South, Suite 108G City/StateZip: College StationTexas 77845 Phone Number/Fax: 979'764'7150 Fax Number: E-Mail: REQUIRE) [QMPLLANCE Section 10-B- : Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: Multi-Family Dwelling Units: 4 Total Land Requirement: 0.032 Acres Proposed Dedication: 0 Section 10-B-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning and Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? No Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): Multi-Family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): $160x4 = $640 Total Acquisition Fee: Section 10-B-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): Multi-family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): $292x4 = $1.168 Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee ($556/dwelling Unit): Multi-Family Fee ($452/dwelling Unit): $452 x 4= $1,808 Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Pam Land Dedication/checklist/Origfnals/Long Vewmnseviseuxm Page 1 Section 10-6-4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required developmencost: Staff review date and comment: Parks Board review and decision: Section 10-8-5: Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? NA If yes, staff recommends: Section 10-B-7: Prior Park Acquisition No Is there an existing park that can serve the proposed (Northgate development? Area) If yes, staff recommends: Section 10-E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Recrea\ion. Park, and Open Space Master Plan? Comments: Section 10-F: Additional Information 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? No Percentage: a. Detention/Retention? Size: Meets Board Policy? Acreage in floodplain: Percentage: Acreage in detention: Percentage: Acreage in greenways: Percentage: Comments: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Versionnewxod.xm Page 2 Section iQ-F (of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance) 10-F. 1 Any land dedication to the City under this section must be suitable for park and recreation uses. Consideration will be given to land that is in the floodplain or may be considered "floodable" even though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its e|evatipn, it is suitable for park improvements. (a) Neighborhood park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a manner that serves the greatest number of users . Comments: (b) Neighborhood park sites should be located so that users are not required to crosarterial roadways to access them. Comments: (c) Sites should not be severely sloped or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for organized recreational activities. Comments: ( ` (d) Sites should have existing trees or other scenic elements. Comments: (e) Detention/retention areas will not be accepted as part of the required dedication, but may be accepted in addition to the required dedication. If accepted as part of the park, the detention/retention area design must be approved by the City staff and must meet specific parks specifications. Comments: 10-F. 2 Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area development, enhance the visual character of the city, protect public safety, and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines should be used in designing parks and adjacent development: (a) Where physically feasible, park sites should be located adjacent to greenways and/or schools in order to encourage both shared facilities and the potential co-development of new sites. Comments: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land VersionRevised.xia Page 3 ` | (b) A proposed subdivision adjacent to a park may not be designed to restrict reasonable access to the park from other area subdivisions. Street and greenway connections to existing or future adjoining subdivisions may be required to provide reasonable access to parks. { Comments: (c) Where a non-residential use must directly abut a park, the use must be separated by a screening wall or fence and landscaping. Access points to the park may be allowed by the Planning and Zoning Commission if a public benefit is established. Comments: (d) It is desirable that a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the perimeter of a park should abut a public stree In all cases, the City shall approve the proposed street alignment fronting on city parks. Comments: (e) Streets abutting a park shall be built in accordance with the thoroughfare plan and the standards of this ordinance; however, the City may require any residential street built adjacent to a park to be constructed to collector width to ensure access and prevent traffic congestion. The developer may request oversize participation in such an instance. ) Comments: Staff Recommendations: Acceptance of the Fee in Lieu of Land Section i0-G: Approva': Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Planning and Zoning Commission: City Council: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Version R,,iseuxls st 0,0z. --,-,- \ -- - _ — - \\, _ -.. --., 1-.3 . - --- . ....... ,_ \ ' I 1 \\c)-1 ' .")0 .! 0- ,_,c \\ r _ \c \ \ ,- - 1--NDid), 6, - I i --,-_--4 -,-y---21,, fIN.- ,tc)- ' \ , \ › , -,71-'- 0, ti-,tvi 7, - ', -_-.,,pt.: z_ i _ .„ - .___ \ H \j_3 ,7 , ' C \1171 \ • ' ''' -a- \ c, -- \ N 1\ r ON 6, ',`,. 7, n \ 7- -f 4 ---k 1 ,z51 o 1t.1 cl ,1,,,e-2 -1-1.000 2, --r- ,..,'" 1 ,- ...'• 1 - . • _ • M ig \ • I ' •:"."."; ' \ 1 ' k '1..6y It, ' I 0-I, , t ------- , ' t!," — - -—-- ___ ---- - ---— I, ---- - — _ --- - 1-.--- ---- Qc ' \oi f-t7 J-07,,i_ .5 HP1200,0-1 Li-toI- -,o,',;Lrio) *30'0 N1/4"-Ici 3tiL3ttiv°1 01 Park Land Dedication Ordinance Project Review Checklist Date Received: 8/28/2003 Park zone: 2 Current Zone Balance: $129,811 Project Location: Chimney Hill Drive &Arguello Drive Name of Development: Randall's University Park Applicant: Michael E. Posey/SKF Enterprises Address: 8818 FM 1179 City/State/Zip: Bryan, Texas 77808 Phone Number/Fax: 979-846-2411 Fax Number: E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Municipal Development Group Address: 2551 Texas Avenue South City/StateZip: College Station, Texas 77840 Phone Number/Fax: 979-693-5359 Fax Number: 6 -4243 E-Mail: mdg@cstx.yahoo.com REQUIRED COMPLIANCE Section 10-B-1: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: 1 Multi-Family Dwelling Units: Total Land Requirement: 0.009 Proposed Dedication: 0 Section 10-B-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning and Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? No Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): $198 x 1 = $198 Multi-Family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): Total Acquisition Fee: Section 10-B-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): $358 x 1 = $358 Multi-family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee ($556/dwelling Unit): $556 x 1 = $556 Multi-Family Fee ($452/dwelling Unit): Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Version Revised.xls Page 1 Section 10'B-4: Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: Parks Board review and decision: Section 1D'B-S' Minimum Park��s � Is the proposed parless than five (5) acres? NA Madeley Park is nexto the property. This property needs to allow If yes, staff recommends: access to Madeley Park. Section 10-B-7: rior Park Acquisition Is there an existing park that can serve the proposed development? If yes, staff recommends: Section 10-E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan? Comments: Section 10-F: Additional information Yes (this refers to 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? park land) Percentage: Approx. 50% a. Detention/Retention? No Size: Meets Board Policy? Acreage in floodplain: Percentage: Acreage in detention: Percentage: Acreage in greenways: Percentage: Comments: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/checklist/OriginalslLOng Version Revised.xls Page 2 Section 1 0-F (of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance) 10'F. 1 Any land dedication to the City under this section must be suitable for park and recreation uses. Consideration will be given to land that is in the floodplain or may be considered "floodable" even though not in a federally regulated floodplain as long as, due to its m|evation, it is suitable for park improvements. (a) Neighborhood park sites should be adjacent to residential areas in a manner that serves the greatest number of users � Comments: (b) Neighborhood park sites should be located so that users are not required to cross arterial roadways to access them, Comments: (c) Sites should not be severely sloped or have unusual topography which would render the land unusable for organized recreational activities. Comments: '^ \ (d) Sites should have existing trees or other scenic elements. Comments: (e) Detention/retention areas will not be accepted as part of the required dedioadon, but may be accepted in addition to the required dedication. If accepted as part of the park, the detention/retention area design must be approved by the City staff and must meet specific parks specifications. Comments: 10-F. 2 Parks should be easy to access and open to public view so as to benefit area dove|opment, enhance the visual character of the city, protect public safety, and minimize conflict with adjacent land uses. The following guidelines should be used in designing parks and adjacent development: (a) Where physically feasible, park sites should be located adjacent to greenways and/or schools in order to encourage both shared facilities and the potential co-development of new sites. Comments: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land oemotioo/coockxmOmginals/LnnnVersion nevisouum Page 3 (b) A proposed subdivision adjacent to a park may not be designed to restrict reasonable access to the park from other area subdivisions. Street and greenway connections to existing or future adjoining subdivisions may be required to provide reasonable access to parks. Comments: (c) Where a non-residential use must directly abut a park, the use must be separated by a screening wall or fence and landscaping. Access points to the park may be allowed by the Planning and Zoning Commission if a public benefit is established. Comments: (d) It is desirable that a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the perimeter of a park should abut a public street. In all cases, the City shall approve the proposed street alignment fronting on city parks. Comments: (e) Streets abutting a park shall be built in accordance with the thoroughfare plan and the standards of this ordinance; however, the City may require any residential street built adjacent to a park to be constructed to collector width to ensure access and prevent traffic congestion. The developer may request oversize participation in such an instance. Comments: Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends acceptance of the cash dedication in lieu of land. Development Services will require a public access easement to Billy Madeley Park. Section 10-G: Approval: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Planning and Zoning Commission: City Council: Park Land Dedication Checklist 0/Board/Park Land Dedication/checklist/Originals/Long Version Revised.xls Page 4 g ��CNitl NEY g16L / w� C as 1 R! N E Y HILL / stl661Ylsi.v /� -g ADJOINERys u ® Dei v a S I 0 N /l ` AD w La R N/F . _1M nOS 1-4.-I Ow r —z AC UMEE ADJ�O/�IITNED < -,Op� •• IDT, Y.W6 ��° � 1 a . zo REALE `A scvs,06,44 Ii - ! U0.AE L '✓� :a i �`. AWawER ¢ i,�/I/ T \ ZONE I r� I ., Lva ��. uP 1• j NO w � -. .,, ADJONI ER WC" N4*0a r✓.t� �'''.'44:1irl %� �'`\C57_,..4" ® lY N/F � , •i . \ ���f� _ . N. Ss,P ¢ 41 rir� ADJOINERlekirg °ta9'a e� tl ., y�w.� .,Or a ® —:Y ,, . GE — °AL— s 8 iill T, i" +er1yt — ADJ�ITNER i i a‘,5,,,, . �J;.� E ST R..G.` eJ0 AcREAOE ADaNER \ '� '` e W cSm '1,k, eG vi Is, ��4��� �� � �: ®�a�gf F „ �✓ p 1 1:Pi 1 " .iir1 t O o w �«4 ` I��fir�.� `�r �I �S es ��` amc e e „¢T s�_J ce6 ........... A�°a I m � 4� �"�D,�D�p}' v Nfi AA,�4 S li i eee (0CREA E ¢ aI ADJOINER 1 obi �I _ `�1! a ;? c fl.i'.; LOT y< ACREAGE �� II I > , ' VOLUME `g I `_ ®._a°:°' ,Ajt ZONE 11 I N/F le„,a.• '®9 121"g 4B K6 l ' •. 4Y9 II ADJOINER �/ �� 1. 1 (6.14126.;;;A'--e35.511.5.56. 1 wow I Y OMAN E fi�5rrm a' I I b,m e 1 I AV�AGE 1 �1 LWA4 _ a117U s I o I I ZONES `, ADJOINERACLOT REAGE ADDER Ii 1 # 1 1 I 1 1 www ;II I I I NIj1 9aaf I 1 $I1 I I g ADu T ER ORIGINAL PACS 5.3O 3 I ! 1 I� ��OT SCAE2r m lar I I 1 F AC EA E UM I I iIt ZittLEirlarer I I1 1 .,• I'.1 1 I I I L— —— w��l 1. 6 442611 it \\\ .a m�Ava--- n � a�r ea wY 9T 54ADw 1� ,._ ——— — '' K51455 5544'5.31•F-356:5• --- — #. -�1,.'.i. (CALLED)II 442511•05-465. ' r.16�•/ REVERLV ESTATES COONER ADDITION IA A.m 6.44 39 rtor n D i Wg 6068 ADJOINER ADJOINER I g5 ` n LOT $`G LOT I 1 0 ACREAGE ACREAGE" I p VOLUME ID VOLUME ZONE Eis ZqJ 1 g I I REPLAT SCALE r=e0' • CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS DELTA TANGENT LEPCTN ON. L.C. 5* '%94Y 36045✓A.A. RTU 6 4096'#'8*A91' ' DE *089T wirer KEN' one' s IT 's4av*0140 121EnlINI,,,111111P374"01 Xref\\rildeserver\Projects\600\3671BS\3671S11T°dws City of College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Fiscal Year 2003 College Station^, Eethm,thg the POSI,apfoerng the Fog,. Goals (Not Prioritized) I. Establish policies and standards for re-appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department 0 Review quarterly park maintenance standards reports and develop recommendations regarding levels of service (1/S2SInl) an progress. 1" Quarter report on January 14, 2003. 2'7'1 Quarter report on April 8, 2003. 3 ' Quarter report on August 12, 2003. 4th Quarter report scheduled for October 14, 2003.) O Develop a long-term replacement schedule for playgrounds, court surfacing, and other key facilities (VS'2S/.0 (June, 2003) O Evaluate all leisure service programs offered by the Department and develop recommendations for improvements (145252.b) (Aquatics Programs' presentation on November 121h, Athletics Programs presentation on December le, Educational Programs presentation On January 141h, Entertainment Programs presentation on February 11'11, and Supervised Recreation Programs presentation on March 4111 , 0 Develop recommendations for implementation of ar Urban Forest Manageineot Plan ((1S2S1.1)) (Plan presented to Council on September 26, 2002, and recommendations jin- implementation approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on April 8, 2003. Two Service Level AdjustmentsfOr implementation steps for the plan were included in the FY04 budget process; however, they were not recommended/br approval. The Department will try to fund the development of'a Risk Management Program/Or urban trees in its operating budget). 2. Provide more interaction between Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning Commission, and shared vision with the City Council 0 Monitor status of Unified Development Ordinance (TT53S1.(1) 0 Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to discuss Board goals and objectives (October 24, 2002). 0 Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to report on the progress of Board goals and objectives (April 24, 2003). O Conduct a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss Board goals and objectives and other issues (March 6, 2003 - The revised Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan was' presented to the Commission during the joint workshop meeting and approved during the ('ommission's regular workshop meeting). 3. Provide oversight for the implementation of the Capital Improvement Program • Woodway Park site plan approval El Shenandoah Park site plan approval (Public hearing May 6, 2003. Board discussion May 13, 2003. Di S CUS S ion also scheduled/Or September 9, 2003). El Develop a plan for the use of existing Park Land Dedication Funds (Board meeting of September 10, 2002) Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval:September 10,2002 Council Approval:October 24,2002 Updated:September 4,2003 Page I of 3 Q WA 'farrow Park Corridor Master Plan approval (Presentation of citizen survey to Board on November 12, 2003. A joint meeting was held on February 18, 2003, between the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee. The Lincoln Center Advisory Committee approved the plan on February 24, 2003. The Parks' and Recreation Advisory Board approved the plan on March 4, 2003. The plan was presented to the City Council on May 8, 2003. Contract for design services related to the expansion of the Lincoln Center and a multi-purpose pavilion JOr WA. Trarrow Park was approved by Council on August 28, 2003). Q Complete all remaining 1998 Bond Fund projects (In progress). 4. Provide planning and coordination for the 2003 Bond Election (VS2S2.e) (Early voting in October. Bond election .scheduled,for November 4, 2003.) El Review and update submitted CIP list Q Develop additional recommendations for the CIP • Staff/Board presentation to the Citizens Advisory Committee (March 25, 2003). 5. Review and update the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan (VS3S24) Q Staff review and update of the current Master Plan, Section I — Introduction (September 2002). Q Staff review and update of Section V'hive.Ftory and Facilities (September 2002). Q Staff review and update of Section VI - Needs Assessment and Identification (September 2002). Q Board subcommittee review and comments regarding proposed updates for Section I, IV, and VI (October 2002). Q Board subcommittee review and comments regarding Section VII — Prioritization of Needs and Plan Implementation (November 6, 2002). Q Board subcommittee review and comments regarding Section III - Plan Development Process (October 2002). Q Completion of the Parks and Recreation I epartment 5-Year Strategic Plan (1" Drafi Complete). Q Public input period for the revised Master Plan El i'oard consideration of the revised Master Plan (January 2003). El Planning and Zoning Commission consideration of the revised Master Plan (March 6, 2003). Q City Council presentation and consideration adopting revised Master Plan (June 12, 2003). 6. Provide oversight for the implementation of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Q Memorial Dedication Ceremony on November 11, 2002 El Complete Phase I development (VS2S2.d) (September 2002) El Investigate potential agreement with the College Station Soccer Club for clubhouse building (Project not feasible at this time) El Conduct Grand Opening of the Phase I project (Saturday, May 17, 2003) El Review operations and maintenance and make recommendations for Fiscal Year 2004 (Request submitted within the FY04 budget process). El Review Needs Assessment and update as required Q Develop revisions for Phase II recommendations Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval:September 10,2002 Council Approval:October 24,2002 Updated:September 4,2003 Page 2 of 3 7, Provide oversight for the design and installation of the batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park El Secure funding 2 Approve site plan 2 Complete construction 8. Provide oversight for the installation of the new jogging track at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park El Complete construction (September 2002) El Investigate alternative types of surfacing for playgrounds 9. Support implementation of the Greenways Master Plan (VS2S3.a) El Receive update report from Greenways Coordinator (June 10, 2003). Review Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan as it relates to greenways 10. Support the City Council's Interagency Plan on any Park and Recreation related issues El Continue dialog with the College Station Independent School District regarding future schoolllpark developments and programs (Presentation to CS'IS'D on January 21, 2003). RI Continue dialog with the College Station Independent School District and the South Knoll PTO concerning the potential of rubberizing the South Knoll jogging track (interlocal Agreement approved by the (Illy Council on December 19, 2002). El Continue dialog with Texas A&M University regarding Hensel Park no:1 Veterans Park and Athletic Complex (EMU Nature Trail Planning; Cross Country Team). 0 Continue to investigate joint programming opportunities with the City of Bryan Parks and Recreation Department (f5252 i) (In progress — currently investigating registration ,software opportunities, George Bush .Library Programming, and TMPA Regional Park). 11. Identify potential new sources of revenue 2 Identify potential grant opportunities (TPWD— October 8, 2002) 12 Investigate the potential for a donations program (In progress) El Review user fees and develop recommendations (Fees Subcommittee appointed, and meeting held on April .16„ 2003. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board approval May 13, 2003. Scheduled for Council approval on October 9, 2003). Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval:September 10,2002 Council Approval:October 24,2002 Updated:September 4,2003 Page 3 of 3 01- *: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT College Station Embroong the PM!,ExplorIng the Future FY03 GOALS & OBJECTIVES ';,=. Implementation of the CIP Program implementation of Special Projects Continue to Improve Staff Development Implementation of New Programs Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues Implementation of the CIP Program O Complete the Lick Creek Park Phase I project(In progress) O Complete master plan and design of Woodway Park El Complete master plan and design of Shenandoah Park(Public hearing on May 6, 2003) O Complete intergenerational park projects(In progress. Council recommended$310,000 for intergenerational projects to be included in the 2003 Bond Election) El Complete G.O. 1998 Bond projects(In progress) El Complete Thomas Pool renovation and shade structure(May 15, 2003) O Complete acquisition of new cemetery site(In progress) Continue to Improve Staff Development El Complete Management Academy(Kristin Lehde, Dana Albrecht, Geri Marsh, and Grace Ca/ben-attended Feb. 17th-21st). El Complete Supervisory Academy(Jimmy Charanza, Keith Fails, Charles Harris, David Hudspeth, Marci Rodgers) El Complete National Recreation&Park Association Park Maintenance School(Delmer Charanza) El Complete the Texas Nature Trails Construction Workshop(David Wood) EI Complete DPS Debris Management Course(Steve Beachy) El Complete Customized Media Presentations Workshop(Director,Assistant Director, and Superintendents) O Complete the"Storms Over the Urban Forest Training"(1 employee:Ross Albrecht-attended Feb. 27-28th). El Complete NRPA Revenue Management Training (Peter Lamont-completed February 7, 2003). O Complete TAMU Landscape Architect Workshop(Peter Vanecek,Afsaneh Yazdani, David Wood-attended Feb. 21st&22nd) El Attend and participate in the annual TRAPS professional training conference in San Antonio(Steve Beachy, Dana Albrecht, Ross Albrecht,Jana Cope, Sheila Walker, Patrick Hazlett, David Hudspeth, Marci Rodgers, Vera Solis, Eric Ploeger, Curtis Bingham- attended on March 26, 27, and 28, 2003. Steve Beachy, Curtis Bingham, and Vera Solis were presenters at the Conference). implementation of City Council Strategic Issues El Complete the Recreation, Park and Open Space Master Plan update(Approved by the Parks and Rec.Adv. Board on Jan. 14m, approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on March 6m. City Council approval on June 12, 2003.) El Complete the Parks&Recreation Department 2003-2007 Strategic Plan El Complete the WA Tarrow Park Corridor Master Plan update(In progress-a Joint Meeting was held between the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee on February 185. The plan was approved by the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee on Feb. 24m, and approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on March 4m. The plan was presented to the City Council on May 8m.A contract for design services related to the expansion of the Lincoln Center and a multi-purpose pavilion for W.A. Tarrow Park was approved by Council on August 28, 2003). O Achieve a 75%or higher rating on all major categories for Park Maintenance Standards(In Progress- ft Quarter report presented to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on Jan. 14th. 2"Quarter presented on April er'. 3'a Quarter presented on August 12m. 4m Quarter scheduled for October 14'1). O Develop implementation schedule for Urban Forest Management Plan(Plan presented to Council on September 26, 2002. Recommendations for implementation approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on April 8, 2003. Two Service Level Adjustments for implementation steps for the plan were included in the FY04 budget process,'however, they were not recommended for approval. The Department will try to fund the development of a Risk Management Program for urban trees in its operating budget). O Complete current capital improvement projects(In progress) El Comprehensive review of all leisure services programs(Aquatic Programs presentation on November 12m, Athletics Programs presentation on December 10m, Educational Programs presentation on January 14m, Entertainment Programs presentation on Feb. 11m, and Supervised Recreation Programs presentation on March 4m). El Continue to explore cooperative efforts with other agencies(In progress: TAMU Hensel Park, TAMU/VPAC, CSISD/South Knoll Jogging Track, City of Bryan/Madeley Park and Recreational Software, George Bush Library, TMPA Regional Park Project). Implementation of Special Projects El Conduct dedication ceremony for Veterans Memorial project(November 11, 2002) El Conduct grand opening of Veterans Parks&Athletic Complex(scheduled for Saturday, May 17. 2003) El Investigate feasibility of joint project with College Station Soccer Club(Project is riot feasible at this time.) O Conduct a benchmark survey of similar cities O Investigate potential sources of additional revenue(In progress) El Complete recommendations for future CIP program (Presentation to Citizen's Advisory Committee on March 25. 2003) O Develop recommendations for existing Conference Center O Conduct seasonal pay study and develop recommendations(Working with Human Resources.A plan has been drafted and is currently being reviewed by PARD supervisors) Updated:September 4,2003 Page 1 of 2 GI Conduct dedication for the Jane Pulley Softball Fields(November 2, 2002) G5 Purchase Scoreboard for Veterans Park&Athletic Complex(Two scoreboards purchased March 2003) Implementation of New Programs 0 Complete implementation of Challenger sports program(Challenger Bowling began June 2003) G5 Begin operation of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex 0 Implementation of cemetery software program 0 Conduct selection process for automated recreation software program(In progress—have gone through the RFP process) (s- 4ifr %410.1045 Par13.5 di,ffNlfqResiogitk °Recreation City Qi College 3tation Updated:September 4,2003 Page 2 of 2 STRATEGIC PLANS IMPLEMENTATION CALENDAR 2002-03 ' _ , , ' , , , . . • _• FEB MARCH OCT - - , NOV ' , - DEC . JAN IMP.PLAN SUBJECT , TEAM -„, ' Boar of tSiret'Reliie*::9W.,:'i-'. kl:''''',,•:,,,- .1.,''';01%I' '1"..t-?ir''''' VS 2 ,,I,,..,,:',,,:,-.`,i'dist'aiiii:.•`::,,,,,,,,y, -... ,. .„„„,,...,,,„,„„, '-,-f,701114413,'!:',,.,;*,':-, S 1.a Park Maintenance Curtis !f,:-.,t, ,TI.4.pl22102'',r':,:...,: :-,,-::• •:,,',';',::-, P?2,..:-','', '! „,.,,,,, Standards VS 2 Urban Forestry S 1.b Plan Ross ft itiiiiiti6lil:6C.,,,,,,,,,:,,-, ,. ..:::10t4r01i0041900Iyark'„,,,,,..‘,, VS 2 Intergenerational ,,,:,:- f:oatifrob04q!*.:',A,,,,',:: S 2.a Parks Ric ''''',.:';'"'''1:::6;:i''''.: 1;: "'''''':-.-': ,,,, ,,,-,,,,,,--,.,,,,,,,,,'4,,,,,,e,40,,,'f,,,4:ii0:;',, ,,i Vti,;-:„.1:Ni;''g:1!;P::'i•/'::,,, A ..f .,. -i'due4 -''ai- ,.:: : . i•Q#;i*it7:;f,.2:,, :d9:#i0#1F9:f:4001164i. 601100021:".7,13'N:',',A1:1*1)Fret, programsPZi,ltria,71,".,:: 1, id;44,'M ti.'..r.:464*,,,,to#0.1.,2,Aziag,(.,yLo$,,m,;..,.,1 VS 2 Review Leisure Peter ,:riT;-. , .,A°040:602P::';';'::'',::':- :: ''',:li.. 12i i Oi 6 i: ,''!•," V'„i-f';-.';,',,,:;',:1 i 4104:11)T 4',.'' .4:099,: -iv:i:Alg.2.,:.t. 1:?.,::',:i.;;;:'.;.-;,-,v,,11 ''' ''' 111 ''' ''' ' S 2.b Service Programs VS 2 Cooperative efforts Peter S 2.c and joint programming with City of Bryan .,.,* :::,,jiliV4tiiofo,0610bo„ : Complete -",,,,APhii61,:c00str.001j#07,,:E„:,,i.,,t;:y9,-,t,rr,,,;,M.TPf1-ztfiii,-: VS 2 Development of i.is,664,06t640 :5 gf,,,.),,.,p4,99,,,f,"?,1,1,411,i.,?,,Y1F,V, ;:',401*.§.0000,-;.,,';; -,:is01000,#0)", :',.,',, Ric ':‘,":':,•'1:!40t0110:0,epi#A0:8**1.0.,•CZ:W- , 'l thrt S 2.d Veterans Park : 'P,,t1,*:?:,-f001,1101,0q: IN7f•''C'Q.58NIAM,,,: ;',::,'....',10.;PrOis05 .,:,::',, ,',,,,: Phase I activities begun ''''','.44-tZ.4,tp,',",,iti,•,,:q;::!,16,''' 1=1,..5foff./00`ittl„,,,,g,:',..;?-!,. VS 2 Develop new five- ,,,,,•:.,,,,ri..??,.,,1!!!411§:1741,,,PP:41s`,,-1,.',::11 )i),401.406:614;,1-tii*;,3 ,:i.,:,,...-.0.1*04othpotopey) year Parks Capital Ric ,.,, ,'1.:10.612t1b1-0.4$5.t.;', S 2.e ::1, ,,*Y.f,14,M.:-.?ivi, Improvement .j,IM:t03 :;'j.!;-:V:Agi.:- Projects i,--,: ',,• t1t611'OtP1,0.1S.::1:.,',.-';:-., 2..,4'...1.i04900:104:0:: :: ,..',i',A,:',0:40:0,6*.ftw,jegir,, Itri;'14:4V-,,';:: ::', VS 3 Update Parks SteveY•-'''',,v-e/:;•'.1114i,03',Av,,,,,,..:!-::. '..-4**430040,045i, '4,4,j'44,cliA;:f,4',`Jf,,i0,Nigl'SN S 2d Master Plan Ric NOTE: Shaded items have been completed. Revised September 3, 2003 0:1Strategic Planning/Plan Calendars 2003/Timeline 2003.doc IMP.PLAN SUBJECT TEAM APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT t`� APR t L a^"�` `", ". t ". `�- ` :"C VS 2 Park Maintenance �#3i aunt o Caen a oar Rev $3 rtfg� of0 Standards Curtis ,,`(, 4t°'151 , : 15 uarfer t u dto Duartar p 8l1 id3 Two s Presenia-,:::!!::,:::',.:,,,,*::::,,,,!,:::,,;:::,..',,,„ ;.-4.-,i',8 o Paard .sufimittedd as part of VS 2 Urban Forestry Plan wig$104,..1:91-,":'ommertdations 1Y O4 Budget `;r ort inrt�a irrxpiemetrt fan proms S 1.b Ross . 4/8103,. - . ,: y` VS 2 Intergenerational Parks S 2.a Ric Review Leisure Service VS 2 Programs Peter S 2.b VS 2 Cooperative efforts and joint programming with Peter S 2.c City of Bryan Complete Development of Gdpmg' VS 2 Veterans Park Ric 3sclti*dur _ S 2.d Phase I 0/ Y. ,t VS 2 Develop new five-year S 2.e Parks Capital Ric Improvement Projects 001-60 b Con der VS 3 Steve �'" W IJ r t�srd f t+r , revi I p[ tan t S 2d Update Parks Master Plan rrrtvi d piar� resat dul jor, �i02ctf !1 Y . Ric t s L p ,r r a r , �'r�r Yd r 9v �f Park Land Dedication Pro"ects - - --- -- ----- -- ------ - ---- - -- - ----- - ----- - - - - - - ---- Completion Park Land Dedication _ Project Project Funding Date Final Projects Prioritized Status Manager # Budget Source Ex.ected/Actual Cost • ZONE 1 -$178,953 . Northgate Park Acquisition On Hold Zone 1 Funds ZONE 2-$129,811 - ' I $50,000 Eastgate Park Improvements In Design David 5/04 ZONE 3-$18,905 ZONE 4-$21,685 Raintree Improvements On Hold Pete NA $0 Zone 4 Funds Windwood Im•rovements On Hold Pete NA $0 Zone 4 Funds . ' - ONE 5-$160 393: .- ----- - - ,,,,k,-‘,7 r-;,,,.$,. ,,,'-..---,ui-a'..' , , . 63.0.4,d;tp-spkiiiiil,,,--e,„-4„,,-tq414,jo 4:Me-9000':''''''-11'.:44-'; '-'Qo"I't°'''''''''''--'''''''David -'''' '''.;.,,,,,,-„:,,,,;.„,:,..„--.,,,„;,T,-;,:-,,,,,--0 .;-;• ',.,,,,:,:;,,,-4,,, il,sf t.:.--il,c-F5=',i),.,:::,.'' s ,,,,,,-.!1:[--,tpif . .44,..,...,4','-'1,-;:.',.VA4.4, ,'girik ‘Va,Aifit;HAWf$irk-P1Wr'-dala,eov4is.,:,r,:ITzl,,,,,::-:,y:::,qif,,jtnpbito,-,;,v, Pete--,::::,-- ,,,,,,.. :PK:0397,-,-,-..t.-:$2Z2Pqa. 4011▪ .1,..,10.$ A1)1U/V4, / Zone 5 Funds 8/30/03 Brothers,Fitch,Miller Benches Out to Bid David PK0311 $25,000 Z5 s 1 /3/ Jack&Dorothy Miller Park Playgrounds w/Cushion Under Construction David PK0312 $137,000 one Fund • 00 , dr,-,pj,-,,,,.,,,,,-,,,,,,,;,v",„.,...:"-,'Es.,..„„,i,,,,,,,,,t". ,..,;-"..,,,.„-",..,"7-,-„-,:-,,,.-.. ."... ,,.,1,,,-,„i.,,. „-E,'"-6 i,,,gt.,06-idi, ,, , .. ,, ,,-. ..,.-,,A-1,;`,,,,- '---;,".,,.:'oa,-,,,,,6te--!. .,c,..., 1-::;4;),06.-;;-;',-„,.„14H.Kualo.::..---.1s--Q-.7...",--44,/w---Y_, ./' ---, S4qthwote S'idewatka!4:7.,...,L,-,-,-7'.k.''..-;---,---1-7,-,-,--- ',-,[-f- .,-,--,'. uv,- '-',. - ---, —- , _... .._ Lone mire Park Playground&Picnic Unit On Hold Pete NA $0 W4TsITThTds ZONE 6,$89,9961':- =- ,-.7._,--, -,. : --,-.-1,1,:,,,,,,y;' ,-:-x-,':;,?';'-i,::,- -.-- ,-,;:;..-:,..-,-,,I,,,-.,,..,,: ,-,,-,,i,-,•:, ,, ,,., Complete,fs,,,,_*-_,,_,..,4..„,,14id,:-,-(•„:„--01<03q8]-,,,,,,, , ;,.,-4;--.,-$8;060.-2-Zone- -- $.6Ptii-Kb:Oifbb6r,,OPshion--tti,,,,,-%,-- ,,-_,--,,-,-,,, -, , _-.: , --._ , _ . i Zone 6 Funds 8/29/03 Anderson Walk and Benches On Hold David PK0315 $45,000 / Zone 6 Bee Creek Benches ' On Hold David PK0316 $12,000 flTIT Zone 6 Funds 8/29/03 Anderson Park Swing Set On Hold David PK0314 $12,000 . / 6 Funds 9/1/03 3abbard Park Sidewalk On Hold David NA $35,000 Zone ZONE 7-$757,794-;',, / Woodway Park Development In Design Ric PK9803 $700,000 Zone 7 Funds Unknown ZONE 8 L$5;522--'.:',1-*-i-'::.-- _..... -_...„. -.. •-•,,.-,,, .,.-- --_. ZONE ,.. ZONE 19-1192,174 , . , Shenandoah Park Development/ Out to Bid Pete PK0060 $185,000 Zone 10 Funds 6/04 ZONE 11 -$17 403' I . I Pebble Creek Park Improvements/Tot Playground On Hold Pete NA $0 Zone 11 Funds ZONE 12-$0---,- - - - ZONE 13-$559 . _ . .. .... . .. . . Note:$0 budget- To be determined I-Intergenerational Project Park Land Dedication Summary ,,,,„,„„:: 'y-kkt ......,...,LP,.-:,:,;:::.,*,7;,..n,,,r-,lx::o,V:,-.L'q:v.1,-,-..:,-4,-<,_<,',!-4,k,,,§A,,...- Under Construction 1 Bids Received 0 .Pendin. Contracts 0 Out to Bid 2 In Desian 2 ,Pendin• Land Ac.uisition 0 On Hold 9 Total 18 Page 2 01Projects/CIP/CIP&Park Land Ded Project List.doc PARKS AND RECREATION E-A -T ENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT& PARE(LAN® DEDICATION PR•JECTS FY 2002-03 September 4, 2003 Capita!Improvement Projects Comp',let�on Capitallmprovement Project Project Funding 4 `'Date AFinal , A Projects Status Manager # v Budget Source Expected/Actual CP lack&,omen MillerJo+•in•`Track ----Com•18te,. David-; $T020© $29,250 : - : 9$G.O. 9/31102 9/13/02 $62130.91* Veterans Park,1lease I Gom•lete' PK9941 $2,936,800 '98 G.O. 11/02 11'16102 $3,219,264.36 tlatisle-,f'adc'_., 7Com•lste, Pate,.' $48,000 ,9e,G.0._ 8102 12/02 $39;067.33 AndersfnAla'.iounrtRe:.,;,, en# ;Comdete, David _. PK0215 $39,950 FY'02Re•lacement ' 10/02 12/15102 $42,942.00 ', Bee.Creek'Battine'cases&Backsta•s' '_Com.lete' David AK0301, $25,000 FY'03-Genera l Fund 3/03 1/31/03 $20,963.94 ljttlr ^ ervice Budding•landsca.e' Com•le e'; -.::Pete . E3900-P $15,000MENEM 1/03 1/30103 $9,300 Southwood Athletic Park Soccer Fence` Com.lete: Pete N/A $12,000 FY'03 General Fund 2/03 1/17/03 $9,936 Arts Council Lends .e.Desf!'rf... '_, corn.lete.t Pete, - N/A ' $0 N/A 1!30/03 $22,000 dentt'a}A rk l t1h#iri:lrrt•rovenents . Corri.le#s Pete PK0101 $17,000 '98 Bond 5/31/03 4/03103 $16,200 CeQ,tral Park Sottba,-',''dlin roveirients Com•tete ..:David .' PK0300 $24;200 Im.rovement Fund 3/31/03 3/03/03 $21,075 Beegeek"r nnis--_onrtFenceRe•lace;. .com•lete:_ Pete PK031.6 $8,356 : `Re.lacementAccount 4/03 4/03103 $$,356 Sout wood Athletic Parklm•rovernents Com•letsµ David AKfl076. $119,000 '98 G.O.' 3/28/03 3/10/03 $49,990 Thomas Pool Renovation Com•}ete Ri•c PK0205 $277,255 FY 4/31103 4/30/03 $242,038 Thomas,Pool Shade Cover Gorn.Iete Ric PK0104 $19,000 98 G.O. 5!31/03 ' 5/2/03 $12,395 omas&Adainson,Aoo,„,,,_.,._ <Corriaete Pete PK0309 $16 000 FY'03 General Fund 6/03 6/03 $10,497 Southwood LL i: 1-_,DL, Comslete Pete M PK0300 $11,000 Im•rovement Fund 9/5!03 8/28103 00" - Lick Creek Park Development,Phase I Under Construction Pete PK0069 $478,000 98 G.O./TPWD Grant 10/03 Bee Creek Li•ht Pole Re.lacement Bids Received Pete PK0303 $68,000 98 G.O. 1/04 Hensel Park Playground Replacement Out to bid Sept.'03 David PK021 0 $40,000 Replacement Account 5/04 Cemete Land Ac•uisitton On Hold Ross GG9905 $275,000 98 G.0. Unknown Lincoln Center Ex•ansion/Im•rovements Pendine Contract Ric PK0319 $973 000 CDBG Total Amount $5 431 811 00,$ t . ', ; * CSISD and Rock Prairie PTO to cover$48,612 of this cost. OP Summary Cori/•lete> . �,6 Under Construction 1 • Bids Received 1 'Pendin• Contracts Out to Bid In Design 0 On Hold 1 Total .r, 5_ Proposition #4 Parks and Recreation Improvements Total $8,105,000 Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Miscellaneous Phase II Development - Veterans Parkway will be extended $6,925,000 approximately 900 feet - Utility extensions will be made to serve Phase II to include: all future phases - Completion of the softball fields(5-field Softball Old Glory complex)will allow the Girls - Three(3)adult softball fields Fastpitch program to move to Central - Full service concessions, restroom Park facilities, umpire and staff areas - Bleachers and shade covers for all fields Park Facility Upgrades(Intergenerational) - Playground, small shelter $310,000 - Drainage improvements - Additional softball parking - Part of City Council Strategic Issue in - Landscaping 2000 - Items to include sidewalks, benches, Soccer lighting, landscaping, water fountains, - Additional three (3) adult soccer fields and shade structures - Irrigation,tiff 419 turf, sand root zone, - Helps to bring older parks up to the etc, standards of newer parks - Water fountains - Anderson, Bee Creek, Brothers, Central, - Approximately 140— 160 additional Cy Miller, Emerald Forest, Georgie K. parking spaces in Parking Lot"D" (new Fitch, Jack and Dorothy Miller, lot) Lemontree, Lincoln Center, Parkway, - Landscaping Pebble Creek, Raintree, Sandstone, Woodcreek, and Longmire Parks Large Group Pavilion - Pavilion to seat up to 500 people Maintenance Buildings - Kitchen $870,000 - Restrooms - Stage for entertainment and awards New Forestry Shop presentations 5,000 square feet of shop, office, restroom, - Storage and office for operation of and storage space major events and tournaments - Paving Additional 140 parking spaces (new lot) - Mulch and soil storage - Playground - Fencing - Equipment Storage Maintenance Building - Increase size of existing building to Central Park Shop Renovation accommodate additional personnel, - Renovate restrooms equipment, and storage - Renovate break room - Add drives and parking Trail - Improve storage areas - Install approximately one(1) mile of - Update required ADA compliance concrete walking/jogging trail O/Projects/CIP/Upcoming Bond Election/Description of CIP Prqjects.doc [(ML Parks and Recreation AdvisE•ryBoard September 2003 Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Fri:+.ay Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 City Offices Closed XTRA Education Adamson Lagoon Open Men's"Cu Major Fast Registration for Fall Weekends Only Pitch National Classes Begins Tournament Ends 7 8 9 : 10 11 12 13 Pa R CGI n Lincoln Center Advisory Advi o ( oard "� College Station City Local Punt, Pass,& Committee Regularetta iet '' Council Meeting Kick Competition Meeting x7 p rn fit ttr 7 p.m. EXIT Ten Cert# r f 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Conference Center Advisory Committee Regular Meeting (noon) 21 22 2 x:.24 25 26 27 s Adevaosty B °arS College Station City Terija(ive y Sated01 ,t� Council Meeting Sp'ciat~d oa[sMeeting 1, 7 p.m. � �Ya 28 29 30 Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting (10 a.m., EXIT Teen Center) Parks and Recreation Advisory ::oar. Octob 2003 Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 City Council Workshop, 3:00 p.m. Girls Fastpitch Invitational Tournament Regular Meeting, 7:00 October 10th- 11th p.m. 12 13 <14 � & x;15 16 17 18 Lincoln Center Advisory rks r� re tton Conference Center National Boss Day Committee, 5:45 p.m. Advil+ flan, Advisory Committee, 4, 11 ti . ti yyt noon 'z a r lii a s & r' 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Community Event- City Council Workshop, City's 65th Birthday 3:00 p.m. Celebration,WPC Regular Meeting, 7:00 Amphitheater p.m. 26 27 28 29 30 31 Daylight Savings Time Senior Advisory Halloween Ends Committee, 10:00 a.m., EXIT Teen Center