HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/10/2001 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board ,,,„ ,, ,_.,> : .,..,,,,,. ,,._,I., Agenda--ItOtTICoyOr:,t-Sh:eets :: ----,-:_- ':----,_ ---; -o5.'rf::-i.._ s?::f-ri,T;x:,-----;,3:4i,-,,:7-;:::;:--- -:,,__,, Agenda Item #12.3 a'Regular Item Consent Item Workhop Item Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation Item Submitted By: , Charles Cryan, Director of Fiscal Services CouncH Meeting Date: 1 ay 10, 2001 Director Approval: City Manager Approval: tem: Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding funding for Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Phase I development Item Summary. Staff will give a brief report regarding potential funding sources for the Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Phase I project. Item Background: The 1995 General Obligation Bond election included a proposition in the amount of $1,500,000 to purchase a large tract of land to be used as a regional athletic park. The proposition was approved and a 150-acre tract was acquired from Bert Wheeler, Ltd. in August 1998. The 1998 General Obligation Bond election included an amount of $2,120,000 for the design and initial development of the new site. This election was successful and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board designated the implementation of the new park as one of their top priorities. In December of 1999, the Texas Engineering Extension Service was contracted to conduct an archaeological survey of the site. It was necessary to conduct this survey prior to development of this public project. During the initial archaeological review, three Native American artifact sites were located that required additional investigation to see if they were significant enough to alter the master plan for the park. The results of this additional work indicated that no changes to the master plan were required. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board conducted a public hearing on February 1, 2000, regarding the proposed master plan. Also, the Veterans Memorial Association of the Brazos Valley formally considered and endorsed the master plan at their regular meeting on March 2, 2000. The park has been designated as the site for a permanent memorial honoring all veterans. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board held a second public hearing on May 9, 2000, and approved a motion recommending acceptance of the master plan. The master plan was considered and approved by the City Council on May 25, 2000. O'Malley Engineers developed two alternatives with associated cost estimates for each. Alternate one included four full-size soccer fields, two adult softball fields (no lights for either soccer or softball), restroom facilities, parking, street and utility extensions, landscaping, and an entrance area. Alternate two included six full-size soccer fields (two lighted), restroom facilities, parking, street and utility extensions, landscaping, and an entrance area. At their regular meeting on March 6, 2001, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board approved a motion to recommend alternative two as the Phase I development for the park. The Board also recommended that the first item in the next bond election be a five-field softball complex. The motion also included a recommendation for the subcommittee to work with the staff to enhance the project's landscaping with remaining funds available from the project. At the March 22, 2001 Council meeting, staff received direction to proceed with the Veterans Park project with specific direction to do several things: 1. the first phase of the project should include four (4) soccer fields (two (2) lighted), and two (2) softball fields (both lighted); in addition, bid alternates would include: 2. two (2) additional soccer fields (not lighted), and 3. additional landscaping. Budgetary and Financial Summary: The site was acquired in 1998 for the amount of $1,500,000 from 1995 bond funds. The amount of $2,120,000 (from 1998 bond funds) is budgeted for the master plan and initial development of the park. Of this amount, $168,000 is budgeted for O'Malley Engineers for design services. The archaeological study cost an amount of approximately $24,144 leaving an amount of approximately $1,850,000 available for construction of Phase I. The staff has reviewed the direction of the council and estimates that the additional costs associated with the first phase as desired by the council will add an additional amount of $400,000 to the base project cost, increasing the budget from approximately $2.1 million to $2.5 million. The "add" alternates would increase the projected cost of the project by an additional amount of $465,000 making the total estimated project budget in the amount of $2,985,000. Staff has identified several means of funding the additional costs: 1) Delay or scrap other projects The City does not specify in the bond ordinance any specific projects, though we try to do the projects that are listed in the information provided to citizens for the election. Two projects included in the 1998 bond authorization could be delayed or abandoned to provide authorization that could be used for Veterans Park: the development of Lick Creek Park ($400,000) and a project that does not have voter approval, the roller blade park ($160,000). The Lick Creek park project is included in a grant application that the city has made and if received, would require that the city reject the grant award. The roller blade park is a commitment to the city's young people and has wide support from that group of citizens. Staff has removed from consideration delaying acquisition of the community park land, based on direction from council at its last meeting. 2) Issue additional debt instruments The City is not required to have certificates of obligation (COs) approved by the voters and they can become obligations that are repaid through the ad valorem tax rate. If the entire amount for the increased costs ($865,000) were funded through issuing COs it would add approximately 0.3 (three tenths) cents per $100 taxable value to the ad valorem tax rate. 3) Use existing funds The council could authorize the use of existing resources from the General, Electric, Water or other fund balance, or combination of fund balances. The funds could be used as either a transfer or a loan. If this mechanism is effected as a loan, it has the same effect as a debt issuance in that repayment would probably come from the General Fund and would impact the ad valorem tax rate similar to the issuance of debt instruments. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Council direct staff to increase the issuance of CO's by $865,000, plus additional debt issuance costs, to fund both the base bid as directed by Council and to provide funding for the two "add" alternates identified by Council. This recommendation will have the effect of directing the City Manager to provide for an increase in'the ad valorem tax rate of 0.3 (three tenths) cents per $100 dollars of taxable value in the proposed budget for FY 02 to pay the additional debt service. This recommendation is different than the original memo prepared by the Director of Fiscal Services based on additional information and input by staff. If Council does not wish to direct staff to issue the $865,000 in additional debt, then staff would return to the original recommendation of using $400,000 from the General Fund-fund balance and issue $465,000 of additional CO's and increasing the ad valorem tax rate by 0.17 (seventeen one hundredths) cents per $100 value. Council Action Options: 1. Direct staff to implement the project by issuing certificates of obligation for all or part of the project. 2. Direct staff to develop additional alternatives for consideration. 3. Delay bidding and construction of the facilities at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. 4. Reduce the scope of the project such that funds authorized will be sufficient to cover the cost of the project. 5. Provide other guidance to the staff. Supporting Materials: 1. Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Master Plan. 2. Phase I proposed Development. ,.._ ..,:ipp , , ah, 42.--:'-'•:::::•1:.:- .,...„ ,.., ,. .e......., : 1 —....,,., --; -- .., ,,117,H,,!tvP.t ,...,,,,i,,,:$0.")",,, ...41.,44. 4 , ..• *4'....,iC.i.; ... , ..,. '''''''''': , " . . .'',.ii.'•,,, .' * ,, ,. -4444.,:i' ,4,-; 47,,f1'7,:,.:;.;, i':.`,..::—**0.,.. e,...1**',...f....:'..„iose`.. ....r.'%,,,1/440,7‘.* PAN,. **, - vss.:.-,.. ...,.., „:4.., ..v.fro,,, .,,,, ,, .,, Tie N '::,: IttF0,-- -if..,....-',,,,'...:-.,' .,,,:\i.- ..:.....,* &--,7,.‘ , i'ar • i `'...:. .,- ,..?':': —:,4** .c.,,,.., .7,::.; -i ''...,:,,:., . ..,..,..-4f., . 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It may be necessary to supplement, as required, more detailed criteria for this process. Procedure 1. All requests for naming a park or facility are to be presented to the Parks and Recreation Department for consideration. For consideration, the requests are to be made by a group or civic organization upon presentation of a petition containing the signature of 25 or more registered voters from the City of College Station. Requests made by individuals will only toe considered if the request satisfies Sections 2 a-c of the policy guidelines. Parks do not need to be named after an individual. When named after an individual, the justification must be compelling. 2. The naming request for a recently deceased individual will have a sixty (60) day waiting period from the time of death before the request may be proposed for consideration. 3. The Parks and Recreation Department staff will review the requests for completeness before submitting the item for consideration by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, 4. The chairperson of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board shall appoint a subcommittee that will be responsible for evaluation of the naming request and subsequent recommendation to the full Advisory Board. 5. The subcommittee shall submit its recommendation in a formal written report prior to full review by the Advisory Board. 6. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, by simple majority, shall approve or disapprove the recommendations made by the subcommittee. 7. If the subcommittee's recommendation is for approval and it is disapproved by the full Advisory Board, the matter may then be referred back to the subcommittee for further action. 8. If the subcommittee's recommendation is for denial of the request, no further action is required by the Board. • 9. If the proposed naming is approved by the Advisory Board, then the recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council for their consideration and final approval or disapproval. , GUIDELINES Parks and facilities should be named in the following manner: 1. In honor of individuals who donate land for park space; 2. In honor of individuals who sell open space to the City at a value considerably below market value; 3. In honor of individuals or organizations that contribute 50% or better of land and/or money for the park or facility; 4. In honor of national, state, and local heroes; 5. In honor of community leaders whose outstanding personal service has resulted in significant and enduring contributions to the community. Support for the proposed name should include endorsements by other groups, neighborhoods, or organizations. 6. In relation to the .redominant geographical characteristics or physical features (lakes, rivers, streams, and trees) of the land; 7. In relation to the subdivisions within the City where the site is located; 8. In relation to streets adjacent to the park; 9. No park shall be given the same name as an existing school site or public facility, except where the sites abut one another. 10. No park or facility officially named for a particular individual will be changed. However, there may be a park or facility that has a common name with no official designation. In this instance the renaming of such properties is sometimes appropriate. APPROVED: _ is. Ron Gay, Board Chairman Date Aft Attest:- Bridgette Geo - CPS, Bo ,rd §i retary / 116 95 Date