HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/12/2001 - Regular Minutes - Lincoln Recreation Center Advisory Committee CITY OF COLLEGE STATION LINCOLN RECREATION CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE Regular Meeting Minutes Monday, March 12,2001 Lincoln Recreation Center 1000 Eleanor Street 545 PM 1. Call to order-The meeting was called to order by LRC Advisory Committee Vice Chairman Joe Dan Franklin at 5:44 p.m. 2. Hear visitors- None present 3. Pardon—Consider requests for absences of members from meeting-A Request for absence was received from LRC Committee Chairman, Carolyn Williams. 4. Approval of minutes from Regular February, 2001Meeting. The February 2001 Minutes were approved with the noted corrections to correct date at the top of Minutes and correct the member attendance. 5. Discussion and Possible consideration of Donation to Telia Peterson-The committee was informed of the levels of support that could be offered to Ms. Peterson andmotion was made by Clemmons and carried to provide a$100 donation to Ms.Telia Peterson. It was also decided that upon return Ms. Peterson would make a report of her activities to the Committee. 6. Discussion and possible consideration of development of LRC newsletter and website—Jackson discussed the LRC website with the Committee. It was decided that Jackson would work with Public Relations subcommittee Chairperson, Eleanor Williams to publish Quarterly LRC newsletter publications.Williams advised that July 1, 2001 would be the target date for the first publication. 7. Discussion and possible action on a youth development survey-Jackson provided details on viewing the Youth Development Outcome Measurement(online document). No action was taken on this item. 8. Discussion and possible action on the LRC Advisory Committee's Proposed 70's Hip-Hop Party for Teens- This item was Tabled for the April 9, 2001 Committee Meeting. 9. Discussion and possible consideration of a Participation Form-Clemmons presented the draft of the afore- mentioned document to the Committee for discussion/comments. It was decided that Clemmons would fine- tune the document and submit for final approval at the April 9, 2001Committee Meeting. 10. Report(s): Treasurer-Clemmons reported a$60.00 Donation Quarterly Report-Jackson a. Special event evaluation and report,Terrell Tournament Jackson informed the committee the event was a success. The only modification for next year would be an addition of a Peace Officer at future tournaments. b. Spring break Activities—Jackson informed the Committee of the LRC planned activities for Spring Break. c. Creative programming-Jackson discussed the LRC's plans for more involvement in the areas of outreach, diversification as well as specialization in programs geared towards teens. C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\aprilmtgminutes2001.doc ( ) d. Recreation assistant evaluation tool-Jackson informed the Committee that he would develop the recreation assistanevaluation tool and have it ready for the summer. e. Advisory Committee Workshop evaluation and information-Jackson discussed the workshop with committee members. — Education Subcommittee-Clemmons lead the committee discussion on the TAAS Buster and announced that the next TAAS Buster was planned for September. ~Girls Outreach Subcommittee-Thomas informed the committee that she had spoken with an etiquette instructor and they have planned a workshop on etiquette to be held at the LRC and concluding with a dinner at the Texas A&M University Faculty Club.Thomas then asked for permission to proceed with the plan to host the etiquette session followed by the dinner at the Faculty Club.After discussion it was decided that this item will be discussed at the April 2001 Meeting and decided upon at that time. —Facilities Subcommittee- No information presented —Public Relations Subcommittee- No information presented 11. Future Agenda Items-Motion was made and carried to table the discussion of the LRC Juneteenth participation until the April 9, 2001 Meeting. Motion was made by Jackson and carried to invite Mr. Toree to attend a LRC Committee Meeting and at that time Mr Toree would be thanked for his donation of the Magna Carta Materials to the LRC. 12. The meeting adjourned. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Next LRC Advisory Committee Meeting Monday,April 9,2001 at the LRC. \` ) CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PA S AND RECREATION Absence Request Form For Elected and Appointed Officers Name Request Subi °tied on(date) 4/23/01 I will not be in attendance at the meeting of April 23, 2001 for the reason(s) specified: Conflict with a business meeting. I f ", 4/— Signature This request shall be submitted to the office of the committee/board secretary prior to the meeting date. o:board/absenteeform.doe From: "George W.R. (Bill) Davis" <bill@pianoplace.net> To: 'Kris Startzman' <KSTARTZMAN@ci.college-station.tx.us> Date: 4/10/01 2:04PM Subject: Request for Pardon On Monday April 23, beginning at 5:30 I am already committed to a Board Meeting and rehea -1 for the Brazos Valley Chorale. As a member of the Board of Directors for the Chorale, and since this is our last Bard meeting prior to our Light Divine Concert at Christ United Methodist Church on May 13 @ 4:00, I will not be able to attend the S• ial Parks Board meeting. -Original Me From: Kris Kris Startzman[SMTP:KSTARTZMAN@ci.college-station.tx.us] Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 10:25 AM To: gschr.-ser©aggiecatholic.org; GDavis6264@aol.com; DAVISG@fabtexas.com; I •••@medicine.tamu.edu;jcrompto@rpts.tamu.edu; Jpn@tamu.edu Cc: Glenn Bro ; csb@cox-internetocom;jturton@mail.st-j• -ph.org; bill@pianoplace.net; G-dre -r@ttimail.tamu.edu Subject: P&R Board Meeting Rescheduled The Parks and Recreation Board that s scheduled to meet tonight(April 10, 2001), has -n rescheduled to Monday, April 23, 2001. Please see attached revised agenda, along with an u sated CIP Report. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 764-3414. Sorry for the inconvenience. Kris College Station. Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. << File: April 23, 2001.doc>> << File: cip2001.doc>> From: Jon Turton lturton@mail.st-joseph.org> To: 'Kris Startzman' <KSTARTZMAN@ci.college-station.tx.us> Date: 4/9/01 5:46PM Subject: RE: Parks Board Meeting R- hedule I will be out of to on the 23rd on business. I'm sorry. -Original Me -go From: Kris Startzman [mailto:KSTARTZMAN©ciocollege-station.tx.us] Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 4:51 PM To: gschr. •er@aggi •, tholic.org; GDavis6264@aol.com; csb©cox-intemet.com; DAVISG@fabtexasocorn;jturton©mailst-joseph.org; I •od©medicine.tamu.edu; bill©pianoplace.net;jcrompto@rpts.tamu.edu; Jpn©tamu.edu; G-dre r@ttimail.tamu.edu Cc: Curtis Bingham; David Gerling; Glenn Bro ; Linda Waltman; Ross Albrecht; Ric P1*-Ger; Steve Beachy; Ifam •rth@tamu.edu Subject: Parks B• rd Meeting Reschedule ** High Priority Irk The Parks and Recreation Board meeting that -s scheduled for this Tuesday (April 10th) has •--n canceled. The City Secretary's Office did not post our agenda, and therefore - cannot legally hold the public meeting. We have a lot of items on the agenda that n--• the Board's consideration, so - are trying to reschedule the meeting for Monday, April 23rd. Please check your availability for that day, and let me know as soon as possible if it will •rk for you. Thanks for your help, and sorry for the inconvenience. Kris College Station. Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. From: "Dr- er, George <g-dresser@tamu.edu> To: 'Kris Startzman <KSTARTZMAN@ci.college-station.tx.us> Date: 4/10/01 11:27AM Subject: RE: P&R Board Meeting Rescheduled Please use this as my request for an approved absence from the April 23 meeting. I will be in Memphis for the entire --k on University business. --Original Message— From: Kris Startzman [mailto:KSTARTZMAN©cicollege-station.tx.us] Sent: Tuesday,April 10, 2001 10:25 AM To:gschr•- er©aggi tholic.org, GDavis6264@aol.com; DAVISG©fabtexas.corn; tw•••@medicine.tamu.edu;jcrompto@rpts.tamu.edu; Jpn©tamu.edu Cc: Glenn Bro ; csb©cox-intemet.corn;Iturton©mail.st-josephoorg; bill©pianoplace.net; G-dr- r@ftimail.tamupedu Subject: P&R Board Meeting Rescheduled The Parks and Recreation Board that ws scheduled to meet tonight(April 10, 2001), has •--n r chedufr• to Monday, April 23, 2001. Please s-- attached revisi .i agenda, along with an updat .1 CIP Report. If you have any questions, i.Iease feel free to call me at 764-3414. Sony for the inc.nvenience. Kris College Station. Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. From: <GDavis6264@aol.com> To: <KSTARTZMAN@ci.college-station.tx.us> Date: 5/7/01 4:31PM Subject: Re:Tuesday Park Board Meeting I will be out of to on business and will be unable to attend the meeting Tuesdat night.