HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/02/2000 - Regular Minutes - Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee WOLF PEN CREEK OVERSIGHT COMM EE REGULAR ME NG NOON, OCTOBER 2, 2000 COLLEGE STATION CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Members Present: James Massey, Dennis Maloney—City Council; Kay Henryson, Design Review Board; Karl Mooney, Judith Warren, Alternate— Planning & Zoning; Sharon Colson, Marsha Sanford, Alternate—WPC TIF Board; Glenn Schroeder, Parks&Recreation Board Members Absent: Phillip Kellby, Alternate • ign Review rd; George Dresser, Alternate — Parks & R eation Board Staff Present: Tom Brymer, City Manager's Office; Mark Smith, Public Works; Jim Callaway, Development Services; Charles Cryan, Fi .1 Services; Kelley Cole, Public Communications & Marketing; Steve Beachy, Parks & Recreation; Pamela Springfield, Committ - Secretary VIA rs: Paul Clarke—Clarke Wyndham, Inc. Regular Meeting 1. CO To Order: James Massey called the meeting to order at 12:10 pPm. 2. Approval of Minutes: Kay Henryson said that Tom McKittrick's name had n misspell--o. Sharon Colson made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 2000 m-- 'ng with the oorrction. Glenn Schroeder s-of nded the motion. All were in fwor and the minutes were unanimously approved. 3. Approval of Member Requests for Absences: James stat that Phillip Kelby had turned in absence request form and would not be present at the meeting. 4. Capital Improvement ProjectRep.rts — Discussion, Consderaon, and Possible Action: Mark Smith stated that there was only one project to re• rt on. The G .rge Bush East extension, including the bridge across the creek at Holleman, would go out to bid that week. The last parcel was purchased and there had o n a few minor design changes to mike, however, it was moving forward. The time schedule for the project shows substantial completion by May 2001 and would include the area from Taco Bell, across the bridge, to Holleman. The section from Dominik to Texas Avenue is a different project. The City is in the p ss of acquiring the property along Kyle Street and it will probably take some time to do that. Once that is completed, the extension of George Bush at that 10 tion will be started. James asked about the status of the Wolf Pen Plaza development at the corner of Texas Avenue and Hone n. Tom Brymer stated that most of the site/utility work had ixn done and then they stop • City staff has 9 n assured that they will move forward with the development of the property, however, they had e oiuntered some as stos problems with some of the buildings that were demolished. Also, they told staff that a couple of the major anchors that would going into the shopping center had wanted to change something to do with the design of their building. The last remaining building on the property has been demolished and it appears that they are moving forward with the project. 5. Wolf Pen Creek Zoning Ordinance— Discussion, Consideration, and Possible Action: (Portions of this sectionof the tape warn difficult to hear and transcribe due to the distance of Me speikers from microphone.) James said this item was in reference to the discussion at the last meeting. He added that the potential of changing the way that the lands in the corridor would be dedicat:i, developing a plan to know where the trails would be located for the entire district, and possibly changing the WP ',sight Commi ' ober MOO Mm Page 2 dedication ordinance for the entire district had all been discussed at that time. He asked Torn Bryn g -'r, who'd talked with McClure Engi c- -}ring, about how long this would take. Ts said he'd •k-Y-n told 842 weeks. Tom said that after the last i -.-ting he had - -t with Mark, Jim Callaway, and Roxanne Nemcik from the Legal De gent about how to move forward. The general consensus had • -n that it was better, from a clarity standpoint, to go ahead and get the design done so that the exact location of the trails would be known. Depending on where they lay on the property, it might be a drainage-related dedication instead of a park land dedication, which would affect how to do the ordinance a -ndment He said Mike McClure had said it would take 842 weeks to get the survey work and design work done® A letter had been sent to Paul Clarke asking for permission to get on all properties to get the survey work donee Paul Clarke stated that the additions that he'd like to see on the letter were: Not more than 20%of the underbrush, per acre, •-cleared; That trees four inches and larger in caliper not be torn down without permission; That tr- ` 12"and larger in caliper not be deared under the canopy; and Trees 20"in call• r stay back 25'from the ca mpy of the tree with heavy chinerya Paul added that there were about 8 or 9 legal entities that would have to sign the letters® He said he was not the 1 •.1 representative for all of entities involved, however, he could probably get most of the signatures n -ssary within a few days. He said he would fax those to Mark once he'd gathered them. 6. Wolf Pen Creek Design Charette Discussion, Consideration, and Possible Acton James asked Kay Henryson to u••_ to everyone on the October 19®21 design charette. She passed out a tentative schedule an sign-up sheets. She said her intent was to pull together eight teams of people, with a member of ,A acting as a facilitator for ea of t •r- tea ® She said she was trying to get commitments from •- pie so that there would be at least four or five • pie per team all day Friday, and 8:00 ammo until noon on Saturday® - ides the person, the others on the team should - a mix of an owner/developer/real estate person, someone in parks and landscaping, someone in the arts, and • ssibly a representative from the i-:sign Review Board (DR ) and Planning and Zoning (P&Z) She said she had the A • •ple identified and she asks- that anyone able to participate, to please sign up. Kay said that packets of infor ; tion would be handed out to all the team members at the amphitheater on Tuesday evening from 5-7 p.m. The teas$ members •:uld be able to meet each other at that ti -: and tour - site. If it rains on Tuesday then Wednesday evening would be the rain date. The charette would be held in the same room at the Conference Center all three days. Kay said there would be a reference area set up with various information, such as larger aerial maps, copies of the ordinance, articles, photographs, etc. She said she'd like to have some resour - people available to answer questions — either City staff or WPC Oversight Commi - members. She said at the end of Saturday morning each of the eight teams would do a l ut a twenty-minute presentation to those present Kay said that during the first hour of the c .retie on Friday, everyone would be ••ether looking at the overall corridor® Then everyone suld divide into six grou• , with the seventh group continuing to work on the overall corridor theme looking at gateway, image, and identity issues. The 8th and last team would deal with transportation, parking, buses, and •-•estrian issues, etc® Names for the six different teams were discussed. It was ecided that a map would be done that would go in all of the I: Tm packets. Steve stated that the updated aster plan, conceptual plan, land ownership map, a charette schedule, and the list that was generated at the pre-design charette workshop would also be included in the packets. Everyone agreed that it should be made clear that the idea was not to reinvent the master plan, but to revitalize the plan in place .,- use there had been changes® Steve added that it would actually be taken a step further and the charette would be getting into the potential details for the trail design, entry points into the corridor, and that type of thing. Kay said a registration •rochure would be created that would be distributed and mailed out October 13, 2000 will be the deadline to register. Steve asked how people would be assigned to teams. Kay said she'd look at all the names on Monday, October 16, 2000 and she would try to get a good diversity on each team. WPC ight Committee"s ober 21 s Minutes P 3 Advertising on radio, Cable Channel 19 and possibly KBTX would be done. A press release would a- done, and a banner placed in the park. Ayers would be distributed to the apa ent complexes and proper ' owners, and commercial businesses in the area would be conta -a. The design charette agenda would be posted for all the committ - involved, in the event that a quorum of one of the committ was present Kay stated that a $5,000 scholarship would be set up at A&M in memory of Linda de Salvo who had IV" n President of the AIA. Discussion continued regarding the teams, set-up of the room at the Conference Center, fa a, and which businesses would be contacted., Kay said that she was working from the following list of a a pie to be contacted: Real Estate a pie Planning people TAMLI Recreation, Parks 8t.Tourism ;inking Hotel/Motel Land ping People Arts Council Restaurants TxDot Texas Parks&Wildlife TV/Radio Metropolitan Planning Organization Shopping Centers City a rds Churches in the vicinity 4B ; rd Teen Pia isory Board Library Board Ape ent Complexes Post Oak Mail Churches in that area Steve said that Kay had worked on some narrative that a ulld go into the registration brochure: Purpose: To revitalize the existing Master Plan for the WPC corridor with emphasis on parks, aft,and comma To facilitate sharing of innovative ideas and expertise of community leaders, owners, developers, designers, city staff, citizens, and community organizations to define the future opportunities for public and private development. James thanked Kay for all her hard work. 7. Ad:orro: Ja -s stated that there would not - another - ting until after the charettee meeting adjourned at 1:15 pm.