HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/13/2000 - Regular Minutes - Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee WOLF PEN CREEK OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING NOON, NOVEMBER 13, 2000 COLLEGE STATION CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Members Present: Karl Mooney, Judith Warren, Alternate — Planning & Zoning; Sharon Colson, Marsha Sanford, Alternate — WPC TIF Board; Glenn Schroeder, George Dresser, Alternate — Parks & Recreation Board Members Absent: James Massey, Dennis Maloney — City Council; Kay Henryson, Phillip Kelby, Alternate - Design Review Board Staff Present: Glenn Brown, City Manager's Office; Mark Smith, Public Works; Jim Callaway, Development Services; Steve Beachy, Parks & Recreation; Pamela Springfield, Committee Secretary Visitors: Paul Clarke—Clarke &Wyndham, Inc. Regular Meeting 1. Call To Order: Steve Beachy called the meeting to order at 12:20 p.m. with a quorum present. 2. Approval of Minutes: Sharon Colson made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 2000 meeting. Glenn Schroeder seconded the motion. All were in favor and the minutes were unanimously approved. 3. Approval of Member Requests for Absences: Phillip Kelby and Kay Henryson had turned in absence request forms. James Massey and Dennis Maloney had Council commitments that had arisen. James arrived toward the end of the meeting. Karl Mooney made a motion to approve the requests, and Sharon seconded. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 4. Capital Improvement Project Reports— Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action: a. George Bush East Extension, Project No. ST-9916: The bids that came in were substantially higher than the budget and the project needed to be redesigned to cut about $300,000 off. The bridge bid was $781,000 for the arched structure with a masonry facade. The options were to find ways to reduce the project cost or to find additional money to put into the project to get the original design. Some less expensive options were a bridge with a modified stack block, pre-cast arch, and a different masonry finish; or a box culvert with a decorative treatment. If either were chosen, the project would have to be re-bid. If the committee decided to move forward with the bridge as designed, it would leave less money in the TIF fund (the main source of funding) to do some of the other elements of the project. Also, a special meeting of the TIF Board would need to be held as soon as possible to authorize the use of additional TIF funds, and in order to get on the council agenda for the December 14, 2000 meeting. Council would ultimately accept or reject the bid. Lengthy discussion followed regarding the different options, the amount of time that would be lost if the project were re-bid, and the aesthetics of the different designs. Sharon felt that the George Bush Drive extension was a key project which would set the tone for everything else that would be done. She made a motion to recommend that the City move forward with the bridge project as originally designed and bid out, and to call a meeting of the TIF board to discuss it. Marsha Sanford seconded the motion. Discussion took place regarding replacing the masonry facade with a stamped concrete finish in order to save money, and whether it could be done with just a change order. George Dresser felt that the change order question should be decided once the project had WPCOverstq/it Committee—November 2000 Minutes Page 2 begun. The motion was restated. Judy Warren and George approved. Glenn and Karl opposed. The motion passed 4-2. b. Channel Improvements, Project No. SD-9901: The survey work needs to be done. The City will do the clearing work for the survey crews once weather permits. There has been nothing new on the detailed channel improvement design submitted to the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. c. Trails and Bridges, Project No. WP-9905: This project will be paid for out of Park Land Dedication Funds and TIF funds. The channel and trail designs from Texas Avenue to Earl Rudder Freeway are scheduled to be completed by April-May 2001, contingent upon the survey work and clearing being done. Both of these are under contract and will hopefully be the next projects that are done. There is the possibility of looking into funding from different sources once the designs for specific amenities are looked at. 5. Wolf Pen Creek Design Charette — Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Action: This was an opportunity for the members to discuss the charette. Dr. May with the TAMU Department of Architecture would have his students assemble the materials from the charette into a report to be presented at the January, 2001 meeting. The information will be put on the City's website so that anyone who wants to access it will be able to do so. 6. Future Meeting Dates: Paul Clarke suggested including an item on future agendas in order to allow discussion on the status of the WPC Ordinance at future meetings. There would be no December 2000 meeting. Tentative meeting dates were set for January 8, 2001, February 5, 2001, March 5, 2001, and April 2, 2001. 7. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 1:40 p.m.